si ... -L" ! .Uu! I.. , . . ,1' I ,1 L J U-UJ.J-1.. l J . ."t,l" i - ' 1 1 - i i i-i ' it ' - 1 .?w1'i,5tj-rf,'- fubllehea every .Tburedoy Eveotbg by One eolumoeae yeae , a . 960.00. One-half eelaaia; oao year,, One-feartb enluaia. aae year, i ll.Mk, One iqttare (10 line) one laaarae e. Every additional Ineertioa ). Prefeaaioaal aae) Buaiaeaa eau-ea af not more Ibaa Ave line, par yea. i,00. Auditor, Exeeator, Adralaiotraler aod Aeeignea Hoticao oaV, Editorial nmloeo per lino ' ' ' ' JU.IIIAB IROISE. Proprietor. Terms cf Subscription, .en DOLLARS PER AXXCM. Payable 1 .1... .1. ,. k. ! AA If kaI ..1,1 wkhin 'be year. Mo paper discontinued nil arrearagea are paid anleeo at 9. 4 ikt optios or toe punliaber. iihMription outsido of the county All odvertieemeata far a eaorter ftua PBYABLR IN ADVANCE. - thaa one year are parable at the llae tbev era ordered, end if not Said tbe Pereone llfllif and using paper dreeeeoj lo otuere occome aunscrinen1, MIDDLEBURG; SNYDER CO. PA- SEPTEMBER 14, 1871. NO. 27. aoa ordering I beta wiH bo held roef saaiblo ire liable for the price cf tbt paper VOL. 9. for tbe money. , . ., , ,, - . ' i t . 1 i i - . c rp 'A ill c J aa , i Mr io. llu i . iug to. P. CKONMILLEK, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middlcburr, Pn., jffin hie preteaetonal services to lb pub M, f oUc.llone and nil other profeaalonnl tajiieeee entrueied to hi nn will receive ffciiipt attention, f Jan 8, 'O'lf A. C. SIMPSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solinsirrove Ta., ,f,ri btl professional lervloe to tb pub- All bueineee entrusted to nil oare Lj bi promptly attended lo. , I Jan. 17, 'bill I. W. KNIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frecbunr Pa., Lftri bit Professional service lo Ibe pub- All buatneae entrusted lo bn cere LJb promptly attended to. Jan 17, 'bill hjyi. VrtN (tKZKB, .IT ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lowisbiirij Pa., r?r bit professional service lo - le'puh- , Collections and all other rio'e'eion buiinesi entrusted lo hla care will re Ltri prompt attention. KO. F. MILLET?, ATTORNEY AT LAW, " Lewisbiin; I'n. Un bit Profeteional acrtlc lo tliepab Culleeiinna ana all oilier profession biainrsa entrusted to his care will ra il prompt Itanilon. Jan. 8, 'U7tf. M.LINN, A. II. DILL, fSaeeesiora to 1. T. J. M. Llnn.l ATlOKNtVS AT LAW, Lewiahurc. Ta. kr their professional services lo Iba Mia. Culleetlons and all other pro- laional bueitieae entrusted to ibrlrcare ;i receive prompt el tent ion. Jan. 8, 6tf CABLES HOWKH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scliiiturrovo Pn., rtr his professional service! to tbe pub . loueciioiis ami an oiner pruteesioun ;ilnrti entrusted lo bit cure will rc in iron, pi aitentinn. Office two door .rib of tbe Keystone Hole). Jau 5, '0 AilUEL ALL EM AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ScliiiKptrovo Tu t'ri bla rrufeeeional aervicca lo tbe lit. All biuinesi entnuleJ lo bia i will be promptly attended lo. Col lug i made in all pane of ilia Slnte. tin apeak the tigl:ah and German iuiio fluently. Ollice between llull'i j tba l'ol oQice. N. MYERS, ITTMttET k GOCSSEI OR IT UW Jillfturg Sujdcr County Pciiii'm - a few doora Weal of lie P. 4). on a Mreet. Conaultalion in I'.nglub il Gnu OB I , uapea. hi. lilt C.BUCItliR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowinbtirc Ta., lira bia profetaionnl ae'aiceato the pub- All buaineia eiiiruiicl lo bla tare be promptly attended lo. (Jan. Z.'t,",, HOVER A II A K K It ' SEW I NO MACHINE. triona In nerd or a gnou and durable i r nf Miiobioa can be accommodtled al Vot; nalilr price by oallins on on B- ihn- Facit, Agent, baliuag'rove. tv-icl Jan. ms IP.. J. Y. SHINHEL, CCIt'l SL'RtiEO.N AND PHYSICIAN. Ivan ' M.idillfburjr r., lU.i lirtl;l i hit nrofeaaional aervioea lo the oil - kiof Middleuttrg and viciulty. a t Mill co si, til 0inl ibia il F. VAN BUSKIRK, ig f" ft; tSlCAL fc UECflAMCAL DENTIST Itifi'l Belinngw. Petri moVi UN K. UUOUE8, Esri., -,. a JUSTICE OF THE VEACB, li IM clpliiil rn, ' J iilro'1 t reno iwn.. poaer t. o. i a il teaJ u. WAGNER, Esq., 1 Jt the or tiik ruAU'is. itksoa To jship, Snyder Co. Pa od 't id 4 Inland lo all buainrsa entruited lo o.oo lire and on Iba niort reaeonable i All" ' ' March 12. 'B8lf u25 ic delplJ 13' fKANAWEL. ar in: FUYSKIAN AND 8VR0EON, llaii ireviiie, injocr -., ii.. M kia Drofcaaioual aeriicea lo tbe it 8k i O-OCII ilstiJ 1 toy ti l iVBlLL Co., laaun i. rV.6lilll Duuti m iddfti 3D AND WILLOW W A BE Mbi, Window Shaulte, Uronma, Mate, ind M TilbMi ti Cotton Laut..Oraiu. liaga.t Ifly I Buck el a, Twinea, Wlcka, fte. fremoi-l Lee 'North TbirdUtreed, rbiladelpBia. F. '67 ... i i dia ' al W,. lubli l.BOYER,Jr. ,60 P1 AUCTIONEER, Freeburi? Snyder Co. ru nLea u lca ptpeotfully offara bia aertioea lo Iiio aa Vendue iryer an auoiioo laritig bad a large ' experience, 1 Reatl'u r-Jout. tbat I ean render perieci Fpbia'i No to ftj fmpbyaa.a. tJaa: P. '171 r PerM .00. at PARKS, Mt-i) jy ; ATTORNEY AT LAW k ., DISTRICT ATTOUNY, iifiUe a do ,i raloM i-EDURQ, tiNYDtft COUNTY, fa Pollil1 fla Court Haute, tJept.lft. 'ertr relure" nd n f WJ& & It EMM? S HONS, ibiini1'1 ACCOWAREHOUSE na lt1 322' N. TH IRD S nd, aat' PHILADELPHIA. v' 1 oaaiVl allroio rk et. , Riadi' MAlSPEUBACn PnpV V . " .V. C. NIP Cleiil. 4 4)6 Nortb lkird ( rrj" Pb,iladelphU ' ; ; V'uil H .l" - il ' uri'i.' i2i fur P nd V m up.., ,..,, , VuaAU'Qoij 8EXLia ', yt, Blank booki Manulajlurcr n Wnppin(r UlaaiiPg. Cur- "all papfrii VaperiSaga t flan 'riaiera , aertb Tblrdelreet abort Haet )0 pfl rTESi J. D. C. CLARKE, Import ar and Jobbtf in Hinnll "WeireK, WHITE GOODS! Trimmings, Ribbons,&c. AND FANCY WOOLENS In Oroat "Vtii'ioty ! 87 North Third Street, u-Bif ruiLAiiai.rui. pETERSPECHT, Reepectfulty Infnrma the citiaroa of Ibia place and aurroundiiix ccunlry ibal be i now pra pnrrd li innaufnolura la arJer, ami baa for aale. Buggies, , , Carriages, Sulkies, Sleighs. Wagons, Ac. aa cheap, and a tint cheaper, ilian tbejr nn be purrbnaed elewberk HKlVIltllS'CJ-, of veblclc iif tariuna kinda promptly at tended tot A alar of tbe public palrou age la aoliciled. i t. i r.n pi i in. MWdleburg. May 8. 171, lf " J : i D. HLIKKR'S WHOLESALE AND KKIAII. Furniture Warerooms, NO. UO NORTH BEroXD STREET, (Uelow Arcb, WokI Side.) t'arlory jand llicVmi'- Ihjutommt, K.U3 Nortb (lib Street, above Oxford, l)-8tf PHILADELPHIA. y'lCTiAjisELi , arccaaaoa to cAi-rruxa It cm, czlochbtav akd GXaASSWAXlE, So- 21 Korlh Fourtb blrcct, MULtUELl'lUA. Original Package Conalanlly on Hnnd. Repreacnted bj TIIKO'8 SWINKFORD. N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! R.O. UKTZEL. P. S. McCI.LLOUOU IXSTZZX A ZtZcCVZXOUOB, (SUCCESSORS TO JOHN HETZEL.) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF hekcii Ai)isi:: HIOnEBT CASH PRICI , TAID FOR rLOUIl, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIES, , m ' . ' ' . s- 5 . - CHAPMAN, BNYDEK COVWTT, PENNSYLYANI A. March IT, IMo-tf. QREAT EXCITEMENT IN BANNER VI L.L.E. NEW QOODS. HELFRICH & BHOWER Wieb lo inform Ibe cltltent of Bannenrllle and eioinllr lhal they hate opened a new ttock of go'odi, and will keep oonaianlly od baud a full ataortment of .:i...i.'. 1 :uka'ooubtt: , ..'.'''rr .'1 01 i 1 Centitt ingof A LP ACAH.POPU N8.PLAD8, , LUSTRES, DELAINES, , . cALiyoEn, &e. , ":; Clothri &, Culiiieref , 1 I 9 Hi ( ' . . !l 1 M . HATS ami OA P8, BOOTS and SHOES, ,.., A lU.IH Ai , UKUtEHIES.; HARDWARE AND' QUEENSWARE-a SALT, AND FISH, And In fool everything mually kept in a II ret clan eoaatry atora. . AH of "blob we offer al greatly reduoed prioee, for Caab or Country Proouot. .... Having vka4 Jarge teipenenco in the buaiaeaa, we flatter oynyelvea Ibat wo ean pleaaeaad Oaliefy al) our oiialeruere., . , r Hoping by olrlot atteniloa lo buelneaa and a daeire la olaaae all, U iarl, 0. liberal aiaae of puhllo palroaago. Our aiolto la "(JuuM Vaiea emuut Ta-i-r r We aak it kaaae ibak'iKo. AiaUlaiMaiiino Our elook and, fricet befpra ptirobaaing elaewbero, aa wo alwaya abow "our' oodi with floaoaro.; t ! ' " Ptfraorrfilf ifaao M, IVJO. t . i - . t a , of tho i Second Annual Fair or THE TO RE HELD AT 8EL1KSOROVE, October 3, & 4, 1871. Offittrt of tht. Society. THOMAS DOWER, Paaatoait. tUaieiB. Bona, Raa. Haeralarr. Tana an J. xaiTa, .lor. Mieratary. Jb P. t a.ixanLi.aa, ttamloaiui, TaoBAa h. Mima, ( hem tat. Ai.L,a tti aiM a, Traaurer. CaLVia I inaan, Ltlbrartan. , , r.ta V'icinW. Ta Markley, Her Moaell Kreliba, Weat Hriri Martta L. ItaaalUKer, I'aniraiJ. H. Hall. ( hapinant J. Ma-lnKr, Kranklliii Atirution Kiar, Jarkfoni Jobo Mruub, M 1.1,11a nrakH.J. Killer, Maurvai Oaurna Muatf, ill'ti Ivoiira ll. Jat-oo rrnona, rarrri j. f (irablll Perry W. J..K. Iarle hallnaamea H. I ncboll, fnlunt Uooiae Hitbiab, Waah. auiuat inalij, Hub and Heyuhttvint. lat The field orceiuuetltlon l open to all real, denuel tbe eauaty, Iraa ot charae Ferenna Irmn other eovnilaa run bee, ma eabiblluri by paylnii a aaiall eairaiwa le. . - . U Allariklea tbr reiillRa raa at baanter a.l by 'ote A. at. ef Uia Mined day ol the aibll.ltlan aiil rauala thwa autll aa'tiuck P. M id tl,a thlnl day. ntnei eao be Biaile pra I"U to the lalrhyaddraaaliig the Neuretary at Freetiitnt. 