The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 19, 1871, Image 1

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    'ft r
abMehcd every Thursday Evening by
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within th year, No paper discontinued
Bill all arrearages are paid anliM al
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Subscriptions outside of tho county
Btar Persona llftlag an 4 oslng paper
addressed to olbere become subscribers,
and ara Habit for tho prioo of ike paptr
Mlddleburg, Pa.,
fort hit professional service lo the pub
lie. Colleetiono and another emfessional
buttaets entrusted to bit ear will reeeive
prompt attention. Jan. 8, '67tf
' laelinsgrove Pa.,
Offer bit profotiloaal ttrtlea to tbo pub
it. All business entrusted lo bit ear
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(Jan. I?, 'C7U
Frecburg Pa.,
Offora bla Professions! serviette tbo pub-
Ho. AU business entrusted to bla oaro
will bt prompt! attcndtd lo.
Jan 17,'G7tf
Lewisburg F.,
Offers bit professional tervtoe to at pub-
lit. Colleeiioat and all other piorrssion
al basinwst entrusted lo kit oaro will re
ceive prompt atttntion. i
Lewisburg l'fl.
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lie. Collections and all othtr profession-
all business entruated to bit enro will re
ceive prompt altontloa. Jan. 8, 'U7lf.
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iio. Collection and all other profea iona
btitinett entruated to bit care will re
ceivo prompt attention. Oflioe two door
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tra will bo promptly attended lo. Col
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Low isbur Ya.
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lie. All business enlruateil lo bia care
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j:soimble prioet iy ciimig on on t
ir.L Fal st. A sent. tSeliuserove.
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item of Middtcburs nnd vicinity.
March 21, 'C7
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nil ninths. Window fibadet. ISrooms, Matt,
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Mail resnealfull offera bit tervioet to
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aiaand Wall pnpri Paper Bagt V.Qab
. ,., .. t (
- . " ... . r.,.', a. ..' : -1 .: 1 ' ' ' jf. .,.J
K ni I 1 1 ii i" i ' , il I i ' r : '. A I'-.
VOL. 9.
Holeot Poetry
Onet opoa an etenlng balmy,
While I eat ma (reaming. reary,
la tbo tunahiao tklnklna over
Tbingatkal pitted In day of yoro,
Whilt 1 nodded, nearly ateeplng,
Oently eamo a tomelhing ereepiag,
Creeping upward from Iha floor.
" 'Tit a eniling breeie,' I muttered.
'From tbo region, 'oeatb the floor
Only tblt and nothing more."
kh ! distinctly t renumber
It wat in that wet September,
When tbt earth aodtvery member
Of creation that it bore.
Had for weekt and months betn toaklng
In tbt meanetl, moat provoking,
Foggy rain, that wlihont Jtkinj,
We bad eter teen before.
So I knew It must be weary
Cold and damp beneath the floor
Very cold beneath tbt floor.
8o I tat me, nearly nappinr,
In tht tnnshlne, alrelehibg, giplng,
With a feeling quite delighted
With tba breeaet 'oeatb tho floor,
Till I felt mo growing oolder,
And tba stretching waaing bolder,
And myself now feeling older,
Older than I felt before (
Feeling that my Jointa were ellffer
Than they were In the daya of yore,
UiifTer than they'd been before.
Along my back, the creeping
Soon gave place lo rustling, leaping,
At if coi. attest froien denmni
Had concluded lo eiploro
Alt the calllet the vnrinintt!
'Twlit me and my nether gi.rmenii,
Ibrouirh niy noon into Hit noor ;
Then I found myself a shaking.
(lently shaking more em more,
Krerjr moment more and more.
Twat Ibe aeut i and it shook ma
Into heavy clothes, and took mo
Shaking lo tho kilcben, every
1'ls.ce where there waa warnun intigrt
Sinking till the china rallied.
Knotting nil l lie morms naiiltii ;
Shaking, and with all my warming.
Feelint oolder than before t
Shaking til. it bad eihauited
All u powers te anakt mo more,
Till it could ibike no more.
Then It rested till I o-morrow.
When it came with all tho horror
That it bad Ibe face lo borrow,
thaking, shaking as before,
And from that day in September
uay which 1 shall long remember
It hat gniped diurnal visits.
phaking. ehakinif, oh ! to tore :
Shaking off my boots, and shaking
Alt to bed II nothing more,
Fully this if nolhiiig more.
And to-day Ibe swallows flitting
Round my eottago toe me tilting
.lood1l7 whkin the tunsh)!
Just inside my tilenl door,
Waiting for tht ague, teeming
Like a man forevor dreaming :
And Ibe sunlight on me streaming
Casta no shadows on the Hour,
For I am loo thin and shallow
To uiuko shadows on tht floor
Nary a shadow any more.
"Will do one go off for her ? vill no
ooe go off Tor Iter my child, ray ooly
child?" alireikcd the miter, wringing
hit hand, and running to an fro lo tho
But all turned away, There wih
scarcely a soul present who had not
su fle rid at tho binds of the hard
hearted money-lender.
"Ob! for t be love of heaven you
vho are fathers, think of mo I My
diui'bter will psrish will you not go
fir ber, Towocnd V
"Go off for her ? oot I !' laid the
man with a mickimr laugh, ahakiog
off tho miser; "all you your gold
would not tempt rue "out oa that
boiling sea. Betides, ain't I a futber
loo and, think do, no old bulk you
mutt take your iold to another
" Oh ! she will dio, tho will die tny
child for whom I have saved all ! Pe
ter Jones, will you go if I give you a
hundred pounds?''
"Not for ten thousand," gruffly said
tbo persou addressed.
" I willgive a thousand to spy one,''
eagorly said the nieiner j " a thousand
pounds l l know you win go lor a
thousaod pounds Simon; and he seis
ed ouo of the spectator by the shaggy
jacket " Ob, go I sod tbo blesniogs of
a broken hearted una will go wilb
" I can't thiok of it, for I'd never
return to enjoy your money. No, old
man," bo said iu a more fecliog tone
than the other one bad usod, " your
daughter niual die."
"Must die I Ob, not she shan't
die I Tako all I am worth; good sirs,"
be said lifting up bis bands imploring'
ly, " restore lo me my daughter. Only
only I hopo you spare a little for
us lo live on, if its no more than
beggar enjoys "
" Its 00 use, old man, said the last
speaker: ''tho wuIc would oot
tempt us to put out to sos in sueb a torn
peat Ita a bard lot you've got to
boar, and I pity your daughter for she
was a sweet angtL But the paoket
will go to pLeoes la half an hour, and
so, you foe.'lhore is 99 more nope."
Tbo father beard tbe speaker lo si
lence. Then he turned and looked
out to sea, where, a few mioutoe be
fore, tbe outline of the Stranded pack
et might have been aeon through tbo
approaching twilight, el mot t burlod io
the wblrjipg foam jjbat bawled ovef
ibe btr where h Isy ; but now dark-
dpr bad that Iter in front view, and tbe
only knowli:d0 of her poniiioo waa
the sounding ot IW miaule guns
booming solemnly, serosa the aea.
Tbe old trmn gro.ihcJ and stinking up.
00 a bitnH, bnrted hht fitoe io hi
hands nud rocked hia body to and fro
occasionally piusing to lUtco to guns.
or tognse seaward ; and then return
ing hia position, morning continually.
Five minutes might thus bavo pass
ed when n youn man burnt through
tbo erowd j and stinking the old man
by the shoulder, aiid, " Sterling, they
lay your dmiuhter is 00 board tho
packet : 1a it an f"
" Yea, good youth, and you buvo
come to rescue her." ho exclaim l,
ttarting up with caor jny ; but when
he recognized tho spimkor, be aaid, io
a tons of disappuiiitinent ; "Its Harry
Martin. Oh, suroly young man you
have not conio to triumph over tny
distress I"'
" Ilvavcn (01 bid 1" was the fervent
reply. " I come to uid you, if indeed,
mortal mun ctio, in nn txtreuilly like
(bis. Iet bygone be bygones. Only
answer mo ooe question, fur no litno
is to be Inst will you give me your
dnuubtvr if I succeed In rescuing
There was s momentary pnuc, nnd
the muscles of hi fuco worked convul
sively All prifiAd forward to henr
hia answer, I. ir tho fury wilh which
the uid miser hid pursued hie daugh
ter's lover, and hit decoration that
he would sooner see her dead than
married to the young man, wore known
to every listnep.
At length ho gapped, "Yet, yes;
Lot go at onco. Ouly savu her, and
she ahull be yours."
Tho youth paused 110 longer, but
dashed through tbo crowd. In a
minute his boat vvus u(lat ; and ac
companied by s solitary individual
for but ono Hibernian, sod he under
I great obligation lo tho young mnn
I could le persuaded to risk his lil'o wilh
; her lover he sot forth. The bust
rose galuntly on tho waves, shaking
like s duck the spray from nor sidoj,
and lor a few utlumes was teen mo.
tncntnrily cutting tho outline of the
gloomy ekyes she attained the numntit
of the billow; then she gradually
punned into tbo darkness and was seen
no more.
For more than no honr tbe crowd
rcmaiuod on tho beach, alino-it inured,
tilous of tho lover's succe, an 1 yet
lingering io lite faint hopo tbnt he
might return wilb his prescions freight
That bo bad the good wiithes of all was
evident from tho cageroesa with which
they strained tlioireyes into the gloom
to see if ho was returning and tbe au
dible prayer for bis succcst which were
breathed by more than one of the wo
men. Apart from tho general crowd
stood tho tisherruuu whom the miser
bad lust appealed to, surroundod by a
few kindred spirits, who were discus
ing wilb bim ibe chancre of tbo young
man's return.
" It is madness to attempt it," said
the Sherman ; " but when I found ho
would tro I insisted that be should
make bis conditions witb the old man
before be ventured ; fur, you soe, if hia
daughter was onee restored to tbe us
urper's arms, mighty little gra'.itude
would be have for her preserver ; and
Harry would stand as bad a chanco
as ever. Detween us, 1 tniok sno
thought ss much of the young mao ss
he did of fcer ; and if her father gent
her away, as I more than suspect, to
drive Martin from her thoughts, her
present danger seems something like
tbo retributlou of a higher power as a
punishment for bis conduct. But
hark I wis that oot a Ltlloi"
Kvory eyo turned so a ward lo the
direclioo that tho fluhortnan had indi
cated that ho bend tbo bail: but
nothing could be seen exoept tbo white
foam of tbo breakers in tho foreground
and jtjio lowericg clouds behind form-
log a ebaotio tuaa of darknoss. Nor
was any sound Bavo that of lbs roar
ing tempest borne to tho ear.
" Hark I" at length suid another one;
' there it is sgain I" Every one lis
tened, itod now a hallo as board
faintly through tbo thick gloom son
ward. ' Oos of tho (Jsheruion shouted
end a a reply was quickly caught in
tbo lull of Ibo tompoat. A few min
utes of breathless suspense followed
during which every eyo was ftraiaed
to the utmost.
" There it is there It Is I" st (sqgib
or'.ed ono. " See just rising 00 yon
der wave P
' I seo It shouted soothe;.
" Hera tbey eorae buasa I miraolelj
a mlraAlf j" " Ab bow gelantly abe
byeaiu lbs furgo I" war tba eiojama-
tiojii that bjlojrrt irpf lb crevf
All rushed to tho edge of tbo turf.
But now tho fear arose that the boat
would swamp in tbe breakers; and
many a hciirt trembled as aho rote
and fell frightfully on theurX. ehnw
era of spray flying over ber, and the
Water continually pouring io'.o her
sides. . The crowd watched ber strug
gles with silent awe.
A few mouionts relioved all doubt,
ami taw the hardy crew and their
lovely freight safely landed on the
beach. tie miser had started from h'm
aeat at the first information of the ap
proaching boat, end stood trembling,
gazing nt ber at she buffeted the waves
and no sooner did tho touch the ground
ibnn he nubed in tht retiring tut f,
and, clipping hia daughter frantically,
hung around her so that tbo fishermen
were lorccd to carry them botb to dry
Thoro they would have nepcratcd
jhe two furs tu intent; but when they
spoke t tho eld matt they found tltnt
he wits lifeless. The emotion of the
last two hours had been tw much
for hit cofuebls I frani aq I, he had
died in tho mrusion frjii ditpair to
Tho good folks of that seaport tnwn
can yet tell you how, after tho accut
toincd period of mourning hud paixed.
the timer's daughter gave her hand to
Harry Martin, who received with her
a fortune, the exteat nf whiul, even
the moat BJugiiino confessed to be be
yond their expectations, liut this
was tho leant
11.11. vi iww nvinuiv
Drought mm by nit who ; and 111 lier
virtues ho h i I nmplo recorupoii-o uf
opposition 00 the part of her p trout.
A Condenteil I'roailtlrntlal
Oeorgo Washington dio I at Mosul
croon on tho ltth of IKociul)ar,
170J, in the sixty-cihlh year of his
sg Death canto sdddeuly t him
so suddenly, that tho tidings of his
sickncNS aud his death aiiaullaneoutily
tencbod tho hulls of Congress.
John Adams camp to "the end of all
living'1 at his residence in Qiincy,
Mass., on tbo of July, lSJd, roali
ling what day it was, und rejoicing
iu it. 11 grndually and q iietly ex
pired at t lid patriarchal ajo of four
score years ami Ion.
Thomas Jeffcrgon, by nn extraor
dinary coincidence, breathed Lit last
at Monticello on tho samo day tint
his venerable compatriot, Adims, diod
thojubileo of American Independ
ence. Ho hut reached tho advsncdJ
ago of cighty-ihreo.
James Madison, the "man of the
Constitution,'' and ono of the
statesmen our country bus produced
peacefully closed his catthly career
st Montpelier, Vt , on tho 20th of
June, I83G, in his eighty-sixth year.
James Monroo dio 1 iu ibo city of
New York 00 the 4th of July,
1832, in bis eightieth year. He was
a pure patriot, and tho last ol the
Prosidonts who served in tho event
ful days of tho Revolution having
beco a Colonel in tbe Continental ar,
my. He particularly eujoyod the cun
fi lonce of Washiugtoa, au I tho period
of his wis and peaceful administra
tion was characterised as "the era of
yood feeling."
John Quinoy Adams cxp'roJ at thu
Capital at Washington, on the 23 1 uf
February, 1844; literally dying in his
country's servico at the age of eighty
one. To tho inH be was of tbo class
of life's busy men; snd idcntiGad as
be had been from boyhood witb the
publio service, it was solemnly stri
king and appropriate that the balls of
the nationil oounoils should bar bis
dying words. He wus struck by pa.
ralysis wbilo Iu his scat in tbo IIous
of Ropresontaiivos.
Andrew Jacksoa diod at the Her
mitage, near Nashville, oa tho eighth
of Juno, 1815, la bU seventy-ninth
year. Ho must have been a greut
mao, indeod, who could cluster the af
fections of a whole people around him
as that distinguished soldior nai pa
triot did. His popularity had do par
allel but tbat of Washington.
Msrtfn Van Burau diol at his
birtluplaco, Kinderhook, Columbia
county, N. y., po the 24th of July,
1802, iu bla eightieth year. His ad
ministration from IT 37 to 1841, was a
period marked by great financial dis
tress through tbo country, which was
ohargod by his political opponent up
on tbe policy he pursued in managing
tbo publio finances through the agen
cy of tho independent treasury. He
failed of renomioatioo for a sooood
term, however, oa aeoount of bis op
position to tbs annexation of Texas.
William Hoary narrisoa died oa
the 4tb of Aorll. 1941. exaolly ono
mouth abir bla Inauguration, aged
sjrtj-oiht. He vai tbt frit fm-
OCTOBER 10, 1871.
doti wh t litd in oMi f, tn I ut the
Rg'PUtivo Mansion Ho had gained
a drp hull 0:1 the people's bonrt, and
no one living at tho limit cm ever for
got tho profound and universal ei-
prssfons of sympathy an I aorroxy
ihtl his death occasioned.
John Tyler, ulooted Vicu-PresllBnt.
and wh i au'trended Quo. Ilirrism (ir
the reuulo lor if Iih tnrm, ronoiniro l
Ins allrginnce I tho United Stale In
I HtJ 1 . and died the following your It)
Ricbtunnd, Va., in hi 721 year . be.
ing at tho lime a Senator in Virginia
in tho Coitl'u li'iate t'liiii ois, th.-n in
Session at llichtuon I.
Juuiei Kuox l'.ilU died a' l.i-i b uno
in Tcunussic, on tho 15th of Jiiif,
1849,11111)- throH iu imh-t alter tbi-x
p.raii'in ol Ins term of o!u;o, ail in
hts fifty, !'ottrli year, il l win in.t-t
ol unq iu-ilio'i.ibli aliility au I t t!.i & : ,
aud uuhiivod tlt) highest honor b'S
country could In-stow at a tu ich earli
er ae than any f b'S pro loiv-ors.
Zaol.ary Tavior't di.uh, on t U j 9 h
of July, 18'jJ, wh.'it ho lial he in six
teen motitlu in olhi'i', B illed luui lli
l0 deepest expreisium ol it iiati nt'a
grief and everywhere tho lull hurt of
the people loucht'd boyond what
aduipjati) W'irdi can u:tor. Hi died
at tho l'residontial m.iusiou, in his
sity,ixih year.
Abruhatn l.tneolii's dcttli on the
I Itlt of April, H i.'), (one in uth and
leu dayi allor bis svciud in.tu,ura
tiuu.) was una 1 b it ahockeJ tho emm-
Vrv ueyiiim bim miuir ui:i ctrr or.
.... 1. . . u . .
- . ..
. I,'.,?.... 1 . ,
enrrcu in 11s ntsniry, un'i sotn a 1 nrin ,
of hurror throu.'lio it tho worll. All
his predecessors had disieudeJ to the
tomb in the ordinary course of tint ure,!'4 eomforlublu as possihle till we hal
but it was rosorvol I n- htm to fall by
tho foul hand of the atxanin. Ilia
character aud a liniiii-t ration are loo
freeh in public recollect ion to need
anv couiiuont. Hi) died in hi 57ih
year. geuiicunn soivei ins q-ieitun ty in-
Wsshington, Jefferson, .Madison, viling us into the kitch.-u to stuoku.
Monroe, Ja.'ks nf and Linoolti, wcrajlt was evilent that Jim didn't
tho on'y presidents Iw'uo chosen to smoke, for ho rcrnuiiud in tho sitting-
tho iitU oruee.
Tha prosoot t'hief Migi.stralo of
tbo United St itet is tho Hovcnteonth
in sueeession Of the stxtoou firtuui
ones, but two now survive Millatd
Fillaioro and Andrew Johnson.
What I'i The Journal
L'uinm'rre b is no faith in tho "pit i
lul stories" that are toll as tho inva
riable preface to tho history of do
pravod young womon, who ire ever
repretci; tod as lighting a terrible but
tle with waut, und clingiog lo their
virtue, until hauler, like a gaunt
wolf al tho door, has rcudcrod them
deporato and yielding.
The editor goes to assort, that no
young woman in good health, skilled
in auy womanly accomplishment, uced
fail of teuuiuerutivo employment, or be
driven from this cause to surrender
that which should bo as precious as
her life. II) further says :
"Uirls who can do ercq plain sew.
ing are wanted by respectable etnpluy-
ors all tbo year rouud, aud when one
is once proved, tho demon 1 for her
tune is so great that tbo customer
jostle each other iu their cffirls to se
cure her services. Thosawhf can Gt j
dresses, or even tako old iliooses nod
rejuvenate them, can go out nearly
every day iu the you into a good
family, at from ouo uu 1 a half to two
dollars per day, nod tbreo good meals
thrown iu witb tba price, roturaiag
very night if they choose, to their
own boarding house or woK. furnished
"We know a lady who, a few weeks
since, even u tlie imusuiuiuer, tried
to hire a pirl to do plain sewing
at cue dollars day, ber meals to be
taken in tho house al the same table
with her employee, aql who went to
uiore than kujl a dozen recommended
to hor before the eoul I tiud ouo disen.
jaged, ua I tbeo secured her ouly part
ol the needed time, because she had
so many oibor calls. A smart young
girl who it ouly skilled in plain sow
ing upou linen and muslin uudorgar
tueuls, goes out wiin or without her
sewing machine at two dollure a day
aud a friend at our elbow bss been
waiting lor teveral weeks to souuro a
turn ut bor service.
"Tbe lault is the love of dress aud
ornaments; a baukoriog alio a life ul
en so sod pleasure a lousrooss uf mor
al aoiise, loading giddy Net along lite
borders of tbe downward path ; de
moralising books aud papers fosieriog
unobaate thoughts 1 idle hours and
empty beads, and a check where a mo
dost blush la a atrauger.
A needle bss 10 pats through so
veoty pairs of bands before it is eoif
sidered to bo finished aod ready for
use : a subdivision of labor 10 which
may bo attributed tbg potiablottion ol
excellence and cbespeess lo tho pro-
aoctlcn of tuesi artipin.
NO. 32.
Effect 9I at Scarcity ol TV onsen
A Nebraska correspondent writes
to tho Syraai$e Slumlord at follows
A heavy dose ol'git ls, none of your
homoopnlhid prescription!, Is what
Nebraska neoda A.ptrty of ns were
duck hunlinat tbe oilier dsy oil the
Missouri bottoms. Nisht overlook u
before wo wore aware of it, and we
were obliged to sek lodging at Ibe
first dwelling we cmld Qu J. It was a
small nno-story structure of thrue
too n-. to I occupied by a family of
'is father, author, duughtor, and
three ao'is. The sons wero unmai
ried, an I I'run tho calls Ibtt weie
ma le nl' Is we jttdgo Ibo datigh.
ter was uu nirrioJ also. Wo hadn't
hoe a in tho house five tuiaites when
some kiu 1 of a vebiclo Jrovo up atid
two young mnn where u-thorod into
tho parlor StraUhiway tho mother
and daughter hel l a whispT'id con-
t iuaiiori which closed with n i invi-
tation 19 tho kitting rioml ir a-.ipper.
It was evident the yJng in Jit callors
had boon to ton, at they ft ti I in the
p.irur with "swoi't sixteen."
Scarcely had wo taken our seats a,
tliotalilo whan it h wl I'run tho d ig
outdoors announce 1 another com t.
lie seemed to svoid tho front djor,
aud kuockel nt that where cir pirty
was just Killing to supper. Tin moth,
or rose t ans.ver the s itnm itH, when
we were surprised by tho daughter
opi-uing tbo patlor door and rubhin)
forwaid wiili.
er ! It's 0110 of
Don't git up, inoth
my follows f Cjujo
1., I 1 tit . I, nu. .1 ..,.,. .1., V"
'"1 1 j u '
And Jim cuterod in respond I) the i
t'b8"1'' silutaiion. Homalo biiusulf
nnisiiea supper, wnen u:ullier wU;s
percd consultation proved that the
"parlor is as full as it on to to,''
whispered by miss iu respenso to
sumo in Uhorly sug.'stion. Tin qI I
room. Wo should Invo dojbtlen
eujoyod a ipiiel cigir had not tho old
lady opened tho back door, nnd eb u
ted at tho top of Iter voioo : ' ('01110
'rouud bore to tb) bick door I''
It was another youn nun aud we
laueied ho looked us if he had Mmo in
rather Jute. Two mon within
tho parlor, ono in tbo sitting-room aud
ono in the kitchen. should be'
done? Tho courting business was
getting hot ! There was another talk
butweet) tiiolhor nol daughter. It
was evident their devices had been
exhausted. Tho old geulleman wan
called into tho corner. Ho settled
tho ipiestiou hy a whisper :
I'll I, j danoj if I'll unva ag iiu
until tho siting room is full'.'
Into the sitting room wont uitin'ior
four aud wo muokod. It was full teu
minutes before tho next diitirbcrs
caaio aud they eut.'rol tbo kitchen
with tho air of oil uc piuinlanees.
We looked auxlously st '.ho ho-t.
taking his pipe from Ins mouth, a
single sentence rolieved us :
"Them's tho widowera? Stick '."
And wo "stuck" and smoked on.
For tho next hall hour thu girl uiu.'t
have been kept busy. The widowers
had ccrihinly u third of her time It
was 9 o'clock. Wo wished to go to
bed, nnd the only bod we hal disco
vered was in tho parlor. Tin old
gentlemau diviuoJ our wuhes, and
said :
I'm sorry, gentlemen I Hut ti.ii
is one of the regular uourtiu' nights!
Them two fullers in the parlor ucver
leave aforj midnight, und the widow
ers allusstsy all night. And that
tint the worst of it. lan 'II be hero
at JO o'clock ; uul tin biys alius
sleep iu tho haystack Friliy nights.
Ytr wolcomo to that !''
The parlor, sitting-room, and kitch
en full, we retreated to tho bay-tsck
in response to a qicstiooon the poiut
tho eld gentleman said tbnt
"Friday uigbu i;'s purty bad, but
Sunday it's wuss. Iust Sunday
night there was teu on 'em, aql the
girl is gsttiu' moro nod more pnrliki-
ler. The nuro sho gots tho mire she
wonts 1"
Oa tho bay-stack, with a stiff breeze
driving away tbo mosquitoes, we
board Dan drive up. Ouo of the lust
remarks of the old man bofore we foil
asleep was, "Yes gentlemen, courtin't
hot in Nehraskyl" Aod wo bejioved
I iv
You say Mrs. Jones, that Ibe
prisoner stabbsd the deceeajd. Wb
it In the thorax or in tbo abdomen f
" No U ; jt waa in tbo slreot I
seed it witb ay own blessed eyes.''
"Tbit'i; ,9 ' rh r'v1 '-
nors. '
Adr s?rtlsfrRr Tlntem,
SiwatsawsHsSewawMSBtBBW .
One column tae year ffiO.OA,
Oae kalf eoliion, tae year,,
Oae-fourtb eMr. ant fear, 16. TO,
Ont tquart (10 linea) eae lasertiea .
Every additional insertion ov.
Professional and Botlness esrds of
' not more 1 ban ove lioet, per yetr. o,(0
Auditor, Ksecnmr, Adiuiniitraior
and Asalgnet fmioet
Editorial not iocs per line 16.
All adverlisemealt for a shorter period
than one year are psvsble at tbt lime
they art ordered, and If not paid tht per
sen ordering tkoat will be held re sponsible
for Ibe mousy.
Tiuugplanf log Trees,
For an orchard, a deep, rich, dry
loam is preferrable.
the bile should bo oug irom tbreo
to lour feet in diameter, and from
eight to twelve inches iu depth, deup
enougb le admit au tne roots ireeiy
without heading, allowing the tree lo
bo pUntcd the dopiu it -originally
stood iu tho nursery ,
Shorten and pire smo th with a
koilo ul bruised er broken roots ; and
also pruning or shortening in Ibo top
branches, to correspond wilb ibe
roots, will be found benetkinl.
lief ire planting, you should- ccllfct
yard.sbovelius, lnaf-moild, or any
decotnpcd vetretable mutter, sod
place a portion nar each bole, to bo
mixed with tho enfTscc-.-Oil io plant
ing. Then sot Ibo tree, carefully
spreading out til the root io their
natural position, ud whila nno pcrsnii
hid Is the tree erect, (occasionally sha
king it up and down,) uunthcr should
till in tho earth nnd oidli"rtvd compost
jurefully, distributing tho tino earth
niuotig the roots, si that til tbe librrs
may meet tho toil ; for r.olbing is
more injurious to a nrtv'y planted
tree than cavities ntnotig tbo ruols ; it
cullies them to mould, nnd prevents
th-'m Irom taking immidiato hold iu
, bo ground.
When twotbiirds 'atitcd, dtivs
down a good ktakn b"xide iho tree,
sul lie it firmly with s silt band that
will uot injure the hsi k, pmr in a
quantity of water, nti(li;iont to settle
tbo earth uhoul tho routs of tho tree',
licin.! careful to keep it s, until it eels
(irmly touted, alter whieh fiiii.-b li 1 1 -int
up the hole.
Molchiii.: will ho found to super
si do tho necessity ol wnteritii'. except
in a severe drought, us well in a de
cided udvaiita:.'" t thu growth of tho
,r'- should in all
cases 1m ap-
g oti Mraiij
jiuauuro. or woll-ritted chip-dirt or
j Ian. is preferable.
Tho freqiiotil "til ling nf the soil,
1 and liberal manuring, will greatly (a
eilitato tho growth of the trees, us well
i as improve tho size aud qutliiy of tho
! fruit
Ninth after pruning (except cul
ling out croH'.braui lies and b ilnnciug
the lop,) is tiiit itdvisabiu for apple ;
hut for pencil great udvatilago mny
tm derived fiomtho animal shortening
in mode of pruning. The dwarf prr
requires very similar trcatuieut, ex
cept more severe and Ircipicnt cut
ting. In doin this, a pyramidal form
ol top should be observed.
The llult Iiiiiuu's ( lock.
A I'utchmnn huiug n-ked why bo
did nut have n clock in his lion so ex
plained it us fullow's "Vnl, you see,
do udd 'r oiht bfler I shut up do
shop, I foclls a little dirsty, like what
a man will tool sometimes, you knew,
uud I soys to my nil vootnan, I bc
leif I goes up to the coruor nnd got
a glus of peer. I goes up you know,
nnd gnu my gla of peer, nut vilo I
was a sittiu dare, in comes Vauke
Klino mil says, Heinrick, better yon
cotno mit mo and lake a glass of beer.
Yi.1, 1 say, I don't kecr veu I do, u-it
so I goes tnit him und takes do glass
of peer. And den, already, after, a
little vile, in comes Yon Moro unt Po.
tcr Myer, und some uder fellows, und
ley nil nx me to cotno mil dein unt,
take sums beer. Vnl, I goes mit 'cm
und ve all got lo Irinkin und singing
mit songs, nud I guess I got pretty
trunk. Ve vas having a giol time
gcnerallv, und I stava mit dom fellers
till it wns about tree o'clock. Von I
finds out vot timo it is, I think now
mine viiu will gib mo dor tciful ven I
goes homo. Anyhow, t ay 1 vil
achlip town unt git in to, and
sch lip in te lot mit der olt veotnan,
unt I don't till vtiko ber up. Yul,
you know I vau 3 trollo trunk, unt I
slunimels oher somo tings vot ves on
de floor nut de olt sho wakes
up and says, "Oh! ho! Mister Ilein-
riek. dia is a fine tinn to pe s comiu
homo? rot time is l hey f O, I say
don't givo yourself so much Iron Mo,
tigo't moro leffen o'glock. Now,
yustven I dells do o'l voomandst vits
leffeo o'glock, do glork calls tuo a liar,
aud strikes tree. Dat makes mo mat
you kniiw, unt so I knocks him off do
mantel bieco unt breaks I. in) lo Liecc.
HOW 70 I'KEEkllVB fJlOliKl)
Ml ats. Tske ground black pepper,
the finer the better ; wtuh all tbe mold
or soil off from tbo harm or bocf, sad
while thoy are damp rub them thor
oughly with tbe pop)or. Two pounds
of pepper will koop 30 pounds of must
froo fro in fliog og iuseats of all kiu Is, ,
It can remain after being tbuitreatod
in tbe smoke hotis qi wood house,
and not a fly will approach it. It aU
so Improves tbe flavor of tbo meat.
I il 1 1 awaswgs-ss;
SoMiingonous Yankee has invent'
ed a process by which mapls sugar cao
bo roads out of common ft'ew Orlosqs
molasses, flavoring it by atoamlog ma
ple wood. A oentemporary asyi j
N Tbo aext thipg we are looking for
from that land of protido Ideas, lo a
process whereby shay jjJ make bo nay
from ood liver oil, $yorqff jt fits)
.swasstt-. -