V., iiibad. rery Thin1! ' Ironing hj ;;t1tft CUVM, Prearloter. f. .... .1. - : Tft of ; Jabsar'ptloa. )o DOLLAR" PER ANNUM, PayeM Wilbi els Bonibe. " o' P'd tlikln til " PM dleonnllniied lUI H srreerag are paid. aalet l Mitlaa of tk puhlivhtr. bseription outside of the county - nlAttl IN ADVANCE. pereati tlnlog snd uaing papere lo oinrrw DToomv eunsenne ra. in U' fo PrlM "f PP p. cronmttxer, I. . ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Middleburg, ps, Jart bla proleealonel eerrieet to lb puh rCneoOoH and all otbev profeotlonat ilnrii en.rii.led ( hi ear will toeeivt C. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Selinsirrove T (. Al kit profetaloBat mttIo lo Ik pub All biieiaese euirueira io mi ei in ba nroBPily ltBlil I. ... i- . . - .. . I Jan. i., on W. KNIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Frcoburtr P.( ,r bio Profettlonal eerviotlo tu pub' An baelneta entrusted to HI cart ha nroaDtly attended lo. Jaa 17, Wif M.VaNGEZER, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lew it burg pa. bit srofetelonal aervioe to la puh rllMilAnB ond all Albar Via e.ainn. boiintee enlruele d lo bli care ill.re lira prompt awaauoo. hEO. F. MILtljKK.' JT ATTORNEY AT LAW. I -v- Lewisbunr. Pa, Vert Ma Protstlonil aervioe to Ilia pub t - CotlMiion and " other 'profeeeloB Hbutlont eatroeted to.bia ewe "will re live prompt BlIeniloB. Jsn.B,' vw. M.LINN, A. II. DILL, . iaMuaora to J. P. fc J. M. Llos.t ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lewiaburc. Pa. Vef tbair profettionel eervieee lo tba bile. Colleeiione and all olbr pro ufonal bnaltita nlrulod to ibrir car ill racclvtprooiptattanitoa. f Jan. 8; '6711 flUARLES HOWKR, ATTOK.NET AT LAW. Solinairrovo Ta., tiri bit professional aarvioca lo Ibo ptib h. collaotiOBa ana an oiaar nroiaauana bi'iDMI antruiltd 10 bla eara will rt tir prompt altantlon. Ulncr two door irlb of Iba Kayaloo Hnlel. Jan 6, 'f- AMUEL AfXKMA ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinegrove Fa Fen bla Profusions! triviue lu n. kblie. All butineta entrusted to ra will be promptly aiien-'ed lo. Col hlone nad la all parte of tba Btala. eao apaak I bo Engl'ib and German tillage fluently. Oflice between Hall' i lbs 1 oh oilic. N. MTKRS. iiddlelui g Snyii x Cnnntr Pcnii'n le k faw door Waal of tba P. O. on bla alraat. Conanlulion In Enallah do GriKan nauagra. - tip. I. ill C. BUCilKR, ATTOHKET AT LAW. Leftisburff Pn., Itri kit proffttlonal ft'vlotala Iba pub I. AU buainaaa anlruttad to tla eara 111 ba promptly at landed lo. l.in. a. nil NKOTER k BAKER SEWING MACHINE. JPmoni In naad of a eooil and durable wiDt Maeblna can ca aocommodatad al Monaula pnoee hy culling on on bam. l lAi'tT, Af ant, BallntgroTt. Jan. z, 'U fR. J. Y. 8HINPEL, V BURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Jliddlcburg Pa., Itrt bit profaaalonal tcrvloea lo tba ell bat of Middlrburg and vleioily. Marob l. Q7 VAN UUSKIRK, kRGlCAL A MECHANICAL DENTIST . " FelinngrovaJPenn OUN K. HUGHE8fEq.,. : V JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ' ' ' ' , '. " Pf no Twp., SojdeV Co, Pa h.. WAGNER, Esq., 3tTlCE OP THE PEACE. Jaekioa To wasbtp, Sojder Co. Pa., Qtlttad to alt buiinett aatrattod t ara and. on . Ibo most raaaooable . .. . . Warcli 12, '66tf DRJt F KANAWEL, trcvlllc, Sayder . Ca., Pa., hr bla profataionai ttrvleaa lo Iba aue, , U'Ooii 7 W.l SC1I WAN, M. D. f BURGEON ft PHYSICIAN, Port Trtjrorton Pa. fatal profaatlonal aarvieaa. lo iba ihaaa of tbi plaea and Ylclnlty. II atQrniBBBdEBlUb. " V? , .f.f- : . April 16, '68 4" c ? A.BOYER,Jr. " ' ' AUCTIONEER, Ft Mburg Snvdr Co. Pa., raiBaotfallT offer bla erlee ro pabiia aa Taadoa Cryar and Auoiion laialag bad large xparienee, I Jaanadaat tbafl aan rtadar Borfaol ,tla u aployee. - , ... LJM..'eTi T.PABKI, t ATTORNEY AT LAW ft ' DISTRICT ATTOBNT ' DLEBCRQ. BSTDIB COUNTY, Pa rBta 1b Coart Haute, Saptlo, 'BTtf , I ISWJS JiXEMEJi'S SON& 3ACO0 WAREHOUSE N.TH IRDS PHILADELPHIA. ":!lt I0U8B. - ILANDERDACn Pioi'a. ( - : rJ. C. MPS, Cloak. ) 416 Krth Tkhrd 6roa(. . 1 v ?wiai' "a VOL. 9. J JAN SELL & CHEW, , , acccaaaoaa to CArrrA licna, O&OOSBJLT AXVB ' OIiiUWARl!, Ko. tl Korti rrtk Rtreri, " PHILADELPHIA. . Original PaeVageo C'ooalanlly' en Haod Kaprmntail by Vheo'S BWIHEFOBt) .! Office, 720 s illcoz&Gito Chestnut' Silent' : Btrcet, El'lfiG MACHINE 5 5 "i my hearty rreferanao to tba rTUleox A Gibba Silent SawlnR Marhlno." " Tba weight of raliabl trident belnt vrwbolming for that of IbjaWillcos A Gibba nent ttowtna; Hscnlno, I occtded a poo it, procured It, anal aa ator lAaa nUifitd." . , ubacb ubbbhwood. I hay th Wheeli A Wilton, tha n rarer k Baker, and tha Willcoz AOibba 8wing tfacbinea in my family. I nee the Willcos k Oibba moat frequently, thinking it far Uperior to either of th othora." KB. UB1TBT WARD SIECRIB, 'My wife would not'aooefit a- rVwla tfachin of any other patent a a fifl, if aha nnet receive it on condition of air ma Dp th rVillcox A Oibba." tkWT. i a AWE, Carbsadala, Pa, M Th Willcos A Gibba la the mlv Bewina ifachine whoao working ia to aure and aimpla Bat I could venture to introduce it into Jyrta." ; Rkt. A. T. Pbatt. aflallanary Amtrlcao Board. " W bay need yariona Bewin Machinea rithin our family, but it ia tha tnvniiaiotit pinion of th houaehold, that th Willow SOibb i th beet of them BlL" , BKT. J. 8. RnLMK, Brvaklyit, V.X. " For almolicity and mecbanieal arninw f conMrucllon. I hay teen no Kewina lachin equal to th Willcoz A Gibba." tSOTH lyWia, Of tba PcDBtyrraaU Caoiral ft f. A corrrtnon den eti ott thm auhtart i Setvlng Machine is respectful- i u anMfoL ioiiciteU X. 8. EWIXG, 720 CheeW Strawt, PhilidelpMa. N rJ FIRM -AKIN-NEW GOODS O. HETZCL. p. a. McOOLLOcaa Kocrrrzorjezi, (sucosaaoR to johw hetzxx,) SSALKR8 1W ALL KIND OF IIOUIST CASH TRIOI PAID rot FLOUR, GRAIN, KAIL ROAD TIES, , CHAPMAN BNYDES COURTT, PKNTYL'ANI A. UareblT, ltio-lf. ' ' al RKAT EXriTKMKNT.IV ur ' - BANNERvlLLE. a RSW OOODS. HELFRICH & BRQWER With lo InfoYm Ik oiititB of BanaeMilla and ylelqity tbat tbey bar apenad a new Block of gooda, and will keep eonataaily oa hand a full taaortmenl of it. :DRESa OOO08; Coaiitllag of ALPACAS, P0PLI8,PLAta, ' ttorntB, uKLAiaea, ........ CALICOES, ft . i Clotbri & Cacslmeres HAT8 ssdCAPS, BOOTS ad SHOES. . :'uk'6c'EREa.: - a a .aaea . j OAJDATiRB AND QCEENSWAIUL SALT AND FISH, Aad a fact vrylblna ntually kept In a ral elaat eunalry alara. All of which we offer at gsetily reduood price, for Caab or Conairy I'roouce. ' :" . t H I arg atpertaB la thai . - r !ralT that w aa . t . t all ur uatoer. . . t aiiaaxla I baydaa af a I U,letri .irl . " p...- . Uwr atoitol ' : vtU lcf.tB." :. 1 1 f-."s w)lBa mi MIDDLEBUHG Nelotit I o tr y i - Son; of "print; BIobrodis. Over Ibo monnlaln lop, Tripping along, . tiliilo tprlnf blonomt eoae Dal I o tholnong I - Hrr we are 1 liars wa are t Dilppfn with dew, ' ' Bright liille flown Drlla, Radiant in hue. Down In tba 11r Low le cur kome. . Oa tba gren billtid' Jdyont wa roant. , Swift aa you para along, 81 bow we' ami!, Sinelrf-jnur hippy aoog 6f ly the wbilo. See ia ibe thnwtr how meekly we ('end, IliiraM In any lot HeareB may aead. And when Ihe ahower goet, Oently wa nnd. Hearla full of ibankfiilnaaa To our good Uod. Onyly we lift up Etch brigbl lililo bead, Each liny flower-cup, From ii low bed. Ring liille flower-bella, ' Oltdly along t We are Iba toring-bloaaoma-. Liat to our aoug ? NORA AND JAMES7. pie ttune wa. araotad by kit t allow woitiu.o." Tht-re word you may rid anj day ipon a wbito alub o cemetery not man)' mi lea from Nw Yurie ( butyuu mitflit read them a bundrvd timc without gitraiinit th lit tie tiudejiy (bey indicate, without knowing the bumble tutuane which ded wiib the placing of Uit 'etooa above tbo Just of oao pO'T nnd houibl uiuo. - Ia hi ibabby (rieco jacket aod niuJ felon br srttiia, be wan scarcely an hi. ir.ome object a bo walked in'tt'Mr. Dawn' preut llu and 'hardwaro nbp. mio dwy, and pnaeotcd himtrli at ibo eouhliT with an "I've been lould jo advcrliied for I bandit, yer honor.1' I " Fully (oppliod, niy man'' taid ' Mr. llawo, not lilting bin bead from hi account book. "I'd work fcillifut, sir, and take low wage lilt I could do beltber, and I'd loarn I would that.". It was an Iriah brogue, and Mr. Bao always declared tbat ba no per woulJ employ nn iocompotuot bund. Vet ihe tones attracted biiu. Ho tui ucd briskly, aod with bis pen bo- bind his enr, ml J rowed ihu man, wliol was only one of ibo flfly who bad eu twered hi advcriNcmaot for four work- men tbat tuoruinir. "Wbnt maLet you expect to loarn faster than other folks ure you any anianer?" "I'll not fay Ihtt," tnid the man, but I'd be wishing to; tbat 'uJ make it nisior." "Are you used to tbo work V "I've done a bit or it." "Much?" "No, yer honor. I'll toll no 1U, Tim O'Toole hadn't tbo liTie of this place ; but 1 know a bit y.bout tins." "You are loo old for au appi notice, and you'd be in tba way, I oaloulato," said Mr. Bawu, looking at tba brawny armt aod bright eyas that promised Strength sod intelligence. Kenide I know your countrymen luy, good- for-notbiog fellows, who never do their beit. No, Ie beea takeu io by Irish bands before, and I wouldo't hsvs another." "The Virgin will have to be sftrr bringing them over ia ber two arm, thin,'' said th man deapariogly, "for I've tramped all day for tbo last lori- oipbi, and niver a job can I got, and that's th nt penny I bavs, yer honor, and it's but a half one." t . As be spoke ha spread his palm open, with an EojlUh half ptonyuppo "liring wbom over T' asked Mi. Bawn, arraslad by the odd rjeech as he turned opoa bit heel, and turned back ayaln. JUt Nora and Jsraesy.'' Who are khey T" . ."Tbo van's uo wife, the other's mc child.' said the msn. "Ob, man her, jlsl thry me,. JIow'll I bring 'rm ovei to me If no one will give me a job r I want to be aiming, aod the wb.il ri'y .corns gaiost It, and me with anno like tpim.'' . He bared bis arms to ibe shoulder as be spoke, jind tyr. finwn iookd al them, ind Iheu at bis fact. ' I'lJ Mrs yoo for the weeTt'he !. and pow a kw m, m down ,pt tbe kJaae snd tell the giri'to get yon Uerp dlneeiwa kosgry bmb cant work. 4r4 wiUiitu Irish feesasiax Ue paw I obeyas! r'" Ht, Etws went u la waa of lit iw "7 r (' ""r.rt wt SNYDER CO. bard, and actually lenrcrd faat. A the rod of lb week lie was tbo beat workman in the shop. II was a great talker, but not foo of drink or wtniua money. As hi' wage grew he ho Hid every penny and wore tbo same shabby clot bo k which h had tnuo bis firl appearance "Beer i ostA money," he said one day 'and (very tint I tp'od put off the bringinx of Nora and Jamvsy over nnd at for c'othea, ibem I have nlUt dn tnr bottor n.i coat to me back, tha nn wif ao'l buy hy me 8reid aoy buw, its slow work aavleg.'' It wis s'ow wi.rk, but bo kept al work s'l tbo state. Other men, ibooght. less tod full of fun, trioJ to make him drink in ado a Jrt of bit saving habit. emxed him to accompany tnem to plueoit of aniusomeot, or abar tboir Suneay frnlicti. All In vain. Connor liked beer,. liked fun, liked companion M ; hut bo woul i not delay tbe loog louked lor bringing of Nor over, and was not "raano enough" to accept la rot a of other..- (le kept his way,, a ninnyr to bit one grest wish living o little, wcrking at i;htoo ar.r extra juB hy which be could earn a few tdiil ,tnii, by mnoinit erranda in Ina noon Iioom ol rcHt, snd talking to any one who would lintcn, f his ooo iiroul hope, and of Noru nnd little Jamaey At firt the meo. who prided theni- ielvet oo being all Americana, nnd on turning out tbo bct work in the city. liado a sort of butt of Cnnnor, whose ' wild Irlh'' ways ai d verdancy were ften laughable. But wan their hearts at last, sod when, ooo day, mounting 4 work-beoch, bo thiwk bit little bun bla WTapiird in s red koirbit l, beli.ro iheir eyey, nnd tbuuted, "Lntik, bny, I've got bo holo at Iuhi I I'm goiou i6 bring NuM uud Jumesy over st last I Wliorool lee gut it!'' all fcllasytii l athy in bis jy, and caoli grasped bis uroat Imnd in coreiul eoogmtulaliuns. They piii-tcd in s merry tuond,mosl Of ihe mmi going to comfortable home. Bui pour Connor' retting place wa a poor lontinji-buusc, where be shared a orazzy garret with four other tnon, aod in the joy oi b.s heart the poor follow exhibited hie handkerchief, with his bis bard carurd savings lied up iu a hard wad in ihe middlo, before be put it under bit pillow and full asleep. Wbcn he awakened i.i tbe morning ho found his treasure gooo. Sumo villain, morw contompliblo than most bad men are. had robueu utni. At first Coouor could not even be- lievo it lost. He aoarchud every cor tier of the room, shook bin miilt and blaukeis, and begged I bono about him to "quit joking and give it bock." But at last be realiz d the truth. ' Is sny mau ibat bad it's tbaved I row me V be asked in a breulbiees way. "Boy is any man that bad f" Aod aotue ono antwared : '-Noduubt of ii, Connor, lt'satolo." Then Coo nor put bis hn.d down on iiis Lard aod wept. It was nno of those night which tuta never forgul. It toemed mure thao bo oould bear, to have Nora and bis child "j ut.'' as be ezprcited It, "months iry from biui again.". 'But when ho went to work tliat day it teemed to si) wbo taw him that he had pieked up a new deterroinatiou. His hand wore nevor IJIo. His face aeemed to auy, ''I'll have Nora with me yet." At noon he soratobrd out a letter, blotted and yry ' strangely scrawled, tolling Nora what bad bap pened, and those who observed him; noticed tlut be bud nn ructt fur bis dinner.. Indeed, from I but moment. be lived on bread .potiitoe. and cold water, aod worked at lew men woik'd before. It grew to be the lulk of ibe shop, aod now that sympathy was ex cited, every ooo wanted lo belp Con nor. Jobs were thrown io bis way ; but no power enu.fd' make blot share the food or driuk of any of the o.tber workmen. That aeemed a tort of eherify lo him, Still he was helped along. A present from Mr. Bawn al pty-day set Nora, as he ssid, ' week , nearer," and this uod that and the other added to the lilile hoard , It grew at lev ibgo tbe Bra. and Conaor's burden vtsa not so heavy. At last, before he bojted it, be wo ooee bj e a,bW to tay "I am going to bring tlieiu ovei1 an4 lotbow lils'bsndkur chief, ia whlah, aa belore. bo tied op IwS earplugs Ibis time,! however, only u bit mends. vw" among uraogcra be bid ho raitire, and kept bis vest btloU over it olgbt and day until Ik tinkele- were bought tvA eet. Then, he tojd evory one that Nora aod her child were eomioav -i,: - i- ,;; '. The dsys flw by aad brought a ietter at ist from his wife. "She rot T Tt as he desirad, lad she was PA., APRIL G, 1ST). tbe Lore? "bring then snrely to each other's arms, and blps lb em who bad been so kind lo him." Thi was the snhstam of ihecpille which Connor proudly ataured . hi follow workmen Nora wrote bcraclf. 8b bad lived at service as a girl, with a certain good old lady, who had liven her an education, the items of which Connor told upon lis fingers. "Tin radio," that's one sod "th writin,'. that' two, and moreover sbe know all woman ean." Thru he looked up at bis fellow-workmen with the Kara in bis eyes, and uskrdl w- . , uo you wonder the time aeetna long between ber aod mo boys !'' So it wes-Nnrt at tbe dawn of dsv Nora at uo'on-4-Nots al niabt onill the- clad - atws that the "Stormy Petrol" bad coma to Port, aod Connor breathless and pale with rxeiteaionl, flung his cap in tbe air and tboutod. It happened on a holiday afierooen, sod half a dozen men were ready io go with Connor to the steamer and give his wif greeting. Her little home wis retily; Mr. Dawn's own servant had put it in order, and Con nor t"ck oiio peep at it. before- he started. She badd't tbe like o' that io Ihe ould country, bo ssid. "But the'il know how to kspe them tidy.'' Then be lead the way towards the dock wbere tbotteamer liy, at a pace bub made it bard for the rest to fol low him. A troop of emigraota came thronging up, tbo cabin passengers wore eteppinu into cubs, and drivers, porters, and all manner of employers were yelling and shouting iu the usual manner. Nora would wail oo board fur her husband he knew that. The liille group made their way in to Ibo vessri at last, and there amidst hio who stt wstcbing for coming frieods, Connor searched (or the tw so dear lo hiiu ; natieotly a first, en gerly, but pationtly ; and by nud by growing aaxiou aod excited. '.'She would nivcr go along," h8 tiid, "abo'd be Ut entirely : I bado ber wnit, but I don't toe her, boy, I li nk the s not io ii.' " Why doo'tyou too tbo ctptoin," asked one, nnd Conner jumped at the suggestion, ia a nwnont bo Hood be fore a portly, rubicund man, who nod- lad to him kindly. "Iam looking for my wife, yer honor," ssid Connor aod I cr.n't find her." Perhaps be't gone ashore," eaid tbo captain. " I biide her wait,'' aaid Connor. " Women doo't always do at they arc bid, you know." said ihe cuptuiu. " Noro would," aid (Connor, "but maybo the wa left behind. Maybe ibe ilidn't come : I somehow tbiuk she didn't.'' At ihe namo of Nora tho captain started Ia u moment he asked : What's jour name f" I'st Connor," said tbo man ' Aod your wife's was Nn V " Tb.t's ber name, nnd the boy with ber is Jsmesy, your honor,'' ssid Conoor. Tbe Captain looked at Connor's friends; they looked aide captain. Thon he taid, hutkily ; 'J Sit down, my man ; I've soma thing to tell you." " She's left bebiod.'" raid Connor. ' tjha sailed with us," sold tbs cap tain. ".Wbere is tbe P Mid Connor. Tbe captain made no anawer. " My man," be said 'we all have our trials ; God tends them. Yes Nora started with us.' Connor said nothing. lie was lookltfg at Ibo captaioow, white to io ibe jipt. " It' been a aickly seaaon.'' aaid the csptsio. "We bad illness on board tbe cholera, you knew that." I dida't," aaid Connor j 4 I cant read, ihey kept it from ma." We dida't want lo fiighun him,H taid one uan, la a jvalf wblpor. ya know now loajf we lata at quarantine f ' Tho ship I earn ia did' that," Said Coaaojf, . Did you say Nora. wwa. ashore f I ought t be kMtkia' ft her capuin.' ' Msoy died,' went en tha espUiu " maay cbildren. When we were balfwgy hore jour' boy" was Uken siok ' v . "Jameey," gatpad Connor. t His mother wslched hint olgbi sod day," aaid the eaptaio. ''Aod we did all wa sop Id j but at lust b died ; only no of the ruany .Uhere were five buried tbat day. But it broke my beaj-t tu toe Ibe ntothsr looking out opoa .the water. 'It's bis Istber J think dfj saU she, 'he's longing to aee ..jamaaw.t''. Conaor groaafd 4. " K'ep up ir you fan. tr,y man, .... . i. " sail n.e capinio. "t wind any ono etae bad it to tell rather than I. Th night Nora was taken suddenly so, very suddenly. She grew worse I stt. In the morning she cawed ait t' ber : Tell Connor I ditd thinking c him, the suld, 'and tell him tomcat me' and, my mnn, God belp you. tin "ever said anything more in an hour slio wttgone." Connor bid riseo. II "tool no trvioir to steady himtcll. looking st the explain with bis ejvt ns Ury as two stones. Theo ho turned to his friends : " I've got my death bote," hs taid. and Ibeo dropped to lb floor like i log. Tly raised hln snd bore him away. Ia an hour he was at home on th. little bed which had been made ready if Nora, weary with her louir voyage Trier, at laat he opened his eves Ol" Bawn bent over him bo had boon summoned by tbo news, and the room was fall of Connor's follow workaioa Bettor, Conoor V asked ths old msn. " A dale 7" end Conoor. "It's sit) now, 1 1 bo with hor Boot). And look ye, mnithor, Its learnt one thing- tied is good. He would not bring Nory over to mc, but He's taking rue over to her aod Jsmesy over the ri ver ; dou t yon seo it, snd ber send ing on the other tiJe to weloome roe V And with thoso worJt Connoi aircicbcd oul his srma. IVrhapt In did ce Nora Hvavcn only knows sod so be died. A Sew Chapter l History. 11 to California un$ K'pt from tte'ny Drawn into ihe Vurt'jc iJ Jlcb-ltion. A writer in s Chicago paper girtr list be i;linu bat never before been glveo to tha rending public, rulnfive to tho political siluulioo of Californis in iiiouaraaaye or 1 9. The wrilar prncvtds to say : Then, in ISfll. State after Stat- was throwing olT allegiance to tjia V. oion aod joining tbe unholy alliance which was to perpetual human bon. duge. Fortress after fortress on the Southern coast, was bning tak n by or surrendered by trea-on. Tl.. .1 - . "I". iiieuie.s miuiary atorea io nnvv yards sod srtcnala were bolug destroy- ed, lest ihay auould fall into tha handi- of the enemy. Every department of governiuent coniaiued Rebel tpica, tnd tho very uir in our National cipitol sermod loaded wilh tronsoa. when there came, oo dsy, to our good President, a tuesuigo that caue.J hi check to palo, and hia great heart to beat quick with apprehension. Tbix wii the mntsgo, short as it was otn :non ;"Tber it tresson on Alestrez." Alcutrax is tbo nuins of the island fort tbat guards tbe Golden Gate, snd cominseds tbo barbor snd oity of Ssn Frnnciteo. It is a rook of a few sores ia sxtoat rising, perhaps, fifty fVet above tho aurlacs of lLo water. The fort it the G'braller of A merles, a ud as much aironger than Sampler orpickeoaas solid rock it ttronger than brick nnd u-oriar. Its conunandor at this lime was Albert Sidney Johnaton. The force under his command conti ted ut' but a few companiea Tbo Pacific toast waa strongly Daaiot-ratio. lie population vuoilstsl largely of omi- graqta from lb slave Slates, who r. tiiuid an intentely Soubaxa fueling and sympathy, embittered by ihe fnei tbtt the great State of California had been lost to slavery upon ita admit. sioo Into ibe Union tea years before A few leading spirits bad long bsen ia correspondence with the loaders io the Rebellion. At their suggestion. snore than a year before. ' Floyd, tbeo Secretary if War. bad, unknown lo oy loyal person living, transferred eighty thousand stead of arm! from ths areoosl al Troy to (bat of Benicis to bod by tsHt seoeMionist io Cal iiornla wbaa th lot tb.eld ba rip. and Ibo Rebel flag onierUd. The proiirsmms of ihsi Iralters. wa this : To ttbtsio noAtetion of Fort Akairas which would give tosst control or me oity of Sea Fraocatco, Tbso with the arms that were stored atBenecia, tbey eoyjd at onee arm and organise fJroe tbtt would lelrrltist ibis xhroiigb- out the Stut It was a brilliant oooceptioo lo caia fur sfaVtry ibe whole Paclfie . cow, with ita boundless resources, as ' H at all tbe vast region te th eastwaid. axtood log the CoofeJaraey esbfwkta from tbe Atlaolie to the Pavifie seas. To insure ihe eooosaa ttf this suberae. Albert Sidney Jobnaloo was rla4 ia eumsjeed of Fort Alcutrak. b,waa arrasfd .bttb Uadars l tUoFraa sitco, with a fcroe of fiokoi svr jflo5st fr tba parpesj fl r - NO. Im tataeiptt year .'. - " fAO.Oe). rtTse-bair cottiaiB, wneyoae, . . ao.uw I Oae-tMiHk eMnste. yeaf. 16 00. On wiM (I Maee) See laawti Every sddilloaal inaanio Prefasvional aad llaalwesi earth of pi Bare tkt l". a yea. S,09. AaJitor, tCaeeaUe, Adlaialx4o and Atvtgjlea Notices " ..;'. 10. Bdiiarlat aalleae per tin " ' " ? ' IS. All advertttemawls for' a aborlai1 perla-l ban on are payable st the lima tbey are ordered, and If not Bald th per- oa ordering tbaa will be held r spoatiMa for ike aoasf. ' V. J ' prise and optare the fort. The de tailt were all arrauned. ' They were, waiting ooly for prdera from the Re hel Governmenf to strike Ibe fate b'otf. Tbo- birds of lb air. carried whispering' of this trcteofj to; loyal euro. No time was o be lost; The Walls were then carried acini-monthly bv teomer bctwer ew tork and Barj Fraucitc.9. The time was tbqo tree to four week. There vat tbeo ao i!egniph, no railroad cveo, wc,of lb Missouri l iver. There wsj, bow- over, a puny express rut)u) liq.u rlao Frsnciaco to St Joseph, M., ma. king the dittsnoe in sixteen dtjt. By bis expreat s mos.ige was inaiantiy ditpathched, warnjug President Lin euln of ibe danger. Tbe messige wnf duly received, and a hurried eontuiia- lion was held with two or threo mem Hera ol bis cabinet It was decided bat Johnston must bs superseded Cy a loytl office r. There was tuoli so ooe at bsnd, qns wbote loyalty nod iotog- iiy were perfect and uqqucslwo&ble, s knight without fear aad without re proach. It wit General Sumnor. But bow thou 1J bo secure the com mand f Tbe fortress was tlx thou- md ifeilotaway by tho traveled route. If the lesst movement in that direc tion wss opooly mads, dost courier would oarty the wtroiog over ths plains, and iijwaold bo too 1st. Ths utniott teorncy ws imperative There chaoced to bo a govcronunt war. ttoamer in New York barbor. General Sumner wa at onco ordered cq board this vessel, and iu coramand'T direct? ed I t put to sea instantly, with nled rders, which were to be openod when one day out of put. Tlioso orders lirruted him to lav oceo the track of he outgoing California mail ttesaion look out for tbe one that was to sail the next day. rut General butnnet n board f ber, sod tSen oruit soothwtrd for a week before returning to port. Tbeso orders were obeyed. Tbo rebel spirs were bufUod, nnd the gal lant S'imnrr, unsuspettod, was oa bis way In nwumo rommaod of Alcitraz. Meanwhile its traitorous commtodor and hit cni.fodi rates wero impatiently awai'iog their orders front ths rebol givcromeut by this very steamer. Ia due time the signal on Telegraph' Hill atinniiti'jed the mail ttesmwr at the Goidcc Guts. Withio tbe city all was expectation and excitement. Tbe eauer llinusands who tbroogod I'" -treeU. expectant of thrill- new Iroin tboir form-' ' rr wa-K-rjry noticed the momentary pause ot ihe steamer wheu p-iaing Fort .Alcs- traz. nor did ibey note ibo tiny boat i bat shot on from ber tido toward vus i-lund, yet i hut lioy boat bore more, io thorn, thsn' "Cae.ir nud lis for tunes." It bore General Suaiocr, wbo io a few minutes stood before the traits? commander, uod, o bis supjrior io rsnk, ond under tpjcinl . orders from th Presldcut, steiimed comniand Ot Fort A!airsx. Calif-irnia wse saved to the Union. lis people), viewing far the carnage and desolation or war, soon came to ge with borror upoo the dark aby t. into wbfh wicked and uotoropulou t re a ton vnuld bavp plunged lham. Ana, wim patriotism awakened by Ibe iojipirod eloquence of Si art King, wbos lipt seemed touched with ball 'weJ' Jr, '.Ihey re-' newed their allegiaeoe to tbe'TJnion . of their fathers. s V 'tW. Thssoofortb tber wo mare loy al Ststee than California - I.freAt, dhtanca from thS cwwo7oolli ftrfr r bad. iu frrr mies oi tne pwoa. iwt ii rKtwia-.... streama r. gow iwpiMktm u -w a. a a 1.1 l 5 il Z. .y the battlo.field st Pit'snor. Ladiag. ' L-j vi v. Mark leaia ibu nsV.'Ue lor go , aspirant for litjrry fame i - 11 . v. ' -Yooo ABraoaYas'AgaMip dutf reeoromtnd author toeafStb, .OeceuBo the phoapboroog 4a It malt eg brains. . So rar you art eorrsei; mi ; leabaot bebpyvo, tea decision abott lb amouol yon aosd to eaA-)ostV not with otrtaint'y, If tire apeoimsR . oompoaliTon "yoa ska) ft kboOt jeai , fair usual average, 1 should judge ta' lerbape a co'uVie of Jrbs1t - would b . all yo would waat or the Vral. Nut tbe 1st kest klad,.but aintf If gorS tkiaMuag eiaed wbsios-V ' v S" V JJon to rau beeutake l-'J f ... A. -J4 mbM " 1 V ..' : Art tf.i r ' ., hsuttedtrsasuryortTwrMaHSt - wry fagd attested , that ; (aitf CV '1W A " its pooplrwkr loyal eedtfae. Qf th ,w Jnl; ft pJ-il'll of treascenyv.4weV4bto ' ' ..y ooci w tbl Rebel irtuW.s'AlVfe; UTk fvnn m tiiKwi r rvwuiiH1' - --b c : , : v -.,,; ... i 1. 0 09. . 1 ' . ' -2 "v v ' : -i l'... -k ''.... .'