l....rmm. nr.. ..i ... . .. . . ........ ' 1 1 r "' ' L-"'""'1' -l--t., ..ii :a j 11 ''I'M it T Trro of Subaorlption, TWO tOtLARS PER ANNCM, Pnynbln wiikio Htmontbi), orS2,60T not paid tthla lb yar. Nofisper dineontinuod ntil n rrraragtt Rr paid unl) at tbt optloa oftb puMlabcr. Subflcriptions outnido of the ton tit y fBTABI.B IN APVAKCK. rraoi llflli.j and nng papm iddrfMfd U ihr breoma aiihucrihcrtt, and ara llabla for lb priaa of iba apar T T. CKOXMILLEH, V ATTOttNKY AT LAW, Middli-bnrj, Ta.. Offtra bla prnlraaionat aprvirm in Iba nob- M. Collaollona and all 01 bat Vrofoaaioaal bmlnfM aniraaiad la bla eara will raerlra jiruwpt attCDtlon. fJan 8, 'OTif AC.SIMIVO.N, ATTORN KV AT LAW, Si'lingrnv Tn., ffcrt bla proftttlonal aarvica io iba cub . All buaineaa ntruatad to bia ear ill bt prompt! alianded io. f Ja. IT, C7ll 1 W. KNIGHT, r V, ATTORN KT "AT tAW, Clara bla Profaaaional aervloalo lb nub ia. AU bualnaai anlrualad Io bia car till M prompt! attendtJ to. , . Jo 17,'CTil ilVAN (tKZKIl, ATTOlET AT LAW, LcwiHbtir Pn., Offera bla professional aervioa to it puh tle. ColleolloDa and nil otbar I'io ion 1 bnalneaa anlrualrd lo bla eara HI rr ctira prompt aiianiion. ATTOBXEY AT LAW, Jjt'wiHlui'g j'n. Offfra bla Prorcralonal arrvlcr to ilirpuh lie. Colleeliona and all oilier prnfrixion all buaineaa anlrualrd to bia mre will ra eia prompt alienilun. Jku. , MiTif. I ii. LINN, A. II. DILL, V (Snectfrora to J. F. k J. M. Linn.) ATTUH.Nr.Vtf AT LAW, Lawixhmg, Pa Offer Ibeir proieaaional aervicra to the public Collect lona and all oilier pro fnflonnl buaineaa enirueied lo i heir cure 111 recelTepromptaitoniion.f Jn.3. 'U'tf CUAKLESIIOWi:!?, ATTORSEy AT LAW, pplinsjrrove Tn., Offeri bla prnfeta tonal aerrlcea 10 ibe pub ila. Colleeliona and arl -oilier profvueiuiia builncae anlruaied to bia rnrr mill rc ceiee pron.pt aitinilon. Offer two dnor norlb of tie Kevticue Iloiel. Jun 6, '0 SAMUEL ALLKMAN r ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Si-linHjrrove Ta Offera Lif Profeaalonal aerlcea to tbe public. All buaineaa animated to hl aua will be prompil attended to. Col leeliona made n nil pnna of tba Slate. Ha oaa apeak Iba Kngllnb and Oernnin Unfunpe fluently. Ollica baiwean riall'a and llio l'ot flice. MYKttS, ATTURNEI k CClNSEIflR iTtAff JliJliiburj; Snyilor rmmty IVmi'ii Cfilco a turn doora Wet of llie V. O. on Mitin aireet. CntiFiiltntion in Knpllitli T C. ULCIIKH ATTOliNEY AT LAW, Lo'wIitir Pn., OlTtra bta profeaionnl aeitieemo the pub. lie. All businena entrnatcl lo bla earr .U La protii lly attcuded to. (.Inii. 3. '07 I ROVER & n.WCKR SKWIXG MAPNINE I'eraona In need of a good and durMe Mwing Machine can be acrnnimniHied nl reofonable pricea ty eilling on on 8am lit I'iiit, Agent, tfeliuegrove. fJun. 21, 'G8 DR. J. V.SIIIXIKL. M'RUEON ,1XD PHYSICIAN. Middlfburd Pa. Sffera bit profeaaional aervicea lo ilia ell btna of Middleiiurg and vicinity. fMarcb 21. 'C7 J F. VAN UUSKIUK. HROfCAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST Solintigrnv Pcnn JU11N K. UUGHES, Esq., JU8TICE OF THE PEACE. TeDii Twp., Snyder Co. Tt YH. WAGNKH, Eho., Jt T1CEOF THE PEACE. Jackson To "ashlp. Snyder Co. Pa.. ill attend to all buaineaa entrusted to Ui ear and on tbe moat reaannahle "'. March 12, 'D8l TVRJ- f KANAWEL, PHYfKUN ANDSCKCtEON, CcntrcTllle, Knytlcr Co., ra.. Offera Lia profearional aervicea lo ihe FW. PCI! WAN, M. P.. 0 SURGEON' invKtrtf Port Trevorton Pa. (lffera lla profeaflonal aerrieaa to tbe uiuona ef tli'e plaea and vielBlly. lie feana uermau ana jjngnn. April 10. 'C8 V A.BOYER, Jr. 1 Al jri-rirWFrcrD . Fieebui ir SnvderCo. Pa, Moat reapeelfully offera bia aervinea lo .'ntpublie aa Vendue Oyer and Auolion tr. Uotinc bad a lama ezrerienca. I Sil eonddent tbat I ean render perfect Uifaction to my emploeea. pan. w, til ft T. PARKS, WJ ATTORNET AT LAW DISTRICT ATTOUNY, PUDDLEBURQ. PNYDtU COl'NTT.Pa OSoe ia Court H . Sept. 15. 'C7lf LEIUS BRKXEK'S SOS'S OBACCOWAREHOUSE N. 322 N. TH IRLE .t8 PlIILADELPnii. TEBCHANT BOU8E. , . IU. U. MANDEBBACri Pkop'k. ' . J. C. KIPJS. Clerk. . Hi iit Korth Tbii d Street. - .. . ( , Wladelpbla ' )-. V WHOLESALE BOOS KELLERS ""rrt, Blank book J'anulacturea " i Wrapping, I af imr -pera Payer I '. . f 9k til SMW&sB& 2 ill- VOL. 8. EAlINti KAILltOAD Wtn'eer Arrangement, Muliday Not 21 1870. Great Trunk Line from . Iba North and North weal for I'biUdelp iia, New York, Heading, PotlKTllle, Tamaqua, Aahlnnd, fhnaiokln. Lebanon, Allentown, Eaaion, Ephrala. Lltit, Lancaster, Columbia Ae. Tralna leave Ilrrlaburg for New York, aa followa i at 8.10. 8.11, 10.50 a. m.. and 2.60 p. in., einneetfng with aimilar irainaonlbe Ibe Tennaylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 10.10 a. m,, 8. CO, 6.6(1 and 10,00 p. in., respectively. Sleeping eare accompany ihe 3-10 a m., train, without ebango. I'elurning t Leave New York al 9.00am, 12.1'ONoon, and 0,00 pin. Philadelphia al MS m and 8,80 p m Bleeping rnra ao ompany ihe 6.00 p ra iralna from New York, without rhanpe. Leave llnrrinhurg for Reading, rottevllle Tnionqiia. Mineraville, Ashland, Fbamokin, Allentown and Philadelphia, at H.10 a m, 2,r0 and 4 Ob p m, atnpplng al Lebanon ntid principal wayatationat Ihe 4.0 p m ttain connecting for I'hilndplpbia, I'oileville ami I'oliiuihia only. For 1'otta ville, Schuylkill llnven and Auburn, via rtcbuylkill and Hnaqiivbanna Railroad, Leave HnrrUhtirg at 3,40 p tu Lai I'cneylvanin luilri'ad trains leave Reading for Allentown, Enton nnd Ne York al 6.00, lO.ana.m., I .4 ) noon. 4. 15 p.m. Retiirnlg, lsivr New York at 'J HO it. ni., I2.IMI noon nnd 5 ( p. ni. and Allen town at 7.0 a.m. 12.26 Noon 'i.'j') 1.20 nnl 8.5 p. ni. Way paMcnger train linve Philadelpbla at 7, .10 a ni, connrciing nith eimilnr trnin oil Kaat Pcnua. lUilioml. reluming from Kenu'ng nl 0,20 p ni, atoipnig ut nil Kimtona Lenr pnttavillo nt l'.Ott n, in,, nnd 3.10 p. m.j Hern Ion at 10,16 urn; Sha mokinat 6.4n and 11.20 a. in.; Ahlutid ai 7.0fi a ni, ami 12.60 noou. Mulinnoy City at 7.61 a. tu. and 1.8 5 p. tu.. Tutnaiiiia i a m. and 2.40 p tu for Pliiliidc'.phU New York, llemliuit. Ilnrriehurg, ke. Leve PottHville, ia cVhuylkill ami Pn iiiiebunna R R nt 8,16 a m f r lliirrinluirg. and 12. 'io noon for I'inegroveaiiaTrenioiii, Heading Accoinniodatton IrnU: l.eavca Poltsville al 6.40 a ni. pnn.ee Reading nt 7. HI a ni, arriving at Pbiliidelpbia at 10,20 a. m. Ileinrniug, lenvea 1 tinailo puia at 4.46 p ni. paaaing Heading nt 7.26 p tu, ai riving at I'oileville at P.lU p m. l otiHtown Accnmrnodation Tram Lenvea I'oiielown al 7,00 a ni, returning learca riiiladelphin at 4,1)0 p m. C'oliimhin Railroad Tralna leave Reading at 7,2(1 a m. and ,K p m for rpoiata, Lltit, Ltncn-ier. Columbia. &t . Perkinmen llirlroml Trnina leave PerM- meu Jun ilon al 7.46, 0.05 a m, A.OO. and 6.RO p ni: returning lenve rtobwenkaville at T.liOan ! 8.20 n. in. 12.CO Noon, aud 4.30 p m. connecting wiib aiiuilnr trains on lleadipg Rmlr md. f'olebr vikdiile Itnilrnnd trnina leave Polta- town ot 'MO ii in, nnd U.20 p m,'rettirnina leave Mmiul ricasimt nt 7,00 and 11,26 am, comieciing wnb iimilar tratua on Reading rnilroad. t'beeter Volley Railroad Iralna leVive Rriilf-pori at 8,80 a m. and ?.I6 and 6.02 p in, reluming, leave Downingtown al 0.66 i ni, 12.45 noon and 6,16 p m. ennneclini wilh aimilar Iraina on Reading rnilmad. On Hmidaye t Leave New York nl 6.00 p m, Philadelphia 8,00 am and 8,16 pro. the 8,1X1 a m trnin running only to Reading: leave t'oitavillo 8,00 a m: Hnrrihburg 8,10 a in and 4.H6 p ra, leave Allentown at 8.46 p. m. and and 8.41 p. m ; leave Reading at 7.16 a m. and 10,06 p m for Hartiahurg at S.OC a m for New York, and 9,40 a. ni. and 4.26 p to for Philadelphia. ' Commutation, Mileage, fieaaoc, School end eioureion liekela, lo and from allpoiuta at reduoed ratee. Baggage checked ibrongh 100 pouuu. allowed eaeh paaaenger. 0. A. KICOLLS, Omrrxl Suptrinttndtnt. neadlng.A'oe. 211870. LLEGIIENY HOUSE. Not. 81 J 814 Markr.t Street, (About JCiiihth.) PHILADELPHIA. KLECKNElt & CAWLKY, raopaiBToaa. f6,61tf Term ti 00 Per Day. . OUR FATHER S HOUSE, OR. THE UNWRITTEN WORD. Ut Iawil Miica. D. H.. inrhnr nt nn. lar aNIcht Keanaa." Ttala aia.tar In thnuabt and Urvaunahnwa aiaatolil richea and Imi. tlaa ui tUaU .al Honia. wlik Ii. kUi.. m... era, Mnslna- blrda, Wavlnic palm., Rollins einnaa, iimuiiiui bow, ISaarad luounlalm, U. IlKtittuI rlvare, MUhtv ocaam. Tnunda lui nl. caa niaaluir baavan. anil vait nnlvane with ooaDtl.M lielnaa In million, of world., and read, lo aa In eaeh tne Unwrili.o tVord. Kim ilri.l plr. orn.taan.ravlnii. and euparb binding "Hloh and varied In IIioukIiI." -l ha.ta ""K..y and graeaful lo atyle." "t.'orraet. puraatcr.tlni tu Uudwy.'f neautllul and good "A . . " t-ommauaaiion. like tbe above Irom Oilleua Praaidani. n.i -...... rulnlaeera of all danomloatlon.) and the rallvl.iui and aaealar praee all avar the country It. (rh. r ''", who oiur oi..n type, flneatMlanirravlnira. auUtantlal bindlutf, aW low Drtramakaltthaboi,kinpiim.u.. 1:.... are Mllln from aCio 160 par Mk. . "" .iariryuian, rcnooi Taaeaara araart yoana wan abd Imltaa to Introduce Iba work fur Introduce Iba work for u. in avarr town.ulp.and wa will pay liberally no inuniirant aaa or woman m y liberally, be wlibeut a payioa ou.inaaa. vu u Hand Ii Addrwa lor circular, fall deeertptoon aod terma. ZlkAJLEH kMoCLBDV, 1 . etb St, Phlla. ... HaaSt.1ln. O. "i ' ', 1 ee Monroe t. Phi ... . . 'l8N.etllt. Loula or in main at f prloafuld. Maaa, WAbO. dKANKLLO, , WATCH ef CLOCK M A K EW, v Market 8t. Mlddleburg pa. TJAV1N0 located In lbi nine I would XX. reapootfully Inform tbe eiliiene of iiiddlebu'i and vicinity that I am prepared to repair CLOCKS AND WATCHES ebeap and espediiioual. Tba patronage of the iuo is reapeeimiiT eoiieuen. W. ORANELLO. Mlddleburg. Nov. 21 1800. . CABINET OKOAN AND UELODEON MAhOFACTORY. , Ware Boom and Store on Pine Street, . factory oa Snyder Street, Selluagrove, Pa, , c If voa want lo bear and see Raa toned and baaatiJui Urgaoe aad MelodeoBe soil at our Ware rooaa aad Mora. - We aae but aba bait aaalarlal la tBakln InatrmauLl. Trv oaa oi laam ana ya win ae aaiuooa. Every iBairaiaeat I. werraaiea ror nve yaara. lla lar.. aaaauaad Mlalalara of tba Ooenel. are tattled to eorraavoad wlia as and eead (! irioe nai. we are atao eseau tue ue eeet view fork end Philadelphia eiaaoe. Vlollaa and Aeeordaaaa frua at to Ml: Tlollk trraae, Kbaae Maale, Plettara fraaua, 44., Ite., aiwaeaea baad. rwaee Aeaeneeai earreeaf taaae aad MIDDLEBUKG A THOUSAND PQVHD8 AND A WIFE. Mr Jnlin Holt Was a bubvlor. L-ed thirty years or tbereabnuU, and poi eared nf a furtnno which yielded mi amount at IniiTi'Ht not only eaflivicntlj luro tu euatlo ite owner to maintain hiuiaell'iu romrortab'o clixuniatanre without work, but slao allowed hitu to odd yrarly to the principul the num or a hundred and twaut pounds Thus ho was considered to bo independently wenlihy. and Wis looked upon as a very handomo nnd excellent yonnu; mnn by Taiiuus "li.-lnt eriotcd" pa pax and munuuaa, whuM dittigherv were ufabnul the tiiit lo t ) ber'in to think of wedded bliis Ainoin; other pceulinriiies to wlih h Mr. II dt wat nttnehed or whih were mm tliod to him wits the very ekep- tirnl idea that I hero was ot, or ever had been, such art improbable thinp; in uiiylt'ticu lore, lie believed tbat in iiiniriiiinny, a well na all other nut ter!", nil peojilo were actuated br tmi- tivciifselt' iutcrfet; hence horcnrdod wtin eit-piiiein mi tenmies who np- pr -arlied him. "For," raid be, "they re niter my money , mid dou'i much etiie hot ibry KCl.it They would like to niurry Die eonlbtindeilly wt'll ' UnO'lay It" wo cidisidefubly ftnrtk'.i l u ptidden opening ul thu dunr ond tho '.'.nci iviiiiiiciiu- entrance of tbe luiid "l ad woik, who bore in her bind a letter wliirti ahu atu.iid I tic pu(iu:in Irtd jft thill iiiiiini iit left. Ci'iilnuiid the (,'iil." said hu when alon.' m he broke I ho him I. She mikbt have Ki.'cti a li't'o XMii tiing belt. re !'