it , r r iabUak4 every Thwrsday Bralat by jtxziAi aorsirropricfor. ':; , . 'i forms of Subscription, 1 1 TWO DOLLARS !KR ANN CM. Parable wlthta elimontbe. er 92.(0 if not paid ' trttktn rhl year. ft paper discontinued aalll all arrearage! are paid aniens at itae op'loa of the publisher. .3abscriptions ontnido of tho county PBTAtl.t I APVANCP- ' W tereen llftiag and niing paper 'addressed la other become subscribers, and are llatila for the priea of lit pap r J P. CRONMILLKR, " ATTORNEY AT LAW. , "' ' , . Middlcburg, Pa., 0Btrt hie pralaaalonat eereict U the pb lie. Callaailoaa aad all other pro feet i anal baeiaeee entreated ta bit aara will reoelve yraet alteailoa. Ja 8, 'Mil AC. SIMPSON, ' ATTORNEY AT tAW. SeliiiagTOv Fa., Oter alt arefeeeloBel tervlee ta Iha pub la. All baalaae ealrusied ta bit ear will ba prosiBtlv attaadtd a. fJaa. 1?, Wtfl JMf. KNIGHT, , ATTORNKT AT LAW. Freeburg- Pa., Otero bit Professional aortic la iha cub la. AU butlaeaa entrusted ta bit aara will be proaiptlv etteadtd te. . Jaa 17,'67tl WM.VaN EZER,' : . . ' ; AITORKET AT LAW. Lowiiburg Pa., UStrt ait prorotilooal lervloe ta ta pub' lit. Callaailoaa and all otbar Pi a rrtion al baaiaaaa tntrutttd la bia aara IU re- aalva prompt attention. GEO. F. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lewisburg fa. Offer bit Profeeatonal ttrvlot to tbt pub Ha. Collaatloot and all otbar profession all bueiaea aalruaiad la bia ear will re ceive prompt alitniloa. Jan. t, 'UTif. 1 M.LINN, A. II. DILL. V a (Bantmrt to J. T. a, J. M. Una.) ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ltwitburg. Pa. Offer tbtir profaaaioaal eervioe to tba pablla. CoUaetioai and all otbar pro- ftwioaai aatinaat aalrueted la ibrir aara will recelveproaiptaueniion. fJaa. t, 67if CHARLES IIOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinagroaa Pa., fftri bit proftMlonlrlct la tba pub 1 10. Collaeliona and all olhrrprofeMiona bnttaata aatrutled to bit cart will rt (tWa prompt attention. Oflicr two door atrib of tba Krjtiont lloiel. Jan 6, U QAMUEL ALLKMAN, J ATTORNEY AT LAW. RclinRgroTe Ta OffVra hit Profcationtl trrioct to the aublia. AU bntinrta antruMrd to bit ttrt will ba promptly attended to. Col lection! made In all pant of tba Slata. Ilteaa apaak tba Englith and Oerman Uagutft lutnlljr. Offiot between llall't aid tba Pott office. LN. MYERS, iTTnuk'T i rnnvf.Pi AD itiiv Jliddlcburg Soydi-r County Tcnra Ofiea a few doort Wett of the P. O. on Uala ttreet. Contuliaiion in Englitb lad Cub r ineirt. Ft'.'l il T C. BUCI1ER, We ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lewisburg Pa., Offtn bia profenionel teiTicetlo tlie pub- lie. All duuidfpp rniniiis" iw win vmv am oa promptly aitenueu to. jn. b. tut rt ROVER A BAKER W CUM I.1U lUAVIllAlli. I.- I vii ,i ii-ii I v ir Ttraana la need of a food and durable Siwing Machine ean be accommodated al Jan. zt, be 17 w V K 1 1 1 1 1 h I . 8UR0E0N AND PHYSICIAN, MiUdlcbur Pa., Ll. 1 1 I i- ,L -! I (Mnrcn xi, 67 F. VAN BUSKIRK. i inirii. urrnNirAi. df.ntikt Solinagrove Pcnn UUW K. UUGUtS. 80... JUSTICE OF THE TEACE, Peon Twp., Soyder Co. T U. WAGNER, Esq., l. ! Tire nr thk Ptiri. ..VDH JUU.UIJiiL.J.W .... tara ana on tna moil rtatonanie D T. i riuiwri PHYSICIAN AND8VR0EON, UYBILL Co.. WBOLIIALB PlALIlt IB OOD AITD WILLOW WASJS Hoibi, Window flbadet, Brotmt, Mala, M Cotton Lai't, Grain Haga, tlj . Buektlt. Twlntt. Wleka, At. 5 North Third Btrttd, fbiladalpbla. A. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER, Fieaburg Snyder Co. Pa., I l .. M nW..M l. i mmnlAm tA -"fTVIIUHJ WHW.S Ml - - -w rtblia at Vendue Cryer and Auotlon- I . ! 