THE post: htlDDLEBtJHO AVOl'StlO, Iltt - TOWN AND COUNTRY. Ui . .. . L, A Hn preventive for gray hair la Hallt Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Try il. Tn Exeeutltte Committee of the Snyder fount Agriertlttiral Society li requested t meet ia Ibie place biiI Saturday. Jot. C. Bi'CHBB, Esq., of Lcwleburg, It lb uninlmoui choice of ibe Mifflin county penjoertcy for President Judge. Ai Odd Fellow' parade will take place ;il Freemont oa Saturday, tb'.iu loil. Several lodget will participate ard a pteae ant time It anticipated. Mtattt. Wagaer ft ' Stahtnecker bare commenced butchering ia Ibit pltet and will tupply ear eltiitot wilb freah meat every Taetdiy tad Saturday morning. Taa Mifflin count Re pnblietn Conven tion, 10 nominate eaadidatet for I ha vari oat office ta bt filled ibit fall, will bt bald Beit Monday. WiLLlAMtroat bat recently erected an tut bllhnnt for Ibt manufacture of India Rubber gnoda tbal will give employment to upwardo of 400 periona. Fbamlin raid: "A newspaper tnd Bible in aver bouie, and a good tcbool in every dlttrirt, art tba principle mpporlera of virtue, morality and civil liberty." Twblvi able bodied men eapect to bt Sheriff of Lycoming eonnty. Kch towa ikip, borougb and ward ia Dot yel repre itoieJ, but tbey doublleat will be before Ibe eleetien. Tub Amxbicar Stock Joibmal, oOtrt larger premiums and a greater variety, than almoat any other "Journal, Hand for a peelmen copy, illustrated ahow bill and premium lilt. Addreat N. P. Bona ft Co., I'ublitbert l'arktaburg. Pa. Watt you go to Philadelphia, look arouad at much at j ou pleas before buy io., but be. euro t ad go to Oak Hall when yon are fully ready lo buy your new tult. leu will do belter Ibere with a giveu amount of money than anywhere elae. It ie a euro evidence, when yon tee young mea get up in tbe midst of a termou ia church, and ttalk out with clattering beofe, attracting tbe attention of tbe entire audience, (bat tbey have by fur, more beoft than bralnt. Karonr of Saline Orore Building and Be tings Asioolailon, 7th quarter ending July 17, Kl. C 1 Capital 111 sham took worth M,3 719 peUlonaech ill,oo Co. a Capital 1U shares each worth ,44 112,37 1111,2) paid en each. 8,00 CHAS. B. MILLER, Secretary . The above was handed ui by L'h ic B. Millar , Z., Sesretary and shows a healthy Bnanolal condition. Tiout timet are expected at Williainaport and Look Haven in contequenoe of a denrlu cfloga, which niuat coutinue unlest Ibe river riaaa an improbable occurence for some time. Tbe Williamsport standard mvs j Sev oral of our lumber uiillt bavt tiso oomptlled to eeaae operutiona for want flogs l he river alill continuing too low fir (he logs to atari on their downward trip. UtaioAL Collbqb. Mr. F. C. Moyer, bu fitted up elegant roomi in Freeburg, mil purpoaea optuing a Muaical College imnediaUly. Tbe muaical talent of Mr. U .-J L!. ' : i. i. ";cr ano an lawny i wail Known throughout tbe country aad we have no tnilanoy in laying- thai aohool under 111 management, will be) conducted in tucb i Banner aa will .be highly tatiifactory to tn patroat. Bauoo'i Maoazixi roa Skptimbib. . Thi September number of,lhli spirited Mignine it laaued, and alill relalot ill In ttrtal and originality. For great variety t sail it the beet monthly in ibe eouniry. a tnd domvelie talea, advenluret of the 4t exc.tealle kiud, and a long liat of 111 Wrtd artiolet. Only IS oanit per copy, If 11 AA ti . . . fc. ir.ik-. ua Congreit ttreet, Boston,;are the publiibert. ' W, Oawio, M. P., expired auddtnly Monday latt. At 6 o'clock, p. m., be 'a visiting a patient reaiding on Linooln "net, aad while engaged in writing a pre "'tiioB, be tuddaaly eritd out, " Uire ine 'llaatofwatar'Iam din AiliKiml. - r " Mde a ttep toward the woman who wat curlBg lilia (bo water, then tank to bit . n i rem lucuc io ine Boor OU tpini uim uuuj uaioio me arrival oi an "kr physician who wtt batlilytummoaed 11 U aaid Ibat Ibe attaok from which he wat a repetition or two former at 'fii on hit life, one of which oeeurred liiog, aad which wae pronounced by woe wae eauea tn. to oe or an an titue character. Dr. Orwig waa about ' tara of age, a pbytioian of Ibt Eclectic (, and a member pf tht church of the 'ugtlical Aeeoeiatioa. He waa buried Toitf-av, ia (he Uorer oamtrv. "mMn, '7txT KiourBwixDLBe. Our exebang- "plain of the twarm of patent right "'re, who are bow twlndliag the farm- IB I I . t . . -' loeauiico, ine farmer a wno lie ibtmaelvea to be fleeced are not to I'1'!. We are freooenllv raauealad la i the publio agalnat the numereue M1M Which oravail lk(uiihoul Vka ,r7i and have triad lo erotaot lha nas. TV .. . . ' .. me wuea oi taarperi until we are The preaa it powerleee to Brevtnt 'poaiiiona from being partially aua- -i ir ii it neioriout raot, tbat Ibe Unmake their rlohaal haula from ""e of tboaa who are loo wean lo hiwapaper, bat who are ranally "i le cheat their aelghbor whenever M 11 a ebaao. livery farmer eheuld 'fbKriber la hla aeunl naaer. 