The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 02, 1871, Image 2

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lY "vr.
.,V ,
Minni.r.BrHa.....' MAncn t, iri
Tot Th Pott.)
Auditor UcoctmI.
. JTIi oflice of Auditor TJencrnl in
tie if tlio most toporta'iit tliut the
people of Pennsylvania pro failed up
on to Gil. The poi-don holding Iho of
fice rliouU bo eminently qualiCeJ,
abovo ropronch, ami man of busi
ness qualification and experience.
Aa crcry dolkr received aod dinburs
cd by (ho Cornmoowtnlth must be
Audited, by thl. ?5,car, it is all Impor
tant (but ho be capable nnd otrirtly
Looont. We have beeo rt'mnikablj
fortunate in our telcetiona of gentle
man to fill tbnt oflice for tbo I ant kix
years. By the viuilanct ofibo re-
cnt Auditor General tho revenues of
the Commonwealth have been large
ly increased ; the public debt (jroitly
ledticed ; ao J real cs'.nte exempted
I'mro taxation.
la ordor that we tnriv ucces.fiilly
cojitioue to entry out thin polity of
Tetrenchoieot, it becomes our duly to
nominate' a man for our
Aeeier i.) next fall's campaign, who id
conversant with the duties of the ol
fiee and tbo wants of the people, and
who bus the firmnp, to atrud tip fur
the interest of tho Cooiinoowealili.
Anion;? tho names meoiiuiicd In con
nection with the ofliec of Au litor
General, we notice tlmt ol (ten Ilnr
ri.oo Allen, of Wurrcu county, ui
prctcut Stte Scnutor Irom tlio War
ron district, at. J cuo oi the nbleat
mombera of the Senate. He is e?er
watchful ol the interests of his con
stituent, and one of tbe'cloaeat guar
dians of the public trusts; he ranks
ninouir the ablest debaters in tho Sen.
ute, and would bo more than a match
for any Democratic orator in a politi
cal campaign ; hi bai endoorod him
self to tho pouple by his uniform cour
tear and the able ontnner in which he
has discharged the public dudes
which tlicy have entrusted to his
nro. Ho wan ouc of our bravest sol.
diers in the great war for tho sup
predion of the slave-hoIdciV rebell
ion. Ilavinc entered the nrmy as a
lieutenant, ho rose te the rank of
TJrijjiulier General fur gullant and
meritorious conduct. He wa then u
terror to tho rebels and to-day I a
terror to tho Democracy. Nominate
Gon. Allen for Auditor General, ouJ
in leas thno ooo year the Donjocracy
of PoHsvIvonia will be as completely
routed horso, foot and drot oont as
tho reboUof the defunct confederacy
are to-day. A"' iho nomination is
' goncrally conocded to the north-west-era
part of tbeStalo hii aucceM is
more thso possible- in ("net the people
have made up their minds to nonii
nato him; and ai he is not iJcntifled
with any rinrs or factious, but is the
people's candidate, he is the rln
man In the right plare. Willi Geo
Allen to lead the Republican hosts
success will perch upon our banoer
and wo will be able to shout victory
to tho tune ol at leut 20.1)00 in O. to",
ber next. . VICTOUY.
February 28, 1871. .'
The Cowl Strike.
Tbo special correspondent of the
Philadelphia Pren, writing from Potts
villo on the 2Gth ult.isjs:
Xo indications of resumption yot.
On the contrary, It is believed that
noma time will elapse cro resumption
Logins. Siuey gays the miners at tho
meeting lust night made up their minds
to fight tbo operators to the bitter end
Tho operators published their ioteolion
not to ofler higher rates Tho miners
will go to work at $2,50 basis with
one-sixteenth per cent, reduction it
operators will plcdo themselves not
to lower the rates uudur any circum
stances. TbU the operators rofuhc to
pledgo themselves to, believing, as
they do, that they hovo tho upper
liand, and thiuk the miners will suo
cumb before u grcut while. L'ulcss
some srranKcmcnt is entered into ho-
foro another week, somej terrible out
rages aro expecieu.
The miners are beoomlosdefaDorato
2Co nioocr, ond no prorpect of getting
liny, makes them luel bitter. They
thieatned to tear up tracks on tho Bead
ing road aud burn bridges. Guard
aro now stationed at all tho bridges,
nnd a locomoaive with guard patrols
oil the lateral branches. Hi-sides
this, tele gra hie communication has
been eatublishod all along tbo differ
ent kraochos of tbo iieading rond,
thirty-two to number. . No outrages
lovo yei occurred. . It Is hopod bet
ter counsels will prevail and lead the
', More desperate men to desist from
their threatened outrages. The min
ers' feeling sgaiost tho Reading aod
Lehigh Valley roads in rsry bitter.
At a meeting of the Republican
State ( Central Committee, . hoi J in
Philadelphia on tbo 24th tilt, tho fol.
lowing Ueeoluttons were nnanioioiuly
Adopted t
: ejolved,'Sbtt the, time for. the
. .mcetlog of the Repubticao Btato Con
veniioe V and the saute la bsreby
:postpoasd until Wednesday, thel7ih
tiny of Msy next, aud that the dole
gatea who may be elecU-J tberetp be
aod they are hereby reqnesied to es
se mb le at the Hall of the Uouae tf
,JepreseutatWca,, HarrWburg, - at , 12
o'c'ck joon tt stU jr. . ':',
L'vtd, r -t : -i,-ii;dui
sr-.' v, t?lt; , bf"oict.
- - -. v
It 1 conceded that the 424 Coo-
gress will rneot March ."4th, and ro-
maio In searion two or threo. months,
Sunif half dnzen of (he most imporua t
appropriation bills are yet to be con
slderrd by the donate, the jnijorfty of
which cannot be acted upon "before the
close of tho presort Cuntfrc(s.
I'ssCi in Franco is now assured,
and we are prntihVd to anuixiuce that
the preliminaries bare nil been settled
Thiers and l'nvre'nnd the consultative
rr mmission have accepted tho fujluw
in conditions :
Firtt. The cesiion of Alsace and
Mots, but Udfort Is to bo runlorod to
JSramd. Payment of ft war indem
nity of five milliard of frauce.
Third. A portion ot French terrlto
ty, with some fortiCed town like Se
dan, to reniain in pnMesioo of tin
Ueruana until the eondiiions of tho
treaty are fulfilled.