1 uaTing aaa a large experience, Vwiioa to my amployeee. LBB. , H T. PARKS, ATTORNET AT LAW DISTRICT ATTORNY. HlBURO, BNYDED COUNTY, Pa fMia Caarl Bauta, 8ept.l6, 'BTtf IWISBBENEX'S 80N& ' ACCOWAREHOUSE 322 N. THIRDS 1 PHILADELPHIA. flCUANT 110U8I. lU. KANDERBACH Prop'r. I,. t. v. mr, tiara p 4 alt North Third Street. l-ftuaaeipoia ft ELDER OLE ALE ROOK SELLERS Blank book MaaaUtaran J5 Wrapplag, BlaatlBf , Cur f "U pat Paper Raga tva fiea Jfnateri tna Tbiad Btraet aU Rata I! t VOL:' 9. Heleot Poetry TUB LOVERS, la airtBBBBT Mrooa BD Ttatit. 8llySe1itr, the waa a young taaoher wba laugat. And bar friend Cber'ef Cbureb, wat a preMbtr wba prauabti Though hit eatmiet tailed him a aeraaeber wktttraagbt. Hit heart wbea ha taw her, kept linking, and aunk. And hit tye, Kitting hire, kept winking aad wank t While ebe, la ker tara, fell la thinking and tbunk. He battened ta woo bar, aad tweetly he wooed. For bia leva grew until a mouatain It grnwoJ And wbut ba wia longing to do llicn he doid. In aeeret he wanted la tpeak aad be tpnkt. Ta teek wiik bit lipt what bia heart long badiokei So hi minagtd lo let Ibt trulD leak, and It loke. Ha atked her lo riJa to the eburcb, and they rode: Tbey to iwttlly did glide, that tbey bolb taid Ibey glndr. And ibey came lo ibe placa lo ba lied, and were lode. Then homeward, be aaid. lei uidriee. and ibey drove, An 1 at toon at ibey wiebed to arrive, tbey airote: For whatever be eoulJo'l contrive, ibe con iruve. The kitt be wai dying lo t'i1, ibta he Hole; Al tba ftet where ha wented to kneel, there he knole s And he eaid, " I feel belter Iban ever I loie." da Ibey to each oiber kept clinging an J clung, Wbile Time bie iwift current waa winging, and wuna i And tbit waa ibe thing ha wai bringing. and brung. Tba man Sally wanted to caieb, and bad CMUghi That tbt wmted from ollirri lo match aud bad tnnugbt Wai Ibe one ebe now liked lo icralcb, and tbt tcraugbt. And Cbarlry'a warm love began freeiiug, anu note. While be leok loleai!og and cruelly ton Tbt girl be bad witbrd to be tquirting. and iquoik-. Wretch I" ba cried, when tba ihreatrntd to leave bim, and left, " llow could yuu deceive me, at you hart decefi !" And tbt aniwtrtd, " I promited to cleave, and I've clrl'i." AS) 1'KWEI.tO.IIE VISITOR. Tbo burglar had boi-o very active ml bill io tlioir operctiiins in our t'ity. but at iho tborinomrtor bad marked above, tho niucticg for several da and I bud liitlo of value lo tuy room, 1 prelcrred to risk that little nod leave tuy wiudow opeo, although of oaty acccat, rather than undergo partial mitTocutioo. If ao uoiovitcd Kueet made bia aipenraoce, and I did oot awake, he would not disturb Die; if I did awake I oould fcijta sleep aud lei bim take whatever bo tnipbl find. " Thitolait of viHitora I reasoned with ray so If, " do not peoetilly com- oiit personal violence, if tbey can ac complish theft aad make good there eaeape without it." Tiieso were my reflections every night at I undressed aod threw my sell od my bed, lea vino my caitle opeo to the enemy. I had beeo asleep one .light about ao hour, wbea I was awakened by tho fulling of a small Cbioa ornament. Stirling slightly and opening; my eyes, I taw the gia burnioff, and a Ml, Iroad shoulderad man with bia back turned toward ma, bis fueo lookioR over bia shoulder to sea whether the noise bad awakened me. Our ejret met, ao that my plan to feign sleep would have beeo useleaa. My self posi-efsnion did not however, foretake me. What followed illus trates the value of pretoce of mind. Opposite, the side of my bed, sad about eight ieet from it was the door of my room, two or three feet from which were the stairs leading to the lower ball. Tbo burglar must have used a Isddor Io ssoendiog tba roof from which he entered the window. It wss tome thirty feet