, If. "''1 If. . V ' H. V. . 'v 1 ilia lb itry lies I by )IIer tint ling jienl mid otic, letif IA, every hould in all i Dials Si. iialei. d for bl'ACB n, Idle aqu lal! r.osT. .........APRIL TT, LDLSBtlHJ.. jOW'iV IA7 COUA'TIir. f open candidal. column next 1a B. LIS. El. h" removed from Liiburlo BeU.fonl. Tnl fTT M7 a1""' rrcparatlnna Ltbticf Rftd ll Wanamaker & Brown's Lru coving Spring. TnMl of our reiuir wno nesire ttieir L,lo Ul. th.mmt tnlor as when young UlJuM IUh vegotaM 8icilUn Hair LtiwrV - I , ' ITitl Inhuman and tinlnwful practice of LmIIHK ronws, on ft in io r discontinued . (tnj ettiirn. Those engager! in II l0ild b. mad. 10 feel lb. severity f (be Tit following postal change, hare been la fa tat county i Hummel w linrf. Ihi Me'tner le Jobn Hoffman, resign- MrKees f Fulls, Vim. UoTertic.il. frml, resigned. r- Uo Oi t for splendid lot of n.w tlislO. Alrr.il rcbnch I store in a few Remember lb. place, next door to I Own House. iWooi.m FAcronr bolnno-lng to Mr In Ctiapliani, In Weil Buffalo inwii.blp, in County, win destroyed by flr. last May. Lou about $15,0n Hi would like lo know wbos fnult il Ik I lbs stage leave nellnsgrov. nearly rjivsning without wolling on the ent. BUI. A It now a ni it paper are slway from on. to two day olJ iritlisyrcacn in. krwGooM, ebeiper linn ever at Krk- i i new itoro on the oorrift of Market I Tine Streets. Pclinsgrov. Cnl, and lilitm. A new advertisement wi ll ap rititweck. k " -of Forty Thousand bottles nf ;' llAtn IUstoiiativs! were sold r. Jan. lnt lo Juu. 1st, which fanl tolls btg ilory. Its so clean, and looks so libit the ladles are all delighted wiili ISeMdvertlscniSnt. . lino hircTioNS. Tfce bill r.lorlne prini elections fnr townlip. ward ! borough otlioeri. baa cased ImtU IcKm of the Legislature, and hereafter I till tsk. place on the the Ihird Tues Imteid of tb. (bird Frldny in March klMtloa omoers chosen lust Ocloher lo hold oter nntil their successors are lii Statt Journal. boat School Comvbxtiom, The min i. luparintcndents, learners, rarenls acum inieresiea in in. Sunday frlinnl Fi twyaer county ar. rsririil,t r. id Is asarmbi. In Iho Ttnrnnpli rf Mid. firf, es alurday. Midil!eburg, on rial- Mst lOih, al 10 o'clock, A. M . for purpoae of organizing a County Pnb- lociiooi Assooiniion, thereby cri'iiiinir pini tniereit in th. ereat Fablmth kiwork. n' bop. Ibil eterv Sn'h- IScbeol In Ibe county n I II l.e rei io- Hyannmbcr of 'l.c(rnie. Iltvs. ro, M. L. SbinJcl, G. A. Leos Trofs. To mr. V, B. lloyer, Vim. II. Mover : Ilaitlicoi, O W. Keller, O. K. Mover. Uoyer, Ulitscb, C. F. Mover. V. II. , H. ll.urimm, II. Urown. Mover. 'Mine. 1 r Tiecis roa 80 Cxts. Irae Cross, Underneath the Vlx'els. 1 ml your head, lit ll. darling Fare piotlier, rleasant thouzbls of Ion t r-prinar Tide. Hnrlni and Ant ISong, Hweet Is the lime of florin . M isris.n from the IW,1. Lnr.l hhdly Ubost. Ulu. Ilird Hcbotlis be. trd MnrcU, Bell Maria Maiurka. of Saratoga, Cinaraon Koso Si hot- I'bov pieces, prlnlod from .1tl full. Plarlc-plates, are ct.ntniued in tiio fiaber of I'itrr's McairAt. Mohthi v taalli. Publisher asks the model f 30 cents. 8cnd 80 cent a for a "V J, OrSl for lb Jununrv. .',.h. I March, and April numbers, anil w. P-o'icnt yon will thank us fjr recom f t It Address, J. L. Pktisrs. 600 rJ ew York, jut's Fdiekv Fob May. This Is "b number. The steel plate Is a l picture of the pride and glory of "me matchless t osemit. Valley III wonderful towerins walls of ' waterfalls, and olear stream wind a", ui iiaeu, iuis is worm man aumbei Then lh. colored Kanh of unusual Inlerosl, as ll pre itilhaoiual porlraili of disiln 1 paraonngss lb. former VHnoe 1 f France, tb. Princess Aleinn u-t.inpt.si Eugenie, th. Princess 11, of course, aliired In the latest SHE ?licity. 30., rb tbT l toai- no polJ The Fisherman," a fin. wood-cut, picture as on. does not often see ; ' upon tb. heart with tb. weird tf its tragic, pathos. Mtnio 'lit Church Around lh. Corner." Corn live Onls P7 msller I. tery rich, maintain lifh charaai.r nfiha mxirailtio Y kJ Deacon it P.t.rssn, l'Uila. FUdt'i Book fob Mat, 1871 pbtlisbm.nta for this mnntli flnm. I k bandaom. steel plat., entitled moiry." a a.ven rigurea Col-"H-Hlale come a . b.ii iih il.. US a (iDsof dresses pioiurod upon it. filio Interior of a prlmatlte ir. to a" I H1 i Jobs itled Devotion." Crochet Tills lhlirn U Tirlal..! I. hi..