Fourth. The German army to eu'er
Pnri on Monday and occupy the
Champs F.Ijsccs.
Fifth. Pence to be proclaimed
when the French Assembly ratifies
the!e conditions.
Thee terms are tho best thai
France could secure, and show thai
Germany, dcleruiiuod to reap the
li-uits of her grout success, can bo
inniiKtiimnii' The Indemnity exac
ted, fivj milliards nf fraiic.i, is equal
to f'Ut.Oi'O OOO. J'irtt.
A II law Dill. A proposition ha
bcn made to have ft bill passed In our
Legitdaiure, to nssces damages cuused
by soiling liquor, on tho liquor dcnlers
of tho couuty whero the darnui;ca oc
cur. If this were tho law now, the
rum sellers of Tioga county would
havo a big bill to foot, the fire
which laid that village in nho waa
traced directly to tho otfec's of liquor
with its nceompanyitiit vice, of gamh
linir. At the hour of midnight, men
maddened with liquor, and contend
ing over tho gambling table, in the
den called "The llolo in the Wall."
lor the money which had been slaked
lnke a kenv-eoo lump, set firo to the
builJiug. and finally involved chunhes
hotels, stores and dwollini in ono coin
mon ruin, and oow devolution reigtn
where ibe hum of buxioess wns heard,
and would still be peacefully puisuoil,
but for tho demon ahohol Qa:et'
and Bull-tin.
rolllUul Trouble In Indiana.
A dis)itth from Iudinnpoli-i, duicd
the 23 J init., saya :
" Consideraldo cxeitement is caused
here to day by the resinutieo, th's
morning, of tho S I Ilopiililiciia mi ni
hers t f ibe HoiiHe, which prevent
further leihluiiun this ie-iiu The
ronson nslned is the attempt of tho
democratic majority to pa-a a bill ru
districliou the Statu in violation to tlio
constitution, which provides thattht
Stnte shall not be re di.itricte I ofiener
than evory six yours. Tho last re-dit-ti'ii
tiiig was four years ago.
Lieutenant Governor Cuiubaek ex
presses the opinion that it takes two
lliii Jt of all the metnlier-t of euch
lloue to Cooslilulo a quorum, und
will not recok'nizo aoytuiug tho re
muiuing members do.
' The speuker of tho !! uso uI.ho gave
the kamo opinion tuis luoruing, nlicr
receiving tho Governor's mcss-a.
aunouocino; t lio resignation of tbo lie
publican inein Iters of iho i!oue
Some of the Dimooruucineuilicib
difler with the Speaker und udvuealc
continuing legislation. Tho appropri
ation bills, tax bills, uud most ot the
neceti-ary legi ilation was disposed nl
bufuro tho Republican- (uoutucrt re
signed. There is quito u comaiuiiou
in political circles to-day, and a livtiy
timo is anticipated lo-iuuirnvv. The
conaiuuilouul limit ol tlio session ex
pire- no the bib day of March. Then
is not tiuio to elect moiubcrs tj fill tho
places of thono who have resigned.
' I ke XS ut,
; Tuesday Fob. 23. '
. An official ' dispatch, from Paris
states that the preliminaries of the
treaty of ponce havo beeo alijiiod.
' M Thins anivos at Bordeaax to
day, and the assembly, is expected to
meet at onco anu ratify tho treaty
franco cedes Alsaoe and Mots- U,-
fori is retained. The war indemnity
is fixed ut ft.UOO.OOU francs, for tho
payment of which threo years' time is
granted. Tho Genmius are to huld
the lortresses until it is paid.
Tbo armistice bus been prolougod
for a week.
Duron RoihachilJ baa been sum
moned to ersaillos, as also are the
railway presidents who are to arrange
to carry the Gorman tioops buck ft
Germany. Thoii departure will be
preocded by a roviow in tho Camp
de mars.
Thiers has proposed the purchase
or tiuxointiurg ty Iran to- anil lis
transfer to Germany, if Mctz is re
stored. Tho Emperor Vilra is much im
proved in health.
Paris advices state that tho Repiih.
lican niaoilestaUons continue with
period orusr, out tne leeilng among
the people is strong and ' doep tor fu
ture revenge npon Germany.
Tbo prelect of police ref uses to as
sume tho responsibility tor the. pros,
ervation of order if the Prussians en
tor. , Tho mortality io Paris is great
ly lessenoJ. 1'rovisioua are simntlact
It has been stipulated tbat.80.UU0
German troops shall enter 1'aris, and
they shall not march bryood Place do
i. r,.....u . .
Tha- triuiuphal entry tskea place
to-morrow. Tboro ia great rjoioing
in lierlio.
' . Wxdmroay March, 1.
President Thiers heel to the French
Assembly yesterday the conditions ul
peace, France oooes one.fllth of Lr
raine. Including Men and ThioovUir,
and all of Alsaoe exospt Oellort, and
pays aa indemnity 'of flee milliards of
tract. a, one milliard ihht year, sod the
halaaoe ia thmr yr. ' The Germat
oopt w'.j r .aUy' r;thdraw fro-'
not- " ni.t
. Hall Mnktnfr
It requires now more than a million
of tons or railway Iron per annum to
supply the wnntsof thcLnited States,
and the demand increases regularly
every year. In consequence of thee nor
uious development of tlus railway
system, the rapid conitriinJin of new
i: - i.t i a ...
iiiirn, miu ino wear ana tear oi oiu
ones. Uor "consumption Io 1809 was
9D8,6PO tons, and onr production only
6n3,5f(l. r NVe inereaso our milling
capacity as the means ran be had. but
runotylvaniu is almost the only Mat
that enters heartily inte this industry
on a large scale, tnrcc-rmna ot the
rails produced in 1809 having been
mndo in this Stale. Our capitalist
and iron interests generally havo cu-
envorrd to stimulate the production
of rail in other Slates, and with some
success, thoegh far below what ibe oc-cn-ion
would wurrnnt.
It Si-ems, therefore, to be npparant
that if American railroads aro to ob
tain, their rails nt bnmo, they mui
look chiefly to Pcnnylvunia for their
supplies. Here everybody has confi
dence io this lo lu-lry, ami is reaily t
invent money, time and tslunt in it
Wo have a great market in the State
ilroll to depend upon, our being the
lead tig railroad Mato in the rcpublis.
It is not of mm h use for us to waste
titiie in ctii:ourai;inir this rail making
industry elsewhere, the attention ol
the country having become fixed upon
I eonmv.inia as the main source of sup
ply. Wo have the money, tho iron
mines, tho coal, and the railroads, anil
the skilled operatives, nud we must
Increase our production as fast ns
possible. There is nn ample mark-t
for all ws can made, and more beside.
Iron fi!iii-luildin;i will doubtless,
in duo tinie, consume a large share ol
rur iron ; nut tint is still pro-qu'etKP,
whilo tho consumption of ruils is pres
ent, nud exceeds all tho ability of iron
works to supply tho demand. 1'ven
if tbo construction of new 'lines of
roadway should stop, of whieh there; h
no likelihood, the ncesity ..ofcon
stantly renewing tho rails on the old
roads oreutcsa perpctuul and tncrea-
ing market. f (bat there is' h t'nir
chance of profit for nil rail mills th ii
can ho mult. II other iron regioiyi
in tlis I nitcd Mates v. 11 1 not .'i-e t
tho tmergoucy. Pennsylvania can ai.d
niu.-tilo i.. She has all the reqni
sites for Hiieh purpose, and just in
proportion as she makes use of thi-ni
will her waste plaees bo inhabited, the
wealth ot her mines drawn forth, and
tbo products of her farming soil iu-
ereiD-o As tuo railway luturo ol tlx-
republio seems t bo almost ineulcula
ble, so miiHt tho fu l l he fur tbo Amer
ican producer of rail-way iron, and es
pecially of those of Pennsylvania.
Xofth American.
Iiitcirsllng Aliout
The New York Standard Informs
us. that" llolv Sibliatli' is the tians
liition of Sun Doiuiiiu'o. iho p is-o-sooi
of whii-h is uow giving us Sinni'li
1 1 Were idlo to g over the old hi
lories nnd recount the i-toiies of ut-rnt
and 'nr-fioiH treisurs whioh nun
the eyes of the cavulieta ol Spnm whw
went nut to I he island in the J ill. rem
vovugesof Columlus ffir (he nmpotit's
ol H-urching for gold. In lh su da)
it weciedit mlniemporarv history. Sjii'o
Domingo in the preaeions metals w :is
the richest of all ibe Ulc in the Cur
The Spaninnls found large quanti
ties of gold, m Ivor. coiper. loud an I
ron, and their lieorndnnts conliiun'd
to Work tho iliinos tinld i eompii'alivi
ly recent period. If t radii ion an I ex
ploration ure to be trusted, its mini nil
wealth is b'mor fihulous.
At to soil wo find that the best in
lormed Spaniards uiled it a'mve that
of Cuba. Tbo Admiral who eom
ni inded tho ships of Ferdenand and
Rubella in these sens C. Iambus biiu
self thought it the best of all the
islands and as an evidence of i ho ho
lief, built tho first town in Iho New
World at Sin Dominit City. He
creeled a fnt thero also, and li-t
though not ' least, em ouisLjing tlie
erection in this sumo loctiity of tb
first temple to the Most llich on the
American coutiuenl. It was in the
old church that the remains of Culiuu
but ropoaMd for many years uflor thuir
removal from Vulladoled, and until
Spain lost bur dominion over the i-H
San Domingo is in shatio somewhut
like a huge, turtle with head proinid
ing and feet extended Its locality
fur all nu r pose a could not be bet'er
positioned, for it - lies on Iho triik of
nil vessels' go;nir ' to Rruzil aud iho
Azores, to VeneruU, Panama, Si.
Thomas and Guiana, and is passed by
all vessels going fro in Southern lu
ropo or South America to Mexico.
Panama and the Southern United
Slates. Its area may bo S'lid to h
approximately fi't.00 square miles or
thoreahouts, it is almost as lurgo a-
all New England, while it present pop
illation does not number more thnnt
150,000 In U.'i.OUO. Kuergetio iiioi
and well-directed means are alone ri"
quired to make it aain, as in the ojd
en time, the most prosperous andfj iur-
ishing of all the west lu'liei
Aa to tho woods, they are the most
vuluablo io the world. Thoro aro riq.
mcroua Htt'eams running through the
island, aud along their banks, aa wol1
as upon the hillslopos, ury io he decri
ed live oak. palm, uishogany and every
spueies of dye-woods The burbot
are aud of great eiipn-ity.
That nl .'sammatia Is larm eu )uh m
Qoul all the navies in I no world I ii
a stretch of inimsjiiiai to rog4
this "Santo Domingo" this If.n
Sabbath' as Eden in all its g rj ?
An extreme . ens. of averico h
e?me to tho sut rueo ni m ing.i eou .
iy HunnlnholT. the uiiliionaire. a'
the last aeasiou of the I'l ininsl n r' m
Fraiiklin, auUu ly lot-d un ititruey t '
dt-feod two of the men horo' b-il
him, in order to uve the 81j,h0 J re
ward which he had offered for lb dr
arrest and emrs'letien. '
A tout by old response
to a oeiehbor who eddi-ewaed words f
- ftut to hiuirepieit I Wall yes,
2af JEs'. l?rOit
Thomas H. Binnowra, president
of tho Agricultural College of this
Stnto, died op Saturday, . afternoon
lust at four o'clock.' nt his residence
at the college, noar Dcllefonto, Ceutre
county. Ho. was in the sisty-seveolh
yeur of his ago. Mr. Murrowps pos
svssed a vigonms and highly cultiva
ted mJxid, und did much in forth'
iog thwntvrosts of Iho commarl scbonl
system in the State. He was a'so
prominently Identified with p"liics in
the earlier part of his I i Io, nnd wss
Secrotary of St at" fnm December 15.
1835, V January 15, 1819. under
Governor Kitnor. In 1.SU0 tb lat
Governor Packer appointed him Sute
SopcriaU-ndent of Common .Sulnsds
which position hu held until 1SG3
disj liying cniim nt ability during biJ
entire term Mr. Iluirowes was the
firnt Suporintondent of Orphans'
Schools ia the Stito. hiving been ap
pointed by Governor Curiin during
tho list year of his udministraiioii
lie was ii Iso for many years thoatile
editor of the Prunyvani'i School
Journat. In Fehruary. 1809, h was
uppointed 'o the presidency of the
State Agricultural Colli g.i. in which
rupueity ho served until his decease.
