fTT' .V141 ., a. l x . j . -v. fA. Ll : tM 11- ''A , v. v v ,THE tost; Miri:r ,.Hl'fl.. .MAKCH ?, 1171 I'rnnkliM't lcftnr to PiUno. When lboinns Tuioe ivm. writing . hi " Aj:o of RensoD," lie submitted a put of Ms manuscript to tlio celebra ted Dr. rranklin, for his opinion tc fpcctinp It. The following ia the nnswer cf that great ; l.iloeojilicr and j-ntriot : ' JEAn i;in : I Lara road vmi tuQUUvil(t with some nt'rntitn. R; tlio nr'iitnerft it cntttnius i.pnint a pellicular Trovidouce, you strike nt tirr'y.f cbVi iii..o t.u..-1 to t r niniKh! tho loundnliun of till religion ibr '1'!! rau lie mado with sheet-iron upper ... ... .i f f t. i 'retioli w lien prtferre J by flic 1 urrtinrr T.'ltliOUt tliO belief Of IWul. ni'l ,,orBnf,tSw.Hil,.lrVry!ki li that taktB cotliztir.C of, find rrtinrdi i !.nr. -Nunm iice of furniinro. far rntrr so and Cide,, nf lar.. ,,rliculur r.j!!;-rtrrt J.fc eons, thcro is no m '.ivo to Worship : son . i.f i lie r rincr putt -ms ut The Morning Peitv, toltsrhis dirnlcisuir, or lo'';1"1"- ''."J"" ,'yAr?',r' , " ""r' ' , .luriii i". hikI f.iv U s it .IlciiIi to it rrpnirH pray for bis pro'.Cctntl. 1 V.iil not ; 1 1 r minium- .1 ll c hiticM ut J,r, cuter iut ntiv d;cu?ioii cTyoiir l-iiu-, i:oti..CH, thuui:li you fectii to Aw it. At I ICS 'Ut I Lall Ctiiy Live IHV . , . . . . i . o In i.ri. tli at t io'.i-'li vour t n(iiiiiiL' I - j - sire tubtlo nud tnoy pei luip-i irevuil M-Ub wmc roJcw, ym wi.l ntt 'ia - feed B-ins toil, mps t bu uoiul Ken- llHil I ilrflLfr n..,.. r.f Ifn.l.li.. I n. iiii'J iuv v i vniv Jt ifiiiu iiii- pioi-c will l en gi-tut d ':1 of rditim dr:ivu ii pon your.-e!l, tu'oeliief to you, ni.d no bctu-lit to oilitjrs. llo t L m tj ;i nvreiufit tlio win J tj its in In. ofl n l'u( c. Hut wcie you to me CieJ, do you itnnpino any j;od(1 wi'l be- done ly it ? You yiutr-e.f inn;. Cud it tasy to live a viituus uitliout tlio t l o n.H.-ist aru o uflbrJcJ ly rt'Iif,'icn you buvo a clear I'ercep-j tiou of tbe nuvautafii'H of vir'.ue tlio ilisa Ivnntsgi's if vice, nud po.-fe a Btrctigtb of rc.tolution unffu-icnt toen nlilc you toraifit conuron temptation. Hut tbink bow yreat n portion of rtiankied Cjtiists of weak and ignor unt men nud women, and iuexperi enci'd youth of both ixe, who hove need of the motives of rtlL'ion, to rc strain tbcm faomvice, to eupjiort vir tuo, und it-tuin thorn in the practice 1 it till it lecunies habitual, white in the prenl poit.t of it- eccurity. Aud j'erliapsycu arc indebted originally t' your l.'jio cdueutivn, fur the hab its of virtue upon uLk'b you vnhto ycureilf. You might ennily dihplii) your excellent ta!cut of rta-otiin up. on a lc8 tinznrdou3.tuljectt and there, by obtain a raiik with our mjl dij tingtiirbcd author?, l'or uiuonj; u?, it is not neceseary, nuion;; the ilot toDtotf, that ayottth to Le rai.-cd in to the company of men l-.ouM prove bis manhood by bebt,; l.n mother. If tiit'i Mre to wiekel w iih religion, what would they be rvituuut it '( 1 intond this letter itself as a pn of o my friendship, and thenfjrc add no profestion to it, but tdniply eubsenbo, " YOUI- B. rllANKMN." XlicM'ttrlet fever. 'This dreadful fcourgo is reported ns jireroltnt ia rcverul place in the kjrate.atid mto cnics nro repurtad Lerc, it teems Unit the diseaso in fomewhat raodiged of late ycara, but Btill it often n?sums a nialiguant form, and bnllln all skill. At proent there aro so few cases that alarm would be unwarranted ; nevertheless, pre caution is now, as ever, justiliahlo Tbo disfsse ia prnpnatod Ly iofic tioo and contnoion, nud up earn tj Le tranruiltid in proportion to its mttli i. .t . .i . . .. nny ; mat is, mo worni c:t!es arc ttu most snrsly " cntt-hiiig.'' The dieum is not 60 readily transmitted in the earlier atnges, as it is when i-ouvales-! cenco ss established. Then the fikiu comes off in a Goo duHt, mid then con tact with the patient is nhuort oertain to infect. It is at this time that cbiU lrcn, having been shut upiutho house' are most noxious to pet cut, und their pnrcnts, having junt received their darlings back from a dangHt-sus illness, are most inclined to gratify them Thus it is that the diseaso so often as sumes tho charaoteristlvs of an epi demic, and destroys hundreds of chil dren. Tbcro is no absolute protec tion from scarlet fever known to med ical science Caution will do much, ami a preparation of belladonna is reocnimemkd, by ulmobtall physicians as prophylactic , but we believe do sound dedieal authority regards it as invariably effectual. The best thing toot can be dona is to guard against infection, and to follow tho advico of a respectable physician. Syrinttficltl III. liegisur. A Kemtuckiah visited a merobant -at New York, with whom, after din ner, he drank wine and smoked ci gars, spitting ou the earpct, much to the annoyance tf Lis host, who desir ed a spittoon to le brought for bis troublesome visitor; he, however, pushed it tway with his foot, and when it was replaced, he licked it. a way. again, quite unaware of its use. When it had been thrice replaced, the Keotuckiao drawled out to the servant who bad brought it : " I tall you what you've been pret ty considerable trenblosome with that era thng j I guest if yon put it there egaio, I'm bung If I dou't spd la it 1" . 