The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 16, 1871, Image 2
wavorttaaiiiar llatoJj 'f s, , , Oaolusaen ytar . - tM.QO: . i ' " Ws- Uoe-kair eolnmn, on year, ' 80.00. Onl-fourth eolnmn, 6a year. 15(H). On eqoer (10 llaee) oil IsMtniel Every Sddlllnrjal Imertioa Professional and Bualisest earde af . Tanae of ftubsorltotioii. 78. .' M. 6.00.' Vr POLLAM PKn ASKCM, PyM vltkift tit menine, or z,mi 11 oi pia tiikiatk ye. K paper discontinued aatil all rrearege v p ate) aalaaa at not more than five lines, per year. Auditor. Eiecrttor. AdmiaittratOr and Atalgae Notices ; Editorial notice per lint' jpje Wp..ww jyiiii" ttariptiona Outside til i d county All dvrtlments rar a (korlar nsrfon than on ar ar Osvabl t id Una PrWABM IN AUVANCB. Parte tM UOlag aa4 being paper that r ordered, sail If Hot raid th her eon ordering them Will bt held rvwpoaaibl for Ih mootf. -.,, 1 Mrff4 U alMra Ml uoacrioer, CT ir (labia for U price of tht piptr VOL. 9. MDDLEBURG SNYDER CO. PA., -MARCH 16; 1871., NO. 1. ... V?.- . : . ,"-a. p. CR05MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - Mfddlebnr. V.. tm hd prafaatloBat eetrviee la tha pnb L ColUttion aad all oibet professional Llirti airuitti te bit cara will Mt'lti C. SIMPSON, . . AITOaUIKT AT LAW, 1 rklinstrrove r.. ,n ki profelnl service to lha pub- . kmlviia MfMir4 I jk LB 11 be promptly ettbnsled la. f lian. i., 0111 5 vr. KJfianT, ATTOBNET AT LAW, rrscbarg l a., fat kit Profaaatwal rvio ta lha pab (. All noelne aalrurtrd te bis cara i bt promptly atf ad4 to. r JB 17, 7tl Wnr.VAN OEZER. II irrnovi ieijr .11 Aliviumi i nnn, I Lewieburg Ta., Van kit prefaaaloiial ttrvle la pub jt, Collection and all aibar Pi eselou. j Mine entrusted to bit ear 111 ra- ;ti pnunpa aiieniion. hEO. F. MILLF-n, U ATTORNEY AT LAW. Li'wixliurir l'B,. Eftrt bit rrofaialonal atrvlce lo the pub louecuona anu an omcr proiceaioii- tnaineti entrusted to bia tara will ra- Lit prompt attention. Jan. S, 'U7if. I ILLIX, A. II. DILL, jj, iiimimi ta J. F. k J. M. Lino,) A7TOKNbYS AT LAW, Lewitburg, Ta. yin (beir profeaiional ervioe to tba l-Uie. Colleetlooa and all otber pro- '-ionI bualneae enlruited to ihrir ear UrteiTprompt attention. I Jan. 8,'67lf hUABLES IIOWEK. U ATTORNEY AT LAW. Soliiipgrove Ta.. Mrt kit professional service loth pub ii Collection and all otbrr profession k:iistM antraitcd lo bit car will r iv prompt atttntion. Oflict two door bAJlUEL ALLEMAN, J ATTORN tl AT LAW, Selinsffrove ra tfrra kit Trofewlonal tarvicea to thr Mil. All butlnraa antmMtd lo hip lira will ba promptly attended to. Col- MtiMl made In all perta or Ilia Hlal liean tpaak tba Kngl.'tb and German unt ttneDtlr. Utfioa between Uall'r Ind the lol offioa. N. MYERS. M 1TT0HRY k CDCRKK1 Bt IT LiV .MitldWburg Bnyder County Fcun'a I Set ft few door Wed of Ike P. O. on '!iin tlreet. Conmliation ta Entltili ir.d Crrmao rpiitt. Ftp. b7H r C. BUCI1ER, 't ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lowisburg Pa., Iin Li crofftticnalteitictno tba pub. .-. All butlnett enirntted to Lit ear iU be promptly attended lo. . IJan. 8. 'C7l VlUOVEB BAKKR P SEWLNO MACHINE Fenom In need of a goad and (durable itlni Maebina een ba aoeommodtted at mtoaabl price by calling et an bam- l Facit, Agent, BalintgroT. .4 ) f Jan. 24. '68 ttyt. J. Y. SULNDEL, J BURGEON AND PRY8TCIAN. Middlcburp; V., Ifirt bit profettlonal tartlet lo lb clt- :m or M.adieuurg ton vioiatiy. . uaren zi, ui F. VAN BUSKIRK, ICBQICAL MECHANICAL DENTIST SelinsgroY Penn JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JTJBTICE OF TDE PEACE, Peon Twp., Sojder Co. Pa JTo. WAGNER, Esq., Jt TICEOFTIIK PEACE. ft Jtekaoa To .skip, Snyder Co. Pa., TiUatttBd to all buiinett atruitd lo ear and on tbo moat reatonablr Jn. ' . March 12. '08if rBJ- F KANAWEL, r PHYSICIAN AND8TJR0EON, to am j mwe ai kia sroftttloaal Mrvlet lo lb bUo. 0-88lf VT. 8CHWAN, M. D., ' ' BUEGEON a PHYSICIAN. ' ' Port Trerorton Pa, tot kit ' profaatlonal tcrrlee lo Ike iiwnt of lata piaea and tIoIbjit. lit .Jtut utrman ana engntn. , I April is, 'os 1 A.BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER. " Fiaebuvi EnvdarCo. Pa.. Vm( ratwaatfulli affera atmiot lo L. k.1.1 i- r J r i k 1 1 K Uavtaa bad a, lam aiaarieaee. 