THE POST ....Jt'LT IT MM Rent. Tliero otacs a lime In mum W when ho looks out fur pauses bo I pe riod of rest. Thoro it a timo when n man is overflowing with energy. II ljth finds wjik srvl make wrk. TI cats down trees in Iho forest of diffi culty, lie (Ubt wilt) winiluiills. lie sketches out ft pro'nnimij which it would Ink several lifetimes tororom jws. II pits no limit to hi enor. gics or hi rn.'o f pMihili(ie.. It jr sod by t msn fin is ihst his sphere in strict ly limited nal falittcJ. lit seeks to curtail r it her thin extenJ Li 01- gAgoinents. Ho no longer think (hut he rri know everybody an I go sverj where, but rccgnizo that in lael he cio, eompantivoly, only know low persons so J iro to few places. II un tlerstsu Is tiiiu 1 1 eeoiioinio of timo anj circumstances Hi appreciates the lai'itfz j'airt. ll bis a growing opin ion in furor of holiday. Instead of hcinK s!w;iy luy, ho jipret.-lati's pauses from business. II studio to ho iiuitt. Ho b.'nius to think thru spesch I silver und silenco is goMco. Ho npprccistcs rest. JIo appreciates rest if it is only lor the soke of work accvrJing to the laws of action and rcuction. Ilenre, ifyuueati economise scjious of rest jou really socuro opportunities ol work. In New York every niao seem in n hurry, and every man hns Lis progrjmtiio too fall. You ooto tke New Yorker's short, quick and lome wlmt impatient walk. If he goes 'out to dinner he has loeu working up to tbo Inst minuto ; nt a place of amuse ment bo Is too thoroughly tired to en joy himself; cren oo a holidiy he is busy with bis scheme of work. A twin van do do justice to dinner, holi day or eoscert when bis most pressing need It thai he should lie opoo s soa or go to Lod. Ilenco comes nerrous uess, indigestion, bad nights, aod l! kiuds of horrors. It is hero that tbe smokers have s great pall over the non smoking part of the community. They understand how to take- things quietly. They may liko the nroma of tbe weed. but tho indirect result of the rest Is chiefly valuable to thorn. The taste for rest grows with oar growth in wisdom. A child cannot understand it. When a child is told that bis lather or mother wants to be quiot, the sonteneo is a wonderment to him. The tnsto for quiet and tbuugbtfulnoM ought to bo developed ns much as any other tasto. Rent is n iuveetracot for action. All inert friction, friction aod nothing nioie, is wast and loss. There is s balance aod equipoise in nature, and any elmloric that is uselessly given off is a deduc tion from the sum of vital heat. It you watch ogiicultural life, you may see, oo a largo eeulo, bow rest affects labor. In the wintor the laborer's day is very short. He get up at a ery lato hour, and goes to Led at an extra ordinary early hour. He often takes in wintor nenrly twice as much sleep as he take in sumsier. In ssuimer he will get tip at four in the morning, and work at night while the latest gleam uf suoshios lasts. It would be utterly import iblo for a laborer to do his sum mer work utile; he had stored up force during bis winter rest. In the old dsys when warfare was chrouio.wiuter quarters were necessary to tbe sura lutr campaign. In rest you recuperate from fatigue, and you ulso store up force for action. Tbe prophet is sent into the wilderness before be begins hi Biisnijo amid citie. In the live of Tsriouj great men, you will find pe riod' in which tbey seemed condemned to inactivity. Dot they ate merely couchant for a spiing. There are all kinds of ways for economising rest. And jut in pro. portion ss a man realizes the precious nets of effort and of work, t be would desire not to lea J a foeblo lifo of in tellectual aims, so far will he bo1 jeal ous of useless effort, and desire to sparo biwsttlf alt friction aud contro versy. Lifo ia too short for qusrrsl- lojr, ana lor a lot or other things ss well. As fur as possible, lot there be no waste in lilo, as tbcro is cone io nature. A pbytietan tells tbe following ; I remember, ooe da, in making rot boapltal rounJs, a patient jut artir d presented me an amputated fore rao, aod In doiaj so could scarcely refrain from a broad laugh tbe tit Ur was constantly oo bis face. "What is ths matter f This does oot strike me ss a subject of laugh, ter." "It ia aot, doctor I liut excuse net I lost my arm In so funny a us that I still laugh when I look at it I Our first sergeant wanted aha. iag Ladly, and got ma to attend .to it, ss I am corporal. We went to geibar ia front of Lis tent. I had lathered Lisa, took blot by tbe aose. aad was applying tbe rsior, wkea a eaoaoci ball earn, and that was tbo lat I saw of either bis bead or toy arm ! Essuas sm, doe tor, fpr (aoghiag aa I do, bat I'll bo ospedally" blasted iil -tot I aav OMb bally thing y J C. EUY k CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMlSSroS MERCUAS'TX. 322 MARKET 9T-, ftriween Fifih and Rialh, 7,1 ty I'HH.,WKM'H1A. IORLI.IK, 1 llltWBII.L, JOHN 0IRHASD J. V. ZOKLMN & CO. (Sucoeesoi-s to Seiberling k Zoellin.) WAOLKS.VLK DK.ILKRS k IMPORTUttS DRUGS &MEDICINE3. No. 2fH North Th rd 8t Vtf rUIL .DELtiI A. Q. 1.03 A HKOTIIKR. Manufacturers of and dealers la all kinee of I!I,L TIM Unit. LUMHKR. PALING, 8HIN0I.KS, LATH. FLOORING. le., rihamokia lna. Ruyder County I'a. All orders promptly filled VsNvf, Cherrii, l'vj'lar,and I.inn l.umher eonr' e l linf. 7--" bw ijuiLPiNns, AND NEW rillCKS! WAGKNSKLLKRi SON, hereby respectfully inform their friend an I the pnblie genrl!y that lby be o'neJ a tiTOKE la tbeir NEW BUllDINQ nn Ihe rftit to long aeeupled by Dr. Ja.-ob tt'iigfiMeller on lb liil uf Wu wbrr Ibrr now bi and will alway keep a large and well aeltcteJ atorinieui vr SKASONAbLE 000P3. ! In lb Ladiea' Drpai'luicnt will 1 faun J a full lias of SILKS, I'Ol'LINS. BRILLIANTS, VinOHIA LAWNS, FKH'HED ALI'AOAS, SWISS MI LL, CAM macs', l'KINTS. JACONKTS. DKLANKS, Striped aud Checked Nautueks, Ac also A Circnt Variety ol Lndies' lrcss Trimmiogs, Latest style Hoop Skirts, French Corsets, Eull stvle Ilalmorals, Ladies' Utubrel fns, 1'araHoIs and Sun Shados, lioonot Kibhons, Laces, Rui Aing Kubroider, Limn aod Taper Collars, Ac, Ac, Ac A SPL EKDIDASSOR TMESTof p liOOTS k SI JOES For Ladiee, Minries and Children, In enl les variety, of all ite, slyltj snd prices, selected for tbt Fall snd w inter trad. A full and complete slock of CLOTHS I'LAIN AND FANCY CASSI M KM KS.COTTO.VA DIvS, J KAN'S, &e Ac COAL OF ALL KINDS ! Grocerie. Uiirentnare, Hardware, Willow ware, I'edarware, Ulataware. tic. All of which having been 6ouM rrry Inu or CASH will be auld at very mull profit. Our motto ia (Jutck ultt tin J tmull jroit: We nlno pay th highest market price for all kiuU of grain. WHKAT, RVK, CORN, OATS and SKKD. We are prepared aUo to tiore goodt, nl a tmall charge and to do a general t'uniiniebiuo aud Forwarding buninuaa. We bop that the public generally will Ive u a call a we llieve ii ia to Iheir iulori'tl to do io before purebvsing elte wbcre. Uive u a trial. W. V. WAflEXPLLLER. M. L. WAliKNSELLKU A1 AMKMICAN HOTEL. CKNTKEVIM.E.SNVntK Co., Pa. WILLIAM b. LO.NU, Proprietor. Thi well known hotel, located in the town of Centrville, ha been thoroughly repaired and refilled, and it in Ihe best eoa dnion Io accommodate ihe traveling public. Every effort will be mad to proruot the comfort of giicat. A abare of public pat. ronag 1 (ulicited. A j rilO-'TOif rjIIK 1TNKLE & LYON nesvlns: Machine, With Drop Feed, new Take np, ntw Hemtuer, ae., ta now ottrt to agtott on mora liberal termt. Alto, Hecont.hanJ Mai'hlnet taken In exchange, or the new Improvement applle.1. Kvery machine It warranted Kiatr t'Laat, and If the purchater doet not to reg-anl It atler a Ulal, he can return 11, and money rtfundel. V 1) WanleJ Travellnii Agentf to each town, dutrlbullng elrculart, eiplatnluv tbe lui proveuMDtt, etc., etc., who can make fMi per Biublh. AiMrett LYON'S Ml'TI'AL 8. M. CO.. T'nlon Square, 33 Lat 171k St., New Vurk, tp.'.-V.UTO-oui) Q VZOS SALES WAIL P KOr ITS sVILLIA.M II. DCAIER ftetpeeifully aonounoe to tbe ciiitent of Midiileburg and vicinity ibal b ia now ready Io supply ihem wiib tb hirgett aod aiott complet dock of SPJILSU d SUM31EJI GOODS ever brought la Ibi place, at greatly re docad price cheaper than lbs ebeapeat. Ho inviiet altemion to hit large dock of ILHLlS, CAMC't liELAl.NES, T.AWK3, fILKH, UEKE0E8, MSEN8, Hoofs and Shoes, HAT8 AND CAPS. REAIiV-MAUK CLOTIIISa. BHIUTd, and earyiblug utually kept in a well regulated alor. Give m a eall and b convinced that tbla it th place Io buy gooda. COUNTRY f HOUITE laken ia ejehange r gooda. W in. II. liens cr. Middleburg, May, !Ht7. JOHN LAUDEN3LAGEU, BUGGY MAKER, bCLINSOEOVC, 8VTPER CO., PA. Having pure bated tb U knowa (land ia 6elintrove, formerly owned be Philip Diecaer, I aa prepared ta aeeomrOdiaL all whs may deaire anything in my line, snd warrant aaiitfaeiloa is all eaaee. 1 keep constantly oa band, and am prepared io maaufatur at tb thorreti node, SULKIES. ' SLEIGIlS.At? pig esperienMd ia lb buameta, I Bau tar myself thai I am fully arpard to mtti the wsai ol mf eutMr. The kiod employed ar amoag Ike beat -macbaaiM ia lb uoly, aad Ikerr wrk will aot fail 1 give aaivral 4ifae'lea. MrSpMtat atuailoa paid t rapsiriag U ail it Ma4diae.-a BJ.f i Market. mi. a few - aaulfc f tas OarssM lUbraaaw Ckork. JOHN LlOuttstiAta tuiaegne, jJrii if f ' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diacaae of the Throat and Luna, uoh M OouKh, Oolda, Wbooplna Coach, lironehltu. Asthma, nt OenaumpUoo. Amooi th (rr dlneoverie of rnodem rtence, few are of mors renl tIii to tnariklnd than tlii f fpctual reme'lv f-r nil dieaw of tbe Thmat and Lnnr. A vl trinl of lit virttm. tlirougliont thia and other eonntriet, ha abowa that It d ufolv and (Tactuallv emitrol them. Tli ttlmony of otir Jiet citi inn. nf all etwM, cotablwhe tbe fact, that Ciikurt raCTORAL will and doe reller and eur tli adlictina: dlnnlrn of th Throat Slid l.unm beyond any other medicine. Tb inot diiiitaroui affections of the Pulmonary Orpui viold to ita poweri and eae of C'oruomp tlou, cured by thin preparation, are public Iv known, to remarkabl a hardly to L be. rlved, were thoy not proren beyond dltpnt. Ai a remedr It t a-tequate, on which the publlo tniiY rely fr full protection. By eurbis. Cooptha, tlic" forerunners of more leriou diieare, onnnmtiered liven, and an amount of uffring Out to b computd. ft challen(re trial, and eon iuec tb tnuit eeptical. Kvery family thould keep It on band at a protection aptintt the enrly anl nnperceived attack of Pulmonary AfTcetiutit, which ar vilr met at flrt, but which become Incurable, and too often fatal, If neglected. Ten der limp need thl defrnrei and It l unwUe to be witliont it A- a tnfrfrtinrd In children, amid the di-tre.iinc dieaw which betet the Throat and Chett of childbooil, CimitnT PacroaAi, it Inraluablei for, by ita timely ate, multl tudea ar reecued frum prematura ernvee, and tiired to Uie lor and affection centred on them. It acta tpeedilv and tureljr araint ordinary colda, ocuring tound and healtb-re-torin; tleep. No Otis wiirtulTfr rrouldetom larloensa and pain ful nroiicblUit, wbon they know bow uiiy drlirintlly th product of long, laborinnt, and iirrcuful cheinical inreitisntion. no eot or toil I -pared In making every bottle In the utmoU pibl perfectiuu. It may be confidently re lied iipm at pouettlng all uie einue it nu eihibited, and capable of producing eurea a memorable at th greatett It baa srer effocted. raxrAUD ar Dr. J. C. AYER 6t CO., Lowell, Mats., Practical and Aaaltiieal Chemltta. BOLD BY AiX, CttUOtiUTS BVXBTWBEBB. IISEL, BALL1ET k 8TUU0NT0M, CENEBALCOMVISSION MEKCUA5TS, ASD DCALta IS Country Product anl DomtMu I'ruitt, AVeij, rfc, A'o. 22 Socni Water Stribt, miLADELPHIA. Rrrsssscst. Jacob R. Riegel Co., 333 Market Hreel; Lippeoeoit & Trotter. 21 N. Water afreet t Hood, Bonbrisht A Oo. 629 Market Street Ex.Uov.Jame l'ollock. 30 outb 6il' irel; John Weill SOU Walnut atreel : Harris & Uiabao, 827 Arcb street fFcblVJif D AVID WILLIAMS, Manufactures of k Wbolesals Dealer In Gilt, Mabocanr, Walnut and Koacirooii LOOKING GLASS Picture & Photographic Framoa No. iM and tM Arrh blrwt, l'biladalpbia I'a. Frame Mvpaind in lb beat mann AUo, Hegilding in all il branch. 7, WM. HAIiniNt;, Msq , JC8TICK OF THE PEACE A t'fIN VEVANt'ER. Fremont, Snvdcr County, I'cno. Collection of all kinjt made at the aborleai notice and on Ihe moat reatonnble terms, t'onveyancing in all its branches espe diliouxly executed. LKSia, MoKTOna. oTaa, and blaukaof all kinds couaiantly on hand. I'ertona at a dietanc having claims fur collection within bia Jnritdictiob ueed only addrea biiu by mail to inture prompt action. Term reionablo. May 'titj JKYSTONK HOTEL. Svlintjrove, Snyder County, 1' THE nnderalgned beg lesv Io inform the public that be baa purchased ami will keep, in good atyle, lb above well-known aud popular boute. tar Having large, airy and well farniab ed rooms, good aervanta, with th untiring effort of the proprietor Io pleaa bia gueata. he hope to meet with a large thar of pub ic puironag. J. F. WALTEH. ntff iv i 1 1 . 1, in." i. -inn post Job I'rJiitiiiff Office, MIDPLEDl'RQ, S.N'YUEK CO., PA. AIL KINDS OF JOU TRITINQ NEATLY, CHEAPLY, ?l FXPED1TI0USLY EXECl'TED AT THIS OFFICE. PnnsyTvania hoUse! J. D. nOFFMAN, Proprietor. COUNEU OF SECOND AND LOCUST 8T8 HABItlSDURO, TEXN" a-Every effort ne-ettary to Inture th eo- art ofuaata will Im lu&ila. TLa hmi.. t, newly renued. uay,7uU HOOFIG. plv rnx.T Kooruv a I'nltaa th ben Water proof IJompotltlno wltl tbe Water proof l'ab-lo In the beat manlier aud at tbe towe't price to the container. There It, 1.1, a fuuo.lallon of Tarred Fell l td a layer of water proof Compoeltten l 3d. another layer of Kelt t lk. another layer of Cum pOtltloa Sth another layer of J tit. Mfatai tot Oircuiart ant Sample. As An Xnduo?ment. We offer the naar purokatar Ineaehptaee t.OOuequare feet or th Taata Mlv Fblt, with th atoeuary eeailog, for Taiatr l)ouaae. PATE XT HOOF I'AIXT. Tblt Paint 1 eompoeed of fiima, ollt, and re looua tubaiaacet, eoiabliietl alia dlttllet tar and th ca.t known dryera. It eonialnt no Mineral or pigment, and la prepared, ready for um, abuut the ettntltteuoy ol ordinary lulled palate. It eoeu much late, retain ita elatilcllv longer, and It It more durabl. Couoty rlahu for tale. For CtreaTare and all partlealari, Aderei. M1UA KUUFlMi COMPANY, Maiden l.ane, KkiW VukK. o. to isre.-s as. JNIOM PLANING MILL! EUNSOROVK, 8N TDK! CO., PA Kccly ifc Jflilllcr, Lumber Dealers aso asscracTvasa or Boors, Poor Boies, Windows, Sautters. Wladew Boies, Blinds, Bash, Htalr riilap, laa. BaiUaft, Brack, cts. BoaltUags. FUorlag, aoBCLL sawimo a caaiaiT tubitiko) ' Balngloo, Lata, UoH to. vraeva eoiicitea aad S1I4 wlih rml aas and despateb , Please sail and ,ttm. as rst sues oerere ptrskaaUg elMwaar. el LIGHTNING RODS. Tb Nortb A mer I ran Lightning Red Company OF PUILAOKLPHIt, Maaaatttar and pat ap their Celebrated Copper 'oriI LHillTAIV KODS, at reateaabla price, and la a manner that oannol fall to give general tatl-ftctlon. AGENTS UF THE CO.MPAXY have been la Knyder County every tutnmer for aetral year paet, and Uiey are her n iw. Thoee who want a good Nod, thould not fall to enn.ult with the Agent. J R. lll'llKHAHT, Scl.'ifjrove, Smjd-r Co, Penm Keep contlanily on hand a large nn'1 well mad nft'ortmrnt of Tin, Sheel iron ware, fiove. 4c. Ke. II le Agent for the following named article. , " THE MORNING GLOItY " Lltlle&eld's Patent Improved Dai COAL. STOVE. In this pattern of Tiia MoeiiM) Olost. aeveral new and Important features have been embodied, which can only be eeen In he Bitmireil. Ibt new Move it made en tirely of cat! Iron, to filled a Io be air I lent. hnt can be made with sheet-Iron upper erenon wnea preierreu ny tue purchaser, lie ornamonial linieh ia drapery, niukini it a bandtome piece of furniture, far more to than any dove heretofore mad. It in lernal conti ruction, though recmh1ing nine of lb former pattern of Th Morning 11 lory i quit uinrrent, making it more durable, aud far lete dirhoull lo be rcpuired. The caalingsar of tbe highest order, fullv equaling Ihe Dnerl ca.otuige made in thiK country. Among tbe many apvaktaoh In the uie of tbe Morning 11 lory are tbe following: 1, Coutinuoua llurniug. 2, Quality ol the ncai. o, ivumaiiuu inrotign me atove 4, Auti-Uusl Htove. 6, No Keeape of Out 0, Economy of Fuel. "THE BAULEY FHEAIV yliici-uxl Air-Tiyht Coolni'J S'ov, t with Eflmdrd Firr-llux for Wood or Coal. Patented May Kllh, 1HIV We take pleasure in offering our citoto mers and tbe Stove Trade, a New flrat-Clat Flat-top, aad would eallpnrfieuuratrenrioa to iff many attructivt and taluatilt improve mtnft. This Ptovebns been carefully tested for aeveral months, ami tbe reaultanaveproved to highly eatiefaclory, that aeveral of our oldest and moot uperienced alove dealera nredicl for it a tale far beyond ourabilltv to tupply thi eettou. Shdimjf front Jirt-aoort, giving full uo of lua bearib. A additional iliJt in the ovrn, to arranged a to giv uior room in the upper part nf ihe oven; a great convenience much needed. Tht ovrn i nearly as mdt at the li p at utth beartb line.which nut only lucreaeea ihe die, but win tie recogniicd as yrmt aivantaje in tu.iwy. DUTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. The best, cheapcat, and moat popular Washing Machine ever Invented. It le easy tooperate, silling or standing takes but lilileroom ; injures no garment fiuiebes its work from In two lo four Min utes; I durable and-convenienl ; and th only Washing Machine known that it liked the better the longer it i used. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. The "CHEAT FA.VIL V ICOXOMIZER. The term of our Patent call our Machine a "Wringer." Year of esperiencc prove it also to b A HOST (XCILLKK1 WASIIfB. When we reduce every invention for wash ing clolbra to a priuciple Ibey all aumuni to that of pressing and rueeiing, and forcing the water through Ibem, thus re moving tbe dirt. Moat Washing Machine do it by rubbing. Tbe Universal Wrtugrr ilcet it by pressing. F.tatof XAKAH ATP, dei-eatcd. LF.TTF.RH OF ADMINISTRATION upon the a. (alt of HaaaH Are, (widow of Leonard A . ) latent Pennt town.blp, deceased, bavin bean granted to the undvrtlicned, all pertona kuowlce -.beintelvet Indebted lo the estate ace reoacttef o make payment, and thote bavlna clelai I ill ttt he tame will present tben to JUU.1 UtMUtlU.lM), Admlnlttrator. com townihl September 17, lTo. w ASH1N0T0N HOUSE. Middlihurij, Snyder C"nhj, Pa. DAN L UOLENDER, l'piprietjir. Peraon atoppingat ihia HoAse will find etcellent accommodation, for ian and lleatl. Office, 720 illcoz&Gift Chestnut Silent 3 8 Street, ft WING MAGHINEK (Philadelphia, U " I glv my liearty preCe rence to the VViUcox & SUeut bewing Machine." i'AY it. " The weight of reliable evidence being verwbelmiijg for that of thaWUluoi A Gibbe jilent Bewing Machine, I deciJed upon it, jrocured it. ami ass more tAan mtitfied." CiUACK CtlUO00. " I have the Wheeler A Wilson, the Orover k Baker, and the Willcox A Gibbe rawing Machines in my family. I uae th Willcox k Gibbe moat frea neatly, thinking it (ar operior to either of th oiners." Mas. ilsMBi Ward Scbcdu. w My wife would not accept a Sewing tfachine of any other patent a a utft, if b nuat receive it on condition of giving np the rVUlooaAGibbs." 0u,ttC Carbondal, Pa. - The Willcox A Gibbe Is the ony Hewing f achina whoaa working ia ao aure and simple hat I could Ventura lo introduce it into tyris.'' Bit. A. T. Pbatt, 111 tain nary Amerleaa Buard. " We hare used various Sewing Machine rltltln our family, but' it ia the anvmtaou finion of tbe household, that the Willcox Gibbe is tho beat of Ihem ail." Bar. J. B. noma. Brooklyn, ITT. " For simplicity mi mechanical accuracy 4 cxanatruoiion, I have (cam no Hewing schiao ec.usi so Has Willcox A Gibba." ElMM'SI Law IS, Cf sa rsutTliamie. Citlni aVft A eorrpondtne o Mo otdtevw if BetHt JbfoMis it rttp0tulm D. s, Ewnra, m ctvttd tin, ns'. The Crf at Mtdical Dlscorery I Sr. WALKER CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, 1i Hondreds of Thousands f ?j near Irattmony lo IhHv WonSer at r M Carailve KVaeta. Si J i WHAT ARE THEY?!?; Si! ! TIIET ARB HOT A VILE FANCY DRINK Mad of Poor Baa, Whisker. Prawt Malrlle aad leawradoetoreS.sptewt aid tweetrnrd lo pleaaa Ihe iaate, called " Toa Ice."" Appellirrs," " tlaetorara," aethal lead tbe tippler oa to drankaneeae as rain, kat are a true Mpdlrlnt.msde from Ihe Native Roete and Hrrht of California, frwe fraaa all Alrwkella Hilmalanta. Tberare IheORr.AT MI.OOII rt HIFIKIt aad LIFO AlVMO I'RI. CI Pl.B a perfect Ilenovator and Invlgoralor of the Sfttem, earrrlag en all poMODoas matur ami rnrtorlaa the blood to a healthy condition. Va person can take Ihaie Bitter according to dlrac- Hin and remain long aawell. Far laSaaamnlarr aad t'hrenle Bheu. nallam and Ileal, DraaiMla mr ladl. (rat laa, Ulllaae, Kaaalllenl aad later, anltteal Fevers, lllseaaea r Ihe niend, l.lver, Hldnera. and llladder. these Mil. I era have been moal eneceaeral. Starh Die vaaea are eanted br Vltlaied Rlaael, which It generally prodnred by derangement of the lllgrallvo llrnnt. IIYnPEPiaiAOR INniOBMTIOn. Ilradarlie, fala In the ehoaldera, Coaaht, Tlrhl eeta of the Chest, UKtlaeaa, Sour Kraeialloaa of the etomarh, Had tatie la the Moolh. Uilloaa At tacks, l'aipitstloa of the Heart, lunammatloa ef the Lanft.rtln la ttieregiofie of the Kldnert.and a huiulred other pelnfal smptomt, era th off sprints of Drtpcpsla. iTli.'T InTlgorata the Stomeeb aad eUnnlate ths torpid liver and bowcle, which reader them of nn. eaoallcd rfllcarr la cleenalng the blood of all Impahl'.t, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole tf ttem. rilRSKIv DIMBAHBSt, F.rnptlon,Tetter, Salt llhram, Blotehee, Bpota. I'lmplse, Pnatalea, Volts, t'srbnncles. Ring-Worms, Seeld-Head, Sore Krsa. Krjrtlpelaa, Itch, Scarfs, pttoolorsllant of the kln. Humors and Dlsoasee of the Bkio, of wbstever heme or nature, are literally dug up aadeaaled out 1 the srstem In a ahort time bf Hie ate of these Outers. One bottle la such cat will convince the mutt Incrtduloua of their eerailveenVete, Cloanse tha Vlllsted Blood whenever you Snd Itt liupnrltlei bartUna thronuh the tkln In l ira. plet, Kraptlon or Sores t cleaate It when 70s Sad II obstructed and slngitttb ta the velnt) el pause It whea It la foal, and roar feeling wilt HI yoa when. Keep the blood pare aad the b'-alih of the tvttem will follow. fIN, TA lE and otlior WORMS, lurking la fit sytleui of so auay looataads, sro eSTaatuallr daatrojed and removod. For full dlreotiont, real caterullv Uie circular around saeh bottle. J. WALfvElt, Proprietor, a. n. McDONAI n CO., Druggists and Gen. AgetMS, San Frenctwo, Cal and SI and SI Commerce Hirer I, Hew Tors. SOU) BT ALL DKIOUIBIS ANO CEALEK9. WOOLEN FACTORY. Ths subscriber, thankful for Ihe liberal ratronnge bestowed on bia establishment at baiirellon. beg lenve to inform bia friends and ibe publio generally, that he hat had bia mill at Lewisburg fitted up in the best possible manner, with the Larut ImjirovrJ Slachintry mnilo In the country. ant with Ihe advan tage uf Steam Tower, which can be relied on at all times. He feel afe in aaying ibnt hie establishment is not surpassed by any in Ihe Slate. llnving engaged a aU of good Workmen he is now prepared for mauufacturiug all kiuds of WOOLEN GOODS bTCU AS CLOTHS. CASSIMERE... PATINKTT8, TWEEDS. JKANM, FLANNELS, liLANKETS.CARfETS, YAU.N3, io. In the beet manner and at reduced prieei. An escellent assortment of diode at all tituce on baud, for sale or exchange for wool. HULL LAKD1MJ done on sborl notice. fttjr-TERMS CA8H.-tflt MARK HALFPENSV. Lewiiburg, Union Co., Fa., Dec. d.OMy 1. T. SHISDIL, at, v. swixiroaD AD T1I1S. Shlude AND Ssilnclord. DUVUOIBTS AND ClIEMIRTS, Offer for sale M'noLasAi.a sin Rstail, URUQS. MEDICINES. PAINTS and CHEMICALS, Embracing TI REZINC PAINT Green, Blue, Vallow. Red and Black ; Paints ground In Linseed Ull, Deiiar Varnish - Spirlia Turpentine, Coual. Couch and White DRYIKO JAPAN, KNOTTINQ a Inflow Class, p uttj, Fine Oil Alcohol. Stabcu, Ismoo, Vsnaanoii, Paibt and VARNISH BRUSHES,. Afalt and Female Trueee and Bnjforter jt ciun Concentrated Ly, t in Sponges, SPICES, CORN STABCII k BIRD SEED Flower and harden Seeds, ' T which Ibe attention of dealers 1 called, ae r will ll at tb very lowed Cat b Prices la qusutlties lo suit pureba acre. W !- keip aa hsad and afar M tal Whola1 sad ttdall, all Ik iaad iag Paten Medielaoe. Also, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONrRIEB, TOUAtTO 8E0AR8. Mlddloburg, Bnder Cs-Pa. C - a? i In vtfzs CM SSI E. w II. WALTER, IMrORTEB AND DEALER I!t CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEKNS.VARR, 231 X. Sd StrM, brtirccn Knee A Vino 7,24y 1'IIILAOELPIIIA. lAUflK AKIUVAL OP NEW GOODS AT J. W. DIIEESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Middleburg. Tbe stock embrace In part liress Goods, Black Silks, All-wool po Liiincs, L'oburga, Mcrinot, l'oplins, Kcjip, Ao., Sec. Muslins, Poulilc-wiilili Shcctiogs, lrilliii(.', Talile Diaper, Onnaburg, Kitru Titklnp;., (.'hocks, fhirl ingn, Uinlinms, Jaconet, a lull nxtoriiiiciit of CnlicoH, Flntitiolrt, Heavy twilled, Stiirtinir, Ulatikcts, Halmorals, llodlory, Ulovos, Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSIMKRES inruin and Linen Carpets. Woolen, Linen & cotton Carpet Cliuiti. READY MADE CLOTHING. Floor, TuIjIo ntiJ Stair Oil Clollm. Hats mid Cups, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hnnlwnre, Qiiccnswnre, C'liiua wnro, (ilaiiHwsre, Wood and Willow ware, Cutlery, Oil Window ShuJos, Looking Ulnsscs ' tee., Ac, Ac. TOHACCO AND CKIAPS. SALT &. FISH The higliest msrket price pnld for all kinds or country produce and tlrieil mil's Confident nf rendering perfect salisfae lion both in regard to prices ahd quality or goods. I respeoifu lly Invite nil lo giv nie a c ill before purchasing elewbcre. j. IV. Dlttl.b. iddleburg, January 7, 18GUy Q!IALI:S . MILLKR, AKCIIITKIT (OMIIUTOK I BIILDER W&luul, Street, SslinoroTe, I'a. la at nil lime prepared to furnish Drafts, Huns and Specifications fir nil kind of uuililinga, at Ibe lowest possible rnlesand on short notice. He i alio procured lo contract fo pulling up buildins either by furnishing all lb nialerrnl or otherwise. Mny 14, '08 ly J. COOKE WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOCKS ' 140 North Sdnireel, rhiladelphia. y - - - Aug p, lntr.'y - . . B EAVKRTOWN STOVE STORK AND Tlnssurc Alnnurat lory. J. P. SHIRK tVould rerpoctfully inform ihe ciiiien of nyder eounly that he keep constantly on bund a large assorlment of vt rit- K, PAULOR. and COOKING STOVES Of the latest etylee and most improved palerna, among which are the celebrated Empire Oa llurner, lb Susquehanna Cook, etc, which he ta selling at price mat ueiy competition, lie also mauurao turee and keep on hand a general assort ment of Blove Trimmings, Tinware 4c. Special attention paid lo Spouting and uootiug. uive nie a call. j. r. eniRK. Boaverlown, Oct. 21, 18C0. 