1' 1 I.! . JL'.g -Baa Domingo is eald,to produeo larger n!:ei ua nort fcealtnv Hue tailed' it ej - '1101100 iCtMJ' - "-- 71 T H. BtrRKIIART,' J , FcVriyrove, SnyiUr Co , renna Keeps constancy rn Tmn-I lares and well m-ide Mnrtmg!it of Tin, r'lieliron ware, Stotc. Ac. c. H" Is Ag'.t for ibe fo'lowinj mate articles. ' - - i "Tin: morning glory." Uttlcfitld'ft Talent Iuif rurcl Cue 'coal, stove'; In this fa'tern of Tins Monst.vo Gi.nny. siveral n-w nr.J important features have been embodied, which can o:i!y he seen to i . n.i l ti.i. .. ... ... ! . ,"i,ln - 'r ,h "uc" "-""h' "U in tki Aui ,ttny .u.VAr.K in flip u,t f M- ininf! ;Ury ni-o Hir lotion inif : 1. t uU'ltl'i""" I'-ruil!r. O.lnlilv 1,1 tl.r .. ., i ... . ' ., ' s. " 11 tin - in. "'iiiinii inrn"j;!i the i,.ve '. At.ii-1 t rU'V. a LU-ujic cl iia! '; - ""'J vl l ui1' Jill; HAIILKY ?1IK1"' .. .. 1. ... f r Wand (. t ,(. !'ntcnlrl Muy 1'iii, li.."!. V tiiUc pli-iiro in ultrdiii cur n: tiit-i p nivl I'm- iSiovp Tir'Ip, n Ne- lir. ('. I lal-lop. uu I ivoiil.l mil i..-iW.ir alt. ,..',, In nt uic.iiy utiructirt i' iiiu,ib!t improve Thl Hliivi- tins tiprn cnrcfully tptn, for fvrrol mciiili", ntnl Ike rrfiilr hitviprnv-l toliilily iitit'iicluty, Ihnl kovi-mI of our ol.U-M unit mo.-l txprrirncr I murn linti-r pri'iiict for It n suit" fur In-you-l our ul ilily o -ivly tliiu iouuii. Stltiiti't fVO.'lf tifl -fl'-Dri. fivitlfr ftltt lion nf l,l,,:llio lii-iiiiit. I 'i r . j 1 hiii .'ii. m t,,t m en, ?o arvnnrl m in (iive in on- ion;u in llif tipper pr,rl of die nvi n; I'lfut n nt etiienrp i:iih h necili-.l Tit 1 1 "i ii' mvirly n vHe at !, t-y nr mile licarih lino.v liu-li unt only Inei-rnsv iIip vi.v, Init will l.o recoguue I in -i ffna ..i.-u'i.'i'y'' o biiKihii. ihjty's clotiies wAFiri-n. TLg lict, iln-npcii, mill nini! popuLu W-liin)r Miiuliino crcr invcnii-'l. Il is rny loopc-riiti', nittiiift or ctuniliiip mkci tint lit tie room : Injures no gormcni titibi's its win k from in two lo four !iu uiiu); ii ilitrnUIn nml loiiTotiii tit : nml ih only V n - hi ii n Mitcluiio knoun ihut U liki-il lUg l'i-itcr Ha- lonjitr it is ii-i'-l. THE UNlVrr.SAL CL0T1IKS WHlMiKlt. Tii' ";i;i at 1 AMU.y i:co.tw;ni. The terns nl our I'a'ent call our M u liine a "W ringer.'' Veiivs of experienet prne it r.liij 10 lie A MOr txi'l i.l.txi H'ii:i:n. When w o reduce every invenron fO' wnli ing cloltii-s lo n riiit-iplo Ikey all nO'nuiit In ill: I of prt'-sing nii'l siiie?;ing, nml f.ireing tlio water Uiroug'i tlieni. linn re iii'.n in,' :lie ilirl. Musi Wssbinp M idline do it l'y nililiitig. Tuo l'u.vnal Wiiiieor c it ly pressing. joiix laum:nj!la(ii:i:, BUGGY aiAKEIl, hELINSHROVE, SNYDLR CO., PA. Having 1 iitclinse.l tlic well knewn nan I in Melius love, formerly ownnl l.v l'liilip Milker, I inn pi-epaipil 10 ni-C'iiiiiomlaip nil lin 1:1 nv 'I. "i- onyi lui, j- in my line, mi l warrsnl fa 1 I not i mi in all en s. 1 keep eoiit'tsnlly on li iml. nml 11111 pri pared to iiuuuit .cuuo at I ll" slnu'let imiice, lll'tiUlKS. Cifcrir sn.Kir.s. -Lk&Tttti LKKMIS.ilc. ltuing experienced in llr.' I'Iimucm", I llni tcr iiiymlt' llint I 11m fully j.ri pun-1 to mre' the wniils of 111 cuslotuein. Tho lunula employed are Among the best loecUniiii" in tke comity, ami their work will uoi t-iil lo give iinlvertal tut infliction. 