The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 09, 1871, Image 2

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    T H :E POST.
.MARCH Itrji
,-111 Apporllonmrnt Hill
f - t I.-! . I - - a 1 - . ! . . . Ti 1 1
i.ani, i iiony mo riitmuiruc dim
m presented lo the. State Senntf by
the committee BnJ it in, is we expect
cJ it would le, a fine specimen of
IVmocrntio gerrymandering Should
tie bill p&g. In Its presscnt "linpr, the will hsvo n majority of
throe, id tho Sennto on'l lx in tin.'
louse. This tceult wouhl, nodonbt.
le exceedingly Bralifyinu: lo tlia De
mocracy, and truljr stif factory to tho
rcoresnt iiepublicutu in thin district
who pavo tlie control of tho Senate to
cur enr-mlcs. 15ut, fortunately. the
Krpnbhenus Mill have a majority on
joint bnllot iin-J ein tire-vent the paa
M jo of litis infiimoo-ljf pArtisnti bill
The dtdmte which followed in Intro
duction Irooplit, out notue tgsrtlinjr
Hers, which every fair-minded citizen.
w.istover his politic, ru-tilil "ludv.
Mr. Itutnn. iu tlie-cmme; of li'a re
luniks gavi- thei MleWstij; facte :
' UouVr t-ha vcniJsnr bill, there ar
! L'riMoi rtlic A-u.llv districts, uvrr
n-iiiMmo t'liubW. t liiU- 21 H-pui-
U'ull vcrii(ti"l ',),; K). t i-,ii'irin J.i')tllJ
noro InxiiMo" in rli-ri it Kciiiili.i
ran thnn i ri'tired to t-!'i t ul'eii
I'Pfnt ; 4 7 Ilct.uh'ienna W-uihl i-iit-h tui,-
recti I 6.1 III Volea, 110 1 fill Ilfiii'iT. il.-j liine li plied :" T'HTO irt B little cllllrili
Wo;ilJ vurti reprtsrnt ."i Utnl. 1 .tH'l 1 around the corner where i'iey iln
niiiro Vtitcg bniug require d tii elect n j things.' JctTeranu bowed mid ( ti i 1 1
rprl.htnn than is require I to elect nlreinniked, "All t" ti.e lime
llt-t.iocrut. Kacli republican would iehureli titoiit'd the C'ttier," :itil Lmle
liiidtr this net, rcpreavtit l!).i"0d vole Mr. Midline a I Iiktliol' lie di n
f;iJ each Dcmni-rat lo.f(l(). which
would bo practicully ditrtit)( liiD
votes. AtrrHlit lb" ICenul
licnns rcprcHent '274,001', and 10 Heni-iKive
cernt aCS.l'Otl, and the bill ol l."Mi4 .
pe uioro lo tlto ininoniy thau tLcj
iniiiority now propose to givo to the
majority .''
The bill difpoir of eundiy districts
Lereabouis at follows :
S'ii ui'f'nth. Clinton, Tuien, Nor
thumberland and Moiitjiir, one Sena
tor. 7 it- ntj-S Foyder, Juniuia,
Millliti, Centre nnd Terry, one Seuu
SnyJiT. I'nioo and Lycoming will
fouu olio Tirpiv.seiitiitive District, lur
will have oiily tv.o lleprciep;ativi
itiiiteud of three as formerly.
How do yon li!e it ?
.ttUlrchw oi t'rcsldciit Gowen.
1'rcsideLl Qnueii, ofihn lleuilin
iunltra:, l.;m iwind a fonnal and
lengthy nddress to the Lrj(itdntiirp.
tietlipg f rib the liNtoty and cn'i.-e
oJ'tlie present uttituJe uf the carrying
coBipanies-end epi.ra'ors toward the
Miiicra' Aenociatioo Wo extract the
The ril qurstinnnt iisuc between
the operator,
nnd manurai'itiruM . on tho one miIc.
nud the Workiejmen'a IJenevolcnt
A8oeiatioa ou the other, ,ora tbo fob
luwinir ;
Fir.1t; Shall tho tupp'y and iho de
mand repulttlo os well ihepilceol
coal as of other fiHuinndiiies. nnd the
put lie be allow ed tu p'ftebitso fuel at
naiow prices aft Ihoau who produce it
are willing ts sell for. even down if2
per too at Port Carbon, and 9 1 nor tmi
tit Elizabcihport ; or bLnll tho N rU
iitgmcn's .'. Dencvolent Assneiati n.
bo permitted, by an onlswtul cou-bi-uation
to keep the price nlwnya up to
nt Icoet f3 pr ton at I'ort Carbon aud
$5 per ton at 1'grt Elizabeth ?
Second, ShiiH . pi gi enlilo l iborinL'
inco io tbo coal rrgion, on rii'u,nl
uud cunuk and at our lai')ie uiHnu'iu
turin eUiblishnienl, he permit'ed t
work peacefully, ut wa-ea enure y kul
iaf.icturv Xo llieiiiholvi s. orgliul) the
Lo kept id id'cm i, their lamilum in
want, and the entire industry of whule
communilicH be paralyzed by the di.
tree of a lew mUg iidod l uder" of a
iecnt afCuciation t 1
77ni7, Shall llie owners of cnlleries.
who have iuvested lurue amounts of
monoy io an uncertain and precarious
occupation, be perniitted to uannao
and control their own business, or
tutut they contiuuo In tho future, n
they bavo done in the past year, un
der the dictation of their own tmploy
Ci. s, aa to when aud how I hoy rhall
work their mines, whom they may em
ploy or discharge, and aa to the mutt
trivial detail of tbo daily routine of
colliery managemeat?
Fourth. This compuny is prepared
to transport 1S0.0UU tins of coal per
week; and, with equipment ready and
expense incurred for euch a tonnage
it cannot -bo expected to transport
12,000 tons per week at the name rate
. pei ton as it would carry a weekly
'm product of 130.000 ton. There has
been do violation of. ita ckarauiur io
. the recent advance of met; and when
'.ever, the WorkJnjmeuV Ueuovulcut
Association will permit in member to
J ' fio to work nk. lie g which tbey
I'.' thrjuaelrei aurerd to lake, tbe rate ol
tolls and traoaportfttlua will at once be
redecaal. ' .
J'JtK There is no danger of a coal
fattioe f tw aid of a'ouie very sen
satiooal artiuloa io a few of tbe New
York paper, tbe doaera' who tell by
the pock and bukeJitut ity have
eucceedid Io extorting from tbo poor
large price Rr a feiy irm.ll amojui
of eoal
auvrv irne acarcuy exeeot
io und. Mound : iiew IVUv Mod when
navigation opens the aurlea stock
in J DIlucuILIilu OMn -ha m-mt tn
Yoik. Added to thU,' ibe ear juid
engines from ibe'arthracitt earryiatf
linea caa be k wot lo - the bilumiuoua
eoal-fleld. atkd a Urge supply of ibe
. latlor - lue furuieod a liJe-water.
- , Excepting the owners of l$& fur-,
.eos. uo oue need ' auffer for litres or
fc--tonths j a i ' js be ljee' C-t
ttA t'.z 1 wb( oohU will
r - I" 5
ll-J-.-4 l
reairktiin which now keeps tori J
Vurtisatiu mm lo idleness.