Mr. Hurrowes was a native of Lan
caster county.
A Mount IIriio. Among the
victims of tbo recent terrible Hudson
River Railroad acuhlent at New Ham
burg, waa one roan whose memory
should not bo speedily forgotten by a
pooplo who have learned to lovo heroic
deeds and heroic men. David Sim
mons, the engiurer of the express train
on that night gave up bis life in the
noble efforts to ave his passengers
from destruction. Ho saw the dan
ger ahead, nnd knew that a collision
wns invitnble. but r-maioed ut his post
ol peril nnd duly I lis firemen cs-c-sped
by jumping fiom the locomotive
but Simmons, neting under tbo beltel
that it might be possible to sweep the
oliBt ruction from the trai k. crowded on
nil ttenm, and stood with bis triiu In
thi last. Otieo before ho had display
ed similar heroism, and ihen he bud
txien ahlcto save ibe lives entrusted to
his thu'-go u bundled or m r'. - Such
acts, nnd such men, do not ebarueter-
Ha every day ol tho world's history.
Dkatii of Gin Maciu'der John
liitikhead Majru lor, whoe denth re
cently occitrt-d at Houston, Texas, Whs
a uulivo of Virginia, born about
lie eiitered into West nmiil. and wis
kiraduated in, 13.30. lie self. d in tlio J
Mexicau war. lu ISJG-7, but Went
wuu i no ui i iuio reoei.iou. i no n u
el gave him runk ni ne in ncc
with his wishes tl nu his abilities ; aud
he tou.'ht for ibeiii us uj'jor general ut
Whiiu Oak .swamp and Malvern Hill
in tha summer id 1(12 Ho wux do
lulled froui Virginia to command lln
rebel army in Tt-Xas, where ho svrvi (I
in lS'io-1.
It in rutiiond thut Garribaldi is
ci-moig io ih. s uiunirj.
V Itiw-oni over ii In.' in Illiii')is
iot elo.uu.i.
Lock IIjvou is iuf stel with lo
uialu siiu'-iiitors,
A grammar nf Pcutisylvauia Dnieli
is beiug pi ojiarcd.
A New Vinker bus intioducid a
new penunio, which he calls " 1 love
A fond f.ither in Vermont offers
liis lui in lo any mini wln Wiil uiun y
liis daughter.
The daughter ol u I'lvm-h liol le
dum is said to ho ilfpeli-iott lagci
iiuer iu li u luili.iiinpulis bullion.
A Mr Maiius. or l.ewi-biirg, while
going homo the other day, slippod ami
ti ll breaking Ins I. g in ihrce places.
Philadelphia is gctii g a reputa
tion lor huviog iho BiinirUbt lbeiu
lu the country.
A dead child w is fouu 1 in s bu
reau drawer of tho Exchange hotel,
Wilkesharrc, a lew days since.
NoithiimU'i'lutid couti'y pays ber
mulo i- acheri un averuo alary uf
810.53. and female S'M 51 per mouth.
Then is a hilly county in Eau
Tennessee whero tbo children look
up iho chimney to see it tho cows n
coining home.
A lew nays Mim Jluiiy, a
Groigiit girl, got huffy because her
mother wouldn't lot her go to a ball,
uud drowucdher.-elf.
A carules printer undo a danc
ing muster's eurd read, ' 1 idler my
respectful ahunksiosll ubol.iivo iiou
tired uie with their jiuiratiago."
Spoiled fever fia BpiCured ill
Schiirhnriit county, N w York. Ii i"
very fatal, about five per rent ol iln
I'lhalutanti. dying weekly.
A fitireu of Montrose had to pay
$5 the other da' ' for puicbiisikg u
but1 lo of o 'ns key for u young mini
of inleuipei ntti habits. s
tleneral reports ihrouglmut Illiu-
ois aro that the prospoeis ol the wlteut
erop uf tbaLlState wrre oaver butter ut
this season of tba your ibau uov.
There are two brothers, twins, liv
iug - in a Massachusetts town ul ibe
atie of 78 years, who learned the boue
carpcntiir'a trade, togeiher, martietl
xii-lers, aud bavo always lived to
gether. ' . . e
Of the 31.771 drafted men in
New York Stute, duriint 18U3 uuu
18d4,, but S.i'OJ went io the Ir on
tile reuiaindor, iisviug iui'llislied mlo
si mites or commuted, uow wuut ihrii
uouey ta'-k. , . .
Hocks couuty ia hi a bud fit
I'm iiH'iiUly. ' Tho cunty debt at tlii
time appear to bo 807,1-5 5U. The
.-oioly iilsu fivvca the luie 'Irennnv.
id.i)H35, aud iho treasury i cut in ly
unkru,it; ' ...
A cute D wu-Ettii r ihougbi In
made a nhurp barguio wheo be Indue-
il u pour WVIsniuiu, lust suinmor ..
pay In iu the la"t $'& of his worldly
wealth for five or aig acres of a worth
less Hlony bdl io Munson, M duo. The
bargain a-auined an entirety different
iiMk a Week or or two ag ( imwfver
when .Taffy opened up a OiatulQi ol
An old mm -liv.Int Wardrsaej! , Eitataflf iiaaT Ratcaisnscn, sao'4.
wss viollmifd by fbd iew iTwrlt aawtT Htersiof AHMijfMTnATvffrniv."ia In tha I rf tJ id,.. 7 . 'f .tja ol t:lll'ilslh H-lchnlHi-h. IMrr Ws-a
uas.tmcii to tne tune ri atwul f0 re-,ii4(trtmp,.iosi. hin(tb-.Drnt.ii.. th
eentiy. no pnid ice prtce.of buIi
els of went (of e quarter f pock of
suwdust. t - r ' j .
, torty-one hundrcJ ad Yrty..
nine lieen-cJ drinking saloons', and
about three thousand thef d i not com
ply with the requiremi nts nf the IWw.
keep up "he spirits of .theid'iplovul
Philadelphia - .::
The Jersey shore Vuhtti ay.
''the schooliouatcr who called oa jio-th-eof
the peace in Jersey idmre a tow
years bud and wished to prosecute a
womun for whipping hiuij is now a
Williamsport editor
v -Prlnne Mets Tisiml minrsterfroir
Japan to the lntel suites, aecimua'
iii-d by ilnriy seven ovvr Japanese
princes, arrived in Chicago last night
a portion of I he party are goin io
Washiugtun and -tho balance to Eng
land. A dspntcb fromJMagnelin, Missis
sippi, announces the death of Hon.
Jiio. Cony nghiim, i f Wilkesbarro. who
waa killed at that place by being run
ovr by n railroad truin. Judge Cow
ynghaui, ia company With son, waa oh
the way to Texas to bring boaie an
invalid son.
The iltnrr' Journal says i "Ml.
Carbon is excited over the etnry that
too woman who recently hud ber head
cut of on tbo railroad at that place
may bo seen nightly at 12 o'clock, par
ading the board-walk with her bead
under her arm."
Cincinnati Is trying to gain no
toriety by claiming sti editor named
Hloss who writes a worse hand
than Grecloy. Heretofore, this feat
has been considered impossible, hut
with th-' introduction of the nw tnri-e
rakes aud macliluory, nothing is im
possible. A Mlow convicted in tho Clarion
county court nf hist week on two
charges f violtting the law in regard
to tho sale of liqu'ir, blandly re
quusti'd the judgn ') Mispend srnleiii-e
for it few, days till bo cout I iM tnui
ried, n he leiired his 'giif wo.i.d i i
have b in after be In I bsi-n in ja
His rcq icsl vus giaiileil. .
1 he circulation of. Ilnrp-ra Write
Ii average I2d 000 per week, aud i'
has 8 loot line, dorm it periods id great
excitement, reached lhn ciiormoiis Hi:
ure uf "iO.OUO. I'o supply its rci;
i(Jilio , filtcen tons ol while puncrate
ino i-(.ui uintuiuvfl every wi-i k. or 70 ion-poi
L'oidiiue j'lau uiiui.- Th"aviriigo unkly eo.-t nj
oii-rtivin-' is ?!iOO or .(U,UUO pi r in -
nu Hi , unu the cost ul druxviii on tin
bloek is a I 'on I th1' same. sciu -ive o
be siliinc ofurlinis rcuulurly ullsei.
ed IO lliO Hi 0
C ll.Jaek, of ltocklai.l, V.uoli
I'lic UtllV, ha" been Wokillg iiloiu.
dl Meils fur eicht yi at", sn i .un u.
tliot lime has hud Ins k'il. Ira u -
ny a piece ol pipe fa tiu Irom a ur
nek; bud In .ul. il CiiUglil iu the ' 1 1 . i i
wheel" uud his hidy whirled sre-U '
SvVi'rd ti'ui'S belore ih r
Could be t 'peed ; Was accident Hlv
shot ibrough I he ah lumen, uud hsn
all tbi- flogeison olio bund suiutheil i
tho inaebioery, lie-i les nuuii-i "U- inoi
or iicenlcilts and mn-lnip- He isnnU
II. but ioul.9 like a cciun jo iz
Jacob F. Mi dary farui.ha t
the Heading EiiijU a r-eord ui i-m-i
ulions in thi-. 8 ut'' from 1770 in
171. rtiowiiig dial 112 pftsonS buc
pilot Iho penally id' then hie, Th
lift, lie gives i uk I'ullows : l'biludci-
phla city nu I eoui'ty 2(1; l.'ineiisu
county 2 j Ileiks seven; l)nohn
-IX ; Olii slel' tlv ; Allegheny, Ilinks
lluntoigdou, L coining, ami Wuyne
caih four; Itcdlord. L'eluwure, un
W ahnigton,ca(di i brD ; Un' lor, (Jiuw
loiil, l.ii.ei m. N"i't ii.nnpioii, Sol in I
kill and New Y"i k. fji Ii two ; Aonns.
liluir, Ceniie. I'uinto ia,-Uuinb rluuii. ;
i'.llU, Plllllkiiu, Lebanon. MeK'80
Moiigiimcry, Moiirue, . Poller, Su qilc
buniiu, Wchtiuorelaiid, uud Wynmiog,
eacli oue.
ibe Eatat ol Msiy Unuiin.'lioua. lair
ot C'rini's lumbip, di-oess'd, having been
grunted lo the uuderaignvd, all puraona iu
dobled lo Ibe uxiuie are requested io make
puyuicut, and those having claims agaiu.-l
the same, wil prevnl ihciu lo
M troll 81, IB" I. Aduiiniiirulur.
SIUU -'lOKSE Um lb
preuiliasof tha uhsoilbar. In 1 entt town
thip, snyiiar oumy I'a., un the Stli lu.t .
eoiuuiun sited IM kk HhOu N .UAIlE uIkiuI
I yaaia du. allh wslta b'bd lent Tli owner
it roipia.lvd tu coma loraard, pruv inoporiy,
pay rlmrxi t aud lka bar aauy t r the will be
(ll.liuieo ul aeuordluu to Uw.
t'aoire towuihlp, Fab. I, Uil.
EsiHle vf A. U. II AdMMJLIl, ih-o'd
tbe Kiiiie 11I V.I) II aaii iivr. inn- ol
."eliiitlirov lluroiigh, ilocctii-cl. having
been griitiii'd o ice undcrsir-ne 1. all per
aunt indi-hieJ lo. lite valine are '"'ii'iicl tn
make paviiienl, und tdose having claim.
ajfiiilisl lb siiuie. will prrroni lliem lo
John s. 11 a ssi no Hit.
Jau. 81, 1871. Admiiiit-trtrtur. .
Ett of MABV Bt'.DKFB, Deosartd.
K.TTKltrt TWTAMRNTAUY npon il.
I Hie of Mure C Decker ik j d . --
t t'elinsgrove linroiigh, hoyder t'oiniiv.
I'a, .having been granted lo the tiudersigneo
all persons indebted 10 the s nd e-m:e !'
reijuested in Risk payment, and those l.av
iug demands agsiusl lb sam lo presem
tbeni wiihonl delay lo
GF.oitOK WII.NyitE. Kieeuiow
January 8, Ih7.
titate of JOHN J- KI.INK, dee'd.
LI'.'f'lKft TKS'I AiKN'T.HY
nn lhaaatata of JOUV J. KI.INK laU ol
lieavar townihtii, ilec'd, having been rania u,
tha uiiderlsnol, all ertoue knowing thoraiqlveA
Indebted t lb Ute are rnqueaTvd loiu ka
payment, snd thuee having (Uluit aa.ol tha
euie will uraeui tueia to
' . F.saolor,
Beavar townrhlp, tec t, U74.
