' ' ' , '.''. ''-' " V ..' " ' ,. ..-'a,. .. '. - . . - - . ... . v post; kiMLiu;ui. JOIWV A7 COUNTRY. Xu were elelied tiy aa M-fnltloBd mow torm Hut Snndny. David Wiuo", dllor of tb Jnnltt tttjmblhan bn irred bis eoaotclioa with , thkl ppr. TaTI ItARTMAN tak possession of lb 'Cenlrevlll Hold. in Centervllle, neit rJturdy. Justice of lb peac ar required lo bav fe bill pat up la their effie, under a penally of $10 and doubl Iba trounl of lb fee charged. f no (o R. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, It. II.. Proprietor of Hall' Vg etabl Sicilian Jlair fteaewer, fur a eopy of their Teeatie aa lb Hair. A valuable little book, free I ill. " ' . War doa'l jrnu use NATURE !) I1A1R fcttTORAIlVE I It la perfectly frea from 'notaena and wilt restore era or r.l,lal lair le II original eolor. Coal. Just Received a lot lima Pur. air' and Chestnut coal. Alao a large a. aorimtnl of NEW GOODS, for aal cheap, fall and aea. ' . WAanaaiLLl ft 8om. Bcllnsgrov. March, 24, 1071. Thi windling gentry art operating la Aditni county with patent right for prun Ing iliear. ' It I lb hay fork 'iwlndle of getting negotiable note and thn telling then lo third partlei. Mr. Oionoa Piaax, editor of the lfirrliburg Telegraph L'aa ba arrested for libel. The plaintiff I Hon. Jere, 8. Black, and the alleged defamatory article ?u published la lb Telegraph on th 7th of February. Wtou't llorarnoL'D Maoaiixi offer greater amount of reading mailer than any elkrr magaiin of It clas in thi country, ttwjuat lh thing for, lb bom oircle. Trie only on dollar per year.': Addreaa E. S. Wood, Newburgb, N, T. A 8BArta at Work. A fellow claiming ta be from New York,, aiaa operating in tbii couuty for tbo past icveral wceke, and MDnged lo fleeoe a number of peraont nol fir from Selintgrote. He had a lottery Mhem and carried th neceaeary appara tui wlih him to a to enable him to do fin liked buafneta a he paaeed along. II old ticket at $1.00. and the purchaacr ould it once draw a prit and know what would got. The article drawn war lo hi ih Ipped from New York by exprea aa woB it the a hnrrer could notify by mail thi horn office, what waa drawn and where and to whom lo be ont. Mra. l,oi Itu we learn In voted our dollar and drew fourteen yard of ailkl Michael Artlry, an tUerly man, inrealed aceea or eight dol ln and drew one lewing machine, one ftd watch, and li eome ailk ! All thrie vttuablea, to eoat only eight or til tie dol Hn, were lo arrire at folinfgrore by preii on 6alurdoy laal, and wi obeerved Mr. Arllcy on band with a two horae leisi to haul them home I We don't need Id lill our rcaJora th tet of lb itory. Tint. A Accident". They bav a model Htlceajan In narrisburg, on who will auk an trrett ven if human live are Meritoed in doing It a wilnesa tb fol lowing which w dip from th Stan Jour- atl of yesterday i 'Oa Mondav evenlnc when Iba "Dll Ititille local" arrived here, al 7.20 o'clock if was taken up to the yard of the Penn jWaala, railroad and loft alandjng on lb auia Iraok, to be taken off by the -'aliif-it" H I niual. John Moyer. a brakes , remained In charge of lb forward "a or toe train until iu mining engine W erew ehoald arrive and remove it. A " roing to in rroni or in car to -va iu. rniiDfl aominv aawa iu. inuK. "(vaB0Kr, wno tnrormea mm mat ne s a - . . , tlisa Ih.l k. .. I I. r .Li . ! " WB IH .11.11, VI HIT III.1U EQ Oa .nt Imw. K ! ...I until mntnm nn . yrieel I taker of it. Th polio of itariMisted oa taking hira away, and did .Immediately. A few minute later, the f ttltUr" with It crw earn down the (' at a rapid epeed, being a little tnta, 4 Mlngao light, Ih engineer uppoa P Ik tart wr nii diatano . below, PMa aoddaaly the ngin (truck the 17 ' "' ,r,l'n w'lB ma0, to1o. th crew eonaistlDg .of ill nan. not Mpd nnbart I two died on Monday f'Pt ia anotaar now lie without Ike rMMracovry i Iht.othtr thre were fiNtieutly injured." f(ATiiirrIUiiora Hat aid Sieaw pPiiaitas RtTt A ease of thi r U dealded b lb aourt at NarHa. "iMiweek. Aalh aa may lalar '"fofour reader, w glv thfol liC "port froa th BfUi . " , Tkla " . 7 irrepaa lor ia- r,rWaad train froas ttlaialira farm "anger had rented the far . from A kinh lln.L. . BP A. VI b "?.U T r father. xauger a aat but wife r- tifcoeioeooa. without ahr new aotUed to leave. Iba farm hav. ite B Bold Ia umnJ W - Hkt.fi. n.r. linear uanul ak ..1. ..,1 bought om of th crop In th "eieuaaai waa at tbtr al and , AAerwarda Skull look noia of jty, iwnd wha lb proper line rw defendant entered apoa the r"d eut and retneved th crope I bought at th ale. Tb plain. JMadaortht by tb oionV of th lik.!1!? 'raw rematt upoa th plaoe Wi. f MaR baving no right lo rVl lb dafeadant who bought at her f tot d (-. Th court eharg nr ' f Und leaVeil taik ri Pmo" Bd tenant bas t!V SbM d not pa. A land- 'i.T.TMr'- Maug.r (anriauedlo r huahaad did wiihoM an Itat. lA. auM k. lu..l J. ad tuok teaaal P,1lk iu tf V ' f ? lb,byt l.t. t -J I I o i i THE the earn wber Itie lemlonay Is ended-by inr ci m iqo iniitiirra. nii.ua ermne on Iclrw In nipple that th earn quoad. It t hey mint ti .ft on th place tout 1 munri itiere. in thin esse the question turned ou llr nature of MrJ Manger's tenancy, tod 'whether oho agreed aol lo remove Iht draw, Ibat being lb wrong principally wiplelnel af. Bbe teeliftrd tbt alia ar agreed U do ao aad had mo right lo aril. Verdict for defendant, Pt' MrnioAb MonTHir for April 1 to hand, aad pata a in aaiad of th hoaeal old farmar who one attended a tfiow. Ha llalened with delight (o th flerformahge ant II about half through, when luJjenlj jumping up, he made hia war to th door keeper and handed th amonidied fii mi llenary a t.rghl half dollar, which waa politely refuoed, on the elea that he had already paid for hit admittance, when Hie old man rejoinedt ' Look a'her miner. I've had more'n fifty cent worth of fun al- leady, and I'm loo honeal to take more'n I paid for, o If yon don't lake tbaU 'ere half dollar I'm going out, eauie you ean'l mak a thief of m aoway '.' On th old man' principle, people who buy PiTla'a Miiiica Mowtrlt abonld re new their aubeeriptlon trery month, a the publisher glVel In each lu nettly f i worth of good mutic and charge but thirty cent a number, or f 3 a year for It. retera l a puhll benefactor, and bia praiae ehofildb long all orer th country . Send bint thirty tenia for lb April number or $1 for Ink laal four numlen, and you will gel Juit $20 , wofth r the laleit and beat Diuilo. Addreaa, J. L. TlTlBt D99 Broadway, New York. To Nrbraika, lallfornla. and Ranaai, ud the B. K R Land. The ' tlurlinaton Rout." in called, lire right In lb path of th Star of Empire. It runa almost immediately in lb centre of the great wemwnrd movement ofeinegra- ion. Croasing illiuoiaand Iowa, it nrikve the Missouri Hivrr al three point. avwv uiira i'uiii, nt. I iir ltlv wbji three great tectione of the Irant-.Miaaourl region. Ibe Northern gale it Omaha where the great Taciti road will toko vou lo the laud of gold and grapes, aunny mountain, and perpetual rummer. The MiJJle gat ia IMntiininuth, which opens upon the South half of Nebraska. Mttlb of the I'latte rirrr, a trgton unsur passed on the eoiiliuriil fur agriculture ami glaring. -Tuii here are the II. M. ituil road lands, coocrruing whiub (ieo. 8. liar ria' the land of.kvr at Uurlington, lona. can give yon all information . and iu the heart of them ia Lincoln, the Slat Capital and I'retent Terminus of the road. Th Southern gale 1eaI lo Kama, by connecliun with th St. Joe Road at Ham burg, running direct lo t. J no and Kansaa City. Thrfralna of the Hurlinton run smooth ly and eafi'ly and mnke t II conncctlofi. It rune the but of eoacbee, l'ullinan Talace and l'lillman dining c.r. and should you lako Ibe Journoy 1'oeU.lbo journey' lake nlone, you will be repabl t or lake It lo tiud a borne or a farm, anj yoo cannot did either belter thun nmong the b.tt M. Innds. bore you cun buy ou ten yeail' crolit, and itl a low price. s EUNSGROVE MAP.KETS, TorrecieJ ffcekly hy Wngeueeller & hen. IVhent red Corn Py. Oil IB Flaxseed Timothy suej Olomersced t'hcrriea 1 36 05 HO 4Z a so 0 (It) 01 Oniona liuiicr Kggt Slap l-nl II m: Shoulder Hide Cherrirs, f I OH is it. C to OH 12 i: i- 0 to In Buckwheat pitted 18 i'KH'KS OF COAL O.N WI1.1UF. Shamokin Chest S ;,n Wilketbarre Cheat ' 6 0t Shamokin Kgg and Store f. fin W iiLc.larie Kgg and Stove U It) Lump c 00 arAJiRiKi). On the 19th Inst.by Rev. 3. P. Bhlnrtei Joseph Moyer Miss Klltn )een both oiB eavar. (In thaleth Inst., by the snme John Hummel and Mlsa Isabella Haoimsl. both of I'rankllh township. (in the lath, Porter Fink and MlM Mart Ropp. of Nellnsanive. Oa the 13th Inst., by Rev. .T. T. si.ipia, Jonas Yearlek and Mlsa Harriet ttenfor both oIKat larvllle. JTA.LTS VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR. JRENEWERt Th baaia of it remedial proprletlea.il a vegetable compound. IT WILL RESTORE OB AY HAItt TO ITSORIOISALCOLOR. I' will keep Ih biir from falling out. It cleanse Ih Icalp and make th bair soft, lustrous and silken. . , . It is aplendid bair dressing. R. P. HAI.L.A Oo. Nashua, N. H., -pronrlators. t or tale b all Oragglits. JUarch. int. He P. 1IOTTKXSTKIN. M P. PHYSIOIAI abd Bl'BOEDI. BELINPIROVE, SNYDER Cd., PA Offers Is professional service to th eltlseni of be foveaadvlelnltr. June ta, tiro-tr gAMLEL. FAUST, Mercliant Tailor, Ha Just reeeived an entire new clock of CL0TII8, CAS81MKRE8 & VEHT1N0S, all of uprior quality which h ia ore pared to make up In the beat Hyl ana on short notice. H also keeea Brown and Whit rreneh lpk Lino fhlrti.anJ a gen eral assort men t of aenlUment' furnishing Oood, all of whiob h offer to th publlo at very reasonabl pricM- Call at my plaoe oa Plod Street, btweh Eekberi' oraer aad in bridge, Serine Orov. Pa. J'to 4, t08 tf. ANSELL ft CHEW, tceoBMoa to itrnaiikurr, CX.0CHX3.TA2n &IMWaWI, Ks- tt Xertk resrtk street, - PHILADELPHIA. Original Packagaat CoBllaotly . n Hand. Bepreaeated by Thto'B SWIPTErORD. rpUB FINKL5 & LYON " ' etvlUsT Nacblne, With Drop Teed, new Take no, aew Hasnmer. As., la aosr oHored lo iMU on more liberal torus. Also, hsouad hauU Maohlnea lakea ta eaobange, r the new luiprovaaaeota applleU. ICvary ornithine le warranted Kiaar Dl.bs, and If the parnhaser doea not aa iSKar-l It attar a Uial, ks eaa ralara It, aad aaoaay reruBdad. M. 8. VVoaud TravellB agaau ta visit oeek towa, dlBtrthullag etrenlart, villaining the tin vrovaaieBta, ., ale., who eaa atk U0 par meata. Address . LYON'S atVTrAL , at. CO.. V . Veto Kquare, U aat IHh haw York, p.W,t7-si . . 1, ILLKSUENY HOUBE-' til A r t r - rr , - QOet of J. S. BOBBINS, 480 North ElghUl St PMIIada. Ddbbuis Vegetable A color and dressUg that wiH hot tmrn th hair or injure the heaq, . v tt dood not produce a color Tuecbanioally, M the polaonoua preparations do. It gradually restore ttie hair to Its original' eolor and lustre, bjr supplying new life and vigor. It caunes a luxuriant jgrowth or sou, nne bair. The beat and safest article ever offered. . Clean and Pure. Kb sediment Sold everywhere. Sm ASK FOR DOBBINS'. NOT1C7M.-TIH hndiraien.l dill. IMS 7lh H. if A n m. parcnafe from Isabella Tharp, tho follomnt ironiKs vtt; One snntteri t'ow, two e,is anl Haotets. one tank M.v and Pipe, on Wood NloveaM rie, t 'hlckstis. lo (ton. loi,. on Corner I uihorl. feur lleat Htanda. ana ' "ur. nrwm luavar narraisi and ln theaama tn possesion of the anlit IsaUlla Tharp, and hxratr warn the phlle hoi to Interfere with ne,nnT n. sm.iaid. WMklngtoa towwhlis Janaart 7, 1S71. A riNB ASSORTMENT OF TUE BFST OLD SYE WIUSKEY. I'VUB I'EACIl WHISKEY, JIKANDY, 1N, AND fi VI! It PS Just received and for aale at Ih Eircle 11,. I 1. st:.l.l, .. i,u,ri, IB jiimMK-iiiiraV JOIIX A. PTAHLSECKER, Aug. 18, l7 IJ1KSTANI) & BOY Kit, V'holesnle and Retun Dealer in lIAUmVAKK, Cl'TLEKY. Coachmakcra' MalerialB, flbo Findings, ,lc. 8rlinsgrovo, Pa. R-ltf lKKK.MONT IIOTKL. X KHtKMONT, SNVDKR CO., PA. ENOCH 8MITII, Propri.tot Till new lintel la now prepared lor Ibe accommodation of guests and will afford first rat enlenaiumenl lo persona viailing Vreetnont. Kvery etli rt will bo made l promote the comfort of travelers stopping at Ihia bouse. Choice Ignore at the Bar. and the Tnblo inpplied with the best the market affords. An ample liable in cou uectiou with tlio house. Aprilti'TUlt' p.ADISET OUOAN AND MELODEON J M A L FACTORY,. . War Room and Siore on Vino Ftrecl, Factory on fnyder Street, felinsgrotc, I'a. If vm want tn hear tn. see fine tnnl and twiittlul liriruns and Melmleons mil at i.ur Ware room and More. We use none lut the i'cpi ninmnni in mnKirir instrillnsnta. Irv ina w. .... in BMU ,"H Wll, vw 1.1 IJI)P.. r.vory insiruiiient is narranted for live jenrs Iiaalars. Aaents and aliiiijiiiira ni iKm ii.,mm,i are Invited to erresiind Willi ns end send fur eausi. b nr aiso auenis lor Ilia bnsl Now lira nna I'liiiaiiaipiun rirtn is. Y lullus and Arminleons Iruin Al tn AlA Vinlli Mrluus, slieet Munlv, Plotur trauiw, Ao,, Ac iin.fina nana. - - - I'lsmie and Aceordaoni correelly tuned and n-i'niraii. Call on, or addrsss by letter K. Z. SALEM A PO . fept. 1 T0. osareve, Pa. JOSEPH S JKlL, Maiiiifnclurrr of and Wholesale Dealer in Clothing Cloths t'ASSIMERS AND VESTIXCJS. 4S NORTH THIRD SREKT. PIIILAU'A. QOSGKAVE HALL HOTEL. I'tTLn rKOl l,,rr,fr,lr, Went Heaver Tw'p., SnJJer Co , Pa. Tak Notice that I have purchased Cos grave Hall Hotel, where I am nlwnys pre pared lo accommodate Drovers. Stranircra. and Travclvra. I ahull be liberal in niv charrra and en deavor to uae everybody well who favors me with his citslom. If you are nol tali tied, no ohargea. tiiv me a call. April, ti.tf. ... TAMES K. DAVIS itoi EL. U 8LLINSOROVE, 8NYDER Co.. Pa. IIENBY A. DOLIO. Proprinor. This well known House bavins been re- fi'lid by the present proproicior, ott'ere ei- cellenl aooommodaliona lo the travelog community. Choice liquura and Cigara at tha Bar, and lh Table supplied wiib the beat the market afford. A good liable attended by careful bvalleri, in connection with in bouse. April e-'TOlf. t?AGLE HOTEL j MIDDLEBURO, PA. J. i' BT1ULXBIKKB, Proprietor. Having taken charge of thi old and well established aland, lb Proprietor propose o devoi alt bi aitintlon to th providing of hi Tabl and Bar and tb accommoda tion of bulb man end beatL 'lUtulioita a liberal shar of tbt vr bllo tlreiage. lanuary IB, Ihi..' 1y ' Forney's Pjrcss. tUt ttKAT B1DIUL KEWSriFIBI Get ih e Btu ana Vheapm Aewnpaprr JiKlke Country. . THE PRESS ha Crei-oisse dooble-sbeel eight-page paper, very contaliitng ooiumni, cutuueu i orning, (except Sunday.) . ' is wnyiM - DAILY PBB88-8 00 per annum JZOO for el month fl.tKi for. tore mootb. tit.i.weeklt PKisua. .w pr aa num i r-c uu tor aia wun.ua i vt.w tor threw TOtintb. " ". ' TUB WEEKLY TRESS. Tk moot vild able Weekly Nwspsper In tb World. It contain Item nf Interest lo all. ' , KEAU Tu ItJtMO One eorv one year . X Fiva eopie . ' Tan ...iu. and oa copy I tbI ItUr un of elub. lv Ta.m aunli.1. and 00 PT to th ' r--. - ... . nt gettr-up or dun- Plfi sonlaa. and an flOCT I Ih letter un afelub '65 T.a .nnlaa Im uml mj JrUI. ind on la th eel I or an el th club 14 Tweaiy aopt, f tdJrut, aad opy 4a th getter ap of tba alub . . fifty '- lee, su aUAVess, aad Mut fopy tub getter ap of tk lub On Ln" -ed a"'- , aad i -l u hlyVwwi te 26 60 IM CELL Jt schonouu ' lvr In 13KA1VDIES, WINfiS. Glii8.V.lilskcys&;; VOIRI.SDORa DERKS CO., Pa. January 13, 1870-If ( 1A1U KIN. Hating pnrphaneil tfa v initowtna asmed peraonal properly at Pti staMa'e sale, sold is lh. yrnpetly Heis Moss, and left the same la the iwnIos at Mrs aarsh Klnss, all persona are heiSjhy eantloned nt to Inlvrlare Bur la any wsy-nisildla with the .!,:() c.klng Store and Plfe, oa Parlor Stove ahd Ploa, two Hsdstesds ami lleudliiv, JAt'fiH ORostsi, Beaver township, August u, Isro. , Estate of KLliAaiTM RlirnaKaara, doTdT FETTER" OP AriMlN tTR ATIO!f upon the ievtaieuf fclltelth Nalrhsntiarh, late of Wash InaliiB tp., decea.ed, having baeo arsnlml to the uatlerslai.ed, all r.ooe knnwinsr tbemaslTes IndelHaii to the estata ara n(iHMfa.l iAm,i. paymsnt. an those having elaima aaalnst the same, will present thvra to WlLLIAaj It A R)1 ftn, , ... Administrator. Perry township, January to, lit l. Estate of JACOB BEIUHENBACH, dee'd. T ETTEIIS TESTA MENTAHY nf- -AJ oa the estate of Jaooh Rlehankai-h late of wasninatuB In., iiee'il. havln mmb arsniai in the anders lajnen, all rsonsknnlaK ibsuiselTea lailelHl tii the estate are riioeleit tn make paynienk, and those having elalois aaalnat the aiaa will present mem lo WILLIAM HARDirO Apra'r. I'remont, Pebruaiy , 1171. LETTERS OF ADMIN18THA.TI0N tipin the Estate of Mar Uriminshoua. late of Ceoir township, deccaaed, having been granted to lb undersigned, alt persons in debted In th estate are requested lo make payment, and those having claims against tb tame, wil present I horn to f Kl.lX UHEMINGIIOIS. March SI, 1871. Administrator. STRAY HOUSE.Cumtf lo lb premise of the soliseftber, In I'eVlr town-shl-, nvler t'mintr. Pa. on tha ath In.l.a eommon sited liAMK UIIOWN MAKE, almut I years oiu. viita aklte hind lees. T.'.e o-ansr Is rsiietad lo kiss mrard, prove rrocertv. psy rhata-s and tke her away or the will be disposed ot aeeorillna' to i tw. - . . . M Al HANIEL DEABLKR. Centre tnrnrhlp, l'b. 1, UTL Lstate of A. 0. IIASylNCKII, dee d. LETTKRH OF ADMINI3TRATI0S upon J the aelat of A. O. ilassingi-r, lute of Srlinsprove Unroiig'i, defeated, having been grnnied lo the undersigned, all per ns indebted to I lie e. 'e are requested to nink pnynnvit, and Iho't having cliiiun agai.nl the aiiiiie, will pre.rni trui lo JOHN 3. HAS8INtkFK, Jan. .11, li'l. Administrator. K'tste of MARY iX PECKER, Deerased. rETTEI.S TESTAMENTARY upon the J estate of Mury C. Devkrr dc;'d., Inle I Selinsarnve llurouih. fnvder t'ounlv. I'a .havinir been sranlrd tu the undersiitncd all persnt'B imk-hied to l.io Slid estate are rriiie.sted lo make payiiiutit, aud those bar- ng Oeumiiile against Hie euuio to presvul liaui without delny lo UEOtdK H( IIM'IIK, Lirculers. Januiiy 3, 18T. Cim ion. Hiivinif imicha ' the liillnwlna articles at tni.lshl.-'l Mala and leit ttiesuine In ixiinessliin of lianiel Itarn. of Franklin lowii.hlp, all parsons aro luirehy raiillodeil mil In intartere with mir In aeF way meddle with the same, vis: lue st ive, I Ulm-k, I t'nnk Htove. Lanfand Kettle, a pit ul sau.Hjco, J Mi.ists, 1 Cow. 1 ( 'air, 1 Waon, korse ncurs, 1 Itsy Mare, 1 Bua.v. I Cultivator, I Harrow, I Whvelbarrow. 1 blsd, one-half loleresl lo a Ilorse, 1 ltalfters. MAMT'EL W1TTENMYEB, III.NKY .EC'UUAN. Janaary le, l;i. Jacob Iitn. (tiwna Daairi'sa. IMPOUTEHM AND DEALERS IM rrr JilatJ Iurc Whiskeys, BRANUIES, 1VINES AM) ALL t IT II K ft . FORKIGX kSIt IIOMKSTIC LIQIORS, So. IS4 Allll Mrri l, Aug, 4. 701 f.l DANVILLE, IU. fill UtXJT & P1IOE MANl'FAtTOV. 4lttl up lo llniol The nndersigne l respeol fully annniinie.H lo the ciluvn of Middleburg and vicinity, that be will continue lo uinuufaclure MEN'S 8TIKIA. KIP and FINE Ilt)OT8, VN'otuen and t.'hilren' 8II0E And lu ihort everything in hia line, in tho latest style and at low price. Work mad to order at Ih shorted nolle). (Jive hint a fall before going elsewhere. HIRAM bCIIWENK. RADEK CKAJrT, srrrF.fison to FLECK & CO., WHOLESALE I'ONFEITIONEUS A.D FRllTEREBS. NO. 343 NOItTIt T11KD ST., l'UILADELnilA. A full assort nienl of Confectioner,), Fruin. Fir Work. Syrupi, 7-1 4y to. always on band. Groveif& linker's PIliST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMIL-Y Sewing Muchincs, 993 UUUAUV tV ,NtW TUKS. ISO CHESTNUT 8T. rnlLADELPIIIA. rOINT8 OP EXCELLENCE. Deauly and Elailloty f Stllcb. Perfection and 8impllolly of Machinery. . Using both thread directly from Ibe spool. . . No fattening of 110)1 by band and no wait of thread. Wide rang of application wilboul change of kdjuatineut. . , ' n't. Tb em retain It betuty and trun aner watntng aaa ironing. ,iW ' Beside doing U krld of work done by by olber Sewing Maobioes, those Machines e.eoute tb muat beaultrul aa peruiaueui Embroidery and oraetueulal work, ast-Tha llieheet Premiumaal aUfh fairs and exhibition of lb Hailed Btale and liurope, bav beea awarded tb Orover A Raker 8ewiog Maokmea, ud tb work by lbro, wherever ethiWUd ia eompttioa gairTh vary highest prde.TUB CROS Ok THU IKOIoy Ok HONOH, waa oa fered oa Ih representative of Orover A Baker 8ewln uaebiaee. at tb puiiloo Univereelle, Part. leWT. thin attesiiog i heir great euperioriiy ovir all other tw lag Usoiilaae. terttaU by SAMUEL FAUST, Sella. grv, Pa. ' . April b '88. J01JN U. ARNOLP, , i Xttornoy at Law, AMEIIICAV IIOTKU " ' CKNTRP.VIT.LE, SNYOKR Co., Pa. vt ILLIAM H. I.ONd, I'rnprielnr. Thi Well kanvra Hotel, looated In lha uown or centreviiie, ha been Ihoronghly rrpaireu ana rem led, aaa lain lh beat con dition lo accommodate lha travelin enhlio. Ever effort will b made to nromota Ih oo tn fort of gtieet. ton ago la eollcitcd. A (bar of publlo pat Aprils- 70tr 11 1 1 T KVI BELLEtt. tKnufnclurcr of and dealer la FURNITURE V) ould respectfully Inform the oiliiem of Selinsgrove-nd viclnlly.Jhal be manufac ture to order and keeps constantly nn hand CHAIRS (IF ALL K1NDH, AND Furniture of every Description. at the very lowest prioe. II respectfully itivlle an elimination of BEtiSTEAHH, Bt'RPAI'Sl.TAnLEsi. ROPAN LOl .SUfel, HlVIIS, CHAIk.s; Ao. aVaJTA e per ml invitation la extended lo nwly married folks In cnll and see my ttock "ijuijl uraaaaiiig.etecnuer. le., i iir.i.i.cn. Seliasgrove, April tt, 87tt-tf IilAOLB HOTEL, U Kd. l!i7..Nor(b Srd 81 ', betweea Race and Vine) Philadelphia. K. D. CUMM1NGS, I'rop'r. M. M. EWARR, Superintendent. 0.83 faK CELEBRATED IMPHOVEl) Oride Gold Watches. hi, tiff., wiiio, 'tr. Dnrtna the oast fonr vsars nus w.i-t... been so thoroughly teste.1, that fur apiwarnnee. style or Anlsh, and areura-y nf time keeidiia tha'Oerard Walrhe." are unlreraally a--eilrd His best. They reulu llietr brllnanry and eulnr until orn out lf altnr piiretiaslha atld fairly trvlnr, any we is not fully satlmsd, we Bill cliearlully re fun t the m.niey. they are all In Ilnntlne ( sic. cinnila. mail's and Ladle's Use.. try Waiult vnaraii teed Ilmean.l er, by S0al eoittnrats. lariia assortment "linprnvod Hrlde" 'haliis, .' tu s. AIo, tlsntlmi;o's and La dle s Jewelry In r-.-j variety. -Hcwsre .,f lriilt-.tl.ma, nrdcr dlrent f-rni usr mir aurhorired aaents rturnl. and others .,.ii,i. i... i,,.i. .. -,ii i " . cent sinuin f..r its.s 1 " ,w" '"" ,h Teir. wheti it est. be dune Iwttar. ilim.l. .mil to I imld'un delivery t!ii.tnmers""""."A'"l,"""''' '." '"' n" '" permiltad ti .sstnine iha I ViVv T or Is? CM , Lu.' ! J", tW Kariiien.s t,y a i..y t'ltiilica a-her ,.,,.- ,,,.. on paymen. o, tfprw. t'm,,;,,:.o llber.ldl. werbanM Hen. A.snt, -l'u..-La.crs re..llua a t t,ine ?t.n l it'... 1 'rt' 8 T-V,nl J -rtlandt M., , sw Turk t.ipiesa i.m. es, and de.lunic t i save lime n n l exiienres, t-sn have the a-ols sent In man by . rvmiulUK (with the order) the ainoent ..j nay u.uer ll'tereil inter, d'litl.or rhefk. yaMe tn nt - nnirr, at -ur rlk Address plainly. .lA.MKM OEKARIi h t'O n .. KAaA MTHaVT, NBW Y0. P. O. Ho ,3vl. (Hee. li-.Hu. J FIRE INSURANCE CO.; connaa or market Ann rnjiius an., V.Il?Nln.M', nttO AMZF.Jt, Iht. L. Di'nriAS -r. l'rr. , H. Snorn aitsii, V. Pre It. t;. Kwitii, Mei'retary. J )iiTf(t)rs : t n.iaaAca, L. I). KunsstsKva, II. p. Smith A.t). La Mil, Jnllx Itn hahii, (aiaTI'iii.i.iaa. tt. .11. llAiiiiiaii, t). A. .Minhh, Timvsa Ii.nii, ALHi.ua ainaaa, C. L, HiVtrii, t!. WaniiAua! aliimini.v 1, l7-:. Cnpllnl j. Nni'iiltist, IVJII .VIO K "''- irvw A leapHUttwIBI ,, y Kitt Nt I'. S. ', issi I i Nhsres Klrst Nsllimal Hank.... 11:1 Miaro. Mooend Nstlnnal llnnk. .11.000 tm , I J. V 0 U-l . inn m ii-. ruiirps v yoinmu nt iinul isnk.. e.tuo on ii.ires ' 1 1 kr nhsren ls I' Uares U'llka.lwria llrl.hra I -..iu.nw .'m. nmiintf a iiwi m Loans and t'ollalnrnl. . 1 ' n anil i ri.iii:, c-1rleties .ludanients and .Moriunuos , Sli.lSal 00 1 11.1'.) U 13.0M Ii I t,4M tll l,2"0 0H Una roiu Aaents on 1 "then.. t'mn ou h;m. and In Hank.... Hr.il I'.slutr OIBee I urulture aad sale...... J ou IJII.3TU 70 T jtWNPH I Lasses pnld In twelve years " t naiosie-l', IS'..3ni 41 N'..na Aillll.Ll:,! hill n..l .In . k..'nA Deo. 1-eiu ) .lA.MKs L.'st VlVM'iLEV, Ueneral Axent, Watsontnwn, P. T. . SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. MlDDT.EIlt'KO, KNYHLH lit.. PA iMiers nn frorexl-iBsl Nervkes o the publle. Hii-u.taii.in, tu wviiu.u ur cnKiiiu. f E Ot't'EH 1-OK MALE, AT PAR, Tin rsew Masonic Temple Loan, Ilrurliifr t 3-10 inlerrat. Pe-lesmshle after Are (41 and within la.-t,.. ('.I) years. Inttrcst Payable March and Seplcmbcr. Th UotKlf ftra ratirfstAPAaH a it J Itl lO IU1UI tO lull. Uellaveii&Ilrothcr, 40 Soutti Tbirii ibfrcct, , FHiLAurxri.t STOCKS kounlit aad sold oa enmmlsslKa. Gold and Out. arnuiant lionds Houtrkt and sold. Aecounte , i ...iwa-a lureraM jsswaj. sn'Q'vit la aiaUl Marsh 17, l70-y '. lAtsa , MAtii raorrcs Respect fully announce to .Ibe eillieni of Middlrhura and viol'iitv Ibal he l now ready to supply tbsra will) th lurgeil and most eooipiei Block or . SPltlXG tf: SUMMER GOODS ever brought lo this plaoe, at greatly re dooec1 price cheaper than tb cheapest. U luvtte aitaniion to hie large ttock of MUSLINS, , OAMC 't, DELilNES, '.AWNS, SILKS, DEitEUES, MSE.N8, Doots and Shoes, . HAT8 AND CAPS. ItR.t DV-MADE C1.OTH150. 8RIRTS, and Vefylhiog uaually kept In a wen regulated liore. .. ' Give m a call and be eonvinoed tbat ikda ia th place to buy goode. COUNTRY PUODVCE takeu In txobange or gotxt. ' Tm. ii. nenvrr. kliddlabnrg, May, 1BC7. EaUUref HAsUM' APP, dsooased. LKTTRNH OP AffMIIVIHTRATlfllV el IhaaalaUof Haaiu App, (wfclawol Looai App,) lata oi rvaaa lawnsaip, daoaaso. aaviua Man aranied to the uodotstaad, ell pavsoue Ii nowise ihenueirea indalHad to Ihs eaiaie are riuaeiad lo asalra peyoMMt, aa4 laoaa lusvauj msish oewiuas usa mo. win lawan, luwas la ' JUatM UKMIIKHLIND, , ' r- Adrtiiabtrator. ' rsaaa lowaeaip, aspiSMaac n, lira. tTTTASHIMTON I10P5B. II iddlrburff, 8tr Conty, . Fx DAN'L BOLENDKR, Pmpmloc, DOTY'S Wnshliip? - Machine, . LATELY Mft ll IVPROVED AND llitlttW t'ntt rrul C lolhca M rlngrr ImprovaJ with Rowtn's Patrvt ttnrBr.vOou Wsssis, and the Pavrbt ismr. ara quefllooably tar saperlor to any apiHiralna li.t washing cloth. .r Invented, and will save their oost tBIee a year, wy savlna labur an.l tha. , . Tlitisa who have Brail tkam ta i.n a O.IL.w.. ' mr 'We Ilka our maehlna Bineht emiM not Ha iw.. -N.iru i.imii wmimi. ,i nn'i wun iiteaio or Ihily wa i ii m.i wn mrm wisiters or the iieetri'in Rev. L. fiecilt. Itl.bno M. V.. I -I, irh (ln the laundrv ot niv knnaa lhara la a aal UiankiKlrlue on Muntlay Ibe the larsuu.'n -nn. . nvtitiora , iiyi.r. a-t w nap avn n a sirmttsr hold s.n K v ill vi .uv launorj. "I heartily command M to esonnml.t of tttaa oiunny, ann nonTvninieni." rtev. jir. i;slli,w -r rienn ihny mir lat llnprnvvineiil ul yom Washing Mselilna Is a ontnrleta sm-rs.s. f a. suik yo 'line IMaitlitite,' afler a yi-sr's use, I, ,Ti.,Maiii i in-", in'iij iti.n.irr, ail'l wutlltl But " i.arien wun ouoar anv i- rcuui.ituiices t'lun Rtihlnsnn. 1 he X. Y. Weekly Tribune, nf Dee. It. lsa. In i'""tu'. riirrsM.noi-ni. s f : WapltaM. nuts is none vi ue eomparrd wun Iloly's.'1 I'rlccs-A falrofrer. If the Merchant- In your plaee will IM furnish nr .aim nr ii.s niai'ii'tii', snii us ilia raiail trl Wa-herail. Lstra Wrlru-er ami win i wsrd slu.tr nr both uiarlilnsa, Lie nl frtliiht, i Ucv. where no nne l sriiinni and so sura are as they will ho IIKed. (hat we aicree to retmud ii - miny ii any one wimes tu reiuro the ins ehlnes Irea of rrrlaht, alter a month's trial, ao 0" Una todtreelliin. No h i.iianil, I ill 'r or brollier should penult nviiriiuiierT m ws'i.ii e win, l ie liamli. nuv. THU SEwniG K;a:I MACHINES ! AHEAD OK ALL OTlintr 1 TIIRIT TlltH'f AND PER WEEK ARE MMV 1!EING MADE ANDSOI.D! Tin: iii:a.vuk wiir. Ilecniiso it etnbodiei rssi-nlin! principles im, iiiiinn in any other .ilniliiuc; Itcsiise "l it simplicity of construction. cao of operation, uuilorniliy, nf precie action at nny pee l, ami rapacity fur the ;rioiU'i inajn and vtilety nf mule, fine or cn urn-. I'm ties ni-hilig lo purchase alinubl not fiii to cxiiinme tlu- lost ufall Sewing Mu chiuea vVm it "VnH. Bew. ew, ew, A l. morn, at noon, at n'ghtl w ork, woik. work. Kilt never nut ot fIkMI for areit ond sinnll, lor vonni and old, 111 suirlliers1- henl, In Wlntar'a enhl, Mr nildnluht lamp, by tnhirtny's un. '1 was i-w, uw, but uaer dtuo. When Ui'aiulinit seisn-1. ' Am it Im. Purr, him, hiirii whv how the p.n-tlm flv I'll. oil. oil! 'twouhl rlinrin Iho. lulls, t The lens nre newe l, tlio wslMhnn-l'. ou, 'I he union, -.-t t )ia .,n. are d- nel And here's a ulr lor Mini an l lolm, Xo nui, ii ,i it. , mu, anu inns llun. Mother sew a on tl Mi KM'S m;w MACHISE. Weailsi"o all who wnni a firn class ?wii'g M'irliiiic. one Hint will ice linen ov gl.w.vl tlirentl ns well ns anv fitbi-r, to l'o to D. W. AStiCM., on Ni-rili J'hlid St.. in l.r ishurg, llATIIKtlN ft HINTEliS, New 1,'n, or I. II. SMITH, Srlinsgrovc. Anj get one nf those Famous tSingor Ia t'hinva, fur there you will get insnuclions, as you en : g-t at iu other pi ice, Mi l if a Hingvr is put in your family, happiness will be sine lo fuiloiv. ONE WHO KNOWS. Ti n Judges pave the Singer the Diploma at Hie Pnyder County Fair. l"-ly NATUIll.'M HAIR RESTORATIVE Contains no LAC 8CLriH,'l No PCOAR OF LEAD -No LITHARGE No NI. TIVAlb OT aAlU-Vcn, and IV BU- tirely fare from Poisonoui and Heaith-destroying Druga uied In other Hair rreparntlone, Transyiarent and clear a crystal, it will it Boil lb Anret fnbrio perfectly safe. olefin and clBelnnt desideralum long Bought rir ana round at last I - It restores and prevents the hair from becoming dray, impart a aoft, glossy ap pearance, removee Dandruff, ie cool and refreehin to Ike bead, ebecVs lh lb Hair from falling off and real ores U to a groat extent when prematurely lost, prevent lleacaehe, eurea all humor, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural beat Al a dree- sing for Ibe hair it il th belt artlclo la market. . Dr. 0. Smith. Patentee. Grotd Junction Maee. Prepared only y. rHtstTOR BROTnEHS, (llouooiier. Mass. The Gen uine i put up In a panel bottle, mad a- liretaly lor li, wub lh name or the artiela litowft la the (Haaa. 'Ask your dntrait for Katur' Hair Restorative, and tak a other. . , Send a thre cedt damn to I'roclot Broa. foraTreaiise on tb Human Hair. The iufqrmatlon it ontatn i worth S&0O lo ty parson. . . . S,M1 J THOMPSON BAKER, , Vt t orneyan t aTavr. Lewlskurg, Talon Co. J Ta. taP0n ba eoasulied in Ih Euellah and German language. "MJB, . orril'K Market 5:rL ppail Wall, daitlb 4 Co' 8tore. tMOv ' . m e1 I .mriiiis ixkta m tv r a k i. co M-J the RsiaMafMaaiA lliix. la la nl taa aas- oaaa af sallnsamva, dao'd, havtne kaaa wrania In Ike aaderslaaed. all Darouna kwowma ihaoi- ealvaa Indebted to said osuta are reaweeta ta make paywent. aa Miose aavnaH alelsss ualaat us sasae mm praasaa law as swr attiaaa-i ie , Oet.ta.IIT0, , ' Waawater. TlkLV tAOlfi IIOTITK: AMD- NKW GOODS. Jt.a. lUrCEL. , P. .McCtLLOlOli' uxvEfcti SsTtrixotratT, (sucoksnotts to ionn cetzel.) tAttn iff Atb k!5D or 3Ii:i:chadihi:: llllilEsT CAII IT.ICE paid roit FLOUli, ORAIjS", RAIL KOAI) Tits, 4ek Ao , CHAPMAN BXTHEK COt'NTT, TErtysiTLVArtlA. Mareh IT, UTO-tf. 2UK.Vf KXnTKMENT IN BANNERVILLt. : newoooiis. i IIFLI'IUCIKV imOWKR Wish to inform tba cltlrt-ns of r.stinervllle and vioiii.tv that they have otieued a tia st ick nf goods, and will keii ccnsianily on -r. .ii- ..-.. . . unmi inn assoriuicni oi : hlitss lii'iViVi-a- Consisting of .ILPAi'.VS.Ptil'MVS.pI.AMl Lt'ltTKCS. IILAINUS, C'Al. n.'OIIS, io. Cloths & :isi meres I'A TS andCAr.t. UOOTS nud SHor.S. : Ifis. y.kji.s.: IMnntVAttn AND fJt'IKNWAI!E. SALT AND FISH, And In fact evervilrni mu-illr tei i l a tirsl class ctmn'rv sioro. All of ivl.i.-h nffi r al pi ently rc luci d prices, for Cnh or Country I'loi-nci. Ilnvins bud Isrgn riperiencn in the biHincae. wo fltitvr nur'elve lliat e can plea.eanl satisfy all our nisi, mt'ts. Hopinir l.r striitt ntienli in to 1,n.in..a i nJ a desii-e In pleae all. to merit a liberal e1 as of public I'truiim:e. tur uiotiu ia "(?-(.. Mcsou.l SmaV I'ioi'h." H'e ask nl b ail tb;it the f.utlie eyinine ur slock and riei-s b.-fure fmrgljasiiig Isewhere. aa we alw-iv show our nni,H. with pleasure. iiin.nuni j, rowrii. llaunervillr June I I, lt-70. if Ojlcc, 720 5, iUcos&GiljTj Chestnut Silent . Street, EWIHE MACHINE (Philadelphia. " I cive mv lionrtr creforenav tA tha K'UlcoX A Oibb Silcnl CHwing Mai Una." I" A .MKT il.UK. "Th wclglit of reliable evlilinee beth'g yverw helming for that of llieNVilicctUibbe Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it, procured it, ami aw more than sutiewf." Grace uulsnwood. " I have tho Wlicler d. Wilanr. tbe drover k Baktr, and tb Willvux & (iibb tv-wing . tfaubinct in my faniily. 1 use tn rVilltxii; fc Uibbe moat frrauenUy, thinking it fiur uporior to either of the fillers. . kin. But by Waid BtitcBCB. " llf wife would not aeceft a Gewlng 1 klachins of anv other nateait aa a oifL if aba .. mist receive It on coiiduion of giving np tb ""-tAOibU." ' ; sfacbine wboea worfi.1" u V Bewing; hat I could Tntur tol!Lr Miym lyrLv'' R-r.A.T.TATT,.u , -aUtstoiuuT Aaaarkaa auaro, " Ws Lav tiled Tarioua Sewin Vlacblaaa rithin our famUy, but it i tb trawwaawae -ipinirm of lr( houecliold, tbtt th Willco. . k Uibb I (La beat oX them alL" Bcv. J. . HAUlf, ' ItBBa4iya,ll.T. i tot itmnllcity and mexiiAnical acroracvi i if constnicuon, I kave leen.ne Kcwin . aUclune aqual to m'Ulcox A ibba." OftkePaonsylvaalaCsalrsJ It A CBrrtupondeneB on tin t6v- ' ertpiff JiacA.ste- is rtpt(iU- v f a 720 ChuUai Stmt, liUU.tphtav ' KOOPIKG.1 . ; xb&ss tvz rax. Moma Unites the wast Walar.aarriaaaa.niaa oHIh - the Watar-provl tai-ls ib the tool aiaaef a4 : as ine lowaai uriee u laa eo a rats a. There Is, 1st, a tbaadaUoa af Tarrad Pelt) A -, a layer of walar-prunl VoaipnaliUa ad. nts ' layer of f-"i-- 11 liin ill asaiaia Ha aaoiher Myee 1 toil. RI aornea aw vtreaiar aad f!. " ,--.' - , ".( ; ; j Am An InduoArDtnt. ' 'J We agar taa nssv aaioliaeer taaMkpAMa 'i .ueaaorefeluf tkaaSiaaa Pit Fair, wltk , aa aejesiarg aoatUwa, ear Taiaet tAAaa.- Patent Roof Mitr. Tale Patatlaiswyml of awata,- aaaf ie taae sawsleasas, ooxe4 WHA dialTUd suf aaa the east kaaaa Aryora.- It euaaaa a liaot ev piaisaA, aa ta fr-aliax, r.v. War . s A l -a Ban f as a- '- - -- 110-UISiaa.S.Mawl. . -vaV . -e, aa-4 u di.ww. ' J l iri.,. i tr r i t; ' , . - 7" 1 j. .art. - ' , : . k ,', . ji. eSSICClKSWDO, TA.