The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 16, 1871, Image 1

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    -rVlVerttlltaf Xtaattdaal
a. rV
.. . "v
Oa column end par
One -half eoluma. ea tear.
One-fourth entomb, do year.
16. TO.
" M.
On ur (10 llaea) oh Iartle8
Every adlftlotjal inaertioa .
Profenional and nuiiiteit eardt f
Trma of . Bubsorlbtloii,
Vf POLLAM m ANNUM, Payeblt
ellli til OT z,ou ii mm pmu
.Uaia tb y. H papar dloontinud
til il arrearage sre paid aalee It
eitlsa i th Bablliher.
not trior than flee tine, ber year.
Andltor, Etecrttar, Admiaiilralaf
and Asslgnei Noticed "
Editorial nollce per line'
Ibteriptiona oiilaido of the county
All adverilaemoat far a borff berroM
thaa On year ar Myabl at lb Uate
IHiTiiin in jufvaivvk.
FtrNH lifli&s aad Being paper
Tested I thr bea eobecrlbers,
W rt liable far Ui price of lb paper
they are ordered, and If Hot fiald th ber
VOK 9.
NO. 1.
on ordering them will bt beld rwaoaiikl
for lb monef. . . ,1
A "Ta'kB V W a. spa lt
ft AllVPiil Aft AAA TO ,
Mlddlebunr, ra.,
rtfi hrfeii1oBl servlc I th pab
Coueolion nuoioer pnneaaioaai
daett tatruitd t bit car will receive
,apt aiuatloe. fjia 8, 'C7tf
" Sclinstrrov fa..
Wirt hi prefe-aiooal lervlee lo Iba pub-
. All nuiinen enirasiea to mi ear
ii at promptly attended la. !
Jan. 17, 67if
1 W. KMOHT, ' ' , '
. jrecourg i a.,
Wert bis Profaioaa1 Mrvtewl lh pab-
All huiloee tntntitca ta DM car
il v promptly attended to.
; III 17. WW
LewUbun Pa.,
'in bit proftttlonal service I i pub-
. CoUection ana an omr H eseion
bullae ntruled lo bli car 111 r
,ti prompt atttatloa.
Lcwieburir l'a.
hfrr bit rrofitlonl eervlce to ibr pub
-. Collection and all other profession
; bniinett entrusted to bia ear will ra-
Ljti prompt attention. Jan. 8, 'U7tf.
lanaeessori la J. T. m, J. M. Linn. I
Vftr tbeir profeirlonal lervlee lo lb
attic. Collection ana an otber pro
Vwlonal bntlnei enlruited to their care
llrelproniptaltention. Jan. 8, '07lf
Solinxgrove IV,
kin bl profeetionnl tervicet to the pub
in Coiiectiont tnd all olber profession
bsiiatM ntrat(ed lo bit ear will re
tivt prompt attention. Office two door
erta or id ncyiton noici. iiu u, a
SoHnirrove Ta
Efn bit Profeteioaal terricaa lo th
ublle. All butlnet antruMed to blp
lire will be promptly attended to. Col
Litiaai mad in all nana of Ilia Stale
liliean tpeak Iba Kogliab and German
ltsna flnenlly. Otno between Uall't
llnd th I'oit ofBo.
Mitldleburg Boydcr County rcun'a
rtci a few door Wett of lb P. 0. on
Wain elreel. Cotif nltalloa te Enliab
ir.d Crrnmn TfV'ftt. Ftp. till
LcwiBburg Pa.,
rin Lit proreMlcnlaeviceito toe pub'
I.e. All busmen cntriiited to bit enr
pill b promptly attended to. .
(.Jan. o. kit
rtrtona in need of a good and .durable
Pialnf Machine ean b aeeonniodtted al
Ittaonabl price by calling 8am-
ii lACtT. Agent, BalintgroT.
: rJaa.24. '68
. Middlcburjr Pa.,
niirt bU profeteioaal aerrlcet lo lb eit-
:iM or Alldtlleuurg and vidatty.
. aiarca ti, o
- SelinsgrpT Penn
Peon Twp., Eoyder Co. Pa
V ix WAGNER, Esq.,
A j i. rw.v. n tiik pbapp;
Jieksoa To oaship, Snyder Co. Pa.,
'ill attend to all buelneia entrueted to
ear and on tbo moat raatonable
. . alarcb 12. '8if
ItatrcTllle, uj4tt VH Vm.,
Oftrt bia profetelonal aerrloet to Iba
W. 8CHWAN.M. D.,
I ' Port Trerorton Pa.
,"rt til proraenonal trrlce to in
niiient of tblt place and violnity. 11
.rua 0rmaa ana uguta.
lApiii 10, 'en
.At ir-.TinMPPD
: i Freaburir Border Co. Pa..
tMt rMfMlfull effort bia .aanleea lo
W pobll a Veada Cryr . aad Antiioa-
twr. Uavtag feaa a large - srtne, l
H MaedraF tbat I aa reader pcrfeot
uUfactioa U y plcyaaa.'-
i, , ... ; , yaa. , '071
tJ itrmvtr iTl.twt
la Court Hen, 8pt.I6, '67lf
No. 322. N. TH 1RU S
J. C. NIPK, Clrk.
".H ft 4It rta Third alrt.
