The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 30, 1871, Image 2

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    . . . .. . r--. -r''r5,r,',' . . 4
-' "-:''.. i s -C ' - . ' .. . -J . .- ' . -. C.r .rr .' "" 7.-.--
-iaMaBatfaaallaBiaVBBBaaaaaiaam-Mh- ' - I ' I I 1 - - i. , . J, -,..-
. a
iL ... -1 ,1
yubHebed every Thursday Evening by
JIIXMIAS CROWf, froprfctOf. .
. Tirmi of Subscription,
W0 WLtAlt PF.H AKSCMr Payable
wiihin tlx month, or $2.60 If not paid
'" wllhia th yr. Ne taper discontinued
' anlil all sVrearag are paid allien at
' ' th option of lb puhlihr.
Subscriptions outside of the county
fjf Ptnwi HA lag end using paper
addressed other beeom subscriber,,
nd ar liable for lb priee of la ppr
e ' '"c',ur(f. Ta.,
0(Tn bli prolM'onl itrvlett ta tba pub
lic. Colleoiiont and all oibrr profmionat
buiiatM tnlrnMt4 ( bit ear will roel
prompt alicalioD. Jan I, '67if
Selinagroire To.,
OITert bit professional urriet t tba pub
it. All butiatt tnirunted to bia earr
vill bt prooiptW allndtl In.
. . fJto. 17, XTtf
W. KNIGHT,- ; , r.
rpeelHrtt Ta.,
Oftr bit rrofcltloaal terviceto Iht pub
. All buaintta aotruttad t bis car
ill bt promptly atiendevl its ,
t . Jan. 17. G7tf
Lewuburs Ta.,
Cffert bit profttsloaal terriea to uJ pub
lit. CoUeelloDt and all other Pi tuton
tl baiiaeet tnirutttd to bis ear - ill rt
teirt prnaipt alteolioD.
Lewlabiirg l'a.
Offfri hit rrofcttional terviot to the pub
ir. Colleoiiont and J1 other profriaion
til huKinma tntrutted to bit ears will rt
tiri prompt altenllou. Jan. "8, '7if.
I 5I.L1NS, '' . n. DILL,
ll ( (SoOTimrt to J. T. h J, M. Llus.)
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lewisburg, Pa.
Offtr tbtir profetaional tertlcet to lha
public Colleetiont and all other pro
fMnional butliiett tntrualed lo their car
will rcetivtproDiptatteniion.f Jan. 8,'67tfJ'
- Relintigrove Tn.,
Offers bit profetaional aervieet to the pub
tit, t'olleclloni and all dhcr profcaf lona
buiiatM entruited to hi care will re
teiv prompt attention. Cilice two dror
sortb of Iho Kejilon Hotel. Jan 6, '0
Selinsgroto Po
Offer bia Profetaional terricea to the
publio. All butlnet ntrutted to bit
cut will be promptly attended lo. Col
led ioni made in all parte of tbe State.
He can arena lha Ensl.'ili and German
language fluently. Office between Hall'
tea me roil omoe.
Midilleburg Soyder County Perm's
Office a few door Weal of lbs P. O. on
Main ttreet. Consultation in Engliib
tad Geminn tiguaget. Prp.'lTH
'"'.. " Lewisburg Pa.,
Offers bis professional teiTiceeto tbe pub.
lie. All buaineta tntrutted to bit ear
will b promptly attended lo.
Jan. 8. '071
Teraona in need of a good and durable
Sewiug Maobiti can be accommodated at
reasonable pricet by calling on on San
vii. Faiit, Agent, Belinigrote.
fJnn. 24, 'C8
DK. J. Y.SniNDEL,'
Middleburg Ps.,
Offers bia professional aereice to tbe cit
iiens of MiUdltliurg snd vicinity. -
fMarch 21, '67
r ' " SolinsgroTe Perm
; ' ; Peod Twp., 6njder Co. Ps
Yh. WAGNEK, Esq.,
Jscksoo Township, Snyder Co. Pa.,
WiU attend io sll business entrusted to
bis car snd. on tbe moat reaaonable
terms. Marob 12,.'0(f
Tttjt U- KANAWEL, i : .
CeBlrovlUc, Snyder Co., Po.,
Offers bis professional services to tbe
publio. - - 8-88lf -
FW, 8C1IWAN, M. D.,
J f ort Trerorton Fa,
Offenlilt profeeilonal tonrleoa to' tba
eitlient of this place tad eUiuily. U
peaks Oeruisn snd Engliab.
. - ' .t - lAprll '68
v Vf aaburo- Rnvder Co. Pa..
' iloel reipeetfully offers bis tereioes to
ea public ss Y end at Vryer and Auotlon
eer. Having had a -large- experience, I
taalaanfldanl that I eaa reader perfeel
atisfsotlon to n mplortea. :
r: . ,i JnP, '67t
. -DIBTtllCTATTOllllT,
0lMCot nau,, t8epi.l6, '87tf ,
No. 32- K. TH 1F3U O
6.88T ' PBOADELPB1A. r '
11 M 1IANDEJIBAC3 P'op's. -
v . .., . ,J.CI .ji, CUrk.
