;b. Ml ft ill, !, in uou iuri fa. form mil I0l iric .11. ce, "ED tor. rsis It ,ti: IXfO -.It i lOtllKlt irr. 10. rriiia POST, ,bah4 .atey - BvaadBSJ V? . fart of atttbeptlc,' ' o dollars p anijs feyatie tha year. je1seisiiMva Bill u r,'"B - r- ..!.. af Ik nbJatker. tabseriptions outside) of the county T flAlll tW APVANCB. say fereeaa Bflleg aaa aalag papere H ere nw - r-ji t P. CROXMILLE J, , f ATTORNEY AT IAW, Mdlabura. !.. 9 Mmm hM niD) BHI . WOT IV WV VW.V rT cUtiioie and all other prvfeeelMal hLliMi irattd kt' Mr will receive t Syreeir1 c. siMrsos-, E ATTORNEY AT LAW, i SoIink-rove Pa.. ftrt hi prefeealotiel Sortie I the nab- I All DH'Dna MllHliTH IV Hit) r f ' - . fjen. n. 'eni W. KNIGHT, ATTORNIT AT LAW, .... - - - - preobura; Pa., hf.ra kit Proflol MriM lo lb pub lic., IU imi't vottvwiw. iv vvrv kill be promptly auenaeu is. ii, tin MTSI.VAN GEZER W ATTORN IT AT tAW, . - .Lewisburg Pa.. hf(N kit professional eervlce to it pub it. tallectloae and all olhtr Pi efeMioa- II boilaeti entrusted i kit oar trill re- proapt Utaioa. . I EO. F. MILLER, - -ATTORNEY AT LAW,' " ... j. - Lewlebnrz Pa. ifrrt kit prefWaloiiet service to ibepab y. Colleetloae aaa au etner proreeeioa II buitifM rntratted ta bit eara will re- kltt prompt alUnlion. Ja. a, Wiif. jfLlNS, . A. II7D1LL, ATTOHNBV- AT LAW, Lewltburg, Pa. . iHmtvrnon Ki.r.u.a. una.i ir ikflr profeealonal services la tbe bile. CoUeollone aad all other pro posal basin eatmWed la ibeH? eara ;i rteelveprompt etteni loa. Jan. 8, '' f lllAKLKS hower, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinafrrove Pa., r bit profeealonal eervlee ta tba pnb- Callceliona and all oibtr pronation Vninf't tniraiiad la bia curt will ra ariTt proirpt allaatlon. Ofticf two door orib of lb K jilaaa Hot). Jaa 6, '6 niiri'iuTiruiV 3 ATTORNEY AT LAW, 4 8elinsgroT3 Pa jffrt hit Proffttiontl (rlea lo Ibr Mie. All butlnut tnlrutltd to bit rt will b proaipily attended lo. Col- 1'iont made in all pan or in Btatt. I eta ipmK lha fcnil.'tli and uermaa kfimi fluenily. Office between Hall e a 1 1 b Voti office. N. MYEKS, 1TT0RXBI 4C0CN8EL0I IT L1W piddlcbnrg Snyder County Penn'a Set a few door Wet of tbt P. 0. on lilt Href I. Contulialioa la Knglitb ki J (Ion i n tf urict. Ftp. till BUCI1KK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowitiburg Pn.. Irrt kit profeational tetticeit lb pub. All buiinot entrutled ta bl care I be prompt) attended lo.. IJia. a. 'an (UOVtll & BAKKIl SEWING MACHINE. rtrtent ta aeed of a good aad durable ntf Mttuina aaa ba accommodated al otible pricea by calling oa an Sam- I tii.iT, Agent, Bellntgroee. 4ao. si, 6H kR. J. Y.8IIINDEL, 8LR0EO.N AND rilVSICIAN, Middleburg Pa., krt bit profeailoaal tertlce lo tba ell- ri of Middleuurg and lcinuy. .Mtroo 2i, oi F. VAN BUSKIRK, tf.QICAL ft MECHANICAL DENTIST SelimtgroTa Penn UN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Peoo Twp., SDjder Co. Ta n. WAONEK, Esq., Jt'TlCIOFTUB PEACE. ick-oa To Jsbip, Spjdar Co. Pa., Head lo all b.ln eatrutted to rt aad aa Iba aioit raaioanni M. March 12. '081 f RJ- t' KANAWEL. PHYSIC IAN AND8CR0E0N, trTlll, lairdcr C., Pa., h kit profctilonal aarvio to lb tlMfl O-OOII WAYBILL Co., WROLtiAia DaAiaat ta POD AWO WILLOW WAM Mki. Window Sbadoa. Broom. Mala. MN Collon La, Grain Bag, JF.lj . Buektl. Twine. Wick. Ac. inn llt I atrtvl IS North Third Ulreed, rhlladulpbla. I. 1)7 A. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEcFx, " Freaburg 6ny Jr Co. Pa., tttneeirull offer hi aervioea lo Li. -1 lublie a Vendue Crjer and Auction- I uttiag had a larga oxparienea, t ksefiOknt that 1 aaa reader perfect Fwtioa to my employee. ljm. , ,1111 ass T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW DISTRICT ATTORNT, iittuou OLEDDRO. BNYPEH COUNTY, Pa ddlv .NV, i I. ml)- la Court Htute, Sept.15, '07if imSBEEMKll'S SOUS MCCOWAREHOUSE 322 N.TH IRUS co,n Ml PHILADELPnrA. tier. fWlUXT UODSB. U. MANDERBACII Paop'a. J. C. Kll'K. Clark. 1 ft 418 Narlb Third Blroet. PbiladtlpbU BtakT ack r. PU.EB 4 ELDER f noiESAU BOOK SELLERS ' Pra, Blank book Mao.laturm Jrt la Waapplag. Blaaliag. f ur- b rr adaif .if 77 " u papare raaar MpMWt 'HPrinlara , ?erlb Third alrtet abT Bao l'hil(lci.bla ra. 1.1 .'. ... . v. j . i 4 ' . n ; - VOL. 9. . D. C. CLARKE, k - Olovoa, , . .j Ilotvler', , Hmn.ll Ware, WIUTE goods: Trimmings, Ribbons,&c. .--TAMP ' " FA1TCY WOOLEirS In Great Vnrietv ! 87 Iforth Third BtrMt. MifJ . raiLAtairniA. pETER8PECUT, Reepeclfull Inform lb eiliien af Ibl plaoa and aurreandlog aouniry ihit he it now prepared lo manufacture la ardor, aad baa for talc, Buggies, Carriages, Sulkies, Sleighs, Wagons, A., aa cheap, and a lilll cheaper, Ibao bey can be purcbaied eleewhtre. of Tebiele of rarlou kind promptly at- icnoeu io. a tntr oi m public patron ag i toliciled. PETER SPKCHT. Middleburg, May 8, 1871, If. D. u SLIFER'S WHOLESALE AXD BET AIL Furniture Warerooms, NO. 60 NORTH SECOND STREET, (Below Arcb, Wl bid.) Factory and Wholesale Vrixirtmenf, 1603 North 6ih Street, abore Oiford, 9-8tf PIlILADELriUA. F- HANSELL, ei-ocaaaoa To CArrrau kciiw, CXLOCXULT AfBl aXiAJUWASUQ, H. fl Xorth rouiih Direct, PHILADELPHIA. Original Packagea Contlanlljr on Hand. Raprtiented b, THKU'S SWINEFORD. NEV FIRM AND NEW GOODSI R. O. HETIEfj, P. fl. HoCULLOl'OH BSUIII all MeOTUOTJOB, (SUCCKS80RS TO JOHN HKTZEL,) EALERS IN ALL KINDS OP MEKCIIANDISI?: HIGHEST CASIf PRICE PAID FOR FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIES, Ac, &o., C HA P M A N , SNYDEB COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. March IT, ttro-tf. Q.REAT EXCITEMENT IN BANNERVILLE. NEW GOODS. HELFRIGH & BROWER Wiab ta Inform tba oitlien of Bannerrille an tioinlty Ibat tbey bare Opened a new ttbek of good, and will keep eonetanlly en bead a full aeturlmeat of :i)HJCsu ooods: Cohalillng of ALPACAS,POPUNS,PLADS, LudTKEb, DELAINES, CALICOES, Aa. Clothe & Casslmeres HATS aadCAP8, BOOTS aad SHOES. OHfXJEBiEH;': HARDWARE AND QDEEN8WARE. SALT AND FISH, And In faol everything oinally kept In a firtl data count r aiore. Arl of wbiuh we offer at greatly reduced price, for Catb ar Country Praeuoa. Ilaring bad large aiperlenea la in buiae, w flatter'oureelvea that we aaa plane aad aatlify alt aur cuttomara. Hoping by lrlcy attention to bntlnee aad a dealre to ajbfaaa aU, la merit a liberal eleae af uMta aalroaaia. Our moUo i . "Quit Half eW UmaU i'rofiu." Wa aak at laaat that the aubllo eaamlae onr atock aad irleea before purehaaiag eleewbere, a we alwaya abow aur good wita i lea euro. IlILPtlCH k BOWER. Baantrtillf a U, i9. it MIDDLEBURG Meleot I'ootry , ftllox nr la RDB. Shoanr. mf ion com io ra, . " t'nd m; year laoa oud Come dell ma eomeding dot yotf kaow, Und ot raaj'fe bov) aooal. . Byemby you"m goia' la peen a man, Dea you nun lake der place Of your old fanler tear hi iboef, Vea der gronad i oa hi face. You know mj aoa. all muttdia, Somedime or oder, dead t I'nd dill dot come dol e bedder ee l(f knowledge la our bead. 80 Juet eome here, and told me now Semtdlsge, to I can tee Vol yu'm peen learaia' efery day Coma here, my too, by ni. Come, don'd yo