7," rr: i . I' 1 1 '( Tli'E POST. fUTDMBC.. .BUBCS Mi iri Mt. 'Field, of Fentoo-Miefi., lout tier uwcr of speech, nd sfler remslo leg a rente four years, Las suddenly recovered It. Tbe IsM snort-hand reporter enn't Veep op with her now. A rnf week ago ft little girl in , Itjrdo Park, Ma., wallowod a cut gless button tnl toon sftet wu tikeo 'jnile sick. I'hjaicians fsilod to re lieve tier, tod n pott mortem citmlnn tion flowed that her cVntb Waa caused j tb irritation nf tho intestines by the glass button aha had swallowed A Niw York female shoplifter, when arretted a row Jays ogo, bad beneath ber skirts, aod fustcned to bcr waist by strong cord ft, a canvsss pocket about throe feet and abnlf lonjr and fully three feet wide. From thii ley the following article were produced Two Lotties of nine, fifty yard of guipure tare, two baby's drosses, one piece of mauve velvet trimming, two pain of kid gloves, seventy-five pairs of children fancy stockings, one fane) figured glass, seventy-five yards of blue and green velvet trimming, one pair of jet car-ring, and one large DiMe. A Fvsa m tui Family. "Wal, I guess there 'e a row ovar to cur house. " "What on earth's the mat tor, yon lit tie ssrpint P "Wb; dad's got drunk, mother's wauling, tbe old oow hoi got a calf, Sal's got married and rno away with lbs spoons. Sete baa swallowed a pin, and Louie looked at tbe Aurora Borax till faa's got the delirious tri trienglo. Ao' that ain't all, nuttier." "What else, npon alrth?" "Why lloso spilt tlo batter pot and broke all tbe pancakes, and one of the Maltese kitten bs got br head ioto the mo lasses cup aod can't get il out, and ob, bow hungry I am.'' Cot RAOE Tbe ma.i only is truly bravo wbo leare nothing so much a doing a shameful act ; and that darec resolutely end dauntless!) go when1 bis duty, however dungorous soever it is, msy call lim. A man cannot answer for bis conr agu who Iins never beco in danger. Perfect bruvery consists In doing without witnesses, " ono would le eapabld of doing l:?0T ,l0 WorId- Courage is always juat on- bumane. Cooraga without conduct is like iT' y without judgement, all sail and no ballast To dio or comiaor proves a hero's heart. k A former Kentucky Congressman went out riding with his sweetheart, nod, in his own words : " Wo wet" uesriug a small skirt of woods', tbe hones at their best speod. I bed de termined in my own mind that wlu-u we reached a pnrticulur npot I would 'pop' the question and so I did, but. would you beliove mc? she snid no. Jut oa tbe word escaped her lipa I purposely ran the eloign over a stump. Out wo went, aho to cool her person in the snow, aod I to counteract the damago she bad given my affection ller first words after getting L.ick in the slulgb were : " Exciibo nie, Kir. I wlehed to tell you to uotico tin stump." We often refer to tbe rleili- ride, but to this any alio believes it was au scciilcot. Wo live near the Iudisns liue a divorce is not wuntcJ.' Two BOYS of tender )cnr, who went by the names of Tom and Jack, be came members of s-dietrict school, iu a certain New England town. On ma king their appearance, the teacher called them out before the whole chool and proceeded to make the usual lo tcrrogatorica conceruiug their rmmof, figes, &o. ''Well my Gue la V suid tbe teacher to tbo Crt one, "wb.it i your name?" "Tom,'' promptly no swered thejuvenile. "Tom,'' caiJ tho teacher, "that doen't sound well. Remember always lo peak tho full name. You should have said Tbom-a Now. ray son, (turning to tho other hoy, whose expectant face suddooly lighted op with tbe satisfaction of a new comprcbeodad ides,) now, tbro, will you tell me what your name is f ' "JaiL'at'' replied tbe lad, in a tone of congdeot decinion. Tin New Orleans Ilycgnne tells tho story of a printer, wbo, when his fellow-workmen went out to drink beer, during tbe working hours, put In tbs babktba oxaet amount which be would . bars spent if he had gone out to drlok He kept to this resolntioo for live yesrs H then exawiood hie bank account and found that ha had on deposit 1521.87. Io tbe Ave yeare ha bad Dot lost a day from ill-health. Three out of .five of his fellow work meo had in the meantime, beeome drunkards Wtjre worthies! si worklngmea, and were dlsobarged. Tba water-drinker then, bought oat tho prletiog office wont oq enlarging tho bis business, tad ia 20 years from a the tine he be fjsji to pit by bis money wsa worth : tlC20,CC3 Tb steer, , whether aew T S. ECKKIIAUT. Sil'nj;tve, Snydrr Co., renna Keens constantly en band a Wee and well mode assortment of Tin, Sheet-Iron wart, Stovee, Ac, fte. Ha la Agent for the following named article. "THE MORXIXQ GLORY." Llftleneld's Patent Improved Bate COAL- STOVE. ' In ttiia pattern of Tna Mommo Omar. several new and Important features have been embodied, wbleh eon only be seen to he admired. Thin new stove In made en tirely of cntf iroa.ro filled an lo be airtight, but run ha made with iheet-iron upper fction when preferred by the purchaser, lit ornamental finish l drapery, making il a bandnoma piece of furniture, far more ro tban any itote heretofore made. Ii in ternal eonatrnction, thoupb renililitig iotnt of the former rntterni of The Mnrninc Olory Is quite different, making it more auranie. anu tar teee aiuioiui to ttt repaired. Tbe eaatinci are of the hlaheat order, fully equaling tba faueil samingt made iu tbie eoiiutry. Among the many ADVA5TAnta In theui of the Morning Olory are the following: t, Continuotia nursing. 2, Quality of the Ileal, a. leniiiauou tnronga tbe aiove 4, Anil-Pujt Pioie. 6, No Laeupt of Una. 0, EconoDiy of Fuel. 'T11K BARLEY SHEAF." Ant!-lvl Air-Tiijht (doling Stovt, With tftriltfetl fifc-livx fur Wood or Coal, Patented Mity lliih, lbli.V Ve take pleasure in offering our curio mere and tbe Stove Tiade, a New finit-fUix Flat-lop, ami would particular aitn,t,on to it t many attrutlict and raluablt tmjrort mrntl. Tbi Slovebae heen carefully tested for cvernl month, and ilio reiiilininTerroreil o btgbty tatiefaclory. tbal eevrrnlofour oldest and moet exptrienred tlort dcittere predict ror ll a calo far beyond our ability to mrrly tbie lenron. Sliduiji frunt Jlrt'doort, giving full iuo of lit uearin. An additional $lidt in tht fivtn, an arranged ns to five mora room hi the upper part of the ovcu; a grcai conTpmenretuurh nrcueJ Tht oven X nearly nt vulr at Hit tcp m atthe bearlb line, which not only increnrc it iic, but will le recognized a i frj adcantajt in takini. DOTY'S CLOTHES WASflER. The heiit, cbeapeft, ami moot popular Washing Macliine e'er Interned. Il la cany tooperale, aitting orrlnnding takea hut liltleroom s iniureanogariuenie Aniebea ila work from in two to four M in uiee; if durable and cnnveiiieal : and ih only Wanhiog Mnchiue known that i liked tba heller tuc lunger it Sa used. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES Will mi; Kit. Tin "UllEAT FAMILY ECOSOM1ZF.R. The term of our l'a'ent eallour Machine Wringer." Vra of eipericnct proe il also to t A moot sxrgi.LCNi Waiiiii. When we reduce every intention for wnb ingclothrt to a principle they all aumttnt to tbal of pretaing and itteei..nV forcing tbe water through Ihem, thu re moving tba dirt. Moat Wai-biug Miebinc do it by rubbing. The I'nivcrtal Wringer el It by pressing. W9 E APING t 4if nn l fi s- Wititcor ArruugccDt Not 21 1870. Great Trunk Line from the North and Xonh went for rinladelplna. ew lorn. Heading, roitvllle, Jamamia, Aiilivtt'i. stbamokin. l.clmnjii. Alliuiown, r.asiou, Ephraia. Litis. Lanciisler. Culiimliia .Vc. Trams leave nrnauurg iwr .rw n- follows s nt 3.10, e.r'. lo.j'i a. m.. and 2.00 p. m.. Cinuecniig HU similur rains on the tho VeiniIsuia Itaili oiia. and arriving ul New York at HMD a. in.. 3.6U, 6.6K aud U,00 p. m., rc-piciivtly. Sleeping cars nccompmiy iuo J 10 a in , train, w i : l. out change. Kcturning : Li'ave .New ork nt '.'.iiu in. 12,00 oon, and 5,110 pui. I'hila lelphia at M5 a in and H.uO pin; bleepitig cats nc- oin pany the b.ini p m iratna Hum Nnv lurk, without cuutige. Leave UarriHburu for lleading. rnttsville rainaqua. Minoraville, Aeblaud, huu)okiu, Alltiiiowu and Philadelphia, ul It) a nt, 2. Ml aud 4.(0 P Di, npping ul Lebanon and tirincitikl way stm ion i the 4.05 i tn traiu connecting for l'Mladelpbia. roitsvillo and Coluiuhiu onlv. For Voils- ville, hehuylkill Haven anq Aunurn, via ckbuylkill and fnsquelinnna Kuilro.td. Leave llan-ishurg nt 8. 10 p in . l ;hi l'eiiH;lni,ia lUilroml trains leave Reading for Alleutown, ' Kaston and Now VoiK at n.uo, 1U.BU a.m., Vi-io noon, a i u p.m. HeiurniR, leave Now York at 6.00 a. m.. l'i.00 noon and 5 ID p. tn. aud Allen'- ton it at T.'