The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 29, 1871, Image 2

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    PL'-J gli,"IF
....JTMEH. H7I
A or Au'lH ir 'Jemmf,
'ol. ravl1 Htmiton,
For Su i-rynr denrtnl,
'ol. ItolVt II. I ton tli.
c r iii ti.mi.i, roi sty.
coi ti riciii;r.
A'or I'vr.-itl nt .tuthjr,
a impel s. wiihih.
I a ,i-l lo Hit ileelamn of I Qhn and Mifflin
I oolitic
, 'or .!.' mli'i.
Mi jf i to ike ilff i-i..r. i th Conlaree-
I'of T.nni-irr,
.1 MI'II (lltl !.!.
" f.'";l ill .".'Vm' -,
.M'WI .1. risnr.u.
'( Allhloi-.
Tlir Chicago 'J'iuwt, the loading
Ieinocr;itie joiiiiuil in llio Not I Invent .
in Slate, writrs as follnw. to the re
bel Irvlei h : S itiirh-t ly iiitjiM the
trouble to telegraph from (jcorci 1 1
tlmt Alesunder II. Stevens bus ot-uin
I. cm ventilating his view. Wb it of, il.o I citiocr:il io parly of IVmiylvn
it ? Thi'io it no hit in tlio country ni l, lutt simply the eent'incut d
ti prevent JcfT liivi, Stoplicn't, or 1 llm i doli'ate volin l-r it.
nny oi her man from Dinkii' n fi'd ol j II .''Vdrci, Tlirt Hie oppudlion
h ntrir. And why pndi bit r r-ttts , advocated by tlio IN in iciatiu .iny t"
I ruin ni!iltiiii( finds ot ilinii.ndve when llio 1 Mi and I.Vli nniiiidniitiilit in
it i llio only Nurr of cninfitt the llio t'ouililntimi of llm I'liitu J Stolen
poor devils Imve mi I li'-t world ? .Icfl it niish only a in li 'iil and proper.
linvi, M plicns, and tli" icH i f the and to bo CM'.'cix d solely throu.'li
rtbtd crrw who arc ftill i:i tlio fleidi, the niitJiiltn of t'to ballot box and by
lire ftn dead every way as John )!.in. jollier lawful ineaiH, and by which we
il'ilph't pliovpl.orerii'ilt inackrrel, They have conlidencii llio (n'oplo and the
iiovi r Fhinc with'int t inking. They . S'.atet can a ml will, iu dii lime, ro
nr?, of cjiii1', i:t)'iislilie 1 nui'-.'in''c ; iiovc t!iemolvc8 from I tin wiving
but i: i probably only death or lhe aud cirneH impjcJ i1i.mii by
ilrvillhal will be able to abate them ! llio party in p ver.
I. ike many other decayed fpecinien.' I. i' ioiv , Tint we cr linHy nit-
of pnlit u al unsiiiic"?. they will j:o out
otio of these days with a bad B;m;ll.
I n! il then the beat that cau bo done
i to keep to the windward of them.
...,. .. ... , , , represented ths leelm's and nonti-
lilt IU In niil'li- It .,' Mi'tfl, pill)- . r .1. I .. , ! i'l .
' mrnts of llio I' .-m ie; a'.s ot ( hector
lihhol at liellefonto, a little while ago ' county.
ilM declare : i ,'i ,'. .ri, Tliat tlio P. in icrary
"He nrnf mnrictjd ikr fii'lrrn'h of CliCiJter county lielieve, in llio Ian
t'mmilini ntaml ir. in; llm' it thnuUl (fuaije of tho late Stephen A. Poiiijlas.
imkI of riyhl mi jltt l In-ri ah il. And "that this ir a white man's govern
we hold that it will the iltth nj the ment. formed by white men, for white
CM"i-raiy to ivicwf it tvhriwiii-, men and tlu-ir posterity forover."
''"".'.''"' fwrr to io vi. If we 'i AY )'' c That the nintti rcso
th'iuilit t hoy would nut do ao nt the I'ltioii of the plntfornt adoptel at
proper timo, our fni'h in tho integrity llarriiburg on the the -Ith u't. does
and and purity of our parly would be ' not represent tho eentiuicna of the
j;rnatly (.hnken.1' i liemoeraiic party nf cither this entin-
II now Meekly ea's busihte oio and ty or Stito ; tint tin inum it refer
obeys dicUtion from Mr Wallace n to were not Irforothe pjople of tho
follows : 'j-'tnta when the dele ties to lid Con-
'pcmoerals may differ as much as ventiou wcra electud, and that had
lliey pleafo in regatd to the ninth they been, wj bclievo they w till I
rcMilution, but our opponents must , havo been, repu lia'ed by nine-tenths
not flatter themselves that there is lo of tho Democracy of thi Stat.',
benny inhnrmn.iinus action in tli' raia
Democratic parly in consequence. Wc
believe that Democratic editors may
properly discusa that resolution with
out any interruption of tlio liarmcir.
mitl li.ltiftnns rr llm tnr.. I '
finrt. wo don't endorse il wn it,o' i
believe in it; nor tli we believe there !
was any aense in pasinR it. At the
ra mo time, wo intend that our advo
cacy of our principle and our candi
dates shall not Lc the le-s vigorous ur
nrJcnt brcatino of it. Wo shall let it
tw, believiii( it a mist ike thai may'
Lo remedied n? another time.''
Tub Democrats have not nil " gon
lack" on Jt ff. Davis. There still re
main a Tcv cf his old
friends who
atick to bint though most of his firmer
friends arc now r.b'tsio him on the
ground that he is dam.tgitig (ho pvos.
peels of the Democracy by giving cx
pre8"ion to bis rebel aentini -iits in
p'.iliio speeches. OuO of llieui wh.'
edits a papor iu Minouri, is pained at coin ami Stanton, Covolo and Thoat
the trealmetit of his patron paint's, hy tho Democrat ie Journals. X me
Jeff, by his Northern Lrcibeio. lie !"f '',K'"ci even W,'CD ,,loy wcr0 in ,ll!iT
r e I i
siyn :
No wan who ever w rthily wore
lhe uniform of the litil'dcruio States
cull behold lhe recent comments ol
the so-called D'-mrcratio papers upon
n mo hit" public utterances of that
great in.n and ('hiistiuo pcntleman,
JftTerson Davis, wii hi ut n feeling of
lortifiifttion, ol'ijll-coutcnipt. ufluath
ing fir pail li.a n politica, stronger and
iiioio' ditgutinu than ho would have
felt if every soldier ond efliecr in Dixie
bad been coriipclled to go down on
bis knees to Abe Lincoln and beg lor
liia" life. .
Departurirtl ,
Next this valiant New
pays biii attuntion to thoso Democrat
who are engaged ia that movement :
Tho crime'of Mr. Davis, in tho es
timation of Ibis "Democracy,'' is that
he will not deliberately lie, nod will
not aid I hem io a plan to gaiu party
Miiceaa by false pretence ao trampir
nnt tint be who adopt them io good
tail b Is next of kin to a fool, and he
who adopts litem, knowing what they
aru. is nothing better than a knave.
Tlie eascotial different- between
the Ucpublican and Democratic par
tics is revealed io the reception ol
Vallandighnm's death. So far as our
observation goes, we bivo as yet to
ace a Uepul licao journal thai upenks
unkindly of the dead maa. Nothing
but admiration for hi talents, pity for
lis untimely end, nnd regret that ho
cruld not live lo reach the goal of his
umbiiioD. How different this from
lbs treatment by the Democratic prea
of Lincoln, Stevens Stanton, Thoms-s,
sad others if the patriot dead of the
I'uioo mm, who had ucver faltered
in (heir devotion to lhe cuuxe of tboir
ct uotry ! It ia tho fuabioo among tl.o
Democratic press to revile these tneo
to apply to tkrm tho most brutal cp.
itbcl. and to iaruirb their memories
by the revival of tho' wont lander
Jtobert 1!. Lee received more consid
eration froia) tho I'epublicoo preM
.ff a I 1 at c. . .
iiaa um rmwiu ?, oiaaion ll'OIB lb
iTuKcralic. .'iu.
The lcicniry of lliestcr
otinty Won't Mvtullon Hie
Tin? iVm tcney of Oiestr r county
very nrvh r.'seiniile a circm ri-!er
; trying lo hnlinec himself on oa leg.
Their committee m t nt West Che.
iter il werk, an I fkjr rccitinj the
, if t hist ry ol' ill part, rcsnlved
that the; would I luk over the f.Titt-t'.-rm.
tin wi'iil.l support tlio rami.-
jj iir... Tho full i) win.' oro llio resolu
tions :
, I fi'fuli-r.f. Tint we regard the
j ict it.n of tlio majority of the late Pent
oi'mtiu Convention of this State, in
Voting (r I Lo uintli resololinu ol tli
so-ralled platform, ns an tinwi'O ami
ni:i'illioii.i"l departure from llit po
itinn heretofore nvowol and inuiii
luinrd by tlio lieni'tcrney of Iht V"i
'c-1 Stiitc mi I this Sink', in rolaiioi
; to the uii'-oii.stitutioiml doings of the
puny having control ol' tlie general
i i.ivt'i timent.
' - - : ( ni, Tlmi ns hail reolu.
tioo win not unanimously arccpted ly
llio t'ouTi'iitinii at wore t tic candidates
ai l oitii.r resolution, but wa opposed
to tlio by llio voles o( .Vi f Un
delegates in that body, it tdnull I),
reg.rb'd and Ire t ! during the pros.
cut cmipaiKO "J nnt'l the net-tin;-
of I ho
Mnio an 1 .Nalijnul ( m von.
ti"U- in 7
nut im Ilia sciiiiiii'-ni, ol
prove of '.lie c induct ol iho deli'.itrH
Irom Chester cointy in the late
Male t .onvtntion, iu vol in nir:imt
the of ireaai I ninth reo! ilioti, belie.
I villi I lint in ao doiiift they I'jithfolly
Vullauillicliitni ns n Slarljr.
Mr. Clement L. Vullandigham va
a pood man peril ipsa prent man,
but ho had dono nutiv ba 1 and wick-
e1 ''""J-'"-
lie had fav-ired alaverv,
roni-ited th ) (iovernment when it was
fi,'ht;tti for it life, outraged the !
iilty of (he land, and intul'.cJ this in
stitutions of free epeech at) ! a free
press. 11.8 alus were urievons an 1 1
maiiiru! !. His good nVed, u itionall
ones, few and far between. j
However, no repented ; no ac
koowledged the error ol his wiys ; ad-1
mittetl that tho nero was fitted for nj
higher condilinu than .4er'iludi ', tint
the war which he oiino'0 I was n iiiM !
' " comlacti'tl in a proper man-
iii r ; mat us results wore binuing.
and that the Republican party nnd lift
Icad'-rs had been rie'lit iu all that il
and they ha I d ino, an I he wrm
For this wo forgave him, cpdio cf
him kindly, condoned bis fault, an 1
prjicd hisviit ie. Iu this wo look
no cue Iron) the atati'tiient cf Lin
nvrrt, wtro jroo 110(1) lUliOVUK'UI
g.nsip rr mean inu.Mi lo Th shin
dei't upon their memory, while they
may have been idinrt of libel in a to
tal neoi'e, wci'o anno the coward
ly and cruel, notwithstanding, that
over emntiuiod from ma'ien or the
cangranod nniurcs that (ill ccrtuin
Democrats editorial chairs and retail
their venom to an illiterate and de
baaed constituency. This m ly bo
strnns lanijnage. but it is weak com
pared to that of which we jipeak.
Tbean liaduccr of the hom red dead
of tlio Uepub'ie are now en'-a-cd in
making a martyr of Vullandigham
u U a tas't for which they are n tt
tilled, and in which ilcy will not sac
ceed. This fivni ono ef Ib'm will
erve ns a samplo of I hi whole : "In
18 ti he was elected to Oongre and
re-elected in IS'iSaml 1 iJ. I lore
bia bold donuncialioa of llu outragos
of the Consiitnt on, under I he pro
ienco of Having it, hy tho Adiuiiiirttra
ion. ntado hint tlie target mrainsi
which tho envennni.'d tdinft. of nml
Ice and vindictivo hatred wera emtin
nally levelled. This feeling culuiina.
led when in 180.1, at the do id hour ol
nicht, hlshoosa win broken into, tiis
wife insultod, and himself arrested
without a warrant, npon tho iieilirit
, o! tbo infamous Stanton, backed bv
hi willing ted, tho lllio l- Island
Itninside. farce of a triil. his
hnninlimeot boyntid I ho tobel lios
hisesenpeto Canada and return to
hi native Stale in deflinco of tho Ad.
ministration and its myrmidon, in
timo to lake hia Beat ss a delesnto to
the Chicago Convention of 1834, are
still fresh in tho recollection of tlie
public." Ia this brief extract the
eharaotera of two loyal men aro black,
encd and that of one traitor extolled
in a many lioes. Ve..
8omr forty men whero temporarily
irn prisoned in a coal mine, uesr VYilkrs
barre, last Thursday by tbe caving in
of a slopa of the Umpire- niiue. All
were reaeuod aud are expected to r-
cover from tho effecte of lbs foul air
liuliaikd hy them.
D. II. Yf. R. R., xnx itj r0"
I'osT.ti KxrKxrritmx axd Co auc
tion. Wt tnki tlio follovvinjr from
the Ilaltimore Sun. It If Interesting
U4 allowing tho link in a (front
routo about bailiff made hy llio Dun
ville, liar. :llon aid Wilkcsbnrra and
nod tho Sunbttrj and Lewiitown rnil
rniid. We would cot red the orr tn
in lli'J Article wltielt denignati the S io
bury and Le!town a llio Middle
('reek raiiroaJ. and place tho eonnec
ii ni of the 8 A h with tho P. II. ti
V. at Panvllto of !?uiil)ury.
and (lie connection of tlio 8. t I
with llio IV nu:i. 'en tin! at llunlinj
li'.tt instead ol IjCwis'OWti. Sunburj
In IS'iO a eo:i! ra'lroal was rhar
ler I in I'eiin'jlvanii. culled the
v ill.. ILizeltnn and W'ilkebtrri Tho
(ntpany ha Mrujrjled (liMit.'h tinny
diflieultiei, expending Cl.80J.0HO, and
M now within a fow hut I r tl yardi ol
completion. Bit!' Import inrc lie
enme and leit'y ctilnnced by the fiet
that ii Ik convetel as a ''.ink'' !v two
ijreot c 'mpnnics the I.ohlh Valley
r.tilioi'l. and the IVmimylvanin rail
roftl. ty initinz nt Panvilio with
wh it i- called (ho Middle Creek mil-
road, which runs from Danville to .
the I'enii'vUanis railroad at IIuo-
tin-Ion and by thero joinira will.
lhe Ihni -wlnn and 15 oad Top
imiIi-.viI u-liii-h n!si .iniinela with tl
. ....!.
southward from B.'dfnrd to the Mary
i-in. nmio nno. n inru.iK.i iiij ;
. I L ' . IT . . L .. 1. ....
direst line of railway, inland, will be :
, I . i ' .i I i
f ntned. exten.linj from tho Cumber-
, , , n , , .
m coa I udds to New 1 ork city, at a'
. , , r I- . .
inttcr.a rednetion of distaneo on any .
r .i ....... ii... v .L
or Il.o ex., .n ro.tea l ut New
ork ..not t h. con cn,pl:,tcI caster
lerimn us "i wnav win very louir
r u. ,i, ... ...t .
lltIO S'l I Villi HI II lW I'l "IIW VUU
neeliontaro perf. e'C'I. I no p'irpise
is t) extended thj Panville and Hj
xelton branch roa I directly nn from
II izcllini, cDsino;tho thr.'O irroat coal
mads H nearly ri(fiit angles, and strlk-
in;r tho ll iUon river nt l'uckkill.
I ho riiil.nlnlpliia l.o lijor unU 'ritanOs can member of the Legiclaiiyo, then
that ne.nia'i'ns hivocoMimeneed for 'destroyed the oftW of 'u Republican
tho control of the Pinville, lla.elton I newspippr, and threatened tho lives
an I Wilkeibarre road wilh a view to! 0f two ltcpbliaan edit TIdDj-ii-havc
it jorm a lite with )rno of tlw i ucratie papers of North Corolina ad
important einnectiona auestcd. To mit tho occurrences, hat d a iy th it
tho bifuuiinous coal region, to th iboy grew out of polities.
Pennsylvania Itiilrovl ('-mpanr, t J,.,,. ... . . , ,,
the hol ler, or tho atock an I aeouriiios ! .T"K 'P"W'n C -m-i
n. iiii,.,i.m n,t ll,l.T.,nll,"l,r0 . t at tho l,o''an lloimoin Al.
Ilailr.ia 1 Company, and to the large
coal-carrying conipaniea in tho antlira
link or tho road assumes an importance
ateally bevond its intrinsic vab.o as a
road fur the cocvonicace of deal traf-
rf.nrKiTi.v Hai'I'V ThoTitusville
Ileral-J relate the following :
A few davs sico ono of our well-to-
do oil operators, who bis lived long
and pro-perc l, am has a few qn irt j
of spot oil on hand, in ciso of an rmer
!ency, received a b'ltor written in a
delicate feminine hand, from an llastern
eiiy, in which the fair writer aaid i "I
hear you are very wealthy, and weald J
not mi's a lew dollars or ao, nnl ns I
am on the cvo ot getting married lo a
poor but iti'lu-ttrioua youns in in, I
thought maybe you would aen I me a
lit t lo mon.'y. It you will send me
olt.OiOit wouM niulte mo per cotlv
, ,, ... , . .. r-
happy. Oiir Incut, at the time be
i .1.:. i i
ruei-iveii turn leiier, uio u-ji Happen 1-
luvo more limn -?,0')') in his vest
p icket, and that hn was about to in-
vent in n laro MZ-d tiovcrtiine it bond
fir his boy to paper his kito with, olh
vrwiso ho would have ctinpliel with
tlio yo-iiii ladv'H re piost. and render
ed h.-r "pni'eotly h ippy "
Am iMronT.iMi- Cahk. Wo learn
that a bill iu e piliy is to Bled aeaiuat
(he committee appointed to disliibuto
t lis twenty thousand dollars appro,
printed by (ho Logisl iturn for ni I lo
NKMtvand nrsTiM TE ajlf-ring from
tho great lire in Milllititown hist win.
tcr. It is claimed, and very justly
too, that the money was not all ap
plied accordiug to tli-j intention of tho
Legislature, as a very largj portion
went lo thwo not nkkuy, or in any
in inner rciuiriug such ai l. Ia fact
tiie couiniiltoo and one man (and ho ,
ono of the wcalihicst iu '.liat coiulv) I
toiiu oun-tentii ol lit wliolo nppropru
atioii. (t must require a great am t tnt
of moral eournge for membor ol thia
coniiiiitteo, or oao of tbo wealthy re
eipiciits of this bnun-y to put hims.-ll'
hefoto tlio p'iblic, as a eaudidato for
otli ic, witii this reoirl so fresh in tho
memory of tho voters. Uloorufiold
I.M Cliciiougo oouniy, X. V .ancvel
law.uiit is exciting considerable cari
osity. A Mies Kvaiw is tho pluiotiff.
and Curtis Ojoper defendant. Mr.
(hooper, it appear, aijreed lo ir'tvo Miss
Kvcna one ewe l.uub and iu increase
until eho was twenty-one year of ujje.
io consideration of a gild watch key.
Tho auit wis brought to recover the
sheep or i:g equivalent. Tlu evi.
deueo sbowo I that tlio iner.asj was
10 be in ewe latuba, nnd that tlio nat
ural increase of a H ick of alioep would
double every year. According to thi
-stiiu He Miss Means would havo at
tbo end of fifteen years 10.03 4 ewe
lambs, which at 8 1 per head, would
amount to 8dl,2.Vj. Tbe Justico who
hoard tho ovidcocj ha reserved bi
Tiifbb I dismay iu iho Church
family of Shakers at Hancock, Mjs. ,
it lea ling man having eloped with
one of tho fairest of tho fair Slukor
osii. YYh.-ro they aro now thoy
know not, aud they mourn out only
because Ira and Klizt, who bavo been
wilh llieui froiw ehildliooj, buvo gone
out among th wicked world people,
hut because they have Inkeo aome of
the Society's fuuds for tbeii- owu heU
Uah use.
Vukn Cul. McCaodleis the Demo
cratic candidate for Auditor Genoral,
was teadered Ibe coiuiuiishio of Iirig.
Geo. be spurned tbo appointment, tod
wrote to tho Secretary of War any log
that ''he hi lit veil that tin true jw'ti'm
of a liti ai I'.ud cf iveic.''' .
4 lrset4
. Tnc brnin(t of the eooljr ih!p Don
Jdan, which, left Mac) May 4, fut
Fern, with f50 coojiet oa, board, i
confirmed from two soarcea. Th
ahlp wi burned to tbe waters cdpc
within fifty miles of Hong Konif. two
day alter leaving Macao, llul thir
ty five of the erew bnve reached Ma
c m and all aay that the coolies ma
tined and ret Cre to the ahip aft in
the hope of forcing nil forward, and
so to obtain poonion of tho chip li
ii reporlod that f)50 cd lies were fast
ened under the hnlohc". 5 JO of wh'tn
WtT.! readied alive, the others eppim
wh o tbe hatches wi re burnt ofT. Tin
co'die Plate that lit rc were fitly Ivi-
rnpeans on tl.e vessel.
Tiir. tiKAti at (ir.rTrnt ni Tin
followinjr nil ma the nuniber of pram
;n lhe tietty.tlnii(r Cemetery, with tin
(UnVrrnt Sla-ia which they represent :,8),; IVima 4:13 Maasa
cliiKctls. 150 ; Ohio, 131 Maine
104; Michigan, 171; I ml anna, 80;
New Jersey. "8 ; Wiww in, 73; Min
nesota, ft.'i ; Vcrmonl, CI; Ne
llampuliire, A 2 ; Cnnceiicu, 22:
Mar) lm.l 22; Pil iwnr.', 1A; lib id.
Island. 11 ; West A iiylnia, 11 ; Illi
nois, (i ; regulars, 13S ; unknnrn, 07;
ntakina an nirreirate of 3 570. I) ;
'roctly alter tho bjttlti ihouatid-1
: were r.-moved by friends ami 1
relatives, leaving hut a compaiativcly ,
snull number. I
W() K ,-A,v,olU,;
., v h Republican primary 1
r " . I
tnceiin lie 1 1 nt Titusville r cnilv
female auTrae was fairly inaugurated
,cy .irs. Vltaries u. Ifrelt, who walk
, , ... ... . ,
V"' , ' , "r""'"
ilepoacu a "traiebi ticket in favor o
.' , , . , v , , . . ,
llitf canOiilales ol her r'loico. A"
,., . . . , .. . . .,
that e Is nun in the rules ol the,
. , ., . , , ,
party pr.ilnbitin ' femala auffraffe at
, ' ., m , h , .
.J hnt MrieU wn8
i , . . , ,. , , ., , , ,
U,e 10 ' ballot, and lhe lady, havmp
laOy, liavinir
exercise I her privilege, retired amid
tho ncclamatioos of the by 'lander'.
A liw.i of Kuklut entered tho
town of lUlhcrfordt'iri, iu R.itb 'ifor I
county. North t'arolini
the other
niuhr, beat an I maltreated
a Jlenu i i
tona, on the 21st insf., Hon. Runsolli
Krrott, Chairman ol tho C inmittre,
proi Jio.'. den. II. II. Id ih im wa i
I6'01' e V "T.?1" by "4cl "" 1
LyUo' f 'int..iftnn) td h-n
Kueis, and D. F. Ho is-on. of Philj
dolphia, woro chosen Socrelarioi.
Thero was a full ittoudnnee IVoui all
parts of the State.
A mule thief wis eiplurod u few
days ajn about forty mileit south of
Fort ScoM, in
Kansi", by a party ol
live men
Whilo in custody bo stole
t w revolvers from bis cantors, ntid
then, taking tho best liorso in the pr
ty, rode jauntily away, litiug sovcral
shuts as ho left by way of parline
NhoriiTVi Hiilt-.
II V vlrluanfa writ of Van. I. l i I. una I nui of
;i''"'i i ' '"nn tia Mj;nr mihuh IH: K '
i to iiiillreiia. will ba axnaI lu Publlo Sala, la :., V
luu th u::nl., on Mil ofthas.-
v. ......,.'... .... ! ahlii for the tai
I RlllAT Jl'I.Y ss, istl,
I alio o'clock A. M.tUa l.llowlnu Heal KU!
I to wit i A caruln
Tract of Land
: lltuota In Chapman town.hlii, Kny.ler I'n . ft ,
, lun.le.l follona lo wit i ta-t by .Mary Sh-illy
S mill hy Kaui i iI Hauler, Wa-t hy John I.'.
K miliar, ami North by Henry Jluujuic-I, cou
l2irlit At'PfM,
mora or lera, wheraon ara areola I l,itx I-'raiiio
llou.a, Itirn, an.l other o it.hull Jlnu.
Taken In axn. uth.n aaj lu ba oiJ a th prop
srly of Phlllii K. '
JOHN 8. WOLF, aherltr.
S'urrl(T Ofloa, Miaillahurg, Jun 'is, 'TI.
TMIIG uuileraicneil, Ailuiinlatrattr of the,
J. 3 estnte of Marv lli-eminglinuac, late of'
IVnire tounaliip, Hnyilcr county, deceased, I
will eiposa lo public ante, on the,
oo oATLUDAl, Ol'TOUEIl UtU, l7l,ibe
following Keal Eatale, In wit :
Two Lots of Ground
Piiuate on Market airect, in Ibe Iowa of
fenirevilte, on wbich la erected a
with die appurtenance, Ao. Sale lo com
mence al 1 o'clock a, in., wlivu conJiiiou
will be made ko n by
t'anlrevillo, Juae 2U, 1871.
Executors' Sale.
The undersigned, JCiecutor of Ibe Wit
Will and Tciiuinetil of Henry t.audenalager,
Into of 1'enn Inwnabip, tnydcr euuniy,
decvaacd, will eipoae lo public aale, oou ;
altor tlie Hrpieralier Term of Snyder county
Court urst, Ibe followiug dcsoriled Earut or j
rr 1 1 ACT O I I a . 1
aininle In Tcnn lownalilp, Snyder county,
linunneJ and deaoribed a follow, lo nil:
On mo norili by land of Isaac Link, aoulh
hy laud of Jacob Oil, Parnli Miller and
Solomon Knouso, east by land of Kolonion
Knouao, and uorlh by laud of tbe be ir of
Leonard App, cnulaiulng
Ono Hundred Acres,
mora or lea, in an excellent alal of cull !
raiion. on which ia erected a good
House nnd I Jam.
Timely notice of lb day nf ante will be
givcu. Person drairoiie of buy injt good
farm will do well lo visit the place. Kur
further iiiformuiiou unjuira of Vui.tsTiNa
Liiinlob, Salem P. O., Knvder Co.,
I'a , or II. T. 1'arkb, Allornev, Mi'iblleburg,
vales riXK lacuesslaoer,
Kiuciitcra of Henry Laudvnalnger.
June liih 871.
Xos. 81J at 814 Market Blrctl,
. (alftoae liiykll,.)
C?hurlcri IClcclciicr,
Terms W 00 Per Dai.. O.&ltr
'justice OF 'HE peace,
Parry Township, Bajdar Ueuatjr, Pa.
Collection, Uooreyaaelnf, aad all other bull
Data partalnlnir to lb oRlea will ba imunllr
f wisjiivV
-.icjto, uuTv near i'rviitmaujtllU,
The Urgttt Stock;
JJXtht Fineit Goods;
the Newest Stylet ;
Wnr the
Best Work
we hsvs f Xmansh ot the
every kindX XGreatestVe
of material oiXJLiTJk rietv. at
every variety of 3tai'kel
style, suitablo for
Youth from 16 to 20, Xi,
Boys from 0 to 16, TT1
and Children from
5 to 9 yeare. all J.
durable slrona.
made with special
reference to rough
usage. In this de
partment ou
prices are as
our Es
Mar Jut
in Clothing, and
we can assure our
friends from out
of town that llmw
J need look no fur-
V thor than Oak Half
for satisfactory
Clothing & satis
Work is
factory prices.
of the very
Full stock all
prXthe year
Easy rules for
prices, 4c, sent
free to any part of
America, and good fits
guaranteed. Market
and Oth Streets,
houl H',lnf Wejt lleavrr loan.
ahli for the year couiuicuclng on the ,11 day ol
.I'm'1, i.o.
Tai rt 4 mill, on Ilia ilollar I t clmot .urH.e
l a do ilo il, buihlliiii On
itt: i.ii'Ts.
Oroia amount of Tax Luilkalo ii.vij -i.)
Kvonorittlona I'l ot
i.oiicci-ir' i;uui!uiMon ti u
i IJ
UI'J si '
Net amount of tux rei-clvcl
Mnto a-rirUlii"t '
Aiuouiil ol tax yl Ono
Total recetpta
Paid to Tcarhcra
" .ir building purpurea
" " loi'l ana voMlnuonck't
' ' OluU.
" to Trca.urar, Pari-cntiixo
" " ricemtary, f-tt acrvK-c
T.'tal Expcoillturoi
Halanca on hnl
ll'l .".s
Si; :
;-.m on
ci i.'i
ll'l 00 ;
I.e. on 1
CI 10 1
lo ou
lf.V3 IV!
P.ll. Kxurp, Pro.-1'U-ut.
hecratary .
Watt Heaver, Junu loih, ls;.
of the School of franklin township
lr tha year eounnanelnn on Ilia lit tUy of June.
Amtrcw Kntter, Collctor an t Treurer, or
School i uuJ, In uct-iUiO witk 1'raukllu lonn.ulo.
To amount of Hunllraia
I To carli Irom li-aae liotvcr, Ul Col
I Ictor anil T'reaaurer
i To from .1. ('. ht-h-cli, loriner Col.
' lector anil Treeaurer
To bill, ol or.ler ai(iiln.t Itaae IleKvar,
loriuer Solicitor ami Trauaurnr,
To onler aalilntt W. I'. Ili wc x, lor
iuer Jullactor nnd Traaurer
iiWH,e 1
Hy order Mo. 11, to ImI .u Wallor.loacliing ;i.on
" " a lo H. T. Alexander. " 'il oo
" " 171.1" to M. H. Ulehl, " aa ixt
" " los. II. Noeckar -Ji.'mi
" " to M. II. Ulehl 4Kou
i. ., s-vjaioo. A. Sny.lor " oo
" " U to W. It. (till 41,00
" " to T. Z. Courtney ' -j o-j
" " 1 lo Amoi(lit,l,nll,lniirh-ylo,oo
" " II to S. II. Noeeker, learhlnir '
' " to Z. '4'. Courtney, ' lii.oo
" " -I to laaluh Wullor " liioo
" " l("l I) lo Krank. Krb a w
" " Il Uo l.ulsioiler, vjrpt'r wk Ci.ou
" H da 8. J. Ilorkhrrt, Hovo.
iiii.o-fll'ia o,14
' " lot') II T.AIttX.iuilar,lojeblnK'il,ou
" " l ito-S. II. Koecker " w is)
" " SI loU.S. hnyUor ' -j,oo
" " Oo lo vs ou
" " 4 to W. It. Ulft " ss.oo
" " V.' In ilo -u oo
" " Si to Andrew Krntror, coal,
hauling, ko., saiw
Audllora' pay io
Allowed lax of Henry Keailer and John I).
Allowed, entered oa unreato l lamia 4 a
Andrew Kralier, pereanUira for collcetinK tl 4S
do ilo do plii!oiiiiteirs.rKl III
do do attending Audit 1,00
iiuerc.i on auino
WK, tha undaralgnoil, Auditor! of Vranklin
luwn.uip, aara audited the above account
li ml it iru and correct lo the bo.t of our know
ledge an-l liellef. V.
PHILIP Wll'lp.v wVhU. (Audllora.
I'ronklla lown.hlp, April 10, la;i.
Oltora la prolaaelonal aarvloes to Iho cliltena of
aa'l t rove and aliluliy. Juuati, l7o tf
ENOCH SMITH, Proprietor.
Thi new bolel i mow prepared tor the
aeooujraodalion of gutali and will afford
Aral rat nltrtiniuenl la penun viailing
Krramont. Keerv effcrl will be made lo
prouiol lb comfort of trayvlor iloppiog
at I hi bouse Choice liquor at Ibe Hnr,
sod Ibe Table supplied with Ibe bast Ibe
market afford. Ail ample stable In oon
ueciioa with ibe boiue. AfrilU'TOtf
Ealalt -it MAIIV KNIGIITP, dee'd.
he ealal of Mary Knil,i, f
Trnna Tuwn.lilp, ilfrin-rl. bntlnu been
(ranted In (lie umlrraigneJ, nil persona
'mlt-Heil lo l tie eiste are reqtirate.l In
make payment, ami tlmac l avlnn etaima
againal lhe same, wilt present t!rm In
Mny 23, 1871. Ailmlnialralnr.
I'INR A?SOl;TMKXT of tiik irsT
I Llii; I'K. It'll V IIISKF.V.
'nal rreoirnl nno lor aale at
lintel, in MiMl-1nrff.
llio Kagle
JtillS A. STAtH.XKCKKtt,
Aiig. IB I.;.!,
ituxrsv i;r.xn;n. rmp-iitor.
The un.lrt(nrit ll,l mrtlin.l of Inform
Ipu the hllp Hint da h" cinri a hurl t in(
iivc i!.re, on UtM rn. frntn Mi.l.Jli
i.iirtf t ii-iv.rtiin, nn.l tlmt M I. .rpp,rc-l to
nii-rtuln ll.a -.iMlo IIIi l.r-l rln. .- mm-Hl i.
tl-o JiL.NKY II KM' 1.11.
April , is: I.
niox norsi:, Pa.
V. P
WXSR, JProprictor.
Aeemnnieilntinns s o I n it ! rliares moj I
irrflle. .kptcuii arriiTiiiiiinlaiiiina Im- oror
rs. A almieof llio pulilic ilronsgo i ,
, ai.lleitr.l. t. I. WKISKlt.
Npril l'i, 1ST I i
M.'iiiliotuI : How .os, How licslond.
.1ut ).iil.'.ir.t, anew elt Ion nf in. - i..
van'v i i.'a i'ki rnii i :ti I x.iron the ri.ll
ral euro (without irnlklne) n rii-.:ni nioii.
ml a a . or himliml Wrakrca. Involuninry
senilniil I.-b, Imio.tkm r Menial nn.l I'hy. lti(.;i i( It v, loi.lliO. t Msrrln-to, at.'
ala". l'ns-1-wrTms, Kpn.arav, nml 1-it, In
lui-ei I y aell ImlulHCnro or aciual axtruva.
a-Prlr-a, In a aeite.l envet.i e, only Scrnia.
T ne rriehnitr.t anih'.r. In till, n-lmlriihln o.
ant , rlenrly ilrilf.'hPtrnie' from a thirty )eira
rn vr. .till r.irt.-e, ihit lhe ntirmlriir c- ne-qiieni-e.
of .ell nho' niv t-o r.nllj;'ll- cure. I
with-. iu lhe it mirerou. u-e of In'etn il inwlh Inc
or Ilia ai.llcstlon ol t: ItnHet p 'Intluir i.nt
in. Hie l rore al nn-c. aonpti', cert ilu nnO elt.-
uul, l.y mrnp. ,,f whli-ti ci ery ruMerer, no mat
ter whut hi. rnn.lttlon mnv lc, msy cure liiiiiell
cheaply, prtvntely, an.l rnillcnlly.
, -f hi. I.n-tnra anonlit t In ot every
youth an-l every man In tlie linl.
Sent, un.ier, In a pl.iln envelot e, to -nr.y
ait'lrcra. potpahlon re.-clpt ol rl etnt., or two
p-tfi tao-ia.
Alro lir. 'iitvcri'M' " MarrlfiRO flolile,"
prlre T.". iM-iil..
A'Mrcaa tho Pohll-l er.
IIIAS .1. IV K l.'VK Mo.
1ST flowery, Now lork . I'oat ('HI -e llox ,:.
KflnlC Ol Kl IZARI TII llKII'IIKn.M'll, ilc'll.
I t K.TTKKS OK A lil IN IsTII AT ION nnn lie?
I -Mle ..I KllraN'th tteh-henl.nrh. I.iloi.l W.ih
Ii-Kton lp , ileeenml, havlnti lieen Krunleil lo thai, nil ernoiiu kn-m ln ll-i-iiioli e?
Iiolehip.l lo tie e-lata arc re.iie-te I tomiliej
piiytnent, an.l iho.e havlnir cl.iliut uxnliift tho.
I ' WIl.LIAm ttAttHIXn.
A Imliilslrmor.
I Parry townahln. January so. 1171.
! - i
1 K.tutsbf JAI'UII KKU'llE.MUAcfl, 'lei --it.
1 J in llm t?f(uto of .Tnr.ih Intn ol 1
Vn-iltml..n tj., tln il. hnviti vu unmhsi t. !
Die uiiitiTUni'tl, ull jTrptm- kimvrlrnr lLnt!'oi ! I i tlio rrt:it iirn rci'ir-n--. Im.i.kri
, vtrn iKl,ls i
I trmoi i, ii hruiii) i. li.l.
J lhe Eslaie of Mary I'.i iioinpl.i.iia. bile
of t'eDM-o township. diH-cnai-il. I.nviii-; ln-tn
Ii iiiiled lo tl.e iniili i aiiii'd, nil perm 111 in
lielited lo llio eainte nve d to innl:e
I uynirlil . nnd ilmre I living cbiilns n-iiiisl
till' BMll?, Mil pri'M'lll 1 It III lo
eei.ix iii;i:MiNiiiors.
M-ireti HI. lis'l.
j. w. Koi'Kiirr.i.i.ow,
I'llYi K IArr ANIi SI llilEUN.
oiler. h mife.ii.n:il .ervK'Ci l) lhe i l lcn. i. !
Ml :S;ei.ur un I ! .Iunrl-ll I
x i:t r rotrs notick.-
1 J 1 .--f -i 111 en I 1 rv upon llio eilnle
tlf I'l'll-
imi'il l!ioiie. Pile of I'eiiu toivnaliip, Mny.
dvi- eotinly. deeeaavd, lotvie been jiranled
lo llie iimlcrai'Mir I. all i'imoiis I.ii.ia inr
ilieiusidve in-li-lile.l lo an'nl estnle nri ro j
-ii.m. lo uinkv payment uiiliout ileiny. ;
and tliosn lmvinc' c'niilM on llio . n nillj
predcni 1 belli to JOKl'll ni'iisi:.
Kxveutoi'. I
1'eiia toHiis'iip, June "J, lb" I. I
Mt:s K. DAVIS im rLL,
m:i.inmihovi:. .snydkk fo., Pa.
II r.N It V A. Ettl.ltl I'r.prieloi
This well known loue linvin; lieeu re.
li'lid l y 1 lie preseiii pinproiiMor. oilers ex
ci'llenl act'omn-od-iiioiia lo tlii Irave in
eoiiiiiiniiiiy. I lioire li.jliul'M nu I Cijr-irs ill
1 lie liar, nml the Tnldo aiipplie.l wiili tin
liesl the inarkel nlTorda. A good atnl-'e
nil vii'li-'l Ly careful hosllcis, in eoniii i lion
with iho buiic. Apiil il-'7tlif,
Coiilalns no LAC SCMMIflt-Xo P COA It
tic i.t'.ut -No t.n 11 n, m.
THAI E OK Hl.VUIt, nnd in vil
li lily face I'i niii I'oiKonoua and
llt'nilli.di.sli'oyiii Ili-ugs
u-o l ill oilier II in-
I'repiiral ions, nml ..,.,.e .,. -,,..i,. t, ..in1
nut n il llie finest fntrio Mi fictlv anfe.
clciiit mid efiiciiint deaideratiinis
aouelil for mi. I found nt l i't !
It i-rslorea nn I preTcnt Iho Imir from
becoming lir.iy, iintoirta n aol't, klossy ap-
penrunee, leinoves Itanilriill, la to il nil-l
refrei-liinf to the lie-id, ehrc. Iho tbe Iluirl
from falling oir and teelore il lo a gi'iul
extent wken preinniiii'i-ly josl, pro veins'
lleaenrhi, cures all hiiuioi'.'. i ulaiirmis I
ri-iiplii'iia, nnd nntiaiii nil bent. As a div
aiun for the huir il ii Iho Lest nriielu in
,.,.,rl"i ' '
. . v..-i"un, iiieii'L-e, tiroion jtinriion
Mnsa. I'leparcd only by pHOl'TOIt
lniOTIIEit 8, Clouccitur. Mara. The (ion
nine ia put up in a panel buttle, mwdo ex
pressly itr It, Willi llio nn nip of lhe article
' '','own elnaa. Ask your drugit fer
i mature a uair liesiorailve, ana lake
Send a three cedt flamp la t'roetnr Ilrns.
for a Treniiae on the Jluiunii Hair. Tho
information il contains i world S'lill lo
to any peiann: H. IQ tiui.
Tha Northwaatern 1'idnnliatlon anil Prm
Hnmealaad Company. (I'lmrlerad l.y lhe Stale
nl Mlnneaola.) lumlshea Che , liati-l nf Kara,
and l.' Ciiica 'ra ll'.iiieaiveila. Mend lr f ree
I'ainphleia, kIvIiik Hl.ii.ry ol .Miniietnla, Ha ra.
anureeaani prnurew, f'erlllliy ami Advantage
Addreaa f.. I'AIIE IAY1, Coniniia.l iter or
Imuilaratlon for the Mala of k liiniaotJi, ami
lloneml aient for th M. W.?ol. Co., No. IM
llrnadway, New York. (Aetlit aud reliable
agsiita wanted In every locality.)
0. KUY k CO .
. .
Hot ween Eiltli and Sixth,
I.- 1 - . . m m
rSM baa IkaaVIUala Ba rrlW.klag I ,
eiJluSitrns i fas
:vcpy, r- irjifrTrsi
Ueaiaa, .l k itraraSrta--. jSf It S
4 l.lee. la l-tktri MrHv7. vllFriJr'
PiiU'hif t- Co'i. Ath-rtiHn;v -Nhotl
VpnOir t'irtli.Tirer. nt fum iio in i. .
"Mh ihonli' adiluMZlKll.tti a Jl. tl 1.1 v
I hi ti. 1 a. 1
810 Blade FlomTdcts!
fSnneilnrn urgently neetcl by everylioilr
Call ami see or U aamplea arnl (po(f,'
pnl't) fur 60 eta. Hint retil eaily foe $lo
II. I.. WoiroTT, IS1 Clialliam ?imre. N.v!
Hon! I'"i't'o Ac:ciitN.
A IVrWl rrfre"n rtlht.t tttn.trstr.l
PutnllT lul,- i. Ml. II. I ..I i .,w. . !
! ilnnian, cortmnlric Hll. lllaimy, liiriion,.,
tin 1 lp. tlntiiwiiiv and Ii f.r n.n.i
W.HJMkltl,holb Jih, bt, I'blla." -
WANTKH-AOKNTS. (9-20 per
ttin r-flcl.rntt tin.MK SHU T.
.MACHISK linn lh n,,.l..
r.r t. milie.
the -I.M-ll llt.-h" l illki. nn l.iv.
r..,. r,, n.i.i , . ,Vn.a J flP P-! H 1,1, lhPH.t.
tr Inmllr feirii: ,Mnrhln In th innrkd. A l
iltnr. .I.ii, -i Ana, A Co , II. ..ton, M.
fitt-lmrif, I'.i., ( hlc.iKo, lll.tir M. Loula, Mo'
Afnt Wautcl ! air Hi llrllllin, Willy tlook
tiie mrnc vomr,
Iljr o;iva t.ounn I'te.iraa areryhoaly will t la uinlyL Mimtt nn.l t.uri lorn. I .
, mi in cilora, an. I m Tint Iflii-trnilon.
I N'ulhlnir lik 'I ! cnvii.ln t-...k a mm hmu.
IV. . KW W OHI.ll I I ll.tIIl.N(l CO.. Ttli
j At M.irki-l Sta , I'hlU.
foil oi citis, ;ci.its fc litiKSKKKS'i.
Then tnt.l t prr.ent t Arid In t'omhlnnlli n
wltti nitirr .in.'Ir'O rm. ill.. In n i"t nlir f-.rii
r-T His cnroi.t ill Ttlli,T nml M VI lilupt
.r. Hi' it-KM-44 unit neriiA. urn cf Oip
throat ara lmm-.tlp)r rriiovt.l, nml rtnta
inriii are ror.turitly ImIiih rent to he firoprle.
l-r ut rrllrl in r.itt ui thrust. I;inoullltiol year,
f I A TTTPTA'H' D'-n-l t oVi-i-trnl hv wori'i.
VilU llUXll"! Imrutiuna Oct "
Wi ir. iiri.lll.. ui.lri.. I'rlcr -.' 't imr Uoi.
MUIN U. K Kl.t. Dllll. H I'lltl St., N. .
Sanil lor Kule Aacnta for the I'. S.
Reduction of Prices
TO ( ONI-'tirtM TO
I t.v iii'H lux up lnl.
-Sen.l f. r our No Prli-e T.l-t an.l a i lie,
r..rm t;l cc'itnmy It, ilnlnu full iliri- .
I-tnj. iii'iktnit a Liruo anvliiic In consumers aa-l
r-intnierntiv to eluh urKntilr rf.
Vie (JfC'il
Im ('i.-ft.i 'l'i (I C'lnifMiVi,
al fc S3 VKSKY sTUK.K.r,
P. . llo Mil.
r 1 s ,.t ...... .1 . w
" 1 "'I'l'iir' "I
skills 1 M IM
! A Now Ilo .k. ;oioetarn iiar., i
p iltii'tratr.l.
. in'ei'.eiy iniern.urm, nnil va
vory in-lriicllvo. hi
; 'IB"" territory nivtn.
On- jf' i mum llf im, nl f.i'lrr.i'.
.. , , ,
Api'l) to it an I rr if they nro not.
a. s. ii amco, ii.nrtroM.(nr,.
" " -- - - -
4tltwtlo:i A'Jili! Thlllli Of TJlli ! !
n!ii!i,ful S J ." flCO Cnrit
ar.v.-;.:;.:: 7';-. VA.,.,rv;.
,.llrK n.nrly rwi,tN ,;n,l elennt
1 1 ni I r.i l I..M-. mil lll .rll .. tinmx r.i-lor thin
l.i'rM..i,.-i.. l'i in on'y V. -Vi. Ini-omp:eiewoil.
written In t' eiiiterct ol iho Irl-li nn.l Krenel-.
nc l-i-inu'rol lth "M cut., an.l for want ni
n.rrll ciallulioi lo bei.illel il,.e. Ileworoot il
Ilrooket'a In both KukIIOi an.l llerm in. I. tl-i
i ' Imi'irtliil. 'Mlir, iilinhj, chenp'in.1
I '.t lel'linr wo k etont, to your Inter
el", nrlkn . i it 1- ly una you nin c lu moiii-v.
I Ir.-'il tr trie .inl lerm. exi-clleil l-y none
A. II. lil IJIIAUU, l, HO Chest,
mil M., Plii!...
IsaS.e.iih An.i iicaii pi nil that Ins beea
us; I l'i.,' iimi.y vonl J l. llic irediciil fucutiy
of l!ll.0 CoOIII lil'S jll U-'lll'K'l fill elliiMCV,
and is a Sou' mi I I't-t-reet llcinc ly for nil
!iii'.i-e of
Tlie l.ivi r nil I Sp'eeii. I'.ul n-g.-'iiient or o'i.
sii ocioii of luu .lines, l'i iiimy, I'tt-riao
or Alidoiiiiiinl O-tr iiM, I'ovi-'y or :t
IVnul of ;lo i I, Intoriiiitli-iii or
iicitcnt l ivei'-. lu;l iiiuo ol'
ni llm l.ivi-i', ii- ijiy, Slii'i si-ii
I ireiil.-iiioii ol liie 111 md, ALs-
I cisi', Tiniiois, .ii iiiidiee,
I 1'.-. ipi p.-in. Ague ."i 1'evci-
j oi liieir coiicoiiiiiiini.-',
I nr. Wi'lN' E vlrad or .11 1!l liKliA,
j In a mint p irlc-t iilternthn. an I laohViml to lui
. ill. 11.. ii. n r it hn iK'irntor m-l remeOy h.r ill
irn I ii : 1 1 1 ni the hi . i l, or lor "mania wa-ikne-s
; iviili their ntiiuil .ut cill). Tor Iho long.11.4
j (.'OlllJtlllt.
! Er. W1.I.I.S EXTIiAt'T (if JKIilllldlA
Ii e-T It liT.t'y .'e -iinmene.l to every f.imlty nt 1
hotijieliol.l ri-iniily. nii'l xlioiil.l ho Ircvly tai-.i
in nil ilerunueii cula ol the n)teni.
i It I' Mil' A PllVsti'-U I. NoTwhnt lp.-..
ill ir!y ealle-l a HI t TK1IS, nor IS it ..
j "iii-ii ; hut Ij , Imply n nwor!iil nlterntlve chlm;
! I eiltli. vluor at .l on ! nil the Tlliil font".
I mi l Hiilmnlea ami foitilivi nil weak amllj u-
1 I h:itl.' tl-llll.lT.III'l-llt..
! JOHN n. KKI.I.oil'l, la Plait St. Now Yor,
I ilo AkciiI fur lhe l'nlte. Si ie.
Prioa One Ilollnr por II ottlo. Peml lor Clrcnlir
It enninlna nvcr im Hr.e enirrnvlnira nf llutlla
' f'tnw ami In I. tenia in the War. 11 ml la tho only
Al iiii-..niiu uml OKU IAI. lil.lory of turn
Krf it luiihlut, Attonltt urn uifn(lnK wl: It iitiprt'
cflfiitoil Piicr$ strlltnir lnio "31 lo 4 clen ir
fay. mill U U puhhed in btli Knulltli uii-l
' f1 A TTTTATJ Inferior hlatoriei ara helatt
VXlU AiUJa eireuliiio l. HO that I tin
hook )oo luy o.muln. Ion line enitravlnn ai.l
, 7I' p.iKca. St-ii.l f..r eln'iil.ira ami ceo nur leru:!-,
i ami a loll iloerlpl I. hi ol tho work.,
NATKJ.VA1. I'l ni.IsllINU CO., Phlilla, M.
IVI 111."
PH1?. Mi jMTH Kawnaaa pahl Male i-r
.QitttiJ I emiilo Aticnta-Horre ami outlil PT-
nli-lu'l. AU.Iiosj, Saio Novally Co., Saoo, ."!'
Freo lo Pook7Agents.
We will .end a hamlaoma nrn.i,4rtua of our
New lllustrnted f amily inula cuntulnlnn ""'r
'.w tint hcrl.iira lilulrnlion. to any H '"
Ansnt, Iree ol i-linre. Addiau NATiuaAh I'l'i
LlauiMi Co , I'lilla., Pa.
rpiltllS IS M) HCMIll'O!
I liy aendiua a CENT!1.
Willi mio. height, color of eyca and hair, you will
receive, hy rciiirn mall, a eorreut picture ol your
luture husband or wile, with nmia ami dale ol
lo.irrUira. Addie.i W. VuX, P. O. Drawer No.
V4, Eullouvlllo, New lork.
IS A I'l' It K
ill. tf k Ti:t
I with Iho (Ireru Tea Flavor.
warranted ao ult all ta.le-'.
for aala cvirywliere. Anl
lor anlo wholsale only hy H
U ukat' Ati.antio k Pai ii -ii;
I la Co., drliurcJiSt. Nu
l,ox Um. fend lor Tbea-Ncctar
Tlila word la derived from tha (Ireek, alaniryli'K
the p iwer of the atiiil, spirit or uiiud, ai.d l l''
biala nl nil huuiun kiiowiclae. l a yi'ln ini" J
la lhe Il la ul a now work ot 4oo pauea, by Hi "
limiT II vm i.-i'X, II. A.. Klvlnn Iu. I Ii.. triirtl"""
In Ilia vi-h ii'-o of Soul Charmlna and 'vct"d'(f
In f'usrlna' Ion i how In eitil liiia wun-l.-il"'
jsiwor over men or nnlniMla ln.taiiianeuU'lyi at
will. Il mil-lira MoMoerliin, how lo he.'-n"
Trancaor Wrillnx Mrdiuuia, llitlaullon,
ilU'liiia, Aloheiuy, t'liiluaophy of umena ai'
aruama, ItrlHiiani Vounu' llaram, lluhl
I iliirrlniie, .o. 'I I.I. la tlio only hook l"
i l-' Unauaao pj-ofeiainii In traolt tlil c'
i etill power, and U ot luiuienie advanlatt lo Jl-a
Warili.nt nelllnic iioiila, the Lawyer In a'"1",
' liiaoonllden'-e of Jurors, the I'liyrlriaa lu l eal-
ino aiua to i.overe. iu rocurnig ilia wiie-".--"I
I lie oimjlt aex, and all sockln rkh'"'
h:li,i.ln...r l'rl, l,v aiall. In ahull. Al ii 1 lYV
vot ers, l. Aaeata wanted lor this book,
11. Aaeata wanted lor una innia, r"
iilo il Work, Purluiuery, Jewelry,
I rcolva saniplea free, ' A'hlrt'i T.
vala Medio
who will I
r.vA. I
Y"i i. O.
. t'lrvutui'.
t L, I'lilla. I a,
i-ui'iiures . i criuuier, i Dum "-
Via, t. Twk