The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 02, 1871, Image 1

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    THE POST. .
fubUbd every Thuradaj Evening by
JEREMI.UI CBOrSK, Treprlrlor.
Terms of Subscription,
tWO 601LARS PER ANtfl'M, rarahle
within Ms month, or $2,60 If not paid
within the year. No paper discontinued
. until all arrearage arc paid unlets al
lha option of lb pnbllabrr.
Subscript ione outside of tho county
(ST Person lifting and, ning paper
addrcMfd to others become tnbscrihera,
and ara liable for the jirlc of lha paper
On column on yr (RO.OO.
One-half column, one year, KO.UO.
One-fourth column, one yenr, 15 TO,
On aqitare (10 lines) oho insertion To.
Everysadilitioaal Inset-iioa - bD.'(
Pmfrsstonsl and flusiurss cur. Is of v
tint more than five lines, pr year. C,V0.
tudimr, Kxccutnr, Ailmiiiistrater
and Asigne Nollon -w
F.dilnrlnl nntiees per lino . ..
All adverti'pmeola for a shorter prrUd
than one year ar r-ajuble at llie tin.
llir-y nr nnlereil, and if not paid Hi pw.
sou nriluring tbom will b belU responsible
for lb money.
VOE 8.
NO. 51.
1 MwMhs.. WP,m 'wi
& IIIIBir III llll . Ilf I I W kvWV . t WDN ' I mW I Ik i 1 t-1 N. w -m ' K -ji
Middloburjr, Pu.,
Offer Me professional services to the pub
Bo. Collection and all other professional
business entrusted to lie enre will reocive
prompt attention. Jnn a, '07tf
.Sflitisrove Ta.,
Offer hi professional service to lha pub
lo. All business entrusted lo hi care
will b promptly attended le.
(Jan. 17, '07tf
l'roelinrjr Tn.,
Offer b Professional service to tho pub
o. All bueine entrusted lo his cara
will be promptly attended lo.
,( Jan. 17,fttf
Lcwiaburir Tn..
Olfer Ml professional service to a pub
lic. Collection! and all other Pio cssion
I buainea animated to hi ear 111 re
ache prompt attention.
Lcwitiburc I'd.
Offer bl Professional acrTice to the pub
, lio.' Collection and all other profession
.II buainea entrusted to hie ear will re
civ prompt attention. . Jan. 8, "J7tf.
(Snecessore to J. F. & J. M. Ltnu.l. '
ATTOKNEVB AT LAW, Lewiaburg, Tn.
Offer their profeisional service lo the
pulllo. Collection and air other pro
feseionil buainea entrusted lo their enre
will receive prompt attention. Jan. Htiltf
Solitibgrova Tn.,
Offer bl professional service to I lie pub
lic. Collection an4 all other professions
buainea entruated to bis care will re
elte prompt attention. Office two door
north of Iba Kevstcn Ilotel. Jan 6, 'C
Selinsgrovo Ta
Offer hi rrofcasional (ervlec loathe
publio. All buainea entruated to bl
ear will be promptly attended lo. Col
lection mado in all purls oftlio Ktnte.
II can apeak the Knglfsh and Ot-rmnn
lansuige fluently. Otlico tclwceu Hull'
and the Votl oflico.
Middlelurg Snyder Couoty Pinna
Office a few doors West of the V. O. en
Main rlreet. CotiFtiltntion in Englit-h
and Ctint.n rcunrts. tij.iTu
LewinUirfj Tu.,
Offer li is professional sciviccMo the pul
lio. All business enli-Ufslcd to hi cure
will be prouit'tly intended lo.
1.1 an. 3. 'CTlf
Person in need of a good and durable
Sawing Machine can be accommodated at
reaeonable price by calling on on Sam
tL Faibt, Agcut, Kvliuegrove.
Jim. 21, 'Cr
Middlelmrg Pa.
Offer lift professional lorvlce lo the cit
hen of Middleburej and vicinity.
March 21, 'C7
Scli nsgrove Penn
Penn Twp., Snyder Co. Pa
V H. WAGNER, Esq.,
Jackson Township, Snyder Co. Pa.
Will attend to all bnainea entruated lo
I aia ear and on the moat reasonable
term. March 12, 'Gel
1UI WAV M.r w nVS- V ' (
.Centres llle, Snyder Co., I
Offer hla profcaaional services to the
public 6-88tf
Port Trevorton Pa.
lOffer lit profeaalonal eervioee to the
iciiuen or mi place ana violuity. lie
peak German and English.
(.April io, 'ba
Fieeburir Snyder Co. Pn..
'(oat reipectfully offer hi lorrice to
he publio aa Vendue Cryer and Auction
par. Having: bad a large experience, 1
eel confident that I can render perfeot
pauiiaouon to my empioyeea.
i Jan. v, Mil
Office la Court Ileuie, Bept.16, '07tf
No. 322 N.TH IRD S
.i.. If. ilANDERBACri Pop'b.
I J. C. NIl'K, Clerk.
418 Hi Norta Tbird Street.
JLtEft 4 KLOEft . ;
3, C'"nk hvk ilaoulaotv
a l V.r--,ng, Illaating,' tar
"1 j i'fr t:- it Go
ia - ' rla T-'
VYiutoer ArrungcmcDt, Monday
Not 21 1870. .
Great Trunk Lin from the North and
North west for Philadelphia,- Hew York,
Reading, PoUerille, Tamaqua, Aahland,
8bamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Ealoo,
Enhrala. Lltia. Lancaater, Columbia Ac,
Train leave Ili-rUburg for New York, aa
follow! at 8.10. 8. H. 1U.50 a. m
and 3.60 d. m.. csnnectina with tmiliir
train onth lb Pennajlvanla lUilroad,
and arriving at New York at 10.10 a. in,,
8.60, 6.60 and 10,00 p. to., respectively.
Sleeping care aceouipaoy tb 3.10 a ui.,
train, without ohang.
I'elurning t Leave New York at B.OOam,
12,00 Noon, and 6,00 pm. Philadelphia at
,15 a m and 8,80 p m ; Sleeping oar aa
ompany the 6.00 p m traina from
New York, without change.
Leave Uarrisburg for Heading, Potlavlllc
Tamnqua, Mineravillo, