The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 19, 1871, Image 2

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If IODLXBDRO, OCT. If), 1871.
I- ('Bonn, Editor ana Proprietor.
. P -L i I
now. jonw p. packer,
I (he Jti'lieiul District composed
if Perry, Juniata aa 1 Cumberlanl
eiui tic, Won. to F. JunVrj. Uepub
lienn, wis olccteJ Prolleot Jodgo by
a mnjorilv of ten.
Tin Republicans of Xorttiarnhsr.
land conntv rusle ft clean sweep of
everytbln at the late election. . E.
fry raoJitlate on the Kpnllicao tick
t was olxoto-l Judti Rockefeller
teking the Ia4 by majority ol 1005.
O.i TuHJy Ut Ljcomio eooaty
elected a Republican Associate Juduo
Tcthoootarr and Sbrriff. Ibiit it
tha first tiros tbe Democrata of Ly
Coining havo been defeated la eevcu
Ucn years
The bfflciil retorueof tba flection
of Tuesday abow Mint the victor in
Philadelphia for tbe IiYpablicitos ia
cvrn greater tluin at first reported
and ler beyond what we ciprcted.
On the State ticket Colonel Heath,
for Survrtor OcDcral, baa 11.(180
majority, a Republican gnio of 7280
on the vote for Ourcrnor io 1809.
Till rny bo regirded a tbe
mate Republican, majority ia
Tli Vlctorr.
Tbe (trail d victory acbicvod by tbe
Kvpublicaoa io tbia State at tbo lute
tlectino in moro complete than was
notioipntod by tbo moat tanguine.
We bavo swept everything, and the
Iiucracy ia nppalvd nod totally do
uiornliicd nl tbe aotcoce of tbe peo
pie. Without half try lug wo lines
thrni-bi'd I lit in to the tune of 13,000 j
nnd tb!a ia uot all. A ncoute iLut i
scented bojcloni'ly Dtniocrot c baa
been rcdecmad anl tbe House d Rep
rtaent.itivea ia largely Republican.
Lcglalullvo Vole-UOtrlal
ll.rruM, R.
Cum iu!ug, I).
j jg i
'.ii? !
lltiri'vlds tunj. in District
Jcmcial Von OrricuL.
Woods, 11. Buchcr. I.
limber's moj. in District
TutRK has it aeema been inolber
Fenian fu-le. General O Xcul-.r
General somebody else at the bend
tf a hundred or two roouniunins und !
rliiiideieiscroacd tbo line into tho
ill ttUh ptsscssinna the ether ,ttV
captured the cu.totn hcuie in Mani.;IUo n""i",'- ot'" inter paymeut, tucee
toba, which probulilv offered no op-
tr.ail on an. It, on a .w .r..rl . I,.
V. .S. Trccpa. FenianUm iu thi-l'8'0 08 tt Uofw om'' ,l,"J ,,hatIlf"'
country hue been a humbug from Uhuii belter prepare lor death. 11
cuinnienccmcnt, and ia never likely I UKU'U returned to this city, und o.iw
to bo nnvibinn else. If tbo story 1,1,8 a P,l,f"1 vul"" of ,nl terrible
shall pro've to be true, and tbe Ken Ate not audi men plunder
rul, whoever he inv be, and his a-'el8 of lLu J'lls,lt circle leeches
auciuto dir-tutbera of the peace nre in -oeietywbo, after, taking the poor
tho bands of the U. S authorities, u",0' ln",yi with deceptive prom.s
we hope they mav bo tl. nlt with iimi- ,urD Ll,u out 10 dio lotUhsomc
inorily nn i aevorelv. Tho PTiraniru-! Jt,u,h' ," ol.jutt of tltunty, u man to
lionand iiscrnxr emiesBrtea have
Lveu tolerated Inuii enough
Tat St Louis 'liyuUicai,, the nl
iiifljontial Domourutio oitriq in the
ett, is out lit a leader advocating as
tbe policy of tbo IK'inocratio party
thai it vhjull nut nominate e 'aoili.
a . a .
r. ii... iu;.i....- ...i.. .....
, , . ....
election. It arzucs that bv adoptinir
suvb a rcaclution they will probably
a "
cause a division iu tho Republican
rauka which will roiult iu tbo split
of the pur'.y iuto Coiiur-aiive and
n-tiicut wings. Upon tbe cou-icrva
live branch the Democracy could and
would rally, with tbe hopo of defeit
lujj tho Kepubliuan ticket. Other
vie, the Deujocruts have oo hopo cf
c'ccliu any tuau to tho Presidency
wbo ia in thcii intnect.
Ulatricl Elected.
Tbe Intest returns from the State
kbow that tbe following District Judj
ts have been elected :
I. Philadelphia James T. Mitoh
V, K.
'2. I.unra.iti r J. II. LiWu'iton. 1.
4 Tiocft, Poter, MeKean, Cameron
nnd F.Ik 11. W. Williams, R.
7. Hucki and Montgomery .
Rosa, D-
V. fumborland. Perry and Juoi-ala-R
F. Ju.ikio, R.
10. Wcblinuicland, Iudiuos and
Armstrong J. A. Logan, R.
12 Dauphin and Lebanon John
,1. Pearson, It.
II. Norlhambtrtaml nnd Mon
tour Wm. M. Rockefeller, R.
15. Delaware aud Cheater W.
Duller, It.
III. Franklin, Redford, Somerset
And Fulton Wm. M. Hall, It.
18. Clarioo, Jefferson nod Forest
W. M. Jaoka. D.
, 19. York and Adams Robert J.
Fisher. D.
20. Mifllin, Union and SojJer
Joseph C. Bucher, D
21. Schuylkill Walker, T).
23. Berks Wairen J. Woodward,
21, II oo t log toe. Blair tad Cam
prla---JohQ Peeu, R.
The ttarrlsbnrg TrlfrapK ol lesl
Tuesday, enyi : ,
Fvaoa, who wa bought from New
York t enevror the cbare of cmbea
linn State fan'ls. was. taken before
AMrrmno Kcpner to day. lie waiv
d shearing, nnd wn committed to
pi ion la default of 125.003 bail on a
criminal pt'OscO'Mion. The Sheriff al
0 Ion qin on n caple. requiring 140ft.
000 brill making a total of 125,000
A ad and fatal accident oecarred
on Tuceduy forenoon, tbe 81 Inst..
ajs tbe Clintoa Rrpubh'vnn, to a
young mao named John Packer, son
o laaae Packer, residing near Quern's
Run dam, a few miles north oflhnf
city. Mr. Pucker, at-companied bv
hi sister, left thoir home in the morn
in ft to puttier eheMnuia, whin, for the
purprae of obtaining lb cm, he climbed
up a treo, from which ho nccideotly
foil, bia hoad striking a root, killing
himself ina'enlly. The deceased waa
bunt 30 year of ai;e, and bore no ex
celle lit character. Mmrtlr af'er the
roinnicndement of Sheriff Sniiili'a term
ofoftice. Mr. Packer, was appointed
leputy fhriff, ia wbicb capacity be
served for a short time.
