'ri12 1'OHT. Liik4 tftrj Tkartday EveaJag by jllBXUl CI6CI1. rroartcltr. Xrtni of tnbaorlptloa , DOLLARS PER AlsWUM, Payable I .k!a ts moe.k. PU .Hbla ik yr. N paper ooBtiBBa HI all arrerge PU eal el LbMfiptions outdid tf the county pBTAHkB in M'lunui. linir.c aad aiine carer Hd4 etker beoom ubcribr, ,4 r MOW I r pr. ... r.p.r S" " (r. cuojiMiiii'Kit. , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middleburpf, Pa., rt til protelonl service I the pub- lIi.m. eatraeied ( his tart will receive Cmpl elteatlea. fJ . 7f 4 ,C. SIMPSON, te ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinsirrove F.. lfftrt til profwloiil service I lb pub- t All DiUIBCt eoirusien o utm mmrr ill b promptly alt.aded to. I sail. ... (I V. KNIGHT, I, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frecburg Pa., ff.rt hi rrofeetional terslceto Ita pub- I,. All "" " ill bt promptly atieaaeu w. P J.n 17. '0711 Vttu V.. S fJKZKIL W ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisburg Pn., )fftrl bit profeselonat servic to it pub is Ctllrctlon and nil other Pi option ,1 kotintti entrusted to bit ear will re ,i,t prompt alt oiloa. 1KO. F. MILLER, Jl ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisburg l'n. Dfftrt bit rrofealonel ervlc to Ik pub ic,. Collection, and nil otbr profesuon II kuilnrtt rniruiltd lo bi ear will r ,ti,t prompt alittiiion. JnQftf. filTLlNN, A. II. DILL. J , (Saeeeetors to 1. f. a. J. at. Linn, ATTORN KV8 AT LAW, Lawitburg. Pa )fr Ibtir professional aevvieee lo lb mblit. Collection Bd all oibrr pro rrwloBil bueines otruled to ilirir care ill reeeiveprooiplaileoiloo.fJnn. 8, '6Tlf VflUAltLES HOWER, h ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinsgrnve Pn., plfsrt bit prefereienal service to lb pub- entrusted lo bi ear will r tl proopl llniilon. Oflic two door acrib or id nrjrtioa iioici. u, s CAJIUE1ALLEMAN, tJ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solinirrove Pa Joffrri bit rrofeilonl rrier lo thr bublio. All buiintii (oiruaifii lo ni tir will b promptly alKodcd to. Col I . m I. 1- .11 A ill. Ql . I . foiions w.'it mi. p...... . v. lit eta tprak lb English and Gtrmnn lanu(t flutniljr. Oftic btlwtea llall't knd lb Pott oflic. IT N. MY Kits, LU ITTdENET 1 COCXSKLQtt IT LAW JlidUliburg Stij dcr County Pcnn'ii Office a few door Weil of lb P. O. on 11 tin ti reel. Coniultution la Engli'l. u t mi 1 1 i p if fr- " IT C.BUCI1KK, W ATTORNEY AT LAW. LevriHburg Tn. tllfrrt lata profenloaal ueivleril the pub ic. All buiinet nlrutt4 to bi cart will b promptly (tteuded lo. iyn. o. oi lUOVll A UAKKtl VJ SEWIXO MACHINE. Tenon In need of a good and durnhlr Sewing Maebin can be aeewnmodiled at rtaioaable price by calling oa on 8am i'il Phut. Aeenl. 8alintsrove. Jan. -a, w DU. J. Y. 811 IN' DEL, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, MiddlcburL' P.. Ofltri bU profrulonal cervic lo th eil- item or Hiddleura ni vicinny. rftt 1. ol JJ F. VAN BUSKIRK. IVRGICAL ft MECHANICAL DENTIST 8fl!n"groT renn JOUN K. UU01IE8, Esq., JUSTICE Of THE PEACE, Peno Twp., Fnjder Co. P YU WAGNER, Ekoj., t Jl- TICS OF THE PEACE. Jaoksoa Toahip, Snyder Co. Pa., Will Ulead to all buiinet ealruittd lo kia aara aad on lb molt reatoaabl Itraii. March 13, 081 f DRJ. V KANAWEL, PHYSIC IAN AND SURGEON, Ctafrcvllle, Sajrdcr ., Pa., Oftr bl proftnlonal Mrvle to lb ..." A Ifil PUDMC. woo.. R AYB1LL k Co.. VX WaoLBtALB PltLIB IB WOOD A WD WILLOW WARS Oil Clolke, Window Shad, Drooax, Mat. Bruihti Cotloa Lai', uraia nag, riy Ntlt, Buokel. Twine. Wick. o. -Hi, US Martk Third Hlrttd. Pblladalpbi rb. 7, '87 FA. BOYER, Jr. ai inTinwPER. Fiacburir SnvderCo. Pa. Moat rctpeelfully offer nr. tervicrt lo the public a Veudu Cryer aad Auolioa er. Having bad larg prlno. I fitleonldtnt that 1 aa render perfect ulufaclioa to my mployee. LJaa. , uii BT. PARKS, t , ATTORNEY AT LAW . '. . nlTRIf!T ATTOENY. UIDDLEBURO. BKYPEB COUNTY. P 0m ia Coart Uta, Bept.16, 'OTir l WJS BREMER? 