Cnut Having , uichuie i
the lollowlog artlekl at I'ouiUbla'l Sale
ami lell tba aaiua Tu poaasalut of liaulel Hare,
of Vranklla lown'hip, all partem at hereby
eauilodeal net to Inleilor with nor iu any way
meddle with Ueauiue, vln Uae Htov. I cluck,
I (look "tov. Lard and Kettle, ot ofaauaagu,
I xbiMtta, I Cow, I Half. I Waaon, horte nri,
iHa y bar, I taumv, I w. -aloe. I Marrow,
W seel barrow. ( mi, oaekaif . Irtorwi In a
Uors, t Hellers .
,,sjs-"- -"SITEB,
BtrlsrsliciiStt. sll irons kBnwin ih.iMU.i
lndHt)t ,i ti estnts r rf-qunits.1 to innhs
pf ensnt. snd Ihoss horlna olslini Sfnlolt Ut
suns, will rsint thim lo
. . - niiibian imkhi sn,
Ailmlnlitrstoe. '
, farrr towntnlp, Jiaatrf SO, 1S7I.
,Ts-ob,er'.bf nlfsra at pilrsls iste hit
VALUiDLE FA KM. iltuaia in Monro.
townsljlp, 8ny lr County, I'a. adjoining
andfof Abmbsnl Fisher, Mlchtal Hummel
nd othsrs, conlaining about . .
173 ACKKS?
mora or less, ntnei y-five acres of which f
elcsred and in a hi(h nlsle of euliUsiionj
the bslsne is covered with the bssl uf Mm
brr. . The improvements eo -list of good
luffs . .J
Dwcllliisr House,
a LA link DANK 11ARN and all nSccs.sry
oiiibuildinc good water eonvtnicnt for all
purposes, a large
eonisining choice grnlied fruit. Mo. hr
fsrm I- under pood fence, naturally ferill
and highly produeiiva la Id a healthy
eoiimry, sbiiul I fares miles from Brllna
grove nnd two miles from Phsmok'n Vnm.
on the west bsnk of tha Husquehsnna rivsr
Is convenient to Msrkels, lUilroadi, Ca
nals, Obnrclifs and Soboola,
Will be sold on s terms, and posies lino
given ImnieiUioly If desired. For further
pariiculara inpnire of tbs aubseriberon the
Monro twp June 8, J 870.
Noire f I dr Vu.'t Advert intmtntt.
WAfrilAI r
The aitatntra,oa;oT the watchae fur tha
last nrtaan year bi.Hsllway ConJuctort, Engl
neari and Kipraumen, th mtat, eiaetlng of
walobmakera.hM tboruuKhly damnnftratad th
trength, ataadlnsia, durability and accuracy
of the Waltham Watoh. To satlify that elan
In all ttaene reipscts, l to decide th qaaitlon as
to th raal valu of thai tlma kaeparS)
Mer than 100,000 ol thutt watchai ara now
speaking for tliamrelvaa In tha pockets of th
plla a proof aud a guarants el their superi
ority ovr sll others.
Th uurrlororaanltalloD and great aslant of
tha Company's Worka at Walthain, anablas
lliain to prmlure watchai at Sprio which ran
dars oiuilltlon futlla, andlhoivwho buyiny
othar watchaa mural y pay from 2a to 60 pr cent,
inor Tor tlialr watchoi than Is uacc-iary.
Thai tlui pieces comklo (vary Improv
mint Ihitt a long sxparlanoehaa pro rd of raal
prai-llcal uas. Having bad th relunsl of aear
ly evary Invaatlun In watch making original ing
iu thla country or in Kuropa, only tbots war
Anally adopted which savers tasting by th
moat klllull artlians In our worka, anJ lona
on on th pa'rt of th public, deuionmratad to
b-a-tentlal to oorrect aud anduilng time kp
lug. ;
Among th many Imprortinonta w would
psrtlcularlie : , ' "
l ha luvcnilm smI uofa rsntrs-plnlon of
prcolMr c oitro .11 .n, to prsvanl iI iiioki ii, th
irMln l.y tha nrHknica of tiialn-fprlna:, 110H4
In.. I with tin Ano-rii in Waich t'mp-tiy. who,
navinu 11 111 iu reiu-ai 01 ei an ini.or ctniirivan.
I ci. ali'tvd I oirtO putnut pinion n being the
I bat and lasltlo-i.
IJi'iin-nn.l uod tsnipaied hair fprlnv now 11
tilvarrahy aOiiilln- l by Maicli noik ra to I a th
ara ii-mI In all ui:i.l ol Wnlih.nn wiitolie
All VCalttiittl Unlrlica haipdo-l pr.'oiiMp,
roia'tloK nif uiuveit.inl duit,Hiid liirn
iiiic lha tiui---i if 'lia lrvueot viuauiu nec-i--iiry
In nthi-r wan-liL'H.
I Mir iik patsnt irm IniVr. or kaylvss watch
I iili'toiit . u .le. l.t-.! -iii-.-WN-, i,n. a uraat hu
ir..vineut uu any meiti winding wntctt Iu tli
Amrrlcan market, and by tar the rhapA-t
watch ot Itfl nualnv nw Klterad to tha euhllo.
T IImb living In porilon of of tha I olu-d
Matas wbvra ati litniiUvr d.i not nbt.uiol.
wali-lia wlih lha ahovn matitloncd Imtiroe
nient wloch tend to ctoora nr-ctira'-y. utaanir
nan, dunihllliy snd vouvcnleiice, muit prove
I halradrmarka ol tlio vsrlout itjlcn made by
tha coiaitany ara at f illow 1
AMsnirs Wati 11 Co., Walthsra. Mali.
Amu. icii l'i. Wulthaiii, nn.
Avinica Wsti U I li , I lintul f-t , Walt
bam Muiii.
Wai.tkis W-cn Co., Wallham. Max.
APSLhTUH. 'I HACV k I 'O., VV.illleilU .lNl.
Ammi as Watch Co., AdiiuM., Walt
haiu Mhii.
I', s. IIastibtt, Waltham Malt.
Wm. iLU, Waliliain, II
Hons Watow 'o. Uunn .U:n.
