The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 13, 1871, Image 1

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yt(lV-rMHinpf Tint oh
published- tftrj Ttwtrtday Evening .by
JEtlli.ll CKOtSI. rroprletor. '
Term of jiubsarlptloh,
two dollars per axn;m, piyit
within six month. orJJ.fillf hoi paid
vlrtn I a vflAP. Na mmr dWfiontlnutd
. nnlll oil arrearage are pnld Units at
tkt opston of the pntiltsner. .
Subscriptions OtUsido of (ho county
, tSf Torsnns llflli-g and inn pipf
atiurrp."i i wucrn iirepnie punncriners,
nd are ltatl for the price of the psper
, ' Mlddlcburg, Pa,
Oiitrt tii ptotcstionsl Mrticei to flit pub
lic. Collodions ami all other professional
buiinti ttitnitltd to bis ef will respire
prom pi alte alio, fjaa s, 87tf
. ' Solinsrove Tn.,
OflTcif hli professional service lo Iho pub
io. All buaincts entrusted lo fait core
Will bt promptly attended lo, '
lJu. IT. 'far
J. W- knight, u .'T
Free-burg Fn.,
Offers tilt Professional tervloe lo Die pub
is. All butlnet entrusted to .bit cart
will bt promptly attended I.
Jan 17, HI'H
Lewislmrg' Pu.,
Offers hit professional service lo it pub
lic Collection! and all other Pi otenuon
al butiness entrusted to lilt caro ill re
ceive prompt attention.
: J Lewishitrg ln.
' Offert hie Professional terrlce lo the pub
s-r"Uc. Collections and all otbtr pretension
all butinett vtilriismd lo bit cart will re
ceipt prompt attention.. Jan. 8, 'U7tf.
I : HI. LINN, -' A. II. DILL,
it (iaeoestnra to.T. F, h J. M. I.inn,) .
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Uwisbiirg, Ta.
OITer tbeir professional service to tht
public Cullejoiiani and all oilier pro
fessional butiaee entrusted to their care
will receive pronipUlteoitiio.fJait. 8, 'I'wif
Selinsgrovo Pn.,
Offert lilt professional services to-lbt pub
iie. Collect ioiit and all ol ber profession
business entrmm d lo bit Tar will rt
ccive prompt attention.- OUjce (wo door
Hurt b of the Key-tone IJolel. .Inn A, '0
" Solilisgrove Pft
Offer bia I'rfetionnl aeririoei 10 the
puMio. All buvlnett entrusted to bit
ear, a'lll ba proiupily alien. led to. Col
lections . made in nil parta of the State,
lit can apeak the Knl'iili and German
language fluently. Ollict btlwton Ilull't
ad lb l'ott oftioe.
L' ft. MYERS, :. .
WidJlcluirg Snj'dt-r County IVnn'ii
OOicc t ' few doort Wett of the Y. 0. on
Mnin ateeel. Contullalion iu Knplinh
- and Grtnian r$ tirpet. Ftp.'o7H
' Lowisburg Va.,
OfTert lilt profriaionnt teiTiceato the pub
lic. All businoi eutruiitfMo bit care
w ill bt promptly at leaded to.
Jan. 3. 'C7t
rcrtona in need of a good and durable
Hewing Machine oan be aocommodtted at
reasonable prioet by ellin(t on on Hah
vkl FAtar, Agtnt. Uclintigroea. -
rJ"- 2i, C8
- .-.f Middlcbitrg P.,
Offort bU prnfettlonnt torricca to thacit
izena or Middleburg ond Vicinity. C
' . . fMarob 21, C7 "
6e)iiifgrov Tenn
i ".
reoa Twpi,' SoydcrCo. T
YJi; WAONER, Eho.,
ji.isTirE op Tim peace:
' Jtoksoq TojrtiBbip, Snyder Co. Pn.,
Will attend to all butinett enlruntea to
Ma femra and on the moat reaaonahle
TTl it' h ITANAWEL.' .
f .'9 physiuIn' and Adrueon,
CcBtrcVlllts finsder' ti:, Va.,
Offert bit proftUnal'arlet'-to Ihi
.' pubiia.
Ij yv. bchwan, m. p.,
Pdrt Trerorton Tn.
Offera bit proftttlonal aertlot to tbe
eltiiona. of thin plact and vltinily. LI
tpeokt Oerman and Englitb. .
" ,' '; - r m Aprjljfl, '6? ,
E' .'BOYER,-Jrr -
. Fiebtirg Snyder Co. r.,
Mott mepeotfully offer hit !' to
the puV.llo Venda Oyer and Aualioa
eer. llartngbad a large txperituot, I
teel eoandeni that I tan neadet perfect
t lalitfaotlon to j 'employ .
. ... ..i .., i (. . Jan.0,'671
Office In Court II tut, f.8pt.l6, '07tf ,
."No.' "322 N.THIRCJS
i 0,881 w vuiUDKlruu.;" ;'
, ; . 3.C. K1VE, Clerk.
- Yok, 111 115 Nqrlli Third Street. ,
, WHUUIAiik IIUUAllitil.fa
: EUtio-em. tlank book i:-'tro
a.uiort a wrapping. -i, . -
, WH -;.tl,..-l "J
' ' i
f. n a Nf kll; . 3 ' .
acrctaton to CACrrttAK k citiw,
- K tl Worth Fourlfc Mrcrt,
Original. Package Conttanlly on Hand.
Reprettnted If TtlXO 9 tWlftEFOBD.
Ulcbi & CriUh
: Q7ieQtnut U.
Silent '
8"'--. recif, -
(Philadelphia. U
" I give my Iiearty preference to tbe
SVUlcox & Oikle Silent Sewing Maeliine."
Fanky Fkrk.
" The' we'urht e reliable evidence belni
verwhclmlng for that of theWillccl AGibha
Jilent (dewing Mavlilne, I decided- upon it,
Jrocureu it, aad am more (Aait.M(iff'
Bakcn and tbe illcox & Oibb rV-wiog
Vlaokinee hi rav ikmllv, I ute the WUIool
S II. I W .l.Q , ll.rn . , iinni. im UIVIW
k Oibba niOKt frequently, thrtlklng' fc tar
upenor to cuner oi mootnera." -.
. i t Mm, Uuii Wakd BUtCHEX. -
" Mr wife would' not aceept "a Row in
klachiue of any otlier patent yft, if the
nutt receive it on condition of giving np tbe
ATilloox & Oibba." - A "
UarbODilale, Pa.
" Tlie Willcox A Oibb It the onlv Pewinn
tfachino whoao working it to aure and eimplt
hat. I could venture to introduce it into
lyriaJ , . . . Rev. A. T. Pratt,
Hlwlonary American Board.
" We hare utcd varlout Evwing Machine
rlthin our family, but it it the tinntiimoui
pinion of the hoiiaehold, that the Willfox
k Uibb it tbe beat of them all."
Rev. J. 8. noun,
Urooklyn, XT.
" For tlmplicitv and mechanical accuracy
if construction, I have teen no Hewing
tlacbine equal to the Willcox & Gibbe."
r.frorii aewih,
Of tht Penniylvanta Central R. X.
A corretponttenca on the tubject
Srwitiff Machine it rexpectj'ul
y Bolicital.
. D. 8. EWIXG,
720 CheitMt Street, Philadelphia.
R.Q. ULTZEL. P. 8. UcCt'LLOVail
Etzel a xtaccuziouaxx,
4c, Ac, .
Maroh IT, lt70-tf. ' ' .- -
: new qoods. :
; J
With U latoriB tbe olUion of .BannarviU
aad vlolnlty tkat tbty have- opened a mam
took of good, and will keep out.!eily ea
band Jul) aaorunnt ei,
'"TV'-i" .
Coniialingof ALPACA8.POPLIN9.PLAD3,
LlBTREo, DKLAInM, ... -:
CALICOES, to. . ' .
Clothe & Cnssijneres
B ATS and CAPS, BOOTS and 8 BOSS. .
Anil In tmnk ..... I K i n i u.m.IIv kent 1b a
. . , . . I, .7 i.r l
prti oiat oouoitj wore. .Aii.ut "" w
offar at greatly reduotd prioet, for Oetb pr
vounirjr jroouot. . ... "i . I
llaviua- hail larce eiperitne in mt
k'uiiiMiu flit I it ouraaUei that wa Baa' .nit aitltftf .It niie iiiiatomarBi I
noping uy airiei aiieuweo io
and a dir te-pleae all, to merit a liberal
tbateef pnbll patronage - Our atoUO la
, "Quick Sole onif Small ittt?K
v. III. ..b . mmt fknl Ik. RuUld ...lnn
ur etck d jrieee before mirebaiing
, alwtya liew s fooy
(Select . 1 c o V y
Bnmncr'i Lonn, Bitter Speech.
lit wielda hit vln'uei at a olub.
To knock out other peopled -brain! -
He tlaudert people nbott.rtcord pure
AVat enr. free at bit from tiaioa.
Ha talk of usurpation I Rah I
Ilia bear) untympathitlng cold, . .
It jnul the organ tbnt would' ft..
A Ntro, in bit reign of -Old. ,
. ;
-aid Millon a Devil, "better reign '"
. In Hell, than humbly tervip Iteaven."
Of Jutt tnch aneli devil. 8umner't bretat
' II old all of MagdalenVt teven I
A ttrong RppMillcan it ha.
8o long at ht ean bold the helm. t
Deny biin that, then bit whole aim
it rhip and crtw to overwhelm.
Well, If there it no oilier man
Thtn I'hiirlry Sumner, who ean lead
If he't our om.v gi-ncml.
Then, like the French, we're poor Indeed!
Arid It it trne, our publio melt ,
Arettained with mlnlpeiranor crime T
And only Charley Dimmer tinmU
' Jn v II I no, lonely and iiiblinit ! -
Tliere wan a man in olden lime.
Whore bontll'ul.pompoua prayer tbut ran:
" Thmka, Lord, I'm nn at other men,
. Or even at I bia publican ".v .'.'
Andytt, le'modeKVpiiUycan ,t-
Wte worm ten tbous.inil, tuob t ht !
And when we come to knew the truth. ''
,T Jutt to, in our Uny, 't-wiloo.
If ho jnutl b infallible, . ,
Let't tbip blm off, at once, to Rone;
And when lie't put through, and tumped,
He'll do to rule ui btraar bom).
. ... l.tiriikiifg CAiomWe.
Tin: i:i.MEi.i or nfliiE
.4 Curiou and Intirculmg Dcurrijilion
of how FttmKotmlil W'omrn are
Puiiittd tint! I'tuld'tl t A'"' l'oik
IIiiii and F icullirH of the dity.
Our country reader, who live in ill
simplicity of naluro, and know
other tuIot'uiiiK but thai which their
uvu beauty oCforin and fuco, la reus I
instance, to uoiply cottiers upon the to,
will hardly belicvo that the fathioon
blo women or New York ignoro nature
ultogether, nnd rely exclusively upon
itrt for their "innko up." They solid,
or did Bend, lo Paris until Iho war
came nnd spoiled their marketings
lur all their millinery oud dressDinkiuK
whieh they put upou their person",
and cured nothing for tbe cottt, provi
ded only I lint the courtezans who
dictate Iho Ait-hion to ull the nionicd
aiistocraey of that city, end to cod-
tixhe gomrally throughout the world
should also set tho Jutdiion for theiu
in tho instaoce of tho dree" und
bonnet which they orderod and in
which they deeiguod to astonish society
and ile drawing-rooms.
For it must be uudet wtood that Pari
society is divided iulo two ariittoora-
oics, ono of which wo have nlroudy
taken n gllmpso ol, viz : tho anitocrnoy
of wealth and licentiousness, and the
other, which we now introduce as the
gennioo tristorraey of rank, manners
ODd refioo.ueot. Tho ludiea of the
latter class drew iu the plainest and
aimplesl style, although of tbe richest
and most costly materials, mak'mg a
very distinct sad docided contrast to
tho ladies of the world of fashion ruled
over so supremely by tho kept women
of the court ond the rich rottei of tbe
city A real lady way be known At
usee, therefore by ber dress, and so
may tLe bindsome queens, aforesaid
by theirs. The one aims at and achieve
tho utmost clogonco and decorum iu
btr toilet; tho other devotes all hor
wit nod wealth to "out-IIerod Herod''
ooxtravapanceaod display, and thinks
nothiog of putting ft hundred fraoos
upon ber back.
