THE POST. ttlDDLETIVIKt,. .MAT 4, IT1. TO WN A ND CO VtiTR Y. Doa't felt U reed tha advertlsemente, Ibejr always conula Information. ffnt Pusrineliana Claesit of Ihe Hf form ed eknroh will metl In Cf olrt Hall, Centre county, oa lb 17h tail. Till Milton National lUnk has anbaerib til fSO.OCOto lb new nte per cent, Gov ernment loan. ItatL'a Vegetable 8lo!lln Hair Renewer If eieellent dressing and tonio for the hair and make Iht hair grow Iblck. Oun merchants onght to pay for Butter according to quality. Tbe presrat plan offer a prtmlura to tbt wrong side. Kbit to frea schools, on of tho greatest elvlllilng agencies In this country la Wan aaaber k Brown's great Oak Hall Cloth ing Establiabment. Yoca faded loeke can be restored to all tbtir youthful beauty by using Nati'ss's Ham Riitobatiti, which li frea from all dangerous drug. Bee advertisement. Taa bill re-establishing Spring tiro liana did not become a lair, a eomt of our oiobangei hare tatel. It was killed in tho Senate. Taoaa tf our reaJera Who "would not die la springtime' would do well toeier eiao care ia removing their underdosing aad taking dowa their stoves at (hit tea on of tho year. Two police officer from Gettysburg ar rived at Freeburg taut Saturday and ar retted a ioaratyman aaddler named J. Laden Wood on the charge of having been aa accomplice ia the Pittsburg Bank rob bery. Oca advertising epaco la well filled thia week. Our elrcuUtieo 1 larger thnn It baa ever been heretofore, and advertiser are sot long in finding mch thing out, whether they are told of It or not. BatDT McCokMica, of Wataontown, last week mistook "a bottle of laudanum fat Brnady, took a drink and died the Mini aigbt. ITa waa a young man of 21 and highly respected. A Fiai broke out in Mr. Peter Specht's paint abop, In tbi place, last Monday morning, and waa discovered just in the knack of time to prevent a acrlou confla gration. SAVcat H. Onwto, Esq., of Pbiladel pbln ia announced In tb Republican pv per of Union county as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Tresidcat Judge in this Muriel. Mow I the lime to put awny furs, and the South Bend Culon says ' sprinkle a Hill camphor and black pepper, and pasteup tightly in newspapers, and we will warrant them frco frun moth In the full." Tni PnnrxoLoatCAL Jotrsal roit May a very superior Number contains an ar ray of over twnty stated nriicles, beside si evtr valuable Miscellnny. Trice 30 eta. ; $3 a year, aent half a year on trial. for $1. AddressS. R. Wkli.s, 389 Broad way, N. Y. Piisoms Tisiting Philadelphia will find the Allegheny , House, No. 814 Market treat, kept by Col. Cbarle Kleckner, for snarly of Colon county, a very good and convenient (lopping pine It central lo eation commend it to all who visit tho city itber on businesa or for pleasure. . Wm. F. Eciaiar, one of 8elinsgrove'a most enterprising merchants, having mo ved into hi new room, on tho torner of Market and Pin streets, ba filled it with a choice verify of new and seasonable good and ia not afraid to let lb people know it. See) hi advertisement in anoth er column. Pirta Spbciit, a young and enterpris ing attobanie of thia place, I turning out om first class buggies, carriages, sulklts, sleighs, wagons. Ac, which be 1 idling a cheap a they can be purohoted at any oiler plac. We would advita all who want anything ia hit line of business to glv him a call. See advartUcmeat. Ova Beavertowa neighbor are deter mined to make th beat of th advantages tb Railroad will offer o improve their place. Quite a large amber 6t dwelling houses and business place will b erected there during th Bummer and, with a commendable spirit of ntorpiise, th citi zens offer special inducement to enterpris ing mechanics and business mea to looat in that thriving little Tillage. EvaoAt fcaoeidoavaaTioa. Laat week we copied from the Courier a call for a Sunday School Convention to be bold in 'h Court House, in tbla plaoe, on Satnr flay iba JOlkrlnat. Tb idea a good one and haitl1y endorse it. Bine tb no lio appeared several earnest worker In 'tht Sunds 8cbl have spoken to us about ibe matter, aad they want to know what arrangement, If any, -have) been made. They ar willing and anxlout I do any. thlag to promot tho 8ebbath School later sta, and if lb gentlemenwho originated ht Idea have any plans to eoruradhloate iu Kgard (o tb Convention Uiey will oonfer favor by writing to th Superintendent Hbe Sabbath Soboete of this -place. Fa jkboitl la day paat a suspicious staking bundle ba been observed iatU sink f.he outbuilding In lb rear of ike Court IfooM,ty person who had boca'slon to go to lhat place and ysslsrdoy uorn ig. curiosity gelling lb better of a couple isatlemea tbey waked it out aad, to their error, discovered female child, of about four months growth, wrapped in aa apron. Tb nwef lb find rag tne child spread t'pldiy, aad the ciliien were were iusliv ilgoanl at tbe lulrag eommltlcd by lb ' nnaatural parent. A Jury wa summoned, verdict rendvied iaaccordanoa with tb W faela, and lb rtiuatn of lb child yprt dlanosed of by b borough u Aaoir two months ago Bephsru -Gill, ton of Mr. John dill, of franklin township out btmtelf In lb knee. The wound" w o slight, that ha apprehended no danger resulting from it at the Km i btil In about a week afterwards he took cold, the wound Inflamed, and b wa compelled to lake his bed. Sine then Ba suffered lb most Intense pain, until laat Saturday when he wa relieved by death. II wa a young man of fin aoelal qualities tnd beloved by all who kaw bin. ' " Pars If AaTNAsi Ksq., proprietor of the Ced Ircvllle Hotel, w ar fre to tay keeps on of the best, hotel la tb county, til large and commodious and furnished in the best of style. Hi tablets furnishes w lib the best ediblea lb market affords. He is obliging, temperate and iudustrlous, and by hia example, keeps every person about him quiet and orderly well fed and sober. YYito that has seen a dangerous disease arrested by an able phj slclan or a good medicine but value both? Beit your family physician to whom yott owe so many tseape ftem ail, or lr. Aycr'a In imitable remedie i his Barsnparilla Ibat renewed your vitality or Cherry Pectoral thai oured a painful cough, or hi Ague Cure lhat expelled lh freesing ague and burning fever from your blood. Who that ha beta relieved by any of these agencies but feel grateful for them all? flnngnr Tiuies. Vf learn from Ibe Millonian of lnit week that on Tuesday an accident oceured near New Columbia, Vnlon Co., which resulted In the death of Mr. Cleo. Pwarlt, formerly a resident of thai place, but who moved from thereinto the country. It seems Mr. Swarlt had gone with a tram for material to built abtrn and waa returning homo, and when rear New Columbia fell from hi wagon, one of th wheel of which parsed over his neck, breaking it and in stantly depriving him of life. It is stated ibat be was nnder the influence of Honor at the time of (he accident. From the Mifflingurg Telegraph of last week we learn the following particulars in regard to the burning of Mr, Chpham'r factory; "On Monday last, between the hours of noon and I o'clock, the farlory or Woolen Mill, of Mr. John Claphnin, in West Buffalo township, about two m'lcs North of Mifllinhurr, wa totally destroy ed by fire. Tht origin of the tire is un known. All lue employee bail been In the mill at noon, when everything appear. d right. No one was in ibe mill when the fire broke out ana its origin cunnol be known. It is estimated thai the loss will reach, if not exceed, eight thousand dol lars, which, we are happy to learn, is par tially covered by insurance in the Cumber and Valley and Lycemiug companies to tbe amount of $J,UUO." List of Jurors, May Term, 1S71, (IRANI) JIRORS. Hitter James F Keller, Daniel Alter, Joseph Middleswarth. Wett Bearer. tlisha J Davis, Jacob H Howell. Centre. Jacob Reicbly, John Shcnkle. Vktwfiion. Itubert Wendt, Iaoo Weiser, John M Rine, Uenneville Krcnier. Franklin. John Norman, John W Ren ninfrer. Jac'mii. Oeorg B Benfer. Monroe. lluliug B lleltrick, Capt John Ilehn. Mtilltbiir.JA,n P Smith. J'irry. Henry Peir. IImi p,rrti. Henry W Snyder. Ptnnt, William Krdley, Henry Duck. S'lint'rure. Henry C Miller. Vninn. DaniU Krvbbs, John J Kelley. rniT jiscRs. Beaver Jacob Oreenho:, Oeorge Suiitb, Jacob Gross, Wilson Gross, Danl Biogamnu West Beaver Joeih Haines, Gcuigo Arhogatl, William Krcbbi. Centre Jacob Sander;. John Klinlcr. Chapman Jere li Hall, Joseph Long, Jonathan Sowem. Jackson Jacob I.eiltel, Amos J arret I, S R Yeariek, Gust llrleumyer, J 8 Hewer. Monroe John Young, Daniel Lep'.cy, William 8 Hile. Middlecreck Klia Keek, John Mtraub. Middleburg Frederick Waller. Perry Daniel German. West Perry John Weiney Sr, Thomas Sliellenberuier. Penns George J Sclmeh, Isaao row, Daniel Gemberling, Levi Erdley. Selinserove Miles Weliel, Henry C Eyer Jacob 8chwarm, Ammon 'I Suhocb, Union Jacob Rural, D 8 Thursby. Washington Jonathan ArbogastSr, Geo Hoilennan, Isaao Molir, Uriah Wise, D B Moyer, G W Mcngea, Augustus Springman. Daniel 8 Hover, John U Glass, Henry J Adam, John Hummel. T RIAL LIST MAY TERM 1871. W R Dukknui. Tohnr. Kraltsar. Craig it UUnohard vs JaoobH. Ilendrlclu at al Pkm tb nam Rvan Uaulierman vs Enos 1'. Walter. Oeo Bolla fc ltasiel liollg, vt Krma iianiei uaiiara tb iatnanna aiaiwrBi. Harah Trailer VI Jacob Jarret Ellsebetb itt at jj. r. wigonwiier et al Wilier k. Sweanv as W. O. HarrnM A. A. Ivon for aaa kavs Jtmata Klsilnirer V. K. k A 8 OumulnRi vi Krlertek Itlrkter, John Ualar vt L. R. Hummel fc. Co. Jonas Hauch ftr aae He. vt Jackson W Oaugler H. a., ifowaa vt jonat nauoa. Kreri'li Katbfon vt Hiram Kanlt adatr. AlC. W H Weaver. wire vt u H wagntr. Mme vt John fc raarv Kltwr, bam Kamo vt Mart Hitter vt linnry Miliar Samuel (.trots vt O H Wanner Heme 8am vs John fc Mary Rltter a Mart Hitter haiue vt Uenrv Kilter. 8taU Haok of Harrltbaif vt Uaorge I llt pame vt namaai mump, A. Rurlnicman va J. 11. Adams The above eantat are at ! and for trial at Mar Term A. 1). U71. J CKOI SE, Pro U'T. T Kebraaki, California, and Kansas, ana the B. eV B- K- Lnnaa- Th " Burlington Route," a oalled, Ilea right in tbe path of tbe Htar of Kmpir. It runa almoal Immediately tn lb eenir or Ibe ireat weatward movement of emeera lion. Crossing Illinois and Iowa, it ilrik tb Missouri River at three pointt. Thete three points are the gateway into three great aecllon of th Irana-ktisaonri region. Tbe Northern gate ia Omaha where the great Paoifi road will take you to th land of gold and grape, tunny mountain, and nernelual summer. ' .TbeMiddt gat I Plnlttmouth, which opeos upon th lloailh half of Nebraska, south of th Piatt river, a f eglon unsur passed oa tb continent for agriculture and grating. Jutt bare ar lb it. M. Kail road rands, ooneeraiuc which Geo. 8. liar rla' th land officer at Burlington, Iowa, ean wive you all Informal Ion and in the heart of than I Lincoln, tbe Stat Capital aad Present Terminus or tb road. The Southern gala read to Kan, by cboneclloai wttb th St. Jo Road at Ham burg, running direct to BL lot and Kansas uij. 1 Th train of the BarHnttoa run smooth ly aad safely and make til connections. It run th best of coaches, Pullman Palace tnd Pullman dining ears, and should yon lak the lourncv for the Journey sake lalon, you will b repaid or lak it to nun aeui or a larui, Jtuu you wnuuw either belter than auouglb ll.&.M. lands, where yotl ean buy ou ten yvaia' credil, and at I low pHci CtT,lX80n0VE MARKETS, Corrects Weekly by Wagensellcr ft Bon WbeM red 1 flJ Onion $1 00 ' Ift HI 4 to 0f 12 20 Cora ,.65 By ir- to Oal ' .$ Flaxseed i Timothy seed 3 M (Momerseed 00 Cberrie . ' 01 Baiter . Boap , Lird-. ' Hans Shouldor - .Ji Aid 9 I Buckwheat 7 Cnertleayipilted 18 PRICES OF COAL O.N WHARF. Khamokin Chest Wllketbarr Cbeet -Shavnokia Egg aad Store Wilkesbarre Egg and Htov Lump . s JII12I On tbe loth u1t.,'at the residence of the bride's parents, In New llerlin. by Rev. A. Rearick, Charles W. Orwlr, of Hartlcton, and Misa Alice Walter, of New Berlin. riin. In Monroe lp., en th 2fith ull., Mar garet wife of Jacob Hummel, aged 78 yean A months and S'J days. In Freeburg. on the 26th nit , Charles lUgerty, aej 79 yean and 8 days. in Krankiin township, onihe 2'Mb ull., Sephnrui Gill, aged 'li years, 4 monttis and 22 day. . In New llerlin on the 2Plbult., Samuel Merit, aped 08 years. In Washington Twp , April 10, Mary tiraub. relict of David Kiraub, azed 72y. Iin.27.1. STAKES VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR. RENEWER. Is the best arlleln known to preserve tbe hair It will pnsltiTeljr reftvro Oil AY HAIR TO ITS OKIOIMAI. COLOR AND r-itOMOTE ITS OROWTH It Is an entire! an entlretv new srlanttneillseoTery.eflm' : many of th mon powerful ami rsitvra lente In tht rcnetabla klniidnn. DlnlnR tire agente It makes Mis hairtmooih ntid glossy, And n nm tiain nie tain : IT Is) RECOMMENDED AND liv THE PIBST MEDICAL AUTHORITY, rorsnlebrsll ilrUKiilstt. Prloe tl.n. It PntALL k t'o. Na.hna, Jf. II., Pruurletors. WASH. (iltlNKlIO, I TCll d CLOCK MAKER, Market St. Middleburg IV HAVING located in this place I would rest.cci fully inform Ibe riliiens of Miildlibu.-R and vicinity lhat I am rrerared to repair CLOCKS ASH WATCHES cheap and expeditiously. The patronage of tbe public it respectfully solicited. W. till ANELLO. Middleburg, Nov. 21. lHO-.l. J THOMr.SON DAKKn, Attornoy-nl - I nw, Lewisburg, I'nion Co., Pa. t&Cna be consulted in tbe EnElinb and Qerinnn language ."Yjw or nt lv Market r-ircef, ppposile WriHx, Smlih & Cos Kiore. 8-l'v A LLEOIIENV llOl'SE. $01. Ml 1 S Marl.i t Slncl, Aliote AvAfri.) rniLADniriiiA. Clini'lOW ItllCM.'lflMM, ritormiTOB Trrmt i lit) IVr Dnj. fl.Oltf ir. IIOTTHNSTKIN. M. P. physician mi srnoKo:, BKL1XSTUUVE, SXVDEil CO., PA. Oilers .l proieslnnal services to tberltltens nf Solus, rove and vicinity. Juuail, li:o ti Estate nf JOHN HOI TZ, Deceased. T KTTKUS of ADMINISTRATION 1-J mmn the estate of John lloutr. lata of tapiuan Townvblp, Hnydar tVmnty, riaceasel, harlnic been irrnnted to the underslmil, all ar sons knowlnir tliamsclrrs Indebted to said eidute are re, to make settlement without delay, and those havlnii claims aiialnst the sama will present inrm to J,r. I him u, April 13, 1STI. Administrator. Estate of A. G. IIASSINGEU, dee d. T F.TTFlm OP llM!VISTH TIOV Li the estate of A. (J. Ilassingcr.'lale of cWjIinsgrove llorougli, Oeceaeeil, having been granted lo Ihe undersigned, all per- eons indebted to the eki 'e are rei)ucsled to make payment, and tboto having cluiuit against Ihe tamo, will present .bent lo JOHN 8. IIASSINtiER, Jan. 31, 1871. Administrator. Estate of MARY O. HEOKEB, Deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon Ihe estate of Mary C. Decker dej'd., lute of Helinsgrnve liurough, Snyder County, l'a., having been granted to the undorsigncd all persona indebted to the said estate are ret) net led lo make payment, and those bav. ing demands against tb same to present them without deity to GEOltOK SCllNUnE, Executors. January 8, 1H71. pAXTONVILLK HOTEL, IIENBY BENFEB, rropriolor. Tlia undaritTisd tdopu this method of Inform. Ins: the public that he hat opened a hotel at tne abuse named plaoe, en the road from Middle bur to Ueavartown. and that ha la nretiarad to entertain the publle with first class acenmramja- April a, l7I. JJNION UOUSE, MlddlahsM Pa. WELSElt, proprietor. VRIAII Accommodations good and ohargea mod erate. Hpeoial accooimodatious for drov ers. A share of Ibe publio patronage It solicited. U. P. WEIHEK. April 0, 1871. TAMKSK. DAVIS liui'KL, It 6ELIN80BOVE, BNYDEB Oe, Pa. HENRY A. OOLIU. Proprietor. Thii well known Haute having been re fitted by tbe preaent proproielor, offers ex cellent aoeouimodaliona to Ibe Irtre.iog oommunily. Choice liquors and Cigars at tha liar, and the Table supplied with the best ins niamoi a nor us. a good stable attended by careful bostlsrs, iu connection with the house. April 0-'70lf, 4 FINE ASSORTMENT OF THE 11EST iTV OLP RTB WHISKEY, VUht PEACH WHISKEY, 1IIUNDY, QIN, AND HYItlTS, Just received and for salt tl tha Etgle uotet, in Midoueourg.' JOHN A. BTAIILNECKBR, Aug. 18, it70. TUEKMOXT; IIOTKL, , - JC IttEEMONT, UNYUER CO., PA. ENOCH 6M1T1I, rropriolor, This new hotel is now prepared tor . Ibe accommodation of guests and will Word first rata entertainment to persons visiting KreeiMopt. Every effort will ba made to promote the comfort of travelers atopntag t this bouse. Cboleo liquors at the liar, aad tba Table supplied with the boat Ibe market affords. An ample stable In eon otion with tba touts. . Atvllt)'70if m v., Jf I, Detwhjf tt: Ci'$?AAortm'mtnlt. Agents, Male i & Female, n'?' ""'"f rPu'V ubaeripllon Books. Krtra tnautementt lei A.imlm I,,. formation) free. Address American Book Co., 2 William Blroet N. y. $10 Made From fiOCts! pomeimng urgently needed by everybody. Call and are; or M aamples sent (poslace paid) lor CO els. that retail easily for J It) R. L. Woicott, tCl Chatham Square. N.V. WELLS' Carbolic Tnblcl. .T.h .'?,! :uroa War Woauht oat new ret or the wondarlul emcaev of I aruolle A old In heellne; and proTtntlna dlsaataes. A"TMM,Pr," Arid In ComMnattnii with other emolent remedies In a popular form, f"LVl?,Ml..;.?."U' T""T aodluni, dlsaasa; TSB.t"" ,n'J ''t'tRATIOft of the THROAT are Immediately rellara,!, an I state menu ar constantly belnir tent to the propria, tor ol relief In caees of lhroat difficulties ol jama lanuinp;. CAUTION. DonH let worthless arll ntna ha nfr nn TAHI.FTS r.L.U' t' .1 . Ka'tM.'o,a riatt street. V. Y..ante aaent. bend for Clroular priee U canu a bos. WANTED AGENTS. (?20 r-r . davltoselltheeelehrsted ttOMKISttrT TI.;fiKVI!,(J MAfltlNK. 11. the under fee.1, niahea the "Inch ttllrh" Inllks on sldse.) and Is fullr llrensel. The hex and aheat al family Newlna Marhlne In tha market. Ad Irees JoMseoii, Class, k Co., Iloston, Mi-i, I'lltfbur;, !., Chicago, III., or ht. Louts, Mo. AOENTS WANTED IOH THK HISTORY OF THE WAR IN EUROPE It contains orer Ion fine en mrrarlnics of flattie scenes and incidents li tha thentlcaud I'KHi'lAI. history n( that ureal eonHlct. ful.ll.hed In both CnKllsli k. tluruiaa. PA 1 IT I filCT Inferior histories srehewia yA.J A1UJJI. circulated. Mea that tha book you buy roaialnt II HI line engravings add "Vii ii,n circulars and "eeour i war, and Is th an. dccrlillon nl the work. A. I. Ire. NA riOMAI 11 III.ISIIINd CO., I'lilladeldila. Reduction of Prices TO CONf tlKM TO REDUCTION of DUTIES. WHEAT 8AV1NU TO CO.XSU.MtiW I .v ifintr tip ciuiM. -ren,i mr onr New Price I.l.t sad a Club I lions in ikln a tamo -avlnn to cnuumni n.l '' wm n.-rnmrnnv i run a n n. fH . I.- remunerative to club orifaniisrs. TVie t7ret7 American Tut Ciip-ti,, P.O. U..SMI1. K tw WHK. Scripture and Science have met toKtther. "enesls and Oa.."g; hart kissed each other. SCIENCE taH1: BIBLE. A tHN.k of thrllline intarast and greatest Im portance to every banian neln Tha Paire, Pulplls and l'e.,pla are all dlsculni tha sul.e-l ou ., .Tr man, woman and ehlld w.inl to read It. Tha lore fierce war Is ended, and honorable securer". Hcicnce Is true, tht HIMe literal, pure and beautllul, l.uh now sails. ne,l and arm rrlands. ttnd's work days, six c. tual days, not K( wrlods. This book Klres the very cream nf science, makliiK Its tlir llllatac real. hundre.l fold 'mora Interesting than iicn.n i !., . .,W.N rf'"- . 'lirlenec. A,.nts ; dlalelr. ".-!" "ooss aii'i secure territory luiriie. ' Mi flltliV, It South tb St., Philadelphia, Pa. ,,.t,,r. g.t r.' t r.r.H el TUKUItEIt A. WnT 18 IT! It it a sure and perfect remedy for all ilirtaaet of The l.ivrr and Spleen, Euliii genieiit or ob struction of Inlestines, I'rinnry. I'tcrino or Ablominal firgin, l'overiy or a Waul of HlooJ, liiicrmiitcnl or Ho niiitent Fevers, lullaminntiou of of the Liver, lrnpy, Slupuiij Circulation of Hie Llood. Abt ceses, Tuiuurs, Jaundice, Iiyspeptij. Ague k Fever or their concniuitauis. I)it. IVklls having becoiuo uwure f the extraordinary medicinal pnip.rtiej of Ihe South American I'lini, called .11 i(nti:itA. sent n spe- inl commission jio that country to procure it in its native nurilv. nnd li. ing f uitid i s wonderfiil euiative ic crtu's in even eicrci i no anticipation lormcd by its great reputation, has concluded to otlcr it In the public, and ia hrappy to slate thai he has perfected arrangement! for a regit lar tineuthly supply of this wonderlul plant, lie has spent lunch time experiment ing and lnv"iigating as tn the moit cKicient preparation from it, for popular use, ami has lor some lime used iu hit own practice with most happy results Ihe effectual medi cine no w presented to the public ss Dp. Wells' Exlrnrl of J III UF.UA. nnJ''e confidently recommends it lo every "t a nuuseuum remeuy wnicu snuiiiii i ' frruy akvn nt BbO"i I'i biuku in nil derangements of the system and lo auiinatc nkd (unify all wrck and Lyinphnlio tern peraments. JOHN g. KELLt Mill, 1'iuit til. Few York. Sole apenl for Ihe Coiled .stales. I'rice One Hollar per buttle. Scud far Circular. THE CLLfcllR ATKD M nrreii Kanr, With Its Rpecltt Attachments, the M'Ml'lNG & HllAKlNtiURATK, WJRMINC CLOSET iD FENDER Gl'ABD It celebrated for its Reliability Simplicity, toononiy and Convenience. FULLER, 'VAUliEN, k CO., MANI FACTI REivS, aae Water it-, lVew Vork- WARRANTED Tl 3Injic Cnil. will ehanire any colored hair or beard to a tor nianant black or brown. It Contains no uolson One oomh sent by mall foe St. Dealers supplied at reuueeu rates, Auureaa wi I'm. I'alton, lieu, hprlOKnald, alaaa. Tir A XTrTT?Tl Asrentt everywhere to sell W AD X jU our nsw Honk, vlti HIS TOHY OP ITALY," (Illustrated.) by John 8. U. Abbott. A splendid subject and isjpular au thor. U. D, lil'bSkLIu, Publisher, IIosIod, Mast, 85 TO 820 A DAY ! De you want a situation as talesman at or near koiua, tu tall our new T strand Wuiva wiea tlixirnsa I.iant to latt voi evtu., IKm't mlsa this chance. Nample free. Address Hud tun Hirer Wire allllt, 7W'ni.Kt N. v. or lo Lstatlwrn rjt. Chtoago, DKAFNK8H, (JATARKII, SOBOH I.A. A lady who had fullered for years from Deaf, seas, Catarrh and Hcrofula, was cured by a simple remedy, tier sywielhv and aralltuda prompts bar lo tend the raceipti free of cbama lo any one similarly ailtlrted. Address Mrs. af . u. Lbuobtt, Jsraay oily, N. J. FRPIT JAR MANI'VAI Tl'REuS tod Buv eraare netitlad. lhat a better aad eheaiier Jar than was ever known will be supplied. This jar avceiu in every quality and re.iulrernsnt. aud will outsell end eaa undaraell any all others. It will tall luelf. Important price list tor 171, now ready and swat free. Addreas CHAM. l. IM1.AY aeON, Ne. Kl Dock St., Philadelphia, Pa. UoolC VVuTiMltNl. The must useful, ornamental, sensible aad popular ol tuhterlnllou books, it" reytiroi It hat snlen- raiuinp; or i miursn," just out did.Fiteel Plates, Is richly rlchly bound, aud every Father and Mother who sees It wants U. it nas no opposition aad delivers aleusnllr The It L "S o I Hist atant out elaarad tul.Oo In ttva h6urst mo. ilsra hook like this one, Hplendld aerBit. Cir culars tent tree. Oauvai.diin Itookt only St. New World pub. Oo., 8. W. eec . Ith aad Mart kat BU., Philadelphia. . . C THKA-NKCTAU - lit A PVH III.ACK TEA with the Oreau Tea Ktaver. warranted to suit all tastes. For sale everywhere. And for eale wajolMle only tsy Ike Omar Atlahtio av Psnte 10 I SA IHN tl vhurcuSt, New Yot P,0. a MOf, BeP'l for Ttta Neotar vircutar, w. ESTABLISHED 1853. REBUILT 1871, Till. OLD (0.i:i( Rebuilt and rtefurnlshel With the Finest and Cheapest Assortment of (3-00DB! NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, QUEENSWARE, Hardware, Groceries,' Cedarware, Hats & Caps, HIioch, C7uipclr., Oil C71otliM, Hlion i"JiitiiiKH, AV-VlI l-Vli:itH, EVEM OFFEUED TO The subscriber having removed into bis NEW riTfMlE II'"'M, on the Corner ol Market and Pine hi reels, Is nw prepirel lo offer, to his old customer", and all new ones Ihrt may favor bim niih their patroutgr, great inducements. Ila is drlcimiiK'd thai Tin: ii STILL COSTIXVE Till: Fit. ILL rnin fty a sir lot atlrnllon In business, and keeping al nil limes ihe mot complete tUek, and selling- at Ihe lowest price", be hopes to met it a (ull share of iirouipc. tarAII kinds of Col NTRY PliOUlli; taken in exthange f . r gondK.-yjt Selinsgrove, April 20, 1K7I. W M. I'. ECKHERT. J OIIN II. AHXOLH, Allt)piMtv n lnw, MI1'ILKIU 11(1, l'.. t'rnfessiotiiil business entrust e t to Mscnrc :'.; be prompllv ended lo. Kelt .. Tl drover V ISiiki-r' liliASTIC STITCH FAMILY 8cwiiijs Mneliiiic.4"!, S!." IMOADW Y XEVS YORK. T30 CIIEST.M'T ST. I II I L A Klll.l'II I A. l'OINTS OF KXCKI.LKNCi:. Reatilv and Elaslietjr of Siltcli. l'crfvction and Simplicity of Machinery. I'sing botli pools. threads directly from ile No fiisicninft nf teams by hand and nn watte of thread. Wide ranpe of application without ch.tngt of adjustment. The seam retains in beauty and firmness after washing uml ironing. l!eldc doing nil kinds of work done by by oilier Sc iiii Machines, lhe M ichines iTei-iite ibe mo.t hcamifnl an permuuenl Embroidery and ornamental work. irtll"i: nJV The Iliirl'esl Premium al all the f lin "Wt "keonr manLlne muchientill not la pr BT. i ne nigi.esi I remiiuns at a t the l.nrt ,,,,, tn do without ltan.1 with the el I o( lioty, and exhibniuns tif the lulled btalcs uud we fil that e ure ma-ters of the uolf!uii."- r.uroiie, invo peen nworicn tuc Irrovcr & Kaker ewlng Machines, nil I the work by them, wherever exhibited in conipctiou IirjV'Tiie very highest prife.TlIE CRO.'!? OF Till; LF.lilO.N OF IIOSoll, was con fered on the rcprctcntutive of Uruver Hiker Sewing mm.hines, al ihe expciiiiun I'uiversclli', Pails, 1 rf-T. Ilius olU"iiug tbeir great siipcriuriiy uvir all olhci hew ing Mnchinee. For . ilc by SA Ml' 11. FA I'. ST. Kelins. gruvc, P. April -'. t'.'.'. Boniev's i1 rs?i. ' tl!' I ' tiliElT ItAIIHAL KWKr.iriU! ! ), l oml Chrpi f .Vf In the t'oiihtiy. the ruEss IS a rri"t-cliss ( cirlit pKOe ' ineurunirrry m wn-nnv iwi uie nanus, nuy- ij ,i r.. ,7,1 1; i i ' lo days In the year, when It can be dona letter. pnper, cuiHHiuinx columns, published eipeditb uslv, with le. I.ibor. and no In every murnitig. fcact-pl Hutiduys.) jury to the a IHsty I'luthca Wa.-her T" tr f ka ci I nnd a l"nlverl Wringer. 1 VII.V PUKSsT.? iHi !? a'lisHm in 1 s"'.'1 dealers whom liberal .St.- for six months ; l.iiil for three muniht : : " . . TKI-WKKKI.V PllESS.?.uil per an num; f'i mi fur six months; tl.tiu for ihrcc mntilhs, THK WEEKLY PIlE.SS.Tho mutt valu able Weekly Newspaper in the World. Il coutains items nf interr-l lo all READ TIIE TERMS : One oofy one ycor ! Eive copies. Ten copies, and one copy to tlic getter up of club. Twenty copies, and one copy to tho gellcr-iip of club Fifty copies, aud ono ci py lo the gcllcr up of club Ten copies, lo hue aUrei, and otic copy to Ihe getter up ol tho club Twcuty copies, ro one aililreti, and one copy lo Ibe getter up of Ihe club Fifty copiet, to out o.frc, and one Cory to Iho gelter up of tho club One hundred copies, fo one d..rrf, and II o.', ono copy of the Tri-weekly Press to Ihe getter up of tho club 100 oriiert tioti'i be aJ.trtsirl lo JOHN W. FORNEY, Editor BLiI Proprietor. 8 W'.cor. Tib andChcttnut 8ia., Phila.Pa HAIR RESTORATIVE Contains no LAC Sl'LriU'R No 61 OAR of lead-No litharge no ni- TRA1E Of SILVER, and Is en tirely face from Poitonous and lleaith-deetroying lruga used in other Hair Preparations, Transparent nd clear at crytlal, it will t toll Ihe rnest rubric perfectly safe. clean and elucinnt detideraluius long sought fur and found at last I It retlorra and prevents tba bair from becoming Gray, iu.pari a aofi, glossy sp pearance, removes Dandruff, U cool and refretbins lo the head, checks tbe Ibe Hair front railing off aud restores it lo a great eitent when prematurely lost, preveula lleacaebra, curra all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat.. As a dree ting for tbe bair It ia tbe best article in market. . . . . ... Dr. 0. Smith, Patentee, Grot on Junction Mats. Prepared only by PROCTOR II HOT HER 8, tlloucelter, Mat. The Uen uine la put up iu a panel sottie, made es prtssly for It, wilb Ihe name of the article blown In Ilia djleee. , Ask your druggist for Nature e Hair Heatoratlve, and take no oiber.: .. Send a threw cedi tlauip to Proctor Bras. fur a Treatise on tba Human Hair. The information il cootaius is worth f.VW to tb anj f trtoa, .IO-tii (.I.AHM, .:?., TIII3 COMMCXITV. Ate :roit'i-:i MOTTO FORMERLY AUol'IEIi, III3AP CO J I IN I Zltr" ;r.K iiotki,. MII'M-IIH R'i, 1V J. A. STIHLNM, rriipritlur. Ilitvinff t:iketl charge of thia (.1 1 ari l well ! , established stand. I lie proprietor pr"po-c o devote all bis ailrnth n lo Ihe providing , of Ins 1 anle and liar an.d ihe accommoda lien of both ninn and brnt. He solicits a liberal share of li-s ta-Mio atronnge. January M, Uu- v DOTY'S I Middle jiirjr an I viciuitv th ii bo i n . Wasliin- - lacliincN'trrttir'' u,vv,-uMl LATELY Mt'ftl IMPKOVED AMi THK NtW rnlvrmal Clolhrn Mrlugrr Improved wlih Rowm.t.'s Patmt lionu.sCoo V HMKta, ami the t'ATKr Stoi, ara now un- I itir-ilonatdy tar sujierlor to any apparatus (or1 wanning ciumes aver mvanisti, ion win save their cost twice a ear, by saving labor and clothes. Those who Lave used U.em glvo tettlEony at nev- umi, unmii .n. t. v. uurcu In the Uiin lrv of niv boue there Is a nernc- iHov'TbeMbir"" "'VC1Jllu,-" "i:viiry week hatiilron lt'attrr.Ker boMnpon tho utlectLus ol ttiO luiuatct ol ILo laundry." N. Y. Observer. "1 bearlily couiuiend It to economists of time. moru-y, atoi C'nu-r.iujtnt. ucv. ur. tic,i.. " rlcnd I'oiy Your last luipruvvnant ol Wiiil.iiiK Ma-hlne Is a complete uocer. '5 sure i.u ur .Machine. ' alter a tar u.-t luougoi ui more i "iia) loauvtvr, ito ivi"u,a uV priiMi mill uuuvr ail) viuniii.-uiicvi, sot .ii Hoi. ins -n. Tiie N Y. Wevkly Tribune, or lu c IV ivto. In ansat-rtoa cori,spn-lini . m : "Of WurLcrs, Ibi-ru is nope to be cuuiprod with fjily'i." ! lriT!s-A I'i.iroSfer. Il t' a Mcr' !n yiir j i.'-i' wlM rjid fcrr'"l. r.r .end b s II. a Vue'.uii( ttatl lis tLe rulall r.rl c. ) Weslivr 11. K.vtra Wringer , and w e v hi tur f. ward elibsr or bjtb niacl.iries, fre o ireuLt, Ij i places where no one Is isllina; and so lure atL i we thoy will I, like I, that wa aurea to rctjuid ' tha money If any onn wlstiesto return tho ma chines tree of Ircibt, allur a uubtL s tiUI, according- to direct), n. No husband, lutto-r nr brother shniit l imrmlt c.fUBU are H. C. JlROWxrNO. Oen. Aasnt. Os-'t 37, 'to-nroj Hi M., N aw York. ri u: Hirssi:it SEWING MACHINES! AHEAD OF ALL lTHEU ! THREE TIIol'itASD PER WEEK NOW litlNtJ MALE AMfoLli: ARE nn: ni:4soi wiiv. Recauee il embodies essential principles not found in any other Mncbiuo; because G of its simplicity of construction, case uf opcratiun, uniformity, of precise acliun al any speed, and capacity for the greatest range and variety of work, flue or co irte. Partirt wishing lo purebnse should not fail lo examine the bcit of all Sewing Ma- SD'cuiuca Ah it (UN. f-tw, sew, sew, Al morn, at noon, at nl)bt! Work, work, work, Hut never out of slyht? For grant and small, for Sonne and old, In sunimars's heat, In winter's cold, liv mldniKbt lamp, by ml. liar's sun, Twaa taw. sew. sew. tut never d jds. When tirauduia tewtd- Ak it Ik. Hurt, butt, buiti why how the panties fly! Oh, oh, oh! 'twuuld t-liurtn tho dullest eye! The legs are sewed, tha waistband's un, The buttons set the p-ints are dona! And here's a pair for Ham and lohn, And thai ley, too, and little Dan. Sow Mother sewa on rilNOER'rt NEW MACHINE. We advlte all wbo want a first class dewing Machine, one ibat will tew linen nr gltied thread as well aa any other, to go lo V. W. A.Mjl-l.L, on North Tbild Pt.,' In Lewithurg, R.UHFON & WINTERS, New Herlo. or I. 11. SMITH, Selinsgrove. And get one of these Famout linger Ma- chinot, for there you will get instruotions, at you can get at no other place ; and if a dinger Is put in your family . bappincsa will It sure lo follow. , ONE WHO KNOWS. Ten Judges gave Ihe Hinger the Diploma al tbe rSuyder County Fair. I-' J Kstate of IXuABava RricasaaAca, dee'4. T ETTKRSDf AIMIf ISTRATIOX apon the IjettaUs of t:llsa'lU Uaioliaubach. laUui u iBKloa ji., deceased, havlnir, bean granudlo the uodarttKueit, all persons kaolnK tkawsalvat ludabted to the estate are requested tu make payment, and those bavtoe; elalist aalasl the tame, will present thein to ntniMAit, . . Adutieltlrator. Perry towaihln, Jtnaary so, ls;i. Cttateof JACOU KK.tfHENUACH, uee'd. T KTTEU TESTA M KNTAH Y tip I J on Ihe estate of Jacob ttslrheabaeh lale a lale al wathlneten t., nae'd, having hen arante.1 to the uudaraiaead.alt parsotss kn-iwlna thsinsalvea Ihe uuuaraisaau.a Indrbta,! Id the aatale are rMwesled loauks Indrbta-I Id the aatale are requaslsd toesake u)uint. and tboew harlua claims egtuul the taut will prasnt them to - i ss ti,i a i. sni'iiiu, jvpwt. Fremout, Februar) as, I71. T ETTKRS OF ADMINISTRATION upon Ml the IrUUie of Mary lUiruiugheut, (ate orteairviowniQip. Ucccattd, having teen granltd lo tSe uudorticnej. all persona in- ilabled Its Ihe ealale sra rwtiiiajiiad iu wibV-a payment, and ihote having claims a.aintt tue aauie, wit yireeem laetnio . r,l.l UUl. wlMlllOVS, SiU si, Jen. 'Jidiuiui.iiw. rp J. SMITH. s :1TJtHIY AT I. A TV, MIDIlLrtlt Rtl, KflTl"! K CO.. PA. Orrt bis Profi'-'li nsl 8errl, s the pabllc. I'unsnltatlons Ic Oernjanea? Kristltrti. 1" TuIlK MOTEL, li No. 'J7, Xerlh Srd tl , between Race and Vine) I'liiUdclphia. R. l. Cl MMIXCIS, Prop r. M. M. SrVARP, furcrinlendctil. 0.-T w AKIIIN'JTOS lltlUJK. M!,UIburf, S.l'rcr f'.rrl'y. 7'rl. IAN'L IJOI.IJNDr.H. l'r..,.Virt..r. 1 'i '.ns st' ipinpst ibis ilouee Un I i 'rIlHl socjIipih" I ili'jl's, fur Mnn slid K- .sl. 17 i ;.,f ) V am v. cs "ilTTTTri" 1 . rr:N rni.v ft.t k. NMPtn , ps. WI1.I.UM H. I.MI, 'rn riciur. Tbi well kimviu b.nel. loctiel In the loan of l'enlreri(. Ins Hern tlmrongbl i epsircd and reliiti' I, and in the best con dition lo acconnno liitc the traveling public. Evert eftnrl will be made lo pinmnts tho comlnrl ol Knot. A shure of pubiir pat. iiniapc Is lolici'e I. Apiilii Tl'tf K.late vt H A K A II AT P, drc-.P.. IfTTKIts OP AIMIMTllATIi)N up .a i thee.lareof nahah a it, f al-low rr l.e,,nsrd App.) l.leof I'cnns tositi.htp, d.-e:ie., hs In l-een irranted !. the iinder-iune,t, nil rois knowing lliem clrr In-lei ted toti,a t'tjite a' rcoested to reake piTnieht, and tho.c hariri ''latins nxalnt ttts s.ioic ittlt prc'cnt then to JOHN WKMHr.UI. I Vl. A dminlrlrai -r. Pen towndilp. Sep'c-nlr IT, pro. r.Vi i;i;i,i.i;ii, M.inufacliiicr of nn I de:ilci in V V l X I T I J UK. Would rc ectfull.v inform t!ie dliens rf Selin(rrore an 1 viciniiy, that he inatnifa". lures to order nnd keeps conslaiilly on ban I 'IIAirs (IV At.f. KIM'S. AMI Furnituro of every Pcncnption, at the very lowest prise, lie re-pcciii!',y invites au esittnit.aiion of fir n'Ti. a ts, nt npAt -.t iii.v. sifas I.Ot Nills. SI'ASIll, I'HAlKS, kf, JVtf'A epiM ml Itivn ill n to rlli'tl lel t'l newly niiiriled folks to c ill an 1 ee riy "loi k before I uiclis-lli? elsewhere. r.i.i.u:it. Sollnsgrnve. April rt, ";-if ()UXC11 i ' 8AZ.TJ8 small raoriTS I MiiLUJi ii. iir.i. i:n I 1!fl. Hfif I fi i 1 t uMr.r.iina.1. 4n 1 ,.9 sriirx'! t .st'MML'n conns ever brought to (hit place, at greatly re duced prices cheaper than tha ehoiipet. He inviiet altcmloii to his Uijc t;o. i.f Ml'M.IX', CAIIC 'KS. IiEHINES, LAWNS. SILKS, EEHLGES, U.N't.NP, Boots and Slioes, HATS AND CAPft. RE.UV-MAlE CLOTHING. Fill UTS, and evcrythii.g usually Jtept ia a well regulated tlore. Give u.u a vail and bo convinced ihui this is the ilu.-a lo l nv n.n.'i. I COlNThY PKOIM'CL n.kcn In exchsng. I or goodt. 111. II. HfHtCI'. MiddU'tlirg, M;iy, ISoT. ' WVCIIX FIRE INSURANCE CO., cuiiMtn or xahxit MrnAii.v sre., "SVl Hit !)! I !! !' wizK.ii, . JjineAM . Pres I, I), snorsneei:, V. Pic, T t . s 'li : n. t-oTelury. Ir.f r. I.. D. Mj Oii,.vi.. . . Av.Tt, l'. I..v.: i.J.1 1,. i l.liil. ' .. L LLIAN. M. IlAnnikC, t . A. MlJIUt. III. ! V..UU. ALtsim .Monsr, c. I.. ); 1 1 i . Kimas. s.nmuti'A' I li-V. ;niliul & sin dIiih. si-iii so Kecelpts lor !,. f :u on no . .':,Mr isi I.xp i..;.i arcs ' -N.r-ir-t: ' v. s a . is.i,. 'Is: Kt.iim M . 12. Mil isi 14.1U on b.4..i 0)1 , Shares first National Hunk lt; Miaras second Natioaal Hunk o4 M.ares Wy. iiiitg National l;juk . linM.are Wilkesl 4rra (Im t',niuny I .' Miarrs Wlikcsbarre lin. lite I'ouipany i Loans and Collateral loans and Pcrsonul nerurlet.os ' .ludsruanlsand MortKainu I iua iroin AkciiIs on I oihets I fash ou hand and Iu Hank Ilwil 1. stole . twite 1 uruiture and tals . fl.issl o, 4 . XVI OU 14. !M! ISI .-.o on II 1JO 2.. u, i i; I, 4M (. I ou 7oii ou Sill.JT'J To J OSHPH I Lssrcs pnld In IweUe year." lis', sit 45 t nsMi.ted a,-.,,,, ' Adju-ted but n .t due t .w oa Uec.l-.ui) .lAMls I. srilnoI.KV. llcneral Axtnt. WtUon'oan, Pa. 'E OPPLU FOR SALE, AT V..!!, T"1H TtMY Masonic Temple Loan, Ilruiintr i 3.10 line rt-al. Re.leetaaUc after five (M and within twec'tr-eLe tSl) year. I uteres! ravabJc Mai-th and Rrplfmbor. The llond' are reuL'tereJ, and wlll'lai liseen In suuii to uit. Oella veil & Krot her, 40 Soli Hi Third Slretl, Vuii.Auri.rHTA. STOCKS koui-ht an I s..ld on commission. Oold and (low. eminent Itorule IWu Ll an.l sold. Aeeounla raHlvl and interest ailowwl. tuioect to aivbi drutts. " MarcU 17, ls;0 y rpiIK CEI.K15RA 1 I'D iMrnovi:i 117 .V I 1 Oride Gold Watches. s l rurlnt tht tt T or rears onr watchas l ira beta to tkoryu tily ttel, that for appearao.e, style of Ituli1!, end accifracy of thna kreplnt. liie'fierarw watrha." era antveraally eeceslot the taut. They retain IhelasWllliaacy aud cvlr aattl wore auk. . . e-l( aner purchas!n end fairly Irjrne. any owe Is net ludy satuuiad, we wa III eteatrullr re fund the money. e)May are all ra Hentlrjr Oasaa, Oeanle men's and ladle's sires. Kvert Watch auarea. lead lor live and wear, by eiieoUl eeriiacate. e"A lartrf astivrlineat -luiprovet Orlda Ohatna, SI la v Als Ownlieuuia't anil La. die's Jewajiy In k-roit tariety. . aerHeware af ladtaUons. Order dlssaH teeea ns or our aarkoriia agents Afiaet. aad etkara applyiat lor elrxalars will please aeWae three cant ftauip ttv ystaae. (toods aaril te be ld on delivery. estowerw perasltlad lo tsantu, what thsy order (baJtwj Csina -killa, en pe, ratal et l.iina ehartrre U ways. r'li hl VrTatrtiea ere entered at aae. we will itnj en erua a'.cii Ms una kiudl fit, rwrchawrrresl-'lsie at t til ainsnee rrukt fcipre eaieat, and dariiliw l sate time aud expeaeat. aa have the -.! s by raall, J TSJlLVtZV iy rvasiuiuv twiia ui erweri vi;a arawv.!,! r. is. Money virtu r r..i.liaJ teles'. Aoatv plainly JAslts DCKlKli a, r . use. at ear luvaw hl a, ti, . . New "testa I kJ KaCsaU Uvuir, hi ir.o.-,.i, Ttc...j