from the groood, aad isolated. My plan was, oot only to esespe barm myself, but to effect bis capture. I knew tbe po liceman's beat, aod be would pass io a short timi. Sittiog bolt oprlght, then as I open ed -my eyee aad saw the burglar look ing very noplesssotly at me, I said, rubbing roy eyes drowsily although, to tell tba troth, I never wss mora wide awake io my lilst "Hello, John what are joo looking lor T Can't you coma la mv room without making such confounded noise f Tba fellow, takeo somewhat abash at beiog addressed io this way, said to t low but menacing voice, and poiol log revolver at me ' 8bm apt what do job take ate I . . , I fcrf ,4 If it . M1DDLEBURG "1 took you tor John 1'' I replied, with a well aaaumed noachalaot e. ' 1 " Hut I didn't supposo lie wis aftr anything valuable in my room, except one thiog, and ly the way, if you aro oot tbe unluckics fellow io the world." How's that t" growled my visi tor. 1 ' Well, I have a very good wstib j hut if you want loget it, you must pay a visit to the watchmaker's after you leave here, for I had what I eonnidrred the bud, but what now acorns the good fortune, to break tbeapriug yes terday, and left it for repairs." ' You're a precious cool oasl'' be tuid, evidently actotiislioJ at my in difference. Wliit s the ue of my getting ex cited or attcniiitinir to renil vou 7 You are armed and ynu tee 1 am oot. And if you bud oo weapon, your fighting weiubt mini bo at lea't thir leeo alone, while mine ia OJt ruoro ilmo nine and a half. I have no idea of luterL'rio with vou. If the room were 6lKJ w,ib d am unla I would not lift my finr lu save them. Tuke all you ein find ; I am going to sleep su loo't muke any mare uoine." "H.-ld tuir siid the follow; " where's your keys?" I euppofe you want to make a much a haul a you can," I Hail ; in look io my pant hanging over the bed. piwt thi-rc, and you'll find my pocket bonk, wilh n low slump in it." It wum nearly tiiue for iho pilice- nun to (mi-i and I paured to lislco. 1 iuupI in a few miuutca, put my plan iuto execution. A glance quick as lightning showed toe that the key of tho door wat ou the nulido. My linning expression did not es- cuoe the shurp and pructieeJ eyu ol my grim visitor. It was a curious scene, no doubt. I aittiur in my boil with my nii,bl cloibs, uuuruicd, and Ibis ilulwiri rulllun, pistol in bund, glaring bull' euspieiuusly, half fero- oiouNly al mu uliuort io the crouch ID'' altiludo of u tiger about lo spring up oa bis pray. But there I But. coolly converging wilh him, the necessity of iho mooieut kdepiug my wita too wide uwtke lo ullow my fears to gel the uppnr bead for an iuniuot. " Wbut are you li"tening V naked tho burglar. " I thought I beard a cry of fire " Io that instant, aod ia tho dead slil- ncts of the oight, I heard the tramp ol the policeman. It was somo di- lanue off. You will find,1' I said, "tome clothes of mine io the press ; they will however, be toomnull for you. Good night ; the keys sro iu tho middle drawer.1' He turned to tbe drawer indicated and, at he did so, with one tremendous bound I cleared tbe space behind my bod snd tbo door, slanted tbe door and looked it tpno bim. Obvious of my tlithubilti, I sprang to tbe steps. I hud two flights to descend and tho door to open before I eould reach tbe yard, but it was hardly posnible for bim to decend the luder more quickly. Bound log rather tbao running down the stairs, I flung back the bolt sod dashed in tho yard. He waa balfwsy dowo the ladder. Shouting Polieo P lust ily, I leired tbe ladder at the bottom, aud, using all my power, brought it aod tbe burglar to tbe ground with a crash. Tbe pistol be held in hia band foil from bis grsp. I mads a dab for