The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 25, 1871, Image 1

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    1 T- r
fl3 1'ONTT. V
Lj iter Tburadsy Evening by
IIUB CBOrsr, Proprietor,
lof Subscription,
iiLABS TER AttJUM, riysbls
-montha. or 160 If not paid
"its J""1 " PFer o'aeonllnBsd
ill irrearages are r1J unless al
,mifht pukllben !
!,,,ion otilsido of the county
. unlit and uilnc Diners
L g ether becsma Subscribers,
,ibll lr " rr, u paper
Midtlleburg, Til.,
.proleu'lonat services to the pub
tt'itnt tnd all other ftofcssioeial
..insted 10 bil cart will reeetv
.UMitoii. fJsa . 'Hit
01." w f ' '
Selinsgrovs Fu.,
.jrofenaionsl service to Ihe pub
buiiieei enlruiled to bit sare
Lfjoipilif attended lo.
Frecburg Fa.,
,frnft,l,K' service lo lie pub-
laiiites entrneted la Bit car
bNoip'ly attended lo,
Jaa 17, 07tl
VaN (iEZF.K,
Lewinbtirg IV,
, profefilnnal lervio to he pub
xiloDi Mi'l nil oilier riofcssion
nrntratted lo bil care will re
apt attention.
Lewisburg 1'n.
.frofestlonal service to Hie pub
Kiioni and nil other profraiion
qrnlrtiPled to bit cur will re
apt attention. Jan. 8, 'VTtf.
L'l.NS, A. II. DILL,
tonn to J. F. fc J. M. I.lnn.)
StYS AT LAW, Lcwiaburg, l'a.
,r profetiionat etrvicei to lbs
i.'jlU-cliont nnd all other pro
. business entrusted to their cure
irpruuiptalleulion. Jan. 8, 'C7il
ISoliiisgrove Pa.',
. prmVmonaleervicot to tbc pub
tciiuiii and all oilier profciona
i tutrunled to bil enre will re illcmlon. Office two door
tit Keystone Hotel. Jin 6, '8
Solinsgrovo I'll
i Professional service lo the
Ml business enlruated to bil
k promptly attended to, ' Col
axle in nil pan of tbo State.
if tali ibe Kna;lMti and Gorman
fluently. Omce between Hall
i'uii etbee.
::rg Snyder County Penn'n
f tloori Went of the 1'. O. on
,ti. Cuiiiuiliitliuu in Eiiitlioh I (.in ftp. till
LowiNburg l'a.,
' profrjiional aeivicento llio piili-
tojiuesa entrusted lo bil care
-oiiijilljr attended lo.
Jin. 8. f.7i
(?m ft
von y.
NO. 1L
!D;,C. ,CLAKKli,
I Importer tnd Jobber In
St. ' . .
, XIoHier.v, ...
' HlIUlll rHfOH,
Trimmings, Ribbons,&c.
;T and" J -. ;
InjfJIJi-ent. ViifitH.v !
37 North Third Streot,
t-8if riitt.ii.riiM. '
Iteipeclfully Informs Ibo ctliatn of thin
plce and mrrounding country that, be i
now prepnred to manufacture lo rder, and
Im lor talev ' - - -
Ac, in clcap, and a little eluaper, limit
tbey nn be pnrcbiied eNcnlirrc.
of vcMulea ftaiioii kinda prnmplly al
Icndi'd lo. A iliaro of tbt pulillo patron
ago iliolk'iteJ.
Mi.ldkd.urg, Miiy 8, 1-71. if.
Furniture Warerooms,
(Ulow Arcb, Weat Sido.)
I'wlorjf and Wholtsuh lrurtmcnt,
1GU3 North Cib 8lrcet, abort Oxford,
9-8if rilir.ADELl'IU.l.
rrnesoa to CArrrniAn k rmv,
Xo- H North Fourth blrrct,
Original Tnckagci I'omlanlly on Ilnnd.
RfpratenUd by THF.O'S BWIXWOKD.
.11 UAKEtl
In need iff a good and d limbic
.tliino enn be nccoiiimod'ited nl
prieoi by eilling on on Sam
Agent. HvlinKKTovf. - ','
Jan. SI, 'OP
v. smTnimsl"
lifiEO.N AM I'llYRiriAN,
Midilljburjr Pa.,
pmfii!tlonnl icrieet lo tbtcit-
'I.JJlcjurg ind vicinity.
.Murcu 1, bl
Scliucgrovt rcnti
K. 11UU1IKS, Esq.,
Penu Twji., Snjdcr Co. Ta
WAGNEll, Esq.,
ToiiHbip, Suydor Co. Pa.,
1 to all bmineai enlruated lo
tod an lb uiot naioaable
- - Marob t, t8if
I KANAWEL, : . .
illlc, Suydcr Co., Pa.,
M Jirofvif ionnl icrricei lo'tbe'
it. . o-aeii
fill & Co.. : ,
Window 81d, Broomi, Mali,
rtUun Lapi, Uraia Jlagfi Fly
ii, Twiuei, wici I, no. v
"til Third tilreed, Philadelphia.
WYKlt.Jr. t ..
' KrBcbtiri Hnvder Co. Pa..
bf lefvlcn lo
f i Vendua Oyer and Auollon-
'! had a larga xptrleage, l
"i that I eaii lander perfeot
ii iq xuj aniuluyiei. ' t 1 '
, IJan, , tin
I'lirt D'juia, dopUlO, '6Ttf
f 18 Ml EMEU'S MA'S'
Piiop'h. -
C.MVB, CUrk.
416 North Third Plreel
I rblladelplil
Klilttiik Louk .MuDQfuturcr
rfapi'lmfi lllaillnpf Cur
JU apM ap Uaai M.Un-"lereo-i
Mir i J t- i,
,'nib Tbtrd HViei 'ataT Hut
uiuucii uu i i.
ew riu.M
n. a. lirrzKU p. s. hccclloccih
. i, -
t '' . . ; ' ; -
mi:kcii adisi::
' TAII FOtt ' :
? !;JnA,LOAD; Tife;-r '
Maroh ir, llTO-ir.-
: NEW uoou.
With lo Inform the clliirnt of Pannerville
and ilcioity tbal ibay ba onemd a new
atoek of goadi, asd will beep ooMaiiily oa
bbdu luti auoriaaiui of . -, :
i o ';v,yKTi'ttim:
, . ;,( ,..' , .
. ... i4 t i . , t. t ... i
CoBilatlngof ALI'ACAH.l'OPLlNa.l'tAUS,
I I'KTUk'M hi t 1IVIJ '
I - CALICOE.s, Ao.
. i
oIIin V t'nssiiiiercs
HATS aud CAPS, BOOTS and fllfOKS.
i ,,1,1 -: v"'",".v"'i.,.4
I V,-rf. .!, . " i t
And In fact everything u,ually kral In a
Arl clam coiinlry Wra.,, All ol wbtob t
oHur at a evilly reduevd urioti. fur lu.b ur
Cuunlry I'ruDiiui. , . ,
HaeiHit liii'l t larga eiprl,t0 la Hi,
huliii. ' fliitlMr tivraolvea thai a tail
plena a ad llefy all tmt oattoiaant
Huplug by alilul alteiiUoa to builueai
and a deaira lo pleaat all, lo utMl libiral
itaaa of publio paleiiuaia. Our uiotlu U
t.-t "Vtiik lSUiiKtStinaU,tifit." I
IVaaak 14 Uaal-laal iba ' .iibiie) oaatalae
our Mock' l4 -(rlvea baforf -prbaila
Ihaahavt, jdvay, , ka,tf"..iuj1
4ll llaaeuta, '
IJBiUtt'UlV.JaBoif, )J0. I( i . .
N 1 : i I'oeti'.Vi
A man wbo owned a terrier dog
A boh-iailad onery eiiaa
And thai there pnrp gut thai Ihero man
In many an ugly mu-i i
For the roan win on hia nitiaolt,
And the dorg wa on hie Idle ;
8o lo kirk I he dog-goned anlntila
Wat ,uie lo rniea a fight.
A wnmm owned a Thbmm cat.
That III at fifteen pound. :
The other cata got up and ilid
When that Ihera cat ai rouod.
The man an I bn dnrg cam ilotig one dny,
Where the woman the did dwelt,
And the pnrp he giuwled forooioualy.
Then weul for ibl eat like everything
He fried to haw 4 lie aerk of the Cut,
Put the cat ho wouldn't be chawed,
So he lit on the brick of that there ihtg.
And bil ! and ol.i ire 1 1 an I cl.twe I '
Ob! Ihe hair il flew! nod Ibe dog be
yowled !
Aa ihe clawa went Into hia bide,
And chunk of flesh wn peeled from bia
bick ;
Then be fluuiniuf ed, and kicked and died
The man be ripped, and eued and iwore,
A be gnltirred a big brickbat,
Thai be would be dtirned eaaentiiilly
If he did not kill (hat cit t
Hut the old woman allowed iho'd bo ble'i'd
If be did,
And -nnlclic'l up an old ihnt-gun,
Which w ii tired, and peppered bil Jl
plirngm Wiih bird .hot number one.
They loled him home on a window blind,
And the doctor cured him up ;
But he never w kuown to light again,
tlr to own another purp,
Polka may turn up their moots at Ibil bero
1 don'i care acuta for that :
All I want to thow la, tbal fighting dorg,
Moy latkli tht vruug Turn cat.
IIOW .11 411 1 11 WAS U1S-
ioi: ov.
BY It. W. 8.
" Now Hint Julius in coming home,
my dear bmbaud, Martha tuuit bo
dibpoaod of.'' .
Murtlm di'pogeJ off" Mr. De
iJsle looked at bis ImridHouH', irifto
crntio wifo, utterly at oa t J cotnprc
head her tl'uu mcaniug.
Mrs. Do Lisle loulioJ; a delicate,
lady-liko Inub it was, you may be
turo; only such a laab coull cvor
have escnped from Mrs. Victoriu Ic
I.irtlv'i baughtly carlud but beaulifal
" O Mr. Do Liide," caicJ iho InJy,
still laugbing, "I might know youj
would never anderstaud : you meu'
two o obntuo."
l I n i1miI f rnnnnl in.Aiifn nliflrft
,!,:- r it,. ti.i
lore, or in whit matioor, you tihonld i' . , ,
,. , ,. . , . Martha is poor, ana tiho must be
di-noso or Marina ; nor can I ce what .. .
upon what iho can cum. I iha'l
cend bvr away to morrow mora Dir.''
" You nr hard-honrtt'il, Victoria.
But I geucrully hare to yield to you."
" 1 aui out in tbo lea.t LarJ-licuitcJ.
I am only governed by good common
iseiife. Martha must go It, u a oe-
fcssary mca-ure a kindnca U t'no
kept them 10 jmlicioualy Koparaicd j
tli mki to my prud ;ncc ! hc in bonrd
in sclmol, be in collide, find, since bin
L'rudu.itiou, liuvliu iu foreign hod,
that thry bave, tlius fur ottcuped any
uclt lolly. Aod it to proviot lb
possibility of such n calamity, wbiili
Could only cauju neoJIees sorrow, and
can oieily bo avid Jo J, I bat I wiali to
keep our lo yung peojilo depurated
until Julius fhiill bnva nini rlcd."
"Vit toria Io, I hero it no dvitct
wiab of my heart than to sea Mui lliu
become the wife of i ur Jnliu. I bave
never mentioned It before, for I do not
bclievo o controlling young pcnplo too
tuuch in Riicli m;iltcrs ; buL JiiluiA
could never dud a more worthy wife
lhati Martha, wero im to icnrch the
world over. T im confl lent thut he
will bo tbo bitter able to appreciate
her luvlinran after having seoa tiie
beauties of other IuikIh.''
"Mr. Po I.lalo, you utterly aitonieh
mo You would bo willing for ottr
too lo marry tho ehilJ of a beggar
to marry agiilwhoo very eiiittence
is, perlirips, a proof of dibhouor I For
tihaine J What low aspiration ! and
you a Do Lilc !"
" Yicluria, I know not, I euro not
wnat was Miriba'H pnrentaue. tl.o,
herself, Is good nil I bcnutiful. No
t-liniiio ( u ottneb itself to Ar from the
0iblo sius of tbo-c whom shu b:
never Known. "
" Martha ia good enough, to bo suro ;
".Souls are iuvipubte, Mr. 1'e Lislo
Her fiico and lorui are ItomUonio."
"A mcro otiUido beauty."
' Her iccoti)pliliiiiei)is "
' Mero liuicl. No depth, no
depth'." '
' Iler family '
liniily i uotliin. Dors a man
mnrry his wife's family ?"'
' Iler fortune "
" (iuIIO to till) willil.H.''
" ImpHiLle !' iiidiy a!tvruooo, Il wm an agreeable
"Theroisa riim. r aflovit thai lier.'C'Vatioti to Wilk abn,' its" U iti't f r
further. E.iptiiro l!uh. is lanki upt." ' 'tw iiiiL, iiilll 1 c o il I soo its h jj 1.