.O a.m. VI ZS Nucu 2-bi 4.20 and H,i." p. in. ! Way passenger train teuves rLilndelphla al 7.0 a m, connecting wlib similar train on Kust 1'enns. Kailraiid. reluming from Itond'ug at 0,'JO p iu, stopping at all sialtonr Leavo Poitsvillv at a, ui,, nnd 3.10 p. iu.; Ilerndon at 10,15 a m t 8ha iiml In at M'J and 11,20 a. m.; Ashland ai 7.0.', a m, aud 12,60 noon, Muhanoy City nt 7.51 a. in. aud 1.85 p. tn.. Tuninqun fil A.83 a m, and 2,40 p ni for Philadelphia New York, Heading, Harrisburg, io. Leave l'oiisville. via (Schuylkill and Mia. quehuuna R K at 8,15 ro for Ilarrisburg, and IL'.Vj noon for I uieiirove ana ireincut. Heading Accommodation traia: Leaves l'oiitville at 6,d0 a m. passea Heading ni 7.D(I a ni, arriving at Philadelphia at 10, 'JU a.m. Returning, leavea Philadelphia at 4.45 p ni, pasting Reading at 7.25 p m, arriving at rottaville at 0.10 p m. r oust own Aocominousiion train weaves Poltiiown at 7,00 a in, returning leaves Philadelphia at 4,01) p m. Columbia Railroad Traina leave Reading at 7,20 a ni, and H.15 p m for Fpniata. Litis. Lancaster, Columbia, &i , Pcrkiouien Railroad Traina leave rerHI- omeu Juuoiion at 7.45, ),I5 a m. 8.00, and 6,80 p mt returning leave Sohwenksvillo at! 7,00 and B.20 a. ni, l'J.cu Noon, ana 4,!iu p m, eonneotiot wilh aimilar traina on Reading Railroad. Colebriokdala Railroad traina leava rolls town ot 0,40 a m, and 0,20 p m, returning leava Mouut I'leatant at 7,00 and 11,26 am. connecting with aimilar traina on Reading railroad. . Chester, Valley Railroad trains Jeave Drideoorl at 8.80 a m. and 9.06 and 6.02 p m, returning, laava Downingtewn at 0,65 a m, Vi.ia noon ana o, to p m, oonoeotlng with aimilar traina on Heading railroad On Hundaye t Leave New York at 6,00 p t, I'hiladelpbia 0,00 a m and 8,16 p m, tba 8,00 a m train runnlog only te Reading; laava Polltville 8,00 a m: llarriaburg 8,10 a m sad 4,05 p m, leave Allenlown at 8.46 p. m. and and 8.4J p. . leave Reading at 7,16 s m, snd 10,00 p at for Hanttburg at 5.0C a at for New York, and 9,40 s. ni and 4.26 p m for Philadelphia, Commutation. Mileage, Beaton, School sad eaourelou tiokala, te sad frets all points at rsduoed rataa. ' ,t - Baggage ekeoked tbrongk i, 100 pounot suswea eaea paaeesger. A A STinitl Otnirl tmtmtn4mt, Ullet..3,.WT. 1." WALTER, . IMI'URTER AND PEALER IN CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEEXSWARE, M4 N. 9d Street, between Rare k Vine 7,24y HIUADELHUA. IAUGB ARRIVAL OF - JNEW GOODS AT J. W. DREESE'S STORi, N. W. Corner Market HqMre, Middlehurg. Tbs "lock embraces in part Dress Goods, Black Silks, ' All-wool Io Laiues, C'6burg, Merinott, l'uplins, Heppa, &e., Ac. Mtialinn, PouMe-width iShcetings, lirtlliiigs, Jal'lo Dmpcr, Osnaburg, Extra Tieklngs, Chocks Snirt ingtt, Uingltuma, Jaconet, a full aor'roent of Calicos, Flnnticls, Heavy twilled, Shirting, Itlnnkcls, Uiilmorsls. Hosiery, ' lj loves. Ac. CLOTHS AND CAS.SI MERES Ingrain and Linen Carpets. Woolen, Linen & cotton Carpet Chain HEADY MA l)E CLO TJJIXd. Floor, Tublo and Kiair Oil Cloths. Hats mid Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, (juecntiwnro. China ware, JluMwtirc, Wood aud W illnw wore, Cutlery, Oil Window Shade, Looking (, looses A.O.. kc, A.c. TOBACCO AND CIUARS. SALT &. FISH The highest market price paid for all kinds of country produce aod dried frui'a. Confident of rendering perfect slif ic lion hold tn regnrd to prices ahd iiiiilily of goods. I respectfully invite all lo giv me a call before purchasing el'etvhere. J. W. 1HIKEBU. Utile hurg, January 7, llW'y PMUARMtN. D t KtRSTKTTCa UNION HOUSE. QARMAN & KAUSTETTUR. l'mVrieiori, . MIDDLEBURa.Soyder Co.. Fa. 71ie proprietors rerecifully announce 10 llivir friendt and the puldio generally I hut they have rented the Fryer tavern sliitid. which has heen refilled and replen ished in style, nnd is a desirable placi for trnngera and others to slop. Their Utile is nt nil times spread with the luxuries anJ iu'stautiiils of tho season. Their chiiuibcs are large to promote tho comfort of their guests. Their bar it supplied wilh choice liquors. No paint spured by the proprieiors lo render entire sntisfac liuu to all wbo favor them with their patronage. 7--4tf TTKNT10N ; 4i Hurrah for the new gooJs just I ceivad by John Ilufhimli At luiruirls' old Kiand, (two mile nl" 8elingrove vhioli was selected CI arent care, nn.i' lw P"c It inolnde.i, Notions, Iiry r.ooiis. OROCCRinfl, IIAIIDWARK. yl'KKNSW'ARE WOOD u ol M ILI.OH a iRIU. Sail, l'lasler. Oils, Coal, Nails, Clothing 1 respectfully invile the public In come and examine my goods before, buying ole here, believing it lo be to jouriu tere.