8tf" Special ntleniion paid to repairing in nil iib lirHnoUes.'VLMl Hliop on Miirket kt't'et, a f-w dour nouili of t lie Cieriiuin Keforiuel I'liureli. JitHN J.AlT)EsU(iER. Pelin-gi-ove, April 7, '70-if RAILU CRAl'T, ' srccEPsnn to FLECK & CO., WHOLESALE (OM EtTlOM HS AM) Fill ITEUER8. J0. NOTtTII THIIII) BT., rUILAUIXrillA. A full assortment of Confectionery, Fruits, Fire Works, Hyrups, 7-1 ly Sc. nlwnys on band. II. i IIOTTKXSTKIN. M D. - PtlVSlL'lAN AMD SVKUEON, SEMXHUIOVE, SXYDEU CO., PA Olleri 1 U profesntonat terrlcei to the cIiItshs or Sl .i rove ami victnltr. JuueiCJ, ls'u tl joskfii s m;ll, Mauufncturcr nf and Wholesale Dealer lu Clothing:, Cloths CASSIMERS AND VESTING S. it NOIiTU THIRD SRET, PUILAD'A. QOSGRAVE HALL HOTEL. I'ETIIR rROI'P, rroprittor, West Beaver Tw'p., Snyder Co., Pa. Taks Notice that I bare purchased Cos grave Hall Hotel, where I am always pre pared to accommodate Drovers, Ulraiigers, and Travelors, I sball be liberal in nty charges and en deavor to use everybody well who I'uvor. me with his custom. If yeu are not sati Bed, no oharges. Uive me a oall, April, 'G7lf. JAMES K. DAVIS itui'EL, tStXIKHOKUVE. ENYDEK Oa., Ts. 11 EMIT A. B0LK1. Proprietor. TUll well known House having keen re fitted by the present proproielor, offers ex cellent aoooainiouallons to tbe iraveang community. Choloe liquors nod Cigars at lbs liar, and tbe Table supplied with ibe best ibe market atlorda. .A good atauie attended by careful hostlers, in eouneotlon wiibtue bouse. April ts- iutr, 1?AGLB HOTEL. Ci , , , MIDDLEBUBO, PA, - J. A. ETAHLSEt KEg,' Proprietor. Having taken ebarge cf this old and well sstabllskeJ stand, lbs proprietor proposes to devote all his attention to tbe providing of bis Table and Bar and the accommoda tion of both man and Mast, lit solicits I UkerlJsJr X!bJLEHfcUl 8 elieas"!, BOOT SHOB MAUFACTOV. fu Alw nys up Ia time I Tkt nn'liii!rnM ren'ppnlfiillyrrVionnef j to tin ciiifeim cf Mi l llebuin hml rlclnily, ihut ho will coniiiin tnlwimiffcolure MT.N HT.tUA, KIT and FhVE HOi)T. Women nn.lUV'i'rfn'i! 8H0ES, And In sliort ttryhW-g In Ith llnx. In Uioj Intpsi nyl nud at low prices. Work mV in m-der at the shortrt-notlct. Olre kirn T call beforo going lr whrr. 1UMAM SCIIWENK. J"JtESTAXD & IJOYKR, V'bolssala and Rdail T)clcrs In lIARDWARi:, CUTLERY, Conclimakcrs' MutormV Skoc FluJlngs, .( o. . FcllnirroTH, Ta. -1tf JKEKNOST, SNYIH.n I'll., P.. EMM;I1 SMITH, l'npiielor. Tli's tif hotM i now pro) m. tor tlii nrcommoilHllon of pirm nml will nlTnnl lirt rnto cnirlninment to perpmis Tiiling I'rcmiont. Kvery i-tlVrt will dc mmle to promole I bp comfort of tmeloi s slopping HI l!ii lioi. I'lioiep l;iinr nl the llnr. nml I lip Tnlile supplied with llip lirsl llip nimlict alTor.K Annmple Unl'lo in eon npciion Willi the boust. Aprilii'ioif QflDU FOil TRAVtLKr.5 : I'sssptippr Triini lenvp tke llarrislmrg niiironil (Ippol ilnily ns follows: 1'ENSHVIiVANIA l-.STKAL RAILR'tAtl. rAi-TWAim. riiilail'n Fxprrcs rxcipl Mon.lay 2.10 n m Fs-l Line " " O.UO Liiiicnslprlriiin (via Ml Joy) " S.oo I'ncirie Express Trnld " K'.JOpm llnrristiui ft Aco'iniinoilnilon ' ii.b't l iiicinniiii Express (ruin dully lll.-t") ' Souilicru Express H.oO WKSTWAIIP. t'inrinnwi pxprxepl Momlfiy 12.1 p m I'll i wiiiug l.Xire-s 4. n in 1'iienic l,i ii irnin ilnily -1.1 "i am l.in'irrmii.n ir:iin exrept Slomluy 7.-" " Miiiltiiiin ixi-ept tnJay I.I " pin Fssl Line ' " 4.1") " Erie Fusi lino " " 4,M " NOUTIIEIIN CKNTHAL RAIMtOAD. Noil TIIWAHU. IliilTulop Exprrss irulu 2.".t a m N i p Ii t AcToiuinoiiiiiion 1 l.fi."i p to M ill ir.iiu l.lo Kant Unt 4,'JU " sorrnwARn. Iliiffulo Exprps Triiln C.15 a m Mnil tmin 3 4" p in I'nclfifl Exp 12. HA p ni Vrk & lliii-ri-li'ir AcccoincJalion 4.-'!t p m Ciiit-innii Eipri-s 1'i.lj " yTASHLNOTON ltiL'?U. Mitill- hurt), fiitiilrr C'mnty, rx. liA.VIi'MH.KNM-:!!, IV..prictnr. Fi-r.-rni Hi iiiint lliis Hniio will fiml ptoel'.pDt accounno lalions, for Xmn nnj llesst. 7-H!lf .lAIOII i.oKll. tSlMOK IIUKIKt'SS. Loeb Broi.Cuss, rt l.MPOltTKKS AMI HEAI.EItS IS '2! I'ure Whiskeys GRANUIES, WINES AMI AI.I. HTTIKR FOUI'.K.N AMI IK) HEMIC LIUl'OKS, . i:t- Mill Mit el, ug. 1. 701 r. 1 da.wiix::. PA. A AMl-.ltlCAN liO'l t:i,. 11 cfMKKvit.i.i:, svnv:f Co., Pa. M I I.I.I AM S. I.i MS. Pr. prieior. This well known liotel, Ininii-it iu the town of t'eiitrevillo, has been tlinrourhly repaired and reliite I, m l is in die heM 111 litioii lo iiccniiiiodiile ikp traveling public, l.iry ell 'ill will be ma da to promote the coinlo'-l of gursts. A share of pnb'io put . rmiago in solicited. '.priili-'TOtf ji:yi i;i:lij:h, M.iutifacturcr of and ticalcr In F U 11 N I T U 11 E, WmiM report fully inform the citizens ot I'lin-gtevi' and vicinity, llint he uiniiiifae luren to nrdi-r ami keeps cn-lanily mi h in l I'llAIKS HP AM. KIN IIS, AMI Furoituro of evory J)cii.'r.ptton, at the very loet price, llo rc-peclfully invites an rxi'iiiiniiiinii nt IIHIWTEA IW, HI HKAI'S.T IM.F.-s, siir AS 1. 111 ur., ni.i.viin, i inline, fco. fl'i" A spicinl invitation in nil mie. lo newly mill rii-d folks lo call and see my slock hcloie 1 uicliu-dng tlsowheie. i.i.vi iu:i.i.i:it. Seliu-grove, April 0, IHTO-t f FIXE ASSOUTMEXT OF THE UEST OLD WYE WHISKEY. .. I'LllE PEACH WHISKEY. DUAXUY, GIN. AND SYIU'PS. Just received and for sale at the Eagle Hotel, iu Mi.blleliurg. JOHN A. oTAHLNL.LKl.lt, Aug. 19. 170. QUICK SAZ.BS txaziZi rzkcrx so II. IlKtVril Rospectltilly announces to the citizens of Miildlchurg and vieiuitv that be i" now ready lo supply them with tho largest ami mo't coinplet etock of M-itixt; ,f- scvjikii noons ver brought lo this place, at greatly rc locci1 prices ihcniier than lliu cbcanesi. IU iuvilcs alleuiioii to bis large slock of 5tl M.IN3, CAMCOEs. DELAINES. r.AAVKS, SILKS, DEHEtlEfJ, MNEN3, Boots und Shoes, HATS AM) CAPS. HEADY-MADE CLOTII1N0, E1I1UTS, and everything usually keot in a wirll regulated store. ji we me a call and be convinced that this Is the place to buy goods. COUNT UY PKOl'L'CE taken in exohange 01 goods. Win. II. liens cr. Middlcbitrf, Mny, 107. Estate of MAR AH AI'P, deoeajud. 1KTTKRH OP ADSIINISTRATIOW 'upon i tlisestatenr Harah A l-e, ( wl.low of t.suosrd lip,) lateol Pouus towtisltlp, deeeaseil, having tnnii iironle.l to the uu.ler-lnue.l, all wrsons knowlna tlieiutelves Inclel te.l to the estate are re-iucHo.l to make paymeiit, unit lluusi hnvlug ctsiiu agatu. I the Mime will present Itiom to JOHN OliAl HKK I.INO, AiltnliiUtraur. renni town'hlp, Septomber ST, U7u. J THOMPSON IJAKER, w.tloi'itv-iit-Iaw Lcwidbtirg, Union Co., Pa. tT Can be consulted ia the I'ngllb su 1 German luiign.ig. s.tm OFFICE Markot fcuect, opposite Walls, Smith & Cu's Hi ore. . b-40y LETTERS TE3TAMETAUY, on the Ustnte ef Mahia Hall, late ol the bnr ough of Mollnsgruve, ileo'd, having bsen granted to the uinlomlgneil, all iiersone knowing theui selvas InileliteU ten 1. 1 oute are r.nlcJ to make psymant, anil thorn having eluluu sgnlnit uie eauie win preieut tiiein ir etiieumnt to W.k'. UVMUT, Oei.tO.IS7e. li.cutor, 11 ALU EAGLE HOTEL, . No. 41 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. JJAN5ELL IICKW, srciaaoas to CArpr k ensw, C&0:3CCK7 AND QI,A3SWilX.E, o- 21 Snrlh Fourth Slrret, piiii,it'i:i-pntA. Original Packages Constantly on Hand. RppreMnttd by THKO'S BWIHETORD. G rover & UaSier's riRST l'RUMIUM . KLAOTiC STITCH family . . Scwin s Miichiiicsn, :." l.llOAUW Y .NEW VOKS. CilEr'TN't'T fT. rillLADELlMin 1'UINTS OF KXCKLLKXCIv Identity nnd Elnslirty of Slilch. Perfection and Simplicity of Muclilneri t'-ing bo ill threads directly from tin poos. No faiiening ot spams lijr Inuid and m. wane of t.ii c i l. Wi.lp ranzp of application nilbout ckangi of a Ijnsiiociit. The dpiiii retains lis hoaiity and firmness uficr wui-liini; and ironing. r.el les doing all kinds of work done liy l.y other .weM ing Machines, Ihes? Machine rxeciiie lite nii"t ln-ntiiilul hii 'i-riiiniient Embroidery und oriiaitiinial wmk. tfTX.Tlie llighi'-t I'remliinis t nil the fair' nml exhilmions nf the L nil cl Stairs nnd Europe, have been awarded the tiroer A linker hewing Machine-, nnd 'ho work ly them, wherever exhibited in cotnpetioti t'ly-Th very higliest priro. THE CllOSS OF THE I.EtiloN OF lloNOIt. was con fered on tho representative of Orover linker Sewing tiint-hines, nt the exposition I'niversi'llo, Paris. 1 ri., thus attesting iheir great siipcriurity over all other hew ing Machines, l or Sale by SAMUEL FAUST. Pelins. grove, Pa. "April .0. 0'J, Forney's ircss. THE I. II K AT RADK AL AKWSr.trF.lt J (i t the lht 11 nil Vhctxprtt Scicrp'ipi-r In the Country. tiieThess- Is a frsi-cl iss double sheet eight pnprr pnpi r, cntitaining 4S coliiinus, ulili.-hcl every inorning, (ixd-pt Sundavs.) ' TERMS: D1LY rHESS s U'lper annum: f 2 for dx months ; fl.'in fur .three months. Tlil-Wl.EKLY PI1ESS. f l.iw per an 1111111 : C2 HO for tsix months; sj.liil fm three nu hi 1 lis. THE WEEKLY PRESS. The most valu utile Weekly Newspaper ill the World, ll contains items of interest to nil. BEAD THE TEBMd ; One copy one year S 'J Five copies '.' Ten topic, and one copy to the! goiter up ot club, 15 Twen'y cnpies, nnd ouo copy to the getler-iiji of cluh 27 Fitly copie., and one copy to the getter up of cluh C5 Ten ei.piis, to one aiUrim, nud ot e copy to the getter tin ot the dull U Twiuiy copies, fo on' ail'trr, and olio cpy to the getter up of the i.-luli 2"' I'il'iy i iipii'S, iu one tuMini, nnd one enny to llio getter on of tin dub 6'i One hundred copies, ,'o nil n...'.-. . vn 1 one I'uiiv of the Tri-weekly l'n-.-s to the gelier up i f tlio club I t' .1 ur'hrj K.'iot.- ' iiiltrif'l to joiin w. i'uhney, Editor nt 1 1'ropi ietor, S W.cor. Till nud Chestnut Sis., Pbiln. Pa BiiOK .MiENIS W NTi:it HHt STKltilll.ES TltH'MI'llS OF I T. UATISUaM Written by Himself. In one lanre Octavo Vidiiinc nearly SOO Pngcs Printed in English nud lierman. o.l Kli gunl Full page Engnvi nus. It iinbraecs Forty Yeai Itceolleciiotis of iiis lliisy Life, us a Mi r ehiini. Manatrer, Hanker, Lecturer, nnd Sliou iiitiu. No bonk published so accepta ble to nil clti'-ses. Every one w mis it , Agents average from 5(1 lo lmt subscribers nweik. We otfir extra liiiliicciiiciils. Ill ustrated Catalogue nnd lerins to Agent sent free. J. II. Itl'ltH .Si CO., Publishers, Ha"lford, Conn T 1HE DAY 1 published every morning (exeepl Sun day I, at the olliie, N. W. corner Sixth und Chestnut stieets, Philadelphia. Prico One CorTt por Copy. Served by the enrriers in any part of the city, nml in llio adjacent cities und towns, for SIX CENTS PElt WEEK, payable lo the carriers. Price for mailing. TIIIBTY-FIVE CENTS per month, tr FuUtl DOLLAltfJ per nn num. CELL i RCHOXOrR, ' Wholesnlo Dealers In 1. RANDIES, WINES, Gins, AYhikcys&c, V OMELSDOTtF. ISEBK3 CO., V. Jauuiuy 13, 1870-If g VMl'EL FAUST, Mcrchmit Tailor, Has Just received an entire new utoek of CLOTIia. CAoSIMEItEo k VESTING3. all of a superior quality which be is pre pared lo make tin in tbo best style an J on short notice. Ha also keens Drown nud White Frenob Yoke Linen Shirts. and a itcn- eral assortment of gvntlemens' Furnishing Oooda, all of which he odors to the public at very rcasonnnie prices. I all at my place on Pine Street, between Eckbeil'a corner aud tbe bridge. Helins drove, l'a, Juno 4, lHti8 If. CAVTIOV.' Ilavinu purchased Ibe Mtowlng named personal nropvrlv nt Con 't.iblv't sale, sold si the prniiarlv ol Itentien bins., and lelt Ue ssine In the posstilon of Sirs, .suruh Kloss. 11 persons are herei'V eai.tlonk.1 not to Intorlero nor In any way uieililla with the ssniai (ine Conklug Ktove ana Pipe, one Purlur s.ini rn rn, mu iiou.ies.us aua iieuaiair. su. lui ui criei, uue l aw. .1 AlllH 11HIIMM, PKTKR KfclOfcL Deaver towaihlp, August ii, lbTO, T UE FINKLE A LYON fieva lna; Blarltlno, TJPIlk TbvAn Va.S m.h Tab.iin mm ll.Mm.. ae , Is now oilered to agents oa more llborai terms. Also, Heoond ham! Machines taken la exchange, ur the uew Improvements applied. Every ma. hlne Is warrauted Kihst Class. and It the purohaaer does Dot so res-anl ll alter a trisl. he eaa return It. aud monev relumled N. B Wanted rravelloa Agents to visit each town, oisiriuunug oiruuiars, explaining ilia lia provements, etc., te., who oaa make esue per bVUK'S VfTriL S..M. ft, L'VIgL! TM iBrtai fteili. DiM'overy t VMEGAiiBlfTEftSs, il- Htudreda ef Tbonsand.. f. t VswtiiviMiyuilVi-ir Westav X s s? g ificetstrvs Kifss-w. ill WHAT, AKc THEY f J 'J ! it . TuET AM JT0T A VIL1 IlFANCY DRINK. Wivte of Fnwr Ram, Whisker. lr Stplrltaaad He rase jlearmdoetore4,sptrl eon switstcned to please the teste, eslted M Toa. lcs,""Arpetlisrs," "Restorers," ,-tast Its tue tippler oa to Srankenress anS rain, bat are a true Medtctnf .tnede from the Native Roots and Itrr'jeof Celirornla, free freiw all Aleaholla Sihniilssi.. They are HietiKStlT HI.IIOIl riKII-'US and MPS fJIVIMJ fit IN. II' I.K a perfect Itenov-eior andlnvlg iraturet ttie By .tern, eerrrlrg off all poisonous matter end restorlni; tlie blood to a hrelihy eondltloa. No p-r.i.o ran tske tliese lM'tort eceorolng todirre L-n and remain long anwrll. vl'sir luflammi.lnrr aad t'kronlo Tthra mnilsns nnd fsowl, Irapeie1a ur ladl retina. Ill linns. Itrnitttrnt wad Inter nilitrnt Kevern, llHeeea of ike Hlnntf. l.lver. Kidney, and IllndSrr. thru Hit lere liave been most snreessiiil. ptneli llle l aspe are cud hy Vltlntrd lllnod. wtiirh I. aencrslly prndured by dwraiiKumeut of Uie Digest I vo Oreans. II YHI'I I'rsl A OR INniOF.MTIOX. Ttsedsetie, l-etn In the fihoiililere, 1'oaiitis, Tlgtit nessef the Chest, lllssiDess. Soar ErucUtloos of 'lie Stomach, Had taste lo tlie llooth. Uillons At tacKs, I'alpltstlon of the Heart, latlsminatton of the Lanir.,Paln la ttierpglous of tbe Kidneys, and a handn-4 other painful symptoms, are the off. eprlDgsof Py.pepela. tTlisy Irvtgorate the Stomach and ttlmnlate the torpid liver and bowels, which rooilrrtliem of uo eiusll.d eSlcaey la rteansing the bl'wid of all Impurities, and ImparUaf aew lue aul vigor te tt-e whole sysioni. I'OKMlilN DIMEAKES, rrnptloas.Tetter, Salt llhfnm, niotches, Hpols, Ilmplwa, Pa.tules, Itolls. rsrliunelrs, ttinx.W'onus, Fcald-Ilcad, Sore Fyes, Rryslnelas, licb. Scurfs tilscoloratlocs ot tho Slitn, llutiiors and In.enses of tbo Skin, ef whntever name or nature, are literally dag ap and cavlod oat nf Hie system In a short tuna by the use of these Hitter., tine bottle la tnia cas-e wilt convince tbe most Incredulous of Ibosr curative streets. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whr norer you And Its Imparities bursting ttironub iheskla tnrinv pies, Crnptlons or horrsi rleauselt wkrn yon find It obstructed and slogitlsb la the veins t rlrunse It when ltd foul, and your feelinta will I.H yoa whra. Keep the blood pure and the b slth of tnesrstem will follow. Pi N , T A V K aud oilier Willi M lurking la tlie system of rummy tlioesanilt, are elTertually destroyed stnl removed. Kor fill (lire. I) on., rvad eari' fully the clreulsr arouud each buttlo. J.tVAI.tif. It, rronrl.tor. R. II. VctiOX.M.t) CO., Tlrnrlsts at:diei. Aaem., Sen Frsuelsco, Cal.. a:ut C? aad 81 Comuu-reo Hlrrtt, New York. fOI n BT ALL Dr.l'UUlSTg AND I'ltALkKli. rilAtilXi A ti.WA. Lu.lir. A Verjspr.pi rot l he Preneu' Timrs. I ui. ml it (or I'coilo Nuit oa tsfrth. l ie: i " K l er.njis. Mec'i.i iei, V rehants, Tro ie ni.ul Men, Wi.iK.-n. TMaSicrs, ami s.l Uaa. nor i ( Uui.est Kolks. auj thu Wive-, Sons, aiij luii.hiui'jol ulUucn. om.v txn njuia . yiau : tixi: iiixuiti::) ( t:; u-.n roit 30. t r le-. i nn Cn C :it n r-M v. Let thure he a sriO chr. m v. ry 1 oit intlfie. se:t: tvr.nti. M N, A YEAR. t n- ...e.e s;re r.nl fiMiernl evriietcr as V . I .l lil V, In", ii -.i-ui -.r.c 'ii. le.i Ti'ii, . it'i a fcreuicr variety of i nl funilhliiji tlie n-ivi le I II l : I I'""! 111.' tWll-2 I s w:'.'i Rio.iter fres'i-iesa. tieosu.e i vroei lus:eaJ of uuce ouly. 'I t;r DAILY (M , f") A YEAR. iii-itlv r' I ti e i wi'miicr. i MB t' S i n.i i , ine i r. i le, I I- a le-s in on inc.. A I i'. in. te le w. I.. IL CIU 1 I.V l..:.ll . is a uoi.ita. or fcti j ur. TZHMS TO CLUE3. i:tn t.tti. i.au weekly r-ix. ve co.:i. cm jiisi, r.i ,i:a:e:r r dr.'.vl. t'osr Hollers, '. n '-e i,.-. i n " ve.r . se,r.iteli S'l'lrekiia lad u . tii.jiM, totbegctf-r up ii tu-'i. IMu-at Hollars. '"' "is voir, Sep ratelr a.leliecu i- u iu exirscji.y loiueett r up of einhi, Kiltei a l)oltnrs. or cil -s. i ne lenr, loone a tilt-ess (.id I ii. . "i'u viciu uin- i -1 1 " iter nu ,.f t mill, TMr y-tiiieo Uhllura. ! ':; v .-up ( -. eMtMeiv a-tdresspa u I I Sui;, II l o; ey. .,' -e Ll'lt'T " ' 111' i. 'I ..ir.-.i;e Oollurs. se t.Tiii 'r.-l eo. ! ,.i ,. rear t ere ml I i i i t.u la. y ... i j to 1 1. .t .,.,- ,,.,, ' . , I i'ly Dull irs, ,i'' . ,'. ! !i r '' ' ' r rr- " -uafly ad. ii. e '"j'S-i. i.i.. ......) ,.ro oi.-vr totiH-.k-et'er u:. .-r.-1'i'.i. M.MV lullut. TII-: SE.'it-Vt'EEIi LY I !ve rui o '.jr,:-e.r(i'lv s.l.t.e" Eiuht Diillers, en e-e le.. one eerr e...rte' i. i ... . M. tjisin ujlofll It, aUlrt-u Dollara. tT.l) .icit hiu-vgy o eir-l-i-t. c'l-eu, rr riinfts en Vrw vei e nvei.lcm Ii e t. i.i. u lej .i.; ' TK. Wtl 1 k'llli l.l, ,,o iey. A ta. .a. I. V7 rV.'Tt.l',". r,li -lines Sun olSi e, Yel l QO.METIIIS WAV I ' JiREAT BARtl AIN'8 IM NEW G001 !5 AT THE CHEAT STORE OF w. r. i:t liiii.itr, SLLlNStj Ki A K Pa. Would respectfully announce to Ibe people of Snyder County that be bus just received from lbs eastern markets and has for sale a large and well seleoted stock of New Uoods, which he offers at astuiiitb iogly low urlises. His slock embraces the very Of it , FALL and WINTER GOODS He has Cloths Caseiiuers, Dos Skins Joans Satinets Alpaccas, Lustres Detains , 1'oplins Pi-luls, Muslins Dri linirs Shawls 'Cambrics Calicoes. tYench Mcrinoes, r.gU'nh JlcrinoeH READY MADE C lOTIIiNG ef all kind. HARDWARE, ilATS and CAPS. tjl'EENSWARE, BOOTS ft SHOES, GROCERIES CAttPETINU, WALL PAPER, ' Give me a call, lueiicoting Goods. - BID IK FIsiDINOS, No charges mads for Country produce la ken In exchange for goods. way XI, ltsoa ly SBRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years front Nervous Debility, Prematura Decay, and all the etfoots of yourtiful indisoretion 111, tor tbe sake - of suffering humanity, aend free la all who need it, the receipt aud, directions for making the simple remedy by which be was. eursd. flutter ers wishing le profitby Ilia advertiser's xperieuos, ean do so by addressing, In wewaassssvi. a tt,l SeSvlsssss at e: . sTfi Ssf TflWlMIltTJIlO- ' WOOmiFACTOIlY. The subscriber, thankful for the liberal ' atrnnuge bes'owed fin Lie asiabllslimpnt at Lspirejlon. btgs leava to Inform bis Peisifirte an. I tke i,ifi1l ......ll Ik., k. .has had bio mill at Lewlsburg titled np In I the best possible mannervrith lbs Lair ft Improved Machinery rssda in ilie conntrv. an1 with ihaadvsn- jiige. of Steara Power, which can be relied . n nt all ii nes. Hp feels safe in saying lnl bis psini lishmtls ,vyt sin pissed l.y iiiv lu the State. m Having rng'ig'd a