'and - ani a fair ebane. of being ean r lkt Uii.(,W, Tdr tLlprnoDtt from Navf York of train to Europe, In lalliuft Verrelt, from Jaootrv to Jnly, were 14,000,000 oasneit. Hiai It a eird of a Tioga county eendi datet M.W. Wetherbee, dielikint hard wort, rearing to eteal, and dispiaing beg gary will take hi ebencre wllb bit neigh bor, ae a eaadidate for Commissioner, uhjeel to the deeltiont of tbe Kepublican convention. Ji'MAt Coi'ntt Itiue. From the Mif MinlowB papert wt learn Ibt following t On Tuesday afternoon the fine barn of Jonn patieraon, Eq., Containing bia en lire bay, wheat and oatt orop fur Ibe pree eniyear, wat entirely eonaumed by fire. Tbe fire wae nndonhtedly the work ofaa Inoeadiary, Mr. Pattereon'a toe ie eery beery, and baa Ibe tympethy of (be entire community. We trtiot the guilty one nay be brongbl to punishment. iHirlnr the tbe tbuadei atom ea Friday evening laal, the barn belonging to John Woodward, in Beale tewaahlp, waa uruck by lightning, and entlrtly destroyed, lo gather wilb all thla yeart crop of hay. wheal and oatt. A load of oatt bad juai been baultd In before tbe atonn came up. Tbe oata and wagon were burned. Tbj house of Mr. Henry Ebrrl, tn tbe borongb of Perrvoville. waa entered on Sunday night end robbed of a box contain ing about f HO ia money, f 71)0 In promie. tory nolet, the deed lo hit property and a number of boramh ordert A reward nf $r0 ia offered for ibe recovery of tba con tent ofihe box, or f 10 for tbe recovery of tbe papert. To Srbraakn, I'allfnrnla, and Kanarta. nd me B. MK. R. Lands. The " Burlington Boule," to called, Wet right in tbe path of Ibe 8lar of Empire. H runs almoat immediately in tbe centre of Ibe great westward movement ofemegra lion. Crosiing illinoleand Iowa, It ttrikea the Miaaourl River at three pointe. These three point are the gateway Into three great tcctiont of the Irani-Miaaourl region. Tbe Northern gate it Omaha where (he great Tacitl road will Like you lo the Ininl of gold and grap, tunny mountains, nnd perpetual summer. The Mi.l l'.e gate la Mntlemoulli. which open upon the South half of Nebraska, toutb of the Platte river, a legion unstir pned on the continent for agriculture and g' a ling. Juatbere are Ibe I). & M. lull roadlandu, concerning which (Je n. M. Har ris' the land otlicer at Burlington, Iowa, can give you all information, and in the bean of them ia Lincoln, the State Capital and l'rearnt Terminua of the road. The Southern gate UaJe to Kanaaa. by conneetione with the Hi. Joe Koad at Ham burg, running direct lo f. Joe tud Kanaaa City. Thetratna of the Burlington run smooth ly and aafrly and make til connection. It rune Ibe beat of coachea, Pullman Palaoe and Tullnian dining care, and ahould you ake Ibe journey for the journer'e aake alono, you will be rrpaid j or lake ll to find a home or a farm, and you ennuot fiud either belter than among tbe B. ft M. landa, where you oan buy on ten yean' credit, and at a law price. QELIXSnROVE MARKETS. Correcie I O Weekly by Wngenxeller & Son. Wheat old I 15 1 2 (.5 HO 65 Oniont Butler 'et Soap Lud Ham Shoulder W heal new Cora Rye Oats Timolhysecd Cloverseeil Cheriea Buckwheat (J to OH Id ! in Side 9 lo 10 t'hcrrlee, pilled 16 PRICES OF COAL ON WHARF. Sbamokin Cheat 8 7G Wilkeabarr Cheat 4 76 Shamokin Egg and Stove 6 60 VV'ilkeabarre Egg tud Stove (I CO Lump 5 60 Jii2r. On the 1st Inst., In Pan a Twp , Nanev wldew of Oaurg Jarntt aged at years, 7 month and BO days. tin th Ird Inst., In Perry Twp, Al bert, son of Iteniauiln and Mary Sobacfer aaed i years, a inonlli and IA day. On th6lh lust.. In Parry Twp., Enoch, son ofUcorc and Polly Klcunbch, axd 't years and n days. un th Aih., Inst, In Franklin township, Dan 11 Kpp, aged 1 year. JTALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN 'RENEWER. Ia the beat erttole known to RESTORE GRAY HAIR To its Original Youthful Colut. It will prevent the Hair from ratling out. Makea tbe Hair tmoolb and gloaay, and doet Bot Hain tbe akin aa otben. OtR TREATISE ON THE HAIR ibbt ma av MAIL. B. P. HALL A Co. Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. Price l.oo. CABINET ORGAN AND MELODEON MANL'FACTORr. War lluom aud Store on Plae Street, Faoiory on Snyder Blrcet, tieliuagrove, l'a. If rou want to hear end aa hmi,,..i baaaUful Oricans aud Alelodeoaa call at our war room anu tiior. w us noo but th bt malarial la maklna Inslmmanta r nn. ol them aod you will b sallina.1. Evry lastrumant la warranted for flvw year. lalr, A (ants and Minister of th Uoaiwl, arlnvlld to correspond with as end send tor prle list. Wa sir also aaeol foe th. bwt NW York and Philadelphia plaoo. Violins and Aoeordaons inn aa a ais vi..ii Slrloar, Sht Uusie, Picture rama, Aa., Ac, Piano aad Aeoordeone eorrectly tund and Ca Uall ea, or addreee by letter K. Z. clALEM a CO, Bagreve, Pa. Sepi. i mo. COURT PKOCLAMATIOX. Wbereaa Ibe noo. S. 8. Wood Pra.l dent Judce of tbe Judicial Dialrla oompoaed of Ibe count ie of Snyder, Uuion ana mimin ana J. U. L. Bhindet and Ueorge C. Mover. Eaua Aaaoulata Jiirloaa la and for Snyder county have laauad tbalr precaipi Bearing, dale the (bo Utah day of May, A I 1H?1, to ma direeted for tbe holding of aa Orpbane court, a court of Common Pleaa, ecurt of Oyer and Ter miner and General court of Ouarter Saa. tiont of the reaoo al Middleburg, for (he county of Snyder, oa ibe etb Monday, (be ing the 2Slh day of September, 1871.) and eenlinut one week . Notice it Iherefort berebv elven In ll.a Coroner, Justice of tba Peace aud Const a met la aa Tor Ibe eounly of Snyder, lo ap pear ia their proper person with Iholr roll a repordi, loqtilaitiona. eiamlnaiion aa.l olber remembraaoee lo do I bos thin which of their offices and ia their behalf pertala lo be dose aod wltneaee and cr. bobi proMoutlng ia bhalf of lb Commoa w call b against aay person or prraona are required la be then and there aiiandl.. aad Bol departing without leave at ibeir peril, Jusliec ar requested In be puooc iral la their tlUadanee al Ike appointed lime agreeably to nolle. real at Ibe the CUlkdav May, of A. U., out thousand e thousand eiaht kiimlrad tnd acTenlv naa. JO'IV Wt.l.l'. HhoiilT. . ttoxtlV at Co.'$ Al4ii$mtnU.T .....AXM.;.M.........ji,.k.M.M..'......,..M..... WniTCOJiB'8 tlEMRDY FOIt ' -. w r , , Fob AatawA, Bbeartn, Hv Fv, t. "Nalhlne n sueoemfni." T. Mircur, Praaalst, Roatm, KeesnaiendoO bv 7. O. W. Hal in as. lialy mIIstm HvSnkTT nwtoi, man. my all draii(iiu. Tuscarora Academy, ACADRMIA, PA. , a DOARKiNO bckool ion BbT8. i .'. rfhn year will begin n,i. ath marrn man a.oiw vvana asan lave tn irrr.l lor bnsinfts aad fbr 'olla. Kor Ur.llna wahlnw. Inrrlh,l Mom. tiilllon In all the branrbe. laojtht, eioert Kreaoh anil Herman, t arfor tba First hwatoa, eat Kr Urmi ealar c,l,oU, eeheoL M., eM Ine a air l. . "TOWP, w. . . J. t. r A.tTRKrtO.V, A. X. ' kVlaclnala. COLI.rjniAtRae UOMMF.tlrtAL IJVSTI il U' !". "". "wn. Freparatory to t ttllnga. BalnM. Melantlfle Kchool.. it. . mil Itarv ant Naval Arartemlaa. Fall Nciainti ininy atatti year brains lh brains 1Mb. For !. " i ora tae rrtnetpal. TTIrtRTnwT t'taxileat tartltut.-A tot Pilln r,.. . . XX and rsr DnaMlna Fobm.1 K av. y. E. AtiXAanaB, rrlnetpal iltgblalown FKMAI.Rafii.LKni!, no.f,TO W. .f. ftirtilihaa tba kcrt Untina d...i. txother wltb a nlaauat kai. Hmr4 sa l Ta. Hon, tint ur var For I .ml,..,,. . ..n Hit. . r t, . v w .... ... , . . ilKAK ELI.Y, Fh. D. CCHOOLEVS MOUNTAIN SKM -'1NAKY. For both .. a ,i.,...-v. . aiirtfr arbool In all lu auDolntiuinti mil, . IT" H'l . 'v. L,. 1. hTOI'T FNnt'hU. Fr(nliv.l Srboolajr'a Mountain pfnnnf, nvw jersey. Kit A NON Vallay ''nllewe, Annvllte. Pa. For atalnanan. ulrfrM I. ll 11 . . . IresWeulT Virginia Furiiis &c. FOR HALE.-Flvenne Farme. with Mlllsann .... rnaadrf. AildiaM nam. HICIIAHI) IK. m. no. I.euPUary Street, hlcbmoail Vlrnlnla. 11. HF.NUEK8o.N'S Family Liauor Cases. c,h. UVf .ulalln One H ttla or til.ti pa i.r mi i v f.v , in .i t . t WX1?. H V tvl F.l It T .'1'ii'ni, i iii.ii nui; HHti.r, (lurintxl Par aal of tbe very br.l uaalllv. I'KH'E HKVKS DOLLAIUS. R,".b,..l'i,l!"" -1 n -'T PuetHrfHee oMar, U. UtAoLKHUN i liroad St- N York. AOEXTS WATfTEP ras TB . IKANS.MISSION OF UFK. Unonnls of lb Natur an.) Hv alan of lha niawuiin -uni'iion. Jlv I Ha. Ni.u,'. ... Ihor of Tna Fiivnii L Lira or Wimia." li riai to tbe mat set 1 1 run of new furls i1. i praetieal ol popular ( I ".,rw"i','!ir...."l', bl '"'l kui.i. . . ...n.'