it, aud he, springing to bis feat like a eat, rushed at me, aod, as I stooped, loixad mo by the nape of tbe neck. I turned the pistol upwsrdsod pulled the trigger. It meroly snip ped there were do more charges in it With a terrible Outb, the baffled villain wrenched tbe weapon from my gratp and raised it aloft to deal me whut might have proved a fatul blow, when thore waa a rush bebiud bim snd be wss felled to tbo ground. The policeman bad board my about, and wsh just io time to raroue me. -'The burglar wis soon secured, aod iq my exeitemeot I wsi about to re late tha atory I have here told, when tbe policeman with a smile suggested mat i niiL'iu Keicn eoia in tnerr . ,!. . .. I " - 'lotbes." I theo remembered, for the first lima ainea I lied enrnnu frnm hmti . 'I -"II m, that I was shoeless sod stockingles. a Keeitr Dip W tiU sod had nothing on but my night abin f(Aur'auU and I beaL a hattv ratraat. With a i long drswq breath, l took my Doe .7 y gold repeater, which bad snob a nsr row ecsps, and was oot at tha wstcL maker's after all, from under my pll, low, jooked at ibo boor, toroed In, and after little wbile fall aaleep, K U Is almost weedlosa to ssy that tba above story, aarrated afterwards to a LI oAi(l'Uu SNYDER CO. PA., NOVEMBER 2,1871. jury, when I waa in a bvtler trim for story telling than' I was when tbe p- licomun interrupted mo, bad tlieeff-ci ofgiringlho viaitor loilgliue in a puuue mentation, and aecurel me sgainat a repetition of his call for st least ten years. A iVewepHper Story. Some follow s collector for a newspaper and other periodicals lately throw op his commiaaino, and rent back tho unpaid accounts with 'notes,' which the spirit , happened to lay hold on, sod thoy were present ed ioa tangible shapo to tbe world. Aa there are living pictures met with here and elsewhere wo muko ex tract. The collector tnys : 2 j (k h'litor .Sir .You fur nished me as your collector, with a lint of one hundred and aovooteen ow ing subscribers. I hive called upon onehundreJ and four of tbein. and have tho honor of paying to your or der twolvo tind one half cents, beiou Iho amount lo whL'b you are eutiilo l. I retu'n you tho list numbered from one hundred to one huuJivd snd six teen, snd now give Ibe roply to eaoh t No. 1 Isa niinialer. Ho siys in' tho first place, bo never got ono ball' ol tho numb era, (a lie according; to the posttutMUr) snd in the next place your joker's co hi mo wn-i (oo scurril- ous ifeei'let lie knows by the tone of your editorial thnt yo'i driok. U waoti nothing mote to do with you. oevcr want to hear from you airuin No. 2 Is in jail for del t He his nut seen n half dollar for a year. Suya he would pay with tho utmost cheer fulness, if ho had the money. Had to borrow a hirt to put on last Sunday Aduiirce your paper wonderfully, and hope you will continue ssnJing it to him. He wishes you to lako a bol l stand in favor of the abolition ol im prisonment for debt, st bo thinks it woulJ bo u vary pipuia.' move with a genllemun in bis situation. Sends his best respects. No 3 I a doctor Siys your pa per is brneatb tho notieo of a gentle man. Says ho would oot give u for a CJi't load. Says that you insert ed an article reflecting upon the pro lession Ouiy wishes be eould catch you here would muko you smoll . Is goiag to pursuade ovcry one that takes yourpaper to stop it. Cuss ed the bill, and suys you may got it the best way you cso. No. 4 Iau old maid. Says you are alwuyj taking a fliog ut singlo la dies of an uncertain a'c. Wouldn't pay yuu if she was rolling io woultu snd you hadn't enough to buy a crust of bread. Sent all tbo papers she had buck a month ago, and she say now sho bus sent them snd don't owe you