8 BOSS TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322- N. TH IRU S 6,811 , PHILADELPHIA. M' K EC HAN? HOUSE. 0. IL MANDERBACn Peap'k I, C. MPK, Clark RH.41I 411 North Tblrd Street, ' , , pbil4lpbJa 1LL1EU)E I . WBOLTUALK HOOK IILLERI SiatloMrt, Blank book Maaalaturcr a4 Aealm la Wrapplag, DUatlaf , Car. Md Wall pa par Paper Bag I (0a. iekPriaiar Mttk nir4trt aJaavf U I ' faaawlt-aa.i aa. - VOL. 9. D. C. CLARKE, Importer tad Jobber1 la NDirnn)Ns ! Gloves, Ilossler', Hmnll WnreB, WHITE GOODS! Trimmings, Ribbons,&c. AND FANCY WOOLENS lit Great Variety I 87 North Third Street. 9-8lf ruitAiiKLruu. )ETEK8PKUIIT, Retprotfullv Inform lb elllitnt of Ibl plao and turrouoJin(( ouBlr that b it now prepared la naauraetur l arder, aad bat for ttlr, Buggies, Carriages, Sulkies. Sleighs, Wagons, &., at clitup, and a litll cheaper, thnn bejr can be purcbaied elmwbrre. inA.iitiivc of vehicle of variou kiudt promptly at tended to. A thar of llie public patron tg I (olielteJ. I'bTI.K ei'Et'HT. MUJUbiirg. May 8, 1H7I, If. DB. SLIKEK'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Furniture Warerooms, NO. CO NORTH 8F.COND STREET, (Uelow Arch, Weil Hide.) Faitory and WhoIertU Department, 1003 North O.b 8ir(, above Os'ord, 9-8if PIIILADELPIIIA w. F. HAX8KLL. arccaeaoa to r Arrraaa 4 cwajr, CB.ocKxm'r aks Ho- ti North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Irtginal Package Constantly en Hand. Bepreteattd by THI.O'8 SWIMEFORD. N EW FIRM -AMD- NEW GOODS! R. O. HETZEL. P. S. VcCVLLOVOH BSXZSX lt McOTUOtTOH, (SUCCESSORS TO JOU!T HETZEL,) SEALERS II ALL KINDS OP MERCHANDISE! men est casu price PAID FOR a) FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIES, be , &,o., CHAPMAN, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Marek IT, ItTO-tf. G REAT EXCITEMENT IN BANNERVILLE. : NEW OOODS. HELFRICH & BROWER Wiib lo Inform tba oillita of Bannervill and vieinlly thai Ibey bare optntd a aw lock of good, and will keep eeaitaatly on band a full eiiorlmcnl or :drehs ooods : CoBilitlagof ALPACA8.POPUN8.PLADS, LUDTHEB, DELAINES, CALICOES, A. Cloth & Cnsslmeres , HATS aad CAPS, BOOTS sad SHOES. ukocEui'ts.V " - HARDWARE AND QUEENS WARE. SALT AND FISH, - Aad la fact tvarrtbinc uaaallr kept la a Brat la cooatry tier. . All of wMuh we offer at frcaily rdud pritea, fo Caab ar Gaualry Prooqe. " Haviag bad large eiperieaca ia the bulla, w Batter ourtelfee thai w aaa pleat aad eatlafy all aur ouetoaMr. - . Iloplag by ttrict attiaiioo t hualneet aad a dttlrt lo pleaie all. lo merit a liberal tba oCpablia pal roe ag. ' Our aiouo la . "Quick Haiti and Smlt Profit." 1 We aik at leaat that Ik publU eiaalaa oar aiaeh aad trior bfar purchaaing elacwbara, aa w alway a hw u good wita inaaare. , - ' . , BELTRICR BOWER. liaaepUIr JaHl7 lf l . . - AW -aw t BBB1 M1DDLEBURG Noloct Poetry. Put Tourielf in Hia riaoo It't a vary good rule la all Iking f life, Wken judging a friend or brother, Not lo look at Ik qu til lea aloae an oa ld. Rut alway la Inra lo lb elhtr. W art apt bt aolflxb la all our vltwt, In Ibt Jotlllng, keaillong rae Aad lo be right, ie yoa eeaiora rnaa, Jail "pat youritir in bi pltot." It I very bard lo be Juil to know Tbt reason another may give How much k bt draggled, and fought and tlrlftn, Hew koattily triad to live i now much hren keid beea tortly tried, Er th wrong he was furced to embrace i And If yea would learn the thing, the way I lo "put youri-elf la bi pltoe." Tbt re many man oruthed down by lhamo. Who blaineleM itamlt before God, Rut whom hit fclluwi have utterly eornd, And mid lo "pat under th rod ;" Whoie foul U unaiaintd by the thought of in. Who will yet And laving grace, And wb would be praited wher you Bow condenm, If ou would "put yourielf In bi place ' : t AlCIIT J A TRAP. 'Whrnerer I are arm-trap," laid Dick Warerlej to ma, aa we passed a oiamlk'inl burdware eiora in Sixth arvuu, in the ahovr window of which wi dirpluyed among ntbor tiling a rat-trap "itremiod roe ofao inci dent that oicure 1 wheu I wi a clork In a Binjfharuptoo dry gooJa atore. The OHtablialiineul bad ooce been tuo cetil'ulty enicrtd ly burUn, wliu tnado tb ri-.il, a very cu'tly one to tlio owner of the good. To prevent a repetition of B leb wiaita, I waa olTor ed a alight ionreue of my talury if 1 would agreo to sleep io the atore at night. 1 wa a buchelor thoo, and ceepteJ the ofJor, making my couch on a cut bed ia a tmull eooipartmout in the rear of tb aalvaroooi. " 1 had oceupiel this room as a leepiog chamber lor three months without experiencing any ineiJout worthy of oote, wliooooo night, noma two hour after 1 had rolired, I wait awnkeo.d by bearing a (light rnepiag found. Riding quietly in tbo bod, 1 lirtenid atieoiivcly a lew moment, and had no donbt that sometbiog on ujuuI waa about to occur. Noiseless ly I arose from my bed, took my re- trolvor from under my pillow, and ia my bare fiet crept io tbe direction tlio vound auemed to com from. " Ou tip-lot I cautiously colored the tuleoroom, and ibure the ranpiLg aouad wai loud enough to indicate at onoe the very tpot wbero tbo wolk wat go ing on. It wu tbe door .eadiog from the atore to tbe collar, which, by tbe way, waa inleaud with rata. Soma timet the ruu would make tbeir way to tbt store, and to giro tbom a fittiug reception a ateel trap, properly bailed wa nitrbilr placed near the hole through which it waa auppottd tbey on to rod. Tbe bole was at the jamb of tbe door at tbe hoad of tbe eellar stuirs, and tbe trap, with a chain about lour feel loug, wa there dcpotiled io- vitiogly open, and to am tbo ror- ruia tbe trouble of rsiuhling (urtbor in quoit of food. Tbo cbaio wa fastened to a aiaple fixed ia tbo eurbaie, so that whea a rat was not iogttntly guilloteood, and llogorod loog in tbt clutohes of tbe spikes which impaled him, be uould not wriggle off to a coinur where the trap might not road ily be found. " At I approaobed tbt door, I eould io e by tbe glare of tbf single gaslight which we always kept burning at night, the point of a saw about four ioebes long, aud not more than two loohe in wioth at ita Iroadwt part. Th aaw wot being rapidly worked by some unseeo power, and it waa evident that tbe object was to make a hole large enough to admit a human baad that it might withdraw the strong bolt which provouted tbt opening of the door. " la a faw eaomtaU I noticed the narrow blade bobbing in and out My tint Idea was to wail until the boll waa withdrawn, tbtn boldly confront tha burglar, with my revolver oooked for Instant uae Then fearing that the man who wse assrlog might have acoomplieet wbo would not btaitate to commit murder to prevent capture at about to baateo to tbe front door, uaas oat and give tbe alarm, wbeo 1 spied tbe rat- trap oa tbt floor, and a oorel idta at oooe augg.