- . PWUdelpala
JjllLER ft ILDEJt ' ,
" "vnr, Llank book llaatiiaetaree
a In Wrappiaa, Xlaaitae, Cur.
, ''
T "r t
, i I TVHr aktrtT ie
XX r nayilar Coanty, tor the rear MTO, e-
iaelra ea th lm do nt Janaary a eania
lilt da? of Drnber, kaU oar. laeiame.
S3 f2!Eni:I,
KS S88Cr?5S8" j
se tttsttattcf
tfsf iBssassnag
5 P
P s
P r
ri Si
9 B
esse' a ssassss
e esssss s
e ri rXi o . ii 1 2
9 9
9 C.
S & f Nl
ml U 1 gS s
' s
Delinquent Collet on.
Tlitrlete. Colleetori -... Year. Co. State
Franklin John Loncb.l IMI T 41
Beavar A brum Winner I TO 31
rbapmea Henry A. Itulla IMT 47 H
Chapm.s Jacob H. L.nlK lMH tKI M
t-r.n.lln J. W.llt.nbow.r " t I
Hearer Henry Kmltk IMt 141 00 T OT
WW Keavar Henry Trowter - loo IT 177
FrankUa H. W. Felty " t II t li
Perry Tbomai Kithfca " IUU t W
WuhlagtoaaeomoU.UlaM lit
-- ToUl aMO.T lT,e
.' Etpenditurel. Items.
Auditor' eervicee. Including Clerk $00
8. Alliatan, Auditing County Officii 6
AtMtmnri Poy.
Ait'rt, trvietio miking aliera'i 128 86
do do under Regiitry rot 842
do do ' making military ret'ni 64 78
do 'da do iriannialaii'nl 38
do taking ft do teptanaUl ctntui 72
Am't paid to Return Judgti, fto SIS 17
" Coniliblei for advertising
aad lervlog notioei 117 13
Weight and Meamrt.
W 0 Illckok, for on tet Weight! and
Menurei for county, at directed
by aot of Aembly ; . 208 60
Edtttrn Pentiimiiary.
Eastern Penitentiary for tupport of
eonvleta ia 1809 s 30 44
. Jnquetti. .
BenJ Doutewortb; coitt and feei for '
holding Inqueil on dead body of
Wm IJoldorf, of Belinigrov 10 3t
W A Bell for new bridge at Seliatg'v COO 96
Carey Mcbnur for lumber, fto for
rep'aof Silimg'vft Longibrldgtt 103 46
Schoob ft Uro. tpikat ft, for nuie ' 8 12
J.Uouaewortb t al. lumber, hauling
and labor at tarn 88 85
Hummel ft Uower. lumber for 8.
linigrov Bridg 81 86
H inland ft Boyer. nalla, ipiku, oil,
painl. etc. for tarn 18 47
Bamoel Oemberling. aauling ft, to
Kantl't, and grant and hauling ft
tiling ia at Beltnegrov bridge 84
Joha Heba, t al, labor at Kanti't,
Blacktmitbing, bold, ipikea fe
at Belinigrov bridge 143 26
W W Cawley t al labor Je at
- Kaalt't bridget 166 54
U Frymoyer, work at Lilter't bridg 9
A J Bpeohl building new bridgt over
MUdlecrcek ia Fraaklkaap 1209
Bam for extra work In making laid -'
bridge feel longer aad on foot
blgbtr than contracted for 160
BenJ Rupp building aew bridge over
aiiddMiireek, near Kami aitu,
rir eoatraot . 1886
oil, for plank aad repair ai
bridg ntar bit mill 8 26
Blcbard Lloyd filling In abatmiott '
at aiw Beliaigrove bridge J7 '
A Ulih rep'g bndg let W Beaver I p 6 31
Samnal Dorr, material and repairing
bridge aaar Trautmaa'i Mill . 09 m
w Ueuieworih, Blank, bialiog, fto
atUetVmill ' 82 87
Wg(ler ft 8aa lor tplka aad
Bailee for repair at r rid git
Ed Oiabrliag. for hauling gravel
I Balieigrov bridg
Job Heba aad eiaara, for plank. 1
4 OA
. aor, kaul ag t for repiira at bi
liaigrav and Kent bridge 84 76
F Bilig. repairing Koyer'l bride . 88 -
J Bruaacr, kauliag aad labor tl earn 28 AO
W Bowireot H day BMaonworfc at
tame aad Furau bridge 13 60
B Eiiiabower, maaoawerk, hauling,
labor aad lima at tea&e . 88 16
Fred Boiig.rrBatriag Furaect bride 61 1
Jacob BeiboldkulWrag new aroa cord '
bridg acre auaaaaoage ereek,
r contract ' t0
8am, eair for bttlldia g raid bridge'
ia r iaagr aae s feat eigne
taaa eoatractad fot ' 803'
ft J 0pbt buiu:pw bridgt aero
Uiddiearaea tn i vr ip, ia par VJ9
if "Pi t
'it,3f il" gx
I li ' .If
Jrnniiiiiffilf ; n
am . BB r. 7 4B.
S V Wttecl ret r -i
et-nri li fi
Adj Arnold do do aoroat Mahnnt'go 19
Scboeh ft Rro repairing brldg near
tbeir Mill 4 60
Monea Krebb. tilling ebutnente at
Ultb't bridge 3
Prnthonotary't Off(.
i Crouae, bill of feet In full for 1M!. 8H IS
do - do part fori 870. 171 31
do do for ream writing paper 6 70
W II Reiver, lap Ac for offir 1 f
ftbindel ft 8wlnford, foritatiouery 6!) 3.1
R Wittenmyer. paper, bronm, eta 8 17
J W Dreese for merchandie 77
Milter ft Elder, bill for donkela. In
eluding rlno for Rrg and Rec irTipe 167 01
Jtegittrr A Itewrtlrr' Offv e.
8 B Scback, Recorder for recording
Treaitirer't bond a 6
do for piper etc fnrnlnbe J - 1 60
do do frright on dorkete etc 6 02
Sblndel ft 9winvfrrd for pant eta 00
8 Wiitenryer, blank book te
J W Dri, ink, pen., madrie 4 fc3
0 A Bohack, for aundrlaa t 20
8 B Scback. for paper, enrelnpwe eto 1 62
Dmtrirt Attorney' OJFit,
B T Park. Dlnrict Attorney, hie bill
of fee for 1870 13
U"mmit'ionrr' Ojpicf
Jneeph Wenricb, laieCommiMioner ATA
John J Mat i era, Crotniionr 400
liaao 8 l.ongaor. do 175
FD li n i t u iur
w.,,,..rre,r,,.,,!forl .... .,.,
ellnaa-roT and ,;.,.iy. tual be u.-imf,,
turci tn nnlcr and keep conxtnntly mi Im
rimits iy am. kivdm. aku
Furmturo of every ricscr'ptioi
nt tbo very lowest prio. Ho rcHjiuuifn
invitci nn ri uiiiniiion of
TAtlt.KS, sor
4 C.1
13 67
2 (0
J I loch repairing CI Home window 2 At)
Acboch i; Brother for eoal 14 70
W li Ucaer for merrbandii 1 t
Shindel 8wineford,hill for lumlrlei 8 63
J 0 Smith, repainting Cl home roof
and new conductor for rpoutlng 160
Do for repair at roof eto 25
Rohrbocb Jf Itudy grate for etove f'O
Wegenirller ft Son coal. 1H6'J '70 35 6n
ll;ary Huber, rep'ng Cl bouie locka 6 76
J W lreee. for nindry merchandine 6 t!G
0 Alfred Sohoch, for aumlriei 1 On
u ;.n.n. .. t...,n,. ii..i!.ii.,. i in ivi
Court . Ksrn nui
Feb. Term (Srand Jurort
Petit Joroi
Court cryer
Comtibiei' Return!
May Ttrm Grand Jurort
Petit Jurort
Court cryer
Coui utiles' Returnt
Sep. Term OraodJuror
Petit Jurort
Court cyer
Conetable' Return!
Dec. Term Grand Juror
Petit Juror
Court cryir
Coiifiiblci' Returnt
II Scbwenk. Janitor, per contract
Jail ami Jail h'xpene
D Bolendor, late Sheriff, boarding
priionere, fen, ind lockage
Join S Wolf, Sheriff, drawing and
119 60
1)71 (iJ
24 6ti
12 5"
63 M2
01 75
107 6n
15 75
7 60
.19 !
244 b8
7 5'
82 04
8H 62
265 26
14 76
42 61)
iimmoning Jurors lo Februnry
Feb, adjourned and May Terma,
cleaning jail and rip'ng lock! 113
8am conveying John D ulaasand
8 A Polloik to Penit -ntiary 183 11)
nam drawing and lumuii niog Ju
ran to Sept. and Deo Term "0
Same. Bill of Feei. boarding prison
en. lockage, labor, material io in
repairing Jnil and out building 103
Irvin Smith, for on bed for Jail 0 80
Scbocb ft Bro for eoal do 22 73
Geo Scbainbach hauling coal 2 13
C A Bolender do do 1 W,
W II Reaver, merchandise for jail 8 82
D Ranch, repairing, door, J-o 1 1U
U Uolcnder, for building new privy,
Grain home, lumber, bauling, la-
bor, fto at jail . 386 (4
Jeremiah Smith for labor at lime
8 37
Joteph Bowersox, for Hone and haul
ing for tamo
Samuel L Mutter, Urn for lamt
2 75
Cearc Wolf, labor at tame -
11 62
1 87
18 87
Joha E Bolender do
Uriah Smllb. do
Philip Bead, maioawork at tarn
13 89
Jeremiah U Smith. I'lanterlng
N Sobabaca, blackimltntng tor earn
II E Bogenreif do d
A J Speohl, plank and lath do
A J Peter, board do
K L BuBington, Carpenterwork
II K Reigel, labor at repairing
2 25
8 09
4 45
24 76
4 60
14 80
8 28
' 7 83
17 66
9 81
6 10
16 60
J O Smith, repairing al jail roof
II Schweok. cleaning tail well
J B Wolf. Sheriff, itov and pip
do' do 2 new eounterpaln '
Samuel Smith, bauling boardt
8hindil $ Saineford, paint, oil fa
Israel Btcbmao, hau'.log coal
J W Dreeie, nails', oil, varnith f "
Scbocb ft Bro., coal for Jail
W U Bearer, bockela, nail, glut ate
0 A Boboch, licking He for bedding
Dan Bolender, tblngltt for roods g
Wagrmeller ft Bon, coal for jail .
