n ' ; . .-...V -.:. . .. ' H " - . -......'. ' e- a. .. 'i . r i -iff-;iiiiikiiTia , b,,,- - -'njiin - iiliii liiiiikali' V: ' ' : i '-'1', Mr ilJ . . . . . ' ' " ' rt'ttlZ T'OHT". f ubnthed vry Tbarsdsy Ironist by JltlMlAH CROtSf. rpeprtetOf., Term of Subscription. TWO OOttAll VEB AUKCM Poyabl , wiihln srs moat, or ,ou u boi paia ' villi lk yaa. Ko paper discontinued ' ' anlil ell arrearage ar paid- unlet at ' ' Ih optloa of tb pblibr. Subscriptions outside of the. connty . PBTABLI IN ADVAKCB. gg7 Tor liftl and "sing paper addressed tkr bcoomo (tibscribar, tnd are llsbl Tor th price of lb paper Jr. CKON MILLER, t . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' g Mlddleburg, Tn., Offer bit proTesjtonil servlee to tb pub lic. CollMiioni and oil other profeaaiona) business ntruetd t bil care will reoelv prompt mention. Jo I, '07if A.C. SIMI'SO, ' '.. AUOUSET AT LAW, M.r ' Sclinsgrore To., Offer b professional eerviee to Ibo pub ie. All kuiiaet enlruated to bit care Kill be promptly attended la. . fJea. IT, X7tf 3. W. KNIGHT, , . ATTORXET AT LAW, Freebnrir Pa.. Oxers hie Profesloal service tb lb pub - i All buiinei entrusted la hi car iU promptly attended to, Jan. 17, '07 tf WM. VAN GEZER, ' . ATTOKNEY AT tAW, Lewisburff Tb., Offer kit profSnlonal terrlc lo of pub lie, t'olleolion and all otbar Pi esaion al btteiaeei entrusted to bl oar ill re ceive prnfcpt attention. 1KO. F, MILLER, VI ATTORSKV AT LAW, Lewisburg l'a. Offer hi Professional lervtce to lb pub !c. Collection and ajl other profession i)l uine entrusted to hi car will re eti'e prompt attention. Jan. "8, 'W7tf. I M.L1NS, '' n. DILL, V s (HoffMlon to J. F. It J. M. Ldun,) ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lewi.burg, Pa. Offer their profeoional aesvioe to tie public. Collection and all olbcr pro fessional buelnei enlruated to their car will rcceiTproniptattention. Jan. 8, 'C7lfJ CHARLES HO AVER, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' SeliriKgrova Tb., Offer hli professional service to the pub tie. Collection and all other professions business enlruated to hi care wilt re cciv prompt attention. Office two dror nor lb of th Kejslotie Hotel. Jan 6, '0 SAMUEL ALL EM AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinsgrovo Pa Offer hi Professional (entice to the public. All bualnea enlruated to hi eire will be promptly attended to. Col lection mad in all part of tb Stat. He can apenk th Engl.'iU and German language fluently. jOHic between Hall' tad lb Poet office. LN. MYERS, ATTORNEY k GCCXSELOR AT UW Miildleburg 8oydor County Pcnn'a Office few door West of th P. O. on Mill street. Conroltatloa in Engliab and Gemma rguage. Prp.'t'tf T C. BUC11ER, . . : . W ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewinburg Pa., Offer hi profeaatonal aetvicealo th pub lic. All Itualnesa enlruated to hi oar ill ba promptly atlended lo. " Jan. 8. 07t G HOVER & BAKER 7"rr tl",t SEWING MACniNE."nri.J; " S'or Peraon in need of a rood and rturablcmn " ,n S,t" Sewing Machine oan b accommodilcd i rraionabl price by calling on on 8ll- vii Fai-it, Agent, Selinsgroee. ' I Jan. Z4, 'C8 DR. J. Y. 811 IN DEL, BURGEON AND PIIYSICIAV. Middleburg Pi., Offers hU professional service to th clt liens of Mlddleburg and tloinily. -March 21, '67 j F. VAN BUSKIRK, II'ROICAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST - " SoliiiBproT Tcnn OUN K. HUGHES, Esq, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Text Twp., Snyder Co. Pa YH AVAGNER, Ksq., ' JLKTICE OF THE PEACE. Jaokson Towusbip Snyder Co. Pa- V1U attend to all buaines enlruuted to ki car and . on tb moat reasonabl term. ; . t . , v , Uarok 2,.'U8tf imreiciAN andscroeon, V4 am. f . m b. rairet ossjacr b Offer his professional (errlc to th public - -' 6-88tf FAV. SCIIWAN, M. D., 8UR0E0N k PIIYSICIAV. ' . . : J'orl Travorton Pa. Offer bi profMeioBjal sareiaaa to tb ciilien of Ihi place and? sleinily. U peak Oerman sal Eogllah, . , . e. . - ,i t , ,Apm u,. 