Daniel lieerdeley and family lies in
Sbnvctuwu, Delaware county, in tUi
State. They bavo ibrco children.
During tho abaence of their parents
last Friday bey played "tie op sheep."
A small leather atrinit which their
father bad rut lor ibem a Jay or two
before, waa fmU'nei to u Diiii io the
wall, and at the other end a clip noose
Waa mado. One of the little oues put
thfl oeoo around bis neck, but be did
not play the part well, and the eldest
boy. .Mink, utteinpted to t-liow biin
bow itoujht to ba done. lie placed
the noose over bia bi'ttl aud io hi'
pranks drew it until life was eitinct.
The body when discovered wa io
cliucd forwarJ, rsstin on llio toca.
tbe kocea almost touching the fl or.
llnllon arcidenta are becoming
frightfully common. Gne occurred
lately nt Psuli, Indiana, which thrill
cd llio epcclutors wilb horror. While
the aeronauts wero peltiug into the
cur tbe ropes K,r) way, bo 1 the bil
loon shot up with ercst vrlocltv. One
I' ftlictwo vovuzera b t ito, and toll
to tbe earth uninjured ; but the other
clnir to thu rop.-s until u hihl ot
'ubout a tmlo or m re ba I boon reucn-
jfd, when bo too let go bia hold
. !Ii
koarcnt wai frightful. Strikini: the
earth, bia bead wus muht-d into an
iodi.itinguiahsblo ma-. and the body
waa crushed and bruiaei boiribiy.
The body luade a hole iu the ground
'eight iocbea deep, and rebounded
fi'ur feet Ironi where it atruck. The
wife and children of the uniorlunate
aeronaut were horrified wituenne ol
jlbia Fceno.
Injchtice Wo understand from
a source entitled to credit, that a cvn.
tletnsn of thia city, who bad long uf.
fered frwro cancer. vMtcd ' Pbiladel-
pbia lust sprint; and placod himself
15;)iJ UQUfP inecnnrgo in me uiteciors tu i0 pmo Torcgt, is s.iid to bo swept out
nvdical iutititutc, who bims-t of won l eai-tance, with its live or six bun
5017 ! 'lerful operutjn and uiiraculounuri a. jrod inbabitanta who pcrUhed in the
508SjThep cbicied tho invalid, breathed driucr. Tbo whole shore of Green
kiud word of encouragement io his uy noutti to neur Fort Howard i
g,enr, and apparently cooa'ulered iii-'suid to bo on fire.
Icaae a curublo cne. Tho opcrution I Oo the cesl eide ofOreen Uav the
w'' Prrformed, the pour IU:tti p:iid
, ut b'9 hMr 'J "'':..
a a .'a.
'"r -'"""l0tc(1 011 l"oHiio t.y
B,,M ,vc" ,,lm; -"' "-
cJ ,0 '""""-P'l in debt Slt0
lJt'""ed the money and returned tu
practitioners having muilu a sunt thinkaU;.uiill. nod
i . I I .1. . 1 : .
, "I mo money, w un mioriiieu ui:uum
be PllltfJ l J" uve,'i' rr"on P'essinir
I the aliihUr.t claim to humanity. And
audi uieo claim bcnevoleoco but it
i ol' tl",t,r")r,' wi!'
lutten crave.
i i.. "
I aWHHltlfr
WlllnlaUd) Utorbe Ircsldcnl.,1,,lty ,n,1 above 1 ..rt Huron, ex
I Wo hope ao, if eba is pretty
fun to bo under petticoat covi-rumont
I ; r,i ,...,ii,.,, ,i ........ ..f .
IfUIIWUt Mil I HIU a I SB llllll I SI
broomntick or scolding. Every giod
lookiug chap would have a chance lor
otlk e then. How gloriona to bo closet
ed uloue with the fair executive of the
nation, ou business of a privsto and
confidential nature I The old custom
of kissing the baud might be revived ;
and from tbe band to the lip, isn't
such a great distance, you kouw. Tho
Presided tes niul be cither a widow
or n maiden lady so as to give an am
bitious iellow n chance. Her bust in
marble, and bor portrait on canvas,
would look well, dwplnyed ail over tba
country, ioNtead of some low-bruwed.
eamiuoii-looking rooster, with stubbed
beurl sod the air of " an ouery cuss.''
Tho fuir bead of the oation would of
courae set all the fashions. Her nl
miniatrntioo would inaugurato an era
of love and elegnuce, to the utter cou
fuion nf dusty politics. Tho election
eering will bo rich when two rival lady
candidates sre up for tbo biyhest oflioe
in tbo gift of tho people. Fauey one
oftbem a plump, enmely female, and
tho other a Icau, luok specimen of wo
manhood. Wo abould bavo torch
liohl processions, with banners bear
ing such mottoes as " Full Bosoms
Forever, " Down with tbe Paint and
Powdor." ' Hurruh for full Garier
"Xo wbitbered Shsnka." "Pretty
Ankles are tbo Nation's Rulwarka."
" No Cotton Rreustworka for our
Country's Defences.1' "To Anna, Ve
Brave, when they ara fuir. Dimpled,"
od so oo. At the poll, huge, placards
would be everywhere seen, with audi
inspiring legends ss "Vote fur rail
Coisets and Lovely Women." "Give
the Kiasing Candidate a Chance."
" Go for tbe Uelle ol the Nation.1'
These will be bigh old day la the
history of oar republic, and may we
live to see them. W speak for the
berth of Private Secretary. N. J,
A Carnival of Fire.
Tha Wtor'thneat lai Tlnmea.
The light of tbe great conflagration
at Chicago has outshone tha still
greater nnd, and if pnnible, mora ap
palling fires which for three weeks
have wrapped the east forests of Mio.
nesola, Wiac.'naio, and Michigan io
one sheet ol flainea. Tho Inaa of life
line been triple that of Chicago, the
suffering entailed aioro poignant, tha
effort upno the future of the eonotry
and the great Northwest iocoropara
bly more important,
nig ARiAT rme or otto h in, 1871
Mr. J. Ditureell. who Is tboroouh.
ly informed on the Northwest coon
try, writes to The l'ie$, it lollows !