.e intruded uputi tho enjoyment of my wine and havanu. I had my feet iiucwbai elcvutod into the upper re tfioiiH, uad I'm a siuticr if site tlon't report the iaio lo tho landlady. How ever, open srneame, and" Tho completion of this speech wni lost by ronson ol Mr. Holt it this in niant beooniinr dcrjily abaurbed In the contents of bis epistle, a verbatim copy of which we late the liberty to make public. "Dec. 8ib, 18 "Cousin Joiix. Christ urns will soou be here, and w want you to eonie and -pond the holidays with us. We bare invited several fricods whom ynu knew in days nno by, and wo shall h ive on eieellen time. There in a very bi auti ul and acuotupliahcd youni; ludy friend of ours, who lives iu tho second or third villuuo beyoud ynu, who will be "uro to be hero. Y are sure you will be pleased to nmke her loijuuiDtunee. I'orhups you will fal. lo Ipve with her. Just think of it, srrusty old bach, like you fullioir in love I We must humbly Ueg your purdou if Ibeso lines orl. ud you, but you must surely como. With Mocerity, your cousins, Iinnii and Sophia Stewart. ' P S. Fithcr sends his regard and says that bankers hero aro puyiog one per eont. higher intorest tbao the bankers with whom you deposit. He says ynu had better brinp; soino money sod iavo&t it hero. Yours once mure. Jennii and Sopiiy." ' Mr. Holt carefully perusod this letter four dlmioct times, and then, folding it with great precision, thoughtfully tt.serted it in tbe eovclupe and put butb io his pocket. "Tbe immortal Homer huth sssertod in LU never-dying Iliad tbat the beat purl of s women' lutier is la the pest -ripi," said Mr, Holt half aloud, a he remiuied bis eiar and soientifleally blew a cloud of smoke into the air, ' Thin Inmoue old fellow is quite riht It ia certainly very true in this ease. Let mo see, if I visit my . ei'-ellent cousins aod tnke with me s tbouHuud p-iuods, shall jet nne per '-rut. more intereat, which ia just ten. pounds. tuite a cain I I bull surely have lo Imm (be holiday with my deirly be. loved e 'oains, Inr whom, of couno. enlsrtaiu tho nlni'mt regard and af fection. - Ob, I love them dearly aod tbe ten pnunda too I As to tho vouujr lady thoy are iroiog to havo there, I'll teaoh hor tbat she eao't vet int. in spite of tall the boeuty she can hriofr to bear ! .' Well. I will go. I will take my departure immediately. I will pack my valiae, tak;s op; my bod. draw a Ibousaod. and then take the train, which' said John, eonsultinx liia watoii, ''will leave la oxadtly two hours Irom this time.". , Now It happened as a very remarka ble eoiooldenoe, tbat a youuK lady wa also (rolog. te the eity to spend the holidays, tboggb with this difference, that it was friends aod 'not relatives whom abe inteadsd to visit. John having reaebed the cart (bond the seats all occupied eioeptlusc on by rba dde ef this young lady, and neatiaji himself be e "teres) Into eoover- SNYDElt CO PA., MAHCII 1), 1871. Having thus OHtablinhcd H wort ol mutual confldeoce, tlioui;h not of a very extensive scale, they pot alone finely, and by tho time they got within twenty miles of the city wrro tar from beinn ttrtinpers . Illos my soul !" cried Mr..Hu1t, suddenly, nslbe train stopped at n am ill htntion, "if this Is not tho place wheie I'vo got to get out uodstny fur several hours beforo I lo on lo the city.:' What 1" exclaimed the lady, "are yon not going to the city oow 7 1 eurely thought you were." "No, no,'- ssid John, hntridly rNinu from hit seat : "I'vo a friend here whom I very much wish to see,. and an I shsll bnvo to go. I sm very snrry but I hope 1 shull meet you in the city Adieu !' And Mr. Unit, seizing hi valiae. ruahed wnb a pi'eciptus haste out ot the csrju't n the tr.io moved nwny. It whs nb"Ut half an hour before dinner lime I but Julio, carrying bii valiae in his hand, ws'ked tip tho Mrect of tho little village, and htopping bo tore his frieud's honre, rung tho door bell nnd was admitted. He wns shown into tho silling-rooiu nud left aloiis a few mioutes, until bin ftioirl camo down from up stairs, which ho very coon did. nnd they lind a very sncinl'le time together "Io you know, my dear vsuahnnd.'' atiid John. Imot kitiu tbeunhea In to his eitrar. "that I have s secret to pour into yi.ut ear. hoping it will notpiuui I'yntir uititith ? I snt iu tbe train to-day by the ti!u ul'lhe loveliest, must divine. laircM angel that never hail wings. I could luidly tear mynlf away, and Mould not have dune so, only I wax afraid my heart would have gone atrny if I Inul st.iyed tiny lunger. Ity the way, I wish you would keep nn eye on my vttliHo. There is a thousand pounds in it thut I n m going to tako to the city." ' ' A thousand pounds !" exclaimed his friend, starling up. "Why did you not toll mo of this beforo ? Where is I bo vulise "In the hu!!. I suppose. Anyway. I gave it to tho torvaut when I came in.' "You nro tho moat enroltss tellow I ever knew.'' said his lriend, impa tiently, it lie hurried out of the room. lie soon returned, bearing t Lo ruln-e in h ir baud. "Is this yunri ?" "Yes." ''You Imd better unlock it und see if your money ia fate." Accordingly John took tho key out f bis pocket, and opening tho valise, thrust his band therein. "Hlcss my soul !' skid he, suddenly witfrlinwiuc his arm "What is the matter t "Why. look hero j I don't buliove this valies is uiiiio." And John drew forth a half com pleted Ince coflar. some embroidery, a pair of white cotton huso, an I oilier garments belonging to tbo female wardrobe. "Tho thousand pounds aro gone!'' ho gasped, turning pale. ' Sold !" cried bia friend, aprinfng to his feet. "Outwitted by the diviue auc 1 you met on tho train." In the meantime, tbo train contain iiiir the lady for whom John bad ex pressed so violeot a fancy, whirled onward towards tbe city, at which in less ihsa half ao hour alio arrived. Tho 'divine suol' gave hot valise to the cabmao and seating herself in thb vehicle, whs driven to the moat wealthy portion of the Ibottopolls, aod , finally drow op before a brown-atooe fro.it, en the silver dour-plate of which was inscribed the name of "pfwart." Two young'ladiea rushed out of Ihe hall sod affectionately embraced the young lady. ' .,' ; . "Oh, Rs Millington; you can't i bt uk how glad weare loses you I" ex claimed tbe one, rupiornusly. "Wa eluiOHt thongbt you were not coining,'' said the other. "Did you bring that embroidery work you wrote about f" asked tbe first, whose name yaa Jeonlo. "Ob, I hope you did I I am almost dying to eo it I" ' "Well, then yoo roust certainly tee it," aaid Miss Millington. ' Its io tbe vuliso, aod I will go aad get it new." Tbe valiMO waa placed upon ft chair, and tbe "dlvino angel," produclog it key, proceeded to open it. "Ob, graoious me I ' exclaimed Miss Millington, m tbe peered Into the va liao. . T "Wbatia Ihe matter ?' asked her two female frieeds. " ' ; 1 "Why, this valise is oo mine at least tbe eootaDM ar nov Juat look dice two mammoth eilk pocket huud- kerchiofs, a pair ef men's stocking, n iici k-tie, five collars nnd two shirts "Why, girls. I don't understand it nt nil," raid Hose, "I must have taken some ptio else's valUe Oil, I knowl It belongs lo your Cou.iin John." And as tho Into siato of the eae hurst npou her, Mis Millington threw hersolf npou a chair, and laughed long sud heartily. Uelonga to cousin Juhu!'' echoed Jennie. "Why, Rose, what do you mean V "Your cousin enmo into tho train and took a sent by me." said ltue, re pressing bur mirth "I knew him in- atnnily from the description ynu wrote, and eneh a flirtation ns we carried on exceeds belief. I suppose ho took inv valise and I took his The mistake was natural, fur they nro buth alike, the key to oue fitl ing tho other." "Hut whero is John now ?' asked .oibv. "I am sure I djn't know," said Hose, lunching ngnin. ''Ho got out nt tho tho second slution from tho city." "Well, we can soon tell if this Ic- lonj:3 to him, ft r if it docs, his name i.l lie on some ef tho clothes," said said f?i pli y, examining tho shirt bo- s in. "its, hero it ik John Holt. Oh, my und the threo girls buit iuto it chorus of Inn-bier that rang merrily through tho hnuso. "I wonder if ho brought any money along niih him lo put in tho hunk," Slid Sophy, as soou as their iiieniiuent had subsided. ','1 don't know. J mean to see," said Jennie, jumping up and plunging her hand iulo tho vulise. "Why. here N 8oinctliiog. Ju-t look hero, girls?'' Sho brought forth a not very lari compact package, und, undoing it, found it to coutuiu twenty fifty-pound notes. "A thousand pounds !" exclaimed Jennie, with eyes wido opeu. "Why, what a monstrous sum, and how care less hu is. Now girls, if you will only do as I say, we'll bare lots of fun. Did ho know who you were, Rose f" "I dou't think ho did, 1 did not (ell him," said Ko-e, "though be might bavo guessed." "Well, that is good. Let us put the the '.lungs back ju-t us wo found them, und when he comes, Huso, you inusi keep out of siht for awhile. Ho will bo hcie just us soon ds ho can litter discuveiiou hit loss." "Why, hero bo comos now," ex cluiiticd Sophy, who sat by tho window and bud been looking out. A vehicle drow up before tho uutc 'as she spuk', and suro ciioui:Ii out pot Mr. John Hull, valise in hand, and ruouing furiously np the steps, l.e rnug a violent pcul ut the front door bell " Now, Hojo go into tho next room, and take ho valise uloug with you,'' ssid Jenny, excitedly. " lon't come untd we cull you. Why, cousin John, how do you do?' slio added, opening the door' and extending her baud to Mr. Holt with an appoiranoo of grout cordiality " Do!" said John, as ho strode ner vously in tho hall. "I don't do. I'm done. From this time fourth," con tioued Mr. Holt, elevating bia arm, "I solemoly promite and nflirm that I will bavo nothing to do with Christmas holiduvs that I will never look at a .J pretty cirl that lovo and afTootions are (jrcat humbugs, and tbut the world is as selfish as a bog !" " Vby, Cousin John, you appear to he excited," said Joony. " l'.ay, what is tho matter r". . "Matter I'' cried Mr. Holt, deposit ing his vulise In the bull. " I've'lbt a thousand pounds just by tuking a fancy to a I ex hanged viliaes witbsomeLo ly that's what's tbo mat ter V " Why, oouhuj, .how you do talk I" exclaimed bis fair compnuiouii, ".Is it possible I -r But surely you ure noth ing away f" " .'. " Yes, I am," mid John, moving to wards tbe door, " I'm goiug to Gad Ihe ahief of police, and see if I can get my money back." "Stay, oousio," cried Jenny. "Yon ought to offor a reward for its recov ery." " I'll give a hundred pounds," said Mr. UoltKwith his hand oa the door bell. . : r " Witness thai, Sophy," aaid Jenny. " Come back, John, aijd sit dowo. Wt are good dotectivea, ajtd ill see what we csa do for you." Accordingly Mr. Holt,, with moon wonderment, eorap'iedj and meohaaio- slly came biok Into tbe room. ' "-Now, Hose," eried Jenny, 'one in. oa oeea not brlou; aaytbtng wHn you V ; t - -.' . V., NO. 52. -- - 1 !J " Bless my soul I" criod John, In tonishmnnt, ns his " divine nogol" of tuo train stood before him. ," Oh, dear mo cxclaimod Rose, in well counterfeited surprise. " What Is the matter?" asked Mr. Holt's cousins, nppirnntly ntimired. nd loi'king from one to another. "This this is tho lady whom I suppose twk my valiao," said John, ghnst. " And this Is the gentleman whom I saw in the train," criod Ross. " Here is your baggage John," Mid Jenny, bringing in tbe valise. " Se if your m nicy ia safe !" " It is," cried Mr. Holt, joyously, as he exsmiaed it. ' Hero is your hun dred." "No, do I Wo don't want any thing I'' exclaimed the two girls both together, "(live it to Hose P " (!ivc it to Hose 1" ssid John. look ing at her thoughtfully. " Well, I will ind I'll spenk to her also, if you two girls wilt leavo tho room." They left accordingly. "Now, Miss Millington." fluid John, when thoy wero alone, "I did you tho injustice to supposo that you captured my property ! Will you for CJVC 1110 1't "Yen, yes, Mr. Holt !'' " And that tho nii-tako mny never occur again I hereby very respectfully invito you to cbunzo vour nntuo tu Holt," said Johu, with an uir ot groat iinpotliitico. " So very sudden, Mr. Holt, Ihat really I She hosttated, blushed very bowitch inuly, and looked more lovely thin ever. " So is this very sudden," saiJ John, clasping her iu bis arms, and stealing a kiss, Now reply iu tho affirma tive." " Well yes I" " Qood ! Tho thousand pounds shull bo your bridal present, nud I'm blefscd If thero ain't something iu lore, after all." A lt4itilnl nice ol fjen. Moll. One evening alter my supper I said to the General, " There is one Ucgtiuu I olteii wished to ask ynu, but have been restrained by the fear that it mip'ht bo improper.'' Tlio (loneral drew liinisclf up. and srid in his emphatic inanner, "Sir. yon nro incapable of uskin uti improper question." I said " You are very kind: but if my in iti'iuiry is indiseroet, I nro sure you will allow it to puss unanswered.'' I hear you. Sir," ho replied. " Well, then, tienoral, did anything retmukf aldn happen lo you on tho morniui; ot me tuitio ot t. niprcwa Alter a brief hut impressive sileoco ho said, ' Yes, Sir, somothiug did Imppeu to rnc romothing very remarkable. will now lor tbe third tiaio iu my life rclnto tbo story ; '.The 4th day of July, 1914, was one of extreme boat. Ou that day my brigade t-kiimihed with a ; British forco commanded by Geo. Rial from tin curly hour in the morning till Isto in tho moruiug tilt late iu tho after noon. Wo bad driven tho enemy down tbe river soino twelvo miles to Street's Creek, near Chippewa, wbcre we encamped for tbo night, our army uccupyin the wost, whilo thut of the eocmy was encamped on tho east sido of the Creek. After our tents had been pitchod I obterved a flag borne by a mjn in peueaDl's dress, approach ing my msrqao. He brought n loiter from a lady woo occupied a large man sion on tbo opposite sido of the Creok, informing mo that she was the wile of a member of Parliament who Wus then at Quebec; tbat bcr children, servants and a young ludy friend were all alone with ber in tba bouse) thut Gon. Rial had placed a leutiual before ber door; and that sho ventured, with great doubt, of tho propriety of the request, to ask thut I would piles a sentinel upon the bridge to protect her againt stragglers from oar camp. I assured tho messenger that the Judy's request should be complied with. Ear ly the next morning the same messen ger, bearing a white flag, re-appeared with a note from the samo Isdy, thank ing me for tho protection she had en joyed, adding that, in acknowledge moot of my civilities, abe begged that 1 would, wub such members uf my staff fa I chose to "bring with me, ao- eept tho hospitalities of her home at a breakfast which had been - prepared with considerable attention, . and was quit ready. : Aoting upon so impulse whioti i never ha baeeable an alyse orcorrshsnd.JealWtwoof ry aids, Lleuttv Cr.a ani Vv t rturo4 ltb .Cr " - " One column one yeir ,$40.00! One-half eoluron, one year, IO.0O. One-foarth column, one year, , li-Otf. One square (10 lines) one Inaertioa Ii. Every additional insertion to. Profeaaional and Iiueluees cards of not more than five linea, per year. C,00! Auditor, Exeeutor, Admlnisl rater and Asslgnes Notices , 2.&9. Editorial notices per line If', All advertisenteuto for a shorter period than one year are payable at the time tbey are ordered, and if not paid tbe per son ordering I hem will be held responsible for the mouev- us Into tho dining room, where break-" fast was awaiting os, 'and wbrre tho yoong lady, previously referred to, wsi already seated at the rolTec-urn. Out hostess askiug to be exeused for a few miuutes, retired, snd the young lndy itumodiately served our coffee, lis fore we bad broken our fat Lieut. U'ntt rose from tho table to get his bandana (that being before Ihe days of napkins), which he bail left, in his cap on a side-table by the window, glanc ing through which be saw Indians ip prouchfng tho houso on one side, and red coats approaching it on the other, with