' Si-tih. Tbt olhccrs of tojs compiny
will be elnd to appear at any time or
ptnee, before a committor of ypu bnrr
orsllo bodies, to be examined toucb
nor matter connected with tho pre
ent suspunrwon.'snd to furnish te eircl)
eotnmi'tor dot-nmeMnry or fithr proc.f
i tint mav throw , liy,ht spon tho ub
AH of which In moat respectfully
Vraxk H. fiowm. Trc.
I'lll I.Al'ELI'HI A. Mm i ll 4. 181.
Tlif Little liurrb trwiiiiil Tlir
Tho Tollowiofi is the cirro'iistinnro
of tlie refusal of the llcv. Mr. Sabine,
of New York, to rend the bnr'ml ser
vice over the remain of tho late
Cientc Holland, actor:
At the eoliuitatioa of committee, of
ai'tur, Joe Jefferson culled nn the
Hev. Mr Kuhino to arrange with bim
loririvlinp: lh t'un.-riil em lee ov.r
ll pMir (leoiyo (I. Hand. Mr. S:i
bice had cnnst'Otpd without licaitntton.
and Jtflt-rsn wi tibont dephiiojf
when it sn.l len'y weired to in. I nter '
thin Mr Siihine ni'uht ti ! nndTntiiil
wn noil inn Wh, ami .leiiermn fi.itl:' ,., .tr.M., h.t.rnul wnr nnd r-heo-'
Mr. Holland wiisin. rieior; will tbt-'t,., lir ati( eUrrem:v -it it- clo.e
Illlike IHlV tlifllTelllP IOIOII ?' At - . ' ,. I ,.... ,..r.1 ..rite .Mill tun
Sittiilie hung liis krtid a moment ate:
then i'li'd "Ye, it will; I iim
iiurcii'l llie aervlee lir en iietor '
Mi k ir r-nn the'i ii.(iiirf il, ' fiu li
tell tin- nliowill? ' I.i whieli Mr S.t
wtiDt around the tm n r and -leoivd
tbe rt-rvicva of tue Itev. t ii j tit- n .
JetTervnn llllde no r.ienl.uli ut the ri m
to the comuiitjeo. nnd 'lie wb I-
affair t.ecr.icd hl:t ly to pi by wiih mi
tho elijili'.eiit publicity A day or tan
after, however, "lie of the ci nnniitei,
ni coiivrrsntinn with ore ol the editor.,
of the (il ile, chanced to repeat ill'' n,
cident. In the next utte ol the (!l'il,c
tho story appecred beaded " tio i
lilcss the Little C'liureh Around ti o
Corner" The next day the tn rniou
papers ttnk i' up. and li n ing Iho d
Jcffers'in ttn be.-ciir. il by cejim t. .
none of whom, how ever, t'-'iined n idi-'
ence. Mr. Jeflerson dei Iiniu4 Oi ni l .;
the puhlieity of the ulPiiir. J-'ut it
loo food. Iu keep, and the " Lit lie
CI nrch A ruin. I the C'rner" ha.s been '
lii.ide iti.tuertal. j i
We tO'l, Kliy t lel I,V s the iit:le :
i hureh urmind tlie r.rner W hile
thitt little chnridi lltl'l its bumb'o pie J -i
tor huee been li a lo lunmu'. nti' hei:7
leys hiitnhle. mill it- ini' Print j j
hnie 1 rcotne the obj.'et oi' utiivei :i I , I
and iti Mi'iMot lejai lieii.-l in nil on r tin v
eojn'ty. Tho moral ol this episode ,
i, 1 hut the public lows ebl i-ti;ti j P
h irity. 1 1
The bd'owin:r additi"hnl nhout the !
new Ni w York MiiMi'i .n we clip lioiii'
the J tit that city : j
' W ben Jlev Mr. .S.ihino r- fucd If; -pel
fo' in the lonertil civiii"iirs over -e
the remains nf (i -oie Uidlutid he I t
th ih night id the elihiv that wnuld l e
heaped mi his lici t, or that vie n he
sent I he nppli' iitit lo the l!ev. Dr.
IP iIl;IiIi u s ' L tth' Ch.iuh ruud the
Corner," fhat he was to he ihe cause
ol inukiuu Di. Hmi. liU'ii one of the
most Rpid;en of. most loved nnd mos1
popular ti.iuihlers of New York ; tnul
tliut he wus to be of inesirnmlilo hem lit
to the himily ol the deceased. All tin
hi iieou ucC'itnpii-lie l. :Uii'o
piken ! by no one whh praise. Dr
llouuhtun by every onwiili thebijh
et terms ot coiii'iieiid it i"ii. The
Little Church round the Corner" ha
heen plot implied t y the pliotiyruph
er-i, illultuted by the il!(l.-llilled iu
pris; l"iiartielee Iivh oijjenr.d io
new'8tmpcis t' lOUthout the coiinti v
'The inu-ie pnblihhers hive cuu;ht toe
uiuina; no les limn teq uillerviii nii
lishiii); bouses have, issued tona vby
ililf-rent mitln rs, all entitled, " J (
L't'le ('bureh round tho Corner an"
the sonitiou hits U 't cu'iiuiinled yet
TiMtiiii'inuN hr the tvueGt of ibe'
fiuiily f .lh (L ceased actor hove been
s;iven in every reii'iiihie iiielre in
New. York, and ut lemi . fl.'n 0!J bus
been real i id. which will bo suQieient
to keep the tumUy in comfuit lur inuuy
a year.
And borer comes a d'spntch fino
Chieupo which stales I hut U'. eillel l;,ii,
me lit tti jjiveu al l',uliy Oj'er:.
ILuo, Isr the In in ti1 uf the "Little
Church Round the Corto-r '' There
wis nu immense erow j pri-sont, U Inn
eve 'y avniluhlo space, no I Irom tSi.O 'il
to f 4, Olid ws recsiyd, nil oi wbieli
will be he nt to Mr. lloujhlnu the ree
tor. The Germnn Opera Troupe wer
also to L'ive o full bvnelit to the same
clinrch. So it will be seen that good.
both lo tho family ot the deceased ac
torandtothe "little church around
the corner,'' bna resulted Irum the ao
lien of tho aristocrat io preacher Ki-
IrolellMUU(l I'ree Trade,
We commend toonr renders the ti.l
lowing extract Irora Iu8- aimnuj uie
sane of Gov, McClut'it of Missouri:
" Iro n fun acca alone of Caronde
let and St.' Lnuis five euiployuieni
iu &00 hands nnd will, alter Maich
next, Vomre tlua 1000.
These, with their fuuiilies. gieatly
lactase the oumber ol coo-uuk is n
ibe products of liiroiers una of otbor
msnufaoturers. " 1 ?
With a national policy founded on,
the first lw ol nature ell-proteeiu u
our ' Stste 'H . fr loog be dotted
over with thrii'inji muuufacturinif com
-...::.. .t. nivl?ifr l.nneflfA u'itti
l,uuiiiri, luivrvn'a Ji " "
riciilturHlivis rolleCtivcly pro
duciog chiefly what they oodsuWw sod,
indebeudMDt of laS OllUlde WOl'W.
k.opm M h..m. U wealth ibey may
derive Irooi exports. - 1 ' .,
Out whl.oever " fi TVadK1'' tfiic
Hnes. erlled by any aed K " delusiv'e
names pfevatl. abtmld they .". tliea
tbe lire blnod 4 tba iMinH.'t "'
nuuilies will '.tajrei:t aa4 tbe wtfy
ervvirj pecoine UteeteJ tt wiih a) pea-
f " wot t-remvyineot ; tarn-
' 1 "" VI ,i fiul lnt
will supplant thoie of machinery ;
totvns be dafcrtcd by bcgimrod popu
lations, ttnd crans grow id former cuj
Then, if not Icfore. the rcorle will
realir.o what are ionic of tbo laws of
tiade and of lain, atidrio prepared t
any, at tho ballot box, thove tuwa shall
no lotiffer be violated.