1 L.I. ... .it . wtaaadasi uati a an reaoer peritei uiacuon M mj pioyaea. ' . i vr tp-. i Jan. , X7i T. PARKS, r ATTORNEY AT LAW ft PlOTKlvT ATTORni, 1DDLEBTR0, 6NYDEU COUNTY. Ta Wm In Caurt Uanaa, epU6, 'fi7tf LEWIS BREMER'S SOUS 'AT k -i -iwr T-ii-Tlrvi TrlTT1 No. 322. N. TH 1RDS .U PQIUPELPHU. fERCHANT BOC8E. ' , i 1 ' U. MANDERBAOII Pior'a. J. C. NIPE. Clark Mil k Hi KHh Third SirMt. ILER KLOKA '4. . I WB0LE8ALE BOOK lELLZSS . '-oorra, tlank book llaaalaatura rraUa in Wrapping Daallna;, Cur ' i Wall p apart Pafor Uc i Ca lf"etw . , i THHat-4 UlTr tECKIPTS k KXPENDriTREjl XV ef fwf At Coatity, tor the year 1170, enta Hmelna on the lit il.y of January aad eaiHae; an the lltt day of Oarambar, bolk dayt laolatlra. nmmh 3 CD ill "nil mm M an S aV ES 8tttl8S4r? is iES5sns.a:i? S 8ae8888888S8W,i ICtSI8SS8SS33ag a e is so sssssae t.t.a-i SS-fSiftpp. Is -75 )B 9 S ta aa ? si J55 ft ft 3 EsssssastSssESii, E 8SS8K888SaS8 g SSSS8X88888c3XSi. g a388tBSa5tS58cj H h3 !??. C5" 'o3 -53 . t Delinquent Collector. Dlitrtet. Collector.1 aamet. Y.r. Ca. Stat Franklin John Hea.U.I IM ar 43 Reaver A brum Wagner lwi 10 31 Okauoiaa H.nry A. Holla- 1MT 4T f7 Ohapmna Jacob H. l..nlK IMS Sot A Pr.a.lln J. W.tU.nbow.r ' It Bearer H.nry Kmltk 1M IM 00 T OT WaatHeararH.nrTTroa.ttr ' loo IT TT FrankUa H. W. Felty III IK Parry Tkoma. K.thfon " IWM IN WahlntoaQorgeO. UUm - Total MeO, OlT.tW . mpendiiure. iiemt. Anditora' atrrlcet, including Clerk $t0 8. Alleatan, Audiiing County Office 6 A$4itor$' Pay. Ati'rt. tertian In making altera' 128 85 do do under Regi.irj tct 842 do d "' making military rel'n 64 78 do da . do rtnniala nt os do taking k do aeplannial ctntul 72 Election.- Am't paid lo Belurn Judget, Ao 818 17 1 i.gniiauive iur auver.j.iHg nnd arrlng notice 117 13 Weight and Mearurt. W O Illokok, for on let Welgkl and Mtaturti for county. directed by net of Ambly 263 60 Edtttrn Penitmharjf. Setters Pealientlary for (upport of conriou in 1809 ; 38 44 . lnquett; BenJ HouMwortb, coil and f for holding Inquett on dead body of Wa ikrtdorf, of Belintgro 10 38 Rrtdgt. W A Bell for new bridge at S.lintg'r C60 96 Carer Mcbnura for lumber, ao for rep't of Btlintg'e A Longt bridge 103 46 Schocb k Bro. tpika A, for tame 8 12 J.IIouMwortb t al, lumber, bauling and labor at m 88 85 Hummel k Hower. lumber for 8e- linngro Bride 81 66 II inland k Boycr. nalla, tpiket, oil, ' paint, ele. for tame 18 47 Bamnel Oemberliag. aauling A, lo Kanlt', and gravel and bauling tiling in ftt Selinegrov bridge 84 Jobn Htkn, t al, labor nt Kanlt', Biacktmilbing, boll, tpik o. at BalintgroT bridget 143 26 W W Cawley t al labor fo nt - Kaatt' bridge 166 54 M Frymoyer, work al Lelter'a bridge 9 A J Bpeckl building new bridge over WiJJlecreek in FreakUavlp 1200 Sato for xtr work tn making laid $ bridg feel longer ad on foot klgker tkaa eoniraotad for 160 BenJ Rupp bnildiog new bridg oear MidJlebreek, near Ktuti MIU, ' per (onirao . ... .- 1886 E Veil, for pUnk and repair ai brldg near hi mill 8 26 Richard Lloyd filling In abalmeat ' at new Beiiaigroe bridge 27 A Clth rep'g bridg int W Beaver I p 6 31 Bamntl Uarr, material and repairing bridg near Treuimaa' Mill NN J a HMawrib, plank, banling, A at Lett mill " 82 87 WageatelleT Ii ftew lor tpiket nnd nallt for repair at bridge . .. .$ 81 Ed Oemberliag, for bauliug gravel to Beliatgrove brldg 4 06 Jek U.ha nnd aihera, for pltnk.1 . tor, haul ng at far repair nt be- lia.grev and Kanr bridget 84 76 F Bolig. repairing Koytr't bridg . 88 . J Brunacr, bauling and labor at mm 28 60 W Bowtreoi 4 day anatonwerk nt am and Fumaa bridge 13 60 B Eiteabowar, maaonwerk, banling, labor ana lime a aaava s io Fred Bolig.renakrkig r' urate bride 61 Jaeob Setbold knlbtrng nw kraacord brldg acreae Makwntoag aveek, aer tootraet tot 8m.iifforka4ldlngaal4bWgr - to rt banger root atg ba thai oonimoatd for - SO) 4Jphtbulld'?jnfwW4tOM kjidd'evn in I i, in port 808 HhjWe.lrr -rtt-Mlij'fB 11 it im f'HiT 1 it n f I mm V X - UrijtJllfe g 5 mm H,n If! S Ang Arnold do do aorott Mnknnt'go 13 8rbock k Bro repairing brldg near - their Mill 4 61 Moeei Krebb. filling ftbuttrcnt at VUb't bridge 2 lYntifmotaty' Offi. i CrooM, bill of fee In full for n 1 do - do part for 1870, 171 21 do do for ream writing papar 6 71 W II BeiTtr, lap So for office 1 6 Bbiadel a Swioeford, for tttiioiiery 6! 11 H Wittenmyer, paper, broom, ate 8 17 3 W Dreee for merchandire 77 Miller a Klder, bill for docket. In- ' eluding rleo for Reg and Re a flic 167 01 fttyitUr ot Jietnrirr, OJfu t, 8 B Bcbock, Recorder for recording Trraaurer' bond A do for paper etc furniebt J ) 60 do do freight on docket! tie 6 02 Sblndel k ftwtocfcrd for pii to fO 8 Winenryer. blank book ate J W brat, ink. pen, tnmlriet 4 r3 O A Bchaek, for enndrle t 20 A B Boburk. for prr, envelopet ele 1 62 Dwtrict Attorney' Often. B T Tarkt. Dlmrlct Alteroey, kit bill of feee for 180 83 C'lmmwionnr O.fic Jntcpb Wenricb, lairCnmmi.itioner 876 John J Matiern, CemtnLnioner 401 ttaai 8 l.ongacre, do 87 ft Phllln Vli.. J. 0 A llolemler do "do do 4 E A Hteiningrr do do do 10 Jobn Young do do do 4 Jont'n Dnwerton do do do 13 John II Willi. r do do do 3 gjlDowertox do do do 2 J Iloch repairing rt Home wlndowt 2 clinch $ brother for coal 14 W II Braver for merrhanili.e I Sbindel .( 8wineford,hill for lumlrlrt 8 J 0 Pmiln, repainting Ct hnute roof and new conductor! for rpouiing 160 Do fur repair at roof etc 26 Rohrbnch If Rudy grale for etove Wegeum-llcr k Son coal. )8ti'J '70 3j ll;ry lliiber, rep ng Cl boute lockt 6 J W bree.e. for tundry mercbandiep 6 (i Alfred fchovh, for iiuiilrlet 1 4 Witttnmer,hroni.iitiouerj,tle 13 Court . Erp titet Feb. Term Grand Juror 119 PeiitJiirot oil TiptiHTet 24 Court cryer 1J Conelabiet' Return 63 May Trm Grand Jurort ill 1'eiit Juror lit' TipKlnve l" Court cryer 7 Couialilen' Return H'.i Sep. Term G r od J urore 87 Petit Juror 244 Tiprtav 14 Court cyer 7 Conriablea' Return 82 Dee. Term Grand Juror 8H Pel il Juror 243 TipMave 14 Court crytr 10 Conn ablet' Return 4 II Bchwenk, Janitor, per contract 60 Jail ami Jail Erptate D Bolrnder, laie Sbrriif, boarJing pritoner. fee, nd locknge 2 John 8 Wolf, Sheriff, drawing and tumnjoning Jurort to I'elirunry Fab. adjourned aud May Term., cleaning Jail and np'ng locke 113 Same convening John D ulaa.and 8 A Pollock to l'cnit -niiary 185 Same drawing and tumuii ning Ju ror, to Brpt. and Deo Tertna 70 Same. Bill of Feet, boarding priton era. lockage, labor, material lie in repairing Jil nnd out buildiniri 103 Irvin feuiliu, for one bed for Jail Scbocb & Kro far coal do 22 Geo 8ebeinbcb bauling coal 2 C A Boleniler do do I W II Bearer, nierchandi.e fur Jail 8 D Raucb. repairing, doort, $t 1 D Holt oder, for building new privy, Grain home, lumber, bauling, la bor. Ao at Jail .880 Jeremiah Bmiih for labor at tame 8 Jotepb Bowertoi,forttone and haul- mr ror tame o Samuel L Mutter, Urn for tarn 2 Cearg Wolf, labor nt fame - 11 John E Bolender do I Uriah Smith. do 18 Philip Bp1. matonwork at tarn 13 Jeremiah U Smith Plaatoring 16 N Bcbnbaob, blacktmitning ror tarn 8 II E Bogtnrcif do do 2 A J Bpeohl, plank and lath do 8 A J Pel era, board a do 4 E L Buflington, Carpenterwork 24 II K Reigel, labor t repairing 4 J O Bmitb, repairing at jaii roof 10 H Bcbweok, claanlng tall well 2 J 8 Wolf. BberiB, dor and pip ; 13 do do a new eounierpaln 12 Samuel Bmitb, bauling board 2 8bindl Bwineford. paint, oil 11 Itrael liaoDman, nauuog coal 8 J W Dreeee, nailf, oil. varnith M Honoca a iro., eoai ror jail 17 WB Beaver. bucket, nallt, glauato 0 0 A Bohoch, linking at for bedding - 8 van uoienaer, tnmgi ror roonag zu Wagentelltr A 8on, ooal for jail . "10 Morri Erdley for wood . IS Henry Zeeuoiao, etrpentfrwork at " Urain aoua. mvy to al jail 24 8 Wliuamyer. nailt, binge, ele . 1 Commonwalih Voi$. . f The Commonwealth ve tba -following - pereop ror wnica in touaty aid aoata. all 1 -' WmUuiamtUnd Wm Motttr. $4 DaaWt IRboada ' 2 Chariot 1 Brnanar Overaeer ef Lower Aaguila . 8 JobaFelkw , 0 N Benn ad J Foy 8 W W Dewilt 4 Waller Beiiler . 48 W Harriaea Ballty .8 8ima Ztcbman zq 8 A Pelloek and John Douglaa 62 Jama Blngaan (4 Ckritt llaulen pad Fred Walltr ' "" try GaimutKrf. . Jury Commlaaioncr per dittaw pay J- l 1 . 1 i .J! "1 V n eaueag iwaiMwing oiara pi Road .KieaB Britlae. P M T4 ftad whorl, for road aad ' bridge vlw . t , - - 220 J Feiteralf, prtatinm on lrg atalp 67 ' trtntina. 8 B Bckwtk k E Ultra (Oeratna) 103 D 11 a C F May, (Ewgliab) Lambwrd My da lit J. Cnat do F. W.Wk " d 87 JmJtrmt w'4. WUUm Halna and otbfra, inlarwl ' aa Oiiwir- - r-w ih fuyder Canity A" ' " ! C'lfwy Linn. Th following Item were paid for running Iin. between the coiintitt of Union, Bnyder, Mifflin nd Cen tre, at directed by Act of A Mem My approved lb flftb of April. 1870 1 Aaron K Gift, mrveynr. In part 800 8 llowea, aeeietaot iooluding tip' 75 05 0 O Peir " ' 40 1 E llotrnder " " " 88 40 N 8 Davhman " " 21 tut D KerteliT " " 77 8A J II Hmilb ' " " II f G A Bchooh ' 1-M li N. P. liar " 5C 1 1 J 8 I'ltb, provitiont for mrv g ptny 11 hti lliBcelltinr'im. Jacob Grot, lai lirurr, bl due hi in by the Co. at lam ectttcment 842 4i J A Cbriaty, Attorney Fee in rare of Snyder eonaly v Jnnlail county for recovery of ooai 10 Uenry Huber, lag refunded and Hump lo Bond 10 13 J 0 Graybill, (at averpaid and rofd 2 83 Ralbfond'Mlnlum.redemptlon money on n tract of land told aa property of Dan Rangier, and afterward redeemed and tai and eottt paid 11 85 W N Kle.ler, damp lo col'rt bond 1 Wm Moyer, exp't of Teachtt Iu.l 01 John Iloch, taking Pom r. clerk and counel to Belin.grove on ih way to llarritburg for the pmpott of gelling 1 lie couniy't quota ol Stale Taxet reduced 6 Com'm Attorney etpenxe In going to llarritburg in tame can 16 4ft Com re Clerk, ditto, 13 37 II Kremer. tcbool tai refunded 1 John K llughet, tiatnp for bond 1 tiin runipeell, Kedemplion money on tract of land told brr ind after ward redeemed 12 "I John M Smith, ditto 10 S John Dietrich, la refunilrd, being Ihe Hmouut in litigalion between the aid Dietrich and bro Kly, collector tetlled by Coinniinionert 18 Jacob (lro.a, entered laxea, paid in. of Tei ver lownrbfp 87 65 John Kmerii-k, money pnid In counly ireanui y on e.irty bone told 20 11 Hupp, for ditcount on note in bank 4 88 U C Helker, Agt. iururiug Cl koute 20 Ueo Khy, coin refunded in eaae of John Dietrich va tbe laid fcby 10 D T Rboadi for filing ttovet tlo in Court Uoute and jail 7 75 Total 817,829 7:ii WK, Id lulnerllier., I'otnmlailoneri of the county 01 roylr, lo eertiry, that lht the for ami aoeuunt ol tha Hei-elnL and Kitxnilituren ol .nyil.r county, for tbe i..r A. Ii. CiTu, la true na current u iatu, to lit oeit 01 oar kaowl edire anil uellcl tilven umler our han't, at otir offlce In tht t.ourt Jiou.e nt Mlilui.tuirif. the &I tlitv of Jtnu ary, A. Ii., lall. J.J iUHi.UN, attb.t: .IkAACI H. I.HMIACRE, A. J. flTaua. PH1LI1' KINNKY, mark. Oumailiilon.ri TniiS'tier'l Aivount. Jobn K, lluiihe. Tr.uiurcr, In toeount with Mivior cuunty. on. To imiiuni of titxrn oiiratiinillnic for ItO'J ami preluui yenr. ar.MO 41 Amount .e'ei unit lelal for 170 17071 W " ree'dou .iiummei, reil'mn money II 11 " " A. J. rlMtier anil utlier. lor laie. a'd iirerluu tuelertlon Tali - J, IIUIIilili an t other., imii eaureil In Tr.a.urer'a uiiti-e e 73 11 of outaiamlliig onter. of lw)7, aa a In niaklnK re laaue. 4tvl 2 Amount due Uo. Trtaaurer, Jan, I, istI 13 U i'l.tMl 04 CONTRA. By am't onltrj leaue.1 In '70, $17,M i do do outaundlnn" 4,v4IIMJ I2,el to I.. Hi. nt Iftim M..I. oui year., at laat eei'nt t,l7 14 do Uo ootatanillnp; ol -eu a prerluua yeara l,UT 14 do do paid by Treaaurta of lata end prevlou. year. ,T0 of By eominlMlou. allowed ool lectori of '70, Ht ao kJtiin.ratluna " " ' n& 01 auuuutol tat outttaniliug " ,UMI 11 ' ' " lor th year lltt anil previous yeara 73 4 " " Interent aildeil on aiu t dut 77 14 ' eorrevtliia lo onl.ra out atamlin ol lae; aud lo re-laaulug uf order, ol laid year 480 K2 By Lzoeeratlon. on tat of 100 4J w Cuiniulrainn ol Treaaurer on I6,I5& 4a paid In and alao pnid out at ! 00 04 By amount due Treaaurer Jan. 1, 1871, Ilia la County flint. January I. H7I. IK. To am't el ordert outatandlag for Im,7 aasi w ' " " ' 'en I im 'J " " ' '! II67U5 " . " u - '70 4!7 tM " due Treaaurar, Jan. I, , ' Mat fte.24 4& CONTRA. OR. By am't of taita outit'ng ror '70, 4oiw, II ditto ditto 'aa a pre'a tra ;u 4 InUratckargdoa(7ea Mae above 77 14 tart ta County In debt January 1, 1(71, 3,M4 M Harder Coonty, 8ft: wa, the anderalKnad, Auditors of Hnyder county, Do Certlly, that we have earenillv examined and audited tha toreari.neae count of Ihe Uoaawlaalnoar and Treasurer 01 aydr county according lo law, aad that we gad Ihe same ua aad correct Mated. In , testimony whereof w have karaanto aet our kanda In the OommUeloeere' oBloe, In Mid. dlaburg, toe th da ol January. A. U, 171. M. U HAHSlNUtH, J Auditori. CAL. t, I'ISUEK, ) WASH. CRASELLO, TCil CLOCK MAKER, Marktt 81. Mlddleburg Ta. TTAVINO located In Ibi plac I would 11 reapeot fully inform ihe olliien of Middlebu.-g and vicinity lhal I am prepared 10 repair CLOCKd AND WATCUE3 cheap and expedilioualy. Tba patronage of tbe publie I reipeetfully iolioiid. . W. ORANELLO. Mlddleburg, Nov. 24 1809. 1 . o UR FATHER'S HOUSE, mm UM WBI i' TEM Vobd'. By Dawkl MAri, D. P., ftarhor of 4h po po lar "Nurkl Heeaea." Tkia waster la thuuvht aad laaaauir aoowtaaaulold rlobe aad baaa- ItaeU UiaQiaat Hoaje.wltb IU tuoaaalajr Bow. era, aUaplaa- wed., wavlaa painu, Kolllaa eloada. HeaeUful bow, Haered uoantalaa, Ie- llthlful rlvara, Mluhty oeeana, Tuund.ilu voi eaa iJlaaloa keaveoa aad vast universe wltk etMaalleaa kelnae la mlllloaanf worlds, aad reads lo aa la each tae Vawrlllea Word. Hoe tinted paper, ornate toarevlnie aad super blading s -Vtch and varied la thought.1 haste "tisy anil eraoetul la stile." "(lorreet, para eleeaUoi la lU leao.ooy." uBesaUnil add good.' "A koaehold Ireaanra Comaaeodatloaa Ilka th have rue Uolleae Praaldeal add Prufaeeore, lataaaaa of all deooalaatioaai aad. tbe rellglout aad aaeular press all over lha eoaatry It fresh eat, parity Mleaaweg, wim atasr ouea type, aaeateeleagravlnita. aubataotlal klaillng, aad tow price make It thebook for Ihe maieta". AgeaU are sell lug froea aopo leU per week. . Wawanl ClerKiuien, Meboo) Taaceara smart ynaa maa akd ladlss to lolmdaee Ibe work for a. la rary lowa.hlp,aad wa will pay liberally. No Inulliaeai ma or woman aed ba nitboul a paylug bttslneaa. sineaa. alreular, fall deterlptoon and Urm. Aadrsjea Bans svr aubviisKH aaiuuvaoY, i tn at, raua, 13 KaoMl.Ulu. U. tsMoaro Hi. Obi. to M. Uk Ki. Louie eiJ, eat , ar 10) klala M apriagBetd. klasa. LUOBENY U0U8E.- " Vsa. Ill A 814 farfcf UrtH, ' , : . , , l. AiyAiA.) PHILADELPHIA. KLECKNER A OAN'LKY. - riariinraaa. ' 0,61tf No loot Poetr.Vi ARE YOU A MAOIf Rev. Mr. MaglH, 'Reoior of 8t. Paul' Church, Pern, III., being aakrd Ih que. lion by lady, reipon led a follow 1 I am of band Who will fniihfuli.v atitnd In the hon la of atTrction and lot ; I bare knocked al Hie door, Once wretched and poor, And then for admiaaion I at rote. Ry Ihe help of a friend, Who atfiatunce did lend, I aurree led n entrance lo gain Wai received in th Weat Ity eommttnd from the Kaat, But not wtthont feeling torn ptia. Here my conscience waa tU;hl With a moval quit fraught With (tollmen! koly and lru( Then onward I travelled. To have 'I unravelled, What Hiram Iniendodto 69. Very eoon lo tbe Eaat t made known my reqtteal. And "light" by command did attend; Wbeo lo I I perceived In due form revealed, A Maaier, aad Brother, and Frlrnd. Therefore I have dated, And timply related, Wkal happened when I wa mad free ; But I re " pained " aince then, And "raietd " up again, To aubUrn and anoient degree. Then onward I marched, That 1 might b arched," And find out Ike Ireaitirri long loal ; When, behold I a briekt flame. From the midst ef which came A voice which toy eart did accoit. Through the "veilt" I then weol, And tucctedi'd al length. The "Sanotum Sanctorum" to Cud. By Ihe "Signet" I gaintd, And quickly obtained, Employment which tuittd my mind. In Ihe doptbe 1 then wrought, And moat carefully .ought For treaauret to long hidden then ; And by labor and loil, 1 diicovcred rich tpoil, Which are kept by ihe craft witk dut care. Having thut far arrived, 1 further contrived Among valiant Kniglila to appear; And aa I'ilgrlm and Knight, I alood ready lo fight. Not Sorcruu foe did I fear. For the widow diatreaeed Theru' a cord in my breast ; For ihe holpleaa aud orphan I feci ; And my aword I could draw, To maintain lha pure law. Which tbo dutie of Maeon revel. Tliua bar I rrvtaled. (Vet wisely concealed) What Ibe free and accepted well know. I am one of a band Who will faithfully aland A ft brolber, whenver I go. TIIKKC'IIOOI. TKACIIER'M 8IUIIV. RY JAMES MAI RICK THOMPSON. Yoa nk mo why I am opposed to tlogjiinj cliilJroQ nt tcliool. I will tell you. Il males Ihotu buto their teuttier wlieu ilu-j otiglit to love liiiu. C'bil'Jri'ii ro little grotrn folki it j'jii will accept tlio oxprvaiioa, and. like bin folks, 1 hoy always reiiiomliiT, t voti il tliev forve 4 biuw. Whotj 1 wiii u boy 1 Imppout.'iJ to got 8'iundly tlirahed at HthiKil pretty t'lteti, aul I do uioht I'ruiikly ncknowlcdo thut 1 dixltkc to thin day cvory teuchor I but ever wiiipjM d me. But litvn a story lo tell from which you mi-y draw your own moral. I taught geliool on ro myautf. It wax dowu in a rural district of IVon sylvani. TboHcliool wag a auiull 000, and Ihe icbolurd were mostly iioJrr twelve yean of bljo. Oni-. however, win Ihir tu, n. tiy br wu ay'd nirl, ax mart tud cfot'er as eho cou'ltf bo', mid withal niUchieviiQ-i as a iii'iiina Her uuiuo waa vfoll, tlioy calh-iJ bi-r Joe, Jot Milroy. IIeriureuu weie pour, but highly ropt-Utble, lirin od u lit tlo forty-aore m. " Joe was the tuoat unru ly ulrl t over saw. You couldn't ke-jp bar out of lurstbitif. 1 baud to wbip ber, he waa getting ao muub like a woman in ii-', aod I didn't liko to aipel ber front obool, for h always koew ber lea oni by heart. O, she hJ the quick 'at mind I ever uw, Bui, sir, the kept tbo Whole subool unruly. . A little boy would throw paper wad avroaa tbe floor, and of our I'd whip bltu. "Joo Milroy throw' ra aodyetjon'l lam bur for it," the urchin would be ure to any. . A littlo girl Would laugh oat loud and when I asked tier what tb'e wa laughing: for, abe'd bt aura to aay : "Jo Milroy has urA a funny pic ter 00 ber a its !" What wa I to dof Gutters got worao aod wore. Finally, I went to Mr, Milroy, and kindly but frankly told btm All about the wy tbinga weiy noting 00, aud asked bim wbat court lb batter pertoe. . " ' Vbip bar, nit. 1 iuld be enipb-iti-oully.- " whip bur good. Mk ber aviou yoojutt the saute' as t'othri ohlldreo'. That's what Nay. fwiot my child -vi eoDUollatf at aebool, 1 do I" . : , v--' ' " ' VVeU I weot baeli to 'tny achool fut ly dslarralaed oa'brlaglgg J98 Milroy t (bt park. A cfoortuaity wu tot lotiu; wotiir , I kept s sharp look out, and presently I taw Joe m ike a k-reut funny picture, and throw tbe hit of paper on which it wa drawn eler acroi tbo room to some little hoyt. Tho urchin began gigiflicg and Uttorlni forthwith I took my wbip firmly in uiy hand, fixed my eye (irmly on Joe, aud walked up to ber She raw I meint eeaiotb:tv, and b- r pretty roKuitb face grow pallid In n second. I did not ny word but tailed iny whip aod jfnvo bor about ten severo lasbcs. "Oh. sir, oh!" she rried at first, then doling bor lijM till they pre- eJ into ccch other, aha lookad me al most fiercely in too eye till my blows; cense J. After that I bnd no rnor trouble in my tcbool. All wont on well to the end. Jno knew ill her Irxsoni, but wa quiet and reserved. Tha laat tiny came, and I i;ve the children a "tront'' of candy nod raiains. When Joo's ebnre wan iven lo hi-r ho push ed It ii side and woulJ not lasto it. 1 kti"W by this that sho wis brooding over her Into ch:istis''tnont. I wanted to part friendly with all thy pupils, so I weot nnd tat down by Joe, and Raid : " What's the matter. Joe?" Sho looked up with groat calm eyes I started in rpite of tnyielf. They wero no looker the eyes of a littlo girl They were tho eyes of a womm. " I never will forgot your nogrntle manly cruelty, never, never!" ho taid, itcrnly ns a tuitn miirht have spoken. I Irit d to reason with her, telling her I bad dona it for ber own ro d. but she only shook ber bead and com preated her lips. Well, I went uwny from that neigh borhood never to return. Fortune favored mo and I Locarno wealthy. Ten year hud made ino u wiser man a well as a richer 0110. Nor wan un known to fame. In a curtain city whither hud gon to deliver a course of lecture toyouou men' society. I goi acquainted with ayounji womm, Jos phino Milroy, by duqio, wboso father was a millioumro. With this young la!y I fell desperate. ly in lore. O, Sir, nho was luprrlly. royally beautiful. S'Lo wan fiuoly 01I iicaled, (.'Mci'tul, uml the finest ini;er I have ever beard io private. Her cobvcrsatioinil power wero olirnmiiiix. aud witlml this she was louder and womanly. I pre-si-d my tuit, never divniu'nu; of tho littlo trirl I hud whippad iu the t-ouotry xi-hool ho'injo., She gave me her he. tra nul tho w alih' of w on io'g ui- I'l'ciion it eoiituiund. and I, I irave her my very tout. Mow huppy I was only s true l ver. who tools tho glorious intluoticu ot a gifted woiuan's power, t an know. Ono eveuiug my bdiuoeoJ bride and I tO"k it stroll toother in' the purk nf 1 bat city. W at down 00 tho gm-vy briuk of a roiui iiuro luko, io the cen of which a irroat se monster io brouie threw up strong jrtts of fliHhin water, while all rouud Li tu lay yreeo, d.iwory islets buskibjt io the rich glorion of an early Juni day. Wo talked of our love und our cotu init n tptialn, of 1 lie aweot, bright (u turo that tuy hey. in I. O, it wit a bliw'ul ilreitin, o' ii-init r tr.itn-e. a ihr I inn int rludo beyond' the sicarn reih ties of life. I looked into tho soft, dark ryes nf the cloriou woman beaido me. and down over tho full, round, keenly form.1 If, nil rmne, and my heart ewelled with pride uni tmnikfulnem'. Tnly, ("was blessed beyoud the coimuou lot of maul What demon waudoring over earth enured 039 and tp.,k uiem try l a'ck to the little log school houne in Fenoaylva niaf What terfpted tno to ajfcftk of little Joe Milroy t Ab, who can tell 1 No sooner did 1 mention that achool homo aod somo of its association than 1 law a pa'loi chai4 th flu 8b of love from roy compuoioo 's fu'es. Iter lip grew1 cold sod fiVuj,' Aer' eye Bu-beJ. " " Am you that achool teacher, that tuiaOrabht wretch ; wb'iae memory I love' to dVUiat fy sob naked,' aliooet fiercely. I saw my droadfal doom ai once. I fell at her feet und jjUad as only an ekiquont, deaputibg maa' can plead M'heo tba Wild', a week dream ol bis lovo is paaslnu lroin" bts vliion fof far. ' . " No sir aba said firmty, . ulmuat cruelly. " I can never marrystbe ma tbut beat mo. My swart buroit wit bin e WhuneVer i tbitok uf ibbvsbViua-T ful brows , Vo; all1, Bo, aer, 1 osier can', I never li: rawr you F ' . f What Iaald lffn:-h?i. I plead wdi'y aif l; czm- ,,') tttTJ'" ' u .feJ It waa oselese. She wis as cold stxl reloutlrsk aa alio Laii be oa warm toil affeoi innate. Wo parted foreTor. And now, air. t seems to 01 '.hat of the sett of my ife there is but 00a I would blot out and that U the act that I once thought 'Ojiist and bcnofiol!. O, if 1 could ut suffer a rtHl-lmt dagger throauli my heart fur every blow I gave Lor, I would gBdly bear it if it would give m back the pars loro of her glorious womanhood. Now that I can look coolly back over bo past I bore are many things in tba the simple but bitter story of my love bat appear ttraOr. , Tha fa ber of Josle Milroy wsbn of (be' fertunsto) men whom tbo discovery of oil uvula uddeoly rich. Tie bid beenmo a greit fioiociertr aad a tncccssful specn lu'or, , Hi daughter andlmotafisr ten yesrs of our aeptritioa nnder such vastly dilTtrenl circumstances, that either rec-igntzcd each other unlit ihnt eveoinr. Pomtiraos I still hope she will repent, but bave no proof that my hope has a reasonable founda tion. I will wait. 8 sim flOiutou's Lose Iteniaorc. Tho most Ninitular Incident of in the cvontful lifo ol Oen. Sam Houston, and ono never hitherto explained, wen his abandonment of the Governersbip of Tunnogsece, only thrco days after mnrryini; a yonng wife, lie became s voluntary exile amonit tho Indians of he plains thereafter, wm made a groat chief, and only reappeared io public lifo whon Texas was struggling for indepcudance. Tho Galvcxton Xtict liltd the veil from this secret cbatnbr of Houston's heart by this etraago narration : " What wu koow about ibis nititt r is so honorable to bim that wo 'bill for tho first timo put it ia print. Wo may pr-miso that our In humation csmo indirectly from ono now decked, who durini; ber lifo bnl hud it right to kuow wont caused tli- strango episndo in' tho life of the great nan Movetnor llo'iston'a urst bi'ida wis a Tennessee t elle of surprising heauiy nnd of eoniidcrahlo social raulr. Sh was, if not tho affianced bride, the sw etheart of a neighboring gentle man when Governor Houston sought hir hand. Her family being icry am bitious, forced tbo match snd sho was inort lod. After retiring tc ber bridal chamber, ber deportioomeut wis such (0 c'laso bim to suspect tint, wbilo her huod was bm, her heart was aa- other's. She confessed the truth when i'Hup'i'gaied, nJ. while pramwing fulolity aod wifely duty.dociarod bor el unuMo to lovo him. He at once tetiit'd from tho houo. II J then re- xitio i hisootiitnsion and went awmg the Catniucbes. In duo courto of t ine tho laily s aibt nnd obtaiscd i iLvorce." A curious tu int alto toolt ploeo ono ntoriiiiig a foV weeks ago in tho ring. Intr ol th, bolls of ttio Catholic church es of Z iiierille, Ohio. The bell of these ehuchc aro rung every niorrilng al6'cloek, and so punctually is it per formed, tbil they answor the pcrpos ot n r im k to porsoos within hcariny. Oh tho inoniug ia question the ROafori of St. Thomas Cbufrcb, who is an old iht.n, either deceived by bis fine li or ini-t kiuj; tba badds of thj dnil, rang bis bell st tbo hour of.'i o'clock, in the morning! throo hour before iheusml time. Tho loud-vpic ed' peal ofih.' boll rang out And trem bled away, caught the ear of many a deeper and awaked them from their slumbers. Among these were tbe sex ton of St. Nicholas Church, who bar-rit-dly rushed to' the bell ropes, and fO'in tbo cbitns from the belfry ot that church rang out lo'to tbe strfiy Brealvfost wis borriedTj prepared in diAercnt parts of the city, and w Oil men in seVoral instances sl'aVted to the' streeti 00' tbeir w'ay to the scebo of their daily toy. . A' R i n a Va iv, W 1 ift FaM w iu. i..'-".' A maVriedf WomaJo ia KA'nsss, who ro. ceot'ly eloJd with a' physician, left tbtt' following nnftpienote of her husband: DsaW tic BUT ; You're played oat; I like Dr. S- so well that I prefer ; going with him you good for-aotl;-inr, ' deiienowted euM Ifa'ooa of you business wbsre We're gone to. "It won'i do yon any) good to follow for I Wouldn't life With' 'oil another da to aaveyouf life. .. Too tnudo af inlnsk ia'tbfokiag I loved you. r I never' did. Yl.msyried yon for cpbts nieoco guke t I take tha baby aluug and I'll take cara ollt . You can sue fi A' f"vrea aai' gi darrted, as wua' as )M pleaso, ' The worassTwbo r;4' rfl ax wiU tkVe a l,u '-ta).: - r e - 1 t-