Kssmlne Hi illlnu nlth-ra iiiiliM-nrfulW
tiafora imrlna-. ur variation roo ot" a iIiikI
U'tier. liiilieMirn a ei-uievrii it
For 'iie bv sll Ina llna jonellen. N'o watchai
rstiillail by II. I on par.y.
in iiluitrtwl but ow hi w ,ioh msklnv, ena-
Islnluii much u.aiul Inlunnaliou to wauh
saaiers (cut to any addrex on appliciitlou.
Oanasl Aueuta for Auiarlcum Watch Co.,
UiOaoauwAV, nsw hobs.
Th aldMt and hctt conducted Mem intlte Col
lege In tha toustry. For clrctil nt, write to
J hUFFk ONS, flttuhurgh I'a.,
- lltsr-'a-' FuiTina or DUKF' HOOK
Rh I'IM'I 4ui pp. The mott oumiirehemlva
work piinltnai. I cntoln" Kullouul bank, Kali
Koau uuossccping no.
A Port lull of Arit-chn Wit and -Homnr.
cnntalnlnif tha HbihDit Council torie, Cruel
M1II1. r-loe -iiIIhIiik Jnkn n utter. .ua Poetry,
limlnt P trudlei, Hurle(ua Neriuoni, New Co
uuadriim and vllrth Pr v.iklng s. eevbn ever
puiHi-ned intonperiod wun ourtour rn'iiei,
Aaiiiaiiig ard Triekt. F'aait of l'nrlor Mnuln
and nearly 0 Furny Knuravlogt tlluitmiail
Cover. Prr e lects. -ent by mall, petnite
paid, ta anr pari of th lb llnlte l staiet ou
reoelptor prUe IUCK fc FlTZatKAtU,
PuolUbr, II Ana il , N. .
Irian 1 (0 pases 1 lent by mall free. Teach
e how to cure all ditaaeea of tha person talu,
uair, eyei. ouiupiex'os. w rut ut 11 uroauway,
caw lura.
llh Yeur. eoO Arret -13 O'eenhouie.
frtt AMortuent all altet. Best rtux-k t Lew
'ricuil Would you know what, When, How lo
Plant I Fruit Khaile,, Fverirreen freei. Hoot
(train, headline's, ossk rl"'' Apple teed
F-erly Hme poteioet, shrub Hoeet Ureenhouie
anil garden plantu, e ke Flowsh asd Vsu
uhu -ksu- I F'lneat, Kent C ille olon orl
and ii(llt y. Send lo centi lor New, Illuitrtied
1 SMitripilTe I :inloau su p-igni Send ileum
each, lor l ntalogwe-ol feedi with pUIn rtirto
1 ioi 04 isaei f lli-ildina and irardeu plants-
3; p...'., uu I u holemle IMce I let -J pagrt
A. lores. V. K. PIIOr.MX 111 ioiuluguin, 111
a n a f rr homacs
aav. S Y.
IX UrUHl UltCjL. 4l Hio.daav.N' Y
will di-li" d line Hurdled ''lain-l. Milodeoni,
an I Hi it Hit ol tlx hriit i-hl- muker-, Ini'ludlng
VV sicr.', at eitremeiy low tirlce , for va.h. dii
rluu this ia-ntu, or will tka part ena and bal
aac lu uiuiilliljr or quarterly luntalluieutt.
mu 87 ri:i. mm:,
W will Insert an advertisement
la oi hundred aad HUy Art Flnt clum
. r nnn) Ivnula Ht'ivsiiii-ue'i'ii,
Inoludlng Eleven Ijallles.
U'a rarer to th pahlliher of Hilt paper, to
whom our reapoaaibllliy Is tf! kuown.
, Iwist Hnt
' Addreil OEO. P. HOWBLL It CO ,
- a ABvaartemo AOSST,
vcu 40 41 Park Bow. New Tprk.
M EN WOMEN, BOYH and Ol R L whoaaga-
III ml lie buatneae aiabe Irnei AA to atu liar liv I
in ll.elr Ava L..IIIIm k'ull ni-riieul&M ..I km.
tiru' Iiou asut free b mall. Teone lu aeed ol
parinaatii, uroOltbla work, tuuuid add rem at
osim. Or-OfcOKallNaOs ,al, to, Porlaad
aiata. . Z
iQOv i'HTHi"VKrtrTAm.
f'le Hid Msaewrd remedy
lOill PIII.-.I, , T HA I, SAM
far Oou
luaka. OaM.
, m ,.aie
better. " Oww
i. rii n 5io.Tiis.
rinr msitslna qntst way l.j men fhsl are
cal e M Ketiplnit lh sspret, AiMiers .1 All M
OUOlJWIH. 87 F.islianae flsco, . fork.
M ???????? ? ? ?
TO THE WORKinoui,AS.-Wer now
praparad to rum lull all alaMM with luin.u...
rmplnyinantat homa, lha li- la or tlis tlmaor
for ma nar nKiipanU. Huln saw. Iluhi m.i
firotttabla. farkma of altkar sax aanllv arn
roa frOD. to as Mf aranlnv. aarl nrni...ii..i
um by riemtinK tkalr wkola time to Ilia huilnfia
V" ' ""T s morhaa men.
That aM whataath a uniiramx un .,....
"r'V-snStasttlialiuiilnaas.wa msha tha onr.'
" will aaaS tl to pay far tha IrmiMs of wrlllnr.
for psrlianlars, a valuaUa Mmpla whlrh will do
lo eoinmann work on, anil copy or Hie Tuo.
pie's Lllxrary tdnianl.,n ona of Ilia lartMt
and nt family oi.iri aar puMlshod n
Mnt n-ra ly mall., If roa want paroa.
oaatproflubla work. a.Mra '
E. V. ALLL.N u Co. Anutta Main.
"vEmimjOY.mext ion all.
&TH "At.ART PF.H WEEK, and stpan
s, paid Aaants, to tall our nw anil
uatnl dlvororici. Ad. Iran J. Hwikt h Co..
Marshall, Mich.
A VOI I QI'ACKS-A victim or
srlv InilKcrallon, cumins nervous de
bility, pramstiire dway, Ac. havlna; trlnl In
vain sry advorllMd remedy, ha a ilmple
meant of srlMura. which ha a III aand fraa to hla
fellow luSeran. Ahtram J, II. TUTTLK, II
Naasaa itraat. New York.
