THE POST. .AViifsT it. irrt MIPDMtRl'Rr. . -' " 1 J 1 U . " " " 1 , TWe thnt hopo to satisfy tlio pa pints by aiiaititi;; out tho ISiblo from the common scb nls, should read fur ft few woclfl tlio Roman Catholic pro.". Tlu'M U tb We t m Wa'vh' ti'ii, for example, whic h declare n! publio schools, ihit they lire "tlio stronghold ol relitIon." Tlio real vjtioatlon it not Itiblu or no Uilito, tin I fl-hooliorno Reboots. Tbo Protnt tunt indststhnt the S'a'o shall etlu nio I lie cliililron, the Romanist ask j to intrust our child en 10 ih pow E. C. EUY k CO., cr which hi educ.tte I auJ France. Spain, I'a'y A delicate ta-k it v.i to noted fritn 2,000 young Indies of Merlin otio who kliotiM have tbo honor of prccnting the golden laurel wro.;tli an 1 delivor inu the o lo of wclcimo to tho Kiiipar or William upin hi entrance into k is rnpital. Moro than that number, "lowevcr, male npplicilion for tlio position ; on 1 the one luiaiiy intruste i WHOLESALE GROCERS AN I) COM MISS 10. X MERC HA X 13, 522 MARKET 3T-, llrtween Fifth and Sixth, 7,11 j 1'IIILAUKLt'IIIA. f IIIKI.I.IN, i nSATBll.l., JIIIIS CSRUABD J F. ZOELLIX k CO., (S'icc-svo -s to Seilirrling k Zoellin,) WAUl.ESALB DKA1.EHS A 1M roPTEllS or DRUGS & MEDICINES. No. 201 North Third St. 0,:!:! FUILlDELPtilA. G ROSS k 1 J HOT UK US, Manufacturers of unit dealers In all Vines of kill timher. lcmueii. ivvi.iNfi, smxor.KM. lath. FLOORING, etc., Shamokin Ham, Snyder County l'n. All orders promptly filled. H'llwl, Cherry, I'oflar, and I.inn l.umhrr enf 1 tin. ?-20y i:w ECILMXfiS, AND XEW PRICKS WAGKNSELLKK k SOX, hereby respectfully Inform I heir friend an t Ihe with the task was selected not only fur rrr thnt tbcJ "I,c,,eJ ' STIIItK in thrir her great beauty, but also to au-o ahe had diattnguislicd herself during tli war asalior pi'nl nurse. 'I lie eni;iernrwil Lereul'ier tnko rare of ilie lady, and in cae of her mania, of 85,0(10. STOKE in their NEW BUILDING on the! spot no liinjr occupied liy Dr. Jacob Wngcnscllcr on I lie tile of Que n here they 0 Cive tier a dower now nave nun "i ! neep a large and "til pi ii'vit; I HDrui uiiriii vi Any new Mory tilmiit Wnnliinj'toii m-8 bo welcome, nod a good one was t'jld at a Kcpublicaii meet ini;. in Alexnudria, Va., by u colnrod Bpi'Sili cr, .Tuli n Seatoo, who sal I, in o rn'lior personal Julmlc : "That mtiu Hoik')' lias madu n personal attack upon me. bill I won't little myself to anwor liini. Ilo 'iiiiudu mo of a t-i'o what my grandmother told me ubmt old tJin'l Washington. Tim G in'l was coining from church nno d'iy, mxl hi saw a pretty liit'o wtiito tiling in tlu Toad, and ho ithot nt it. Ti e tiling tiliot lack iu its peculiar way, nnd (iio'l Wushintoo had to bury lii vtothca. A limn makes nothing by Ji-Ltio" with hkuuka." I.s Xutiug tho ruhli of Aiuerican pleuHuro feekors, n cotrmpornry ia:ikoa one or two calculations of an interesting character. It inliiiiatcs that during the year between five and nix hundred steamer leavo these shores with, on the nvenyo, eighty fi:8t-class passenters to each. S'ip posiug each pussctigor Scnds tl.rco thousand dollars on his European ex. cursiun nud taking tho hundreds nl expenditures that infinitely eicced this, the figuro is not a liih ono n total of about a hundred and twenty millions would bo reached. TliU n moutit, too, is in spo:ie ; gold thnt is left on the other side of tho ocean The total sum brought hero by Euro pean immigrants rarely e xeords twen. ly millions iu the course of the year. bo that from eighty to ono hundred millions of dollars nro untiually car ried by American tourists to thnt bourne Irora which It never ruturns. I'en.n vito VAt., a common weed in pastures and meadows, is very rffen live to (lens, lico, flies and mosquetoes. Tousoit adrnutngcouHly, tuko lard, and rub or grind it with a uiuller on a mooth, flat stnno, slate, or picco of marblo, with the dried or green plant leaves, stems, nnd blossoms, until raized. Let it fctnnd twenty-four hours, melt at a low heat, and strain. With this, anoint tho ears nod neck of an animal, or the perches nod nests of poultry which bo infested. A mail quantity uiiy bo rubied under the wings of a hen with a brood of young chickens. A fow drops of the oil of ponnyroyal iu sweet oil, rubbed on the faco, neck, and hands, will kcop off uioniuitocs however thick they may ho. A good night's rest may be secured in tho worgt infos-tod weedd or fwainp where these insects or black flies Jo mont abound, by the uo of this aiixtuto. Koep it out of eyes, as its pveseuce (hero Is not Vl'CCabk). The following clauso taken from the obligations which the Orangemen are obliged to tuke whoa joining