-t. I also pay the highest pricet for all kinds of iaiMi, si:i:u, nn I all kinds of Country Produce. I am also well providrt with iaMing for teams supp"r Hreakfust and Lodg In?, for people who come from a di tnnco. I nlwoyt aecnmiiiodnto my cut' I ..mere ,e the best of my utility. JOHN IKitFMAN.- October lOih 'C7it QHARLES R. MILLER, ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR I DULDKR Walnut, Street, Folioxgrove, l'a Is at all timet prrpaitd to furnish Pnifis. Plan and Specifications for all kinds of uuiMings, at tue lowest possinie raictanu on short notice. He ia nlsn prepared to contract for putting up buildinss either by furninhing all too material or oilier wise. Moy 11, '08 ly B EAVEOTOWN STOV E STOUE -AND Tlntrare Mnnfa tory. 'J. P. SHIRK Would resneotfullv Inform the el t liana of Snyder counly that he keeps constantly on hand a Urge astorttutnl of OFHrE. PARLOR, and COOKING BTOVE8 Of the latest stylet and mot improved paterna, among which are tbe celebrated Empire (lae Burner, the Suiquehnun Cook, eto.. which be la soiling at prior hat defy competition. lie also manufae- urea and keep nn band a general assort menl of Hiove Trimmings, unware c. Hpeolal attention paid to Spouting and Roofing, Give me a eall, J. P. BUIRK. Beavertown, Oct. 21, W9. Walter & Unrtninn DKALP.Rii IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Hardwari, Queenswar '. Cedarware fte. eVe. , fo. '. It I EH RETILLB I'A. The R ( HB8 r ' msrket P IC IS Raidfwa'tklilaifCMSJnfrriif, asi J SKLt. & ciiiiyv, ' . ecccassoaa to CArrraas anaw, cixocKcnv Atro ' Ho. Jt 5nrth Fottrfn Mrcti.- ' - PHli.ADtI.PMIA,. . . Original Taekagea Constantly ea Hand. nenresantad by THEO'8 BWIIVEFORD, GrovcrV linker's 'first premium ELASTIC STITCH FAMIL-Y ' Sewing Mncliincs, J!).l BROADWAY NEW YORK. t:lO CHESTNUT ST. miLAPELnilA. POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Beauty and Etaatioty ofRtiicb. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. filing both threads directly from the spools. No fattening of seams by band and no watte of thread. Wide range of application wilbeut change of adjustment. Tba team retains ilt beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Besides doing nil kinds nf work done br by other dewing Machines, these Machine, execute tba most beautiful ao pertnaneut Embroidery and ornameulal work. sA-Tha lliglie-t Premium at all the fair' and exhibitions of tba I'niied flalea and Europe, have been awarded the drover A Raker Sewing Machine, aud 'be work by t htm, wherever exhibited in coinpetiuu IVtT The very highest prlze.THE CROSi? Or Till. I.KUIOM Of HOMm, waa eon fered on the representative of Grover At Raker Sewing machine, at the exposition I'niverselle, Parts. 1407, thut attesting their great superiority over all other hew. ing Machine, for Hula by SAMUEL FAUST. Selios grove, Pa. April an. T. Forney's Press. TUB tRKAT RADKAI. NERSPArtR I Git the Brut ami (.7ieocs Xeirajxtjirr In the UoHxlry. THE TRESS Is a f.rsl-clase double-sheet eight-page paper, containing 41 columns, published every morning, (except rundayt.) TERMS: DAILY PRESS $rt IK) per annum: J2H) for six months : f 1.00 for three months. TRI-WKEKLY PRESS 4.tX) per an nuin : $2 00 for six months; ffi.oo for three months. THE WEEKLY PRESS. Tht most valu able Weekly Newspaper In the World. It contains items nf interest tn all. READ T'lE TERMS t One copy otie year $ 2 9 rive copies Ten copies, and one copy to the 'getter up of club. Twenty copies, and one copy to tbe geltrr-up of club Fifty copies, and one copy to the getter tip of club Ten onpies, to one ailJrtti, and one copy to tho getter uo ot the club Twenty copies, lo one oJJrtti, and ono copy In die getler up of the club Fifty copies, to on aiilrmt, and one copy lo the getter up of tho club lo 6li vine hundred copies, Iu vnr aihtrfm, snd one copy ortlie Irt-wcekly I'ress lo the gei'er up of the club lt.ti All trili rt jiolt'il hr adilrffur l to JOHN W. FORNEY, Editor nt d l'roprietur, 3 W.cor. 7th anu Chesiuul Sis., Plilln.Pa n FOR STUmULES ,1c TRH'MFII Of P. T. JUIlNUiM Written bv lliiiisrlf. Ill one liirm- o.-Ihvo Voluine netirlv MK) Pngft -I'finted in Englith and Ueriiiitu. U:l Eleg'aM Foil pafte F.niiravittcs. It embraces rorly eni- Keeolleci ions of his Uuy Life, as a Mer clinni. Manager, Haulier, Lecturer, ami showman. No book pulilixhed so accepta ble lo all classes. Every one winta it . Agents avernge from 'it to lull auhscribers a neck. We oiler extra Inducements. 111 Uhli nte I Catalogue and terms to Agents eut free. J. II. RIM! It & CO., Publishers, Hartford, Coun rjHE DAY Is publihrd every morning (except Suu day), nl the ollice. N. W, comer Sixth and Chestnut meets, Philude'phia. Price One Cent por Copy. Served by the carrier iu any part of tho city, and in the adjacent ellies nnd town, f-r SIX CENTS PER WEEK, payable to the earlier. Price for mailing THIRTY-FIVR CENTS per mouth, FOUR DOLLARS per an num. GELL& SCIIONOUR, J Wholesale Dealer in BRANDIES, WINES, Ciins Whiskeys, &c, WOMEL8DORF. HERKS CO., Pa. January 18, 1870-tf gAMI'EL FAUST, Merchant Tailor, Hat just received an entire new stock of CLOTHS. CAS8I MERES & VE8T1NUS. all of a superior quality wbiob be it pre pared lo make up in I be best etyle and on short notioe. He also keeps . Drown and White French Yoke Linen Shirtt.and a gen eral assortment of gentlemen' Furnishing Goods, all of which be offer to the public at very reaonabl price. I nil at luy plao nn l lneMrrel, between Eckbeil'a comer and tbe bridge, Selin- Orove, Pa. I-ne 4, 1HUH if. 1A11TION. IlHv.r.8 purt hsaod -Il IoIIuwIok named personal oronert at Von tlabl' ale, so 1. 1 at Ike property id Heuliea klurs. and left tbe same In thv uoskmIub ot airs. barak Kloas, all persons are nMr eautluued not to InUrter nor In any meddle with tbs iimtMlu Cooking Ntove tjid Ple, une Parlur Biove sna ripe, two uwj, isoa anu oeuumg, on lot of Carpet, out (red Cow.. JAi'OB OROH), PtTfclH KtiatL. Beaver township, August St, UTS. T HE FINKLE 4 LYOX -OcevlsiR Mnrhlsae). t . u u I -ry . mw-m . hvw ..V.i IMa, . ao., I now oHared lo agent oa mor liber) terms. Also, rleoend bend Maehlae tka In axokana. or the new Improveaieats e not led. UTItk Ah. .a B . ,J ery maiklo I warranted Pi eat ilLaaa, and If tna parebaaet doee pot so regam It alter a trial, he eaa relur It, aad money rahiaded. N. B. Wanted vravellav Ageau to vlalt each town, dlttrluallur etrsalara, etnlalnlna the lui. prorauaeDU, ate., ete., aaa eaa taaka tM per i LTON'8 rtTnAL B. ll. oo . awwMi, auui The rat FleoiCa PraftTer I tu, wrst.wawa d i t.tMnlrf a ' VIRECAnDlTTERS,' f Hundreds otThertsands r- aw tosTttmnnr tn tfttr Wond. E UA JrjiiTf kfYwtaV I f 1 Ui WHAT ARE THEY?fej ! yN. EH TTJST ARI HOT A TILS FANCY DRINK 'Mod of Fewr Hem, WkUhar, FrMS MtlrllsaaS RefaM Mare4oeturStpta and iweeteiite to eleas the tsste, called "Toa. Ir,"" Appetisers," " Restorers," tbst Itad tti tippler oa to ermkanaM and rata, bat are atrne itdleln,nidrreaitlieSaUveHoottnd Htrbeor Caltroraia, tVee rrasa all Alewhell rillnalaats. Ther r the OKVATBMIOt ri RlflEHaad MS-B OlVIMtl PRIM C IP LB a perfect RtaovMur aad lavtcmior nt the Bjnum, earrrlng off all polsoneas matter and restoring the blood lo a acalMiv eonditlon. Ro paraoe can Uke Ibsne Bluer aeeordlag to dine Una aad reasata long aawsll. VFnr laSaosasuierr Ckrealc Rhee mailsas and Weal, Draswpsta ar ladU oailea lllllean. Raatttiaat aad lair asllleat Fever. Oleeaerw af Ike Hlaad, l.lrer, Kldaof a, aad llladaar, thee nil. tarn have been most aocorsaful. Marls Ills case are caosed bf Vitiated Bleed, wlilek le geasrallr produced by draiurBat ef Ik tllaeatlva ttraaaa. DYnPEPHIA OR ITtntOBSiTfO. Meadarhe, I'sla In the Sboaldars, Coiuhs, Tlgtit ms of the CIimI, Dlnlnrs. Sour Frodstlons of us aiomh. Dad lttk la Ui Moalh, Blllou At tacks, PalpiUUoa of the Ittart, laflaainatloa or the Langs, rain la Ui rrrfona of the Ktdnrys, and a Aandred other palnfnl sjinptems, are the off e?rlnfSof Drspepats. iTti'f InvlgoraM the Stomeeti aad ttlmetat tbe torpid I Irar and pewits, which readarlbemtit an e.iaa'.tod eSleerj la eleanelag the blood ef all Imparl tlx, and tm parting aew life end vigor t lh whol sytsflB. COBSKIV ll)IKAfSBn,raptloti,Tsttrr, Sail Rhrnm.tllotchiie, Spot. limplr. Paitnles, VqII. Carbancte, fUng- Worms, Scald-llead, Sore Eree, F.ryslrlas, Itch, Scarfs, Iiltcoloratloas nt the Skin, Humors and DwsaM of the skin, ef whstcver asm er ntlars, sr HUirslly dng sp andetarted out e( Ilia system la a short time by the vse of these Bllier. One bottle ta surli etsw will convince the most Incredulous of thcer enratlve egsets. Clrause the Vitiated Tllood whenever yo Snd Its lu.parltlos burning throah thsskla I Pim ple, Sraatlns or Sores t eK-ense It vrhrn yoa Snd It ebnructed and HnnnKh la the vtloti elusnte II when It Is foul, and your feelings will fl yoa when. Keep tiie blood pur and the h. Kim of Hi system will follow. VIM, TAPE and other WORM, lurking la ttiesyktcmof to many thousands, are effectually destroyed and rr moved. Por full directions, rrsd earrfally the circular arouad eecbputtls. J. VTALKF.lt, Pronrlrlor. R. II. McDON At.D Ct., linnrRiais and ln. Agenta, Sa Franrlsee, Cat,, and S3 and M Commeree attert. New Vera SOLD DT ALL IlltUUUISTS ABB DEALSBd. t'OanLEi A. VASX. Editor. A Nenapaaerol tkePrearat Tlmea. Intruded fur People Nave ea Earth. Indus. tig Fanner, Merhaniei, Merchant,, Pro ImsiousI Men, Wutksrs, Thlnkrrs, aud at I Man ner of llont FS.kt. sad tUo Wivei, gout, aad lisuhlortot alliuca. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I ON 8 HUNDRED COPIES FOB tJO, Or leu than Kra Cent a Copy. Let them be a SO Clu'i at every Post Olllce, MntlNVt'tRKLY i:N, C'J A TEAR. I!i ung iu nnd r'ncr.il enar.ic'er a il:' V. Kriil.V. hut with a rrentrr variety of n.ol'ai!rjiurcj ln,a'd fninlitilng the n-ws ioUau-witlv,.ath at oalcr frealncas. hecau.e It c.iuici twicu t week Lineal of once only. Till! DAILY 81 N, tt A YEAR. A proOminenilr rtsd ho newnosir. wtm t'ie Mm c.rjiniluu in the wurui free. Inie iMTi.nt. ai.d dKrla-a In no.itic. A I ilio new. f . , ry where. I w , cui a Copy i l,y uall. iOcnuKauijulu.oraOajcar. TERMS TO CLTJBS. Tlir. DOLLAR WEEKLY aCX. I' ric 'i.Iki, oneyeir, sinaraii.,y acdreS"d. four Dollar. Ten m-iii'., ono ver. aentrsteit ndilros.ed (Md n.! i"ir.icii. to the Keller up 'f cluo). tlabl Hollars. :wmr .;, nn Teir. aenrjielr a'tilic-.u., d au w if t.,jiy i j i.ie .I'tti.v nnof fuihi. Plltern Deliu.-. fly crl". ne't.r. tnohe aidreat ibp1 iu, h.'lnl y ve).'i- i t tfutiei' n of cluhi. Tblrty.tbree Dollars. Fl'.v rnn'M. on rei,- 1 tc-oratclv sldressea ( i , lug .-Anil V;ckl ULO.ra-; eel tor U;,D 'i'hny8to Oolluri. na l:nn.H-l e-' l., ope vear t me sU.l'a.. I 1 tlis I'aily lo,- ilio vei.r I" tliee..Mir mi, r un. Fifty Uolliir. i tie IiI'mIif'I C'ioi". na nr. saraicly a. I. dre-a'l inn Mua iiul ur u yer lo he;eiier upi'leluk). frlsiy L'ellara. TUB MKllf.M'rBKLT 8L'. !coplaa.oi!syci.so,araleh e'dte-.e, Kiht ItullaCa. ei ror.tea, rr rear fenarainlv adnrcaiud (at i : Jl CSItacipy lo;eU5r up uf rl : ), M aire a Pollara. tnd v;;r;i moxct ' "I. or le.-. rS.cn, or diift. n . ehercre. e nrenlent If ,.t. mm rejio i. a- oi.uiui'ut ,u . A. ire. i. m,v", r.i, !,", h'tu i.Hn. , w V'ra Tit. QOilli THIS WAY I OUP.AT BARGAINS IN NEW GOOJ S AT TUB CHEAP STORE OF W. P. EC KHERT, eKLINdQUOVB Pa. WoulJ rrspeelfulty announce lo lb people nf Pnyiler Counly that he bat Jiisi received from lb eastern D'erkei an thus f ir sale a large and well si leoled eloek of New Hoods, which be olfert nf astonish Ingl low prlje. Hit stock embrace lb very nest FALL snd WINTER GOODS He ha Clutb Casslmere, Poe fiklns eana Satinets Alpaoeaa, Lustre Drlalua Poplius - Print. Muslins. Dri lings Shawls ' '('ambrica Caliooes, tmch ilirinoem, Engliuh Mmoe BEADY HADE C -OTIIiNO tf ail kind. HARDWARE, Ql'EENBWARK, 1100T8 ft SHOES. CARPET1N0. HATS and CAPS. I1RUCEK1E8 WALL PAPER, Olv me a eall. 8UUK r-INDINOB, ' Ho ebarges mad for iuapcsilug Oooda. (Jouoiry produae ta- ken in aiebange for good. May xi, j ooo if SBBOBS Of YOUTH. A OENTLEMAN wbo eulTcred for year from Nervou Debility, Premaiure Deoav, and all Ibe effect ef youthful Indinoretioa win. ror tna tan or auoenag auaiaaity, nil Ire le all who ated il. tb reeaiat aud direction for, making lb aluiple remedy ey wblcb fee waa cured. VuBer r wisbiog lo probtby lb advert iter' iperienort.oaa.dose by audrewiag. la perteet oousdeao. J0I1V H.OC' vo1 CPt TTJSV ARB OT A VI Ll J3l T liWIMIJUiittixV I LJ . r WOOLEN FACTPItT. ' The lliliitcrtlier, I t .nki'il fur'ilie vlyi n. lronuge bemowa , '., -., . , ,) t. . w.I.aiarelto i. Iirgt . ,,..,, i,, t,r,t i ad-.anu'ki-p ' r,V .i. had hi null i usi-tnu.' M 1 - . besl B'iitiie .o. n-i. e.in i'i' Latrti jnjroved Mach nrry i , -i vi aat 'a.a.llal.1 ' 'ilMMei raaJa la the conn try, anil with (be adesnN ingea or Pieam Power, which can be relied on at all timet. II feel fe ia eaying that hie etialiliehmrnl la not surpassed by any In the Plate. Having engaged a aU of gnoo) Workmen he Is now prepared fur manufacturing ill xinda ef a WOOLEN GOODS SUCH AS CLOTHS. CARSIMERE.a. RATINETT9. x WKKOM, JEANS, FLANNKL8, DLA.NKKTS.CAUPItrS, YAKNe), 4e. In tht If I manntt and mt ttiutti prien. An excellent assortment of 0 jods at all ilmea on band, for sale or eiebang for tVn..l Iff, I I i.iuiiii'i . -.vi. .va-u v.inkj.v uun on snort notice. MTTEKM3 CASir.-Tdi MARK HAI.FPKNNT. Lewiaburg, Union Co., Pa., Deo. 4,r!y gCIIO;il &DUOTIIER Would respeotfnily annonn ,e i inr people of Knyder County nnd the puMIc . nerally. that Ihey have. Just eeoured and will oonstantly keep on hand and for ale, a very ettensiv assortment nf in iheir Commodious New Room oppotile the Hank, felinsgn.ve Pa. THKY WILlTsELL AT RE DUCED PKICES! Tbelreitensive slock consists of a well seleeled assortment of PALI. A WIXTFR lltfODS. They have CLOTIIM. CASn'l MKB8. plain and funry. Hnlinctts. Jean Tweeds, Muslins, Drilling. Flannels! Check, Ao. Alto an elegant assortment LAD IKS' I) RE'S GOODS I Silks. Honilmitnes. Alpacas. Block ami fnncv DflsiiiH. Lawns, (ling-hams, a lnrire viirk-t.v of fine White Goods, LADIES' FASAIOVAHF.E COATS, Hoop, Skirts Shawls c., Ac. HEADY MADE CLOTH INO.Coats, vests. PantR. Shirts Ac. A variety o! NOTIONS & HOSIEkY. Collars Linen and Papo.1) resreTrini mings. Dutions CorRt. Zeojihyrt, comnmn and split. Moravian and Shetland Wool &c. Ac. FISHeSAlTrl'ND IRON, .STEKL. BTOVKrt, FORKS, SHOVELS, PPADK8, RAKKB, (JLA88. NA1L8. PAINTS, Hardware Queensware, Glassware, Ccdurwsre, Willow-ware Crockerj, PLASTER, White & Blue. Also, a large quantity of different kinds of II ATS & CATS, BOOTS & 8IJOKS, of every Hyle, variety and quality. Aleo, all kinds of CARPETS. &C. Crorerfra 0f all kinds, fresh from the Philadelphia and Sew York Market. They keep constantly oa hand a large supply of WHITE LEAD AFl PAINTS, ev erj nnrliiy ri d prire. reeeivrd dlreet from the man jfactures and eontequently enn tell at ih very lowest pricet. Alto all kinds of OILS, WHALE. DKOWN LUBRICATING, bUliSTITUTK snd LINSEED OIL. for Palming. To the latter they eall por lienutar attention aa It i equal to Linared oil for colored painting, and costs but one bulf the price. Jlitrhes prices raid for Countrv I'roditne and All Kinds of Ornin. t-?Givo tllOUl a trial luifura uo ing elsewhere. - . CIIO(H A BROTHER. They are alto the neenis fnrr.FIRPn'R PAlLNf FLV K tC) I LATINO OR tIN isKPAKATHII CIKANKR AND RAOliF.ll The latett Improved and most celebrated in i lie world. Juat iba Machine Fa.-mer have been seeking afiar fPr jeara. It will ibraeb from 20 to 40 hour, cleaned reeJt for market. They will as the m Shine unoa tbeii ueriitWarraned aa represented. April 18. '67 ly SHIsnSL, M. D. ruuir awisaroBO :ad this. Shlude AND 8wlncfKd. DauooisTS and Chemists, Offer for tala Wnniataia an Kstail, DRU03. MEDICINES. PAINTS and lilBMllALO, Embraolng PURE ZINC I'AINT Oren, Blue, Yellow. Red and Slack i Paint ground in Llaaeed UU, ueiiar varniaa - Spirits Turpentine, Cooal. Coach snd Wbtle DIIYINO JATAN. KNOTTING. window Class, Patty t Pine Olllleobel. Sraseu, Isateo, Taaaauos, Pit and VARNISU BRUSHES, Malt aaat Fimal Trmium and Snpftrtn )t tluB ' Concentrated -Lye, Fist Sponges, SPICES. CORN STARCH ft El ED 6EED Flowr and Harden Seed, 1 wblcb the attention of dealers called, a w will' 11 at lbs very lowed Cask Price ia quaalltlaa to suit purcba 1E e?Jt. aera. , . W'tls ktia ea Bn4 ' and osTer for ale Wholesale and Retail, all the load ing Paieit Medielaa. Alsa. ' - -KOTlOMi, COMFECTIONEKIES. ' . , TOBAJf Oft SI GARS. ntt n, nit . - '7 naMMrjTVt ' "--- Ayer8 - Cherry eHcnl1 tat Pi I ease of the ThroeA sad XassV tuoh aa Oouaha, Oolda, Wtao4Maa Oooch, BronehlMa, Aathaaa and Uoturum ption. frnrmMf Bwtar befnra la the whole Uektet atedlclne, has anything won ao widely aad e4 auoo the coau. trace ef mank'nu. yemexlv rorpiilmoriaryimmpuuau, tit vcara. and amoni moat man H haa riaen hiahor and hlriier iloa, M It ha imronM neuer anowa. ila wojhm, I..H.IH a,l nowor In anna tiul laihlaa am W or uie lungs anu uiroiu, oaa wiaue sanei at ntsl le nroteewr agMiias wieia. nnuf ler forme of diaeeae and to Voonjr eh! I ut earn nra tn bsom anaoiaai ni a gtoea for Incipient aonsnmpUoa, aad urn trou aaTertloaeof Ih throat aod lung. AZ7 laloa against sudden attar of Cfrwan. It eV3 ka kept oa hand tn van Bually, aad tsulrwj TJTJ era toman mee eabjert to eoW and, eoaeWS ahonld be nrovMed wtlb tbi antidote Ibr a5 Allhonah ettlet Ci ta thaeata of ease wbtra iW. amrabla. attn areal aambera of ease wtktra a a teamed eaueta, nava saea i baea eomnleteie a. and the paUaal raewred to onad aaan; pa fterry J'eaaaraf. .So eomplet la ta Smita! aver Uie disorders of Iha Lunge aaM Throai.ml a moet abatloata of thaaa yield to H. tVhaakaeZ ag also eon Id reach iheia, ander tlat Cm, sua aT arl tbey eubaide and dlaappear. 