Vm, 8 4U Karl 1J i t r. ,
VOL, 9.
of Border CootUT, fhr the Tear ITa, erna
menolna on the lit day of Jannarr and endlna
oa Ihetlit det of Deeamber, tmlkdaealaelaalTe.
a'SlattS tatttl?
it iziiim
ft ft
e-4 ifkiai
tiSS3llEI2El!B5SC S.
ft p
Sit f ftX3ECS5SS33g .
ft S
5 SB tf
sss9fiisssg..ssg '. p
ft 3
5 2 s l r.1 s v r: a-n n
la.ffrj.."wv'S. -H-S
m d
a 3
taStSS8!S8Sla86 g 3
u S a to
?H " lj"ffS hi f
a a
t& ssts;far g
t.Kpeuunurea. 'iiu.
Auditors' services, luoluding Clerk $00
8. Alleman, Auditing County Oflices 6
Asfcsmn' Pay.
A'ts'rs, tericeln making all era' e 128 36
do do under Registry tot 842
do do ' making military rel'ne 61 78
do do do . triauniafass'ut 889
do taking k io septanoial cenni 72
Am't paid to Return Judges, to 810 17
Constablta for advertising
nd serving notioes . ' 117 18
WeiylUi and ileaturet. ,
W O Hickok, for one set Weights snd ' '
Measure t for county, ss directed '
by set of Assembly - - 298 60
. Eattern Penitentiary.' . ':
Eastern Penitentiary for Support, ef
eonvlcis In 1809 ' . . 86 44
Benj ITousewortb, costs and fee for
. holding inquest on dead body 'of
Win Doldorf, of Bellnsgrovs 19 30
' ' " Bndget. ."'
W A Bell for new bridge at Selinsg'v COO 85
Carey J- Bcbnurs for lumber Jto for '
rep's ef Sslinsg'v k Longs bridges 103 46
8choob, 4 Bro. spikes Ac for tame 8 12
J.liouaeworth tt al, lumber, hauling -
nd labor at same 88 85
Hummel k Hower, lumber for 8-"
linsgrov Bridge - 81 06
Hietiand k Boyer, nails, spikee, oil, '
paint, elo. for same - , 18 47
Samuel OemberUng, hauling to. to
Kaals's, snd gravel and bauliug k "
' tiling In t Bellntgrov bridge - 84 -John
Hebn, et al, labor at Kants's, .
Blaokemllbing, bolts, epikea $9.
at Belintgrov brldgee ' 149 26
W W Cewley et al labor at
Hants' bridges . , ; : .' 168 64
M Frvmoyer, work at Letter's bridge 9 v
A J Bpecht building new bridge over
hliidiacraak in FrankUn tp 1299 '
Same tor extra work In making said
. bridge 6 feet longer wnd on fot .' "j
f higher Uab contracted for ' ' ' 150
Benj Bvpn building new bridge ever . .
- Middlebreek, near Kaots's hlUl, - '
per eealract . . . 1886
I Yost, for plank and repairs at " i
bridge new hi mUl . 8 36
BJobard Ward ftlUag in abutmeats .,
si new BeUnsgrova bridge- ..- 27
A Ulan rep'g bridge Int W Beaver tp 6 21
Ssatasl Den, material and repairing
brldr near Treotman's bill I . - 89 86
Jae Housevqrtn, plank, IisnHng, kt, "
.i t..n.'. ,ni - io in
WageaaeUer '4 Ban for spikes and , , - ' .
utiles f repairs at bHdge . ij' i 81
Ed OeJaberllug, foe haullag grTt '.
to Ballatvrov bride . ' . 4 06
John llebia aad olhere, for 1 '
j not, baui ag sis for repairs a -
' llntfrov and Kaatt bridges - ' 84 76
F Bolir. repairing Borer's brld4 " 88 !
i Brnnner, hauling and labor i aoait 20 60
W MWrsM t aays aaaonwvrK m
sans and Furnao bridge 13 60
B Uaenkower, matoawork, hauling,
labor and lima at same 88 16
Free Bolif :r-alrii Farnao hrl'-a 61 i. ,
Jt-b tae14ballujgnswka'ad ;
a- khm:' t
?rfparf r...l
' -'- : t;' 'ffS
Aug Arnold do do serota Mannnt'go 19
Beboob ft Bro repairing bridge near
ttialr Mill . - , O'J
Moaee Krebbt. fllllog abulmcata at k,
uittrs ertuge
J'rolhonotary Offiri. '
i Crouse, bill of foti In full for W9, 811 18
do . do part for 1870. 171 23
do ''do for ream writing paper fl 70
W II Beaver, tap A for office . 1 (10
Shlndel k SwJuaford, for stationery 69 M
S Wltlenmeer. paper, broom, eta 8 17
J W Drees for mtrahandiee "77
Miller k Elder, bill for dockets, tit
eludlagrttoforRegand Reeafnce 167 01
Itciixli-r d Ileevrttrr's Office.
8 D Sebuek, Recorder' for recording -
Trea''"" - '
Joaepb ki,va( n.. .
John J Mnttern, Canimia.
latai 8 t.ongaore, do
l'blllp Kinney, do '
A J Peters, Committiooers' Clerk
B T I'trka, - d . : Counsel
J W Drecee, brooms, pens and ata'y
11 S&
21 09
. 2 i
U to
8 71
4 OH
2 CO
4 OH
1-1 67
2 (0
rinindi'l f rwinerrd, Mattpnery ..
F W Schwan. sand, ink, pene el .
O A Suhoch, tundriet for oftic ,
I) Ranch, Hook case do
J Atirand, poilage, eovelopee, elo
8 Witleniuyer, conl oil, broorar, elo
t'outt lloute Ajprnael
D J Hnaainger, hauling coal, 18ff
O A Itolendcr do do do
E A Pfelningcr do do do
John Young d do do
Jont'n llnwerton do do do
John II Waller do do do
8)1 ltowertoi do do do
J lloch repairing Ct Iloua windows
Scboch i Brother for eoal
W H Beaver for mercbandls '
2 60
U 70
1 60
Shlndel Swineford.bill for aundries 8 63
J Q Smith, repainting Ct bouse roof
and new conductor, for spouting 160
Po for repairs at roof elo . 26 -
Ruhrbach Jt Rudy grata for ttove f0
Wegenttller ft Son coal, I860 '70 83 M
Henry lluber, rep'ng Ct bonne locke 6 76
J W Dreeae, for sundry merchandise 6 66
O Alfred Bohocb, for sundries . - 1 CO
8 Witttnmyer.broome.ainlionery.elo 13 Oi
. Court ' Ertnte$
Feb, Term Grand Juror
Petit Juroaa .
Court oryer
Conatabiea' Rcturne
May Term Grand Jurors
1'etit Jurors
' Court crytr
Conatablee' Returns
Sep. Term Grand Juror
Petit Juror
Court cryer
. Constables' Return
Dec. Term tirnnd Juror
Petit Jurors
Tipstaves . t
, Court cry er
119 60
871 (12
24 60
12 50
63 l2
CI 7ft
167 60
16 76
7 60
39 92
87 76
244 88
7 50
83 01
P8 1
14 75
41 CO
Conttablet' Returns
II Schwenk, Janitor, per contract
Jail anrl Jail Erpenre
D Bolendor, late Sheriff, boarding
prisoners, feet, and lockage
Join ) Wolf, Sheriff, drawing and
euuimoning Jurora to Feluuary
Fob, adjourned and May Terint,
cleaning Jail and rep'ng lock ( 118 25
Sam conveying John Douglass onj
, 8 A Pollook lo Penitentiary 186 10
eamo drawing ana summoning Ju
rors to 8cpl. and Deo. Terms 70 ,
Samo, Bill of Fret, boarding prison-
ere, loouoge, lanor, maienai o;o In
repairing J nil and out buildings
Irvin Smith, for one tied for jail
0 80
Scbocb ft Bro for coal do
22 73
2 li
1 06
.8 82
1 JO
Geo Sohambach hauling eoal
C A Bolenrier do do
W H Beaver, merobandiee fo. Jail '
D Keuch, repairing, doort, -o
D Boltnder, for building new privy,
Grain house, lumber, hauling, la
bor, &o at jail . 888 04
Jeremiah Smith for labor at tame
8 87
Joseph Dowenox.for stone and haul
ing for same .
Samuel L Mutter, lime for tain
Ceorg Wolf, labor at tarn
John E Bolcnder do
Uriah Smith, do
Philip Spade, masonwork at same
Jeremiah H Smith, Plastering
N Sohabach, blscktmltbiug for tarns
U E Bogenreif do do
A J Bpecht, plank and lath do
A J Peters, boards do
E L Buffington, Carpenterwork
II R Reigel, labor at repairing
J O Bmlih, repairing at jail roof
H Schwenk, cleaning jail well
J 8 Wolf, Sheriff, atov and pip
do do 2 new counterpart
Samuel Smith, hauling boarda
Shlndel $ Bwintford, paint, oil 0 '
Israel Bachman, hauling coal
J W Dreete, nails, oil, varnith
Schoeh k Bro., eoal for Jail
3 75
11 62
1 8'
13 87
13 89
2 25
8 00
4 46
24 73
4 60
12 .
18 80
. 8 23
7 83
17 66
9 81
v 11 Denver, Dncaeia, nana, iian. .10
G A Bcboch, Making eto for bedding , 6 16
Dan Bolendor, shingles for roofing 20
Wsgenaeller A Son, eoal for Jail 10
Morris Erdley for wood ' .- V .16 66
Ueary Zeohmen, carpeulerwork at 1 ,'
sQrain bouse. Privy eta at Jail 24 76
8 Wlttenmycr, nail, hlngea, ate. ' 1 87
GowimouweauA uottt,
The Commonwealth va the following '
persons forwhleh th county aid '
' eeett. vis t . 1 . . - x
Wat Hummel snd Wm Musser
Daniel TRboadt ,
4 60
8 82
0 80
0 14
4 62
48 07
8 28
24 84
62 04
84 92
0 69
Charlotte .Brunser i
Ovaiaaat Lower Augusta
John Fslker
N Benn and i Woj
W W Dewllt , .
Welter Settlor '
W Harrison Ball - l- '
Simon Erohman ' '
8 A Pollock and John Douglass
James Magma -Christ
ilaulen and Fred Wallet
Jury CaiumutipmerB,
Jury Commlaaioaert per diem pay f
mileage inoludlng elsrk ' 'r 67 60
' ' Road VtevM and Jfriagei.
P M Test 1 and otbar. for road and
n . I
220 50
4f" l ( ,,,,
. - i pcu.
i FttUro'.f, premium on F aoalps . 67 39
' . JVinting. ... , . ..
8 B Schuck It B Uterus (Qermaa) 102 60
D O O V Uoyar, (EaalUh) 166
Lumbvrf llyra , . J .
J. Cron.a . . 4o . . 86
' lritcrttt pa:. t.
"nie" Uirt
SNYDER CO, PA., MAROII 30, 1871.
Ctvnly Line. '
Th following Item were paid for
running lines be'ween the ootmHe
Of Union, 8nyder, Mifflin andC'en-
tre, aa directed by Act ( Ataembly
approved the fifih o April, 1870:
Aaron K Gift, aurvf ynr, In part 800
8 Itowen, assistant Inoludlng tap's 75 06
O O Peters " " 4i
J E Molendor ' 88 40
N 8 Bach man " 24 W
D Kerateller " " 77 8o
J It Pmith " 18 66
G A Rchoch '181 15
N. V. Rare m m m & 15
J 8 t'lsh, provisions for turv'g party It 60
Jltiscellaneou. . -' -
Groat, late treaturer, bal dtis
y the Co. at last (ettlement 842 48
rialy, Attorney a Feeln caeeof . .
trr county va Jnnlall eonhty
recovery of eoela '10
- lluber, tas rtfnaded and
p 10 Bond 10 .13
.-ayhill, tax overpaid and refd 2 83
on.VMInluin.redomplioa money
a tract of land told at property '
Dan Rengler, and afierwarde
leemed and tax and eoattr paid 1185
.4 Kiealer, alamo I col 're bond 1
.m Moyer, exp o of Teaohei lott 01
John llocb, taking t'otu'rt clerk and
cottnacl to Helinsgrova on th way
to llarriaburg for tbe piltpnee of
getting lb county's quota of Hiat
Tale, reduocd 6
Cera'rt Attorney txpenae in going
to llarruburi In same eaje IS 46
rg in
Com re Clerk, ditto.
13 87
B Kremer, eohool tax refunded
John K tlughea, stamp for bond
Busnn Hiunpaell, Redeniptinn moaey
on traoi or laud told bar and after
wards redeemed
John M Smith, ditto '
12 31
10 81
John Dietrich, tax refunded, being
the amount in lliir atlon between tbe
said Dietrich and Geo Eby, ooHoctor
aoiilt I by CooiniisHloner
Jacob Orot, entered taxes, paid In,
or net ver township
87 c:
John Emerick, money paid in county
treaaui y on eiiray horse told . 20
B Hupp, for diacount on note in bank '1 4 88
O C Walker, Agt, luuring Ct bouae 20
Oeo Eby, ooait refunded in ease of
Jobs Dietrich vs the said Eby 10
D T Rhoadt for 8xing ttevet elo in
Court Home and jail 7 75
Total r $17,829 7.1J
wr, tli lubwrlutri, rommlnlontn of the
enenly or Harder. ItoMrtu,, that thai the for.
pint aoaounl ol lie Htflf.( and txndltura
ot Snyder county, ftr tlia rear A. 1, la;o, Ik true
ailii and belief.
nu ourm. iiauo, w in, ohi oi oar snowl
(liven under niir hanna, at our oltloa In the
court iniurt at mHidieiiaiw, the 1 day ot Janu.
ary, A. II.. U71. . J. J. M ATTt-HN,
Clara. CvmmiialoDers
Trrutitrcr'a Account.
John K, IlnKhes, Treasurer, In aeceant with
snTuor louiiiy. im.
Toamouuiol Uses oalslaodlng for Ua
and previous yaara S.1M0 41
Amoant aesael and levied tor 1170 l;e7S 7
' reo'Uol J.llumiiiel.ra.l'uin money U SI
' " A. J. Klther and otbora-lor
taxea ara'il pravlnua Mialeetiim I ti
H J, llllllil.h and others, taiea
eulere.1 In Treanarer'a olHre t 73
" of outtaullnnnnlersof Imil, a a
mtataka In tuaklnr-ra Imum inn f
Amoant due Co. Truaaurer, Jan. I, IS7I laeeal
:i,iMi e
11 (T .m.t A.A. Ia. .1 I. I.A Al .A J.t
7 . v . a .r-,.v. . ,w, yi, .... . -
do do oulatandlnv A.imu tta'2
u,yi to
do do of law ami nrevl-
ui yearn, at lanttel'ut M.497 03
do do outatandlng ol '09
a previous years 1,147 14
do do paid by Treaiuraa of ISO
and previous yeure I,re 7
Bj cmiihuI--Iou allowed oollectors of '70, atkt ao
Exonerations M loi 01
amount ot tax outstanding " 4.WIS 1 1
' ' " Tor the year
IM and previous years 783 4
iniereai etliieu un am i due 77 14
" C"rreriiiiq in orucr, OUl.
ItandlntT ot IIM7 and In re-lssuiDK of
onltrs ot aald year 400 M
V KiKoeratliins on tax of 190 ; og
Cominlsalouul Treasurer on 016,1" ,
paid lo and alio paid out at I V1, . 4M Oo
t.l.OIJ 04
By amoant due Treasurer Jan. I, H71, tint u
(.Ounly tutu.
January 1, 1871. DR.
X am't ol order outstanding for lmi7 M.'4 60
due Treaiurer, Jan, I,
Via 41
Br am't of taaet outet'nf for '70, SVi;n l
Intoratebariiedoat7N I
uhi. univ m iir. rra Ten ot
V 77 14
- 4S7S IO
3,at M
County In debt January 1, let I,
Snvdtr County. BSi -
. We, th uBderalined, Aadltors
or Snyder county, Do Certify, that w have
oareiuuy eiajuioaii and amllted the foreKoaeae-
Snvder county aeeordlna; to law, end that we
flna the same true and eorreot aa stated.
In testimony whereof we have hereunto vet
our naaiin in tne uoinmlMloaara' omoe, In Mid.
dlehurg, the Ctrl day or January. A. JJ., 171,
. M. L. HAHblNUKU, Auditors.
(MI jU. )
Market 8U Middlcburg Pa.
TTAVINO loeaUd In Ihi plaoe I would
XX respectfully inform th oitiieos of
Middlcburg and vioiuily that I am prepared
to repslr CLOCKS AND WATCHES cheap
and exaeditloutly. Tbe patronag of the
publio i respectfully (olioitod.
.. vr. uruinz.ihv.
Middlcburg, Nov. 24. 1809.
Bv Dawisl xfAaoa. D. D.. author of the Bonn
ier "Nlnkt Boaaea." This asaaur la thouxht
ana laoKauxa aaowa usunioia ncnee ana mu-
tie la tbe uteot rteaae, wita its me
lee Sow.
elouda. lUauUfal bow. Beared tuountalna. Ilo-
llnhtiul rivara, atialtiy oeeaue, Tuaadertaf vol
aea. Blaalae heavens aad veal untvera with
aoaatleaa baiaxs la xalllloueeT world, aad reads
to aa la each Uia Uawrllten Word. Itoee Uatwl
paper, ornate aaaravtafs end superb Mudlne-.
Itlab and varied In ttwughl," ."Laaste '-lOsy
aad uraoeful la style." "Correet, par lvatlpg
lo Ha teadeaey.'r "Beautiful aad Rood."
koauihold treaear." Doaaiaadatloaa Uk U
abav Iron (Julio- Preeldent and Profaaaora,
iDtaaara of all dauoaaiMlloMi andyh rails leas
aad aeeular praaa all avar the eouatry. Ita fraaa-
i, purity f language, with elemr ana type.
aa steal enaravituia. auaaiaaiiaa oiaainr, an
low price make It tea hook for Uia aaaaaoa. Agtata
or aalliag trva ujt U pat week.
W want tlargyiaan, tteaoo) Taaeeere' smart
youas mea akd ladles to lutrodae th work tos
us ta ovary townehlp,aad w will pay llbaeaUy.
ne inwiuseat man or wenaa au wiu-oat a
v iUULIB It VeOVBDT, S . Sth Bt, Phlla.
,, i , , ISQkeoetH.UIo. Q.
' ' .' ' .' . toDro at. Cht
' i , '-, -J i ' MM.auat.IaU
tJ-4a , r 11 kUia It 6tKinaaU. xiaaa.
: .;- .', ; ..
A twapEiiy BpCiixw, .: !
1 - I JA.- ...,A .
,1 prhlb.LpmA.
:rr h, V
i I 9 hit
'O . I H H
fliS I Ib7 06
70 4V47 SS
" u ss
Holooi ' Pootr .v
It Isn't alt in bringing up,
' let folks say what they will ,
- You silver-wash pewter cup,
It will he pewler el III.