bear t Phen, my. eon. Did you hear are ahbeek Jut J now ? Come, quick neta, (jhoanyof you dun'd Dere'a goin' lo poea a raw, Leweta, go und gel dot gltlb Dot bang out on dir rack j I am dal Mhonny'a farder, but I " b ligrd ler prrakhia btck. I'll bow dot fetlo dot he caa'd Pud on tome air mil m j I'll bead bia life uitin a inch, I II led der ratkell aed, '-Ok 1 ko I yoa'm eotnln' now, ab I ha ! Vy dido'l you com pefora I You didn't beard ma t Veil, all right 0) blay out tide der door. ffkal Saawfratttiaiy Kldeloav. It wn a itraogo a sen and yet tli ere waa ootLiog atanling about it cculd not tell wny my ayea wera rir ilrd to the spot. Probably I aaid to aiynelf, it can only ba accounted for by (oua wccall psychological reoron, and I will limply watch, und eodoaror not to wouder. - My library it aitoated in lha third atory back-room of ao ordio ary built bouse io the neijjbborbooj ol tbo Height, aod it ta hero I apend hour allcr hour io tba work and atudy sooiotimei as the liwbt fade from tha aky, dra win. near tho window with my book or writing, aod auui-veca aiunally glancing al tha backt of the houtea oppoiio. Tba bouse whose garden joiua oar baa alwaya been an object of interest to tnc, eer s'idco 1 moved into tbe neighborhood, on ac count of an old gontlomuo who waa to be aeeu in hi library at almost onv 1 hour of the day. lie aceuid lo bo: ua tadafatigable worker aod waa gun erally at hi poet long belure I was. Thia old geot emau grew to bo very CDterlaioiog to uie, and I came lo misa hint rery much whan for any rea son ba was abtent from tbo library. lha lime abovo eluded lo was early io the arooing in tbo liuter part ol February. My neighbor bad gone I'rom bookcaao to bookcase, and draw er to drawer, arrangiog aod putting away, and at lust I nutiod or thought I saw him lock tbe drawer of tbo desk aod put tho key ia bia pocket. Soon 1 beard the rioguf their teu-bell. and watobed tbe 0 i goutlemau walk out of the room. What waa the re a aoo that even then I could oat with draw my guie ? There was nothing particularly inviting about tbe apart- rueot now that its occupant bad gone, but still I cjuli not belp looking. Tbe gaa waa burning very dimly, and I could just make out the different articles of furniture, assisted a little by tbo light of a veiy pleasant grate-fire. Aa I watched, a figure clad in white came swiftly in at a door at tbe rig bt. A cold, nervou tremor took poues- aion of me. Not that I fall there waa anything snperoalural about tbe vi sion. 1 knew batter for I imuiedi' ately recognized tbe form and drea of a lady I hud noticed in tbe garden only an hour or two before; but I did know that her presence ia that room at that particular time meant mischief and waa unutterable. I koew that . her feet made no noiso aa she moved hastily about, going over ex actly tbe same ground thai tne old gentlemaa had traveled only a few momenta previous. Drawer after drawer waa ransacked titling lids, examining pigeon holes and finally, attar a second spent in looking over tba contents of the old gentleman's desk, I saw her graap what appeared to nia to be a small box or enscot, close aud lock tba drawer, aod then waving her hands aloft, with a singular triumph ant ceature. hurrv f'roaa tba room. That tbis young lady had been guilty - f - -- of theft I waa perfectly aware ( also I fait euro that aba was some noar rel stive of tba proprietor of the mnoaioo; aod mora thad all did I realist that tba fearful cooaequeoocs of ibia work would re-act opoo aa innocent ani