During :be past two wecka tho great
and destructive fires that have been
raging in Illinois, Wisconain, Minnes
ota. Michigan, and Indiaoa canting,
altogether, the deatructioo of proper,
ty M an ratimutcd amount o Jivehun
I ml mi'llvm toll art, and ttt leal ie
(hou$anl fur exceed all other
similar culainitiea that bare befallen
this er any other country Irom u like
Tbo burning of the city of Chicago,
which commenced Suturday evening.
October 7, and raed for two dnya.
stands nut ns the greatest calamity,
having deatroyod proieriy nniounting
to about two hundred and fifty mill
inn dollars, besides a great loss of life.
Tho heart rending deiaiU of this great
configuration are well known to the
public. About tbe same time the
prairie aouth of Breckinridge, Minn.,
took fire. The Oumus ran faster than
the fleetest animuN, and aooo reach
ed tho Bii Woods, extending for
more than ono hundred miles from
north t ' south. There the fire soizod
upon tin underbrush, which wits aa
dry aa tinder, and presently the forest
was burning io ull diructions, and a
clean sweep of tbo heavy timber was
made for many miles. The roar and
crueklio of tho treci wb-n the con
flogratiuii got under full headway
could be hoard for a great distance.
In its course this Cro dixtroyed an im
nicope amount of property tbo ttraln
and hay of tbo settlers, tboirliveatock
nnd I'arin-hnuaus wero burned io an
inttuot, and those wero deemed for
luuute who i sciiped with their lives.
Thia Gre extended through fevcral
lor.'O counties, reaching from near the
Red river of the north to tho Miono-1
aota river, near Monkato, a distance
of iibmt one hundred and fifty roilea.
M toy wmuil town aroaaid to bo com
pletely swept out ol exifteocc, and at
lust itecouota tho wood about Ulen
coo, Muuknto, nnd New L'lm wero
blazing still unchecked. It ia feared
tlinl the tire will make rapid headway
toward tho Mitbii-eippi river below
St. Paul.
exi eoms u.o atsaairous nres ru .
L-tliRio ineonain. on bol b aides ol
ti recti It ty This i a lumber region
extoiulin for tipwunl. of a hundred
miles on the wcM aide nf tji'cetl liny.
Pisbtci;o Htaudiotf buck from the buy
about ten miles, bt-in surrounded by
t,vn of Kruusels is di al roved, willi
the surrounding forest in Door county
Here, Sis", wus a reul lslruition ot
lil'o und property. Thiity men are
rcporloi t'i have bcn burned at Pen.
aauUce, Orooto conuty, Vieonsiu,
where Iney were atirroundea in u
u.iublo to esciw. wore
In nbandoncd camps
roatud alive.
in tbo woods, boola aud chai red bo-1
lieabitve been fnun ), and Krcutnum-
bcraof wild aiiiniiiW b:ivo periahed.
The great lire racinj in Miohigin
ou the shores of Lake 1 1 iron aro nf
the most fatal character. To the
north of the Saijiiitiw river, oo both
the eastern and western bhores of Sox- j
iriiuv ltjy, the woods aro on tire,
threatening; tho destruction of iIiohui
rouudin); villages and lowos. Ter
rible fires are reported io the wood
back ol the shore, near Au Suble und
Tawas Citv this wbolo section of
ani'eouoty is dovutatod by firo.
All that part of Micbiirtta east of
Saginaw Hay find oorth of a point
icnuiui; to uie mae sni ro. nns uoen
completely swept by fire. Ilu.'oo ci-
ty, andbeacb, Elm Creek, Vi bite
Rock, and Korcsiville aro utterly do.
alroyed, nnd it ia improbable that Port
Auritin and Poll Credit have escaped.
Ileartaickening accouuts of women
and children burned to doutb Come to
ua from all section of Huron and Sao-
iIho cnuoties. Fires are also (aid to
bo raging in tbe woods near Sminaw
City. Saw mills have been destroyed
and other ptoperty uuiouuling to
A deitruotive Gre broke out in tbi
viilags of Manisice, Michigan, lying
on ibe est ahora of Lake Michigan,
October 8ib. and raged for nearly u
whole day, destroying upwards of 200
dwolliocs, six lurgo aw milli, and a
vessel nt tho dock. Kntiiiiated loss
$1,800,000. Fires nre also reported
to be raging in every direction around
Lansing, lb capital of tbe State Tbe
town o' Grand Junction has beeo eo
eulirely destroyed.
News bus beeu reocived that the
towns of Wayland, Motawan, Vick
burg, nod Holland are almost totally
destroyed, lying in tbe Uituwa, All".
L'ttn, sud Van liiren counties, border,
ing on Lako Michigan. A Into dis
patch Hnys that in Holland, a German
rtoltleiuenl, 8,000 people are hoineleae.
In Ohio a conflagrutioD baa benn
raging wet of Toledo, and tho whole
country is wrapped in smoke,
A conflagration lias aUo boon ra
ging tor aeverul day In tbo vicinity
of Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Till roUKST I'lRES.
The paper of to Jay (Oct. 10) say
"the wholo West is oa fire," from
Green Bay to Menmnonee, aorno sixty
or seventy roilea, iK-pero, rorl How.
ard, sod Wrigbttowa srs threatened
with deslruoiioa. Advice from Food
da Luo. Wis., say that roporta from
tbe northern distrieti grew hourly
worse. Tbe aoennots ot aufTering aro
ooparalleloda Food, clotbiog, aad
money art greatly wanted.
NKW8 IT12M8. -
Iowa Is troublod with a snptrabun
dance of grapes. Tbey ooly bring
three Cents a bosh el.
The valao of petrolenm el ported
from, the United States ia 1870
amoaoeedto $16,000,000. t
Mr. Pardee, of riaselloo, made a do
oatioe if 1200.000 to Ufo-tle Colleg.
Kuaton, the other day. for the ereetion
of a building for tbo ScieatiGe Depart
meat. '
The Danvilto and ITstdton rnil
rad, rnonlnu from Fonbury to llnt-d-ton,
has beeo compiled Irconnrci
with tho Lrbluh Valley road and will
be ao important coal ihroiiKhfure.
A farmer residinir near Wearer
luwu on tbe Potomfto. die I from bav
ing beeo poisoned in conitnq'ience of
uetiing the virua of a arlandered bor(
into a small soro on hi finger. II
survived ocly fix or seven dy.
A womao who killed her faimb.-md
in Cinciiiouli waa recently tried uo i
acquitted. The newspapers there sa
tho nrqiiittal reaulteil from a belief "O
tha pnrt of the jury in a womao'a rgb
t'ishnnt" if aha balieves tier busbar.d
Jerry Diiey. a colorod aian who
bua beo in prison in Philadelphia
during a period nf II yesra for a mur
der committed io 18')", died io prison
on tbo 3rd. IIo has been all tli'
timo ondcr sentence of deatli, with
the warrant for his executioo un
A man recently came to his death
in a cniioiis manner at Venice. Jialy
Ho was a'andintt near a brnnxe aiitom
aton. which told tbe time of day. with
bia bea l between I bo bell and tlic
nainmor. Tbo hour came round with
out his no'ico ; the aoUmnton struck
ouc, and knocked bis bruins out.
ISraiubridge, (iu., mut have n very
salubrious ciima'o fr babies. They
have about 1.500 inhabitant, and tha
city records show ao avcraits of five
new baiiies per week when tho per
centage falls off. a woman will catch
up by having Iwiua. und often triplets.
One woman is doin well by nuraing a
quurtett of babies.
Tbo atory of a recent land sink in
Oranue eouty, I'la , is i hoax. Thor'
has boco no such phenomenon in that
section Tbia contradiction would
seem to be unnecessary but for tbo
fact that some respectable and widol
circulated papers at the Nottb have
republished tho rediculous atory with
leri'.us editorial comment.
So fur as salary concerned, Pres
ident Thiers, of Praoce. is a liltlo bet
ter cared for than our President The
Assembly ha recently iocrcaed hi
.... i....
to ?12U,0UU ft year, with
uQ (or CllBlinBl.nt IIo is
I , . . ...:l4i,.,,i wiiriiiod. mid lighted
free. Tho to':l amount of hia pav lis
cbiet executive is eaid to bo ubutii
Aa enormous woman, one Caroline
lloeiun, i on exhibition in loudoti
Her ao issui l to b3 twenty. two years
and weighs 500 pounds. Sho niean
urea seven feet around the body, 2'i
toches acro.'is tbo shoulders. It ia add
ed that, unlike uio't Cut people this
hre body in ab'o to sustain great
physicul exertion, i batidtotno, plcus
in nod highly iiitelliciit.
Four or fivo men were killed ami
Iwcnty-five weic wonuded on Tm's
ibiy t Philadelphia durinn the iioln
whieb broke out in the southern purl
u ..f il,o oil v Tim inilitui went onlcr-
Ci, ou, a lt.ulenan, of police, nam
I. h.,,,-,,-,.. . w n,.,.,tn,i m. tho
i,nl.l e nl.s'irii. lin.r the noils. The
charge: of obstructing the polls.
riot ia attributed to tno ill treatment
of ucuro voters at scverul of tho polls
A thief was arretcJ in the town of
Hi-aid wmd, Illinois, tbe other dny,
und, for want of prison, was locked up
in an empty freight cur standing on
I ho Chicut-'oand Alton Ilailroad truck.
That nliibt a Ireiuht train came ulo'iir
aitaehcd tbe prison car, and whirled
it away. Next roorninz tha Brai I
wood people found that tbeir prisoner
hail not ooly rscapod. but had taken
bia jail along with him.
A largo hawk apparently in o,ucstor
e'nii'kens met with a singular fata in
iJ.trrsoD county, Pa . a fnw days ai
( , n,.,! tt,.0un i tho burn of Mr
Jojin CotTinan. Gaskill towna,ip, and
finallv lit 00 tbe pniot of one nf the
lightning rods, descondiufr with such
velocitv as to force the sharp iioinl
entirely Ihrnilub bis body. While it
waa striiitL'lini; to free itaelf a niinber
of other huvka flow around it, evi
dently sjuipatbiiiny and offeriog their
An interest case was tried before
nu E-'OQ-ville, (Inl.) Justice a fear
daysseo Anno named llusnn bad
been killed by a runaway horse. A
subscription wns tskoo op lor the bene
fit of Ilia widow ana children. John
Outran, brolbor of the dioased, col
lected tbo subscriptions, nod kept the
money, claiming- that hia brother waa
indebted to bim at the time ol the
lunth. On tho trial tbe widow rb-
taiood judireDient. and tbe eharitablo
Johu bad to dii:ori.
The Now York World has a Con
netieut corieHpnndeol siuuino; t It e
name of" Old liotsy'' who says that
in her opinion free-lovo is a very
cood doctrine for fresh, lively men
and women, but for a person all worn
out by hard wark sbe think itaruotints
t'i but very little. Woro oat wives,
sho suys, would bardly like to place
tho luxurv In the wav of their hus
bands. " Old lietsr" is a sinsible wo
mao. and bits tbe universal lovers a
severe blow Io a pla n way.
St. Louis baa Inaugurated a reiorm
siaonz tbe drinkinff ait loons In that
oily, by theeuforoooient of sa ordioaoee
which stipulates that no application fur
a orainebop license shall be itraniea
unlossit is acoompsnled by a pennon
air0d by a majority of the tax-pay
ine: vitisena tn lbs block vbore - il ia
propoeed to locate the eatablisliroent. found Ibst tbo lowest elaa of drsru
abnps are unable to obtain the appro
val or their oehEhnora, snuxi) rcsuu
of thia has beeo tbat soms of the lowest
dsna Id the city bai bteo cloted
"WaaTKi.-A gnod steady Boy te lea a
tfc Chair-Making baslner. Apply anon.
Levi RaLtsa.
8llnsrne Oel. 18. 1"1.
RUt oflanael rshrwae. dcr'd. 4
A. Xv
tutors of dmtnUlraHrm 4k tha aMt nt
sumiia ttthrmae, lata or HMvar tp.. htfil-r,
nnnty, tfMinl. kSTlna two )nil.l ui tM mn
drln(t. all p-rtnni kenwln thintl vm Ib
ahteil l sM Mime r rqnt1 mkr
etBt wlrhnni rttl-r- an.l ibjtm havlDR aUlns oa
tha sana will rsni thm te
Oct. It, ISTt. Adislnlttnlor.
F.sTlTeovOEllRdK KI.INF. Pic'd.
Ixr.crTou s notipk L-t-er.