'oo 1? A. BOYER, Jr.: . Al ir-rii-.rvll'l,CP r,i . . v . Ffaoburo- Bnvder Co. Pa.. iloal raMetfull offers bis awsiota to 4k publio a Vends Crrsr and Auction eer, Haviag kad a-larg xperienoe, I IeUaonfldeat tkat I aa reader psrfsct atiafaelioM to any employ. : ' Jan. 0, '67t BT. PARKS, - , ATTOHKtY AT LAW DISTRICT ATTORMf, NIPDLEBORO, BNTPEtt COCITTY.P OA H Court PuM,.8cpl.J6, 'C7tf ' , IXWStiXEMEX'S SONS' . TOBACCO WAEEHOUSE No. 32 N. TH IF3D S . e,88f PHILADELPHIA. 4 . UU21UJJT H0U81.-1 -.3 , c r .fjt, c (met. . no . 41 Kertfe TkJ't ium. llUAelfkU - --- - r VOL, 9. RECEIPTS k EXPENDITURES of flnjil.r Connty, ir the year 17, atenolol on th lltd.T orjaniiarr and (Hullnc on theUet darof lombr,bothdayalBelaalfo. its. eTS- 3 KSBISSSEZSSSH3f 12 82 PS tt25tJtSS!3S t? 8' 8 Set 55 tg&stxsssBtag? ID P 3 M tJ m M M M S?SfOM cs turns tsieas SSB H SS8J2SS S3 58 sssSatcSssesSsE ' p Z.9 2i ss . it -arras a. P Ct rl P ffWTafisjt-H-eT a. 8JiesjBS8!Stt833S5 l3St888SBSI88 g h 8 M m lMi;?r' r!!".e.. "5 Cberrir. 1 ,h ttftialitx.jBlto? Auditor' terries, Inoludina Clerk SCO S. Alleman, Auditing County Office 6 Attestor' ray. Aai'ri, m1cc In tusking altera' 128 86 do do . under Registry ct 842 do do ' making military rel'na 64 78 do do do . triauniataai'ut 889 do taking ft do septennial ceniu 72 Election. ' Am't paid to Return Judges, J: a 810 17 " Conilablea for adrsriising nd (erring notice . ' 117 13 Weujlit and Jfeature. W O Hickok, for on et Weight and . ' Measure for county, a dlreclcJ ' by act of Assembly - 298 60 Eattern Penitentiary.' .- Eastern Penitentiary for Support f conrlciiin 1800 ' , 86 44 htqutHt. . . s , ''f ' Benj Hooiewortb, eott and fees for . holding inqueat on dea4 body tof na uotaorr, or eeunsgrora ' i 30 -"Bridget, i'- W A Bell for new bridge at Selioeg't CCO 95 varey Jt Echnnre for lumber o for rep' of Sslinsg'r ft Long bridge 103 46 Schook It Bro. ipike fto. for earn 8 12 J.Uouaaworta t al, lumber, hauling and labor at same 88 85 Hummel ft Hower. lumber for S- linsgrore Bridg 81 06 nieatand ft Borer. Bail. rlk. oil. paint, eto. for (ana 18 47 Samuel Oemberling, bauling fto. to Kaals'a, and griral and bauliug ft " ' filling In at Selinsgror bridge 84 Jokn Mebn, t al, labor at Kauts', '. ' Blaeksmitbing, bolt, spikea Jra. F at Belinigrov bridge - U9 26 rr- W Vawlay t al labor t at Rants' bridae . i : : . 166 64 M Frymoycr, work at Letter' bridge 9 A t Specbt building new bridg rr J MiJdlecraak in franklin to 1299 ' Santa tut extra work in making eald , Driug net longer nd on not . 1 higher than eontraoted for " ' 1&0 Benj Bpp bnlldiag aew bridge ever . Middiebreak.wear Kants'a Mill, ' Iter aantraal ' ' r.-i ...... ' 1886 , S Yot, for plank - and repair at " Bridge near at mm - w Riobard LUy4 811101 in abutment al new SeUnigro bridg ,.: if A Ulsh rep'g bridg int W Baarar I p ft 21 Bamnel Bert, state rial and repairing bride near Trenlmaa'a Mill . .09 06 J as UouMwetb, plank, baaling, ft -ntUat'imDl , .: , . 22X7 WageaseUer-ft Son lot pik and,, nsilu for repair at brides , . 81 Ed Gajobsrliog, for kanling frayel - ' t BeJtnasroTe brldse . ,4 96 John Uekn and atkra, for plank.la , nor, aaui ag etc lor repair ai 1 -linacroT and Kaal' bride 84 76 t Bolfc. repetriag Borer' brld4 88 i Brunaer, battling and lab or a earn 26 60 W Bowereoa i day aiasoBvwrk at am and Furaao Wide vi 13 00 ft Elseakower, maaoawork, hauling, labor and Urn at ama 88 16 Fr4 BoHgrsairiaf Furnace krle 61' . Jsaeb aVW4 hulUiBgM ircrd ' t -b ar aOJiant'- 7, " y-Tt t',-. , .; .r" : a r-j 2 'Ko' ' ,,f .tsi a . rrr -ft " m-:s7ir wnv '''.-.. riv. .:. . MIDDLEBURG Aug Arnold do do serosa Mahiim'go 13 Seboob ft Bro repairing bride mar their Mill . - . , 4 W Moae Krebb. flllidg abutment at Ul.h'.brldg , 2 . lYothonotary'i OJJici. ' J Crouae, bill of fees In full for 1W9, 8.11 18 do . do - part for 1870. 171 23 do do for ream writing paper (170 W Deaser, tap A for offie . 1 50 8hindl & Bwlneford, for stationery 69 Al S WUlenmyer, fper, broom, alo - 8 17 J W Dreee for merokandiaa "77 Millar It Elder, bill for dockela, lit-' ' eluding rla for Reg and Kecaftic 167 01 ltcfinlrr it Ileeordrr'$ Ojffkt. 9 B Sobuck, Recorder' for recording KtrnJ f.iVlTl. lTll,nl )lM.Ah. "... ,i.rnr I uiiboar.i. fMyc i "ch, in ponjfot nrtiv smi WMb,oto.to,..rM. D. A F1NB APORTMEM OF tSbbeST JoephfW Jl.Mri Jrjfisicr.y, John J Matlern, Cswiniui.UYirrsr r-v' Iaaao H I.ongaore, do &7A I'hlflp Kinney, do . ' M A J l'elsri, Coanissioocr' Clerk 400 - RTPirki, do. '.Counsel KM) J W Drees, brooms, pens and sta'y II 85 Shindrl J- Swinefnrd, Slatipnery .. . 24 0 F W Schwan, (and, ink, pen elo , 4 0 A Schoch, sundries for oflica ; 2 9tl U Ranch, Hook cne do VI 85 J Attrand, poelase, envelopes, elo 8 71 8 Wittenmyer, coal oil, brooroi , do 4 lit L'ohi t JJoune Exnrntt D J Haasinger, hauling coal, 1800 2 CO 0 A llolender do do do 4 CD E A Sleininger do do do 11) John Young uo do do 4 Jont'n Ilnweraon do do do 13 67 John II Walter do do do 8 8)1 Ilowroi do do ' do 2 60 J Hocb repairing CI Hon window 2 60 8cboch t Hrotber for coal U 70 W II Bearer for merrbnll ' 1 til Shindel t 8wineford,bill for aundrie 8 63 J 0 Sinitb, repainting Cl bouse roof and new conductor for spouting 160 Do for repair at roof eto . . 25 Rokrbncb Rudy grata for alova Rfl Wegenseller ft Son coal, I860 '70 85 At) tlsary Huber, rep'ng Ct koitM lock 6 76 J W Dree, for sundry merchandise 6 ott 0 Alfred Sohocb, for tundrie 1 CO 8 Wittenmyer,brooBis,tiationery,to 13 OK Court Erpnte Feb. Term Grand Juror . 119 BO Petit Juros . 871 02 Tipstaves 24 60 Court eryer 12 '50 Conalabfes' Return 63 VI May Term Grand Juror 01 76 Petit Joror 167 60 Tipalare 16 76 ' Court cryr 7 60 Constable' Return 39 92 Sep. Term Grind Juror 87 76 Petit Jurors 244 88 Tinataves 14 Court cryer 7 50 . ' Constablea' Return 82 64 Dec. Term Grand Juror 88 H'i Petit Jnror 26 26 Tinalarc . 76 Court oryer 10 Conitables' Return 42 GO Schwenlt. Janitor, tier contract 60 '' Jail ami Jail Entente (D Bolender, late Sheriff, boarding prisoners, fee, and lockage 29 Join S Wolf, Sheriff, drawing and v eummoninc Jurors lo Fatiruar 43 Feb, adjourned and May Term, cleaning init and rep'nr lock 118 25 r1(Sama conreylng John Douglas and S A Pollock to Penitentiary 185 10 eame urawtng ana uinnioning Ju ror lo Sept. and Dec. Term 70 . Same, Bill of Fee, boarding prlaon er, lookage, labor, material o in , repairing Jail and out buildiug 103 Irrin Smith, for one bed for jail 8 80 Schoch ft Bro for coal do 22 73 Geo Soliambacb hauling eoal 2 li C A Bolender do do f 06 W II Bearer, merobandUe fo.' jail , 8 82 D Raucb, repairing, door, f-o - 1 19 D Bolender, for building new prlvyy . Grain house, lumber, hauling, la bor, fto at jail . 880 04 Jeremiah Smith for labor at same ' 8 87 Joseph Boweroi,ror tton and haul ing for un Samuel L Muiser, lime for (am Ccorce Wolf, labor at ame 68 2 75 11 62 1 87 18 87 13 89 John E Bolender do Uriah Smith, do Philip 6pad, maaonwork at am Jeremiah U Smith, Plaalering N Sohabaoh, blaokamilbing for isms 16 8 UEBogenreir do do A J Specbt, plank and lath do A J Peter, board do E L Buffington, Carpenterwork II R RelgeT, labor at repairing J O Smith, repairing at iali roof H Schwenk, claaning jail well J 8 Woif, Sheriff, tor and pipe do do 2 new counterpains 8amul Smltk, bauling board Shindel Swintford, paint, oil jo '' Israel Baohman, hauling eoal J W Praese, nails, oil, rarnisb j : 2 25 8 0 4 46 24 76 4 60 10 2 12 12 , 2 10 80 8 28 7 83 17 66 0 61 8 16 20 . 10 15 6C eciiocb s uro., coat ror jail U 1. 'I . W H Bearer, bnckets, nails, glas eto G A Seboob, linking lo for bedding Dan Bolender, abinglaa for roofing wagenseiier Den, coal ror jaa -Morri Erdley for wood Henry Zecbman, earpnlrwork at Groin bouse. Privy la at jail ' ' 24 76 a un, - -.il li.-.. ... - I 87 UommouweaUK Vott. The ComtsMWcalih v lb followiag ptrson ror wnien w county ia OSStS, T13 t . . on I ) Wm Hummel and Wm Musser " - 84 60 2 06 8 62 0 80 ? 14 4 82 48 07 8 28 28 84 62 04 84 92 8 6tf Danial I Rboads Cbarlotl Bruaaar - i Ovauair erf Lower Auguila Jbn Flkr. ' N Rena and J Foy W W Dewlll r , , . . " n Walt.r Beiller -J - - '- W Harrison Bailey ' i' 1 Simon ZicbniBB ''' 8 A Pollock and Joha Dooglus Jamea'aUagmaa Christ Haulea and Fred Wall c- I Jry GaiumtutoHeri, Jary Comatiasioaer pr dlq pay . ' , t .. Ji 1 . . ' " A. .A . niissg taoiuuiBg ir si w , i ; Road Kirun and Bridge. P M Teats and tbara, for road and L.1J -I.. .V '' OOA KA J f ellarolf, promJuio on Fx acalua . 87 89 8 B Schuck ft B Laisru (QarmM) 102 60 IIUIDf Myr. (siuai - 10 Umbwyel 4- Mvers . .'',.. ,116 , J. Cro--a . . -o .' .86 'j ' Jiiterett fxt 'J. i . , 1 1 " IS'lv" -v l2ta4 SNYDER CO. PA (Jiiix'y Linn. The following Item were paid for running line be' ween Ibeeountie Of Union, Snyder, Mifflin andt'en-' i tre, (direlodbyAlo(Aaembly approved th fifth o April, 1870i Aaron KGIft, aurrfynr, in part 800 8 Bowen, aaxlitanl Including tip' 75 06 O O Paler 40 J E Bolender - 88 40 N 8 Baohman " 11 " 2i W D Kerstetler " " " 77 85 J II Smith - " 16 65 O A Schoch '' 151 15 N. P. Rare 50 15 J 8 Clab, proviaion for inrr'g psrty 11 00 . Mitcellaneou. . - r 1 lb. Groea. lata tra.atirr. k&1 dtiB PTty Ih Co. at laal etllpment 842 48 ,uHty, Attorney Fee In cseeof tier oonnty r Junlall county riaerv nf Anata - - - 1A Llluber, tat refnadtd and n lo Bonda 10 IS "I Vayblll, tas overpaid and rerd 2 83 rn, Minium, redotnpllon money tract of land sold a properly ' "Dan Rengler, and afterward "itemed and tas and eoalCrald 11 86 J Kiealer, damp te ool'r bond 1 m Mover, eip'e of Teaobeia loat 61 John Hocb, taking Coni'rs clerk and counael to HclinigTove on the way to llarriaburg for Ibe purpose of getting lb county' quol of Stat Tate reduced - , 6 Coro'r Attorney txpente in going . lo llarriaburg In same iu 16 46 Com'r Clerk, ditto, 13 37 B Kremer, ehoul tax refunded 1 John K Hughe, stamp for bond 1 8unn rjamparll, Redemption money on irno oi ibuu iota oar ana aner- wsrda redeemed John M Smith, ditto ' 12 3 10 81 John Dietrich, lax refunded, being th amount In liilfation between tb aid Dietrich and Geo Eby, collector settled by t'ommiesloner Jaoob Groii, entered taxes, paid in, of lien ver township Jobn Emerick, money paid in county 18 87 65 treaant y on Mtray bone cold , 20 B Hupp, for discount on not in bank -' 4 88 G C YVelkrr, Agt, injuring CI boui 20 Geo Eby, oosis refunded in east of Joba Dietrich v tho eald Eby 10 D T Rhoadtfor fixing iter elo in Court llouie and jail 7 75 St . i i -Total' - . $17,829 7.1J Wf, th lutmrlQIrf, rommlntonera or th ennntr or Hayder, l)o Rsrtlty, that that the tor irnne Boeount n Uie KVt and Dsiiendlluree or xoj,lr oounty. lor the rear A. 1), ls;o, . true Dd crrMt nated, to tb bl of oar knowl elte and beilel. . (llr.n uo.ler W hands, at oor ottlo In th Court liuu.a at MMdleUura-, Ih 3,1 daf ol Janu ary, A. l., 171, . J. J.llATti-H , itthtI ISAAC N.I.(iN(IACRE, A.J.s-stsKH, PU1L1P kl.NNKV. ' UlerK. CvmuJloor. Ttrotiircr't Account. John K, Hnsbes, Treasurer, In aeooaat with finvdor County. dr. T amount ol Uiaa onUUndlng for lis and previous yeara AiMO 41 Amount ssaearwl and levlad lor 1170 . 177 7 " reo'dol J.Humui.l.retl'ran money U II ' ' A. J. Klsher and othorror taxes ar.'d iiravlous lo elertiun T M " J,llllllI.Landthers, tai.a eutereil In Traarr's olHre I 73 " of outstaoillnaannlera of la7, aa a Bil.take In making fe Inuu 4(10 M Amount due Co. Troasurer, Jaa. I, i7l lo sa til,M 04 CONTRA. By am't orders tisuel In 'TO. tlT.Ke 4S Clt. do do outstanding " ,w W'i U,yt 60 do do of lie and nrevl- as years, at last ast'nt M,4T 83 do . do outstanding ot '00 ai previous year 1,147 14 do do paid by Treasure of ItM and previous yeara l,r Vt By cumulations allowed oolleotor or '70, M ao ExoneratloB u u " loj gi BUHiunl el ux outstan-llns; " 4,oj 11 mr in year IM and previous years Toft 4 " " Interest added on am i due 77 14 M " corrertlun In order out landing ol tea? and In rs-lssulug of onlers ol said vaar smi so Bf Kxoaarallons on tax of 1(90 t,j yo t,omuiissionoi treasurer on l,nl 4 paid in and also paid out at fe 4M W Bran onnt due Treasurer Jan. 1, M7I, ije w fount if 'unit. January I, ItTI. T)R. 1 ain'l t VI order ouHtandlEg ror i1 to I i:t Ml 1 107 04 41147 IS S3 " ' " " . '70 du Treaturtr, Jaa, I, " By am'l of taxes outs t'ng for '70, S4o:i II ditto ditto HHl fc lire' yra 7S 04 Interest oharged oi ;m Mojabuva IT 14 Oounty In debt Janaarr I, IbiI, as.sii m Bnvder County, 8Si U'l Ik. nnA.Hln.1 iarfltii. , un,.., wiih.j, iw vvrmy, tnat we nave esrelullv exauloail and audiud (ha fonnuu. count of the Uommlsslnnera and l'r.uror of snruar oounty aecoMina- to law, soil that W Sod th same true and correct a stated. In tastlinony wheraol we hae hereunto set our bbbiis ia tn uommlssioBere' oltioe, In Mid dlebuxg, tb 4th day or January. A, J l71, HICNfiB HKSr KHR,) ' ,. , l. L. HAtiblNOKU, I Auditor. UAL. h. riSUEH, S ' WASH. tiBAXELLO, WA TOII S CLOCK MAKER, Market 8t Middloburg Pa. TTAVINQ loeaUd in this plaoe I would XX respect fully Inform tba eitiieo of Middlebu.-g and vicinity that I am prepared to repair CLOCKS AND W ATCHES cheap and expeditiously. Tb patronage of th publio t rsspeotruliy solicited. - ' ; . W. UHAKta-LU. Mlddleburg, Nor. 24. lHo'J. OUR FATIIER'S JJOU55JS, , OH, TBI UHWBITTEH WOBD. : Br DiwiBLlf xaoa.D. D.. aathor of Ik dobb- tar "Nlnal Soaaas." This aastar la Ihouakt and Isogauge shows as so told riches and beau- llee In lb Uieal HvoaeiWith lu Bloaexisf Sow. ers. SlOkrlua Mrds. Wavlna naiuu. alllnsr eloude, llasuUrBl bow, Baered aiouslains, it. il rlvava. Mlabty uoeaa. ThBstdartaaj vol llaalBg aeavena sad va.1 uol.ane with aaluMS la mllllossof worlds. aadraaSs to as la ssok ua Uawrllwa Word, stoee tlntad paper, oraat BoaravlBga sa4 iaperk biudlag. bilelt aad rariad 1b tavusha,'' ."LbbsI fcajy and araoarul ta atyl." "Corraet, r elevating In IU tBdBey.r "Beaatlnil Bad good." r'A aaatahold treBsar." ComaiedUoBe Like the above frost fJoilegB Presidenls sod Professors, iqtesasa ei an aeBoaistaiMiiai amuaa reitgwaa Bad aeeular prsae all aver the souatry. . itairssa. , lurlly of language, with eloar opB lips. aa steal eugrsvlBugs, auheuatlBl bladlBg, and low pnee mass inn uooa lor itta ati Asentf or sell lag froaa stC U per weak XiieraviBaw. bobooi TeaoearS assart youag mea abd ladlee to tuuudae tb work to aa la every towa.klp.BBd ws will par llberaUr. n intelligent etaa as wesaaa aaau aa wtuuiat a aaylag iHielBeee. S.nd kM eireslar, bill 4ecrtpeooa aad tarn. Address i X.lL.M. at bjvvsui, i ej. ta Be, ran. ,. ' . . :,....,. MBllaotsH.Ula. O. , . Monro St. Ubt ' i' v 1 ftSM.taat.Loal e44m. as 1S aUU It aptloaaU. Mom. AUMHKK? nOtZBAW-r ,: . I ... o ! !. . '. 1 ' i i f Lpnu v V , MAllOII 30, 1871. Huluot ' I i 1 1 y NOT ALL IN BHINQINO UP. Il Isn't all in bringing tip, ' . let folk say what they will , - You silver-wash a pewier eup, It will b pewier art 111. Even h of old, wis Solomon, " Who aaid trnin up n child,". If 1 mistake not, raised a son, Oay, rattle-brained and wild. T e- . A man of mark, wbo fain would pais , ' Foflord of ce and land, j .May has lb training of an a, And bring him up full grand I May give bint all the weslib of lor, - Of college and of school, , . 11 after all make-biiq no mor , Than just n decent fool. . - , i. , Another, railed by penury t'pon her bitter bread, rVho road lo knowledge I like Ihal - Th good for Heaven must tread Has but a spark of Nature' light, He'll fan It lo flame. Till in it burning letter bright The world may reid hi nam. If it were all in bringing up, In cjunsel and restraint, Somcrancal had been h-jneil men I'd been myself a saint. O, lian't all in bringing up. Let folk say what tbey will j Neglvct may dim a silver cup , H will be silver Mill. .A. MYHTJIltY AVo wcro uaed to icoDoa of mio and milT. ringat the 0. buapital, and could look on gli&Klly wounds, and faces on which tho mortal agony Inflicted by the surgeon's probo and koilo wo painted without hk-oi liioR or apparent emotion. But when gallunt Ilnt'ty Dcluiont was brought in Ire in "tho front," with n hideous bole tu his tunuly Ltenst, such as only a Minnie ball oould moke, great btub of sorrow nod die tn ay full npon as all. And when the surgeon's Holomn words, "He cannot lire tbroo day," fell upon our ih, the huitb wns broken by tho tobs ol Htrong men., is well as by tho moio fUict weeping of the iemale nurscH, for all of us lored tho travo youn captain us a brother. We borercd over hi cot throughout the day, and wbon nlpLt eamo, it was agreed that one of us should batJk tho special duty of watchiog Loaido It through tho night, for four thnt bo should wnkeu from tho lethargy which seemed tho preludo of approaching death, to auk for fouicthiug that the steward could uotobtsiu. And tben 1 pleaded for the privilege, and alter some demur it was accorded me. 'Watch bim rery cloaely," snld the nrgcon as I took my sent for the vigil bcsiJe the cot of our favorite, "lor at any moment he i linbly to oome out of tbe coma, and he may be wandering." But I was very tirtd, aud about midnight, do what I could, I could not keep my eyes from closing in a half- UDOoimcioud reverie, wuicti, alter a time, merged into a fitful slumber. And very soon occurred the mystery of which it Is my preseut task to loll. A bright dream of the northern borne so far awsy, was flitting through my brain, when suddenly I seemed to be impressed with some presence, that hold my body in a thrall, while my sejjuo bocaaio almost prcternaturally acute. Opening my.eyos at last, I gazed toward tho couch of tbe wounded csptalo, and by bis sido, with ono handclaxpcd in hors,I saw the figure of of a young cd beautiful Udy,whnse eyes were glaring down to Lis with such a look of pitying tuudornsai, thnt I fell sure at once ah was his sweet-benrt. I wondered runoh, however, bow she came there in (be hospital at that hour of th night, when visitors bad never been admitted after sundown. And I knew Br. Vsneo, the surgeoD-ia-eiisrgs, bad bis own brother been dying in that place, and his father and mother oome to see bim, would never have admitted even them, only at. regular boars. . ' I was so'exercisod la mind, that I was just opening my lip to quest ioo tbe strange visitor, wheo I saw tbe stew ard with" a, light, moving aloutt the lower end of ike ward in such a way as to bring, oar visitor' between th light and bio,' and then my bsart stood till The lamp th steward carried 1 oould still e shining, and I was look ing through tbe form of lb lady wbo stood by my patient's bedtide. I gt.gd in M upoa tba apparition tor fc ' few brief seconds, and - thso ft torpor overoatiM me, and I : knsw no mora until the steward roughly shook my arm and bade me to awake for Captain Belmont was no longer Jetb srgio, bat delirious, , But when 1 looked pon his elear eslm eye, 1 told th steward be was not delirious. "I Nettie here!'' bt faintly asked, M X bent over hJ.';;;; r.:; ,. -1 did not qaeetioq. wbo "Nettle" was, for I was eertaii I had seen bar semblance, and I answered, ealmty i - 'Nettle has Iwea here, Captain DU . NO. 3. Mrs. Knnif, lor 1 wis,1! to Vjo:ik with hir." "Did you speak with bor wheo i'm was heref" I aked, hoeding not the teward's great ntitazement. "No,'' he answered simply. "I triid to spoak, but somehow I eu'd mi ut. tcr a word. I supposo that I wi theo too weak."' . "Was she your affancicd wifo?'' J asked.. Not when I joined the army. We had been sfTuncicd once, but the broke off the engagement . tcc.nne "' ln-re hi voice fullered "bcCadoo I wai too poor. But I know ho lore tue." "She does," I said. '-I cou!d see it beaming in her eyes." ' If she is here to nurse me," ho ex claimed, "I surely shall recover! O, rail Iter aow, dbar Mrs. Ennis Imiut have the am u ranee from Iter own dear lips." . . But I persuaded bim to wait till morning. Morning came, and the stir goon, alter a lusty examination, sittd the captain wm much Letter, and that a chance for life was woo. As soon as ho wi ono I turned nsia to my patient, who Only murmured Nettle." ' Csplalo Pelux-nt," I said, calmly, "Nellio is not here." "Not bore!'' ho ctied, clutching my hsnd. "Not bore I why I saw her Utt night. Sbo has not gono away aynio, and left me here to dio nkine ?'l "No, Harry, but alio has not yci been here not in the flmh." "Mis Emit), im mud, or are i t For I plainly