-eitd itstlr, " 1 wat t leading at tba tidt of tbt door, batiag takea ibis position to screen myself, deeming it likely thai tbe operator ou the other lid of the door mia-bt place hia tye to the aper tare ke was maktag, to set if tbe ooaat vera clear. , " Csutioutly lifting tbt Uap, I bald it io tny left hand, with tbe rtYclvar ia nr right, both tJ W .. TjaTAyAaaaaaaaaa" SNYDER continued itt movenijo'af and a I peeped over the aids of tbt loor-frame atw tbat tht Instrument Vat rapidly making a circle, abont foaiiaohtt la diarr.e'er. When lb circlet waa Mar ly completed tlio aaw wasi drawa in and a knife blade chipped iff a small strip of the wood. I "Tbea f nw oae finoer s)oter. The object was to seize the cirtular plecu. nd prevent it from falliof to the floor on the ontaide. "Tbe wood readily Split, and Ihe ieet which was brokeo elf was care fully taken inniJe. Tbto another piece, and ao nniil the bold was per fect. Then I observe ! a bonisn hand, he fingers of which bgan M grope for ho bolt. " Now fur be triek, I though!, M I nervously exlenod my left band, which held the trap, toward tha apar ture, but little bolow It tojrjvot It being seen. " Slowly tbe trap was moved, ready for a favorable opportunity to give the burglar's band a warm olasp. Ths momtot I saw tbo finger xtondod I nlunluod the trap at them, and tbe band onltrtd to tbe wrist. " Cliik ! Tbe spring waa touehod, be trap sprang, and a human bod was impaled ! The burglar wus caught caukM in the aolt He on ono side of Iho door aod his osptor on tbe other. " A groan of agony followod ai tie "pikes piorccd the man's fleih, and be utlcmpiod lo withdraw bis hsod ; but tho boio he htl made, although large enough to admit tbo eatrance of a man's band, wos oot ofsafliciont di inooHions to permit tht pronge of a uttrnp. " He groaned, aod multered torri- Ulooathit, but lii- pntinity nil w.iil- an wct'o utHom. All Ins uirts to wiihJt'UNV bis baud, proved uoivnil ing. ' Feeling assurol that he wa se curely bold in ibis uucoinfortiiblo po- position, I hastened to tbo strout door unlockod ilaod shouted fjratsistanoe. An olBeer soon came, aol when I had conducted him to ths cellar stairs I withdrew tbo bolt, epeoed the door, aud discovered tht culprit who had to lollow tbo door, as it swung aaiusl the wall. He was a man of uhout ihirlyseveo, heavily built, wiihshoit cropped rtd hair, a face of villainous aspect, tod bis featuros deeply indent ed wilh small pox. Bclore taking the trap from his bund, wbiob bled profusely from five difforeot punotures the officer searched hia pockets, and found therein two Dsrriogsr pistols, a loog dirk, and a number of burglar's tools. Ilaviug disarmed him, bis bund waa releaaed Iroin tht trip tnd be waa conducted to tht polieo sta tion. " Ic waa afterwards discovered tbnt he hsd entered tbe cellar from a win dow in tht rear, having opened tbe khultera in the satno msonor as ha was attempting to practice wboo caught " A trial followed tome woeks after. he was eoovlctod and for five years became a pattern of propriety io a publio institution, nevor leering bis owd chamber unless wilh the eoosent of bis keepers, and otherwise lesding suoh ao exemplary life tbat for the time mentioned, through compulsion be became a reformed man. Wbotb bis reformation ooqtioued after his release from prison I am unable to slate. Tbt) Mother af Emperor Tf II- llatu attd Nstpoietiai I. Well aware of tbt queen's beauty aod fascinations, Alexander thought sbe might perbapa btvtsomt inSueooe over the French emperor, and persua ded btr to meet hia at Til-sit Though Louise uould ntver speak of tblt man, the author of til ber eountry't misfor tunes, witbont a shudder, still, for Prussia's aakt, tbe waa willing to sac rifice ber own personal feelings aod dignity. It wss k tore trial to this rt fioed, sensitive woman to meet as a supplmnt the despot wbo hsd driven ber husband from tbe throne, aod cast tbe foulest aspersions oh her honor. Loulso says In per diory, "What tragglea It ha eoat ma God only knows: for If I do not hate tbia man, I look upon bin aa tbt one wbo baa caused tbe mtsfortuo or tba king and the eouttry." Sbt msdt two visits to tbt bsugbty conqueror. Napoleoo acknowledged tbat tba Queen of Pruseia waa tbo bjoet beautiful woman be bad aver ten, tad he deolared thai whateTer toolo of oooveraation be broached, sbt 4.Dr'f wjvfc) th'f ojot dab!) PA.. JULY G, 1871. taot aod delicacy, lo oomo baek lo ber one themo Vauus. She Implored Nspiisoo to prove himself indeed a hero by showing mercy to a fallei foe, and, if he would inatce no other eon cession, at least to restore Msgdebnrg." Just before dinner Nepolion gave bor a roso ; sbo at first refused it, then at oepttng-it with an arch smile, tbe said, '-Yes, but at loait with Magdeburg " ' I must observe to youfr majesty,'' said Napoleoo gruffly, "that it ir who give, and yon only who must recoive." Tbe king was present, silant and do jecled at tho aiight bis wife's unavail ing sacrifice. As soon ss the qteen retired, Na poleon sent for Tullcyraod and Ibo Russian minister, snl concluded the treaty oa the basis beloro laid down "After all," said he, "a fine woman aod gallantry are not to be weighed ogulost nflairs of statu." At ibt earnest req'iot of tht Rut lan Emperor, Louia paid a second viit to Napoleoo uosuccessful ss the first. At, nt the conclusion of this viait, N'spolooo was conducting bcr down tbe stairs, tbeq'ieen p.tuied, and pressing tho ompcror a hand as bo bade ber furewell, said, "Is it possible that al ter having had tho good fortune lo bo so near tbe hero of the ao ho lias not left me the ailiif'dclioii of being able lo say that he bus attached me to him for life ?" ''Madam," replied tho emperor, "I lament if it ia so ; it ia the eiTeut of tuy ovil destiny " The royal- piir returned lo Mcmel, their only refuge upon 1'rauUn soil. ' Lot us bo paliont and steady, and wait, an 1 (iod will bvlp us," suid the pious king, greater evoa iubis humili ation and wsaknoss than the atheistic Frederick. Io her retirement, at Mcmel the queco devoted bernelf to the education ot her cbildreo, ix io number. Tho erown prince, FreJcrick Wtlliam, wa!,hr is danger lint the fovcr may then twelve years of sge, aod a boy of much promise She sought to animate him with her own Datriotio inirit abd love of country. "You ss me wcep."ouluuro ciiiit, when these hnvo been the laid io him after Ibe battlo of Jens "I woep for Ihe downfall of my bouse n I country, tlccall these unhappy hours when I am no more, ind weep such tears for me ss I now woep for my eouoiry. But do not be satiifiod with tears; set, develop your strength IVrhapiyou mny bedettiocd to deliver your country. Do not let yourself be carried away by Ibe degeneracy of the ai;e. Bo a man ! Court the fume of a general, of a hero; and if you esooot raise your fallen country, then seek death, as Prince Louis Ferdinaod has done !" This son lived to tee bis country great among the nations of the esrth; but lo tht second too, William, it bad been given lo repay, with interest, tbo ignominy heaped upon Prutxis by Na poleon lo avenge tho wrongs of Ger many's loveliest and best beloved, but most uohsppy queen. From ''Queen Louise of Pruuia," Uarper'e Mmjazme fitr July Tut Road to Success. Fortune, success, fsme, position, are never gain ed but by delorminodly, bravely stick, iog and living to a thing till it ia fairly accomplished. In abort, you must tarry a thing through, if you want to bo anybody or anything. No mat ter if U does cost you tht pleisure, ths society, tht thousand yearly gratifica tions of life. No matter for these. Stiok to tbe tbiag aod carry It through. Believe you were made for tbe matter, and tbat no one else can do it. Put forth your wholo energies. Bt awake, electrify yourself, and go forth lo the task. Only occe learo to carry a thing through in all its completeness aod proportion, aod you will become a hero. You will think better of your self; others will think better of you Tbe world, in its very heart, admires the stem, dstermioed door. It sees io him Lis best sight, lis brightest object, its richest treasure. Drive right along, ibeo, ia whatever yon aadrk. Consider yourself emply sufficient for lb deed. You'll be aucoessfu I. How to Cook BcifaTtAK,. But few poeple now adhere to tba old aod barbarous method of frying beefsteak to a eriap. Tho right way ia to have ready, Ant, tbe heated platter and Ibe butter, pepper, and salt. Tba ateak ia placed on a gridiron, over a bed of hot eoale, aad turned with rvs as fast aa poaalble, to tbat tbe juice may be retained ia- tba meet. At aooa al dont it should be pot at) tl,t platter, teaaootd klgbl), served U medi ately. 3ec(u ig apalled bj eqeei- NO. IT rha resilience al Uwenoa Ajrea. Rirtly io modern lirnts has tbtrt beta seoa amort sorrow slnckeo com munity th.no that of Bntoos Ayres. Tbi city, whioh last year contained a population of 200,000, lias been visited derlug the last tew months, begiooini in January, the beginning of summer in the Southern hemisphere, ty the yellow fever in its most malignant form of black -vomit, and 30.0JO porsons have beta carried off by tbe dreadful pestilence The fi ght from tht oily to the interior was to general .that at tho liuio when tbo fever raged mont fiercely there were no mire than 7", QUO inbabitaols remuinlog. Private loiters recoive 1 from citiioos of ibe Uuited 8tiUes living tsmjiorsrily in Buqoos Ayres rrpreseot tbe condi tion of ibe city na haviog been dread ful in tba extreme. Many of our own countrymen fell victims to the malady. The deed io soms instances Isy frster iog in the dwellings for the want ol coflius in wbieh to bury thorn or beat ers to carry them lo tht grave. -Friend!, who heroically remained to ourso those dear to them were struck down iu turo. and tho bravo nod the atroog ol ooe day wrro tbe victims of the next. It seemed as if the eotiro pnpulatiou wus shout to be swept awuy. UcsiJes the horrors of the pestilence tbe city suffered in the month of May by a severe and grnoral eommerciui panic All btisincas had been u peudcJ for weeks, in oosequcnto of tbo fl.ght to Iho country districts, un.l roauy even of ibo largost commercial houses hi'l been closed. Tbo cooe- qiieoce was mat many bills went to protest because tb drawers and en dorsers coull not be found Death, perhaps had louod them, aod enforced paymoot of the last debt ol'all. At the preseot advices tbt fever had not disippoarol, although tha city was beginning to assume its wouted aspect of trade an 1 etiniaiution. Bu ureaI ou! nit" m nucnt when fresh dvusted by the same scourge, the refugees by returning to soqq may cause tbe re.ippoaruo.ee of tho pesti. lenoe. Buncos Ayres has oo system of sewers, and the surface drainiug is bad. Although the wiutcr bn begun, tliul season is never rigorous there, aud tbe precsutioos liitberto taken to clcauso sod purify th city are said lo bo wholly insufficient. " Mck."