i' - ; A.lyortiHlnj?; Xtnto.. , . ! f ' . One eolutnh one year . I'iO.O).. i One-half column, ens year," 10.00. .. One-fonrla column, np year, 1G.00V One square (10 lines) one basarlloa ,o. Every additional insertion CO. Professional and Dualueis cards ef hot more lhan 4ve lines, per year. 0,00. Auditor, Executor, Administrator ' and Assignes Notices a 2,00. Editorial noiloea per lincv . 16. All advertisements for a shorter period than one year aro payable at the lime they are ordered, anil If not paid tbe per son ordering thain will be held responsible fur the money. '...,sd trery Thursday Evening ay "jltEIUltCBvTSI. rroprtetor. Term of Subscription, Tt DOM.AIUI IER ANNUM, Payable wltbln n months, or JZ.60 ir not paid within the year. Ne paper discontinued nnlil all arrearages art paid nnleH at , the option of lb publisher. Subscriptions outside of the county ; y PBTABM I AfVAKCK. tST Persons lining and using papers addressed lo then bccom subscribers, 'add art Habit for lb price of Iba paper VOL. 9. MIDDLE BURG SNYDER CO. PA.' MARCH. 23, 187). NO. rWs .'t i- j; . ngrStsSBsasaassSsBBexsae -j . otter Ilotki 'lot! treet, irii !W0M 9 unitl Mief no. bontf lerai roaoaf taBit bau idietnl 7 laftH hi i l-kari furwf iiBiim urn XI a -CK! lelf' J P. CR09M1LLER, ATTORNKY AT tAW, Miildlrhllrir r 'fieri bit profesalonal services to tbt pub- . , . fl.ll 1 1 .1 -it .,t r t lie. bwiniiiiH mi aiiomer professional business entrusted to bit ear will receive prompt auenitoo. jao 8, 07ir AC. SIMION, ATTOHNEV AT LAW, Selinsgrove Fa., a fere bin nrofessional earvlna la Iba nuti. io. All business entrusted to bit oar Kilt be promptl- attended lo. fJan. 17, 67tf 3. W. KXinilT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Freebttrrf Pa.. 1 1 1 Offer nil Professional a ervlce to lb pub ill lc. All business entrusted to bit care Will w iiiviuuiii wtieuuvu to. Va 11 .1. I 1 . Jan 17,07tf WJI. VAN GHZ Kit, ATTORNEY AT LAW. , Lcwisinirg Ya., vners me proiespionai service 10 le pun lie. Colleoliona and nil other Pio crainn al business entrusted lo bia eare IU re ceive prompt attention. EO. F. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisburg 1'n. Offeri bia Professional service to tbe pub lie. Collections and all other profession all buslneaa rnlruaied to bit eare will re eeire prompt atleniloQ. Jan, 8, 'U7tf. I M.LINN, AMI. PILL, V t (Nueeesors to J. F. k 3. M. I.tnn.) AITOKNEY8 AT LAW. Uwial.ura-. Pa. 'Offer their professional services to the public Colleetiona ond all other pro ' frsslonnl business enlrurted to ibeir enre wlll reeeivcprontptallcniion. f Jan. 3, C7lf CHARLES JIOW hit. ATTOttSEV AT LAW," Sclinsgrnve I'n., Offers btl professional services to I'-e pi.b lie. Collaoeluni and all oilier profeaicna buitnaaa entrusted to hie rare will re ctira prompt attention. Cflice two Uor aorth of tbe HfjUcne IImcI. Jan 6, '0 SAMUEL ALLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW; Si'litifserore Ta Offeri bia Profeaslonal aenticea to lb public All bueioeaa en I r listed to bia eari will be promptly attended to. Col leetiona made in all pnrta of Iba Stole He can apeak the English and German language fluently. OQice between Ilall'f and tbe Pott oflice. N. MYERS, ATTORKET k CCCnSElOR IT MidJlclurg Soj-dcr County Pcnn'n Office a few doori West of tbe P. O. on Main etrcet. Couaultatlon in Kngliab tnd Cein i n I (.t.r pt-a. fip. L'H T CLUCIIER, V , ATTOUXEY AT LAW. LowiMbnrvt Pa. Offeri 111 profeiilonil leivlcealo the pub lie. AU buaineaa enlruated to bia eare will be promptly attended lo. (.Jan. 8. 'U7l GKOYER & BARER , SEWING MACIIIXE. Penona In need of a cood and durable rawing Machine oan bo aocommodtted at reuonable prioei by calling on ou Sau- tu t Al'IT, Agent, Kclinigrore. Jan. 21, C8 DR. J. Y. SHIN PEL. SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Middli'lur Pa., Oferi bia professional lervleee lo the cit- utm or Miudleburg and vicinliy. March zi, '0 g F. VAN BUSKIRK. SCRGICAL ft MECDAKICAL DENTIST Solinsgrovo Tenn JOUN K. UUOUES, Esq., JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE, Tenn Twp., Snyder Co. Pa Yh. WAGNER, Esq., a Jf TlCE OF THE PEACE. Jaoksoo To x-athip, Snyder Co. Pa., 'ill attend lo all buaineaa enlruated lo kit ear and on the most reasonable . . March 12, 'U8lf rkUJ F KAN AW EL. Tpl I PHT8ICUN AND8CR0E0N, Tl ;CelrTllle, Snyder Co., Pa. Offers bll profeaaional lemlcea to the rxiuo. u-oou D W. SCI1WAN.M. D SURGEON k PHYSICIAN, Port Travnrtuii Pu. Offeri bti nrofeaaional 'eerrloee to