Even he nf old, wise Solomon,
.r- W hs aald "tmiu up a child,".
If I mialak not, raiaed a son,
Oay, ratlla-bralned and wild.
t . 9
A man ef mark, who fain would pas
, ' FofMord of tea and land,
' i May have tbe training of an aas,
Aud bring him up full grand t
May give him all the wealth of lore,
Of college aad oftohool,
v.Yl sflir all tnak4ilnino nior ,
Than Just decent fool.
Another, raited by penury
v tpon her bitter bread,
!Yhoe road lo knowledge le like that
- The good for Heaven mutt tread i
Iiaa but a rpark of Nalurt't light,
He'll fan It to flame.
Till In its burning letters bright
The world may rtad bit name. -
If it were all in bringing up,
In cjunscl aud restraint,
Soineniacals had been h'jneal men
I'd been myself a taint.
O, Han't all in bringing tip,
Let folka say what they will
Neglect may dim a silver cup
. It will be silver etiU.
A. iVNT15irY
Wo vrero uad to icotics of pain on J
(Hiffrring.nt the G. hwapitat, and could
look on KlitiHtly won mid, and luces on
which tho moi'tnl igooy inflicted hy
the surgcort'e probp aid koile wa
painted without blenching or spparcot
eiuntlon. But wheu talltint Ilany
Dcluioat was brought in Ire in " iho
front," with hideout hole In his manly
btenat, such ss only a Minnlo ball could
make, a great hush of sorrow nod dis
may full upon us nil. And when iho
surgeon's Holomn words, " He cannot
lire throe day," fell upon our esm,
the bun!) was broken by tho sobs ol
elrong men-, ss well as by Iho tnoro
quiet weeping of the lemale nnrscH, for
all of us loved tho bravo young captain
as a brother.
We bovercd over his cot throughout
the day, snd wbou night esmo, it was
agreed that ooo of usuhould butt tho
special duty of Watchiog' beside it
through tho night, for fear that ho
tihould wakeu from the lethargy which
seemed tho preludo of approaching
death, to Sak for SOttiCtliiug that the
steward coulj nolubtoiu.
tVnd then 1
pleaded for the privilege and allcr
some demur it was accorded mc.
'Watch him very cloacly," said the
snrgeun as I took my sent for the vigil
beside the cot of our favorite, "for at
aoy moment he is liably lo ootue out of
tho coma, and he way be wondering."
But I was very tinJ, aud about
midnight, do w hnt I could, I could not
keep tuy eyes from cloning in a half
uocoubcious) reverie, which, after a
time, merged into a fitful' slumber.
And very soon occurred tho myatcry
of which it is my present task to loll.
A bright drcatu of the northern home
so far awsy, was flitting through my
brain, when suddenly I seemed to be
impressed with some presence, that
hold my body in a thrull, while my bocaoio ulniot preternatural!)
toute. Opeoiog niy.eyes at last, 1
gazed towards tho couch of the woondod
csptoio, and by bis sido, with one
band clapped io hors,I saw the figure of
of s young acd beautiful Udr.wh'ne eve
were gluring down to bis with such a
look of pitying toiidorosss, thnt I fell
sura at once she was his sweet-heart.
I wondered moou, however, how shs
csme there in (be hospital at that hour
of tbs night, when visitors had never
been admitted after sundown. And I
knew Dr. Ysneo, the aurf.eoQ-ia-ei.srge,
bad bis own brother been dying in
tbst place, and his father and mother
coins to see liim, would nuvor have
admitted even them, only atregular
boars, " - '
I was so'eiercisod in mind, that I
was just opening my lips to question the
strange visitor, when I saw Ibt stew
ard with' a light, moving alouv the
lower end of the ward io such a way
as to bring, our visitor between the
light and toe, and then mj heart stood
stilL The lamp tbe steward carried 1
oouid still see shining, nd I gs look
ing through tbs form of the lady who
stood by tuy patient's bedside. ,
- 1 gid In aws npoo the apparition
lor fc, few brief seconds, and; tho a
torpor overoaitw me, sod I knew, no
more until tba sttwatd roughly shook
my arm and bads us to awake for
Captain Delmont was do longer Jeib-
srgio, but delirious, But when 1
looked apon bis elear ealm eye, I told
tbe ate ward be was aot deUrioos.'
"Is Nettle bereT'' be faintly asked,
as I benl oter fclg,. .W'.'
il did not qrieatloq ,who "N.ttie"
was, for I was esrtaia I had seed her
ssmblaaca, and I soawsrsd, ealmly i '
"Nettie has beea here, Captain Tfo
gsoBt, bat ti a rt br new." ,'
NO. .
Mrs. Knn it, for I wish lo V o ik with
hir." .
"Did you speak with lor when s'io
was brref" I m-ked, heeding not the
atoward't great nintzcment.
"No,' he answered simply. "I Iritd
to speak, but somehow I eu'4 oii ut
ter a word. I Fupposo thnt was iheo
too weak.' .
"Wassho your srTancicd wife?'" I
Not when I joined the army. We
had been sfTancioil once, but the broke
off the engiigomeot bec-nce "' here
hi voico fullered ."breatlao I wat too
poor. But I know ho lores me."
"She does," I said. "I could- see
it beaming In her eyes." . , .
' If she is lioro to nurse me," ho ex
claimed, "I surely bll recover! O,
call her now, dbar Mrs. Ennis I mutt
have the assurance from her own dear
But I persuaded bim to wait till
morning. Morning camo, and the sur
geon, alter Lusty examination, said
the cnptaiii wits much belter, and that
a chance for life was woo. As soon
as ho wa.i gono I turned ugnio to my
patient, who only murmured "Nettle.'"
' Cnptaiu Pt'luiont," I tniJ, calmly,
"Nettio in not here."
"Not hero!'' ho ctied, clutching my
hand. "Not here 1 why I saw her last
night. Sho has not gono away nyniu,
and left mc hero lo dto aKinefl
. as a a a
-o, iiarry, but, alio baa not jet
been here io( t';i the ftciih."
"Mis Etrais, am mud, or ore "i. f
For I plainly saw her, and you said
you saw her, yet you say slio has uot
been here."
'Vc, I saw her," I replitd, "and
i-lie was standing hy your cot, ood in
her hand she held your owo. But, Cup.
tain Dcliuout, through her Ibnu I saw
tho cundlo carried by tho steward, haif
u dozen cots away."
llo turned fai face to tho wall, and
then I trembled lor the effect I feared
my words would huvc. But when he
turned hin face again, I saw my fear
was gi'oiiudlces.
"I called her," he said, cartiontly,
"sud though fivo hundred thuusuutl
miles away, &bo heard mo and cuina to
too. Cod blcHS her '."
And for all Iho eurgeon'i prophecy
bo rapidly begno to moml. Bays pi
ded by, aud he itrcw foiiviilesccnt.
Two wenkM lutur, going out ooo day,
I met a ladr goin in, and it needed
but one pluucn to toll mo who it wus,
She stared nt mo, appureutly bewil
dered. I went up to hut and took her
baod. .
"This is Captain Dtlmool's Nettie,"
I cxeluimed.
She looked frightened. I saw that
sbo grew pule. 1 puided her to Cap
tain Deltuonl's cot, and. when we
reached it and the beheld tho surround
ings, her face grow paler fiill.
"Why, this Is the very place I dreamed
ofseaiog, about two wvoks ago! and
you uro the nurse I saw aittiuic by bis
cot," seh pntped, rather than spoke.
1 did not reply. Harry Delmont
hsl clasped ber to his bieat, nod I
very quietly withdrew, .
Of course th story ends with happi
ness and marriage, as is usual ; but
the apptsraoco at my putieol's cot I
lesr will never be explained. It is a
question for psychologists to settle or
discuss. J! all out Magazine.
"The Wandering1 Jew."
, A rumor comes from ft village- near
Antwerp, that the hiatorlo " Wsudcr
iog Jew'' has been seen in that neigh
borhood. Ho is reported as having
passed rspidly through tbe market
place, and as having on the outsit ir to
ef the village addrossud ..a few words
tosomo children, who, bolJcr than
their companions had followed in his
path.. He was drcsted io wore and
dingy antique garments, carried a long
staff, and with .his profuse beard
streaming in the wind, presented such
aa awe inspiring appearance that tbe
terrified vilagera fled ' from bim (n
affright. .When ho paused, and spoke
to tbe children, ho told , thenj .to go
back and , Inform tba -'people that a
new governor bad arisen in Europe,
who would bring Belgium, Holland
aad other countries uodor his sway.
that many strange vioisaitudeV would
be witnessed, -'and that many proud
heads would b "brought " ow. On V"
iog questioned as tp bia name, be re
plied, " Seek ' not io'; know, ,, I bav
beta here ' before, in the . past, I shall
ba here again io the futurol Until
the end of time I shall walk the eartk
upceatilnglT.7 '; TJ)ti apparltjoai. tljia
waving, iu bVod, . turned ;frora fhe
ebiUroB BdiMaBied,' Itt ploddwg
Walk, said dtsappsar4 fo tba distant.
"TW repora tf ' thto' apTiariaM 6f
AdvertUtinir llatea.
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, Oncfonrih column. One year1, '
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Auditor, KRMwJor, Administrator '
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for lbs money. t. , ,
In tho legend, and the truth of the le '
gnnd Is credited throoghout Bolgfuro,
The legand of the Jew who had visit
ed tho crnciB.timi, ' and Wonder ovef '
(he earth until ths time of Christ's see
and coming, oripinaied in the middld
sgos, and can bo traced bnck to the
chronicle of ths Abbv ol fU. Albans.
whiob was' copied ami continncd by
Matthew Purl. This chronicle rc
lutes that in 1223 a certain Archbiih-
ip, of Armnnltt Major, cams to Eng .
land on s visit to fai red places, and
while enjoying tho hoapitnlitj of the
Abdy of St. Albao, among other
strange stories, roUtcd that there
was a man nemcd Joseph living in Ar
tncoin, who hnd witnesicJ the cruci'
fixion1 Thi tiinn, origlnnllv called
Csiaphilus, was a pol ler in Pilate's
tcrvicc, and whilo Jesus was passing
out from tho judgement hull impiously
struc liiui on tho back, saying, " Go
quicker, why do you loiter ?" Jesui
looked back on him with a severe coun
tenance and said, "1 run guiog, but you.
will wait till I return.' And accord '
ingly Cntnphilus is still waiting his
return, After Christ's death he was
converted aod baptized, and his oamo
waacbungeil to Joseph. In 1S12 tho
" Wandering .low,'' appeared at Ham
burg, felling a story similar to tho
above lie, however, said that bis
name was AhaxueriiH, nnd that ho wns
a shoemaker who struck Jeans ou tho
bsck while on tlio way to Golgotha.
This particular person i.i described as
a tall man, of about tilty years of ago,
with long hair hanging dowu to his'
shoulders, barefooted, and wearing a
strango costumo, cous'iBiing of sailor's -trounera,
a gown reaching to the knoet,
and a long mantle flowing down to his
feet. Ho pke good German in the
Sjxoo dialect. Io 1573 tho " Wan
dcriiig Jew" appeared in the Nether
lands, mid this tiuio used the Kpaoish
laoitungo. A few years later tho '
" Wandering .low'' arrive! nt Stras
burg; nnd going before, .the magis
trates iufurinod Hhem (hat bo had
visited tho city jut two hundred yenm
lofore, which statemuut, it is asserted,
was proved to be true, by a a refer
ence to some town record. Ho next
was bend of in the Vet Indies, and
again in Franco, where, in KiOl, ho
caused considiTablo aemmtiou his pros
tnee being aecumpatiiod by dcatrtiotive
hurricanes. On April 22d, 1774, an
indiuidual cluiniiog to bo the " Wan
dering Jew" aipearcd in Brussuli', aud '
told his story to tbe common people ;
ho. however, had chsngod Ihe popular
name of ihi character called himself
Isauo Luqucdcm. This legand has
formed tho suhjuet of numerous popu
lar ballads ia tho different languages
of Europe, nod olso of poems, tales and
novels, by diKtiuguihi d author. It -may
bet here remarked, that this cu
rii'U myth escms to have originated
in that pus-ego of the Gos pel of St.
John, twenty-second verse, whore
Jesus Fays of John, " If I ' will thut
ho tarry till I come, what is that lo
thee? follow thou me. , Then went
this saying abroad among the broth- .
ron thut this disuiple should not die.''
A Qkbman papsr status that Gvq
German fcuksarn wore quartered ,
tbo house of a wealthy farmer in the
neighborhood of Tours, and hospita
bly recoivod by their tost. " Tboy
were all lolgod in dlffcrbnt roomg of
tbe bouse and when tho 'firmer rev
marked playfully . that tho house was -.
said to be hsunted but that tho
ghosts were of a harmless disposition',' -
unu naa never jnjurea anypau. 10, ,i . (.
the night one of them was arouseil Ljrt," . "
a slight oeise,-and to his ierror per
ceived a whit figure glido through the '' .
room;'' The. flgtjro was e'ra'du'ally ani'" '
proachlog the bed, 'W.Biassaev Ju) -JyV
bis terror,,took ooe of h' pisbqs-n4-')' -, ; r' j
Bred it,, ow the spectra, tuts w wp-,' .'.
lis arms, aud fslt to tho tMf', 'ffij;:'-T- 'J k4(ji .
.wear Jnmped'- out of heditiracJa k'l'f- "'': v 5 "i
Igbtj and saw his friendly host, wrap'","-. '-1 V ,J- ' t
ped in a white sbeoi, and holding av-rx
bloody knife ia lib bead, ia the agoa;
ies of death hs hastened' to the roaum'.' ,
of bis comrades, but found them all
weltering io thoir blood, with their
throau out from eaiHo-. ear4t Proeur ..
iug ibabdp 4f some'olher aoldien : C.:
bouA Was searched, and tiuie pHw'' -"
of cabbage in the cellao were fouud the' '.
tba mutilated bodies of , anvmber (.of '-(
Gorman aoltiis wbem the xhsaff 1; - -bjd
doabUessaasaf Bloated io the amsrv'-t
treaebcrbuir 8nonr.',''V '-1 f ' 1
' Tbwb'v two. wars fpff fJoin',k.",A. ,
fsaid aa.Caarakl Ukoderubimaetf, it v
ba stood mash); and waltls toe ft Jeh, 1 "
If 1 save m, f j- thoAsan dollars I
St h
'rt '
rf 1.
j ,
-a-wa .