U Tapuntrr the mala of rtanrwa
K'lne, Utir &t9T towo-hlf sinffsr eonntr
dM'U. hta kaa era' tae tr-tl all
rr(iet kaowlng Ihamsvl-M Utlrtl In
t are rflrl In mk mTHMl lthflt
sod lh'e kTlo( rllma will nnwent Ibtm
Oet.HISTI. tiaettos.
(Oppoaits Readme Railroad Depot)
Ilrti'i'lNbtti'i. ln..,
A. ZX. ItAWlM, Yroptiotor.
SVKrery tffnrt seeeatary In Inaara Ika enni-
f,.rt i.r-Mlfl Mill Lm M-d Tka hn.M t, , l-n
aaoly ranttad. Iwctlt.llTltt
Intely Iinprovotl
Shuttle Sewing Machine
rnili2 UliHT!
tastTTbia Celebrate ! MncLiue tnakes (he
Runs Fslar and Hmnniltar, aad make
Heiier anJ Neater Wnrk than any other
Machine now In iie.
lis aiipprierity uter all oiher nclilnts is
aoknowleil by all who bate ever seen tl
Three Intelligent and highly respecinhte
eitir.ena of this eountj. seling aa Juilpra,
The First Premium
al the lale Agricultural lair u( Snyder
October IS, 7l. tailosgruTe l'a.
lulll; tSulo.
OV rlrlne of aa Aet or Asaambly arprorcd
March W, A. I. 171. the iimlerilKiied 1 rualcaa
ol tha l.utliornn and Rafurma.1 i.'unKreirntlon uf
HaaaliiKer's Church. In tha Tuwnihlp ol Frank
Uo, will sipuaa ,o Public bale, oa tbe praailxa,
8ATCni)V N'OVEM ItEU 4tb, TI.
the l.illowlne dlacrlMd Ileal btate to wit :
All that caitulu lueaau.i.a and IK AC I' nf
l.ANU, mhuli'lne landa ofeoliarna.l. rlchnch,
Maubcn Llaaubvuei, Aaruu liuyar aud utbur,
and On Htirdrcd and Thirty rour rarehei,
on whlcn la areciaa a TWO -TiirlV HOL'nK,
llarn and ulnar naca.-.iry nut iiuiiaintTa. i
illa to oouimanca ut 1 o'ciocu r. .i. on aam
day whan taruia will tia ruj'ia known by
Vt lLlalA.M liUtVr.KSOX.
f)ct. 10, ISTt. Tai'Tkae.
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN Pnreiinnce fit an order of the
Or.hana !ourt of Snyder fount y. granted
ti tha un.lartlKna.1 Aiimlniatrator ot the eaiuta
ur UANK.I. nl'HOAP t-t . ile:eaaa., will ba
atp.i-od Iu .'untie l. on tha proiulaes In Vi el
Parry loanable, -nydar auumy.uu
Friday, Sovimhtr to, ISil,
Tha followlne darcrllwd rulunbla Real Ijtata,
to wit: All Uut cartulD luouuaga aud
Sltuata In Weat Tarry townahln.Knydareounty
I'tnn'a . b undad or) the North by land of t rail,
arlca Klifllng and Henry Truup, Kant by Uml
nl l.erl Taata, Miulh b land of John Mruup,
and Watt by land of Krclarlck Kleallnic, con
taining ONE llt'NIiHtU ACKKS, or
laai, abaraon are oracled a two atory weatlirr
boarded HWKI...INO HOI'slU lama llarn,
aud other neceaaary uot bulldlnge. There la an
excellent OKt'HAHD on the uramlaa. and a
lrlua euniaiilantto the liouia. About aerenty
acre, ui .aid tract are cleared and under Ruod
cultivation, the balaacs ixxl Timber Land.
hate tu eoiutnence al W o'clock noon on laid
day whan terms will be made known and at
tendance siren by
liANIEI. tVTKorp, Aflni'r.
Weat Perry towatblu, Oct. M, .7I.
KXPTMil I I'KK of the Nchoid Fund of
the llruu;li of .Mlildlaburtt lor two jeura from
June A. 1'. isea to June A. I). ISa I. John Hock
Treasurer and Collactur: liK,
Juhn tin h, Treasurer, to amount of Du-
tdlcate for year A. V. 170 19i M
In du do do 1S71, laai r,i
Btate appropriation for ISTO 4V it
da du UTl 1 fi
Saest lu
Total smnnnt nf Indeeteitne-s at laat
Bubllahad statement June IMS U33 07
Teai hera aalary lor too yearalaiUfe 1S71 olu 00
AU'.uul paid lor ruel .., oa 7a
Mlacellanavut aipenroa SOU
Uy whole am't nf orders paid by Treaa'r
for the echool yeara '70 a '71 including
Intercat SaKl S3
" ExkunoratluD on Duplicate for 1S70 31 us
.. .. V .. r to
" Collector's percentile for 1S70 N n
1 .1 .. .. es o
" (per cent, allowed tai pa)era first
twu utouths lor l7u S3 11
do tin di do 6a ss
" amtol Indabteduaaaou duplicate for '71 Sue SI
taeM 10
liy amount of nrdera paid, Including- In-
ciumnK iniaraai since laai puuiiaueat
June A. I. 1S71 3191 32
" aru't of Indebiedaai of Dial r let Jane
A. II. l7l 10SI St
Wi 17
. WR.the nnderalentvl. Audltnra nfthenorouah
of Mlddlebiire. du eerilly that the lorenliie
account ol the reoelpla and eiiiendlturea of tue
cicnoaji r una 01 ine eitia isoruunu inrtu.tinii iau
T'ara, la true and correct to the beat of our
know ledge aad belief.
Wltneai our hauda the'Ad day nf Heptamber,;!. . HEN KY J. SMITH,
- Aedltors.
Executor's Sale.
The underaienad, Kieoulor uf tbe laai
Will and Trainmen! o' John J. Kline, lata
of lloaver lown-blu, Hnyder t'ottnty dee d.
will aipoae to public aale on Ibe premis
es, 00.
Tbe following deacrihe-t farm or tract of
land sltunte in Dourer lowmhip, Hnyder
coiiniy, boundod end dieorlbed as fallowa.
10 wit t On ibe north by binds or wan in.
Moyer, John W, Kline and ounuol nearer.
eouib by lande of Michael Piatt, Bamuel
Moyer and Kacbael Uiereonnch t east hy
lamls of Oenrae llaaaineer and David f'ole
man, and weal by M. Dloueb, containin.
295 ACRES!
more or lea, ia a food stats of culiivalloa,
on which is erected a goe-d
House and Barn !
Iara Wagon shea. Torn crib, Hider press.
ana otnsr necessary nnu convenient out
buildinsa. Oood and never failing; water
I. .. . IVUmmm ..nil 1 .
ovar avuia. . , v a1 v-
ebarda of choice frtill Ireea oolbe premie
ii. .1 : . I 1
a, a ne larna ia euppneu aim a;uaa ,nu
ber. and la an eiiuuted thai It ean be ad
rauUgeoualy diriilodi If tbe properly is
not sola en iue aay aarerueea u win
of probalog a large farm will do well to
flail lbs piaoe. ror inrtner iarnouiara
eall on Jeaae Kotpp, Middleereek P. Q
Bar der Co., Pa.
Sale le eoweaeaee al 10 o slock A. M. of
eald ilav vbea oeaditlone will be mads
knew, bv ' JK8SJS KN'BPP. ', Iseratet.
K0.-4M) North Third Street,
JOTS OT.TMER. frofrtter .
January 1 ft70--if
Hhorifl- Nnlo.
T)V Vlrtne of a writ of Fi. Vt Uoied
tmiai mieflirtorimmmoa ptmi at
Ml nf Ik. n u . . ,
... V' n. imrnq win vm gnnaan lo
Mblle al. tha t'onrt Hon. In the tioronk
or Mldillabtire.atl KATI'KIIAN, I Mnher Wth.
lari. at I cloak P. M , the Mlnwlng Maal
taut, to wlti A eartiln Int of eronnd "Itaata
In ( lownhlp, Nnjrt-r emnt Pann'tl
ranis, InnndM sa li.llnwa, tIi; Mai by lrr
.., Wm lr lan.Hof Jaenhand l-hlllp Itenle
lawif enM or nfcartff Io William O. flacrol..
Houth tT,,o I.I le road and North Vt -land or J.
H. and P H. lnle letelt hi Iff hnaeifll Wm
(I Hern.ld, ennumine PI V K A. -a Ho. mora or
taat, ell el-an-a. watoall aa take In eiacuUoa
nd to be told aa tha property of .leb H.
JOHN ef. WULr.bkarlU.
Sheriff's Office, Oct. I, Is;i.
Rmcell it- Co.'$ AJifrtUemtnti.
Vunrtr, 8yihHi Nronfa, , L'tc-r.
S-iU Rhi-mn an t All Oilvr Chronic
lilofid l)!ea.
II P. T KKEVK havtna at ratnrnad from
toaador and br.,ulit IU km onntlti oliha
eennlna -errn aio Hans. aciicd throaak
lliaott.UI rw-oinmandailon and wMann of
lilt Ktialtauof tbe PraaMant of r;ia..)r, and
tha (Itivarntuant of that llapuhlla we nre pro.
pa red to nil orderi for It to a limited eitant.and
at e prleo awtnl onefnarir of that which tha
roat nl tha oral rert amall aapplf com ml la I us
to charae.
A Set ainrs srllela Is now sdvertlaed and
fold aa leaduranso. We hare aim oontldar
bia epana, and with tho no oparatlne nf tha an.
tharliiaiof Mia.lba prerlore where tha plajil
eri'W, an dlra-tal tha channel of ur supply aa
toemurothat nona but tha Ih-nulne Article
hall I e.,1,1 by a i and we pirtlcnlarly call the
atiantion o( tlia pubil ', for their prulaoilun, to
tulalacl. 1IL.I.S KKr.MP. a I'll.,
ei.alar nt , Naw - ork.
It W. Ili.iaa, M. D.. WaahlnKton, U
V.. Ui.iaa. M. I)., New York , P. T Kaaaa, M.
!., Naw York.
A roMipoiiiitl ( nran-nui oil. iff. Arknowl.
I.'il Itr 6rf nromotrrof Iht nrmclk nnd htniiln
nflhr Mr. Jtfj. 1UHI?T CO.. Uoaton. Mn.
euld by ell J-.-nrUto. llnr-re a fMifulieiia
T'TJTa'T" Tav aanrLe of onr e'aat a-paoa, i
XilCffstl.uO llluatrato.1 weekly aa yoare
ataiiiai,al. r Ins ateel anerarlnKS free to aub
crlhara. Atlanta m-k ki n day. Mend for Sat.
urday Gataua, llallonall, Jla.
The and moat reliable Inrtltutlona for
obtaiuliie a Mercantile Education.
e- Practical bualneae man aa Inatructort.
Fur Information wrlta for a circular tn
P. lil'FF k. MJN, Plitabur-h, Pa.
Hollelted ky MINN It Co.
rubllahars r'ciTieiu A
mkbicav, 17 Park How,
N. Y.
Twenty-flre yeara' siperlenee.
Pamphlot cintaln riK Patent Laws, with full
direction how tn obtain Patents free.
A latum! rulumeuf lis uavaa, ouutaliilne lite 1
New t'ctt-tta liv count lea and all larict, cttlaa. i
Nil cnsTurinKa or Mechanical , rat
ent l.awi and rule fur ubtnlulng Patent-, iu:ill
cd on receipt ol U cents.
ES.RTII I'l.OSKTS. -dot Ilia beat. Ka bth
I iott ( ci., 'Jla Ntate St., Ilurtlord, Cnnn.
oe V. H. Proiirletora nt Moula'a. Mottle a Olr
Ileal. in'a, l.utlier'a, Warlntc'a, Newton'a and
lhxilllllc'a Paietiia. Tho only t.'loaeta that hare
have proved etla. tlva. The Fatrih I loaat, by Ita
ill-lntectlon nl fuecea, la the moat rarnai.leiiio-tna
nl proventliiK apread uf cholera and other con
taulutia illcnaea. eeinl lor olrculara. AKcnle
wanted everywhere. Nat.Kaiiooaia : 19 lioane
M , lloal'i.- 1 HM Hmsdway, M. Y. 11 Markot
Mrcet, Philadelphia-
FOR SAI.K, A choice farm of IS acre In
t looter! o., :tOmllca from Philadelphia. Ad
Ureal J II KZ 1IAILV, Malburo P. O , Pa.
I I mm For SH per Inch per Month, we
I I rjwlll Inarrt an Ad entailment In lo)llrt
lyjrtaaa Pa. Nrtrapariins, mri.i'iisii
aaw lot liTtilt Proportionate
ratdi tor emaller adrertliamants. Ll't fan!
tree. Addrea
f.Ms. I. ROITIXI. V C o
630. WO WILL FAT 30.
A sent. S30 per week to Fell our (rent and ralu
ab)e dlacorerlea. II you want tiermanent boa
oralile and plaaaant work, apply for particulars.
Addreaa DV EH av CO., Jackaun. Mlchla; m.
A Clergytnsn, while reaiillng in South
America a Miaa'onsry, iliacurersil a safe
ami simple remedy for Ibe cure of Ner
rotia Wcnkueas, Karly Decay, Diseases of
t'rinary and Seminnl Ornnns, anJ Hie
whole train of dtaonlers brought on by
baneful sml.vicinus babila. Ureal numbers
bare been cured by this noble remedy.
Prompted by a desire Io benefit the nlfl el
ed nnd tinfoi lunate, I will send the recipe
for prcparintr and using this medicine, in
it sealed envelope. In any one who needs il
free at char-e. Address Jos. T. Unas,
Station D, Hilda lluiisa, N. Y. City.
AYOincH.'At KS.A rletlre nf early ladle,
eretlon, eanalnic nerroue debility, premature
a.oav. etc.. havlita tried In rale even advertis
ed remedy, haa dtecovered a ehnplo meaiia nf
aeu cure, morn ne win aenn in nta taiinw-auner.
era. Addrcii J. Il . h KEY ES.79 Naaaau St. N, Y
isthb vaaATamvov
The cli
nea Iv t
he cheapeat bonk arar published containing
ly throe hundred paeuai and nne bundrea
and tlilrtr line nlatea and enararlnaa ol tha a
natomy el the human orxans lu a state M haallh
and dlaeaae, with a treatlaa n early errora, Ita
deplorable oonee-iuencee unoa Ibe mind and bo
dy, with the uuluur's plan uf treatment the on
ly rational and aucceeelui mode el cure, saahown
bv a remit of tne eaaea treated. A trtithlul ad- tu the married and tboee contemplating
marrtaea, who entertain doubta nf their thyai.
caleon'lltloa. haul tree of wietaKa to any ad
dreaa, on receipt of 2&eenla lu alauipi or jmrtal
eurrency. by aililreaalnii Da L A. LHIiIX, No.
81 Maiden I.ane, Albany, S. Y. The author
may be eonauued upan any ot the aiieaaea upon
which lila book treata, either peraunallv ar by
mall, and medicines senl M auy part of tbo
Jkiwhy t- Cu't. AdwrtiH-tnentt.
Agent Look! 3to 'X Daily
eaally made. FroHlsble sad refpeetable bual
oaas. A little novelty wanted by everybody,
piuocaia aura. Keml alantp for elreulera to
f hurchlll k Templeloo, Manu'i, SIS llroadwsy
hew Yurk.
$10 from 50s
IS SlWUI aeat (portage paid I for fjftf O-cW, thai
reuilaaaui lor Tan liulaia. R. L. Vuaorrr. M.k.
A first slass largo quarto Journal, el eolomaa.
Illuairated. Or one year fur So cents, with tss
bouno lecturea, by Jamas Mellosb, I). II. I. la
!., aud h. U. Haven, II. U.. I. I. U , aa pre ml
uta. Send name and addreaa U PEOPLE'S
JUL'BNAL, fhlladeluUla, l'a.
Sexual Scienc
Ineladlna Manhood, Wemaeheod end their mu
tual luierreiaiiona, taora, lie lira rower, at-.
byProf. ). H. r'owler Keod for Dlroulara and
lawlnea paes. Addreaa IaTIOKAL. fVU
iLltalllNG GO., Philadelphia, Pa.
AQISTH WAR TED. Beund eaarasslag book
Cmtalae erer aoo lllaerratloai. Is e eoanrdete
Library of Hlolllaal Kaowlede. Eioalls ell
oihars. la Enellak asd Oereaan. Seed die air-
ouius. la Enellak aea Oeraaan. a aad ee air- iiouools.eivi! ana reiijtiou n
aeUi. WflaUlfcCe.m.lalebis, WW, SVViAliU&i U-i tUMXSW.
fti? rodF'THE el),
hat It ha dona. What It Is dot.-.
mirarira lil.atr I
atartl r-a- eeimaa .-.I i .Tifw.
f afr5.fT'"'' 1
LlsHlJffl i n.. i s . 1 1
i i . 1
Pook Aaeniaha,. Ion." . "
In ihs siibaerlptloa line, whwil, wiJi
al.kt l 'twill. .V "u Wl li
j w. n. , .1 WDICh ..
J, 7 - " " """,""1 ana .,.
enmnlntne an nilt.t . .
clr la Uiwrrw . Vn " V
:j .i it ' i i
...... v., . lr.. . Auneeat iil'o
tl.fcA. rubllshsr, 119 8an.0
I'Lilsdelphla. 9 J
85,000 .VlSdT
lh Sarin Kmlaranta frnaa ho i-j, I
a won.lalul ona, andormnf try 'noted ChuOl
eeea longreareiea, eU. fplendl eiMUt.
... i
f.VVM. lea.t.vd.'.l.Kt'l lh :'" 1
rare chance to turn rpare houra Into ci.k l
chare noihlna Inrclrculara and full ...
....... ai, prmo mi ft, into Inolr i..J
Hon ul all ear book. It will piy al' t i.1 A.l.lro... AM KRI!VpUULl
COMPANY, llsrtlors Uoeu. UMH1
Wells' Carbolic TflWe
i nana laoiata preaant the Aeld let!
with other afflcle. t rcmadlea le a uoi
r u r,ir an i nniiAT and LUNit i, '
aea. HiAsee and ctr.o, ,,,
m ante ara cnnHtanilv hin i. .k. ? o
torol rallel lacaaotof throetllffleulUeal).
at i. .Una.
M . l a ( arblllc lal.l,
1 Pon't he decalred br t I
laaa Imllailnn. n.. I
Jt hi at q. k ti.i.oua, IS ttt., N ? 'I
e. a fur olroular. Sula Aeanta forthiv
.. T " .... ..........n. .in i a
deduction of Prices I
1 1 v 3nttiii8r lip Clubs
. Hand for oar New Prlee Mat and a 1 .
rota will accompany It, oontalnine lulldiVJ
' ' mnaina a mraa HTIHIt VIWDIUtaMI i
re toratlretoeloborvanltera.
h e Great Amrriunn Tm Cinrl
11 a u rrirv mti' 1
P. O. Boa SAIJ.
t.w yolf.
aur.MT.-WANTKnrnra mrannly Fm J
uor, rnwiirim w BiTTaa, a tho
reliable book.