formerly highly ssteemad member ol the household. fLW did I kaow thia f Perhaps I reasoned from cause aad ef fect without really being "aware thai sued was tha ease. rbps, - having beoa lei to aeo tbis strango perform ance, I was peculiarity aoted upon as to Iba . result. JIowor that mlgh be, it sesasd that lha troubled future of that family waa thoroughly daguer retyped opaa my heart. After a while1 ' , ,.... , , . -r . SNYDER CO. PA., JULY JO, 1871. tha old geollemun entered the libra ry, followed by an r-IJorly lady I look t be bia wlfo ; then a young gentle man I bad often noticed him bo fore and lat of all the lady in itlilte, with t wide ecarlot eash aod neck-ribbon. Sooo after it young woman wLota I bad also often sceo in the garden, appsraotly tbe governess, as ahe alwaya had a curleyhcadcd little buy by her aide, entered, leading the urchin : f jr the aola pnrpoao, it woulj si-em, of bidding them all good night Tbo old gcot'etuto took him in bia arma and careened him for a while, and after u abort frolic with each one he wis le t off by his govorooS. Then the young gdntletnan drew dowo the shalce, and I siW ao more that nibl It Waa some timo before I eoulj anl fioiently banieli theoCcureaco to sleep, and tbo first thought upjo waking ilia next morning waa tbe a(roo seeno of tbe previous evening. My first glance at uy neighbor's library waa suflliieot to assure me that the theft was discovered. The old gentleman witlt bia hands clasped behind bim, pnoed slowly up and down the aparimoot. ilia wif., assisted by the youog woman who bttJ ransacked every nook aod corner tie night be fore, went through tbo farce of exam ination. Tho old man waa evidently loo grieved andetunued to joio in the earrh. During the flironuon tho young goverotst eolrrod, having to all appearance bpen sent for, for tho pur pose of questioning. For a luooieut ab aloud, ii appeared lo mo, in silent wonderment: then advanced quickly to the ceotro of the room and confront ed tho old geul'emau. Tho little boy ran luto tbo library, and caught her by tho baud. Tho owner of Hie while robe this morniog ah was dressed io a whito morlui) wrnppor, faosd with cherry, aad cherry trimmings arcs from her chair by tbo library tablo, snd with an imperious gesture, per lectly observable fro my dislsnce Jiow the child uwtiy from tho sido of uj, compaoion. Ttioii tbo poor girl bid her faco ia Iter ban kerchief, aud left the room. It was plain tbon as the sun at mid-day. The yovernett had been accused vf the theft. What waa my duly in tbo premises f When I took into consideration that I had not beard a word spoken, did not even know what had been stolen, and bad only tho picture of lha different soeuea to rely on for proof, my posi tion was a very peculiar one to say the least. It was certainly a vary delicate bus- iness to oall si that strange hoUue, and describe to the proprietor what I bad oea. All day loog I wondered what oourie it was best to pursue all the while so utterly uncomfortable that work of any description waa quite out of tbo queatioo. Just at evening I waa summoned to the parlor to meet a gootleman friend. I noticed imme diately that he wat In a great agita tion. "I called." aaid be, in behalf of a youog lady frieod of mine who ia in great trouble. She his neitbor rela tive or acquaintancea in tbo city. Can you will you give ber abeiier fur a few daya until thia atotm of abuse blows over, and she can again hold up bar poor head f" My thoughts immediately fleW to the bouse ofttoy neighbor, and I naked " Does aha live over thoro?' point, ing in tbe direction. " Aod sbs la the violin of a terrible accusation? Charged with atealing. isn't sue?" "Good Heavens I yes he replied. " How did you know f I budn't tbe elipheat idea that it bad got to be com mon talk. I am afraid it will kill her !" " I have not hoard a ay liable," I aaswarad ; ' not ono. I have simply guessed, tbat is all ; and I know aba la innocent, and perhaps, my boy, 1 eao help prove it." " God grant it f aaid ha fervently. but bow did you suspect 7 W.ho could bavehime l at such a thing f" ' I tell you again that 1 have sot heard a word no one has hinted. Go for your friend, and I will do all that lies in 'my power to comfort and belp ber." Ad hour alter Miss Hustings for bat was tbe name of tha goveroesa sat in my room, the roost abjoot pio- ture of misery I ever looked opoo in my life. Her eyes wero awolleo with weeping aad when I woloomod her to ay home, and assured Iter ofsympa' thy and love, it eeomed as if tbe child's heart would break. ' Ob," aba sobbed, u I bad saoh a pleaeaot home until iK$ aame. ' Old Mr. Domtuing waa so kind lo aa, and so tuui(htfal or. sat; and Mr Dea ming, too. did evarythinic ia the world that -mil ooulj do for m ootufort ; and then my darling little Fred aod his papa. And now, just to think they all think ma a thief! and I hare loved them sot Merciful Father, how could they!" By doreoa I auooooded io getting at the whole atoryv' Little Fred was Mr. Doramlnit'e grandson, and little Fred's pips was a wldowor, and Misa Hasting was em ployod to take eaclusivo chargo of the widower 'a little aoo. " Hut who is f" I asked with a ahuddor. ' The woman who alwaya drosses In while, with cberry-scarlvt trinituinge f "Then you have seen her?" she inquired looking up quickly. "Yes, I bavo soen ber. What ro tation ii ahe to the Demoting' f" " Mr. Damming, is h-r great undo, aod hns had tho care of her education. She hns been in Europe for the lust ibrco years, traveling with a distin guished professor and his wife. It seems that Mr. lemming has had chargo of lonie jewels which were left in trust lor her until the ahotild be coino ofeiio. Tbo day of lior arrival ho brought them home from tho miff !t( the office, to how sho would like Ibe jewels reiot, intending to have I lie in rendy for her at tbo expi ration of tho lima, wliii'b was only three month. For the tent two days hey buve all bean consulting about it, aod yesterdiiy they wanted my opinion nd when laid what tb?y detired ol mo, this ia what Mr. Demming aaid : " Now let's her what little Lottie sug gests. He always cured mo " Lottio'- from tho moment of my suteriog the house. I laus-hod, aod aaid : " Little Lottie thinks tbat if she owned these jewels abo e lieu Id be very careful how ho let them lio around tbe Louie long.'' "'That's so," said grandpapa Icm miog. " But I have a little tuck-away corner whero they aro aafe enough iri the daytime; of course I dou'l leave them down here nights.'" " That's all 1 know about it," con tinued tho pwr child, with a fresh burst ot tears. "We talked a little while about the setting, aa l I hi morning 1 was told tho disuionds wore gone." " Wbcro WereyoU,'' I asked, ' while the fi iu illy were at tea?" " I was at tea, aim, alio replied ' Ono of our servants wits quito ill, aad I wont down long bolero it was time for tbo Ua bell lo riu ami toast ed soma bread. Then Mrs. Dominion bad A tamo wrist, un J she nked me to pour Iho tea." " Did you leave tho dioing rJom," I iuquired, " for nay