raw her, and you said you saw her, yet you say slio has uot been bore." ' Yes, I saw her," I raplitd, "and i-lie was standing by your qot, ood in her hind she held your own. But, Cup. tain Dcliuont, through her I'urui I saw tho candle carried by tho steward, haif u dozen cols away." Ilo turned bis fnco to tho wall, and then I trembled lor tho effect 1 feared my words would have. But when he turned his face again, I saw my fear was groundless. "I ojlled her," he said, earnestly, "and though five hundred thou-tuml miles nway,aha heard uio and cuine to mo. Uod blcHs her '." And for all tho surcon'i prophecy he rapidly began to moud. Bays n'l ded by, aud be trrcw convalescent. Two weeks lutur, going out ono day, I met a lady g"in in, and it needed but one pluuco to tell mo who it was. Sbo stared at uio, appuivutly bewi! dered. I went up to hut and took her band. . "This i Captain Del moat' Nettie!" I cxc-luinieJ. Slid looked frightened. I saw that b!io grew pulo. I guided her to Cap tain Beltuonl'a cot, and. when we reached it ami tbe beheld tho surround, inge, her face grow paler still "Why, this Is tho very place I dreamed ofseoiofr, about two weeks ago I and you uro the nurso I saw sittiug by bis cot," seh gasped, rather than spoke 1 did not reply. Hnrry Belmont hsi clasped bor to bis brcat, and I very quietly withdrew, Of course th story ends with happi ness and marriage, ss is usual ; but the appearance at my patient's cot I rear win never ce explained, it is a question lor psychologists to tettlo or discuss. Bailout Mugazinr. TU4) Uaaderlqe; JJety." I A rumor cemcs from a village near Antwerp, that the histocio " Wsudcr iog Jew' has been seen in that neigh borhood. Ho is reported as having passed rapidly through the market place, and as having on tbe outskirts of the village addressed .a few words to some children, who. bolder than their companions bad followed in his path.. lis was drcsied io wora and dingy antique garments, carried a loo;; stuff, and with .bis profuse beard streaming in the wind, presented suvb aa ewe inspiriug 'appearance thai tb terrified vilagers fled ' from him : in affright. When he paused, and spuko to tbe children) . ho told . them . to go back and, iaform tba .'people that a new governor bad risen la Europo, who would bring- Belgium, Holland end other countries uodor bj away, mat many strange vioiesitudos would be witnessed, . end that many proud heads would be brought' ow. On be- ing qoesUoucd as to bis name, be re plied, Seek; not lo; know. I have bein here.' before, in tho , patL, I ahall be bere agato In ibe future: -- Until the end pf time I shall walk tbe earth unceasingly; .? Tji apparlttoo then waving,- It .b'sod,1. turned , from the ebildreaadKreeaiedlta ploddroa; 1 ,1- X Jt - k ' i , . waia Mil Butappaariw w IBS UlSiaiiSSt r Tho kepori of ' thts1 apryaraece 6 f ! r.."' Slab, dverllainKr llatei Oaewolnmaone year ) . (HO.Oi Oae-kalf column, on 9nt. . . BO.oo. I Ont.foortb column, on rear, ' 15.00.. Un 7air (10 lie) oae loalrtlon r TS. cars' Bdlltioni ini'irtina i , -t 6v tcofafnaital and Kualneai eartla of. ifcit Mar than Be Bne, ever year." i,00 ' Auditor, EtaesXnr, Adniniiirator ' ' - and AatiK"e KoUee , J,50. Editorial nntlsa par lin 1ft,' All adTertiaemeai for a abort r period than on year ara arable at the tin. , they are ordered, and if not paid tb por. on ordortfig them will be hcM reiponaibl for th (ttftnef. t, , t lo tho legand, and the truth of the 1o gnnd Is croJitod throughout IWrum.' The legand of the Jew who had visit ed the crnciflsirm, and wonder ovef the earth until the time ofChrtst's see. and coming, originated In the middlo aqos, and cno bo trsccd back to the chronicle of ths Abbv ol Ut. Albsoe which was copied and continued by Matthew Turk This chronicle rc lutes that In 1223 s certain Archbish- ip, of Arrnnnia Major, came te Eng land on a visit to rat-red kIsccs. and while enjoying tho hoepitnlitj of the Abby of St. Alison, smong other strange fitotic, related that there was n mao nomcd Jotcph living in Ar ineoht, who h.-id witncsfcJ the cruci flxion1 This marl, rtriirlonll called t'atnphilus, was a portor in l'ilate'8 civice, nnd vfhilo Jesus was passing out from the judgement hull impiously struc lum on the back, saying, " Jo quicker, why do you loiter ?' Jesus looked back on him with a severe coun tenance and saiJ, "1 ntn going, but you. will wsil till I return.'' And accord ' ugly Cntnphiltts is still waiting bis . return. After Christ's death ha was sotiverted uod baptized, and his namo wa,i changed to Joseph. In IS 12 tho " Wandering Jew,'' appeared at Ham. burg, telling a story similar to thu ttbovo He, Lowovor, said that his name was AbawucniR, and that ho wns a shocmnkor who struck Jcsns on tho back while oo tho way to (lolgotlia. This particular person i.i tloscribed as a tall man, of about tiity years of ap,oV with long hair hanging dawn to hU shoulders, barefooted, and wearing n strongo costumo, consisting of sailor's Irouscre, a gowu rpacbing to the knoes, and a long mantle flowing down to his feet. Ho rp.jke good (ierman in the Saxon dialect. In 1573 tho " Wna del ing Jew" appeared in the Ncthor lands, and this time used the Spanish lannuajjo. A few years later tho ' " Wandering Jew' arrived at Stras burg; nnd going before .the raagis- " trntcs iufortnod dhem that bo bad visited tho city just two hundred years before, which Matcnicut, it is nsserted, wss proved to be true, by a a refer ence to some town records. Ilo next was hoird of in the West Indies, and again iu Franco, where, In 1001, ho caused considt-ribio aensatiou bis pres ence being auciimpaniod by destructive hurricanes. On April '21d, 1774, an indiuidual cluiuiing to bo the "Wan dering Jew" appeared in Brussels, aud ' told his story to the common people; ho, however, had changed the popular nntno of this character celled himself Isauo Laqucdem. This logaod bss formed tho subject of numerous popu? lar ballads io the different languages of Kuropo, and also of poems, tales and novels, by dihtineuihi d authors. It -niny bet here remarked, that this cti. rii'Ux myth seems to have originated in that passage of the Gospel of St. John, twenty-second verse, whore Jesus cays of John, " If I' will thut : ho tarry till I come, what is that to theo? follow thou iu. , Then went this saying abroad among the breth ren tbut this disciple should not die.'' A Qkhman paper statos that fuo German tutsans were quartered , in tbo bouse of a wealthy farmer in the neighborhood of Tours, and hospita bly rcccivod by their host. ' Tboy - wore nil loJgod in - dltforoat rooms of the -house and when" tho "farmer rc marked playfully , that Iho bouse was' . said to Lo baunteJ but that tho ' ' ghosts were of a barmlcst disposition-, i ' -and had qever Injured anybod. Io, the night one of them was arousst) ly - slight ooise,-and to his 1 error per ceired white figure glido through the 'T room; lh. fl2uro wo eradusllv ab. ' C proathlog the bed, and, the hussar, 'y , bts terror. took' ooe of bis plsboU and r ' -A ' ?.! : flrcd It. . Now lb spectre, threw " his arms, ' aud fell to lh AMfl'.r 'QwfsS t ,'.' bussar ; jumped' out of bgtyack fc",-, Xv'O light, and saw his frioadly host, wrap., V'- " ""i ped in a white sboot, and lwldJag i, u v U- bloody inir in his band, in tbe arrow- ' ies of death be ha ts tied to tho rtoj;. of his' comrades,' bat found them all ! weltering in their blood, with their, t throu out from cario., ar,t Proeur ,v l)g the help nfsams-olhtr oldUr : aaisft was searehei), nna undef n ptr ' -v , . of cabbaga In tbe eelluo wer founi thw ''. ,1. ' , . i () mutilated bodies of , .number, of ' - rt.i, l : i ' .i . , . ' uomtaei aoituvas wdoui mu sTTetyctyBfa; l! .c. bjd doahUessassafSlQatedl'o'tho tuxaf"'' treacherOui' mtvWmr." ;"' "' . ' ' ' '-1 - t - ' ; ftiwV : ? w fpf ; doin', it," l'i ,r ("said mXaaraU bhBder to hitnaelf, , . ba atood aarttr nnd walttnf for i jo, If 1 eav wml L If tboassn doltsra I "h'hfaKite' 'riTi''' ' .... ' fa b. -r x ""Mitf MB, bat f be a tot hers daw." C V'W80dript7 S ii r u "1 oynt-'i .iitH ni3.