- IKllensiv. beel eoniains Iblny uuulars r Ikiataa. r-' oi ureases lor lauiea, lion Nfan's dresses, and man arlMi.. iltt. There Is also a peg. of de I'taalng children's hair. In lh. H'ttnent tb. arllcle on waking clothing ii continued. Many P'ruotious sib given for useful p tlLdsom. desisn for a suburban nan at ...a Wl SB.. ireaa bf. Mao given. Marion Ilarland'i ''SIS run through four nmnhin V completed ia Ibis number. r.uu psr year. Address L. A. W, L'or. Aih h ri...i.,, ci. i. r hlTl,y,:-W' U. Brow, hat been r viiii Kngincr ot lb. Sunbury :r w I rauroaa. now under ami. cured '1' 1 KraUt' , o7 clianj Idrsaa tit- Julr.issJ II .titf V Mr. Brown's offic. is at Harris, f ' eid lo t. not only an .i- -,.urr, bui .vary incu gon . erEu II. Arms is continued as lb. road, foraotita sir- obtained eurrenns llmi r,cy'''r' weniber ofib. legisla- I, -"sirioi, ana on. of tb. Inth. Blair, la to bs Undent of lb. Sunbury and ai soon aa U shall be hep ibis report may b. i, ..I ;IB Ki PUBB . ail't ' ur III! ''loads of railroad Iron fur lh. I LatutialAii.. II 1 L m ha. .:.if ... . to .r . ior a WJS 01 b" iJ rler I ;h"' railroad station, on w'"' Burn IVrbapa Vf,H hop M.Z,. ortu "r, Horn akd 11 Ai.Tn.Tla April number of litis new Health Msjsiina comes tojas wim greni varteiy or interesting artietif. Th. prli,c!pUi.enir. on tb. WVr Causa and PrrefitloTf nfirr5'''ll-wb I td)," " Rearing Pable.,. "tight tacllfgt;! tLt AM K V-T A 4 ' u'lTiiMiivf! ui siitmi in vvy oieallr ronaidertd,". U bal shall w o In the Pick-V.iom!' .( Thtr. art more than forty smaller articlrj, containing blots on beallb and for I lie bom.. Pub lisb.d ai $l.CO per year, by W. It. lit 1it & naornsn, 80J linomas, 80J Broad way, Now York. List of Jurorn, M7 Termt 1971. unANn ji suss. llfuvtr. James F K.ller. Dinicl Alter. Jocb Midilleswarili. Ural lit art t. than a J Davis, Jacob II llotvrll. Criilre. Jacob llelcbly, John Sbenkle. VA h m I! ..!.-, W ...!. U'.t..... ubn M U ine, ll-nncvillo Kleiner. n7in. John .Noiniim, John W Ben ningcr. Jatkion, fleorge B Benfvr. Mtmror. Haling 11 lUltrick, Cnpl Jvbn Helm. , MMltlwy. John P Smilli. Vrry. Henry Deir. HVal I'trr v. Henry W Pnyder. I'mnt. William Erdly, Henry Duck. S'iiutijrovt. Henry K Miller. Union. Oanlcl Krcbbs, John J Kelley. rBTit Jt nens. Beaver Jacob Grrcnhos, Ooorg. Efmilh, Jacob Gross , Wilson dross, Hani lliiigiman Weal Beaver-i-JnD.'b Haines, Ucoi g. .Arbosait, Williulu Kre' be. Cenire Jacob Sanders. John Klingler. 1'hapmnn lor. I) Hull, Jo-ej li l.nng. Jonathan Hnwcrs. JacksonJncoh l.eillel. Amos Jarrctl. 8 K Yenriek, Oust Krlenmyer. J 11 Heaver. Monroe Jubn Yuung, Haiiiel Lip'.cy, William fl llili. MiddleorerkElbia Keck, John Slrnub. Middlebui'g Frederick W alter. I'erry Hanlel llnrmnn. West Perry John Wcincy Sr, Thooia- Bhcllchberitcr, Penns tieorge J fchnch, I-sue Row Dun ill tleiiilicrling, I.evi Krdley Hidinsgrovp Milrt Wcin l, llenvy C Ever Jacob ru'livvarm. Amnion . Sl.ocb. I'liinn Juoub liiirns, 1) H Tluir-hv Washington Joiiiitban Arhugasi hr, (!eo Hosf rmati, Uiiiic Mobr, I'rinli Wle, I) It Moyrr, (I W Menges. Augustus Kpi'iiimnii. Itiuiicl 8 lloyer, John (1 tilnps, Henry J Adum. John lluinmcl. v I A L LIST MAY TKUM 171. W, It BaiMttiniis, v Jnhn . 'rrel'fer, ( rl(Jk lititnehard vs Jacob II llen lrlrka it ul hntnl vs Sanil Kyan llauiiarmnn ta Knns y. Waltor, (teo Holla Si Daniel U'illr. " Srini lianlal slattern va I'ntharlna ;i.ittora. SarabTresler vs .tumli .lurri-t I ll7lHlh Ult us II. K. Waicenseller at al WlllorliN'Vew a W. . Ilnrrl. S. A. Lyon lur uxdc vs Jaineae K linxer I.. K. k A i;uuiiiiliuia vs Kre.lerli'k Kl. htar, John'luler va I.. H. Iliunmel o. Jonaa Haiu-h furue Ko. vs Jneka .n V HniiKlor It. I,. Ituwea vs .I'iriia ItaiKh. Kroil'k Kulhrnn vs lllram l-lintz 4'iuir. a,e. V 11 Heaver b wife vs (1 II V,ikht. hnmi vs J'lhn St Mury Iftttor, Paino vs Mary Hitler bains vs tlinrv Klttcr Samuel ilruns ' II W'enor S iii.i v John h M iry Hitter Sami va Mury lt:tter Nnnio va Henry Hitter. Stats liana of llarrl.lmiv v De iriie l it Ssim vs Kimtiel K. Mump, A. Sprlnmmn va .1. II Ad.im The ali .ve caiie are at lme and f.ir trial at .May Irrm A. 1). liTl. J t'ltm.'sK, I'ro tli'y. Nebraska, t'lillfornla. anil Kaiisns, and the B. I Jl It. K Lands. The " llitrlington ltnute." so culled, lii right In the piith of the Slur of Empire, ll runs nlmrsl iiiimedintely in thn ecu lie nt lb. great westward movement of onirgrn lion. Crosslnit illinoii mid Iowa, il mrilt f, (be Missouri Uiver nt three points. These three points niv thegalcwnys in I a. three great sections of the li'aus-Miitiuri ippinii. The Northern gate is (m:ih;i where the great Pacific road will tukn. you to the Inn 1 of gold and xrapc, sitiiuy tnuiittt uin. mid peif rluiil suiiiiiier. The Middle gate In I'liillsnioulh, whirh opens upon the Smilli half of Nehrn' Itn, south of ho l'liille river, a lepion nnuv passed on III conlinenl for agriculture und K-azini'. Just here are thai!. & M. Hull mud lands, onnrerning which tlco. S. Ilnr ris' the land ollicrr nt Hurltnginn, louu. can givo you all information and iu the benrt of them i Lincoln, Iho Htate Capital ami Present Terminus of the road. The Southern gnle leads to Kansas by connections with the 8t. Joe Hoad at Ham burg, running direct to St. Joo and Kuua City. The trains of the liuilinjion run smooth ly and safely and make i II connection, ll runs the best of conches, Pullman I'ulace and Pullman dining cars, and should you Hike the journey for lb. journey's sake alone, you will b. repaid I or lake il to lind a bom. or n farm, and you cannot find either bellsr than among tb. M. lands, where, you can buy on ten y eats' credit, and at a luw price. SELINSGROVE MARKETS, roricciel ,Wekly hy Wagenscllur & Son. Wbent red SA 65 8l 43 60 00 04 75 Onion Putter Fug' Soap " Lvd Hair. Shoulder $1 no 15 Id C 10 OH Ii oil 17 Flaxseed Timotby seed Olomersced Cherries Side 0 lo 11 Uuckwheat Cherries, pitted 18 PIUCES OF COAL ON WHAllF. Shamokin Chest 8 oil W ilkesbarre ('best 6 ll'l Shaniokin Egg and 8iov. t &U W ilkesbarr. Egg and Stovs A 10 Lump C 00 MA.irtiic:i. On the I Ul b list., Oaorge A. Hmlih and Mis. Louisa llovis. both of Fremont. iii:i. In Peav.r township, on lh. 11th Inst., John Thomas, Bg.d about 78 years. STALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR- RENEWER. OIJvVY I1A.I11 Itistorid to its Original youthful color by Its oil It will mak. hilr row upon bald heads, sseept In viry .Kid psrsona, salt luriilatiia lbs nutrittvi prluolpli by wblvli tb. hair Is nourlshsd ami supiMjrtsd. It will pravint tbi hair Iroin falling out, and dual sot stain tb. akin, No bitter ivldinu of Its aurlrlty nsed b adducid thaa tin tart that so ussy liallntlous of ll ar. ollired to U. public. IT IH A SPLENDID HAIB-DRESSINQI 6v Traattlt. on th. Ualr seat fris by mall, R. V. HAI.L. a Co. Nashua, N. II., Proprietors, for sal. by all druggists. March, lia. l3uEKMONT TlOTEL, - JV s'HtliMOST, 8NYDKB CO., Pi. ENOCH SMITH, Proprietor. This new hotel la now prepared lor tb. accommodation of guests and will afford first rats .ntertainiusnt to person visiting Pre.niont. Kvvr effort will b. mad. lo prumol lb comfort of travelers stopplug at Ihi bous. . Choice liquor at th. liar, nd lb Tabl. supplied ailh ih bast tb market attorvi, Aaaaspl. staui. m con celtou ith Ihtlivuoc. Afrlto iUtf 0541 of J. t. a.. 4s3B Nwsrthalith St, Ptbad - MKUf.rt ' 1' JUU1JUJLI10 ' 'tr(lot and drbsiillafif 'Vht r!ll not barn the batr r Injure the hoad. ' 'JZJ.t'l 1 dooa not produce" color mechanically, as the poiaonoua preparations do. It gradually restores the hair to Its original color and lustre, by supplying new Ufa and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of; soft, lino hair. The beat and safest articlo over offorod. Clean and Pure. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. WASH. VKASELLO. V.TCU CLOCK MAKEW, Market 81. Mlddloburg l'n AV1NO located in this place. I would rcMieoilully Inform Ibe ciliiens of Middlelni-g mill vicinity that I am prepared io ivpair ri.iH'Kd AMI W A It'll ES ehe..p and epeditioulv. Thn pnironngo of the put. lie is respectfully solicited. W. (1KANEM.O. Middieburj, Nuv; 21 lHtl'.i. J THOMPSON HAKKIt, j.t lrnt'.v-nt-l itnv. I.i'tii.-liurg, t'nlon Co., Pa. ft jY dm he runnilicd in the Knglixh and (liTtnaii l ingiing s."c3 OKEU'i;- MiitUet pi.rcol, epjuisiie Walls. Smith & Co s Store. IM y tlHENY llttCSi:. Xox. 812 A Ml MurKrt Slnrt, 1 llll.M'KLrillA. t'li:nliw Ivlcckiipr rnni'iiit'ToR 1 (10 l ei' Ur.j. Irrmi ir.,;; .Mil lion kns i i;in. m. n. IMlYSli'lAN ami SVltHI'.tiN, m.i.in-' iUtivi:. .Nvni:ii ro., pa iHlrrp rvli-ea to the elMrens of v y. Juuin, is;u-tr l'tV HIHl X'lT KM.itoof J'MIN HtitTZ, lto-eased. T i H'l'li' .1 AttVINI TIJXTIOX I.J no.in tUoetilo of .f.ttui Itoittr. lan of l 'liil'PVin 'I'o'vn.hii' -,,to, "'.iinty tlo.-e.iKed, havlnv len ir r a. '.-it to l lie utin..rFt4ned, all t-r-aonf knoH I aa tNemiiMtvert licl b:inl to iJ eii its are re'ine-t,'d to in ike foti It'Tiient witliout ,lav. and tl, 'ie hv Inir cl iluia SK ilu-t thn ranis will I rejenl It cm ti l.KVI lllll'IZ, April U, l:l Adiiilnlatralur. K'tiuoof Ki.izahktii Rki iiKn.vi ll, ileo'd. I l'TTKItlif A UM l l.sTH VUS uiMin the I le-tntMut r.llZ'eth .trl.rnli.H'll. Ililenf WpikIi li.kt'.n tp , tlooeu.eit, hAvlrtv u-en icrantril ! toe uuiletKlx, ed, all .oraoi,n knowniK t' emaetven liMletfled to tl,o e Lite am reruu-tel to make payui.'iit, and tti rn harlttt; elultua HK'itn't tin a mo, will preaant tii. ui to S ILI.lAin 1C A It 111 Nil, Adiiiliitrtruior. Perry tonnahlp, Jnnuary !I0, 171. IMile of JACOB U V.IVH KN 11 At'll, deed. I KTTEItS TKS I'AM l-'XTAHY up I J on thd citato of .Tnoob Helchelibaeli lute of Wu.--Miiict' n tp , dev-'il, liiiviim ih en urautid to lti it, olt rpticned, nil peraoiif Lnowlnx tlienifelvc holt M"! to the el,ite are reneated to iimko I'iyineiit, iiirt th'e loivlnx eUima uttiiliiat Hie -uini mil mtMcni itiem to WILLIAM 11 1!11N1 Aim'r. l-'iemont, Eobruiiry ill, 17I. IETTEIIS (IF .:)MIN1STI! ATI0X up in i the Est iie of M;'i y I'l iiiiinghous. late ot t'eniio lowiihip, deceased, having hern i:rniti to iti iiii.U -rsiinc I, all persons in do' led iii i hi, I'Slnlv are rciiiesird to make I .y to, m . ii nd those huung cluitiiH a.iint the s.'.tne. vvil prrcnt llicin lo l l'.I.IX EHEMINtllHil'S, M irch fil, IKT1. Admiiiisirutor. EMiite .f A. 11. UASilMiEII, dee'd. IETTEIIS OK AI'MINIKTIIATIOV upon J the c-tnio of A. (j. HiisitiiigKr, hue of Svlinsgrovo llorough, ileccnsed, having been griuitrd to the undersigned, ail per soni ilidcl.leil In the e 'e are requested lo iniike payment, and those huving clniius agnin-i iho suiiie, will proem hem lo JOHN S. HASSINi.EII, .Ian. 31, 1871. Administrator. Kslat. of MARY t). PUCK Kit, Deceased. IETTEIIS TESTAMEXTAKY upou the -J cMiuie of Mury C. lieeker dej'd., late of Hclinsgrova llorpugh, Snyder Cotuily, Pa., having been grnnted to tbr undersigned all persons Indebted lo Iho snid elule nre reiiiemed to make payinent, and thw. hav ing demands against lh. tame lo present them without delay lo QEOltOK 80 II. NT RE, Eiccutors. ' January 8, 1871. LETT ERS TEST AM ET AR V.od thl Kstnte of Msms 11 Al l., lutiol th. bor. ouirh ol Nillmurovi, iteu'd, IisvIiik Imn cranted to tin unileraluned, all psraotia knowtiitf tlism selvea Indebted toaatd eatati sri reiuoited to make payment, snd Iho.o having elalina BKaiaat tbi aaui. will prsaent Uieni lor aettlemmt to W. V, tCHKKT, Oct. SO. 1870. txicutor. CKNTHEVILI.K HOTEL, (Lata Mra. Waavir's.) i.intsrvlli Sn)dir Co., Pa. PETtU HAUTIU AN, Prupr ator. This Ionic istabllahed and well known hotel havluii been pureliaawl by th. undaralicnid, be iiuits a auum oi iae uuoun imtroniiKn. VLTLK HAkTWAN. April 8,1871. pWTOXVJLLE HOTEL," HENRY BENFEn, Proprietor. The und riluned idonta this mithod of Inform Ina; tin publlo tlaiu l.e lias oinid a hotel at tin ati.ivi iiaimd pUri. on tin road from Mlddli hurn to hi viriown, snd that hi Is priwrid to eniirtalo tb. iiubllo with tirM etaaa seeuinmiMta. tlons atNKY lifc.lfta. April , 1871. u NION HOUSE, Mlsdlaburg Pa Wilil'.K. I'lopricior. IHI All Accommodations good and obnrgr mod erate, Npeciat Hceommodailous for drov ers. A share or lb. public patronage U aolioitrd . V. P. WGlSElt. April (I. 1871. JAMES K. MAVIS iioi'KL. KtL-lNnOHOVE, HNYUtR Uo., Pa. 11 EN It Y A. ItOl.lU Propricjor. Tbi well known I lous. Laving I. ecu re rt'lid by lb. prvsrnl proproieior, offer ei- o.lleut oooniniodatiiti lo tb truv lag commiiuity. Cboic lluuors and Cigar at tb Uar, ana lh. Taul. supplied wltb the best th. market affords. A good stable attended by esreful hostlers, ineouneotiou with tb. buus.. April o-iutr, A FINK A880KTMKNT TUB BEST OLD RYE WHISKEY. PUKE PEACH WHISKEY, UUANUY, 'U1N, AND BVin'Ps, Just rsoelvnl, and (or al. al 'lh. EagU Hotel, in Middleburg. , JOHN A. BTAULSSCKBR, . A. 18. 1670 II LD EAOLK IfOTKL, , . V So. 410 North. TblrJ Slr..l, FiniiADELrniA, h V Jf)ll N rt.YMKB, fWirforl Kjanuary 14 lfTO-lf ., Jacob Lnaa. Btsjnx Daiiross. IMPOnfEHS AND DEALEHSIN ' 22) lviu6 Whiskeys BRANDIES, VVINES AND ALT. OI'IIKU rouKiux au domivhtio tioions, 13.1 Mill .ftlrvrtY Aug, 4. 7lHf.l DANVtf.I.B, PA. , gAMUEL FAUST, ' . - Merchant Tailor, lias just received nn entire new sfoek f CLOTHS, CAMS1MEKES VEHTIN(JS, all of a superior quality which hois prs pared lo make up In Ibe best eiyle and an hen nniice. He also keeps llrvwn and White Irrnch Yoke Linen Phirts.and a gen eral aaanrlment of gentlemetis' Fiiltiieliing (iooils, nil nf which ho oftci-s lo lh. public :il Very rcitioiiulile prices. Cull at my pltc. on Pino Plreel, between Eekbeil's corner and the bridtre, Melius. Urovo, Pa. June 4, 1';H if. C A HI NET OIIOAN AND MEI.OltEON MAM FACTOllY. Ware Room und Store on Pine Sheet, Factory on fnyder Street, Sclinsgrovr, Pa. If T' i want to hear e fins tone I and beiiniiiiil drtfiii" and Atelmleon. cull ai our Ware room Hnd Mora We n.n nm toil the lent inuinrlnl In niaklna: Inmitinents. Try une ul them and you nlll l.e .iib. Kvery Instrument l iTurrniiied for live yenr ieter, Aaenta und Minuter" of the o.i,i., are llirlled to eorreninind with u nn I tii.I .,r price It. I. t' uri iit.o mimiti tor tho be.t New York and Phil ule.phla l'l;inoa. Molina nn, I A rleon in.ni f i to ,i,y Violin Strlimii, Miret Muale, I'li'tnri i rainej, .W, fco always on Inind I'luiioa and Aecordeona c orrsctly tuned and ropatr.il. Call on, or a.ldreaa by tidier 11. Z. MAI.KM ro . t-ept. 1 is:. naaravv. Pa. Harper's Periodicals TIIK Pf-'Ulomi' I.S Wllli'll tiik tt.n 1'l.lls I' I Hl.lsll AUK A I. .His T 1DKAI.I.Y Wt-iia. l.llll Kll. lbs Nation, .V. Y. - Harper's Magazine. The orrent it dun of H AiiesH'" l to s-lve enr. reel liuorinutl n and rational ninu'iiint to the lire t inane, nf thr ,m.ihIm I hnn, l. ,i.t I Miti(iiT.tna an lurelllitetit re:idtnK l;tnily enn le... .utor.l t 1 1 wiihoiit. M.inv M irnrlnea are ac iiinitbited. II AHPUH'a I. eilltoi 1'ln.i ., I. not a Mnntnr that l primed which ahons nioro 1 lllllllll.,.!.! n.ln. ........ I , I - ii"- .-...-,,. i ii non-1", I, ll 1 1 j mech mlcnl i i 'iitiou. I hrre l not a rhenmr MKrlre pil,blied. Th-'e la n t. ennri'.ae.lly, ? i""7n"lV.'.!." la.T'" "' " NC" Ai nrce ha moat popular and. In Its a-hnne, ' 'heme, t piltill'ti llie noi.t onuln-il l i.ur lAiriwno Ail Hie ier.i ll,.. whli b ihe MiipKia an almost idauiiy well idltcd .Natleu "A complete Pictorial IIMnry of the Tlniai. Ilarper-s Weekly. i up i-.i liiir.iir.iiion ni ii" em?" in A 'neria, : and "onriihr I ir weekly lonnoil- ,i4 ' not in perinli id any oompirl'on h'tir.en it mid any ot H.sir niiinber. lla coluu na c niialn the Itoe.t eolieetl'ina ol ren.'ln tn.itier that ae; printed. i, n .i -1 r 1 1. n me nuitii-r ' and bvaiitlfnl, beln lurnl"he, by tho einer art-1 ltaoltlieoiiiiiry.-ll,ionTriive'r. . llAniKK'H Wkkki.v I" the bet nun nio.i in- .,., ,...,,-., i,...r.,r. .-.i.r noes li value depend on In IHn-lr, ul.no. n.,' ;t. - readlnu iniiiier l ul a blah order ol liter , ) Lu""r:v."r 1' ,',"i,'tl".ntcrlalnlnii,eii.i un-. exceptionable,. N. V, un. '' Harper's Eazar. .'re fr un nil inllfknl nn! ncijirlin di-ii fI- n, tf -viiti'tl In fiihlofi, pVii-iirc, niitl 1titnic tl'.ll, U pit thr HLtrtviiLIo, ii.tii(ninii.n;iltt, iit. fntprt'-lUu l iinnwt Ii- mnr whifli ivery ninthcr nnl wile ittnt !iot hour! will ri'iulrti ov-r? n, Ijup-L mmI, anal lover t trltm tcino with Mm over y Siiiun1:iy pvi'iitnu - Plilliit(ijiiin l.r.ljHr. I V nil int'iiiw liny IIai'ki( lA.Mt. Nitt. f.ir ymrfolt, l.ut tur Sfur t l.iuftitr, or ur r wi'lln;irt. 'I li"n rnvt?r wnt any mnr mh IIM.cl th'it p"t 'Iclikilitc l im ,o irt ot nmiiiin itivr mlil U It i1pr ?o-i y.tu n nw h nnil; It Hiiva ymi tt'it lltiiot th( jrli-n in tho Ii e 1h. I ccuimmy It tv u Ihh l'rvi'kiK juuriuil, rrknns lor 1M?'1, llAHrKit'A Mahaikr. n viiir, 4 ivi II AiLt'cii'st Wkkki.n , on yiitr 4 ( H a nriiii'H Haah, on your i ij II AltfKH'H M AU A I Nit, II AKTEIl'M U'EKKI.V HHt 11 Aiti'KK'n tUr Ait, tn une n-ttlrew, ljrun yu.tr, i io utt or mf. iwi lur" o. . j Tli 1"'hku wllliln tlie 1'nllorl Stntrn l f..r tho .MiiKiwinn 24 rfnl yenr. nr th Weekly r Harur cenlH a year, p.iyitll ynnrly, M-ini-' yearly, or i'Hrtrly,t tho nfh wfiorv recilvel. 1 I'M i tlu men nl the MiiHtitine (MMnmrncci with ' the Ainiihfrn fur June and lieeemhor l each year, huln- rtptlotii may oftnimi n o with ny i Nuiiil.nr. Win n nu timuli vperlflnl, It will he iiinlfTnt'iiHl that the miljforltjer wlfi4 In holii wiili the lirft Numher uf the current V'lluuie, ami hiii'k NumbTn will he vent arciir.lnwly 1 The V'tliiinos ul the Wrtkly nnl ll uar ruin ' meni'O with the ytar. When no titi.e in i'iliotl It will ho unilerituut that tho mitinirlhtir wthnn t to enuinii'nce wlfh the NuniLwr next after the' receipt o nl nnti r. i When thomilmprllwr n(Mr"n I to he chunire-l ; with the nM itti'l the nw utut he ijclren. Jt I n't rieti'effiiry t give notice nf iiifoiitlniiiin'o In remlttliitf Hy mall, a Hunt nitioe Order or Iralt payiihle tn the unli-r til Hhckh ItuoTiiKKH Ik iireterahle t'i Hank Ni1i's ulnce, nh.tul'l the Onlrr ur I -rati be l"M or Ntiilun,!! oaii bo reneweil without In to the nerulitr. AU.lromi HAKPKKAv llltol U KKsi.New Yor JOHN LA UUKNlaUKll, BUGGY MAKER, btl.lNSHKUVE, SNYDER CO., PA. Having piirchase'l the well known stand in Hclins'TOte, formerly owned bv Philip lllecker. I am prepared la aecotnuiodate all who may drsii. unyibing iu my line, and warraul satislaation iu all cases. 1 keen conitanlly nn bund, and rttn prepared Iu manufacture at the alinricst notice, "iitl--J L. s; i ' I !.' I ti-ij v.. .4 ik ij. SLKIOHS.&p. Ueiui experienced in the business, I tlal- lor mysell' that I am fully prepared 10 meet lb. wants of my cuatoinirs. The hands employed are among the best mechanics in th. county, end thoir work will nut fall lo give universal satisfaction. fsrf-Kpocial attentiou paid to repairing in all lis branchet.-jg nliop on .Market si .el, n row doors aoulb of thu Uvruian Ketorined f'hnrch JOHN L.U'DENsSLAGEll. Seliusgrov., April 7, '70-It' rjlIJE l l.NKLK k LYON T lieu Ins machine. With Drop Feed, asw Taki-up, new Il.inmar. ac.. Is now oil. ml to laauta en m.ir. Iluirul t.ruia. Alan, Mioiuil hand Machines tak.u In eliaiine. or tbi mw Improvement, applied. Kv.ry lumihln. Is warraotid Kiln Clash, and II tli. purchaser duns not ao r.n-ar-l It alter a trial, hi enn return It, and tuou.y r.luoded, M. U. WantiMl Travillnv Ah'Ms to vl.lt i.eti town, diatribultnK elroulars, laplaliilna: 'h. dm. provim.nts, .to., .to., who sau wake fcM) per muntb. Addnaa LYON'S Ml'TI'AL S. M.OO Vnloa Hquan, U taat ITU Bt., Miw York, Mp.lM.lS7IMIui FOL HOOT A B110B MANUFAC10V. AlUII up to IllUO t . The nndersighed restoeclfully to tb. cltlieus of Xllddieburg ai annonnoe nd vicluii y, that he will eonlluu. to inauufaotur. MEN'S 8TOOA. KIP and FINE HOOTS, Woman and Cbllren'a 8II0E3, And In abort everyiblng In hi line, iu th. latest iiyl. and at low price. Work ua4e lo order al lh. shortest nolle. Civ. bito a call befor going tls.wb.rr. 111BAM BCUWCSK. rvTV Mat.i. rfve'.,:aMa . '-a-. f 1871. ' . V t ATunt Opening at Mehh(btt9H New t4oic nv Ni:ii2ys3itovi-:. Tho Larnyt.it'nd Bosl A8surlJ sloclt of (Jood.i tier olTcrctl In tli" lace. . 'AT GREATLY REDUCED FRICE3! TIir silnrk ronsisfs of n full linn nf Ladies Dress Goods! EOOTH AND SHOES. HATS AVI) CP.-t. UK AM MADE CLOTHINO, GIIOCEKIES, yiEENSWAEK, IIUIDWAHK. NOTIONS, &c, &o. And in fact every llilni uuullv kent in a tlr.t eln rl",Ii lil;vit ChhIi JiUmm pnitl lor J 'roducc I una line, l.onio All, Siliiisgrove, April M; 1871. ' JOHN II. AKNOLD, At ItM'llt'.V lit liilW, MIlHiI.EIIlT.i;, PA. I'lofessimial business entrintcd lo hiaenre ii:' lie promptly endeiflii. Feb '.I '71 (rover ISalit FIUST PREMIUM IsLAMTIC sri'l'CIl FAMILY Suvviiio; iTJaM'liiiies, ."J!.1 llllOADW Y M'.W YORK. 130 CHEMTM'T ST. PHILADELPHIA. POINTS op excellence; Reality and I'.l.islicty of Siiteli. Perfection mid Simplicity of Machinery. IVing both threats directly from the "pools. Nn fiiBtening of i c.inis by hand 4id uJ .vaste of thread. ' Wide r.i njre uf application wiiuout chnnge .. i- rI adjusi men! T,'c r'"'i"" '""'") nl' l fimm-ss r""'1 vvif linirf an I ironing llci liv. doinff all kin U of work done by by otlnrSi'ivin? Maehiuei, these Miichilios execute the ino.t I eaiit' lul nn pi riiiitnent Eiiilil uidery mid onnni.cnl.il woii. Pr) .The lliho t I'r. tnl iitii h ;it nil the I'aii a und ,-i i. ii.it i.. i,. ,.i- i... r. i i i ,.,.,. iMv,. I.,,..i, ,.,. 1... I ii... i .. .. .. , ' . Iiave been mvuidcd the novef ''"ker revving Murlnnc., und t.'ie vvmi by Iheni, i hcicvcr exl.il died iu culnhclh n . . Cw 1 he verv h'glici prije. 1 11 1. ( RO.S a K 'I'll I. Ll.til'iiN OK MiiNiilt. wus con f.,-,,,1 ., riTi eiiliiliv.. nf limivr . ., , ' . ., Laker few ing niiiclniiea. at Iho exposition l iiivernelle. Paris. I'i7, thus attesting .i.,.!. ,,.,., .,,. .;,.:, ii ,,.,., ,. . . ' i ...m n.i il i... I. ,ti ii . lurSi e liv KAMI 1-1. K.M'.ST Se n. grove, l'n. April Jn. V.'. lorncy's l'rti.sji. viii cm ii iii i JI.VI l .11 l. It i THE CliKAT It AUK . Ui (lit tlic 1'ial unit Cllfiijiiwi .Yt't 71 tin! C-'iUtiti'tf. 1" TIIK JMiKSS a t rm-cl i-i double -heel eiubl psl'c Is a frsl.cl i-" d.nilile .heel liebl ,, l r '" V "'""'l' nghl pane ).apcr, continuing H cmIiiiiiiis, published every morning, ,i ci pi .undays. ) Ii.MI.V PKESS j..iH per anniini ; . for iix nn. tn hn ; l.ini for three months. illl-W l.l'.lvl.V I'llESS 4.tii) per .in- mini ; CI (nt fur nix UK-nlbs; jj.tiil fm three innhih.li. THE WKKKI.V PIIESS.-The mo,i valu able Weekly Newspaper ill tho World. i roiiiains items of inu-if-t to all. HEAH Till: JI'I(.KS t 'tic copy olio year $ 2 I-1 vi' copies Ten copies, and one cjpy to the getter up ol club, Twenty copies, niid ono oopy to Iho gt'itc I'.up of cluli I- ilty copien, mid ono copy lo Iho getter up of club Ten en,ies, fo une nihhtf. and "ono copy tn itn getter un ol the club Twemy eopie,, UNl. ajilrrt, and 0U0 copy o thu goner up of tin; club Fifty copies, lo nut in.'7ii, aud una -copy lo tho geller up of the club One hull li ed copies, d, ne mi l, ';t, and one copy of the Tri vn ckly I'rcss to lh. getter up of iho cluh .1 ordtn tUunI I he tullrtnu l h) 15 50 lUfi JllllS Vi. FtlllNEV, Editor at.il Proprietor, 8 W.cor. 7th ati4 1'hvstnul Sts., l'bila. Pa x.vriiiiics HAIR RESTORATIVE Contains no LVC Sl'LPIIlTv Xo 8C0.VR OF LEAD -No LIT 11 A ROE No NI- ., Tlt.ViE OF SILVER, and is en tirely face from Poisonous and lleaith-tiestroying Drug?! used In other Hair Preparations. Tranaparent and clear as oryilaL it will not sou Ibe Bnest labrio -pii f.clly saf. clean and efticinnt dsalJtrnlunis loug sohght for and found al last l,i , - It real ores aud prevents lh hair from In-coming Uray, imparts a soft, glossy tt prnranoe, removes Daudiulf, is ooolltaj lefreahius lo lb. bind, cheo i the th. linir Ironi falling on and restore It to cn-at extent hen prematurely lost. Dr.vmls lleaeaehe. cure all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and uunatural beat. As a drv slug for lh. hair It, is th. beat arllcr iu market. Dr. 0. Btnlth, Patentee, 0 rot on Junction Mass. Prepared only by PBOCToft UR0TI1ER 8, Olouoeiter. Mas. The Oen uiue is put up iu a pauei bottle, road ' is press! for it, witntih. nam of lb. artiol blown iu ilia glass. Ask your druggist fur Mtur. a Man Ksstoiallve, and luk. no other. tlend a three eedt (tamp lo Proctor I.ios for a Treat is on Iba Human Hair. Th information il contain is worth $WJ to .'to any pcts ' tfr!r??3 A'5"i iVl 1 Ll . FOK Gent's Furnishing Goods ! 0-0033S! :lll I Judc lur yuiireir. W M. F. Hi KIll'llT. 15 AiLE 1IOTKL. MIIiM.EEI IUI, PA. J. A. MUII.M'1 KEI!, rrouritir.r. Having Uken cliarge of Ihi&ol.l and well csialili'.lied "land, the p-,oiileli r propo(. o ilt-voic nil Ins hitcniioii in the proviilini; of hie T ilde and Hur nn I the iicintiniiod i i. II of both llillll lltl d lo'iit, lie "ocils n liberal "hare of l'n l'lio j iiUoiiimc. January 1.1, 1 , ., y 3 '.t W -f-- If - --a . J DOTY'S SVa.sIiiav: - Mat'I.iBM', LATELY MICH IMIMttn'KD AN1) THE Nl.W 1 nit i sal ( lollies Tl l inger Improved with liowsn.'s Patsst llnrni.'? t'rni v n kki i, nn.) thu Patks i' Nrne.aro now nu liio-il,,tinl,ly ;ir auperlor to any atinratiia lor wil-Mlut lotlu'H ever Invenliid, iwi-1 will "live their euat t"lco a yi.ir, by aav Inn labor und , elotho" Tho'i wbu have u I thsm (lvi to-tlflony ai fol,,W.. "We like onr nni-'tilne ititicli: rioild not be per -"iMitld to do w I tli. oit it und with t he aid of lioty, ve U'cl ttnit we aril tun.tora ol li s itoaUlun." Rev. L. !eoll. Ill -I,,, ,M . K. t 'hlireh. oM tt:c l.iiin.iry ot ,ny hoii there l a perpe. il il I'.ank'itlvliHT on .Mou lay lur ll.u luvciitlou." liov. I neoiloro I., i 'uvler. i ".;v,,ry eeU haKiven it a atroner h-.ld upon the iille--tl..ii., ol thu luuialcj ui the laundry." I N. Y. tit'.ervr, 'l hciiruiy coniniend It to economlta of ttnis, , lll 'lie, , mi l contentiiunt." l.ov. nr. Helh.w. "I riei.il llolv Your "t rlenil Holy Your lll-t Itliprovoineiit .j your , Wifhuu, Mmhiiie la a complete aure,. aura you 'our .Miuditiia.' alter a year's 'uae. Is ; thouuhtol ro today than iver, and would not .til parted wtth under i.lv cliL-uuiatuimu"'' .......... " .-.ololl liooill.oll lbn N. V. Weekly Trlbiiur, of lec is ln-.r). In an.tterioa coi re.i-oriilent, mi v-: "in VVa.berii, there kuiih to b. compare I with lluty's." il'riet's A ffirffcr. ' " hs Mer liiuil' In your pti -ewlll not furnish ! er ueiui Pit the .Vlchlne-..elid inthe retail nrlci. I vv ii -her 1 1, l-.xl vv rlnuer '.i, utnl we ml h.r , ' Wurd l-lllliT or ludll 11'l.eliine.., tree ol lienillt, tu ' I pbiceii vi here nn otio l nel hn ; atnt 101 iiure sr. wo they will be liked, that we tiirree to reriund thn money Ii iiny ui.e w ndies to rt'lurn tlie ma. i chine, tree ol trelxht, alter a ucliUi trial, ao- coitllo to illrectinn. I No tuiihiiiid, lutiicr or hrotlirr atiould permit I IMS orinuer y 01 ainunit huh inu iiuiiii". nuy ,,,,n., ,i,.y,.r, whenlt inn l o lutior, : inora rspeditloii.ly. wl:h I.'" lut.ir, ami no In lnr to the uui lllli"e. dy a t'oty t lotlie.-t ush.r und .i I n ei .ul VV rlnuer . j o.. hy ite.ilera neu.rjtiy, to whom liberal ilia 'n ! couutH uru iiiuile. It. t'. Itli'iWNINil, Hen. Aiient, i j-jt. i7, 'Tu-jm J 1 ortUiult St., N w York. 'I'm: Ni;j:ir SEWING MACHINES! AHEAD OF ALL UlllEU! THREE TIHit'SAND PER WEEK ARE NOW 11E1NH MAbE ANDttOLD! 'i Hi: Ki:sosj why. Docattso it riubodies essentia! principles nnt found in any other Machine; because of its simplicity of construction, care of operation, uuil'oiuiiiy, of prccNn uction al any speed, and cu parity for the greatest ran and variety uf work, liuo or coirse. Parties wishing to piircbnsii should tint fail to exutuiuo the best of all Sewing Ma chines Ah it AViw. bew, aew, aew, At morn, at noon, at night! Work, work, work, ' lint never out ot slahlf For itreitt and small, for voting an 1 old, ii punniivrs iivi,i, ,n winior a com, lly midnluht liimti, by lutdiluy'a aun, 'I win sow, sew, aew, but never donv, W'bcu (Ji nudum sewed. y it Ih. -' Puis, baas, buai; why how the psnlt.a fly) Oh.oh.ohl 'twould charm the dullest .yil Th. I.k are aawnl, the walatband's un. Th. buttona set iha punta an dons! Aud hen's a pair for Mint and loho. Aud i;iniil.y, too, and little Hsu, . , Now Mother sew on siNGER's :;ew MACHINE. W. advise . bo want a first class Sowing Machine, one that will sew linen or glased thread as well as any other, to go to - D. W. AN'GELL, . '.' on North Thl'id Pt., In L.wisbttrg, RATUFON & WINTERS, N.w Uerln, or I. 11. SMITH, Bolinsgrovs, And get nne of these Famous Uinger Ma chiues, for I her you will get instructions, as you can got ai uo otner place , and 1( a Sluger Is put in your family, happlnce. will - sum to iuiiow. ONE WHO KNOWS. lVa Judge gar. Ih. Siugcr th. Diploma at th. rinyder County Fair. -lly itooFiiq, snxum riv twv nooriwo Voltes Un best Wat.r proorUoniposltloa with th. Watir prool lab'lo ui Lhi baat uiaousr and a in. loweat price to the couauuier. . un. is., a luuniiaviun oi iarna r ill l 91 a layirol wat.r proof Ooinpoalll.il VI. another layir of t .lt i Ith auotb.r luvor ol CuuiutfalUoa tith another lsy.r ol lilt AV-oond for Circulars and Bamplia. Ai An Induoeraent. Wi offer thl rinsT purebaair In lack place l.ooo siuan fail of Ik. Tuns f LY Fblt, with VDV ueuv.Narjr guaiiug, lor ISIBVV UULLAas. PATENT nOOF PAINT. Thla Paint la composed of go ma, oils, snd r. ainoua aubatanoos, eoiubluai with dlatllad tar aud thl taut kuowa dn.rs. It auutalus ao uilniral or piaui.nl, and Is piiparad, taadv Ivr um, about tin eouidai.noy of ordinary uifaa4 painw. ii oov inuoa laas, rat ama Its ilastieHy County rights tor le, lot tiroul ira aerl all parllealars, Addrias. M1U4 KOUl'l.Nti tUiMPAM Y, i alatd.a Liul js,vv inmt T. . Sit ITU. ATTfiRNKT AT LAW. MIDMJStlllRil, 8NYIR CO., PA flffirs Ms Preremlensl Cervices o the rnblls. t'.nrtltstloiia la Herman or fcnillih. 1,1 A OLE VioTEI,, J No. 2:7, North SrJ Ft , between Race and Ylne) Philadelpli! R. I). CfMMINtiS, Prnp'r. M. M. 6W ARII, Superintendent. fi.3;j "yr-AIIlNtiTON UOViK. MU,hur:r, Sivplrr Coim'if, rx. DAN'L KOLUXUKR, l'mprictor, Persons stopping si Hits Hoiks will find etcellent accommodations, for jlfan and) IT-tfl-tf. A AMERICAN HOTEL, -A V. C'F.NTItKVIM.K, rir:n To , p. nit.i.i.t.vi n. i.iiNti, l'ruprii'ior. This well known hotel, located In th. loern of Centrevllte. has been Ihornnghly repaired and refilled, and Is In lh. best co lition lo arcnniiiindale the traveling public. Every effort will bo made lo pro t llie eiiintort of gue.ls. A shave nf public pat. rotinge is solicited. ApriltJ-'70(f Y' ti of S A H A 11 A TP, deceased. I FTl'l US I if ADMINISTRATION upon I thneHtateof s s nan A re, (widow of Leonard App.) lutool IVnn. town.hlp. ilecp.d, imvlmt been (ranted to ihs iiiidei.iicnr I, nil )-r on. klioivlnu thellifelre. tndlded toll,. i..iin ri-'iiteated to ntal.n tivment. and it.,,.,, l,.,vin,r vlalina aiialcat lbs Mmonlll pre-ent tliem t jimi (lr..il ll r.H I.I Ml, t Administrator. Pcnns lown.htp, Sejitemher V, ls;i). J KVI RKLLEIJ, Manufacturer of and dealer fit FU KNITUJU:, Would respect fully Itifcrni the citizens or Scliiirgrovo and vicinity, ihnl be mniiiif.ii.'. tiisi i lo order and keeps cotinaiitly nu ImnJ CHAIHS OK f,L KIMS, AN1 Furnitura of cvory Dtwription, nt tin- very lutve"t price. lie rc pccllul'.y invites an esnmlnniion of llllTRAIS, ItlHI'AtS.T MIL f-i, SOFAS I.UI Mil:-, NI ANIIS, rll.MHS, he. llfA spei ial invitutioti Ii extended In newly man ie, Mli, cn Ul st,c iy al.ack before in chasing c'jeivheie. LEY I RE LI. Eli. Seliti'gi-ovc, Arril D, 7iMf QUICK SALE! AMI cr.3ALii rioriT3 uii.i.iiM ii. im:ivi:u lleipecirully tin:, nnccs fo the cili.ens of .Midilleliiii-g un I vicinity lhaf ho is iimv ready Iu ii p!y them (villi th largest 'Hil t nni-t coiniilet stock of .S7.7.V.' ,p st'M.u:: ooofis ever brmtglit to this place, at greatly re llocci' prices iheilpi-r llmll the clienne.l llo invites alteiiiiun i , lure-,. Hj,;k of Ml'M.INS, f.M.lt' l Iir.LMM'.S, T.AWV.4, Kii.K.s, iii;ui:tii;s, unlnh, B5oots und siloes, , ln'.M) TAPS. in. ni "M"i(K t'l.iiriiisr,. ."IIIIIT:', and rvcryiliiug uuully kcil in a well regulate 1 Hnre, Hive tnc a call and bo convinced thut this is the place. ( l,uy p,i,li. (.'OL'NTltV IWlUltl CE taken in excliano oi goods. in. II. It I lit t''. Middleburg, May, li7. AWOMIXi, FIRE INSURaNCE CO., l-OIINKU .V M.VI1KKT A.V ll t It.v S K LIU ST., AVilkonluirri', In. tUt'lAMZKII, IH.-.7. t. I)i)Rit.((-r. I're. I, Ii. Siiorv askp, V. Pres. It. f.. Sunn, Mccretury, 1 i if ( i"k : f, I)., tin VIK, J.. II. MlOKMAKIII, It. J, StlTlt, A.. I.imii, .limn Km. ii aiiii, I iiikt I'm li. il. M. IIaui.isii, I!. A. .Mi. sun, Thomas I'm",. AI.DSUN Musai:, t.. t. IllTLtH, f. Waiuiasis. .Iniiu.-if.v 1, lx? . ;ttlll;il l surplus. ii. i nut to. l(e,- itl. -.,i l.,-.- ... Kei-elnt" lor lv;-j. Uvj emlltur.a ' .;o,o(i on e.,17 1 Assoi KS I. S. , n,i loo Mmrra Klr.t National Hank... 11.1 Miurea Saeond Natlotml ll.mk ..S-ll,ivio r .. isi 11.1:1 nu e.ioo on lot shares Wvonilnu National Itunk.. ,.n, .-,,.. iiKe.otirra ii-i.i M sharis Wllkesharn llrliliio I l.ou in and I 'oIlAieml. .. ompany o.uoo is) mip.uiy S.Vsi on Loans und Personal seenrletlea.. .tmluments and Mortaau! iue Iroin Aitentson l others t 'ash on hand and Iu lisuk Iteil rlsiute i t'tlKi t- urnltuii aud aals .. M.OOU 00 .. 4ooo on .. ll.loo a'. .. 1.I.H.M 4: ... S.4,1 00 .. l.?! DO "00 Ul -l 1,:itij 70 I illSSOH I.asfea paid In twelvo yeara iltVMI Ii " I miiusted None. Aititisteil but not due '.. Sivj pa Dee. 1-Oui J AMDS 1,. st'lltiiil.KY, General Ason!, Wanontown, 'a. ly E OI FKU FOR SALE, AT PAH, The :Vov Masonic Temple Loan, Ilcniiut; t 3-10 liitrrrtil. Kaleemable after live 161 and within tvf antv-ana Uu yeurs. IntiTcst Payable Mnrt lt and St plcmbcr. Tli lloiiil are rtrtif or.! itn.I will I Id iuuki t uit, ' Delia veil 15 rot her. 40 noutli Third lilrcrt, P1IILADEI.PUIA. STOCKS boanht and sold on eommltalnn. (told and (lor. arnment llnnds Itouirht and sold. Aocounls rucelvsdaad lut.toat allowed, lubisot to algUl dralta, March 17, 1870 y G13UAIU) Oride Gold Watches. 1flSJ, irt, m9 Purina tbi past four years cut watchss have) Iwea so thoroughly twtixj, that (or apiraarauei, atyli of Until, aid accuracy ot tlmi-kMpiiiK, in. --vi.rarii waieuia" in uuir.raally accd vl thi b.at. Th.y niutn lU.lv brllltaaos aad eolwr until worn out. -lt aft.a nurohaalnr and falrlv trvtnv. an out ii not lully satisOsd, w. will olieiilutlir rs- uiuu mi money. . . .. -ltisy an ill tn Hunting Caaaa, Oaatla. mw's aa Ladle's slava). Siviry Wauih guaraa. I.ikI lor llun and r. by spaolal mrtirioata. -A largi assorlaiinl-"iinpruvs!-ltrldi' tniaina, 1 lo s. alio, Usnllruiau's and I- dli'a J.walry In gnat varl.ty. Wsaaara of Imitation.. Urd.r dlml from aa or our au'hortaMl ag.ut. AasuU and oth.r applying lor aifoulara will pin uoloai tbfiaa wo. " j' m nwMt, (Iwoila Mint to (uld oa .llriry. tluaUiraarl pSruilttast lu liaiuiu. vast ihiy ordir(klur KJiiol ailhk on uayuMat uf Uiarws likaaga th ways. - rwlii MIX Waukaa anordind al ono.. ww 1 1 .vuu mil n.i.1 iui aaiuv amu irs. avav-suiohaaira raabllaa t auuia aiataaua Iran run aaJ MinOTHnm, aau uaMnng au savi tluua nissss, aaa i aam- aoodB aanfc It. mall. by remittiua ( nuulra. kv V. O. tin uid.rl th aaaMBt wi onlar nulalarad latt.r. draft, ir ckask. pa: uraii.ir caasa. payable lo our oidvr, at aur rlak. Addras plainly, JAMKal UaHAltU (a VlX, . S Ja-.AS- -tJ'.Vl , ,wCt,.-f-s