But it rhoM not lo forjretten ly
those di'rtntoflXo embark in cntorpn
eaao int itinfr now prepenled l)V ft
m!Bt cvry ctreHm and valley anil hil:;
that the tarilTnnd free trade (iuetioni
are no", now, n fornicrly.dcicrmitifd ly
pnrty line. The war uroucetl the
minds of tho people and they no I-joit-i
r follow leaders, hut think for tlK'in
sckM on nil aubjert.
l'r teetioniotn and I'reo traiWrs are
notcmGucd to the tank' d' either ol
the pr''cnt Nntiouiil pirtiee, and li
i niiioaken who lony f:V tlmt the
'In'e vict"i-y nehlevpj in this by
the democratic pnrty. Wiis one id free
trade. Kt?o trmle wns no muc n
itif-f ton thn 'be ulioliaiiinoni il the
Sjibhiiih, One Wioi'd revnil ub ut nt
roa H il v a the ui hi r.
The jm'o le ! tiiri mi ariMinii lif In
icnvinee ineiu irni i" m nm'
,,. .,lni , ,.ur mntoMul IiIk iiM
iloe I one Naliniinl credit thuiii.l
.i nwe ik id'cy io tinio el'i'eiiee.''
UKCKii'is a- K.ri:N'i)m:ni;s
f nilrronnly, for tin Ta- ln;o, e..m.
inen-lnir "n the ltity r .lim'iury anil milln
i.ii thauli-t .lnyof iocmlr, b'iUiOjilnclunv.
z a - j
' a
t r : t
r mi
. v
7 V r i; -i k' J J. S
25 Sfti'Sj:;
s r
aal M
C -A-
e 1 1 . if v x
It r-tt-i v ft
c c s ' T v
il Zf
ti- U
V- 4,. C v
-I ;i
I. -
rise a
5i'52?S 2
ss I
Y- - I
S?3f 3E-53S3.; :j? 3..-
Kf.1! 3i ffr-PV .
n as. a-
1 1
I i
,11 -
I!3"" fri
1 d it a
1 : t - '
x 3
Iiellnoiietit Colli o'ur.
Illlrlrt. Collet"""' omnr. Year. Co.
'riikllu J"lm Ut-Mk.-i.el Jvii IS
Itrntrr Anrien ivninr imo 7u ,,a
Cliniirosn Htnry A. Hulls Im17 7 7
rlo.iumu J.ii-oli H. l.n he lIHik t 6S
rriinikiin j.w,tipunor - i
ll.-kver hanry Mnlih I SOS 13 oy
7 07
W Ktllmtar lianry irnt-ncr iw 7
Ir-kklo. II W Krlly " II
ttrry 1 hie Hnlhlun " 160 M
S su
W arMuKltoi limit t . uuu " a mi
, iHtui taiu.TS tll.iw Iiems,
Aidilora' kervicrs, ineliol:iiK Clerk ftO .Viilinix Chiiiii.v dUieea u
.' .-Is tit ni$ I'i il.
A'r. rerio in nink op aliera'a KH 36
do tlu iiiidtr ll.'iiiaij')' ret .11.'
Jj do ni . ami: n iliiarj - rri'f.s 61 "h
J da uo irimiiiialMui ttMt -
tlu ink ik 4u w).inuisl ob 72
Aui't jjhU to Keiorn Judges, t e 813 17
Coati) la tor derliinx
and larniiij; uovicss Hi 13
W'ritjIU anil ZUamrt.
W O llitkbk, lur one aat WelglHt and
Maaaure lor .uouiy, aa Uirecied
by. act f .Weuibiy 2U3 60
- Eaahrn l'enil-vtiary.
Kastero rauiteii'miy lor u'f oit of
eebvici iu ibo'.i ' SO 44
UtnJ IluiiseKonb, crte and fea or -liolJiii
inuneal uu dual body sf
- W ui IiuiuujJ, uf Seliangrvve 'i- : 10 0
Iti '('. 1 '
A 1!U fur new bridge al Bxhnag-'v (60 06
CatSy i fcchuui t lur iuuiUer o for
teji'aul blinni' Ik l.o u in (nidges 103 46
ScbucB a tiro, ajuaesao. lur aaio e It
J.IJnuiieworili al al, lumber, lauliuf
and luhor at asuie . 38 3ii
iluuioial ti Uuwur, lumber for El-
liuseiors Urnliis . 81 fc6
Hieaiaud & buyer, bails, spikea, oil, '
paint, eta. lor eauis 18 47
eainuel Gemberliug, ssuling lie. to
Kwu', sod gravvl aud bauliug ii
i filling iu at ivaUoi.gro bridges 84
Jeliu HrtiD, el si, Ut.or al kaun's,
iilaoktuiilbmg, bulla, apikta jo.
al llugru bridges lit
W W Cswley et al labor jo al
"'Is'sliriut'M"- 166 54
M irjuioysr, .Twk aC Uher s bridge J
A i WMbl building a ' I sver
Mi Jdlprnk w. tnnkllll ID '
Same lev sxlr work Isvotakingaahi .j..
bridge o feel lunger sk! uua wot
higber tuaa eouiraeted foe JDS -
Bdj Itupv builuiag nsw bridge ever -
, aiiaeietiresk, eear aau'e &i'Ui
per eeatraet . ' H6b .
X Vest, 'or ptaak aad repairs at 1 '
' aer ais Mill . 1.82ft
d Lloyd ailing la abulaejte j .
A V h ren'e brides Int W Heater I p' 6
Bamiirl Derr. material and repslrlng
brl lffa near Trontmaa'a SI ill C vo
Jae llniiseworth, plnnk. bftnling, k
al LotK'a mill -. . -n ni
Wag-nsfller k Pon for spikes and
WnlUs fnr.ver.alrs si bridge 2 8
TJ 0eber1inr. f"V banling gravel
lo 8ellnetrne bridge 4 P
John Hehn anil ethers,
,bor. haul n et for repairs at Pe
llnrnTe and Knt brldees 84 75
P Itollir. rers'rlni Itnyer'a bridsn 3S
.1 ilninm-r. Imiillse annlatior at a-yne CB 50
W llowrrwiv 41 ilsvs mnTwork al
nme nnd Furnace bridge 13 CO
It Vi'onhnwen mnennirork, hnulln.
lat nr and lime al aims ' . !t" 1'
Fred Hollar rTslrine Furnane bridte CI
Inenh rel otd hitlldinc new Irnneonl
l-rliljtefrre" Mntiuniongo creek,
.er ennlrset PH3
Pan'e. etr for bnildlne; esM brldje
Irt feel loner nnd 2 feet liljrh-er '"
ll.nn enntrartr.l for H)2
A ,1 Hrrlil l.iill.linefiew bridge aens
Mid-lteeoeV in Itenrrr In. In rsrl tOS
II N Wrtrrl "r l-ri-leeat Smiliee 13 P
Ana Anmld do do nerf.e Mnhnnt'go 10
Sehnrli fro rr-alrlns bridge near
ihrlr Mill i 4 CI
Mn. KrrM.. filling abunrcnle al
flail's bridge 2 1
V'.'(0o'ir' 0(f'.
I Cron.e, bill of f,.e In full f r S1 IS
do tb. ra-i f.-r f;n. 171 2
do An f.irresm "rli'njt paper 0 7
W II Prater. Ine Se fnr effiee 1
Miindel ft He in-tord. for etaMnnery fi! IP
S Wl-irnmyer. rT". Iroom. ete 8 17
.1 W Drere f ir mrrebsnle .77
Miller & Klder. bill for rt-eVNe. 1n-
eluding r'i". fnr B. c nnd Re afTiee 1.17 01
8 ft rcHwek, Iteenrder for recording
Treaiiner bond
do for paper ete rnrtiiic l
Ao t'n frelgln en ilnrk-te ete
.Chlndrl k Swineford prn eta
S WiHrni-ycr. l-'ink book rte
.1 W Vrir..- Ink. rtn. ntidriej
1 CO
C 2
4 in,
f ! '.
fi A r liocl.. tor mndries
S II Srloi. k. for pnper, enre'i.r"" eto
1'iftriii Allornri' fi.
11 T I'nrk', l:e'rll Altornet. Iii t.ltl
1 i,':
I uf feet or IRTti
7. ! f' pitniff'nn-rt' Offirf Wenrteli. 'so-Cmniln.' oner ."7.
v 'Joon.l 'iitiern. t'iniuiioinfr 40 '
lin" S l.r.nneie. At 117 "i
' I'lii'ip Kinney, do f.'l
m .1 Peters. t'oniinUrioner' Clerk 4t)o.
w 1 n T I'nrVj. do Coui.el HID
.1 W iirre. brnoina, pons and tn'y
! Slilnd' A- Svinef..r.l, Smtlunery
F W Selm sn. aanJ. iuk. pena no
l A Hi-liorh. sundries for oflics
' Il llniicli. Hook eme do
iJ Aurnn.l, pni.ige, envelopes, fto
1M H!l
2 oo
M :
f :i
4 08
f wititiiinrer. coal oil, ronml, ete s vr
I i ontr .'olie ..iKn
, P .1 IliAirv-cr. bonlitip coal. IPC,:)
! CO
5 1 A rnlen.ler
J ",,i: A St-inin.-r
a John Ye.iS(
(J jj",.ont'n i.vweraan
Z ! .'oln. II Waller
! S d Homi'iKO
!.! II.h-Ii r. I ruling ( t HuHre windows
j do
. ... I. I l'.. r.ll,..r f,.r 1
14 TDij
W '!! lii-.ver fi.r f.u-rilmnd:e
I Co;
Sliiudel ,V riniiielord.ldl! for mm tries 8 j;i
J (j r-mitli. repainting Cl lmua roof
nnd new eon Inrlois tc r rjiuiliinir 1'0
liu for repnim at i Di t'elo 5
Itojrl.iicli ,t I. prate fur eloto l'()
Wegene1er Sort eonl, 1(d'.i '70 3.1 oil
1 ll-nry HulM-r. rep ng t I bnnse tors o ,n
w Dteere. lor simdiy ruerebandie 6 til.
l Alfred Seliu.-b. for sundries 1 Oil
S Wlilvuuiyer.brn.inia.riiiiiunery.ttle. 13 O'J
Court Exp'fiml
tio. i cini i.riinu ,iuror i r. o'i
l'eii' .l.iro.a 371 (-2
Tipsl'it.-a "I :
r..i.rl rra.T 1 ' 8-1
t'oiisiabira' llelurna f.'l t'2
May Term (inind Jurors '.'I 71
I'rlit Jill oil) ll',," .",ll
Tiptavra I,". 75 I
C. ii' i erver 7 1 1' lUlurn ll'.i t'Ji
Teini tlritiid.liiror 7 7'.
it .lorors 211 Hs
Tip-lnvea 11 j
Cuiiri e j nr 7 ,V '
I'mrniMfj' rtetnrns SJ lid;
Term Ciisud .Uiioia t.'.
l et I .lurel-S il'3 -"'!
Tip-invea I t "" !
i Dee.
('.-ni l ei ver HI
Cnl:illi' I'.fliirn
idiw.-rk. Jill. Ho f per c.-t.iraet
,oiV il' Jail .'., Cior )
42 til
1 I) Itoli nder. late Mii-i ill, honrtliiiit
do do dd 4
do do i'i Id
do ,. An tfn 4
do lo do
do do do !
do do d.. 1'
! 1 ! priMOicr.-t. I't'.-h, iiit.l to'k-i-Z
IJ-l.n VYnlr. Sberilf. rtrnoing and
A! fiiioiik n ok J r. la il.iiai'y
i rel". iitljoiiinfd mi. I Mav Irruis.
I t it-nil i I, il jail und rep'iiL- I ..-It
i I'll e -liv.-x nig .l. l.ii 1..iiIii-h an I
A ri.ll'iek io I . nil, -nu, ii j
s:. 1
..iin- til om il. i.inl n-cni t. ii ir .'u
loi ii. .-t- l an.) I' i- 1,1 i. - 70
Sun. t- Itill -.f F-e. tt.itroiii- prison
i-rs.,ie. I..I--.I-. i.oiier-til in
iepo ini' j tit t.nd An, loiiMinu
m Ii sit. Mi,. ili. lur one .t-,l lur y,il
Z Seliiieli & Too for coal do
Uieo Seliainlii.cli Raudi.g coal
j C A Bulender Uu tlu
State; ui n n.u , Jp..,u.liu t. i.;i
I! fill
-'- .
- l-l
I lltj
8 SJ
1 1
l Raucli. repairing, doors, ,(o
1 lloUnder, tor building new piity.
til-ulu l.niise, Itimbi-r, Uniililif, In
l.ur, o'c al jsJ
1 .It miliar. Small tnr lol.iu-nl same
' . -.. r.. i l
.3 37
ll h:
I S7
IS 87
13 811
int. lor tame
Huuiuel I. Mosser, lime fur same
(leorge Wuil', lbt.r al euuiu
John K llol.-iider do
I liu h Su.ilU tin
Vl.ilip Spjde. naouwi rk at rune
Jeieiuiau II S.i.iiIi 11m.sici intr
N r'ebabaeh, Id 'ck-..i.itl,.lig for anni
il E Hog. ureif do d
A J Mptcbl, plank and taib tlu .
A J 1 filers, boards ' da
ll L HuHinplon, Citi-penlarwvrk
II ll Iteiict-L, labor al repairing
It Ub
& it..
a .r
4 tl
i!4 78
4 60
IU 811
8 o.1
7 88
17 8.)
0 81
-'0 , .
15 ec
U 76
1 87
J 0 Btuiili, repairing al jal'. roof
H t-obweuk, elassjjig jiui vseli '
J 8 Wolf, Slieritt, note and pipe ,
do do .' 3 new eounterpaini
Samuel rimiik. hauling boards .
tbiud.l A- Swlnrford, paint, oil jo .
Israel Uaobinan' hauling coal
J W Dreeae. nails, oil.'vartiuib 4
Helioeb 6i Ui o,,.eeul for jail , , ,
W It Beater, bucket, nails, glaaa eto
U A Bobooh. linking eto for bnddiag
Unn llulendsa, sluugles fol rouHug
ViHgriustler Jt Son, coal for jail
Morris Krdlay for 'wood '
Homy Zecbman, esrpeuierwo'rk at
(Ji sln bouse, Privy etc al jail
8 Witienoiyrr. nails, hingea, eio '
' Vomnwiiweauh CWs,
Tbs Couiniouwtallh the fellswuig I ' I '
pvraons tvt wUicb Uieeouaiy aid .
eoata, vis i .'.
Vita Hummel and Wm Muaser
Dani el T Hboads .
Charlotte Bruaner '
Oteraaera Of Lower Augusta
John Kelktr , ,. .
N KrDD and J For
W W Kwlil
S4 6U
, 05
8 82
I 0 80
6 14
4 M
48 07
. 8 2
20 bl
'i IM
Waller tfeitler
W Uarriaoa lUilev -
8 A IVuoah and JoJra Douglass
James Hiugman
Cbriat Huult-u and Fred Walter
'Jui-y CammUtiuutrt! ''
Jure Coinajisaiouers per diem r,uj
. mirage ioeltitliug elerx 87 CO
. Hvmi Vuw uml Jlritlyt. ,
P ' M Tsus and oi b era, for road and wsw ViQ 51)
i Ftileyotf, preaiiuw oa rex seslps 67 80
. . ' JYinting
8 B Kehuek & B Laiarus (Qeroiss) 103 60
J. CroMo
P Weirick
i'i T -?!a7 CO
nfrtW hni.L '' '
- ...: ,
William llslnss sou oriiers,Tnteroht-.
on outstanding Mefs ;
858 24.
Aaru.ulturitl .Sdri:-. .
Pnyder Cnuaty sgriculntrsl fCriety
as diieoled ny sot pr Assembly H O
Comity 'Linn,
Tbe following Item were paid' for ,
running lises ne'ween the cnnnilea (
of f'nien, Snyder, Mifflin andn- ' .
Ire, as directed by Act ol Assembly
approved llie filth of April. 1170:
Aaron K Oil't, surveyor, in p.irt .
S llowrn, sialanl including exp's
tl I'eiars
J F. lloVmler
,N H llaehniau
1) Krrsictttr
i II rttnilh '
(1 A Solioch
88 40
22 VO
77 85
10 r,f
151 16
N. I', liars
60 16
.1 8 tie Ii, pretiaions for eurv'g party 11
Jiieob Grnas, lute liensurer, bal dns
bim by the Co. at laal sviilemrnt 812 -IB
.1 A vlri-ty, Attorney ree in ease of
Snv.l-r eoumt Juniati county
lur teeotrry nf rosta
llemy llii'.or. mx refunded nnd
slump to llomls
in ir.
J (I ti.nbiU, Ins trrpsid nnd reftl
2 ii
ll .ilit.oi.l Miu iiio.rrildi.i lion inuney
on a Irani of iivl sold as piopriy '
of I uin Kei-gl. r. and al.arwsids
re 1 t-iord nud 111 and cons psiJ II
W N Kie-lvr, stamp In eol ri bond , t
H in Meyer, eip'e of Teuebeis Inst Cl
John llorh, Inking i'udi IS clerk aud
counsel In Si-lin-grwe on tbe way
io Msrrlsburg f.r ibepmpuae of
yelling the eunt's quoin of bints
Taxea rtdiieed 6
Com'rs Attorney rypensea in going
10 llanisliurg in same case
Com rs Clork, ditto,
in 4i
is u;
11 Krrmer. school lax refunded
John K Hughes, stamp fur bond
Fiishii Sn mi, sell, Ite.lemiitiun riiouey
out. art i.r hind told tier aud after
wards rniri med
Jobu M t o.llli. ditto :
John llietrirli. lux refundod, being
llie niu' iinl Iu UiiKitilii between t liu
-aid 1'itoi iuu- and Ore VAy, collector
setlle l by
Jiieob tiioss. eniere.1 taxes, pnid la,
uf U. i vr township .
John r.iiienek, uiunej- puid in county
iit-aiii, y un eoray L rs sold
11 K.ipp.lor d.sctiiiiu un nolo in bank 4 SB
Cl C Walker, Att. iu-uiii.gCl hulls,
tiro Iv. rosta rt-fiiuded in ease of
1 1 I.. i... i.; ;..i. .1... i t... in
Ii i lihoiid for fixing aiotes etc in
Cotu-l liuuns and jail 7 "b
Total 5 1 7, SJ'.i 7oj
ti e snl,srrllts, rommU-,,ncis of tlia
county ut r-ny.i-r. n.- eortny, tLal tin lura niore flir tl.,lr lt.hcs then Is ne'essnry.
K-iiie iter., nut o the e.-ii,is and r.xintttiires ,, ,
ot Miy.lcreueiity. for ll,e eir A.I). ls;o, U true r!"S time p'.ei-e conililn every Iniprore
n,l as smted, to the uetl or our knowi-1 tnent that a lonit exiHirleneehis proved nf real
e.tgean.1 hellvl. ... ' . I nraotlcal nso. Having had the refusal uf nar-
i.iv.u un irr our, at our enre rs in!
I onrt tifcii..- nt aiiuuitt.u-g tlia ,., tut ut Junu
. niy. A. Ii., i7l.
.1. .1. Mtl t.KV.
IMllLlr hl.VNti.
A. J. Fki HltS.
Tn usurer's Ai rminl.
K, lluuhrs, Treasurer, In accaurt with
ntoor L-tuii.y. uu.
T aatotini ui :.i.,s lUtstansUuK fur l0
imd prat 1., us yo irs (.1010 tl
Am',uiiiaFOre,i nnd levied 'or ISTO liu.o ;v
rcc'Uol J.lltittio-et. re'l'tmi m-n.ey 12 al
' A. .1. I isher and uihars lor
tasrp ii-s',1 ptarlous t-lci'tln 7 06
" " .1. lilUl l-'t I others, laxas
md-rutt In Trrasuier-s ulttt- 6 To
KK uf outstanding ordurs t.f ltui7, as a .
n.lstuku lit ...aklng rs Ireu-s 40) i
Amount Uua Uo. Traiurr, Jan. I, IsJi , t.H aj
:l,i,l'J ui
t'fiNTU A.
lly nui't orders Issiit.l tn 'To, i;, 411 i
do U t,uisunding " 4,wio os1.
13M1 ao
i j0
do of 100 and previ
ous o,us. at last sai nt ,W 03
do uulriitniliea ol 'ej
previous ) tars 3,117 It
do do mI.I by Trcasuiei f loS
and prevlou- cars 1,7S9 f7
Ity ennuis-Ions allowed Collector, of '70, SKI
t x, lia ti. , lis " ' K el
aiuouul ol lK uatrlandlng " t.usll
' i.r the yer
ISfl'J and 7S1 01
' " llilt-rerl ad'lr.l on am i due 77 14
- - c-rirt'tioi. In or-ltos out
standing r,t ls-,7 and iu re-ir suing of'rs i,l said y ar 4Wl t2
lly I to. trail,, us on III, rlS8 67 H
Coiuiuisstt.n ol 'I rc.surerui. 416,16 IS
1 sol lu aud ttlsu paid out al 3 g 4.'-4 uo
t.IHi Ut
lly amount due Treasurer Jan. 1, 1171,
Vutliitu I uml.
, .unitary I, IS7I.
lu ain't ui nidori outstacdiog fur le7
SM 60
I IU4 b
I li7 0.,
4M7 U
las SJ
.. ., Ma
due Treasnrer, Jan. I, "
II) nni'l ol laxeautitst'ng for 10. :i
tllit i d.uo 'uu. uias xrs 7tM M
;'i llttetesltharued un KuJ olusltboi 77 14
i . 478 Su
I'outily In dtl.t JiMiunrj 1, IS7I, SJ.jil la)
r nidet 4Vnty, S-!
W . tbe u-derslvna-1, Au.H'ors
f Si,y,lr, i i ernly. Ui-4 r h.tva
can-lull) rxitiiiii.a't a.i.-licd the turt-vnaan
count ., tlia '.oiitlss..n-ra and Treasi.rar of
-r.wl-r eoui.iy act-.-rdlug lo law, aad that -we
Ilnd tliv sat-.o tru nnd
d tliv sat-.o tru- nlid - ,-rrect as alta1.
in l.-llm a. v rJ,o r,d w have imrruntn sal
our haiols . ilia I luii.mlsstoiiors ofttra, In Mid
o tllebbls, Hit eui d, v. I January
A. 1).. l7l.
IIL KK hl-.Nt'Kftlt. )
M l, MAsMNUKIi, S Auditors.
i'AL. L. tlMIEH, )
the l.staie of Mery llriminghoas. late
ol Centre township, deoeased, having hern
grained In the undersigned, all peraon in-.lebt-'d
lo the estate nre rcqoestt-d lo muVe
payment, and those l.avsiig ckuuis sguinsi
the aaiue, il prea-nt ibeuilo .
M-isob 31, 1871. ' 'i'i Admlniairutor.
Q'HaVi. .'JlMlsH. Cnme lo ib-
liirni1s of th subscriber. In Hentre town-
lull., --iar uai.i y. t a- .-v sua Bin ins..
roiuiiioi. surd K Hl-OW'N MAKE, about
7 josrs old with while bind laga. Th owner
I la r.ustad lo cunt lurward, prove iiruMrty
pay rbaigrs an iok Bar away 111 iu
ay rhatgrs and t-tke bar away
i wJU be
uti-ttusej ui aocoritiiig in taw.
Centre township, Feb, 1, 1.71. . .
KtrtateiifA.Q. UAS81NC.E1I, dco'd.
ibe estate of A. O. Ilassinger, late of
r-elinsgrove llorough, deoeased, ' having
been granted lo Ibe undersigned, ail poi
sons indebted lo the est -tie are requested to
uiuke payment',' and those hating claims
agsiust llie aim, will pieent Ibetu lo. to
Jan. 31. 1871. .' , Adujiuietrstgr.
Estate of MARY O.' KEOKEB, Oeeessed.
eslats of Mary C. lieekrr dr3 d,, late
ut 8linsgrove llorough, ttnyder - Cuunly,
Pa.,liatiag been granted to tbe naderaigned
all peraoas indebied la tbs said Calais sr
request ad lo make paymeul, and ihoesbav
log -dersMids agariist tbs aauis to preaeai
lUtD) without delay to ,
. GEO ROE 6C11.NCRE, Exeoulorf.
January 8, 1871. l 1
' 'i i ,1 i 'i im -
. , Estlu JOHN J KUNE, dee d. ,.:
on the estate of JOHN J. KIINB late or
hearer tuwushlii, dee'd, karlug haiii graoted tti
lb, all partwus knowing ibauvMlt.
lutilHd l the aea rwtaaa.tHl to
paytuaut. and those baring elaiias lit
aaatus iu preaeulaJiaiB-te
Btr lwiMhlji,-lee,, lTSr v
Cuiitlonii-flsviiiir' 'tt" bari
ttialollwln articles at IHttabl's Bale
and ltl lb saut lu ai-usl-n ut i.anlal Hate,
of Franklin tuwn.blp, ail ixrau-ns ar hereby
ouiIim)-I nol la tulerhire with nor lu ant )
mad. II with th earn, VlsiOa s-lot. I Clock,
I Oouk eiurj,t-rd aad ilaula, OI ul aausage,
S ohoali, t cow. I Half, t W agoa, kors gear,
Hay -are, 1 SHVS
SHUfgi,! tuiuuvaur. I siarroa,
i.T OM-i u hat! lauraal la a
t aeetuarrow.
Hue, Kt-vS's
fciS"--t, TssTf-a1Ta;j
. suia of KaicaasavoS, dea'd.
I estate of KIIsa-IL Hrlrlivnlsioh, late of Wrh I
inHt'in in., tieeeasen, n
attna b-a rantsd to th I
an.lersliri.e.l. all lersnns knowm il-ursrltvs :
le.lsuied lo tli eslat ar rrnnxtwt totnsKs:
naymtriT, ann inosa natin eiairoa aaainai us
sb, will prtaent firm lo a.
Parry tosriwtalp, Jinuary SO, U71.
Tth nibaevilier offers at trlvnle sale hie
VALUADLH FAHM. slluale ib Monroe,
fnwnsMp. Snyder Cntiiily, l's. adjoining
nnds of Ahrnlisin Fisher, Miehenl lluinmel
ad otksrs, eonisinlng'ahout
175 ACHES,-
mnrs or lesa, ninet v-flte seres of which are
cleared and in s high male nf cultivation ;
tbe balance is covered with Ihe best or lim
ber. Tbs improvements coeeisl of a good
Intgs - ,
Dwelling IIoumY
a LAUOK rlAXK BARN and all nrceaisry
ombiiildings, good water convenient for aft
purpose, n large
rnniaining elinieS grntied fruil. ate. he
farm i- under good fence, naturally fertile
and highly productive; Is In a bealthy
country, about three miles from Sriina
grove and iwe miles from Bhamok'n Psm
on ibe west bank of Jlie Susniielmnns rlvrr
I convenient lo Murk da. Jiailrusdi, Ca
nals. Chnrcbea aud 8c!iool.
Will be sold on easy lemis, and pesaosjiion
given Imnit-datoy If desired. ' For further
particulars inpuire of the subscriber on Hie
Capt. JOHN i)Et!N
Monroe Iwp., .Tuna 8, 80.
Ilou-i'll Co.'b Aiherticmrn(.
The ex tensive use nf thee watehes for the
lat OMmn years by Kailway Condiietors, Kngl-
ncers and F.xpressm.-n, the most exaotlng of
wntrhmnkers, has thoroiizhly demonstrated the
tranott, .M,llnM.S ,1,1 rnt.l ll . KHil aittira
i f the Waltham Wat--b. To satisfy that class
In all these repst'ts, Is to der-t.le th iitlon as
to the real value of these tlm-keerera.
More than 600,000 of these watches are now
speaking for tlirmiclves In the pocket of the
pat'ple a proof and a guarantee of tl.elr snjri
sirlty otr all others.
Tho siiiierlororininlritl -n and jrroat extent of
tt-e '.'mnpiny's Works nt Waltham, enable.-
them to nroduce watches at a oris whh h ren-
ders co mpetition futile, and those who ttiy any
other merely p.iy frum S to M r cant.
. ... .
ly every Invention In watch tasking orMnat ln
tri this country or In Kurope, only thos waf e
llnally adopted whlt-h rerere testing by ttte
most sV.llfull artliam In our works, and long
uio on the part uf the public, demonstratail lo
be essential to eorret-t and enduring tlia keep
ing. . , '
Among tbo many Improvements are would
pantcul.irli :
1 he Invention and iieof a eentre plnlnn of
iH-t-uliar ronstrurtlon, to pretanl .lamago co tl.a
train t'V the of uiaJu. springs, isorlg.
Insl wltb the Amer i-aii Wttictt I'ontptny, who,
hiivlog hJ the rilnsal of H al other eontrltan-.-rs.
a.l.Ttiat l-'ogttfs aiient pluiuo as being the
best and fuHltlc: s.
llnrdrned and tomr-e1 hair ! rlns now u
nlversally aOmlttr-l frt Wat.-h nttt-'-rs to i the
bctt, nr ued In all urn. Irs l W'.ilihsiu wati-liet
All W'allti'U'i W alrSos tiuva .l.o-t pr't"lo,p.
protrcll.ig tbo e-ovsterni tr .fit ,lu-t. 'in, I It-.-s.-ii.
Inrf the ncr ty of .he fTt'i'iool t-le.tnltig i.-i-csary
I.I otllr tl,us.
I lur new pat rut -irn. ln,l.:r. or hejlr wat-'h
Is iilretotv a ,tt- M-,l S't'--r-4. ond a ttrcat lot
lr,.vareeitl on any s-t-iri nlioling wti-h In II, t-!
Anirrlrsn nmrkat. ai,. l,y l,tr t!,o t-u.-apnt
aat.-h of its uuiliiy now
uu:c'l to tho
io tnose living
In .,r ..f ll,H ll.l -
Ntatrs where wlt-liiii,ikris do nt als.und.
watejioa with th alnsvu teeiilt-.neil Itnprnto !
irnts wne-h umn to ensure urruru. y. t-it-anti-'tiea.
durai-lllty and eouvrnlenco, niust prove
ittfnlt tile.
Thelradnmarks ol therarlom atyUi made by
the t'.'lup.iny are as f. llow. :
Asku.i an W a Till to, W'attham, Mats.
Ain. W'ATfii t'o. W'althain, .Mass.
AvKHirsa W Alt H Uo,, t'rescenl St., Walt
ham illass.
W a Li H a M W a -en to., wsltnain. suss.
Aeei.KTtN. TnAt-v a l'o., W'nliliam .Hats.
AMraieaM Wat.-h Co., Adams tit., Walt
h nm Mass. . -:
P. t. IIabtlett, Wsltliam Ttlats. . .
Wai. tt.i.Kiiv, Wnllham. Mass. t ,
Hows Wati-ii Ho . Bot,,n Mass. '
Kxai.dne the spalllng i these natnesearerully
lailora tiiiylna Any variation even ofa- ilugle In, llos las a gLUn.artalt.
For sola bt- all laarrtng Jawallorl. X watehes
retallcl ,y tl.r I ,ii'p,iny.
tn lliutir tt-d hist iry of wateh making, eon
tairlnK liito'h um'IoI Information to watch
wcarare suit to any address un application.
Oeuerut Agents Air Americano Wateh
IsailKOADWAT, Naw Voag. .
Theot.'cst and hrst eon.1uetd Mercantile Col
leu lu tbe t ouetry. l-'or circulars, wrl.e to
)' Jit KK Si O.NM, Hltlsb.trgh I'.,
ee- lUarrsH' Koirioa or HUFF'S HOOK
Klr..iFlNti. 4iai pp. 'l ite most oomprahanslve
work published. I'lintolo Nallunal bunk, Hall
Kuau ituoaaoeping no. .
, UNCL12 .lOHII'Uj
' A Partloll r 41ratlsa Wit and Httmor.
containing the Klohart I'onili-ul tor lea. Cruel
Kells. Kll-ewllttlng Jokes Humeai.ut Puatry,
Ajualnt ParutlUis, Murlasgue SHtrmuus, New Co
nuadruuii and Atlrth Stroking Speeches ever
published li.irMtriad with eurious Pursles,
Amusin,( l ard Tricks, Faau uf Parlor Id agio
so l nearly Sue Kuuuy tnaraving. Ulualraad
. over. Pr, 16 ets. nent by nail, pust .ge
rait, to any pari oi in in imnei niaies, uo
recclptol price. UIOK . Fl J'1EHAL,U,
PuMlsl.ers, is Ann St., ti. V.
alclas t so ag i sent by mall free. - Teach.
es bow to euro a.l ulaaaoa or i
Hi tarrsoa i skin
hair, eyes, complexion.
Write te TU-Uritadway,
r . w i oral.
loth Year. AM Acres. 13 Qreenboaiei. '
fest Ai-ortmeet alt si, ilaat btotikt Low
'rleei I Would yoa know what, Wl.en, Uow to
Plant I Frail Hbade., Etergroen Treas, KOol
Oraiu, edllaga. UiAge plants- Apple seed
frly Roaa PotatiaM, --hran- Kosee Qreenhous
an. I garden pluots, ao. ae. Flowku ao Vaa
tasls Suva I Flnstl, He-t I'ollertlon 8ortl
and quality. Send 10 cauls fur New, Illosirated
i-asnriiitlv Oatalotru W page. rnd sump
ea.-h. lor Catalog.., of settle with plain dlrto,
tlous 4 pages i Haddliig and ' garden plants
3i !, aud Wholesale Price List U4 pages
a.ddrass t. K. PHOS.NIX- Bloomtnglon, III.
A"ri s. f V-.J, ' It" sai s Wat en,
VirGlL.Ull6r. 4l llroadwav.N.f.
will .ll'pou ul One llumlrad 2'lanos, Mrlodeont,
ne-l Organs ol six Srst clus- maker, Including
Walors'. at eitremelt low prle-, for cash, du
rUm tills uonlh. or will tak part e isli aud bal
ance in muotnty orsuaneny insiauiacoti
, .- We wut Insert an sdrertlsatneat , .
6,N;u, ; ?i o zs.rv ii'
', lo on hunored and Blty five Fltst-clnis
Peunsjliuulu S.tvspi.t'rs,
' Insladlng Eleven Dallies. , . . -
We refer o tit pubUsher'or.tbls paper, to
whom out responsibility la JseU knuwo.
List Mont''
, j Adduss OF.O. P. ROWUI.L It CO.,
ot '40 V 41 Parte Bow, New Yo- V.
e5TOl01EU DAV.
liEN WOMEN, ItOYet asdOIRUH who engage
lu our new tmslneaa mak iruaial luSIO pa. tl .y
lu Ibalr own loe, lilies I all pa.uoulars ami to
stru. llo sent Ira by aua.lL Tk-at iu ueed ol
peruaneni, uiohuble work, aiw aid address at
one. UEOKOKbllMaOM ed Co., PorUad
'N o J ataatiard ramedy ftur Ouught, C-abla,
ipuoa. nvuainj whh,- vnwa
k t S- , ...
, . t
t an bs matte In a Unlet trsy l.y men that ari
espahi ot Itsplna- Ibe mill. AtWI.esa J AM4a)
..rtftiu-r t,. , Arupnar run, i-bw iotbj.
prrnerrd to fsrtilsh all alaxwa wits canstaat
iniovnv-nt at home, tlu) f lv-ls of in tinisu
. lloilhe snare Wiotnents. Tinstnaea new, light, ans
IVrsoni of ellhar sea aoallj
U pit eranln. and a Dron
ity eaaa
sum by ilaroilna their winds time lo the Insln'M
i, ys ano ariri ania nearly as ntarn aa mea.