.r rui.n,ni , pviih rnpilllT. Aolil y ! 1 i. taemsiv lerrtlory. Terms II i i u A""'a lorcontanU, he.. J Pa. PUIIadolnbla, -Ajroia.M ! !!al Thinl PAt.ABY or allow a latrarotnmlMlon to rail oar Bw it "i - rrt wa r:vtianr. and Wundrr- ui inranilons. Audrs At Marshall, Mich. W AON ER h CO., .30 WH WILI. PAT 30. rJ?!".,' M ".T "".I t0 M" ,,r aroat and valu ahidloyrras. II you want permanent hon orable and pleasant work, apply Tor particulars. AddrwlitEKliCO, Jacltson, Michigan. A BULLION D0LLAKS. Hhrawd butnulat men can mike a fortnn hv rrllni( lb sscrat ol lb bnlnrs to no un. AUdrs EIHJ A K KIM. a Broadway, Naw Yotk. CKLI. A SCIIOXOUR, 'J IVbolesale Denlert Id BRANDIES. WINES, Gins, Whiskeys &c, WOMEL8UORF, BERKS CO., l'a. January 13, 1870-lf TKTTERS TKSTAMCTAKY. on A-i lb Estat of Maria Hai.i., late ol 11. bnr. oiia-h orKelinarov.tle'd, havln bran (ranted lo lb undermined, all perrons knowing thoui. sls ImUbird to said eslal ar rniuerted to make payment, and llmr harlng claims airalnrl the saoi will praaent tbcui I. r rrtttxiarnt lu Oct. a. 1870. Eutor. flKNTKKVlLI.i: HOTEL. W Lt Mrs. Wearer s.) t ealarvll Knydar Co., Pa. PETER HAHTMAN, Proprietor. This ton eslabllsheil and well known hotel bavin: been purchased by lha undnrslaned. b solicits a sbar ol Ih public patroaaii. . ...... PETEK HAKTMAN. April t, U71. T. . SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. lVllmiLEIUKO, KNYHER CO.. PA. OKera his Profsslonl Harvlcos tba public. Coniultattona la Ocrmauur Engllib. Ejtat.or JllHN HOI TZ, Iosd. I KTTKKS of ADM I.MSTKATIOX a upon the aslat of John llouta, lato nf , nai'initn i uwnsnip, nnyitar county, iicensed, having bn grantit lo lb undersla;n4, all ur one know I oa themselves Indebted to said sstat are requaeled to uak setllemaot without delay, nd thus bavlug claims against th sam will present them to LEVI IIIH TZ, April M, l:i. Administrator. JAZAHUS MOYEU, ' IMPORTER OF Wines, Brandies, CarillW, Jkc.9 Ac, Sit North Third Strcrt, Phlladtlphla. gAMUKL FAUST, Merchant Tailor, Hat just received an entire new etock of CLOTHS, CA881MERES A YESTIN'US. all of a luperior Quality which ha la era- pared lo make up lu tbe beat ttylt and oo short notie. He alao keeps 11 r own and Wbit trench Yoke Linen thirls. and t eon eral asaorlmeul of gentlemen' Furniahing Goods, all of which be offora to tht public at very reasonable pricee. Call at my plaoe on Pine Street, between Let bert s ooroer aad the bridge, tieline Grove, Pa. June 4, 1808 if. JOIJX II. ARNOLD, A((opihv nt Lnw, JIIUHLEUCna, PA. Professional business enlruaUd to blscare w.".' be promptly ended to. Feb U.71 o. i10hnue11ger, 'justice of the peace, Parry Township, 8ydr County, Pa. Collections, Oonveraaelng, aad all other bull Ba partalaing la the offle will b promptly aitaoded lo. Otnc ar 1 romwaasvllle. JKVI KELLEH, Manufacturer of aad dealer tn FUllNITUUE, Would reapeol fully in form tbe elliaene of Selinsgrove and vloiulty, that be mauufao turet to order and keeps eonatanlly oa baud CHAIBS OF ALL KINHR, AND ATurmturs of every DoBonptlon, al Ibe very loweai prioe. II reapeelfiill invite aa eiaminallou of BEnsTE AIH, HPREArS, TADI.EH, SOFAH a..sufivj,9, inv, vnaiaa, no, MTA apeoial iuvilalioa it tzleuded lo aewly Married folks lo call aod act my nock befora rurebalug tlaewbere, i.KVi ni:i.i.rR. J U'Jivr, Aptil t IM,' t BaiaaaaaaeaiaawaBaabaaaaM x Tii ft m n, o es , ejo fcj eds vsry( f, . ,. ' IN MIDDLEBURd, BY Reo. Alfred gchocli. A LAROE ASSORTMENT OF ' PBINTS, lVnJSLINS. DRESS GOODS, ,,1"'.V CntSKlllHTON, Itoilfl.V 3ffllo eClot)llll(r, IltU aod Cap, 8U c, Il.wivry, Glt.vca, Noiiotia, Hhtwlt, taua, I'nraaola and Wliilo Good. AI.SO-A riJIJa LINI2 OP GlCOCIOUIl.y Sugar, CoiTfc-, Tcaa, Bpircg, ritpa, Fislt, Ac, ic. TOIIACCOS, HaNUFF AI CI.VltH. ALSO Qoeenswaro, OlaMware, Tuba, l'aiN, Uaalieut, Eto , K'.e. f eleeted the above ots with arrat rat, wlrhlna Jn parrba. I all and n for routMlvr . nsoaiul to mr Irlends for thrlr p-tr. nis m the same. I jane w, H7I-U J ESTABLISHED 1853. Till OLD COK.MaU Rcliitilt and Refurnished with lha Finest and Cheapest Assortment of BRIT G NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, QUEENSWARE, Hardware, Groceries, Sluicn, CrnV)etH, Oil AVAM. PAl'HUH, EVER nFFERED TO The anl'Scriher having? removed Into Market aud I'uio Mn-eta, la now prepared ones tbrl may favor bitn with their patronage, this old :on:vi:itt fllALL PtJLt I'ONTlStE THE MOTTO FOBMRRLV AlitirTEB, "THIS C'llKA..! COHMMl." By a Strict attention In hll'lne. and kreninff at all lime Ilia musl coimilria slook. and telling nl the lowet prieea, h hopes to teiTAll kin. Is of roi'NTIlY I'IKJUft Sellnsgrove, April 'J'l, 1XT1. ALK HOTKL. MIMiLF.llfUt, TA. J. A. STlnLSKC KEK, Proprlilnr. Having taken charge of this old and well I established aland, I he proprietor propose I o devole all bia attention in lha providing! of bit Table and liar and the accommoda tion of both man and boM. He soMcita a1 liberal abare of th r rl lio ; atronnge. I January VI, lh)u . j ! jAn Loan. Btana Daatrcaa. IMPORTER! AND DEALERS Pure Whiskeys, BRANDIES. WINES AMI AM. HTlir.K rOUKlUX AMI DOMESTIC L1Q10RS, .. i:i s Mill Mrrrl, Aug, 4. TUlf.l DANVILLE, PA. rriu: Hixji:it SEWING lttCiiTHK!'25SrHir5 AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! THREE TlltilctASI) IF. II WEEK AUK NOW 11EINU MAI E AM)! Tiic iu:so unv. Recattse it embodies essential principles not found in any other Machine; because of ill aiiiipliclty of construction, ease of operation, uniformity, of precise action al any speed, aud capacity for the greatest range aud variety of work, fine or coirse. Partiea wishing lo purchase ahould not fail lo examine th beat of all tic wing Ma chinci -Aw it M'iihs Sew, saw, saw, At morn, at noon, at nlnhtl Work, work, work, Hut oarer oat ot eight! For great nd smull, tor young and old, In sumturs's beat, In winter's cold, llr midnight lamp, by midday's sun, 'Twai sew, saw, saw, but never dune. When Grandma sewed. An it led flusa. buvs, butst why how tba panties fly' Ob ob. ou iwouin enarm the mil ilulleit ea! Tbe legs ar sew1, lb waistband's on, i a uuiious sl in panu ar uon! And bara's a pair tor Sam aud I oho, Aud Cuailay, loo, aud Kill Dan. (Cow Mother sewa on i SISGER'rt NEW MACHINE. We adviae all who waul a first class Sewing .Machine, one Ibat will sew linen or (laiau thread aa wall aa anv other, to ea la U.W.AM1KLL ' ' on North Tbiid Pt.. in l.ewisburg, BATHKON ft VYISTKItH, New llcrln, or I. U. SMITH, belinsgrov. And ret one of these FnmoUe Singer Ma ehinea, fur there you will get instructions, ae you ran get at no other place ; and if a Singer la put in your family, bappinesi will ?t turn to follow. ONE WnO KNOWS. Ten Judiree gave Ibe Singer lb Diploma at we nyuer cuuuiy fair. ... T r. ..." . IH-lly Forney's Press. T1IK CEEAT BAIHr.lL NEYihPAi'EK J Grt (he IUkI ami Vhmpttl NeimjMijtr in the uoMtiry. the Tress It a Cm-claao double-aheet eight-page paper, eonlaiuing 48 oolumne, published every morning, (eacepl Sundays.) TEI5M3: DAILY PRESS f 8. (g rr annum i f2.00 for six uioniba I.(MI for three month. Tltl-WKLKLY I'HiSS. I.IKi per aa aum fiVOO fur ais mcBth; $.l0 for three tnonlb. TIIK WtKKLY PBK8S. Tbe most valu able Weekly Newspaper lu ibe World. It eoataiut itemt of iniere! to all. . ' Ht'Al) TIIK TtKMSj. One copy one year $ 2 live eopiee 0 Tea eopiea, aad out oopy to the getter up of club, , IS Twenty copies, tnd ou ropy lo tbe gir-up or club 27 Fifty oople. apd oa copy lo Ibe grller' up of club 6.1 Tea topic, fo eas tJJmt, and on copy to tbe getter up el Ibe elub W Tweoty Copley, lo a JJrn$, and one ' copy to in getter np or too club ?o Fifty eopiee, l ea iMrau, aad one euur le lb teller woof the club 6i) One LuadreU copies, In m Ui ttt, and ou copy or the Tri-weekly Pre lo, lb getter up of Ibe elub ICO Alt uHlrrt MuuW srsrf lo joiin w.' rtnijfty, llditor aid Proprlder, $ W.vvr. TiU ud Cbt tiuul c'la.. 1 LiJa I'a vi'iivivi, a ixij! rfi to TV aad ark an (lamination nf tb tame b tlior Compare mT prlre. with T the nan, rmptolfully niiott rnntlnuanr of U.ALIXtll BV.HUCH REBUILT 1871. - OOIDB! Cedarware, Hats & Caps, CIoIIim, NIim liii(llnf m. (.LASS, aSte-., Till COMMINITV. hia NEW 8 TO HE ROOM, on iha t'nrnar of to offer, to hia old curloturn. and all new great Inducements, lie la delerniluvd thai merit a (nil ahnre of pntronaar. K tukeu iu exebunge for g.ii.d.-TiW WM. r. ECKIlKUT. DOTY'S Washing - MarliiiKs LATELY MI CH IMPHOVEU ' AMI THE NEW lult rraii I f lollirsi v i lnirr Improved with Rowan 'a Patsst tmrm.a Pna tar suiMrlor to anv ni't'ar;,' us lor wa.tiliiK elmhes ever Invented, and will save llhair ens! l.l,. ta.r. law u,l. 1.1-. clothe.. ' ' . I ni.e sun i.nvc uryu ii.-ii uive ie.-;i 'PV as i follows: l tr. sua.lrd luilo with, ui It an. I wnh ( lie al l .,1 li.ity, I we leel that we lire masters nf th poiiriou." Hev. I,, hctt. Illsbop M . K. Church. I "In the laundry nt my house there Is perpet ual tliaiilogivliiir on Mondiy for th Invent!, o." nee. i neon, ire i. i u ler. " Eery week lias given ll a stronger hold upon the aftertioiii ol tbe Inmates uf lb laundry." N. V Observer. I I "1 liarttly commend It to economists of ttm, , money, n, I contentment." Itev. Ir. Itellows. "I rlend lH,ly Your la.t tinprovrnient of your ' Washing Machine I. a complet success. ( as. I sure you 'our alacbln,' alter a year's u , I. tbougbl of uior to-day ibao aver, and would not I be palled with uuder ny clicuiuslances." ; , Solon Itohlnson. 1 I Th N. V. Wekly Trlhun. J S'ffiur".", nswer lo a correspondent, says there Is uvn lo b compared with lriecs- A in 1 1 offer. It the Merchants In yenr Ine will not furnish or send tor ll.u .lttrtilnes. send us the retail prl.-e. Washer 114. Extra,lss all! l,,r ward althar or both mai l, lues, he oi freight, te piares wber no on Is selilit : and sn sur ar. w ihy will b liked, thai wa agree to return. th.nioneylf ny on', wishes to return tb"ua- '"'iff !"?.' u,u,'"' "'. corhnir t tliriH'titiu. No hm-tifttvl, fti.r or trnthr thouM prrmll tL (Irutlgurr ol ftfbliic )th tiitt IiaikIi, nny two ilny in lb yir, wlmn It rin b ilon tetter, iur viittMlouly, with If Ints-r, nt, n In. jury to hm xriDrii-. by iot C'l-tlic WuUr ftti'l rnivrpl U'rlrmor, I eounts are made s'kl by n goner.. y, lo wbom Ubtral Mi- I H. II. HROWNINIV (yet. 37, 'to-uij Oen. Aaent. U toitlaiult bt., ew York. CJroveriV Hnkt-rS FII.ST l'KKMU'M KLASTIC STITCH FAMILY Scwinjr Machines, S9 l)R0Al)WY NEW YOlli. 130 CHESTMT 8T. lMlILADF.Lrill.Y. l'OINTS OF KXCKLLKXCE. Beauty and Elaaticty of Stiteh. Perfection t,nd Simplicity of machinery. Vaing both thread directly from the spool. No fastening of seauia by hand tnd uo waste uf thread. Wide range of upplication without change of adjustmeut. Tbe eeam retains Its beauty and lrmnea after waabing and irouing. naidre doing ill klndt of work doue by by other Sewlug Machine, thee Machine fiecute the luual beautiful u permauenl Eiatbroidery and ornamental nork. Ttt.Tb High! Premium al ill lha fair aud ciblbiiUn uf lb United Kiatee aud Europe, have ba awarded ll Urover A Hakr Sawing Machines, aud lb work by them, wherever eshibitrd in ccaipeiiva oTTh verv klaUrsi uriic.TIIK CllOrSS Ob THE EKlilON Or HONOR, w con fcred ou the irpreecnlaliye vf Civver & Raker Sew lug aiacblnr. at tba eipoaitloa L'ulvervelle. Pari. ISOT. Ihut atleMla lhir great ueriorliy over ill olber tag Mcctnoe F rtjal by BAMl tL FAt'JT." Sals j i etc, 1. Q:iARLB3 IJENFER & SON, NlKldl IMnUcpN, PAXT!1V1LLE, 8NVUKK CO., P.l. ' HARMM3, ' ' ' DRIULEri, SAUDtKH. COLLARS. i . v Whips and t ashes, Fly Nat a, Blankets, In fact everything In tbe line, on band or cade to order. Reparlng promptly ttleudedlo, Charges moderate, and work Warranted. A ahare of publio palronace ia aoiii'iie l. CIIAS.' BRHFEU k 80N. rasionvilie, June 15, lt7l-tf WHEELER & WILSON'S LOCa-STlTin FiSILT SCfflJIG JIUIil.VCS. THE MOST NiiiiplV, Iui'nllo, C"llllsrlt , Economical & Popular. o r,R Of llicfco WorlJ-KcDuftticJ Mucliinos iiwt urtx map a AND SoLU. They For llenuiy Arc I iiHirpiiNt-il and I' f K" - They will perform a greater vmicty ot woik with le ihatixrs than any uil.ii machine yel offered lu the public. lliey have rlt i l I ho trM of iwtnly yciin ii", uud it ia no cxj crituciit lo purcliiio ' one. !S.iM oil I li c iii't'iiliuent plan. I Cull al the eulcsiouin nri.l eiuniiu llictu, ; nhetliar you purcliiise or n t. I'KTER.-ON .i l'.R'F.XTi:it. (icnernl Aden's. !'l I Chennut Street, l'tii'u tv hirt. June H, 7I y iACCIDENTJIGHTING. TIRE INSURANCE CO., j loins or viksir iinraissiis it., 'illtKliii'iM, 111. ORll C. Ilnnnairi r I'rar. I, Ii.skokm k ur, V rri It. C. MTU, e"raliiry. ;iiilal & jaui'iiliiai 'JI! 460 00 Airiw.i wmpany, of W M I Kll-l loi'd, e. tuiii. . . . - . - j. ii i. Vrfti'h'itt. M il. II. Ci .ng. Au't Sec. J.Oo.,iwi. see. l.XtllltriiRATkll 1HI. t IIABTBU PfRraTfAL. Cuvj ( 'a iml, ix;i.t: H M . MJ . I.O..ES 1'AIK IN il YEARS, HUMMIO.IIOO . Junel-.'.iu 1 .ItMKs I. riiiOI,hY. Ueueral Agehcy, W'tiunloa u, Pa ftoo voi.i mls iv om:. ACU.XTN VATi:i !! 'l'h. Library Poetry &Son. LnglMi, Kt-otch, Irish anil Aiiii rlcun. I Willi an Ititnoluctlun by ' WILLIAM CCLI.EV I'.liYANT, 1'nder view erlrlcal sujrvlslon tb Vuiutue I couiiled ' Ths k.n i.m.., . i .... , . b..,k ,,.,o , V?i . . ', SW,l"l"f ehClly lu, rnil h.n. W.rX'olVr'Vdume." t. ' r'intenu, n do j-rmrral nvturr or lntrt-t, will nvvvr t n m m i ur pthi it fun kr 1 will i read and re r...l .in. ,......M .... i.T.j ....' s long s Its leaves bold together. 'A pertcl turpris. Ncanaly nythlng t all I a favorite, or at all worthy a place bare, ti lecud. It Is a book ler very Lusehold."-.N. Y. We know of no similar collection In the Fn. gllsb lanuagewhlcb,ln lelklty ol selection and arrangement, can at all compare with It ' N. v. limes. Terms librl. Sailing very rarMJr. Sn,l ior eiiriiiars no, I leru s lo J , U. I Liltii a Co v: rata I'lace, .New York. Jol It TXECl'TtiBS NOTICE Inters lest Jjmentry in Ibe estate of Christians Mittenmyer, late of Franklin uwnihip. Snyder County, deceased, having t.Veu grauted lo Ibe undersigned, all per one knowing themselves iu lel.lcd lo said esiate ar reiiuesied lo make payment wiiliotti delay, aod those hayiug tUtais vu the aame will present them lo HEN JAM IN IV ITTEN MYF.R, Apr. 20, 1ST. Eiecaier. JtC OII V. II Of. A It, WITH JCERROTH, PERUSTRESSER A CO. WHOLESALE M'ALEHS IN nSH,PHOVISIONS,iS.c. No. North Wbarvee, (above Race St..) 'J-Tif PIIILAPELrAIA. HMIK ll.I.I SKATKn - CUklssTtAN WKEKI.Y 's pbll.kJ by lb tmiiris TaArv Bortrrv el I jo Nau-tti, and at eaok af It aaaa cie, and u lor sal by IL AmricaaKaaCvm paay. TERMS- Klngl aubarilplloa a a year tw ikdlan pay. abl la advance i In elaUa ol twenty sataxnherl aad over ua dollar aad Mauty Bv aval. f Onlara av tk paper and bailaaas uaa. waoicalluas siaii U addrwasad to ika "lu x tsitinl'ssisrits Wasatv;" aad arliele for lutarttoa lo Ho v. I.yaiaa Abbott, AawMai ltael OocHly, m Naaaaa straat, Kw twi WASH. tliSltW, WATC1I 1 CLOCK MAKER, Maike! 81. Aliddltburg Pa. HAVIRC leoaled la Ibit viae I weald rap,i'ully I a far as ike enure r MiddUbu.'w aad Vreiaiiy that I am prepared lo repair ITOCKC ANU WATCHES hp awd eip4litiwly, Tbe patrouage af lb partite i reepeeiiutty auiuiteo. v. bltAima i Mi Hlebust. rt. il " " . !' 111 '."I'lILl 'Lf l!'llL!JJLJLJSg?S5 IgAMUGL ILORIVIQ, OFrice,m walmut stiket, rniiAnsLratA. II. P. IIOTTKNSTKKV, M. n. rilYnlCIAN and SURllEOKi hELlN- IROVb, P.N YDHR CO., PA. t liters 1 bi profarslotial aarvlee to th eliliian fit a1 (ov aud vicinity. Junes) laro-tt n UTI()V. Noik-o it liei-elyt, Vlbat on Kalorday, July I, mi.lka andar laniKl puteh iwl at hbmlili sal th bdluwlar ixrannal property n( I'hlllp . Ialai tm,. toailbof itaruir WbaWti tbra loartk of a oraa nf Oata i on lonrlk ot acre sttatti thiwafoerth of 1 ara f rttni Hut ! f..urtl) of l aer at c,, , sn, rUylioraai I'arMsrai lknll,rS. All narenaa ar. ka... oauliuaadaut to aatdJIa nor lutailara wllb L' a m. .... J. C. KREITZER. Chapman, July I, leil. Estate of MART KSIUlfrsTS'O d."" Il-TTEUSOF AHMINISTKAT10N ua J the esluto of Mary Knight, Isle nl I'lnm Township, decrneed, having tarn (ranted rv the undrraignrd, all per-om indebted lo Ibe estate are reiiete. le make parmetil, and Ihuao barlr claiai guinsl llic same, will present idem UAMtl, WITMKK, M.iy .1, 1T1. Admiuialrator. A kim: ASSORTMENT OK THE UEt OLD K V. WIllFKEY. PCRK I'KAt ll WlllxKCV. luuM-v, am, am f VKl T. lu,t recv ived nnd for al at the Eagi Hotel, ill Mnl.llvljurg. JttllN A. STAHLNECKLK, Aug. 1H ls;o. AMO. 1LI.K IIOlKIr, HK.MtV Ll;.NH:R, I'roprietor. Tli un.lerilvned a.. i.l tlil. meh.d of lot.irtrs Inic iha . ul. ll, i ibat Ua baa o ancl a at th ab" nnia. pi,, on tba r i. fr. m MiiiHo llur to llaavrrl'iwn, l.t thai he I prennMtt rntariam tliu put.lli lib liri eh,, noontp, t ,l"",.,., UA.NKY Hl..Nrtlt. April , l:, u MIMieburK l'a. v. r wzzarxi, rrorrictor. Arooniinoi!aii,,iir g ,o 1 and charircs mod vrat. .secml ucuu.iii' l.diMia for dr, it er". A rhare of the j ul'lie ptr.iar is fliciu I. C. P. Vi t:ii;i(. April ti, l; I ' M:intitinil: Unw Lns, nor? ;Mor ' .to'l yit,!ttio,l. anew cttu.n ef ln Ci . 1 1 h w . 1. 1 'p. t ' 1. 