Worm Krutey (or wooa
Henry Zeahmao, eirpenierwork it ' v
Grain home, Privy tc at jail 34 11
8 Wittenmyer, aaili, bingei, it,. ,.! 87
C'vmmonwralth Cottt. i i
The Commonwealth vt the following '
persop iot wmca tneeouaiy atar
eoeta. l i ."
Wm Uummiland Wm Muner"' 84 60
DaalellRhoada ' 3
Charlotte Brooaer . 06
Ovrer f Lower Anguit 8 82
Joha Ftlkar , 0 80
N Renaaad JFoy 8 14
W W Dawitt ' " 4 62
Waller 8itlr ' . 48 OT
W Harritoa Ballir . 8 28
8imaa EechBiaa CO 84
8 ft Pollock aad Jobs Douglaa 62 04
Jamee Blaaaaa . 84 02
Chritt Ilaulea aad Fred Waller ' '
Jury Cammutioncri. '
Jury Commiaaioaer per diem pay f
mileage iwoiuomg war pi w
liotid Yuwt itl Britfae.
P M Teat t ad ether, for read and
bridge vliwi : . . Z20 50
.' ' toz 8rah$.
J Fitterelf, prtatlaat ea tealp 67 80
8 B Bohack ft ft Ultra (Oiraiaa) 103 60
unaur atorr, isagiuai joe
Lombard Mrwe da 116
J. Creui . . ; . d . 8
F Welriek " , de 87 60
"Jnkrmt paid.
WHliaat Balaae end other, iatrt
aa ouic ig rert . zoe x
Sujrdtr Ceaely Agrie ' -nl leoiety
0 A Itoleniler do do do
E A Bteininger do do do
Jobn Young de do do
Jont'n Rnwerton do do do
John II Walter do do do
8)1 Itowenox do do do
l ueit4,7nM4iX tw .
Cnty Line.
Th following lieme were paid for
running linen between the eonntiel
of Union, Border, Mifflin and Ceo
Ire. at directed by Act of Ae.rmhly
approved th fifth of April. 1870 1
Aaron KOifl, eureeynr, In part 800
8 Uuwea, aaeletanl including eip't 75 05
0 0 Peter " " 40
1 E Uo'ender " 88 40
N 8 Tlachman ' 21 DO
It Kermetfer " 77 8
J II Hmith " " " 1 6fi
0 A Scboeh " 161 16
N. P. Hare " 5C 1-1
J 8 L'Uh, proviitona for iur g piny 11 nti
Jacob Oroi. In ttraurer, bil due
bim by th Co. at taut leltlcment 842 4P
J A C'briety, Attorney Pee In rate of
Snyder oonnty Juniali county
for recovery of eotle 10
Ueary Huber, tat refunded and
ttamp lo Rnndt 10 13
J Q Oriybill, tat overpaid and refd 2 83
Ratbfohd'Mlnlum.rtdeniptloB money
on a tract of land eold aa property
of Dan Rangier, and afierwardi
redemed and lax and eoiti paid 11 8i
W N Kieiler, el imp lo eol'n bond 1
Wia Moyer, eip'i of Teicbett Init 01
John Hoeb, inking Tcrn'ri clerk and
eoun.el to Belin.grove on lb way
llarrieburg for the put pone or
ting tbecountv t quotaol Utat
see reduced
cTo';;arrg:r:.l. ,o,n'
rom nkt 3i(1
10 46
13 87
II Kremer, ecboot til refunded
J oho K Hughe, itainp for bond
Vuean Mmpiiell, UeUrmption money
on tract of land told brr tnd after
wnrda redeemed 12 Hi
Jobn M Smith, ditto 10 81
Jobn Dietrich, tat refunded, being
the nmouut in litigation between the
laid Dietrich and tiro Ehy, collector
Milled by Comniiiiionert 18
Jacob (Iro.a, entered laxea, paid In,
of fie-i ver townjhlp 87 66
John Kmorivk, money pold In county
treanui y on eitriy hori eold 20
II Kuppjor diicount on not In bink 4 88
0 C VNelker, Agt, ineurlug Ct bouie 20
Ueo Ehy, coin refunded in cue of
John Dietrich vi the laid fcby 10
D T Rhonda for filing itovet eto la
Court Uuut and jail 7 "5
Total f 17.829 73J
WK, th lubm-rlher., Cnmmlii.lnneri of the
rnuntr oi r.nnr, no eertiry, that that the for
"ne account ol the Kerelia. and Kii4nlilurM
i oi snvtler count v. for tl. iur A . II. 1h7o i in,.
na current f natau, lo me best ot oar know I
suite and bsllol
(I Iran under our hn1s, at onr office In the
Court ioue at Mlildlsiitirii. tli al U ul Janu
ary, a. i., IBM. j. j. M,t 1 1 1.KN,
attsst: IAAC . I.HMIACRK,
A.J.riTilia, Plill.II klNNKY.
