The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 06, 1871, Image 2

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MID Dl. tut HO..
Th ai a u . a n a .
" The Pemocratio patty in tea Fret
irada rrrjr."Af yo .ForM..
" Tho election Iq' New Hampshire
mrnns tho elctiow of a Dcnioorallc
I rrtidont and Cnna-rcaa. a convention
tf the Ststoi to rectify the CcnHtitntinn
and to undo every remit nf the war.
Cfirtmule. (Angntla. Georgia.) -
Wi commend to the careful con.iil.
erotlon of the Detnooratle journal
tbat deny tba eilsteoeo ol llifl Knklux
the follnwioaj admia.lnn from the ftou
' isvlll Cotirier-Journni, the organ of All the corrupt leirialation of the w
Iwtrredi. Majority ia the Quia) f?n-
tte, and ever aiooe it ' haa beao rolling
np a reeore or p. ha me) and dishonor
Meaaurta of toe utmoM toporUnoo,
and demanded liv the - arecesltii-s of
tho pent, have bum defeated, and
no IcgtOaiinn accomplinboi vara that
which eerred a pnrtiaan end. Ayi at.
tempi baa been mado to faalco ao In
famaue, apportiooment schema on the
Mnte, and even now an active con
spiracy ia on foot to repeal the J'lilta
delpbia registry law. end to turn over
tbe control of thnt tity to the worst
clea of criminals that fusion tbetn
sclvca on the pnlitica of a city. Tbi
annual appopriaiioo bill ia threaten
cd ; tho local option law, after liavlou
pnaxed luo liouao, aner-enns in the
."JenAte, aid the temporaries mon ate
tbule. nnd driven from Ilarriabuw.
tho Dcmocraey of Kentmky t
. Wo eek to detaeli the Democratic
part from all cnnceivahlo association
with tbe i lea of Kukluaiatri. We pro
pose to do thia not only by denounc
ing tho Kuklnx, but ly pvoceciliotf
ajtainat them In a wav thit will not be
minakco, anl if effcotunlly carried
out, canoot te crated.
"Pcoisla-are childish, aod it 1
woro than c-In Kl if-h to charge die Kv
dies Is with getting up disturbance-
Whit Dcrnncratia jourotl ia tho
North dare publish tbo extracts from
of their owo party papera tbat tre ooc
ptiut nbovo lPrtu.
'too. and the lailure tn pnse, such
was ncrer, can be traced to tbe
Democrat io Sonata. Thg reponibil
iiy bolonsa to that paity, aod tnuat
red wiih it,
lounr rtlcut.
OfR last returns received from (Jon.
iicclictit up to tho hour of gutng to
press give Knglib, Democrat, a plu.
rnlity of tweoty-ons votes over Jew.
ell Ilcpublicin. About thirty rule
are tcturocd as ncattcrioj, aul it Is
probiiblo that tlx election will de
volve upon tho Legislature, which is
l'epublican io tho So on to by five ma-
jnrity, nnd in tbo Houo by fifteen
majority. Wo have carried three
out of four of tbo Cotijrcsional dis
11 it Is. and on the whole duoo well
Aftir expoctin? so little and getting
ao much, wo bavo evcty reason, to bo
The New Haven Palladium of yea
terday anjs :
''Never before hat the vote been ao
closo. At the lato hour at which
wo write, tho returns racoived from
nil but five towns in the Stale' give
Marshall Jewell a majority of fifty
two. r.vcn should Inter let u id
chnoire lhce Gurrs and elect Mr
l"nli.-h, tbo Kcpu'olicnn? have not the
1c gaiucd a prcol victory. Io ej ite
of Now Unmpi-birc, in spito of the
money of Tammany, io apito of the
iNituDcr tccidotit, ia ppito ot (lie mis
renresnntniion of tho President' ac
tion with respect to San Pomiouo, tbe
licpablicanr or I onnecticut huvo boon
true to their (uilb, and hnro brought
to naught tho boaala of tbo Demo
crat, who promised to carry - the
Stato by more than 2,000 majority,
elect threo members of C'unprcas unJ u
nmjority of the (Jencral Assembly,
('oiincctirut will bo represented io
this Congress, as in the last, by
three Hrpublicans, tbu malting up
for the defection of New llampoliiro,
ud io the Fourth district, tho pur
chascl tnnjority of Mr. lSarnum hue
been largely reduced. The Senate
-'II be rAepabliran. The lower House
will n, larger Uepubllcan mnjor
. ty than thnv i.,t ycar m
Mr. Hiu.iNOfEi.T Republican and
. nil tbe ltnocrtio Senators in our
Sttito IegUluture, says tbo Greens
" lur' Ihntld, succeeded lat Tucsduy
tijtoj OviooJ bvlwcrn timer, while nin.
twig A fico n'e of their wbito hand
kerchief in trying to suppresi the
prvtuse flow of tears, (crocodile) in
passiug ft rcaoluiion ot extreme syru-
pathy for Mr. Sumner, end of regrot
nt bis rcjiovnl from the chairmanship
of tho committee on Foreign Isola
tions. We have for sonio time past
oiiliccd that oua of tbe means of de
termining vrhut was right in .politic,
was to Watch nod sro wbat Democracy
was opposed to. Where tho 'rjuestion
' liad rrotkibg-ia il to bo determioed by
- moral roles, this was a suro criteiioo.
.Toy who have bad aoy doubt as to
tliO propriety or policy of displacing
Mr. IStMMKa'ma-it bavo no difficulty
soar ( ? ioco tho Democracy . have es
poue bia caeo,Dd offered their 're
lrets nqo) aymnathiea. .
, t- l'pycaben illij Democracy ever bo-
firt-e do aoy tblrg but abose aod do
" rtj S. aalor Sumner f Gentlemen,
joor tciraoo the naostion, will re
. ',f?.. VniaitblpbJicaq party in acqul
V i ' ct0Piln. Lhjt cb,urga . We are glud
r.i2 . jreiiliiiTe fibei thata sosooq : it will
' " li fi'T0 W.nX'?ra C'nfi trfthera aupply
'1. - in 'cflcthAa- -Itnel Tatar Anti-
CrnsEO With Mo.nev. Too much
money has been tho cure of maoy a
niin, and of oo nno more than Horace
llawra. n San Francisco lawyer wh
lias juet tlicd M tbo age or aixtv
years. Horace wassnccraalul enough
to accumulate the handsomo sum')
two million dollars. Aa no grew
richer ho grew meaner, nod fioally
avarice end distruet of the world
crushed every generous feeling out of
his biMirt Having no lovo for others
considering that others were his !
