The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 27, 1871, Image 2

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t'iixiit!;K ndioiirncd on Thnrciav
1u-t. A hill for tlio cipproviiin of the , 'trrh:iil npur ollhi final M .tin
Knkhi.x onlrnes in the South w.q i tnin in iViiriPvlvahi.i. Ii it nmv wort li
itk! rood upon and find Ly lo b j ?-.000.Om. Cml bus been mined out
ILiUse before Ibe a liourunient, "f it f r thirty -live year, and ha hss
I I. .-J I .1. .l m .
A sew cmUo dlseaso I... i.p.-ro4V.,,. , . '" rn'n"' ,xtom
in Mererr cumtv, III. Tho nuimul
live hut n few home after the ait nek.
and so fai every attack hns boon fntal.
Ooo tnn lout twciitv-three head in
tin co or four d.iyii.
Titr. State Lunatic) Asv'tpn, at
enlu, Nebraska, wn burned on Mon
dny ol list work, and two inmrit are
seinpose-l to bsve perished in the
Homes The iwt li stiteJ t SIj",
000. I'iiest'icnt Giiast hns Issued
I'r icl.inin'iuii toovetiin the United
Stills Senate, ou tbo 10th of May.
This is d in to lake notion on the re
port of 1 lie Joint UiL'lr (.'ommirlnn.
Iir some timo rnt iu session, at
Washington, lo settle the difficulties
Ictwcco ibis couulry und Enhmd.
I'.Ltivr news trim S.mth Ainericn
Mate that a terrible inundation bus
occurred in Northern IVrti. Lamb'.y.
viiw, un 111 infitl town 01 s.uju Vuhabi
tnnl, wns wholly ai'stroye.-.. au l preat'ed thron.b tbo win b.w of a frontier
os ol lita waj occasioned. Among
the tow in luuiiJ.itod aro S;in Jose.
I'ayta, .S:iu I'ctro, Tncasuiay, l.auibij
r'l'io, aud many o'.beii
.Ma. David K. Plunk, or Mor
guntown, Vmito J Readitiir, on Friday
to Attend to some buines, nod while
oiu to tbo rci lenco of hi brother
in-law, Mr. Jaeob I orney, in the few oihets of hkosi eeie Tlic j.e -(
cvooinj,', bo waa kuoukel down by plo have found, bv experience, ihut
two moil aud ribbed ol 81.000. Kead.tho "wh ilea.ilo rlauiiht;r ol tbo inno-
io, must look out or the reputation nljeents" plaeea a premium upon, the in-
the placo will sufTor. ereaao f crop deotroyiiw insects. The
yUf Jconio McUriJe, of I'bilade!-' Mnrytund Lepisloture has enacted n
pbia, baa recote'red a ve'rJict orS lO to'"'""1'"" ln- n" 1 w,,,, ,,Pt b"'1
lor o breach or pro.niso of marriniro j i',l'n ,m' "'b,'r S'a,"i' to do likewise
eoainst .1 C W.ii.ner i rieh nil Hint. I Nothing IS surer tbllO that t ho coll
chant, at l ranklin. Pa. .luutiio has""1' l'ui hide kept up ajrainst small .
douo bottor than tho Phitadelpbia
girls or eveu tho "yay jjiil Iroiu fecraii
tun,' who have i;oiie t" tbo oilreiimng
to fpecufato. She bus struck oil !
Kecesti.v a democratic member of,
the New York IIouso of Representa
tives roit:ncd hia position, having be
como disgrace 1 by corrupt practiee,
lcaviii(T tbo IIouso lie politically. The
democraU set to work nt once nml
bought over a Mr. Winans, Republi
can member from Chatnuqua civiim
liiin it is tcportcd, $75.tl0'J. and now
they bavo ouo majority again. Mr.
Wiuaus voles with the democracy
every time. There is ro doubt Mr.
Winan3 i. uow just wharo bo belongs
ntiJ wlero bo ouUtto bavo boon lifn,:
The election In tho District ol
Columbia unler a recent act of Con
gress, givim; them a new form of jro?
eminent, was held on Thursday lust.
A ilclegnto to represent iho I)i-tnct
in Congress, members of tbo IIono of
Dulcgnteg, und mcmhers of Council
wcro votol for, and tbo result was a
Pcpublicim victory by a much larger
majority than was expected tbo ma
jority f jr lioleirato to Couurcss bolug
ubout throo ibouiiand. Fil'uen of ihe
twenty-two tncrubers of the llouso ol
Delegates aro llcpubiicmis. There
was great roj jiciog over the result in
The Confcrotico Cminittco of the
Legislature to which reforriid the
Sonato and Housa Apportionment
Dills, Agreed upou a bill and reported
it to both branches on Friday, an I
the report was ndoptod by both
houses under tbc previous question.
In the Senate tb vote was 27 to 4,
nod io the Home, 07 to 33. Snydor,
Terry, Northumbrian J, and Union
counties form the sevcutcetb Senso
rial District, and will elect one Sens,
tor ; and tbe counties of Snyder and
I'oiou, forus one Representative Dis
trict w ith ono member. This appor
ticDmcnt is ti decided improvement
on tbo Senato gerrymador, and tbe
Republicans of Snyder and Union
counties may to well satisfied that wo
fared do worse.
Tntlo Sam's tiauk Account.
Congressman Packer has seat us a
eotnpnrative statement of tbo not re
ceipls no I expenditures of tho Uuites
States Government for two years from
Maroh 1, 1S07. to March 1, 18C3. and
the two years from March 1, 1809,'to
March 1, 1S71, by which it is exhibi
ted tbat the amount gained by in.
crene of exponliturcs bus been as
follows :
laarsti of reeeipli,
ilecreas of eipeaililures
(SI 014.049.74
Tutal, Sill,94,0'.iH,05
Itc'dneliOB of publlo debt from iireb. 1
i-u, lo Mar. 1. lHiitl, was IXU.bdS.OO
lie.luctioa frum,Mro 1,
'till to Mar. 1, 1871, was f 201,754.413.03
Snowing an inoreaia la r.
duetloa of publio debt of 1178,812,427.00
During tbt two years from March
1. 1869, to Maroh 1. 1871, tbosmouot
of reduction lathe publio debt has
beeo 1201,751,413,09, most or which
bat bteo io tbe purchase and caocid
latioa of bonds bearing interest io
eojo, and in tbe paymont of oblia
lious orerdut aaJ cjuviruble into lu-torest-boarlog
boods or ' certificate.
The amouot of lutsrest which will
I)reafler be saved to the Government
on the debt actually paid, is (11,57,
4C1 anunlly, or SOU ,455.09 utoatbly
io gold. .
Csa any man point to a Democratic
administration with a financial ac
count lo comparatively as bssltby a
condition as tbe above? With a
gradual decrease of tsiss, ft appears
tbat there is a gradual iucrenco of
jubus, isd a correspoadiog dacreale
of principal and interest of to Na-
tionaldeU. -
Younn Indy pbysicianr ar mold
plyJnir thriiffhoiii our roontry-. nod
1 remit, It is raid, I ho young men urn
bcfminjf more aii-lcly .than tbey used
to lo.
Forty years oiro Simon fAtneron
-nil n uny
How cruelly ri rnron are the debtor
lawn tiT Hi asil in shown In ti e experi
ences of a S. nthern (.'enllnitieu who
removed to that country n few y.virs
since and bet atu) a citizen. 1 1 n t i n ;r
Con traded thlitipb tltllnrtnnatri busi
ness obliirHtifins a debt ofSl.'JOii, two
otitis iec iinpiiAhed daughters have
boon p.ild Into Mu'"ery. ti MtMy the
leman-N ol the creditor Tli'o'itt'i
lirxiubt up in refinement, they re nnw
pirninp money n menials tn Hr'iiJjte
iiii'ir latiitTa oiilit;nlion.
Tim: l-tive t ed men ar ncaln nt it
on the pluinn. lifting h,tr a, nmkinu
periuiincnt setth'rs. Anion lb" most
inromprehrnsil.'.o oT all po'.ieie i I h it
which lord, idoihw and irum the In.
dimm d'',rin the winter, in ordi-r (but.
they rrmy ,0 gotti-n into a rrh lition to
'iiiiku wnr tlimu.'h'iPl ttirt fpiitiit and
summer. Il liny be nil ri.'ht, t lowed
from o rurtiioried ttnfn, but. invent innf.
enbin, wi'h tbo death shriek ol wo
men nJ rhildren rin!in in t lie
cr.ra il tiiut appear ratb.-r inexplica
ble. I'noTrrTlN'i l?mii. Iowa has en -
fieled a law rrt Inhitini;. under revere
P'liultiei, the ki lliiitf of any birds in
the State, exeent the owl. hawk nn. 1 a
y sporisnien. pari ion
larly in tbo sprinir and luitiimu. opur-
uon disatronsly npainsi cereal prowtb
In the eoonotiiv ol imturo birds arc
JesiLiicd to drMtrov win ins nml nnv
increase in tho latter superinduces a
corresponding increase in tho lortmr.
Til S condition cf France is pitiable
indeed, and bids lair to beeomo worse
rather than better, It would .rcciu n
iIioiikIi tlio niireries ondared by the
busieped citir.-iis of I'm iw. during its
investment by tho tiermans, would
cause thorn to welcome peace in almost
any form, nod to rook gladly a re-piie
from the horrors of stai ration, tmnioil
and strife, arid apply their rnerui
unstiuting'.y, to relieve ihe sulb'rings
tbat war has inllu-ted upon l hem.
Hut tbo world is hun .fl. il by Ine dnilv
aecousts of blood and cnniui:r nniotiL'
tho di-aiiGoJ luetions of ilic.r u i
bappy people, mi l .piiiious "ri oir ,
i heir fitness to inain'aiii u ri poldican
I or in ot govt rnmeiit, whuievor inav b.
iho reniilt of ihcir present IVui rici lnl
One buudred thousand nien are now
uuder ai ms lor tlio purpose ot ilepo
i tii; tlio I'luu'ai ly nppointed Hilt lion -tics
of llic government, and every duv
witnesses the arrest and imp. is nuieot
of Some of tbe leading inetuUrs ,l ih..
li beral party, and contliets more lei ri
hle aud mote destructive of buunn
life, than many of the ureal billies
which marked the stru'lo ol'Fnimc
in a recent coutcrt with a f.'oiu b e.
Sold Out. A fellow iu tho.N'o.v
York legislature, prolrgsiu. to la a
KupUtdlCHU, and ciceted us one, his
noli! out to Tweed uud Tuiiimuny, und
prnmies to co with them in uij iteir
iniquity,- thin restoriuu legislative
power t Ilium. Di lore ihe treason
was announced, it was stated that
$75,00 was offi-rod for ti vote. Th"
folio w'a Hume Is Oraiigo S. Wiuaus.
and hi) bails fr un Cnnumuqua. The
N. Y. Tribune thus refers to (be ss'e :
It is protiuiil'j i liat the darkest hour
Io the life of a woman is when sb
w akes on the morning after tho lo.s nl
her honor, and feels how empty is the
future, aud bow pitilui is iho price ot
iufutiiy. Tbe pa-l, with its possibili.
ties of bon. sl life, self-respect, an l ihe
esUein of other, is gone forever Noth
ing is left hut mere living on tho wa
ges of shame, which Slick to tbe fin.
gt-rs and burn theiu boiliug pitch. A
leper, when bs first discovers tho fu
tal whiti uing ol bis skiu, is not more
lonely, luto this moral prison bouse
Orange S. Winans entered on Satur
day. He may try ' lo bruzen out his
foul uiist'oru ne, but ho raanot con
ceal from himself bis sense of I he pee
munont worthlessncas of the life be
has stained und polluted. In allilm
Itns-ho'tsi-g and pvuitentiaries nf tho
State thcr exist t-day no creature
so needing, but beyond . tbe pity ol
charitable hearts. -
I ki pout a nt to School DiREcr-iut
vie copy tbe following from iho lute
school luw, lor tbo iuforinsiion ti
some of our school bnar ls that .the
may know w hat tbo law requires' il
them. It shall be ibo duty of ibe
board of directors to publish an aotiu
al stalerpcut of th amount ol mouots
received tod oxpunded, and the a.
mount due from enllociors, and renin,,
forth all the liosiioial oprs ions i
tbe district, by oue or mote publica
tions in one or more papers of the c u .
ty io which they reside.. If there is un
amouot of tax not eo'dectel, or mi,
amount due lo the dislrb-l, it is t b
sttitsd us "ambuut Ol y t duo,' ai
ibo foot of lecoipu, uud so cirri,, i
outiond it there is no aiiioum o'
dcli yet due by tbe difriot it is lo m
llnieif as amount jet duo fur,
nod so carried out al 'he loot of v
peudilure ; Iu older, in Ixi'b cums.
bttlauco the acci.iuil In ueiordaiici
with ibe i'aa'ia, ll there was' a bml i.
log tax aad si boune or houses ereoi.
ed during tb year, the amount of ihr
toiHing tax, ami ol tb prtiou of n
expended in tbe year lor ibi purr.
a u iv im aiaiou io mo same way.
with tbe balsooe oa baud, or the dobi
for thU purpose, if ar.y, under pr por
beads "reealpts," and ' tinditur.
for Building,' as io easo uf orJiuary
ehjol tat aud cxpcftliturr, . I
It is rry idenrtbnt M. Thclrn nlmn1
to pot rlnWn the innrrectlon withonl
id of the bite "iovudern." Ha-doe
not wih it to ba mid la I be future1
thnt bin AdmiuiMt.-ation Wna'aaved,
"nlv 'br. uh tba nwiiKtaoce of Oornxitt'
bnyoneta. lie doei not propono to
niTord the rrbellloo . Prif,iins nu
opportnnliy of bontina tbnt Ihvy
tvuld have triumphed orer the Gov
eminent if ib latter fiarl Rot c.ihVd In
Uhs criomie of FiDa'- in ,n,
hem. He Inn BO lifeB'nfi .iirinif it
worded in IdMot-y tint-f.ywa prp.
ted up. bit.) Loni. XV Jtlih ,'witli
ilftn l-nyonets M Thiern anj WJ
li r a. 1. 1
.T..iiF7Kiir Minnar reiilitr that Iho fityj.