tbe diiieni of tbil plaoe and wioioily. lie Hka Q erman and English. , " 3-" I April io, '08 A.BOYEll,Jr. ai r.TinwPFP - Fieebiftir 6n yder Co. Pu., Mt raeneatfnll offers bia aanlaea to f pubiio aa Venaue Uryer and Auotlon- ilavinc bad large ezperlenoe, 1 I eaofldant that I eaa reader porfeot uactioii to my employees. LJan. v, T. PARKS, . ATTORNEY AT LAW k DISTRICT ATTORNY, -JIDDLIBURG, BNYDER COUNTY, Pa I 04M U Court Beaia, Sept.10, 67tf LEWJSBJMMEJi'li SONS' T) a rtrvntir a nminiton f OOk I -- rM. i n ituo V iMl . . PHILADELPHIA. r XflAli llRCHAST HOCSJt. A H. JIANPERBACII Pbop'b. . J. C. KIPK, CJerk. "Hi t 418 Nortk Third Street. rhlladelphU rILLZS k ELDER ' mil boos erLirts - i, Blank bck l!--'';turoa la Wr-'-, I - Car j If j... t: tit RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES of ftayiler Connty, for the rear H;o, enm manelna on the lt day of Janaary ami ending on Ihellat day of December, both days Inelaalre. 13 II Bo r 1 o In 1 2 ' P m rs 5 2 P.S .3a. e9 g4 5 ii..:! b C. a 2 i it UiltmHtihl sis es$zei:EJS' j 8 suggssatstssa-i (6 ka1 J X X- 53 c2- t o w SB S3 IS c' CSSB B SZBSS5SeS2-g M X P 2l ssssss -Sri 'Hi"1!!?. ft ft (5 t ' a ta- ft ft M m c wl 3 r w. T. Sac 41 1 f tS; o ttit. S Delinquent Colled ors. District.. Collectors' names. Year. Co. Kranklln John lieavhel IiuU 7 42 Heaver A bram Wanner Ivid 70 112 t'hapman Henry A. I1Hk 1mT 47 r7 Chapman Jarob 11. l.fnli lbUI ih 01 Franklin J. W, Eisenhower 10 Heaver Hanry Multh IMS 1U v Wet Hearer Henry Tmestor ' IiiO 37 Franklin II W. Felty " ell Ferry Thomas H.Uifoa " IW M WMbintonOurgeO. Ulass ai State T 07 6 77 t SVi S so ToUl W,7I I7,DV Eipendilures. Items. Audllora' services, inclndinj Clerk SiiO 8. Alleman, Auditing Counly OlGces 6 Anemm Pay. Asi'ra, lerrlceain niakins aliern'a 12A 35 do do under Regiairy rot 841 do do making military rel'na 64 78 do do do Irlanninl aea nl 8rVI do taking & do seplnnuial censua 72 Elrrtion. Am't paid lo Return Judges, &o 810 17 " Coualablci for adverllfing and serving nolioes 117 13 WeUjht and Mennurt. W 0 Ilickok, for one set Weights and Measures for county, as directed bv act of Assembly 203 00 Eastern Penitentiary Eastern Penitentiary for support of eonvlotein 18GU . 30 44 Jitquett. ' Denj Houaeworlh, oosta and fees for boldiua inquest on dead body of Wm lluldorf, of 8eliugroTe 19 HO ltlidje. W A Doll for new bridge at Selinsg'e 000 96 Carey Schuuri for lumber &o for rep'a of Saliusg'T k Longa bridges 108 46 scbocb & lira, spiksa So. for aame J. Houaeworlh et al, lumber, hauling 8 12 and labor al same Hummel & Dower, lumber far Be liuagrova Bridge 88 85 81 K6 Hieeiand k Doyer, naila, spikes, oil, paint, eto. for aame Samuel Gemhrrliug. aauling &o. to Kanlt's. and gravel and bauliug k 18 47 tilling in at Selmagrove bridges John Helm, el al, labor at Kami's, 84 Ulatiksniilbing, bolts, spikes $. at Kelmsgrove bridges - 143. 25 W W Caw ley et al labor jo at. Kanls'i bridges 166 54 M Frymoyer, work at Lelier'i bridge 0 A J Speobt building new bridge over - Ml Jdleoreek in Franklin Ip 1W9 , Same for extra work in making aaid bridge 6 feet lunger end one foot higher than oouiraoied for 150 Benj Rupp building new bridge over Middlebreek, near Kami's Mill, peroonlraot 1886 K Yoel, for plank and repair! at bridge a ear bis mill 8 26 Richard Lloyd filling in abutments at jisw 8e Unsgrove bridge , 27 A Ulsb rep'g bridge int W Denver I p 6 31 Sauael Derrniaierial and repairing bridge near Trooi man'e Mill 69 06 Jae Houaeworlh, plank, banting, (to at Loug'a mill 22 87 WagenaeUer k Son lor epikei and ; uakles for repairs at bridges 3 81 Ed Gemberling, for hauling gravel . to Belinegrove bridge 4 96 John Hehn and oihere, for plank. la , bor, haul ng eie foe repaira at He- ' linagrove and Kanis'a bridgea ' 84 76 F Bolig. repairing Royer'a bridge 88 J Bruuner, hauling and labor at same 20 60 W Uowersox 4j days nasonwork at 1 ' same and Furnace bridge - 13 60 R Eisenhower, niaaenwork, bauliag,' labor and lime at same 82 16 Fred Boll, repairing Furnace bridge 61 Jacob Seebold building new iron cord ' bridge across Hahualonge creak, per contract 898 flama, exira for buildlag eaM bridge 10. feet looger a4 y feel bi"be thaa eonlr r . . " IC1 AJficktb Aug Arnold do do aeroaa Mahiinl'go 13 8rhoch A tiro repairing bridge near their Milt 4 Mnaea Krebhs. filling abutmrnli at L'lih a bridge 2 rrothtmotary't Offxrt. i Crouae, bill of fees In full for Ifttft, Ml do do part for 1870, 171 do do fur ream wrilinf rarer fl 60 W H Heater, tape to for office 1 Pblnilol k Swtnrford, for atalionery 8 Wlllenmyer, paper, brnons.elo J W Preae for merchandise C Mlllor k Elder, bill for doekela. In- fill 31 8 17 77 , eluding rlao for Reg and Reenflice 167 01 . ' Rcijhf r (( nnmh r' Offirt. 4B Hehuck, Recorder for recording . Treaanrer's bonds A do for paper etc fiirninhed dit do freight on dockets elo .Vblndel & Swineford for pens elo 8 Wlitenpycr, blank book elo .1 W Dreeae, ink. pena, sundries O A Sclioch, for sundries S U Scbuck. for paper, envelope, elo J,ntrH Atloineu' OHrf. R T I'nrke. Diaiiict Attorney, his bill of fees for 1870 . 84 C'omniimi'ow' Officr Jor('h Wenrich. lnie fontrftlearQner 875 John J Matiern, Coiumiss iooer ' t" l"nao S l.nngacre,-. .t -do . 'V 'l - 7J Philip Kinney. . V d- ' f.O t J relera. t omminelonrra llerk n T I'n r lis, do ' Counsel KM) J W Dreeae, brooma. pena and ata'y Shindi'l .t-wfiief.ird. f latlonery F Scheran, ann.i, iuk. pena elo (1 A rVborh, aundriesfor oflice 0 It Mich, Hook case ' ' do J Aiirnnd, poetape, enrelopes. eto S Wiileiiinyer, conl oil, brooms cto II 114 4 o VI 8 4 Limit loltur A.rprnarl 1) J Knssiner IHIi'J 2 4 10 4 M 3 1? A llolendcr I'. A SlclningiT John Young. .Inni'ii ltnweraon John II Waller H il Uowersox do do do do do do do ilit do do do do ilo do do do do dn J llorh reniting I't lloHse wiudows 2 ficlnicli $ Droibcr for cnnl 11 W II Hoaver fur tllerellandle I Shlndel fwitieford.bill fur atimliiea 8 .1 O Smith, repainiing t't house roof and new conductors for spouting 1AO Do for rrpnire at roof elo 25 Robrbnrh J- Rudy gralo for stove f () Wegeneeller & Son coal, 1 bti'.l 'TO S3 r,n Miury llnber. rep'ng Ct bouse focks 6 .1 W Dreeae, for sundry merchandise u tili U Alfred Schocb, for sundries 1 lio 8 Willenruyer.hrooms. stationery, oto 13 0 Cuurt Ej-wnte Feb-. Term Grand Jurori PctilJuros Tipst 'ivcs t'ouri eryer Constnbics' Returns Mny Torm Grand Jurors I'n it Jurors Tipsinves Court crjer Conylnbles' Returns 110 00 871 r.j 21 Ml 12 HI 76 ll!7 fill l.'i 7 nu sit o H7 7i lo n r I l . . I cei. igrui urnnniirura i rent .ruroia 211 fH Tipstaves Court oryer Const allies' Returns Dec. Term Grand Jurors Pel .t Jurors Tipstaves Cuurt crycr Consiablea Returns II Scbwcnk, Junitnr. per conlrnct Jail mill Jail I'sii'iift' D Rolender, lute Sheriff, hoarding prisonrra, fees, nnd lockage JnhnS Wolf, Sheriff, drawing and anmmening Jurors lo February Feb. adjourned mid May Terms, 14 7 .Vi 82 04 K8 IV 265 i! 14 10 10 42 r,o 60 2 cleaning jail and rep ng locks 111 Same conveying John DouIhss ami a A I'ullock lo reniientiniy Same drawing and summoning Ju 15 in rora lo Si-pi. nn i Deo. Terms Same. Dill of Feea, boarding prison- ers, uvangr, immr, niHieilttl ,c 111 lepairing jiiiUud out buildings 10:) Irviti Smith, for one bed lor jnil li Hi I Scboch Si llro for coal do 2l' tieo Schflmhscb bnuliug coal 2 l;l C A Dolendcr do do III) W II lleuver, merclmndife for Jti.il 8 82 D Rnucli, repairing, doors, da 1 I'J t llolendcr, for building new privy, Grain house, lumber, huuling, lu- -bor, k o at jail 880 04 Jcreminb Hioiib for labor nl soino . . 3 87 Joseph Dowerrox.for alone aud haul ing fur same 68 nnmuei u .truaaer, note iur aame . u Ceorga Wolf, labor at sumo 11 62 John E Rolender do 1 l7 Uriah Smith. do Id h7 Philip Spade, masouwork at same 13 3'J Jeremiah II Smith Plastering 15 N Scuabaeh, bUoksmithiug for same B it li uogenreir aa uo -'j A J Specbl, plank and latb do 8 0' A J Peters, boards do 4 46 E L iluflington, Carpentcrwork 24 75 II R Reigel, labor at repairing 4 60 J 0 Smiib, repairing at jai. roof 10 II Sobweuk, cleaning jail well 3 J 8 Wolf. Sheriff, Hove and pipe 12 do do I new eounterpaim 12 Samuel Smiib, bauliug boards 2 Shindel J; Swinefurd, paint, oil Jo l'l 80 Israel Baehmao, hauling coal 8 23 J W Dreese. nails, oil, varniib .to 7 83 Sohoch k Bro., coal for Jail 17 66 W 11 Beaver, buckets, nails, glass eto 9 01 U A Schooh. licking etc for bedding 0 10 una uoienaer, mingles tor roonog uo WagensellerA Son, coal for jail 10 Morris Erdley for wood 15 CG Henry Kecbman, carpentcrwork at Grain bouae, Privy eto at jail 24 76 8 Wiltenmyer. nails, binges, eto 1 87 , : - Commonwealth Cutti. ' Tbe Commonwealth ve Ibe following persons for w men we counly aid ' coata, via i Wm Hummel and . Musser f 4 60 Daniel TRboadi , . 3 Charlotte Bronner 06 Ov erasers of Lower Aoguale 8 82 John Fclkcr 9 80 N Renn and J Foy 0 14 n n vewiii ex Waller Settler 48 07 W Harrison Bailey . 