The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 30, 1871, Image 3

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iIo. Iltsit D. Moon bat resign'-
t3tutj CollectoraWp of lb port or
rbiladolpnia, te take effect on twe 1st
or April, .r. .Hoots, wo learn, is
asrtj o th (rrtit'lolt(rrphlo seter
frit to Kuftola, And dfcslgne sroing it
onoe la Europe. Hod. J. V. FoTncv
It opftiBted to suueecd liim. t
Thk greatest iuJigoitj yet offered
to Senrtor Snrseer, is the-eymraihv he
receiving from tho Peuwrncy.
lonocrtio journals art) denouncing
removal and Itatnoeratie Legisla
tures) sre rawing reitotutiunt iu bit
liono.. Tli it it all strength wasted.
Puaioor dt'pis t the demagogue of the
IVmocrttie parly even more than ho
liatot San Domingo. Tbe Democratic
politlcitDS bad bettor torn their hands
to scmnluiog o'te.
I.N tbe Uouse, oo Monday oibt,
JIjii. John Cummlngs, of Soyder,
rose to a I'tmooitl explanstion lie
comtneatet with indignant severity
on tho conduct of a newspaper in bis
district, whoao editor fee m to bare a
very inadenuto appreciation of Ibo
valvabls cervices of tbo faithful xin'i'
Inn, appropriate representative from
iSelraagrovc?, w bo ia, among bia asso
ciates, d.sttDgnii'bcd for bis fidelity to
tho inlcrosts of Lit conatituculs It
is a pity that the Democracy, when
they Bud atuoog thoir luudort a man
with to much culture aod ability sVii
poBc"od ty Muj CuDtniugt, Lavo
not scnto enough to sttnd by bim. It
h well known hero that bo otbor Pem
ocrnt could carry thai district, an )
tho envy of bit popularity should not
lo carried so far as to create party
d'KhCOHboi io Snyder ; otherwise the
li Lite good tetiBo tbtt remains io the
auks of tho utiten ifiod will bo lorccd
evir to us, aod in that coto wo might
expect U End " old Jack.' with bia
great power of bis political loglo,
eina.'liing the beads of the party clowos
Mho urt now tnukiog facet at him.
Mute Journa!.
Tlic rroudrst I'olltlral History
on Record.
The Crat of tbo resolution adopted
by tbo rcccot Kcpublicao tate Con.
vctition in llliodo Ilnod, s'lms up
tlio record t f tbo aecotnpliahments of
tho Kepublican party fo tersely and
ali-iking'y that it detervci to be re
peated far and wide. Tbe grand tto.
ry which it briefly tells is nut a new
. coo; but uo KrpuLlican cao read it to
often tint itfails to ic-auimate bim
, with prido ntid fuith io the party :
Rrrnlvfd, Tbatfw gladly renew
our a)lci;inneo to tho prineiplet and
policy of tho Republican party, and
wo cbnllt-iijro tho liihtory of political
orfttiizulion to parallel tbe record
cf ita tfi) years of national rufu.
A gignolio rebellion has been top
pixased. Armies of a million nisei and dit
Landed :
Fourmillioo of slaves tet free j
Labor mad free and bonorablo ;
Free homesteads offered to settlers ;
The raoHo Railroad built ;
f' Vtiivenal liberty aud equal civil
and political rights, for tbe first time,
secured by eootiituiionul atncndoientt;
Tbo States thai broke their cool
DOctioo rccooatroctrd aod restored
Taxation ' frequently reduced, tbe
latt reduction beiog eighty milliooia
; ' .
Tbe notional debt greatly reduced,
two hundred ulltiobs of tbe redaction
tikinr place nnder tbe prcseot admin-
joirniioo. ,
Tbe nttiootl credit raited at borne
and abroad . - .
The pries of gold brooghi atcadily
Tbe revennes vigilsotty Collected
ane boteatly diaborsed.
Tbe pericot eitisenabip of all adopt
ed citizens for tbe firai time protected
by soitiog at rett tbo doctrine ofei.
patriatino ;
The Monroe dcctrlne vindicated In
thoeeae of tbe French Invaaioo of
Alecieo ; r.-s
roece maintained ens' tbt national
cbatacUr kept io tbe higbeat retpect
throughout tbe world.
We know no wy of judging" the
rntme but by the past. Tbe Repub.
liean party has never msdo a pledga
to liberty and union which it has not
reJeemedr From beaionioe to end.
it bu met tbe desperate oppcaitlon of
us jfemoerane parry.
, Lata add lo this brief statement,
tbe lidqxnd-mt't . equally coadenaed
f eabllit of tbe .financial policy of tbo
admiiMratioaN '.We quote i r
r (lenml Oraot has just fiotihed tbe
cemdyesf of hie AdmtnUuatioo.
, T7po alt (seal ctrd we have f 'OS,.
SiriytJJ a tbe soMtnal paid .on the
wrinrtpal of tbe National Debt during
the but two yean, with a tax reduc
tion,', is tbt eaetatlme, of a little
v mote that) eigwty Millions of dollars.
- a decline of about t weoty per Cent, in
tbe premium oo gold, aod. very no
tr.ble Increase in the market value of
the securities of ibo failed Plaits.
The' yetrtr gold -' iaurest'tAoree
Wareb Uik, 1869 amownted to 1124,
2i5.SiO l sad en llareb 4ib. . 1871, it
aaaoanted to.fllJ,191,943 snowing a
desreaae ol $11,040,401 In two years.
7biht the retail of fdeiiiy ia collect
Itf the revest' of tbe OovevnoMnt
; and seen assy f ' the pabUe exptsdi
. tases tW iwwtaeaJ piU fa rejapeet
to which Oeasrml Oraot gyve LJv eft
cial pMae is Lie Intosaral addreae.
f artiaasakip rasnot ignore tbewo fg
ttree, ev eooeenl tktsa frees tbo pew
pie -Tbey dS30eaUst the (Mat
wtiedeea and . titraerdiaar Nsesse
f the frestdeet'e At'-'-iatratiM.
oeaaUers4 fee- t sj .f.. pt
". cy i j as t
wUe4tr 'r'l ttlfi i )ti
ExvUkm rMetl nrlltoa.
Tho tiHtlt of Lloyd Britton, the
eolorod mfl convicted of tho tn order
of a German named Jacob Bar at
WiNieraaport In November last, took
pltc in tho jtil yard io that city, tin
the 22 1 ii At. The' 'prisoner deolarod
bit InnoeoDco of the crlnie upoo tho
fcafTolJ.- Tbo .follow! ntf history of
the murderer wo cttratt from tho
Gieitt ONif Bulletin.
Lloyd Ri-itton claimed to have boeo
bora, at LUlfeXork, IV, and would it
h had li vu, been 60 yenr.told Oet
lOtb, 187). It is taid by lhoe wbo
kuow turn veil, however, ibat bo win
born near the Afifrvlaod uno. and
mine to Littlo York alter bo had grDwo
op no was u man bclov tbe modi
nm height, stout bttiK, perfectly black
evidently beiug a full blooded nesro.
but bavmjt oot all tho pcculiurities-of
bi race. , Ho was usually mild nod
ngreeablo in bis manners, aod nroxrnt-
ed an appearance tho reve rae of a tnur
ilcrcr. ills
parents had both been
lave and wore owned by parties liv
ing in jsaitimore county, Aid. II if
father, who was aUo named Lloyd
was owned by John IluuUr, and bin
oioi uer oy Henry t iitoo
liritton served three or four years
a tuo tanner trnuo with i redrick
liacher, of Little York, lie attended
night school at intervals aod learned
to read, write aod figure onough to
keep bit own account. Two promt
ucut Iraita were early developed In hii
cnaracicr. uno oi these was a con-
trolling paction of licentiousness, aud
mo oiner was a propensity io u
violence upon any peraon who bap
pnncd to come between bim and the
coiiHummatlon of hit evil deiirns.
Oo account of his deposition In thesr
rerpecls ho whs nhvuyt in trouldo.
and would no sooocr eel out of one
Hcrspo than ho would become Involv
io another. Whilst iu Little York he
had an oateotiiblo wife with whom
lio livud, but cvidoolty felt no oblica
(tout to cnoBno bis attonthus to her
alone. Tbo wife, or mistreat of a cer-J
tain Ken Jirown nttrnt'ted bia amor
o'is ootioo and be benn to show her
delicate attentions. Itrown inertinir
1 1 i tit one dsy attempted to remonstrate
with him, when liritton etiore uffered
battle. Thia Brown offsicd to nc
cept on the text day, and when the
time arrived ho was ready with tho
officers, and Rritto.a was arretted and
lodged id jail, from which be was re
leaned by tlioinQueoce of bis employer
Richer. next charmer was tho
wife of ojciriain "Squiro'' Brurlkior
with whom ho toon crew unduly lull-
mate JjraJkioa turpnsod tho two
together st 4 barn near tho town,
vben Rritton was about to assault him
with a koife, but the later haply w
armed with an ax with whitdt ho kept
hit aiilait at bay for tbo time.
Drittou was no tot Le thwarted, however,
and soon eloped with Mrs. Rrad-
kina. l!rn(lkins pursued and over
took tbe fugitives'nt LewiMown, Fa ,
where Mrs. Rradkius remainod and
Krittoo proceeded to Rollefoote. There
bs wai afterward joined by b:s as
sumed wife who soon nt'iorwurds died
in iienetoutc, atier wtucn unttoo pro-
eeeaeo to w niiuniporr, wmre lie ar
rived about 1 He first worked
for .Mj. iiurrnws, who wua ooe of
the builders of tbo L'aglo Hotel. He
afterwards was employed by Mr.
Field to work at his trade of tanner.
Ho did oot romaiu Iwug in Williams
port at that time but toon contrived to
run awuy with the wile of a man
named Adumt, who left her buibaod
and three email children to
bim. Ho located at Duovillo, but
toon bad to leave tbcre for snwugliog
in old brtis, which he purchased at
a low figure from boys whom be induc
ed to steal it. He next held forth iu
Wilkebarro io 1813, at w bicb place
he sooo found a new sable subject for
bit sffcctioni. A rival appeared io
lit ebspe of James Kelley, son of tbe
voncrablo Iter. Samuel J Klioy, re
siding on Gilmore street,' Williama
port. Brit too met Kolitj on Sunday
evenlos and attempted - to make-way
with bim. Getting behind Kelly be
plundged a kniTo two or three time
ioto bis back tho blade breaking off
and beiog left sticking there.
For this little freak Rrittna was ar
rested and placed in jail, but was re
leased on Kclley's recovery, three
rannlhs sitorwsrds He is accused of
fiemioflr in another stabbing fTir in
Wilkenborre. A party came there in
purauit of fugitive sieves snd tome of
them were roujhlv handled, one beiiw
btdly atsbbed. Rritton when qoestinn
ed by our reporter in regard to this
roattor only taid, "there was a man
tabbed, bnt they never knew who
done it no remained five year in
Wilk'sbarre. and next figured as pro
prietor of a barber shop at l.fghtatreet
near Danville. From thorn be moved
to Danville, remaining there until the
break inr oat of tho war. and accumu
lated ronMdsrable property. Ha then
took bis family eooitina of his wife,
daogbterand aoo-io law and emigrat
ed to Efayti, bavins received a quanti
ty oi una irom me oovernnr of that
Island. Here he turned hia attention
to firming aod cotton growiog. His
health failing after be bad been tbra
s short time, ht accepted a sanation
ss overseer front the Mayor of Fort-
au-Frinee, lo msosge a large nlaota-
tloa. . For thla he received a salary of
xcu per wees ia gom in slditioo to
free rent, a horse for bis nee. Ae.,
Hs gave a rlowinjr description of this
pltee. tbe elinwtsv- prsdocts, K
prnepored there, and to nae hie own
language, " bad move money than he
kaew what to do with.- He bad hi
wile need to get It eut sad play with
if i - ' : . -
After remaloinir Ibere a year and-
a-hslf he returned to kit old reshlenct
st Danville, where b remained ontll
tead of the war.. He then retarned
to Wiilisataport, where ' be .'bar ever
tiaee resided. Her be' renewed bis
'attentions to Mrs, TbmpanV and, on
ber aeewjal,' eomesiltetf Ibe crime for
whl. ll be U-dsy ewreodered bia li'e
e ftebie-rosiitftion: it is true bat the
it eras nnswible lor bfm te wive.
iarI'sUd la mere that awe
hr tfift af im
itetosvee to
UCi rirt, l-6re lw Mnrder M
L ;; 1 1 tJ.. ! be ' -' i te!
rreatest pertinacity, tYon when 4
teetcd, aa frequently owvrred, in tbelaf tteaaen aro fumlablna; the 8tate
sot of trsnsirretsing, in various ways.
Ms persisted id denying ths murder ol
Ray moat solemnly, and asserted that
it wnald bs di noovered some time that
he had not committed the murder.
He tried by so inreaius device to
cat auftpicioo npon another colored
man, who baa left tbis 'locality since
the. murder oecured. Rritton made a
statement to our reporter concerning
hit movements oo the meat -of the
murder, lsl Inasmuch ns it waa'di
rcctly contraryUo tbo swoni tcsllmooy
of severaf reliable' wilneamte, lr hayo
not doomed it '.worthy or publication.
Tilt Impenehmeot trial of Gov. IIol-
den, of North Csrolioa, was brought
to a close on Wedooaday last, whorJ a
vole was tsken aod be was found
guilty on six of tho eight charges pre
forred againt him. Ths result wts to
be expected, ns tbe Senste is Iu tbe
bond of the democracy . Tbo odonce
of Gov. Holden, it well stated by the
fmt thus loyalty, tbe fullWal ad
mluiatraiioo of his duties, the protec
tion of the loyal people of tbe State,
the tupprtssiou of tbe Kuklus, tbe
arrolos of the negro militia, sud a per
sistent opposition to tho' rebel Democ
racy. ''.-
A HrAvr SuocBxarut. Fobokbt.
Baltimore, March 23. 1 esterday al
tcrn'ion a man a red about I went v
fight, giving ths name of John B-
Thompson, called at the Third Ns
tiotml Rank of this city, and prsooot-
od a letter of introduction purporting
to bo from L R. Coltloton & Co , of
New York. Ho stated in cooveran
t.ion wiib the rashior that he intended
to enter ioto burners bore, and do
aired t keop so account with the
Third National Rank, and before leav
ing tho bank deposited a certified
check in tho nnme of L. R. Coltiogton
f Co. for 113 uno. He returned
soon afterwsrda aod asying that be had
inini'jiiliito ui-e fur some money, drow
a check fur 0,500, which was cached
After ha had left the bank a aecnnd time
a telegram was acn.t ti Now York and
a reply cnrao thul the letter and check
were turmerics The uffuir waa placed
in the hand of detectives, hut Thomp
aoa baa not T)t been apprehended.
Tbe Outbreaks la France., March 28. M. Theirs
ia in receipt of a communication from
Rismsrck containing an oiler by Uer
m tny to i the French Govern
ment in ttippreaxiog tbe revolutionary
distn rbsnees in Fans. M. Theirs,
however acting undor tho instruotious
ol' I be Assembly , hst transmitted to
Rismnrck a declioatioo of the raid offer
adding that tho Government would
ioatitute active mousurea against the
insurgent-, if those diaturbanceadid not
erase within a limited period.
Tho government hat dotermined on
making a pewenui effort to subdue
the diaturbances in tbe capital, aod
uuleat ths Reds surrender in a few
days, dissolve their organ iaitioo, and
peaceably dispone, tho steps which
havo far been delayed by reason
of various Influences sud considerations
notlag on the govorotneot will then be
taken, snd a body of troops sufficiently
strong to compel subjection will be de
spatched to 1'uris to attack sod subdue
the insurgents.
One More liead Alan.
We call attention to the despatch
from South Carolina, printed oo nur
Unit pme. Dr. Winaiuith bus been at'
natiltcd in hia own housa and shot six
tiuisi and mortally wounded.
This gentleman we personally knew
and apeak of from personal knowledge.
He was a native Southern man, ot ooe
of tiie best families of the State, n
mso of hipn standing and irreprouch
sblo character. Ho wa man of lurte
property before tbe war and since.
He was honored, we believe, by elec
tion for sixteen successive yoars aa
State Senator from Spurteoburg
He bad reached tbe rips sge of
soventy years, and up to lat autumn
wss uuiveraally popular and respected.
In tho lust political campaign he
took nit stand aa a lie publican Iloo
tally, firmly, yet moderately He did
it from eiiicfo conviction, a-king no
office, and refusing to be a candidate.
On bim no " consorting a'ih tbe low
er claaca'' for political power, no cor
ruption, no miadeed of soy kiod can be
charged. He became a Republican
and ibertfoie wss doomed. Neither
tiie, family proporty. past honor, oorl
proaent worth counted at all. lie
dared to be a itepublieaa and is doad.
That is the whole story. UaJu'vylon
DESi'Ririios or the ptmssi ia,
Embritdug th cutiet of A niu Arun
del, Culvert, Charles, iSt AJary't,
Vines Qeoryt't and Mmtyomery.
Maryland. ' ,..
Tbit territory, lyiug between tbe
thirty -eighth aud fortieth degrees ol
north lettitude, aoJ bounded on thr
tttt by tbe Cbesaapeake bay, and
west by ths I'jtomao river, is re
markable for tbe salubrity and
bsalthtuloess of its climate, aod ita
soil ia u nan r passed for productiveness
in the world. '
Relied and net-worked br rail
roads already built, others ia process
of construction, and others projected.
and now traversed by tbe Paioieot
river, about aqni diataat betweon the
I'otomae river and Chesapeake bay.
this Motion must, io a few years, be
come one large garden of froit, vege
table aod dowers, to supply ths
aarkats of Baltimore, WaihioRton,
Aanapolls, Alexandria, . and ths in
land towns everywhere sprioglog op.
Tbe most reniote pert of ibis territory
got over twe hours' ride by rail or
ait by waur ftom either of the large
eilies asmed. oo acsoant of their To
creaaing ponalstieo aad wealth, mast
fnraiab and prove a profUablo aad
ptseaaat inveatmsnt for cspiisb
Ualtimore aloae will reader the
Undo vajaable ia a few years.- llsr
K?'w tndi scarsely developed,
Vntyt l l:r tf .
prealth and commerce, and ber lino
with its beat agricultural aeM ms
ehsnlcal iSboK ' Baltimore, thert, be.
nr the commercial i mttrepolia of tb
State; sending out the' life blood to
fhe farthest oxiremo, mnet contribute
totthe devolepment of the resource
of this once KJeo.of Maryland, ia tbe
ptbportioe aa the increase.
Waahiogton, th' Nation's Capital,
offers ber ontribntioa to rtjatorini
tbe deproefated value of this soclion,
by her Increase id wealth snd popula
tion. As s market it demands three
times ths amount of stuff it did ten'
VeCrs nxo, on account of tbe increased
oonsumers located thereio, and drawn
off from tbo produotivs cupilol with
in fitly or a btindfed miles of ber
confines. ,
Atelandria, once a floureshloff elty
at ooe lime ttie irreal tobacco market
of the United States,' just' emerging
irom me aiioet ot the political earth
qunkn, derives m large share of ber
activity Irom tho trade of this penio
tula, nnd in turn helps to enriah and
develop her reanurcea sod prosperity.
wnite Ann-ipons, nott beautiuiliv and
delightfully located on an arm of the
Chesapeake bay, haa only besuri with
in the last few ysrs ef her ca
prosperity, and must ia tiros W
tretcb out, meet her youoger .'
Raltimore. and aid her in inf ;
life Into Ibis pCoinsnls.
The Bo hi more and Ohio Rail
with its Washington Rranch,
through tho northern portion
Frines George's oounty ; ths too
olis and Elk Hidgs R iilroad inters
ing with the Washington Hrar.
Road, runs through Ance Arundel
county ; tho Bltim-'re sud Potomac
Kuilroad, ajll'eonsy Ivania enterprise,
enterprise, now nearly eomploted.
runs tiiroutfU Anos Arundel nnd
Prince George's conntics, ( within
which it bus a branch doverging to
Wsthington,) nnd Chirles county ;
the Point Lookout and Witablneton'
Road ia oow projected throuuh Princo
Georire'a. Charles and St Mrv
counties, aod lbs Drum Point Rail
mad ia now prnjeotod tbroucb A tine
Arundel and Calvert counties, eo.u
stitutinr, when Complotod. a railroad
chain of nearly five hundred miles
within tbe peninsula, three of tbe
lines being for tbe nnl purt parr.llrl,
running Irom north to south ; two
nontly parullel, between Wntdunctnn
nnd . Rultimore, ood three ruoninir
tlitoucbthe noithern part fartheat
from navigation.
The Patuxent river divillne Csl
vert county from Chsrlessnd St. Mn
ry e, snd Anno Arundrl from Prince
Ueorgo's coonty. is oavluable for
more thao one hundred miles from
its mouth, and. in iu dexceut from its
head pase through a heavily timber
ed acction. skirted oo either tddo with
a sandy, loamy soil, whose sub-strata
is a shell-bed, and between two ridel
i , . ...
ea oi uon sootit ten m.ues wide oo
cither side, unsurpassed for body or
fertility by the Gennosseo vslley in
tho State of New York, the Susque
hanna Valley in the State of Penn
sylvania, or the great Mississippi
Valley, the granary oftho wsstcm
The forests furnfch fho finest white
oska, walnut and hickory, and the
little strenmlet running ioto the ri.
vers snd bay invite lbs coterpriHinij
capitalist to ffiillse them. In seme
portions iron ore is found in vrear
quantities, and very pure, aoo beds
of Lake Superior pray stone, which
goce waa filled with gold ore belbro
it wua subjected to voleaoio action
This stone is valuable for railroad
and bulling purpnaes. The soil and
clinisto are specially adopted to fruitt
petrhe, pears and cherrict abounding
where the tho tiller lis not plowed.
Some of tbe most beautifut location
here are to be found for praperies or
vineyards far superior to thoso in tbe
south of France, two dearect oflati
itudo further south, snd possessed of
the t.awe advantages of the ei't spray
arising front tbe bay here, aa from the
Mediterranean te thert. Our State
system of education i good, aod
churches and post offices are nbund-
tnt ; Ibo only thins npedod la a thor
ough system or punlio roudi, which
'will come as noon as tbe enterprise r
labor is Introduced. Our people
bnve bien always proverbial for their
hospitality snd toleration o! opinion.
and when the thousand sto farms
are cut up into SftV snd one hundred
acrra, occupied Iby thrifty, enterpris
ing sod Inw-lovinff people; then we
ahsll look Into a future freighted with
b'CM'mgs, snd in the social circle with
new iioJybbors forget tbe losses of
ths past. Let 00 stranper hesitate for
a moment whea ih commercial, me
chanical and nsrloull uraf advantapea
havo been made omnifont, to 0u?o ,B
and buy Maryland.' anted la ber
earlier history for religious toleration,
maiotains, espcoially in this pent isnla.
the duetrine of the fullest toleration
of opinion wbrn described within tbe
limits of reason, and oo period ia ber
b'ulory it markd by the dark spot of
proscription, or even can while the
prestige of her past chivalry it re
membered. Tbe bsrvest truly is ripe
snd tbe laborers are' few ; tbe large
fielda that onoe blossomed as ths rose
now lie covered with bathos and bri
ars: Ibe orchards sre nnpruned
the beautiful farm bouse Is now neg
lected tbe rattle of teams and ma
chinery thai onoe ' filled the sir with
tbe buatlo aod activity of thrift, la sel
dom heard j lbs marry song of hapi
nest is stilled into tbe . quiet of tho'l,
add, this onoe happy '. oeetioa seems
oow forgotten. Cao this eontioue
while capital stumbling and reeling
through the chanee meshes of speuls
live stocks, cao be lovsited at a sore
and oertalo profit of from fifty to one
hundred per cent, ie a few years Is
not aceumolatioa and development
tbo objeet of every good . cllisen ia
life 1. One plsnts, aaoteer gathers
one .sows, another reaps fbne builds,
another occupies. Tbit peninsula is
the field for investment, sod bow Is
Ibe time... .Landstthat yisld from fifty
tt sixty bushtUofeore per osre, oth
er eropa la proportion, and , Ibat e m
manded.teM jiars age from s opo bao
dred lo eoti aaeireJ ood toentv-lra
dollars pes ere, icrrcvel svlcS 'ee
thiejtzr$,U, r t: r tit f.jt
. ... ... ..... .
half ttiat amount, and animproved, at
a pro rata, redoettow. In one neigh,
borhood in Frlsce George's coaety.
i ying on noin sides or a railroad and
adjacent to Is, three tbowaend acres af
sneh land may be Sought ' for a slight
Lejicess of,one hundred Ihoossnd dol
lars. Capitalists" look to yoar inter-
ests. Farmers in Feonaylvauia: New
York. New Jersey and Delaware, sell
your lands that will bring you from
one hundred to two hundred snd fifty
dollars per sero. .to your less eotei-
prising neighbor nnd eenie lo here
pow and buy lands better than yours
st from ons-third toooo-llfth tbo price
you get, nnd land, too, that ooe borse
will work easier than throe will yours.
This la no h mbog j the land is for
neloi corns snd sow it, and 'ths mo t
skeptical will bo sstlxfied. Ooe-hall
nf lha advantages oaooot bs written
or printod can only be appreciated
when teen. '. '
All applications In person made, or
all communications to be addre-wed to
me at Rladenburg, on Washington
Rranch of Rnltimoro and Ohio Rail
nrifl. mince ueorge s county mar-
Ilanl Etiate Attorney
Boi.v. , and Saw Mill Complete
with modern Improvement,
One Eliil'a Woodworth Flaner,
8bafilnr. Drlilns, fte.,' at tow flgorra
nearly new and In eirpllenl ordi-r.
Addrett MITCH KM. tt MOATK,
- Woodward, Centre Co., Ta.
March 23, 1871.
Harper's Periodicals
For lMri.
Tht Nation, N. Y.
Harper's Magazine.
Tha itraat dwlra of HAaraa's U to Sirs aor
ract lnftrntln and rational armiMnnant to tha
araal mains of tha ranpla. Thara ts no oioi.U It
Maxstlna an lotolllnaot raadlna - ramlly oan
l' aSonl tu ba without. Many Mairat ln ara
aerumulatO't. Haaran'a liadllad. Tliaratannt
Maawlna that Is prlntait which show Bora
Intslllirant palaa aipaodad on Ita artlelas and
tnarhatiloal tiaentlnD. literals not fheapar
Maaailna paMlihed. Thsia ll not, ennraMt.Ur,
a mora po'mlar Msaailaa In tha world.-ftaw
a.nalanil Homastaad.
At onre lha moat uopalar and. In Its achems.
tha aiost original or our Maaailuai.
All tha pariooioalt which tf, llnrari pntitlih
ra almost IdaaUi waU aditad. Nation.
"A eompltte Plotorlal Htitory or lha Times."
Harper-s Weekly.
Tha bast puMli-atlon of Its class tn Amerloa.
and so tar uhiad ulall othar wtekly Inurnal. as
not to parmlt r any oompurlaon butwsan It and
anyorthalrnuiukar. It. columns contain th
Sna.t collection, of rmdlna: uiattar that a-a
primed. Its Illustration, ara numarons
and beanttrnl, nln lurul.had by tha cUlat art
ist, ol the country . Norton Tra valor.
Hsn'i WaaaLT Is tha boat and mini In
farastlng lllu.tratod naw.papar. Nor doaa lis
value depend on It. llluitraAlons alo-a. Its
raa.llna: matter I. of a hitch, order of literary
merit rarlail, Instruc-tlva, aatarlalalna, aud un
cxcallonabla. N. V. Sun.
Harper's Bazar.
Frea from all political and aectarlan disens-
Ion, devoted to faahlon, i
laaeura, and Inatrue-
tlen. It lajuat tba agreabla,
aomnanlonsula. and
Interaatlna domest Ic paper which avary mother
ami wueauu aweamaan will require avary sun,, and Invar t" brlaa home with hlra every
Saturday avanln. Philadelphia Lodger.
By all mean, bny lliru l IJaiu. Not for
vouraalf. but for Tour wlla. or daughter, oralatar.
or awoethaart. Thara navar waa any paper pub-'l
ii.uvu mat vii ueiignioii ina naari oi woman.
Never mind M It duaa eoat you a pew bonnoli It
villi save you tan time, lha prlca In lha homo
hold aeonumy It teach.. Provldeooa Journal.
Terms for 1871.
Haaraa'a MaoAztaa. oaa yaar tt M
Itanraa'a Wssklt, one year 4 t0
Haaraa'a HAXAa,ona yaar 4 00
HAjtraa'a Mi.tiim, Haapen's Weiki.t and
HArn'a Uasak, to una address, for ona year,
fio M or an; two for T 00.
Thapoetaiia wlthla tha Unites Btates Is for
the Mamlna 34 cents a year, for tha Weekly or
Haiar at cents a year, payable yearly, semi
yearly, or quarterly, at tha uffloe where received .
Tli Volumes ol the Uagailua eomtneave with
the Numbers for June and ltacembar or each
year, bubaorlptlout may aeeimenee with any
Number. When no lime I. apoolMed, It will be
undanlood that lha subscriber wlhet to begin
with the Br.t Number of the current Volume,
aod back Number wiU be sent accordingly.
The Volume ol toe Weekly and Haiar oom
meore with the year. When no time Is .peollted
It will be uoilerslood that the subscriber wishes
to commence with the Number nst after tha
receipt or nls order.
W hen tbe subeorlber'S address ll ta be changed
both lha old and lha new must be given. Ills
But neeaeiaary to give notloe of dlaeontlnaaaee.
In remitting by aall, a Poet-oBlce Order or
Ilrart payable to the order of lltursa a
UttuTHBHa Is preierabte to Hank Not, line,
should th Order or Draft be lost or stolen, It ana
be renewed without lo. to the sender,
The I'oamlsslonera of Snyder county hereby
give public nolle to all concerned, that they
will hold the Appeal, an the Trt-eanlal Aaaesa.
menu for 171, as folium, to wit:
nisTBicra. riAcaa or arrBAU. ma.
Reave, Sloses Spaeht, HeavertowB, April 10
vr, aver r, i ronp. uosgrave nan ji
' rvupe. ciuegrav I1BII
Peter liartman, 'oirrllla.
J, 7; ervs.vr, nnHiarvTiue
" It
" 14
Mlddlob'g tloui'r. CirBne, .silddTebnrt '
Perry l.aoch rimlth, PremO."
WMtPerryJoha Plaher. near Klehaald ' J la-. Mmlthirrova
Uhepaua terdlnaBd said tfi'p '
i'biob aa aiuuner, IB port Trevl a '
Weati'toa U. F. Noyar, la Freeburg 1
rraaklla . Ooaa'r UMoe, la Nlddlebnrg
enns , Barah A. Miller, fialem 1
rXlluagrovtHaary a. Holig, In ttellngrora '
Monro ttarah Keen, bhamokm hum '
At which tlmaa and nlasa thoa aha mv fkal
uiiuaaeivee aggrieveu ny tnetr vaiuMloas i
attend If they think proper. Appeal, wl
open eank dap from a o'clock A . M ., o t o'c
P. M. Bounty tag at the rata of t Bill or
themselves aggrieved by their valuatioas may
nil be
half per oaat. oa aaoh and every dollar of th
valuation. JOHN J. LattPHN. ,
f Cmi IB eaUUOMrtT
Oommlxteners' Offlee, MldSUbarg, Alar. W, ItTI
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtu ef a writ of Vtad Zx., issued
oat of be Court of Curaraoa i'lea of Bny.
der Co. to dlreoled, will be eaposed I
PubHs rials, at lb Court House ia Middle-
borj, ea MONDAT. APRl JO, 1871, al
10 s'alook, A. si., lbs foltoalng asluabls
RKAti EsTATR aa follow. q wit i-AII
ibat oertala Tract of Land siluale ia Cfeap
ton Township, Bnydsr aouniy, Pa., boon,
deat oaet by land of Joba Moll, south by
land of lb Derates Reformed and Lalbo
ran aoBrciioBS of Orubb'e Church, west
by land of Wtliiara Ulge sad eiktra, aaJ
aarta by Und af Henry Arnold, ooatalalag
lOl ACIIK, 0-
More tt less, wbareoa are erected a Two
8iry. Wsuber-lioardtd DwalUag Meat,
flood Bora, aad etatr assaaaary aad ea.
veoltat out bulld'n. '.
Tabs ra ei- ..oe i t a "
Jtotrelld) tVa AJrertiiemenU.
.- ....Jkv
010 PER DAV.
mew woatttif, nova and curls aniM
tm oar m ButM aiak erom a u sia mt my
In ttivlr owa IamIUHni. Full Mrilealara anil In
tratma mm Sy ail. T In nf
rwratnant. jtHUH, work, kmlt aiMrm at
fKariKfHOM aaa porhiaS
40 YTeeks for One Dollar!
Aprl 1,171 A Vim class, tlahl rra Arle.
ta ral sail Family Wrraly :iwriiiias tta.
MOPK1N3 a WlLUX,-hochi.r, N. T.
slrlaa i a mm i Mnt Iniaall roa. Taai-h'.
a how lo eura all illiaatM of lha aarana i skla,
aair, !, aonplailon. write to THUroailwar,
Naw York.
Hand 1 ZXachine Sewing.
j. & P. COA1V
From No. 8 lo No. 100 inclusive.
AU Daalers la Vrj Ooorti aa4 Notices.
IvthTaar. ntna, ItdraanbAasaa. Lar-
aat A ..nrt moot all tit. ItMt sum k l-m
1 1 Frleasl Would yoa kaow what, Vka, How lo
, Hlant I Fralt 8hada (InrnrMn Trms, Kont
r(n, faartllnas. (Maira blanis Aoola uad
Kariy Ron Putaiuas. Hhrnu. Rnnas Itrnnhnnsa
ann nircin plants, . aa. K lows a aid Van
1 TARi.a Haaua I t'IPM. Hast t'nllartlnn Oort
. and quality. SiaaS 10 eanu for Naw. llliutratart
ox-rlptlra Cauloana 90 naaaa fUml ma
arh, riir LaUlnfOM nfsiaals. with plain dirt
tlons at paass i Nxtdlnc an4 (ardao plants
Stpaaaa, and Prlca l.l.t M paa-as
Adilraia r
K. rilOtMX Bloooilnnton, 111
ni:i:i)k! Hi:i:rn:
Market (Sardanars wantlna fre.h and rallalda
SaH, ehould buy of tht arowara. Wa a row tha
ftnaet varieties of Beet, t'abliaga, Carrot, Kor
Corn, Kala, Latluea, Stolon, Union, Par.alp,
Haitian, Hnlnach, Kqussh, Turnip and other Va-
ketaoie needs, t'ataloaiiea with Tries I. lit
mailed free. WADE a AKMnHONU, Seeds
men, 1130 Alarkal street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Fragrant Sapoliene
Claant Kid Oloras afid all klmt. or (MolheS and
t.nthlna,i remoree Paint, Orae.e, Tar, he., ho.,
Inatantly, without tha leaat liilurr to tha floret
fabrlo. sold by llriiilaM and fancy O.xxla
Peeler. KHAilRANT r4APOI.IKN fe. )., aa
Baroley St., Naw York, 44 La Belle St. Chicago
I 04l Pl't.MONAHY HALWAM 1(Sm?
Tha old standard remedy f Oungh., Uoiilii,
Con.umptlon. " Wotklng belter." Cvtlsb
Baoe. at Co, Bo.tea.
TTTVEOAR, how made In ten honra without
VAM drags. Particulars 10 cents.
r. SAUK Ottmatlt, Cono. '
? 4? ? t-fTffyfiTi
prepared to furnish all elaaaes with con.lant
employment at home, the whole or I be timeer
or inesiatre raon-eou. Ku.lneaaaew, light, and
proflubl. rraona of either set eaally rn
from 60s. lo So per evening, and a prupurtlonl
sum by devoting their whole time to the bualaea
Boyaand girls earn nearly ea much as men.
That all who srethls notice may snnd their ad
drees, and teat tha bnalnoa, wa make th unpar
alleled ofler i To such as are. not well satlsued
we will .end (1 to pay forth trouble of writing.
For particulars, a valuable ramble which wlllde
to commence work on, and a copy of The Peo
ple's Literary Companion ona of the largest
and beat family newnpapera ever published all
scut free by mall. .Header, II eon want per ma
neat profltebie work, s.'drex ,
t. O. ALLEN A Co. Augusta Maine.
PSYCHOM ANUY. Any lady or gentlemsn
can make si.luOa month, secure their own
happlne.. ainl Independence, by obtaining I.-Y-CliOM
DHAkJllNll too pageat cloth. Full Instruc
tions to are this poner over men or animals at
will, how to ateam-rlte, become Trance or Wri
ting medium., Dlviuallnn, Hiilrltu.llrm. Alche
my, rhlloaopht of Omens end Dreams, Ilrlgham
Young's Unrein, Oulde to Marrlaite, Ac , all
contained In this buoki .old; price by
mall, In cloth 41 Hi, uiper cover St. NoTion.
Any iieraon willing io set as agent will receive
a sample copy ol th work free As no cnplial
ts required, all dcslroue of genteel employment
eh"-' ' ' "
Agents. Male & Female.
For fast- selling popular subscription
Dooka. .'xra Indueimtnti to Ajenlt. In
formation frea. Addrrsa American Book
Co., 62 Willinru Blreet N. Y.
Br tending S3 CENTS,
with ag. height, color of eye and hair, yna will
receive, by return mall, correct picture of your
future husband or wile, with nam aud data of
marrtane. Addreaa W. OX. p. u. Drawer Vn
S4, Pulton vllle. New dork.
day) terell ths celebrated HOMK SHUT
Tl.KStWINU MAOHINK. Has th under
feed, makes the "lock stitch" (alike on bath
sides,) and la fully Ucebsed. ta beat and cheap,
ail family Hawing Nechln In the market. Ad
draeajoumoa, CUBS, A Co., Uoaton, Blaaa.,
c-i.iauurg, -., vnicago, in., or or. muis, aia.
Cough! Cough! Cough!
way do yoa cough whea yoa sen be ao easily
relieved by using ' .
Ir. Well' tarcollc Tablets t
They ar a sura care fort Ron Throat, Cold,
Hoarsen, OatArrah and all Diseases oftho
Lungs, Throat and Hronehlal TbIm. -
Prom the great number ef Testimonials as to
the emelency of this Invaluable niedloia th
following U Mlected.
: is aeiecied.
panieh Ave.. Chlcsro. III.. Jan. IA IS71
4T Wah
"Por th
"For lb last tea years 1 bar been a great
sunerer from freuent allack of A out Ilroa-
chitis, ana nave never round
I anything to relieve
me Irom the attacks until 1 triad lr. Welle1
Carbolic Tablet." Cuoabbtb T. Root.
caution. atMr
be aure ycu gotl only WLXL' CA1
or tb leas artl-
Vcu aatt onlv W KT.I.I CAKBUUll
oa tou.
J.Lt. A PUtt street, N Y, sole ageal.
oom ey jrruggiau. rne at cent a boa.
'uVuontfci wanted ibr
Ovsb oris TuotitASn iLtvtrsAVions. Tb
largest, boat telling, snd meet attractive
subscription book ever published. " One
agrat In Denver; Colorado, aold 100 aoplee
ia four daya. One agent ia Milwaukl aold
30 ooplea in - f day, and a large aumber
frnra 20 to 80 enpta per day. Bead for eir
culara wilb terma st one. Addreaa II. 8.
PUSL18I11MO CO., 411 Broom 81 N. T.
Reduction cf Prices .
TO tONPOBN TO .' tf l
Jiy Oett in.- up Clnb.
S-S.iid for Mr Naw Prte List aad Club
form will aeoomaaey It, eoatalulng full dlree
lloaa making a large saving to aoBaaaurt aad
rmeart!ve W aluk erganlser. .
Tht Great American Tea Company,
P. O.BotM4L - . tfKW VOHK. .
liooix. : Jk.tresntm I .
The meet waaral, araamaaUL aesulki alt
tawior ef a-.rUia hwokt, Is" -ay-l
-w m MiMrB." J . 41 M s -sl
at f- -y b"M, s -y
RcAfT 1-OR AOENTS-n boo, , i
fOXLINO. Thethearest aaVTaea ' ,
tavyof'the Late War, In both FnelUk and '
ea, pretaeaiy lllatrld,eaty u. tma.ll'
repjrt as orders la twe days. Act qnb-ki. .
i-m a. n. ni npanih i
4o Cbeetaal Street, rklladelphla. Pa.
nqiCTonv of m
tl anntaln ott Ino Sn engraving, or ft.i..
neenae an mcnt ta Ik War, d I. ii...
Ihentle aud ornclAL blelnry ,r that 1
book Jotl 6a v coiOaint lOOKn engratlnJ,
asSfW. Mend Sn. elrrailara i.A .... '
Pnbll.heS la betfe Englleh A a;Z.r
5."!! .dWP""B of 5h Addr.?
TIUNAL PfjHLISHiNiJ Ot., Phllq'l.;
Scrlptore sail Science have awt together
Uenesis and (ollgy har kissed each ot,W
A book ofthrllllnf Interest ami great,. '
port ance In tvary human being. h IwT
Pulpit aad People are all dlseaaalaa Ui.iCi
,0011 rurnk, every men, woman and child au!
to read it. The long Sere war Is mled, ...
honorable peace aevureT. Science It lre, u.
HlWe IlleraV pare aad bean tlfuL both Boa ntl?
Bed and Arm frieads. (fod's wS daya, ,i,
tual days, ant logg perlotls. This book glvn th.
very cream of science, making He thrllllne rw?
III, beaatle. wonders and epwrkllng tenT.
kundied fobl more Intereallng than Set lot
wilt drop other books and secure territory iSii?
dlately. Ad.lreea for clrcalar. 7.IF.ll.-a"t
MrCLBDY. IS isoBth StBSU, Phlladelphla,X
It la a car and perfect remedy lor art dlar r
Tbe Ll?r and Bptran, Knlargeoient r Oh.
etrucllon of Inlllns. frlnary, Uterioa
or Abdominal Orgaaa, Poverty or a
Waul of Illood, Inicrmiitent or Re.
mittent Fevrrs, InflsmmsiluB of
of tbt Littr, Dropsy, Mluyglsti
Cireulalion of Ibe Blood. Aba
etswa. Tumor. Janndloa, '
Dyapepsia. Agne A Fever
or I heir concomitants
T)b. WgLts bavins; become aware of lis
ailranrdinary meilictnal prontrtiot of lb
South American Plant, call J
trnl a special commhsioa to lltat country
lo procure it In lis nnlive purity, and hav.
ing found tta wonderful curative properties.
to even exceed th anticipation formed hy
ita f.reat repullion.haa concluded lo ofTtr
it to the public, and ia bappy to atate thai
he bas perfected Brransetnenls for a rcgu
lnr monthly supply of tbit wonilarful plant.
11 baa srjrnl munh tlm amarimaniu.
and inTstigatiog at lo Ibe moat efficient
Ercparuuon irom ii, lor popular use, aoJ
a for aom time nid iu bia own praolica
with matt bannv results the aflVeiual
atoa no w presented lo lbs public aa
Dr.. tl ells' Extract or Jl Br Bin,
aitd h eOtiflllnlt ll I. .....
family aa a household remedy which aboulil
" irceiy lagop aa a vlood Puninaa in all
derangementa of tbe system and lo aaimalt
aud foriily all wrek and Lympbatio tem
perament. JOHN Q. KELLOOa, Piatt 8t.
Few York. Sol. agent for ibe United Siaict.
Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for
Tlie IMajjic Comb.
will change any colored hair or beard ton bir
maaanl Mack or brown. It Contain a pnleon
One oninb aeul by mall for 41. Dealers supplies
at reduced rates. AudressWm. Patloa,treM.
Sprlogflald, Mail.
XtT A JS'V VTi Alfsnts everywhere to tell
JfV , Aa JL XjAJ nur nw B.k, ls: "HIS.
TOH.Y OF n'AI.Y." (Illu.traled.l be John .
II. Abbett. A splendid subject end popular an
MM ' ,ltja!tLL, Pabllsbaa, Huston,
85 TO 820 A DAY!
I'oroBwantk situation as salesman at'or
aear home, to sell our new ; strand Wmitb wm
H.oTnaa Liasa to i.att ob tb.. Don't
mla thla ahnnn. h.mnl. Cm. . .1 .1 j
ron Klvar Wire Mlila, 7t W'm.'flU ft. V.orlt
arborn St. Chkagj. .-.(,,
' lady who had aulTered for years from Peef.
, l.otarrh and (Mirofal. was cured bye
uple remedy. Her eyinnothy and o-ratlluda
iinpta her to rend the reoelpls free or charge
any one similarly affllcle-l. Address Sirs.
O. Lkuobit, Jersey city, N. J.
are notified, that a better and cheaper Jar
in aver known will be upplled. This '
eieells In every quality and requirement,
and will outsell and can nuderSell any all
otner. It will .ell llaelf. Important price
Hit for Is: I, now ready end sent free. Address
!-'MfcV SON, No. til Dock St,
Philadelphia, Pa.
with tbe Qreea Tea r favor.
ASrranted so suit all taslsd.
Por sale everywhere., Ast
for sale wholsale only by th
Obbat Atlamtio A Paci.
10 Taa Co., I church St. Nw
Hox tm. Bead for Thta-ITaeUr
J . '
Having purebaird tbt. well known atand ,
in 8linsrove, formerly owned b.v Philip
Uleoker, 1 am prepared lo aeoomraodat all
wbo may deair anylbing In my line, aad
warrant aatlafaotion in all eaaet. ' ( keep
eonttaotly on. band, nnd am prepared le
manufacture si Ibe ehorleat do I ice, ,', ' - i
r"" SULKIES," s
' " SLEIOnS.lo.
Being eiprrienoed In tbe buainasa, I Hol
ler myself ibat I am fully prepared le meA i
tbe wanta of my customers. Tbe band J
employed are among Ibe beat mechanic ia
tbo oounty, and tbeir wort, will aot fail to
(It universal tatisfacliwa, '
axaHpoial atteaiioB paid to repalrlog '
ia all Ita branobaa.'at -
Bbop on Market tliecta few doore toutb
of tbe German Reformed Church.
Belinagrsv. April T..'70-lf .. J,-
Yoia P.O.
V- ' : 1 l.-J -im. ( .1 . r' ,ii.:i
Ths stibtoriber orfere st: private aale his
VALUABLE" FARM, fituate in Monro
lownabin, Bayder Countv, Pa. adjoining
anda ef Abraham Fiebsr, Mlohesl Uwaaiasl
nd other, eoata ining about ;t .: f-'i , i ' ' f
more ar lose, alnel y-Bra aaree sf which sr ;
leered aad in a high alate of eulllvattont ' '
the balaaoe ia covered with th beat nf tlm-'
ber. Tb Improvements consltt ef a food "
large .'. i - u .- i
: Dwciiinar'allous;- ?
s LA BO 8 DANS PARK and. all nscttsary
euibulldinga, good water stnvealaat for alL
purpoeet, a large .
coBlalolnf choice gratltd fiult, a. . he, ,,
farm ia andvr good fence, naturally fertile '
and highly produetivei le In a healthy
eoasiry, about ibtw sallae from Ss lias
grave aad I we aUo from ,8hsmkta Dam, -en
tb waet bank ef the tlueauB river ...
Is ttoavenlenl le Markets, 1 Ca
aala, Cfeuyokat sad Bcksolt, -
; Will Uo Jens---1 a.s',- 1 ,s
vlvs I- ' ' '.-.
...... .i- .
ltJrSd( -. H