The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 20, 1871, Image 1

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. . . . .... " , ' "i, " ;;..!,". ,
vr ir.rn
71 1
f 1 i
I f
fj liJ3 POHT.
shed every Tburtdny Evening by
-iRElUU ( UOVSV Proprietor. ,
' . -- - v ,."
Torm. of BubBoriptfoh,
Hlbin ix innnii.e. or J2.60 If nrtt pnld
within the year. No p opcr discontinued
i until (ill nrieirip's nro paid utiles at
Ihe option of tbi publislsr.
' ubeoriptions ontsido of U10 county
tSrif Tenant lifting nnd using paper
ttjreecl 10 oilier become tibrribcrii.
and aro li.abto for (he price of lb paper
. ,Jlid(llol.u.,r, Tn.,
'' Teri hit pf'olrmlonul ricc to Hi ntib-
ii. CoUecliom tml nil other triifoiionnl
lutn tntrmtcl lo bii cars will rrrcivt
prompt attention. . Jnn 8, 07 tf
a c.simpson,-
Sclinsfove Pi.,
Offer liii profeMlnnnt irrvioe to tit pub-
io. All buiiifB fnfruKtfd la Ui carp
ill be promptly attended in.
Jnn. IT, '7t
Pivcliurir Pa.,
Offer hli Proreratonnt nertioeto I be pub-
I. All mmiiioi rnlrurted lo ui cure
ill b promptly ultemleJ to.
Jnti 17. '(.711
7il. VaX gkzkr,
'. JmxvWhur' Ph..
(iffcm hi prot'epxlonnl ivrvive tn ie pub-
40. mill-client tin. I nil oilier rm'cmnn.
1 bueineKA entrustcj lo bii euro will re
Jcivo prniupl tten:lo.
attomx1:y at law.
IitMvinluir!i l'n
OITere bin 1'rofOTiionnl it rvlce to the pub
ie. 1 ollection' nml nil oilier pi-otiEMuu
1 olber piofrtMou.
ill buaiueas entruated
ein prompt licntiou
t (SuceeMnM tn .1. T.k 3. M. Linn,)
AT'fOUNKYH AT LAW, Uwiahuric, To.
)ffer their profelonnl ervioi!) lo the
Arblio. lollecnotis nna nil cither pro-
I ,'e.lonnl baiiurM entrueled lo ilicir care
will recclvtapvoiiipmiteniinn.fJiin. 3,'07tl
y."'V SeliiiSMfovo Pa.,
fl"er bis profeieionnl service to ihe pub-
io. LolWction nud all oilier prole'inmt
lUninom eiilrueleil to bis' cure will re
seiTO prompt altentlpn. Ofllce two door
north of the heyplone Hotel. .Inn o, 0
. , SidiiisprroTO Va
DfTer bin l'rofes4unnl eolvu-en lo 111.
ublie. All buulne' entrusted lu hit j
re will be promptly ntiendeil lo. CMlI.,,
lion made in nil pitrl of tlio StnlJ
. can epoiik (be Knpl;tb and tieriiinu
' ana ft Huonlly. Olliue between HallV
1 Ibe l'wl oflioe.
, N. MYERS,..
Sliddlebnig Bndr County IVnn'i;
Silica a few door Went of the V. O. 011
. ..... 1
umu airrrv, uii.hiiiujuii iii i.iihupi1
urd C( inifio I tin te. r'ip.'l "1:
, ' LowiHbiirg Pa.,
rs Iiia proreaaionnl eeiviccele Hie pun
All bUBine cnlriuted lo I111 cm-
be promptly nt tended lo.
Jan. 8. '07t
'Vaon In need of a good and durable
wing MncMno on be noeommodileil at
Lonbl price by culling on: otti(i-
. rAi'sr, Agent, Bvnourrovo.
fJnn. 24, ' '(IP
Middleburo; P
era hi, profession! lervice lo (bo cit
na of Middle jurg and vicinity.
. . j Alnrcu -1. 07
Pcliiifgrove Pont)
OI4a K. JIU011ES, Enq., . '
Pn TwpvSpjder Co. Ta
tk. WAONER, Esq., . ' -Jo
1 . 1 .
Jackson To A'.iHliip, Snyder Co. Pa
ill attend to all bminen entrusted to
oar and on tba -most renaonnble
1 " f - --
mmm M..inl, 11 'UKir
Kb j- f- kanawel,
cniieiiue, enjacr . v., a u.,
VTera LI profeublonal icrviee to the
LDI16... , ... . . . O-BBII
W. 5CIIWAN, JI. P.,"
A d j iiuBUJ arumiti.vii
' . Port Trevorton Tu
ffer bi profeionnl lervlcci to the
uzeni or tht place nna vicinity. - il
aniuerman una tnguu.
... ,.!.. . w , April 18, '08
A. llOYKll Jr.-
Freoburi Snvder Co. Pa..
rerpeolfully ofler hi ervier to
ut'llo a venuu tryer ana Auction
Having had a, lama exuerianee. I
Aonfidiil tLit I eun latiduiL nerfectr
faolion to my emnlove. TCem
T.PAKK8, '
toe in Court Uouie, SepUIS, 'D7tf
.322 N. THIRDS
I J. C. N1PB, Clerk".
"U . 415 North Third Ktre.t.
VOL. 1).
y -rlTAN-fKLI.
rccKMo to rArrrvAN fc rncw,
. aiiAC6WAn.,
-Ko. 21 Kortli rotirth t-(rrct, 'c
Originnl rnckngr ConBtanlljr on IlnnJ.
Represented bf TlltO'S SWlHKKrRt).
I Jillcas&CriWf
U y ClicQtnut L
" 1 Bive m
T lu'arty prfforcnoo to tlio
Willvox iSt Uil.
Silent tawing Mnrliine." Fki:n.
silent, tV.inJ Xliiclune. I-dn-ulcl Vlnr:-
"Ihavethe Wliecl.rWilKon,ttio(irovfr
4 Baker, nnd tlio Willeox & (iiblm tavfiitjr
Vlnchineej in my family. I use tlio Willi-ox
t OiIiIm most frvfiiie'ntly, tliitiking it Cir
uporior to either of the other."
Must. UiiNHY Yai:d IJi.i.i uuri.
"My wlfo would not nocept a tawmR
klacbino of nnv otln-r patent a.i a iijl, if Mm
nnxt receive It'on condition of giving up tho '
idilion of giving up
(Villeor A Qil)b."
Rev. Olivi h Cham?
( i lK)nUh', 1'.
"Tlio Willeox A OiLb i the on'y tawing
Machine, whraw working in so mire and oimplc
hat I couldl Ttslnre to introdueo it into
lyria,' . . j , Rev, a. t. Pkatt,
MUjloDary Awcrlrmi lloant.
" 7t have used varioti Bewing Mnchlne I
nth in our family, but it ia the unnnimou
pinion of th household, thnt the Willeox
a Uibb ii tlio beat of them nil."
Brooklyn, K Y.
For imnlicitr and mcchanlcnl amirnev
if construction, I hnvo ecn no tawing
tlachine serial to tho Willeox A fiihba."
Enoch Lewih
Of the Prnni.rlTui Central P.. R
' A c&rresponrtfnce on the atibjrrt
) Setvlng Machines is reaped f til
y solicited,
720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
i;v FIRM
NI'W 0()()I),.
H. . IllTZEL. I. S. JJcCt 1.1,01011
iietsel & ccccurrorcu,
' K"tA,v.V
'it-' "
-;;,JIAIL. .IIQAD TIES,. . ,
" '.-" ' .' '
Ac, die.,
. C H A.J?. 'M A N : .
March 17, 1170-tf.
Wish lo inform lb oltliene of DnnnerTillo
and vicinity tbat they Intvt opened a nw
lock of good, and will keep eonatantly on
baud a full aortwut of
idbeks ooons:
filing of ALPAC A8,r0PLINS,PLADS,
I IVTUIN ni'l IH'l'J
Cloths & Casliucrcs
11AT8 andCAl'ti, DOOTS and BUOES.
.... . 'ok"oi;V;Bi;ti'.': '
; ....
1 - -'
And In fact everWblng omallv lent In a
Orel cliu oounlri alora. All of which we
offer at grtiuly raduead Drice. for l'ih ar
Country Proeuu..'
Having bad larg axperlenee in the
buainuia. w flatter ourialf that wa aan
plaaaaand aaliafy all our emtomera. .
Hoping, by atrlet atttalion to- buslnts
and a daalre to nleaa alt. to aaarll a tlharal
eVnaeef publio patroaa.. Our moiioj
""ite Hoist ( it Small t-ojtr
X. . at let I at IIm fubllo examine
t r nd r r "ire irur'1!.,
" ) v. DW I ' '
J 'is .
.... b
If nrT tHitiw v.fuHf iinV.rNA . IV
"''" :
'I In- eiJilnii of f:?rhi;;
. .. . -.
The wlnlrr- limit ii pool mid gone, v-
The lime of pllvnl ilenlb,
And the eventful em-lb in quiet '
Vi'illi Ihe enulh wind t rnl1s brealli.
In I lie bnlf hmli'd Tco vN, an. nn.
1 The ninny vml, B(tiln
The priiiivuKp bud" me wnkenlnn
To the enfl cull o Hie ruin 1 .
nd mid (ho pri'e palm willow Idroin
The lire, enntiniiou kutn.
And llir tl'.riisli'n pn fiem Ihe cnpe,
Tell tbitt die eprin; 1ms cuiu.
lii'fiitlifiil ppriti! benenlli bet iiiille,
The nlr gio unnii nml In 'c III .
At.d rituUH llirotitfli cow Up lii '.dj .
Hun I iii;;Mii In the lriilill ,
In ebady nu'h'lowx, ilny ty l:iy, ,
The deliruto cuckoo ftuwein . ,
Oirn Ibrir eilvery cup lo cntcb
Tl e'niild (li rendin lmwnt ;
Aid oVi'p n.ithin fbn bud 1 i it fr hedo
111" nei Ilic ix.ibll'wic'.i wenve, .
Where (he li.'iic i'ck!i"'8 'winding (.prityi
Are net wi:lt leti ler Iimvj.i.
I!y eoll.i;c (burn Ibc biillijrjly,
1'be fitrlieel "of pvin.
Above lb .ildo.i crjru l e.N
r-yetl iiix irnnblikii wiri ;
And ul.l pi.lidn I'.ift tlMffnrlil V
be bmikli.
Gleniiuib ihe dm i.iy.
And now in pirl'in pi-"a.lit:;: f ir
i ' llonnd nut iuli i hull-,
Willi l mid clt nr imoi! r dH'.-tin.; b...
Smoifb turf nnd i.-nnc -d
,'nr "eer ,;iv
! A"'lw"" cv'y '' a
'','", nf " 1' f '"'a
otr iv.iiK . huh ,iov. y l inn ;
And c ol wind,.. Hint nt even timo
liown the lon u'l.-i '
Lny tlie bl'is. it f Hie n' iron I tree.
In crawdi u, "a tl,j
I'.rilil. bii -hspiI r" pi 1 n I ll y i-.-miiij 1 11
A 1he.iHi1.i l I hotrlii iir. ,
I'tauiiliil n tlio peirlv lip'-i
Oflhine i.wn ehaiy n- !,;,.
We p'uok lliy wil l lip it nriii-' Il .'vei,
And wonder by t!,y htri iiiu,
And 1 by riin..l,iiK. .i iuc in u . iilmIii
'l'liejuy of vnitiidii d dic-niH ;
r'r down the visin ot pisi $ cur
Kiiinl lini'i-like cch .'i's rui;.
ilornoio our lienria upon thy bremli,
. t) loved nii'l lovoly rJpring !
now to i:ovi: i ai.isii.
Ono Hundny, about ten yeuin ogo, I
Mind inisolf nt Carlisle. 1 wa-t com
fofluldy t aerju lintcd there, and had
mi ro prcr.y oiti n on ihniucsk;
but my bcinjf there at tint timo win. I
the les'ilt of 110 neci lent merely. 1 had
been three hundrod mile.- wci ,his.
tniuainvnintoOudttcluotoiin nl. -
.n.,1.,1,,,,, ,i..r.,.,ti... . ;....i 1.
'V'" ' w v IMUIll. I j (IIIM I U II III If tl I'll
lo luke a Irish htart, I lotiud that n
H od had xuhuH'rp'd the uiniii imik
for ceveril miles cn-t of Ciirlii-le, nnd
there Would 1c no r c t ii nway till
Moinluy, at tho leait. So 1 mulo 11!
virtue) of necessity, nnd lelei uphin
my detention und its causes to my 1
le.uiily, I went up town. !
Alter iliuiier lit the hotel, I dropped
in at the oiTiee of iho I'isiriet Atlonu v, '
Willi U'lllllll I H'lld IV-ntl llnliM.iiflf.t.l I
" "v v
found bun arranging U.o details of u
number of whicl. , wore
in 1 ... ii-,.... ... ...a . . n it. r . 1, 1
w iiv ,11.11 t,v IUQ VUlllb Vl liiu IO110W
ing Mouday. f-
"Auyiliing of importance f '' I asked
rather carelessly. :
'Ono ut least,'1 ho replied. I'Joo
Kllfor, a uotorious scouudrci, iatejibe
tried. lor highway robbery. The vk-
titu wa drugged out of bi buggy oa u
louely road, beatuu insensible, uud
fobbed of a thousand dollars, lleldon
lificii Slilor positively as one of tho
Wluit' the defeneof',
"J can't imagine. I,dou't think
there is jiny in reality." ' .to- .
"Maybe bo'll provo nn- alibi." 1
jocosely suggeBtod. Ilo 'shook bis
'X doy'll hardly try that," bo said,
"tho fuels are too clear." .
'After eonio more unimportant con"
vorsuiioa wilh hiui I returned to tho
hotel, where I speut tho remainder of
the uiiy. . .
Tho next day was Sunday. I
quite early und fouud the promiso ol
beautiful summer day o KOud tbui 1
dreseed uiyseli amlsalioU out lor a walk
Nobody wus stirring yet about the
hotel, and the streets were peiloeil,
lill. 1 Walked arouud evurul squurec
and retqruud to the hotel, uiu-tiug unlj
ooo person ju the wuy. .
Tbut person was siuaiioii Io the
doorway of a basuwout huIooii as 1
passed. 1 looked doieu cusuady mni
saw hliu btandiug there in bis suiii
ileoves. i IIim buir. was tuuioled, auu
ue us It jut awitkuued i
did not disuorur tbat he was doing
anything particular there; I thoujihi
ulio.-wurd that it wus likely bo had beeu
left in a druukon sleep ou the floor or
uu a boouh In the bur-room iba night'
before, and mat waking up at this eurly
hour, be bad tukeu the wronx door iu
soekitti f' bit lojjjlni, and bJ eooj
ott of doora lutt.a J of oi. to, bcd;
- 1 1 " .win v:.y t r j
M ,lifit. b5,Kyfo'vvr.'uiIjr miiKfto'wai n dealer lrtiAdi&J
i.- w "
. wi.ili' lunjf O'mo; him-h Iwjfs-t.Ajt ln,l, N iroglta 'fl V ihe firm
I oilw, f'nltf, bnl it rl!rtr iW iilVpj v0 & IMyflRjtjlHiu. on . 1
rvi.'' I lll lrkil I ft ItviLuUlv m tha fiCO
jut :-Mscal. 1 thw I c nil I tVi i I bTliot liunnr' hia pttf'.nir'werc
fcnu'J i xf'lnlu 1 o:ip lu.iiioi tcMnt .jljfjit tlieir Mioru nt NdrcW; - nml llar
1 . . . . t ?. 1 . .. . -
io rn I (iiuid ns mriH men ft, I l.'iii,
mid tlio '-Ijtu.M 1 hud at that r.iWICvShiVr was thru 1; lovrn : H v Uiil
IV;il.,t.nd liiitt.'nons o.tilir'no.l iu?
opinmo fcicepy in bo Ivjuhod liri4 1 tTtu'inhUtr Btoro On Ih'ti pnrticu
iii'u d. no si) I'll' did ho w u.o prtuinn dv iLejr LaJ, rni f r liiin ; he
i iinu hu dmvc Im U tliruuU tho tliun
tiiinl s umnn d 'it t.i. ' - .
j I iimni-illy iiiidi'i-stool him. 'A
i'iinii on H uno '.ay ormuijr, nna un 1
wunl lo to hcou." wh.h uy.thougV'.
And 1 wullioJ on with hu ilutnp;i-apl
m my nun J, Imt rcitscJ lo thiuk ul
him or of tho liccu iisiancv, bi(iO 1
loat'lud tin? hoU'l.
Tins ilay I'iih-imI ; ami tnglil nnd
U. M.....I... ,,;.,, I U'.'lit .I uni
I U" O .'1'J.HItJ Ii. ' ........
tj 1110 iicpi-i. uni 11 w.n 10 in
i'o." ; tho oliko was ido''.l, naJ
l.'acai'il on tlio Wall liiiornict un-1 1 110 111 111 iook'."I tiuir. -i nn 1 tlien
1 ' .....
. 11 1.1.'
uldic that
tho road would nut bo
npenc'i t cfuii) TncsJ.iy. J loro ho cjtit l recover hii h. !!'
I went hark tn tho hid d, t o much ioli, tho Pistiiet Attorney had :o;
otil of nort. to enjoy my 1iMikl'iht. I lied forw irJ and ruuiovc I tho wi
lid nut un lorilnii I, lill tho ilay win tvvtuliiu a Miiinithly bru.-hod head
s nuij h'.urd olik'r, that I was needed l" ":,VV ''-'ir.
more hi re at Cu'rlndo than tiny w here "What doe.s tli:.s men ?
el.-o, j t li en ' . ot'rn ly.
1 went from tho lreakfatl tubla Ifitoj " l'""'.V Hie
tho iviiiiu-ioo ii.tnid. lur 1 Iit3tnd !'' ' l'v" won. ih,t win I
un houi.I tio.'nd one man ?ay 1,' '-;"II-cyoii m-loi-l 1M
another : , - i1,iU',,y yt ' '
' l.ui - over to the (' mrt Molina ;
ihov r.i Iiv.iij Jo- Si fee." I Ie V went
ut ; ii'-.d I'euio'iib'ii in-; my liulo tulk tho Liitiei Aiiornoy, my uni
o-tiy w 18 exoltod, hii i I loll w cl them.
lieu 1 ei.t red thuCout t ri.nm.the
1 1; 1 1 1:1 of'hc lobbeiy wu.- nil tlio itutld
lie wit a plain tiii;i!o old man. null
& no hi cvidetico wii Ii nji aretit tiutii
lulniff. lie tetili d that ho Wat
iO'p('il iibnut huii-i t, homo mi'blhs
I it. lit... u I. . i. t ...! .... In.H. I H. 1 u I
' " 1 r - -
..... .. ,1,, ,,,1,.,..,,,, u .mtio
thnt ho had diawn that iil'loluooij
lii'Ui the bunk. Iiwma lonely npiit,
and there mm .110 hou-o within hill
mile of it. He wh iro.uinj leisure -
ly tiloug, when u liht dfiwu
! ''" lw" ,""'"'8 ,J""',", u'' b,'sid 0 ,,,s
! uu l ,hr,u t,'l!" '"l"" '
. : 1 .. ..11 .1 11
i ,lJ""Tl" oul- '" nn.rtn ue.o
i toe reins. 1 hoy woro all
toe reins. I hoy wero nil inaslied. llit'ltl seie I hi- Il ii-so by tin
.t il'i'i .-t' 1 Ii 111 an 1 tlie sj.-u id
I -tiaichcd I liu hues from his Ii in Is, uud
ilie third elitubin half iiiid the b ig
'gynnJ taking liiui by tho arm, 1I0..
! inauded his money. Ilo Miid iliat lie
iiixtautly rli.uiteJ 11s find ns ho could,
lie 11 iu . lulliun dealt him a hoary
blow wilh 11 slung shot which kuoek
ed hi 111 S -le.-d ; tin I when ho cnulo
lu hiniLi' ll ii.u.ii both rubber . uud
inoiicy were giino - ?
,,u 0l)-y ,of
follP ll)u tllil(l llillt
lio drew hue k
lo ;he the blow hie'
Ulabk fell nn 1
revealed tho Jiioo of
J.00 Slill'er, tlio pi iuiier ut tho bur,
ilo know it hu wua odiive of it
-aud ell iho iujjeuuity. of the cross
examination could uot weaken or
sbuko liis evideuoo ou this pjint. No
other wilnona wus culled lor tho ro
efiution ; uouo suoiued neuossury,
The prisoner's lawyer got up nud
madou pinusiblo lUiomcut to the ju
ry the complaiuaut was m.siakun a
bout recognizing Joo Slifn on ibu
occusion tefuried to ; thnt Sliter was
not thot'o ut all, but tbat ho was at
N'orcolt, filly miles Norib of Carlndd,
at the vety hour of tlmty robucry, a od
that Do coull prove ft by at lea-t tiro
good witnesses. Ho sat down nnd
cUod out Caleb Wye," . und every
body tunned forward exp otamly.
, The wiiuo-3 cania lurwrd with s
stow lunpieg gu t, lo.iuiiig uu a vauo.
lie f as apparently imu of uilldle
age, sa l was dressed in a sober suit
of black, with a wb ic eliokei; uiiuu;
his noeic liu b tn' v is'.til r g.a ,
iud a"' ho tu J I ltd 1 (lie uu I
leuinug on bis cane, turuol his eyes
placidly 1 1 the piibo.urs uaaqsol,' be
priseuted an upp uiunco yUie-b woo U
atttaut niteutljn nud rospoot any.
win-re. , ' ' r
1 a Iiioj j and though I did do
Oiriy any Harp. iso, 1 in- to it uiy
'lean gn'Jii it) u 111 1 1 ih . In 1 uj
b'or ( saw tbi 'd hon, linn fuve ; the
rooked uoo, v.aud. th aourrvd lure
ion Tof thj dodger wlium I bud wen
two'ity-fiur Ii urs be lore lo the door.
ay uUi naloeu. .. W'i'U' ibis differ.
uea. h'Mreeer,a tbi hair u( that juuu
was aliqoat bUok, wb le. Ibis msa's
tas" stiver jtray. ,
I j-dgod my chair quietly u teide
thai of ,tbe Ditirtut Attoriivy,ud
while the niito was testifying I man-
STod tOt wbiapsr in the ofllaet' .eI..A...., -1f Toi,no en'vuvo to
t-..' . Aiili.i. tw tirl
C I J tli
i . - .j r x . .
Hn . .t ,ff..rT Mmdi,. 1 1,., n.l..
; nu u'lustul cftll for ii")od. J
! blm.woH, h.iJ ulioi cwoyi him
ji-ntno iinuwJjatoly J nnJ .ha renniiie.l
irt 'itie ViAr, 'V'kiKtijj. on cnsloinorh
'dom twj oVIook i r-lgtil, Willi. ml
j onco leaving i. 1 l'Jeus;ul! U na iu
jivurl, uul Ur Ci'ull twiily tn tin.
Jejiuo I'.u N. .''" '
( Tho licet i,ti glion of Ihe , l'itt i l
j A tturney ma lo tho fo'luw blait and
1 "Arc you in dinn'H, dr f
" V !,, 9 1 .,,,,,,,. I . I,
....... ptimiiiiviU4 1.11- II1.IU,
.ir , .
iiavo yo-.i a stiver gfjy tiijj over
nlyotn'daik liiirT
. I t I 1
, li ihtenod, Imt sni I tiothi io- :,n J bj.
MiUy no
d' yum
Vuil Wtal"
I Vff.Sir," w..a tlie
e Mil lout
Where ? '
At .Nnl'L-iill
"AH day y'
'(.'e rtuin'y.
to be
I WH (hero
, . .
'When did you arrive hero
(.'ill lile '
'At 7 -1.1 this iiiortiin.''
Tho D..-t;iet Atliiruev
.'avo tlie a
. . t I -
1 11 luiiipiiiint nun. , mi l 111-11 lie sin-
I(.u jo Mio court tiitii lie ijt s:ro I Ibis
wituva to he detained till th 1 clc of
; iK. triwl, tho hherill was directed to
jtnko clurgo of him. Mr. Caleb Wye
' i.,,iii down r, n, ib ui ,..,t u,i,l. 1,,
win "n his haul and tnnk a pent by the ! months , of viitehinS nad toil in th'o otiiiloycd doled ivv", t.ui used every
Slcrilf, li.okiug decidedly inoro bill- j full, or .from killing woo,deliaoks ul . ineau of iufitiiiy ; but nil to no pur
ions 1 ban I hud yd m od him appear ix centit n h.-ad. or from mu-k l"'0- Ho had almost arrived nt Iho
Mr. Pies-nuts wns now loudly call- ! 1 :ii A uud selliug their i-kiris tor'u hbill- imdanclmly concluciuu that hi) boy
e.J fur by tho defense j but ivr one J j,, sett in;; hiku'cs i,i thg fall fi-r gVriio, was l"Sl t) Iii iu forever, when, only 11
camu forward. Tho unexpected re-., wallimg u.iKt-i seo 111111,10.11,0 lew day. ego, ho received a loiter from
eeptioti wbn h the hut witm'.-n had ( tm,rning. betoro tim . Id folk .Vs'ro- up ; ! bim tinted at liclfast, Ireland, which
met probably chilled ihe urdor -i f hiclhuskiin: ertiu mouuli.-lit evening, at staled that ho w us 11 member of tho
confederate, and ho wisely cliioto to !(o cents ' tt bu-hel ; wr,klrf out. an j Eighty-sevciilh Regioient of infantry
keep hiin-elf in the bnek!ri..uiid.l.cttNi,l , :ly tLu hard work at homo '"I '' Hor ISritnnio MajeMy'j nnny, nud
'I hi Mas till of tho d.'fips.i nnd . tnv ' inn. In tvisi:.I..l,l.t. iu r, I 1., .!, a inembirr-iif tlio oarrhnn Kl;ilinn,! in
evidence nt once blow it to tlio
wimls. I looked directly nt Mr Wye1
M) caiieo 1 wntio nvitstcilitu -
ry, when, win rcan l under what cir-
eunistiinces. I had ?ceu hiui.lho prwi- any, una 1 eaw nn., tremble btoUhlrook. ...d salieMed Iiia' infngltyid
an nspen leaf. The jury convicted wauls and ho has lmou to ViftaUood
ASiih) prisinicr without 1,-nvinp tlxty
M.,it9, nnd was loekol up for a further
1 eonsidera'ion.
I h'ft (.'u-'i lisle the ocxl inornin;r, nnd
henrd iiolhina nnro of tho ngniror
several weeks Then d letter from
tho District Attorney, thaiikioi? an for
thy asuistiptfe ; JL huJ reoloied bim.
conveyed .more detail. .
'The witness Wye," ho wrote,
"whose reel naura, Is ;.Nicholus Pray,
was indited (inV perjury. A very
slight invcsiigTKloiV showed me (bat
weeould prove that ho b id no right to
tho uomo Wye ; that neither honor
any man by the nutno of Pleasants
hnd over kept store in N'orcolt, and
that neither of them was ktovo their
at nil. This with their evidence,
would have beeo sufficient to convict
him, and understanding it as well us
anybody, 'bo eoucludud to save trou
ble, nnd plead guilty. So be and Sli.
lerurebo'h in tho I'eni'entigry and
will kepp ih.iro far a irrm of yesrs,
Sthanob AccHiENr - A - remarki
h.e accident occurred in Pittsburg
one day recently. A eoul train wan
backing into a yard, whon the rear
.ar jumped tho truck, cm-coning, and
with u sudden plunge pitched into
the kitchen of a bouso near by. The
our completely crashed in the' lower
I'orlioo of the building. ' At the timo
d the ueelJeot a woman waa itlinir
near the window, and on hearing ib'
unusual noise ktOuee jumpod for her
i biM, two years eld, who was playios
before the dooi. She does'nbt know
what then occurred, - for she became
'oeimible, and whan she came 'to her
reuses she -was iy inn under tho eoul
car. She crawled out and found that
die ear was in the ceutre'of too room,
and in the rear of tba room she found
her. little babe lying io tba cradle fast
no, (;
kit . a. ,
- 'V 1' I'iO CI'C." (lit of toil. U'l I'.lttllV
1.. .Mil.
j';,u WI" 00
,'t',?r ,mrJo
hru will bo a micccm il ho djr not
ns in liitlilidlviod. If llu
; otl'lill'iH
or llm ,van'(y of fnilicr or
iiioJi'T lifv.i kitjit I. i n from liar. I
n-orli j ifanotlior nl.f.iy litljiol lii'i,
l)til til tlij cti'l of lii-i row ; if, ir,itf i.J
; lKln ms 1,1,11 aI fdU'inn oil,
tUl,"."v,,', HWn'. "," Jif iinf in t-lmrl,
hnl was light tilwnys full lo him
nnd wlint was heavy a'.iont tho 'Janir
iv. irk lo o:nc om 1 if ho ,n I
linen Hermit! ..1 In kl.ii L- ni.l'l ul.iL!i,.,
Il.,.e I,. .I. '1 ... I ,.j ; 1: !
i ... .... '. ., .
1 tvi outfit, hu l.li1 n-.ll Ii; a Ijllnv, u'td
1 th;' Idaiiin rid not ! Irtll fi. h
is tint i.f lii-i weak. fo.di.-.h p!iivu!:.
! Oil tlio oilier hand, if a L v
I. ...I, I. ".11, .1.1 nr. f .. I .j ..... . ........
' "f " I"" I,
.ponibil!ty or to do lp woik, whelh ;
ror not it ni.t li! liii lii'ii.t arho. or
I -, 1 1 ,
foiled h hanl
until hi'arin'' ln-.ivv '
ImrJvint h. i'iinuv a milter ufinid'',
.1... I... .. 1 .r .1 ii- .1. -
! rinr n!a I hnv .1 I 1 1.. 1.1 .,
' ' 1 1 'in wi iitu nn 1 11a Li "ill
1 ,. . , . . ..
inniy di.-nii.-n tii.'ir fear. liii life will
j riot he .1 I 11 'lilies f,ilu:o The elo
tnetits of; rtil.-eeM are I, U, a-i I nt. tome
11111.' and in miiii way l!io Weill will'
rceonizi) Li ennuilv.
j i Take iiti'ilh T I'o'u'.
iviM hi
y s the
Il 1- .1
nl and
it jo' t .f 111.
u oil
' - J ' t
(. tli in.:, an I Ii line
W"r' 1 U 11 if j'i l.;e
w'i. n i' 1. 1 te.11 1.'
.: 1.1 e. ,1,1, ri. Iln.'i.nvfil hiiinciw, llieno h tin in
I wli.ii'V tliivvi-elv
.. p.-:i' n a cut.
oeciinie.- mo t.iui;e cnn ai'.".'tvi.;y m no
(ir i.-K-t on tin tii'viiity to e ifti hi-, innnev, !
' 1 ...t .. .1 . ' t
.11111 -1 nn mil u j'j 11 u. j 11 ill 1 1:1; (l
liii p s-e-.ion-i. If ho ii iui:ial.y
; poor it iii'.'iien either k nne d. l'eet iu
exp.-niMu 'es. or a "nek ol hlneM to
cope witli men in the battle for '"enec "I l'r. .1. h. l'nik-don, of U'il!
!f.'"ld. iuin.iii couuiy, about tiix miles wcitt
1 Wit. 11 a c .iimtry-hreil by leave '"f l-'i ai.klin, Tena. Dr. Tiiikwlon was
j home It i generally to enter upon nt thnt timo assistant sareon ill tho
some limine.'., tho end of which i t' 1'onli.deruto tinny nn 1 nu duty.' Hi-,
1 uoiiiir pKipct ty, nnd ho will Miececd ;'itt!o Jon, n'cJ nbnut eleven yoar.-i
j,,. j proportion
:H to he ha been
mudo to earn nn I moo in his child j'lueod to ruu oil' with tlio Federal car
bond., ; ah v. aud nothing inoro could, b'J beard
II nil tie money ho lias had come "f I'm whereabouts. When .the war
of planting a litiln pnt'.-h in thj Kpring.
nnd Hellinic its' M'oiJiicts tifter we. irv
i' " "w - ' is' - r
his pile in tho world. '
)u il0 contrary, if the hoy hitsnev-1
CI.,ed u dollar: if , paronu and
ifeiondvalwav. kcut him in Bnendiiwhfttltsn.. of lib', ramblos: that Iu
,UOqcy rcuniea to'bay 'cnndius oud
groivu to aiftaUoou
in the expectancy that tho world wilj"
ircucraMy treat bim with similar con
sideration, bo will nlirnys le a make
shift ; nnd tlio fiulu is qot so much his
ns thoe around hiai. 'who. never ma le
ho-boy.: iapoqd upon himself did
not muko l.lni wall six months to get
money to replaco a lost jueknife.
Every ono lias to roii.di it at ono
limn or other.- If tho r 'Ughing comes
in boyhood, it duet opd j if later,
when habits . sco formol it is c pially
tough, but not being cdticutloual Is
generally useless. And the question
whether a young man will Bucgoed in
making .uioney or not depond not
upon whtae be-gov o'r what hdd6os,
but upon his . willingness to do .".his
part)" nod upon .bin 'bavin:; oarflod
nloney, and so gniued s kuswlodge of
its wnrllu Nol, a blue Of this valu
bio experioneo: nil I ' knowkiJg -tbo
country boy pete ou the-'oW farm, un
der the tutelage of'tbo old parents
shrewd enough to sou . thosod fiom
thn besinning.'hnd to. malre tlio hibor
itid grief of children contribute to the
succes of subsequent,, life.- i .
A rAauea'cat down' a treo . that
stood so oeur thq boandry lloo of his
farm that it was doubtful to toll wbojh
nr it belonged to hlth or his Neighbor,
Tk. ' -I .: I il.., in.iiicu u.o
trio, and procoutoi the man wheeu4.
for dr''jt;a,1The cis wa sent
ii onv court to court. Time wag want
ed, temper sou 0 red, uud temper (out j
b 'I the cne was finally Ktiiue l by the
proeetotor.' Tba lust we heard ol lbs
transaction was, that the. mad who
(ruined the oauso went to the lawyer a
ea to execute .deed of his whole
larni, which ha bad beaa compelled to
sell to pay hjs cost f Then houaeleta
and honceltys. ho thrust bis hands Into
his pocket sad triemphiotly exolaim-
fld I'l'l h.ul him I"
tuaiodalion. rm -
OnMi!nlr.i'0T(frH 'k . ff-0.00.
bnbftlrtoliinm. rtTf(ir. 30.(10.
ne-fi.uftb ilunju, one er, 15.K.
line iqttfir (10 line) one InPerlfoA, '.
6erjr (xbllilnnnl liieerliou '. W. ,
rrofinelonil nl llilaiiiemi cm i.1 tt
Jrot itiorojhtn 8v line, per Jr. 6,00.
Amrltor, Exoeirtnr, .ArtmluUvrolor
w? A-'lnee Nolloe . ' 2.f0.
Editrliit n.niors.per lino ... "'; 1.1.
' All dvertlrim'ufi lot h rboffof perloj
I1mn (incyMr nr. rnyablo nl the 1 irr.o
lliey nre oid.-ri-d, nnl if - not fniil lite per
s.iu nvU-riiifi tlie'ii will b bel l rcpnibIo
fur 1 bo nlnticy.
A KlttUt on it HiiMlfHcM. .
Tin. Piiifsiau L'.iptuiti Pirtc'iiboi (,
who win wu nulo.l nn I I oil for ileal
nl (Jravclotto, jive a (1 llitful pieturo
ofwlmt ho wIiiip.hoJ alter davlvnon
had fuller) up u tli" on au.;ii'ii3 1 pliit).
Il -'iovi-iin li'iin n lainiitnc fit, lio
wjs KurprHa I lo o'.idoivo Iriinun flj.
ni'iii - , flittin aSmit .!,., Un .,r .1,,, I
.iljll(, jy nMP i,;,,,; H1j ri;a;rt l(l
his oI'jjw h,! cotiM dfto 'l iinilo plain
iy tlu White nvwistic design ot'tbu
j Ktiiff'tl of St. John upon tho arm let
in'- nv.mi rv j,..v.u nieunq
of tlie nearest mm
h pivitn, ha I'dlleJ faintly for nii
! , ' ... . ... ,
itiinio, whurciinon tho boarer of tho
1 St. -IlIiii i) cro'is, Incited I of ct mply. ,
, if, hul l i. .I!y i;;tia!cd ' lhri'0 oihrr
! iiirn"eu . lb.,!, ji.,...,ii uf.,p!.
1 r
1 .,,,,1
. '
ci'ino to himolf. Olio of thorn,
woro tlio (iaib of nn ordinary Hul l, two other appoired to ho monk
Uuihtu of St John; and to his 1111-
spi'iikahli! hoii-nr tho atrickeu captain
l oltliin ' tin I " 01' li'i in f lN,.inliiii. a
' - "
h"1" u.o, i.u'v cijiiiiinmi'on
. . .
r . ... .1 .. l.
, eutin i; "pi'ii tho utiifonn ol each nt
thv'l reti' !, with ktiifen nnd Fciisors j
il'a body p;ive si-in of lil'o, it ivil de
llherately th. k d to Jeatli ; poe'ect-t
wen: emptied
oven cut IV nn
tend' il priects
ri't woro drajjeil, or
lingers i and Iho pre
I (uliete 1 llio horrilily
t'lleti valuahleH. Having j;iveu
the til t 'iii litno t' unletst ind their
niMimMi, ilieHO ii 1111 in hyena
v .at length nj'pronclic the spot tthero ho
p.,. wi.i .
lay, with nn cvidentj iu lent ion lo
-t r.i n; Iu him, but hi cries brought
assis'.ajicn nnd hii lifo wis mivi.i1.
.t,.,,,,,,!,, ,j
"" '
j A Vanii:ui;k u:i I'le.M
S 'tne timo iu ItiiiU or lSlil 11 body til'
edeiMl cavalry pa-s.' 1 mar tho rosi-
.'"i nly child, by h into means was in-
closed Dr.
Pink-ton ndvortieed in va-
ftious pipers throti'out tho country.
1 ri
that city. Ilo ulflJ signified his ei
feum anxiety of to return lo his na
Io bis letter lio told hit
UcryAl.ns a soldier in the l uited S
Slate '
Chr , nflrj-wnrds tbrcf ycarsyn tlu .
UufUd states navy, one: beaHy landed t r
ill England, where lio had eullstcd iu
Ills present corumuoJ. Couideriug
bis extreme youth his Jifo bad been a
vuricd arid eventful ono. Dr. Pink
ston overjoyed' nt tho glsd tiding.,
pnied through Kooxvillo on Monday,
en route for Washington, where he will
feck I l.o iotcrpoiition of tho authori
ties, to tiid io tccuring hi son's ilis?
chnro, niter which ho will sail to Ire
laud nnJ bring back tho wsndoror.
The O1.0 Haciiklor s Wiu. An
old buchelor of Pimstrlo A'Iaialse,- X. JI(
nau.od Malsl,Mltl .' recently" bjoving
aa estate valued Mt aboat (9oioOn.H
oludiig Veres of thoieo aaXncuc
Pussaio, an'cf elx' horaia. ills, fust
will mid testament 13 a ' JiitlfjaV'dycu
meut.' ' '" ' r -.
jVesrrt' "nil of his rtroftortf is be- t rS.
queathed to big hor. s. Tho faitn of.j. .'CCfv
eighty ncrea Issel nptrt fof their ox-i
olusivo eroiifnrt anil a.innnri an, I If) . ,
. , ...rlw ..v. . i
a year lo caoh is also-proviiTttd for O 1
their additional welfare. $1,200 Is ap
propriated to reoompenso a man whose
wliole time and skill shall be devoto l
to thoir cure. 'To clinch the provisioos.
the oxooutors, who are Dr. H. K. Ter -
eunop'd a Nent York gontlemsn, are
bequeathed ' tho mm of $10,000 each,
to so that the requirements of tho
Will are-'cnrriarl-into effect.' This
ul... f ,. , i,...,- e
... 'i
... . . v
yoaTs, wheo tho farm fs oidorcl to be
sold. A poor, Ilellaoder workinj 0. :
the place, and two others, are bencfi
oiaries to a small Atuoaat, but a darga, 1
portion of tboy.Jegaey is ". left to tho
horMjs, A poor lbyi to whom be waa . '.;
attaohad,"ia Ji'andsotnoly provided for.
lie Jad no near relations, and the dis- .
isnt ouc do not coma U far tKairibsre
untir.jha p'ccilid lea' yeai have
nested. ' ' ' , f
I r T-
,'Adown east editor j'-'ntivel fy' '
hat ha bos enoujjlt or'rasj poeit to.
-. 1
.WvuU. . Ill ... ?"V 'l..M.--Hr'-. " " . 1