1 XI Tba Annual Aarlrultnral a.ljraaa will be delivered In the (Md Kallvaa Hall, luaaday, To'i-lork P. tot. ik. K . Moi lure. iua Trial of fast boraaa, IqeaJay, o'clock P. M. tih Lady Equeitarlanlam Wednesday a e'oloak P. U. , Family tlekat fer leaeoai ; '. Single a, lint, ah, n each day l,oo it i Imuran ... iu Maildle hurra li t na eihllrftlaa)la ' auldltlon In ailialeilen vreanar ' 10 Mimlecairlaxa, la addl Hun to oceupante 30 l-oubla " ' no CLASS A. ytrn'. IHrlflnn 1 Trotllna, drat and Matched hoMee Ileal Uutiloa lloraa or Mara 4.10,00 Ad Heat " ' 10.00 Ileal Pnelna ' " t,uo He. I WalklllK " 3.00 Heat Hrlvina " '- ,vo Heat Pair of draft horaes. I.ou Heat SlaK-ba.1 koraei 4,00 Vnd Kent " " 'i,uu tulon. S. S. Nrh'ieb, Hnnry F, Darli R. II. Wnltar, Ainmnn ,rlirli, H. ft. Kama, .loteph Walter, t hae. Miller, H. J. Rltteraud I'uniel II,, Ion, lor. blTHIon II stallluni, brooil marea and colta. Heat Miilllou 06,00 5nd a . - l,W Heat brood Mara with aalt, a,uo anJ " " " 1,(10 lioat geldlDK borae or raara a.iai " 3 year old colt ' 'I year old 2,110 I year old 2,iki " luclilna M l.iaj JviiOKa. Thoinaa U. Kanti. F. J. Henoch, Jo- aepk HelUI, A. Eyar, John btraub. , CLASS B. Cattle. Reat Dull I " " Heat Cow Ot.on .00 1,00 a.oo 1.00 S.UV 2.00 I 00 I 00 and Heat llelfaf J to t yean old 3nJ Pet fair onder 1 year pnrKlriK call .lpnoRallauta ilarniierllna, Henry Mnyur. John H. Muilih, Charlea Krabbe aud Boloraov Howanox. CLASS C. 'Sh'rp. Reat knelt any axe 03.00 Heat Kwa 1,00 lloat Kwa with lamb 1.00 JoiNiaa 4'aleln Hehaeh, Morrli Erdly Joel IllUer, John Korul and Joaeoh Ellher. CLASS J). Stvinr. 1 Peat boar any bread . aa. 00 Haet Si ar- wnn 1 plira a 00 Haat lor mora nlua 1 to 10 week! aid. l.uo ,..u,, 1 iimidi, m . a,. nuiKiiia, JB' oob Oil, John bebuee aud Mlohaat Woaaar. , I'uultry. Halt eoop turkaya 01,50 Jnd " . . TJ Reitnalraeaia - I. bo Ind " lb Beet pair duckt - 1,00 2nd " " ao Beit jialr of naa fowla 1,00 . Beat pair chlckena ' 60 Heat coop of ohk keni I or mere l,tu Ind Bait " " " 76 Jrtiiiaa. H. E. Miller, .tonal Trailer, Henry Oil, aamuel H. Yearlck and Hanlel U. Moyar. Cl.AS F. Oram and aS'Wav Bait half buihel white wheat 01, Heft " Red " l.ou llnat Rye " to , Heat " (luta " 00 i Boat t " : Hark wheat to Heat " I'orn In aara Beat , ' t'lover-aead 1,00 rteai -- 1 imoiny-aaaa 00 Beit " Vlaiimd Ml JoneKa. nenrire Hllklak, U. C. Eyer, Oeorae D. Millar, Uanry Kara and UhrUllaa Oroai. ILAM U A'oo onJ Vrg'tabUt. Dlrlilon I Heat lluihal aweet poUtoei to Bait U lie. "Early row" pototoee 60 Kant 12 Uu Hllrrla,inH l bo Beit U Ha "Ooodrlch ' M Heat U Uu. any other kind to naai 1 ..BMtUI Heat Q I Heat i I Haet He Bu run. I in ,. to Ha Kuta bacaa ' to Buoaiaoa. to raek baata 60 Beat Peek t'arrote -M to Beak Pank Parsnlpe. '. ' 60 Jonoaa. Jaeok Bolendar, Heory 5aa den, J. H. Hall, bamuei lerr, and I, ri. Lonaaore. Dlvlaloo U Haet Pack tomatoaa , I 60 Boat U neek llioa beam to ' ' Beat iteok baana ' to . , . Bat iieek peas 60 1 Bait 4 kaadi eabbaaa , . , , to Beat I hunehaa ealary to Beit Hpewlaieo eg a; plaat '' "'60 ( u.. . keel variety peuueri to Het and kargaet aw eat buaipkla to lad Heat " ' " W Heat k largaet lot laid pampklni to tnd ' " f t Heat lot of Minihee to ' Beai bit broom corn 60 Heat iwaatcoro doa Eart. It Jrnoas Uali Pawlluv. Jaoob A. Kmltu' Olaaoa AailB, ItaaalAMiaBd J. M. Daabannan. CLAOO II. '-' tVm't, ' ' ' Bait eollaetlon of epptei not leu than one peek otaaebklad J 01.60 2nd beat ra 'I I do . 1 do do ... lb Beat and largest oolleelloa of pearl l,m 2nd beat do do do do , to Beat and lanraat eollaetlon paaobaa 1. 1 l.ui 2ud leal do do do t ao , 11 1, to Ball plume l,oo 2nd bait do do do da 60 Beat and Uraait enlleotloa qulooatn 1 , w Ind lal do do do iu Haet a-, llalan argrapaO P - aIVt1 Heal Obancbaieaiawkagaapsj It ' U ilu Beet Ibunohee Iaaballa 60 Ileal .ila. aoooonl 'do A- '' ' I to Ileal! doJVklla ' 60 JoiKMb il U. Waaaalla,3aiva FUher, 1 Of. Taatt, Wflllaas AhtlayOad Uaaa Xraaai e: ' : V CI.AS.1 ,t. H aH'cJ AnrinUfuml a hnpl-emrnlt. Hart dlaplay of aartsultaml liaptr amenta i a,o itaaa moyar aun avaa 1IU -1 Diploma Htst etaeh Best annlnsr Mill 1 ..,. Beat Clover hullar aad aaparator' Itwt araln drill Beat Cbree wkO a J .11 .1 Beat alraw eulter l Baal boraa hay (orb " Baal cTaltTeatoV ' ,W)J .V(I H ' rVaalharrew " BMlpait atrrlogMaeUtfifal ii iJJ lja Halt pump lor well! Juiaaa.-Moaaa Bpeahta William Daniel Reluback, (jeefge loUor.' Vadajoa, ... Harding ' lanufiictrtil Artlle. (macrscTraao wiTaia corarr ) Real lot of cabinet work Beet Waah Machine Heat elethea wringer Beat lot tlowaia Heel lot of atone ware Heat rank Hove and furnltare Haet Pailor stove wood ar east Haet Hewlca Maeklae Beat epeelmea Hanllatry ' ipeclmea Marble work! " , Tarntna a " frlnllnw. 09.00. Diploma. J 1, IHploiaa no do da da do ', " Hrooeaa OI.M Jiiilxai. A. M. ary, John Norman. Jeho HoOuian, abner Mlddlaswai Ik a Paler Hartmen CLASS K. Wuyont and Carriajet Heat ferae wagea, Diploma a, Baal bniay hutkae tt 00 ! I.VO l.W bpriQi wagon Mela-it K.'iei " whrei barrow 00 ' Mel Inset or bob loo Jmlaaa llaur rU,xh, J. J. Mettern, I'eier Heiael, Jacob Bohuaa aad Daniel UU. CLASS L. Lrallmr mid Uu Manufactures. Beit pair line boote. " course " " La ilea ahcaa " " " ttallare Side Harneaa leather 01.00 60 10 to Diploma do do do l.oa l,u l.ou l.uo l.ou - idle tola letther " Mile t pper Leather ' ilreeeed ealf akin let alneie harneaa " lot diiuhla barnese " let tiiat barneal haitdle " Hldlna bridle and nitorn .lu,ljea 1'apt. U. H. itaaaanplua, hree-e. Antes l lrtck, Al. L. HaMiuaer, D. Eliker. CLASS M Banes Henry JluuiJivld 3tinuituri Beat roll wool earpet I ananetured Ineo.) l,eo " ai Kan - na ao l.uu noma maoa covaria, " kauie ms ile Maanal (lOydl or more) H natch work aullt l.uo 1,0a 1,60 1,00 2nd let " " allk quilt " pair woolen lorke, homemade iialr do uiltieua to . a poabit wm.leo itooklna yarn u lu,l..Mr. 11. H. Hnver. Mr a. Maria Wsieo a liar. Mies K. Jane Hniltb, .lira. Allan KekiH-he .era J. K. Davie, Mra f. Eckbart, alia oauia vaaeuay. t,i.tsr) A. Kmbi-oidery, Ktt'dle and Omummtul Vork. Beat worsted Embroidery o 2 to to 2nd do Beat Inrap mat do pin citahlno do bearlh rusj do door mat do crochet work du dl.,,likv al luttlnB 60 to i to 60 do do do do do do do do do orocrtei saiur enawi knltlaxl taphyr luewl Uppers wiirkhaaket tittoman chair cnrar In pattern or stitch carriage and sleigh Allghan dlt'ly ol burr w,irk illaplay ofh ilr work I dlaplay ! waa Irult ril.tilav ol wax tinware 1,00 l," 60 60 60 1,00 1,00 to 60 64 do do 60 luiluea Mra bamuei Alleuian. Miss llaltle II. I'mninlnae, Mia- Ada Wexenaeller. Mrs D II :ary, Mlae Annie l.l-iyd, Aire U.K. llavlaaad IUUi Luu Uotwualelu. CLASS O. ltrra lltilter. Cuke, tfr, Heat roll butter, t Ida 2nd Beat ' Heat Mund print . 2nd boat do do Heat loaf Wheat breed 2nd twit do du Heat l,,al Bye bread 2nd beat do do Heat fro 1 1 cake do Jelly do ipongo do do pmiml do do eakeof aay other kind not ipeclBed do pla do dried beef with mode of curing do cured ham tin 6)1.00 I to 2A 1,011 to 74 Juile Mre II. K miller Mre Heavier, mra F, .1. sohoch, Mri t'alvln I'labar. Mre Hcirae tichnure, Mra. JohnApp audllrijoi. Lumbard CLASS P. 1'rwrwn, riMv$,mci nned fruits dr. Heat collection enleed fruit do do IM'klee do Jar of canned peaebal da do do plural do do do Heap berrlei do do do eherrtoi do do do whorileberrlea do cataup luilirae-Mlai M. Louisa Shlnriel. Mra Hattla W.bmltb, Mre Thus. Howar, Mrs Dr. Holbruek. Mrs George J. hehoeb, Mra bailie J. Fisher and Mra Henrietta Uroaee. CLASS Q. Jellif, Cordt'at, dro. Best Current Jelly do tarape 1I0 do apple do do ieaoh do do of any other fruit do apple butter do peach do do Boa honey do aallon elder wlnewar do urallon vineaar of home manufacture 11 u Juila-es Mrs AuIkiII Milndel, Mn B. L. Rou denbnah, Mre Jennie Wlttenmyer, Mre J. H. Hue-Inner, Mre l"r. Nipple, Mra Joko H,uuiuiel uu oaie j . tr. faivar. CEA8S R. Paintings, renmanthip, J'htograph . . tc, dt'C, Bast oil palntlna-. executed by citizen of oo. i 10 do crayon draailnK , fi.oi) do pencil sketching 1.00 do lien drawings 1,00 do kpeolineo Baarhtaj aeulptura do Pbi.tiucrapbs bpeolineo Baaretaj aeulptura Dlplowo do P. Horn. Judaraa Hev. u. L. Pah I a, let, Rev. Hev citato. Itanrae achaure Ker. J. P. Bhiadel joaeph Lumbard, aad batuael Allamaa. - CLASS S. 'lowe plmti, FVtirrra. and l)etjn. Bast collection of hoaso ulante ' 11,00 2nd Best do do flo ' 60 Hast enlleolloa Artlttcla1 flowera l.uo 2nd Best do do do no Beat boquet ' to Ind Heat do ' ' Beet collection dried granme to do collection hanglDg baaketl ,. j..,. ai do eollaetlon cut flowers it do da dried autumn leavee Oa decorative daelga Judaea Hire at. H rabuek. Mre M Erlen meter. Mrs F. A. Byr, Mrs Anion Schoh,Mlai Amelia M .ata. Mn k'raaknn Welrlok, Miss ataggts Aaraod. CLASS T. ,.,.r , jtc . Iit ntuUiftl lnitnimojnl of any klpJ, du )rtoroitr on Wno or orifo, Diploma do Ju.lgea Mill Utile B. , Shlmlel, Mra Mary Houis. Wm. alayor, uhaa. la, bulla, and Juba A. Elllagar. . . .-..ii l . . CLASS U. . . t ' i ra . . . . . . 't uorte on"tii ntf. Beat horse' atioelng toconalat of the setting nf twoehoam br aa-k competitor, on the lair grouii'la the eecond dny ot the fair at 0 o'clock. eebemllk t select his owe hi.rie and cow plete Ike preparatory work before com I ear ' a iba ground - anuu Judgae W. ft. Holmes, Jeremlab Vrouee, I'apt.Pblllp Klanay, William H. Lareaaai UoOaf I Cornelius. j. : .CLAb9 V. . ... :'l on.. ..noi-i AyM' W''.'au. ;. .... -t Heat I-ewly drleerefatoglakereaaeaertage 03t0 Meet ato ' do ef laorsea a eairiaga root iUh 40"'i rt.ler l.uo 'Judges He. U P. WlraasaUae, Jbho L. V tcJe-ranlella fVerrlek, wm, U. Uaua, Dei' V. U. ttlbtgkaus. , .''.- ... - CLASS W. , iliffllawom and- oh XNuateroe!' Jadgea The ExeeuUvo UoataUUeo oft ha JU eletii...t --aJ - atv THOMAS ROWER. II I lltljg IIIIIIIIBtf B JiLW KAOLB HOTEL;" , m - !' ! tff- ..a W si. e , i - I 1V i'SVriSB 0 HIIV SlliWSfl, PHILADELPHIA, s JOHN CLYMER, rrfritt9t ioai.i-o.tjM ANuriiaca. "Take earn of ounibjr on ibut 'a anv mn-.l.i aintleiiaan aulil Mr Miat-k. L0( , ne fpi,kf htf bultuaetl bia toot tiulilly uh ut him, an II lie thot i . . ... . ... , . tuat I Bin act won 11 do conri'ioinn trof In bia aitiliioi o tlitil he lolond-'d in net Ui la Ihd auuiiment he bad ju-t OXlveai'tJ. "But aurely wo aro Commit! lei lo drip una aiioiuvr," I bo rop'y. "Wo abould J us wo w.ntl i bo dooo J" 'Exactly, I arco tt th lait pripan, it iun. il my burn almuld oe turned duwo, I hhimld a,t wiali lo have lit) neighbor akad loaliaro ibci upcnse ol liuvio it rebuilt." "Cvrtuialy out, be:tti'o ynu lta iiiuji irmvely uttiplo nifni, nu I cu I I canly h ive it teiiuili y iurell. But you lu.iy bu plucciiiu aiiumioiia wlini help iVuiil atiollur wi,l he very lioce.i ,ary lor you.'' "Poaiidy j but I bare oevir yet lounj it no. 1 lielteve erery one cau lake euro nt Li in so 1 1' if La lion tb' di pti-itimi to do o). I uiuit b you 1 1 exciiirt mo nouilHiiieii, it i li'no (hat I iv an oa my way to the city." 'It van early f r culler,'' remarked Mr, Mutkbaoi, altar the visitor bid loll i "W bo vvre ttity, my dear V "rwooutluiuou, wli'i um trying lo got up a oubevriplion lo rebuild Mr. L.iw.iouo baro, which waa burned Hi roe or tour uioutho limo, juot be fore we iiioved lit' i o." a "Mr. Dtiwsott lo be our next tu iuu'oir i V'a ; nil can aw bU lluUiC from lb- WiuUow that email, iibi-luiLiouifd rim liuune " "How much tlnl jou ii'wt. Henry 7" "Noihiou; at all. It, wa a uteni piecw ol uMjorjuoe to come lo tun We have not lire I in the town tuoro than three uiootba aud 1 burilly kaw Mr. I.uw-oe lay Hljjlt, wlial poeoible cliiitu line lie upon tue lor u.eiuueo I" Be iiica 1 ulwar atick to my motto, luke ,. ' V all V uumvn "iivi Mr. M.uklib n lonkol thoughtful auJ lio"k her lictiJ.- "1 dou'i like that motto, lleory," ahe mud. "N lllit r tin I, fut hoi','! exclaimed u briultUc) ed liti:o girl who wun at tvn'.irii iisiotier to Hie conwrtiiiou j " lor Uobbin aud 1 wunt you l i bruijj Uoiuu Cindy Ii'hiu the city ihiitovoo ttij'. mill if jnu mily toki' cuff ol until Ocr one, 1 atu ultat l you will lorgcl it '' "Never lear, Mie Poil,1' vu the luuaibniu; reply, "nuutbor ante iiicltnlis u iuuu'h wlioli) family. How do you tike Hint V "Tnat ia bettor, futbvr ; ao please I, .n't turret tb uiu ly," r'iuruud the child, woli oaiiaGed with tbe expUuu lioit ; but ibe uiotber still looked ilioiibll'ul. uud a- hrr buabjiid nioop ud I'.il' bia (."ioi!.b;e kidd, nlie whipui' cd : 'We ure all nictuboraul' odo grcai latinly. Henry " ' Yea pel'tiup ao,'' Wua the ball tcluciaul ttiltuieatou , "but 1 liuvr oo time to lliiuk aoi'Ut it U'4v. UjoI Him imn; in you all. ' What chuuttca will tuko plueo iu uiie hhoi't iluy ! A duik nhuduvv bad lullcti over .Mr. M.n Uiutn'li"U'olii U in the da; ol the aiory. Little Julia Mia Ten, na bir father butt culled bur iu the muniiii bad boen lukeii auddtiiily ill, and her ayntpliiiue avemud ao aliuming thut the tutillicr waa auxinuily awaitiua; the arrival of ber bfioband, thut aba mihl conoult with hi ni iu leurd to toadtti for a pbyaieiao. . ' "Cut tuiuiy j I will tto for Dr. Mor rill at oiice,'' naid Mr. alaikhatu, oh ho bout loudly over the lute oulloref. who waa iu a bui uiuat lever, and ! iua upoo bar pillow, '-Hero ia tlio Caudy alie.aaked lor, ' he adde I. in a low tout, as ho handed his wifo a small parcel, "but it will bu belter uot to o I I'd i- ii to bur how." "She would uot take H," rvplird the mother, her eyrt BUmx with teat's. "ho euuroely uoiiuea anyihiug, and, indeed. 1 do uot think ahe ig fully eou- aoioua of whai ia paasing arouud bur.' "Well, dear, wo will be hupelul, returue t bar huatund clierriuliy. ''It uaay bo ouiy a potatu attaok. I will i-o luiUicdiaiely. ' "Aod whut doro tho doctor eay in ailing Mia Julia, air t" a,k'd Beanv, be tuaid ol all wr, a Mr. Mutkliuu came into ibo kiubeo, aoOU a Iter ibe iriHjlor had nuiile bia viait. ' "' Si urlei lever, ol toe very worl dcaei iplion," waa bo deepi uiiitu re. ply. "Mra. Mnkltuul i-unuot leave ber for au iuoiaut, Xi sue, aud wu ahull depeud upoo vou t'leee that ev trytliiuir io alien s i to about the bouae, and plcune keep Robbie trmu iho atek (o.iui ua luueb a plkde. Poor little ii lti.w I lr wesoall uoi be alio lo ptprvui bia ukii'ft the dio .' 'Indued, aa .law vety eotry for fur you, "'. but lauol bu alter lea-V.UM- . M) Uio'ilh wua up yeafei'tluy. ' "But auiui), JitaSte, exelattu d tlie IU iiatU,nl(, atonlie ua .'y'Mt Would It' t o ao i ruil audeoioib , as lo leuve u auav thai we are iu eueh trouble " t I fit is IV't, oiurl uad 8u'ti"h lliui 1 ih, air. I aui ea ''vuiiry inr iyou all, nni' tuilvcfl It atn elrail t'vt 'be lever, f jnuHi ituve Una rviyevontattf.'" 7i"Tbia ih ioiknirf not br , buuibi-r "Oc eillt a VuUijeiiiiuo." i uiultxrvd tbodiiu ounitited luioiter, ao be tit reed frota Iho kiteheu so I went ' reluctantly to tell n wife ol )iia ue w' luiribrLua..' , ,' i 'Wa ntUKl' Biaka the beat .of Jl," I'eiaailtatd.Jalr. i Markbaa. W ,ii, get aleag Very web and to morrow ' I WiH Seutt for " M,r4. Bdioa, wiiobotnetiiues wvu t,, ,mr tie, iv j-nv will (wlp uo. tiHT a day ear two, uun we Ouu tiud.'stms use - ia take Bfenir'i pic. lb0eVl4 tulik W s. I I -a a r ief it aai,. . hips Irocfnr Merrill know of loroc Sditabli prnL." a Moraing brnughl tie relief, either to the sick rbild onnxiou pn.ent. Wear? with watr-Miii- aod anxily, Mr'. Merkham oent, at an carl) hour, lor Mr. Batoaj but received for answer that alio cold not think ol coming whore there wax aenrlot feyer. aud would not even, be willing lo have tbe clot boa brought to the house lost her oo It tt lo girl should take tbe disuae. Wh:ttcan wo do, doctor?" akci Mr. Mm kiiam, aa he told hoetor.Mer rid hovrtliry wero Hitutttt'd. ' Cuo ynu toil ua of tiny one who woald be trill, ill to emtio aud help ua I'T awhile f" I tear il will he a diRii-ult lunilcr louet uoy one,'' returned lb" d x-tor. " Scurlul lever baa be n no fatal ol Into tiiat it i n rum h drcudod a etntilt-pox. You ahould not have told Ho.-ato tbe dame of tho diieaau, Mr Murk ham " " 1 lid not suopoie any one wooltl lie ao aolliih a lo an oH in that man iter, vvlioti there A 8iL'kii-o iu the bou4," replti'tl 'Mr Matltham indig utintly. "Oh, as for thut, people al way o lookout fr oumber iiqo.'1 aatd the doclor stood uatnredly. aud fptito un couscioua lb it he was trending oo del icalu grouud. " 1 will nuko inquiroa uud hv-e what I con do for you," be added, ao ho took bio louvo, ' 1 ibiuk be will Bud soma one,'' aid lr. Markham, hopufitilf . ' Ev etybudy vauuot bo afraid of scarlet fever ; uud fur iti-day 1 cutt rtuii.u. home without oeriou incuovenieni e, uud will do my beat lo help yon. Tho day wore slowly awe). The I child cuUiiuned very ill, uud, niter iluin; whut ae aiiS'duloly nerosNury lor ilhe enutt'ortul liio latinly, tho luuther reiurud to the tick room and devoted jbiell to the little autlerer, while Mr, iMaiknaui tuolt charge ol Roldne, who wua lonely aad Irviltil without iiia Uauul plu)tuato. Tho doctor a H-Ciiiid vinit brought no relief. IU (-bunk bis itead uruvoly a-t he looked nt Inn pnlieiil, and tuinle no direct reply to tho anxious inquiries' ol tho put'aut ; mid bi etlot l to pro euro bi lp li id been unlirely uuhuccomo iui. Aitiitber we.try niht peaked. Th' Iuiio girl moaned pi'enuiy IT her inuliier ulleiiiiiUd to l. itve Iter, utid allel' oti; or I wo i ll'ni U to lake hie wile's tibiec, Mr. Muvklinm wvut In Iho kitchcu to prepmu bi'e,iklut. This wa, lor htm, i i eny tuk, tor h wu totally inexperienced in Hitch umtier. " I must do my b at,'' aaid he to bitu.ell', " 1 cuo ut lvut make a cup id tea oi C'lHce, aod Hulibie cuu Imve bieud and tuilk. But what pnxzlea tuo utoat ia lo know how wo are lo gel ulimjj through lite duy. i tutM jz t" the idly, or my bo-incm will auiTv-r tuaieriully ; aud yel how cnu 1 leave uiy vvtle uud children iiloue?'' Hi rellooiiona were interrupted by a Lniick at the do r. uVa be opened the JiKir. a pleauiii lookitt, aouiewbat elderly woman aloud before bun, who, with a kindly "J""d uiuiuiii;;,'' nddoti ; 1 This i Mr. Mitrkhant, I heliero V The eenlleniiin bowod bia ua-eut uud ahe coDiinued : "1 am your beihlinr. Mr l.awnn. Mr, MurUliuiii. You uiUHt exoiiae my early call but I beurd Iroai Mr. Buiee, wbo hue oomoiime wuebdd for yuu. lhal your litilo girl ia very 'ill with Hcimot lover, und knowing how dilli- cnlt it ia lo a-el aeiUtice at such lime., I cituie to usk it 1 can be uol'ul to you in auy w.iy ?" "We are, iuleed, hally iu neod ol help," replied Mr. M irkbiiui, Opening tbe ailtiug room dMir, and eordiaby iuviling the wolcuiuo vtmlor lo ruler; " but 1 had uot thought i f iriiuhliuj our neighbor. . Our t-irl left aa ue aoou aa bhe heard thu word " acurlot fevor," und we have not b eu aide lo liud suy one lo attaint ua. 1 auyed from buaiucoa yoaiorduy, and lu'lpci my wile iu the nick roouu, ao that cue got a III tie time to attend to hooc hold iniituri but, thi moruio,;. pom ijitle Julia io uuwilltit to let her W ilder leave her fra luuuieot." pour child !'? aaid Mrs. Lawaon " it I a droidl'ul dioeaeo !" I bud il in my fdtuily u yoar.ago, and a very bai tiino wo had J but, lliauk Uod, uo uue wa tukea from ua. Aud uow 1 have uvkn off tuy buuuet aud abuwl, and aui tjil lie ready to bein wutk, Mr. Mark haul. . What ahail I do brail Have you had brvaklaelP " Well, lo aay Ibo truth,'' waa the somewhat cenluojd reply, " 1 waa jil attomp'ing to - prepare il ; but 1 am ccrtutuly uot tquun expetieiioed in auitl tuaitera.", , "Oi ei'Utee iuiI. I will telieve you truui that duty. This U the kt'chou. 1 riu,ppiU," and ill uuoibel' moiuuui Mm, Luwaon wua uciively prepanno OiilMlautjal breukluat, wbtcb. with oouie itejp from Mr., Murk b iut iu tulnug b whtiro ihiua were k'pt, waa aouii ready .tor the table, while a litllo waiter aloud neatly arranged fur Liking a lutuplillg (lit las nuirniu luoal t-i ibe weary moiher, who wua atitl watvkiua' by the aiek bed.' , '"Mra. Ma.khttin wilt fuel better for a eup d oi'U'va aud bit of touaL , Will you lake it lo her, air P aaid iho kindly nviithhor. "oud 1 will have all readv turyou and the little utau wbuti you pine uowij. ,, , v, , . , . Mra, Murkhjui looked up aud made u sign of atUooo, as. a)er baakauj ee twred the room wttU'lha waiter.). ' "She ia really oUepiug quietly, ahe wblnpoie I, a a) abe "puie lprwod to eje-ci, hituk anil (heir ) bioixlure upou (be akiU. Td' tiilak. (be eymplon ore Hiranii'r in tne nnttao inat rtotv. IV t. exolalmcd, with s glakoe oi tttrpria at the waiter, ' wbat a good eook ye sro. I bad oo idea mat you sotua get hreakl'oat oo nicely." You are not lodebtod la me lor il," replied her huaband with oatllo, We havo help Of lb Drss qejaviliy iotvn auiri, I asuro you." U it pwible I What a roue I Did doctor Merrill send berf" " No, indeed. She came oa herotrtx nccorJ. It i nor neighbor Mrs. Lao son. Sho heard of our aliuatioa aal corao to offer her forrices." a And you asked ber to gat avrsak. I'aetr Why Henry I tt i all right, I aaiure too, Lttlo) wife. Slieiajuat tno kiudeat, moot motherly sort ol woman you evereww, uud tukeo riglit bold of tbe first tbiog ahe aeca tieodo lo be dona. Sbe said a cup of coffee woul I do yeu good, and aked mo to take it up to you, ana ibeu couio to uiy own breakfast. Sbe has it all reaiy.'' Ao early visit from tbe doctor, aad aa amuriiuce tbat tho disease waa lak io a nioro lavrablo turn, ditlueed tt olieerl'uluei ihrouuhnut tho beuoe, Mr. Mirltliatu went lo his busluoia, uud Mra Lswihio, after puttia tba houae in, and atleudiajf to little Robliio'a wiota, went iu her abotberly wuy lo tho on k-romn, aod quickly wo ber way lo tho beurlo of kjttl Blot ber aud daughter When Mr. Markbatn roluiaod lo, tho evening, he was surprised to Bud hi. wife awaiting hint at, the i a pper Uble, and to hear from her tbat Julio was quite willing to have Mrs. Lawsoa stay with her u purl of the time. (jaiel aud tefreehiog sloop, aod 01" Uiiuiegiiifi aecouuts from the kind ears i ho next uioroioi; bod restored the weary purest. Doctor Merrill 'asia early with ibo welcmno tidings tkst ft wuuian, well qualitiod foi ber work, wonid be th,re within aa hour. " We are o very grateful to you," eaid Mra. M n kbaui.aa ber kind neigh bor bade her ' good-bye,' prouiiatns; iu " look iu bv-uod-by, alter sbs bad aci'U In r own family a tiUlo. " And 1 am so glad lo have boon of n,e to you," wua' tbe reply. "It is ouch a pbauro lo help those wbo are m trouble." " 1 have given up my old motto, my dear," run! Mr. Mtirkhain to bia wile us bu relurnod front accompany ing Mr. Lawnu to the door. " I uia cunviueed that it will Dot ooawer to aU wuv look out lor number one." " It will not, indeel, Henry," waa the earnest reply. " Wo urs so dor. peudeut upou cui li other.'' A lew days ofcoutinucil auxioty, and then alt wu. agaio cboerfulneos uud niiushiua wiihthe Markhams. Ut ile Julia waa rapidly recovering, aui R.ibbio allowed uo ayuiplotue of hariag lukuu the disease. Good help woe ia iho Miction, sad the doctor's carrjtg wa uo looker seen sUqdipg st the door. Mrs. Law-oo continued ber fliendly viil, aud beia o ui ou familiar terms told tbi iu om day of ibe bundiorne) mi in which bud bono contributed to wurJ rebuildiu their barn. " Tho IrietiJ who flirt got Op thl eul sui-iptiou ihuubt tbey abould be ohlie i io jjivo it up," oho reiuurkd j " l lie re wore mo fow who tell t)ble to help us ; but there bul been a largs. . ud litiou iu it luiely, and wa cannot liod Iroiti whom itvauie 1 am sure Wo uro ui ml heartily grateful to him." Mrs. Luwsoit itlanret at Mr. Mark ham, as alio snid tbi. and perhaps sba hud her euHpioiong as to where lb ' ..!' ft fla lli Vail'O llt'US' Tiik Newiiuro, (.N. C.) IVepublitaa. i responsible lur the I'ollowiug: " A in on i.unio I El ward Browo. of Pitt county, wtiu flod to tho swaps during a. a ia- I. A Hie late war lo atom tno uratt, u laiely beeu disu ivured living a hermik lile iu a doo and aeiilemeatof bis owt) in a dense thicket sear the bank of i ha liver. Whoa fir.t differed hs fled to his b ddiutf pluoe, and upoo being pursued bhovied fuht, aud loally surreudcred, and iaaltisd upon rsfus iug to go ioto ths army, i Upoa being iulortued i bat the war was adet about ail year ae, be concladod ts abuudon hi bi ilag plaoo aad return to bit eld plaotutlou, where bo found many ehaugeo ainoa l ha soojaoBCS" incut nf the rebellion. US Otf cloihiojf counisted in the okia of eooee aud other wild a iimolo which be) b4 cap ured during tbe tints, kaviag aaes) uo uue wub whom lo converse suriac uuvul ei'ht years, lie aearly loa, cout'6i ol tho luauao, oxcopl a few vulgar words, tlio filkar sod Saotbo have both died during ibe past year.'. A yuu no lady Good Toatplar at Hath, Sleubeu couoty, Me., lbs ether evening aaplatuod bet posittoa oa tbe eidor quraiiou, in eoaveraatioa with s young lieutieiuio of the oainu order; Ah," said bhe, M I got out of It eiee ly wooo be asked me if I drunk cider. Or eourae, I answered " ae." Yo4 .'. a .a a ae, oiuce lulhe bougM tnai oarroi w eider Irani Mr. Wetere, thai you like ao well, 1 bave-fjiod a otraW ; for I knew our officers would not ask as aoy thing about fuctinjj ' We olisuoruit iba good woeslgkl do iu coiMiq'ttniuo of thinking abool i hat which it lo out of oar power to) del -' There Is'ob en so lunooefel U liUy U bo evilly opokerj ef) there to 4 (' oe oo srU'ksd 4 lo merit 4)l(, ogodsstj satlob,'".,;' ; ,' : ',',.. ; I tl lao9sofka wtjroi frial:, oajipose ibaf ibore Is auo. olbov gw o salety soepVha. otfoliX . T Brut book rwad M4 tM Jmb) -book laid usids by every sbild k tj i. a' a.ea.a..-aiaiiaaai "l- s I O i " , ai.