tho or ganization will be Interesting. " And I further declare that I will to the utmost of my power support the laws of the United States as long ea they maintain civil and religiooM freedom, and that I will to the ut most of my power assist the Chief Magistrate and other eivil authorities la the lawful execution oftboirdu tia vheu called upon to do so,' The Iliboroiaos a e actuated by en tirely different motives, ts will te eea by the annexed clause which is a part of the obligation taken by every number of thoorder : " Yoa swear that you will endeavor to destroy and overthrow all estab lished Protestant and tier Govern ments Dot acknowledging the tempor al supremacy of our Ghostly Father, all beiog illegal without bis sacred seal and conformation." "RAXjD eagle hotel. " J No. 416 North Third atrMt, FHILADXLPHIA. JOBN OLTMEB. Profrtotr SEASOXAHl.K tiOODS. tn tli I.R'lifs' lifpnrlnieiit will be fouuJ a full lini of SII.KS, l'OI'I.INS. r.IMI.I.lAX'IS. Vlt'TtHMA l.AWXS, rmri!i:i Ai.i'Atus, SWISS .Ml'J.L, CAM HI! ICS, V HINTS. jacoxkts, in:r(.xi:s, Striped nnd Checked Xfititut k-, kr A (real Yiirirty ot l,adie' Press. Triiumings, Latot stylo Hoop Skirts, l'rench Corsets, Kull style Halniiirulh, Ladies' I'tnluel- Iiik, I'tirasols nml Sun Sluides, ltonnet HiblionH, Laees, Kut flings Kinbroiders, Limn nud Taper Collars, Ac., Aic, kc. " Ayer'a ' . CMerry. Pectoral, Tor Diseases of the Throat and Xiona, eueh m Oouahs, Colds, Whoopln Oonah, Uronohitis, Asthma, end Consumption. Amonp the frtnt ditcornrifs of nvxiern srienca, few are of mora rail value to mankind thsn this ef fectual romedy for all diseases of Uis Thront and Lungs. A vnt trial of Its Tirtur. tlironghont this and other . countries, lias Shown thnt it dors urelv nnl efTectnnlly control them. The tetlmony of our Lot eitl-if-ns, nf all classes, etnllihes tlio fnrt, thnt Ciikhiit I'trronaL will and does relieve ami cure the afllictiiig dlortars of the Throat and l.untrs beyoii l any other meilielne. Ihe mot ilniienrous ntl'ectlons of the I'ulinonary Orsnns yli-M to its poWTI "n'l cases of Consump tion, curej hy this iirepnralinn, nro rul'lic Iv known, so remarkable ns linnlly to no lc lisvcJ, were thoy not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it it adequate, on which the public insy roly for full protection. Iiy curing Confc'hs, the ' fnroninii'rs or more serious diense, it saves tinnnnihiTed lives, nnd nn amount of suffering not to lie roiiipiita.I. It chullengcs trial, nnd con vinces the most sceptical. Kverv family should keep It on Imnd as a protection ngninst tlia rally and iniperecivcd attack of rnlmonary Allections, which nro enlly met at first, but wliich become lueiirnhle, nnd too often fatal, if neglected. Ten tier lioiffi need this defence 1 and it is tinwisa to I be without IU As a snfeuard to children, amid t the ilidre.?sine ilieue wliich beset tho Thront and Uiet 01 eiiliiinoiHi, ciikhiit i KCTonab is luvuJuallei for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature graves, and sired to the love and affection centred on them. It nets speedily nnil surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will sutler troublesome liillitrnxn and pain ful UronchllK wheu they kuow how easily they can be cured. I Originally the product of long, Inborlons, and I successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil it spared In mnking every Wtle in the utmost ! possible erfrction. It may be confidently re i lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cure! as : memorable at the greatest it has ever vllvcted. racrARiD av Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. GOLD BY ALL DHUOOI6T8 EVUlYWiiERE. liALLIEr & STUl'UiITO.V, liKNKKAL COMMISSION MKRdlWTS, A Nil liEALKItS in Country I'rnJuce aivl Pomcftie J'ruitf, Suik, ifr., Xo. 22 Soi'Tii Watkh Sl'flKKT, iV XIILADELPIII A. l'.i.n:nr.scRs. lucnb It. Riegcl & Co.. :'.:t:i Market plreel ; l.ippencott & Trotter. 2 tS. Water street i Hood. Unnbright (i t'o Hi'.t Murk el Street i Kx.Gov. Jnmcs 1'i.lloi'k. :n south till, t'recl; John Weisl :UH Wnlniii street; Harris & tirubini, 3'J7 Arch street I Kcb l'b'.ilf LIGITTWING RODS. Tlie North Aaisrlean Lightning Rod Company '. Of rHlL.ltEMJIU, 1 Manuafctart and put up their Celebrated1 Copper C'otpred j LI(4IITMAC4 KOI.S, at reasonable prices and In a manner that cannot fall to give general satisfaction. AOENTS til' THK Cft.MPAftY have been In Pnvder County every summer for several years pnst, and the; are bore now. Those who want a gou.l It. id, should not fall to consult with the Axcnts, A SPL EXP1P ASSORTUEXTuf t , HOOTS & SHOES r or I.iiilies, Missies and Children, in end less variety, of nil sizes, styles and prices, selected for llu 1'nll and Wiutvr triuie. A full anil complete slock of clotils plain am) fancy cassimkiii:s,cott()Naii:s, .IKAXS, Ac, k. COAL UF ALL KINDS ! (Iroceries, IJiieenswiire, Hard ware. Willow wave, I'vdarwiire, ti!a"sw are. lie. All of which hnving been boii.jhx ivry low or L'ASIl will lie sold at very small profits, Our motto is tjuuk uilrt anil tmnll profit. We also pay the highest uiiuket prices for all kin Is nf grnin. WHEAT, EVE, CORN, OATS and SEED. We are prepared nlso to elore good-, nl a small eh urge and lo do a general Couiinis.-ion mid forwarding; lminesa. We hope Unit the publio generally will iva u a u cull as wo believe it is to ilnir Interest to do ao before purchas'ng else where. (Jive us n trial. W. V. WAfir.NSl.T.I.KH. M. L. WAUKNSKLbKit A AM EUIOAX HOTEL. CKNTHKVll.l.i:, SNYHER lo., I'a. W 1 1,1.1 AM rt. LtiNti. l'ruprietor. TliU well kuuuu liulel, local cd in the town of t'entreville, line been thoroughly repaired and refilled, nnd is in Ilie best con dition tn accommodate the traveling publio. livery elloil will be made to promote the comfort vf guests. A share of piib'ie pat rotiago is solicited. AprilO-'TUlf rjHE I'l.NKLE k LVOX iseivliiR latlilnc. With Drop Veod, new Take up, new' llemtner, he., It now ollurtd to agents nn mora lltsjrut terms. Also, Seooml-hunil Machluos taken Iu eiclianKo. or the new Improvements applltid. Kvery uiaeliina It warranted Finer Class, and It the piirclinsrr doet not to regard It allor a trial, be can return It, anil uionoy refundnd. N. H. Wanted TraveliiiK Aaents tn visit each town, illtrlbutlug i lreiibirs, vsilalning tbo lui. Iiroveuientt, eto., etc., who cuu uiaks iot) er uiuiilh. AibtrcKS I.YON'S MCTt'Al. 8. M CI).. 1'nlon Siuare, 3D taut l"tu St., New York, tep.3U,l;o-Uiu BAZiBS S2D7ALL XnOTZTS QUICK WII.MAM II. llMVi:il ncspeclfully iinnouncea to the ciiir.ens of Middleburg and vieiuity that bo ia now ready to supply them with the largest and niosl romplet stock of SWIM ,( SUMMER GOODS ever brought tu Ibis place, nl greatly re- duce.' prices cheaper than tho chenpesl. MUKUN8 He iuviiet allcntion to bis large stock of CAMC 'i:-. DKLAIM'.S, T.AWKS, SILKS, BKltKOES, -INKNS, Hoots nnd Shoes, HATS AND OATH. 11EADY-M ADK CLOTIIINO, 8 HI KTS, aud everything usually kept in a well regulated slore. Give ni a eall aud be eonviuoed that ibis is the place to buy goods. CO I; NT U V I'UUDlCi; takeu in etobange 01 goods. Villi. II. Ilt'tl '!'. Middleburg, May, lti7. T01IX LAUDEXSLAGKR. BUGGY MAKER, BELINSOROVB, SNYDKIl CO., FA. Having purobased the well known stand in Bollnsrore, formerly owned by l'hilip lllecker, 1 am prepared lo aecommodaie all who may desire anything in my line, and warrant satisfaotiou iu all eases. I keen constantly on band, and am prepared to manufacture al in shortest notice, SULKIES, SLEIOnS.&o. Being siperieneed la the business, I flat ter myself that I sia fully prepared to meet the wants of my customers. The bands employed are among lbs beet meoiisoLis in tbe eouaty, and their work will not fail to give universal satisfaotlea. SjkJrBpeoial attention poM te repairing la all lie braaebes.yai 8bop oa Market at 1 eat. a few dears south er us Uarmaa Hetermed Churli. JOUN LAUDEltaitAQM. D VMU WILLIAMS, Manufiiclurcs of k Wholesale Dealer in Gilt, Mahogany, Walnut nml Itoscwnon LOOKING GLASS Picturo &. Photogrnphlo Frnmes os. 2;!0 nml 2:'.- Arch Ntrcct, I'lnlii lelphia l'n. Frames llepaircd in ihe best ininnn Also, Itegilding in all its brauehes 7, TM. IlAlMUXti, Esq.. jlstk'i: or thi: rEAcE k CiiNVIiVANCKIt. Fremont, Snvder Count v, I'enn. ('iilleelinns of all kinds mnde nt the slmrlcsi noiico nnd on the most reasonable terms. Conveyancing iu nil its brandies expe liiii.ii-ly esecuied. lt:i:n. Moiitiiaiiks, Notks, nnd blanks of all kinds constantly an him I. l'ersoiit at n disliinco having e'.ninis for collection wiiliin his jin isdictii i, need only mldress him l y noi l tn insure prompt net iun. Terms resoimblo. May 'lie jEYSTONE HOTEL. iSrliiiwjrui'r, finydrr County, 1' TH K undersigned l.cga leave lo inform the public that ho lias purchased nnd will keep, ill good style, Ihe above well known aud popular bou.e. trif Having large, niry nnd well furnish cd rooms, good servnuts, ivith the untiring efforts of Ilie proprietor to plense Ills guests. tie hopes lo meet Willi a large shnro of pub ic puirnuage. J. K. WAl.TKIt. 1 1 . ! iv 1 . ( 1 1 1. I t 1. -THB POST- elob I'riiifiiigr Office, MIDDLLUIKO, S.NYDEll CO., I'A. AIL KINDS OF JOB HUNTINa NEATLY, CHEAPLY. . M JXrKDITIOl'SLY EXECITUD AT THIS OFFICE. pENNSYLYAxTA