A thrltllnir aceonnt or that lire In all Ita cw
aea, WH IT I' EN IIV A VOti VIL'T.endonsl 1
tne P'owrit itti kkkiik or the state, t;J
w ADiir..-t ana 01 uie I'riana.
Una the vali am! revenla the hurrora of that 11
under the old ayatem of brutnl treatment, ata
rlnua. whlnnlnira. ahamelaced erlmlnalltle. wi-
female eonvicta. niullnlea, mur.lera, ao. alio tu
anvantairea nt the new ayetem or kind tret:
ment, lntely Inanvnrated.
pen picture'. FAi'TS aa escltlnit an Action I
la protuacly llltiatriited, la ore'itln a protuDftJ
tt ia inn 01 soul tmrr na inci.ienta. ana tin
aeiiaatinn and ta aura tn prnre the great rru I
ur, r .isr-sr 1.1.1.MI book ulllieaeaaon Piml
low, t or iiitiairaie.! circular a ultra terrei ao I
dreaa IIUHIIAHU UHOS Publlahert, 7 bat I
rout si. rniia.
f I VflT A nilVOIl . s- .r.-M . . . . I
f it -i -un itM wnii it pot. I
nlirly rallrrl n HITTKKi, nor fp It .nitm-leil .
Ilfah II la a v i. a . . . .. I
.. , ixxi.ii nmuiKHs J i sill t ina; i
hi tHU, UPg.,1 J,,,. (puny yMr- Sy Jk r,e(,,C(ll
fami tu nl On... i . . l ...... ... I
. , vp'Hiiuir. win, no oner i u i em -a.
Cy aa a tMlWarlul Alternllra and lrn.l A n.
-an ia a sure auu t'criert
.wuivoy io r an iiiaoitsea ot tue
The Liver and Spleen, Enlargement ir 0'j
strtieiinn of InteHiines, Uriuury, Ulerins
or Abdoniinnl Organs, Poverty or a
Want of lllood, loicrtniitent or Ke
niitient r'erem, InllniiimsiioB of
ofthel.ircr. Dropsy, Sluggish
Circulation of the lilaod, Aba
cease. Tumors, Jiundice,
vyspepiia. Ague & Fetcr
or ihuir cxneoinitante.
Dr. Wrllk' Extract of JrRlBEBl,
laollered to the pnl llassa erest Itn korntor ant
remedy lor all Impurltlre of tbe blood, or tut
oricnnlo woaknaaa alth tr.e.r etteuUaut eilll
Eor the forettolnir complaints
laonnfldonlly reeomniended t every family aaa
houiohold reinmly. and eLoiit ba freelr takra
In all deranKementa of th ayatein, it sliM
ha.lll, 1 I .... B mmtA .a.. a l - I . .
..v-....., ...... iii, ... . ma anal iorr-.
and anlinatea and for (Idea all weak aad Irm-
S hallo tetntteramenta.
OHN tl. KEM.UUO, IS Plntt SI. Naw York,
. i'a Agent for the l'nlted Rtalaa.
DatJaaak. taaa IVI I SI. ..a- a r ...
is A I'CnK
m.tC K TEA
with the Oreea Tea Flavor,
w arranted ao tult all tatlaa.
I'or aale eviirywbere In oar
trade mark" pound and hall
pound packairea oslv. An4
lor aale whoUalo only hy the
a esAT Art awtio fc Paoivic Tea tTo., I rhoreh
si. New York P. O. Hui ewe. Send for The
Neetar Circular.
- O C L. O C I .
S32d nhed
H. B. CHAW, Al
NTH. florae and carries s for.
I leiLenaaspald i samples rats
Allred, Me.
VERS, and Uun Materials of every kind.
Write for frlc Mat, tn Ureal Weatern Oiu
Wsrka, Plttabureh, Pa. Army Ouna and Re
solvere buufhl or traded fur. Asanis wanted.
Woman Know Thyself.
The li real publication by Ur. t'haraaae, WO
MAN AS A WIl'Kfc MuTHRR, will aareyou
money and sullerlne, Aaents wanted every-
where Mediae preferred. For terraa addreis
WM. 11. EN A NS . UO. 70 Senium I't., Phils,
Aftft ln kladde In a MONTHS
t MM MM i one agent e an r easing for
i lls: ui iii: 4 it la."
Hy Tr. W. W.Hai i.. AKOnta Wanted. H N.
Mi hi NNCV k CO.. 18 North Tth Hlreet. Phil
adelphia. Pa,
8VrilOI.OOlC Fastinatioi, on
I Houl Ubannlne. iOOnarea br Herbert Ham
ilton, li. A. How tnuae tbla nowerlahlch all nua-
aeaaj at will. Hlvlnatlon, Hptntuelliiu, ttorcer.
lee, iiemunuioay. and a tnouaamt other wonders
Price by mall (,, In cloth : psper covers
Copy free to aiceuta only. SI ooo monthly a wily
made. Addreaa T. W. EVANS, Pub. U B, tth
Street PhUadelphlo, Pa.
lievoa want ssltuatl as asent , local
or iravellnK with chance to make to
S2u per days aelllus our new 7 strand
Whits Wms Ci.oTeaa Lmaa I Tliey
laat lorever i aamplo free, ao there la no
rlik. Addreaa el once llvnaoa Kivaa
Winn Wonts, Cor. Water St. a, Maldea Lane
N. Y. url Dearburu St. Chicago.
emwaaawawaei wFiiaoluiiiltiai Mr
Illuairated Fami
ly llbla eonlaln
Ins over 'joo Sue
berlnmre Illna
trauuas te any
Hook asent, Ireeof charge. Addreas Katiosau
Pvauaaiaii Co. Philadelphia, Pa.
Il aaa tbe 4-11 Ma aad rrrrrehiag
C)rZ--ra'ae-t,e"'lae rarloe
..ihuit. aii mi rna aaaaa
lo enararlniis, li aa sahauatire staedard work,
emiaeaiiy anapiwoj a me i.raav. .
rare I ha Paula Mnaalak IV Item. OITT lias laa aaa-
laas Ucteooea, Ha frauds Its pavseeatlitW, HS
ros imiawalltlae, Its cpn-ittlon to ear puhUe
tleeaaa. aaSS by Uraaataie y .
a4 avaale u patfet MEW VT -