The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 11, 1871, Image 2

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.MAY n, 1171
Ml KI1N1 ( ' TUB UO t llLICAN (.'(.
CoMMntKR. -Tlie members of (lie 1U
publican Oimtjr Standing Committee
of Snyder County, will inert in tlie
listriet Atli.rncj's tiflico, in (lie (,'ntirt
llnuse, Mi JJIcliuif, oa Tuesday, M i)
'J3J, l74,-nt 1 oVInck I'. M. I'uui'tual
n'trndnncf fa requested, as lni.iurs ol
importance is, to to tnuistirte'l.
J. Y. SmNiET., Ciairmnn.
The Srnntoiii.1 nod ltorresphlntive '
lU-liyaica cho-sati y Uio llppulilicnn '
titnlin Committees of tlio different I
counties of t La Stntrwill ojmuiI.Jo in'
tlio Hail of t lie Houso of Ili'rcsenta-'
taiivrsal IFiirrl, no Wi dncsduy '
nrxOo notiiintite rnnrli Jatre, fir AiKlf
Ur (.encral an J .Surveyor (leneral. J
Tur. end of tlio I'ai is revolt in draw
ing near Ono pnsitiuo nllcr nnnthcr
lioi lieen wrctod liotn tlieiosur:onts. j
J'ort d'Ny in now in t lie liond of ll e
(I'uvcrunient, nnd a nn ruber of ntlieri
lorts now in possession of tlio (Viii-'
niuno will scuti fullcw, an.J dim hand,
tn i.unJ tonUicli aix I street massicrcs
will coi.stitute tlio bloody lioiilo. The'
I'O'.r I'midi urn evidently fullowinjr !
tho fxnniplo of the Kilkenny rnts ntid
ore wapinawnr ol mutual extinction
TiiKtiEuite a contrast in tlic I ilium
and PennKylvatiia Lettilaturcs. The
entire niiti.ijer of l ills imsst'd by the
lorinrr Imily during its rteent session
was only fifty rij:lit, while, notwiilc
mandiiip; several hundred bills bavc
a'ready been paused Jby'our Harris
bur,' Soloiis, thero yet remain over
seventeen hundred en the calnnJars
of each house. In Illinois legislation
is confined to ptili ic business ; litre
it is niado too muck n privato uiultor.
It is very sensibly remailed by the
Cim iunsti Uazrttr that tho people who
worship ''the time honorod principles
of the iK-niocralic pnity,'' claim thnt
the way to Hop thu Kuklux outrages
is to put the J'eimicrntic party in
power. The Democratic party was
used fur the purpose of orguuixing thu
rebellion. If in power again it would
be used for the purpose of overthrow
ing tbo constitutional nmendnjents, of
assuming tho Soulhsra debt, or lepu
diuting tho natiooal debt. The Souih-ettijex-rcbels
do not hesitate to declare
this to be their purpose, and Northern
Democrats do not dare to oppose this
A mono the bills recently passed by
tho LctHslaluro is the following, which
having received the official sanction ol
(lovcrnor deary, has becomo n law :
Section 1. lh UenacU-l,tU:. That
from nnd after the passage of this act
it fhnll not be lawful for any person
in this commonwealth to sell liquors
or givo owuy to bo tred any spritu
ous or malt liquors, wioo or cider, or
any other substance containing alcuhol.
on any day set apart, or to be sot
apart, for any general or special elec
tion by the eiti.cus iu or within my
of tho prcfiucts, wards, townships,
counlios, or other election divisions
or districts in tho commonwealth ;
J'ruviilid, That tlio provisions of this
bill kball not bo enforced after the
election polls aro closed in the even
ing, or tbo sale of liquor prohibited
alter that lime.
Sue. 2. Any person violating the
provisions of tho lirst section of ibis
net, shall be dveniod guilty of a misde
meanor, and shall bo subject to impris
onuicut in Uio proper jail o! the proper
county, fo. a term of not less than
ten days nor moro than ono bundled
days in tho discictiou of the court,
and shall also iu addition to the nbovo,
be subject to n fino of not less tbnu $20,
and not moro thuo 8500 io tho discre
tion of tho court.
The rrnusylviinia Camixilgn
We have two very iinportunt ofiicers
to elect in this Stato, this year, name
ly Auditor General and Surveyor Cien
eral. Doth thoie positions are now
ably filled by Republicans, men twico
elected to their cilices ; wheroia they
have given tho very largest tatisfac
tion. Can we fill their places ? This
Is the important question of the peri
od, aud we must uot disguUe it iu any
manner. It is of no possible conso
quouco who is nominated as candidates
for the election by tho Republican
party eo that we get good men, hou
ert aud capable for tho position.
what we want Ij victory in 171, thut
we may bo in ull respects prepared
for the great battle of 1872. Penn
sylvania is unquestionably Republi
can so fur as measures are coocoroed.
Ye cau uphold any platform embody
Io! tho great idea of radical reform.
Tho pooplebave fairly tested what is
meant by radical Republican priuclpltt,
and they Luvo eonfidence in it. With
this fact clear, all we have to do this
year ia to be careful in our nouiaa
tioni. It is not possiblo for partisan
discipline to cram a bad uao down the
tbroatiof lho Republican manses, and
tboroforo it behooves our frioods to
be careful in their nominations for the
State olliocs to bo filled by election
Ibis year. Geographical location will
bare nothing to do with the result
"What we must remember is, that wo
are dealing with Important measure,
and with thinking men who hate
tola. It thoso facts ore taken Into
consideration, and tbo nominating
convention Is guided by their force,
t'oere will be no troublo to win a Re
publican victory next Ostober. StoU
Journal. . ,
IMtOt I.t tTIO? fir TIIK
WAiinsiiioM, May I. Tito iVcsi
Jctit lias icd tli following proclamu
tinn for the enlorectrtcnt of tho four,
tcetilli amendment
Hy tho I'residetil of tht United
Stale of America t
Tlia net of Conrona rntiilml ' An
act In cnlorco the provisions nf the
I'oiiitcelilh nnir-li lim cit to the Consli
U.tiuo of lliu I'.iiUtl Ftntcs, tuid lor
other purposes,'' npproveil April 20,
171, bciiift a law of txtriiordiiiury
public iiiiort;inec, I consider it my
duly to issue this my proclntn ition
calling the attention of tho people ol
the t'nitcd States thereto, enjoining
iipnn a'l pmd citizen.", and especially
upon nil public officers, to bo r.ealon
in tho eufpieenu iit thereof, and warn
ing all pcrsjiia to Abstain from omi
tnitting tiny nf the nets thereby pro
hibitcJ. This In w of Conprc'S applies
to all parts of ths l.'uitcd States, and
will be enforced everywhere to the
extent of tho powers vested to the
Hut ivntmnch as the neces-ity liters-
for is well known to havo Lrcn cans
ed t hietlv by persistent violations ol
tlu- rights ol eilions ofllm l-niipd
St. I. I.v -nmlnnnti-.o. ,.f U!... nn.l
disulleeted persons i.i certain loralities I
lately tho theatre of insurrection and i
militury coiiHict, I do imrtieulai lr ex
b'rt the people nf thosj puts of the arc nmro contused to-day than iu'VC0,,,n'"'"'! 0 dcsuiiption and his
country to suppiecs nil sin h combina I were the night itfier the oleclion. (Jou- ' lnry l',u Central Park, with fino en
lions by their own voluntary efforts, ! ti adictory statotueots appear daily, aud ! gfavings, a directory to nil tho church
through the ogeney nf local laws, anil new developments are hourly modo. I ra "T ''l0 cllyi l'ic public buildings,
to mnintain the rights of all citizens I Tbo Iemoci'ncy of ('onncclicut, if! banks, hotels, railroad depots, libraries,
of the United States, and to lecoro all they received no pecuniary assistance i 8 colored map of Now York
. I .- t ' . . . " . I 1 I. I t . I . tl! I
siieii ciiucns uio cijiiai proicuuoii oi
the laws.
Fully sensible of tbo responsibility '
imposed upon the I'.teeutivo bv t lie I
aeKifOoniress. to which nublio at-I
, I. l i ' i .
trillion is now ru ed, nn l rn liir-tiuii
to call into exercise nnv of the extra. 1
ordinary power thereby conferred up-
on me.exeeptin of imporntive
neee-sity, I do nevertheless, deem it I
my duty to to make kuowo hat I will
my duty to to mukc known that I will
.... t . " ... . ...
iioi ncsiiaio 10 CJUUU.l Hie powers
thus vested iu the Executive whenev-
. r .....I u lieppv-r it i.n ...... n.:i"c, "' cniorccmeni
icssary to lo so for ths purpose of
securing to nil citizens ol the I nited
Slates the pcaeelul cnjoyinent of the
riirlils uuarautot'd to I Ik in by tho Con-
stituiion and laws. It is my earnest ' niurJi-r of twimen, by a jury
wish that pence and cheerful nbctli 'eoaiposed partly of w iiii 'o. This i.s
. .. . '.. . .i i" . i i . .... . .
nco to tho law niav prevail throii)h-l tho nrst le-al execution that has taken
out tlio laud, and tiiat ull traces of nur'laee iu Wyoming, and tho fact that
late uulmppy civil Mnio nriv be 'bo law was allowed lo t-iko its course
speedily removed. Tlio en In can tho ease of Moyer, iu.lic.ict that
be easily reucbed by aerp.iosecnec in
results or tlio conllict now written in!
our Coi.stillltion nod bv lh due and'.
out oi.siiiuiion, nun oy mo uue ami , ti
nunniM nnl.iHA.iiii.i..t .1 .w..... - 1 !
proper enlo. ccms.nt tl juM. and
.mpa.tial laws in every part 0r on. -j
country. 1 ho fauro of I .cat govern-
inputs to furnish such means for the
annulment oi results so rnrnesi I v
... i , . v"
sitrml i niiimiu iit.mi iI.a iiti..tiil l.,if.!.i
ernniei.t the t u.yol putting lor, 1, its I
. mri..e,for the protection of nil 's
citizens of every race and color, and
lor the restoration ol peace nnd order
r v,w -ww-
irou"hout tho entire count. -v.
i 7 ,. , ,. . . ,
n testimony whereof navo bore
unto se my hand and caused the
seal of lho
UILUU .-J.uil'9 w uc Ul-
Done a', lho city of Washington
this third day of May, iu the ynrfi'n New Hampshire, over which the
our Lord ouo tliousanl eight huu lf.-d ' 1 have s no bom shouting
and sevculy-oi.c, and of tl.o iiidcjicu- themselves hoarse with joy. t
deuce of tho I'nitcd States thu ninety-1 lufu 0111 t" decided vict-ry after
fifth. V S. titiAxr. All the returns are h now, nn l it
Ry tho President, apj ears th it the House, of Ileprcson-
Hamii ton 1'isii, .Secretary of State. , tutivcs will stand, Republicans Hi6.
mmm mmm i' Deinocnits'-11 .id Labor Reformers lu'.'l.
r.,v ,.1,.,, . . I In lho Seuutc arc 5 Repulili?ans und "i
liiESehjlkill conl operators are ( i,t,wocrH, Hj wilh two vncan. ies. The cf rcachuig a speedy 8t,lUo., l)cmcvvM, , ll)C
sett emeat w. h the.,- men by menus n)M bo COIll0,t;)j. y , .
H . ) N L.7 '' i"1, 1 1,0 TC? ' N "" """M1'0 victories iu tho
he Delawaro, Lackawanna and Western ,., out of wlk.h ,
tompany aro ataa nnx.ous to roeumc l)t.IuotraU b,)iM t,lcir ,,,, of C(.
work 1 he striko has been cont.nuod , tho 1Vcsi Jm)llt clct, io ; j87?
so long thai the end must come soon. f,
Tbq women and children of tho miners I T,B Rorder Rai l Claims bill passed
are suffering untold horrors. I'umi-' ''l0 Senato by a vote of 17 to I 'i, alter
lies are only saved from starvation by amended so as to strike out till
tho credit thoy have iu retail provi-'" regard to the payment of interest,
sum stores, which in turn will also,10 Tfdueo the uunul nn.ount to b:
sulL-rand bo compelled to 6top busi- l''d twin 8170,000 to $15,040, nnd to
uess. Idlo rccn are lulling into Luil liuiit tlio time of tlio unuiinl p.iymcnlH
habits, brooding dissensions iu famit five years. The vote was ai fol
lies and broils iu hitherto quiot neigh-. low :
borhools. Tho depreciation of pro- Yens Messrs. Rrodhond, Rucka
pcrtyaddsto tbegeuoiul couftisiou. 'l'w. Conucll, Crawford, 1'avis, l)o:h
liauut famine as well as desperate ort I'ill.tHuiicno, Findley, Ilencsry,
baukruptey oow stare omnloyeo uni 1 1 Miller, Mumnin, Nagls, Ostorhout,
employer io tho face. It is a strugglo
for lilo and death j a groat contest,
uuderlying which aro vitul pi iuciples
and sacred rights, which neithci the
vagaries of legislative ines'.igation,
the violence of mobs, or the selfish
councils of interested parties can adjust.
