" JWHWJliev Ml 3 TJI IMPOST rt)n.t;iM....---MAgcn i, lm TtfWW COUNTRY. KiaVK Lba'K for teat (hit office. , . . i "f I OmVcur (r'n ds ready for uie. , . 'lUTMATiofl An lli Pennsylvania canal ii fy gYnibllc lc throughout lb county irt wrll altrudcd (hit spring rly (nrtilnH brings fair price. f .i . - - fir peying off aniall Jell hefor the 1st of April, Bioneycpuld be made plentler by lie time that annual pay-day woiiU couie irjutd. . i . , . t - as . . IinAK of counterfeits In purchasing flail's Vegetable Hicllian Hair Hrnewar. Tie genuine has private) revenue stamp J thr ibcdm lung, who a Irenes or v. Utll upo" H ever lb ork. . . ' . t; . as . . . . . Kovwixa ' ! It.iW refer to MA ItafcS UA1E rtSTOlUTlYE. advertised it another column. It it In one boille, end u clear u lee. ' No gum, bo flHh,' bo poi tot, . Eismlne It. Pee advertltemeoli . Ilo who wieh tlioir poet 'oflioe ad iltu changed on our mailing booh, 1m uld lenembtf to mention where Ibeir paper baa ttta taat, M well a thi they wish It to 0 la future. Falling to do this Ihey muel set blame M If the change I not made. A mm i - Witt you kind reader and friend of th for, tend u notice of Marriage and Peetks, a they occur In your mldet t The ire Item that wilt be read with lutereel the kind of Informal ten tho people with to etrisin. In sending men hoi iocs, ploaao write the name distinctly, aa mistakce are nor liable I be mado in Ibi respect than it almost any other. . KsTSsrate. Mr; BsmUel Lupfer, for nerly of Perry County, has purchased a lit, at Beavertown, on wblub to erect a large tannery. Mr. L. I an Intelligent riperlenoed and ocouiplishcd business siaa an esteemed eillitn, and a gentle man of aound moral and social cbaructer. We want a few monied, n!crpriting men In aur county to open th ball o that the jl(oeon. Tel April number of Hanoi'' Maqa ik is already irsued, and contains a list ef content snob as will please every one, old end yourg. "The rivala on fno Deep,' which will bo found In the April number, alone le worth more than the price of the bole mairailne. 1 borne X TulDot, u;i Congres Htreel. Boyton, nre the publisli rs, but " Uallnu's MaKaiine " is for sal at all lh periodical depots In lb oountry tUft cents per oopy, or 1 o per yar ( rid it te. olubbed with Tit Monthly Kovclbtts " for f 3. Col. Go. F. McKahi.and, late Supcrin tendent of Urphans' Schools, in association with Oubriel Heister. has purchased the Riverside Nursery, fl;irriburg, and enter rlinio tho business of rnisinz and setlinu fruit trees, grnpo vines, fi uiting nnd Tepe labia plant and seeds, ornamental Irees mJ shrubs, flowers, and nursery and green homo stock genenlly. The new firm pro ifls. te guanautoe everything (but leaves their grounds, and respectfully ask a ibnre of public patronage. Sciiptiik Items. Editors are some times tilted what is lh reosou tbey ifr not say loBiething about Ibis or that in their paper, lbs Freeport Journal answers Ibo question wry well when it yi "For the very nison, probably, that we do not hear it. Ifaoything occur in Ihe Iowa or county worthy of note, persons will do us a fivor, ind tb community some good, by tending it th 'Item.' It is impossible for ue to anvwall (bat is going on, as we cannot be rry where all at once." Hbalth ANii IIomb is the title of a new Hwltb. Magaiine, of 41 pages, just issued by V7. R. Dr Pri & Drotiikb, 80) Broad ay, New York. The publisher promise iklgb-toned. pnotloal health journal. The ml aomber aow before n ha a varied and imltlng table of contents, which need only to he eeou In order to awaken attention. It hrnlshe not only e number of elaaborate j prepared papers, but also great variety, fmlecellaneou "facts, hints remedies, He,." for the family cirole. The publish- offer it to subierlberi at 'f I BO a year, id call for eanvaasci In all part of lb Manly, to whom they will pay targe cash "amissions. . A Beans or Aociommts. Friday night hat, whilst Mrs. Witman, of this place, W seated at her (able engaged In S"wing, ue chimney of tho lamp h waa using denlyrerackd and fell, which itartlrd tr; end' throwing tip her arm, sh knocked lh lamp over. Tb oil Instantly flowed 'er tbe table and upon tbe floor, catching t at both place. On th Uhlo the oil luuialed icveral new shouts, and . the (Ire 'urnl large hole in lb ecnlre of each. Ou loor th carpet caught fir, and Mre. endeavored te (mother tb flame wlib lie pieoee of earpet, but fulled. In the sAunlKjc jier daughter, Mollie, brought a woek full of water, and In tb eicitcnieul urew crook and all upon the Boor, the week itriklog lbe uiQlberon lb head, pro uciig quite an ugly bruise. Next a buck- si or water 1 waa brought, which finally Vtnobed Ihe fire. ( Jrmoerat, '.' Pa EviavKour." We have received . 6rsl number of aw montnly, bearing above quelt title, end do not hesitafe o pronounoa It a fin speolmen of newspa- Mrlypograpy... It I n illustrated paper 'engravings. being of lh fiueil order, " in mbjeot ucb(aa will, for tho moil fn. Having lasting value. The publisher wlbes to obtsln t lnrg oirculaUon of any monthly In tho ooun (ri and th 'plan he baa adentad must ear. Iily tjoeojnpllsb ll, for he offers prise dl- to subscriber of uch aisgnllud end sues) s plan that. If they were net fully fnto4 by highly responslole houses "flleeuineredible. Sample eopl, eon. I'0 fullpajrllcnlare, will he sent on re ot .fifteen cent. Addrts lloarv II Publistr, St Allen dreel, Buffalo, wo laborer on th Railroad, nyed flip and Cllngtr, were nearly crushed to death eeThinfsday of last week, near Lilly till, by lh oovlng-ln of embankment, TI Cart. J. B. Oawio, editor of lli flinburg Tehgrapk ha been leelA to represent IhiC Senatorial Dili riot la th Republic!! v Btale convention. vction at Sulilnoclior'a Hotel SfclnTdiiy, March lth. A aplendid -lAPof I)r floods, Hardwire, Notions. Tj0ti tnd lioc, Halt and Cap, &., Jfcc, will re Hold. Don t forget tho day If you want to secure Wpttins. ' rtTTT LancitaY. Ther baa been a great 3ent of petty thieving carried on In Itil loVti and neighborhood for aome tim, pant. TV hav heard of grain being taken from levefnl partlca, meal, chtckcni, etc., from oilier, good hare myit"rlniily Jie appeared from one or more or our atores t and only a few day ago th money .drwer of on of our hotel keepers wee rrlioved of part of it contents. This thieving btial. nss has been eo ucocfu11y carried on during the past winter that it la ahout to adopt never meanurea to put a slop lo it, and if bo other meana are aeiUMo a good dnee of bnokxhot, woll administered. might have the desired effect. Oooo Will Fi Comtamy. Several meeting of a number of cttlten of tbie place and vicinity have been held in the Court IIoum lately with the objeit of or- gautting a fire company. The orgnnUa tlon bna been comploied by electing a full board of officer and director, adopt ing a constitution and codeof bv-lawa, &c. A committee was then Appointed to can vae the town and ascertain how niiK-h the property holders are willing to contribute toward lh purchase of an engine ; and, we, learn, that they are meeting wiili en couraging success tho ciliieiis, generally, favoring tee project. At the ncit meet leg of tho company wo expect to hear a favorable report from llie committee, and that sullicient funds have been secured lo purchase all the becrirnry appnialui for tb full qnipiucul of an etbeieut fir com pany. Sams. Keuben C, llowersox, rt'iding in Franklin township, will dixpoie of bis farming implements, lire Hock, Ac, on SalurJuy, March I lib, Mi'sers, Kculetler ti tlnrinin, at the luioil lloiel, in this pliirr, will dispose ot a large variety of household nnd kitrhen fiirniiure, live slock, farming iinpleuii nts, 4c, ou Friday Mmeh ilih. John L. Murks, vesiiling in Uuion town ebip I'yion county, will dinpone of bis live stork, farming impli'iueuls, ic , on Wednesday, March laib. AJ.im 11. Walter and llMiry Moyer, K ceiiturs, will sell, at the lata re.-iuciK'o of Oiujiirnlu Mct'li llun, deceased, in Frmiklin township, on Weiluceday March lulb, live stock, farm Implements, Alc. Mr. tclinee, at llio I'entrevllle lintel, in Cculrcvillo, will sell household and kiteb en furniture, &c, on bmurday Month 18. II. (.'. Laudls, of Uicetield, will nell furni ture, live stock, 4.0. , on Moudny, M u- Uib James Huigoss, of Frunkliu township, will tunning uicnxiU, livestock, nnd lioiin hold goo s, ou Saturday, March iilh. .Mjuduy, .Murth -Ttli, Farm tool ot Walter A p, decoasud, in tjreeu Ood towusl.ip, Juniata 10. To N't'braskn, t'nllfornl;i, and Kniisni, imd the U. d. M K- It- LMiiilst. The " Burlinaton Koine," so called, lies right in the pmli of the Mar of Etuplro. It ruus almost iuimediittely in Iho centre of the great westward movement of cmi'ra ilon. I'rosniiig illinoisund lown, it strikes ibe Missouri Hiver at Ibree points. The so three points are the gatew.iya into three great sections of the Iruus-Missuuri region. Th Northern gtlo is Ooiaha whero the great Pacific road will take you to the land of gold and grapes, sunny mountains, and perpetual summer. lue Miutiie gnta is t'tutisinouiu, wuicn opens upon tuu oiiin nuir 01 reurKa, south of the Platte river. legion unsur passed on tho couiiuent for aKrlculiure and giazing. Juki uere nre llio u. M. itaii roud lands, couneruing which Geo, Sj. Har ris' tho luud otlicer at llurlingtoii, lowu, can give you all informiilion nnd iu the bonrl uf them is Lincoln, Ibe State Cupilul end Present Terminus of the road. The ttouibern sale lead lo Kanaas. by couneeltani with th St. Joe ltoad at Ham burg, running direct lo 61. Jue aud Kun.itu City. The train of Ihe Bmilutrton run itnootb- ly and aafcly aud make til couuectioiiH, li runs tbe best or coaches, rullmnn raiucc aud Pullman dining ears, end should you take Ibe journey for the journey's sake alone, yon will be repaid ; or take it to find a home or a farm, and you cannot Bud either better than annong the B. & M. luuds, wncre you cim buy on ten ycuis oreuit, ana at a low price. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS 1'iiiLAOELriiiA. March It. The Wheat Uiui kot iu quiet but firm under the influenco of liirlit lucciptu; 3,000 busliels nt f 1 ClK'iil.Uf) for Uliio aud lodiano red : pi. 60 lor IVuuHvlvuuia do., and SI-CO lor pour up.to $l,'JU lor CDoice wnite. Uyo in steady. Uot ti Las udeancod lo, nnd U lu better do- maod ; sales ol 5,200 busbuls ut 80(f) 8 lo for yellow, and 8O0 lor WosUru ruiiod. Vain attrnit but little atlea tiou; sales ot 1,200 bubeli l'cuu-)- rauiaatujo. CLDS1NO Pbll KSOF DkHAVKN h BRO. .40 sou lb a elreel, l'liiUJllUI. Turee o'clock, P. at., I'sbruary 10,1(71. U.S. ' of 'SI ". 'm " " , 'W, ', " " '6,new " W " " ' 'as ....lllV.wiia ....in .wins ,...)lu' uil'-i ....110l,eillos2 ....llo'Vljllu1, ,...U0illojZ 1 i-.ui.1 1:1 ' 6'ele-to's U. 8. 80 Year w eeat. U Oolil tii'..j-iiiS Miiver UnloD I'ai lllo K. H. Ut M.lVouds. I'vnlral Vavilte K. H ..UO'.f'lU ,.aiu tisso ,.V40 tj MO Uuion FMinc L.aml(lrnl iioiiits. Novaiuoer Couixms boo a lit same as Uolil. We ara prepared to furalsrt Willi pmuiptness uniieu niiiM iiivhu aiaiiiiie. sue ioiiuwiuk rwius ni ouiuiuiwiun are auowaqi on tra and upwards , 1 per cent (mioo " .-" . Oa .o - 4 1 ' New Maionls Temple T MO loan (or sal at par QELIN80ROVE MARKETS, Correct! IO; Weekly by Wagenseller k Bon. . Wheat red Corn 11) Oat Flaxseed Timothy seed Oloinemoed Cbtrrie Iluokwheat 85 G5. 80 43 ' 60 i 00 Oolou ' Duller Kgg Boap Ltrd . Haw Shoulder Bid $1 Ot 15 0 10 ot) 12 04 To ('berries, pilled 18 PRICES OF COAfe O.N HUABP, Pbsmokiq Chest , $ 6 60 YYilkeebarre Chest ikinikli Egg end Rtova . Wilkesborr hf nd.eitov - 01 t 60 J7A Z2Z3 VECfUCLE SICILIAN HAIR. Tb basis of lis remedial proprieties Is a veeelaWo eorhponnd. IT WILL KKSTOKR GRAY II AI II TO ITS ORItUNALt'lU.OIl. . 1 will keep llio hair frnm fnltlug mil. Itclesnnes ihe scaln knd'tnakc iho hair aoft, lustrous and silken. It is a srlcndid htlr dresln. B. P. HA I.I. a Co. Nnnhaa, If. II., I'rnnrietors For sale 17 all drOKRlsts. Alareh. I10. JOHN II. ARNOLD, Vtloriio.V nt Inw, MiDDi.niuno, p.. Professional business eulvusted In bis enr will b promptly attended to. Fcbii 7ltl MOTirH.-Tl.Plinrfrr.icj.w 1' dl.l. this Tlh lav l Jnoo irv. A. T) . IST1. purrhme lrm Iritliella Therp, th lllnirln vlt : fine ptlel I'nw, two Hi.l eml Httl one nok Mi.re n,l Flpo, onn WihhI Moveaml Pli. TI Chlckonn. 10 ieM. 1 liurka. one Corner I uplmaril, lour Meat MmiJ. one ( hum, lime Vfueuur lUrrali-i end lift tneiaiiip 111 p'MeMion or ihe sum irImiiia rioirp, nnu berrhv arns tb piiMIe not In Interrere witb II. outre, HKNHY M. KKINaKl). Wenhlnston lownshl, Janaary , tifll. AAMKIMCAN HOTFIi. t'ENTRKVILLK, NT V PER Co.. Pa. W I l.l.l AM B. I.O.NO, Prepriemr. TliU well known hotel, located In Ihe town f Cenirusillc, bus been thoroughly repaired and reliiied, nnd is in ihe bcKi eon- liiioa H accommodaic the trnveling public, Kvery etlnrl will be made to promote the comrorl or guels. A slinre or pnli'ir pat ronngc? Is solicited. Aprlltl-'70tf JKVI 15KLLKH. Munufucliircr of and dealer In FURNITURE, niibl respect rully inrorm the riiltens nl Seltusrrove and vioiuiiy, liial he uiniuit'ne- lures lo order and keps constantly on liiiu l MUItH rK AM. K1M, ANI Furnituro of cvory Dcsc-fptton, nt llio very lowest price. Ilo respocifully inviies an ei itiiiiiannn of HKPSTFAIiS.lllirtKArs.TMIt.KS, SOe'AS MU NUKS. M'.lMi.H, l liAIUS, k. tV' A special iuviimion i rxicuded lo new ly niarrtod folks In call and see my stock lielore urcliaMiig olsenliere, i.i;vi ni;i.i.i:ii Selingrove, April fl, s7il.f A FIXE AS.SOUTMKXT OF TilU LEST UI.P ItVK WHISKEY. PI KE l'EAl II IIISKEY. HUAXUY, til.N, AM) SVIil'Prf. Just received and for sila at tlio Eugle Hotel, iu Middlobur,:. JOIIX A. STAIILNECKEIl, Aug. IS. l?Tt. JJIKSTAMi tV J'.OVKlt, Vli.,Kiile 11 lid Eetiiil Drillers in ii.MiDWAui:, ci;ti.i:i:v, on Miuiikerit MiitrriuU, Shoe I'inilinp". ,1 e. Hilitiygrovo, P11. LH-tf iMIKF.MDXT HOiia. I'KKEMIINT, NYHKK I'll., ENOCH SMITH. IV. pri. t.,1-. This new hotel Is now prepared lor the nccniiiiindnlinii of guems iiihI will' nlford first rut ciili t luiniiii nl to ihtsuiih visiiinir l'ri'euioiil. Every rlfi.it will bo made to roiii'le t be comfort of trnveloiH lii.pin: nt Ibis bonne. Clioiro tiijimrs nt the ll:ir, 11ml Ibe Tnble supplied with llio lieM the uinrkcl ntl irds. An ample stable in cnn nectlnn with tliehoime. Airilii'"nif c DINLT UIIUAN AMI MIM.DUIMN MANl'lWCTlMtY. Ware Eoom and Store 011 1'lnct Street, Fuciory on Snyilt-r hi reel, cliusgruvp. Pa. If vou want to lienr anil .en An tnnp.1 nu.1 l.ctioiliul Ornm 11111I .Mul.lu.ni. II nt mir Ware room ninl Mure. We una n'iio Imt llie lest material In muklmt tnsiruinunis. Trv u ol ttiuia nntl you will tm nail.iieit. r.very insiruiuent is warrnnleil ror llvo yenrn Ilenli'rs. Auenls alitl Miu:Mirii ol the lii..iirl. are InvitiMl lo cirro.iKinct with in Hint semi lur orloe list. Wo nre also auenls for tlio lieat New rk soil IMiUniteiplila I'liunn. l illiis nnU Ai I'lirileons tmin tl 1,1 41'. Vi.,lln Strlam, Mieet Music. I'ti'lure rallies. III'.. . alsays on liiinit. rtions sua AeeorOeons eorreetlv tanol an.t repslre.1. Lull on, or ad'tress lie toiler 11. Z. HAI.r.M I'll , Kept. 1 1ST0. urovo, I'a. joski'H s ii:i.is, Maiiurncturer nf and Wbolesnle Dealer in Clothing, Cloths CASSIMKUS AXD VKST1XUS. 44 NORTH TIUHli MHtET. PIUI.AD'A. QOSOUAVE HALL IIOTKL. I'ETCR mOI 1, i'mjTirtor, West Beaver Tw'p.. Suydor Co.. IV Taks Notice that I have purchased f'os grave Hall Hotel, where I am aiwnys pre pared lo accommodute Urovers. biranuers. aud 'friivelcra. I shall be liberal tn niv chitroce and en deavor lo use everybody well who favors me with hia custom. If you are not autis ncu, no charges. (Jive iue a call. Apni, '07ir. TAMES K. PAVIS imji'KL. It (StLINhOKOVE. 8NYDKII Co.. Pa. HEMIY A. HOMO Prnprielor. lan wen nuown House lisviny Imuii re filled hj tbo present proproitlor, olfera ei oellenl acconiirndatiuns to ihe Irave ing couiniuuity. lltoice liqiiura and t izmsat Ibe liar, ana Ihe Tul.le supiilied wiib Ibe best the markut nflords. .A good stable attended by careful hostlers, in conneoiion with tb bouse. April 6-701 f, LE HOTEL. MIDDLEIlirtO, PA. J. 1. 8TAIIL.Et KER, 1'roiirictor. Hnvlna taken cbaree of llile old and well esliibliniiou aniuu, in proprietor proposes e devote nil bis aiteoiion to ihe providing of lue lanie and uar ana in aoconiiuodn ion of both man aud lieusf llesolioils ib iinl share of th r rMIe r atroaage, . January 13, Itjit, ft gAMUKL FAUST Merchant Tailor, Has Just received nn entire new stock of CLOTllrl. CABSIMURES ft VKBTl.NUS, all of a auperlor nunlity which be la pre pared lo make tip in ibe beat etyle and on short nolloe. II also keepe Urown aud While froDcb Yoke Linen Hblrta.aud a con eral assortment of eentlemens' furnishing Goods, all of which he otfors lo Ibe publio at very reasonable prieee.' Cull at my place aa Pine 8tel, between Eekberl'e corner end lu-idse, Hvlin kSV "A OSc ef . B. WBBDT3, 4S0 North Eighth St., PMIaKla. DdbMiis r.w v Vegetable A color ftnd dressing tliat will not burn tho hair or injure tho head. It -docs tot produco a color mechanically, us tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores the hair to it original color and lustre, by supplying now life and vigor. It causes a luxuriuut growth oPsoft, fine bair. The best and safest article ever offered. Clean and Fure. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'.. FACILE IKITKL. No. North !5rd ft , between Ilooe sinl Vine) Pl.ilnrlidnlila. It. I. ("I'M MINUS, Prop'r. M. M. mVAllll, yiiperinlen.Uut. t,.:i. r:nf cKi.KiinATKniMruovKP J i:W A IM) Oride Gold Watches. J- tt-S, Ml.Tf, r'jn. Do rln ir the p.i -t fniir yours nr wut.-l.e Lsve tn tliorongtily tosu-.l. tlmt l.,r Hppenriini-e, tyl nf finish, s-nil aeenrsji-y nf Hum Kfer'ltK. tlie"lernril Watdhae" are unlvurrally aei e-icl llie Irasl. Ihey relitln llielr lrlllnuii'i and eulur until worn out pf-lt alter piireiiiri nnd fnlrly trvlnir, any on is nut fully saiisneil, we will uheenully ro lling the niuuey. i-Il.cr nio all In Iluntlnx I' l-cs, (Initio men's nnd l.sjitle'' slsi's. K.verv w(ii..i uttiMn leeil litr lime ami er. bf Swh-IiI ecrtllK-atr JA liruu Hsorli.icn t ' t m.r .,! 1 rl-lo" ( 'Inline, i u Also, (liiitlrini u s and I. a lie's Jewelry In irrtt rar ely. sj-llewurn ol .iiill.ilt.in-. Order direet f om s nr our HU'li'irirvil uveuls A4"iit 411I oll.ers sppiyiiiK i.'r eln uliirs will plvase enel.ito llirco rent slmnp f.ir p..stitye. ILhuIs m'nl i, pitid cm delivery, rustmnors lieriulited t.. eiu.i.io what 11. cy oritur (Imli re j.ivliiic I. Ills. 1.11 .;i)iiieni nl h.ki rc.s cliurties Im.IIi w:ts. -w linn SIX H'atehoa are ordered '. oni-e, we till) irn I nn rlr Wnli'h (. I s.ime kli. ll lm. arf I'nr. ha.ers re-l.tlnu nl m,,,i. .h-l .n, r,n Kiio-s iitltius, 111.1I ile.irinn In sum 111110 mi l r.cnrf., i-iiii have the M"ol sent ly lu.tll. I.v roiiiiliinir (alili the order) Inn ni.1.,.11.1 n-.pilrr.l l y I 11. no) nr lr rt'iilsieie.l Inn-r. .ItHli , nr rlif-k. ,) l.tn to our nnli r. nl mir Pl-Ti Adilrrss pi .ilnly, .1 A l Ks 1 KH It ll . 111, j Nianill MrilKKT, Nkw YiKU. V. O. J.o.'l. 1 1 ice. li am J FIRE INSURANCE CO., (n-ra n MAiiaifT tunntMLia stj., A"illvswl5ii,f', IH.ilANIZr.ll, ts.f f. Iii nt ua m r. I'res. I. i.Sn.iKHAKi:e, V. Pres. K. C. Smii it, Sti-rel try. I )irii'lors : I'. ll.HlHil K, I.. l. MlurM HIKH, . I'. SMITH, i . I' I. A Ml,, dull s li i ii 11 A till, fit IS r IV I US., i. V. II onnsii, I'. A. Mim n, Tiii'Ma- l i.ttn. Alihhs Aioitai-, .. v.. Hi ri i u, I'. Waimiami. .iMiumi'.v 1, liTr. liplllll A. Mil i!n. -JJ ftl.o o. Kei-elpls f ir Isi.J 7.i i.i.'i i n l. cti'liture.1 " si; i,-. r. s isi I'si Mmics I lr-1 N'.itt.ni.il llni.l, in lotres sn,.nd Nitt .iuil l.iink,., lo -hures V .inlnu it loiiii I It 'i.k It IV. I'll l.,4,l Mil l Kin.rrs w n;,.,i, irro tin.r .-li in s Wllkn-liiirre llrldue t iii'iitiy h.h-o im iiifiuy V'.'-ii ) , ii si ami i iiiiiiti-ritis ins and rersi.ii'il Meriirle-tlnH. . . f4 t"-l io ,. . 4-,INMt INI .. ii.iii ... M '''-4 4 i ... ft. 4 1 HI . . isiiiM w Iii'lyuii'ttls iitnl ,tliir.u.iui's Kuetr.iin Airi ni" i nd uihers ih mi Inn. I an. I In Hunk ti-nl l-.state Hike truiiiliuteuud snlo I A INMCH "CS pi I.I In Ivrel yenrJ... l'i.3i'l 4S ,N. n,i A.llil-lcl lul nut diia Ill' 1,'Myl I'O . I t.lll. 1 JAMIvi I.. St 'III H ll. I. Dcnenil Amnl. U'iil,,i.l ,n n, I T. . SMITH. ATTIiliNKY AT I.A'.V. MlI'M.Hn illl, S.WI'Mi I'll.. I'A. Ill!ere Ms l'rile.. ntil nrrl.'. n tun t.ulill,'. I 'iiti.iiltttt ii.iis Ii. i lerin.iii ..r l.nall li. w t OKH.lt HH AI.l:, AT I'A It, rrit 7 Masonic Temple Loan, Ilrui liiir T :j -1 0 liiliimt. Ite.teenntlile after live (i) nnd wlthlu tweutv unt' (ill) yuan. Interest I'ay;ililt Manli antl Pi'ilinilii'r. TtlO I Inn tin nrm rfliUternil nn.l will Ilb latfi. ID fcUtDf tuiuit. llcIlavvii&ISrothcr, -lo Son tli Th I nl Mit't-t, PlUI.AUKI.PlllA. STOCKS bntmlit and sold on r. minlrslnn. Onlil and tlnv- ertllnent llnll.ts llunulit all. I s.'l.l. Aocoillits r.'i i'lvcil mill Interest allowed, subject to light .Irulls, Mulch I. ISTO y Qvion SAXisa iwcall rncrz xs Mil i.i. ri ii. iii:ivrn l!especifiilK nnnniinoes tn th eiliaeia of Miil'lli'hiiiU nn.l vu luilv Ihni be is nnw ready lo supply tiieui wuh tb largest and nint eomplei sLn k nf &77.Y'; a: summhii goods ever bi'uiilil lo Ibis plitee, nl greully re- dncei' prices cbenprr limn llie chenpcsl. Ilo inviies allciiiiou to bis luiue Block of MUKMNH, CAI10 i... 1KL VlMiS, T,AWN3, BILKS, UlilltliLM, MNKNB, Hoots n i. (I Allocs, HATS AND PAPS. BRAIiy-MADE fl-OTHIN'O. PlIII'iTS, and everything usually kept iu a well rcgulu'ed atnre. liiva ins a cull and be convinced that this is Ibe plnee In liny poods. CO I'M THY lMtOlHTK taken In eicbauge oi (i noils. hi, II. lit It) I'. Middlehurg, May, Hli', Kstitteof MAHAH A PP, deceased. r r.TT:H tir admimstratiov I i theeataienr sUrah A vr, (widow ol Leonard Ann,) luteof I'enua townaldii. deeeased. hsvlnu tipnn keon iiraiit.il In the uiuleiilsned, all ersi,iial "1 jou.M UEMiifcHi.irva. ii.iiv il',.iil.ui imii A'lniliilstrutm', Penaa towashlp, Septebr IT, ls;o. yyASHlKUTON UOU3E. jUiillfbuty, Snyder C n 'y Pa. DAH L HOLENDEU, I'm, - etur. 1'irtoo dipping el Ibi 11 'use vill fit d 1 icicellint ecioifiiBtJuticns, ,rr Jan si.d sfarr- DOTY'S Washh. - Maehinr, LATKI.Y rrit IMPllOYF.ll AM TIIKfthW I tltf'i'NUl C loture M i lirxrr W 11 kki o. Hinl tlm I'tTKM fttor, nrn now nn liH'-t,Mii v.lv l:ir usrlir In any hi inrittu 1r ffH.iiiiK c'ttlhi-K ewt Invrntnl, twiil will "nv? ih"lr rni twlia )enr, hy MVintf lUr utt-l rlntiiM. Th'o who huve u-ed tlitfm ulvt t c -. 1 2 - n y ni ToIIowf: ' llk our nm1i(n nin-lu imiM nut i f i rr un1rl t -! wilhotit U tin-1 it Ii I lie ntl r ltv, wt Ire I that o urn tKitrr tlio l-Fintn.M Ht v. h. hiMi.t, ll.-lmp M . K. 4'h.iTV.i. 'It. thr luttnlry nl my hnt tlnTo le (I pT"r. u-il tlianVntvlint on ll'n'ln fur the Invention." Urt. I Itw-'tl iTit 1. 4 iilr. "K.vrry wrvk h" ictvpn It Ptrtinuor hnltt uj"n ih nttecttunn nl tht luiiiutcd ol lti hmuilry.'' N. Y 'l -nrv'T. "I hrartlly oommnd It lo fntnnmUlp of time, int'nry, mill cniih'iiltin'iit.' Ir. Irll'w. I i it'll it lnt v our Inet Ininrnvf itwnt I vm-.r tiii'iiulit el iimr t. thunvtr, a in I wml4 n t I i purii'.l with iin.Ur any en. uin-t (iiii's.' .Si. I. ill 11..I.II1I..I1. 'I'l.e N. Y. Weeltljr Trli.'ino, nl Dee. ift, tsni, lo illisnrr tn a cin'resi.i.i.-lit. s.ivs: "III Wii. ln:i.s, Iherola none to lie compared Willi H.ily's." Prices A fa I offer. II II e Mnrsbanl In your pln.owlll n.d lurnl'li nr send l r Dm Alii.-ltinvs, snuil us the retail pi l. o, Washer 14, l.xtr i Wrli.iter and wo will ..r w.inl rltlirr m IhiiI. inti.'i.nies, tn-i il Irriuht, to plm-ns hate nn miu I. s-1 l In-, t and nue are, we they still lie llkssl, that en nrr.t .i inf.itnili the tn. opy II any one wl!.es t.. return ll.e m.i. I i-lilnes tree ol IrclKtit, allor a montU's trl.il, no-1 cnrillni; l" dir. "tlim. Nn husliimd, Inti.er nr limlher stintild i-r-rnill. I'la urn iri-ry ni misi.inw wiiii inn nnii'i-, tiny iwu iinys in iho yi'ur, vthen II vnii lm ih.iie tinttrr, I in. irn i ptiiiiii.usiy, with less i timr, in.. ti i in liiry I llii' uarilii ll-s. l.y ll holy I'l. llus H ufl.tr ntnt a t'nli rri-nl Wrlnuer. Suit l.y ile ili rs m ni'iuliy. to wb.itn lllx riil i!t Cnunls are Intl. li lt. I . UltinVMM), (l.in. A.i-r.t. (,.. ST, 'TO '.' ti) iii. I "ril.in.lt .-"t., N ew i.rk. 1 1 SIXJ I 1 c. SEWING MACHINES ! Aiir.Ah iik a ri. otiii:i;s: riiun: tihiism pi:p. tvi:i:i: .r,r .Nun i r.i.Nti maim: asp.-hi.h: nn: m:isos nn. I'-t-atlHO it eii.l i.ilii-s eseini:i! ,1,, i ll.e ol II III "nl l, ri,. I in ii ii v iiil.rr Mil Iiiiis It.' .if il e lupilrtiy of 1 nlislt uelinti, en -i ..pei'iii i.iii. iii.il..! mi; v. "! I l ' i i i' nrtii. any tpei' l. nnd i npiu iiy f.it- ll e pi.niiesi i.inni' mi l variety of work, t'.t r on tr-.t. 1' lilies wishing I i pill i lui-i' si. "1. 11 n il f.iil iu exauiiue I lie I i si o! nli S . "i inj Ma chines Ah il WiiK. Sl'Ti , M'W, SCW, At m.rii, nt linn ll, lit liiul.t! Wl.rk, IV..I k, l ni k, It'll n.-M'r mil ..! lul,t! I'.ir uriMt .in I .'null, t-.r vmin itt.it i 1.1, In snniinnrs's ln-;it. In vtltiltn k i'u'.I, IU -.iil.li.luhl l.ilnn. I'V lni.1 i.i's -nn. 'I s i ' , t. , I'tit lieer 'l-ilie, VVIhu til llnlllia sed. vm il Isj. llll till r. I.iirr. I"..-; n l.v l'.i.n 11..' pn lilies 111 1 idi. i.ii! 'tu.ml'l i ii.tilii tin-ilili!e I lit! 'I l,i' li'.- - ii r -in i" l, l i.r iviii -i im it. I' .in. 'I i.n I in I.n, f -i t - i f.e psi.t - urn it "I'll An.l hi-ri-'s n p i Ir inr r-,iui unit Inhn, Am I I h nli y, Inn. nn I litilu run, N.nr Mnilur sens nit HiNtiK.ii s m:w m vrniNi: Vii' ii'lri-i' nil who rtnnl n lii-t clnk. Seuinir Mtu liiiii', niie llnil i iH ..."r liu. ii nr 'iitii'.i IliM.i'l us V'l-il us ,i:(r i t!i. r, r, -n t.. li. . iil 1 I., nn N.iilt 'Iii. i I Si., in l.i-n i-i.'ii r. i;a I III 'I1. ,v n in 1 1 ks, n.. I:, ,:,,, nr I. I! SMI I II. ri.-liiisiri.iv.-. All'll'll I III' lit lln-0 I'.ll. Kills Slll:;:'l Ml chilli-, I'm' i iieiv "ii ill V' iii -i i " i'"is. .i ymi 1'iiii i t nt ii'i olhi-r pl-ire . iitrl ,i n Sii.-i'i- is pin in yniif l.iinilr, but li.e- i!i 'a- sine lo t'-'lli'is. km: w Hi i b.vims. T-n Judaea eive the Siivi i' lh.' I'' ri ll the Sill del t '.iillll V I I.I' I" lit .vr ic,:. . HE3T0KATiTr, 'J I- 3 11 ii ! -v-.&fis.tt ..ftriv-.-- ri !'Sati T?XsX7'':'i; 1 i Tr'i .1 r ' '1," ,'.'-'S'l. TV Ooiiliiins no I. VI" rt.l'llt'lt No St (! VI'. Ol- l.KAIl -No I.H'11 M'.'i'l' -N'i) M THAI K ol' ritl.V tit, mid is en liirly fue front l'ois iniiiis nn I Health. deslrnylng I'nijs used in oilier Itiir I'n piii'iilions. Transparent nnd elenr as etyslul. tl will lint toll the ftnevt fi t -r'.i perfenly sale, eleiin nnd etlielmit disiili-i-niunis Ini.j: -i ilhl foe nil. I I .nn.l nl hi-1 ! Itrt-sinris nnd pievitils tbo liair from liernii.iiij Orny. iinparls ii si. I', l..s-y up- 1 pi'irnine, renmve iiinmi nil, Is oool mid I'l-fn-ehliii In ll.e be il.clue s the tl.i' Iliiir Iroiii fnliiiiK off nod t -I' i . s it in i 'iml islrlit r lis-ll l ei, i ll in i ll' lnl. pl er. tila llesnnehea, cures nil I irai'tr-, i:l-:i ius etui linns and tiiiiniiiiriil In ni, s i dr, sintr f r the buir it is iho l.einr u;o in ininket. Llr (1. Smith, Pnlenliv, On ton ,'iiuoi Imi Muss. I'lepmed mi'y ! v I'lltl' Toll IIUOTIIKUS, liloiicii'i'i'i MiiVe. Thetien IlillO is pill up III it ntli l tinllle, lii l.l. i s I l-easly for il, with tho nume of ibe article l.lown in Ihe i,lii-.. ik j our di "t I fc Nature's Hair li. tdiniM-, nnd title n other. Si-mi a three ceill staiiipt.) 1'i ni'tnr I'ms for a Treatise tin il.o Hnni'iii lli.ir. '1 i i . infni inuiion it coiilitiiis Is Morili S'l illi. any perauu. 8. 10-liiu J 'IIIOMrrfON HAKKlt, Lcwisltiirg, Vnion Co., Pa. ttr.jr din be coiisiiliod iu the Cugllib and German iniiaua(as."(ri3 ol'r'lt'i: Muiknt t:ret, oppesile Walls, muiiu f to s cioro. . t-ny TTEUS .TESTAMETARY. "n XJ the Kmaleef Mmu IUi.r ime ol the bnr ,n tnv uiiiiuifiHiivn, an 1.1.1 .nil a in. v ihh UiviH elves Indented l.nslil estate-are rwuesWd make payment, aa Unite liavlnir elalins if ilnsl the same IU incteut tlieia Inr ottliaient to W. Ll'lltHT. Oct.ao. UiO. , - Bxeoulor. '-.x.ir, ii . i,T urv'lMi'r t 1JALU JiiAtlLL lIOILL, ' No. 416 North Third S reel, :' THILADSZiPHI A , 'I .' '.'f HN CI.YMF.lt.. Vrotrirtmr'. IIA3H " - . " . . ' ' : r efl ' Till: tittUAT CAISC RIV.U MISKRY. Just Puh.Jn a sealed, envelnpe. TiU- rlx els. A l.ci'ture e llie nature, Treatment end Rsd l'sl I ere nl Semleal Weakness, or permator iltoee. Inilnred b hell Almse, ln..luntary toils-Inn.. ImpnlriK-y, Nermus I'ei.lllty, an. I In peilittirntl In M.irilsue ircrsrally 1 l'i.n,nini tlmi I .llsv,-and Plisi Mental end I'll) l.l tneapai-iiy, n.'.-Ht Ho'iert J.Culverwell, Ah tlinr ut the "Kreeli Itii.ik," ho, the nnriil renowned nulliur, In this admirable Leetiir. elearly prnvos Irnui Lis own erperlmre ttial the owt'nl riinse.iu-m-rs el eelfAInse mnv be ellrelunlly rttmnved wlllmnt nieillrtnt. aud wUtmiit dansienius tntKlral operations, tsiiiHlo.-, Insinimsi'its, rums, r evntlnls, pniullna " iiimle nl nlrt- nt i.ii.-e rerttiln ai.il rilii-innl, l.y nM h every snlli rer, n n.ailor wlial h. eoinll linn may le. tna.nrs hl.nell rlienplr.i.rlvstrly nnd ra llrall, . 'j his 1,1 lute will pruvo a vuua to ih-iiisaitils slid Iboiisnnds. Sunt umlT seal, lo any s.l lre-. In a I !a'n solrd en-v.i. r. the rcrripi m Hn eents. nr. two po tsn stamps, alr.i, Pr. I nlre-wll"s .MarkiaiioUuid ," prlen u et. A.l.lre-s (lie ritl.ll-l.vrs CIIAS. J.r. h I.I.NK rn. Ml liowery New Yora. Vot t l.'in-'e UjX 4,:i". 'jQr.NlM7AXiNtjrjii'i'.lT Mr.r.t.vsanoVE.s.wiTit to, r.. liiitatlicr B Ha I crs anii M.tvi-c.M-ri rrn r Honrs, Door fluxes. W indow, ShutttT IiiiIiiw Dnxcs, lillntls, Hiislt, Malr Hln, H ind lliilllnjrs, lirni ks ill. Moiililltics, f'lonrlii?, tfltt'l.l.SWVINU s. CA HI N IT TI IIMMI t'-lniifclos, Lath, &u., &o. wu-i ui'ii u. i ni v m mi r xmu ino our Mi. 1 1. I. eloi e nr. 'Luting rNi n Ii li i'-il el'A c(ri;T ri:(KM,..M.Tiii. V helens t'l ' II. n. ?. S Wnu U l'ii V V .lent .til l .i nf 1 1m .I,, .!,.; . I t.kl.1,.1 ! fun. in., i'. I ..f I ....... .in.i .,j i.f k I. nnd ' ili! iii nn I ,1 ii. I, hinli'l mil lieorj;ii I'. M. i i-r, IN is Ai.iiate Judges in nnd fur Sny Ur nullity linve Is-uel tlioir piTcelpt beni'iiiu', daio the the l.'nh dny of IVL'.-iiiiirr, l7i, ti me directed for tb" liulding of nn lli linn-iniiit, n court or l'niiiii,..n I'lo is, ci m l ol' liyei ninl T.'i n. im r nu t (ji m ini univt i.f t naitei' fc'os- lis nf ihe i i'Ui e nl Mi lilli l uiK, for t lie f.iimiy 1 1 Si.y.ln-, ou llie lib Mi. in I -iv, fl.e liij! the T t li ilny of l-'ibriiui), Is I . ! mil e. fiiiinie on.- i i--k Nnlic.'i liii'iefoie liriil.y j,:V:ti lo ll.t r. ii.'t. Ju-ii. e i' tiie lm o n:i I I ..n-t i i s In i.n r..t llie u.ii-iiv .if Sn . .I.'i'. I.i in. p -sr in lli. ir pi", or p,-i'-.ni lib llieir ii'IIh ifie'i'l", in , mi ii im. exn ,i,l: ui.it,,, nn ; jo'l.i r iiMi.i nil i:iii: es I i .1., ti .(. ilui, i,j : i.liicb ot ilu-ii- i.!i. .-I nn I in Hn ir lnl,,li j per'ittn in l e I.iiik mi l u i: tn - i. nn i per-1 - 'lis pl l'-ni'lllilljr ir. Il.'ll'lll ' lh,. l'ul,.lii.'ll - I ittonllli ii iin-l :t y pei.iit or pi-ismi" nir , ie.inif I lo le ll.. n ti ii 1 l!u in Hilvtniiiiy j im 1 lint ilrp.tt tirp Willi. nit I, nre nt llien peril. .liisitci'H nre ri inie-ti'l In iepiiiici-l iinl in iho, r iiiir'iii.'iiii n ni ilio u ji'iniil lil' " l'( lui':l'.l I.i tiilli,-a. I liiv-ti i.i. li r 1 1 , y I, in I nn. I ii nt I l.o I fiienll s trie- it. Mi.l.ili'liir, id,. . I - I l !' nl ,.. ,. li., uii ih'.uf .ii,! ci,;V Lull in'. i in, 1 i ni i, tv. I Jii'iN S. WM.K, Kheii.l He c. i:iiv t.v. I! uou: s'.i.; f, .'ot 7; ;.'.v Mi (OM. MISS I OX .1 '.','( '. I .V 7 S, C52r2 MARKET ST-, IViu'.-i'ii I'li'ili nn I Sixth, 7.11 I )l : I. M'KI.I' III . IN. .1 Ii I..: nil. I., .'ill.N l . I : '. ' 1 1 A I : ll. . !. 7.1)1, 1,1, I.N A. IV., (."''l.'C, s.ii-s to S.-il'erliii Znelttn,, I v.ij!.i:sAi,i: ii:ai.i:i:.-. . i.iiMi;'n:i:M DIll'CS iST'i'lKDKMNKS.i No i'til North Tl'.irtl St. I '..'.::) rilir,I)Kl.t'ntA. I (i ;o-s .v i i:'iT!ii i:.- I Mmiiif.itt ,ii i i - in nl! I.i lies i i;i i.i, 'mir.i:i:. i.i;:.ir,i:i!, I'Al.lNii. MIINtil.KS, LATIL I l.lli'r.lVli. ilr , ', illi .'.ill lllln, S, 1. 1,. I i in. 'y I'n. !! i i'N'rs lumpily l,lK-l 'i' '. , I' :'y I I'A II , 1 1 S. A .Nil SV.W ! V.'.(irN i:i. l.l.l! & S( I.V. I,,.,.-... I-. -pteiiiilly iiilnfiu their flieinls im ! iln 'piillie ; tn- i-ii ! I v I hut Ihey h;i e ,. i m ,, i-l'OUi: ill their NEW EUILDIN'3 ii.n l hi sinl so luiii nei iipie l by lr. ,liig..; H iij;etii'lli.r "U t ho Isio nf tjue win in ilm, i nntv luve ind will nliv.i vs keep n Im-jio mi l I well seleute'l ussiiiliiiont nf SEASON AIILK ti(IO!S. In llie l.a lies' liepintiiicut will be finniu a lull l.n-i of SILKS, I'Oi'l.l.N'S. ItiULI.lANTS. VI."TOi;iA LAWNS, rit:riii:i) xlivvas, SWISS MP.T,, CAMr.K I ('., . lMtlNTS. J At'ON K I rs, DCLANI.S, Siripi'tl iili'l t'lioeki'il .NliiituilkS iAV A Croat Variety of l.ailil'e' ll'i'--H I l'illllliili'.i, i,:ite.-t Mi c llliott lklft.-. I'lCllL-ll (.',ji(it.-i, K.i 11 ' y 1 . I . : i 1 1 1 . . r i 1 1 -. I.u.lio-' I mill. 'ii, I'linitiitls mid Suti SI i nil's, lli.niifl Hil.liotiH, L'f.'s, llnl I'iiil'h -I'lnlird'ult Tri, Lint a ninl I'isi.i-r i'n lui'si i'., ..'.. &c. I ,s"A i:Dllt ASSOn'MfiXTot liOihSiVSiinKS, " Pur l.iiilii'S. Misaioa and t'i.iiilii-u, in en 1 less viii-ioty, of ull sites, stylos and in-lcaa. sclicted lue ibi rail and Hiuior trade. A full and complete einok of 'LOTUS I'LAIN AMI I-'ANCJ' I'A S." I M E It liSXl) TV( IX A UES. JEANS, &,'., tt-. (!()AI. Oli' ALL K1NIS ! (Irocerie. Qiieciisware, Hardware, Willow irure. t'ediu'ware, Glasswurc. &e, s,i u.i.ii. i i i i- ah ut wniuu iinvittg ueeii vtHjAi very turn or CASH will be sold at very sin nil proAts, uur mono is vine flu nl small prvjit, We also nay th biihcsl Bi.irkri trice . itir an Kiii-is ii grain to , IIJ'iAJ, 11 r,, VULtiv, - - , , , , . .,, . . , , , . fl l IV .,.,1 Jl'l,'li I . . .' x x ' " 1 ' ' "''I ' We ate nreuared alaa lo eioe .iii.i.l.. ni auiiilloboigrtuiidlod..ateiiv.rilt oiyui sun- aud 'orwai.lin bueUoi,, . . , ' , We bop. ibal lb pun-J -eaerill a . v call a wa .:..si i i,.' .u', ; lliier' iu do to bofore ,meu.. .i. . '''. "urv us a ir.ai 1 JKW riKM NHW UiXiDSt ft. ii. nrTrt r.. r. n. Biitt LLotmt UtTlIL iCcCVLLOZGTZt , (St ctiruiuuRS to jt'HN iu.m:i.,) lIKAt.MIS IX M.I. MM H I't m isucai Aiiii'.i jtuitii'.-'i' cAs-ii i'i;i.'i: p ii i"n FLOUK, GHAIN, KAIL UOAD 111;, Ac, CHAPMAN, IXVI'KIt tOt NTY, 1'l:MKNYIsVAMA. Mar, li 1), IsM-lf. QUI. T r.XCIT KM KNT IN" L3ANNERVIL.L.G. N l;V (itiiiiis. HKIiKKIUIl& HttOWEi: Wib 'o ii.f .nn lli.- citi.'i'iii of llatitirrtilla fin.l vicinity I lull lliey Imvo opened a new stork nf ri o.K and will keep coiisiunllv vu i lllllll 4 lllll U.'-t.'ltl lCIlt of : dl. I:. r n.i.iiii" i.f ,t i I'M' .i'nri.ivs, i.f.-Tt:l, M'I.IM'.S, I'Al.li ti..-, ,i.'. .UV' C I : j i 1 1 s & a s ft i .1 1 c r vh 11 AIM i.n H' M S, lH'i'TS ini'l M!"l.. . i i 1: 1 11 1 u.i j ll.l'.l'V,.l ur, Mi t;t I KN.-WAlii". 'SALT AND FISH, And in fnot ereiyiliiin u-il .Hi In pt in a ! !!.. l-i,l-t,ly s.1,,1,-. All s t l.i; ';l'0 i! t at ;-r 'K'y i -dnci-l p.-ic-. I. r IV-b ,r 1 1 til t ti : t-y I'l in-tti-r. Il.iit.,r Iinl liij;e x luticiir.' in lie I lii-iii' -.. ue tii'i.'i' i..iii'.'e'.ri'S Unit we rail I louse llllil Siutl tfy ',; r.i.f I l..l..ii nr.; H i'lyj 'f li'i. I alteniioli tn lill-iiH-l ; .:. 1 , ii .. in p 'ne nil. In merit n lihei.il im' ni piilitu- ;ioiiii.e. Our i.ii iio is . , .Wt ,s inn ,Sn,(t ' i '.." V... :: 1, . ur '. . !, , Isew line, v. .i ii : iu.i . it ' ':i.-l ihM l!,i nil I p ii es I as we always f iiLlii I'Miuiiiie i'1'.ie in v.-1: ii - i it i; eiioiv our pi,,nis M 1.1 Klilflt & llOWKIV .lime 1 1. Is:.), if I'. i unci villr qrtUc, 720 illcox&GiW Silent O1 ' 4- '0 " 1 n'ic liiy lii'itrtv prt'fi-reiiee to tli Willi oX it Uibl.t biltn'l Si wini; Mill-blue." 1'annv i'j:uN. "Tho wiiulit uf icliiil'lf flili-iue lnjlnir. ivern lii-'ni'ii;: o r lli.il i t tin U illrux A ( iii.j.a ilout tv'.viux .M.icl.iiif, I i!-iilisl ii)inii it, procured it, and un nrie liiun n itiif.rtl,'' OKAt y: lir.t ivswoon. " I have Ilia Vlnvh-y A VH'ii, the C, rover i li.iti-r, ami tlio WiUi-cx Atiild's f-. vt ii-.ic Wai'liine in my family. 1 unc llio Willtux i (iil.b.t i.i ist l"iv iiniiily, ihi'iking it Ur r.pii'ior to liber i.f tin- i. tin it." Mih. llii.M'.Y Y aiio I'.i:t, nun. " M vrfo wniihl nut Hi-cvpt n SewiiiK tl loliiiie of nn y oilier pntcnl - a if elio unit rivvlvo ll'iiii coiiditioti cf pivuig nn (lie tVillcox A Clibbs." . I'.riV. Ol.ivi i: Cfrarv, t'uilsnoV.U, i'j. " The Yv'illcos A Cil lv Is t'.ir oi.'i Si winp; il.i.'hinc whoso wurkiiijf i.i mi sure ninl siuiplti lint I could venture lo intrniliKT It into lyriu." lu:v. A. T. Pnarr, alL.loiiS'y Atnerii-uu lioiiid. " Vc liairo usw-J various ?i wiii Mniliiiies vlthin uur lainily, but it is llio unnni'moM pinion td tbo Iniiiselioltl, tliat tlio Willioi k UiMis la llio uut of them all.'' lifcv. j. r. iiiti.hr, iiiooklyu, s r. "For slmplioity mfilianital aciirracy J I'.in-iriii lion. 'I bavo seen ,no Sewine J.i'.-luuo cnuul to the Willi nr A- Ciibhu." Of llio l'mi' jl'i-nm t..uiral B K. A r6rretnnrtmc on ihe tuhUft Sea im Machine. is ripcct(ul- y toiwitva. 720 Chestnut Slrscf, PMIadeiphln. -r KQOPIi: ! I'nllei the boat Tater pm .f I'moposll'" with Ike Watvr pronl t ab-In tn Uie unit wanner ami at the h.ri't prl-e to the enusunier. 1 Ltra la, 1st, a liiui'dstlna ut 1 sirel J ell i sd. a Inyorof stater luniil't' nniv.sirlen t l. an.ither I ir uf Kelt I till ai;"lJi.-Ujor vtt-'oitioaltlou Sill, another layer nf felt. ty-2eni lm tilrsulers and baaiplea, j As An Induoement. 1 WeaAer tlie vibst purakwer th eaeb ptareJ l.noc asjitaie teet ol the Tunica lt.v I'ai.ti wlia he ncetseary eoaltnK, for Tuiattr llOLLaaa.. I'ATKXT HOOF i'MXl'- This I'alnt Is eOmed of fiires, oils, an r' rev' elnnul tulsilaiieol. o auliluod wilt tli.llls.l Ur N end me nut Knsitn rtrjors. it contain aa laeraldr i.Ikuwu. aail i prepare I, raeaiy toe -us, slmut the eonnlsitney of orilUiary lulsei uatats. . It o.Mti ssuek Um,reiia t elksUelt; ioutrrr, aud It It in ia iluruSla. fni'H rluliis 10. le. . I ...l,"i yw CUoeUra d all partlr-ari, Adlreas. Ui)vliOOlsi.NUv I'AIJV, A, a! J .a I. A n a. t v.v L..'". ' ' 6 (0 ,vC 00 " -e, r. '.W, r. W wli.is; .' .it (.-le-rYAgiSJUit. ) KKwo2, 3V t c V WlW-llSl- -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers