. TII13 POHT fafeUabed every Thursday Kvealng by . JCSIIUII CBOCIR. rreerlfter. Termi of Subscription, , fWO DOLLARS TSn AKKtTM, re.vabia wlthio ela month, r J.60 If not paid within lb year. N paper discontinued until 11 arrearage are paid unltM al lb opiioa of lb puhlitber.- Subscriptions outside of tho county rnYAUI.R IN APVANOK, ttf 1'ereon lifting and using paper ddread lo olhera become (tibseriber. and art liabl for Iba prica of iba paper J P. CJlON'MtM.KIl, ATTORNEY AT L1W, Middlcbttrg, fa., Offer tila professional eerrloea lo Iba pub lic. Collection and all other prraaioni) nustuee cniruiiad la hie care will receive roepl allanllon. (Jan 8, '07if AC. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW,' HclhiHgrove Ph., Offer! tila profaaalonal eervira 10 Iba pub- je. All bnainee entrusted to hi tare Hill ba promptly attended in, r ' ' fJaa. l'07lf "iTif.-KsroiiTr" T M, ATTORXEV AT LAW, . Frooburjr Va., Offer bla frafaraloiul aervlceto Ihe pub lic. All buanea entrusted lo bia cara will be prompt! attended la. Jan 17,67il WM.TiiN UEZKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. iiewisliiirg Pa., Offer bla professional eervico lo la pub- lie. Colltaliona and all olbar riotcaaion I bnetaess entrusted lo bia eara will re ceive prompt attention. EO. F. MILLKK, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewislntrg l'n. itfler bia Proflonl eervice lo tbe pub lie. Culleellona and all olbar profeaaion all bualnea rnlruaiad lo bia cart will re ceive prompt attention. Jan. S, U7lf. I M. LINN, A. II. DILL. u t tsueeeaaora to i. T. k J. M. I.lnn.) ATTOKNkVB AT LAW, Lewlaburg, T. Offer Ibeir profeion1 aervloa lo tbe public. Culleotiona and all olbrr pro Teaelbnal buaineae cnlrualad to ibeir eare will reoelveproniptatteniion.fJaB. 8, '87if CHARLES HOWKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solitmgrove Pa., OfTera bia professional service lo ibe pub lic Collecliona and all other profeMioaa buelnea eatruaicd to bia earc will re i-elv prompt attention. Office Iwo door north of I be Keyalone Hotel. Jan 5, 't C1AMUEL ALI.EMAN, & ATTORNEY AT M W, Mclinsgrove Pa Offers bla Vrofealonl lervioe to the public. All bueinee entrusted to hi rare will be promptly attended to. Col lection nimlt in all pari of tbe Slut, lie can apeak Ibe Engl'ah and German Innguage fluently. Ollice between II all's mid the, Toil office. LN. MYKKS, ATTORNEY k C0C5SELPK A? lW MiiKlIebui j; Snyder County Penn'a Ollice a few doora West of ibe V. O. on Main elrecl. Coneullnlion in Kngliab etd Gt i ppti rrrgra. Ftp.'t'tl i "c. umiKH O, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I.owinbiir'' Ph., Offrra bia prnfcialonal aeiireto tlie pub. lie. All bunineea enlrugted lo bia care fill be promptly attended lo. .'up. a. tii I UOYEIl i HAKEIl VJ SKWING MAC1IINK. lVniiina in nerd of a cood and durable Fcning Machine can be accommodated al rraiunable privea by calling on on 8am til. Kait, Ageut, tfBlinfgrote. I I Jan. f, in DH. J. Y.SHINDKU 81'RGEOS AND PHYSICIAN, Middlcburs Pa., Often bit professional aervlcee lo tbe cit uene or anuuieourg anu vioiimy. . k . . ... I .jnrcu i, ui JJ F. VAN Jll SKllUv. Bl'RGICAL 4 MECnAMCAL DENTIST Felinsgrovf Pcnu JOJIX K. HUGHES, Knq., . JV8TICE OF tflE TEACE, Peon Twp., Snyder Co. Pa Y h. WAOXKK, Khq., JtsTlCE Of THE PEACE. ' Jackson To aruubip, Snyder Co. Pa., Will attend to all buainea ealrusted to kit ear and on the most reaeuuable ttru. alaicb I'i, 'WSlf DRJ- KANAWEL. uuvair-iay a wit RtlRfiF.OV. . (entrevllle, Snyder Co., r., Offer bi profeiiiooal lervice lo the piiblio. U'88tf GBAYBILL It Co., WaOLMALB DlALSB IS wood aito willow wabe Oil Clothe, Window Shade. Broome, Mala, Brush Cottoa Laa, Orain Bag, riy Ma, Ducket, Twine, Wick. a. KuttS North Third Btreed, Philadelpbia. b. 7, '67 PA. BOYEK, Jr. a i t r-r t rrv I r-f"C? W s , , w , W S Vreebnrff Snvder Co. Pu.. Uotl nanealfullv effera hi service lo public a Vendue Cryer aad Auction- nr. Having bad a large experience, i fttl eonldent that I eaa render perfect nilifaetlon lo my employee. LJn. v, on BT. PARKS,' v ATTORNEY AT LAW h DiaTBICTTTOUSiV, HIDDLEBCRO. 8NTDEU COUMTy, Pa OSee Ia Court Heme, tr 'e7,r ' LEWIS BREMER'S SONS' TOBACCOWAREHOUSE N.322 N. THIRDS M3 PBlLADELrillA. IM ERCHAST HOUSE. U. MANDERBACn raop'a. "w. 4U 6Hortb Third Straat. I..... rutaaripaia liUft V BI.DER tloaerv, Blank bonk aMaeulaUren i t -eaiwe la Wrapping, tuaetua , car a4 y U paaara f H Bag ie Oaa- Ill o VOL.: 9. ,-' Ho loot Poetry. DO 6QURTHINQ. ' If lb world aeema eoU lo you, KinJIe firri to warai It I ' . Let ibeir comfort bide from view Wiatere Ibal deform il, Itearla aa frmaa aa your own To ibal radiance gather: You will aooa forget to moan, Ah! tbe fbeerlcea weather!'' If ilia world a "wllderne," (to build hourea la II t Will It belp your luneline. On lb tbe winda lo dia It? Rain a but, bowerer iligbl Weeda and bramble enmlber, And loroof and meal lnii Borne fortorno brotbar. - . 5 If the world ' a al of leara," Baill till rainbow paa U t -Breaibe the lore that lire endear ) Clear from cloud lo fan it. Of your gladoeae land a gleam I'ntil aoul Ibal ehirer : , Show i hero how dark aorrow' alream Olenda with hope bright riter. Tbe peatf Letter. BT OIIX 0. lAXI. Andean it be? Ab, ye. I aee, 'Ti thirty yeara and better Since Mar; Morgan lent to m Tbia ninety, aiueky letter. A pretty ban! (ab couldn't (pall), A any maa muat rote It t And 'twaa aa I remember well, A pretty band that wrote it ! Uow dimly now I view It all, A memory backward raaga ' Tbe talk tbe walk Ibal I recall, And Iben ibe poalal change ! How well I bed her I eaa gueas (Sinoeeaib I Cupid' hostage) Jual one-end altpence nothing Uaa This letter coal ia paatnge ! The Iuto thai wrqle at fiicb a rale (By Jure! il wa a eteep one !) Fir hundred note ( I calculate) Wa eertainly a dorp one ; And yet it died of alow decline 1'trbap uapioioa chillod it , I've quite forgotten if 'twa miue Or Mary' Birting killed il ! At laal 'be fatal menage catne ; ''My letter pleas return Ihum ; And your of euuraeyou wiah tbe (ante I'll end them back or burn them." Two prtcioua foul. I must allow, Whichever U aa tbe greater : I wonder if I'm wiser now, Iroiue aoTcn lualie later 1 And tbii alone remains ! Ab, well ! Theae word of warm affeellou. The inded Ink. ibe pungent iiaell, Are food fordjep rotleciion. Tbry tell of bow lb heart conlrirc lu change will) fancy' faahion. And how a drop of musk aurvive Tbe itrongert human puasion I Jnrier't Mayamit fur A'utemitr, l'.CLC WILDGIIil) hi lt FKIiiE. " Your aunt Charlton aud cousin Jennie will be here on tho next train Russell," said Mr. Wilder to hit neph ew. " You had bettor harness your pony chaise, aud triog them from l he " 'Can't. Ant going away nijsolf, air." " Thedeoce yon are !" responded iho old gentleman, pushing hi specta cles op over hi a forohoad, and regard inwiis oephow with an air of aurpr'we aod eonstcrnation. " Yes, airlCharloy limit luyiled me to bis pi aee for a few wooks, and ( thought I might aa well go now as any time.'' " I should aa that it was a vory qneer time to bo leaving borne. Your anntaod cousin will c insider it a per sonal affront, sir." ' " It Is not intoodod as suoh air. Though to be frank, considering tbe object of Jonnio'a visit, I prefer not to aeo hor. And I must tiy that I tbiok she would bavo ahovn mire eoe aod delicacy If she bad stayed away. - " Your cousin la a lovely girl, Mr. Impudcneo, and won't be likely to go a begging.'' " I don't doubt it in the least. But for all that, be won't suit mo for a wife, uncle." " How do you koow that, you con ceited donkey, wbon you hare never seeo ber V inquired the irate old man, bringing oil once tfowo Vipou the floor with startling emphasia. " Comiuia sense tell me that no rnarrrge can be a happy ooe that doe not spring from mutual lore. And one thing I am resolved, that will neror marry from mercenary mo tives.'' , . , " Nobody wanta yon to marry . tho girl unless yon like her ' roared Mr. Wilder, bia faee growing porple with rage and Texatioo at his nephew's per versity. " All I ark ia that yoo will stay aod soe her. And tbia ia a point I insist upon ye, sir, I Insist upon it." ' "I am son to disobey yen, nacje, but il I should stay, it will only give rbe lo couclusiooa that I am aqxioas to avoid., But 1 will Ull you whatt wll do I I will relioquiah ail alaini lo tho properly that you are so snxioa boald oot bo divided. ' As last teens to bo tbo mala object, I think thai il ought toko oatkfaotory to all par- ao.' M1DDLEBURG He nodded Kood-bunioredljr to his'givco op al idea of accio you, this ancle, as bo iitaoCod . io, who glared after Ma ia ipeeehlet r?. ) " IIo ehnn't hav penny !' be growled as tinkln (ark In lilt chair, ha wiped tho pornplraiiotf frwea hi TurehcaJ. , 11 What'i tho matter now f mid tbe iho ftentlo roico of bia wife, VvVj who had just entered the room. 1 ' " Miller enough. I nhoul y Uosell has gone letiitilly rlctrodoui, io as nol l aea his oousia. ' Wbat do! jou think of l bat M 1 think joa will hur.g another it tack of the gnt, if you pel yourself' i eii'iu-a. rum incooi inny, aa ebo placidly rcsutnod her knitting. " Wh it'e W bo dono now ?" "Nothing tliat I can see. If Rus sell and Jtooi had eoeo each otbor before they had any notion that yoo wanted the in to marry, tea to ooe but that they would bare fulloo head and ears in lore with each other; but as matter aro now, I fJuo't beliere that it would be of the least nso. From what KlleO writes me, I should tbiok Jconie to bo ai much oppusoi to .i., . i i, . . i It as lluvtull. She BITS sbo tannot bear Iq hear bis name mentioned, and j mm ii niaasfflncp s eu eouu uo to gt ho'r tooseot to couiu at sl, who kbe heard that Kusiell was t b)fuo." Thoy are a couple of elmplotons," said the old pcnilemao, testily. "I re got balf a mind to make another will, aaJ leave my properly to aoruo char table iujilitution " In uQif to Utgbton, wbtther ho was boedj, - RugM.ll Wilder bad to trarol part of (ha way by stage. iuv.v ua iraij uuo puasotigcr ue side himsrli; for whie't be was oot or- j ty, Ibe day being rcry'iot and sul - try. This pnsseo;sr was a lady there was an air of uomislakabl ladyhood about bur which told him that. He . . . noticed particularly the daiuily glavcd hand aad well fitting b.tots. Her graceful form Indicate J that oho was both young and pretty, but he could not tee her fuco on account of the eovious veil that hid it. But soon as sbo got otuf'ortatly settled in the coruor to whieli Russdl assisted her sha throw it back, disclos ing a fair sweet fneo, lighted by a pair of wondcrously bright black eyes which ahot a swift bewildering glance into his, that wcro io intouily regard mg hor. Tho eudden itartiog of the coach, which soot some of tho ladie's ptrelc from tbe seat to tbo floor, gave Rus sell an opportunity of speaking, as he returoed tbent, of which be was not slow to tak;o advaotogo. From this they foil easily iato con versation; and it was curious how so- oiablo they become. They talkod oflhi beautiful seen- ory through which they wero passing ; of tho newest books and lalefct maga zines, sjmo of wbloh lluisall bad with him. The lady inwardly thought bor Companion to be tbe most entertaining and agreeable man sho over mot with. And as for Russoll, he otton I ost the thread of bis discourse in admiring the red, dimpled lips, aod the poarly teeth they diiolosed wbeoever she spoke or an) i led. Certain it is, his four hours' ride from P to Dighton, were the shortest four hour he had ever known in his life. " Wbero do you want lo bo left, sir f inquired the coachman, as he entered the village. . "At Mr. Charles Hunt's. Locust Hill. Do you know where that 1 f laid Russell, putting his bead out of tho window. . ' Certsiuly take you tbors ia a jiffy." " Why tbero'a where I am going !" aid the laly oponing her eyes widely. "Nelly Mr. Haunt's wife is my most particular frieqd ; we nsed to go to schojl together." " And Charley Hunt ia my most par tieular Irieod. - and ooe of the finest follow in the world." ' " How very odd." " How very fortunate !" eielaimed Russell, w ith a meaning glance at bis fair companion, wbiob made the rosy cheeks still more ro'y. " M'Sbt I take tbo liberty of Inquiring P But just at this moment the stage stopped In front of tbo house, oa tbe porfioo of wbhih stood ; Mr. snd Mrs. Hunt, enjoyipg tbo eveuing breeze lasasomejjt BuH waa shaking bands with tbo former, while bii oompasioo . rushed eagerly Jnto tbe arms of tbo surprised aad delighted "Why, what a happy surprise, Jeo r v.- zif i jt rl LU f . i i 'I 7 111 III e i m I ' - " r rrmmmm "aiaawa M II 1 M i W W l SNYDEK" CO. PA., summer." And I had no Idea of being -.It:' to come, until juat before I alaned. i ou see, mamma my ale)-mamtni. yoo koow wm Roin. lo Unci Wil der'i and cho InstaloJ en my cnlug with ber, t) i that hatc'ul, d'n.:rcablj eoutin of iior, that they ate deter. mioeJ to marry me to. 8u wbco she wa buy packinir, 1 jul put on my lhina and slipped off, tearing n sole t tell where I was guna. TVisn't that n gooJ joko on them all V "I should Ihiok il w.s," raid Ncl lio with a burt of merrlroent, far more than the pcciMod warranted. " When I aaw who your conipiuioD was, I tliouhl you ivre out ou your weddiog tour." "N, iudeed. never saw tho man tiatil he got iuto th attgo at P Hut really, he is the finest looking manful conflagration U given In tho "Di-f every building oa tho or,i bona Io J by poJ 'ilh fl,ni,,. before the tire eu t erer ew. and so agreeable. Who ! ary" of John Kvdyn. I Wall, South on 1 Ilrond streets, ntlj Iginescoull be got to work tlie AutJr- he?" "The conflagration was so uttiysr- "Oh, I'll inlrotluee you when youjpal nud he people so aatotiiehod that ' come down stairs. There's Sarah from tho beginning -I know not from j wanting to sec me about supper. I wht, despondency or late they bard- You'll hure only time to drew. Mind'ly etrivoJ to quench it, so that there' nd look eonr nrolliest ' And with a roKuinh aliakc of her iiup-or at ber meu'i, Nellie rao awatr to are about nipper. If Jennie did not look hor prolliosl ah certainly looked verry Jovely as she eutercd the suppor room, her lioeu suit eehangod for a fresh, soft ni'ia lin, w hoc s tnpliclty and purity wero relieved only by the volvet colored ribbons in the huir throat. aoJ Mi'uunl ifi lluiarll bad taken great paiua with nt IOIICU It C0UI4 1)0 Seeo Dy III spotless linen and carefully arranged .hair The paue that followed Jeanio'e entrance was broken by .Ir. Hunt, ho in resoonso to a tneon!ni "lance from bis wife, said : " Itu Mi l Bi n in. In Introduce In you your cousin Jennie; Miss Char!- ton.-your totsiu, Rus'ell Wilier.'' Tho ewbarasamcnt which followed tho blank astouisbmont ioto which this nouoancumeut threw the parties so unexpectedly made known to each other, was quickly dispelled by the turn that was given it by thoir host and hostefs. " I suppoe you'll want to book yourself on tbo next stago?'' said Mr. Hunt, shyly to Russell, who had toco taken into his friend's cot.C - dence. "And you." saiJ his wife, tnrnin to Jcnnio, " I don't suppose anything could tempt you to remain, now that you have seen that baleful disagree able" " Nellie !" interrupted Jennie, crimsoniog as she remembered bet words. "Well, I won't then. But you must let me laugh ! Just to think of both ruoning in tbo same direction, aod to tbe tamo plaoe I" Tbe ringlog laugh that burst from Nellie's lips were toe contagious to be. resisted, even by those at whose ex - pens it was raised. Tbia merriment was followed by a geooral good feeliog. and a pleusanter toa party oover gathered around a social board. We nred hardly to say that Russell did not take the stage next morning, nor did Jcnnio seem at all disposed to cut short hor visit on account of ber cousin's unexpected appearanoo. When tbsy did go, they went as they catne, together. Mr. Wilder' astonishment was oaly equaled by bis delight, on looking oot of tbe window to see tbe twowulk- ing np tbe path toward the bouse arm in arm, and apparently on tho best terms. Aa for Russoll and Jonole, thoy soemed to regard the unexpocted meeting as an indication of tbelr " mabifest destiny," accepting it a such, much to the joy of their uncle, whose dsrl ing wish waa apcompliihed in tho Barrage of tbe two thus made bappy in spite of themselves. To RiMovft Wabts. Wsrts sre not only rory troublesome but di8g ore the bands. Our readers will thaqk us for calling their attention to lbs following perfect euro, eveo of tbe largest without leaving a scar, it has been tasted by tbe writer t Take a small piece of raw beef, ateep it all niebt in vinegar, cut aa muoh from it u will oovtr the wart aod tie it on, or il the exoreeceaee is on tbe foruljeid, fatten it on with stripe of plaster. It miy be restored during tbo day and put oo every sight. Io one fortnight tbo wrt will die and peel off." Tbe easae areacrlDtloa will euro corns. rr a 'ft M . v 1 i 3 II OCTOBER 20. 1871 I HISTORIC 41. riRCB- . The following aooount of aoa;e of the riuiul fit-rt of modorn llmer mV be of interest at rhj present lime, t.ONDON 1000. Oa the 21 of Septomler, 100G, the city cl London wa almost utterly de-' stroyed by what bai since been known a the Ureut Fire, which In five dread ful days of ruin and terror aod panic laid lwo(hirJs of the K Itfliali ututrop olig in ayfiH. It bruka oil upon a Sunday, at two o'clock ') the mora iog in a bakehouse, near tho tower. Thirteen thousand house.", eihty niqe churches and many puhliu b iildias were roJuoed li ebnrred woo I and eshoH aud 200,000 poplo rendero I houseless aod utterly dolituto Thrco ocrcs without tho wall wcro onlirl devastated. A gtuphio Ji.-cripti.iii of this dfcud- was nothing huard or seeo but crying out and lamentation, rJtiniag abaut like distracted creatorcs, without nt all attempting to savo oven tlifir goods, such a itrnngo consteroAtion there was upon them so, as it bartt ed both iu leoglh and broath, tbo churches, public halls, F.iuhange. hos pitals monumaut and ornament, leap ing" after a proligiout manner l'roiu house to bouse nnd stre;t to street, otllIc "ro uvl roaclictl the cellar of ttio great dUtuuoo ou from the other : for tho beat, with a long sot of fair and warm weather had even ignited ,C ) tbo walls of tho buihling a a I I br.-w .,y ibe breaking up of tho wliurves. nir, and prepared tho malerial to con- j "'k0" of CJiiibiitiblo matter in all di- Tjjisan Js-of persona were made honie ccivc the fire, which dcvou'od after! wctions, setting tiro to in my other less jl long time alter live I in tetils. nn iucrcdible manner housra, furniture j buildings. 'ti Ideuly a third and most1 Inting tho contindbheo of the lire a and everythina. Ob, tho miserable ' l,'rr'u'tf cxp'mion occurred, by which 'mumbir of persous wuro burned nud 'and calamitous snocinelo ! surb I ' ' Iinilv tliA Wirtil ha, nnl. hii lli. lika kiiwn ha i'.imiinli.)n ot il nnr m be outdone till thi the universal con - flugraiion. All tho sky was of a flery aspect like tho top of a burning ovcu, tho pccoo obovo forty miles round about for many nights. Uod grant my eyes tuny never behold the liko , now teams above teo thousand hou1 'ses all ia one flame ; tho njisi and crackling and thunder of tho impolu. j ous flames, the shrieks of womon aud children, the hurry of people, tho full of towers, houaos and churches was .like an hidoous storm, aod tho air a- i bout so hot nnd inflamed that nt last noono wa iiblo to approach it, so 'that they were forced to stand still und let tho flames burn on, which they did for nearly two miles ia length uol one iu broadth. The cloudi ofsmoko wore dismal, ami reached upon computation, nearly Glty miles in length. ''I'M' I left it io th afternoon burning a iccnllatue to Sodom or the last day LoiiJoq was, ' but is no more I'' I sr.w vohk. 1815. Tho greatest fire, sinco that of 1). ceiuber, 1S3", that has devastated property io litis city, bean on tbo I moro'ioe of the 20th of July, 1815 Tho fire originated in a sperm oil store io New street, near the corner of Ex- the morning named, and spread over a great part of tbo territory which bad been the sceno of the conflagration of 1833. Tbo flames wcro commuoica- ted to a chal- factory adjoining and ucarer lo tbe corner of KxchsoRO place wbcoee tbey passed along Exchange place to 13ros d itrccl. There they enwrapped a. building in which was a quantity of saltpetre, or gun powder, op storage. When the buil ding bad been burning for about fit teen nil nates a most awful explosion took plaee which shook tho city like an earthquake. Tbe building was blown op, sod with it some othor buildings, immediately after tho explorion fire was discovered io four different pla ces, and shorlly tho rear of the en. tin block was blaxiog. . Soon the fire left pod to th soub side of Iiroad stroot. passing at tho same liaio to Broadway. On Rrosdway they spread downward toward the Bowling Oreen, and on Broad eireet north towards Wall street and south to Beaver street sloeg which tbey passed to Now street, both side of which had beoo devastated. Bolb fides of tbo Ex change pises from Bfa4wy to Broad strtet snd half way np to WH lata wore burood. Every building on I, road way from Exchange plaee down was leveled, and theo tbe lames turn ed ioto Markotfield street, where tbey cbckd- Three hundred building wore destroyed. Tbe lose was estima ted at 16,000,000, sit parsons wero killed by lbs explosion. NO.";:. try of Now York occurred on the oig'it of the lGlb or Dree tuber, 1 83 V Al between cifrhl A nine o'clock on tlmt 'erenina tho firo a dtioovero j io th.- store No. 2o Merchant- Sttcet, a nar. row street that ed fro. a Pearl letnKi cluing .Street, near the then Post Unite. The dime eproad rapIJIy, and at 10 o'clock farly of thi tip.it valuable dry icouj s'.orjs io tho city rcro burned down or oa fire. Thu narrowness of Merchant, Mr eel, nnd the galo which was bloln, aide I tho spread of .h daitrjelie cleoioot Tlx oight was hittcrly coll, and, thuh the firouieo were moa energct- ' ant 'unlc.I to Sd,;it)0,UJU, ana il uo ic, the frerzing of tho hosn mid Hi- -trojed 5,.ri00 builJings. Tho firj he water In their dclcctivQ ongin , H,. ! n in n paiot lfp ou he west id bincd with tboir sulroring fro-n the ,,r I'orlsouth rtpur, ndjoiuio the weather, tuado their clToi t of little avail Tho (limes spread north nnd aouth, eat nud west, tin'il almost Coentie slip, w as butnin.', g it lo 1 or levolod to the grottuJ. 5:10 buildings wero destroyed j they wcro of tbe largest nod most co.l!y dcaeriptton, on J were Gllcd with th-' most valuahlo good. The lo'al loss was S1.V0 JII,- i00 nn.Air.i .imi i , 15) This lire originated about four o'clock on tbo nftornoou of July Iho 9th, 1 330 iu a stole nt 7" North Delaware ave - nuc. It was bjyool control whondis- covered, an 1 so n spread, despite, the moil strenuous effort t prevent it, to the ctoro h use ndjjining. When building iu which it hill originated Ilwo explosions occurred which rent children wero killcJ and several build.'Hothers died frm their -exertions to- , A uumber of iiioii, wniiuo and I ioS demo!i-hcd Th.S di'ater cause 1 ' Punio a, ,n tao ,''tMnu0 ,ml "P90 j tutors, uod in the effart of nil to e capo ironi danger ninny wrc ' moalh, and -IHI buildings were tlc trampled upon and injtjre j. Sotuo i atroyed by it. Tbo lo.-s was cstitna were thrown iuto tho Delaware sod ' iu, ai S:t,uOJ,UD'. othurs jumped to gel away from the I ciih'Aoo, 1SDT, 18'iS. falling bricks nnd beams ont up! (Ju tho morning of tho 10th of Oc froni the burning building by tho ex- tut,,,, 1SG7, a Cre occurcd in Chicago plosion. Tho number of persons who ! whiuli, though the amount of proper lost thoir lives by tlio explosion wa ' y destroyed" by it was cotnpuativoly uboul thirty, nioo perains who jump- 1 ,rifliug was-mado awful by tho hs of cd into tho rivor in a fright wro ',um:io lile whit-h it C4u""il. The fin drowned utiJ abiut one h mJrod per- j broke out ia a lare double store iu i on!i injurr 1 Tho urea over which the ' tir" V'l coutaiood about four hl,n drcd buildings. The io-s wa aboit .u,j uor0!lS !ia un,y in the rear ton one milHio dollars, anl tin fire would ' block of now buildings. All then boa cou.parativily Hiinll oue had were completely destmyrd. When there been nu loss ol life. i the fl.tmcs were th vatetiing ono ot I'l riniii H'l, Hl". ' tbe luildings a nutnbor of persons a. Pittaburg, Pa. was visited by a uwt cenjej t ii8 r00f to there fight a destructive conflagration ou tho Jt' j Kaiut them. Wholly occupied with of April, ISt'i, Twenty squares, con i their work, thoy dil not no'.ice that, taioiug about elereo huudrc I bual J itla -ull uflla burning building tot. 1 ioys, wore burned over, is i sh rl wai lPri.j) ttu,i when warned of their Jao 1 thu time between tho discovery ol tho )iil!r t,,.y coiU not escape i ro it fell, j flames aaJ their spread through tho ,cru,,iog through thehoise on whieli , any that many p.-rious were unable ' t ,jy Wcrei ttUd carrying them inU iu lo save any ot Ibeir uousehou gouts, wh lo others, haviug got theirs lo tho walk, wero compelled to fl.'O and leave '.hem te to seizid und destroyed by , the clement. J be nurohaots were equally unsuccessful in saviug any thing from tbcir warehouses, ttio loss was oslimattid at SIO.OOD.OMO. I'lill.AKKI.rillA, 186.'). The most terrible cooflagration of which Pbiladulihia was tho thoutre after that of of July, ISM occurred there oo tbo morning ol February o, 18li5. Like its predeccs.-r it brought death to many, and iu the most hor rible and painful manner. Tho fire originated QRjong several thou.sandb of barrels uf coal oil ibat were blorcd upon an open lot on Wusbiugton sleoet near nioth. The flames prend tbro' the oil as If it had been guopowder, ana in a very soon uuio iwo mua- nnd barrels were abluxe aoJ sendiuu a hu"e column of flams aud smoke upward. Tbe resident of the vicinity awukened by the noine of the belle, sod firemen, nnd frightened by lb glare and uearoess of the firo rubod it) thoir nigbt germeote into tbe treeta that were covered with snow and slush. The most prompt to leave tboir homo got off with their lives ; but those near tbe spot wero the fii-e eonmtoced, snd not prompt to es cape, were nitt by a terrible scene. Tbe blaxiog oil poured into Ninth street and