Iitlmate victims jut as fur us he could
overreach them ; he came to that ten
rible atnte of tmod which lays everv
good ded and ecary ctrcr of friend.
ship nt the fret of eelQhnci-s. He
had a youuit wife and child, and he
suspected their sincerity. . Ho adver.
tired that no ono win to lrul them
on his account, nnd when be found
that ho ba 1 to dio. he made his will so
as to leavo them totally unprovided
for. Fortunntely. however, the will,
which leaves his property t i the city.
ling eo ninny restrictions In H tout u
is impossible tn carry out provisions
and this furnishes good ground for
proviotf thot the oi l fellow was iuaai
and therelv securing the prnpitriy fur
the rightful beirs. I romiMy luwe
was the moat unhappy uinu in Sau
Francie. and it is i.ot improbuble
that be died bating bims- II.
vl t!ieaiwlajtie ajrum of fotlpg la'all
: - r .."ti "Ib.baroasrhii- of tba Cotnaaonwealth
0'Zl: all boroughs wbereia the
V: UUtaborof laea membara is now Ixad
. v -.M'i'ViM ftvo, the bill requires thai fix aball
:. :f tierMtter be elected, voters may then
' . i , cither distribute their ballots among
. six candidates, er eamulate upon one
or more, aa tbey shall ohooae. - . ''
- Thla, it passes ihe'nouse.
, k ;; will permit a more general testing of
( xnia particular piao ot minority repre--.
vjuiotatioa tban baabltbarto been poai
" . . ble Is Pennsylvania.' Tbe asoat pro
v . Joand statesmen of tbetiiae bow favor
. , . ., ibe-odoptioD of soma system whereby
V V. prisoritiee: shall bs able to sstwre a
, . - ruorejuit rapreaeatatloa, asd but (or
tbe oppoaltion of tb Dfrnseratle Sen
- . N ; . , .ate toaoooititntioDai SJavsntion tbara
' i ..!.-- I . & ,(.
wuniq us ovsrr proapeoi mniaii nnn
oipls would sooo be-embodied ia our
, flVimlainoatal Uar, a it bas bf a U tbat
cvf Jltioofr. .
. . fiy aa aooidaot. recratual aa afor-
4unate at the time, bat which Is tbe
4ad mat prove bleisin' In s-r;
tb Deasowatic U Tsftr.tsr
Tbo following is given as a correct
synopsis of the report of tho Sao Do
mingo Commission ;
A full account of the form ol gov
ernment is given, followed by reference
to a long series or revolutions, ami di
seoiions approaching that character,
aod this condition ol ulluirs ia given as
the explanation of moro anmmnry
meosures than coma oo oinerwi-e
tolerated io constitutional governments.
The I)-minirao government was found
in full operation and exon iniog every
leyitimnlc function. The governmsut
and Dacx are in full and peaceful pos
session of all parts of tho Republic, ex
cept tho Hay lien border, which is
d.riurbcd by revolutionary leaders,
assi'ted by llayliens. Hacx enjoys
tho rospcet of tho great luujority ot
itic nitpulaitoo, ana nu lour tuurs
accepted tho positiou of chief mojj's-
It is a remarkable fact that tUtt Pres
ident, Cabiuel, LegltflDtureandjU'liciary
are in favor of laying down their power
in favor of too I intra Mains, lac
constant commotion ot several years
has completely parnlytcd industriul
uui suits, slid ilia resources of the Kc-
public have s1) diminishei that it can
not pay its expenses, and the conQ leace
of tho pcoplo oould alono have pre
served its existooco.-. Cabral occupies
tbioo or four niouulsin villages, and
with a small for to ba been ablo to
disturb a considerable district for it
long timo, though be has few Domini
can followers.
Luperon has lutoly created disturb
ances io tho north of tho island, but it
could not be discovered that either ol
these leaders bad a flag or organised
government event id firm. - Iuccsaaol
troublo from such leaden led tbe pop
ulation to aires to the Spauiah occupa
tion, but tho harshness of the rule of
Spain, tba folly of maoy rueantret
adopted, nod a fear of re-emUvouicnt,
led to the driving of tho Spaniards
from the island. , - .
The population ia fixed at .1(50,000.
Many of tbo richest portions of tho
island are uniubahitcd. . Tbe poophi
bad generally beard or the question
of annexation oo all parts of th inland,
und it had been discusMod everywhere.
There was nearly an unanimous fooliug
that peace and tranquility cmild come
only through annexation. Tbe greater
Ineodsbip tor tlm Uuitod Mates than
tor other powers uduo largely to col
onics which weot oat to tbo island
years van
J b people seem moro uoanunotu
for annexutioo than the eommiMiou
has known to be upon any great po
itieal nnortioa. Aa exceodioly sto all
portion is opposed to nnuexatioo, and
these sro cbinfly traders or agents of
(oreigb bouses, whoso huinei woulJ
miner by tba chsnge. I be ootntoissloa
and alt conneeled with it, travelled in
all paits of the Ulaod, without guard
or weapon, ana in penci ssrty
Tha I'hyali'si, oieuui, nod moral
condition was found much better than
waa anticipated. - The population is
almost wholly of mixed blood In every
oooaeivaws eegrsa . luo eaitivataa
and eduaalea). auoh as tbe officials
souparo veil with the soma class in
otbor oouolnsf, aal .the . aneduoatt
appear aa well si the saroo data every
where. Tbere ia an eoiire sbsenee ol
all ths prejudieo of rase or onlor.
Tbe appear reapectlul and polite, kind
and fiospuaoie.
High eriuies, according to tbe etate
ment of their judges, ara pearly uu
known. All are Itomao Catboths
except tbe American emigrants sent
imt-bjr tba Otilooixatioii Society, in
1824, -,Tbev live among fho Human
Catholics ia jes,eo od burmony. Tb
people sre poor f d in olieup
dwellings, bat in tbVeoattUy sl( bsve
ss maefa liad ss tbay desire i uulii
fO, asa tbey araot atrse to work
few ch'oai1, and the jireatmase of tho
ooonlo are nflaeatcd ' bat abow a
strong desire tf learfl. . ' v
The source of the eountrr sre
ast and various nod capable of grrn
inereaae. Iron ore is abundant, and
poslbly 'svallablo for msnufacturing
; ' I m -
roe. uoiiper ores are ui a iiur
degree, but the miaea are' not ex'en
sively opened. Tho reported coal of
Samaoa is only lignite, aod of little
vsltio as luei. Little is knows nt tbe
4old rcitiOBS. . Salt deposits are ex
ttosive aod valtaablo. ? .
Considerable . SPuce Is de-voted to
setting lortb the richness .-of the roil
and thj vanctv bf trofetoJI orodui ts.
and thore oplhs Vnipofate regions
lound on the1 uplands.
1 he island is rcprcscaU-d s Gener
ally beaitny. but acclimating is wet
ary, 1 hi part of the report is not
DniMieri.... hrthnuukos are not Ire
oeiiCbutYu a,ututn buricanei often
nccor. f
" .The pntli'o debt statement is ti be
compared with litter data received by
lha coinniision to-see if tbey hsvo bOn
furnished with correct figures. A
now made np, the debt is, in round
numbers, fourteen lmndred thousand
dollars; additional pending claims
two hundred and fi-ur thouaio 1 d"llars
including oua of seventy thousand by
i'reridout Uaex for personal property
destrovod In the Pi.ani-li war. and an'
der the first head ia ttlOO.OuO lor hick
salaries. 1 ho total is given at f 1
o500(JJ. Tho . oOii-ial statemoot ot
Gdvortiment receipts for 1870 show a
total or $772,000. and oua cl the Item
Is for Import duea alone, over 86 Ji.',
000. , .
1 he commission Mod no foundation
for tbo statement that Dominica Is
bound tn Hvti lor an In teniuilv stun
to France. Nolreaiios of any conn
ipiencc exist between Dominica and
otner powers. Tho only settled boun
dary between Ilnyti and San iMmiiigo
is tbo old Spin Mi nnd French lines of
U7i. b' 0 the llayticns were d.-iv
on i-ut of theeiat part of ihe island,
there remained, as disjiu'ed territory,
a Considerable extent east of the boun
dary. This is still iu desputo. Ol
this I he llavtiens have held pracl leni
ty constant contnl id the towns of Sau
Mi.'i'el, nnd Los Cnula.
Tho ltiitiica Vull -y cs-t of t ) and
the Neybi distriet bsve bveo aliernn-
lively overrun liy both parlies. I In
oliitu of ll ijt' to the boutiilary of the
GetlVsrii map. whieh is the meridisii
through Altu-t elu, isgurded as prepos
terous. The.pxtent of territoiy within
I lie old boundary of 1777 is loiin-i l.y
n. w nnd caref il computation tu be 2.
21'i sipinre mil-s Tho portion thus
reU-rrrd to ss having been maioly In
Haytico occupancy is it bout ten thou
snd square miles. The lii-tmy of the
grautg und concessions given by the
i ommirslon sre about tbo same as al
ready widely published io the northern
Tbo report la very strong in con
demnation of the stories tht Govern
ment officials of tho United States
havebei'O privately iotrrestcd in tbm.
Tho Dominican Government was found
willing to sgioo to tho terms of the
treaty onee concluded but not ratified,
and fur the only change t b ink it fair
that, on account of tho great and un
expected cxpenso ol the government
attending the delay, tho rent paid for
samaoa nnd uow due lie not deducted
in tbo final settloment. It was ulso
agreek by Dominica tnat otie-filtb of
tho patlio lauds should bo set ailo
lor school purposes, provided the Uoi
led'S'atos would graut throe hundred
acres for so agricultural college,
lev anil yoa will foslir.e thr
talus ol the example old mother Ore
ton has set. Via, so' worthy of 'your
mmilon to follow .Mail I school lor
your ehildreA and And talent to teach
them, thco Intelllgem-e and intcgi i'y
is prosperous and happy homes Hi
be your ruro regard.
Aaxociatea as you nave made me
with tnnr weal and w-, I wiib ! migb
bet allowed to rnntributo from my
niean-i rush as they are, sninetliin
0avls thl flfat f'outidalion of the
public good
Uentiemcn, I nave ueiainea yon
oo'long. .tlppressail with tho lesr
tbat I do not deaefve tho di-tlnction
von bestow, I pray Gol to make m 1
worthier, aod to snib upon vou wiib
Ilia perpetual Merauigs. -
t ... i . .
fame. Tho name, of bia home and bis
beloved river Ayr was lirtedoo the
wings of hi psthos, and now ths sp
primcbtng traveller yearns t r aoh
the spot tils gentsus has Sinetm-'d.
AlpDasthe bordirs ot the sea ms a
pnrallcloaraib and surrounding the
town is a county of the same name
Ayrshire. - - .
It would weary Tonr . pntlenee to
hear tbe bitorv of my ancestora from
one ancient John ol Avr,,thoa John
Ayr, dowo thMugh tbo centaries to
this Ayer now before yon ; through
their vioi-sitades sf poverty sod plen-
tv ofrortune and mtrortnn t now
they have intermarried wtttY England.
trelnnd and Scotland, and later with
the Amerrcaos1 who are an excellent
mixture of tbeui alsw . .
My Aiend'rSvrbiyo choscA th
nnmu I Inherited for your town with
an extraordinary nnatilm ty." nad have
thereby conlerred an honor upon mo,
the proper acknnw edjment of wh.cb
I do not fool fully ablo to xore
But l-beg you tn bd assured that it is
appreciated aod tbat It will bo great
fully remembered with a living
est io your prosperity while life re
mains to me, and, 1 tru-t, beyond that
bv tnv childreo alter me.
If this name has become ootole.
mon tho nninv tbit are worihier
HMund yoo, that ia ureal lv due to it-
pabliciiy. May I be prrmitied
sta'o hence thstcume f I'n'll with
in a lew coniurus all the civilised lie
lions of ths gl ibs were put up on the
Kusiero coniiocnt Two or three
hundred years ago tb loaki-d over In
t this few an I t -arluHy lit Grit, then
moro and mors but always in their
ettl. metiti timidly I.UJgit g ths At
lantic const. Within h" lal iw.r
tho Leneration. they have) burst out.
us it wrre, un I over-run tho-e Vast
contioemsol the We-t. Now th y ure
scattered here and poca thi'8-".meits
urelr4 stretches ol mountains and
vslleys. bills, plains,' forests and p ral
lies with tho bou nd h'S- pampan nnd
mauutsin ranges of Soatli AmonOa
Former generations lived in vi'lsges
und towns, thickly settled logi-iln'r
where physielans wrre ph-nly lin-l
near nt baud. Now, tbe penp'e sre
widely scatttred, in mmy sections of
these many countrt- s. For' great
numbers the timely treatment ol by
iriatiM ct'iinol bo had ; "Ver tare
truetanf country, gool or vnmp-ti-n'
physicians cannot bo bid st s'l. 1 hey
i jmiot visit pmioiits i-noiigh nmiiy
miles apart to live by their profe-wnti
.tor can they carry iiicdieinca enough
wi'h iheni ou h-r-e bnek for their ru
iiirenii'n. II-nee lius arl'eil in
these ino li-rii lini -s. a ' nocossity irr
remedies rooly at hand, with 'dirrcx
tions for their uso a present" re
course for relief in the cxliene'u-s ol
sii-kiiesa. when no thcr aid is near. It
is now necessity eonseqii-'iit upon tji
changed condition of b'ininn life 'n
want I have spnnt iy yen is in sup.
'nKiuif. and I will tell vouv aoiselhiug
ol its extent. Our laboratory miikes
every day some (i"7.00J pnlo'sor
doses of onr preparations. ' Thcso ure
all taken by somebody. l?r9 U a
number equal to tho population of
Dltprn cities ns large ra Jjowell, Is,
kiog thorn every d:ly (for sickness
keeps no Sahhaths) not for onco only,
hut again and again year after year,
through nearly nno third of a century.