1 A ! w I '1 Sstxxx. COABLli A. DAM A, Editor. - Slit gotlurWrchty un. A Nrwsoapcr el ikePrcaeal Ttsane. Intended for People tiaw am tank. Including Farmers, Mecbaale. slercaaau, Pro fessional Mea, Wuikara.Tui'jkers, and all Mea lier or Honest folk., aud the Wive., Soaa, aod lauEbier of all lueu. ONLY OKI DOLLAR A VEAE I OXE II INDUED CO PI EM TO 9i, Or lee thsn One Ctat a Copy. Let thai be e SO Cleb ct every Peel OIBoe. BEtfl-WElKLTPN, f)9 A TEAR, . ths ssbic else and general character as ma WERKLr, awl wim a areaue variety of auaeelleneoue readme, a id faraWUnc ths aawa lo us sunset Ibeis wW lienor fresunee. beoaoie It couies iwics a wosk lastsal of one only. THE DA1LT Sl'N, SS A YEAR. A preSmlaeallv readsblc aewspancr. wlta Itie larsaal airuulall m 10 Uie world, free. Iiule padvut. and ti arlas In io llloj. A I lbs newt rrom avrrywliara. Two a copy 1 bf wall, SOeeuuaniouUi,oraaa)uir, TERMS TO CLTJB3. THI DOLLAR tVEBULT MCN. Five copies, one fear, aeparaielraddreasMl. Fear Oallara. Tea copies, ens var, aeearateiraddrssacd lead eaexiraeop) lolbeeausr up oreluDi. Elakl Oollatw. Twentv eoniM, aa rear. eeiraietv addiewea la d ea ultra ei. j iue''ii.i' up of eitiln. Fillers Uollaa. rinr eorl'a. one renr. tnena a idrrsa (and lbs 8aail-Mark oa rear n .,cir ni of i-lubl. Thlnr.ibreo Uallara. riftr ewpus. oac rear, xpaiatelv aodrea (and Us aauU-Wtuklreasror in svlier no ofnuM, Tklr.r.avo U el lira, na baartred rniln, not tear, lo eae ad'lrer. (and Ute Ualiy lor cue your 10 the adtar u- 01 ,'?' . . Ullr Uallara. Oos bsndrsd enptiw, naa si-ar, soiaraiole ad dr..... ...! Ibe Ua'l iUr one roar lo 111c It " ! air Dollar!. THI MKNI.WEERLT HlfJI. free eoDloe. aa yenr, srpoialclr, Ellil Dallara, ea eni.les, otic vers, sepsralelv a.ldruid (am aa eaiia eopjf lu taiur up of r . ' '. ' r Ula Dedlara. . .. SJEJtn UVU SIONBT r wliiiarci uc.ikaai llool. li,araalH.i , t ' I. W. IWtn.SHn. ni,,, p iauOif.keeTeiii Cl. AOLE HOTEL; No. Ti, North 8rd 81 between Usee and Vine) I'hiladelpl.l.i. R. D. rt'MMlNOS, Prop'r. M. M. BWARll, 6iiperintendcgl. . b.3.1 1 1 . . . . Harper's Periodicals TIH! PF.RIOniOAI.iS Wlltnit TH Hill. I'llll IT A II re' IDEALLY WKM, KTtlThD. The Natloa, N. Y. Harper's Magazine. The areat deslan of llAr'a l to air eir. root Information and rational amusement to tha raat masses of lbs iieonle. There Is an monthly Blairaalne an Inteulirrnt readlna- fanillv eaa lens allord to be without. Mmy Maeailnee ere aeenmnlaled. Vaaraa'S lsedlie.1. Therelinot a Msparlne tbacls printed nblcti shows Biore Intalllaenl pslna atpemled en Its artlrlas and maehanloal eseeo,.ift There Is not a cheaper piaaasine puul r. A nare is not, cooiaiscmy, a more po,iular Mneailnc In tke world.Nsw t.aaland HomcsttB'l. At once the most popular and, In Ita (ehem. tha nosl orlalnal nfour Maaaxlnef. east All tbe perliMllralt which th Harper publlih ar aimosi weany wen eaiieo nauun. "A complete Pictorial History of tke Times." Harper-s weeKiy. The bast pnblloatlon of Its etsss In America, I and so tar ahead of all other weakly Journals ail not to permit of any eomparisiin oatween 11 se.i any 01 inair nnmoer. jia voniuina puniam inu Anel eollretlona of reading matter that a-.l prlnte.1. Its llliitrallonparcniinteroiu and boantlfnl, belna furnlshe.1 by the eblel ari l Isis 01 the country. iioston iravaiar. ll.araa'a Wiiilt Is ihe beat and mast If I terestlna Illustrated newspaper. Nor does In I value depend on lis llluatratlons alore. lul reading matter Is of a blgh order ol lltararyl merit varieo, intrvctiva, entvruiiuioai BU Ha'l cseeptloaablc w. X . sun. Harper's Bazar. Free from all political and sectarian dlscnil slnn, devoted to fashion, pleasure, and Insirai tlan. It Is ust the sareabla, companionable, sr.. Intarrstlna .Inmost Ic psper which every moth, and wile and sweatheart will reilra every son husband, and lover te brlna home with him ever: Saturday evening. Philadelphia Ledger. lly all means buy Msai-aa s Hasab. Not fo yourself, but for your wire, or daughter, or slits or sweetheart. There never was any paper pul llfhed that so dellghleJ the heart of womat Never mind If It does eost yoa a new bonnet) I viii uvi sum tan times the Drlee In the tioon hold economy It teaches. Providence Journal. Terms" lor 1871. lUarsa' Maaaama, on year, SI O llAarra a Wssklv, one year " Haaraa'a Uaxab.obc year I oo II a srss's MAosriae. Ilaarsa'a Wssklv an II a area's Has a a, to one address, for one yosl aio ooi or any two tor C7 '. Tha aslage within the L'nlted SUtaa Is f. the Magasine 21 rents a year, for tbe Weekly riarar 90 rants a vaar. navable vearlv. sen vearlv. or uuarterly. at the oince whare reeelral Tha Volumes ol the Msgsilnc eommenec wll the Numliers for June and lleecmber of eaf year. Mubsrrlptlons