down lo Federal, making the eatire Street a keof tjre that if nitei) tbo bouses oa antbt aides ol the street for two blocks. Tbe fstnss sl ip passed op snd down tho cross streets and destroyed a number of booses. Tbe fiery torrfot was wbirf- sd bask sad forth along the street at A-clvortlffintx 11-u.toH. One eolttmnoe year t)ne half eoliinm. oar year, Snooo. SQ oo. lo.tHI. One-fi'urth eolMmn, oae year. One uerj (10 liue) oa iaeeriioa F.very additional Inaerlloq I'rofeaaional aad Baaliiea earJ of not more Itjaq 0v lioes, per year. Auditor, Eieeutor, Adminiatralor and Aaaigne Notice Editorial notioe per line All adTerttaemevi for a shorter 76. 60. 6,0(1 2,Vi. I'i. period than en rear are rayahl at the lin.s they are ordure 1, and if not paid lb per- on ordering Iheiu will b held r"ponib!e for th Biouey. aajaaaanaBaWaaaaBBaBBanaaaaBiMaaaaBaaaBwawjaaaiaa It CAure. lVopTe leaving tb -ir bin ting homes, hopinn lo reach a place of snfoty, were" fjaste l to deijlh by it. AUoguihcr, about twenty )crot)a wf roajtrd in the alrcrtt or houses. Tho l"SS of property am turned to about 5.00(,0(i0. ftiil fifty buildiugn were destroyed. m r;nNi t!c. 18.M. The mo-t destructive ef tho many conflagration which bare occurred in .S.m Fraucico began on the 3 J of May, 19M, nt eleven o'clock, p m , and was not aubducd uolil tbo 6th instant. The los that was caused I y American House. AHIioujjh but a ' ,'Dl'11 UiM ,,cn diHcurcrod, ibobuil- ' ,infc W:M wlll,ln r,vc m""1,8 w"r- IfotKo and tho bull ling on tbo other sid'i of lite paint "Imp wcro alio burn n. Tho buildings being all of wool an l extremely c mibusiibla the Ore spread up Cltiy street, back to Sacra mento nud dowa Clay alroet towards Keatory with fearful rapidity. Sjhi tho fue department was compelled tJ givo up every altempt to cxtuitii-li j and to couCne ihnir work to making ! its idvaaee Iras r:iiid. Pursuing this I plan ibcy chot keJ tho flimcs oa tho 'north aide at Dupoat street. Uat in every other directian it took its own couro so l was only srreslc I at the water edo and tho l utu ol tho bm- scs that ha 1 been blown up. Jbiihtp- ping in the harbor whs only protcctcJ I word subduing it. Another largo Cro devastated a groat portion of San l rancisco in June, IStil. It occurred oo the Jd ofthat j Jolt Water Mruet nud t-prend co-t au:l west to thu buildings ndjuining, t.cjgr ()i the number fourteen were k a I Id and more injured. Tho loss on property caused by tho tiro amounted t,, 0Vl.r balf a millioa tif dollar. The fire which occutrel ou the 2Slh of January, lCS, was the most ilostructiro by which Chicago hd erer beca visited. It broke out ia a large boot and khoo factory ou Lake alreet, sud destroyed tho eulire block on which that ritualed. Tbe Pl,,rks from thoso buildings set Gro to others dibtent Iron them on the same street, and caused t lie lr ucatruulion. in all the loss ws about 13,00,0 IQ. lOltTLANU, 1 8tti. Tbo terrible fire which luid io ru ins more than balf of the city of Port, land, Me., commenced at Gve o'clock oo the afternoon of the 4th of July. 18C0. Ooe balf of th city and that tbo one which include I in bmiueis portion was destroye J. Two thousand persona were ren dered liousoloks. Th loss was esti mated at $ 10-000,000. CIIAKLKSTON, 1333. Charleston, 8. C. was ou tbs 27ih of April, 183.1, vjsitod by one of the mot destructive fires that has ever oc curred in any city of thi couutry; There were 1,15,8 buildipge destroyed, aod the Ices occasioned was about $3,. 000,090. A "put up Job"rrAo suction. An inn-vocation Tending bar. The best 'help'' Help yourself. Coming to grief Meeting trouble bsir way. , -A Western sign of distrea hogs atbairmast. How lo get a roaring trade Bay a ineotgaria. Advloe to sock menders Do vour darn.daat. Tt-t,