-Wbat la It 7 I be man that marries tbo prettiest girl of the plaoe is iJ to be a ' luoky fellow, and so of bim who draw tbe highest prize at a lotrery, or by tbe " fortunate" turn of affairs, clears tho gulf between want and wealth in ao hour. And yet the histories of all limes tell us tbat wilh a terrible uni formity and certainty, Iho men wh come suddenly possessed of unearned millions die ia misery.' Within five years a well-to do farm tr drew a quarter of a million of dol lars in a prize at a loitorv. me whole country envied bim ia bis lack But be has since died from a style of living induced by his good fortune, aud bis ooly sou has turned out a drunkard. Tbe man whose first bet on tbe tbe race-course, wbuee first deal at the card table, whose first risk at faro, whose maiden lottery ticket, brings money largely into bis pocket, ia ruined man at tbe very instant, tbe world pronouocet him " lucky." Aoy man, eipocislly aoy youog man, wbo start out iu lifs wilh the eonviciion tbat mooey eao be better made than by earning it. is a lost man lot al ready to society, lost to his family aod lost to himself. Ao alarmiog number of tbe tons of tbt rich mta of sew York art at this mouitot btlpltsa drunkards. Youeg men of eduoalioo, of msoly qualities, ofa Ktoeroue nature honorable and high-minded ; but tbe demon of drink has taken such possession of than that a fatber'a breaking heart, a moth er's tear, and a aister'a agony, avail not to draw tbem from deep damna tion. Elegant leisure wu tbeir ruia. Tbe best say to eavo a child from ruia is lo bring him np to " kelp fath er." alaltt children feel that tky mast do something to support the fam ily, to help aloof; theo two feellog trite which are their salvation those of efieetion aod prjdtf for we aaiur- ally lova tboat whom era help, or I bote with whoa we struggle together for a daalred object, aod aothiag ao imptofea a ehlld as t make him feel tha) t can do tuoMthiat. s)4 thai If ff Js LV,Tt V A.dvert.Utiaatr Ilmteywa , i. ei ' Oaseotuma oae teat) - ttO-OA. Oae-kalf , ew year1, Oae-foartb eolaaa. oae year. ao.OO. l0O. 7fc Oa tqaar (10 km eta iaaaej r.vry MitRUtsal aaaanioa Profeeoloaal aad Bualnee eard f to. aol mor tbaa tv line, par year. ,00, Aadiivr, . aieewier, Aeatiateuatt end Auifoei Notloe I.tO. Editorial Botieea par tiae I. All advrtiemats for a akerter eertedl than owe year are parable at tk liaae) the ar ordered, aad if aol paid th per oa ordering Ihtm will b held rtipoaiible or in mootr. ! J IJJf A Sad Nemeate ml lb War, We hive received from the dead letter ofZce of Ibe pott office depart- menl a until book in to open wrapper, alJrossed '-Miu Mary Dare, No. 69 HowarJ ttree'.N. Y.," aod bearUg the followiog postmarks : " Champaign, III., March 4 ; New York post ofbee, advertised March 17; New Y'ork, April 22;" "Cannot be found." Tho book is a copy of " IlarJro'a Rifle an4 Light Infantry tactic," vol. 1, edition of 1861, and upon ths iosi lo of the cover is a card of a soldisrly-looking rem, tpparunlly 2$ or 80 years of age dressed in tho uti'.form of line ofD 'er of tho United Slatos Army. Under Ihe I'icturo is written, "Captain M.Dare, Sixty fourth U. S. Vols." Near thu upper right haad ooroor of the book is a(bullet ho!t, tbo bull having appar ently been fired from a muskst at short rango, as it passed through the en tire thickness of the book (2SI psn,) culling away portions of th runniog tillo and text. Ou a fly-loaf of the book is writton, "Wouniel Feb. i. I8CJ, aUMos?ow, Tfn , while in com- matid of tho picket guard." The book wis evi leitly in a breast pockot of Captain Dare's coat when fatal hot wti fired that garo him hia dealU wound. After tho lapso of inoro than eight yours this touching memento of a bravo soldier's I i To and death is scat by smii frieo'l or commits oo ils way t GuJ the i ster or other rciuiivo of Ihe dead hero, but losse iis way iu ibo mails and otids it journey io the dead latter utCce. We trust this notice may fall uoder ibo eye of Miss Dare, if she i living, or be brought to Ibe nutiee of some other frieod Of acquaintance of Cap- taio Dare, our dead but not forgotten comrade. Will ooi iho pipers of tbe country republish llie fuels here set forlli ! drnml Army Journal. The "Latent ulllornlM Sensa I loo. The latest sensation comet from Cal ifornia, or ntber from a California, newspaper, ic tho shspo of an account of the death of ss old man who had by dint of loog study in tho mystery of chemistry discovered the moans of seltiug tho ocean on fiio, aud who to prove tbo reality of bit discovery, set oa fire and burnt a mouutuii lake lo the las drop, leaving its bod burood and baked like tbo hardest briok. Be ing poor and in waut, the disoovorer of ttju wonderful secret threatonod to set tlio Pacific Ocean on fire, aod lb is burn up the wjrl J, uolon the pioplo) of San Francisco sboull place in hi hands 91,000.01 J wilbio a given time. N'oiwiihslanling tho rast dospsrato etforia of those who bad witoefsei the burning of the lake, only halt a million eould be raised, anl thoy became sat isfied that the only way in which tho impending doom could be averled was to lie-troy tbe disooverer aol with him ibo terrible secret. With that pur pose in view tbey induced bim to take passago for New York qu a I'uuiuc railroad train in' company with ono whom be trusted, who was li witoU bi opportunity and at soma oppor tune moment lo push bim from the car. This be aeeomplisbod to hit own satis faction, aod lo tbe great rolief of bit co workeit. At a particular poiut in tht Rocky Mountains, the narrator tells us, bt pushed tho groat chemist from tbe platform of the car where he full down soveral hundred feet, ft shspeless moss upon tht jagged rocks bolow, and that aocording to tbia Cal ifornia ftntation, ibe Pacific, ss wtlljia otber oceans, wu lived from boiog burned up. i tjtm Mas. Shaw appeared before tho New Orleans Recorder to prosecute ber hudbaad for insult aod abuse. What have you to eomplaia off" in. quired tbt tnagiatrate. "My husband oeglscts me, sir,' wat tbe answer of :be spltofal lady, with a jerk. ''Iodetd! How ia thai V "He loavea me at home, and when I eumplaia of it In sults and abuses me.'' 'Can yon give me ao ioitanco of it?'' "Yes. He went to tbe cook-fight oo Sunday, aad wouldn't let' mt go with him, aod said if tbsy fought bene bo would aenJ for me." v An Alabama editor having read Dr. Qsll'a Uoture advising tbat hatband and wife thould sleep lo separate ipartmtQta, saya Dr. Hall may steep where bt ohootts, but for himself, be intendt to sleep where he eao defeat) bis wife against rat and all other ow tureal toes, at loog at ha ha one. to defend. . WUllamjnort hu aVout poiid. tilth ioQ.ooo tmk u m - a I rpvpapaia rt Y &