nn evident purposo of surround ing us, nnd iostatitly exclaimed, " t Jcu- ernl wo are betrayed Springing from the table nnd cleuring tho house, I saw our dnngcr and, remembering Lord Chesterfield had sold, " What ever is proper to do, it is proper to do well," and as we bad to run, and my l.'iis wero longer limn than tho-e of my enmpnnions, 1 soon outstripped them. As wo made our escape we woro hrcJ at, but got across tho bridgo iu sal'uty. " I folt so much sbomo and mortili eution at having so nearly fallen into a trap, that I cnuld scarcely fix my mind upon tho duties which now dc mnnded my undivided nttnntion. I knew that I had committed a grst indiscretion in accepting that singu lar invitation, and that if tiny disaster resulted from it I richly deserved to looso both my eomniissien aud my character. I constantly found myself wondering whether the lady really in tended to betray us, or whether wo had been accidentally observed. Tlio qbcHtiou would recur oven amidst tlu excitement of battle. Fortunately my presence aud services in tho field woro notretpiirod until (iencrnls Porter nnd Ripley had been ctigniicd nt intervals lor soveral hours ; so when my bt iudo with TownsonV artillery, wero ordot- dered tocros Street's Crt ck, my nerves mid ronfiilenco had beeomo moatura My quieted and restored. I need, not leseribe tho I nitio of ( Lippowu. That belongs to and is part of the history of ourcuntry. It is sufficient lo say that at the close of the day wo wero musters of the opposition, and thut our arms woro in no way discredited. The Hri'ish army h ! mllcn bk. leavini? their woiitii'o I in our possession. 'I he muQbiou wUieli 1 lul visi od in tho morning was tho la .oil It nut near, and so that' tho won ti led ofll 'or of both urtnios were carrio 1 for sitrijitl treatment. As soon a 1 oould leave the liold I went over to look after my wounded. I found tho Hnglib uffkera lyin ou tho first floor, ond our own ou tho floor above, I saw in tho low er room the young Isdy whom I had met iu tho iu miing at tho bruakltst table, her whit dress all s.irinll.-d with blood. Shohalhean attending to the Hrilish wouuJu.l. Ou tha sec ond fl ior, just ns 1 was tuiniug into tho room where our oflicors were, I met my hostess " Ono giuueo ut her was quite stif fiuieut to answer tlio qoention I bad -been usking myself all day. Sho had iuiendod to betray ino, and nothing but.tho accident of my aid, rising for his handkerchief, saved us from cap ture. " Ycnrs afterwards, in reflecting up on this incidunt, I wus led to doubt whether I hud not misconstrued her startled manner as I su Idotily encoun tered her. Thut nucxpoctod uieoting would havo occasioned embarrassment In cither contirrgoncy ; and it is ao' . difficult to believe a lady of culturo aud rufinouiont capable of suotr an act, that I sm now, nearly a half coutury after tho event, disposed to givo my' hostess tho beoefit of that doubt. " And now, Sir," added tho Genera!; , " tbn is tho third timo io my life I '9 have told this story.' I d not rsraem- ' ber to have boeo spokon to bofm Vqa , ' .; the subioot for tnnoy years " . iJe'look- . Vc ed at me aod1 seemed to bo (toasider- ' - v ing with himself a i few momooUl, aud . ' , then said: " Remembering your in timacy with Oen. Worth, 1 neod not' ; inquire hbw Voa cams to a' kuowlsdgo . of pur asoret." - ;. , , ; . , " Well General," I replied1, "I bafo' kept the secret faithfully for more than' ' forty years, always lopin-'' to' ohtaia' your own version of what struck Die , M a most romaikable incident ia yoot' i military life.'' . . ' ' . lUwtow WeeJf-ia'-JIiitper'i ilaoc'' ; ' A sfoav ia fold Ulustratiag how bit etiiaa ara built In tbe west, id the effeot ; thattravsW laid dowu'ou a faoapt lot ii CJchgo to sleep, and is the ic-s a!rj ys4 liiinsf in a"c"ir, . a' Zvwtorykrvr-"-"; r-r: ir.-- C t; 'if sadon wltH her and iifsovsrel tbat ' Mr. Holt, NiM UUliB-toD rJi a -d, , y-4 V t J- Bopbj.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers