- AMI T 1112 POST. E. ntlri.BUBa... .AVorsT . an Too.T,rijr rolton forn Cough. .An o'.d mas living lif e diainnoi out of Newbnrvp-rt is tro iti'e J with a Cold tod conh the other day, nnd came to town to one of iho apoth ecary ahop.i lo got come cough modi cioo. Ho took a bolt Id of it Lomo with him, m bo supposed, nJ when j. hn pounlicd he administered t dose to - a himictf. Ai lit described tho effect it natcii lie. i He eai-l t Lit its soon a ho tookUio medicine etraigMotioI him out ss Miff in a Make, and ho lay on the fl wr for two hours, foaming nt the mouth, aud swelled up its big as two. Thia lie thought tho elTict8 of hi disease, and so lie took nnotlicr doso, ami pot that it a!rdl'litoued him out stiflcr than before, lie lay fonmiu at tho mouth for tliroa hours, nod b .veiled up as big til threo. When ho eaiuo to bimiolf he tok a npoouful of the medicine snd throw ii into the fue, whou it explod: I with a great flash, a-iJ what remained in the Lottie bo da-lied rguiu-t tho atone will, llo then tamo into the city, un I wont to the shop whore lio bmiirbt tho rcmodv Bbd told hi S'ory. The attoodaut listoued, and loiliug rouul the oountor, found tho oil geuteuiun's cough mixture, and that a boitlo ol fly poison was tnNsiuir. On Sunday hist Elder Howe, t f the Christian Ch iroli ol thia city, cichanv cd pulpits with the minister of the Clirtrtian Church at Auu-itii, io this State, and at the close of hia fennoti Mr. Howo exhorted his hearers to I'repnre for death, impressing upon them tho uncertainty of lifo and the absolute necessity of every one being prepared fir tiio hour that coiuok unawares. Ho closed Lis exortatiua by asiying that " there rni-jlit bj some person in the enngrcgnti o now lietcn ing to Lis voice w ho would never reach homo alive." Hardly had ho censed speaking in fact while concluding tho abovo sentence Mr. Howo ob served a man sinking gradually in his pew and lay quietly over on his side. A gentleman immediately behind him reached over to raiso him up but he wns dead ! Tho effect upon the con gregation msy be better imagined than described certainly none present will ever foiget the words of Mr. Ilowe I hut day. Qui'ucy HI. Wh!j. Tub Err.MiNATi; Man. The effem inate man is a weak poultice. He is a cross between table beor and ginger pop, with tho cork left out. A fresh water mermaid found in a cow pas ture with her Lands full of dande lions. He is a tea cup-full of sylubub ; a kitten io trousers; a sick monkey with a blonde moustache. Ho Is n vine without any tendrils; a fly drowi ed in oil, a pnper kilo in a dead calm. Ho lives liko a butterfly no body can toll why. llo la as harmless as a pennyworth of sugar cuu ly, nod aa useless ns a shirt button without a Lola Ho it as a slug, and as no more Lope tl.nn a last year's usniroer fly. He goes through life on tiptoe, and dies liko cologue water rpilled ever tl e ground. A rooR toper, n a lat resort for more drink, tcok his IJiLlo to pawu for liipuor, but the laudlady refused t ) take it. " Well t-aid he, " if ho won't tukc niy word or GodV word, it's time to give it up.'' And Lo went and signed tko pledge nnd kept it faithfully. A VIItOIMA editor has COIUO to tlic!town,ilUlrli.iUlimeirculr.,e;4aliilii the lm- I proveuieni., ele., oto., aho can make 1M0 per conclusion mat a nino tiuni as wen uodcrlnke to bold himself at arms length and then tutu a doublo somer sault over a aioeling ho'.mo steeple, as to attempt to publish a paper that will suit everybody. A Fenian over tho water was call ed on for a toast. lie gave the fol lowing: All hail ! the American aiglet Proud bird of freedom, all bail ! The fowl ibat no one ran inrnigle, Or put aalt on iia beaiHilul tail. Agent h "V mitctl lor Fm'Y fAMrtftcLE Py S1QXOH UL1TZ. Urlmful of fun and humor, with incidents and adventures la the priuaipal cities of Ihe world. It describes bis Irioks and feats aa a Megiolau and Ventriloquist, Bold ouly by subscription. Liberal terms to good Agenis. Address MrHtLD ASHMEAU, 711 Sansom 8t I'lilla. Jy2ll-4w QUAH, II. UOYliit. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HARDWARE, " CUTLERY, Coachmakcra' Mulerlals, Shoe Findings, je. Selinsgrove, Ta. H-ltf BALD EAGLE HOTEL, No. 116 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN CLYMEIl, Proprittor -January 1870-1 f l?REEMONT HOTEL, JL' J-UtKMOST, tiNYKES CO., PA. ENOCH SMITH, Proprietor. This new hotel la now prepared lur tbe aeooumadalion of guests and will afford first rale entertainment to persons visiting Freetaont. Every effort will b made le promote Ihe comfort of Iravelera stopping at this feotiM. Choke liquor at th liar, and lb labia supplied with lb but the aaaraei boom. An ample stabl la eo twelioa with it heas. . AprU79tf L TT HOLES ALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, G22 MARKET ST., Betweea Firth and Sixth, 7,11 PHILADELPHIA. F fill I.I.I. JeOSAVaiLt, JOIIH " V. ZOEI.MN CO., (Rueoessos to Selberllng A 7.on.) WAOLESAl.E DEALERS IMPORTERS DIlUGS'fTMEDIClNES. j , Wo. 261 Worth Third St. j ' , i.ir.j i'inij.MJijiwiA. nimss A BROTHERS, va. M.inufuctui ori of and dealers in all kioes of HILT, TIMBER. LUMBER. PAMNU, SHINGLES, LATH. FLOORING, tc. Hhsiookln Dam. Snyder County. Ta. All orders promptly tilled H'shuf, Cherry, Poplar, and .inn lumber eons' t Wirf. 7-2"y TVEW BUILDINGS. 1' AND NEW PRICES! WAGENSELLER& SON, hereby respectfully Inform their friend, and thf public gcncrnlly that they baft opened a XTOKE In their NEW DUIL-DINO on the .rot to long occupied hjr Dr. Jucnti Wngenseller on llielsle of Que t here they now linvo inn win nin aye seep a large au-l well selected assortment of SEASONAHLK fiOOPS. In lli I.a'lics' Department will be found a full tins of SILKS. rori.iN. lilMLLlANTS. VK 'TO III A LAWNS, FICI'KED ALPACAS, SWIfS Ml LL, CAM HI! ICS, Pit I N TS. JACONETS, PELANKS. Striped nml Checked NantticUH, ic. Ai.sn A C mil Variety of Ladies' Press Trimmings, Lute.it style Hoop Skirts. French Corsets, Hull stylo liulniurals, Lnilic' I'nibiel Inn, Panisols and Sun Shades, llonnet Hihlions, Luces, llul flin's Eiiiliroiilcrs, I.intn and 1'uptT Collars, .1 SI' I. i:XIll ASSOHTMENTnf 1J001S& SHOES for I.n'llis, MiKies mid t.'hiMrrn, in rn lc" vuriuly, of all sites, slyles alii oes, selected for thj Fall and Viuler tra A full and complete slock of CLOTHS PLAIN AND FANCY CASS I M ER F.S.COTTON A V E.S, JEANS, Ac., A COAL OF ALL KINDS ! ' (Iroceries, tjueeuswnre, HarJware, Willow ware, t'eilarware, ti las. ware. tie. All of which having been bought ivr.v ok or CM S will he .old at very small profin. Our motto Is Ju,ck tulti ami tmall profit: We nlso pay the highest market prices for nil kiieU of drain. WHEAT, HVE, CORN, OATS nnd SEED. We are prepared also to store roo.Ih, at a mall ohnrjro nnd lo lo a general Commission and Forwarding linslnc". We hope t tin a. ihe public generally will ive us a cull as wo lelicve il ia lo their inl crest to do so before purchasing else where, tlive us a Iriul. W. F. WAOEXStLLF.it. M. L. WA(ji:.N.i;LLKH a a m h in . . mill', i j. ..a.....-... ... tm - t 1. CLNTR RVii.l.K. SNYIER Co.. Pa. WILLIAM t. l.l)Nli, 1'ropiielor. This well known liolel, located in lite town of t'vntrevillo, has been lliorouglily repaired and retillvd, ami Is in Ihe bcsl rou iliiiou lo accommodate the traveling public. livery effort will be niado lo promote the comfurl of gnosis. A share or public pat roiuigi" is solicite I. . AprilC-'TC'lf T HE FINKLE Si LYON Sewing Machine, With limn Feed, new Take up. new llnmmer m-.. u miw oltere'l lo SKents n more niwrsi 1 irrnii. ai,o. Nodiiml.h.uJ Macula., taken in xi haiiue. or the new luiproveuiaiiti. aiinlleil. Kiery ma.lilue If warranted Fhi.t C'LAes, snl II llio purelinr.r d )t nut to r.Ksrd II alter a trtiil, li eiiu return It. and money refunded. ii. WMtiii'U rrif, qk Auoni, io tifu vhcii tuomu. imi 1'nln Siunr'e, 33 taut ITlb til., New York, sep.u,l70-0iu) Q TJICS SALES Asn I MAIL XJLCrZTS Y I I.I.I 4.11 II. llCiTCR Respeci firtly announces to Ibo oiliiene of Midilleliurg and vieiuity ibat lie i new ready to supply them with tbe largest and iuohi complci .lock of aritlN'J ,(: SUMMER GOODS ever brought lo this place, at greatly re-: doree prices cheaper than ibe cheapcat. He invites attention lo hia large aUck of MfHLlNS, CAMC 'r. DKLA1NK3, T.AWNS, SILKS, ItEREOES, UN ENS, Boots and 8Iioes, II ATS AND CATS. RF.ADY-MADE CLOTIIINO. SIIIKTS, and everything usually kept in well regulated etore. Give nie a eall and he convinced Ibat Ibis Is the place to buy goods. COUNTRY TRODlTb' taken In exchange or goods. Win. II. Ilenter. Middleburg, May, Ho7. JOHN LAUMENSLA G ER, BUGGY MAKER, tSELINSQBOVn, SNYDER CO., PA. Having purchased Ihe well known stand io BellnsTove, formerly owaed bv Philip lllecker, I am prepared te aeeommodai all whs may de.lr anything In my line, and warrant aaiiafaetion iu all eases. 1 keep constantly on band, and am prepared lo manufacture at tbe ahorteat notice, liUUUIES. ' SULKIES, ", 8LEl6nS.Ae. Being experienced In the business, flat ter myself that 1 am felly prepared to meet tb wants of my eustomere. Tb bands employed are among tb beat aiecbanlos in tb eoanly, and their work will not fail to give uniraal satisfaction. 1 . MrSpaeial altenilo paid I r.pairlag ia all ill bsaoches.tssl . Shop oa klerk.l etie.l, a few doers south C. ERY A CO, or tb Ueruiaa iterormed Chureb. . : JOUN LAUDEN8LA0EB. Bifiusgrore, April 7, '70-lf 1 Ayer'o Sarsaparilla' la widely kaowt as one of the mod ; effect!)! remedM ever discovered fbt cleansing the y tem and ptirifyinf the blood. It h stood the test oi years, with a eon alanlly growing rep ntationrbased on it Intrinsic virtues, and sustained by Ha re inarbnblt enrea - to mild as to be aafe and encfidnl to children, and yet to searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as tbe scrofulous and ayphUitie contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked In the system fcir year, soon yield to this powerful anil ilote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many or which are publicly known, of Hcroftilit, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions and eruptive dis orders of the skin. Tumors, Blotches, llolls, IMmplew, Pnsitulas 8ore,8t. Anthony's FlrtNltosw or Kryle Iiim, IVftor, Halt lthcuin, Hcald llend, Itlnsrworm, nnd internal L'l cerattorw of the Uterus, 8tomnch, nnl IJvor. It also cures otlicr com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Iyspop Him Fits NMirn,lrl, llenrt IHseftAO. Female Weakness, lebillty, and Leticorrhos, when they are manifesta tions of tbe scrofulous poisons, - It Is an esrellent restorer of health and strength In tlio Spring. Ily renewing the appetite and vigor of tho digestive organs, . it dissipates the depression and listless Ian- Kuorof the season. Even where no disorder appears, people, feci better, and live longen lor cleansing tne blooa. 1 ne system movrt on with renewed vigor and a new lease oi Ulc. ' PREPARED B T Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., PrmcHcmt anH Analytical CktmUtM. SOLD BY ALL DBVOOIST3 EEIlTWnRE. 1I-KL, 1IALLIET h exouoiiTo.', If .KNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, axii UKAtaas is Voinitri I'rniture nnd Dometr Fruit, Srnlt, d-c, No. 22 South Water Strict, IU1LADELPUIA. nErarrsess. Jacob R. Kiegel tt Co.. XV. Market sliest; Lippeaeolt ft Troll er 21 N. Water street ; Hood. Itonbrlghl & Co ''JO Market direct Ex.Uev.Jamee I'ollook 30 south Cil aireel; John Weiat 808 Walnui street; Harris & Oraliad, 327 Arch street rrtbl'bVif JAVID WILLIAMS, Manufacture, of & Wholeealo I'ealer In Gilt, Mahogany, Walnut and Boscwoou LOOKING GLASS Fioturo ft Photosrraphlo Framoa So. 2:10 and 232 Arm street, Philadelphia 1'a, Frames R.piired in the best manna Also, Hegllding la all ita breaches. 7, WM. IIAIIDINO, lq.. ' J I'bTICU OF TH K PKACK ft COX VBYANCEK. Fromnut, Snyder County, l'enn. I'olleclioiis of all kinds made at Iheehorlrel notice and on tbe most reasonable terms. t onTeyauaing in all its branches eipe liiinusly execuied. li:iens. MoRTOAUks, Notss, ami blnnksof all kinda cou.iaully on band. 1'ersous at a distance having claims for collection within bia jurisdiction ueed only address Llm by mail to Iniur. prompt action. Terma resonable. .May '08 jKYSTONE HOTEL. Si'Iinxgrot'e, S"!ler County, I THE undersigned begs leave to inform ihe public that ho has purchased and will keep. In good style, iho above well known aud popular house. txif Having large, airy and well furnish ed rooms, good servants, with the untiring e flom of tbe proprietor to pleas bis guests, be hopes to meet with a large share of pub lo patronage. J. F. WALTER. Hint iv 4 1 1 . !. V I. -tub" YOST- Job Print in? Office, MIUDLElll'KO, SNYDER CO., TA. AIL KI.ND8 OF JOB PRINTINO NEATLY, CHEAPLY, n, FJI'EUITIOVSLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. p ENNS YLVAN 1 A HOI'S E. J. D. HOFFMAN, Proprietor. CORNER OF SECOND AND LOCIST STS JIAUKISUl'RU, TENN" avr-Kv.rr effort neeeoarv to (mure the eom ort ol kii.'U will be made. The houi. h.a bean n.wiy t.nttei. ,may,u;ot( ROOFIIVG. XB&BB TJiTt run xLoorxxro t'nlt.a the bait W.Ur.nroof CoimKnlltoi attl the Water proof fab-le In Ue best maaatr atw at the loweM tirlee to th. aim.tun.r. iii.r. u, i.t, luunn.uuD oi rarrea reit i l a Liyerof wal.r prool I'omixi.ltl.n i M. anotli.r i.t. rot halt i 41b. anotli.r layer otCouiposlltoa 4eml for Circulars and '6aay)tes. .ii'im.r i.iir r.u. A An Induo ment. - weonertae viaar nurehaaer loeaehplaee i.oouiu.r. i.t i.Mlie THKne Hr.T f.lt, wltb tne neceMary eoailug, lor Taiavr tioLLaaa, " PA TEX T ROOF '. PA INT. This Pslnt Is eompo.ed of sums, ells, and re Inous .utwtance., combined with dl.tll.it tar aad the ieat known driers. It contain, no mineral or il(in.nt, and Is preiarod, ruuly for u, abuut the euu.l.i.Dflr of ordinary wised ii.luls. It eoats much leu. retalus lis elasUolty vupnr, mnv i 1. Illuro our.uie l ounly rlK lite forsnle. tor tlreul.r. and all particulars, Address. M1U KOUil.NU UUMHAN V, Alald.n I.ane, MCW YOKK Oe. IITO.-I m. jJNION PLANING MILL! SELINSUBOVE.ENYDEB CO-PA. Kcely Milllcr, Iiiiml)cr Dealers A f M . ta era. a naan.aam.aa .a' ' i APU AeVurAtTTPHaB Or Doors, Door Doxes, Windows. Bo-Hen. Wludow Boxes, HllsiU, 8ss, Slslr Flxlnp, Hud Rat Macs, track ts. VsBldlBgs, FWerlac. ' SOROLt. SAW1NO a. VA tlMET TUKIN BUaies, Ljth, to., eo. Orders solicited sad filled with prompt ueapatia., rie.se sail ana xai In e-ir stock bfr purcbssin lswbr, UGHTiJillG R0D3. The North AaMrtM t.ttitatnf Sot 0pnjr ' OF flllLlDCLpHI A, MaaitafeUra aat pat p tktlr tetebratet - Copper Covered LltillTA'IAG KODS, at naaoaahle prices aad la a aiaaner that eaaoot fall to lire a.n.ral satisfaction. AOENTS Of TUB COMPANY hare been la Soyler Coaaty erery nmmer for several years part, ant they are here auw. Thoie who want a ckx! Ho-I, thoulil not fall to eontutt with the Aaenls. X. ItniKlIART, I 11 . I . . l ,' f 7 SeI.'nyri'B,).S;iyiiT Co , Penna Keeps onatamly en- hand a large sad well made assortment of Tin, Sheel-lron ware, floves, Ao., Ae. . , , He Is Ageoi for Ihe following named articles. "THE MORNING GLORY." Littlcftvld's Talent Improved Base COAL. STOVE. , la this saltern ef Tut Munmsn Glosv, several new and Important fealurea have been embodied, which oan only be seen to be ailmireii. lais new siov Is made en lirely of east Iron, so fitted as to be airtight but ean ne mane wiui sneet-iron upper eotion wnen preicrrej ey lb purchaser, La ornamental finish Is draper., makinc it a handsome piece of furniture, far more so than any stove heretofore made. Its In leroal construction, though resembling some of the former patterns of The Morning mory i. Tim uiDrreni, -mastng tt more durable. ani nr less uimeiiit to be repaired rh castings er or.lhe highest order, fully equaling the fanetl canting mad in this couuirv. Among tbe many anvASTAnta In the use of ihe Morning Olory are the following: I, Oonllnuou. Burning. 2, Vlualily of the neat. n. icoiiiaiioii inrougu ILe alove 4, Anti-Dust Biove. 6, No Eseap of (las 0, fcoonoroy oi ruei. , "THE BARLEY SI1EAF." AhU-DumI Air-Tiyht Cooling Stovr with- E x.lr ii (.'if lirr-Box for Wood or Coal. relented May Hiib, 181,5. We lake pleasure in offering our custo mers and Ihe Stove Trade, a New firet-Class Flat-top, aad would call fiarricuur afmiion lo in muny attruttivl and valumblt improve mtnt. This Hlovehss been carefully tested for several moalha, and the remits have proved f o highly eatiafaclory, that several of our oldest and must eip.rieooed slov dealers predict for II a sale far beyond our ability to supply thia aeason. Sliding front firi-doort, giving full uao of he heart Ii. An addilxonul tliJt in tkt even, so arranged as to give more room in the upper part of be oveu; a great convenience mucli needed. The orrn is nearly as vide at the top ae at the hearth line, which not ouly increasce be sue, but will be recognised as a ereat adeantagt in bakinp. POTY'S CL0TIIE3 WASHER.1' Tbe best, cheapest, and most popular . Washing Machine ever invented. It is easy tooperal, silling or standing akee but little room i injures no gsrmeats fiuisbes lis work from in two to four Min tiles; is durable and convenient and tb only Washing Machine known that ie liked he belter the longer it is used. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, The "(SHEA T f'AMIL Y ECONOMIZER. The terms of our Talent call our Machine Wringer." Years of experience prove it also io be a must txoELLBXl Washer. When we reduce every invention for wash ng cluthrs to a principle they all aomunl Unit or pressing and sniiceitng, and forcing Ihe water through lliein, thua re moving Ihe dirt. Most Washing Machines lo tl by rubbing. The Universal w ringer doe it by pressing. Estate of HAR AH ATP, deeeaseil. rF.TTF.RS OF ADMINISTRATION upon i theestateofSaBABj App.twldowol Leonard Ann.ilatool l'enn. tnwnililn. deeeaied. tiavlna been aranted to the nniLrnianeil, all jwruins knowlc. '.U.iumIv.. Indebted ie the estate are reqesstt I o make enyment, and tlione havlUK cl! Il lltt he same will present theia to JUltil UEMIll-.HI.IMI, Aaiulnl.trator. enns towmhl September ST, l.'o. "yASHINOTON II0U3E. Mid'tliburj, Snyder County, Pa. DAN'L BOLENDER, Proprietor. Tenons slopping at thia House will find exoellent accommodations, for Aan and Beast. . 7-6.tr. Offioe, 720 3 illcoz&Gitti Chestnut t Silent , Street;,. , EW1NG MACHINE 3 5 (Philadelphia. . . -". ' r "I sire m lieartv DrafardtHj La th VYUlcox A Uibbs Bilotit Sewing Machine." i:4 , . . ... ,. - . r FAJIItX.FBBJI, " The weight of reliable evidence being yverwhelmiug for that of th WUlcoi A Oibhs Jilont Sewing Machine, I decided upon It, jrocured it, and am mora than tatitfied.' r OEAUt (iJUUtWOOD. " 1 Kav the Wheeler A Wilson, th drover I Baker, and th Willcos dhOlbb Sewing Machines in my family. I a th Willcox k Uibbs moat freottantly, thinking il lar uporior to either of the othera." AilU. llKMBT WABB BkKCBBB. " My wife would not accept a Sewing Cachia of any other patent aa a oifl, If she mist receive it on condition of giving up the A-iUeoBeaQibb.'. i . ' Lrboodjde, Pa. M The Wlllcof A Oibhs U th tatty Sewing Cachhio whoa work big Is so sure and simple hat I could venture lo introduce it into hrU." Ret. A. T. Pbatt, ' kfuatonary Aaaaitaaa Basra. w We hare nied various Sewing Machine rithin our family, hut it Is th uaoai'movj pinion of U household, that th WUUB Oibhs b the beat of thm all." Kbt. J. B. noUM, " i 1 .,. ' 9iira,.t. ' " For sipaplicil and niechanloal accuracy af construction, I have seen bo Bewini AUobise saual lo ah Willcos A Glbba." T Emotr Liwja, " ' fitia4TuMjiriQaMM.X A eorretpondanc on 4h $uhjert Beneing MmcMnf is romyactfuU . D. S. EWZXG, Tl Cmt Motkal DtKtTerj X 9r. WAtKBB'S OALITOMTIA VINEGAR BITTERS; a ... rV J eV iianareas oi Anonaeuiiu uj rirwoaoer. jt a. a 13 WHAT ARE T MET t at' CP a TttlT ARB HOT A VaB . llFANOY1 DRINK 'Made of rur , Whlaker, 'roM KetrllaaaS Bteaa Jawraaortored,.plea aadaweeteato plaaM Ue tart., caUeS'Toa. W AefOUar,' " Itaslercrs," e,1lil l.ad the tippler oa to eraak.nan. a.4 rata, bat are . lm. lsStelae,ma4efroailhelletHreliookienl llbaef OalbTeml, fre Iraaa all Aleotwrta SMIaalaal. Tkerara OnUSSAT BLOOD rt rtiriru as i.irs eirii rms. firi.BapCTfeet Renovator and lavtaorator or tbe syvtea, carrying off all poltoooa. rn.tur and r.itorlae tbe blood lo a health, eoadltloa. Ke emnoa eaa lake tbese Biuere aeeordlnt to alive tli.andrmnualoofaaw.il. ' F IaSaa.Bii.iary aad Chronic ftkea. as Alias Bad 4aal, Drepepala ae ladU (eatloB. Illllaaa, Reaitlloat aad later, mlttrat Fevera, Ularaaea ef Ibe lllaad. 1,1 var, Kldaya, aad Bladder, tbeae nil. era nave beaa most eaaeaatral. ataek Dla. a.e. are cuicd by Vlllaled Blaad, la lenenllr rrodaced by Cer.nf.rn.nl of tbe slewilvelraBB. . DvnrrriA or idigbtio. Ileadaidi.. rem In tbe Shoaldere, Conab., Tkfbs- kii nf tbe Cliest. tnsslneaa. Boar Kraetetteae of Hi.momjeb. Had laale la Ibo Moatb, Blllone At. taeka, ralpllatloa of the Heart, laSaramatlna of Ihe Lan.,r.la la the region, of the Kidney., ana abaadnd olliw alafW ayaptoeaa, are Ibe "W nrlnrsof Drioeixls. ajTbrylavlcorate the Sldmaeb and .Uaalete the torpbl liver aed bow.ls, which reader them of ea eno.lled efllcaer la eleaa.lnt the blood of ell Imparities, and im parti nf aew life ead vlfor to Ilia whole .yatem. rati MK. IN. DIMKAMKfs.F.raptloas,Tetlar, Salt Rheam, Blotebea, Spots, riinple. faatalM, Boll.. CarbaaolM. Klng-Worms, keald-Head, Sore Byee. Rryalnelas, Ilea, Soarra, VlKoloralloas of tbe Skin, Hnmore end peasas oflha Skin, ef whatever name or nature, are literally ang p endessrlad oat e( tbe .nlrai lo a short time by tbe of these Bitten. One bottle la enra ess will eoavlaoe tbe most lacrsdeloas of tbtlr aaratlv. effMts. ClMnw the Vltuued Blood wbeaever roe Snd It. InpnilUae barstlad Ibroaah lb. .kin la riav Mm. BreptloBS or Sores t eleaas. II wbea yoa And It obstrneted and ilagghUi la Ihe veln.i cleanse II when It I. foal, and yoar feeling, will Salt yoa wliea. B..p Ibe blood pare and the health of th. mtm will follow. ft M, T A P B .nd other WOR3IS, tnrking la th. svsteni of bq msaj Iboaaand., ar. .Baetaatly deatroyed end reaioved. for full dlreeUoo., read eerafblly Ihe clrealar arooad each bottle. J. WALKKIt, Proprleloe. B. II. McIKIKALD A CO., Dragglau and U.a. Agetx., Sea FranrlKo, Cat,, and SB sad SI Comm. re. street, V.w Vork, SOLO DV ALL IIRCOUISTS ABO DIALBHA, T KWIMlIURd 1 1 WOOLEN FACTORY. The subscriber, thankful for lha librrnl patronage bestowed on bis establishment at Laurellon. begs leave te inform bis friends and tbe public generally, that be has bad hia mill at Lewisbtirg lilted up in in uest passim manner, wiin ma Latitt Improved Machinery mad In Die country, anA with the advan tages of Steam Tower, which can be relied ou at all limes. Ho feels safe In saying that bis establishment is uol surpassed by any in Ihe Stale. Having engnged ait of good Workmen he ia now prepared for manufacturing all kinds or WOOLEN GOODS SUCH AS CLOTHS, CASHIMEHK.s, SATIN ETTS, TWKEDH. JF.ANS, FLANNELS, ULAN K F.TS.CA K PUTS, YAKNd, Ao. fn the lift manner and at rrductd price. An excellent assortment of Gods at all limea on hand, for esl or exchange for Wool. ROLL CAKDINO don on short noti oe, J9-TERM8 CA8H.-dH MARK HALFPENNY. Lewisburg, Union Co., Pa., Doo. e,U8y t. T.' SniNDBt, M. gEAD THIS. p. rttibir swiaarOBDl SUlnde AND Swlnclord. 1 DrIGQIBTS ' and Chsmists, Offer foe ante ' Wiroia.Aia amp Hsvail, DRUGS. MEDICINES. PAINTS aad CHEMICALS. Embracing " ' PURE ZINC FAINT Green. Blue, Yellow. Red ana Ulack ; Paints ground In Linseed oil, lienor varnlsn , , Spirits Turpentine. , . vonai, voacn ana nun DRYING JAfAN, KNOTTING. wludow GUu, FktttTt FVo Olf llcohsl. 99 a -i -- ,w tl mitaraltv.I gi WHAT ARE TMEYTgja 5li r J .111 Stabcu, Isnioe, .'astiatios, Paiavandl VAKN1SU RRUSUES, Mule and Female Trjetea and Bnportei CIHOB k Conoenlrattd Lye, . - Fin t Sponges, ' ? ( - f 'II 1 " ! v SPICEB, COttN!STiRCII A BIRDJb'EEl) Flower and Garden Seeds, T which 1 th sKenllouaf dealsra Is called, as w j will sell at Ik very ioweel Cash Prices ia quaatltl to suit puicb aera. ' 1 .... . , Waal si kaap.- a band and offer for sale Whole sal aad Retail, all th lead ing Patent Medicine. AUo, - . NOTIONS, CONFKCT10NEHIEB," TOBACCO SE0AR8. Middleburg, Bnyder Co. Pa. J n. WALTER, . , . IMPORTER AND DEALER IN , CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, nt 5. Id Stretit, between Race A Tine 7,24y PHILADELPHIA. lARGE ARRIVAL OF ' NEW GOODS AT J. W. DREESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Viddleburg fb stock emhraoea in part . : Dress Goods, Hlack Silks, ' ' ' ; ""l All-wool De Lames, ' , , C'whurgsi, - - ; Merirtos, l'oplins, Repps, Ac, &e, Muslins, Potilile-widtb Sheetings, Drilling", lable Diaper, tisnabur(r, Extra Tiekirnts, Cheeks, Hnirl ings, (iitilistns, Jaconet, a full nssoninetit of Calicos, ,': Fluiiiii'ls, Ilenvv twilled, Sliiiting, lllunlteis, Riilinorals, Hosiery, Gloves. &a., Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSI MERES Ingrain and Libco Carpets. Woolen, Linen k cotton Carpet Cbaiu READY MA DE CL 0 TII1N0, Floor. Table nod Stair Oil Cloths Huts nnd Caps, UOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, Quconswuro. China ware, GIstiHWsro, Wood sml Willow ware, Cutlery, Oil Window Shade', Looking Glasses Ac. Ao.. Ac. TOBACCO AND CIGAI'S. SALT &. FISH Th btihrst market prlo paid for all kinds of country produce and dried frol'S Confident of rendering perfect sail.tao- lion both iu regard to prices ahd quality of gooda. I vespeoifu Uy Invite all to giv me a call before purchasing elsewhere. J. iv. irl,t.gs. iddleburg, January 7, 180'Jy QIIARLES 11. MILLER, ARCHITECT C0MB.U10R tt BlILDEK Walnut, Street, Slinrove, IV i . Is at all times prepared to furnish Draft Plans and Specifications for all kinda of Uuildings, at lb lowest poseioie rates an on short nolle. He is also prepared to contract fo pulling up bulldinss either by furnishing nil Die material or oiuerwise. May 11, '08 1 J. COOKE WHOLESALE DEALER ' IN CLOCKS 119 North 8d Street Philadelphia Aug , 1300y BEAY ERTOWN STOYE STORE AND Tlnivnre Mauufactor, , J. P, SHIRK Would respcol fully inform the cliisens of Snyder county that be keeps constantly on band a largo assortment ol , ortiuK, ' . , PARLOR, and ' COOKINQ 8TOVE9 Of the latest styles snd most improved E sterns, among which ar tbe celebrated mnira Gaa llurner. th Susauebnnna Cook, etc, which he is selling at prices mat aery competition, lie also manurso lurea and keeps on band a general assort ment of Slov Trimming, Tinware' kt vpeelkl attention paid lo Spouting an Koonng. uiv me a eall. J. r, B11IK&., JSeavertowB, Oct. 21, 18G9. CO ABLE A. DAN'A, Editor. She Jolhr Wcdita t9m A Kevrapnperof taePreaeal Time.1'.'' . IiiieaOad far Poople Haw aa Bank. Including rumera. Mcchanlet, MerebaaU, rro nniloual Mca, Wjikars, Tulokera, aad all Maa uer of lloaeit rulkt,aid tbe Wlvea, Sous, aad U.uubUfaot all.iaak-,'- 0.Y -OXS DOLLAR A VEAat I ONI nrN'DBBO COPIEat VOat MS, Or lets than One Cent a Cipy. Let there be a VaociabateveryroatOBVee.- eo , '.1 , SMI.WIBKLY l'N, 04 A TEA St, the il elee eed general sharaetsf at .118 KKBJ.T, but with a areata variM. of jiuceliaMeus readme, aad t arnbhlng the arwe oiii.uDKiiaai.wuB gieaierrreaaaeat. baoaaie I tteouiestwlceaweeklatteadofoaosoaly,.., J I I tii hailt a VfAK. lariroai oirouiatljn in Ibe wornl. neaOanl. and iiarl. lo peilibia. AH ta. aew. from evrrywh.r.. Tw i e.nu a eopy 1 by m.U. AOeimuatoaia.ostaiiar.' "-. rriaj, 11 TERMS TO CLTJBa .! THB DOLL A K MTUtlaLir VVX. ' tve copies, oaa yaar, Mparatelyeddreaeed, rar Uallara. Tea rople., eaa rear, m. vat.lv addretead (aad aa ciu aup) 10 ui (utter up 01 cluoi, Ela'jt rJeliara. rweniv eonlea, one ve.r, sereatclv eddrawed ta-daa txwacup, ta Uie.ttr up of ciab. Flfto.B lioUaa. "'"V enjl-.ee vesr. In one addreat yied Iu. Tbtrtr-tkraa UaII.m I fifty eop'e. one rear. ..nainiriv eadrened (-,u btWwki,imyetiw,,,0,1.,UMl" ne Jnadrcl , eo, lea, en. vow. I nnaaddrea. I ml the Ualiy te, ull, yM to ,h g'JTTJI -,"i , . Hit Dellaj-a. !lr.V'!.'i',r..'J.fr,'rt,n"? f'P'- eearat.lr ad-lre-e ,., ? tba ..J) a roir 10 Ine lc-ll.r UP of debt.! . . MBiyDollara. TPS HBMI.WBaVKLT WN. 1 tivecopia.oi.e)eBr,i-Aualiir sridim.s. Eight Dollar. a eordee, one verr. raft.relotv aadnssad tinu ua extra oupyu cellar up ..r .1" lim ,,. 1 B)ltew Dollars. .. BEND YOUlt MONEY ' ' 1 ' . ra.i nelra aHaea. rSiwva. oe d.art. enV.w in. wher.v.i e .at antral lr .i. Ii..a reaittei -i .'i:e.-4 eouialuUj uo wy, Adilreat . A B. V 1b.it- -id EAOLB HOTEL. , , .' Ha.ual'.'ltorihCHISt.. between Race and Vine) Philadi'i J-a. R. D. CVMMIN03, Prop'r. M. M. SWARR, SuperlotendeDt. C.8A Harper's Prlsdicala iTor 1871. THE PMIOntPAtiS) WHtOrt THB VfAI PKHS r L 11 11 AKb AomoJt 1DEALI.T WtLb EDtTtD. TbeNaUoa, H. X. Harper's Magazine. The are.l dealan of Hsaeaa'a Is ta err or. reel Intnrmstl-n and rational amnsemenl So lha K-eat Biassasof the people, rker tt bo aionthl, .as.lse an Inl'lllaeal reading family ean aanord 1a be without. Many Nsgaiinet are H-iimnlstad. HsapaaHi laeillled. Thar, la not Maaa.lna that le minted whleh shows more Irrt-lllii-nt ptlne eipendml on Ita articles and aieea tnir.i .veeatiaa. lnwaa nui a nnwmmw M.a.slne pnhll.hed. Th.re It not, coolSeeMly, mora potiuiar ninaasiLV io iu. woriu.r..w nalaad Hiaaeatiiail. . i. i A I once rib-gr-oat popular and, la Its aeheme. orrVlialof oae Maaailne.. e a 'Sl'i!'w,ls which the Harper tmbUtb. -. ''.ii well edited. Nation. lh. awl e All Ihe Pvl are aim- A complete Plotorlal Illetory ef U Timet." Harper-s Weekly. The batt aabllestla of Ita elt. la America. aai so lar ah. ml ol all other weekly looroal. . anl to permit of any comparison batwaao It and any ol their nambar. tt. solemn, contain the nn.lt oolieoiion. m ri-ft',iiiu ui.iivr in., a-a printed. ... Its llln-tniltonaarennmeroat end be.atimi, belag farelrtiad by the eitlel art lata ol Ihe country. Ib.aton Travel.r. llAaraa'a Wrkklv lathe heat aad taost In. teremlna Illustrated nawrpapar. Nor doee Its value depend on lit llliiairatlnnt aloe. Iu reading matter I. of a hlah order of literary merit varlwU laatreollv, eaterUlBiag, and aa exceptloaableN. Y . Sun. Harper's Bazar. Free from all political and sectarian dlseat a in rue- lion, devoted to faahlon, pleaaure, and Inatroe. lion, tt I. Joel in. aareeoie, en. la nloaabla; aad Inlereatlnvdomeatlc paper which every mother and wife and aweetheart will require every ton, huabind, and lover to orina num. wua nin.av.ry u.iiinU. avinlni. Pullad.lnhle Lailaar. II y all rreini boy II An eta's Haiab. Not foe youraeir, bat for your wile, or daaabler.ef sister or awoetheart. 1 here never waa any paper pub- llihed that sa rtellirhted the heart of women,. Never mind If It doe. coat yob a new boaneti II iii vnn in time. th. nrtce In the home- hold economy It teachot. Providence Jearnal. TormN lor 1 H71. lUnraa'e Mnni(i. ope year,."..'...., oq HABrsa'a Wibklv, one year leg Haarsa'a liAXAa.one year, doe HAaraa'a M aoasiss, H saraa'a WaaaLV and II ABrSB'B MAS A B, to on. aiifir.aa, iwrun. y.ar, lio ooi or aay two for SJ 00, Th h. iK.ai.va wlthla the flitted Btatet It for the Mairasine tt cents a year, for the Weekly or ll.i.riiu eanle a y.ar. p.yalde yearly, semi y.nrly.or quarterly, et the otnee where received. The Volumes ol the M.n.iln. eowimenee with the Numbers for June and December of eath year, hubaerlnllont may eoaiineneeWlth any Number. When no timet. speolSeit, it will be nnderalood that the .uMonmr wiane. to oegm ith ha Srat Nnmler of the ewrrent Volume. and back Number, will be sent accordingly. Tbe Volumes or toe v eemy ami na.ar com mence with the year. When no time Is specified It will be amieratooii i nat tne wuwriwr iin to enmmence with the Namber next after tbe receipt of nla order. Wliea tbe tuisiarlber't addrets Is to be ehangtd both Hie old snd the n.w must be given. lilt not aeeeesaary to give notice nf dlseontlnaaae. lo remlttlnu by mall, a Poet-oince (Inter or Draft payable to the order or H.araa a, HiioTMKK. I. prelerable to Itank Notes, since, .hould the Order or Draft be lint or stolen, It eaa be renewed without tost to the sender. Address HARPLRa, UHOTHEHU.Nef Yof btate or MARY O. BECKER, Deceased. IETTEH3 TESTAMENTARY upon ihe J eslal of Mary C. Becker dea'd., late of Selinsgrove Roroggh, Snyder County. Pa. .having been granted to tbe undersigned all persons indebted lo the said esl ale are requested to make payment, and those hay ing demands against tb asm to present them without tleliy lo - GEORGE SCHNCRB, Exeoulcrs. January 8, 1871. . . READING RAIL BO AD. Sumwr Arrangement, Monday, ' ' My mh, 1S71- . Great Trunk Lino from the North snl North west for Philadelphia, New Vcrk, Reading, Poltsville, Tamaqua, AshlunJ, Shamokin, Lebanon, Alleniown, Eattoo, Ephrnla, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia 4c. Trains leave Hrrisburg for N.Y.ss followt: at 2.1D, S. P, a. m, & S.IK) p. m., oonnociing with similar trains on tbe the Pcnneylvanls Railroad.and arriving at Now York at 10.0$ a. ni 41.60, and U.ao p. in., respectively. Sleeping pars accompany ( th 2.10 a m., Irnin, wilLout change. Returning 1 Leav New York at 9.00 t a. 12,30 Noon, and 6,00 p m. Philadelphia at 7.0 8,80 a m, and 8.0U p m. Sleeping ctn acomptiny tbe 6.00 p m ' trains from New York, without change. Leave Hnrruiburg for Reading, Pottsvillt Tamaqun, Mincrsville, Ashland, 8hamokin. Allentown snd rbltadipaia, ti 8,10 a m, 2,00 end 4 05 p m, alopping H Lebanon and principal way stations: ins l.OS p m train conneoting for Philadelphia, Poltsville sud Columbia only. For Poiu vllle, Schuylkill Haven snd Auburn, tit Sokuvlkill and ' Susquehanna RailrotJ, Leave llarri.burc at 8.40 0 m. East Pennsylvania Railroad iraini lei" Reading for Allentown, Easlon and N' York at 1.82, 10.80 forenoon, and 4 (ft p.m. Relnrnig, leav New tork alH.w m 12.80 yjoou and 5 tsi p. m. aud All" town at 7.20 a.m. 12.25 Noon 21& 1.26 1. 8.85 n. m. Way passenger train leaves Fbiladelplii at 7,80 am, conneoting with similar irm on East l'enna. Railroad, reluming ft Hesd'ng at 6,20 pm, stopping at all slalioi Leav Poltsvill at 9,00 a, m si 2.30 n. m.i lierndon at 10.00 ami Sb' mokin at 5, to and 11,15 a. m-! Athlaoj 7,05 a to, and 12,43 noon, Mahanby 1 at 7.61 a. m. and 1.20 p. m., Tamaqot H,85am, and 2,10 p ai for rblladeli Now York. Readins. Harriaburc. Ac Leav Poltsville. via Schuylkill and fl ouchanna R R at 8.16 a m for Harritbm and 11.46 a m for Plnrgrov and Tread Heading; Accommodation trale 1 Let' Potisvijl at 6,40 a nt, -psaee Readisf 7.80 a m, arriviug at Philadelphia at U' a, m., Returning, leavea Piilladelpbit 6.15 p bj,- passing Reading aw 7.6 arrlvins al PoliavUl at 9,40 a m. lot tl own Aeeoniniodaiion Train Let Pottaiowa at 6,80 a m, relurnlpg let1 Philadelphia at 4.30 n m." ' Columbia Banned Trains leav net" at 7,20 am, and 0,15 pat rr-rpsi Litis. La Vaaler. Columbia. An ar Perkiomen Railroad Trains itve Vv omen Junction at 7.:,, 9,05 art, 8,00, 0,00 p u; returning leave Sobwenksvilli 6 80 snd 8.10 a. m, 12,10 Noon, and t p m, conneoting wtta similar trains Readieg Railroads- .... -6'olebrjokdall U.R. train leav rotlH at 0,40 a ui, 1.16, and 6,46 p m. relur4 leav Mouut Pleasant at 7,00 and a m, and 8.00 p in, connecting with lie trains oa Reading railroad. ; Chester - Valley Railroad trala s Bridgeport at 8, SO a ai, aad 1,06 aui p m, returning, leav DownlngtowD ti! a m, 12.45 noon and 6,26 p m, eouurt with simliae trains ea Reading railroi 1 OnHuBdavai Leave New York Si' p ni, Philadelphia 8,00 at and S,ilJ in e.iri a nt irain ruuuiog oniy to i""-i leav I'olltvillo 8,00 a mr Hrrrebur2 J m A 2,U am, loaves Allenlowa at i 1 p. bj t, leav , Beading at 7,16 in, tJ p m for Hanlsburg, at 4.82 a hi f": Vert, 7,20 a in for Alleniown, and ' a, At i II a rn. I'klli,l.lnbta ' rnianSulalLin. Mil.. aa. KeaaoE. M and excursion lloketi, t and frost allfn at reduced ratea. I Baggage cheoked tbrougt j tpO sK allowed eaoB passguaer. - - J.E.WOOTTf. 8-pl. .Vf. at - Y. Host retpi ,'h publio er. 1U, ftt confide .iliifaolion B. allDDLEBI Offioe Jn( LEWI TOBAC No. 32 JERCUA H. II. UJ Ks. 418 A If trnm v otstl oners, , 4rler.li -a aad Wall ifbUobPriBl ,..... . i ""7"