Kuviniiiviii, wnicii they may r- m
iiiimeii iil, will IivV
more pr.otye add more power, from
fl.. 11. '......! . ..... .1 . .
ntiiiiif i'iii 'ii.wn ine 1 nri-i r -
nnni'leil. Tln explain why It
"J Unit the (ierinnn lr.opi left ro in I
1 n. until the ruiilitii.i:g of ibu tieiiee
tr. n'y arc eoiniilied with, do D't t ike
nun 1 111 tlio i"tiy
A Mranae ''all.
Ttio Lnuirvillo Journal bn tbo fo!.
lowing :
'There is on exhibition in this city
a wont reiimi kahlo I'rcnk of nnture.
To those who delight in enccntrici
tier of ibis diameter the history ol
the boy ximkn couple, found two or
three vearr sin. 0 in the wilds of Afri-
lea, would be exeecdin.'ly inUrertinii
I Wh'Ti revei) youis id'oijo be was enp
1 lured in eompany with u bnn-ron
rinet'.r, whah is supposed to bae
biiined tbo youii.' sie iiun of tin
P"'''"8 bomo from the piiteutal beurili. 1
ftmie. 'I here Is a reinai kuhlo like. '
bet ween the buy and tbo snake
'0 ropeet to color, ench bearbm the
"a""' f"s!l '"arks, and the atlvvtiuu
w''ii b made them eoinpanioiis in their
""live jungles eoiitinueg lo this lime,
' their keeper they nre said to be
Insepernhle. Tbo alternate nut-brown
V'"" 'I1"" w,,ioh ",arl "10 0,,u
j"' "( nt'eal in the other. The hir-
VIIX III the l,oy, lis III tbo Slink-, is
watitinn. nod ennsenurt.tly ca b ia a
luuin as un ovst 'l' : nt least t lev re-
,""'n '" day as reticent nf their oiijin
j"" l'10 'N' polite President of the
l'ntes cjuM wili.
I ho nine stroko
of our evening
town clocks consign them to the sain.'
eouh. and, winlin their young and
t nder lorins ulmut caeh ol her, l ho v
gotorle. p to ilres in ol iiioihei' aiid!,0lir
I onie, far Irom the luinl in which their
young infancy wasrorked.''
Aildress Ol Mio lemo I arv.
T'i 'i-' I) -wn-TriMUhn c:ti.-n ot'
A" .'. l iy, A'ie Ft. ,- City anil
Snnf dllnr 'l'irig
Trutn ihe W i4l,njro.n Chrrniele.'
N .1 hiivioj room (or the entire nd
ilivss of me Democra's in Congress to
t!ie ' D.'iir IV. pie,'' we nre eompi died
io give n sini'.le Kvnopsi. which, it'
not exin llv correct, is what the address
nrgld he :
Ifo' vos. The rrlfi-b aud uicjetierous
Uopoflienn pally 's nut S'ltilkd with
savin-., lid iisli ill Irom destrueiion
ami covetnin'.r it for twelve years to)
the great de'runent of rebels und im- i , iloer lis. hilt is Sill ro- i
solved low. ll vietories iu ibe future as I
in 'lie past I berefore.
H stitn-t. That wo rrotest m-nio-'f
their wntit ol ' genernsit) in hcldiiitr on
to all t b' . fhees, nod (i"in in 1, in tbe
nnme nl" tmd empty pockets,
f dr divi le.
Jl'mla ,f. That cue f emoerntie
friends at Un. S.utli l.e l'' iOeto I , t.
susp.'iul Kuslnli oiiti' for nt least
six W'cks previous to ilie necnnenei'
ol any clecli'.n in tbe N'T'liern Slntns.
unle-s otberwisp ilirceled bv Iho I'elll
emtio National b'xeeiuivo C.itiimiiteo
iVso'ro'. Tint ihe recent e!cc'in
in Warhilijtoii was si tirrong'd and
guarded that Democrats cool. 1 commit,
no mere fraud thus llepublieans, and
that we regard such regulations us un
outrageous Interference with the time
honored rights and practices of the
Democratic pirty.
liemli'nl. That the defeat of U T.
Merrick in this District is " a blessing
in disguiso " It settles us down where
we can tnke a good start; renders it
bko that wn shall win snno victories
nut year, for il knock us into tbe
middlo of it.
lt-li fil, Thnt with this lucid .lec
larstson nf principles wo will go before
people, and til it in tho I lit u to as in
the past, mid as yesterday in the Dis
trict of I'olumbii, with fait. I hopes but
with iinremiiting energy, we will (oil
reali.o the great plans and purposes
of the einincut lenders of IStW. to
whom we still look with honor and con
ti lenc-; nil of which is ostensible ded
icated to the American people an I io
tbe American, eagle' by youis truly.
J. Davis, Kq ,
S. S UusrxB,
, J; ltANHUf.,
Kukluk ('ommittce.
Noiiee ir hereby giten that the inventory
of Catharine Gnrinsn. Widow of (ienra
tisrmsi, Im of Wailiingma tp. Atis-n.
b beeu tiled wiib ll.r Clerk of lh Or
plian" Court of Snyd.-r County, and llisi
lb rsn. will hr prr.enicd for contirmaiion
at May Term. I). 1871.
J CUOL'SE, Clerk 0.' C.
April 22. 187L
A8SI0KK ACCOUNT Voiles I here
' ifiven that Wn. Harding, Al(nr
'I' L. N H .lairs, ha filed bit ae.ei.uut in
ih I'rnil.nnuiiiry' Or, rnd ibal lb
am will h prearulod for eVnflrujalloD al
May Trm, A. l.. 187.
J CltOUbH. I'rollionoiary.
AS?l(lNKK ACCOUNT NoiietU her
by yirrn Ibal Daniel H Dur, Ajt
iine of J-ihrt fl.ler, Iism filed hi aeoounl
oi ib lnnbolioiry a ..flic, and tbe mr
ill b prutrd for vontiruuiioa at Mar
rerin, A l 4VH71. '
J. C'HOL'HE, Prolbciielary.
April 22, 18i . . '
Wbolnalt and llolail Dealer in
Coaebuiakers' Matirial,, fibti I'lDdiBgs.Aj-e.
Keiipitroie, Ps. ' (-ltf
' TL- I ...1 CI..L .
Viha F't Good;
the Neweat Stylet;
VVr. tho Beit Work
we bvo mambbi the
every. kinrJX f Greatest Va
of material
every variety of
stylo, auitublo for
Youth from 18 to 20,
Boys from 9 to 13,
and Children from
3 to 9 year, all
if MPatiltl A fc!pnn
mae'e wilh cpccial
iXs rc'cre"co to mujli
usage. I:i this '..
nan men 1 . ur
prices aro as
o n d
Clolbirg, onu
o can a?si:ro oi;r
.friends from
of town iiiutilioy
J nRc J look no fur
M Vhcr than Osk Hall
fir fafibfacforv
Clothing &. satis
taclory prices.
Full rock all
tho year
1. 3tiMct
nrijcs. tc. tent
,. f , . i .
V ma. tlilU
I free to :my p?rt r
marica, anJgoodfiU
(j'j.irant-;cd. Jlark
tii'! Htlt Stra'tHf.
IJUKUIlOl II, UKIlliM UIhEll 6. CO..
wnohrsALE ni:.i.r.!,s in
No. liuti Norm Wharves, (i.bufo llavr Si)
lt-7lf I'UILADKM'AI V.
critf's Sale.
fly tirtue of a wiil of Veud El., iriiied
em of tbe Courl of C jiuiiinn Pleas or Miy.
tier Co. lo nic directed, will be expose ! lo
Public hale, at the Court House Iu Middle
burg, on MOND.VV. MAY 22nd, 1871, ai
10 o'clock, A. M., ib following vulunhlt
HKAL EST t'l'E as follow lo wil : All
tliut con ai u Tract of l.aud eiuiiito In Cbnp
mou Townahip, riiiyder ooiiniy, Pa., boon.
Jed east by land nf Mary Sliolly. mnitli by
riauiuel DcL(;ler, well by John C. Kreiitei',
and lionb by llbnry Hummel, cniilaiuing
ho acim:s,
More or leas, n hereon nre, creeled a foud
l.og frame House, Hum, pud other out
T.ikeu In execution and to be aoldas ihe
property of Jacob H. Leuig.
ALSO Al ibe same liuit aud places
certain Tract of l.aud aiuml In Cenim
lownsblti. Co. aud Slui nloreaaid. I1.0111 1...I
and described as fellows, to wit: Hounded
aouiu l.v land nt Israel buauiorey. weal by
1 1 o 1 .. . . . '..I
mini ol Samuel Mover, north by land of
Irederiuk IJowcraox, and euat by laud of
I'elcr Loug, cuuiainiiig
more or lets r twenty acrea of which nre
cleared aud tbe buUi.ce well limbered. Tbo
improvements eou-isi of a Log House,
aialilx, aud other I'liildine.
Tuken iu execution aud lo be sold as Ibe
properly ol lleury Meyer.
ALSO. Al lb same time and place, a
certain Lol of 0 round alluate in I mou
towuship, County aud St tie nlureraiJ, due
crilied us follow, lo wn. Ilouudid north
aud west by Hurrison Vtiiinor, essl by
I'etiueylvauia Cuuul, uud souiU by Jaoub
llugar.couiaiiiiug ouo buudred and Uny led
square, ore or loss, v. hereon arc cr .-uled a
lo-aiory Urick House, abed, aud olber
tidied uud taken in execution na ihr
properly or Daniel Mullnit r.
JOIi.N S I10LF. Sberiff
Shsilff s Olfiue. Middkbug, April 21, lbH.
, Public Sale.
Th underlined, Cuuiinliir of tb irsoa
and siuis of Joha Oldl, a lunatie ol lieaver
lowu.bip. will expose io puollo sale, ua ibe
preuilaas, ea . ,
.sa urJay April 29, 1871.
The followlnii real estate, to wit,
Intel No. 1 nuii.ii in (leaser Uiwashlp, Suy
der euunty, Ha., bouudod aud desorlOMl as lul.
u"s i A'ljolalna Joua H. .stuiap ou n.e etst
Jahu lleis u tbe soulk, liurs Oldt on the
I, "U i Ltsnlel Klo o ou tho uoittt, eoiiialiiiusj
lot'H Ai.'lit,. aud .Vlus Perches lolciuiau
ure, w her. on I. erected a shop aud stable
Traol o S .-.Itu.tie lu .aid lowusbiu, adoti.
lua. Jouo lllua-aiuau on tuoe.utu, Jo.b r.n.jok
aud J ibo Unael ou the sul, Oeor.e Oldt ou
the north and J.mI kliugler oa the ea.i, o..u
utiiiina I KN A.:ni..i. '
rials to eoiouieuce at lu o'sloek A. M.. ot said
ov, whsusoodii'uits will be made kiiowh by
. ... . JblN h. bAllia.comumu.
, April S, 1371.
Ui'.LLiV aCllONOUlt,
J Wboleaale Dcalors in
1 Jstmar.r tH, 1s7 tf ' -:
rt it (I
w V 6 t!i.
3 to 9 years, all Jj
,vo J
n am
1 1:1 a d o
our r-
v C5 .
oaeraaiftw l
ii . .
THE l'tAD-
, ;,-iii.
' Vor't !o
il (ho 'Cry
; E.'it.y rules for
jmoasurc me tit,
.a a-
,.X JLs.
RFIOIRiMis'OtlCKeNollea is
1. l.t- o an eonrnKlbll)at ttra
t siwtsck jrrwini BIMhtet
ritr la 1
l"VlieT "l'l'),l,.fr
III 1 loon 17 f.-.f.Ur,SHMIi FoerlH.Mj.nil! a'.
My Mine tin
1 'lh .Vonnt of Jiff., hmlik.r A'jyi
r tTitlt nt Jonii Wvr ( .l' "1
t ttitrtst nf John WAVf AsrfiMfil
f Tb lecnnrt lnMl IIMiIrl Wt rink f t.
notor nt th Init will nit kMUiDMl ( Jftooti
t$nyr OfOnmi,
I Th ftconunt f Tstentrn WstlT a Fll
C. rtrhntr Ada'r,st tha K.ltu( llsnry W
TT ftttretitaai
4 Thprnmit nt oVofffr Ftrlrr Ailm'f at th
Esltot ;lhrtm Ktilsr li'iM.
1'h nrrounl l John rfnrmsn. llnnrrtliin of
j. AiHrrron nmitn. una nr tb CbJIdreo jj.
W H t ll Mmllh ilrenirM.
1 he rani nopnimt or Ocnrir Fltr Fxfu
lr nt th Irpt will nnd UtUmeol of Uevrx L.
Ilrkr ilmcmsil.
t i li riunt of T.nnt Fnln Ftrmitnr nf th
Imt tll und tt-iliment ot Jcub Mltterllng
'ihr fmnl nerniuil of.tntin H. Wnlf Trti.lre
to mil 1 lie mil t;tmr i.t jrnr Dietrich ilre'd.
nrmunl i.f Srhne
th 11 Will : It'tnillfnt nl I Irnrr nrplc llpr'il
IV I h Arrl ml llnsl . otint nf Kvt l . i rl
Df fxrrntrlK n( ih Inn will nu t leiumont of
in I'mirttirv itecrn..l.
H Th nr.-nunt nf llllrim llnwrr.nx fltmr.ll
an,.n, i rmiii a n.lui.r vhilu of Hll.'bail
r'roli. ile. rn.r'l.
li I he ni-rnuiil of Wltila-n It.iwor.i.x laar.l.
li of .Mmv n r ck, uilnur cUIIJ of Ml
elmrl I- rork ili-t.i.rt.
la Tlienfniint i.r .t.lm I.. NnfJo, Ailin'r ol
tho titute vU'iloi Muttl itncra.e.l.
si. it. M ni l kv, Lc('r fc Ileo'r.
April S3, isri.
Unn.t 1
!' YKNDKKS of Korelun
I(.metlc In th ('imntv
ol Miytcr.suir l I'cnni) Iranlifur Ih rear lsT t
! 01
10 on
" 0.1
1,'JU sipeehl Pry Ooot,
II. I. Kun.lnnhn.h do
ll. Il l(u-.eti'liiK, tlo
llrnry tin
J I sMrk (Hot Ijesler
nilvrr M. Kler " "
t I ... A ....... ...AU ..111
.'I. II..-V fi.'.iii.n-n mm, i
llrlfrli-h a Itrnwtr, Pry n
W. 11. Mnltb. ' " 14
Wnlinr a Showers,
I'rjr Oondr, la
' " 11
10 IKl
J. Aurana n rcn,
( .oy. 7 ucnffiij.
J.l. Itln IiryOo-il., 11
Jaeob Wlrrt, " " j
Mlllrr k Mmrs " " 14
tlljab AD.I.r.on, Orneery, 14
Von''i '1 i:inhi'i.
Cwlne k Hhlndvl, Dry Ono0, 14
J.mie Prsvrr 4
lalbarln power Mill ll
JncliHOn Township,
.P.hnSI. Ilrarrr, Pry Uondu, 13
llltlrrk enrlclc " 1J
llrrlnn ttn.ii.e, " la
il A l-rlrnmryer, Miit Heater, 14
.l"hll Mnurrr, Mill, 14
Philip llenfer ' u
MUbVi hurff.
Wiiimmrver fc Son, Pry UimmIi, 18
Win ll . prater, " " l i
.1. W. Prrr.e " 13
. Alfred Srknrh, " ' 13
sUnM k Prog Stnr 14
ll.T. Kb'xln, Hlov Peaier, 14
M iltllrcrnL' 7 (in ntti .
.laenh A. Smith. llr (Inodi. 1.1
li.o! 1
i' .li
in 00
T.ik) :
10.' 0
Samuel ll.Yn.lrr, 14
A. II. Keek a Urn. Stov Dealers 14
linrl.l Mill, 14
Mi ill rip Town fh' 11.
K ft. Flrr. Ornrery 14
It. M. ciitrk, ' 11
.1. V ll .tii iirteln, " 14
Sehe.-h a Urn. " 14
J'liin Tmi'mtfiip.
S.'tincli h l!r.., Iiry flouil., 13
tunc I . Il.)r. o o 14
I". I' Kantr, Sllll, 4
Kdmond Yost. " 11
I'ir.i T'.vu h'p.
Minium It Solinre, liry (loclr, 13
II. IS Si A Selmre, " ' la
I'harti s llnvrr, - 14
Marhley fc 'l'r..utnian, " " 11
Mill, 14
Willi on (load, " II
John Isdnier, ' 14
W'stl'ini Tuirn hiji
lei.rse llouscworth. Mill. 14
S. i.ifjr nr.
Ibdisrh S. tiro. " I'rv Oondf la
A'aue n-ellrr It Son. 11
M'l irly .'. yr Schnure" ' 11
s.-ho.-h .V Hon. " "11
I II. Smith, " 1.1
Wlllliini V. l-rkliert, " " 1.1
Kl-tner .V s. n, ' " 11
i'. I.. 1!orr, Hardware. 11
II s l'.t lord, t hlurf 11
S Fmi.t, 14
..rn.n illnver, 11 14
.1 II ' l-h. rriiit Store II
-.l.lriitrl H WaKen.o'ter " " 1
K. Keller, Honk St ire, 14
s.ile-n lirull -r, Mini., store, 14
su.on huuaii.. Null. ,11., II
.1 K ll..l,il. i..i It 1aiivhter u
; ifl
.l IK)
I " ;
7,00 i
t vnal
" isi
1. 111I Mllmr lluot fc sh.. store, 14
; oa
7 co
.lohn t'utiMron
Ui.. eery
.lohn II. Wrnrl.'h
i .1 s. p.H.khnrt
I MUes W..t7l
7 co
Stove liealer,
I Krlrcr fc Pawllnc
f lilol
Hoffman fc lira,
wiiiusr fc Ii.
Hetrcl fc M.o.'ulluiiuh
1 1 a iiti.ij i n imi ii.-ft .
O fc. F. I". Moye-, Iry U, I;l r fc Sen, ' la
J. I. Monr ia
llairtt l I i.rnhan, " " I I
f. II. fc. I'. V. Muyer, II ot Mnro 14
Joculi llnclrr, Itoot fc Shoe Store 14
Ja ob II. shirk. Move 1 aler 14
Aaron Mnyi'r, " " 14
A .1. Ilr.-hell Mill, 14
HavldOov. ' it
An appeal wlll;i.e held at the f'oainipslnm ri.' In tit Iturouiili ol MliMlrlHirirmi Ttiorr.l.y
May H-'ah, A. 1. I 1 , l.utweou the ln.ura ol v
o'clock A. l So'olock P. M. wh-n and
where all th.i'e who may feci themselves hit
arleved ly their clai-sliloailon inny attend If
tLty think proM UAI.VIN K.Mi HI.
Mercantile Appraiser,
VXberess Ibe Hon. P. 8. Woods l'rsl
W dent Judge nf tbo Judicial Pirlrln
conipnred of the counties of Snvder, I'nioti
nnd Miftlin and J. O. I.. Flilmlel nod
(leorpe C. Muyer, Erc.j Assoelale Jtidfres
in and for Snyder couni v have issued lliuir
preeelpt bearinir, date ibe the 28ih day of
Kebrnary. Ih7l, lo me directed for
tbe holding of an Orphans court, a court
of Common Pleas, court of Oyer nnd Ter
miner and General court of Quarter Ses
sions of the peace al Mlddleburg, for tbe
'eoiinly of Hnydcr, on lie 4ib Mouday, (be
I '"H --"'J 'lay of May, 1871.) and
oonuniie one wcc
K'ti. 1. 1 1 .... r.
Notice 1 therefor hereby eiven lo tLe
Coroner. Jiulice of Ibe Peace and t'oiula
blea in mi for Ihe county of Snyder, to ap
pear In their proper person wild their rolls
reoords, inquisition, examination and
o her remembrances lo do ibose Iblnn
which ol Ihcir otticee and In their behalf
perlnin lo bt don and wilnesaea and .fer
rous prosecuting in behalf of ibe Common
wealth against any person or persons are
required to be then and there attending
and not departing without leave al Ihcir
peril. J unices nr requested In be punct
ual iu their attendance at tbe appointed
time agreeably to Holies..
Oiven under my band nnd teal at tbe
Siierilf e office In Middleburg, Ibe 2Hib day
of Februaay. A. D., one ibousaud cigbl
hundred aud eerent
. JOUN 8. WOLF, Sheriff.
Th sul scrlhsr oflTer al privet aafe bis
township. Snyder County. Pa. adjoining
nd of Abraham Fisher, Miebeal Hummel
ad other eoms, iuiug ahnul
173 ACKtfS,
more or lei, ninety-five acres of which ar
cleared aud in a high otale of cultivation i
ib balanco ia covered with lb beat uf lim
ber. Tb improvement coaeisl of a good
l w ell ins House,
LA 11 (if. HANK 11A11N and all necessary
ouibuildihgs, good water eonveuleut for all
purposes, a lulge
eonlinnlng choice gralied fruii. ste. Tbc
larra Is nuJer good fence, naturally ferills
and highly productive Is In a healthy
coiiniry.-alioin ibice otilu from e Hns
grave uiiJ iwn uiils from Shamok'a Dam,
on lb wvti bauk of lb Susouehanna river
i venveiiient lo Markou. Kailreadt, Ca
sals, Churobe aud Sohools,
Will b sold on easy terms, and possession
given IlinneJaioly I'deelrvd. For fun her
pariiculsn iapuir uf Ike tub'oriber oa ti
- Capl, JOHN ITEHH, '
Monroe lp., HP H, i:()i
1 1.00
Railroad Notice.
;rOTI(;ir It .k.reby girro tkat all per-
listnif "lin toek In the Bunhiirr
MnpprirwfTT rin rinev mvii mm jmia nnoru-
uuniji X JKitZnVJnU
UtBld, M 0, kl" M wllnqmnt.
iit insiun. prniiiffs win im la
lly rOt ( Ui HOARD.
April is, isn.
LtCBNSE KOTCB.--Nollee Is hereby
(tltrn that
Jnboh Millor, Weil Braver,
tobn Kriek
More Hpeclil. fcenTM',
I). I.. Itruiletibusli,
Henry llnurur,. "
Ore. A. Smith, "
KerdinnnJ Soma. Clinpniaa
I'elcr ll'irlmnn I'erlrc.
(leorin Clover, 1'rntiklin,
l.cwii AiniK. MUiileeiecU.
H.inlel folimler, Mi Jlleburg,
I'. 1. Wcisrr'
Sarah Keene, Monro.
J i. Iluiincltin.
lohn ArnsM, "
Haniel S. Cnik, '
Ihiniel If.ivir, Perry
Henry Schtieo "
Uiuii-I t'nion,
ira riiyrs, '
11 A. Ilntig, f?i.liiirirrnre,
I. K. Walur.
Henry Keiaer,
V. C. Mover. WjvI,;,i,.i,.o
I .!.... ','.' 1. -- e ,
Pniiivl fistnliart
t-aai! firs !icaer.
J.Croii.o Vvliiferorc,
I. II. NYmUk,
tieor- I.i.ieiiiian. V.'allilnp'nn.
have III.-1 1 br ir petitions fur Tavern l.i-
c. n iili IlirClojk of llirCuuri of Quar-
tir .-vs. ions or KnyJvr Coiinly, and Ibe
earae will ho presented for approval on
ll juday 1 t.c iiutli duy nl May u-at.-
. L.KUL-3K, Clerk Q. 8.
April l'l, 1F7I.
Ii'iiircil il" t'o.'s Ailtci-litenirnti.
I More lamely patrnnlred by Yodnn Men than
f, '." . ' '"r "U'lnrra nr Ac.tmlo I duc.
1. 1 .1 1 i.iieiie, I'miKiiks) pale, N.V
i... IUIIK-.T. l.T, v..r iirAeoSAni.K
I I RACTK AL ScbOi.l in III I Tilled -lAHl, AH. I
'br only one prorlilli.t r.uii.n lr UraOu
""'Mo patron. In every Slate. Address
1 "" tAslAIAN, Lf. II., President.
II01,l.ll)AVMIll(i hKMlMllT,
BLOO l I SliliiT" l LL.) x insEUvf
10,00 ,0h oar. ewi Aoret. 13 Oreenhouner. I,ar
lo o.) K' t Auoriuient nil slue.. Heat si.h k I l...w
T.00 J '' I W.iuld ynu know what, When, llixv 10
;,oo I lain I rru.t. (shade., I.vernrMn lree, hoot
1 Oralis. seadllnKr. liriik-e luull' A..e seed
linn' ," '"l"", Klinill- 1 rftf llhnu.0
lioo and nar.len plants, ne. fco. Plowkr ash Vau
inn TI" "" 1 Hi""!, lift rolli-U..n-S..ria
7,no and quality. Send 10 cem fur New. Illustrated
i.oo lroriitiyt" pages, ell.l damp
a. h, lorlatal..uo. oiM.eJ., w th plain three
- no '''"is-ol pK t liedilliiK and gardon plants
J (W AUUre.. I. K. PHUfcNlx lllooinlnmon, 111
Ir. CJrook-M
A which lias breu tested
a. V Tur lu reara, and proved In thsnnan.l, of
i ae.eai!ih!o i.rcurlna nil lMsettos ol the lhrnat
and : rl rniiiiK in ,nv rem irk u, in
".''r,l1'"" !,rM ''"ai nil who are sullcrlna fr an
rlnillar nil k-IIim . nnd vainly .nek rnll,. will
a"" '''''Julu'c ,'uv,'", 'ou I ruin belua; cured
'"inr'i and Colds.-Tho Urueaim lay It curei
th.'tii ell.
Asilinjii-Tha rel'of and nirer ar marvr l.ui..
Throat Allmrntr require only a fnw di.rcs.
ed'SaMr"-"1" """ C"M '"""""'
licl.lllty. It renovate, nn.l in. i ...,i... ,i .
.l.-er C'omrilalnt. !tIoi t,rT.nii.. - ..r
aehr'iK-'I'i'f " 1U h,aIl,1'r aelB on tbe atom It I. l.riini..o tuin .a .....;resi;.rlnir. " iqsi.ii
1 tsl ' andr'ir inf 'r"""-""Acl,"n on thcm ' marked
j.eoj UK riiiKiK-s WINK OK TAR Is rl-h In
7.10 tl.e tnr.ll. fal .oo.lltl.vt ,.r T.r ,7. ,i. ! ,1, ' . ...
I viMriat.le In-iirilli'iit. in 1111.1..1O10..1 v.,i,.. ........
u:iikelt ui.siirpas.i'.l, m t enly lor the com-
. haurtril strontcih, cleaiKc. the.tmnaeh, relaios
"'ver and put. theni la work, esuroi the
r.i.,.1 to .HKe,it, and muki'i pure, and be.
! ".'.' ylaclty appr..-laif. Ly both sound nnd
-un-. uM.M. iiiir.i. 1,111 11 n. 1, 11 iv ro.ti.iri
o r. 11 va aro ainii'iod In nnv way, we kn
lyai try the llto !: l Ii.j l.inlo proirrtl I j
I ro .k'r W llto of I'ur. y..u will a. I.I ynur tei
la uiv to Its ureit valuu In eiirrrcllnu ary
Id it lle-h I. htlrto.o Prepared only l.y III. IV
Clfin K fc 0. Sold by ,lruKiil.-t. every when
.1 k. II l.lll III. .. lMli.ln.1 I - .
I jiyai try the llto t:l Inn tout.! pmirr'u I Dr.
. 1 1, h r 1110 01 lf, yi,u W a,, ..,,, tMt.
every wbero.
Por scrofula, Scrofulous Tumors
Ser.dnloii Plsrairs of the Ky- or
Scrululaln any ,.rin. If Iteuiniat lm,
Id'enrerol Ilia f.lver, I'l-eni of the
-kin, I, pimi.le., Hulls, Tet--r,
Sial.l Head, i ,.ori snj ,,
rr., or any dlrrase .lopen.llnir on a
prnvrd (.f the hluiui. take
" i rMk' I li.MI'HI'Mi sYKI'H
I PuliK l.oor. It I. cnmblned
ulihthe hrri tonic prepnratluns of
Ir. 11 n, and 1 the best altera,
live aid ith. u.l Piirllleruta.l. I'leaima
s your HI00.I. Try on bolilo. Sold by
druitul't'. Pirparrd only by
)I.H EH I'Kuulv a CO., Dayt .n, O.
' and 40 packii, Hr. Ihirf 'frnde Mark.)
Iloitsr.s t euKii us Ol.isiikus. Aaron sny
Icr'r. I' K. A-.I'ljiit Arro'iiur, Mount A'.lnn,
I'a , 11. Ilitrnn'a l.lvrry and Kichanae Stable,
Smihiirv. Pcnn. Iloiist... ci.iti.11 tn. rmi.nri
..ii 1,110101., Kanvuie, ra., A. till
. imeiui'., Danville. p A. Klll.'s,
WhshlnKtunvllle, Pa., J. Nice Slo
eney shore. Pa. Houru ci nr.D nr
..irroi.ani, n lieu
auaaur , jeriey snore, i-a. Hitu.a crnKD nr
I. 1 so Prvait Mm fc Hrn's, I.ewltburK. Pa
Himaa ciisko nr C' TUoa. Cllucan'a
l ulcn t'o , Pa. lloo I'l-Hin 0 Cuoi.kua
II. Hsrr'a, It. fc A. Cadwallader's. Milton.
in limit Hrn's, I.ewltburK. Pa.
ki or lllu can's
Pa. lloo I'l'Hin or Cuoi.kua.
It. fc A. Cadwallader's. Milton.
.wllr. M'l'learv. .1 II ll'l '.....i.b
I.0,"' eafr-' 1". M 'I 'leery. J . II. !'( Virmtek's
Mlllon, Pa., t hickens cured of cholera aud
Oapss. Ur. l. T. Kreba', Watsuntnwn, Pa .
Dr.l'.H. Havls. ). W. Sticker, Jhn an.
James I Innny's Milton,. Pa Hundreds more
could be cited whn.e stock wat raved by uslne
Ih Hed Moose Powder prepared by CYRtS
HROWN, HruiKlat, t'henilar and Horreuian,
am Ills Wholesale and Kctull Drug and Chsutl'
cal I'.nisrluin, llroadwny, Mlllon I'a., te whom
all ordort should be adddrrited.
. We will Insert ao advertisement
In one hundred and Ofly-Bv First-elas
reiiiiNjlvuiila IieVNiapfrB,
Includlna Eleven Dallies.
We refer to the publisher of this paper, to
whom our reauonalblluy Is well known.
Itsst Sent li'ree.
Addrest QtO. P. IiOWUI.L fc CO.,
Nos 40 8i 41 Fork Bow, Now York
I 0ll PCI.MIlNAkV 111! HI ii ii
The old atandurd f,.r I'uiiihl. Ooldt.
loo.uiiipiion. Nothing better." C'ctlsb
Uuo. fc Co., Uotton.
Fragrant Sapoliene
Cleans Kid Oloves and all kinds or Clothes and
Clotblnitt reniuvAa l..l.i ti.u. sru. . ..
In.utntly, without Ihe leaat injury to Ihe Anest
fabrlo. .sii1 by liruuulet end Panoy
Dealura. I H Ail 11 A NTs APOI.I tNIl (III., all
Barclay St., New York, 44 La bulls bt. Chicago
2fff A 11 Y FOR A I.I. with Rtenell Tools
vAmiie a. a.. u UAII4.M, Dpriua hold Vt.
lluy the Apple Parar, loror and SI leer Price S3.
SiOil"; AMI INTH Horse and Harris ge fur
Jr'sJ wUutsUsd. Expautt paid, U. Shaw, Al
fred ate .
A-Rsmt I llencl Till !
ol : Per Week aud Eipenaet, or allow a
large ot.nnuirtlou lo tell our new aud wonder
ful Inventions AddreasAt. WAUNEK fc UO.,
Marshall, Mloh. . . '
And Send Twenty. five Cents fur a TIrksl and
draw a Watch, Sawing Machlue, Piano, or
some article or value. No blank. Six fui One
Hollar. Addr, PACKAHO fc CO., Ciaeia
Ball, Ohio,
AVOID QUACKS. A victim al
early Indhwrstlon, eaut a norvoM de
Ullty, premature deoag, fco., havlnsr tried la
vain every advertised rsmrdv. has a ilaipl
uisi.ns ol selfcur. whloh h v I eod 'r-s te bis
lellow sullarars. Ar:.lrr.a t. : I'd . l i.
a.......;... r . I'' --
ihiyi, n.w s .a, .
t .in -s-a-jv
1 m
Dawhg ft Cut. Adwrtiicmenii. ;
Agents, liWemaii.
lor fnsl telling popular tiihferlplloa
.i.u.s. innurrmtmt r Afimt. In.
formnlion fre. Addrer Antrltaa Book
Co., r,2 William Ptreel N. V.
010 Made From 50 Cts t
Pornetbinit urgently needed by fwrrybody.
Call and see or 12 simples sent (postage
...... , iu, . ,u retail rasiiy tor f 10.
It. L. WotcoTT, 181 Cbsibam Bquar, N.V.
Cniiiolic Tiililets.
Ths late rnrnrean War broiicht ont new
too t nl the n n drrful mean oM a r belle Aeid
In hsllni( and prsveniliiK dlrrsreer.
io?' XaM".H K'"rnt 'h Arid Id lmWt)1nB
whli other rfllrlrnt rn.r.lle. In e pnpuler form
ruI.',,iT."V,:?," THIfHAT and ni.R .lire..
TH KOAT are Immeillntely relieved, and state
ment; rcintimtly help rent lo the iin.rjrie.
yeirr ."liT'llrot "'" 'n"lM,t """"euuiee of
RAtTTTfW ,!nn'Ll worthlM artl.
UIUIJ.VJ1 rler be palmed off on yo.
TArl'l'VIs" ""lr " "-lV t.ABlloLlJ
J-'i , f "'i':;"'"; 4 Piatt trert. X. Y., sole ant.
.-end lor tlr -nlar I'rlc ii oenu box.
WANTKD-A(JKaNTS. (820 per
rtnT) Ja roll theeelet.rsted IIOMF. SHfrT.
TI.EFKWINO MACIil.NK. Ha. II,. ."a,;,
teed, makes the ",.k .tiioh'i (ke on both and Ir mill lo-en-.l. The Iw.t and chean.
t family rewimt .Ma-hlne In the market. Ad
dr .I..Hsso.,, ( , fc ; li,tnn. Ma...
1 Ittsbitrir, Pa., i hlcrgu, 111., or ht. LouH, Mo!
AdfcNTfS WANT El 1-Or" THE
It contain, nvnr psi linn cnvravlmit or nettle
Hrenp. ,M Inl.l.-nts In Ihe War, rnd le the ai."
thrntls au.l . t k iaI, hlft.iry' or thatVri
eonairt. fuhli-lied n b.,th fc Oerinaa.
'OATTTTflTJ 'r"flsrhl.torlearehelji
'tJ XXJt, flrculatod. See that Ibe
book you buv co.1,,,1,1 1110 line enKravln
) ""l,r"relrclllarsnd iceonr term., and
full deaerlptlnn or the work. Addrer Wa.
TIONAI. FtllLlSHUNO CO., Pblladelphl.:
Reduction of Prices
I .v Sfi t iiii up Clul4.
r S,!n.', r'" our yw v'ie '' nd a Clnb
rnrin will aeeompany It, emtlnlna mil dlree.
tlnnt-maklii), a larus savlnK to eon"umr and
remiineratlv to club urKaQl".rs. "a
77c Grant American 7a Company,
4W. n i. . .,81 M VKSEY 8TRBKT,
rsrrlptnre and Science have met to.elhrr.
Oenr.l. and (leoly bay, .,c, othtp
pAip tJ.'.rn'u'n.Vn-'fr,. ThV
Pu piu and People ar all dlscus.lnp- the su LTJet
?o rend 'VP m,,n' 7""" '"" ts
? . .'' a"" ',",- Srlenc Is trn. th
Hilda llieral, pure and beaatllul, both now s Is"
If I and nrtn friends. Oud's work d ays. ,1 "
tual days, not oBg perlmls. This bo-di Jri, tij,
oil! "I,"' '""'"''' ,u"k,n " thrilling ri!
tlrr iina al e., wonders and sperkllmr Rem".
... . IS WANl'KII. Ksiierlenced
,Tla L VV "V'iT ""V ,M"r tcr?fl..rv lf""
Mel I R M , g south Sth St., Philadelphia vZ
It I. a sure and pe-lect romody for all diseases of
Ihe I. ivor and Spleen, Enlargement r Ob
struction of Intestines, I'rlnary, L'lerin
or Abdoiiiinal Organs, Poverty or a
Want of Hlood, Intermlilent or Ko
. miitent Fevers, Inflammation of
of Ibe Liver, Dropsy, Sliitrsiili
Circulation of tbe Hlood, Abs
cesfes, Tumor, Jaundice,
Dyspcpsiu. Apiie & Fever
or ihcir coticomitaiil.
Da. W RtL havlair bvcomo annra nf the
exirnnrdinary medicinal properties of lb
.-sou in American Plant, called
sent s special coiiiml.ion,to Hint country
lo procure it iu its nut ivo purity, nnd bav
ing found lis wonderful curative proper! if s
10 even excred Iho anticipation formed by
its great reputation, bus concluded lo offer
it lo Ibe public, aud i happy to alute that
be bas perfected iirrangcmculr fur a regu
lar monthly supply of ibis wonderful plant.
He bas spent much tjmj experimenting
and inv;tigniing as lo ibe most ellicirni
preparation from ii, for popular use, nui
hns for auiuc lime used iu bia own practice
with most happy remits the effectual medi
cine no w picsenli J iu tbe puhlio as
Dr. Wills' KMrad or Jl hTBEIU,
uud bo coi.fidiiilly rccounaenda ll lo every
lantily na a household remedy which ahouM
be freely taken ns a ISi.ood Pt ttirita in all
derail v'. 'incuts of ihe sya'em and lo animate
nbd loriify all wivk and I.ympbaiie tern
perunicnis. JOHN Q. KKLLOUO, Pinll 81.
Few Vork. 8olvagenl for Ibe l ulled Slates.
Price One Dollar per bottle. Send fur
W nrren ICungc
IVitb Its Sjieclal Attachments, th
Is celebrated for lit Iteliiibillly Simplicity,
Economy and t'envcuience.
230 Water St-, New Vorll
l.w O'CLOCK. I rzi
TUo lrnsjio Comb.
will ehent-e ny colored hair or beard to apse
mananl black or brown. It Contains ne pubs
One comb tent by mall for St. Dealers suiiplsal I
t truueeti rate., muuress wm. pattuOi irsw.
Afteats everywhere te w
our new Him, It. vl.t oHir I
-- iiiiueiraisu,! oy juiia
uit. a riuenniu subiett and iHipularsr
U. ii, BfjSbELL, Publisher, ItoalM.
C5 TO 820 A DAY!
Ilo yon want situation at talesman atf
near bom, lo sell our new T strand Whits wisi I
liMiTHs Link to latt rua svaa . I'1
ni las this chnnne. Sample free. Address b'l
son Hirer Wire Mills, J Waa. SU K. Y.wfl
uearborn St. Lbluago,
mAVsis-Aia riTtBDn eotinvia.i.
13 lady who had suftsred for Tears from l1!
rsaa, Catarrh aad berolula, was eured fM
simple reine.ty. Her ayoipalhy and ralltsl
proutpls Iter lo lend Ibereceiiil free of sharp
to any one elnillarly altllnied. Addrett tin-l
ai. u. I.KUUKTT, Jersey Ulty, , J,
PKt'IT .TAU M ANIIVAimi'Ijr.H and Bf I
ers are notified, that a better aud chsaiwr J''l
than waa ever known will be suppllfd.
Jar exrelhi in every quality and rqulrasiHJ
nd will outsell and en a undersell any '
others. It will sell ll.elf. Iinportabt Pff
llrt lor IS7 1, now ready and tent free. A.U"I
t HAH O.IMI.AY fc BON, No. Sal Pocks'.
t... , i.. .ii .... i.. .... . i
ttiiau.i.itiw, . .
'JJooIc AcrontH !
ft.... . 1. 1 ., .iwi. nt'
an. taiv. awiut, nm.Kfni.1, ewn.i-. j,
fopular ol subscription books, Is"!'!"",
ralnlna ol I hltdren," utt out. It hat I
Id Steel Plates, Is richly bound, and
Father and Mother who Has It wants It. . N'T
no M,.IUuu and delivers olrKently. Ths''
aneut out cleared S'Jl.Uo In five hoursl SU',I
dai u book like this oue. Splendid tonus. V
cuUrasent Ire. Canvattlua Hook ss.'LI,
New World Pub. Co., a. W. our. 7th aeu-
aei du., rniiaaeipuia,
14 a ptiaK
11 1 . A f'U Till )
1 wlthlhsOreea TsalJ'T
a wairaulU to salt all v
.,. .la avrrvvhrrS. r
For al averywhrrs. '
for tal wholsa' oulf H , ,
li sat ATtASTll'fc
to Tat Co.. f harchSl e
Yo.. . .
O. ' DiS 0o"s. tread fbr Tku Kr(