It Is this class tbst the fashionable
women of New York are so passion
atoly eagbr lo loiitate, and, if possible to
out-vie. These are the pretty empty
hoads who call themselves conserva
tives, forsooth 1 and who yet lire so
fast that tbey have no eontripetal force
left in them, bt are all outsides, kvnd
may vanish any minute into centrifu
gal ooiienUy. They affect bisk morals
oovcrthcless-taking Hanilet's advice
to bis mother to this regard! when lie
tells ber to "assume virtue tboogh sbt
has it oof and tbis Is' the sum and
substance of their coosolaneo. Tbey
like, however, to be esteemed by their
tet as ''proper women," and hence
tbey "ran s-muck" of all the greal so
cial reforms of the lime,' abhor what
tbey eall the ''manly women,,--women
that la to say, whose intelloots are too
big to let them Submit to tbe ; slavery
of soeletv. who knowios; their own
strength aatl rightias eitisani cf tbe
Rcpublle, will liYt-iree and .nolram-
reeled lives, and demand that the
.bait, bave equal recognition with mee
in all the departntenis or aoctoty anu
ffovernments. 'These women are. tbe
sUanns'toi all strange eonlradiolioos
for they are shsms and, ftUekoods ln-
earsyif i aau u n-v s,.v vr
. . . ' at . B .Is
voUare't e( of people.. Pres. with
them r both morula sod roily; inn ; and
now wv will try and enlighten .our
country cousins nay, some of ortr tcost
knowing New Yot kers. it may be ly
eolerian thoulolr of one of thoso
pretty fuslinalics and serii.g how she
Justifies her futscliood by her "make
up. " " - '
We pierui-e tlint a faslilonal lo wo
rn an in a state of nature Is no nnrtthao
Sny other woman often not a tilhoas
beautiful as many tboesands of other
women al'Lotiuh she doe took like
Juno and He be and Vehus and the
rest of (be pretty pvddesst'S when-she
has put on her set ofT-t, and jjnd hin
ting with jewels Into smiety. It i
dn-allul for a bachelor to think what
liiiinbugi these women arc. ll.-re is a
woman nl qii siionnble it go say twenty
sevrn i.r-hois in her nwruin wrapper,
nllh'iuh ItJi p.t liiaeb noon, and K
is g ling to a greut crcninu party She
luik into lliu gluwt and tecs there n
yollow, brow-wrinkled, dull-eyed I'aec;
a nieiitli lull of gum, and no teeth ;
in-falling cheeks; thin, doleful buir ;
nock u nmre like tho '-Tnwor ol
Lcbauon'' tbjii I like Hercules, but
thin, tcragy . and nut to Co uumed
where beuuty is- Tho sight . is any
thing but agrocublo, and the cent ol
remedying it is very expensive ; nnd
flic wihhos she were really thu pretty,
gay woman nho is takco for in the glare
of the chandolicre.
. But, as wifthiug avails nothing, sho
rinjts the btd.', orders hor earring, and
drives to tho Turkish baths. Here
alio is boiled fur half on hour in steam,
aud when well done slio is douched
with cold water until borikio assumes
something like tho glow und culut of
health. Io an other hour alter
dressing, nnd then drinkiug a cttp ol
coffee and smoking a cigarette, as sho
lay tit full length upon a tempting
sola, the resumes her seat in tho car
risgr.and then drive j to Xo. Broad
way, '-whero that bandsomo chiropo-l
didt't store is, who enamels as si
Leauiifully ;" oud in a low minutes she
i iu tho prei.'ueo of thii nico young
man. who she bails of coumu as un old
and most intimate friend, who knows
her exterior, cvoti tho most sacred of
them, likJ a book. Sho has cotuo this
time, as sho Informs hlin, to bj done
thoroughly! It is such a nuisance,
sho says, to bo compelled to go through
all that weary process of enameling
once a week ; and so sho has made up
hor mind to have her face nd bust
done fur six months Then there is a
good deal of chulTeriug about the prico.
Our handsome chiropodist insists upon
his full fo3 of thrco huadrod dollars,
If tbe lady bad bnon pretty, why ho
would have thrown pit something lor
the pleasure of making bur still prettier;
but as this particular lady is auything
but good looking, be will not ubato a
dime of bis charge.
So my lady, agrees, and retire iulo
an elogant parlor w hi' ro there aro Ionic
large mirrors set iuto tho wills, with
un easy chair opposite the largest of
them, and in a position whero tbo
light is fullest. As there is no need
of any display ol'mod'sly io tbispuro
ly businots aflfair, alio unrobes Lerclf
to the waist, regardless of tbe gootlo
mun artist's preeno J and efs him to
help her, first of ull, to woed out of her
productive skin tbe stubble of hair
which has. shot up since last weed
ing tituo, which done, the superfluous
hair are plucked out . by tbo roots ;
then she dips the sott bir around tbe
temples nnd forehead, io give to the
latter an arched appearauce, and, not
being quite satisfied with ber handi
work, she gots her gentleman, whoso
baud drops with perfumes, to shave
over the parti . where she bas been
lib ber sauwor.
All being now ready, the torious
business begins. - Tbe artist applies a
very powerful magnifying glass to ail
the beetHies of ber; f'tce. neck, arras,
shoulders and alack I slack I ber
bust, also, down to the waist I If he
find any hair or gossamer fuzs, be ox-
eroiss it with washes, soaps, liniments
or tweezers. Strange to say, the sr-
tist'e band very rarely i trembles over
bis work he j is 'not efflioted by any
shortnoss qt breath, palpitation of tbe
heart or sniveling of tbo nerves and
It; seems to us that be mast be s pt
lieularly onamekd man blnaielf, withe
cuticle as tbiok'as arbfnoeeros'g hide,
or that be is a wax - man, and has bo
flosb and blood in his composition!
Allliilog DOW.' ready, he begin, to
overlay tbe skin that nature gave te
ber wieh 'a skin or bis own oompotiog
Ussnpliei tbsiepamel to her yellow
Rum. and then to hsr bust.; ,Tb e
aml eonsiete ebiefly of whit lI et
arteeio. saade iate a setpi-Usuid I .Jte.
U require, a geod deal of atpi . ( Uy
APRIL 13. 1871.
Lai wrinkled ; and two ir three hours,
tdi eeme t'nufs a much longer time,
sro consumed ia mttkioj a good job ol
la this instance tho ndy was very
exacting, for she had to pny three
bundrod dollar for the artist's work,
and it wus a long lime before sho was
completely satisfied". But presently
she toso from Ler innkiog-placo la all
Ibe glory of ber regenerated body, nnd
sgaiq looking in tbo glass beheld a vi
sion of such surprising lovlini. emu
pnrcd with the old body underneath
tbe arscnlu cuticle that she fell upnn
tho artist's neck in I kiscd him iu the
ektibersnco of hor gr.ititudo '
Tberojct remninod, howcter, Iho
Guishiu touclrtis Sod adjuncts of head
gear aad choek-gear I So dowa sho
snt again, and he, with his piumont of
Indian ink and pencil of can:el hair,
Iiaintcd her rycurows divinely. I hen
irr cheek were inlaid with " plump
ers," which sho brought with hrr, nnd
which eost her twenty-five dollars.
They nro tnado into pals, nud coin-'
posed of a hard mb.-tniu'c, w bich com
biues various chctnieal uialcrials. Al'
ter the checks wore thus umdo lo look
liko a gM'a cheek, thev woro . enr
tnined with a vegetable liquid rouiio.
laid on with a liaie's foot- Tho lin'ilc'
uf the milking up, so fur as tho naked
ness is concurnod, is tho adjustment
ol the teeth, which, when properly set
give the month a lustre as of opals,
by whieh n pair of cherry-i ipo ted lips
would iucrcasg vastly by the contrast
hey would proont to tho eye.
My lady now dresses herself, nnd
with aciiucuio oi uecp saiistuction, as
sho thinks of tho comiu-M sho will
runko in tho evening in tiia glare oi
the lamps and wax caudles and gai.
liuther make np Is not yet half com-
plot. Sho has a h ist as white as nlu
buNtor, with shouldors and arms to
mat oil, und warranted to" "stand''
Ortu for six months if sho docs not
die before of cheeked perspiration and
an unclean skin for io all that tlino
sho must bo debarred from washing
herself and from the bstb, which Ust,
to most women, is so luxurious a pleas
ure. What, however, Is the cood of
a white bti't if there be no lillies nnd
roso-bu Is grown upon its flat exterior ?
She Is well awuro of this, nnd tells the
artist wh it she wants, who. humeri
ntvly fiNcrt hrr up with a pairot'"patcnt
heavers, which are rubber bags, ol a
beautiful lomon thnp ), blown out with
wind as an air cushion is, ond iu this,
statu tliey arc secured upon tho nat
ural plane of Iho sacred locality nod
the woman is complete so fur. These
riliauiS cost from fivo to tea und iiftei'U
dollars each end sro a Howery manu
facture, whore other curious things
nro tuado.
Hut tbo lady bcfori us has ugly
arms also aud tbeso nro made plump
and rbtiud by paddings by wool and
cotton, whieh is the work, howuver ol
tho dressiutikor She woro, when
drowsed, a corset of stool, padded uhout
Iho wuist aud hl;s , und our artist,
beforo his work was quite coueluded,
bad lodoal with tho ladies extremities
and give her a pair of falso calvos a
most dangerous opcrttloo,' Tbo ni iko
up was continued by a piece of artis
try which occupied nearly no hour to
finish. Tbis consisted to painting tho
hands white and the veins blue, and
tho u powdoring them.. Tbo nnils
were also trlinod aud colored ; aod
lioa cuma tho adornments of tho
'bignon and tbo long curls.
We must stop, bowevor, for tbis
week. We happen to be posted in all
tbo ios oud outs of teitut-makiog as it
obtains In Now York lashiouablo life,
sod we thnll return to this shocking
subject beforo long --Woodhull ts Via
iHut Ifrekfjf, ' '
. , Idle) AitrlM.
; It Is a painful spoctuclo, in families
where the mother is t hp drudge, to
see Ib e daughters elegantly ' dressed,
reclining at their ease, with their
drawing, their musio, tbolr fanoy
work, and their roading, boguiliog
tbemeelvea of tbe lapse of hours, days,
snd weeks j and pever dreaming of
their responsibilities but, a a neces
sary consequence of neglect of duty,
growing wesry ef tbelr useles Iivos,
laying bold of every newly, in ven ted
stimulant to rouse tbeir drooping en
ergies, and blaming tbeir fate when
tbey dare not blame, tbeir ' God for
having placed them where tbey are, '
These Individuals will often tell
you, with eo sir of effected coin pas
sion, for w he ean believe il real, that
poor, dar mamma Is working her.
self io- denth ; yet sooner do
you propose lbs they ebouId( as
Ut her than they declare she is quite
inlier element; io sbor,t, tHat ha
would Buver bo happy if sbe had. ar
-. . A modern ulfr.
"You're a prrtty girl to le married 1"
said on aged aunt lo hor niece. "Why
what tlo you know about housckecp
ln just from a boarding school. 1
Sin sure your husband has occd fur s
mint of money.'' . '
' L: I nunt I expect lo board ; you
need not think I nlinll bother my head
with domestic concerns. Evorj body
hordnow, tint pels married gentee
ly, tho fust year.''
' WLnt shall yott pay a week foi
such kind ol lii ini; V inquired the
tint. .
1 "Mr. Hvdo savs he can cet fir-t
class bond and nccotniuolutliins for Of-
V it
' teon tlnllnrs; two roims boautirull j
Mtusted ; and I tun sure that ischenp
enough. What is Hyde's salary?
Why, six hundred dollars now, a nd
tha protniso of promotion perhaps
eight bun I rod before the year is out."
"So you are gol'tg to live on fcr
hap, aro you f Now h t mo tell you,
Susie, you talk foolishly. If your
husband i at ptTcnt receiving six
hundred, do you lay by one of thciu
It's all nonescitso to go beyond your
" Why, aunt I nobody would re
spect us if wo did not live as stylish
as other people. There is a grout deal
in boginiug."
"True- my child; that is what 1
am trying to impress upon yon."
Tho year passed away. Susie lived
:in stylo, paid fjl'teon dollars for bonr l,
received her gctitcel acquaintances,
worked somo fancy netting, drew a
low sketches fioin old paintings, grow
tirod of boarding, and was just enter
ing upon fathionnblo housekeeping,
when lo! a defalcation ratno out.
Ilydo had taken mnnoy unlawfully,
was arrested, hold to bail, and a prison
stared him in tho face.
Susie did not believe him guilty ;
I hey InJ always lived so economical,
und it could not lie.