0ar and JwH tyiaael tad gvtat , aanUoafroaiM. . , . ' Artkmtm I always rallarvad sad oflaa taam eared by It, JtreeurAiHe It gmarally anid by aura a. VAerrpt frrtmrmi la email and frequent doee, Do generally ere It virtue kaowa that a and ot pubUsa tb eertlrlcaie of them here, ot da ejn tnao aaaura ana vbduo ma un ejwanu art rU Ayer's .Ague Cure, Tar erae and kwa; IntMrrnlttant ? CThUl Tmer, Kamtttent rarer, Dnai Atrue. Paiiodiaal or BUtana Fever, aa. and indaad all the affaottooa whtoh (JS . front aoalartoua, mar a, aa -'tiu ' poieona. Aa Ha aaana Imnllea. ti dnae rlnea. asid daaaua fall. Conlalnlne neither Araenlr. Quinine, BUmnA Blno, aor any other mineral or polaonoaa rabetsta) narallel Hi M hlatnrv of A ma mriy. ' utir finuc ia a ' Ml 1 1rn 1 "7 miv v ,ntiwmipiu,H m ' reeatv of tn radical ear eOcvd In Tliniiaj . easea, and where other remedies had wholly fallal UnaorJimated aeranne, etthee teetiteat la, a ! travelling through mlaamstlo loralltles, will bt mm tecieei ny tuing tne ahum :vkb auy. For lAror tfewsplataf. a rising (ram tonMta of the Liver, It le an exrellent reruoUy, tUsBuUeai the Liver Into healthy aetivltv. ror Htnotia iniomen) ana i.irar vompiamit, SS an exrellrnt remedv, produring m ny truly a i bad fallel atarkihle cure, where omer meiiirtni Prentred hr fm. J. C. Aran ft Co., riatta and AnalyUcal Chemltta, Lowell, Uata., OAd n3 aa niaau ana wui ri. QALL AT Focklcrs Saloon, (Oppoaite Sh.ndol A; Wagenscller't drug itan IN SELINSUKOVE. If you wen a good gl tst of KLAD1IVG ALE! OR A rlatc of Ice Cream r OR prepared in any way that eaa be detlnl lll A " Plate of Fresh Tripe, UHUlXESi SCHWEITZER, LlMBCROIll abb uilKt.SE, )R ANT THING V8UALLV KEPT ! FIRST CLASS RE8TAIRANT. JuaTUIUer Saloon aupnlied wltb Ala tl uyaiera at nuoietaia priect. A T SIIEL. JglSEL, W U SALLIST. I S STODOBIcd BALLIET ft 8T0U0I1T05, tiEMKRAl COMMISSION MEOCHAXTf, ASD DIAXSBS ia Country Produce and DomidU Fruit, Seeds, dx., aVo. 22 SouTn Wateb Strut, PHlLADELPniA. nrreaiNca. Jacob R. Rlegel ft Ct HSd Market street i Lippenoott ft Trotter til N. Water street j Hood, Ilonbrigbt a C d'i'J Market Street ; Ex. Gov. James PoMmi so souin on (irert; John Welti 808 Wtlml street Hurrit ft Graham, 827 Arch ttrttt, Febd'hrif JAVID WILLIAMS, Mnntifncfurraof ft Wholesale Deslsrl CHt, Mnhognnj-, Walnut and Ro.twoJ L-OOKlf Q GLASS Picture ft Pbotovraphio Frsmttf aos. w nnu via Arch street, Philadelphia Pa. rrsmea itepaired in ibe bttt maMaf Also. Regilding in all Ila branchcl. 7,1 W1I. HARDING, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE I CONVEVANCIl! rrcmont, Snvuer Couatv. Pees, Collection of all kinds made at tbaaborthj notice and on the most reasonable terai Lonveyanomg In all Ila branobea ein dilioualy executed. Dsaoa, MoaTOiiisI Notes, nnd blank of all klnda eonatas:! on band. Person at a distance ktvia claim for collection within kl Jarisdielie need only addrei bim by mail to iiiut) prompt notion, lerma reaonabla. (.Ht; JEYSTONE HOTEL. Selintrjrove, Bnydtr County, t THE undersigned brga leave te laferf me punno mat be baa purchased and l keep, in good ityle, tbs above well-kiM aud popular louse. UT Having large, airy and well funiM ea rooms, goou aervnnie, wltn ta usura efforts of Ibe nrouriolor lo nlaaaa hi eiiM be hopes lo meet wilb a Urge in are of v lie patronage. J. F. WALTS I intgrovr, Sept. 1, 187tt tbb rosr TbV BS..I ..At 4-hf A: tU Jl t lllliiilj vjifit allDDLEUUUO, SNTDER CO., Ta il L KINDS OF JOB rBIKTM NEATLT, CHEAPLY, f I rXPFDITIOCSLT EXECCTM AT TU13 OFFICE. PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE. J. n. IfnPVM A T7 vaMnrietOI ' - -'"AA COUNER OF SECOND AND fUt'BIl' UARR1SBCR0, PENN7 ' aVerKvtry ffort aaoeaaary to I astir tb on ui uhh am ia bums, its tDBHSMr newiy reoitaa. ' ataye Ci HAYBILL ft Co., ASSlj WuoLSts Dsaii1 WOOD AND -WILLOW W Oil Clolbt, Window Shade. Bream Brutbet Cotton Laps, Grain Bag, srj Vela, Buckets, Twine, Wioka, Ce. No 815 Nona Ibird Streed, PhUad reD. 7, '07 a. R J. COO JL WHOIMAI. ... St MALE" ".'.-. ;..B CL-OCK? tOWertkM I - r-llsaelsk t as une aawruta In UmIsmZ? mr m 0j I ,cr e!i tvKhsw s sfot wbieh trery ' . . . ,': ,1 ';' .-'"V I s P,tTe-ei i."lfrminiiji,-"" jmtt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers