tijk: roHT . fakUebeil ery Tburdy Evening by . HUMI1U CB0V9C. Proprietor. . Terms of Bubsoription, TWO DOLLARS PER ANNtTM. Payable wtioin hi monin. nfiv.wi ir not paid wlikin tiit year. No paper itlrnntlnod anlit all arrearage are paid unle at lh tfttloB of th publisher, tubstriptions ootsido of the county I'DTADLB I! ADVANCK. $gf Pereen lifting anil using paper Sddrestol lo other broom subscriber, tod ate liable for the prlee of the paper Jr. CltONMir.LKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mlildloburg, I'n., Offer bl proleaiional service to the pub lie. Colleclione unit nil other professional buainesa entrusted lo hit eare will rrm-ivr prompt altontlon. J,ln 8, 'tiTtf AC. 81-MI'SON, ATTORN KV AT LAW, Selinsgvove Tn., Offer tile professional aervice to.lh pub it. Alt bniineu entrusted to hit eare Will be promptly mended In. Jan. 1?, 'CTlf V. ' ATTOUNKV AT LAW," t'rrrlmrf Pa., Vtlftre hie Profraalonal aervice lo the pub 'lie. All business entrusted to bin cure nilt be promptly attended to. Jan 17, i!7tt ATTORNEY AT LAW, , r i, Lowtsburg l'n., Offers Me professional eerTloo lo te pub 1 lo. Collretione and ell oilier I'io cMton I business entrusted lo bis euro ill re ceive prompt attention. ,VA ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ijowishurg I'n. r It 1. ! ti-.f ! I - 1 . . I. ....I. Ulier uil I riiivm'juii vi-rTiw lu iiivmiii lie. Colleotiona and all other profession all buainena entrusted to hie cure will re etive prompt attention. Jan. 8, Mi'if. I M.LINN, A. II. DILL, lit (NurMri to 4. P. k J. M. Linn.) ATTOHNti AT LAW, l.ewishiiig, I'a. Offer their professional Kervicra lo I lie public Collection and all other pro fessional buaiuea entrualed In i lit ir care ill reoeivcproiiiptaiicniion. Jan. 8, '07 if flirAKLKK IIOWKR, V ATTOHNKY AT LAW. Ssi.lilmoT.ivn Offer lie profcMionnlscrvlcci to the pub lic. CalUtei'iuns and all oilier profeitm aalnea entrualed lo hi cure will re Alva tif.mnt allrnlinn. tinier wa tlnnr aartb W lb Kcyaloue llnltl. Jan 6, '0 QAML'KL AT.T.KMAN, . . J ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' ' Solinsgrovo Pit ... i rniMi. nnn irr. ii'.wi in inn bulilic. All hurinei' entrusted to hi irara wilt be promptly attended In. Co! llociioiu mitde In ull pnrta or tiio ntnle lilr can apeak (lie Knjilfrli and (lermnn laneunie fluently, uihco between Hull Innd the 1'oH oflico. N. MY Kits, ATTORNEY i COl'NSElfill AT LAW iMiildlclnirg Snj'dcr I'tmnty lVnn'n Office few dotire l of I lie 1'. . on lUtiu alrcut. C'oiiKiiltnliuu in Liiglieli aid C4in tin t fini f. rtj.liii "C.BUCIIKR,- ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewi.xlnirj' Vt., Pnera hie profriaiounl irmnnio Hie pub te. All tjiminKi. eniriirttcn to ma enre kill he promt'tly pitfnJed to. jnn. .i. i.. M KOVtU & HAKWll It pi.'u-i tr i.iiivi.' n.ll I.MI .11 .H II Peraon In need of a goad mid durable koine Mikcbtue can bo accommodated nt kuoimhle price by calling on on Sam- si. I Al-nT, Ageut, beluugiove. ., Jan. to ill J. Y. XI UNO IX, HL'RULoN ANU I'll YSICIAN. MMill. burc Tu., Her hit. profciionnt1ric lo Hie cil rn 01 Uliuiliejurj nnu iinnny. , JlarcH sa, l'7 F. VAN JiUSKIKK. LR0ICAL4 MECHANICAL IENT1ST FeliriKgrnvf reiin OUN K. llUGUKSi, JH. JCST1CE OF THE PEACE. Tcnn Twp!, Pnyder Co. Ta U. WAONKll, Enn.,' Jl T1CE OF THE 1EACE. iJictaoa To r.ishln, Snyder Co. Pa.', UtUad to all buvineas enlruiled lo r and on lbs mot reneonntue lo. , .. MaroU 1'.. '0if RJ f .KANAWKL, rnypiuAN andbvroeon, Klrevllle, fiuytler Co., t'u.f ,fr bis proftielonal atmiofa la the II. I O- .IW RAYBILL & Co.. -"...'. - Wboliiiu DlALBSa in POD AND WILLOW WARS P lolba, Window Shade. Ilroime, Mala, ' cotton Lai, urnlu nag, fly n. L' : I. - I, - fM North Third tftreed, 1'bilaUelcbU. A.KOYEIl,Jr. 1 " AUCTIONEER, , , Freebtirir Snyder Co. Pa., retpeotfully ofera bia servioea to F'lblio la Tendua Crrer anduoJlou- I Harlng bad. a large experience, I fnu,Bi that I eaa rentier pertapi ertoa te jjy employee. - LJan. , Wi I. PARKS, - ' ATTORNEY AT LAW & 1USTRICT ATTOUSi. " m LEOVRO, BKYDEll COCNTY, Pa la Coart Utaaa, tiwpt.U. WJw', H7 fin LULU'S- SONS- MCCOWAREHOllSt 1322 N.THlRCJrS PI- VIllLADELl'Ul.V.; J '.".' . Will 1 I. . .' J. C. Nll'B, Clerk i't 41ft Korlh Third Vireei. " VbllaJelpble,,: tilt ELDER i All BOOaT BLLJIR9 -.'toink tMk Mtnttuver U Wrappi.,, UlaatlUf. r- pMrt rp van a a .4..H tv.fi..JwhlJIeJrt, ft m ill VOL. 9. D. C. CLARKE, Importer anil oober Iq (ilttVCN, Ilonlor.v, Hmnll Wnrt'tt, WIlITi: GOODS! Trimmings. Bibbons,&c. AND . FANCY WOOLENS it (ti'oal Vnrli'l.v! 37 North Third Street. !-8tf riiii.Muii.niiA. pKTEIt SI'Kl'UT, li . . full. i..r.. ...... . I.. i,t.. ii.i. now pirpired to manufacture lo )rdcr, and ha lor eale. Buggies, Carriages, Sulkies, Sleigh3, AVaEronSi O 1 nn cheap, an. 1 a little cheaper, than llict ran h. iiiilinscil elsewhere, im:iaiii(; of veli'cloa of various kin.l pr.iniplly nl teioled lo. A akar of tho public ratron- Nige i aolicilcd. i i Ti i; M'i;t iit. MliMlebnrg-, May ft, 1H7I, tf. D'fj.liLII'KKs" WHOL.KSALK AMI IIKTAM. Furniture Warerooms, NO. UK NORTH 8Kt'ONI STREET, (llclow Arch. West Side.) J'ti'li.ri art! Ilfo.' ' pminu nt, ' V-i ,UIIU bib biasnt, Hbove Oxf.u 0-if rillLAlTEI.l'lllA. r f. ii.vxsKi.iaj" It I l'('f'Koa TO CAfrPMAS k 1'IIKW, CKOCKB&Y ATCO axA8swAns, No. 21 North Fourth Sfrrff., I'HII.xliKLI-IIIA. Original fncknge Conetiiiitly on llnnd. ltirosentod by TllHtVS SWINEHHtl). riHM AND NKW OOODS! It. O. litTZKL. Tf. 8. ICoCULLOVOll pzirt & Mccurrovan, (SIXCESSOKS TO JL.H.V HETEL.) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF .HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOE - ' FLO UK, GRAIN, . i -.. RAIL IlOAD TIKS, &c, liO., 'CHAPMAN, . ts. f j SNYDER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. r Mareh II, WTO-lf, t. QRKAT KXUITKMKNT IN . 'PAISJNERVILLE. NEW OOOOS. . HELFA1GU & 13K0WEH WUli tealnform (be clilxena of Dnnnervllle and vkinilv thai ibry havo opened a new flock fit good, and avill keep oonaaqlly o,n fiand e full amurlnient of ConsljiUngof AI.PACA8.POPLIN8.PLAD8, . .... , LC8TREH, DELAINt:a, 1 , CALICOES, o. ' Clothe & Casslmeres U AT8 aadCAl'8, 1JOOT8 aad BHOK8. , :OK(K IHlEi '' . ' ; IIABDWBB AND Ql'EkNBWARK. - SALT AN FISH, And in faat every ibig)'uu,11w kct in a fleet olaaa eauiolry wore. All of (think w offer 41 greatly raduoad pyo, aib or Country 1'roeuoe. .. Having bad large ekpexionae la (be busine, we flatter uur4le that we an jjleiaa aad lhrfy all or end over.' " Jloplng by airlcl alletaitoB to buslnea and alelr to pfoaat allAieaierat libOeal l asa af publio palrenaga. Our aaotlo U W ash at least ibal lib subtle eiamini our Hook aad irieeakefert pejrabaatna) elaewfctre, ae ve aJwl M abew one U place and Kurr.uiii.lit c. niiiry llml bo u,!!1"1 ',"r""l m.- fw " '"' oM. MIDDLEBUltG Noloot J f t ! .V . Mr Mwllier'a i:v4'iiliit; ). Wben I waa a child. On my hed nl even 11.1, My doar mmlirr alrtnn amilrd. Kiaaad me sang a lijrmn and aaid. . "Jean blaae him." Wben I waa a hoy, Huay alHh hour of day, Evening eame and (tav me Joy. for t beard my mother ajr, "Jeua blee him." Every day jhe aamp. Ere Ike drop of nluiiilier fell, Notre of Duly niual) eame, 'Twh my niolliir wlilaper aprll. 'Jtil bleu liilil." Whi n I w:i a youih, Not o'eri un by tare. In III ueeilliil paili of tritih. Nightly did I hear thin urayer. "J.pua hie him," Whon mi heart erew oold. Loving those who l v.d me tmt My luoiorr bad nut then lnri.it "Jraua IiIvji l. iai.' Now I am full grown, , Kr the Inve of Jem crying lit Hie paths uf Ir.iul.le known . iKlill ul niglil I hear her it-liing, J "Ju.ua blvr t i in . " O Lord, be it an. Ever wliilfinv- .tnl.a. I..i '" ""' ririi iii.'uiigb, 1 i cuiisl mil I v rrnaiii. "Jvnua blesa hrr." I i a i ii 1. 1:. H V nun K.'op, Wo don't iniicli mi Ii.lul depiav ity but n Mlory tlmt w.ia lull u th hi her d.iy by a l i iotid Mi etitlioiis aiimr.iiinly ojr bo iol in th.- ioeur.il.le. The uliiiy ia t.. I 0r a truo m o : lo tho town nf VVi!lihirie, I I bote live y..un ono hy to n mi , Of .1 fill 'HIV. Kvirvll ..IV l':llls In k JlvWirml eei)li dy k'loWa ln.u, p.tnd uirlyTi lew nl his unine iiale rela jtivea kli'.W that Ii-lias any ol hern line. Johnny is uti Hwlnl drnnknrl. II has i w . - j j ..... i ruined two or ihrcu prosperous leui perante nociclica liy having thru) ; lake hold ef him fur tho p.irp.u uf ; lel'ormin bim. Ho I'lu'l rol'onu ! worth u tent. Johnny has a rieli nn- 0(1 l" l"n'-1'" A uuniioiiiury pause fortH to quicken bia wiu by her sharp j Older whoso loss is estimated ut $1",-jl-lo living nt SScrmitou who own '''"""wed. words. His rolntives, leacbeM und.OOil. Tho compmy, though ally uuvi niua seveint com ininea. Ibis I- i . ..... uncle lutiir ago washol bi hatiU ol hte jjnxr.lin nophow, I ut at the same ; time be bus always Ml an interest in him. Thi uncle we. it to Wiljigharre a low nyiks iijro, an I while visitinit bia I mt her nkid bow loliOiiy was j;i t tl'lji on. "Had, Ili-uthei very bad. Ilo iaj t.eeouie a eonlirjued diuiitnid, I tear.' 'Where ia bo now V ' I'p at tho tavern yondor, drinkiog. aa uhiiiiI," said tlie iron Lied parent. 'I tbiuk I can tfuro that boy," aui J the uncla. ''Heavens I if you only could," grouned tho lather. "I'll try it rij-bl aw.iy. I am suro I can dolt." "Heaven bless your eff.uta.'' Tbe'uuolt) uindii his way to tiro tav era wbete Johnny waa Igufiug. As ho entered, Jnhony wus leaning a Caiust the bar, nd utlio landlord Waa just handing down tho bottle of tan- Itlu bout. i 'nallo! Uoe,"suid Jibnny j "bare a drink , "Ye Johooy, I'll drink with yo'j." und Htrniglrtfurth it wis tgkeo. . ' Now. have one with mo," said the uncle, and ooihiny lolh suoiber "suitr ter" tyu wou'ied down. The unilo munugod to uot Joliuuy o lib' that ho could lay J iwu any. where without holding. Iu fact John, ny wanted to alcep. . Prucuijnj; a earriae and a bottle of Jbrnody, the fond loialiou took bia 'iperitueut lo the dopnt, bere be waa placed on hoard iho ear. On the way to Beranton be watt bed bia hall i-tupifled nbirua tender aolicitudo and every time he "bowed atiimatioo enough he plied wjh tho brmidy ; By' Hnija' they Veii'bed ' Sorsn.' on, Joinoy didn't know Ida heal Iron a hula in ibj- jtrmnd - i lid look biiu directly to the tniuo aad called his fureuiso.'V ' ',',' , "Mr.' 11 ild wiu, that iuaoimaie heap," pnliuiiiK to the reibUlbrnt ol Jnimny ho lay upon the .f)oor,w i a nephew of uiiue. lie l drank-' dead drunk, Uf- UaldwtB..'' " 1 should say aa, air " ''I have uinlcriukcii to cure him. Noy, J wish you to follow ihjaae d. reeiiont ' Make u tM piua coOn and place bin) in it, but only ' alixInU tuaioo down tho i 1 J bora u few htdt lugupply the neeaatiitrj amount pair ,od then lower hint into one of ili'e darkest chawbori of lha cole ' mlue j b half a eJitjBon miners dresaed Jo ,nkT flannel, with their hoa'Ulampa bora iogi stand ftuafd over biiu, aud ' wbeo ho tonia'a lo his ! tad where AjftSS A P ?4&3tf SNYDKIt CO. 1'A h'l luni,' Tii' Irih1 wi l proliali y euro "I ahull il t tu ditvoM. oir." In dun 'iniB thn pine t ox wtta ittaJ. .f li t y p'ilrO'l lli.idc i)f it. iirtl llii.' wtt'ili- iiri uiitfi'inonl. ot his w t ll nieuii lOi tirtclc tarried out. It Wi noarly inornintf of iho next l ir 'u't'.ri! tii.1 druukoii rairul ln'un to nt mil' ll aitfiia of ooiit. it i.m. The tvalcni-a, who acting ihoir iurt-i wi' li jj fat x.t. crn p repined and run if " if t tifini-lvu4 In rroiipi ariiuiil lh) liox. thvy uvtuitcl Jewl iii''U' Al'ii-r consi lerrlle grunting Julm "V li'k' i'i lo aliuu nruuu.l in the; box. NVhit it all nii u'it ho hi lit't the Nliirtitrat idou hut ho wu bout on Giu (lin out ii nd netting out o-i well. I'i. nully. he force I the topnftliq colln olf.inl fut nprijlit; thuti ho cmtylit the tir-t .ii;lit of tho dovolisli looking minors, lor thoy war only n little abort ol develia'i, drcsned uathoy wore in rod fmio bond to font, with each n "null rod Initip fastened in It'otit of hi bat. They nUrel nt J.hnny, and it i. safo to aay th:.l ho (dated nt them. Ili eyua appeared to Iw atartina from thoir ... ..I i i.- i.i.. i i!'.- .... .. I fl(i!ti. und he trembled liie an a'pea leaf ! I y," ho M.minieiod, nflor oiititni'iif hit ixo li.r a few mo-; uiciita. wh wh 'vhcre ant I ?" " Jit kit ."' cuiil ono ul Iho tninera, in a deep aeptilebral vniee, ut tlu anio limo a wild thualrio.il atlitalo which the nthi.r.s Instantly Itnitittrd. By tlic woiivl ttluro of thu head, I inpn it could bo aorn thnt JoIiiuiv m " r w UH 'tainliii on cnJ, liko tpulla jou w nuii'.ooe.l pnreui.o. lint lip piivoi i'ii, nnu none ol the uifjime.i niiiiorsduu'iicd but that ho believed lie waa in the infernal region. Ilo ; j:laneod fiuii niio to tho other, and, then ut the t ofiii in whioh h-sat. ! iu luni. eh : I'll tl:i. was rijrht alter all; lioalwiv suid that 'tan Kl"-l""t w.iulJ leteli mo, lio tiiiittor- ed to himself A utoiiiuoiury pause followed. ..lu... ...I.-. ....... 9. 1. . r..y, m ia jv..n iin.uo i ""KeU, ogam adlrcHstn litmsell lo tho 'iner. Thn dovil-aoter ahouk bis head. Johnny was thoughtful nod silent -rurgiu bis nifrne, obi bo mutter-. eJ. "V uniler what my unmo is f I say. ho loncjiavu you been bote ?' " Sis months I waa tho bnlluw ro ply. JuiiO'iy drow tt long breath and tried lo look around him. ''1 any, who is that other chap there bj'ynu ; is ho a devil, too?" Tho whole six of ihoni bowed low sovcral times, scarcely alilo all tho wbilo lo keep sober faces, so gro tesque nud yet reoiialio wus t ho come dy Ibey wero playing. Another pause of about a minute. "How long has Ae been here ?" ' "Six yeura," waa the reply ''Six years, eh I Say, old follow, cotho hero.' The miner approached biua with a grotesque movement ''Now yoVvo been bore quite a good wbilo, you ouitbt to know all about it ptni't ,yon tvll Ms v'lurt lit iji't ail rink of wh ity r This was too tnuoli ; tho minera gave vent lo a loud about which echoed an I re-echoed through iho vhuinhers an J caverua of tho uiiue, and scaui poreJ in every direction, leaving John, ny in la tho dark and more bcwildeir ed than ever; but revolving to tuke it as eool 9 he could, be lay down again in the coflu. Tbo result of tlie expetimeut was jmiuedialely conveyed to Lis uncle, wbo was walling for it in tho oflice at the uiouih of tho shaft. ( Two iriiners were dispatehod lo con duol J jliuoy lQ (he surfaoo. . Without Inecossi ry delay no wus placed en linn rd a ruia beaded for bia father with a letter in hia pocket (or the. trusting ull niao, and that Jotter con tained but one word : 1 "Jni arable. ' 'Piotn your Jovlog brother, Tom.' IJuiicea. Pisber Ames enlerod : lUrvarJ ul '.bo age of twelve, and Ilward Jor ell ul thirteen. ; Bihnp Heber trans laej l'i'lkK)dfa'lluto English at' le. vea, Aaua Seward .roojutd from Miemoi y I be Grat threo book of "Pav adise Lost' at nine j nod lord Broug ham' wrote on philosophy at' eighteen., ' Bui all eminent men bava uot beou remarkable '.for ' turfj ..' atia,loo(enU. Some of tba ifrandast ipiritt that the world baa ' var kaowa-mea' wboae work nod ':mmori 'in vB(Jilug, were regard td . lu youth aa dueoei. . (MJ'rolUCLl ; 18) f-t Iruil. ll i-t (loun wliai di-i'iiui'iiii uii'i; f-r it hoy of iiMili-ratit al'iliiicn. who niitiR to d i hia ho-t. to ho told lint olhura iid'O'ttiiliiho I in iIhI IIi I what hn can do only hy lini'd xlii'ly in tho hex! yrnra of U youth. Hit ittich t liny Hhould Dot rolix his of. lori. Ho will Miccevt), if Ip pivos Ilia mind t.i the w.nk. 'i'hiit ilintin juifh .1 leailn'r, Or. Aril. .1.1, nf Kn ly, al'tur iipikiiii( of thon who z 'iiU oif-ly fullivnte inf.irior p.uviT ul mind. 'Ui l ul' Hitch : n.'il ; "I wmil'l Maud by tllitl ntuu hut in Intnl." He ont'o epoke bh:iip!y ti a dull b iy, who i'riliid : 'Why do ynu !pc;ik tto otitily sir ? Indeed, am doing tho host 1 cut.' lr. Arnold euid tli.it ho never bo lolt it ft bnke in hi life. .Sir Intui- , N'mton was pronounci'd s J mice in tii.-t early acliool ilayi. Ho alool lo v in bis classes, und avetnod to Ikivo no rulirji for alu ly. Oiu duy the "brifrlit boy'' nf I bo cohool tnvo him a kick in iho tnmui b, whieh eanoJ him aevoro il'uiu The itiNiilt nunj; yomu N w jt-ui lo tlm ipiiik.and bo roanlvod to inahe biinnell" fvltoml ivipoeloJ by i in pfovoi Ki bo'n. ship. Hj npplied . i. ..te. i... i i.. . , n.ii.-e.i n -oioiu ,y M SIU'O, II1IO ITO lonj: tiiool in bisclu.sM'- above the buy who had kicked Inn I ulliiirituly bocunio tho hi.il Hlndar in iho aobool. death. Twpnty.otio wero roHCuedin' jXowlon owed bia pro cmimneo in biti ibiinnced con lit ion, souio with their' ; pliilonophieal mudies tnore to peril- ' eyes Imrniid out, Bom: eutjivly tiliill-' j voi niiio an I npplisilion tliuti touny ncd, and nlliora witli their Ii mi's so ' miirvtdoua initotul t id.t moi.ta. bully Inn iicd that the blood streamed ' j O.ivor ( oM.ni.it Ii, than wh.nn n .j Irmn theit-feet at cocry step. They' b-y could appour more hlupid, waa the j w. ro removed lo tho atubut of tho l utt of tidiculo nt aobod. A, subon! M..ninn Hoimo and oi tli-wj-torn ' dame, niter wonderful patience and ' pet iteveranee, tuithl linn the alpha- i'Ct a itntiir vviuon ue .leumod cro I- ilublo to her nktll, and whieh nIio lived to inciitioti with prido when her pu - I'd oecuino 1'imniM. Ho uudo no progre-u" in tho exm l tUndu B, but : '"' "hod iii.nory un l I. aim poetry. Ho waa a sore trial to hit ambitious nmthor. w ho made many 1'ruitlotn td'- 1 . . . . . xcnouimaiea mi told linn that lie was u lool. which vor.liet be did not di. pute, tut took good bumorcdly. Hvin when be bad produced tho "Travel tr," un emineul critic auid to a found : ''.Sir, I do behove tlmt (iuldsiuiih wroto that pnctu ; and that, let mo tell you Ms believing a great deal." Sir Walter Sett ut a dull bov. laud when attending tho university nt ICdiuburgh ha went ly tlie tiimo of "The tjreut niockhcud." Hut be wasted no time on trifles, and, it) pur suing u study that ho loved as, fur cxuuiplo history or tho cluii';s lie was pcrscveriug und methodical He was one of lliosa whoso kuovledgii on I a kubjoct that interested ineroasi'd un til it lay liko a grout volume in I.i mind When Walter Scott began to,.i "... i i in n lllin . I n.i .i.i ll inrjr.n. Ili.tu make Ufe of that knowlcdgo society ' Uifl'ercnt f tt in the IMinburgh uppella- tioo. It w.ih '-The Great Magiclao." lluttuu, tho antiipiarian whotu koowlodgo of books we deemed rc. mnrktible, wai slow to leain when n boy. lie was sent to school to a cer tain Mr. Moat. Ho thus tells bis ex perieuoo: ''My uiaatur look uecustou to beat uiy bead tik'sinsl tho wall, bid ding it by the buir, but bo uever could beat any learning into it,'' Slieriduu found it hard tJ ucquitc iho I'Jou.unle ul learning. Ills uiollur Ofleiuod it her duty to inform hi toucher that ho was uot bright to b'arn hko other buys. M.ui L'larko was proiiouocod by bi lulber to be ''a gi iovoui douce." and J)r. Chalmers, was proiioaueod by bisteaeber na un tucorrigible one Chuttertou was din- iii isv-oU from st'bo I hy bis muster, who, flodiu biWaelt' unable to teach bim anything iu a satisfactory manner, sullied .it that tbo boy wiu u "foul." Teachers are apt to become impa tient over dull scholars, uud predict .of them that they will nuvor funu lo anyibiug. Such uneallod for pruphe eioa ought to discourage no scholar who trio ) do well. A certain Ed inburgh professor one prououncod up on a atudttiit big aeyero opiuiou : "Dutiooyou are and dunoo you will evoy remain.'' That student waa Wal ter Semi.' If a dull boy reel 5 In spiration stirring within to da amue thing worthy In T literature, icicneo or art, let bim a b: t"0 ua flint lo wrd bis object j bit biw be pilout. hopeful aud I aulVrelUnt, araovad by Isuirhter,' ' 'uodlscotiraged ' by, ' evil prophuolea.,, w. ,, ,., ... . .Look yoare, Ifompey, efe ooro'a ap.r f Da oro up 1 I .ooly plaoteeJ it jet terdoy.7 . u kwop.'daU lot tho f Igijot In 4 l! NO. 30. Ileal rtit t Ion of ii Irt-un by l ire H iii und l or.' uiftN liir tt'f . Thrmiah n ptivnto letter tlio Mil. wiiiiki'o Srnthi'l ohtiiinit tho followiny "t ilcinenU reniectinj loj'ica which have befitllcn Ol Irr'arircua at HjciN titirtr, while it wua on it a omul t "i r ihiiniL'h the interior of WittcntiMin : "Oldi r'a hIiow rooihnie l a i-ircn , in ii sen tit and iifnucrie, and ennao H'letitly rerjuiied n l.-irjjo number ot horse for tho trqnHp.irmti in of the wnoiia unl c;ie Of 15. 1 belofij-ini.' in the iu-titiilion, forty-one were Jo alrnyrd by fire. (Jti tho conclu-iiotl ol their vn: ej'tuinnii'iii nt U l-htir. on Vcilne.;iy ni-ht, eighty hofioa wore provide I with rju.trteM tlndof llifec larc tents on tho plaeo uf exhibition ouch ciintnjnini: rcnpeclivnly twenty ivo, ana ivrutity.ioven an I twenty pi'bt horson. About throo o'lduelt in the morning, when n-n ly rondy to Hlart fir HarjlMo, tho cui.vm men and driven went to I he hotel for break ! living no ono in ha me but n lmtler . Iwlonjriiitf t ou t of tho si lo sb iwi. Shortly alter thoirdeparturo tho tnt ,on tho cpXcrn cxtiente of the lino. , filled with straw lo tho depth of threo . loot tor tlC'lillU piiepnH1, CitU.'Ilt fill- iVoni a torch, and it) a M.ort houcj nl ; time hinolcou li'ir.sos wero rn:t-ile I to hotel, where after inspection, a nu n her wero put to doath. Sovoial of the ; pour atiimnl.", wild with oxeit iineiii ,inid uin, h(mycd oil into tho country, 1 nnd wore found three an 1 four mile j from the scene of tho di.-us'ci. The horses bolnned uniuly to tho (1r. 'irao wsloiis, the cotnrauv listuu but (nierinfr horse. ''The fire was a severe blow to Mr 11 . . i j erippicu ny inn uniowar.l eirctlui 1 stance, will Ihrotth tho ctiotvy of tho propricior, roncw its engagement lot' tho season as s ion as ho can olitain a new complement of draught bui'seg. The main tent, containini! the ineti i- 'gerio, cscap. d destrunii.in." hiumfsv (Malum. Tho recent death uf tho King td! Siuiu uud tLo uscetihiou uf a new tu'ci bits broiisht to ii'itiet) u curi ius cost tu 1. ia (w..ilt-... li I Iw. V;.....,tu.. ....-! ... ' n i'i... ... i,) .... nu .in' lion. It is lulled mui Ling the pan plo.M livery mule subject of tho gov ei'tiiiioul uust select n goveruaieiit ullioiul whom ho will teeoguize c his uiaxter. and then must hoyo a mark uu tho back nf one nf his wrists iudi ! At.li.i . ll.o .l.'iiArl iti.it.l ft. U'liN.ti Ii n Id i , , .. , ', , . , , imirketl nre liable to be t ailed ipun In render personal ttery iee in the depart- nie nt to which they belnug The guv erumeut ortieial is re-pon lihln fur tho uovernmetit work according to iho number of men marked to liiiu It is iu iimuy i ii sea opiiotiul with the master whether be will require personal ser vice or accept (substitute of money for procuaing theni. But. in souiu cases persouul aorvico nuift bo exacted. The umeuut of sorvice rcpiirod viiria eonsidertivly Soma nro required to give their who'e tiiiie, receiving a no miual salary only, wholly inadequa'e to iheir support even in Urn style of the poorest ebia of laborers in lb it country. Hut, aa a rule, they are re quired fogive only a portiou of lime a cerluiu portion uf each month, quar ter r half year. Tliiasyatem of murk iug is unpopular witb tho people, and at such timea aa it is enforced the greatest vigilanco ia required on tho part of government odleiala to prevent a geueral emigration from tho country uf those subject to tho mark. Dcuth From Fright. A Kentucky nun who attempted to ores a high railroad bridge at Sh-'p-harJsvillo, in tlut Sttto yocootly, stumbled and foil botwoon tbo ties, but fbrtuuutol manage 1 to grasp a lie with his haodi nnd there bung. Jangling, with 103 Toot of ahoor W beneath hiin. ba waa utterly unable to regain the top of tho bridge, and ha bung on wiib a death grasp anttl bia oriel brought aisUtancJ. Lifted from hia periloui poaitioa b wai led off the bridge, and sal .down for few minute,, apparently overeoiuo by tbo danger through which he bad paved. Then he got up. aa he 1 nil to go homo. ' walked a few etep, Jed le I tetbe ground d.oud. Iyilm Ve who earofufly ixmlned bi bode eat that there waa oo bruise or woond u (anient to fllaable bitn, mdeb rose eaaae death, Md Urt ef the pploioo.tiiat hii;dtb A-clvertlnitiir- lt.H.t94) One enliimaog ytar $00.00. One-half eolnmn. one , 80.00. One-foortb red ana. oae year, ' 16 00. One equare (10 linea) oelaarrlUa TA. Every additional Inarrtion 0. rrof-lonl and Ruwiura eHa ef ' not more I ban Ave line, per yrar. 6,00. Auditor, Exrcntnr, Adminialralor an.Aaignra Notice S.60. Editorial tint lor per line 16. All adferliarmeBl for a ah or I re period i. nn one year are payable at thfjlne thry are ordered, and If not paid thep nn ordering ihem will he held rtpunibl lor the money. . . ItoiiiMl lo rto n tiOod lii)'a lima, Mr. M- -, of Oxford, don't ob jert to having a hired lino do a full 111, work, at leant no wo should judgo Irtim the followinj" story : A idiort limo nji a man went trt his plsoe for work Mr M sot him In plowing round a forty-acre Held. After he had plowed faithfully II day, until the sun Waa about hall' mi bout hlrib bo expressed bia opinion tliit it wna bolt time to rj nit work " Oh, no,'1 nni'. Mr. M "yon cm plow nrntintl aix or eight tinioa lunto jual na well at out." So tho hired mm plowed aiound ait or oijfht tint then went to the l.o ise took Ciro of bis teuin. milked mini I'ow.a, olo hit! aupprr, snl found ton o'clock M irinir him in the face front the old litnr.-pii'CO. S.ild tho hired man to .Mr. M " Where i. Mr. M ' The coi'l woman iiiistv-rcd, " has retired ; tlo you wihIi to sci him ?' lie replied th it 1n di I. After b'' in coiidio ted to tho hed room, ho said, " Mr. M . whore ii tb" IIXD?" ' Why." s,i, Mr. M , " what do you want to do with thn nxn t" " Well," snid tho hiro I m m, " 1 wnsjust thinking you mL'ht waul mo to split wool until hr'-'ukfuit toadv." I I'm ii lial. Hulwcoti Kuniishu nud Milwaukoo, an agent of tho Tra voters' Insurano Co. of II art lord entercJ tlm car and having issued iteketa to aovernl pas sengera, approached an elderly lady, whn, it afterward nppnuro l waa iear. " M t I im, would yuu like to insure aguillit uceidetits ? ' inquire I tho agent nt tho same liuic exhibiting hi tickets. " I got my ticket down to Kcno- 8ll.1.'' "Not si railroad licket, madam, I want to know if you would hko to in. nure your life agninst accident." " I'm going t'lOshkoah to visit my d li ter, who's jn.irried up there, and has j ust got a baby '' Ti e ug-ut raised bis Voice a Iitllo- " Would yuu like to insuro your life against accidents. ' ' She's been married two years and a bull, and that's the lirsl child. It's a pal " Agent still bjuJer i " I'm nu insurance aent, madam don't you want lo insure your lifo igaiui-t accident ?'' " She got along first rale, nnd is do ing na well us can Lo expcoiod.' Agent, ut the top of bis voieo: " I am an oiiiui.'. agent, madam ; can't 1 insuro your life ngaint acci dent " " Oil, I didn't undoi Htvlld you," 8'iid tiie xdd lady. " Nn, her name i John von ; my name i Uvans. and I livo live iilc finni Kenosha.'' Only Joke. A few nighli ago, three young foL Iowa ot Wurhii)i;liin county, who had ' been at court, were riding home word on horseback, and wbeo thry eumo to n cross roudt where thry should separate, ihcy ull stopped to (ak a moment. While llioro, a nan came riding huaiily ulotij;. and think ing bo, liko they, had been out 'spar king.'doteriuiued to Cud out who ho was and where lie had been. S i they called ojt in iport, -'Slop, thief I Inlt!' Tho rider spnt ro I piat, and the one who bad lo go tho si ma road gallops 1 aflsr him still hallooing. Tho sliangjr then wheeled his horse into a fence comer, and look to tho woo la. The young man called to tho atranger to como buck, I bat it was only a joke, but ha did not como. The young man took the tmrvo ba.'k lo the cross roads aud put the hoi J8 in a hotel stable. The next morning a neigh bor discovered bis bi.io missing, -which proved to bo the oue the stran- gor baJ abandons 1 ao mystoriqu-h, ' aad wbieb bo bad itoleo. Tbore'i ac Icait oae goad result in lata courting It ia alated that tba damage ie diet ed by tb grasshopper! ia Maine Ibi year, must bo measured by millroasof dollar. An oxphango aya t 'Jjnsoain , plates, both on the Audroooggie and . , Keaebeo. the faroten are turning their , atirviog cattle into their grain field to pick up what their arch enemy paa left f here are many square inilea of . -.' ...i i i i... i r lerrttory wnor uui a vusnoi ui will be raised, though before the da- . arent of tba drairoyer there was eua- . I .' .' m J i i ' ' 1 f aal proniiM ol a crop, ftanareea ei farmers mtfo, two week ago, were ' at. peetiagt leMKo47iro ai itiif 4 jnpi,r"",uu,owrn. roLl,,,,,, jwt 1-,U"VJ,"V Jo Ji In