Rut the trial proved otherwise, an I
ho was eouvivotod, aad sentenced to
imprisonment I'oryonrs,
"How enmo yon to do so, Hyde f
asked tho goid old nunt.
'To pleaisu my wife's fency," was the
reply. "She wuuted to live like other
puoplo, nnd I wishod to grutify her,
and in tlrs way I committed my first
breach of trul."
Tho broken-hearted wifo lamented
the beginning sh hud mndo, when,
ii I us ! it was too Into to rectify it. Sho
found respectnbilily preferublo lo ccn-
lili'y. She uow lives at her father's
with a worso than widow's sorrow to
harrow hor teclings, and takes in sew
ing for a live lilinod.
The plain road to ruin Is here cltarly
marked out. We rco what must liuvo
boon tho result of such u course but
arc not thousand of others sacrificing
their hu-tian I's reputation by less ob
rious but still as certain courses of
extravagance. Away with the non
sensical thought that gentility domauds
such a sacrifice beyond one's ability.
If you value. I br opinions of tbo truly
worthy and estimable you will find
them always on tho side of prudent
oxponditure sod economical living, .
"Cut your garment according to
your cloth" is an old maxim but tho
sentiment is is true now as in olden
tituo. A life of gaudy show may do
for a butterfly, never lur a man or a
woman wbo expects to survive ouc
Tho wife should strive to all the
husband in tbo toils of life, and honest
Industry liarJIy ever fails of bringing
health and contentment. Then, young
man, look well ere you make choice of
a life partner.
A. Singular - Tail." Recently a
love sick swain was paying court td
his duloinea. Sbe bad smuggled him
lote the parlor, snd the darkooseooly
asrved to ooneeal her blnsbes -while
John told the story of, bia love. The
muttered words reached the parental
ear, and coming suddenly- injo the
room he demanded to know of Mary
who it was sbe jisd with her.- It's
the cat sir," was tbe mumbling reply.
" Drive it oat here," thundered pa
terfamilllai. u Sent!" screamed Mary,
nd tbensotto roioe r (" John, meaw
a little,"; John est op a woful yowl.
"That cat's got a cold, remarked
the parent. John yowled loader than
ever. tootonoa , it, Dring -eugui
aod scare the thing owt'l This- waa
too moch, snd Joha triad leap for
tbe wlhdow. tarrying glass fcni frame
with him'..- " Thubdar, ', wh pt P
said tbe parsnt, ooptaroplatieg the
ruin, after tbe light was brought ; I
never saw anything like tt, and '
. . .. .ka. a . . at Ii 1
bond, ii, us tail u maae eat or vroaq
elotb,!' as he Viewed a tiering rem
nant froal the wiAdow-JV. 0.,Voo-
OMaUttuaanakS year -
Wit :ti nbf eulun. ont year,
)ne-enrfi enlrwin, one yrtr, '
One s)nare (10 lines) one intertion
Kvery ddilioal lntertion
rroftaaienal and Ratiuta Cards ef
ant mar than Bet llnea, per year.
Aadltor, Eiaeator, Adatinitratr
nd Aatlgnei Holler
Editorial notiote ir line ,
All advrtlsemet for s snorter
than en year are payable at Ik lis
tbey are prderesl, and If not paid tht per'
son ordering thaai will he held rr tprostbl"
for tht money.
e ' f
A Whrel-ilurrow dame. .
"It-Is rolnlod of Girard that whoa,
a yonng tradesman having ksraghk of
him and paid for a hag of coffee; two-
toe led lo Wheel it liome himself, tho'
shrewd old merchant iuiinodiately off-1
ered to trust Jii customer for as many
hags as ha might desire. ' Tho. trait'
of character revealed by tho young'.
tun a in being bis own porter, had giv-'
ro the uiillionuiro coufiJenco in him ,
at onco. His reputation was mado,
with (Jirffll. fjo lac una a favored
dealer with tho enterprising mcnhant
throve rapidly, and io Iho oud made u ,
fortune.'' Exthang?. ,
That sort of thing might have
worked well enough with old Girard,
but it dou't fool nnybudy uow. J bats
tried it. I bought hall a pound often,
at 1'eoderry's tha other, after
rending tbo aboto paragraph, and
wlieelod it homo lo Iho most ostenta
tious mannor, to see if Pcndcrry, who
was looking on, woulln't offer to
trust me foi nil tho toa that I wanted, .
hut he didn't. Oa the contrary, I
overboard blm speak up sharp to a
clerk ns I went around tho oorHor as. .
king him ii "that tes was paid furs?" ,
1 afterward took n wheelbarrow
and wcut to a flour storo on Central
Avenue. Rought a small bag of flour,
twenty-five pounds, I thiuk, aud loa
ded it on. Tho head of tho concern
looking at mo with appireat intorcat.
"Now,'' I thought, ' Is my opportu
nity. This is u Girard fuller. 11
will tell mo to cinio and get all tho
flour I can wheel away nnd pay when
I get ready. .Portwps ho will offer
tuo a partnership in his storo."
Then I spat on my bands and whip. .
ped thorn over my shouldors to eu
couragc n vigorous circulation, rub
bd(thcm together smartly, aud clutch
ing tbo handles of tho burrow started
off at a brisk trot. 1 had proceeded
about a square whou I heard someone
.shouting after mo. I looked around
und'fflw tho flour man coming on a
dead run.
"Ha, bn !" thought I, "tbo thing
works admirable. Tbo example of
Stevo Girard is not lost. 1 have' rc.
vealod n truit ofchaructor In being
my own porter to say nothing of
my ho cr, and my fortune is made,.
The flour aod feed man
merits, and comes to uffor me a part"
As hespproaeed I saw ho hadsonio
motley in bis baud. "Ho is at least,'
I said, "going to rotnrn me my moo.
icy." There was a sovero look oo his
face as be oamo up to me, which did
nut uocord nt all with what 1 bad pie-.
lured Girard's couotonunco t) bavo
worn when bo gave tho carta blanch
for oolTec.
Whilo refloctiog that it might be
bis way," ho said : "Sir, I want you
to tio right back to my store.'
It is coming now.'' though I.
did not quite like bis tone. "Wheel
barrows tire about to receive their re
ward. ( Ho is goiug to t'ffer me a
partnership ', perhaps to turn over
his entire business to mo.'' I wa oou
sequeutly olsted.
Then I said lo tho flour and feed
man, jttsl a though I didn't know, -you
know, tbe clever tilings be meant
to do for rue,-"Msy 1 inquire for
what purpose, sir ''
"Certainly you may, '. ho replied,
frowniuig worse thin ever. ."You
8hovod tbis One duller. caaatsrfuit bill
on my clorfc, matt oruo
baok till I got pot'uwnjan. Oh ! yea .
oeedf, try 1 to Took i 'iijnooeo f ' t .
'spioioned you when I sfW you-coui '
iog round t my; ktorb to get f deb ',-
little Jiir o' AW as that. "WatcUd t
jo t'o gee 'if didn't' steal both rW.yeei. . . '
s'oe-yoa can'-t 4WtVj3kae)- tlli f t 0'' . '.
Here woa a turd l' slTsiti :t$a.
Would eetofb old Girard Llmself.-1 '.y"J: i?'' 0
tried to explain. Assrd hiea that ".' 1 1 .'.. y
pposed tho not to be genojne. Tls . J.;
as Incredulous for a tliaft af i wiuf '
ditpeeed to have toe . locked :.vp
tbe wheel harrow detained, as;'.wt .'
nsss "but OaalTy let me off on my re
eomlsg tbe ooto. . , , r . -s
The wbeelbartow. . butinoss le til a
bumbugJ; A moo oaa't make obsrs
seter Id toy J such wsy And-the
oban'qe r that he will lose whir Httla -
. ' . . i.u--rV " v.-:: Vs.-.-'il .
no itarts ojw wwa. vwhi -oto.
"-tf i. l - ..... ...a',. i'
Mistakis.TIu : foliowTijig tt ,
some of the tew raitake Which Ug ,
ge,ii.tiemlvei1rha pablUhsr ' '
vps i N :i i .
' It is a mliUke to, aappoee thai the
subscripUoo prloo of a aewspaaoric
clear, g wa. 1 th miMihr. ' -. ; J
. IjU a mjstak" t'-suppose: that U
obtftio.hi. white p!jer tor adthl-j. ', ...
. t It is a. itfl!:a U aia't!c-a
t ' '
sV :
ty byvtf m muobtodo.