.4 TI1E POST. fabUaaea1 eytry Thursday Cnnlng by JEUIUV OBOtSK. frwrlrtor. . Tims of BnbaartetMsrn - IWO DOLLARS PER AWJtTM, faytM, !.,a ",' ' If l paid bbUI alt trrtnRM are paid aoles at r""" " puniitDer. Ssbscripttors outside of the count v ft A 1 B I M ...... J anrl Ins J.lrnn.il Ia mil li " r"r"T j .r . . aiinacribers, end are liable for lb price f the paper J P. CUpNMILLRR, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Middlcburp, Tn., Olftr bi profemlstial tervleet to lha n,,h. lio. Colleoilone end all other professional butlneet tntrutlid to hit care will receive pnnnpi auenuon. a 8, '87,f 8I.MPSUN,"" ATTORXET AT LAW, . Solinsirrova Pn Offer kU profetaionil service to lb pub lie. All butlneti eatrutled lo bit care will In promptly attended lo. . . fJao. 17. 'CTif J. " knight, ATTORN KY AT LAW. . Fr.burr, men hi roicrtionai terviceto I lit Bub All ... . . tie. Dvimrn enirutteu is bit care win Dt promptly attended to. Jan 17, 'G"M WM.VnN(iKZIill, ATTORNEY AT LAW.. . 1'Cwi.burR To., vnen mi jiroiessionai aervice to It pun lie. Culleoliont and all other I'lofcfaion- al butimii entrutted to bit ear will re eelve prompt attention. GKO. F. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisburrr i'n OtTerv bit rrofeuionnl tervlc to t be pub lie. Collection! and all otbtr proferaion- an ousaneat entrutted lo Lit etre will re ceive prompt attention. Jan. 8, 'UTtf. I -M.TlNN, A.'lCDlLU J (HBeeetori lo -V F. k J. M. I. Inn.) Al lO.KNEVS AT LAW, Lcwitburg, IV Offer their professional services to ttie puliliu. Collections tnd all other pro tections! bntineaa entrusted to their rare will rcceivcprnnipt attention. Jan. 3, 'Tif CHAKLKS HUWKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scliitsgrove Ta., ttflVn biaprnfcvaiunalaervieet to the pub iiii. Collections and all other professions business entrutted lo bia enre will re ctlve prompt attention. Office Iwo door nonb of tbe Keystone lloltl. Jtn 6, 'C UA M V 1:l7 LLEM A n77 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kclinsgrorc Vu OlTrrt Lit rrofettinntl aervicea lo the public. All business enlrualed to hit care will be promptly attended to. Col lrctiont made in til ptrtt of the Stale. II can apeak llie Fngl'afl and Gorman language fluently. OHice bolwccn Hall't iiikI llie foji nflire. T N. MYKRS, AM ATTPRMT k GOCXSElOn T UW Middleburg Snyder County Penn'a Office a few doort Weat of tbe P.- O. on Main ttrret. I'otiaiiltnliun in English ttl Cmirr tfi:rpt. fip. titl ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. i Jfcswisl)urg Tn., intirt lilt prorcfalonnl acvlernto Hie pub lic All uumnrta rntriiatru to bit care Mill bt promptly at tended tn. Jnn. S. T,7i (UIOVEU & 1IAKKK SEWIXO MACHINE Perannt In need of a good nnd dtirnlilc Crwiug Maehine onn be accommodated tt r.ajnnnble prioet by calling on on Mam ikt Fat'iT, Ageul, Ktlitiagrove. f Jnn. 21, (.8 Dr. j. y.siiim)T:TZ burgeon and physician, MidJIoburn Pa., Oflen blv profeaaionnl tervicet lo tbe eit tieni of Jliddlejurg and vicinity. f Marsh 21, C7 J$ V. VAN BUSKIRK, 81RGICAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST Selinagrove Pcnn JOHN K. HUGHES, Enq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Peon Twp., Snyder Co. Ta Yn. WAOXEK, Esq., Jc TICE OF THE PEACE. Jackboa To e.ishipSnyderCo. Pn., Will ittend to all butineti entrutted to hit euro and on Iba mott reatonable trrmt, larch 12, '08tf DUJ. V KANAWKL. PHYSICIAN AND 8URGE0N, Ccntrevllle, Snyder Co., P OfTert Lit nrofcitloDal tervicet lo Ibe public C 88if GRAYB1LL k Co., WHOI.UALI PCALIII 1 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil Clolbt, Window Shade!. Droime, Walt, Bruibet Cotton Lafi, Grain Hags, Fly Nell, Bucket!, Twinet, Wicke, ke. NoS4S Nonb Third Slrted, Philadelphia. Feb. 7. 'OT 1? A. UOYER.Jr. -AUCTIONEER. Eteeburc Snyder Co. Pn., Mott reiprelfully olfrrt bit tervicet lo the publio at Vendue Cryer and Auction eer. Having btd ft large experience, I feel confident Ibat I ean leader perfect laiitfaotion lo my employee!. Jtn. 0, '671 B. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW & DISTRICT ATTUBM, MIDDLEBCRO. SNYDEIl COtKTY, Ta Offioe in Court Hiute, Sept.lfi, 67tf LEWJS li HE NEK'S SONS' TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRDS 38 PHILADELPHIA. jTERCHAKT HOUSE. 11. 11. MANDEHUAC1I Pbop'r. J. C. Ml'E, Clerk. Koi. lit k 41A North Tkiid Street. Pbiludelpbia ILLER ELDER ESALE DOOK SELLERS k book M-' lo VOL. 9. D. C. 0LA11KE, Importer and Jobber tn 1 Iowlery, . wiiil'i: r.oons! Trimmings, Ribbons,&c. AND FANCY W00LE1TS In (treat VtxrivLv X 37 North Third Strict. ?if) - riiiLAnxLruiA. pETKRSPECHT, Retpeetfully Informl llie ciliient of Ibit place and turroundina; country ibtt ht it now preptrtd to manufacture to arder. and hat fur tale, Buggies, Carriages, Sulkies. Sleighs, Wagons, SiO., at otieap, and a little cheaper, tlinn bey ran be purcbaird eewhcre. ii2jA.iiiiarj- of relilck't of tariout kimtt promptly at- itniieu to. A tbnro or the public patron age It tolicited. I'ETER srEcnT. Middlebnrg, Mty 8, 1H7I, tf. D. 11 SLIFKK'S WtlULESALK AMI RETAIL Furniture NO. CO NORTH SECOND STREET. (llelow Arch, Weil Hide.) Faifury and Wholctule Ihpnrlnunt, Wi North Otb Street, tbove Oxford, 8tf rUILAPELPHIA. HAXSELL, trcrittoa to rarreMaa k catw, CB.OOH&T AXffB OLAUWAXLS, No- SI orlh Fourth Street, .PHILaPKLI'IIIA. Otlginnl Packngca Conatanlly on Ilnnd. Reprtitnted by THKO'S SWINKt'ORD, HUM AND NEW GOODS! It. O. HCTZEL. P. S. McCt.'LLOl'OH nszzsii & ZtXccuxiiOuon, (SVCCES.SORS TO JOHN HETZEI.,) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF n i:kcii Ai)isi:: IIIOHEcT CASH PRICE r.uu FOR FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIES, Ac, ic, CHAPMAN , SNYDER COUNTY, PENNSTLYANIA. March 17, ltTO-tf. Q.HEAT EXCITEMENT IN BANNERVILLE, KtW OOODS. HELFRICH & BUOWER WUb lo inform tbe ciliient of Danoorville and vicinity that they have opened new Hock of gnodt, and will keep sontlantly on nana a tun attorimeoi oi :DHE8tt (KM) DM: Contitlingof ALPACAS, POPI.IN8.PLADS, LIBTHE8, DELAINES, CALICOES, &o. Clothe & Casslmcres HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and BflOES. ioKuu'ER&a.: HARDWARE AND QL'EENSWARE. SALT AND FISH, And la fast everything utaally kept In a tlral tlaai count r alore. All of which we offer al'greaily reduoed prioet, fer Cub er Country Proouee. Ilavioa bad large .eiperleaoe la tue butintte, we Hatter oureelvea thai we can pleite aid latitfy all ear euttomen. Hoping by atrial attention lo butlnett and a de.iire to pleate all, la merit liberal lite of publio natreaaga. Our motto It "Qnu k Safet and Smalt ftoM." " at lt that the jubllo eiaiaiaa .oak tad (tioea before nurehaeing re, aa we alwaya thow at good .eature. i HELFRICfl A BOVTEB. 3V;jUV',l.t18i01 MIDDLEBURG Holcct Pootry OOINO UP to COMINO DOWN. I m-m Thtt It a timple thin, 'tit true. And tottffa like thrao are never nice t And yet we'll try and acaltrr through A pinch or lwo of good advice. Then lialrn, pnmpmia friend, and learn Never In bnttt of much renown i For Fortnne't wheel it on the turn. And tome go up and tome toroo down. We know a east amount of tiocl, A eaat tmnnnt of pride Inaurea : Dm Fate btt picked ao many lock. We wouldn't like to warrant your,. Remember, then, and never rpurn The one whoae band ia hard ami brown For he ia likely o go up, And you are tikaly lo come down. Our Here are full of obance and change. And chance, you know, it never lure And 'twere a doctrine new and ttrange. That placra high are moat aecttre. And though the fickle god may mile, And wield tbe tceptre and the crown, 'Tia only for a little while. Then 1). goet up tod A. comes down. Tbe world for you and me, my friend. Hath tometbiog more than poutidt tnd penoe ; Then let mebumbly recommend A little uae of common aenae. Thut lay all pride of place aide, And have a rare on whom you frown, For fetr you'll ire him going up When you are ouly coming down. How tbe lcnron will Sold. ' Nonevrr aliill have you, Ixjily toaatwite, if I can prevent it. A city dandy like him iudecd ! I'd jnat at tier you'd marry Ian Hlcckrr the idi ot, as lo becoojo ibo wife of that pop. injiij " Aod PoacoD Mcrriim deliberately tipped bach bin cluir agaioal the tide 1 inlmkiib Asnm- et KaKtr ilia tvnd u'li n-i w t aa 1 u aja www a ea n no it fnvorilo one wiih hi in aol seemed to regard the cats us r tiled. Lctitia began to cry litUi, theo thought bettor of it, atiJ, dryiug her eyca, grew rapidly iridimnt. "Ho Isn't popiojny !'' she naid 'Ilc't ns good as unybody, mid a doal better tb.ia Poler IJri Igo, if you did but know it.' Peter liriJo was her father ' lavor ito, a Htealy we'.l-to. lo young furinur though people did say ho vua a tfillo pori aioaious. "Will, I don't know it, and nobo dy elto dou't know it, cither !' lio criinl nnurily. "Peter Ikidgo is d king to biai, nod lias pot four times iio money, to any nolbiuji of the old Uridgo furin, thai it worth Gve thou sand, if U't worth a dollar. I toll ye, Let ty, a pn could do touch womo than to marry Peter Hridjjo.' "Aod much better, I bope," aaid Lctty. 'At any rate 1 ahull try, for I rouldu't wipe my aiippiT oo Peter Hridgo." "Well, as I taiJ boforo, yon never nhall marry Ross llardiogo," annppoJ Deacon Marriatn tirimly ; ''so thatV (ho cod oo't. Aod if you woo't have Peter, why you can bo an old maid, I auppose." "I shall aot do either. I baro proo)iiwd already to be Hs liar. diofi'a wife, aud baro no iotenliua of breaking my word so thero 1'' Aod then, aHtonixbod at her own temerity, Lctty burst ioto tears. The deaeoa sat sileot a tmraeot. lo all bis life long ho bad nover en countered a spirit quite 89 rebellious at this. "I cover I'' be cried, aod in his dis may endeavor to regain tbo perpeo dicular. Hut his chair was tilled back to for tbat it required sodio exer tion to do this; nod giviuga spring, tbe door against which it was leaning flew open, nod over be weot amongvl the pots and kettles, and down came a pail of dtr'.y water upoo his devoted head. We are afraid the deecon tnado am of exprettions that would be wickod for even a sinner to utter. lie rattled around Runio time beforo be succeed ed ia pelting upon bia feet, and when :but difficult operation was acoom plutbed, hi features retomblod tbote of no Indian cbiof with tbe war.paiot oo. Tbe wife aod daughter fairly shrieked with laughter. "Iluab up!" be exclaimed. "It's s pretty time, if I'm to be made a lunphiog stock of in my owe bouse. I woo't endure it." "Just look in the glass," said Letty. The deaco sniffled, but he looked ts suggeMcd, aod the siitbt of iho crock did oot improve bis temper a particle. "So you will marry Roes II a r- dtngo ?" be asked. "Yes, father." "You woo't, Mies Disobedioaoo' I'll put a look on tbe door of your room, ad keep you on broad aod wl tr. I'll put itoo b,urs before, thro widows, and not lei yQU write a-word to eommuokale witlj bin," "But I am etghteoa, eried Letty, tUroiog aa red as a peony. , "I don't cure If you are etghty-oos I XodtQfthttr ofnrgs sajl marry a SNYDER CO. PA., JUNE i r.u.l aud bo is a fool, it tlnfc ever was one The deacon w.ig trs goo I o1 bit word regarding tho lock. Ho hud one put on the door of her roim, nnd Let ty beramo a prisoner. Then ho tnM Hos Hardinito that he oover ahould hive liPlitis, "Why oot?" asked Rom, quite cool iy. ".'he never shall marry an idlrt !" Ros tmilcJ. "Look here, oi l gentlnman. if you wasn't to bo my father-in law, I'd mnk jou nsk pardon for that little tpeech. As il ltteuppoH I'll havo to cnosiiler upon it inatcad.' "And if I waan't a deacon, I'd tench you belter thing, you puppy '' Anil Willi tbat tho deacon hurried awsy to the blacksmith's chop for the iron bars to be placed over Lotty'e windows. "A fKl. am I J' Ross Harding muttered, after bo was gone "Wo'll ee, old gentletnnn ; the cae is by o means decided. Perhaps thero ate bigger fools ia ihii world than I. nnd ono of lb 'in may bo n deacon. I like Lrtitin, and tho likes me, and I'm not going to h'ivo her up without a strug gle ofionio kind." So ho sal down aod wroto tit ia quix otic letter. '' I "Ikah Tom : You onco nid thai you would obligo mo by giving me half of your fort u tic, if I woulJ ac cept It. I told you I would accept the will for tho deed (for I knew it wus nothing but foolieli enthusiasm to you to oiler lo pay mo for doing toy duty by Urigging you out of tbe river), but now if you will simply transfer tho whole ol your bank stock to my erodit for n few day, it would bo a great accommodation. I pledge yt u my word thut I will ruturo every cent of it within n month. '' Aud then he xigued it, nnd scaled aod soot il away to the p ml-olli co. Throe days later bo walked ioto the office ofSquiro Murriuui, tho deacon' trolbor, nod told him ho wished to obtain hi advieo. in what reppict ?" demanded tbo siiUire. "Tbe investment of money. My property it niuctly in bunk stock, nod I winh to invost a portion in Home. thin j vise. What would vou tdviho?" i would prefer lo set your certif icates of ttock as a preliminary,'' dry ly observed the squire. Out caiao pocket books aod mem orandums, aud sufficient slock was accounted for to amount to thirty thousand dollars. The deacou'a broth er begao to rub bis eyes. ily Jove !'' be said to himself he wasn't a deacon, you koow "il be has got that much money ol I It-iubco is making a tool ol biuiielt, 1 11 put a flea in his csr forthwith.'.' Then turuinij to Kos, be nJJod s loud i "I d put it lo roul esittto, mm I'd put it in real cMate. yoong llS banded him ten dollars, aod lofl the office. And before Doacou Morriuia wus posted. oight Off came the lock and key, nnd tbe iron bars, baring oever been put on, were stowed sway, with other old rub. bitb in a hurry The next day Host vectored to call, and tho warm reception be met was a great surpriso to Letty, who never bad known her father to relent bol'ore. She held her peace, however, and did oot allude to it slier he was gone Her father did. "I've changed my mind, Lctty," be said. I've board tutDothiug about Koss Ilardiogo tbat has convinced me be is not so bad ss I thought Liter Youog peoplo will be young people, and if you wish to marry him, forget w hat I have tuid.'' But be did not tell ber what bo bad bsard. S Of courre the, dcaeoo's objection removed, it was ill tmooth water, and Rom drove bis wooiog so furiously, that in three weeks they were mar rird. Then bor husband explaioed bin artifice to her, fearing tbat tbe bid boen deceived, but hur father ha 1 uc- vcr told ber what bad changed bit kootimeot. Aod instead ol blamiog him, she kissed bim aud called aim a dear, nice fellow. lo a week ibe desoon began to talk baukitock. it don't trouble me," said Ros. with a laugb. IWl trouble yd I Haven't yon tljirly lhousand dollar invested, in bank-stock J" thundered bis fatber-in. law. "No, sir nor thirty oenis. TUo doacon said something that daaoons are bot inpposod to titter. "Wbathns beooms of tbe wealth yon showed my broilief f" ho sskeJ. "O, tbst Was borrowed for tbe or. cation,'' stiJ Hon, quietly. "I retnro ed it as toon n I bad ncconipliHlicd my purpO'f. You called me a fool nee, and I vowel to be even with yon, at I rnther think I am ' Ifllio deacon pr.iyc I Ihnt nij.hl more fervently thin usual, it win be eanso be had bud a terrible struglo with Old Adam within b in. After ill, lints Ilurdingo tlil not make n bad sm-ln law. Ami when he got to own half Ce lurvule, the deacoo forgave him rotirely. I'nrin iftrr tnplurr, Oeneral B'irol made the following report rcgnrdinit tho fate of the per sons held as hostage : Tho Archhixhop of Paris and Judge nonjenn wero shot in prison, and their bodies carried to tho Mairiooflbo twentieth nrnmlinscmciit. Sixteen others, -with a group of thirty-eight cendurmc, were taken to Pero La Chaino at night, undor tho pretext of brinu tranaforrod to nnothnr place of confinement, and were then shot. Four others, whose names arc un known, where shot on Saturday. The total thus known comprises sigty.four victims. On Saturday the surviving prison ers wero about to be shot by thcrnni nri'ie, which ha I eHiihliilinl its bead quarters at tho prison, when, at Iho instiitalinn of one of the old staff, who had bpn retained in his offi'e by the (-iimmnno, they rebelled and with drew into ono portion of the prison, whoro they barric.idod thonisolves, and where the Insurgents tried to burn them alive, The nintlrcsirr. however, beinn of wool, preserved iK.m a ll.nl .,-.. a . ... K I -u-iM. n , lirj nriu uifl, IJIIIUII burned. A hundred soldiers who badi remained in the hands of tho Com. ratine when tho barracks of Princo Ivi- grno was captured, foriuod atinnij themselves a very solid nucleus of re sistance, and at f o'clock oo Saturday evening the Cmntniinn, seized with n positivo panic, flod, carrying ofT with them tho tiinney-choHt, acd dtrcetinj their flight t the Mairio of the Twen tieth Arronciiesrment. The inside of the Hotel do Villf prrserils a enriooa sicno. tho solid miioscs of stone and litno of which the rubbish it C'linpoaed having fallen in in tbo form of a crater, which fills up lbs whole central place. I 'oiler this moil ml aro said to bo buried from JOO to 'iOO insurgents who were una ble to escape at the lust moment, aod thus fell the victims of the conflagra tion they bud th mcdves originated. Tho mutilation of tho ornamental work of Ibis inagnifiecol i-peciiiicn of architecture is simply hideous ; thero is scarcely a sqti-.ro inch of tho facado untouched by shot or shell, nnd tho huge stono columns insiilo, splintored and defaced, support a mere ehcll. Thero is u yellow, ghastly look iu the atino-pliero so charged with the smoke of burning houses and public huildiogs thut the sun shines leobly through it. The Tuilcrios is a more shell. Tbo smoko from tho Ministry of Financo and the maguifiueut pub. lie buildings ut tho coroor of the Huo Koyulo and '.bo lioo do Kivoli ia still rising from the ruius, and ia the eel obraled bouoel.tuuker's, Msdamo Dro uart, No. 3 Hue de Kivoli, well known to nuny o! your lady readers, a num ber of yodig women eniployod l he to took refuge in the cellars, and are now stifled beneath " a pile of rubbish twenty or thirty fet high. Tho Kue ltoyalo, which I could ouly soo a por tion of, is liko a Niouvitisb monad of rubbixh, aod tbo fire is still extending Turning back by the Houlovard Iluututnan, 1 reached tbe Grand Ope l ri, a mass of barriCttdea, aud too lull ol soldiers to bo a pleasant resort, es. pecially as petroleum shells wore fulf. iog on the Boulevard 'des Italieus, All lb oho palaces wbiub mudo Paris the wonder and admiration of modern times are heaps of smouldering ruins ber Guest boulevard shattered, ber uardoos luid waste, her gutters run nig with blood, and an awful pall set tling down bonvity over hor dying ugonie as she completes, ia com. pliunce with "the oooxorablo logio of laoU" which has formed her only re ligion, ber own suiolde- You have beard doubtless of the rivindieres of tbo National battalions, who have marched brightly and brave. Iy to tbe combat with tbe oorpa, or with the moo who claimed their wild and more than half unwomanly dovo. tion. One woman of ibis olasa, straight tall, splendidly eel, with vigor 10 bor face and bosuly lor every limb eh could oot have been more than twen ty-five, and (he was a woman perfoou Iy made I saw saoer ft frightful rate . 22, 1871. NO."!.'. tnptuicl I know not how, tho had kilH with a revolver, brfore hef hand coulil be stayed, a Vcrsaillist cflicer ntidlbroo of bis nice She looked "ont nod out" a fiity ; her handsome fat e was black with powder, hpr lips especially saadr livid by bafty biiinjr 'f fartiidites j Iwr bair bung in dis heveled tangles about ber handsome but ferocious fsee ; and her eye. (.learning with an overstrained conr goi I list mounted rveo to madness, hlazd defiance on tbo red breeched crowd who had her at their inTcy. I will not linger on tbe scene. Her hands were tied, and, wilh ber back against n wall, alio died pierced throucb and fhnuiiB with shots from the rifles of M. Thiers' Itoops. I could not help being deeply torry for tier. Ctirrrnmntrtef vf th London Time Why the Cvrinttna onqairrrl I lie I'rrncb. Having seen someihin Df both (jerman and French aoldiers iu ear army (and having the recollection u the " Seven weeks War'' ngainst Au stria iu mind), the writer lust summer, expressed lo a careful student of Knro peon history, bis opinion that in the war then romim-iicing, tho Freuch wou d be dofeuted. Tho student, an older lil;in, considered the idea nbxurd, nn ho cite I instances from Jena d"no lo prove that oo army ever had t')Oi (or ever could slun-l) agiiosi tho Ironcli. I lo was armed with stati-t-ties of population nnd stntitcs ol wealth to hhoiv that as tho batio U to the (-troiic iho (iertuin army wu man hi nit down to its certnio doom Iu spite of this, wo thought wo saw an element of stran'th in their ranks that wculd yet convitieo oar ftiond ihnt ouly soino wnnlerful and un lookcd for " litno and chatieo" could save France from fearful retribution. This clement or strength was the rme of duly which possesses ibe mind of an aver iu'o Herman, as il doos al most tin other mind in tho world He tuny lack uriistio taste, urucrfuluctx "f thought and tnanner, ami poi-tic fan cy, but no trip haimirrr is more ttea I ily liscd in its manner of doing it work. A Frenchman does his tvnrk well and gracefully when ho fuels like doing it at nil. A (iermati does bin well and thoroughly, when il oughl to bo done, will he, ml ho. Il docs not occur to Itiiu thnt ho mL-lit put it off or slight it. It is precisely this qual ity, which churuclorizcH the whole nation as it does tho iudividtlal, that has made their ui iny tho he.-t in I'.u rope. It is the quality thut promises henceforth to win till tlio substantial successes of bfe, whether for nations or for individuals for rulers or for rag pickers. In Prussia it has been a matter of cultivation. In all official I Wo, wheili. cr lo teaching school or In command tng troop, il is tlic thoroun man who secure promotion and reward Tho Boulder is a good soldier because ho as been brought up to ho a faithful wjrker, aud bccatiso bo ha no amhi I ho for tho ro-puct that his comrades und bis townspeople reserve for faith ful men only. Tho officer is a good officer, because bis training, from the time be Grst went to the University and theesamplo of tbtite above him aod around bim. have burned ioto bis very soul the idea tbat under all cir cumstances bo is to do bis exact duty, and lo do it Well. Hi) baa formed a hubit of thoroughness in bis child hood, aod every position of his life has confirmed it in him. Discipline, which is tlio soul of military biicccss. as it i of civil sticces, may bs eon siderod tbo universal ruler of the whole people. Ia tbe nursery, in the school in the work-shop, it tho army (whore every man mtwl servo, be he rich or poor), io Ibe camp, aod in tbe oourt, every man must do bis duty, or be muet go to the wall. Favorite ism hat less sway in Prussia than soy otbey country io the world. The mot it can do U to give askilllnl opportun ity to work for his reward. The Em peror is a hard worker, Uismarck is u bird worker, and Molike tbe hardest worker of all. In ono of tbo attempts of Baiaioe to escipe from Men, it beet me of vlttl necessity for tbe Germin army to gaio lime, and this only could be done by sacrificing a, regiment of Latidwebr (oearly alt married men, and of a class not generally sent on for dreign ser vice). This regiment stood its ground antil It was abiolutoly auoibilated, sbot down in it tracks. It bad be come tbe duty of tbeso to die. and tbey diel like mea tn the most stolid snd most heroic pursuance of tbe Idea in which tboy bid lived. Throughout the whole war tbe entire army simply did. its duty. Generals attended to A.dvemisstiarar Itaitet ftheenfevnaaiie yetf $r,o.'00. One -half eolamo, on year, SO. 00. rtne-foortli column, one year, IG.tsi. rrf fTjnar MO Hnea) one Insenloe 76. Every arldltional lMertlw 60. rrofeaaional anil nninrt eSriTrcf not more than Ave linee. er year. C,00. Auditur, Eseeutnr, Adralnitlraloe and Aiialgnes Motices 2,ftO. Edltntinl notice per line IA. All advertlsemeatt for a shorter period' thnn one year are pay a lilt at the tints tbey are ordered, snd if not paid the per son or.h-rmt ihem will be belli responsible for Ibe oioncT- their pfansofcamptiitn j ('ommandor? looked after their men and kept their troops efficient : Quartermasters h;,J their sopptirson band when snd where they were wanted; Commissatietr krpl the attuies well srrpjlirid with fno'i ; Si ldiers did their duly to the death. This is the simplo story of thcit wonderful success ; the urntv rt duly never lost its sway, sod failuro hecutnc impogaiblo. In tho French army, Iho very oppn- site of all this teoded lo weaken every movement. Tbo early attack was de laved for want of plrr, of orgooizatiou, of transportation, of food, and of dis cipline. Tho men fought liko tigers, and then ran liko sheep. Thoikvi of duty iravc pItco fitho iJca of "glory." 'thin" dash took tho plaeo of Jogjjn I and well governed dc termination. Officers stat'tcd out on the campaign wit'i w.ig in loads l finery in which to Cutebi ato their en try into Berlin, aud neglecto I tho tn i tcrial Sipplios without w.Weh it was itnpo-sil'Io to reach the Hhine. Thei (iovernmcnt sent maps of the sen coast country to oflli'ors Serving in Lorainc. Ilishuoiog ofticcrs bud drawn sup plies fir mors men than they had in tbo field, an I bid soil for Ilieir own benefit more than the surplus. Tim whole organization was crary disor ganization from the' outset, and douiot li.atiun so io a hl. d its inevitab le weight snd brought defeat. The na tion had been trained lor ' La Gloi v ." Fidelity, loiig siiffii io', duty, these were nil lorotioti ; and tho vic tory thai had biro orginiz.'d in tho homes uftlie German ve.-p!,-, lon; years before, when theso sd lirs wero but little children, was nssurcd from the outset. Luoriuous dtAtruct ion of lilt uud pioperly'atteinlcd its course ; but thcto are far outvalue I by the less m the war has (anht to the w .rlJ. I'll) lesson, namely, that the only su:o roud to success, is t be sought in a fuithlul adherence lo the well-marked path of duty; iu ulwulnto thorotigli ness in nil Uritirs. It i.s a lesson I It it is valuahl not only for nations, but lot' men for all men,' no I if it W' re well loarucd hy all. und followoi by uni versal lid.'lity, even tho cuornious cost of its teiit hinf would bo insignifi cant in comparison with its results. Ikurth ami Home. Ciikap variety hhows do not scent to thrive io C'slilbruiu, though ouo would suppose tbo soil especially cn geniul o tljiun. Win 11. Stilitb, lule msnogi r of (4jc Alhambra theatre, in ."fju Francisco, having failed, be was culled upon iu court to (ulute what means be bad of paying his debts. Ho stated ho Ind uo real or ersonal pro perty iu the world beyond u powicc watch which wouldn't run, even lor Congress, a kuil'o with thrco brokeu blades, n sprained lurso, aud a Coun terfeit f 10 bill on a broken bunk. Ho was one of tho best ilcGucd Ca.Aes of buukruptcy ever koowu in tho State. Majoii Uknubai, Cii.itLEi .Mivrv, of Florida, formerly of tho army of the Potomac, died suddenly io tho Tombs iu New York city, Sunday uigbt, from exhaustion resulting fntn intoxication. General Muody bad lately returned fioin tho army reauion ul Ilostoa.sad was c-miinittej to the Tombs lust week lor grind larceny, having fallen amoug sharpers, who plunderod iiitn und took this moans to get rid. of him. Geo. "H.I dy Smitli and other prominent officer will lako cburge of tho body. General Muady was n .1 stive of Hungary. Herb is aoothor ono of those he roes who are so common tbat they at tract little attontion : John Olvaoy, of Michigan City, Indiana, was sailing on lh lake with three friends, wbea ibe bout was cnpslzod by a flaw of wind, and a the little craft could bear up only tbree persons, Olvany, saying that ho bod w family nnd they had, bade them good by, released bis bold, and was d.-owued. Sir Phil ip Sidney never did anything half so noblo as that ! and yet who will re member ibo name of John Olvnoy to morrow. Amu Susan B Anthony lectured at ltipoo, Wis., she wanted some rc. creation and amusement, so ahe took a walk on Sunday around the grave yard there. Whilo she was enjoying tho literature of, a tombstone, aba bfard a lot of little boys laying, "That'a ber," sod site thought, "such is fame." Congratulating herself that even the-children of the Und kctw ber, she was aeooated by ag ur chin, who said : ''Say, ain't you the old womta that walks op tbo wire on ibe elrcui tnt to-morrow, Y