sot "f good Workmen :.e is now prep .rod for manufacturing i.V killds of . woolen . xmm such:V" - L ITIH. CAS::tlI.nEl. S T(NI.Ti.;. TWEEDS. JEANS. FLANNELS, ULANKETS.t'A ttl'ElS. YAllNft, &o. In ihr Irtl wjfia-r anil at ri.lueeil pricrt. Au exci ili-nt ass .rtmenl of O mds ai all lines on lii, nit, lor sale or rtchiin-" lor Aool. BOLL CAHL'l.MI done nil short iioltee. t.ir i l'.ltMS CASH v.4 ma uk halfpenny. Leivisbiirg, Union Co., l'a., Deo. 4,ti(y s CI10CII t BROTHER Would respcclliilly announce lo the people or fnyiler County ami the public, generally, thai they have Just scoured. and will constantly kerpnti hand and for sale, a very extensive assortment of KJkW GQQP.S, in tlipirCommodlot's New Hoom nppnsite i tie uaun, ociinsgrove l a. THEY WILL SELL AT RE. DI CED TRICES I ' Their exlensive slock consists of a well seleetpd assortment of FALL H WTNTF.lt OiiODrt. Ttcy have CLOTHS. CASSf. ME Its, plain nnd fancy. Sallneils. Jeans, Tweeds, Muslins, Drillings. Flannels, Checks, &.c. Also nn olegant assortment LA PIES' DT.E"S G0OTS ! Silks, Botubnzines, Alpnrns. Block aotl fiini'v Pflnins. Lnwns, GinfrhnniH, a lurre vtirit-ty nf Cue White Goods, LADIES' FASATOVAItT.E COATS, Hoop, Skirt Shnwls. Ac. Ac. READY MADE CLOTHIXO.Poats, vcstH. Tnnts. Shirts Ac. A variety ol NOTIONS ay UOSIEKY. f'fillnrs Linrn nnd Tnpo.l) rct-ra Trim niiiiir. litniona A'orsn. Zt'i'iihyrn fotniii'tn nnd fi!it. Mornvinu uud Slit'th'tid Wool Ac Ac FISLUSALT "AND IRON, STEEL. STOVEX, FOKKS, SHOVELS, Sl'AHES, It A FES, (1LASS, NAILS, PAINTS. li.irilwnro (Jticctiswnre, niasswnrp. CV'durwure, Willow-wore Crockery. n.ASTKll. White A Blue. Also, n Dirge uu'intity of dill'oinit kinds of DATs A t'A TS, LOOTS A s()l. of eiiy sii lc, vni ii iy nud ijuuliiy. Also, nil kinds of ca urn's. &c. V.l OCVVlCH of nil kinds, fresh fioin the Philadelphia nml New York Markets. They keep constantly on band u large supply of WHITE LEAD A I'D PAINTS, ev er oni'lity nml I rice, received direct from the inan ilai-liii-es and couec,uenily inn eeii in uu vety lowest prices. Also all kinds of OILS, WHALE. BROWN LTT.RICATIN'G, .SriiSTriTTM nud LlNSEEn OIL. for Painting. To the latter thev call nar- lleenlnr ntleniion as it is eo,iinl lu Linseed oi! fur colored paiuling, otid C03t but one nan ine price. Iliphesf nricpi laij for Coittitrv I'ruduct' nnd All HiniEisofOrnii.. t"-P?"Give thi'iu u tri.il liefuro no ing tlsLnvlicio. SCIIOCH & BROTHER. Thev ore also ibe rents for flKISf.lt'S PATENT FLY REGLLATINO OKA1S i'EPAlt ATOM CLEANER AND DAGGER. Tho latest Improved aud most celebrated in tlie world. Juat tbe Machine Farmer have been seeking after for years. It will thrash from 'M lo 40 t per hour, cleaned rea ' for market. nicy win se tliese m ! bines nron muu lucriisnurraucj as represented.. April 18, 'C7 Ly j. r. siiiNnrt.. u. n. rmi.ip SWIKMURU IEAD THIS. tihlndo AND 8nlnelord. Dui'llOISTrJ AND ClIEMISTS, OlTer fur sale WnnLEiAi.i ssn Rktail, DRUGS. MEDICINES. PAINTS and CHEMICALS, Embracing TUBE ZINC TAINT Green, blue, Yellow, Red aud Black ; Paiuts ground in Liuseed Oil, Deiiar Varnish Spirits Turpentine, Cuuul. Coach and White PRYING JATAN. KNOTTING. window ulass, rutty. I'luc OlUlt oliol Stascu, Is moo, Yskmillion, Paint aad VARNISH DUUSIIEH, Malt and f'tmalt Truttn and Bnjfcrter jatJtutls Concentrated Lye, , Fins Sponges, SPICES, CORN STARCH ft DIED SEEP Flower and Harden Seeds, Is which tbs attention of dealers Is oalled. ns w will sell at lbs very lowest Cash Prices m quantities te suit puicha sera. ..." , ' ' ' rTealsa keep-on-hand and offer for sal Wholssale aad Retail, alt the lead Ing Talent Medicines. Also, -N 0 Tl ON SaX'ON FfcC ION K RIES, i . TOjJAvl Ue. eOAKti Krjf- lTitriiUA1 ---- Ayer's Sarsaparilla, son rtntmso tub Btg The mwrtVitlcB B.I. eellrnt inmlieine I.I. - ta ilerlve.1 from rtetf nje!t many oi woicti are hi marvellous. Inviw' es.s of Bcoflllm,.'?, ease, where the i ewrad eatnntcd mJ eorrnpUnn, bar rurill.it and fired kT? Bemftilons nflTpetlosj i ... dleonlere whlekJz ' -'. r.-ir Slaenler. sehl.l.T j . . . amj .i.Tiim iit 1110 fn a rated by tlie ous eontamtiiaumK.; - li.o. nentAjiili.A,. rhev Vfwre rnlnflillT afllletlng, have been rsdi,. In . ... H vrn.,1 n.iml.. In .In,,.., tlon urUio country, that liis ptibllo aearculy alui be tnrormeil ol Its virtues or nps. " svrofnlous pf.Uon to one of the most tMu. enemies oi onr rs. e. Oen, Uu. unseen aisUn.. Ian.nl nf tiiinre.nl.ffi n.nnffl.l..lU.M.J. and invitiisiheatut 'Jiol'eiileebllnKor ratal iliJ.'