1 kiitiA t ii (...Ar oi tt.a r-. ! eal cure (arithoot oie.ii.'io) of hrsr.a a rimn liMr, or rt tul ti Mi-Bkri-M, liolot.y eoiii al l. e. Iwntrra. v Menial and Pbys In," ipi. 1 1 y . loi4'liuia it Mnrtiav, ii- !. m e tma. Evil lire r. and Pit. In by stti' ii. e or siiual ciitara itanee. 1 00-Prle, In a 4lt-.t ai.rcl .. only cents. 1 lie eelet r .tcl a.nh r. In tl.U ainirabla nl . eletttly detni,nnliat.. lrm a thirty )ear." '.' esrlul praetlce. that the alannloe 'inenee of rail ai.ue uiay I radically cured with-. ut lha liinicetoii ue of Internal ;iie.1letr.b or It. apt ileatl oi ol the k nlle pnluUna "Ut a mo le "I cure 1 1 np". simple, irri.m an! eflcei. iul, i. means ,a bleb every rtitterer, no mat let what hi.'l. n iniv l-c. niy cur blniMrr j cheaply, privately, and radically. Thi l.e 'tiire h"i.l t m In ll.a bands ol every yoiitli and eiery liuin In the land. j ent. un.'cr s.,1. fit a plain envelop. .v at,v i a t iriHis, p ii,aid on receipt of rla aenia, or lw p-'l St4lnps. i Ala., lir CMtiaracMl " Nsrrtaire Ouids." ; geri-a. j:, ,..nti j AJ.Ireir the Pubtls.r, 1 en t j c k t.tvr a Co . 171 llcaary, Naw York. Pet tjfli-e Boa 4.I-. tjlale of Elieabkth hliraatltti, deed, i T ETTERH f ip AHMIN'KTRATIfiV upon II i I , latent Kllraticth Nelehenl ach. lataol Wa.b li Kl'.u tp , .lecea.e.1, having ien granted l . il uii.lor-lgi,e.t, all rsotis knowing tt-einsetvea lllil.llte l til the SIUIS 11. r.Mlia.ta.1 I., ml,ak payment, and those hsvlng sialuis against ttm I s.uia. win pierrui lueia lu niL.L.iATn JIAHIIM1, . A-lmlnlstralor. rerry towoblp, January , l-Tl. Estate otJACUU REICHEMIACU, dec j. f KTTKUS Ti:.TAMr.T.r.Y up. I J on the e-t ite t .?" I l'elct.n'."h late nt .asl,K,uton tp , de: .1, h.r'ng Keen vrantvl t v the ui..l'ri,;nM,ati I arsons kn -wing tret isii vaa In-ti'liel to toe estate are ni,;.li t t'iiii;i payment, at. I th .se liavln clitras atainst ir sauj will preent them to u II. I. UNI IIAKMNI A nr. Fretnont, Eebruary it. l:l. J KTTKUS OK A DM IS 1ST RAT ION upon 1 i i'ic INi Ue of Mmv Rrim azhous. late I Centre ionliip. Iceascd, bavin; lnen granted lo the uti iersigocd, all persons in del. ted In the estate are rciiiestr.l to :nak layiucnt. and those having c'siBM tgiitiat. the sunie, nil present then, to FKI.IX 11'. K.MING Hi IIS. Mirch 81. I?7I. A l:iiitii'r.itcr. Tn j. w. ik. i Ki:n:i.LOv, ,vx anu si r.or.oN, furers l is professl. nal services lu ll.e clUr-tis .Ml.l llci.urg and vtiinliy. (.Iuml-!f lirnoii s NtlTIt K.-I.e'.trrt J-J le-t.tiii titary tipn the e.ttc of llcn j iniiu llnuse. lute ol lun tuui.iu.p. uy . lir cn-.uty. di'tcaiel, l.i,vii l v,n j.r:ntte! to Hie ini'lersianrd, all nrrs hi knining tlicu.sclvc in lilte 1 Ij su. 1 c.-ute ar r que' ed to male payment without rlele.e "" " 'ig ciami- on ma same .. present tlem to J0.K1'U HlJtil SK. Kleculor. Prnu . vsilor l.iraJ i i-1 w""""i Ji,T- J. I.VJIr.S K. PAY IS lltlll'.L. NLl.l.Vs ) Kii K sMI't.K IV, Pa. IIKSUY . r.nt.I.l PrMirietor. Ihil Well a. tl 0 M 11 lliu liAV Ilg lecu l ti'ted I y the present pr,ptnieirjr, ctler. cellenl accouirrodatiou to the couiiimniiy. Chuice liugra and Ci.-ms al the liar, as I the T..V.'e i't lieJ with the best the rtiarVct aforl.. A good sialic a'lin.led by careful hostler., in cunneviiga wiih the lu'Ue. ,j nl G- 0if. IlIAIR RESTORATIVIJ 0oiiuiu no L AO SlH'HlK No Sl'QAH ! 0FLE.VU-N I.ITI1AKUE No Nl. THA1F. OF SILVER, and i. en tirely far from Poisonous tnd Ileattb-dettnyii:; Pruga bs.l in other Hair Preparations. Transparent and clear a er! il wilt not ajil the Cacat fabric prl:ily aaf, clean and tffieinot deatdrratuu l locg oughl for aud found al laat ! ll restores and prevent Ih hair f.-ha. becoming tiray, imparts a si ft, glossy ap pearaace, removes LWudrut, i cool aid refrerbtnl lo Ih besJ. chc.s Ih lb Uair from falltrg off aod restore it to a grval eittnt whan prmiurely I oat, prevaaio llrehe. cure all bum or, cataoeoa eruption, and uunatural beat. A a drw. ing for tbe hair il i th beat article is market. lr. ti. Smith, Pateale. Grotoa Janeliow Vat. Prepared only by PROCTOR DKOTIIER 8, tsloileciter. Meat. Tk Ga uia 1 put tip ia a panel botile. uaJe -preaaly lor It, with th name of tk article blown ia ike glae. Ask ywr druggitl for Natur' Uair Restorative, and lake a other. Si a three eedt tamp I Pr . lima.' for a Treatise lb Huaata Hair. Tba laforvjausua it coataia it wta f 'tai tw I aay pereoa. S ) W yi.LEt.UKNt U0V3E. Uu tH i oil MarkH Mft. (iieee Aa'4,1 1 iliLAOSLMU, C'lmrleM. lIiecliitart rswiutaa. ert.v - - Hi i w