8 28 Simon Zccbamn - , 20 84 8 A Pollock and John Douglaai 62 04 James Bingman '84 02 Christ Hsulen end Fred Waller ' 0 6tf JuPjf Canimlmiunert. . , . Jury Coaaiissiouors per diem, pay f 4 uncage ipoiuaing oieri . ei uu . Uoud Vuto ami Brvhet. P M Teats and oihsrs, fog road and bridgea viewa 220 50 Fox Bfalvi-. i Fellerulf, premium on Fs aoalpl 67 89 ' ' Printing 8 B Bchuok k B Laiami (German) 102 60 vmui Moyer, lBanB ioo Luaoberd & Myer Jo . 116 J. Crouae , , do ' 86 F Weirick ' n do 17 W Jnlereit aaid. - ' William Haines and others, Inlt t -laoBing ortlars it - i r.iw C unity Llnrt. a . Ths following Items were paid fu'f , running line, bc'wer-n tbe counties of Union. Snyder, Mifflin andfn Ire, aa directed hy Acl of Aaaembly approved t lie fifth of April, 187U: Aaron KGifl, aurveyor, in part .100 8 Rowen, aaslsinnl including tip's 76 05 0 G Vetera " " ' 40 .1 K Ilolemler ' " r.H ID N 8 Hachman " " 2J !m 0 Kerslciler " " 77 ad J H Smith ' " Ifl ' G A 8cbMb ' ' " 151 16 N. P. Ilnre " ' 50 15 J 8 llab, provisions for surv'g party 1 1 W Mlttcellnne'W. Jacob Arose, lale treasurer, bal due hint by the Co. at last settlement 142 48 J A Christy, Attorney s Foe iu caseuf Snyder county va Juniail counly for recovery of costs 10 Henry Huber, lax refunded and stamp lo llnnds 10 13 J U Graybill, tax overpaid and refit 2 83 Rat hfnn,rMl!iiutn, redemption money on a tract of land sold aa property of Dan Renglor. and afterwards redeemed and lax and eoata paid 11 85 W N Kirxtcr, alarap In coi rs bond 1 Wm Mnyer, exp's of Teaeheis Inst 01 John Horh, taking Com'rs clerk and -counsel to Seliti'grove on tbe way In llarrisburg for the put pone of getting the cmiiuy's quolaof Stale Taxes reduced 6 Com'rs Attorney expenaea in guing lo ilnrrlahurg in same case 10 45 Com rs Clerk, dillo, 13 a? U Kremer, school lax refunded 1 John K Hughes, slump for bond 1 Susan Sampscll, Redemption money on tract of land sold her aud alter words redeemed 12 3 1 John M Smith, ditto 10 3 John Dietrich, tax refunded, being the amount in liilgatim between the said Dietrich and Geo Eby, colleclur settled by Commissioners 13 Jacob Gross, entered taxes, paid In, of llc'i ver lown?hlp K M John Eturriuk, money paid in county trcasui y on elrny homo (old 20 II Itupp.fur discount on nolo iti bank 4 8! G C Mrlker, Agt. insuring Ct bouse 20 Geo Kby, casta refunded in case of John Dietrich va Ibo aaid Kby 10 L) T lUiimds fur f xing stoves do in Court House slid jail 7 75 ToUl f 17.82'.! ";! WK, tbe aiiliscrltiers, t'ominlsloners of the Kma account ol the Kecelpts and ljif o.litures ul tnytlur county, tor the year A. 11. InTu, I. true ;mu correct aa aiaiea, to me uesi ol our knowl eilsre and IisIIqI. dlveti nmler our liamls, at on a ofllee In the court iioune at ailiiniaioirir. ths il l .lay ul J aim ury, A. II., la; I. J. J. M T r.UN. attkmt: ISAACS. l.tlMUCRE, A. J. I'sraiia, FlilLll' hlN.Nr.Y. t.'lerk. Couiinlasluners. Trenxmcr'n Amount, John K, Hughes, Treaiurcr, In account wHli nvuer i.ouniy. iijf. To amount of taxes outstanding for IWi ninl iirovlous yenra atsio 41 Amount nrsosneil nnd lev ml tor IS70 ' 1770 ;u " roc'Uvl J.IIiiiniiiel, roil'inn nionoy 1331 A. .1. r inier ami otiivrs lor taxes aait provluus to election 7 ti - j, Hiiinisu anu ulnars, tnses entered lu Treasurer's ulhce t 73 -- 01 oiiisiuntiiug orours 01 11107, 11. a Dilntaka In waking ra Isrues 4 '10 S'i Amount uue Co. '1 rea.urer, Jan, I, IpTI aj I2I.AI2 U CONTRA. tK. Ily am't orders loueil In '70, ,I7..M 4i i do do uulstauirlng " 4.IHH oa, U.isl M uo do oftMi9anil previ ous yaurs, at laxt set'nt b,Vfl S3 do do. viitsiaiiilliig 1,1 'ov ' a prvvli'ua fears 3,IM 14 do ib paid by Treasure of Iwj and previous )eara 1 Ily commission allowed collectors of '70, bsunwratluu I " amount ul lax outstanding " 4 ' " . " lor the year iMit) and previous years " " lutcret adiled on alu't due " " correction lu urdurs out atandlnic ol li7 and lu re-iisulng of orders ul said year Uy Kaoneratliins on tax of 1HU9 Commission olTreasurer on ,lIOt li paid lu and also paid out at 'fM 7k9 07 a:i w 1 I0.1 01 ,UM II "ti.1 A4 77 14 41V) l7 Ml 4f4 UO :l ,t 2 04 By amount due Traaaurer Jan. 1, 1871, el County I'uittl, January I. ISTI. nn. To am't ul orilara outstanding tor lst7 to " " " " ia I114 6J " " . " " ! 