aoything. Sho iys sho i even wilh you and intends to keep so uutil tho day of juJgmont. No. 5 Is a gamblor. Suys bo was completely cleaned outlast week st the racos. Couldn't acoommaduto bis grandmother with a half dime if she was slsrviog. Like your piper tol erably, would like it better if you pub isbod more races, anl if yuu o-a.niou-ally gave ao sccouut of u oock fight Hopes you won't tb'nk it hard of bim for not paying it now, but has a pros pect of having some loos change as he is a ft or a rich yoaog greenhorn wbosrrived here last week. Will pay your bill out of the pluckings. No. 0 Is a magistrate Swum he never owed you a oaot, and told me I wss a low rascal for trying to swiudle bim in such a bare-faced manner. Ad vised mo to make tracks in a little less tbao no time, or be would get out warrant for me aa a oommoo cheat, snd hsve me sent to prism. Is by odd lbs meanest man I have seen yet. Never will go near him again. Tbe collector conclude with, "a a oopt my resignation, sod strike me from your liil of agents. I huvo beon callo a swiodler, rasosl, villain, and blood sucker. Those are somo of the natoes thoy think proper to bestow upon me. I tried fighting awhile, and t brained sme of your patrons lik blaxes, but oooasiooslly got licked like thunder, myelf. eo ammlngt w Lelibow, to rr I ao FLOUll, Git KAIL ROAD Ac, &c. Trailer, Ti. Mover J w iu l" Q H p rvl Uzoit rii. Tha Lyocming loiuranoo Corepiny caught " Hail Columbia" by the Chi cago lira Tbo Board think they have lost ot more than 1500,000 ao amount that country printer art not t ' ill An Original Obituary Nolle. The editor of the Colorado t If mil bud occasion m leave town a few dty, and he committed hi piper during hia absence to tho chargo ol a young mm, a novice, in journalism, whom he bid just engsged as aeitant. Before leaving he instructed the ambitious youog editor nt to let any change go unitnprorel to lorce (bo paper aad in very (null subscription prico upon the attention of the public. "Alwiys keep before your min-l the fuct thnt ih it the ohjitel of a paper it to extend its circulation." be aaid ' Whenever you soe a chance to io terl a p iffof tho U ntil in any no ties you may inako, pilo in as thick as you cao. Keep the people ttirreJ up all the lln.e, yu understand, eo that they will beliovo lb it our paprr ia the g rou test shout iu the Uuited States." Tha parting ttir was shod, sn I the editor lea. Tho lollowina- niirht when he was far away from borne, his wile died vury suldouly. Upju the assistant devolved tho uopleassut du ty or announcing tho aid Intelligence to tbo public lie did as follows : "We ure compelled, this morning, to performs duty which is peculiarly pamlul to the able assistant editor who bus been ougugod on this paper a an enormous expeuce, iu acoordanco wilh our determination to make the Umild a (imt clue j tuioal. Last night, death euJdeuly uuJ unexpectedly snatched Iroui domestio hearth (tha b.'at are a Ivcrtised uu lor tbo hji 1 of stoves aud I'uruacos ou our rirsl page) Mrs. Airulha liurnt, wile of Kufos 1. Ilui in, iho gentium inly editor of the ll.rU T erois. three dollars a year invariably in advance. A kind moth er, and so vxctup aiy wife. OIBua ovoi Colemm't grocery, up two flight of siuirs. Knock liar i. Wo shall miss, the mother, we shall miss the Job printing solicited. Funeral ut half past four, I nun the house just , across iho auect from toe llrrahl ol- Geo. Uoue to be an angol oow. Ad vertisoiuents inserted for tea cents a tquare." Well, tba editor arriool at home thai day at noon. Slowly tul sadly he was observed I arm himself, with a double-barrelled fowling piece, into which he inserted two piunJs and a hull of ballots. Ilo mirebel overt') tho odj'.'o followed by an iiu ujuso crowd. The its-iisl mt edittr wis busy at the lime, painting 4 big black curd lo be ticked ou hearso. It bore tho le ueud : "Huv yo ir c ifTnis of dimms, over tho Herald ofli ,o " ThJ ttssif 'ul alitor oast his eye arj inl. an I perceived hi chief. Cure wis sit upon that wan cheek, a-xl thun lur clothed his I row no leveled hi his guo. Tho assistant did nut wait With ono wild mi l yell, ho jumped from tho see ml story win dow, and struck out for iha got ten shores of the l'.ieiflo It is beliuved that that ho evoijLully swam over to China. lint thoro is ou'y ono editor now, au i tha clerk iu the ullloi has standing order to blow ol tbo b.-uins of any man who brings an obituary notice to the papar. Amrita Srw puper Iltpttrt' r. IMper t'lotlilna. Io oivilizod countries the manufie. tui'ing of paper into various articles of clothiug has only beeo ilia busiaiss of a very brief perio l. but among burburous people people it is an in dustry that has been eulliva'ed for years. Wilh us. tho employment still remains iu its infancy, and it bus tuken us many years to inuuy years to master the iIiIIIjuI ties attending its introduction. At first, our in inuf.i'itururs eooQnod their productions almost entirely lo cellar, cuffs, frills, aud siiuiUr minor arti. clet. IVju lice having boon in a great measure overouae. or luren lorsez'endol tlioir ure.i of pr ilii' tioo lo many fabrics of uaiversal use, but requiring greater atreoutb sol pll bjlity than tlioso worn uhout tbe. neck and or arms. The gar ments nude by t hi process failed to answer ibe roquiremon's of our day, ao I wore uot reooived with general favor. Al this juncture or aluri, It re maios for an English inventor to so!v the dilfleulty, and give as a ronlty aerviceitbld pupor fabrio. It is a mix Tlluro of various aniutil an l vegetable substances, tbe firmer being wool silk, und skins; the hitter, flax, jute, liainm. ami a.itton. TIibm uetinlue are all reduoed to a fine pulp, blesobed, 'd ln,Q fslted by moans of maohlne- ry. The roiiture or these several substances produces a fabric of won derful flexibility, aud- strength. It caa ba aewed together with a ma chine m readily aa woven fabrie, aid maara aa a"w n,, , ya, aMwev. "NO." Ill This paper ia of a very tervlceillr nature, and it msdo into table cloths, napkins, haodkerchlofs, plots, cur tains, shirts, snd other articles of drra The pettiooits nude from this feltewt paper are of very elibonto design snd wonderful brauty. They aro either printed or siinipeJ. and bear so close s resemblance to linen ur cotton goods of like description as to almost defy tbo scrutiny of tho ablest oxper's Tiit atamped open work skirts display it delicacy of pattern that It w mid be almost impossible to Imitate by any ordinary skill with tbe ucc.llo. Im itation blankets, and ohintz for beds, furniture, or curtains, are also made very cheaply. Knb so table-cloths and figured napkins ro.idool felt I pa. per so closely resemble tho genuine damask linen as lo be palm-1 off up in tho unsuspecting at tho gen line ar ticle. In Germany paper nipkios have bceu used for several years. Their cost is but a trifle, and they pay for themsolvcs beforo they are required to be cost aeido. Fellod pspcr Is capable of Icing made iuto l:ico frioge, an 1 trimming ; od for thesi several purpos? it is uneqiinled in point of thoapness sod durability. Imitation leather is slso mide from tho same material, which is pi-riecuy iiupcrvioiia to wate. it is toft and pliable, in J isa useful la'iriu lor covering furniture, making into shoes, for belts, and many other pur poses. In China aul Japin paper clothing has long beeo worn by I he iohabi. taots. It is vory cheaply produced there, a good paper coat costing only tn cents, while the expoaso of an en tire suit i hinilt 1 1 tirenty-fivo cents. 1'nit'd Stitet Esonoini't. ole ol tli (.rout I'lro The Chicago tiro destroyed the offi ces of 80 daily, weekly and monthly newspapers, fifteen mmthly iaa,'s r.inei and Ave public libtaries. Thore it nooo so bad that there is not some good io them. Salt Like '!ny bus sent fifty tbousuu l dollars to Chicago, to aid the sufferer. Tho Haogor (Miice) D mxuat culls attention t tho fact that tho loss of property in Chicago is one third more that tho total valuation ol lbs whole Stuto of Maiuo. Tho LikeShoro & .Michigan South em railroad Cmipiuy have won for themselves an coviubl reputation since tha Cbioai disaster. They huvo passed free over their road thou sands of the homeless, an i carried a larg, uiooiKit of freight for the reliol of tho sufferer. Such a reoirl w.ll do tlioia uo hirni. During tho fire ia Chicago tome o tho dray in ;o chirgel oao hundred dollars, aul somo us hi.'h a five hun dred dollars for a lull' hours' work, buker wanted a dollar r leaf for bread. Tho grocors wanted five dol lar a bushel for potatoet, and every branch of trade ha I its hrurtless rob bors and eharks preying upon th J ne cessities of tha oike i and (he liunmy. Something must bo done fir the re lief of the Miohigau nn I Wisconsin sufferers. Can not the Chicago relief committee luko charge of subscrip tioos for that purposo, and aro there not many of the subscribers to the Chicugo fund who will give tho same amount for the Michigan aufferenf Their conditiou is a frightful ono and unless help comet soon hun Ira J will perish. 2rre hunt Journal. Oo Tuesday of last week l attempt was male by a number of lumber doalera to carry up thepricoot lumber from three to lour dollar a thmund feet, but it was resisted by in my of the larger and respectable dea'ers aod the attempted exertion was dofeaied. There are fully 250,000 feet iu tho yard of that oily, an i tbe supply wfll eontioue abundont. Considering this, it is outrageous, and wo rojoicj lo know that the scheme failod. Io looking ever the ruins of Chica go, noar tbe Union dopit, the siogi lar sight protents itseli of a two-Jtory frame building onharm)d, ootevoo giving forth the semblenee of being soorohed. Twenty foot on the north of it, a large briok block burood to the ground, aod oo all other side tbo flames, swept everyth ing btlore them It seems from the pisition of tba buildiog that escaped was impossible, sad yet stands that two-story bouse, ths only iubobited tenemeot wilbio bsjf a mile Courier. EUler Burg, In hi add ret oa Tburedsy vning upoo tbe Chicago fire, said that tbo alona in tbe flue buildings of that aity soon burned in to lissa, and that iron columns aod fronta molted away by . tba terrible k 1 nMyfJu. -' '- - A-dvcrtlKiinc Tlateai, Oaaeolnmaaa year ' '' ' yet) no. 10.0ft. Une-bairrnlnam. eat year, One-fnurik rolitaih. aae year, ' One eqaare (10 lines) ana Ineertiea Every addilinwal iBaertion rrofestional tod Batiuaaa eawda af not Bioretkaa 6ve line, per year, 16 fro. 6,rsj Auditor, Eieeutov, Aaailaletraiar and Assignee Nolle 2,0'). Rdilorlsl Betleaa pee line K. All advertleeaieiils far a ihaner perlml ihaa one yesr are ftyabla al iha iles.e I hey are ordered, aod if net paid Ih per son ordering tbem will be held retpvasikla for Iha mouev. tW-" ', marked, stood tho fir tetter tbsn either iron or alone, and drmonitntrd that brirk wis the best aod tafvtt ma terial for buildings. If some of the intended fire proof buildings had been of brick lontoad of Hone and iron, sad squally ns well protected in other re spects, it ia probably they would have stood the terrible test to which they wero suljectcd. InJiunapJis Hi n fi nd. Tho Cir-pro' f vsult in ths Tr.'biiur building was opeoel yesterday f.r tho first tiiu ) since tho fire. Tho coiirt cniiteuls, including a linen coat snd a box of matches, wrre found iatact. The work of eloaring the ruins snd rebuilding proves an important means of relief to mechanics and laborers, who find plenty of employment at good waos. The average wages for luborcrs in the ruins are 81.75 per day; for learns, 84 6D; for carpen ters, $3.00 to $3.50; bricklayers, $11.00 lo $3 25. The prico of bricks has risen from $1 50 to $12 and $15, but tho supply teems ilu'jJant, aod price will re cede. Tho tiitement whi b has been made that nil the prisoners in the jail uudertho court house, including five murderers, wero nllowed to escape when the court bouso was burned. proves incorrect. Al tho approach of line names blty ol the worst chsractcrs in the j iil were place! in charge ol tbe police for removal to the Midison po lieo station Puring the transfer thirty-six of the prisoners cscnpd. Five murderers sre still in custody. The ucgrei;ate value of churches de stroyed it $3,000,000. Iho Tribune company Jto-day or dered their architect to coiu'nooce the rebuilding of their e lifieo. Tho frout wall will ba takon down and rebuilt with Milwaukee brick. Tbo Other walls sol nearly all the floors are firm snJ secure The contributors from New York fur tho relief of Chicago amouut lo $2,000,000, .of which $1GO,000, was in supplies aod the remainder in money. sample irrk Wanted lu n Drug More. Jem. li. isa wag. A juko '.to Jem is both foo 1 und raiment, aad when ever there is ao opening for fun, "be goes iuto" it. Jem was recently in a drjg storo wboo s youth apparently fro.-h from the "mounting,'' entered tho store, anl st once accosted Jem staling that ha wus iu search of ft job. '-What kind of a job V inquired th waj. "Gh.a'most anything I want ti get a kin 1 of a genteel job ; I'm tiro I o' fariuin' an' kin turn my hau l lo ut most anything.' "Will, wo want, n mm a goo I, strong healthy man, n sample cljrk.-' "Wb it's tho wag a V "Wages aro go I j we pay $1,030 to a man iu ill it situation." "What's a feller got to do V "Oh, merely to test medicines, that's all. It requires st t man, ono of goil co-iUituti on, and after ha gets used to it, ha d 'S'i't mind it. You see, wo are very particular about the quality of our meJicinos, and be fore we eell any, we testevoiy puroel. You will bo roquired lo take say, six or seven ouieo of cistor oil mm luvs, with a few doses of rhubarb, sl oes, crotir, oil, anjgimular prapara tious. Some days you would out ha required lo (est anything ; but ss a u'eneral thing, yoi ean count upoo ssy, from six to too dusos ol'"i thing daily. As to the work, that does not amount to rauoh :lu testiog depr: meut, simply, would ba the principal lnlxr required of you, sm), ns I s il l before, it requiroa a per-oa of very healthy organisation to co lure it, but you look hearty an J I guessyou would suit us. Tbat youag man (pointing to a very piUfu"ol, sliui loAio youth, wh3 bippeosd to bo prjeool,) hi filled the post the past two weeks, but he ishardly stout ooough to staod It. We should like to have you take) right hold if you aro retJy, aad if you ssy so, wo'li bogia to day. Hem is a new buret of eastor-oil juH oout in ; I'll ff kod draw an ounce-" Here rotdaot, who had beeo ga ting intently upon the slim youth, in terrupted bim with- ", no, I g-u-esa nit, not, to day, any-how. I'll go dowo and see roy aunt j and el I o'uludo to come, I'll come op termorrar and lot jou koow." He boa not yet turned op, Charity i tba child ot fallb, and - I