We all join in the jokes nh- ut medi
cines aa we do nhont ths DnetorV
mission to kill, the clergy man's insin
cerity and the lawyer a cheating.
Vctearhof these labors nniong the
most rcri'-us realities of life Sickness
and its attendant solTi-ring ' nrn no
j"ko. neither is tho trentmont of I hem
the hroi
Rotrellft. Co.'t A'trerlitempi.
M KSS woatr.lf. BoV an-l OtSt.S! whaenaar
IB sue dm l.ndnMn ainka tmm H In (la wrdr
i"w. -" i- iwm mil mnwaiin bdh in-
Vm-tlnn imI rrsa br small. Th.-M in n& n
twrnwnent, p ontabla worn, akonlil aSilrcsa at
one. UIlURUK SUJtsON asl Ca- Porland
Maiaa. -
40 Weeks for One Dollar!
Aprl l.ian. A rimirtum, Muhl ra Aanciil
Urnl anil KiihIIt Washl hpwlmrna ra.
hOf klNt, ft. WILCOX, hurhsuar, N. T(
(I.aU Slra. WaTar'.)
Propr aior.
Thli 1nnatahllika Mil wall knnwii lint!
harlna: liaen rnirlmaetl by tha unilanlaaail, ka
aiiciia m auara 01 iwiir pr(in. ii a n i r a ti
April S,l7l. ... . - ,
lslB iSt) naa isanl k mall ens. Tni-h.
ho ta oar all d-tn nf ihairann t inn.
hair, y, auainlailun. Writa to 7 4 Uroa-lwaa,
Haw iota.
F. B
Hand 1 Ddacninc Sewing.
.1. i I. COATS'
rtom No. 8 to No 100 inclusive,
iiSTnnv nc ri.r i
It enntalat orar too Sna nrriln .
ami InoWsnla Io tha War. i.
thsnilvana OHlfl.L hSIoi,' of lhi M?'
onnfliej. PnMlnhail la bfk KnRllth a Qr
CAUTION. e?r?r.:,o;i7'1?.T?.' '
isKia oo uii contain! mono ancrarlnn VIT
map. H.nit for Hrenln ncl eour i.,. r1 '
iap. Ina for alranlitraud aoanar uri.r!
rail itaMrlpllna of tha work. AiMrsT.
T1UN Ala FlBMSHlNO oik. pk.llT.iJL-
, --pwi..
Public rSale.
Tka niliiT.lKfia4, l ommtusa of tha re"a
and ..i.i. r Juha Ol.ll. a Innatl' r Ko.t.r
ion-bln, wilt atpo. b paullo aiala, . -tka
praminaa, aa
Sa-urlw Ap l ?.. 17I;
Tho pnl1 wln rent aiitato. to wit.
Trael n I Minat- In Br t wnhlp, nv .
Hsr ai-nnly. Pa , niximlal anil tiraous-n aa mi
ino i Aiiif.ikin Juhn . R. siutnn un Ilia ail
J"lm Oati i-a th tna'h f twine Ol-ts
w.t, b I lnll Klin na th a-irth, nmlalnlna
H'K Ai'Rti and VI n prchr ni-lrt naoi-
ur.. irhirMii la oraclfNl ah-ll anil tlabl
Iract n I slton la l-l loatalp, a-Uiiln-In
Jubn ninaanian on tha a mth. Jaoob -a
na ,1-lm llliasl ..n tl a wan, Ueoma u
th n-irth ami J-xt Kllngltr oa Ik 0-ia-tahilna
TEH a-KK- in eiiniinno at 11 n-alm-k . M.,off-ita
ilav. whcD eutiS U"n will b mmt. known iy -.IUUM
H. fcMH H, tuaiilH.
April S, t71. . ,
FOR..LC nt
All fKalars Id Dry Qoerfa and Notion.
Iwh Yr. -e Asm iaO'nhnnM
ft A.-irnnt air Bat Mtm k t Imw
l'rl,-. iVim ,o knuw whsl, Whin, How to
Plaut I Vmtt hal.. t Tsra tro. Hoot
)rita, 4tllnat. Urn i laio.' Api-la sd
PsTly Kf otto..rruTt-iii. (rinh"iiM
aan ararlan -k Jii, as. . i rwajuut asd Vai
TnL irat- Tlnt, ll.t t:-TsJiim Mra
and oiiaIIit Sand lurcnt. fur Naw. Itlnalnai!
I -i Mills fat loga 0 pH(M Hnirt atamp
eh, fort sUIokiim nTSo.dn with plnlo dirra
tiotiRM paarea i lloi'dlnv sn aurilea plants
a. psvm, nnn w
wltk plnlo dirva
urdaa tilnt
bolrul Pile I lt Jl tars
Iran p. K. PHUKMIX HI'iothlOKlou, 111
H 12121 JH. M121S1H!
Mnrkat Onrdanara WMtlna fieah and rallahl
da. hinlil tiut of tha arnwara Wa ivw lha
Hni-t tMi-tlee of Ht, ba. t'arrot, ar
urn, nai. i. alloc, atai-m, -mi -n, rarnip,
Ftaill.h. I nrnln nnd nthr V
a:ii sil - with I'rlr I.i.l
mallail fr, W lit. k A.R M IROMI,
man, 11-iO Mark! .--trMt, Pblladalpbla, Pa.
1IENUV BENFFB. Proprietor.
' Th and -rl-nd adpt thla matho.1 of Inform.
in in puviir in n um uraim u--.i , .
nbnr hainoil olo. on th roi l fn.m MMdl Clana Kid lllora. and all kind, of tMoUiaa and
nurw lo u -voriown. nnn ino i iirciiiiwi i ..r, . ...... n.
Fragrant Sapolicne
mrlla lb public wltk tln-t t-l c,-Uiuuk..U
lion.. .
April S, 1871. , '
Mlddlabari Pa
W Klp-k-ll. fr...rictor.
Aeeommnilaitona gooj and chrea mod
arate. HpecUl accommmlailoiia lur tiror
ara. A rbara of ibe pnhllo patrnnaire
.olicltr.l. U. P. WeiSEll.
April 0, 1871.
In.tantly. without tli l..t iniurf In Hi flno.t
loirl. fold, by llruail't nd rnboy Hood.
iNMlara. K AitllAN I' Put. I K. t ll,I3
tiarslay ISt , Naw York, 4 La !alla t Chicago
I riih Pt'l.M'iNAhY BA1.S n " IJSltl
Tha i. Id atandard romady (..r Onlah.. (lolda,
Con.amptlnn. " NoblDr bttr." Odslsh
bmi. v Oh boaloa
T7f VTEOAH. how mad In tan houra without
V AXl drug.. Paitlrulart ranta
V. AOt Urcmwall, Conn.
M ? ? ? ? ?
Speech ol" Or. J. f . Ayer.
Tho LcpUliiluru of Ma-siehu-jcttn
having enacted a luw oraniziui: a
new towu to bo name 1 after their
dlstiojiu'idiod fellow c'nizon, Dr. J. C
Ayer, on tho occasion ol too manger.
ntion of the town, tbo place wos hon
nrod by the presence of an immonae
erowJ t f people, including muny din.
fiuguUhed mco- Tbe "great , modi.
ci no man was ititroilii'-ol tiy fro'l.
dent l'reac-itt with hicb encomium
l)Sed oa his jiernonul and life nntt Ac
quaintance. Aftar thtokioi ths au
dience for . lbs cordiality of. their
iroetlop:, Jr. Ayer sp ka us followa :
La liet and Q nllrmen t
Oa the weatern c iaat of Sent bind
wbero it alopesjnto the I riwh Sea. a
river, risiuit on tno mountiiiiiH ot tbe
inner luiul. winds dnwn anions the
hills and emplioa into the Frith ol
Clyde. Finm remote time it has been
oulled Ayr from aa old Sco th word
'Ayry," m.'snmir un eutjle V nct the
river of the table s net. Near .it
mouth and a ooniiuuoua hurbor, lonir
-io. id a bamlct which been mo a royal
burg or town nuniod from tho river,
und now about ono-lhird na large u
Lowell the city ol Avr. For nJme
tHuo k thousand yeur it baa been no
tud In the blxtory of ctlund. I)u-
riuit the wars of Mouert Urure it wu-
ono of hie resorts, and wa capacUlly
lavored by liim beiiuko be was there
cared of leprosy. Odver Cromwell
made it noe of the depots ami bead-
iU irtera of his aimy io bia ut'ai-k up
on de-Mluod, und ono of bia old fofi
is now the Citadel of Avr.
Hut aliovo-all its dialitml wo a, Ayr
wit tho birth-plane oltlwpeel Uurnx
And what a tmet ! Wbat voice ban
he itivea lo ail the e u loarmenta of
borne 1 . How haa he hallowed tbo eot
inge aod all it covers westis sad
wife, -patches ood pevei tr. beans, bur
ley, sU. hurdabip aod the poor nisoV
oil '. Uoai lis wraps with tenderneso
. Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ nf Vend Es., I.auetl
mil of tlif Court of Common I'U-ana of 8nv.
tier Co. lo me directeil, will he eapo.aJ to
Publie al, at tbe Court Home lu Miililte-
biirj. oa APRIL 10, I8?l, i
10 o'clock. A'.' M., lha following aalualilt
HE4L tST VTE aa fnlluwa lo win-All
lhat certain Tnct of Laml ailuaiein ( Up
mon Townatiip. Sny.lrr onnmy. Pa., boon
ileil eat by bind of Jolio Noll, muili by
laml uf ilia Oorinan I'.efurnii-il anil Ltiilic
run eniiir -smiona oftlruhb'e t'hureli, wcai
by Ian. I of William lleigea ami oihera, an I
nurih by land of Henry rnol l. oonininin g
lot jVC!lH2r-,
More rr li-sa, hereon nra arreted a Two
Siory. Wcnlhcr-lioiirJcJ Dwi-Hini lloue.
Ooo-I llira. nnd nihpr uectary auJ coo
venienl nut buililinga.
T.tkeo n esecuimn and to be soKlaa Ihe
properly of Uanlomlu l'liillipa.
JOHN 8. WOI.F. ShcriT
SlietifTa Ortiee, MuLIUilmg, March 11, 71.
FtirSnlt) ! Vitv Hnlo !
Ono 20-florso Power Jngt e,
Ono 25 " " Looomotivc
Bolloi", and Saw Mill Compli-t-with
modern Improvement ,
One Hill's Woodwortli Vlaner,
Shaft ina-. Ileliinir: do., at low fiiurea-.
I llH system of transportable relict, to 'nearly newaul in eaoi-llenl nnl ir
t t H f
TOTIIE WOHKlNIi t'f.ASt. Wa ara now
prcnarxt tn rnrnl.h all rla..a with eon.laat
mplnyniant at. h.iDsa, 4b h la ol th- tioinr
for tn upaia mouiebt.. Itniln.. nw, llabt, and
ironintii. i'ra--fta ot cituar ax oii.ny nrn
roi Mm. to i par arming, and a urop-iatlonl
ama by dovotintt thlr w nolo tlin lo th uu.Uiea.
Hoy. and atil. ara n-irly a mni-h aa mon.
Tbat all whniiothla nnllcaoiaf aoml tholr ad
dr.a. and tett Hi bu.lna... w mnke th
allaltd nHer : To auoh a. ara not wi-ll anll.tlad
w will and SI 1 1 pay lor tha tioulilaor wrlilnir.
For purl Ir. ii I ara, a valuabl -a in pi which will do
to ciuiiini-iic work on. nnd a i-oiiy of I'ha Pao-
pla'a Ijlinrnry 4jiiuipanli-n ona ol lha laraal
nu M.i lanoiy nawiaiiara aver pumi.iren an
ant trr ny mnii. iieaiier, 11 you want asi
uenl pruHmbla work, a-mraaa
t. V. ALLt.M k Co. Aususte ItkJno.
RetfiT row Aor.airai ti, wk tb.i h
fP.LMNd. Thai kap.t and b.Ii'i,1' v
lory f th War. In boll! Poall.h ana &
man. Drofuaalv Uln.tMla.1 nnlfl M m , V 'W.
rn ria Sa orrtar. In two daya Ar,VS
enlo monay. A II. HI HHAHD. p.iij.!?
w Lk.tnt Btra rhlladalphla, Pa.
"erlptura and inca har mat totatha."
O.D..J. aed HJ..ay haa kl.aad aach oikw
n o, inriinn inir. ana re.-. .
rjirtano. to ,r,ry lioman Wn( Th. pTJ
Pu Pit and ar all dlaouwlnk th.
and Ixmk, arery mm, omp and child iTJ
t-i rrad It 1 h lore Sro war la eadad
n'-nwa-.i nl aw-rr. pirln- I. 1..
Plbl lllrl. pur. and bmintimi.koth noi. S I
fld nnd arm frlanda. tliid'a work dar.
inai naya, not l- pcrlml. Tola book i,
yry ram of arianr maklna it. ihriiJT
iliaa, Mantlaa. w..ndr nd irkllnr
hnndrwl r-.ld mor lntr.tlna than Sriw
a 1 1 . n ra w i vT.'ii i j . i
will drop othar book nnd Hnuiaiiiiii... ,!
dlalely. Addraaa for flroalar, ZIRtil.ira
MiDL R D Y. 1 Kouth ath .Hi .,-''
r- -,,
WtlVT is nt
It I I ear and perfect rrotly fur all dliuai
The biaar ami 8pln. EnUrgemrni r fjj.
Bimnion oi inieanoaa. urinary, bit ria.
oe Abdominal Oraoa, Povar'y or -
. Waul of ltlood. Intermittent or Ra.
mltlenC Fever. Inflauiniatioa af
oflhtl.lvar, Dropay, Hluftni.i,
' Circulation of lha lllood, Abt.
seaara, Tumora. Jaundice,
p.rapepals. Ague & Ferar
or their enncomilnnls.
Da. Win. bating become awar af -L
etiranrilinary medicinal proprrtlei afij,
Houih Americas I'lanl. enlWd
lent a ap.clal com initios to that cnaain
lo procure it io ila aalla purity, ami
ing fotinil lis wonderful curat iva propmin
to ev.-a SieetJ the anticipation furtutdtj
it lo lha puMic. and ia happy lo n e. ilg I
h baa peefeeiad arranr. mrnl f,o i .
lar nionlbly aupply of ibia wondrn.., p',nL I
oo Die aprni nilicu ' lltn epr-i,Knt:r I
uu iiivpfiani ing aa in iov mo.l
preparaunn iront n, lor popular ..... tll
na lor anmt lime iiaed id bia own pmiiajl
wiib hi on happy renulte tbe effectual a.ftl
em no w prearnieu lo tbe public aa
Dr. Well-.' Extract of JlRtBEBl.
n-nd lie eonfldently recommeoila ll to ttml
ramily Ss bnuaebold remedy wbicbibMllI
ba freely taken as a Blood Pi-amit tiA
Jei anfouiptna of lbs ayaem and loaaiatal
ab l fortify all wrek and Lympbalie tarn-1
paramenia. JU1I.N y. KEI.LOOIl, I'iankl
raw lork. Kota(tfoi for tbo tailed Unit, I
t'rlce Uoe Dollar per bottle. Baal frl
t ircular.
nsVC'HOMAKtY. Any lady or ajrnlleman
I onn mnka ai.Ooo a monlb. .erure their owo
hnpptim. and Imlapenilan . by i.btalnlnK P" Y
CliiiM ANCV, KA'sflNATIO.M, or MtlJb
IIA.K M1SO 400 pise i-lotb. Full Inatrns.
tion. to ure thia power over man or aonnui. at
will hua I. Mrun rlae. bac-ime Truno or Wr-
tlita nu-illuin.. IMvlnailon. Ki.lrltUHll.m. Aloli-
mv. Phlloaonhv of tliiin. ml lrim.. HrUham
V-.unj'. Hiirrni, tlutil to, k , all
contained In thl. bookt Iuo.ihiO prlr by
mall. In oloih SI 2.V pniMir eurra 1. NoTu-a.
Anv iwriMin wtlllna. to ant a. aiiant will reertre
a aainple enpv id the work Ira, aa no capital
la required, all di-aimiia nf ircnlMl emploiniaot
.houl l toil for Hi book. nolciu- Io obta for
po.iaae to I . w. a. v Ana a uu., 41 oouta atu
ucot, I'nuaiiaipiii, r.
whatever lip oamea, evao bia ble
ioitKues of paMtoro, fho slitbblo field
ice, voow. iW, and rain, brook.
i.irdSf mice, ibbtUs and huather. ilia
Bouny U.ron. John Aoleaa.p, tiy J
John, Auld Lsnn rtyce, soj 11 lt I..
land Alury roll round tbo ' world in
ever riiiKtnil symphony with what is
iurot end best io bntiins nature, His
aongs woo end ' melt the ; uearts ol
youth and naideas, brlns; soltee to
ibs sorrowln am) oou rage to tt,e o
verburdeeed by their lot. His insuU
ratios has set tbo effoctloos to tpuslo
iu atrama tbat are ImuionaJ. .
No other ... mis eca made
yTbenJ.cnttio cfp returo. Jbhn if thst )owlsod Scotoh pyit i dialect 0
he nrkde ovail.-U'lc to the poople, muni
keeji iti remedies Ircsh in their mem
nrie This is done by advertixiiifr.
M m-k its extent. Ao advertisement
Inking the run of the ocwninpors
with which wo contract (aomo 180
annually) ia struck off in su'-h num
hers, thai when piled upon each other
Aittwifo. like tbo leave of a book, Ihe
tho ihicknciM thrnuh thnin is sixteen
miles. In addition, It takes somawe-
ven nitlliona of piiniihlclH sn I twelve
nnllioDH of circ ii!nr tn meet tho pub
I c demand for ttiin kind if Informu.
linn. Our unnnal isue of p.iro;h'et
alono, luid solid . upon each other.
make a' pile llit and a qoaiter iii'le
li:gh. The eiet-u'ura m conn red eud
wi-e reach miles. 11 ml Ibeee aa
s. itionn ore matter nf mn'hematieal
crtabity. hit-ver tlin el iiiinnon
in wlm h thi-ae ptilienti. oa n ny lu
be id berr, they riadi th" fWiile of
ni'llions upon iinll'oii" ol m 0 who tin
treasure and regard them, and who
in tbeir trials do heed the counsel they
bring. '
Not only over these creat AeHtein
opiir.eiits but throucbuut I bat 01 her
land so Utile known, to yon, underiur
I'eef. the Austrslian continent, th rc
are few viloftesss Inrso s ibis which
ure oot familiar wllli tbo . numo you
have chown, and vmployio tho rem
edie thut bear it. . !
Thu", cenilemen, luve I triveo i
my humble sphere to render souie aerr
vice to my fellow men, snd io ile.erve
sinonn tbo eQtictcd nnd tinfot tuna't.-
aome rctjar-1 fv ijbe ttwme whji-b your
kind partiality 1ian on these walls
arouod nie. We tnav look forward
with cniifidoot hope to the renown
you' willgutu-r under it, and the
prosperity, which, there ia reson to
truat the future has ia store lor you.
situated aa you are here on one of the
main arteries ' between Ihe went sou
lb-' east bat ween tbe rcat Industrie,
of the plonah and the spindlo von
mnt a) I . in 'tb(T eiojiamiea and
thrive with tjitm. jS.nm tbeo chan
nel will be opened wide and ponrtur
throUth.- your ' piecinsts atrsuiua o
men and lucrchandiae .that will need
your furtherance aod must contribute
to your (rokvl.h.
' Located hero ia he contra of New
KiiL'land lo what ejoaror spot can vou
nru ibit men inbubit f lierrinniun
life fleh with tbo bnixvra of your molh
er town whose iufluenee throujth her
achools aod her acbolars la of itaeif si.
InUerti slice, with -ui h "einmplcs ss
li wren ci, Boiwpl, llorv what way
too not bona fur of. tiavfoUiSMi ia the
oeunetU of ihe ststo nod tut Ion f
Cost met our condition wvtb tbat.of
the Jbarnpeao nations, sitepalely torn
aod improvUhod with wtf, tr-i'A it
f PwWapf toteV "-?!'. -- 1 tf MITIMIKLb k MO TZ.
Woodwurd. Ceuiro Co., Pa.
March 2S. 1871.
Harper's Periodicals
lYi' 1H71.
PKHS Hi I1I.1-.H AHK 4l.Mtl.4T
lUtAl.I V WH.M.IUVtl).
The Natl. in, N. Y.
Harper's Magazine.
Th rtt da.liin of ft aaeaa'a If to elv enr.
raet In'orinatl-'ii and rational aniuapiaanl In the
araat of the iw-pta. I here la no n-nnthly
M.aa.lna nn tnialliuani reaillna family ran
A VOl I) Ql'ACKS A vi. ilm
C V earl Indlicrntlon. eau.lnar nerrou. de
bint. 11-omalura iloray. ko.. harlna' triad lo
valo .rtf n.lvartl.ail raiiicilv. ha. a tlmel
ntcin. ot aeir-'nr. wnmu n wii au-i ire to ui
lell.iw aullorera. Aonrvaa 4. it. 1 lit 11.1, ii
Kaaana .trvt. new lora.
Tlio IMnfic Comb,
wilt chance any enlnrwl hair or beardtaaie l
mnnant black or brown. It Contain. nopHMl
in eomb acnt by mall for SI. Iletiler. n.!
at rwiurwi rntca. auunuHB, fattoa. irt
npriBgselil, Meet.
ti. Abbott,
thor. U. B,
Aaente ererywhara t l
nur new Uo.k,,rli: "Hhl
(lllu.traled.l hr Joti il
A pmcnnui euujart ann popoiuul
avaai.i.b, fuonaoar, wnai
85 TO C20 A DAY!
to you want B alto. tion aa aale.naauH
near borne, to eellouroew 7 airand Wa.ri:ie
fioTHaa biaae to latt bob ot.b.Im
ml. thia chance. Hnmple free. Addreu hi.
ana Kler Wire Mill., IS W 'm. St.. N. If"
liearoora Mt. Cbloane.. .
JJ lady who had atilturcil for year. Irim la.
oca. 1 -niarrn anil r-croiuia, wa. curau it
linple remwly Her aymimthy ' and gnliti
nruiniit. har lo aend the rc.-elpta free of cU"
io any on altnllnrly allllntad. AJJr.ii ki
U. U. L,kuu7T, J array CUy, N. J.
Ihiuihy it Co't. AdO'Vlitrment:
Agents. Male & Female.
Por faal aelliui popular niliforiplion
Hooks. Kitra Iniluermtnli lo Auentt, In-!
forumt Ion free. Atldreas American ttuok
Co., ii William Street N. Y. . j
millllS 18 NO HCMIU'O! - - '
1 Hy aemllna 35 CENTS,
wlili aae.hela-bt, col ir of eye. end hair, you will
recrlve. by return inall.s ci.rre.-t picture ol your
future hu. hnd or wifa, with um and Sat of
marrliso Addrei W. VOX, P. U. Drawer Mo.
24, 1'ultoarllle, New lork.
era are notined, tlmt a bolt and cimw"
than w 1. ever known will e .uiiplicd b
,lar exrell. lo eve y quality and i.ulrnf
and will out.ell and can umler.ell an;
otner.. It will .ell ll.lf. rrj
llrt for IH7I, now rcmly and lent Iree. A-Uraal
1. HAS. t. I. HI. AY .SUN, No. tit l
Pblladalpbla, 'a.
o. r.0.
I Circular.
WANTi:n-AOETS..f.'0 per
V V day)naeltlhecelehratilHOMF.SIIt'T.
Tl.r.KtWINd MAt'H.NK. Ha Ihe uu.ler.
I. aHorrTto ba wPb-iut. Many M iirarlna. are r,i m.b.. .k "Lmk ailloh" (.Ilka on b-itk
accumulated. H Aneae'a l.a.tlie.1. Thare I. not ; MM.) mn, . f. Ilcannd. The bo.t and cbeaik
a Maaailoe that la printed whi.'Bahnwa Biora .t tamlly k wlns Macbln In th market. Ad
Intclliaenl p.lna expanded on It artlolaa aad 1 ,rM .,HaK, , 01 una, h t-o, Baton, Ma.,
mcclKtik-al --a.cntloB. Thar la not a rbeapai ptitrtur.. Pa , Chicago, III., or bt. Loula, alo.
Maaaainepuidli-'ied. Time la not, eonlveeodlvf . - - -
a more popular Mairailue In the world
rntun.i ii-itncataaii.
- IS A I'l llK
tll.4f-K TCI
with the (Iraen Tea VI'J
warranted an uK all Ivt
For aale evcrywli.ra. 'I
lor aula whoiaaia uniy v.
ll.H.r ATLAMTII'fc fl
iu la fo , (jchurrhSl 4
uultMS. Feud (or Tbtt.
llATra na. and: a iay rur. si 1
In. Addraaa wiiuitauip, a.At
Pitt. burg-, Pa.
T17 A n "CON VENT Life V'NVrii rj
It r, l I Iri.iru oiiniiuii. Kfcaaril t
whore ill.cliiiici toe tin llbnir K 'iililrl
tl.bu tuaa. J'uu. Co , Hartl .r !,.(.
At one ih moat n.iLnlar and. In Ha acheme.
the wio.t oclulnal ofour aiaaaalnea. e e a
All tlia perlo which the H irpere publl.b
sre aloioai Ideally well edited. Native.
"A complete Plotorlat HLtnrr of the Tinea."
Harper-s Weekly.
Tliabeal puhllcatlna nf Ila el... In America,
and an lar ahead nt all oilier weekly nurnla ai
B it lo eriiill of any oompirlron betweea It and
ane of their iimiir. Ila ooluiane eontaln Ibe
heart eiillei-llona of r.a-ilna mailer that a
prlutcd a a It. Itlu.trail.ini are nuineroua
and teaiitlful. belnii fui-nlahe-l ly the eklel art-
l lata ul the country . Iloeton 1arlr.
llA.ra. . r1 l.u1. wrv am, ui.w, m-
lerealina lllu.trated nrw.par. Nor iloea lie
ralue-uicnd oo Ita nui'irationa aior. it
rea'dluK mailer la of a blah nrder of literary
mailt varied. In.truetlve. entertaining. aod un-
esceptloBable-N. V. rua.
Harper's Eazar. -
Pre frost alt pdrtlral and sectarian dleene-
..n, riemtad to leant.-, plearure. and Inalrun.
I).. n II la Ju.t tka acraai l", rciiriiei lonabla, ann
IntSTeallna domeet lo pr which every inothrr
and Site and ewelhart will rulr every ib,
huiband.and lorer to brlnu bnnilti. hlrae.ary
Satutday evenliia. PUIUdalpbla Ledger.
Hy ll mean, buy HaHraH'e Haiau. - Nut f r
youraeir. but for your wit or d.ugiaar, oral.ler
or wet heart '1hr never waa any pier pub that ao delighted lb lieeit of
Knar Ullnd If It doe. eoat you a BOW bonnet! II
will aav you tea iuia tbe price la tbe hoe.a-
uoiu uuouiy it lowcuee. rroTiuvoo juuib.i, .
TcrniM lor 1871,-
HiBraa'a Maoazibs. oa yaar,..'.....S Ot
Haaraa'a WieKLV.OBa year 4 OS
Haaraa'a Basaa,oaa year, 4 00
llAaraa'a M AOAaiacdl aaraa' Wnnnt and
Habpkb'b IIa.ab, to oiiaeddreaa, fur one year,
aitt OOi orauv two forT 00. .
The poatag within the l ulled Statu la fur
tn Alauailne Si cent a year, for the Weekly or
bar reeelvwl
Couffh! Cough! Cough!
Why do yon Cong)) when yoo eao ba So eailly
relieved by urlng - .
;,Mp. Wptls' e orTollc-Tnble'Ul
They ar a aut cur lor fit Throat, Cold,
Hoeieenera, Uatarrah and all lilac of lb
Lunm. Thhut aail Hrnnrhlal Tulie.
rfot tb groat number of Te.timnolala altoK
the emoieuey or una ioraiuie uucuiciu tu
fulloe Ins la .elect.!. ,
47 Wi.iipooeU, Ae., hlcauo, III., Jbb. H. IhTI
"Kortbelaat tea eara I have been a great
a utlerer from feaqueut attack, of Aout llron
ehltia, and have never found anything tu rellar
bi from theae attaoka uolll 1 tried Ur. Welle'
llarbolie TebleU." - t LiaauaTH t. hoot.
n A TTTTATlI P00'' ui orihlee aril
Llil.UHUri. ale Ih palmed oil on jou,
b aiirTyTu kU only WtLL' UAHlloLlO
I'AhLk'lal. ..
J 14. Piatt tret,S. Y-. sol aa.nt.
eulit oy urugjfiat. riK.vmw.w,i
Or Way and Ily-Wnye In tbablddea l
. k ar.ur ii'TL-n J vi rr1 irt '
year eaperience a-umng Bank Knbhert . ij
terfeltera, Thlevei, PlokK.ckeii. Vz
ere. IIonh.uee Mon and nwlnd .r.. ol'
ea nf eoolety ill.eloiliig uire.l io"-"
Alnbolimil vengaano ami deep ''fjl
by which tbey wer tr-ecd nut and le"!
urougllt to iuice. n i.if. -
page 1 Suiull page augravlnsa. ia iUi , HYDt, Harlfvrdn
Baaar SU eente a yaar,
yearly, or quaruily, at th.
payable yearly, .ami
u ornu whar raeeivwl
Tba Voluniaa ol lha ataiailnaaiMuuwuo with
th Nuiulire for Jun-a.uU llecuibr ofaaoh
yaar. hube rlptlvna ,ay oiiunc with aay
Number. WbB a tluiala apMied, It will bo
audar.tood that tka lrniar lka to baa-la
wltblbarat Number of tke current Voluuis.
aia,. inhi. nanwii.iii ar nai awr -.iy.
The Volume of th and k ar cim
menca wltk the yer Wob bo bhw mi aMiae4
It will b Bruler.looJ ikal th aabeenuer wlakaa
10 aomBtenea wltk lu4 lnUBkar Beat alter ba
twealpl of na errlar. 4 . -.
W kea lb auaawTuaMr.'S aSdreaj la to d
both Ihe old aod Ik Daw ami b .' 11 1
ot BMcatearj to (e naitaaaf dla-
in rraiitma.vr a l, a -v- i- er
I'rart p't r.f
1 HOT B la wa-a
--4 1 . . -
1 I .
AfroiitN -vntotl lor '
Ovaa 01. a THnt'.Agn iLLPBTBaTioa. ta
librgcat. beat alllp. and Bioat attrarllva
euhacriptlon book ever puniianeo tine
vent la Denver, Colorado, oM 1110 ooplre
in four uns. Ona scent In Jlllwauki aoia
39 cople in 1 ilav. and a, large number
I reft 'IH la 9U copies per 47, fend for fir
cnlara Vvlih term at ones. Aildreas V. 8.
I'CSLl.lllNU CO., 41 1 Uroorpe 81;. M. 1,
Eeduction of Prices
I fyt Q Pt i inir" up CKllia.
. av-Hend rur our Nw Price ll.t Bad a Club
hit i will aoeoniwiD II. eoBlaliilng- lull direc
tion making a Urge aavlng toeou.uBiera aua
reniuoaratlv toeluborgaullcre, , .
TU Great American- Ti Cmnpany
rw - si fisa VEstTrtTRF.Er '
r p.aBoi Mi. . 7 . . new Yottk.
; .1 Jiooic . Wcrt" I
t at eel awtai. runaBienUI, aen.iwia a ad
uonuiar 01 aauacni una o. , ia - rar-ii
I rainia of I a- .. j." la.t M. ll ka ralva.
i d st,I pl.t-, p4 r'- f bouad. ana it
ihva4a ' o-a It It ka
. TS
1- 1 1 i I el K
JOUN laudenslager,
weUnsorove, wteb ovrH
IT.-:-. r.....k.aaaA the atell llBOWl
In HeUnaerova, formerly awoea t JJ
Ul.ili.r I em riraru.ra J 10 aceouiuiui
nbamaydrairainiyialagln ai M
eonrlanll oa baacl. aotl am P"r1
Diannractura at lua anorteat oouv.,
IltU-riii 'v : ..5LKICP
Beiui aiperiencsa in Ots'tinioj
tar myaeV tbat 1 ara felly prepare" i
lbs wmla of my customer TsM
etnnliiveJ are anion tba beat rart'
lb oouniy, and lhol.worji-f iK
glv'cuiilveraalsBttsfaoilop".'' 1 ,
' tetf-SperuUl!Bl.oj, piia 19 w
in all it lirvicb.i(ui
Bbop uiMarUelst fet, a feer do"
,.r ii.d nn itr.iii,..1 rinirch.
JtlrlN' f.AtJ UKnai.
fia.g;ta, April 7, ,70-tfJ
TICE WhrrcBi tr-T ifJl
XI baaing abanduaed me and let! "
l.l -II ......... a. a harelm Oaull'"'
truat er a lit eeedll to .aid Ljdla o?"J
aa I will aot pay aay aWMa
bare. Iter. a.a
a.burg, Marsh l, int. -
' r 1 T-iw.ej(Jo" A '
; ; .5IT1
, J aia t