The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 16, 1871, Image 3

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...MARCH le, im
Vol.- , is'o. 1. vrnh
thia onml cr The IWrrnUn iu nintli
rear, and wa are prenyl to Mate that
tlio paper is now in a mora prosper.
'nun condition tjian at tiny other pe
riod of iti existence. During the
four yearn tint tho 1'omt Lis been
pnblin1ied by us, xrt hare mado many
frifndi, who bare stood by us man.
fully', and we are. thankful to tlicm
for tltttr paUonnne and support. We
"cMuTa boro our patroni w ith dunning
nollccH In our column, but w think
tliia would bo a pood lime to settle
old Account. a need moncT to
nik improvements on ''tho paper,
nd tha aoon'r-r v get It tha better w
Kill bo ploaavd. So ple wnlk ur
to tlio ,! cnptHio'a office ' and sqnnre
p ; if yon ' don't, well you know
how It is yo'irstlf.
Om tie re-onrtmir.alion of the
Standing, Committee, of tha United
Flatca Sonato last week. Hon. Chorlc
StitrjDcr, of Mans.', ms dropped na of tha Committee on For
i?n relations, a position which lit ha.
held for Borne ycara past, and the do
ties of which ho bnVdlschafged with
fignal ability, and Hon. Simon Cam
crun, of this State npbolutod In hla
place. This notion of tbo Senatohaa
created great excitement In political
circles, and the rrienda of Mr. Sum
Tier are endeavoring to make a mar.
tyr of him. ' Krrr t-itieo tie removal
of MiuiBter Motley Mr. Sumner hat
been dead aot agoiost President Grant
and Secretary Finn rcfuflnir to bold
any Intercourse whatever with these
two gontiemcn and thero is no doubt
that this is tbo cause of his icmoval.
A rr.w astute Individuals in con
cert with ono of tbo ticwspnpora of
this county are cmli'svorinir to ere
alo a feeling prejudicial to tho integ
rity and good namo of our county
Conimii-BioBcrs. For the benefit ol
candid and fair-dealing meo wo havo
compiled the following from tho
county statement, and also contract
ono auurce of our expenses with that
of our neighboring county, Juniata.
Cost of now bridges d
repairs tCC!)9.1C
" county lints in port 783.31
Probable balunco
Aggregator oat or Co. line ' flOSS.Sl
Cost of Iload views ke. 220,50
Aggregate cost of Uridges,
repairs ut b: iilco, county
1 lines and, ruaJa $8980,28
Nine thousand dollars (less thirteen
f dollars aud sevcuty two cents) of tho
expense of the County, Incurred , du.
, ring tl o . past year, were . brought I .1.- I .. . ' .1.
, through petitions to tho Legislature,
Ac. Our county cbuimissiouvrs tor-
.eonally supervised tho erection of the
aovoral bridges an 1, honoo, wero en
titled to a fuir consideration for their
Cost of Co. printing in
'Juuiata Co. 8140,00
Kchurk Si Lazarus, Ger. $102,50
1J Moj er & Co. Courier, 105,00
LumbnrdOycra.Tribune I Iti, 00
J ("rouse ( Post, fe-5,00
, 1' Wcirick, ' Time, 07,50
, 6011,00
Juniata rroro limn Suyder tSOS.OO
Ktvv llnmimhirr.
Naw Humpnhiro has always been
a Stale of hard fights ami small major
ities, but tbe event of yesterday's bat.
tie there will fall with - starlliog sur
prise on the thocouetry this morning.
Our returns, printed' elsewhere, show
largo Democratic gains everywhere,
whivlt may result in giving that party
the Governor and all of tbreo Con
gressmen. It is certain that they
liave curried ono district tbe Second,
and thcro oro strong probabilities that
the First and Third bave uUo given
adverse majorities. What makes this
remit furprieing is the perfect coufi.
dence which was felt in the success ol
- the Republicans. - The cauviua bad
been a dull and unexciting one, it is
true, but all tho indications wore fu
vorablo. Tbe SpricgGvld Republican
, of Monday fiid f
Not for many ycara has New Ilamp
sblro seen such n dull political canvass
,, tbo one which will close with the
'. election to morrow. The Kepubli
cans' success on the Stuta ticket la
! conceded on "all hands, and nothing
van imperil It sava a fueling; of too
' prrout aoourity on tbe part of lbs lit-
; publreau ibomselvea. Tbe Itepubli
an canvass, whose accuracy has been
' proven so often that great rsllnuce
! placed npon It gives that party the
1 State by ft corofuriable margin. Tbe
Second Congressional district Is tbe
only one of the three that ia consider
ed iu doubt, and thcro tbe friends of
General Stevens, Republican, are
' confident of ia election. .' ' '
' It now ' appears that we bive not
' only lot the Second district; but the
' First nd . Third, and tht State also.
Tbeeetiro Conyienslonal ; delegation
' in tbe Forty Unit Congress waa Repub-leen--lte
last' dispatch' reeotved an
nonoces that it will probably 1 w
eratle.,''' '; '- '','' : ' " ;
"' Tl Oraotto Statis has done badly..
' Ti cCirje',- W-onetptteteid, w6uld
crra4? hiic'j tat fomif fMW tsts into the t?atst.-r-"'fw-V
:' ' : .'''".;
I -' - . U-L.
The Gotigreaslonul Committee on
Edaeatloo 'and Lnfior baa honora
bly acquitted MaJorOooeral Howard
of all thn charges brought against him
by Mr. Fernando Wood. The juita
position of the uotiira Is lucrative.
It I fairly illnstratite of tha two cau
sea. whiofi the two men . repiesonted
during the rebelKon, and of tho pres
ent nttitiite of tho two-groat parties
in regard, to the war. ' General How
ard' patriotic devotion and wnundx
in the field, and his faithful discharge
of tbo onerous dnties of the heal of
tho Frcrdman'a Commission, Will b
much longer remembered than tho ab
ortive apcrsions npoo big character
of persons liko Mr. Fernando Wood,
and remembered always with grati
titdo And honor.
Tiik House of ltoprefCDtatives yes
tcrdnj, by close votes in every lo.
stance, repealed the duties on coal salt
ten, aud enffeo. The vote on some of
theso motions can be regarded ns no
indication of the position of the House
on the tariff question. Concern ing
both the duties on coal and aalt, what
cl&ssos they affect, and what the re
sult of tbo repeal will be. thoi o lm
been displayed a woeful Ignorance In
Congress tho present session. As for
the repeal of tho duty on ten and cof
fee, wo, uh Protectionists, thoroughly
endorse it. It will dispense . will
considerable revouue which the Gov
crnmcot perhaps Deeds, but it will al
so cheapen the food of the laboring
man. It will, of course, be denounc
ed by tho Iloveuuo I!e formers."
They advocate the free admission t
every manufactured nrticlo which
competes wiih tho labor of the Amer
ican worklngman, and would tax his
soluco aud his stimulant tho cups
which cheer but do not iaebriato.
Vs Hlh inn!.
I'roitilNsorj- olcsi.
Tbe lu'o decision of tho Supreme
Court In this Statn in relercoco to the
liabilities of tho maker of a promisso
ry note, is one to which the attention
of ever' one doing business should be
specially directed An ordinary prom
issory noto was filled up for the pay
mout of one hundred dollars. After
the noto was made, the payee, it i
asserted, added tho words "and fifty,"
thus making it a promissory nolo ot
ono hundred and fifty didlurs. T h if
noto was passid into the hands of nn
innocent third party, who claimed the
full somo named in the note. On an
appeal to the Supremo Court it wan
decided that tho drawer was liable,
he having invited the fraud by hi
own negligence. It is well known
that there is a blank space on all print
promissory notes where the amount ot
jiooey to bo paid is written, and that
at tlio end of this bluuk paco the
word " dollars" is printed. Tho Su
premo Court declared that it was nog
lipcuee on tho part of tho drtwer in
not drawing a liuo between tbo wittcn
word " hundred" and the priutcd word
" dollars,'' and that where such m-g
licence exUlod, and there was nothing
onthefacoof the nolo that hhowel
any alteration, tho drawer was liable.
The Chief JuMtico added that tbo Su
picmo Court doomed such n rule no
cessury to laeilitute tho circulation of
commercial paper, at tho same time
incrcaso the cure of drawers. This
rule is ooly to apply, however, where
an alteratiou is not apparent 03 the
face of tho paper.
Mn. (i'eoh'ue Mieuemt Is a wealthy
farmqr of Danville, Pennsylvania. Un
til June laNt he bad living with bim a
wife, aged 23, aud . a child, aged 4, to
whom he was fuudly attached. In the
month mentioned be was from home
for soverul days on business. On his
return bis wife and child were gone,
and inquiry showed that Mrs. M it rely
had been accompanied iu horllicht by
John M. lluiumel.nged U5, a wealthy
grocer of the town, and nil iutimate
liietid of Mr. Mierely. Six months
later Mr. Miorcly ascertained that Mrs.
Micrcly aud Mr. Hummel wero living
ing io New York as man aud wife.
Mr. Micrcly went to the city and
found tbe information correct. His
littlo girl was dead ; she had died, he
asserts, from neglect.
Mr. Mieroly sued lluinmol for the
abduction of bis wife and child on Fri
day laying damages at 920,000.
Hummol was lodged in Ludlow Street
Jail ia default of f 2,000 bail. Mr
Mieroly also intend to suo for a di
vorce. Dimorksi'b Monthly Mauazink
for April, presents its usuu) display ol
new spring fashions, and ft choice se
lection of literary nrtioles, some very
good and practical intormation on
home matters, and Jennie- Juoo's
splendid papers on the marriage quo
lion. Kneli successive ouniborol Dkm
orkst's Monthly bcoids to be unex
eeptionablo, Every departmout that
goes to make up a first-class parlor
magasKie Is eouipleto, and the premi
ums offered to each subser(Dor at $3
are coiieinly worth much more than
tbe yearly subscription. Published by
W. Jknnino Dimouest, 83S Broad
way, New York. . .
Git! James 'Pobtie died quite
suddenly at tbe Bolton He use ia llur
riaburg, on lust Thursday night. His
remains were taken to bis former res
idence at. Lewiitowa.! r , , , (
Tb Oenuaa stealers have resum
ed tbolr trips from New York lo tier
aoy, via tzi Prltith r' snaal, fi'om
ml M'mj hart fo . ir&ntis
I:: j v T;;r i ; .. .
A Tcrrlfflc flerrlcillieV
Despatches from St. l,ouis, of tbe
Rtb Inst say i -
A te rriffia bnfrlcsne jssed over s
portion of Knst St. Louis bctweon 2
and v 3 o'clock this afternoon The
wind first struck the elevator on lh
hank of the river and took pari of its
roof off, and , uassiog in a due north-
east di lection it totally demolished
the freight depot of tho St. Louis an4
Vandalin railroad, eOO root long by
tuu lect liigh, llie Irieght and ragmen-
ger depots of the North Kastrro Rail
road, two freight and passenger depots
and ticket oDicc. and the large round
hnn-e ol the Chicago and Alton Rail
road, the carbouso scale office, freight
office, and part or nlo ot the freight
depots of the Ohio and Mississippi
road, tho freight and passunrer depots
ot ihs lo'eda nnd Wabash rosd, aud n
number of dwelling bouses lo thn vi
cinity. A portion or tho ronfoftlic
Terre Haute Indinnpoli depot wa
Mown n(T, and nearly all the derricks
otii other appliances used in the cou-
struction of the liridge wore torn from
their places and blown into tbe river
Kverything in fuct within a spaoo ol
from 200 to iiim yards wido was av
tuslly torn to pieces.
A train of car, including a thirty
ton locomotive, was blown off the track
nni burlad shout forty tort into a ditch
Another train ot fourteen cars, laden
with grain, wus overturned aud smash
"4, and ono car was blown iuto the
A train coming on tho Terre Haute
rud, when at Brnoklln three miles
north oi Knst St. Louis, wore blown
from the track, and about forty ear
Stunting on a fid' truck on the Tole
do and Wabtob ntid Chicago and Al
ton road, about nino mi lis out, wore
Tho round house, of the Chicago
and Alton Mad, after bring blown
i'wn, cauuht lire from in engine in
side and wus burned. Thn engineer
of tho locomotivo was burnel to
Tho number of kil'oJ and wounded
cannot bo stated to-night, but seven
nro Uonwn to be killed, und between
thirty and forty severely wounded,
ii'iiio (liincrou.'ly, und u good many
more slightly injured. It is behoved
a number of persons' oro buried be
neath the ruins.
The si cue is frightful. Houses are
torn to fragments, others are unroofed
und still others are carried bodily from
their foundations. Scarcely a building
or tree or anything else within the
truck of tho storm ia stnmiiug. The
wreck and ruin is complete.
The Oswego, N. Y., Prkss gives
this little story : " l'mms, daughter
of Charles AlJrich.a respectable tnnn
er who lives near Texas, town of Mox
ico, Oswego county, eloped lnt even
ing with II. L. Myers, a young mer
chant of Texas. Sho was lo luve
been mtirried ut 7 o'clock last evening
to one Fillmore, a somewhat nged but
wealthy Californiun. Tho guests us
scmlilcd ntid tho parson attended, but
the bride to bo was not on band. It
was said sho left the house toward
evening, under tho pretetio of going
out where the men out were gatheriag
sap, winch was tlio last seen of her.
Myershad formerly psid bit addresei
to Miss A lil rich. The wedding-dresses
wero left behiud and uio withuut a
Small Pox. A great dlscoverv is
said to havo been rocontly mntlo by u
surgeon ol tlio l.tigliMi army in thinii,
in the way of an effect uu! euro lor the
small pox. Tho mode ol trvatmeiit
is as follows ; When the proceeding
fever is at its height, and jm-t ho
lme tho eruption apnars, . the chest
is rubbed with crotoo oil and tartaric
oiiituient. 'i'hii causes the whole of
tho eruption to appear ou that puit of
tho body, to the relief of tlio rest. Ii
also secures a full aud complete erup
tion, and thus prevents tlio disease
from attracting thu internal oruus
This s said to be now tho established
mode of treatment io tho Kugllsh nrmy
in Chiott by general orders, und is re
garded ns a perfect cure.
Weekly is published hv tho Amkiii.
can Tbaot Society at 150 Nasnnu St
N. l .. and at each of its suunelea. and
is for sale by the Amoiican News Com
Tkrvs : Single subscription one
year two dollars payublo in advance ;
in clubs of twouty subscribers nud over
one uoimr ami seventy-tire cents. Sin
glu copies live cents.
Orders for the papr and business
communications may be addressed to
LY ; ' and urticles for insertion to Rev
Lyman Abbott, Amerleun Tract So
ciety, 150 Nassau-street, Now York
War oh 1812 The set of Cougress
approved February 14, 1871. grants
a pno-ioo off 8,00 pet mouth to the
surviviog ollicers, and enlisted aud
drafted meu, incluliug Militia and
Voluutcers, of the Military nod Nnvul
Service of tho I'oited States, wbo serv
ed sixty days in tho war witb Gruat
Britain, in 1812; or to their widows.
" 1'ioviJcd, That surb widows shall
have been married prior to the treaty
ot peace which terminated said war.
to an officer, or enliatod or drafted
mao, who served na aforesaid in said
war, and shall no', have remarried. ''
The Humboldt County (Iowa) m
drpmdaU says t "We reported tlul
Mr. D. A Dodd's wife bud sevea
puirs of twins aod two odd children
during ti n years of nwri iad life. We
wero wronn. Mr. Podd, Justin our
ofOoe, informs us that there are eight
puirl of twine and- three odd onei,
oinetioO in all -ton girj, nud iiiue
boy in fourteen years, uud they are
UMvlnjr.V,. i ' '..",
' - ' , . '
A PniNTEB'n-'imp" in '..Detroit,
sandy buirtd aud freckled face I, wor
king for 15 per weuk astoul-hod bis
employers and tba compositors in tb
offloe by getting married the other
day. Tboir jibos, however, ' were out
short when they learned that be bad
inarritd n hairess, aid tbat his wilo
eould bby half a doxen etabllahmoot
like that in which her lord was servr
!g ad spprefttlceshi.
A recent mciiicat writer thus ae.
counts' for sick h-adnehe, from which
so many persons suffer.', He attrib
utes it to weak stomach and imper
fect digestion, and tht . tho; attacks
nro usually preceded by ft greater
than ordinary nppetito. 'Tbe Stomach
is naturally weak, and so long as it i
not crowded it works kindly, Fy and-
ty more tool is put tt 1 1 it or mor
irritating kinds (ban it can iligrst
It fcTmcnts, an acid state Is produced',
the aoid acts ns so irritant upon the
coats of the stomach, and its Irritation
is token to be a call for food, i satisfy
which, morn Istaken, all to nn purpose
the poor stomach revolts, but with
tho rest during tho headache, and tli
relief from vomiting, it recovers its
wootcd tone. If this be correct, the
romedy is n vcrv simple one," nbsti
nenro from food for a meal or two, or
a denial of tho unnatural cravings ol
the appetite, Would seem to bo all
that is required. Sufferer from this
disciso should test tho value of this
A War num. The danger of call-
ing upon (1 id in it blasphemous man.
ner was illustrated yesterday morning
in a enso peculiar In its character, In
which Uivino wrath Is plainly die
eernnlile. A man residing in this
city has long burn aupoeted by bis
wife ss guilty ofinfiddity to hi mar
riage voss, and couamllng witbotb
rr woman. Meanwhile sho was aeir
looted by him. and ciupellod to earn
a livolihood ty obtaining work away
from home. Information reached her
' . a .. .
oi i ne criminal intimacy, nmi no was
accused of it, when be protested bis
innoceaco in most emphatic lanuusue
calling upon Ood to parabse it hi
was guilty. Scarcely hilf an hour'
had e'npsed when he was deprived ol
tho faculty of speech, uu I bus not
smco beeil libit in urticuluto a wad
This viit:iti n of (Sod bus a peculiar
signilb-ooee, and slioui l privo a war
ning. Jlai-ritbiiry ifhitr Joitrna I.
Indiana Pivorck Law. Tlio Leg
islature of lo'liauu bus finally amend,
rd the divorculaws of the State, so
that under the law, as amended,
where in caue of divorce Ins arisen
in another Statu, petitioner mu.t
prove lionajlie le-d'lcnco of three
years instead ol'ono in the Statu and
oouuty in which the application is til.
od. No divnrro will haroaftcr be
L'l'auti d unless tho act or nets com
plained of wero good cause of divorce
in the State io whinh they wero com
mitted. The Ciiiisi-a of divorc-o must
1)0 distinctly stated, and nothing is
lot to the duel ol inn of the Judges a
heretofore. Henceforth parties who
desire to be loosed froui matrimonial
bunds must look tj somo other Slat"
tbno Indiana.
A party serenading a' newly mar.
risd couple at tlio bouse ' of Mordvcni
Kelley, at Monroe, Wis, Monday
evening, wure iirrd into by lvclh-y,
undnyo'ng man-named Petlin. a
t r.'hr of tho brido was initamly ki I
ed and twootbnrs seriously wounded.
Kolley surrendered himself the next
morning, aud claims not to have known
tho gun was loaded
Samikl Miller, a lumber mer
chant of Kddy, Sullivan county, N. Y.
was uinriied the other evening to
Miss Pnrmenter, and after tho wed
ding feast went with the guc-its t i es
cort his bride and her unolo to the
depot, and to send them off" en tin
seddin tr ', as he was auxious a'ie
should have n woddio trip bomclio.T
or other.
A SwiiNnriei.ii lady left her litt'e
boy at li'-me to amuse himsolf with
mutches, and when she returned In-tih-t
her at the strct crying. Ho on
ly just made a little fire in the Luieau
diaxvnr, nn i a lit of red shirtcd men
c uio with a big tea ko't'o und sijuir
tod water nil over the homo. They
saved the teller door.
A man living in Columbia, Pu..
and owing tho house he live in. lute,
ly refused to bury hit father, wh.i
died suddenly, but turned tho body
over to tho Coroner to bo buried as a
putipur, siuniog bis namo lo a paper
winch rend as follows :' I horeby
refute to tako charge of ho corpse
of my latbor or piy for bis burial."
A Lady teacher In tlio Janes? illo.
Wis, punlio schools has laid aiide hor
ferule and adopted the method ol
kissing her pupils iuto obedience. Tho
larger boys, it is said, aro particularly
uuruly, and retpiiro doily correction
SNYDER C().Al'PEL8lor 1871
Tha t'oininlMlonnriof Kntderoounty heraby
glfatiulitlo Dutlca to alt eoni-arnad. that lhay
will bold tha Appaita on tlia '1 rl-ituulal Aihii
uiauti lor UU, luUa, to wm
nisTatt'Ta. VLACKa o Arratn. tims.
Heare, ' Mono! Nnaeht, Haarartnwn, April 10
W. Umrar P. Yroapa, Uaaitrava Hall , " II
C'anlio Patar llartman, 'anirerllla, " li
.tai'knia J. . Iieer, Krotunrllla ' 13
Mlildlai-r'kL.ahi AmlK, rimltliamva . " 14
HUillcb'a t'uiu'rt Olll a, Mlil.iiaiiarg " Js
Parry Enoch SiuItU, 1'rauiuut " IT
WattParryJuhn KUhar naar KiaUnaM " Is
t hapniaa rardlimi l Z.iim.lo aald tw'p 1
t.'nluu . lan Pr l rarl'n Vu
WuiU'Uiu. U. r . Muyer, lu t reoburg SI
K ran kiln i'oioTa uiUun, In Nldillaiiurg , 2J
Pannt . KaraU A. Millar, Salaoi ' r St
Selin(rorarUory , BuIIk, lo allnfroT
Munroa , Vara It ICaaoa, baantokUi aa i" SS
At which times and plaoat thoaa who nay faal
thaniMlvat aiiarlavad by thaJr raluatluna ma?
attand ir thsy think urwr. Ajipaala will ba
itxiD aaeh dan ffuia a o'ulouk A. M., o S o'oloitk
P. M. Hoaoly tax at lha rata ef t allla or ona
half ar cant. OB aaoh and avary dollar or laa
ralualloa. JOUN J. LAITKHN,
IMA AO A. 1.1 1 NO AO BE,
Oommliilootrt' UrBoa, jUlddltburif, Alar, lo, MT1
Sheriff's Sale. 1
By virtus ota writ of Vend Ki.,' itautd
out of lha Court of Common PU-aa of Vny.
dr t'o. lo aia directed, will ba aiposcd la
1'ublio Kala, at tb Court llouaa la Middlo.
burg, on MONDAY. APRIL 10, 1871 a
10 o'e ook, A. M., lha following valuable
HKAL tB'fVTK ae lo llowa to wit iAlH
ibat certain Traol of Land ailuaia iu Chap.
uiou townsBip, onTUcr eouniy, ra., boun
ded east by Und of John Moll, aouta by
land of ibaOoroaaD Reformed and Luthe
ran oougregaiione of Urubb's Cbureli, wai
by land of William liulgea and olhara, an j
Dorlb by land of Uaary Arnold, eoataiolug
lOJ ACItEH,, ,
aiora rr leta, wuaraon are ortotta a Two
Story. Weetbar-lioardvd Dwalliaf dlousa,
Qood ilarn. and other naoaaaary and eoav
taaUal out buildiagt,
'i'skaa. a esteuUoa and ta ba spMes lbs
property of llaulouua I'uiUipa. "
JOIIal 8. WOLF. , Sheriff.
Slieiirs Offloe, MVldUbug, Wsrcb 11 'II.
'I -...
Ettats ot J AOOB BEICBF.ND ACH, de'6.
a the sststS f Jo1 1tltiMibaita 1st of
Washlnrtnn ipf' t, hlna Wn rantnl to
tM vnderstirft.t, rsnaii knnfflffjr thmfvlrf
ImlnMe tQ thS Mnt ar rwnMlcik. t msk.
psymOTit. ar.S thiwa hsrlnc clslas stmlnit tha
am U1 nrm'M thvw in
Fiwmoet, fabruary la, 1(71.
J Ilia V. ft ot Msry llrlmlnliou. lata
of-Cenlre townsblp, UcceassJ, harinft been
- r.nlf.l lo the nnJersigned. nil persons in
dfhtfd lo the e'tnta sra mqnsslai) lo make
Payment, and lhoa liS'lnf claims ,galnsl
the Itime, wil present them In
FEI.IX I'HEJIINnnOlH'.r' , .
Mirch 81, 1871. . , . . Admlnlstrnlor.
GTUAY IIORSE. Cnme to tb"
0iramls of lh mliafrllur, In rlra town
shli, "nyuf I'nnntT. I' , on thaSlh last..
rommnn MtM IIAHK UKdWIS MANK, aliout
T )nr nl. I. li whll lilnil leg. 1 ta nwnar
la re'qafii to coin lora-arn, pnira iiropariy,
iy ennra ana taaa ner awa j or nif sin w
If poMil ol aocoriltnic to law.
Centra tnnilili, Feb, 1, s;l.
Kttnte of A. 0. H ASSlSUKIt, dee d.
Jj the estate of A. U. Ilsssinircr, Init of
felinicroTe ltorough, ducraseil, hsrinf;
been arnntcd to the undersiirnsd, nil par
sons indibted lo the eslnle are rnusled lo
mnke psymenl, and llinio having eluinu
against Ibe same, will prtnt them lo
Jan. "1, 1S7I. Administralor.
ltat of MAHY ). BECKER, Decaascd,
fslnie of Mary C. Ileckcr dca'd., late
of fflinrrrors Borouili, Pnvder Uonnlr
l'n..liainii bi-en granlud In the undersigned
II prrsona ImUliled lo lha snld esiaia art
reqiissteil in nmk rarmrnt, anJ llio.n nnv
ing ilsmnnds agnitiat lbs eauia lo present
llirro without ilt-my to
(.iKorttiK aOUSUUE, Executors.
January a, 1871.
KfUteof Klizasstii ltKii nasnArn, dee'd.
I iiwtato ul hlllitlelh Krli UMitiaoli, lute H Wn"h
li'liti.n tp , iliH-rH-ed, linrlnic l-n arnnli d 1 1 tlia
iiuili-rltfiiOi, all iriiiina knuwina- tt-aniMlvax
Iniletita-I tu tda amata are ri"imtl to inska
payiuent. and tloe luiliia cUiuit anulnil the
iua, will prcsont thiin to
vr ii, ii nn iiiiir,
Parry tuwmhlp, January 30, ts'l.
The sulifrrilicr ofTcra at pvirnte sale tils
VAI.V Altl.K FA KM, Ituats In Mnnroc
towmliip. Snydor Counlr. 1'n. ailjolnlnir
sii. N of Ahralimn Fisher, Sllehcnl Hutniiiel
ii 1 otli.'i-s. conta iiiinc nlinot
175 ACKI2S,
more or lets, ninoly-flTf acres of which arc
cleared nnd in a Mph ntnle of coliWntion :
the t)iil nee is eon-red with the liel of lini-
lirr. The imi rorenienls co-itisl of a sood
Dwell hits Iloiise,
a LAIifiT: KAXK 1IAU.V and all nrees-nry
oiiitiihlilings, good water cuuveniciil I'ui'nil
purposes, a large
containing choice pruned fruit, Ao. be
farm I- under pood fence, naturally fertile
and highly productive ; is in a healthy
ouulry, nboul ihree unlet from Helina
grove nud two mile from bhamok'n Dam.
on ibe west bank of ibe Suso,iichnntui rirer
is i-nnvenii nt lo Markets, KitilruaJt, Ca
niils, (burchea and Schools,
Will Lt snld on eii.y terms, and Possession
given liiiiiiriUioly if dexirrd. Fur further
pnrticulurs injiiiire of the subscriber ou the
dipt, .inns iieiis.
Monroe twp., Juno 8, 1370.
srrri'a.ifiR to
A full nssnrtntenl of Confectionery,
l'rtiils. Fire Works. Svrurs.
7-1 ly Ao. nlwnya on hand.
titters 1 is pmrcMlonal services to tha epliena of
Se' rovo jml vicinity. J une XL ISTO tf
JAron Lntta.
HiMua Dnsircss.
hltt Turc Whiskeys
AMI A I.I. (iTlirU
Ao. 134 flllll sit ee l,
Aug, 4. 7Ulf.J . , DAJi Villi?, TA.
Alivaya up lo lliuo!
Tba liiiderslirned respect fullv annontirea
lo the cltiicus of Middlcbtirg and vlciuity,
iu.,1 na i-m ooininiio to, uinuuiiioiure ,
MK.t'8 8TOOA.
; Womeu and Chilrro'e 6IIOK8,
And In short cverytliinn in hla line, in the
latest style and at low nrioea. Work made.
lo order al Iho shoricst notice, (jive bim a
cell before going else here.
IliltA.M euiWJiNK. .
Ity Damirl at Aara, D. I author ef the popu
lar I'NIa-ht tteenos.'l This uantar la ttmuiiiit
and laniiauae shows ul untold riches and baeu-
ilea in the meat ituuaa, wita Its Hloomlna flow
er., miikIiix blrda, Waviwa pulnia, Kulllna
elouda, lloautllul bow, riaured uiountalna, lie-
IlKbilul river., Miuaty oeaant, l'liuiidailnir vol-
cue lll.ilnir beavan. and vaat uulverrw with
eoeotleM balnsa to uilllloaeM war UK, Mil reails
to u. IB eaou Ina tinwrlliaa w ord. Hiimi tlutod
uaiKir, ornate anarevluaa and superb binding
"Kleh and varied In thought." . haste '-Ey
and araeerul Iu style." "t'vrreet, pura elevailnn
In IU Uod.noy Ueautllul and om1." '-a
aoniautnu imaiui. " i,i!
aijwvw liwui tJolleKe Pre.
enlaieeera ol ell ueeomlna
ai4 aaeular.iireas all ovat
near, purity Id lnnuara,
line steel entire v inns, u
koaiabtdd trca.ure " t.'ommendationa Ilka tlm
aliavw liom Uollea-e Praaldouta wad Pruleeaurt.
laieaara oi an ueaominaiioiiai eiwl.las vallalous
ii over i ne eouatry
le, who clear niion IJ-fie,
auLatantlal Llnillinr. u.d
low price make It I he book for Ilia uieaaee. Ageuls
re Million from Kiu 100 per week.
yownKwieo akd ladlaa lo lutrmlwe the work fur
ntwmi .lerKymen, pnnooi leaeeers einaiT
ns In every lownahlp.and wa will pay libera!!..
No Intelllirent man orVeaaan ueed be withuui a
aylnu bu.lneva. .
Heod lor elruulari full deeerlptooa a ad teroia.
Ad'lren ;
ZitXrLXR A AttCHItliy, K ft. 0th St, Phlla.
l .' IWKeeeKt.Oln. O.
K, ' m Hunroe r!t. DM.
. .. -,-f.. . iu$ .N. eth Ht. Louis . ar lea Mala as Hurlntt.UI. Kims.
- .S
'. 811 A 814 Varkrt Street, '
...... (Aouae A.yAlA,) ,
raoMtistaat, - O-f'ti
term tJOI.r rr.-
- -ryTw: n- .to i
arxiNsaRovE, hirtDES 6o pa.
ftavlnff mirfihasml lha r1t tnnttl aland
iri Mini rota, formerly ownad br Vhilip
Meeker, t am prpired lo aeeomnioilsie nil
bo may dsslve snjihlng In my Jine, and
warrant satlsfnetioa la-sll efs. I krrp
eonitaDily-on band, and am prpparol to
manufaoiura al lh shortest nolior, -
Heine eiperienead in tba busiuesa, I Bai
ler myself that I are folly prepared lo inert
ilia wanta of mj eoslomsra. Tha haadt
employed are amonf ihs beat mechanics in
tba oounly, and will .not fall lo
give univerinl aaiiifncttnn. , .
arV-Snocial attention paid to repsirlbt
in ail Its branches. -bat
fhoii on Market st-trt, a few doors tooth
or lb Ucrninn lirrnrnicil rhareh. -
8ctlnsgroT, April 7, '70-lf
.HotrellA Co.' i A'lvertitemti't:
The esteeatve ea !of then watehaa Ibr tha
last art eon years by Hallway Condoetors, Enal
peers and Eiprartnan, the most etaetlng of
watehmaken.bat thofonahty demonstrated the
itrength, steadlneas, durability and aoeuraey
of the Waltham Watob, To satisfy that elats
Iu otl thae resie!tt, is to decide tha qnettlon at i
to the real value of thete time keepers. I
Wore thsa ol these watches are Bow
sneaking for themnatvea In the pockets of tbe
people a proof and a guarantee of their superi
ority over all otheit.
The superior orarnnliatlon and great extent of
tbe Company's Works at Walthaia, euablei
them to produce watches at a price which ro
dare eomietuion futile, and thoe who buy aoy
other watches merely piy from U to 60 par eent.
more for their watchep then Is neoeassry.
'l'h-e time ple-ei cotnhlne every Improve
ment thtt a lung ex)ierleneebas pro veil of rent
prnntlcitt ue. Having had the refu-al of near
ly every Invention In watch making art dnat In
In this country or In Europe, only those were
Itnitlly adopiet which nerere tetlnv by the
mint rlritrull nrtliant In our Wurki, and l"0
una on the part of the puldlc, demontrated to
be eientlal to correct and enduring lima keep
Ina. Among the many linprortmouti we would
particularise :
The Invention nnd neof a centre pinion f
pii-minr cinFiriii-ii-in, lo preveiii nniimtte io too
Troln Ly tlie tireiik iKe of mln riprliuc, It orltf
In ii I wlih the Amerlcnn Watch t'oiup,iiiy, who,
hnvltiu hiil the reliial of ef all other coiitrlvnn
ce, a li iitoil row's patent plntou aebeliigtha
Uet and I mlllc-j.
Hutdi-ned and tempered hlr sprtn-s, now n
nlrerrnlly aitmllted by Watch niiikem to be the
bent, nre umiI In nil icrailen of Waltham watchcn
All Waltham Watches havedunt proocap,
rirotectlna the movement from dust, and lesen
n the necety of the irequont elonnlna nec
essary In other watches.
I Mir new potent mem-wlnder, or keyless watch
If niremiy a iieclilmi pncce", and a uroaf litl
proveinent on any stem-wlndlnir wntob In the
Ainericnn market, ami I'V far the-elieanrn
watch of Ite quality now ottered to the puldle.
To tliona living In portlona of id the t'nllod
Statca where wntchmakcre do nut almund,
wutehos with the nbova mentloneil Imurove-
uionta which tend to ensure accuracy, eleanll.
ne, ouraoiuiy auu convenience, until prove
1 he trademarks ol the varlona itvlaa made bv
the Company ura ai follow! t
AMsnicis Watch Co.. Waltham, Mast.
Ana. Watch 1!o. V allium, Mais.
Am nicAM Wati H t'n . I'rMcanl Kt.. Watt.
ham Alais.
w ai.tium Witch t'o., Wsltham, Mats.
Art't.s-ruN. Thcv A I'd,, Wal'hain IU ais.
AHKim-AM Watch Co.. Adami tt Wait.
hniu Mara.
P. . IIabtlktt. Waltham Mast. -f
Vs. Ei l.anv, Waltham, Mate. . .
Houm Watch Do.. Iloaton Mass.
Examine tha snelllna oft hone names carefullv
before buylmc. any varlatlua even of a single
iciter, iiiiiicates a countrrieit.
Fur sale br all laaillnu lawellert. Na watehet
retailed by the Company.
An lilutirateil Hlatory or witch making, ton
UIiiIiik much urelul Intormation to watch
wvureia seut tu any eildreat on application.
General Avents for Anierloam Wutch Co.,
TheoMc-t and liest conducted Mercantile Col-
U-lte Iu the l onnlry. Kor elreulara.rrlte to
r.ia i l k -ON.i, Hlttburah Pa.,
f llAlil-Klia' Kiiition or llt'KK'S HOOIT.
Ki:i.PINl. 4'sipp. The mist oomnrebenilve
work pni.iivhed. oontoins Mational bank, Kail
Hoed llookkoeplpg Ae.
ucii: .tosh'n ;
A Portfolio of flrnt-t?Uif Wit and Humor.
oontnlninir th RtobMl Ooai.Oril Ntor1e, (.'rue.
Sell. i-lilo-Knlittlnv .lokoi. Huiriemuii Pootry,
iuaiiat H.intii. liurlfiaque Sermooa, New Co-
ituniiniinii nn niina frovuKinir npwo8 w9t
niiLUahifti Interinerrttvl with oHrlnai PuzsIm.
Ainunintr rnl Trioka, Koriti or I'urlor Mule
und noftrly 'iuO Fnnnv fcnn ravIriK. lUuatraUd
(over. krim l&oln. t0ut by mail, pustaiK
fan i i, iiiitny imri unnv ina i nntvi niaioi, ud
rervliil of lrlc ; lUUlv 9l I IIZQLHALD,
j uuiisuer, a Ann m., . I.
tlclan i ao p. see tsent by mall free. TeAch-
et A"W to cure alldiMiisca of the person akin,
lour, eyes, ooiupwxiuu. n rue to tit uromiway,
fiew i ura. - .
' 19th Veer. . 0 Acree. ' tS (treenhossee.
eeat Aaaortmant all sites. Ileal Htm-k I Low
priced Would yoa know whnt, When, How to
Plant I Frntt 8haila., Cverirreen Trees, Root
tlratt., peoililnxa. uaaae r.tantr Apple eeeu
:erly Fore potatoes, Mirab UreeuhouM
i im.i mku. I t'lheit. Heat i 'ollorllon Sorts
ami aaruen niani.. e. ate. r Liiwaw aau v kii-
nd ipialtty 'Send lOuenra rVir New, Illuatrated
I emriptive I'ataioaua wi nufree. renj stamp
each, tor CaUloanea el eed. with plain d'rrc
tloiis W paues t lieddliu and Burden plants
3i pnirrs, aud W'hole.a le Price M pages
Adureas r. tv. ruutsiA muetainaion, in.
A Great Offer. !JORBArc.A'dww.,:
will dlipo.e ol One llurdrw l'lano. Mrloileons,
and Orxatii ol sis Hrat.claa. maker., tnoludlna
v atera', at ettreiueiy low price-, lor oaan
rlna- this uionth. or will take part eaah
ance In monthly or quarterly Instellmeatt.
i We will Insert aa advertlsemeat
o iv 13 li o iv .rr n
la eae hundred and P fly Are First claat
Peuiiajlvunln Ncwapnpcrt, ,
Inehidlna Eleven Palllea.
V'a refer to the bubllaher of this caper. U
whom out reiponilblllty U well ksowa. i r i
. LlNt'Hent Free, ;
' Addreta QUO. r. BOWIiLL h CO.,,i
'i ADVaBTiaiao Aoaara, i
Noa 40 Si 41 Park Bow. Naw York.
5 TO $10 PER DAY.
In ihelrown lulltlea . I'hU &rtlouUra und tv
truoilun knot trmm hv mull. Thnu In ntwaul nf
jMrnuMneni, if-ontui'io woric, anould tvldrvfaai
abs, Uoliii,
ha .AA mm ...i.. A a..a.,laa A.aa ll......k.
t;oneumption, " etolblua better." CVTtaa
iiv "tea risauiivi vaeai evt w aisa tvjafiaaaaaai. j ai
KBoa. a vie., iiotroa. -
a&Aal RALART PFH WKKK. and Sanaa
9aAlF i.i, paid A neat., to fell oar new and
uaelul dlncoverle. . Aedrese II. Still AC.,
juwreiiaii, anew, . . .. , v.
A VOJU Cl'ACKS.A Utiui el
A-, early Imllseretloa, esuilna nervous de
bility, prematura Awoay, fce.,.havlua tried la
rain every edvartlaad reinely, hat aliuple
uieauawrselfuare. whlcAlie will send free to kia
Mlow SBlterars. Addreaa S, U. TVH'tCtl, H
nuwiai)rva saw jure.-.
, t " f a or I, ' 'i i Gents. Heaiiree
i-j-ivwjik tTj-.r-crC
- !","sjsajMr a .
Caa ha aaila In a nutot way bf m, iu, I
OtSuDWIW. aV iTinhapM flaaa, HaV Jis.
TO THE tVORKlSTUI!I.AH- nr.' r r.
priartit to furnlih all alapaat witti
mploTmrntat h.ima, tha h l of in. iV!
for Ina nrara ranmanta. Hnalnaian.. u '."'
prontabla. I'rrwat of aithar aat aai "
mm Ho. to SS Pr avaalnc. and a n
snm by dt7otlna tbalr wknla tlma to thadz
Hoy and arlrla aara oaarly as Bsaiik 7,
Tint all who mi Ibis nntk tmay irnil iL! I
dr.... .nd Ust lha huslntM. wa maka laa vlllf
wa will trad tl t. ay far tha tmuhla of a,i7"
Kor Mrtlavlara. a ralnaM namnla ki.l 'J
to corannnoa work an, and a eoay rtTwi?
pla's l.liorary :ompanlon ona of tha hi
and bant-fainily naw.pip.rt arar'
nant proStabla w'ark, a.ldraat . i a ri
" ' Daurhj A Co'$: Advcrlwmenit
TOHY OF IT Al.V." rlllnrtralo.1 t'h. ..."t-
O. Abbott. A unUndld tuajf t aa.l rp,ii"
Han " uVL"UrFmZ
wilt ehanae Ally oolorad kalror beard tou.
manant black or brown. It OonUlm ai,!ll
Una eomh aatit hm mall tn Al T... i... l
at railnrail ratea. Antiraee Wm. Pattoa it
HiirlnirflAl M. . "' "
is a t-lrb
: i ni.AClt TK4
with tha ilreen Tea Fa.l
warranted so enlt all ua
Vor sale everywhere, jj
for sale wholaafe only Vii
Ohsat ATi.Anrrr A ttrZ
to 1st Co., tchorchst J
llox SMS. Betid for Then-ltrJ
85 TO 820 A DAY!
lo rntj want nltnatlnn MlmaB
ftnr hom, to iwll oarnftt 7 fttMnl Wmrt n
(UiUTHlN lalM Kg) TO LATT rOH VBR., kA
misi imp ciisaoro. nninin iro. AdtJru hi 1
nn liiror Wlr Mltli.lft W'm.S... N. r.otJ
it lady who had suffered for years frota liai
net', I atarrh and Iscrolula, was curM k
simple remedy Her sympathy and irritant
riruinpts her to send therecalpia free of ebi-l
o any one similarly erHleted. Addran
m.j, A.KUU1TT, jersey city, n. J.
en are noiinen, mat a better and ctiem'a
than was ever known will be tnpplinf. tj
Jar evrelli In every quality and ren,ulraf
ma win nuincii ana can unoeraeii anr
uinera. ii win sen luien. jmiiortant fl
iir, n,r .on. iiiiw rviw ii ,.n iree. AilM
(UAS. (J.IMLAVkSUtXQ, m Dock Ml
I AallailVI)Ulal
' 1 iOCklc -(VpTOllt H x
The moat naefut, ornamental, senalMs i-l
popular ol tutiaerlptlon books, lt"PhT-J
Tralnlne ol t'hildren." iuat out. It h. J
did r-teel platij, le richly bound, and eiJ
l-alheraiid Mother who sees It wanta It. Itul
no oppoiltion and delivers eleRanlly. Thi,-4
nuent out clenrail al.Ao In ttv hnuni
darn book like this one. rtplendld
enlars aert free. (JanvaMlna- Hooka onlr J
New World Pub. Co., S. W. cor. JU aaii Mj
. cn.t r uiiwueipuia.
IIOSTON. M ASS ., or St. I.Ol j
Agents, Male & Femalj
For I faal aellina; populnr suli-rip'
Hooka. i Krlt'a indufmuHla Ansnlm
formation froe. Address Amsriouu Cl
Co., I2 William fltrecl N. Y.
810 ELade From 50 Ctd
flomcthlnff urirentlv neeileil h nvnfV.A
Call nnd see; or l satnplea sent fpoinj
naiuj lor nu ets. inntretHil easily for 5
n. u. itoicott. I tJli ilhnm Hqunre, N
1"VTJANTKI)Af!P'VT!4 f-n
Vww - - - - ----- a . a. v
V rift r a avail I Iriaa aastlakt.atnAa.1 1 1 rtM f a. II'
Hnn ,, lin.. P.lll-ll' II, HI.. UU
Ides,) and le folly licensed. The beat and (Ut
mwia. manuiD. in me iuara.1. I
dre.s Jesnoa. Clauk, A Co., Iloium, SI-
Plttsbura, Pa., Chloaao, 111., or Fit. I.ouli, 1
' " v 13 V-iVXVH
Ci lit 1 Joolc KutorpHaf
Wa continue to feud a valuable gift
tvery book bought of ua. -ThouesuJi l
testify lo our . promptness and faimf
(live ua a trial. Write tor a eaialo;i
Haul rrce. Addreta u, M. Evans 1
721 Market Street, l'hiladolpbia Pa.
for Oroetheck'a Calculating machine, nl
aurur.m, raiinuitf, einipie, opina
cheap and beaullful. cllvlna- Imtantaneuvl
d It Ions or tubtreotions, taklna froia one 14
coiuinna oi nauraa ai urea, earryiry ami
rowlua its own tens, hundreds, etc., without I
leaat tnouuhton tbe p irtor the operater 1
draas, KliTuLKR AMecUliUy, PailadcM
baadsonie pi
4 reel ut of our J
. aUWCL Illustrated fi
A rTtKrmr ily Biblecon-
attUflll 'A S3 ing over 2001
Sonpiure illiMirationa lo any Book .Vl
free of cl.aree. Address Natiosai ii
LisHiso Co. Philadelphia, Ta.
VAjeittH wanted fori
lartceit, best Belling, and most aiUtfJ
auhaoriDliea book ever tmblitbed. 'I
agent io Denver, Colorado, fold JOUttH
In four data. Una aaent In Milwaukiea
30 eopira in dsy, and a ' Urge
from WD lo 80 .avnpiea per day. 8rnd for 4
otitara with terms at once. Address 1 1
rUULISIUNO C0..4U Broome 81..I I
. Eeduction1 of Prices
' se-Eaai fhv am. Stw IAvIma V. la and a ff
form wUI acoouipaur it, containing full'
none maaiua large saving io oyu.uiu
reuuoerative to elub orejanl.ere. ... .
77 (7rcu AmcricM' JWi Comp"
w . II A U VtSEY STREt1;
. , , Prepared by 1R. XiZilS, I
This mett Importank dtteovery of the
thl. wouderful VlaulluHaudt'leanalna
ell diseases nrwtakuaes of the RM,I',1".
faua, bore I hroal, huildeo i,oiii, ii;"""
laturrh, Asthma, Ilrynesa of the'll"4
Windpipe, of the L.uns andlo'Sn
llatlon ul tha uiuouuus uieiabrane. J
All vooallstsauil publls speakers "a"!
all. 1 1. H wiiu.i., ' i " i V, wiwm Mi.. j
Scot la eleanlne tbe vulva la aioiply i
as onu be shown by numerous eartiUcstt'
tot dlreoily en the asacuoat BiembrsnSj
lliould be promptly tud freely takea W -
potureor violent ehanae of weather,
eiiuallie the Clruulatlou of the UiOfd
ward oil all temleuoy to colds fad
TUeVprtloir. would say, all arst si"'
lolnet have Uivlr Imitations, aad tkoye
CA0TWH the publlo aalnt Impos
hy bayiag other me4icfiR'lUrMs
Ikeia la' plaea of ibe aa d "L-abla
J.a. ri r,o1as ""t s- ..v .-
Vim. P. O.