And yet the difficulty must be settled
The stroug orm of iho law must be
bared to the shoulder, that justice may
be done to all parties concerned A
thousand considerations curncally do
maud tho speedy adjustment of lhe
difleuliics. There must bo uo oud ou
sotuo basis of justice, to Ibcso diillcul
ties. If tho strugulo U prolonged it
will breed other embarrassmeutt, and
involve pooplo who now take no purl
io it.
Connecticut Democracy baa dogen
erated sadly by its proximity to New
York, and io corruption uud bare-faced
fraud uow fully equals Tsmmany. The
telegraphic despatches havo kept our
readers iuformed as to the moans by
which it is sought to elect English
altor the people havo decided iu tuvoi
of Jewell. It will bo remowbered that
iu oce of tho New Haven wards a mis
lake or error, to be cbaritablo, waa dis
covered when tho complete return
canto to bo footed ep, by which there
wuro actually one buudred more votes
in the box than thero wcro votera,
Eoglish being c.oJiled with tho num
ber. The correction of this error
woulJ have elected Jowoll beyond all
shadow of doubt, and without going
through the formality of a contest.
During the ioteiini between the count
ing of the voles and tbo ioaliog of the
bullotboxus, however, one hundred
of Jewell's votes were ubitraolod aud
the lists thus made to tally, showing
a majority for Riiglish. Tbe.LegisUi
lure is Investigating the fraud, and as
the vote can be proved, this nice little
scheme of the Democracy will come
to UttUgbt.-iVt'..
Friuxw trado IsrevlrinatoWiicaifoi
there were tinndreJ and twenty-ulna
appliciilioTis for divorce Inst week.
Trriiiiis aro 27.000 KnUhts of Tj
thias in Pennsylvania, nearly three
tunes as many s iu noy other .State
A TEituiiR dog In d'reensbnr(r, the
other day killed ono buthel of rnls m
fifteen minutes.
Tub Supremo fJrand I.nd;e of the
Knights nf I'ythhi. in nfinion a'l
IMiilade hitv. hs nholinhed the npmn
as a pari of tho regalia of the order.
Tub roeenl local elections in Indi
ana resulted almost invarnbly iu llo
piiblienn nucoift. Thu teucliou con
'.inucs. 1'iiit.AiiKl.rtiiA, neco'ding to the
rrturns of tho assessor for 1871, him
4'0 t hun ti edifices, more than lui) iu
excess of nny other city on tho conti
nent, In PhnoiiixvilU, a little chill Ml
into a well. A mm went dosvo the
ropo took tho child's 4iair beiwoen his
ti-clb and cl.iaibercd out. It was a
'Jhair breaJth escape."
Mu John Giiaiiam.oI Diorcr coun
ty, n fo-.v days since, shot u larro rey
If" - ' 0 ,UJ." "-.or ''fy"n yun
:'''" .mo bira mensurca seven leel
IHCIieS llOin III) CO tlUOl I ll 0 WIIICS.
UJJ'.' ''"'j 11 wtccl (rP tncheJ to ouo
' xX ll,ou-
The (.'onnoctioet election returns
irom lammiTtiy, at least have been'""" """"j". ' " l'uoii'njj oy
taking instructions from her iu the
manipulation of election rolnrns.
. . . .. ,
. ... Ilanliiiijdon, Tennessee,
'in wn en, wo aro inrormou bv a Nash
... . "J " "
nino i'emo1
iirnl4 ltn nintMis!il a
T' rv Z ,
1 p'aoo of Kukluxing un J
hLU .1 11,0 'cu cot"ry
f11 ,I.'."cry So,ul ''I!
lemocrnt ol
bo ha
for ten
' V '. "u"in"r". co,"u'" I
HUllllieu 1110 ex n 1111)10 01 lluntiriL'ilon
. if L.vrrv Kukli v w is ... .
", 1 1 r rvuUlux w as so punished
; bills or " military despolisin."
HoYKlt, a
ItoVKR, a IihU broad Indian, was
iccently hung ul ( 'lievonne, Wyoin
"'it- " was convicted last lilmili of .
Judjjo Lynch is Lui naj dep iS'.'d.
t,1;,.. ,i.. ,,. :
l" cv,"us 1,1 couutry !
i,.. I)(J lm,nH cnsy Tj
. !
uti uiorution is still incomplete, nnd n
wi;, Ul, , ,' , ,,
lle tilno h, wo'k WM J .
all lho ,,., l0
jruo be I ore
""!iriinii'i it i-i if tin Ao.Kiihinl : ..
v wises mu i-vii.tiiiiii; til IU 1111)1111
J .. ... .
lhe ri'luniH. JSut ll I to nnnntrv in
j,,,.,,,, of th(J wIl0,0
.,o cnu.norotion in two years time, t
wj; uo sotmur by f mr years, th.n at
...... ,;. ....;' i .
. ..'.. . .... '
nous oi uie preieai law. J no census
,ot H00 lT,s'uut .j , luo,. ,.
11I)ti 0f -50 nut until
Tin: recent I'cmocrntic " victory''
criiean, Randall nnd Wallace.
Nays. Messrs. Albright. Allen
Anderson, Rillingfelt, Rrook, iMama
lor, Kvans, Gralium, Knight, OI111
stoad. l'urman, Rutan, Turner, Warlel
aud White.
Ram.ou'8 Maoa.ise for Juno has
appeared wilh a list of contents which
will u-mpt tho mosl indifferent of lite
rary epicures. Thctc aro some twenty
six different articles in the June num
ber, soino of them handsomely illus
trated. The crest tale of the season,
howovcr, is "Tho Old Clerk's Secret,''
written for Rallou's by Levi Reardsley
Ksq , the late special uguot of a Wash
iugtoii dcpirtuiet.t, nod whi has
produced a wonderful story, full of
incident nnd plot of Washingtou life,
lint nil of the stories iu this number
ere good. Torms, 8150 per year, or
15 cunts singlo copy, b'or silo ull
over the country. Address Thoines
Si Talbot, U3Cougiecb Street, Roston
Dene Hollow. This Is lhe name
of a new Story, by Mr. Henry Wood
tho celebrated author of " Kat
Lynnk, just boguo in the 1'hilalulphia
is 11 story marked by iho characteris
tics cf Mrs. Wood combiuiug great
iolercst snd power with tho leaching
of a moral lesson. THE I'UST also
eot.tuius numerous nuther stories, grout
euro beiug taken not to admit uny
tbiug into its columns which would
be unsuitable for- family reading
THIS ro.ST, though now iipproaehiug
its fiftieth birthday, still manifests ull
the vigor nnd sprightlinoss of youth.
1'riuft, ?J 50 a year. Single numbors
for sale by newsdealers. Price six
touts. If lhe newsdealers should not
have it, incloso tin money to tho pub
Ushers, Jl. Tetkbson &, Co, 319
Walnut street, IMiiladulphin, who . will
send Ibe numbers by mail. Ryinclos
iufi one dollar, oil the ouoibers contain
ing Mrs. Wood's atory will to for
warded as noon is issued.
Hidden TliSiAsi RttrouNn tti Maink
Tbs Ualh Time toll the Tolloirtng
Home time fait week a afranser vis
ited Small lulnt. having in his poeses
aion n chart of tho coast; nod stated to
sine of i bo residents that be desired
his aid In obtaining A larita amount of
money which was buried thorc. This
resident being a practical man and not
having much faith' In a digger for
money, was at first not much inclined
to accompany iholtran'ger. but finally
yielded to his desires and set out with
him for tho hidden wealth. They pro
ceeded to a certain point marked out
on tho (hart, where after dicing two
feet, e lur;o stono was cipost d to view
undor which was a box Conlnininu
3OU0 Peruvian coins, all of tbo same
date, and whieh had tvidoutly boon
obtaiucd direct from tho mint. The
tranger tskiuit tho birder soioant of
thin money, departed from Small Point.
Thu cnpt iiu who accompanied him and
who saw Li in dig bis money was on
our streets exhibiting a number of the
dug up pieces, nnd many of our citi
zens must bear u witness that they too
havo seen and handled tho coins It
hss created not a littlo exoiiemont in
this city, nnl Small Point will doubt
less be well searched ovor the c:ming
The Mcthdi'oms Kxpi.aixf.ii axi
I It. l.t si hated, is tlio title of a ouat
luidobool for the t'ity of New York.
lUlvin k Vo., the fclobruted clothiers.
nnd is prcentoJ gratuitously to all
who apply for it by mail or in porsun
cam i j .vrn:s.
Ma. Kiiitob.-Allow me. through the nlnmn
k mc.r
nl v....r .,....r ... . n,. .1. . . ...
live, l t l.c cmtnit Hsuui.llesn. I'rlimrv tlee-
H-n -t snj ler ..iinty M,.n.. I I., n . nlii,.iel
.n,i.ieri,..i.1ti,...,.im..e, I win... i..,oru
T,l.u,;,,.?:,; ";',v
Jnckfun tgwnlili. May, 2, 1;.
To Tn s lUri iii.k vor Ssvimtt Cm stt
The umivniKne.i ri.ioiniUy nn..uiKc him
1 ,,ll,nr)r fci-n.m. n n.iniiiKi.i n.i eie.i
'''I ui irni mo iluiles ul ih onve with
n.i..iuy. aiia.uj. Hsiltlt.
' tnMm May, a. ts;i-
I AT Tnitoii.-i-ii..n i many friemt.., I hr
, V,"''" "iuJt
I Iu tlie .Ici-ls0ii ul the lirpulillran I'rlniliry Kleo
ilst.l. Mll.l nh'iul.l 1 be ll .inllidterf nl .l(-i.! I
ii.fu. . ruire .wiifiiiu if eillllieil totlia tanill.
will nttenil to the .tulle. , the mV, T , h
nueiuy. John sunk.
i ..,. t...n.l,l tti o tw-i
Varieiy Troupe Now Trrircling.
First Class Performers.!
THE (lltf.AT Vlt'TOKKLl.ia
'AV.S RY AND .1 1' AN, Cymnasts.
Tho Das.hi.ig Loodon Yoealist.
v.'ome(iinn, 1. 01.11c ."singer, rantmimic
Clown and l.sneral l'erformer.
Miss Rosa Cliffert.
Miss Ro-a will uppear in her unap
proachable Songs and Dances,
which alien ly have rendered
her name famous.
The Leoparr Brothers,
(lyinns.t. en.l Aoroliete, In tbflr llrutlier Aotl,
l.lglitulng Kvutul.uai,, io.
1 'rof OHHor lliateN,
The Worlil Kenowned HenlliuSDUl SiiiKer.
Tho Vondei-rul Roy Tumbler.
Ncitmiu Lottit,
Song ami Dans Man, PMitoniluil-l k (lenuloe
lliHiuutler of Wll ami liumur.
NlmmiiM O'l Ji-is'ii,
Tho Great Irish Comedian.
Cvrnet Band and String Orvheitm.
Wednesday, May 17th.
Admission 50 Cents. I hilJrcu undor
ton years, 25 cents. Door open at
1-30 uud 7-30 1'. M.
IXKlTTtlltS NOTICK Letters tenia
J mentary in Ilia esinleof Cbrlsllunn
Wiiieuaijrer, late of Franklin lownibip,,
hnyder County, ilocoased, bnvinp beeu
Urunieil io lhe undersifc'iie.l, nil prr-ons
Knowing ibeiiisolvea Imloliied to aula estate
are rciiueaisil Ij insUe nsvnieul xiihoni
delay, and llioee liaviuu; cloiun oa tlir
saiue will present Ilium in
Ur..".J.UU.N lTTENMVl-.K,
Apr. 20, 1H71. Kxecutor.
Notice ia hereby elvcn that Ibo inventory
of Ca.bariua (laruian, Widow of (li'ore
uarniun. line or naaliing.nn I p. deceased,
aiid r.iu uowca. widow or Dr. llolierl L..
liowea, I me of lbs borough nf Helinegrove,
nas been n.ed wilt lbs Clerk or- the Ur
pbnn'a Courl bf Snyder County, aud thai
.lie aame will be presented for confirmation
ai Slay Xortu, A U, 1S71.
J. CltOLSE, Clerk 0. C.
April 22. 1871.
fill AM. II. 1IOYJ&1I..
V'boleaalo and P.olai! Dealer In
CoaeUomkars' Materials, Shoe Findlnge, J;o
Selinagroro, Ta. 8-1 tf
Market fit. Midjlcburg T
TTAVINQ located la Ibis tUoe I would
XX reepevifully inform lbs etlliens of
.iitddlebu.-g and riolnl.y Ibal 1 am prepared
10 repair CLOCKS AND WATCUE8 cheap
and expeditiously. Tba patrouaga of the
pun. 10 ia retpeoiiuiiy aonoiied.
WiJaUburg, Kvv. St, 1600. .
- i 1 1 .
The Largest Stock;
jflthe Flneit Goods j
By Xtlje Neweit Stylet :
am m -
We a r the Beat Work-
Xirnnehlpj the
every kind AGreateet Va-
of material
ifiely, at
every variety of
A MarKet
fyle, suitable for
Youth from 16 to 2 0, J.
Boyi from 9 to 16,
and Children from
5 to 9 yeara. afl I?.
yy. durable & strong
maae wnn special
reference to rouj
usage. In this do
prices are as
our Es
in Clofhina. and
we can assure our
friends from out
of town (hat thnv
Vs need look no fur.
Mher than Oak Half
for satisfactory
rontomX .fr
Clothing & satis
Work is
factory prices.
Full stock all
the year
asy rules for
prices, &c, cent
freo to any part of
America, and good fit3
guaranteed. Market
nnd (ith Streets,
VSSIfiNKE ACCOfM'. N'..iii-c is here
ly eiven Hint l.anii'l S lo.jcr. As
si;iiea of John s.eiler, tiled his iiccouni
in (lie l'r.iiliol.o.sry'i ott'ice, and I be a.iinc
will he prese.i.i'.l for eoiiTiriu t.iou at May
Term, A 1, 1S71.
.1. Cl'.t.lSE, ProiUotio.nry.
April 22, 1ST I.
VSjsiGXEE At.rtlL XT Xotioo is her,
t.y given tbm Win. Ilitrding, Assignee
of I.. N. Il.ilmea, lias lilo. I bis account in
.lie I'riiihuno.ary's nirict., t n I . bnl the
same will ho prcacniril for cuiilli uiulion 11.
.May leini, A H It7l .
J. CHOlt!E. Vrollionolary.
J4COII l. ItOt.AH,
No, L'Ott Nortli Wbarrei, (ahore ItacaSl.,)
Sheriii's Sale.
Hy virtue of a ivrit of Veud Ex.. Iued
on. of ibe Courl of Cj.umon 1'lcaa of tfay.
.1H- . ... .1: ...:n t . f
..v. . u. .u ui a mreuicu, nut uo exposea 10
i udiio a.e, at Ibe C ourl House lu -Middle-
burg, on MOMMY. MAY 22ud, 1871, al
10 o'clock, A. M., the following valuable
HhAL ESTATE as follow to nit All
that cerlnin Tract of Lant aitiialc In Cbnp.
miin Townehip, Snyder oouniy, boun.
ded cast by l.iiid, ol' .Mary Kholly, aouib by
Samuel Deuuler, weal by John C. Kvcli ier,
audnorih by lllinry lluuimel, cnuiaiuiug
More or less, whereon are erected a good traino House, Darn, and oilier out
l.ikcn In execution and to uo sold as Ibe
property of Jacob II. Lcnlg.
ALSO. Al the earns lime anil place, a
certain Trno. of Land situate In Centre
township, Co. nud Stale aforceaid, bouuded
nnd'il aa follows, lo win Bounded
oulb by laud of Israel Sbauioroj, weal by
land of Sniiiui'l Moyer, nonb by land of
Frederick Iioweraox, and east by laud of
1' Long, cuulaiiiing
more or Irsa i twenty acre of whieh are
cleared nnd Ibe bnlanco well limbered. The
iinprovu.nente con-int nf a Loz House.
hialile, and other bull. Huge.
1 uken In execution and lo be sold aa the
property of llonry Moytr.
ALSO. At (li fame time nnd place, a'
oerisin Lot of Uround eituale in Inlou
lownahip, County aud tittle aloreralJ, des
cribed sa follows, to wil: Hounded north
and west by Harrison' Winner, east by
1'euufylrania Canal, aud eoutu by Jaool
Uogar.eonlniuing ouo hundred and lifly feel
a.iinre, ore or lose, whereon are erjeted a
iwo-slory Urick Home, ahod, and other
Heiied and taken In exeoutlon aa ths
properly of Daniel Mulliner.
JOHN U. WOLF. Sheriff. .
Sheriff's Oflioe, Middlebug, April 24, 1871.
Wholesale Dealers in
Gins, Whiskeys, &c.
January 13, Wt-ir .
1ST OF VRVDKllS r Pnl...
-S-JliSit Demeetle Merehsnitlrt, In lhe C'onntT
ol Mnjder.sjuteol rfnnjltnlfir thet n:i
Mneet ftpeeti. T)rf Oooda,
C'l. t.leense.
... ... no
Morer Nwrtt Si
(. H. Hnseenplus1, Si.
Henry H.meer f.a
J. I". HI. Irk ntor Heater
Oliver M. Kloee "
Dr. liete HoihrorS Milt,
..' . ... . w.
10 oi
urn jwmvr iownnnt
IterTrlnh a rtrower, Dry Oooet. 13
W. a. Sinllh, ' i
Crntrc Totennhip.
Walter k fshnwere, Dry Uoext., IS
J. Aurend k .Son, it
Cltajimiin 7'tv nhip.
.t.M. Bine Dry OoaU, l
.les.,1. wiesl, " " ij k Sons " - u
Klljnb ADiler.iin, Qroeery, u
Frnnklin 7iu ni!ii).
Swlnef.irt a Bhlmlcl, Iry Ooude, 14
leeae Heaver ' i llower Mill 14
Jnchfon 1 '") ii.
John SI. Rearer, - Dry Onoris, 1)
Rltter VsarlrV ' It
llerrlenn llroese, a
(I. A. r.rlenmeyer. f lor Dealer, 14
.1. tin Maurer, Mill, 14 llenler " 4
ftl'ddli burr).
Wltlenmeyer k 8uo, Dry Clnodi, la
Win. H. Heaver, ' .. n
.1. W. DreeM 11
. Allreil Srhnrh, ' 13
shlmll k KeilneroM Drua Store 14
D. T. Hhixlee, Move lieaier, 14
M 01 in 1 1; ' (iHnih ill.
.taenb A. Km. IS, Dry Oootle. e la
Namual H. Vmler, ' 14
A. II Ke.-k k Hto. store Dealers 14
David Alelrer, AI 111, 14
Mo iimc Toiriitln'it.
in no
lo 00
l.'i 00
I). N. I'Urk
.1. V. ll.'ltrnnlelO, "
SchocSk 11 rot. Mill
Vli l Toininii
Sc hiw h h ltm. Dry Ool,
t.ane I . Iii.ycr.
C. V. Knn.f, Mill,
ttlmonil Vosl.
Dry (Jo... I., 1.1
" " IS
.inniuni k irnnee,
M. H. H A Mrhnee,
tiiar.ea llnyer,
Markley k Troatnian,
Mill. 14
1 William (, 14
John bchnrc. 14
I II'..' 'ory Township.
Ueoraje Hourewnrth, Mill. 14
! .S' hniHjrnic.
Rnliarh fc Mro. ' Dry Onnir to
j Wajien.eller k Son, n
, M't arty v..yer k sohnure" 11
Sh-Ihk-Ii fc llroa. 11
1 II. Smith, .i
William K. Krlilrl, " U
Kl.tncr k Son, 11
t'. H. Iluyer, llnr.lware. 13
K. rseiiiieiaril, Cl"thlna; 14
: M f'aust, 4
I Norton 1 Hover, "
J. II. I'll. Drugstore II
sliinilcl k Wasenneller " 14
' W. M. Keller, U....K Store, 14
Salem llrnthera, Mu.le Store, 14
I, Not.onf, 14
, i. K. Rolir...'li k DatiKhter " 14
7,00 1
7.00 I
7. no
7 0.ll
7.00 I
7,i) .
1.1.150 k ni.ui.r liooi k shoe store, 11
.1. . I. n Cool. Iron llrorery 11
lol.n I:. Wenrlrt " 14
.1 s. Hurl.!, an stove Dealer, 11
Miles Wettel 14
Krlrger k 1'asllnu Mill. 14
L'niun Tinrunhiii,
lloffinan k Pro. prytluoue
Wltintr fc 1). n.lore " '
Hoticl k McCulloiiiik
H'rt. hii'itiHi Tmrnth
(. k. r. '. Moyer, ' Dry Omnia.
Ita.lrr k Son,
.1. I'. Mertl "
is 10.M
11 10,00
14 7,00 .
ia 10,00
la lo.oo
13 lo.oo
13 Io.imi
11 7,00
14 7.oo
14 T...O
14 7,oo
1 1 7,o.) .
14 :.oo
, Daniel tlreniart,
I li. II. k. Y. Mnyer, llook Stnrt
.l.icn.i Itti.trr, Hunt k Slioe Mora
1 .larol. 11. shirk. Stovo Denier
I Aaron Moyer, " "
1 A. . I. II'. hell Mill,
. I'm lil (lot.
I An aieii wni;be neiii at the I iiniinl.a.ont-ra'
o.tlre In tlie lloriiuuli ol Mlililleta.rK on T.iiir.'lry
.Mu) S.'th, A. I). I7I, between the houra ol 11
. oVIork A. M. an. I a o'clock P. M.wh-n an. I
I where ull may leel Iheltiarlvea ait
irrlevr.l ly llielr clar.lltoi.tlon may nttenil If
ll.ey tlilnk jiroiwr. CALVIN Y. Mi Y r H.
fllercantllo A.iralier,
Whcrcna the Hon. S. S. Woods l'ra.l
di n. .Imlpe nf lhe Judlelal M-lrii
coiiipnse.l of lhe comities of Snyder, I'nion
nn.l Milllin mi. I J. CI. I., s'hindel nnd
tieovge C. Mayer, l'siS Aisoclale Judaea
In nnd fur Sny.lcr county bare issued llivir
preeelpt Venrinit, dnlo .he the 'Jsih day of
! . 1 . . . . -
r viTiniry, ir. I, 10 1110 iiirccicu lor
lho holding of nn Orplinns court, n court
nf Common l'lens, court of Oyer and Ter
miner nnd (ienrriil court of LJiiurtor Si
aione of I lie fence nt Middlrtiurg, for .lie
eon nly uf Snyder, on the 4 : It Monday, (be
ing lhe 2L'nd diiy of May, 1871.) and
coniinue ouo week
Notice is Iherctore hereby given lo li e
Coroner. Justice of lhe Peace nud Conatn,
blcs in nn for Ihecounly of Snydur, lo np
pear iu iheir prorer i.orsoii a illi I heir roils
I records, iu.iiisiiioiis, rxniniii'iiinns and
I o.her mm mlji iincrs to do those tbiiiita
which of Ihrir nlliccs nnd in Iheir belmlf
pcrlniu lo he done and witnesses nnd per
sons prosecuting in behalf of I lie Cominon
r. toil. b ngninst nny person or persona are
rripiirrd io be I hen nnd Ihero attending
nnd not depai iiiig wll bunt lenro at iheir
peril. Justices are rcu,iio.ili"l lo be puncl
ml iu Iheir attendance ut the appointed
lime ne.rccnlily lo notice.
Uivru under my band and en) at the
Sherilf's otliee iu Middleburg, the 2Sih day
of Kibrunjy, A. 1., one thousand eight
buudred aud seventy-one.
JOHN S. VOLK, SherilT.
RK 1 1 ST KU'S NOTICK. Notiee is
hereby xlven lo all concerned, that the
I'.llowlna: outneil rsona bave nle.1 their an.
r.. lint. In the'aV"ll' ' Mldilleburv,
Snyiler county, and that tlie eahl aodounla will
lat presented for continuation au.l allowance at
the lirplians' Court Iu be hel.i at Mlil'llrburK.lor
the I'oiinty nf Snyder, on Iho fourth Moh.lay of
May tie. ni4 the UUinl dui olaalil luonlb, via:
1 l he auuount of Joaeoh Krutieeker, Adu'r,
of the e.tate of John Weaver ileceaaed.
S I'lio .eeon.l aecout.t i.l Daniel Welrlrk Kx
ecutor ol Ibo U.l will aud teatumenl wf Jaoob
lio)er iu-cea.e.1.
8 The account nf Valentine Walter k Kllia
Sclinee Adui'ri, ol lhe belate ol llonry Wea
ver I'
4 The account of (loorue Ktr.ler A.lm'r of the
Katate ol Calharlna Kttler ileoeaaoil.
6 '1 he acoount ol John Norman, (luar.llan of
J. An.lereon Sinltb, one of the Children of K .
w.fc r.iiit. Mnitn neeeitao.i.
S The Snal accounfor Ueorae F .her Execu
tor ol the last will and teatauienl of Ueoreje l.
llecker ileceaned.
7 1 lie acoount or Knoa Folia Executor of the
Inat will and testament of Jacob Mittarllnu
S 1 he Anal account of John S. Wolf Tru.lee
to .all Ibe ileal K'tale of Jacob Dietrich See'd.
U The accouut of Jaoob Sclinee. fclxecutor of
the lust will k testament of Oeorite arple iloc'it.
10 The ftr.t and final account or Kve Court
ney executrix of the laet will and leatamenlof
John Courtney deceased,
11 The acoount of William Bowereox Uaardl
an of Joaeiih V'rock, a mlnur child of Mlohael
f riH'K, neceaaea.
IS The account nf William Iioweraox Guardi
an or Alary Jane Frock, a minor child of Mi
chael r'rock deceased,
la The accouut ol John I.. Ruflle, Adm'r of
the E.tale ol John Su.lte ileeoaied.
14 i li. account oi wi.uam el. Tliurai.y, Kxee-
ulor oi Thomas Tburaby, late ol Chapmen
towtublp, deceased.
o u. ocuirt.iw, nexT . ttee'r.
April IS, 1871.
-IJ the Estate df Maria H lata ol the hor.
ouKh of Sellnngrove, dee'd, barlna been KranUd
to the unileral(iio., all saraona knowing them.
Halves Indebted to .aid estate are requested to
nieae payment, anu tnnae uavina c.aiina aicamat
the same will preaeut tbeui lor aaltleinent to
w . r. ctiur.H i,
Oct.tO.Ii7Q. Kxecutor.
(Late Mrs. Wearor'a.)
Centervlle Snydor Co., Pa.
, PETEK HAKTNAN, Proprietor.
Thle lona eetablished and well known hotel
havlua been purohaaed by the underalyued, lie
euilclu a share of the public pitronaae.
HIT L li U11.TU1H
April CISTl. ,
t publlahed by the Aataaieaa Tract Rocistt
at ibo Naeeaa atreet, and at each of lu aaea.
elaa, aud la lor sale by the American News CJoiu-
. i aaaa'
SIdkIo subscriptions ane year two dollars nay-
able la advaaee i la eluus ol twenty eubeerlbere
aau ever oa ooiiae m eavemy ave oeoia.
Orders far the panel' and barlaees eon.
aauuieaUoBs eanat be addreeead to the
tbatbu CuaiaTiAX Wiislti" and artlelas
for Insertion to Hay. Lymes Abbott, Atnerloea
Traet society, 1W Nassau etreel, Mew York.
Wines ISimitlie
.111 Xorlh Third Mrcet, rhnmUdnh,,
llBJfli INUIIUK. iNolioa la l. .
siren tbal
Wail nearer.
.lahob Miller,
John Krick
Moses 8peclil,
II. L. KauJenbusb,
Henry llouaer,
deo. A. 8mlih.
Fer.linsnJ SoncS.
Peter llnrlman
Oenrss Ouver.
teerit Atnin, Middleereek.
Daniel Bolcnar, MMdloburff.
U. I'. Welsrr' "
Sarah Keens, Monroe'.
i. F. Ilotirnateln,
John Aruold,
Daniel . riark,
I'nnlel llorii, Pcrrjr
Henry Hohnse "
Jonn n. Woodllng, I'sna
John Kmrlch. ti
Panlel Mutliner
Ira Carre,
II; A. Ilolir,
J. F.,
Henry Keirer,
F. V. Mnyer,
An.lrrer II.....I.
Ionicl Kleeulinrt
Isnno Fees Hearer,
John It. Focklcr. Hellnsgrore,
J. II. Wenriek, "
CleorBo Ilostermnn. Wnaliinilon.
u..e nirii iiieir pentions for Taters ,;.
o.cmijH ni me.ourl orn,,,.
ier rcssioni or Hny.ler County, a.n. ,i,
"... .10 preseiiien ror approval
Moliday Hi 2Jil. day ol May neit.
April lJ, 1871. a-
RuveH ( t'o.'e AJtertigemmt,.
THE S( llOOl
IJfTi-At; TV.' ",,i,l "tWl"
. .pi e-iiusai miin .ir (irmlai
alet. erer lo .patron. In every state. AI lr
. , reiiiitni.
BI.00MI(iT0. (ILL.) M'UsLViT
10th Year, sno Acrta. Is Oreenhonaea. u.
srisail Aiai.aiui.i., ti ... '
I'laiii I rrult, shad.., Krerxreen Tree.. Mj-i
"",,"": case planle- Annies'
Kurly Hose I'otutoea. Shruh. Ho.ea Jri.-nh. uT. I
and Harden li .to. ..... 'I
T.BLas.n.1 n..r r.... ::.7."."".v
T .ll?,o ...S.,'i'1 1U""U ,,,r l'iei
each, for tataloxiiea of seed., with plain Sw
I one-o4 panes , lieddlnw and Kar.l.n plamu
aa panes, iiml I Wholesale Price l.lrt-sj ,..,
Ad, reaa 1 K H n.L'VIv T ' T
- --v-t... a.iwuilUKl'JU, i.i
11. Jl-ttU"M
wiiiz or rivvi.
A Itenierlr whieh rina lien lo.l. I
J. V. for 10 years, and proved In c;
ca.oaeapanie orcurinicnll Dl.eaacanl lliTh-..v
ami l.inu. sperloruiliia; many reinarkai.ieeurM
niorlisa trlul Iromall who are .ullern ,,.K
similar aftecilona and vulnly aeek rellcl Will
Im l,r'Ju,l,:' lirevent you from 1clnj curr,:
Couxha and Colda.-Tbe DruKSlsta lay II cu:-.
Aaihiiia The relief and cures are marrr-ku.
HronchUia. Every inllurer will bud rvliel ab!
......... M,LI- ..ll.l.ll( (ff Ull,,,,
I.una lilacaaee. lUacuraed caaea prou .un"
a. I lnitirit ' I
Thfnnl A . , . .
biHt. it rcnovntcn anj InvlgoraUi t. I
Islvor Coniplaliit-Motit tfftotlro renulir-i
kli I
Iypep.l. He healthy action on the in
oil I'll I'M el It
ApM.tler.-ltlbealtU((lvlnK and an::
a v wiuaa vh Ileum IB lUUItrj I
mil ttn nn 1. 1 I
JK. KHlKs4 WIN'K OF TsH t rich mwii.-ini fiiitiiiie ur Tnr, coinlalnej
reKluMo Inurmllenln ol umloiilitatl value, win-
i . . ..s.-.a, ui-i inn; iur iho cii i
j'UInt onuinTiiiel, but It mpiilly rt'.r
niMUtl It Unsure. n.ia. I ,. . .
V . 7 vh-.hi son ifi niDinuon, tviau
iM lAvvT nni iiutM them In work. eusrs tr
fM Co fllsioot, un) DiKhM pure Muotl. n.i wl
lffLll ft Vlflii.itw l a j I
jiclc. lfyuu aro uilll.-te.l in nny wuy, ktiiil
. i,. "Va-1 K'siiij tunic rn(-enio oi pr
" " " jtu w ti itn 1 1 ynur iti'
IllnnV ll tsusaal val.i. Ih ... ... i - ...i .
tlmt tlffh lnhtrto." Freunrel nly liy (ljLKl
( Unnk' k i ii i. ,V, i i I
For Scrofula, Serofiiloua Tiiin."!
ocroiuious lilaeiilea or Mo lye...
Scrofula In nnv Inrm. l.hciimaiiT of the Liver. Iil.u ia. til In
Skin, Kriiptlona, Pluiidee, HolU, If I
tor, ticald Head, t'lcera, ai.'l ol.l
rniw, or any maonae iie4ni.iix
lepra veil eomllilon of the Monil. t.i.l
lit. crook's CIIMI'OIM) NVHIfl
ot riiKE hoot, it la c.o.i'.c.l
wnn the tieattonln proparali. n.
iron known, and lathe Iwat aliml
live and nloo.l i-urlller inaile. Clt.i"
your lllood. Try one bottle.;
froniired onlv tie
Dl.lVtH CHOOK fc CO., I)a)t..n,0
w ami so packa, lied llorao Trndo Marl
llnkaKa iphkii or (1 la a ii Kits. A a run sr..
dor's. U. 8. A" alatant Aeseaeor. Slnunt vKtn.
I'a., C. H.icon'a l.lvorv and Eachnnae M.ill' I
hunhury, 1'enn. ct-KKii oy Foi'slikI
won h h lino. m-a, nanriiie, I'a., A. Mil'
Merobant, Whah.nKtonvllle, Fa., J. Mr. M
anakor'a. Jersey shore. Fa. Hnuaa 1 1 hku H
i.i.kii FkVKH. lleaa k Hro'a, Lewlahnrx. Pil
Hoitsa cihkd or Colid Tboa. llnainl
t nlon Co , I'i.. H.Hia ri atn or Cuoi.ks'-
it. itarra, ll. a. Cadwallailer'a. Ml" ''I
I.OKt eureu. l)r. Sl'Cleery, .1. H. M'CnriDlik'l
Milton, Fa.. Chickens cured of Cholera
i tapes. -nr. n. r. Kreha', Wataontown, r
lir.U. u. Davla, C. W. Sticker, John ai:
Jauiea Unney a Milton. Fa., liun.lre.1. ra H
could lie cited whose stock waa aaved l.y o'.-l
ino ne.i nooae rowuer prepares ly tVK' 'I
HKHWN, lnuKKlat, Cliimltt and llorirn.'l
am ma v noieauie ann neta.l Drue; ami .
cul l.nisirlum, llroadway, alllton I'a., lo so il
a, wiuhi. auouiu w auuuroaieu.
Vim 7 VEU MAEs
we will Insert an adrertlsement
In one hundred and fifty five Flrstclait
reunis)HHln Isspuieri,
Ineludlnt Eleren Dallies.
We refer to lhe publl.her nf thl. paps'. "1
wuwu. um. .JUUIUI1U7 ia wen KBOWB.
Iciest Ncmt li'ree.
Addreae QEO. P. ROWBLL. It CO,
AiivxnTiaixa AaaxTs,
Wos 40 ft 41 Park Row, New Torn
lisvTiii:.V)'n.'T.ui v in,.
he old standard remedy for dmigha, l''Jll
Cunaumpllou. " NolUlug
lluoa. k Co., Bolton.
better." L'tTu4
Fragrant Sapoliene
Cleans Kid lllorea and all kinds of Cluthei 1
tvratninai remorse Faint, Uraeee, Tar, ae-vf
Inatantlr. Without the laa.t Imurv In tke B.H
rabrlo. Sold by llrumilata and Fancy Uw4
liealera. I M AllRANTS AFOI.IENK Ot1
narciay oi., new York, SO La balls tit. lukhi
&1 ft A " AY f K ALL with StencllTf j
Vvawiwi a. K.uaaiiA.if. ttprlBSDaiu n
Hoy the Apple Farer, Corer and SI leer FafJ
ikOK A MONTH Horae and Carriage hi
v af'-""'"4' uixuset paid, 11. blue, j
Vcreiit H r It Mil Thl"'
tl oia:w per Week end Esponeee, or ao--i
larve eomniiaaloa to sell our uew and u',,l
lullnrentlons. Addreae M. WAQNEBSI
aiarabaii, aiicb.
And send Twenty five Cents lor a Ticks! nf
draw a Watch, Sewlnv Maohlne, f1'".
Dollar. Address, FACKABU fc CO.,
-A - early Indlaeretloa, oauilDg " ;;,.
til... . ..... j ' . . L ...ur IIS'' I
.J... . ...... ..1 Sk. M ; I
means ol aelloure. which tie alii asnS f'.-. '.'
fellow sultororo. Address J. II. Tl '' "
Maasaa street, Kew York.