.T' wl'hnur exciting a suspli Ion of II. ireene. j' It sopine to hresxl lure lio throurhont tlie boor rfi then, on .O'ne Isvorslilo oeessnn, rnplillyd.i, . Into one or other of H hideous forms, either mull .nefiiee as etnnntf fhavlial. Ii. llm la,. . clcs may he sii'titenlv' deposited In the Itir,.,. rie.irt. or h-mors formed In the llvsa-. or It A. IU roience by ernpUns on tho skin, or foalnkp ntlons nn smie pnrt of the bodr. Hence thco-fl sional imo of a bottle of this fnrtnpttrlli9 i, sppenr. Persons amirted with ttie followui,,' ..t .!.... rail. I 1 ..O I HU. .el's IppriIi, sure, liy the use of this aAkji'4ni' i. r. . n . n i ... "r, jf m . oti m"w ... -w'IJNm, T'lirr, nail KHrum, SJrnlif I en if , nevn, ore I'les, Store J.ivre, and oilier eruption. J vlnbla lurms of firrttfulmia disease. AliomuJ liioin ri.ie r.im lunii., "spT'rrnnl Jirrtt,,, H'nrf ItUmtr, tut, Hmrmlp, pmi in- Tenon t irenH auei.uuue Ol U1Q Cl'aa lar and nervons svsteme. Avrnitisnr 1'ewereal and .Vsresertaf TwJ at e uirrit l.r It. thongh a long time te ro,nln.t4 suiinuuig uie.e ousiiuaiemainuies ey any meni Itut long eo-.tiuiipil use of Uils medli'lnew,!!.-. tl-ei complaini. i.wenrrAisMS or rl Mies, ( lenJ l leersiinn., inu j-rmilfei jnnwrff, ale r roonlr soon relieved and ultlmatelr rurtd ri. punlytng and luvigornting effect. Minute Ii.J lions lor eni-a case aee louna in our imaneCl .1 plied grntls. 7SeM.sinH.m and Cowl, - J causpil tir peciiinulntiono of extraneous nu4 In the blood, vlcld nuii klr to It, as alio J.sJ Cnmiiliflnrs, roryitaiffr. v'OMrreNostorntal vrinriniii ine r.trer.auiitfawnrrior.wiisntfii ns thsronps do. from tlie rankling poisons to: blood. This HAIIS AfAKII.I.A Is a (r J rtoirr fir 'he strength and vigor of the iri'ol 1 unto n re, i i, ..anrrwiii ami ..ii.w jrie ffpnr. aeeiMfrtoe. and troubled with A'essreu. prmhwlnnt or ar. or any of the enart 1 avTiipioinnuc oi ewi.n.iii win imu immi:, relief and ronvlnotag erliience ef Us reitom powtiruLioau-lal. rjtKP iUMD T mr.J.C. kVEIt ok CO.,t.rll,Mj rrnei t amd anpgeSral Dtevnleai, uota a . ll drcckjwti iflunnrarv QALL AT Focklcr's Saloon (Opposite Ph.nilel & Wa.rrcnseller's drngttt IN SELINSGROVE, If von wan a sood class of UIsADIAU ALE (dl A Plate of Ice Cream OR O Y8TE11S, prepared In any way that can be dciiit. Oil A Plate of Fresh Trip. OK SARDINES ; SCHWEITZER. L1MBURC. OR II.L CHEESE, OU ANY THING USUALLY KEPT IS IT1IST CLASS RESTAURANT. JSyOilier Saloous supplied with All i: Oysters at Wholesale priccs.'ftjtt A t nii:i,. Tf II PALI.IKT. i S STOt'Cn' USED, DALLIET & STOUGIITON, litXEU.lL COMMISSION MERCHIM' AN i Dr.ALtns IX Country Proiluee awl PomrL Prtn'ts, iS'-fig, iff., -Vo. 2'J SVit-rit Water Stutet, SIIILADEI-rniA. ri irnrxi-Ks. Jacob It. Iliegel & i " :! Mntket siu-i-l j I.ippcncott & Tro J N. Wuiir street ; Hood, Uonbriglit S T.-J'i Iui kel Streel ; En. Gov. James I'd!'. tin south till rtrect! John WeistSOS Wa street ; llmrls Giahain, 8i!7 Arch Hi- (Febfi.- Y) WID WILLIAMS, Manufactures of c. Whulcsalo Dealer dilt, Multnu'itii), Walnut nud Uum'V, LOOKING C3L.ASS Ticturo Ur. riiotofrnph1o Fntu; Xoh. '.MO nml 2:1-2 Art h blttit, I'liilii'lelphitl I'll. Frunies Reraired in the best mar- Also, ltegildiug in all its branches. ' WM. HA KI'ING, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CONVEY AM: Ftvmntit, Snyder County, Teno Collections of nil kinds made al tbe shot notice and on the most reasonable le Conveyancing in all its branches ( diliuusly executed. llK.nrs, MoltTii.'. Nin, nml blanks of all kinds comu on baud. Persons at a distance In' claims for collection within his Jurisdi ueed only nddresa him by mail to prompt action. -Terms rcsouabls. Mi; JEYSTONE HOTEL. HeUimgrove, Snyder County, THE undersigned begs leave to It the public that be has purchased and keep. In good stylo, the above well kt aud popular house. fry Having large, airy and well fur. ed rooms, good servants, with ths urn efforts of Ibe proprietor to please bis p he hopes to meet with a large share of : lio palrouuge. J. F. WALTt iusgiove, Sept. 1, 1870. -THU 708T .7ob Printing Offici MIDDLEDURO. SNYDER CO., IM AIL KINDS OP JOB PRINTING NEATLY", CHEAPLY. SI JXPEDITI0U8LV EXECUTE AT THIS OFFICE. PENNSYLVANIA HOL'SE. J. D. nOFFMAN, Propi CORNER OF SECOND AND LOCUST :kH llARRISIlURO, TENN'' 16 Every effort neoossarr ta Insure tbs ort ul guests will be made. Tke house ht ' nswly reiuted. (uayCt' GRAYDILL & Co., WllOI.SSALl DlAlU WOOD AND WILLOW WAl Oil Clolha. Window Shades. Hroomi. Vi lirushos Cotton Laps, Grain fiagii Ncla, Duckets, Twines, Wioks, &o. No ttlj North Third Strced, Pbiladtll Feb. 7. '7 j-i2) . . J' WH0LES.U.I CL-OCK! UD Merlb Id I . ' F Mo. its ktr FSiil ta: o