may eoremenrc with at Number. When no time Is specined, It Willi nndsrstood that the subscriber wlshec to bes with Ihe erst Number of the current Voluui and back Numbera will be sent accordingly. I Tbe Volumes of tbe Weekly and Ilasar rnil menre with tbe year. When no time Is spceinl II will be understood that the subscriber wlilJ lo commence wun inc Aamocr next alter n rarelut of nls order. When the subscriber' address Is lo be chaniH both the old and the new must be given, u not neecessary to give notice of discontinues In remitting by mall, a Post ornre Order Draft navable to the order of I1arikb lliiornsRS la preferable to Hank Notes, .In should the tinier or liratt tie lost or stolen, II be renewed without loss to the sender. Address HAHPKRli BKOl'H tKH.New Y Estate of MARY O. DECKER, Deoeair. T KTTER8 TKSTAJIENTARV upon il XJ eslnle of Mary L. Decker ties d., 11 of Hclinsgrove Ilnrough, Snyder CoiidI i'a., having been granted to Ibe undersigd all persons indebted lo tbe said estate. requested in make rsymcnt, and those hi ing demands ngnlusl tbe sani lo presl Ibem without delay to GEOHOK HCIINt'RE, Executor January lHi I. READING RAIL ROJ Summer Arrangrmi nt, MoiidnyA My IM, 1871. Great Truuk Line from the North Norib west for riilladclpliin, New YJ Reading, rollsville, Tamaniia, Asuiii 8hamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Knsd Ephrnta, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia &cl Train lenve llrnsbiirg for .vt.nsioiH at 2.40, 8.11, a. m, k 2.W p. rn., eonneci with similar trams on tbe Ibe I'ennsylva Railroad. and srrlving st Now York nt l'l a. m 8.60, aud li.UO p. in., respeclivl Sleeuing cars accompany Iho ..W a train, without change. returning i Leave New York at 9.00 j i j.ju Noon, and o,uu p m, rnuauoipni 7.80 8,30 a in, and 3i(0 p in. Sleeping j aooinimny Ihe u.00 p m trains New lork. without change. Leave llnrriebure for Rending, roltsl Tnmnqua, Minersville, Asbland, Bbntnol Allontown and P b i I a U e l p n t sj 8,10 a m, 2,00 aud I.Oj p m, stopplug Lebanon aud principal waystnllons: 4,0 p m Irsin connecting for rhilade!f I'oilsviiie and Columbia only, lor I villa, Hcbuylkill II wen and Aubiiro. schuyikill aud riisiiiieiiann luiiii Leave Ilnrrialiurs nl , m P m East TcnnsylvanlA Railroad train If Reading for Allentown, Easlooandl York at 4. Si, 10. aO forenoon, aud p.m. llelurniu, leave .Now lork at V I m., 12.80 noon and 5 IK' P. ni. and Al town at 7.20 a.m. 12.25 Noon 315 4.: 8.85 d. m. nay passenger Irain leaves 1'biiautl a. T,oU a m, connecting wiib similar i on East Tenna. Railroad, returning Read'ug at rj,20 pni, slopping at all slsl sieave roitaviuo as ii.uu a. hi., '4,30 p. m. : Ilerndon al 10,00 a m ; mokin at i,40 and 1 1.15 a. m.; Asblai 7,05 a m, and 12,43 noon, Mnbanoyl at 7.61 a. m. and 1.20 p. m., Taoianl 8,85 am. and 2,10 p m for l'hiladv New York. Reading. Ilarri.burg. ic- Leave I'oilsviiie, via Bchuylkill anus nucbsuna It K at B.IO a m for llarriss and 11.40 a m for Pi negro ve and Trea Reading Accotnmodailon Irsia i l l Potisville at 6,40 s di, passes Readil 7.80 s m. arriving al Pblladelpbla al a, m. Returning, leave I'blladdpll 8.15 p m, passlnr Roadlng al 7.601 arriving at Potisville al v,40 p u. fottstowa Aeoommodalion Train 1 Pottsiow- it tf.30 a m, returning rblladelpbla at 4.S0 rm. Columbia KaihroV, Tralna leave Re at 7,20 s m, and 6,16 p m Vor Tp Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, C . Perklomen Railroad Trains leave emeu Junctional 7.17, 9,05 an. 8.00. 0,00 p mi reluming leave ficbwenksvil BUand a. m, Noon, and nnv conneeting with similar trai Heading Rallriad. Colebriokdals ll.K. trains leave Pol' al 9,40 a in, 1.13, and 0,46 p m, ret leave Mount rleasant al 7.00 and a m, and 8.00 p m, connecting with il iraiue oa neamng railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains Bridgeport at 8,30 a ro, and '4,05 an p m, returning, leave uownlngtowa a m, 12.45 soon and 6,26 p si, con with similar trains on Reading rslli Oo Hundnys t Leave New York p ni, riilludrlphla 8,00 a and 8,1 lb 8,00 s m train running only lo II leave I'oilsviiie ,oo a mi llarrlsburi m k 2,00 pm, leave Allentown at 4.: p. D leave Rcadiug at 7.16 a ru, ai tut lor nanisnurg, at a m i oik, 7,20 s n for Allvnlown, and m. aod 4.15 p m for rblladslpbla. Comniulallon. Mileage. Heasoc, and eiaurelon liutiels, le and froia ill at revuoad rales, , . , Bsggag checked through 100 alluwed each Daaaaneer. , , , , . E. VYO0TTE ,' ' Atet. Supt. k I'm. Mi E -l1 nMia V., May 16, 187 1. '"-V 7ioecr