roasoa during tho tea-hour V "Not for a moraant." " What dress did you wtlilr la;t evoning f " This one," she roptied, glancing dowo at ber blault alupaca aud burst- iog into tears. " What is the nomo of this nieco ?" "Clara Mason." " And you we re sure those were Ler jewels ?" Positive. What woul d induce a woman to steal ber own property, I wobdercd There uii,tbl be, I thought, some des perate re ason for obtaining poaaessiun of it before tbe specified time. 8ooie lover in tbe case it might be or some debt of crime, which she must cancel or have exposed. Just then Mr. Clear land and young Mr. Demmiug wero announced. " I can not aeo him,'' groaned the heart-broken child. " I can not ice blm." But I knew it wsl beat abe should ; aod ao I lurked them lo our private ailtioa-rocu. I found ibst the priel waa not all hers. The youog mau a face bore traces of deep eutjeriog, aod it was by tbe ut moat effort that be could keep from breaking dowo aa ba greeted ber. "Lottie,'' said he, "you know I do not bsliave this horrid story. I knew you as woll aa you Jfnow youiself. Father don t betisve it either j but ol ooureo be doaoo't know what to do witlt Clara 'a story. "What ia ber atory V I inquired. "Ob," be roplled wearily, "Clara swear mat last evening aoout niue o olook.aa she' was passing aloog the ball oa ber way to ber room, the ball door stealthily opened, aod tba'f Lottie VMpt'iuj eovewd with ber Water-proof altbo'igb the night was vary lair and that aha, Clara, stepped back into a pasasge-way, and as abe did so, Lottie 1 IJ - remove nor wrappings, auu aiu iu boanio whiapoi' .'Tuaok Heaven 1 no ono baa seen me. ' "Were you eot last evenlnn T" I in . . . . . . quired or I no Urror-otncaeo gin. "2 o.' lbs moaned. romaiAed Is Fred'a room aatil he dropped aatap, and theo I read until late, expecting to have a c banco of bidding Mr. Dem oting good-oigbl.'' Here the child blushed to the roots of her hair, and the whole story Was told. "Could Clara have aanufnotnred ibia terrible story, or did she aoo some one nt r and Imagine that it waa Lot tie T It seems to me ibis terrible suspense will kill me," sold Demming "It you will Come With ms both ol you round lo your bonso, Mr. Dam ming, I think I can not only exoner ate this liltlo alrl, hut can place tbe crime where il belong. In' other words, my dear sir, I koow who stole those jowi'l.' Hud I weighed the probibls effect ol my words before I uttered them, I should not have been so abrupt ; lor Lottie tipped over as dead as a log on Iho sofa, and Mr. Demming, in hie fi Ight and relit-f, catno mighty ncai tipping io the same tnnnocr. An hour after, wo entered tho Dem ming aamiou. Lottio waa now calm aod self-posseaed, while my coward hcaft seemed inclined to walk qute out of its surround ing. Wo were ahowo idto the front par lor. Tho old gentleman entered. "Father, I have brought Lottie round," an id the young nino, "and 1 sin going to haVo her skirts cleared Ironi thia horrible suspicion bo lore another fifteen minute roll over my head.'' "God firnnt it '.'' ejnctilatol (ho ven erable ccntlemio, fervently. "Poor little Lottie," ho continued, "we have ull loved her so dearly from tho bo gi.ining We must clear her n course we mutt. Dn t Cry, little virl,' as tbe ogaiu brake down under his cs retsing language, Il WasovlJciit thst tbo gbveuiess hud msdd for hoiaoll' u very warm aod tender place in the old mau't heart. Father," said the young nine, "thin lady, Mrs. -, hss decided inlortnutiou in regard to oar trouble. Mother and Clara are in tho library let ua go iu there'' He led tliu wuy and o all f.-llottod, tho old uino bringiug up the rear. "Fred tel a mo," aaid the latter, that this ludy," p tiling lo me, "hns something to say uu llid sut'ject under discu.-siou." Mr. Demmiug couldu't help being purlinmuiitory even al Ibis critical timo. "Wus the bag Cnumlulng the jewols io this desk ?' I asked, placing my hand ot tho article tf lurniluio. "It wat," replied Mr. Demming. "Did uny of Iho mombors of your luiuily know exactly whero you did keep them?" ' No," bo uuswerod, "I nuer would lock them up until everybody bad left tbe room." That accounted for tbo rummaging "This ia ull I have to say," I con tinued. "Last evening, at precisely half-past six, I saw u lady dressed to w hito, with a scarlet sash and neck i ibhon, enter the apartment, open the different drawers and doors of these bookcases, and then- " "You lie I'' eoroamed tbo girl iu white. "You lio I you lie I You kuow you lie I You bad woman you fiend in human shape 1" -And then,'' I continued, "I eAw her epeti this desk, search it awhilo, und finally lake out a bag, which she bold ulo It for a moment, and then ruu our ot the room." "You you you " aaid tbo cul prit, tryiog to reach the place where I sat. Her uncle caught ber in Ins arms aad held her oa tbe aofu in a per fect paroxysm of rage snd despuir. Then they remembered that Clara waa ten uiiuutes late at tbe tea-table ; and ooo part of the story fitted iolo lbs other so perfectly, that there waa oot the slightest loop-hole for ber to crawl out of. "Lottie did not go back with me. left her with littlo Fred iu ber lap, Grandpa Demmlnir beside her, and Fred' Pa at bar (eel, and the old lady hovering near. J bavo an invitation to a wedding thia woek. It was fcfund out afterward tbat Clara Maaon atote the jefela, as I su' pected, to enrteb ber lover, who wo of course, a scamp. "' jftLUE UW. Caaaectlcut la Tbe Oldco . Tluiea, The following Is u trubscri pt of some sections of tba pi ituslfve judioul eod wbiob existed in tbe State ol Connect icut durlog the time of its first settler and their ImnoUlato descendants, ana keowa a Jba ','Bl'ue'Lawa of Ceoneetl- cut i" . ' 1. Tba flovaraor and' maglatratea cenvtaad la General Aatmbly art tba Aaverti siticr Hate. Oaeeolsnraeae year '. . 'foOoO. Cm-hail etltvt, ye) - - SO.oo. One- fourth column, one year, . , IAW. One square (10 lines) one hlertloa ' ' 76.' Every additional Insertion ' ' ' AO. rrofetaional aad Butiueas cbrds of not morSlkaS WV4 Une,pr year. 4,00.'" Auditor, Executor,' Adtalaittrelor and Attigne Nolle ' 1,50. Editorial aolioaa per line Ii. All adverlitemeajta for a thorter peried tbaa on year are payable at tbe time tbey are ordered, and If not paid the ar son ordering them will be held' responsible for Ibe inootty . 1 suprfDio power, nndor God, of this, independent dominion. 1 , i. rrom the ueterminatioo ot toe As$otnhly no appeal shall bo made. 3. Tho Governor is arbeosblo to the voice cf the pooplo. 4 Tbe Govornor shall bsve only a single vote in determining any ones- lion, except a easting vote, when the Assembly may be equally divilej. 5. Tho Atscmbly of tho people shall not bo diamiaied by the Governor, bu". shall dismiss itself. 0. Conspiracy agiiost the dominion hall be punished with death. 7. Whoever saya "There is a power holding juriadictiotr over and above this dominion" shill bo punished with death nnJ loss of property. 8. Whoever attempt to chijngo or overturn thia dominion shall suffer death. 0. The judgTj shall detsrmine con troversies without a ju.'y. 10". No one ahall ba a freeman or give a Vote uolen be bo coovertod or a tuombcr in full coinmini ju of ono of tho churches allowed ia this dominion. 11. No one shu II hold any office who la oot round in the faith, aod faithful to this dominion ; nod whoever give a vote to such i person ahall pay a fine of ono pound. For tho second offence ho shall be disfranchised. 12. No (junket' or Dissenter from tho established worship of thia domin ion shall be allowed to givo a vote for the elect1 on of magistrate or any officer 13. No food and lodgings shall be allowed to aQuuiier, AJamito, or other . berotlo. 14. If any person, shall turn linker ho shall be banisboJ, and out suffered to rutui'u on paiu of death. 1. V No priest shall abide io tbis do minion. He shall be bauished and utl'er do illi on bi return. Priest may be eeiaeJ by any ono without a warrant. 16. No one ahall crors a rivor but with an .authorised ferryman. 17. No one shall run of a Sabbath day, or walk iu hi garden or elsewhere, except reverently to and from cburcli. 28 No ooe shall travel, oook victuals, make beds, sweep houses, cut hair, or shave on the Sabbath day. l'.. No woman shall kiss ber child on Sabbath or fasting day. 20. A pet-Hon uceui-d of trospase ia the night shell bo adjuJged guilty, uulo.-s be clears himself by oath 21. Wbcn it appeal that an accom plice has confederates, and he refuses lo discover ibeui, be may be racked. '21. No ono shall buy or sell land without the permission of lbs select men. 2J. A drunkard shall haves master appointed by the selectmen, who is to debar him the piivilege of buying or sclliug. 21. Whoevor publishes a lie to tho prejudice of hi neighbors shall sit in tho stockier be whipped fifieo (lj stripes. 20. No minister shall keop a seboul. 2C. Man stealers shall suffer death. 27. Whoever wears clothe trimmed with silver 0-' bone lace ubovo two (2) shilling a yard ahall bo presented by the grand jaiors, and tho selectmen, ahall tax iho offender al the rate of three (300) pounds estate. 28. A dibtor iu prison, swearing ho baa no estate, ahall be let out aad sold to make satisfaction.' 2!). Whoever nets Gro to the w ood, and it burns a house, shall suffer death, ud persons ' susneCled of tbo erinio ahull be Imprisoned without the bene bt ot bail. 30. Whoever briqzs cardi or dice into tins' doniluion shall pay a fiuo of nve (b) pounds. 31. Mo one snail roal common pray er, keep Christmas or Bunts -Jay, msk mince pies, dance, play on any instrument of muio except tho drum;, the trumpet, end the jew'e harp. 32. When parents refuse their ohil dreo suitable marriage tbo magistrate shall determine the point: 3d. the scloc'.mon, oabnding chil dren ignorant, may tale them away I row their parents and put luctn. into better bands at tbe expense of thai parents, " Now, gootlcmon,'' aaid" a peripa tetic lecturer to a eomewhut noisy crowd who had gather to one of bia aeaocea in tbe eastern village, " how would you like a good blackguard atory f All in favor will raise thoir hands." Nino-taolb of tbe dexteS pawa proteot inttaotly went ap, and their waa a audda hush of -all noisy demonstration.' Tbe lecturer waat oo with his original lubjaol for a few miaafwa when some inc taf'oue individ ual broke out with, " Say vibrio's tbat s'u.ry rf " Blo-e you wsa tbo reply, f I did net lotani to lad any such Story, . i J boly . wanted io knew how atay blackgaarda wiro pjt-et, toff Blight have beard a pis) drop any tuna dtmag tha let In ftr UjAti