" It ranuol be, Mr. Do l.i-lo j wliut .iters isuo from tho tiloi'a s". 'e,)
me vou saying ? lil you nuLo u p u,' whieli tl.
iho variiim thoonet of bis young phi.
losipliors, Hiid tint ho would not, a I.
vnucoonoof his oru, but, in
htirublo imiutioii of .a grcn'.ur mao
howoulltell tlieiu-n ' liitlo story,'
which might possibly thrjw a ray of
light upon the tilJ :ct.
I "In my early diy," lia cout!rni;l.
j' I waa uui of lUo leithcri in an ucaJ
jetny ut' lierkiliir . A pletsant
tl iwe I past tho Villi,;.', and, oo SjI-
(lYcrtfftiilsr llAtcKe
One eolumn one yeir tCO.Ofl.
One-half eolttmn, ene year, 10.00.
Oae-fenrtb enrwwiw, ene year, 1
One aciuare (10 liaea) ana Iniirlioa TO.
Every iddllional Inaertlon Ml.
I'rofea.lonal ind Buaiuen eardi of
sol more than five liftet. per year. fl,W.
Auditor, Eiecator, Administrator
and Aaignei Nolicea 2,6),
Editorial notices per line 11.
All advertiaetiieata for a ihortrr period
than one year an payable al the time
they are entered, and if not pild the per
son ordering them will be held rcaponaible
for Ihe wont f.
"Al linn ei i-i-i, when 1 haimaJo
up my mind for the wont, it occur
red t) nutliit, if I ouM not rise, I
might ho tiblj to walk or creep be
low water, nnl thus manage to roach
tho brink, w In oh wis n great dis
tance, ft was a lrnven sent in ipin
lion, nn l aetel oo without an In
stant's delay, t fjind to my jiy
that lliero w.ts hi hindrance whtitov
cr to this mode ol 'pictures! n, nnd I
onwloj ali'fi the b"llom lilse a
crab, in les than twenty ceeonds my
tlrippin' bead ctniT.'cJ frdti tl,o
j ireaehcr jjs bath, an I I wis once morn
irctiiintj tbo wjrra dimmer air. I
i.'toNsing tbo Urcaui, by a b ido op. J wn mvcI !
ilut hloiy to fiixhtcn me ?''
"Miko up a story I by no moans j P"silu tho ucb jo!-!iousc, I waiiderul
But iho f u tiino is : oly fecoudary hot July iilieroOiU up llio lei't
mailer. J'llius has money enough in : bank for nearly two miles, w bote it
hia own riiilit. If his wilo oh ill . lakes a s id Ion turn, brtn rin tin
hot golf e.ipulilo of nialiti;; him happy,
I euro littlo wbeihur or not sbo brings
hiiu a fortuue. But, pray real your
wayfarer by its circuito is win lings
within eisy r "acli of my .slartiug point
'Fouling lire 1, and iho stream b.1-
If tbcro is a word in it i ihg hero very nurrow, I rosdved lo
letter, wifo,
from the dear child, or about her, I am ford it nn 1 :vc my diitanea. Tiiero
anxious to hear it.'' is u'r-rall at this Hpot , mil bolyw
" Hero, De Lisle, ronj it yours!f. it a broad cxpansn ol wator, clear
Whut you bave told mo about Unit lo-s'd hallow, except smmudiutely uu
ol' properly has unsettled my nerves. , derncitli the hIi ot, win ro tho depth
But. leallv Jo Liele. it is hard lor mo . is about twelve or fourteen tctt.
t.a Iipliitvi It .1 iitiiiBi'ai if i r.i I ii I ... Marebiti'' tin ihe bank ubuut two rods fill rate I a denser
million and a h;tll'ett!i J uii 'li her, and
fwh a brilliuut wcUiint; it was only j i"-,, which I took in my bund and
list week.'1 1 prrpired to cros. F mr rtept would
"I hr twin my soil on tli j irrm wi! Ii
j iintiitcrnbb.' tlinnkl'iiliirss, I rested tor
I a lew minute-, nnd then doli'i 'rately
wa led in nnin to recover tho shoes
I and stockings I bail bit behind,
jwbirh wus easily r.ecompiiih ; at
j yeu see my friends, that, with jetsvc
j rju'-e. 'so:no things may bo done nr.
: well is o:i,ir 1
' Now 'a, why wa- it that I
'could ttol rifj cr .-i viui iu that wa -i..T
I "Tito dabbing of tbo torrent l. I
raided fO many luna-hcllx, and so iu-
cl'.'iiu'tit with sir,
I ditcehd niVffll ol shots and atoek. that the spocilie gravity of iho water
was totfi! y channel, and 1 migot as
soou li.ivo jt'omu'.e 1 to tl oil o.l
' The settlement wis all gas. Ilieh ( laud mo on tho etbtr si do. The run
knew bo was bankrupt must hive w"s scarcely a font d.cp.ntil a slip
bat my son shall never marry one I known from the coudttion ol u:lair , perry green moss, m
wbc-e origin is Invclvcd in obscurity, j but ho kept up tho hhow till bo mar-, d by the current, lined its bed invl.
licrbars in bamo: a uii 1. too n b o.-e tie 1 off bis duugl.ter : till, in ihurt .'"g'V- I threw out a guj d out leg
mother dl.ed iii."uue !'
''Tha insanity might nothavg been
hereditary. Adversity, or suffering
might have induced it.'
tiil our Julias was entrapped, and iliou.aad plautel one fjt on the s;lky
Oh, my silly manu-uvring I'
II nsli, LiubIi, dear wife ! do u it io-
Mr. le Lisle, it is uselesito wasto ;t'trupt iiu. It is an unpleasant habit
which I
before1"1- 1 wa-uliout to say tual llnoi, or
1 id I say plantod 1 I rH'oivol ii:--tanti'r
a -"on iu dynamic on which
I bad nit cjlul.ted, and winch miy
wor,U with rn.i I n..lo i,ron.i-o tn n I I Which I Wl.-il VOU Would l id VOUrsell ll" I 1''
.My part was deenleU upon
I spoko to you ; I sbull scud Mat l ha
at onoe to Si.-tor Brando, iu Uakdnlu,
and 1 shall toll bcr, too, to make her
ur champs nu : un il.ut sparkling
' I'iie strongot lish (bit ever swim
tho occin would be powerless to rise
from ibe iibysstd Niagara ! ' .liVxon.
J y ;!'(". "i . I , 'on innri V,
Vvoi lli Knott lug.
A knowledge of the mech mism ao J
i ffi uf the skin is of greater iuit.or-
itiag uuJ eating tli-
o3e lhao hat to any other pari of
rather, now, the true sUlo of
aduirs has oolnu lo liht. lie
igrsip'iioal engineers
Ilicb") twinkling ol un eye the il.cLjij'. i a or . strual wv
is be force of tbo curtcul ba I w rpt mo iff. triu of cur b.uics U cotiipoivJ c
gared. Yes, Via, our Julius bis mar-,auu 1 wl" wn'r l'11 "w"' ""''i-'" '
' I'j ...iiiii
u-cfil Martha is no Loir of ours, ried a girl who u as por a" a church j
pauper. Hut now for the Infer." l,,u "'!"'".- k la coo., ana
" Not yet U'l. 1) Liale 1 yo I bava ll:vr diuugtoo neil.-ut I j.t u.y
sbueku.l u.o feutfully.'' prcnooco of min-l. Fear I bal none.
" I think you will survive. Shall , 1 w" T vi.nmer ; there
I road?'' 'were no r k-. as I well knew, an I.
belore I re.uL-d the vcrg-). o rap: I
are llio operations ul'tl.c mind, my
cours. was ileal ly m.u k- 1 out. A
and the sooner sbo comes to uoder
stuud that tho uiuit make bet own way
iu tho world, tho osiier it will bo for
her to do it."
" Victoria, I always intended to
give Martha at least a third of my
property, proviJol she auj Julius did
uot fancy each otlior.''
" I never bad the rcmotost idea that
"Howbarl bcartod you are, bus-
i) Liver, call.'l by inatomits. Jer.
ir.a aa 1 th dermi b'dng
i Lo lower layer, r tl.e out?'; Jo c .vii
;ng ol tLe bv y. Deeply impelled
ia tlic dcatoi are a mill pi. -.ty of
g!an N, raa 1c up ( a cner..- dt vm-iele-c.ileJ in rcall obloc
bojies w t. c'. up. a a t-le or
J JCt,
read. n wbcu I an ,
band, to talk,
fuintiu'. i
' Hard keartel 1 N.t a bit of it : s03n 1 P!"n-l-J in 1 wuM
I don't tliiolc you aro fainting. I sin
only goveri.el l y good cnuinpn seu-e,
tube pas-ee fr in ti.e glad tl.rgugll
the d-r:n an I cp Is; lias astl teraii-
Julius's coming botno has to do with
it. Martha Is like a daughter to us.