"1S4JRETH f"r I.vIIm and Oents. Sent fraa
rorsaUmpi. Hr. Ilonatitrte h Oo. Cincinnati. 0.
Duurhj Cu$. Adwrtitemenis.
A6F.ST8 WTKn (?'.'25 A M05TH)
mu. Iaa 4w
Agents, Male & Female.
For fail sailing popular subscription
Hooks. Extra Indurtmtntt to Aytntt. In
formation free. Address American Book
Co., 6J William Street N. Y.
$10 Made From 50Cts!
Something urgently needed by every body.. .
Call and see j or 2 samples seal (postage '
paid) lor m ets. that rauil easily for $ll..",
R. L. VVqicott 181 Cbitiham 3qunre, N.y.
ANTKH-AOEXT.S. f20 p.r
,"7) ,OM" lb oelahrated IIOMEHHUT.
ThT!SEWINi MAtilliNK. Has th undas
Iced, raaksa th "lock stitch' (alike on both
me.,, ami ii iiiot ioeneii. 1 nt nail and ehaau
et iKiully hawlnir Machine In tha market. A 4
Ire.n .limseciK, i'i hk, fc Co., Utitton, Mail..
riuaourg, r., cnicago, ill., or St. l.euli, kit.
Olfl I Ioolcliiil crpriso
We continue to scni- vnluabl frlft with
1 very book bought of tj. Thousand will
1 entity 10 our promptntit and fairnus.
Give us atrial. Write tor calslonia.
-''ent free. Address D..M. Evans & Co..
7'.'i Market Street, rhiladelpbi I'a.
tor Oroeiheck't Calculating machine, rapid,
accurate, reliable, al ally operated,
cheap end beeutiiul. Olviua- Inmanianaoat ad-
dulnn'or tub'.rnctlom, tuklng Irom on t'i nve
0 .luiuni of hKiir.i" at a time, carrying and bor-
riiwlus- mown ten, huinire K etc., without th
l-a-l thought .01 th,, 11, ri of the onerat ir, AS-
Iran. ZlLilLEK k .(in CK li V. l li.u.l.u.hl.
I'enna. ' ' '.
liatij'nme proa
TJOOTI r1 us of our net
XJJX Uli.straled I'am-
Scnpiurc Iiiii-iiiiIioiih 10 any book Aitnt.
free of clistire Address N.VTloXAb 1'l'B- Co. l'hilndehdiia, Pa.
VlLroiits Avnnttid lor
OvrR osk Tiioinnsn 11.1.1 sriiATiess. Tha
largest, .filing, and most attractive
suberilinn b.iok ever published. On
agent m Denver, Colorado, tnld I'M aopies
ui lour dat. line ngent in Milwaukie sold
.(') copies in di,y. and large number
'rotu Jo in .1(1 copies per dnjr. rnd for eir
cnlsre with terms at once. Address U. P.
I'LULlSlll.NiJ CO.. 41 Itronme St., N. T.
Eeduction of Prices
13.v Ootting- up 01ub.
-Send f-r ouc Ve Prlc l.lit and a Club
form will i-o..mptiy It. cuiiuIiiImk lull diree
1 lout in-.klnit a lai tfe savins: m consumers aad
renon.erutUe tu club orgauliart.
The Great Am iit:nn 2Vn O'ltipnirf,
ew ai k aa vesky street,
F. O. lioj tiMJ. NFW YOBK,
Carbolic Tablets.
Prepared by Ml. YYELLH,
Thii Important dlicovery of th age Is
thii wonderful Healluaand C'lasnilnir aant for
all ditjaMt or weaknent of the Renplratory or
Hum. Mur 1 liroat, Hudden Cold, BoaraDs,
Catarrh, Allium, lirynois of th Throat or
windpipe, dl"oaiea ot the Lunae aud for all lr
llutloa ol the mucu. ut membrane.
All vocnilnta an jiublls speaker whotptsk
ami ting without effort, use thee Tabled, their
ettecMn claiming ihe voice ta simply ottonuhltg
at ean be ibownlij aumerout eriifloatt.
act directly on th mucnout membrane aad
ibould be promptly and freely taken In ell ex
Miure or violent 1-hnuue of weather, as tb
equelliethe Irculatlon of the Hlood and
ward oB all lemleuuy lo t-oldt and Lungdltl.
1 be proprietor, would tsy, all Brit elate Bad
Iclnee have Ihelr IuiIUUudi, and they would.
CAUTION Hip pnblie ngsinst imposition
by having other lue lioiuo ibrntt upom
Ibetu in plao of these admirable Tablets.
J Q. K, at Piatt street, V. Y , tol agent
bold by Uruggiita. Prlc U oeou a box.
lly ten liug U ituU with age,
helirht, color nfeyet and balr, you will receive,
hv return mall, a correct ploture of your lutur
hiiibund or wile, wllb name and dale of mar
rlH.e. sddrefs W. FOX, P. O. Drawer Jio. It,
Fultunvlll. N. V.
Tlio IVlHiyio Comb,
will chsnve any colored hair or beard to a pr
ni niiiiit hlai k or brown. It lluntaina no polioa
to a 1
0 pol
at reduced ratet. Audioes Wa
NpriuKlield, Matt.
Fation, Titu.
For lb Land of a JXj AXiXi
MYSTERY 87 S1'qBw- l-
The grandest nnd moil popular new book oat.
Humlrrda of 111 per b lllu.tratlnnt, Klcel, etc,
No 01 her nock like It none eelllug half so fait.
Assnittell so 10 lis) r wetk ot It and Paor.
miivci MelMnlerpretlna- lllbla. F.itra larae
Inducenienta offore.1. bond lor circular 1 t
Wouthisutos UuaTia kC'o. Hartford, Oona,
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K tlL4C'K TEA. ' ' Drc
C. J with tha areea Tea Flavor.' Btgi
'T' k warranted so tult all taste, tl .
. v Z( F'or sal evurywbera. A4 ' II
ir) vi 'or sal wholeale only r llU
I lr J Oukat Aviastio fc 1 II,
V M f iu iA Co., ItUureUSt. . ll
YurT.o; iki Uu. . Send for l'be-Metf I Hut,
I Yorb
1 Circular. .
Wewltlieeil a kandtox
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