IIOISI. J. D. IIOFFMAN, Fropriotor. COUNElt OF SECOND AND I.OCTST STS HAUlUSUina, TENN" F.rery ellorl neoettary to Insura the com. ort ofuuestt will be umd. Tba house has hrun newly rentted. lmyii,ls;oil imiEfl flv rnr.T noonrro I'nllritha best ton will the Water-proot Fab-le tn tho best manner auu ai ine lowest price to trie consumer. Thora It, 1st, a (uundutlon ot Tarred Kelt al a layer of water pruot CoiuiKisltlen i ail. another layer of Felt i 4lh. another layer olComiiO.ltlou 6th. another layer of Felt. 4aeuil lur Circulars and Samples. As An Inducment. Weoirertha rinar purchaser In each place 1,000 snuara leet ol tba Tn hkv I'm Km t. will. the necottary coaltug, lor TuinTV Dollaus. PATENT ROOF PAINT. Thlt Paint It eomnnieil of mini. oil. ami ra slnout tubstanrei, oouibtned with dlttlleil tar ami tna test unuwo ury.rt. 11 contalni no mineral or plguieut, and It prepared, ready for use, about the consistency of ordinary mixed paints. It euttt much lest, rotalut Its elattlultv longer, ami it Is more durable. County rlghlt for t lie. For Clrouliir. and all particulars, Address. M1UA KOOii.SU COMPANY, Maiden I.ane, . MiW YUHK. Oe. SO W0.-I m. "JJXIOX I'LAXIXG MILL! 6ELIN8aR0VE, SNYDER CO., PA. Kcely ifc Milllcr, Luiuljcr Dealers Ao HAMorACTt'asB or Doors, Door Boxes, w indows, Shutters. Window Boxes, Blinds, Bash, Btalr FUlogs, Uand Ballings, Brack ets. Mouldings, Flooring, . 80HOLL KAWINO CABINET TUBNIir? ' Shingles, Lath, fro., co. Orders sollolted and OlUd wlih prompt aess aad despateb. Please eall and esara- la eut steek btfere purghaihig elsewhere. '" A.naie J S. lU KKHAET, Sel'nyrovf, Snyi-r Co, Pcnna Keeps constantly on hand a Inrge and well made nsrnnmrni of Tin, ilhccl-lron anre, ."loves, Ae., kc. Ilo is Agent fur iho following named articles. "THE MOItXIXO GLOIIV." ' l.ittlefield's Talent Improved n.ise COAL. STOVE. In this pattern of Tua Monsivn Oi.nnr, several new and importnnt features have been embodied, which can only be seen lo be admired. This new stove is inuda en tirely ff eet Iron. so filled as lobe nir light, but can be made Willi sheet-Iron tipper section when preferred by the purchaser, lis ornamental linish is drapery, milking It a bnndiumu piece of furniture, fir more so tlinu any stove heretofore made. Ita In ternal construction, though - resembling some of Ihe former patterns of The Mornlnir ..j in, uuii-rrni, making it more durable, and less difficult lo be repnired. I'lii, ri.l inia nr. of I Iia 1,1,, I.-. -..i r..,,..' r.... fc..,.-i viiiit, iiiny equaling lbs liueet castings made in Ibis eunui ry . Among the many AHVANTAors In Ihe use of Ihe Morning Olury nrc the following; I, Coliliiiuoiia llnruing. 2, CJunlity or the neni. vuiiiiiiioii iiiroiigu the Btnvo 4, Anli-Dust tfiove. 6, No Lte.ipe of Una. U, Economy of Fuel. " THE HAItLEY SHEAF." Antl-Piift Air-Tiyhi CioHn'j Stove, with Erftnli.d Pin-Rux for Wood or Coal. Patented Iny Dllh, 18b3. We lake plensure In offering our custo mers and the ttlovc Trade, a Now Bisl. Class Flat-lop, nnd w ould cnll iiurtiniliir attention to iti many attruetirt unit ratuahte imj rare mrntt. This Ktove bna been carefully teal oil for several months, and Iho refills have proved to highly satisfactory, thai several or our oldest and most experienced stove dealers predict lor it a tale far beyond our ability to supply this season, MiMng front Jirt-duori, giving full uso of tho ncai in. -la aJililionul tlnlc in the oern, so arranged as lo give more room in Ilia upper part nf tne oven; a great convenience much needed. 77ie oiv is nearly as u ije at the t ns attlio bearih line, which not only iucrcascs tho size, but will bo rccognlied as t areai ntliantatc in iiakniji. DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. Tbo licsl, cheapest, nnd most popular Washing Machine ever invented. Il is easy tooperale, silling orrlundino lakes but lit lie room : injures no garments tin italics iis work from iu two to four Min tiles; is durable nnd convenient; and th only Washing M achinc known thnt is liked the better the longer it is used. THE UXIVEKSAL CLOTHES WHIM! Kit. The "tUt HA T l AVir. 1' KCOXONlXElt. The term of our Tn'i'iit call our Machine a ""ringer. enrs ol experience prove it nlso to be A must r.xi'Ki.i.i:M Washkii. When wc reduce every invention for wash ing clothes lo a principle they all nouiiini Hint of prcsMiig mid nonceiing, nud forcing lite nuler through Ihciii, thus re moving the dirt. Most Washing Machines lo il by rulibing. The Universal nrlngci l.vs it by pressing. The Great Medical Mscdrery t Sr. WAXXKH'C OALITORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, ii ' Hundreds of Thousands ffj Z Bear tenmoey lo their Wonaer- C tal (3 rri caraiive airccn. lli f WHAT ARE THEY???J i'JS -v Ban ? if k Shi K.tato of HAH All AI'P, deceit,, r F.TTFHK OF AIOHNI.sTHATIIIV upon li thu estntcoi' Sakah Ai'i'.twldownf I.eonaril App,) bile ol Fuuus towtifhlp, ilo.'easod, having I'cun irranted to the undersigned, alj iwrsous knnwli.. Mieiin'elves indeiaed lo ttio citato are rv.vci'i ! o make iiavmenl. nnd ttomo hiivlnu elr fu I 1 1 aitt bs same will prefent them to JUU.K Ul.llirHI.INU. Adiiiinlrtirutor. tnns tow mill gepteuih-r 17, ls;j. yyASIIINOTOX HOl' jE. .' i)ir7, Snidrr County, Pa. DA ML ISULKXDKH, I'Mprietor. lVrsonu stopping nl Ihis House will find exaellcnt neoiiiuiodalions, for .Van nnd Hcast. 17-10-lf. THET ARK NOT A VILR sJ F A N C Y DRINK, Pa 'llarra of Poor Ham. Whiskey, Pranl HlilrltaanS RrTuse MaawradnetArrd.tpleed and swectcarrl to please the taste, railed "Toa- les,"" Appellicrs," Restorers," e that leaS Itte tippler oa to drnnkrancM and ruin, but are a true Urillclne, made from the Native Root and llerbtof California, rre fi esa nil Alrahvlln Hllmalanla. Therare Hi. 4II KAT II I.OOII 11 II I FIRM anil LIFE CilVIMi FHIN. ft I'l.F perfect Renovator andlnvlgnrator of tlir Srttvm. carrying off alt poltonons matter and restoring the blood to a lo sllliy condition. No psnon caa taka thcM blltars acoorulug lo dlreo- Jlon aud reaiala long nnwell. Fni InSammiilory and Chranle Rhst. niatUin nnd 4omi, Dvaprpnla wr ladl aeslloii, lllllnna, llemltirnl and Inter nfltletil Frvrm, lllsraana or the lllnari, l.lrrr, lildut-ys, and ninddrr. these till tra have beea mo.t sueeesftil. Kara IHa rasea are caused by Vlilatrd niood, which It irsneralty proilnced by deraiigsmcnt of tlia plaesilve lranna. UYwi F.i'KiA oit ixnmr.sTioN. Ileailsrhs, Pala In tlio Shonlilers, Couahs. Tlgtit' aess of ttiel'hett, Dlsslnrss, Hioir F.rurtatlons of 'lie Ht'imarh, find taste In the Moiilh, Dillons At tacks, I'atpltatlon of thelfart, Inflammation of the Laogi.l'ain la the regions of the Kidneys, and a humtrvd other psUiful ymptonit, ar the off. springs of tTtisy Invif orsie the atomaeh and stliattlate tha torpid liver and bowels, wbleli ronderthem of nn eqn.'bd enlcocy tn cloanslng tha blood of all linpnrlt'et, and Impartlog new life and vigor to the whole tystcm. I'Oll HKIt IHME Astr.ft.Erniitlons.Tettpr, r'slt lllicum, fllotelict, 8iott, Itmplrt, 1'u.tuU't, nollt, Carbonclet, Itlng-Wnnns, acald-Hrad, Pore i:y. Erysipelas, Itcb, Scarfs, Iilseoloratlone of the gain, llriuort and Ulseases of Ilia Skin, of whatever name or nature, ara literally dug tip andearled out tin system In a rhori time by the use of these rimers, (in boin In stu n ess?, will convince tho molt Incrtdulout of their enratlve otrocta. Cleans Ihe Vltlatod Wood whenever you And It linpnrltles banning through thetklii In Tim ptes, Ernptlont or fore, t cleanse It wlien yoa find It obstructed and s1nat.h In the veins rleanae It when It It font, aadvonr feellni; will tell yon when. Keep t'10 blood puro and the health nfths system will fntbiw. ' Vl1. TAI'Kaud other WO It .11, lurking la th'u tjr.tuin of so many thon.andt, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read can-fully the circular around oacti bottle. J.WAl.KKIt. I'roruirtor. R. ft. l. HOXAt n Ci., Praffiflsta and (lea. Aaentt, Han Francisco, Cal and Si and 31 Commerce Street, New Yorlb FOLD IIY ALL Dlil'OUlSTS AND DEALERS. JlWIHlalJIwCa WOOLEN FACTORY. Tho subscriber, lliatiliful for Iho liberal patronage bcstoived on bia establislimeni it l.aurelloii. bogs leave to inform his friends nml Ihe publio generally, that lie has had his mill nt I.enisburg filled up in i lie beet possible manner, with lli'J Latift Improved Machinery N s Offioe, 720 iUcos & Giiblj Chestnut U Silent StStreet, m WING MACHINES (Philadelphia. U " I give my liearty preference to tlie WUleox St UibLs bilcut Sewing Maoliine." Fas NY JFeum. " The weight of reliable evidence living yverwlielmiiig for that of tlieWilluwi & Gibbe jilciit Sewing Muchino, 1 decided upon it, procured it, anst am mnne than tatinjitd." UltACE liUEENWOOD. " I haye the Wheeler & Vilson, the Grover t Baker, and the Willeox & tiilibs Sewing Vlai liinos in my family. I use the Willcox k Uibb moat frenuetitly, thinking it far u per lor to either ot too others. Mas, IIbnby Ward Beecueb. " My wifo would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent at a aift, if she oust roceivo it on condition of giving up the fVlUOOX U1UDS. ' - Eev. Oliver Crakr. Carboudala, i'a. " The Willcos A Gibbe is the only Sewing Machine whose working is ao sure and simple hat I could venture lo introduce it iuto iyna." Kkv. A. T. Pratt, Hlssiouary Auerlcau lkitird. " We haye used various Sewing Machines rithin our family, but It is the tiwoni'mous iplnlon or too Household, tflal tne lUcox t uiobe u uie nesi 91 uiem an." ' IUv. J. 8. ITolmb, Jiooklyu, .r. " For simplicity and mechanical accuracy f construction, I have seen no Sewing rfaolune equal to the W'illcoz A Gibbe." LSU'U LI1T1I. Of lb Faaasylvaule Ceuinl B. a A correipondence on th Bubfeci ) Sewing Mpctittes is respectful y vioft 2. 5. EWINOt 79 C-tiUut SUwttt rtHlwdvishlo, inuda in the country, nnit allli Ihe nilrnn tages of Htenm Power, w hich can be relied on nl nil times. Ilo feels safe in tnying thnt hit' establishment is uol surpassed by any in Ihe Suite. Having engaged a nut or good Workmen he is now prepared for muuufactuiiug all kinds of WOOLEN GOODS HL't'lI AS CLOTHS, CASSIMEIIE.S. 8 ATINETTS, TWEEDS, JEANS, FLANNELS, ULAN K ETS.CA It I'ETS, YAKNd, io. In the lot manner and at reitueed pricet. An excellent nssoitment of Qjods nt nil times on liiiiul, for rule or exchange for Wool. HULL C.UIUI.VJ done on rhort uotico. aoTTEHM3 CASII.-fjja MAI1K HALFPENNY. Letvisburg, Uulnu Co., I'a., Deo. J.tiKy I. Y. SIIINtlRL, H. 1). I lill. IP awINCtlillll READ THIS. Milude AND Sivlneloid. DiaooisTs and Chemists, OlTcr for snle W'imi.KSAI.K A N II llr.TAII., DRV03, MEDICINES, PAINTS and CHEMICALS, Embracing PUREZIXC I'A I XT Green, Blue, Yellow, Red and Black ; Faints ground In Linseed tin, Dennr Varnish Spirits Turpentine, Cuual. Couch and White DHYIXG JAPAN, KNOTTING window Wans, Putty, Fine Oil Alcohol. Stabcu, Ikmoo, VisuaLiog, Taivt and VARNISH BRUSHES, Male and Ftmal Truiuet and Enjijicrler ye Biuns Concentrated Lye, Fin i Sponges, SPICES, CORN STARCH & BIRD SEED Flower and Garden Seed, Te which tbe attention of dealers Is called, as w will sell at tha vr lnwa.i Cash Prices in quantities to suit puroba avra. Wealso keep en hand and offer for sale Wholesale and Retail, all the lead ing Patent Medicines. Also, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, TOBACCO BEfJARS. Middleburg, Boyder Co. I'a. March 81, 1887, " 1 II. WALTER . Is , IMPORTER AND DRALEU IX CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, 231 X. 3d Street, between Race A Tine 7,2ly PHILADELPHIA. IAOLB HOTEL, li - . No. t2l. North 8rd Ii . I I"hild.uv.l QIIAltLES 11. MILLER, AKCHITKtT (ONTUAlTOlt & BlILDER Walnut, Street, Selingrove, Pa Is at nil limes prepared to furnish Drnfts. Plana and Specifications for all kinds ol lliuldiniis, nt Ihe luwvsl possible rates aud on short notice. Ho is ulso prepared lo contract ft pulling up buildinss cither by luruisbiti, ill Iho material or otherwise. May 11, '08 ly TJAlUiE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT J. W. DREESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Middleburg The slock embraces In part Dress Goods, '.luck Silks, All-wool Po Laiucs, C'obtti'g;d, Merinoa, Poplins, Repps, iVe., Ao, Mtislina, Iloulde-wiiltli Slicotiogs, Drtllmga, Tuldo l'inper, Unoaburg, I.xtrn lickiiif's, Chet ks, Shirt inps, tj in erliiinif", Jaconet, a lull iirfMirtinciit of Cslicos, Flannels, Heavy twilled, Sliirlinis, lllnnkeln, Ealinorals, Hosiery, Gloves, kc, kc. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES Iiil; rain iitiil Linen Carpets. Woolen, Linen k cotton Cnrpet Cliaiu. READY MADE CLOTHING. Floor, Tttblo nnd Stair Oil Cloths lints m hi Clips, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hardware, Qiiecnewnro, ('liina ware, Glanswurc, Wood ami Willow ware, Cutlery, Oil Window Shndes, Looking Glasses &e., Ac, kc. TOBACCO AND CK.'APS. SALT &. FISH The highest mnrket price paid for all kinds nf country produco and dried mil's Confident of rendering perfect sativfno lion both in regard to prices nbd (innl.t. nf goods. 1 respootfu liy invite all lo giv me a call before purchasing elsewhere, j. it. UlltLM. idJlobiirg. January 7, lPCtiy , i-l i' 'iiltf i1 1 13. J. COOKE WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOCKS 1 10 North J Utrcct I'liiladelpbia. Aug S, 13u'0y B KAVEHTOWX STOVE STOltl AND Tliitvtii'c M uniiractory. J. r. SHIRK Would rcspeel fully inform the citizens nl Miyilcr county that he keeps conslnnib on Hand a largo assortment ol on ici:. PARLOR, nml COOKINO STOVES Oflho latest styles and most improved pntcriis, nmong which are Ihe celcnraleil Empire Gas llurner, Iho Siisquebnnna Cook, elc, which be is selling nl price ilinl ilely competition, lie nlso iinnurno lures and keeps on hand a general assort, ment of Stove Trimmings, Tinware &c Special attention paid lo Spouting and noonng. uivo mo a cuu. J, P. SHIRK, Bcnvcrlown, Oct. 21, 19. between Raee and Vine) Philau R. D. CCMMINOfl.Prw, M. 8VTARR, Superintendent. M CIlAllLEt A. DAN'A, Editor. A Newspaper ol t'lft t'renont Tlliloa. Inle-.idfd far Poop' tiovr an Kurtb. lucludii s rarine . Ucelia'ooi, Ucrrhantt, Pro. lf.lo:ut Men, Woikort, Tlilnkert, and all Han nor of llonetl folks, B3d tliu Wlvo-, Sou, aud Daughters of alliucli. ONLY ONE DOl.t.All A YEA It I ON K II LNDItEO COPIES) CUR 30, Or Ion than On Cent a Copy. Let there b a U30 Club at every Post Office. HEMI-WEEKLY HUN, ) A VBAU, f tin .mio mo ant genertil ettaraeiar as .'riR " El.KI.V, bat with a greater variety' of jilsc.l'tauous reading, aud fuiuUhlug tbo newt lo its sud:iIU)H with siaaiar fnulinct. booum It eotntt twice a week Inttsad of unco only, TUB DAII.T BI N, 80 A YEAR, A preeminently retdihlo nowipaner, wnn in IvrjitsL in Iho world. Ire., Uil. mniUnl, aud iisrlw. Iu i.olllli.. A 1 the uews rieia i,vi r whuro. Two con:t a copy i by luall. AO oauu a aiuulli, or gU er. TERMS TO CLUBS. TI1E DOLLAR WEEKLY HUN. Flvs copies, on, .irately andrested. Four liollara. Tea copies, ous year, seanrataiy addressed (aud au Miraeop) tolltcgouur up orcluoi. EluUt Dollnr. Twsitty eopiet, ono yatr, sennrjtrlr addrauad U daaexiraopy u up of eiuoi. Filloru Dollun. Fifty eopl-s. en inr, la ono a ldret. land IU buiiii u eekiy oua year 1 1 seller u p of club), Thlrty-throo Uollura. nriy rnpifa. aim year, separately asdroncil (and Ijs Ikuil Weeiilyauuyoiriovelier ue on 11111, TUlrii-avo Dollars as inadred eu ba, rna yoar. lo on ad lrm ln I tui Dally lor ouu your 10 the , iter inot ""' , . x i'llly Uollar. ine huadred ednu-s. ona year, ae,virately ad. H.;!0 ..'t"." ' ,Uu Uu"' 1o' en rear to I lie ifetler upofelab). teUiy I)llur. TUX tsKMI-WEEKLY BUS. Five coplct, oa year, rparatrlv addiwte, , ElaWt liollar. Tea ani los, ona vwr.soparalaly aailrostad (aau aa siu vvyy to swtarap of clan). le Dollar. BEND OVH MONET i?Ii:.7J'"!r f "aveutans. If not, tiwa rasliwi In Iclt... eojIiUilm uiouey. Addrwt I. W. IwrrLAHn, pnbiKnar. aua e"soiVwjro.itxttr, Harper's Periodicajj THE PFKIODfOALa WHTOH TBiJ PER"" Pt'RLlSH ARB At,stiST1 1UEAI.I.Y WSbb KOlTEb Th Nation, N. Y. Harper's Mafjazine The grwat desian of Hsaraa't It to air,, rest lulormallnn and rational amusements vrsat masses of the people. Ther I. . " ' Msaasla an Intelflirent reading famih J 1... .11., F.I In h llh.., U.. S. '"' "t 4 accumulated. II Aarsn'a liedl'eo. Thrrtu' a Staaasln that Is nrlntod which Intelllgsnt pslnt eTpended on It artle ,i mechanical execution. Thr Is not a n3 .... kl I...I TW.r. I . -. . a mora noiitilar Magatln In th 'world- i-"'ll,,in.ld "-, A tr the most popular and, In Ita ttLl th by .'jirlalnalof our aiaaaslnei. t ,71 ,'": r Alodlnals which th Harnars wi. .1. ml,, it . I.I--1 1 w .n 1 1 1 .1 M-.,An "A eomplete Plotorlal History of th. t;,(1 Harper-s Weekly, The bt?nl pnUlfiitlnii of l! eln In Am. nml fo inr ahMd or nil nhr wewklv inimai. not to ttrniH of uny eomtiArtison btwrjri u .. ny "( their number. Ita rohimnti poniiUi.J iiiiv-a '..iiiTJiiiiiis v.i rrwiing mniiir (ntt 1 minted. it tlloMrat niiiaMia-. nl tafttitirttl, txilnt-; fitrnifihM by the ctusiitJ llARFNR'e Wrkki.t In the bent n'1 eti J arFiiiE iinievriaitsi sipripr. nirqij vp,lii iirn1 on lt llhtt-trstildne Wta rftHntr-inttfr I M e htnh nnler ol iiier,J mi-rlt vnrlMl, lntrurtWo( tntertalnlb,ujl;1 Jl-VJ'VI"SiaUlW. n , RUU, Harper's Bazar. Fre from all political and asctarlsa d'v slim, devoted tn fashion, pleasure, and Itnirt linn, 11 is in narasniv, rompani.inslils. a Interesting dnmest lo pajier which every nun? and wit and tweethenrt will roaulre sv.rv. hiistinnd, and lover to brtna home wit saiuniay pvonina. rniiaueipiiia i.elacr. Ilv all mesns buy llAnpaa's HsXAn. Not yourself, but foryour wit, or dnuirhtsr.nrikJ or .weeinnitrv, , riwrw nevvr w. anypiicrri tifiieil liini .11 ii.HKiitrii n imnri 01 wii.i Never mind If it does cost you a new Isinni: will sav yen tan times tho price In th bnJ nolo aeonomy it tcacnes. i-roriiieac jeuiu IVriiiH for 1HM, Hsnran n M aoasikb. on year fus llaaraa'a Wksklv, on year m 1 1 . n ..-.. - 1, ... nHtt-- , m, unr. n.., u,. fHi, .w llAnran'a Mao Art, H AHrsn'a Wsisiti-, Hanraa'a IIaiau, to on.addre.t, furomje. 10 uoi or any two for SJ on. The isMtaa within th t'nltd 8tstk,- tha Matrniin M cents a year, for the We.klv nnsnr'io eenis a year, pnynoie yesriy, hk yearly, or quarterly, at the uino where The Volumes ol tba Maaaxlno eominencvi' the Numbers for Jun. and leeinl,er ofr. year, tsuuseriiitinnt may eommenc with ir- Numher. When no time Is seeltlcl, It sill understood that tba subscriber wishes to be,., wllh the Hrst Number of th currant Vol uu.-. anil Plica isumners win o pern accoriineiy. lb Volumtof th Wekly and Rsiar et menc wllh th year. When no time is priH It will b umterstuotl Hint tbe tubserlher wih to eommenc wllh the Number next alter u. roi"t,i,i ui mi, iimn. W ben th tubtcrlher't address It to b rhMrt: both tlie old nn,l the nw must be alven. It., nut neocssary to glv notlc of dt.eontlnnino Id romlttlnu by mail, a Pott olhca tir.i.r . limit payable to th order of llanpsa i lliioTiiKiin Is preieriibl to Hank Notes, imi. snoum tne i.irncr or iirau oe lusi. or tioiea.iici bn renowed without lost to the sender. Addre-t llAlirtllt IIRIiTliER8,NewVc Kstata of MARY O. HECKL'Il, DectosM. IETTEllS TE8TAMENTAUY npontl' J eslnle of Mary C Heeker de;'d., f Sclinsgrove Borough, Snyder Count; l'n. .having been granted lo lb iindirjiiro . ill persona indebted to Iho said estniesr, requested in make payment, and lliotfav tig demands ngnin:l tlio samo to trci?:. them wiilinui tlelny lo 0EOR0.E SH.'lINl'RE, Exoculors. January II, lHi 1. PJ3ADI1TG RAIL ROAD Summer An-any mmt, Moiul'y, Miy Vlt,, 1871. Great Trunk Line from tbo North ' Vorlh west for Philadelphia, New Vert, Heading, I'otlHville, Tamnnun, Aslilun! Shnmokin, Lebanon, Allciitown, Kasloi Epliraln, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia e. 1 rains leave Ilrrisburg for N. i .ns folios, il .10, H. ri. n. m, it ..IKI p. ra., oinnecnr: .vlt ii similar trains on tbo the l'cnii.-vlvrni liuilroail.atul arriving al New York al I"1 m o..jl), nnd H.-lt) p. ui., re-peenroi; slcspmg cars accompany the .10 a tn ram, without change. I'.t'tiiriiiiig ; Lcnva Noov York at O.ttdis I2.:i0.oi,n, and o. IMI p in, l'bila lelt liiii 7.JJ0 H,:t) a ui, nml 1I.;IU p m. Sleeping " icuiupntiy the u.Ud p in iroun uv- S'eiv York, without cbnugo. Leave Ilarriuburg for Heading, I ollm fiiinatiin, Minersville, Ashland, .Sliuinoka Mlcnlown and r li I I a U e I p h I ., 'I.IO a in, 2,00 nnd 4.05 p in, slopping n Lebanon and principal way slnliouc iL: l,ui p m train oonncciing fur 1 uiladeiitnj. I'otlsville nud Coliiiuliia only. For I'uin ville, Schuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, tit chuylkill aud buHiiiichniiua Luilroii. Leave llarriabnrg nt M. IH p in Last rcntisylvuuia Unilroad trains Ictit Kcnding for Allciitown, East on and Nt' Vork nt 4.82, 10,80 forenoon, and I"' p.m. Itoturnig, leave New iork nl.t'Ji ui., 1.J..1II nuou and : (HI p. in. and Ann town al 7.-0 a.m. 12.'.'0 Noon 2.1i l.f sa: n, m, nay passenger train leaves rliiladi'iiiiv it 7, .10 a in, conuccling w ith similar trtu in r.ast ronnn. ltailroad, relurning irc (tead'ng at tl.'-'O p m, slopping nl all station Leave l'ottsvillo at u,no a, iu ,80p. ni.: Herudon at 10,00 a ui ; elii- mukinat5,40 and 11,15 a. ni.; AllaDl n 7,u& a m, aud 12.4:1 noun, Malianoy 07 at 7. CI a. m. and 1.20 p. ni., TunisU: 1,85 am, and 2,10 p m for I'hi!ndcllu' New York, Heading, Harriaburg, &e. Leave riitlsville. via Schuylkill and iuebnnua It II nt ti.lOin for llarrmutiT md 11.4 j a ni for Tinegrove and iremoi' Heading Accommodation train: Lea"1 Potiavillo ut 6,40 a m, passes Reading 11 7.80 a m, arriving at Philadelphia at 10,-" m. iteluruing, leaves i'uiiaucinoi. - , . T, . l '. . r n 'J.iu p ui, panel ug iivauiiiK ni f.ou -i arriving al I'otlsville at V,4U n m. l ottstown Aceommpdation Train l.eH Poltstown al C,80 a m, rclurulng lo'" Philadelphia at 4,80 p ru. Columbia ltailroad Trains leave Itcsai'i at a iu, and 8,13 p m fur Kpni'". Litis, Lancaster,. Columbia, ht . I'erkiomon Italiroad Trains leave tr omeu Junctional 7.17. O.OA a m. 8.00. i,00 p m; returning leave Sohwenksvills t G 30 and 8.10 a. ru, 12,(0 Noon, and 4 o m. connecting with similar traiul Heading Unilroad. Culebriokdale II. It. Irsin leave Follilo" al (1,40 a m, 1.16, and 6.4A p m, returning leave Mouut Pleasant at 7,00 and Hi" m, and 8.00 p m, oonneetlng with litml" triilus on Reading railroad. Chester valley ltailroad (ruins ftrlilirenort al 8 11(1 a m. and US and t." p ru, returning, leave Uownlngtowaatd.0 a m, 12.45 noon and &,26 p m, connectiuf wnu similar trains on itcnding raiirosu. Oueundoysi Leave Near lorksio." p m, Vhiladelphla 8,00 a as and 8,16 the 8,00 a m train running ouly to BetJiff' leave I'ottsville 8,00 am: llarrisburg 2,40 ' ai S 2,00 pro, leave Allcnlown at 4 p. rot leave Reading at 7,18 a at, sod M p m for Uanisburg, at 4.83 a la for I"' York, 7,20 a m for Allentown, aad 9,W . aad 4.16 n u for i'biladelpbls, , rominutatlon. Milaaira. Heaaoc. 8cbo and exourslon liekels, to aad from allpe"" at reduced rates. . . Baggage obeoked through i 100 pn"" - allowed eacu peaesuger. j, g,. suui mis. 4.l. Bupt. t Bug. Mttn 'l- soinai'ay'in ji i-. rrt"