That all wl.asrathts notice mav aS thsir ma.
drrs. ami tost Iwa bttsirtess. w make the anpar.
iiBir-imm, w sum s.irt nut wtu saiisa4
wb will sand St to ,ay mr the tml.nrwrltinr. .
For i-arrtralars. ataluahl smrl wklntt wilim
to oommance wurS on, and s copy of Th Pro.
pta't Literary Companion one of toe Ureas,
and best family ntwMarwr arer rnWIshe-l all
esnt n-re by mall. Ntss-r, tf goe want irma
oant profltabla workjidires
i.. i. tt,u,i mum. Aaaniia name.
aftQfTI B At. A BY Ft H WKKK, and atpsn.
ss, ,ld Aneuu, to Mil our new a,
itnl dlaeotarles. Address ft. bwsaT a (..,
Marshall, Mleh. - '
A VOIP Qi'ACKH. A victim of
early ln,Herlon, esuslnt nervons fl.
Mllty, prematura ooray, Sio., Iiavlna: tried Irt
vain every a,trertl"d ranio-ty, has a simple
moans of -!f.-nre. whtr-h he wil n-n-l fro to his
lei low aflarsrt. A.ldresi J, 11. Tt'lTLl;, tl
Nassau lira!, Now York.
n !wrrTOt. ihmik ms
T HU'RKTSl for tseill-a and Oents. Slant frsa
furlsUmpa. Iir 11 oiaisrls h Co lluelnnall, O.
D'lttrky t Co'i. Ailvrrtitrmenti.
yiO. , - IWS-Am .
J Elf UP E-J3 A
Agents, Hale & Female.
For fast soiling popular subscription
rlaoka. Etlra Indueimmtt lo Agtnli. In
formation free. Address American Book .
Co., 62 WiUUm Street N. V.
810 Hade From fiOCts!
j Something urgent'y needed by everybody.
v.i.11 uihi ee ; or t. atmpies sent (poatags
piid) for 00 ets. that rot iil erasity for $10.
It. L. Woicott 1S1 Chatham Bquare, N.r.
WANTK.D-AdlCNT". ma pr
day) I" sail th celebrated HOME SIICT
TI.K hKWIKis MArili.VK. Has Hie under
trod, makes Uo "lock sll-rti" laUke on botk
slilee.) and Is fuily .-ai,.el. The Ust and cheap
est family .-owing Machine In ths market. Ar.
dress .I'.ii-ot,,, ctns;, it i;., Motion, Mi-i .
I'lttsOurg, !., chltiago, ill., or St. beult, Mo.
3ill IttxtU Enlcrprino
We continue io send a valuable gift with
svi-rj ho.k boitglitofiis. Thonainda will
testily lo our .promptness and fairnois.
tllve its a trisf! 1 Write tor a catalogue.
Sent free. Address 1. M. F.vaxs & Co,
7.1 Market Siren, I'biladolpbia Pa.
for Oroesherk'I Calenlatlng marhlno. rapid,
accurate, rollahi, Kaslly ntwralcS
t-lirap nnd Imauiliul. Ulring In-tunt-meoue ad
ditions or snMraotlnns, taking from one t- St
oolu.nns of ntr.irrs at. a time, carrying and nor.
r,,wlnir its own tens, kua'lreds, ts wllheut the
t-a-i .ii.iu:u .. intp.uonna operator. A t-
orrs. .iuji.r.11 A ;no l HUY, I'I
ii.indrotne ,ros
T'irTf poem of our new
"k l'.los'ratjd Fata.
i'.y lUl.le contain
;ni over iX line
it i
l.oi-triitioiia to any UooU Aucnt,
lira- Address Natiuxii, l'ts
I l;;l..,le!.l,i.t, Pn.
, ,-.
I i .-nin .
-fjriile4 v:iii1imI liu
Ovan o-,: tiioi Mn ni.i sTiiArioxs. Tb
htrgest. best selling, nnd mint nitrnetivo
subscription b.iok ever puldisbed. One
agent m Tii-nver, Colorado, sold 100 copies
in four dnys. fine spent Milwauhie sold
30 copies lu t di.y, and large numlier
from liO io di) copies per y. Hend for cir-
i with tertn at oiit-t- Address r. f.
I'I SMSHIXa CO.. 41 ruume .!.. K. 1'.
, Reduction of Prices
1 ly dtit i ii.jj- i C,h,.
tsind for our Nw Price Mst and Clnk
form will accompany II, containing full direc
tionsmaking a laruo saving to consumers and
remunerative to club organizers.
7Vie Grcut AmrricHn Tvt Cumpanv,
4w '' " - SI it S3 VESET STnF.KT,
Carbolic Tablets.
Prepared by 1R. WEL1.8,
This most Important discovery or th age Is
this wonttatlul Healo.Eaud 1eans1na-ara for
all diseases or weakness of lb Kesiilratory or-
f ans, sure inroat, ul1uon com, llonrsonea),
Jatarrh, Asthma, Iirynssa ef th Throat or
tt tii,ipi. eueaaa ni tne cuoas gnu for all if
ItalP.n uf the mueaous membrane.
All erveslka ami jiubll sneakers who speak
and sing without effort, use ilies Tablets, tl.slr
allect In cleaning th vole la limply ostonlihlog
ua wn ua suuwn oy owmroua eeritneaiea. .
act directly on the mucnoni membrane an4
should be promptly aud 4idy taken in all ex
unsure or tlolent ohanir of wealher. as aba
a,uallte thai 4'lrralatluB of the Irtoud aad '
warn ou all leuueucy to cuius and tutg dim-euliles-
-, '
The pniprletors would say, sll first class mtil
lolnes bave their Imitations, and they would.
CAUTION tbe. jiublio apninal imposition
ny bating . otner inodiciuue thriisl tipoa
Ibemin plac of i,ee admirable Tablets.
J.Q. KRi.i.oao.M Piatt itroet, X Y., sola agent
Mold by Ururglatty r Price cent a bux.
3(1111!) IS NO 11 I'M uin I
L lly sensing S5 cents with egl,
eight, color of eyes end hsfr, yuu will receive,
by return mall, a correct picture of your tuture
husband r wife, with rutin e and data of mar
rv,e. Address W, FOX, P, il. Drawer liu, J,
1 ultunvllle, K, Y,
rriio IM.tic Comb.
will change any. colored hair or beard to apse
nianau. black or brown. It Contains no potsol
I me comb sent by mull lor SI. Healers suppl'sJ
al reduced rntcs. AodresiWm. PalWa, Tieat-
bprlugneld, Mass. .i , , , ,
Fur tn l.siM
w. u
The gran-le-l and most nopular new book out.
llun.lreda of superb illnsiraiions, Kteal, ,
Roolhsrhonk liko It none selling half e fast
Agent tell vote to per, wk el It and Psos-
mows'i r-eli-li toipreilox pibl. Extra Uri
l.liiiut(anu,re,l Ketul for elroularl
WuBTH.giiTiiN PCaf ut IsOo. iiarnura, jv
.y ! IS A, J-UOsV r th O
wlilriiie lrrewtr Te '!
warranteu su suit ail
Vot sala t-ywhr. J"
or sale whels- aonly MJJ.
OasAT atlaStio a Pil J
ui I'si t'o .SckarehSt.
IWSI60S. Bend for nleaH,'.
W wtU send a hswdsom ft-
yaw Ilia ' --led Fautily i ' '
f .
v y
ti..... . O -Clroular,
re -raus.
tS s
' - iim l i , 1 n m I "
USliH t. f . J'V,