i i"jilg V(ntea TIIKPOMT A. cl verMsjfnfr aBfcuihel evory Thursday Evrainf fcy JtKXVIAU CK0V8K. rrorrlctor.. Torme of Bubsoriptlon, TWO DOLLARS TBR ANN CM. Payable wlibia ii months, or ti.M it not paid within the year. No paper ilisenntinued until alt arrearages ere paid unlet at lb option oftbt publisher. Sabecriptions outnido of tho comity 1'nVAHI.R IN APVANOE. &" I'traont tiftiae; and union papers Sildressed lo other heeome subscribers, and ere liable for the price of the paper One eoltimaoae year A0.rt. One hair colunn, ana year, IO.fH tlne-fvurfb eoler n. una )rr, l 0O. One square (10 lines) one limenisa 74. Kvery additional inseriloa M. Professional and luiness eards of hot more lhan five lines, per year. 1,0 Amlilur, Kircufor. Admlaistrator and Asignrs Notices 2.S0. IMimrinl notices per line - I. All advancements for a shorter period tVan one year are payable ai the tiw.s they are or lere l. and if mil paid the per. son ordering them will be held respoas.b! for the moncr. VOL. 9. MIDDLEMJIvG SNYDKIl CO. PA . OCTOBER!:.'. 1871. NX). :tl. mw fcm i7J' sfiL' v '- : Sf - 7i tw Mm Mii L Slf fig H JI'. CKONMILI.EK. ATTOHNKV AT LAW, Middlcburg, Ta., OfTera bin professional at rvices lo die pub lic. Collections and all other profrMinnal business entrusted to bis ear will reeeive .prompt attention. Jan 8, '67. AC. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Keliiisgiove Fu., 4ITcrf hi professional service lo the pub ie. All business entrusted to hit care ill be promptly attended to. r Jan. 17, 'C7lf wTky i g ut " . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frrcburg Pn., Offers lilt Professional service lo the pub ;lie. All business entrusted lo bit care will be prompt) attended to. Jan 17. 'CTll M. Va N UV.VM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisbtirg Pa., Offers his professional service lo ie pub lic. Colleclioni and all oilier Pio Cfsion al business entrusted to hie care will re ceive prompt attention. G""ko7t7mi i.T.iciir ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisbtirg 18. Offer bia Professional service lo the pub lie. Colleclioni and all other profeisiou all business entrusted lo bia care will re ceive prompt attention. Ju. 8, 'ti7tf. M.U.NN. A. II. DILL, (Suceenturs to J. F. fc J. M. Llnn.) ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lewisburg. Ta. Offer tbeir professional services lo Ibe fublio. Collections and all other pro fessional business entrusted lo their care will receivepromptatleniion. f Jan. 8, '07if IIARLKS HOWKR. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kclinsgrove Pu., Offers his professional services to the pub vie. Collections and all other profession business entrusted lo his enre will re celts pron pi attention, ( d ee Ivco tlnor north of Ibe Keystone Hotel. Jon 6, '6 QAMUL ALLEMAX J ATTORNEY AT LAW. Selii.sgrovc Pn Offers bia Professional services lo the pablio. All business entrusted lo liis eare will be promptly attended to. Col lections made in nil parts ofilio Htnle. He can speak (be Kugl'sh and German Jungiiage fluently. Otfico between Hall's and ibe I'oal oHiee. T N. MYEHS, 1 ITTURNEY i 0lSELOR IT I.WV Middlebtir Snyder County IViiu'a Ofliee a few doors West of llie P. O. on Ulnia street. Cons uliafkia in Knglinb SLd Ciu t n l (.ures. tip. till T C. BUt'IlEK. Ja ATTOUXEV at law. Lcwinbnr;; Pu., flffers his professional se vices. o the pub lie. All business enirustcl lo his care will be promptly attended lo. Jan. 3. '?t (1 UOYfcK k HAKER J SEWING MACHINE. Porsons in need ef a good and durable lowing Machine enn he nccnmmod'ited nt reasonable prices by calling on on Sam i ai. Facst, Agent, t!eliugrove. Jan. 24, G K. J. Y.S1I1NDEL. . BURGEON ANI t'li VSK'IAN. MiddleburK Pu., Offers bis prnfessioaal services lo the cit izens of Middleotirg and vicinity. March 21. '67 J F. VAN BL'SKIKK. IIR6ICAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST Pelitifgrovc renn JOHN K. HUGHES, Enq., JUSTICE OF THE TEACE, Pcnn Twp., fnjder Co. Ta YU. WAONKIt, Koq., Jt Tlt'POr THE I'EACE. Jack ho j To raship, Snyder Co. Ta.. Will attend to all butinett entrusted lo bit eara and on the most reasonable terms. March 12, 'liHlf DllJ t KANAWEL. PHYSIC IAN AND SURGEON, vcnireTiiie, nnjut-r vw., Offera bia professional aervicea lo Ibe ptlDlle. u-ouii GRAYB1LL & Co., WllOLISALS DSAMSI IM WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil Clotbt, Window Shades, Drooms, Mats, brushes Cotlon Laps, Grain Uags, Fly Nets. Ituckcla. Twines. Wicks. &o. Ko 845 North Third Blreed, Philadelphia. eb. 7, '67 A.HOYER,Jr. '' AUCTIONEER. Freeburg Snyder Co. Pn., ' kiwi refoeelfullv offera bia aervicea lo Ibe publio aa Vendue Cryer and Auoiion sr. Having bad a large experience, I ftet confident that I eaa render perfeel inisfaolion lo niy employees. LJan.O, -071 BT.PAKKB, ATTOIWEY AT LAW k D1STUICT ATTOKNT, llDDLEBCIta, BNTDER COUNTY, Ta Office In Court Iltuse, Sept. 16, '07tr LEWlfSJiltKMUK'H SOXS1 TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRDS C.OSl PHILADELPHIA. ERC1UNT UOVgB. J. II. MANDE11UACII Prop'h, sJ. C. Nll'K, Clerk. 1 A 415 North Tain Wrest. Pbllldelpnla IU1E t ILDiH Wllftr tin fiWetr avf t tDi B'Uoaer, lilank book Maaufaturer 77 aeaier Id Jvrapplag, Dlastlng, Cur JI'm4 wu '!' Bat it Ilea :: maiera Select Poetry, Til Apple PrtMy. The olglil was bright with silvery light That shone across the lea. When blue eyed Nancy took my fancy At an apple cuttin bee. 'Twas In the fall an' I recall Eiac'ly how I 'spied her ; She was fittin alone a quern on a throne When 1 tat down besido her. Not a word we said as (he momenta sped Their ways wlilt Joy o'erlmlrn ; I kep' one eye on the company, The other on Ibe ainldeo. The applet flew an hour or two, Like leaves in autumn weather. The work bein' done the fuu begun, We all wcnl in together. Peelin'e an' core that strewed the II ar Were quietly swept away. I an Nance took our place in the d iuce, An' dimced till tnoruiu' gray. .She looked si neat ! her preily feet liy niu gie seemed lo move her. An' ihen her touch oh ! it was such 1 couldn't help but love her. r.re uie mornin npui orove away me nigui Told her alone near the old curbstone Exactly how I was fvelin', She trembled first and then she burst Into tears they tnudo tno shiver An' told me loo the loved me true, And would be mine forever. Time, in his flight, since that bomtiful light Has seen tnsny loves grow fUklc, Hut Nimcy lcir i siilin' here With arms around her Y.ckle. MI)Ml S BIGHTS. Deunis MeKlvnn baa been thinking about "woman a rights, and his excited iumgina-1 lion finds venl as follows ; Hurrah for the lime that is enmin', I Whin ladies shnll vole like the min : I Och, won't l he polls be a blonmin' Wid flihers snd crinoline thin ! Election day thin. I am Ihinkin', Will he the (treat day of the year. Whin lasses and lads will he diinkin' Together the candidulo't beer. What's Ibe use lo wrangle wid UiJ !y About who the living shnll ma'ie ; An' sure, if'l will please her, I'm riddy To givo up the hod for her sake. An' be stayin' all day nt the shanty To 'lind the dotiie.tic affairs, A hoilin' the bate on' permit-. An' mendin' the rips an' the tares. Thin when election approaches, An' tho lasses nre marchin' tho strale, Mid big bands of music an' torches, At.' liiildy is standing the Irate, I'll be on the sidewalks hurrahin'. For my own darliu' Uiddy Mct'lynn, Wid a child in my irrms, and adrawin', A cab wid auollicr oho in. An' when she is maliin' her spiches Ilcfore the great mill of the Inn 1, Sure thin 1 will lend her my hraehes, An' sit by her side on the shtan I ; An' after she's done wid her Inlkiu', Och. thin how the people will cheer, An' off to the polls he a walkin'. An' voting for IlidJy my dear. An' whin all the volin' is over. An' lliddv'k eleeled.'aiire thin I'll live like a pig iu the clover. "id Honorable Mrs. McHvm: The shanty I'll quickly belravin' An hvin wid illegaul taste. Wid a horse and a shay for me drlvin' And a nigger lo wate on the baste. (t's never a lie I am spatin', lint Ibrue every word lhal I ear. It's myself 'twould never be lakiu' The rights of Ibe ladies away ; If a lassie, thinking il proper, MioulU shoulder the mortar and brick. Bad luck to lhal Ihafe Ibut would shtop her 1 d blscken bis two eyes pretty quick. A STony ofGe.neiul Tiiomah. Among the stories told of lb? lain General Thomas, u one of an incident wh'cb occurcd when be and hit chief of staff, General Garfield, were in spection the fortifications of Chntta- nooga io 18G1 They heard a shout, "Hello Mister! You I I want, to speak to you ;" nod General Thomas found that ho was tho person ad dressed, by an uncouth, backwoods. Kast Teoncskcran. Ho stopped, and 1 bo dialogue which onsucd was as follows : " Mister, I want to got a furlough " "On what ground do you want a furlough my man f" " I want to go homo and see my wife.'1 " How loog siuce you saw your wifo?" . " Ever sloco I enlisted, ulgh ou lo tbreo months." . " Tbreo months I" good naturcdly excl.ii.ued Goucrul Thomas " Why, my good man, I haven't seen niy wifo for three yean..'' The Hint Tennrssacao stopped whittling for a moment, and stared! incredulously ; at leogtb ho said : " Well, you soo, me and my wifo ain't tbnt kind." Even General Thomas's grimnss wns not proof against the laughter which be rode away to oouocal, leav ing tho astonished soldier without sn answer. We giro it at told by Gon. Garfield. Johnny, where is your Pi? Qono fishing, sir." " llo was fishing jesterday, was be ool f "yes, sir." What did he catch V " One eat flab, lbs rboumttrtisia, two ee)s, tbe tooolhacbe, sad soms little ones. Ma ae jslllalekflts to &t'Ji Iloriire fMrr-r-lr-r. Harper's Weskly of Sept. 10th gives nu extended aacnunt of the hi- ( in social life ho is widely different, lory snd personal qualities ol this trrat Amjnfi hit frionJs whom ho lorvi he juurnalial atiJ atati'stnao, ft'otn stbii.h becomes gcoial so l cli.itty. -It such WO clip tho follow iiift ; liiinrB ihriwinir aido pulMos, be show As writer, Mr. Greuly la wmi-J bimscll to Lo a tnu-t clianiiin,- a'nl tier; hu is cover idle. In nil l:tccc ngrccahlo cuovcr.nl iotiulit, u-d li nl u ii J al ail timet, u hoo not alfcp, l.u way nil OflvctueJ viHilnr. lv incii is duiojr lotnethitiK. He p Inn it inlo pow greater power 'of attai'hitu tbo oflk'O at ruilt'oti'l pcoI, aearerly speukiuit to or outii'in any ou', bin hat, pucltt'ti, ami bunds full of eram jiU'd nu rs, culls out (or bia lutur, divva fin' liii too tn aliugs liis uvorcout one way anil but aimllifr, on J in hall a ininulo will l0 wi iti'i aa though . ulanty or order. IIm dc.l i alwuya bo had only half an hour iu w hich to a oiarvel nf coufuiiu. llo has ooitli du u djy'a woik. liu aita at a deck cr time nor inclination lo attend to tU'iirly n bili an liii chin .hi hili 'cxlciiur I rifles, ood bis always been l our. lie in urtl raie lug nrm to the le. vcl ol bis car. An J audi a desk ! It , is chaos typified iren, or rulbei heuped, with pupil's, notes, clippiii);n. I ihou i aoitiu ra.i.uus c.rt ha 1 been emptied upoo it. There aro uo : keys, fur a lock is a oijstery ho conld I never uiidci'sluuii, un I a key n thiDj. i be never could keen, li. liind him is! io ehuin. aeourciv rtritol U tho deck. ; on the end of the cbuin a pair ol seis-' M.r. Without tl.oal.lof tl.;a cootri- vaneehe wauld probably lose this valuabioassi-tant every live minutes. ; At 11,0 other culof th,de.k,.d, within easy rea. b.i, chained his po- lineal in u nueut, tlu " T.ibiiuu Al- ' toauue." Thin, too, is a., hourly he. hitu ill deny ; but tl. .1 be is habita- canity whet, bo ia.two.k, and tbere'lyprofotio it. speeel. is..,, t,'.. : is no k'epii.o ii wiihiu teu,'l, 8;lVeby'i I elated or bin, that ..,,V J(. ,r, so.id fastenings. ! l.-o be went wnthg up Maias'inl , tl. While ut work Mr. Cre.lyia ctu'e.,,..,, ming-rouiu one mornin,. cryiu. lirely ubsurbel. Any ot.o mar no in 't.ut.'-Wl.al fool aut this copy ' and nut of his room, and take bis hat ; an I bbo'.vin- soma cgrej-ioin error in and coat, or papers off his desk, and ibe paper. A veteran of the war of unless they moke to l.lui. be woul.l 1 lSIJn hin ru..nii,.,l i.,i,.trr tvh.i know iioibing of it. llo write) with ! nreat rapidity, seldom crasm or inter-! I" linos, abd his "copy" is anions the ; mcr tiervices, an 1 who wis a erect best knowu to typn-Hctters. A strau-1 mi I pompoui as Mr. h unbey, mi nor to bis "p it hooks." ii, however j oouueed binisidf as tlio culprit. The rery likely to luis'ul.ehis cbir .-r.iphy ira.o editor glowered it i.t'imeiit upwn for Arabia or Clial lco; at. I very ( tho old 111 in, an I thon, well kn )win' uiuusiu anecdotes aro iu circulatiuu in misinti r-Ji'ttiimn "f bis letters. ill ! writer ol this skcll.ll hu S-VCI- alol'.Mr. tirecley'a letter, parts ol ja woe-bej-oao look, ho udd-'d ," Won't 1 kiud cf seetnes cxe. pt one. He which 110 0110 bus ever been able t j somebody kick me down stairs ' j was an old wid iwer-lmd been a wid decipher. A little practice, however, Mr.iirceley writes profoundly upon i.vcr fur upwards ol ten years. When enables co.npoHitors on tho Tribune'. linaiiciul Uijik b ; but his carelessness bin MXtieth year l.o commi;iied ss well us bis assjhtiints, to lead hit ;,,..., ,.. ..,.,,.. . l oniiio ' a vere Iii -Is teumeiel uuii. rtliiorial manuscript with jrrc.tt cas,-, and in tbo.,flico il is preferred lo that , Uful,UJst any oth-r writer. Sewn.. pos.tors, however, fin 1 great diflkulty ' nu ma mauuscripi. 11 is 1 -eiaieu that a raw baud in tho cdlieo camo ono evening to the foreman of the coniposin'f room with a "take" fiom one of Mr (Irealey's leaders. ' I can't uuko out thoain.iJ of this," said ho ho was rn Irishmnn " 'lia Bvo, "tie fifty ; fifty 'tis 'lis five.',. What doca1 Mr Greedy mauo be that " Mr. Grcc- ley had quoted the words, " 'lis true. 'tis pity j pity 'tis, 'lis true.'' M. I?r,..tl..t- I.11. . .. ItMn. di. ....... nv.v... .... statistics, and nothing givos him more satisfaction than to see tables of figures in the columns of the Tribune Most renders find such matter very dry ; ho revels io it with delight. Itocuriing for a nnment to one of hia special characteristics his fond noss for election returns wo tuny safely say that no mat. who never saw "II G "on the night after an important election has ever seen him at his best. Not another niao in tbe coun try has such n memory of former votes. From Maine to 11 ny where, he re rubers every Statu or Congressnnul election siuco "Tippecanoe onJ Tylor too," remembers who were candidates how many voles they icccivcd, snd what becamo of them, lie i not quite as demonstrative now, for ago will cool tho blood ; but a few years ago, after working all day at tho polls a he iu variably does he would como to tbooflieo at night to see Ibe returns. Kvery item passed under his eye; and as tho severa) dispiitel.es came in there would now and thon he heard from bis sanctum, when some particular favorable news ssrivod. a wild scream of delight, mnro like tho warwhonp of s Cnmannhn Indian than any sound belonging (0 whito civiliis tioo. All the whilo he would be rap idly filling out tables and making oomparUpns that were marvels of ac curacy. Ceremonial politeness la certainly not one of Mr, Greeley's weaknesses. When In tho cfileo ho seldom speaks lo those about hint except on point of bnsioets. He rarely g tys good morning" woen ho comes in, or "good night" whon he goes out. If a special friend ealls, his most prohble saluta tion will be Wa'sl, siuaor, bow sir ye V llo shake hands moohsnically, jtbao. il yoa hvu any business, it will j be In order without further U'. Hit IriemU. llo nukes .tiotii,ii with t'lf same lucility, liko all mon of poiiuve charucler and stroiiit purpose ol lil'u Tbi impresiion dial Lj putn on uir of fccuiiirii'ity is wholly errotieuui lie hna vory lillla pcrcpptloa ol rc careless in regard to personal appear suits, and to what nice people, may think about hU dro If bis neck i Ho woutnfpli.ee or his hut beaten j . ' in, he knows it not or disroaiJs jf. His braio is occupied with o: weightier matters. It would be sheer fdly tj chir.' Mr. (ireeley with inteiitijii l sfTucij tiou. Ho is incapable ofaueh amull trickery IIis eccentricities are wbd. turl. nod arise from tl.o mental prcocvupaliou which I on. of tho chief cl.uraete, is.ica of .he nrnn. Iba- Mr. .Jrecley som.ti.nea u.c, very atr.M.g, not to l;,y passiouato, laojjuaoo, ho ono who has ever crossed wit charitably kept because or bin use iofiruiiiien. and in remcnibrunoc urfor - his imbecility, tased bis 'with u profane explosion. own mini Theii. qui- itv i,.,.in , ir,r.la tl... ,l.,.r 1..1I, isl rclllal .kl.,, tr0 w;m B.,m,. limtfs off for a lo:.- j.eruey with, 011l . dollar in kin Pock"e t. unless some oou t,M rorcthou-ht. t, lode out . ' 1 r ,j,u . nn, t or wal4 ,,e ru0 jn j ,lc 0pa.e t (ltK.Bj0 ,im oa thai point , whenever ha was goin awav. 'Mint 1C j Uot moru OequontTy ih'i victim 0f 8ha, pors is jirububly uvviajr to ihu (acl ll):lt ho 80jJIU carricg ,u0l.o mon - Ly will, Liao tliau U needful lor his imiediato wunta. Soruu vears nco a pickpocLct on ouo of tho city sire, t vur8tule ,lis wjU.,,. 10 utaiitii; tho fact ui tbe ofltco ho remarked, with a , -Kl t.UL.1Io over i,! frlulK, Tho rasoala got my gold watch, but it Lev .li In'i ifnt mu .. .1 tJ ) ,-. tliev didn't net tnv li.O dollars. '' i re. 1 fcrring .o n bill tho niirht clerk had given tin, n. he atartcd for tbo cur,) As soon aa a prominent crimioal law - ycr beard of tbo thelt. he sent wirJ' ! tosiiiieleadi.ig thieves that tho watch must be forthwith r. turnod or the next pickpocket cought would suffer for it. Tbo word wus Reut round a- . u 1 ...1 .1.. hioii iuv iiatviuin. auj hid t ULL II cauto back at onco Tho ouly political loader Mr Gree- j Icy ever loved, as he says himself, was Henry Clay. Tho last defeat of tbo great Kentuckinn utmost killed Mr. Greeley; and tho arlicl" in which hitt sorrow was expressed were thu most cloquont snd touchiog that ever outuo from his pon. Peep personal grief subdued bis style, and tho pa thos of bis lauguago found an echo in millions of boarls. To co iu moat upon Mr. Greeley's course as a politician would bo be yound the purposo of this sketch. Tub Gorman A riouliuraliar siys that a great portiuu ofth) fl.tvor of fresh butter is destroy el by the usual mode of washing, au 1 it rej omiucnds a thorough knetding for the removal of the buttermilk, aud a tub seipient pressing it, a linen cloili. Halter thus prepared, acjoidiug to our authority, is pre-eminent for Its sweet ness of taste and flavor, qualities whioh are rotaiood a longe. time. To Improve manufactured butter we are advised by the tauin authority to work thoroughly with fresh, cold milk, aud then lo wash iu clear water, and il is said Ibtt even rancid butwr may br rendored ptlttsblo by washing it in water lo whioh a few drops of a aolti' Mosjiiiirlotx, .'mii-IIIiik a Hall or la llromi llimc-ll Tho mo4qniii'0 of II irmab Inwo n terriblo repunttion, b,.l w never i.n-j niino l tbut ll.,y wero su.l, fortnida- liln ivr.tilitM llnit llinv ooul I CAmnnl ' , ceu a sailor t'i c iinin.t Mitividt. Vet ! that ' i jio Ibriii. ,ltfjr W,,W) ,,,f, tin Jr iu mini! which A sudor, walUin as sen ry on th f., iMLtrrn hind altoibcr-I : iii.'way nf bar M ij-tity' rriue. ,,, ,em io .nM AnJ enl j, ' Pox."-wb,..i tho teasel wna lyinrt t..Wh i, U.ia ibut? Wl.nt i the to- ! anchor on be Irr.wa ty-w..a drid-: , . , ,., .... , fully leas-1 an J oxsi'e I by tlio swarm o. iu.T.,.. :es wine, kojh worry. nno. .vMinioumoi u.'-.i.tunn i '"' least elToct on I hem. Finally ho j-ave "I I',,lm,r' 0T' '""-' ' '" c""'- rudo Rib, "I ..y, II i -," Int liii u:w I. "do you think be I is vnr.o t'.iun tbi placa V (utin it'imo dreadful ',Pl'-,"''' itnvUroncc to bis tor.m nt- "a "aM "c ,"" n " n"w- . ... 1, .... . 1 ...la V a I. I) .1. .i : u",lu'. 'I1'"1 11 I" " oi here, ani unless wo i"") bur adur"t'l"l'" tl.o bun.in.. Mitin- ' w;ll cat us ail up n'ive.'' Tin sufferer J remarked, ( Jo id bye, It b, I ant uo- 1 in to co if it is ii.it cooler there linn '"" '"-'"' -1. that lie walUo . up tlio steps .... ... ... . j J- u"' -rJ bo went, ioa.uk to rmo ; 1 u.c. was roused "', ; !.. cry ' a man overboitd. , "" 1,w"v !; n vv j01"1''' made to recover tho inliitu .le i . . i . . . i . ........ t'. . .' c a,:y,iom ,'' r-teri.,, worry!,,.' in es -'l could no. . II committed MiiciJc -. the fret.y prod u-e l by tbem ! A cot.rt of i,.., .iry was held next i'l:,-v- unl the.r verdi-t was ' drowned ' " w,," " ,r"" t,,u ttU'- ll "' ""l'M " C'j:ii..nd .re ent uvh re and bought bo k luu.-lin '"'' U-U tn u'"n ' ' ""PI'Lv e ich mutt .4"11' 11 sot "f '""l,;u "' "r cur- tnins, whet, the lira -ry of these un happy m 'ti was hrou-hl to 11 happy clo-c. I'rop.iiliix lor Hit; tVr.illi to f ome. 'Swcel arc tho uses af u lversitv s.id .baUospetire. Wo never l:ti.'v if nnvboJv tlnl L'ire.1 to t:i,n ol'lh-.t den f l'.rty. I) casio-uibv ibtsu tin - ctct lurlle-dovcs W..U!d .p.arrel. and ,'ho Udy w,..l I pit,!, int.. I. .t .Uirer, 1 black his ryes, lour his cUhvs, u..d I 1 pull out sou.o ol tho tew halts leti on ''is head ; iu f.ict. when ho b it b-r ' preaenco on such oocusi .ns, be looked l'l : Oraujieuiau vho hi I nuio use f bia party toists when iu company J with a few IM.en.ians. Sull he ! idling this iulutuaied old mlka.p did to tbo pas-i mato tniiieti, an I eveutnaily s bo consented to marry, ! ''iui. When their cii'i foment be ' ! fon k'towu to the demented -II fos. i ...... ... jail s liwujs, ouo 01 them usKoj hiui how ho could p matbly want to marry a wohiau of such aa outrageous tern, Ver- """' '.ilq, dated eld ph.los- "'mr'l'",lu' J ; " lu"' I. I. : .. 1. I I'M., ... I- I knuw V'M na " 1 ',C' "ut' 1 ul trsu,t ' ' l'reP"re ''"" l"0'1- I she II fit prcity well '''r ,,'e 'wr"tu tJ com'''i ' if 1,1,00 should 1 bo my fato.' , - Wo thiiiU tht old man knew how 10 extract all the sweet" there was in udversiiy." How a WgrtKN Ki'irmi Gr.r Orr ov a t-i'R.ws Tb- editor of the La I'roi-fce einoeiat had some prairie cbickeus sent bint tl.o oilier day, and fully ackuow lodged tbe ssmc, forgot- ting lliat tl.o chicltoua naa been iu violation of I he game law. Next diy . ...... 1. 1. 1 1 1 he savs "they woro fi-li.' and blames! llie cotop'i-itor for tho mistake. He adds : "The error was ttioro mortifying to us because tno lav p'oveniiug the having iu our pjesMou of prairie chickens was yet in fore-, and it might had ignorant parlies lo sup. pose that we hud violated the law, aud set ut defiiuce the State of Wis consin, and all the law abidiug people thereof. We knew tb'y were fish all the tun, a id t ld Uugiil when she as picking fi iho feathers I bey were fish. The wishbone weiaregiUr catfish wish.bo'ie, and the feel but why multiply wirij's, unyb.ily wuld know they wore not obfk,,." ' Sam, y ou's . arooJ iu d Itw ; can you asy if ole Lueefer was to lose bint tail, wbur would he go t flud aaodor one V "Why to de tabem, ob course, ion lgsorawut dal's de only place 1 ksuws oq where th r-tailld ... . fiMtiij' vv s naW'"r Arlcmua Hard in I lah. . I rottrol to i.iy th;it ffTot'la woro made to uiako Mormon of mo while , . jo ,.u, Jt w. or-your who., , . BClJ Bl.vclltrtn ,un J .. ... - ' wi i,,v, iuo vi ivcs id a i(sh,i .Hor-, inun,olorod tno their hearts nnj Inn Is ; I callcil oil tlicin ouo UuV. nut liunu , i;:h seventeen ail.s of dilToront ni.o , lly , ..,,,,, )t ,ik (M .. , ;sui,( .J ,. ,th, I doili ! ' I ii!sd mi. I, 'I ! Tho v ..si hear Is ol Toitn c.!:le m I ,llipa yw , ldaliuat ro ,-iti(,rjpc . ,.e. it.tei man vi in similar way '. U,. d.ild. ...y pnrci.ts brm.- ! lnMig pu.cb.'d wlun in u b-w co .Ji .... ,-,-. ti,,... ,; I ..U'i.i.i . I .I U-..,. tl. .v,n,l... I I'.ir, fjr nway. hot iii irry us ?" Oh. no! it cannot 'as." Anin tln-y u-ko l mo lo itiarry 1k,u1 a;) , agiUt , dorlillo Then they cr.ed, ' O cruel man ! this is lo ' mncli oh ! too m icb '." I tol lth 'in tul t w o1) llt.,,,lllt u( tl0 in ,c)l. ,iat I dechmd. Mr. Heber (.'. Kiiubnll is tie) first Vice 1'ivsi lenlol the M irnun C!uir:h; an I would, cotisi ou -ntly, suceee 1 t" 1 .1... I ! i. : .1 v . I Bill. I'l i.ni nil' t ii i.i i -ii. im iiiiiii. . , ' ., , ' ...... aU( fc,tiv f,,.,w of ,no wvvaly ti,11)0lM tbeM ,iul; e u (lf ,ajtlf c,,.. h.jb .hoy ar-awl,l cters. ' ' Ilri n li i iii iinn ir ai f.i n 1 1 i i j rori' .-......... l-o 1 is ... .re . fat h -r than any; I know When a', borne he j '-' lJ , m! Mxty , '.veS t,, mln.-Tr to Ins cumforia. and .tbrtce sixty chddeen to s.o;l,. his di- tr0l',c 1 ",in Al. ! n.r fricn Is, whit , " home without a family ? , Ui;Mss brou-ht lf. Webster ut etnb ildetied by lir -lancei, bo ve nt ono tiini-to London, and wi'dav, t un-d lo loilo .v b r. hu heart uebin when pasin-the II mso or I. r U. hi illi rapture. Me saw her loikbi curiosity induced liiiu lo tnk an ef- bin 1. nod funded ahe evinced a. nut) fort to stop at. I sos them. None were udniitt-d without an orler, ex cept n iblemcn' H.rvaMs. Wib-ti r, beitv i'tiot unt of tl;a rules, re.pj'.'ste 1 admittance. ! ' What Urd do yn-i bchmg to ?" 1 asked the doorkeeper. ' ' To the Lord Jehovah.'' repiud Webster. ; ' To ibe I, ird .lebovah the doorkeeii t ; "I have (piericd kept here ;"'" .Veaf, but have not hr-ard of -or'! ''"'' W - low keeper on the frort ,'eps. -,.r. o iciiow who says no oc. rune . 1 I . I. . I ... ... I... . Lord Jehovah such a UJ Villi MlOW Lord r "Never heard of him," ir,i I .I.icli. "Hut, '' sail the 1'octor," "tlrrei such ft Lord." j " Puss bill) in," sai 1 J iek, ' I stir p ise it' some poor Sctdi J. t I " ! 1 Salt rut Swixe S.viuc arc uh greedy feeders that n t a f.-w faruvrs piy very iittlo atte otiou to ilu ir fee. , n. . . . . I e. oiiuj. 1 tie s-.vi 1 t,.ur.. isonei. very little better then a su., mid ine pior hogs are cxnecte 1 I eai anytu u an 1 ,cvcrytbii.g which is r.fjs d by the t!,er animils. In 111 in nnl br.te a. .ime. 11.1s snort-s guiea irea-nrtu huwcvir, gion woik oat its own .1 f cure, or Miner p-tni-niiuTtMor sw.ue 'thus treated make po r pori. ai 1 !- ',,. Uio bef.ro k.Min,' tiiUJ. Others wa. Ure particular aliout feeding tl.eir 1 pi forget U s ip.'ly t'ne.n wiih salt as ih 'V do oth r anin.'s. Titcy rc ... ijuiro to hi salted, hjwtver, j -1 as much as cattle, horses, or sheep, and suffer as mueli .vb 'U ncg ecied a any of the animals. It the kol i not ri culirlv naltel. there blioald b. a ..,.,.,..,,..:,.. : i,.i, stlt may be dcpisiteJ regularly for b u(ltmt the (oi,j jaJiciou! would be much the I b, 1 . uiute' IirevtMex. There are tu Milloos " If a una has souii thiug lo I say be will inevitably sty it. It is one of tho pleasautest self-lelusloas to 1 imagine that wo might have bo en tt,i r that hJ cireumstaucas b.'en kiad-, cr. Tl.o truth is rdiat the mm with; the riht slufT io him makes bis ou ciicun:stncs. lie doc not it down at th feet of P .'tuny ; he gets up and elbows ber out of the way. Very few of Iho world's groat men bare been born w ilt,, so to say, a gold spoju iu their mouths. They bare, seme up from lowliness, from toil, fratti penury, snd hciMuio kings anl prince am jag 3ica by the sheer f.roo of the soul that as in them. If there W Iu 1 hu man soul soy true au great power it N't7 fioi expression. If we are weak and iufiras of purpose as4 unsuccess ful, we may as well be sort Ibat tl was I '"s 1 sU'. s. r -' .I m. Ol f ntf-rrnl lo farmer. In (Sn-nt Hritaii sol Irclnnd tha Wrn!thiv-t and most in lonendi'til. n( I.t m, r nro thu,o mI.o oeeupy vt f nw cf ,, ra,9 Uyi . ... ... lattru un I aeii nnoiinl' l rire nutn- tirrs nl rnltle. J lni cl.ixi or farmer no c;i lei LMiizirs. J liev keen Vi-rif irt'e of tin; tin I in ' il'nRC, dn not win i.r I.ir-e ...inib.r ofealiK, but bur two ur iliree yeur o'd lo ilVrs sn J s:o m' in tho KpritiA ko.-p th-m on fl.ico . . , ,, .,, .. miiiiii and sell llicm l.clo.o n ih bt friti ! Io,o tlo li in tl.o ntii Hie lu I -u eulcnt pr;i:ic Rr.isfi unlil tboy have hoc i aily fut. l'oi'im r who I uve j m. I ;;r.is ta.-d sl.oiid do vote at least a pirli iti ol it lo fatten -ink ;,i'i)l Ivrioi ihr.'o cif.'ll heif ers mid steer, kept "ti liuli pastures I'or.-ix iiinti:lis, woill pr.biMy pay , ln H-r lhan itil'rri n till ii;e. T!ietn n. ey w u'd sll eoinc hyc'.hcr, ond tins ciwt ol tran-p .1 tation, couipired witli tlrii of cei'e lis, w juld b.'tiill.ng Eve ry fanner .-li'iull liilteu ail bis youn stork t Is 1 1 ale ho' rcq iiicl for tho , dairy or yoke, .cllin stuck of any kin 1 before tiny nrj pt'opeily niudo tip for t' o in .rkct i-. a vi ry Lad man aetnetit, an I a great deal of iii itiey it lost by firm rs every year iu ibis wiy. - . A capital story is toi 1 ol J.vn - lVK,,w wl,o one Xwl-.r strolled into vifao eburch. nnl during tb- service was rlci-iiifl -d and erjlll d by thJ s;tk in- ofa piir of eyes which were . .ivitc 1 upon bis fn.-e. After the s-v. vi-o bo sa.v the p o-,e-s of the sl.ia 11.4 wrb.s leave the church alone, an I eni'.ti'ti at r-'ojniiiu him. IIo then ( 1 ek 'n-d bis pace nnd hn ael uully hbtekene J hers, as if to Ie'. him eoinu up wi;h her but wo v ill per mit tlu V' a:i,' (eutletuau to tell ill test in bis own way : ' Nui le youn cre:it.irj !'' thought I, "her ait c-s an I warm heart is bu pi ri'jr to t!ie bou I of the cu-to t. " ' I hai reach.' 1 within a lew stnoh' throw of her. Siio sill-.-nlv lulled hd tui tied her l.ico t-.va.J in .. Mr .",e,rt "Wtf U b,nV'n? ' r"U 1 the spot where ah-st, I. h.- bcaMo . . doinje reverence to the angel. "Are ou a pel Her ?'' ' No. my dear uirl. that is r.Ot mj orrupalien." 'Well, 1 d-iu't l;nv. ' continued she. n 't very bashful'v, aal eyeio wc very stern'y, I to.u,'bt when I su.v yo'i iu the lU'-'tiu' h.nisj that you iooUel lik-. a l.ed dl.'r that r assed off .1 pL..vter half dollar o.i me throe weeks ng a.SJ 1 ,l..t .rutine 1 t keep aa t on Vl)U Ir t li -r J .'n bis . .t ' J ,m t now, and -ays if he cfeb S the tidbiw be'il wri:u bi oc ek f-r him ; and 1 alu't sjio bit yjur'c the gJ-for-n ebi'ii las'al a'ter all !'' .11 a m-nia; 01 iu umun msi- . .. its . s a a tutc 01 1 e.n.sj .van.a recent. y. , .m .r- n exhibit t a -am.: of cuts ;r,., by Indorsed!, of ih I'bila bdjlii.i ciety f ,r promnin' Agri -u't jio. , TI.U was if extra or liaary iii? uni early isaluritv. ird'i.el bv tbi ap. p!iea;i ni ol s x bas'ie's f lt lo Ibo act'O- Tin.' 'a!is were much Ur.-f than u-jiily sen, t!u leave) Lroider, an 4 in cviry w ay superior ti other, siiij'es cxbibitel Mr I.i.ersi!l sta'cJ 1'iat tho adi'd'iccl caM.lition of hisoais, as well as the uau' i il ia cf the Milks. as owio- to the fact 1 bat he hc t..wo Ir -a dci.t up o tho Cell ' -ix buh.d of . t t. tlu aero after 1 svw iug the oit A la'g-' .pa itititv of salt couU bo ui'd. ba'. never griatr . . , , . thani.irty cu-ne sj.i. to oj c.:ic. cious ou oats, whe.it or c n, sSoald be put ou s.tu ly s.'ii, and uji ou stitf clay lands. Me. Iueisoll ba ! beeo using silt for a nutuVr of year,. oi founitl.at 11 l ouly llie gr.ra eropi were bcnelk'c J, ba'. tho after trps, particularly clover. Oturitx Cittx t'os Kvu. Vote As soou a any soreness is felt ia tbo ear, let three or fjar dr p of the tinc ture of aruica be poaroi ia, aul ta on Gee tl led wilU a Utile cot too. to rxoludo tb sir, and is a shrltmso the aneusiarsi is forgatloa If tho arnica be eol rJrtod to uat.l there is actual pa ia, the cur tuay aot U.' a rvedy, but is just ti certain, aUboah il aiv be sveoetmry t) repeat the a?ilistio. It Is a sure pirssuuvs for atberin i the ear, wb'cwis tbe ttsstal tsVKt AM ' s.'0,.r - . -s