Uterk. DuinulMlun.ri.
'J'rrtiSiirei 's Arrount.
John K, tluihe., Treaiurer, In account with
ruTlcr i. ouniy. UK
To atnoiitit of tsxi-N onfVtandlna for 10W
ami iret lout yesra aMO 41
Auiuunl auMtveo Mini levle.1 for IH70 l;e7C 7tf
" rsc'u oi j .iiuininei, rei'nin money I 31
" " a.j. r liii.r and oilier, tor
tax. p illir.rlouj toelectlon T Vi
" " j, .ml other., tax..
enured In Trsa.urer1. utlU-a t 73
- oi ouisianuniK orn.r. or laoT, a. a
mistake In maklns; re Issues 400 12
Amount due Co. Treasurer, Jan. 1, 1871 Im at
fcfl.tMl 04
Dy am't orders Issued In 'TO, 17.I!H 4IU
do do ouuundlnn " 4,M H'J
do do of 1800 and nrert.
IS.Ml so
out years, at last sat'ut ar,47 M
do du outstanding vl'eu
a prerlous ysart 8,17 14
do do paid by Treasures of I MO
and previous years ,fs if
By coniinii.lons allowed ooltectors of 'TO, aim so
IJion.ratluns ( " rj5 ul
aiauuut ol lax outstanding " 4,umil
' ' " lor the year
l09 and previous years 713 at
" " Interest added on no t due 7114
" " eorractlun tn orders out.
HindlnR ol Im; and lu re-issuing ul
orders ol said year 400 a:
By l.xurerailune on tax of IK t7 vu
Couiiuisslonol Treasurer on 116, IS5 a
paid In and also paid uui at il f0 4M 00
tvl.ei oi
By amount dm Treisurer Jan. 1, 1871, ijs sa
County i'uinl.
Janaary I. ISTI. !K
T sui t of urdere outstanding for li,7
1134 ')
1 1:.7 oi
4V7 VI
due Treaiurer, Jan. I, ,
Bl.Ut 44
By am't or taxai outst'ng for '70, n
ditto dltlu 'tt4 ure 'e yrs 763 M
Inuritobargedont7o9 Mas above 77 14
. 1ST. Bfl
County In debt January I, l7l, g3,u M
Snvdir Oonnty, 8S:
We, the endersliined, Auditors
or Hnyder eonnty, Iio Certlly, that we have
ear.rullv examined and audltad lh. loratcoaaaa.
eount of the Uumiulaslonen and Treasurer if
r-nyuar county according to law, aad that we
And the saiaa tra aad oorreol as stated.
n te.tlsaonv m li . t. . H n , n u
i kereunto sel
omec, in Mid
our nanus in in uommissluaers'
dleuurg, tbe 4th da, ol Janaary. A. II., 171,
H. U HAMSINtltH, 1 Auditor!.
Market 8 1. Middleburg Pa.
TTAV1NO located la Ihii place I would
XI reipeet fully inform lb oiliien of
Jiidaietju-g and vicinity that I am prepared
to repair CLOCKS AND WATCHES cheap
and Th patronage of th
puhlio la ratpectfully tolicilid. ;
Middleburg, Nov. 24 1809. -. ( .
'"v OB, - '
By Dawibl Miaow, D. II., aatkor of h popu
lar "Nlakl Hoenes.i' Tkli mastar la thouaUt
aad laaaaun .bows' as untold rtcbee aad baaa
tlae la the tlieat Hons, with Its BlueailB Bow.
ere, aiaglae birds. Wavlo palms, Kolllaa
eioaai, iwaaurui low, naeraii mountains, je
llablful rivers, Mluhty oeeaai, Taundclna vol.
aaa ttlaalnar aaavena and vast anlvarsa wltk
eoaalleoe belOKs In millions or worlds, and reads
to uitaeaea lie vawriitea word. Hosa tinted
paper, ornate enaravlnu aad superb Medina
fclflck and varied la tkouihl.x t.kaate ""tsty
aad gri
la its
raeelal la style." "Correct, pare elevating
teatfenov." "Beaaitral add aood." "A
boa.ehold treasure n Coesaesndatlon. Ilka the
above Iron Uolleite Presidoatt aad Profeeoora,
BslauMaM of aU deuomlDalionsi and the relialuui
aaa esouiar press an over tne eoaairy lis iresn
see, wari.y ul laaaiiBBV. .lis liwr uiiwa
tie steel eaxravinas, bstaotlal lallng,
tie steel eaxravinas, bstaotlal biatlini
low prioe make it the book fur lh. masses. Ageatl
are ssIIIuk from KOo IUU per weak
we want tierKyoiea, hououi reaeeer smart
ynun mea end tulles to Introduce the wotk fur
as ia every township, and wa will pay liberally.
No maa or woman need be without a
paying business.
mrelreular. full deeertntooa aad terma.
ZlCAiLER ft MuUUBDY, l Mb at, Phlla,
iaKacartt.Uln. O.
Monro Ul. Ukl.
lot m. eta nl Louut
eatd ia ar lot alala it Springneld. Man.
law. Ill A 814 Market lircel, - ,
v . . , U4e ft'ia,I -
rteraiBTOM. ' 8,61tf
Hfllont 1 o e 1 1 .v .
Rev. Mr. Migill, Reoior of 8i. Panl'i
Church, Pern, HI., being asked the quel
lioa by a lady, reepoa lid at follow t
I am of a bind
Who will fiilthrully Hand
In the hnnJi of affection and lore
I have knocked tl the door,
Once wretched ind poor,
And then for admission I itrove.
Ity the help of a filcml,
Who assistance did lend,
I succee lcil in entrance lo glln
Wie received In th West
My command from th Kail,
Dul not witbont feeling man piia.
Her my conscience wai taught
With a moral quit fraught
With leoiltnenti holy and true;
Then onward I travelled,
To bar it unravelled.
What Hiram intended to do.
Yery icon lo the East
I mad known my request.
And light "by command did attend;
When lo I I perceived
In due form revealed,
A Master, aad Brother, and Friend.
Therefor I bar idled,
And limply related.
Wan happened when I wai mad free ;
Rut I've " passed " einct then,
And " raised " up again.
To a tubllme and ancient degree.
Then onward I marched.
That I might bo arched,"
And find out the treiliirri long lost ;
When, behold 1 a bright flame.
From the midst of which came
A vole which my ear did accost.
Through the "veila'' I then went,
And iiicctcdt'd at length.
The "Snnotum Sanctorum" lo Cud.
By the "Signet" I gained,
And quickly obtained,
Employment which suited my mind.
In the depths 1 then wrought,
And men carefully louglit
Fir treasuree io long hidden thert ;
And by lihorand toil,
1 discovered rich spoil,
Which are kept by the crift with due care.
Having tbui far arrived,
I further contrived
Among valiant Knighle to ippeur;
And as I'ilgrim and Knight,
1 Hood ready lo fight,
Nor Sorcruu foe did I fcir.
Fur the widuw diitreased
There' a cord in my breast ;
For th helpless and orphan I feel ;
And my sword I could draw,
To maintain the pure law.
Which tbo duliei of Masont reveil.
Thui have I revealed,
I, Vet wisely concealed)
What the free and accepted well know.
I aui one of a hand
Who will faithfully tltnd
Al a brother, wherever I go.
You auk mo why I am oppoxed to
flogging children at tcliuol. will
tell you. It lUiikch tliom buto their
tcuctiiT vvlieu llti'jr otiglit to love
liitu. Cbililrt'ii aro little gruvrn folk
it you will accept tho oxprveiiuo, and.
like bit; Mltx, thoy hIwo)8 reinoiiiliiT,
t-veii it' tliuy forgive a hiuw. H'liuu 1
vtiim u boy I Impputii.'il to got u iundly
tlirahfd al hi-IkioI protty m'tcn, and
1 do ojiixt frankly iiL-kuowlt-do tliul 1
dieliko to tliii duy every tcHclivr I hut
ever wiiippvil me. Hut I litvn a elory
lo It'll from which you mny druwyour
own nioril.
I taught a ecliool once myself. It
wan dowu io a ruml dUlrict of IVou-
Tbe kcIiooI wag a xtuall ouo, and the
echolttrd were niostlt nnJcr twelve
yuare of ajiO. Orti', how?ir. w- thir-
to, a pivtty briWii-ayvil tiirl, jut ax
emart aud cfever as elio mu'td I'O, null
withal tuiichieviiu-i an a innitee Her
namo wi vrcll, lliey callfd br Joe,
Joe Milroy. IlerpureuU wvte pour.
but tiiizbljr roxpectiible, living oo a lit.
tlo fortyncro ftirm. '
' Joe was the most unruly nr t over
saw. You cuuldn't keop ber out of
uirstbief. 1 bated to whip' her, kite
wa getriog ao rnuub like a woman in
it', end I didn't liko to oipel ber frotu
aebool, for aha always koew ber lea-
ion! by heart. O, she had tbequiok
est mind I ever tw.
But, air, the kept tho wholo tohool
unruly. A little boy would throw
piper wad aoroaa the 8oor, aod of
ooune I'd whip blm. '4, '
"Joo Milroy tbrowa'rn and yodon't
lam bur lor it," tbe urchin would be
sure to en 1 ""
A little girl Would laugh out loud
and when I asked ber what the wm
laughing for, elie'd ba aure to y :
"Joe Milroy has turft a funny pie
ter on her a ete 1"
What wet I to do? Mutters not
worae and wurto. Finally, I went to
Mr. Milroy, and kindly but frankly
toM biro All about the way tbinga wetv
irOtng 00, and asked blm what course
.better penoe.
Whip ber, nit. ' luld be craphili-
eully.e " whip ber good. Mike ber
raiau yoojutt th'e su4' ai t'other
ohlldreo; That's what la. I Want
my child -ca eontrullatf at school, 1
Well I went back to my school ful
ly determined on' bringing Joe Milroy
to tbo park, Aft tynorltiaii wai bo
lourf wiotitirf I ki-pt a nharp look
out, and pmcutly I aw Joe m ike a
grout funny picture, and throw the
hit of paper on which it wnt drawn
ulear tcrots tho room to eome little
hoy 4. Tho urchins bran ififfilicg
and tlttrrlni firthwith I took my
whip firmly in iny hand, fixed my eyt
linn I j on Joe, and walked up lo her
She raw I meint Beactb:n, and h r
prclty roui"h faco grow pallid lu n
second. I did not tar a word Imt
raised tny whip aod gavo her about
ten sevcro Italics.
" Oh. sir, ob !" the cried at firt,
then doxing tior lip till thoy pre
eJ into ccch other, alio lookad rue al
most fiercely in too eyes till my blows
After tbitt I bnd no more trouble
in my tehonl. All went on well fo the
i D'l. Joo know ell her li'ison, but
Mat quiet and roervrd. The Inst
ilny cntne, tnd I iiire the children a
" trflnt' of canity nod rainins. Whoo
Joo's thnre wia pven to h r tho push
ed it nside and would not tato it. 1
kii'-w by this that she wis brooding
over her Into chnstin mont. I wanted
to part friendly with all thy pupils,
to I wcut nod eat by Joe, and
xaid :
" Wbut's tho Joe?"
She looked up with groat calm eyes
I ettrted in "pile of rayxelf. They
wero no longer the eye of n liltlo girl
They were tho eye of a womtn.
" I never will forget your ungentle
manly cruelty, never, never!" she
raid, ttcroly ni a luita might have
1 tritd to reann with her, telling
her I had done it for licr own ro. d.
but she only shook ber bond and com
pressed her lipx.
Weil, 1 went nwny from that neigh
borhood never lo return. Fortune
favored mo and 1 locamo wealthy.
Ten years hud liuule tne u wiser man
as well at a richer ouo. Nor wax I un
known to fume.
n a curtain city whit bor I hud iron
to deliver a course of lectures toyouoi
mcn't society. I got acquainted with
ayoun womtn, Jos phiuo Milroy, by
uunio, wboao father whs a miUioumro.
With this young la Jy I tell desperate
ly io love. O, Sir, xho wa 1 uprrtly.
regally beautiful .'Lo wax finely oil
ticuted, (.TAVcful, and the finest vioier
I Imve ever heard io private. Her
cobvurxntiouul power wero ehrnniiiiir.
and withul thix sl.o louder aad
I pre-sed my Milt, never divnming
of the lit 1 Io irirl I hud wliipiol iu'tlie
country xfliiml ho'irso.. She guv mi!
her he tri uud tho wealth' "f w un io's ui
feetion it eotituinod. and I, I iruve her
my very soul.
Ilow huppy I wax ooly s I r 110 l. vor,
wholoeis'tho glorious iiilluuneu ol a
gifted woman' power, t un know.
iv. .,...,;., ,.m, 1. .M..
I to k 11 stroll togother in1 the irk of
that city. W lit down on tho grnxxy
hriuk of a niiui iture luko, in the cen
of which a ureal sca mounter ia Ironic
threw up tru)r J.-is of flisbin Wutfr.
while all roiiud hitu lay green, tl.iwory
islets buBkibjr io the rich glorion of ao
enrly June day.
Wo talked of our love und our t orn
inif n iptialx, of the sweet, bright fu
ture that tuy i cy hi I. O, it w.-i a
bliss'ul ilresm.o' letnii r ir itn e. u thr I
inn in t rlu-lo hfyond' the Hearu to 1I1
liox of life.
I looked into the "oft. dm k rye f
the clorioux womao betido air. sod
down over the full, round, keenly form.'
If, nil mine, tnd nry heart swelled
with pride no! thnnklulncsV. Trly.
Twas blessed beyoud the common lot
of man I
What demon vvuudcrln over earth
enured me snd tp. k memory back tu the
Ihtle o school bouse in 1'u'nnsylva
nisf What tcttvptod mo to ajkak of
little Joe Milroy t Ah, who can tell ?
No eoober did I mention that school
houso snd sotno of its associstiont
tban 1 taw a pa'.lor" chaul the fluBh of
love froin my coiupMBina's fuce. Ilor
lipa grew1 told sod fivtk,' Rer eyes
" Are you ibat solioal teacher, that
tuiseruble wroich , wbwe ruoinory 1
love' to detoat f" sbk asked,' almost
I saw tuy drj.dful doom al once. I
fell ut ber feet und piead as only an
eloquent, d'eipaVroti man' ean plead
When the Wild', awreel, dream of bis
lovo is pissing trout" Ms vitioo fat
eor. '
" No sir,' she said firmly, ulmuat
oruelly. " I can never uiarrytibe rae
tbat beat nie. My b-an burn- within
e whenever I tl.ibk of ibuenbiue-'
ful blows- No,' aiF, 00, aef er. 1 oawr
ean', I never trill marry you V ' -What
I .aid I eanaot rwBtasbtt1. 1
plead wddly aad tiir; ';, eoa-
It was us lei. She was as cold snd
relontlesfc aa alio bad btoa warm tad
NTo parted foreror. And how, air.
I U.HI. in I k.t nCSlt. ..I.
wvv m.i. w -.un. v 1 tur wvbs Ul in V
life there Is but one I would blit out
and tbit U the act that I 00c thought
0 Just And bctlofiolal. O, if I COuld
utt suffer a red-lint dagger througH
tny heart for every blow I gave bor, I
would gladly bear it if It would give
me back the pure loro of ber gUrieus
Now thkt I csn look coolly back orer
bo pat (bore are maoy iblngs in tb
the simple but bitter story of tny love
bat appear strange. . The fa ber of
Joale Milroy waabn of the fortunate)
men wborn tbe discovery of oil made
uddenly rich. lie btd becamo
great fiotneierer aad a successful speca-
a pr, Jin daughter and I mot after
tea years of our separation under audi
vastly different circumstances, tbat
neither rocinlied unch olbor until
Ihtit fatal evening. Pom-t'raos I still
hope ihc will repent, but have no proof
that my hope has a reasonable founda
tion. I will wait.
Snm HOuatou's Love nomanrc.
Tho most singular inoideut of in tho
cvontful life of Oeo. Sam Houttoa,
and ono never hitherto explained, wes
his abandonment of the Governorship
of Tentit'sseee, only thrco days after
marrying; a young wife. He became
a voluntary exile smon tho Indians of
tbo plains thereafter, wit made ft groat
chief, ond only reappeared in publio
life whoti Texas wax struggling far
indepcudancc. Tho Galveston Actrs
lifts the veil from this secret chamber
of Houston's henrt by tbit atraogo
nurrition : ' What wo know about
this mutter Is so honorablo to bim that
wo bill for t'10 Grit timo put it ia
print. Wo mny pn in;o thut our in
loitnaiion cnnie indireetiy from odd
now deceaxod. who during; her lifo hnl
hud it right to kuow what cautod tLU
strtno rjiixodo in' tho life of the great
man Governor Houston's first bride
wis a Tennessee t elle of surprising
beauty and of toniiilcrnblo social nut.
Sbe was, if nut tio afTinnccd bride, the
xw ethetrt of a neighboring gentle
man wheo Governor Houston sought
her hand. Her family being very am
bitioii', forced tbo match and eho was.
married. After retiring tc Lcr bridat
chamber, her deportioomcot was such
ix ia c'latM him to suspect tbit, wbilo
her haod was his, her heart was to
other's. She confessed the truth when
i'nuri'ogaiod, inJ, while proml-lnj
fulolity and wifely daty.doularod hor
ol unublo to love bim'. He atones
letiu'd from tli j houto. II 3 then re
igno l his ooiuiQ.ssioQ and went stnon
ihe Cam .uclie. In due courxo of
1 t ine the s iujbt nod obtaiscd
A curium uiistaUo look plooo ono
mortiiiig a few weeks ago in tbo ring,
lug ol iho bolN of tfjo Catholio church
ex ofZuie-ville, Ohio. The belli of
these chuchctaro rung every nioi tilnj;
ol 6'cloek, and to punctually h it p?r
formeil, Lit (hey nnswor the pcrpos
otttciock to persons within hearing.
On tho lU'miu in question the
Rex foD of St. Thomas Cbiircli, who ix
an oil intin, either deceived by bis
nock or ini-t kiug the baods or thj
dinl, rang hit Loll if tho hour of.'J
o'clock, in the moroiogi throo houn
before the uiuil time. Tho loud-vpic.
el pealt of 1 b j boll ranj out And trem
bled away, caught the oar of many a
tTeepor and oaaked them from th'eir
aliimherx. Anion; these were tho id
ton of Sl Nicholas Church, who hir
riidly rushed to tbe bell ropes, snd
so'in the chitnt from the' belfry ol thut
Church ring out iuto the strfiy night.
Breakfast was hurritdT prepared in
different pa'rf of the city, and wOtk
m'en In aeVoral instances started to the
streets on' tbeir Way to the scene, of
their dally fo!J. . v
' mmmmmmmmmafmmtMmmm .....
' A RCNAVTAT. Wiiis FakIwiux. '
K oinVriecT Wornttw ia Kansas, who re.
cont'ly elojietl with a phyticisn, kft the'
following untune note of her husband:
DsATt1 lic8ttt : You're played' out;
I like Dr. S' ao well tbat I prefer
going witb bim you good for-notl.
inir, ' degOoerstad cutrs. ' Ifi oone of
youV business wber we're eona to. It
won't" do von anr cooif to follow Tn.
for I Wouldn't Wit Whh'yotl another
da to ear your Ufa. Too mudfl
inliiak in' thfokibg I lored yon. : I
liefer1 Ud.YJ. matried , yart for cwiTe
nieoca guka 9 I take tho baby aliog
and I'll take care oi it Toil can auo
ft-1 di eoroe aid gel' taarribd. as aooa'
' ll f'lS.J l-i
ftB Beit will tlkVa a boftllV'JJ feist;
lif'Jrtttwf --?r;j r .1 u .vlY.Ui
: t " . f. - ti -..S .'v'
'' '' . t-" -