Wo touk her when tdie was no infant ;
tind If sbo were our own fl h and
blood 1 doubt if we wi till lovelier
more. I suppo.-o I fchould say " I" not
"wo," though I never, until now,
doubled your lovo for her.'1
" I do lovo bcr, Do Liele, nod be
cause I lovo bor I wish to spare her any
' Paio ! llowpaiu? I cannot con
ceive "
"Mr. Do Lisle, you never tun con
ceive. You nre always saying that.
You bnve no forethought. You are
forever unable to comprehend, when I
present any project for avoiding on
pleasant occurences. So I will state
the caso plainly to you. Julius is
handsome, accomplished, unma.'ricd.
As our only child, he is the heir of a
vast inheritance aud a Plearo do not
interrupt mo. Mr. Do Lisle. That Is
a vety unpleasaot habit which I wish
you would break off. I was about to
say that Julius :s heir not only to
immense wealth, but to an unsullied
name. Marlba is a foundling ; her
pareutage ia a mystery. All wo ever
oould ascertain was that her mother
diet a luaoiiio. We took tho lufant
out of charity. We have as a matter
of course, Uresaed aud educated her
rich people eould do oo lest sbo has
shared all the comforts aod advanta
ges of our homo aud position oio
small items fur A beggnp's vhild to co
pe. . e uavo made a lady ot bor
She is oow able lo cam her living la s
ladylike way ; or, at she his the en-
iff of the beat society, she may marry
udvauUjeoudy, 1 think we have
douo every thiug (or hef that could be
possibly e spooled of os.' Aod now to
prevent any fc-olUb ,oatangloiocut
fur Marlba and Julius ar botu suscept
ible young fools, 1 lake it we uiul suud
Marlba away to Iho country before our
sou's arrival, and keep her there out
of his uutil his affections are
" Disposed of," ' broke ia Mr. D
l.llso sarcastically,
" Yea,' disposed of.' ' Hal really you
Jo a.nuoy wa by that uajdoasaut tabdl
of Interruption
and by you." Tlio lat two words
were fitiihel tin ier his trontb.
' Well, do real my sister's letter to
mo. I tun waiting to hear it."
"Ah! I thought you wero faint
ing I will ruud llioa :
" Dlab SisrKii l't; Ltsi.u : It is i
uo six or seven mouths "luce y u
sent dear Martin to us with tbi in-
. 1 I. ,!:.. .....It T k., .... t.... 1 1 u n i t n 1 1 t. n. ih.i Imr u J.'l't I. She hi
o ...-.., . . . - - - - - ttbandoneJ my itoek.rgsanl, t)
for him; but, no matter; that will do- 'olecd proved herselt fa. thru I to os ;, in p . , ., , '.
. I .. ci r i .i l. iiieb I bal tiun in in v bta l.oag di-
vo lop n t mo." :a ihousao j wys. She found the key - -
1 . ii i . . M.eot, aad itruck out wuh in: 'ht aoJ
;toaU our bearti at once more es- ' "
" Here, wife, is a loiter from Oak-' peciallv to tho heart of my son Ttnd- ,Ui"' b,at, "J PJrFd; '
it- r .i.ii i ... . '.v U! : ? t'so. I kucw that I w. S- ml iu
uaie. 1U1T A nui'jjwpv no riiilit iiqmi oil'Ui, 111, C."ll7r 1 lei iri.l 1 vu uiu I
from our poor littlo Martha again." , have forgotten tliat I bad a soo at
Possibly, Tho letter is from sis-' home who was a wl lower, or you
ter Brando. She may mention Mar-1 would not
tha incidentally, and sbo may not.1 temptation in his rntb aniirniit virla ar of ,ffp little 1 an I M-irtrm nrn In hi mfit-rieJ next
..i , i I . , ,, . iibuua sort of magaetio attract! jo, , aj to Dredifooso the to i.eaKS
consequence to bor, I apprebcoJ, any week, Tuesday. I'd you all come to' t . . , wpit. t
!, .i.,Min.. .itlimit .nv miffd roe-. J - anna uv.uri .u .i,vi...
,.,V11.4h.llr,' .."V .! w - I , ,
. wiuJ aod limb, anl m tper'.a
,cuiubeot weight prciiiog me Jvrn I
lave put oPov7rfalt'lruck0"l1Bj Lic
in his rtb. ThadJeu.,,,g",w:'!, W4
.u ti.e urfi-e f h? "kin io aa
aper'.uro or p. re. There are -f
the.o pJici to every s.piare iteh cf
surface tlr- u L 1 tL. b.dy. asl
J ."). s.-iare inci.ei of s ir 'jco oa a per
son of ordinary nn'iiag th-. noru
1 tr of i or:, in tl.- s'.ln .f o-e p-rTOi
-ev.n n.lL.ons.
In bea.:b from ihrc: t) f;r pouiJa
of p:su)'as ma'.ter pa.-cs turouga
th:-e t res da:iy. Taking coll is
-.m;)'y a c;a'ra-".i.';i or c!:s;!.$ of
l.cs. l."lc :.'a;o;s ia '.be -kla ag
'. eieritututitious ma.'.:cr tack ut
tho icteroal irio, liljarraogiog the r
fuoctioas sal proliring oao halfoi
a.l the .I'kwi oiar.k:3l is aJR'.'U'l
wl;!i. Wiioo tbo ! p -ei Uave to-:i
c 1 . ' 1 ay U"i h oi ti.ue. mu L,
oaot fevers aud iudamxa-
el vijor.'Us'y ia ti.ins of tb iiiternat cr.-aas en"U. ao J
but no soouor did I .f tbo aSlcte 1 oao escapes J-'i'.h 'hs
llout t) the sjrfaoc muk) f;r the
'"hore, ba.'J a b.'arry U.ig'i a'. n:y
n.i"bap. and enaven n.y I'e.low ttach
! era with a Kay reeiial cf it cu my
1 ' Over I went very omfr'.aVy, 13 1
that I reiehel tho pe' h'y
1 may pretty safely s"um .
"hat Ij my exoee l.iig sjrfr.o, I
found that Having up. though I wa
.vtral yard out ot ibe torrea'.'s
r.-ueb, was ipullo ur.jlh. o.'Ta r.- I
progress three or four ibebe npward. .coosiituttou ia so apt to be wjakcail
; V YkturU. do joo. (link. tUt Jullai I jewelled doll
apd Mapbarsnlly 1ov eh pibs I
No.l, iioiutsust I tint tbey wiiA, tf
they wars) much tojptter, y kv
furiber than as they perform their
duties well or ilk
" Servant girls I Martha Is not de
graded to thecondi ion of servant in
Cornelius Brando's family ! You bave
n.Mi.iia Invif Bitlrtrt ' I r
. ,, , , .; ., t .t "It wits as ia oa:;ri;ijeQnL'lo 'it.'i
11 'Th hiiKtl.t nt nMnnni frn Foe the1 1 I
. . ... , , ,i I redoubled my efforts, sud igaia ad no koawlelge of the skio
all tuacortaot event binders m from . . . '
writing "moro "t length. Oar con
oo idea tint they treat poor littlo Mar gruialations o"n iho recent happy ac
tha as any other thuu aonpial. If I cession lo your owu family, shall be
n persjas Uio ."U wh bare
iaste.i i ot
gain, an 1 agaio, with a siirilar re- reaioviag tbo eaue by opea.wd . to
bad thought iboy would, you should
not bave sent her."
Shouldn't I, Indeed I
"My poor, good little daughter!
To have a menial's place I nod that
too, amoug a ur rululives. Oh, Yio
toria I how could you bo ao cruel f "
'Nonsense, De Lisle. What is Mar
tha moio than auy oilier poor girl f
Sbo ia oo mors to Coraelius BranJe's
lumily tbau aoy of i heir mill help.
They nisy have put her in the mill be
fore this, for ought I koow- lVrup,
alter nil it woulJ bo the best thiug
they oould do for Let. Tbey say nirU
ei u earn more inooey iu the mill than
they can leaohlug. But I do uot koow
what eourso they have taken with Mar
lbs, uiy heart aud auind hsve beeu so
eugroaaed iu luatleis poruiuiuj to Ju
lius. .New that ho Is married Iu toy
heart's desire, I luuW look after Mat
ilo's comfort a Utile. Wo miht have
her home fur's visit a short oo Jer,
uilud, she is no daughter of ours, al
though she is a good sort of a fir I, aid
tvftects credit npuu my judicious trait-
x," ," ,'. i
".Credit I J. If J alius had. tuar
rind her ba would But now he tied to
"Julius hia chosen, a wife well suit
4 tQ him Iu family aod NtuB
spokeu face to face
you at Oakdale. JUeeive with indul
gence, this hastily written letier, from
your most sfleetloiut0 sister." ''
Kllks BaiMc
"Good '. capital I
dispose ot Marib hindso
dous is the second man
would have bal Martha marry ; Joli
soli. The cse was log dper. i pores or taking; a sweat at lb
!ne. Was I rsilly darnel to die ia , moment u their iadisposi'.ioa.
. ' . I ibis wretched bole, aboat as p:u!ul a tlit until their bodies ire rrvtty fbcr
bu we welcome, ' ,, . I , . .
.... , 'MOtVtor a sophoaiore as Caraaces ough'v d.seseJ, tuoo susniioa a poy-
ia the ma'n'sy bsti t Ophelia's slip
heller's deviu io the 'iaeruosl mala,'
land Sam Pa'cli's unlueky ja up, all
adsomely. Th.d-I Pt'y ' ,
.. sighed, but foe lack ot vsvgea, Uut
in iu the world li.. ,
. t ,. insstneods were to slaad sorrowiug
ha marry; Jaii- :-. - .1.
us the brot. Prettv well dt si:osi4 ot . 1.1. 1
. , . , 1 (decorous wo bebioi ujy romsius, sad
IIM.MOT.-.. 1,11 . tl
etieuoiug isars oy wno.cMi.
o, iaui.:.e 0.
the dro gs a"
aiu rates.
The Insolusitnrjr
It bappono d ouj lay that a Jlscus
siou at ooo iu tbo natural jbiloopUy
class of Williams Codleg, iierkshii-e.
Msisachusoits, oa ibe iuesttoo, "Why
is It that, gf the various victims car
liei ever Nagra PalU, ao trsoo ol ibe
tvios has ever tooa fouuJ, eitkec ia
Niagra Kiver or Lake Ontario ?"
One student suggested that the fall
itself was souuieut to dssb to atoms
auy body whatever ; thought
that the. weight ot' water eould not
but kawu tha body edWtualiy dowa
ia the oraoules of tbo abyss below tb
prev'iplco j aod the )io cd third
was, tbal tb auuiorvua Mx teuai)
tMglb Jea pool, who fayared
with stray eorpsa ao aud the,
would leave sHuds ehuo for "soa.
tiuoat tuaidor,, ' .
Wersi of all, 1 fatcied. aiy ehaui's
uisp hiticai-l Umeat ia the rr ol
my hoxe :
'Ab, Kor Stos . oar cost swimmer.
to bs drowsed al last hi a bitad
puppy I s
"Yissioas, niorwover, of muskrsts
taavitig aiy icab. and ravenous pikes
darting their Wx aose into th
saoksts of aiy cye, cvctautly did a
lead t tio ssy ui(U.
-ttjr tats Cuie 1 waat oriy paral
ysed ihroujti br exbsotioo, aud
tvlihat too surely lb at euduraue
had, reacbed its liiu;t. Oo mors
tertibj striunle.aod. alas i my plight
was worse lhaa seer. Noises aa of a
thooaa4 eaaaoa wr riugia ia aiy
ears, tu4 I feaoied thai blood
was VottiatUB to start frvut aiy
wouib. and aaaUils. W'.U yost ho-
Uv at wka I say klia.llaa lit
sioian, swallow Jowa
oa aeo us dregs, sul If
sisted by oa'.a.-e b.rpea to open tie
pores, ioj piicot way lie to
tbrougb tbe save ordea. three or tear
limos more befor oio d )wb to soj
uot'uns'y rave.
Ta.iu a siat for th core c?oo!.J
is so simple, safe sod sdicaoioas 4 rem
edy as to allow uf axis idaj.a a.etv i
1th a mueb safety by a ebild as by
a physic'aa. An J whea coc versona
of urd'.uary iul -Ih'atje unJertaBd
ike asv:i' aad odlosseftbe s'i'a .
tbey will kaow trota tb anastoral
leeliaga of th tKxly, and tk bos dry
condiiioo of tbe skin almost th m
utoni wacalbey bars U'ieo svld ;
aad kaewiug tha eaiso ol this abaorm-
state, tkwj w.U ntmove it By wsotl
iug to siuipt mean 1, not ooly Waas
ibev aro a. or s-r aad etacgioua,
baitby a.-' U-s 5tai 4 m,fr.
S "akS .
TKsttt 14 a tlsaa asiMloi.Uk
ttsvrss.. Tww tut Uov, As fk ,
apart at th oaa CsHU ksee ,
lhaieeu fbxt tja wtMrs., aa-,
tii arfaua twsaty Utsea aawsM, toiuiuj
atUW). 04J
errriO) M debt, U Kkt a awue
jjett 10 itO a trap -Twey asy soia,t
, Vjl U'rtojrf Ulfler sij va