1 1 ft? u; II M II II l-u ' 4wj s " due Treasurer, Jan. I, " M w contra. rn. By am't ol Uios outst'ng tor '70, etuis It ditto ditto ' a, pra'a yrs 10.1 64 luUrwt charged on 7(M Masabove 77 14 417S SO County In debt January 1, 1671, eM W Snviler County, SH: We. the umlerslgned, Auditors of Hoyder county, Ho Certlly, that we have curelully examined and audited tha lorcirone as. eouut of the Comwlsslouera and Treasurer of Nnyuer county according to law, and that we Hod the same true and ourreet as slated. In taiilmunv wharanl mm k.v. li.Mnntn u.t our hands lu Ilia Commissioners' olllce, In Mid dluburg, Uieailiday of January. A. 11., 1071. M. I.. HAM.s'lNilKlt '( Auditors. CAL. L. FISlltH, ) WASU. (iUANELLO. WATCH d CLOCK MAKER, Market 8t. Middleburg Pa. TT AVISO located ia litis plaoe I would XX respectfully inform the citisens of Middleburg and vicinity mat 1 am prepared to repair CLOCKS AND WATCHES cheap and expeditiously. Tbe patronage of the public is respectfully solioiisd. , Middleburg, Not. 21 1800. QUlt FATHER' UOUSE, THB UflWBri'TER WOBD. DvDAKiBLMAana.D. D.. author of the norm- lar "Night rloenee." Tills master In thought and langauge shows ns untold rlohaa and beau ties In tua Oieal House, with Its illooming Bow. era. Singing birds, Wavlug palms, Hulling eloudi, lieautllul bow, baored mountalna, lle IlKbtful rlvera. Mluhty oceans, Tuumlei lug vol eaa Biasing heavens aud vast aniversa with eoaatleas balnga In mllllousof worlds, and reads to aa la each law Uowrlliea WTord. siosa tinted paper, ornate aoaravinga ana aapero uinaing. "Uloh and varied la Uiouaht. Cbaate " "1-isr and graoaful la style." "Oorraot, pure elevatiug la Its Undenoy 'f "Uaasttrul end goul." "A ueeMaoiu treasure." tjuainieauaiious iiaw ius abuva Iroin Uollaua PraaldanU and Froraaaora. mlnUeere of all daoomlnatlouai ind.tke rellgloua and saeular press all over the country, lu trash. Bess, pumy vi language, wim eiaar uni sl1. ana steal engravings, substantial blndlug, and low price make It tkabouk lor Ihe masses. Agsull are selling from tutu 140 wr week. We waut Clergymen, S0I100I Teaeeers smart young mea ahd Udlee to lulroduoe the work lor as la every towBshl,ead we will pay liberally. No Intelligent man or woman aeeu be wlUuiut a paytug buslnaaa. eland tor etreular. full daaerliilooa and Urms. Address snuiitum aiuvvaui, is m. to m, rana. 'li Ul a Ht.Oln.O. 4 . as Monroe ale. Chi. eoSK. Sib at Louis est4,-4as et 101 Hala itiriagosd. Mass. LLEOnENY HOUSE, ' It. Ill at 811 KITKH MMtl, ; (alaevs AiuitA,) . PHILADELPHIA wtunvwwu t, niUTi ii avvunia a vnwii raoranircaa. ; . 6,611 . THE DELUUE. A DEATH dCKNI OP THE IHIJI.R. TI10 ark ia complcUnl, I list unpar illtelvd rrasol which carrioil a cargo more precious, than tho cargoes of all "tHor aliipa put tnirelher, for it carried tho foi tuuoa tif 1I10 world for half 1 cr. North itul his family, the "benatfl, birds, nud rcptilon nro sllnliut In the hunil of the Creator ban shut the door and reulod it. Tlieia isagolemu pouso of hcrcn tlnyg. No doulit tlm lnokt'r-im the inlialiitatnU round nb. tit joprcil tl e grmi'l old patriarch with ln monslrous timiiaerifl in his ninrmirouff, nliip. Thr leven d.y had still teco n Idcd to the 12i) yeais, a a i'urihor lime Iur tlie people to repent, hut they linitli-nod heuiHelvfte the more 0 lliojr crloJ, Where is the gn of tho dcltipe?'' The eoven days aro rti'lfil nntl nnw ctimes tho oioat trriiblo event that over camo to pas in the nunalu of t!ni'. , Mut lerrililn a-i yrt ; but A still more terrible is yet to come, when the'rurtli, will Le wruppi'd in n tlooil of fne ? The windows of lieavcn were open ed, aud the fountain of tho ureiit deep were broken up ; aod from nhovo and from be no nth tlio walcru poured upmi tho ground for forty days and forty Dip;liia. Wlion tho ruin beffoii tu dost.-nnd in grent apoutii of water, thou nil tho inhabitants of t ho country round about Noah boan to think tiut ncrhnpH al'tei nil they had bettor follow hiii) into liii jdiice ofnalety so they niudo a ruih for tho nrk to force tlirir way ' i.). Hut tho hand ol the Al inl'bty that bad closed auJ icnlcd tho door held thorn far at lay ; prr hp they were mnittcn with lilind-0.1-tk like ilia cnemiej of Lot, or like I'Jlyuias tho Rorccrei. Soon they be una to escape to the ri-inir. of tlio land aod then t) the billi. The weak and tbe litnid throughout the cartb wore eoou swept nwnv. Those who eHcoped 10 sonio near hills when ibe water rose upon tliein, could not swim the intur renini; waters to somo higher hilK anil tliey t-oin di-appviti'ed iu tho rm tnc tide Multitudes enraped to tho tuouDtniDH, whoso rtoep nud fchapuy niiloH tboy still climb as the mighty waves yawn to devour them. Hun dreds and thouHunclH nt a timo drop into Ibo (lurk bosom of uiiiltiludori ul waters; fur they grow faint from lot of food nnd dirzy with watehinc and then there is ono last wail of agony uiiniiliii'' wit li the honoer mar of tint I'lunieulul war. Ob, tiod I what prax ith iiuw tiMt'i'iid ftoiti tho gurlini; bi 'idiirt tif tho tleepl btiu now, but tho Hlroi R and tho bnvo uud tho iomiiii nro left. l'p, up, but the duik waves fliml) 118 fa-.! tliey. ! every hit man Lcitig 1 but hud li in fe I nnd clung to the top tii"8t peaks 1 1 the bwer iiiountaiu' have li. et) wuHlicd iiwiiy. Tho biuhi'Rt iimuu titins aro now nlont1 ubovu tho nnivpr Hal t-eu. Tho watera have reached the dpi of the volcauos ! and aa the vn.il Nisuro pour over into their yawning orater.x, nnd rush into the bosom of utiipiemdiable tires that Gil the central globe; as those immeasurable floods) ol those mighty enemies firn nnd water, meet, 1 heir hug of bottle heaves and shakes the solid world, its hugcrib Miii and break, nud it h bur of adiiiut'tii Iiccciih'h us tow ; and the ponderous bulk of the round od npliero is ciou vulod in 1 brum of death (if it could die) with tho grupplv) (if tho internal war. And still throughout tho deluge vast eolumod ofbteum from tho bellow ing war bursts through, the abysmal waves aod nxceud the niurkey firma ment of heaveu. The fiVh ! It U h carvinsl fur tbe fJdh Tbey swim over tho walls of eitieN and through tho balls of palaces, aud fount their eyes upon the strange nnd wonderful work of mau tho treas ures und spoils of kinjia. They glut their appetites upon Ibo young nod beautiful. The monstrous all devour ing shark is drunk with ibo blood of ibo furest of the fair. If tho devil fish be possessed witb the bond, bis soul must bare reveled in the human spoils of tbe watery pit. Tbe tallest peaks now alone stand out above tbe floods of waves aod tbe strongest men of all mankind are 00 those topmost peaks. Aod migb ty beasts of prey are there, the dread ful boa, and tbe reooruout viper, nod birds with dripping wings, toa wet tu By j all are mingled togother, without fear of euch other, for tbey aro all overwhelmed by a far grrattr fear. Those strong men pray with cries that sound wailiogly above all tbe roar of the tumultroui strifo. Tbe lion and the titter the most savage of all beast., moan pitifully, at it' tbey, too, pray ed I And every reptile aud eagle aud condor, with atraoge Bounds never be fore beard by human ear, tbey, too seem to pray 1 Ob, Ood of merer I wilt Tbou not hear that last woeful agony of prayer of life T Ab I no. There is a time whee it Is too late to pray 1 wbeu tbe Almighty shots tbe door. Thoo art loviog apd long uf terlog. One hundred and twenty years Thoo didst eall upop tbern, and none regarded t aod now (bat they cry onto Tboe, It 16 too lute. Io every unbeliever'! life tbe Uue maj.oouiu when It it too lute (0 pray, i-. Up, op, higher und till! higher ibey cliajb! Ob, witkv ;what intent ueas, tbey watch the vUrkt jo Ibe rooks to see if possibly tbe waters have reaeUod tbeir utmost height.) -No, they monot after tbern will) t)vu oterwbulsulng. ownipoient Vp. The last lion and tluer aod foi and aavge beast drop low tbe iiri tirva 4t- aaaw, I'aia- J ' Condor sre upon tho bottom of the Uni versal wares. Tho hugeat boa of the desert, his terrible eyes bare goue out and Im long.Mrcadlul bedr iu crcal ?oils looks fearfuf nil, drgd.at lssl. lie nonis away anir.'ininfcleS with the wrecks f cities sod great forests that toss upon the awTuI waves of tho all devouring sen. And now no eur will evet hear, save at the judgement day, tlio wioaiM, ns strong nmn after atrouu man loo-e his lust bold and floats gur gling vtilh his last breath on the piti less surging deep. And nit m e gone T No J tfiTf In out; tin Lint Mm'. the niL'hicst man of those mihtj men which were el' old, uiea of re nown." lie had been a great leader, ami the deadly fuo cf Noah. Ha had made the enrth drunken with blood nnd with crittio; and had dared lo think in bis heart to be ti e foe of the Omnipotent Seol lie summons nil hi, strength 10 stand upon tbe lnsl glippeiy peak Ho Is nlono. No, folded close upon his Irenst, in Ihe embrace of his nnn still strong, he holds hie boy, bis only sod, the only being he bad ever loved. Kven in tho midnt of the dolugo he had Mill hoped that ho would sutviro, sad thai he would still rulo tbe cartb sud leave his ciovvo to his boy. IK mines himself with bis still living boy elinglug to his breast; ond with those fierce and bluz'ng eyes now tamed with tho darkness of utter despair, ho triec to pierce tho sbulowsof tho pourino rain. To tho uorth and to tho south, to iho ctiit, to tho west, he tries lo pierce the impenetrable gloom Water! Water 1 Water every whore ! One vast illitnitnted denort of unbound ed ocesa ! Tho very heavens ore wa ter. And now there was no car to hour the mo'-t heart cleaving of all Ihe sounds that had ever been raised from the bosom ol the world the lart mun .' the last funeral note of thf. idad world! A great wnvo that sweeps many cu bit above ibis topmost peak enfolds him round nod round and his boy ! and as it riicb scs tbern, a lew bubbles 011 its blini tell (.f tlio In-t sob of tbe last man ol a di owned wurlJ. l'lircw ologi'al Jmirnn', (From ths lleuver (Col.) Trlliune.) I ll os. A. KroU Andrew THrisVitlu. Tho telegraph recently announced Iho ubove named tieiitlemen us two nl tlio now directors of the tVnion Pacific Kuilruud Company the loruier to be its President, the luiter a member of the executive committee. Tho business history of theso gen tlemen may be of interest to the youth of lleuver its illustrating what is pos sible in our country where boys are posstsaod ff correct habits and with ordiuury ubility, combined with energy, perseverance su I bib aims determine to wm for themselves f'auio aud foi tuue, where neither is inherited 1'iotu tbeir I arents or relatives. Many a young nuo imagines him self capublo of a great many things il ho only had ''a starl'' iu tlio wot Id thai is, if possessed of a few hundreds or tbousaods ol dollars. Tho gentle men wdoso utimca head this article commenced life pcnuiles.i and without '11 starter.'' Hut beginning at tbe very bottom of tho bidder, l oth bavo achieved cmlncnco and wealth. Wo uro not as familiar with the oarly his tory of the former as witb that of the latter. Our first knowledge of Tbomas A. Scott, was about tho year 1850, when be was acting as tbesgentofBiogham & Dock, a freighting company timilur to tiur $'yo Forwurdiug Company, whoso buHiuesB was ths currying of merchandise across the Allegheny mountains between Philudo.lpb.ia nud Pittsburg. Strange as it muy . seem, even al so late it duto, do railroad bad yet traversed the great State of Penn sylvania, and for a considerable dis tance between Philadelphia aod Pitts burg goods were transported io wagons Mr. ISoott was located at llullidays burg ; and ' It may be reasonably inferred that occupying such an bumble position he .did not poirss either wealth of Influence. ' Tbe great Penn sylvania Central was shortly after this completed to Pittsburg, aud Mr Soott was appointed- Assistant Su perintendent of Ibo Western Division, extonding from Altoona to Pittsburg a distance - ol - stoat two hundred miles with'hoadquarters ol Pittsburg, lie chose iur bis euice tbe outer depot, where everything connected with tbe operating of'tbc road, fiom the repair shop to the running of trains, would come under bit immediate supervision ; but not fully. Satisfied' with this, he was among the first to bring' Ibe tele graph to kit aid, thereby enabling blm to manage and control bis traint and employees aa absolutely Wbe a hun dred miles or more away as though gersooa'lly prevent with them. Mr. tjott may have been the first to do thit at all events ht conceived tbe idea of having a telegraph instrument and operator in hit own office. Tbe road was new and tbe company poor, aod eould not afford to pay ao opera tor a bigb salary. A obsap one was necessary., 1 v oppltoation to elonn Ulass), the receiving olerk. io the tele ursph office at Pltuburg, revealed tbe tact that there was a boy, aged fonrteeo, the sou of veay poor, bat mpwotahle SootQh people, ia the operating ttmt, who bad tor a year er two aoor'a the position of ho!l-boy,aod bad f , of a little - keowle-1;. ef r'ert5. Would he aotver f. r. r . t Tbt optratrt r rvt "Aar-fV Mir-' ' 1 tiectob wilb the PoBmylvatiitt Central Railroad Company. How he and his pal rod, Thomas A. Seolt, rapidly mso to on i lencs ond wealth In the len'ico of tbe Pcnnsjlvanis lUitrond Company tbo lormer becoming V ice President and (lie latter its rjupei intendent tho h titoir ol tlio great corporation shows. Mr. Inrneiiis, nf er ntiaining the t)0- siiion of buperinteiiileot t f tho road sjme years ago, resigned this position itul c.4tntiiisiied the ti ion I too orks ;il Pittsburg. To his buine ability tuny bo ascribed much of iho fiuancial uccess ol tins great railrosd corpora tion probubly now tho wealthiest railroad comprny in the world. Under the administration of Andrew Cirnogi i ,ne road gaineu tho proud reputation I' bring the best uinnaed railroad in tho United States. U o are chid that tho Union Paciflo is I'kolv to fall into such good hands. There is nothing mean or illiberal about such men. Their policy is far seeing, comprehen sive and judicious. The will virtually make tho Kansas and Union Pncitio ens grand double-track line, and tho L'encinl intetcsts of iho people of. tho Jerntoi irs will bo subserved nud not crippled. Mr. Carnegie is still s young man, tbirty-lotir or five, modest ond unassuming in manners, and we bclievo unmarried. Voting HoiM'ii't'N i,'tis?r to Ills ,il oilier. A youngster attending school in Pudueah lia.-i written his mother tho followiug characteristic letter: Dh.ut Mi Til Kit : I trot another lick ing yes'eiduy, but I had on throe pair o 1 ants, and il uiiln t hurt much. 1 was licked because I put six pins in Mr. 'a chair. 1 knew tliey would mil siick him, and 1 made a bet that they would not. Mr. was bo mean and hard that pins could not go rn. 1 won tbo uel which van a do'. lie is n good dog, and I'm trainiutr dim to bile eld "llardsides,'' ss we call him, sonic night when ho comes homo liter dark, and, if ack is a good uftcr bint as bo ia after cols, I won't cot licked any more, ack nud L killed throe cats. .Sunday, though 1 was tit uuday school and church all day, ood it wasn't u goud day for est cither. This mukes tbe third licking I got this week. Ono was becittihc i bud a bottle of milk iu 111 y room, aud tho other wag because I wrolo a composition 011 ne- groes that old Hurdsidcs didntlikc. I said that a negro wu a dark subject to write on. It was like a dark Afri can going down u dark cellar on a dark night without 0 light to look for a black cut tbst was n'H there. Old Hard sides mopped mo nud then licked mo lor that, he ml mo some more nt them pics. 1 mndu it go d trxio with nouio I them. If you will send mo livo dollars I will stop nil my bad habits except curiti and swearing and chewing and drinking and ouo or two others. You b:;d bitter tnako tho trade. ive my lovo to Julio, aud tell her to send mo that little liddle I left in tho old trunk. Your ufToctionato -on. Lilly. J.oulsi-llle Commercial, City i s. Country Pa pins. Take, for example, tbo Cincinnati Qr.ite. 1 his paper charges lor advertising 25 ' cunts per line, small typo meaiiuro, kr ouch insertion. A column cotiiuins :J3.'l lines, wortb, nt this rate, fj8o25 per week, or for bz wcoks ? 1,327 411 While but few couutry country pa pers get as much a (MOO a column' lor a whole year I Can you under stand now why the city papers con bo furnished fur 81 1 Tho reading matter which appears iu city weeklies w s'uiply n rehash of that which has appourcd in tho daily during the preceding week, and tha labor for setting the typo being paid for its appearance In tbo duily, why of course it coats nothing to transfer it to . the weekly. A city editor. can "kill' two birds with one stono" a country editor can not. Kvcry line that appears in a country pnnor is set for that papor alono, and can ap pesr in'uo other, while it is different in tho eity, as we have shown. Tukca sll in all, tboro Is .far more labor re quired, and s greater sxpenso inourrbd in tbe publication ot a country oowe f aper than our readers may imagine.. ' lew toeODlial it is, therefore, that v they should bo enoouraged, and tboir industry rwardod by every oitireo in the county subscribing for tbe paper.. and doing all be oan towards uppo;,V tog it,. . ...,.(.. Said a loving wife to her busbiuJ i; A; " will you never learn, ray dear; tbo v;: difference between real and oxebarigo able valuer ' lap uusuand, tired ot political economists' in pottiooata, re- plied 1 Ah yos, uy doar j 1 koovr your great lesroiog aod many virtues. . That's your real valor. . Hut I also know tbst noon of my married frieods- . would swap, wiva with me. That'tt. ' ' your exchangeable value." Obieley oil Catti. An.' feliaira.. farmer wrote to Mr, Orceley " for hit -advice as to the plali vo arttn of long- ,' bora or slvort-flero cattfefor the farm., Qoraoe rtvid that hi,' experience con- viooed him that the abort-horned at, tla were the bss.'at be bad aeevr that; bad both Lornr brkeo off Jumping a. rail "I, ftd plppe that timo be bad , j;ifijt,L.:f atilV M cheese tb IT-cjlr-trrri wteaai' ti tv v - i j. '. , :u ''"s, '.. i r " V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers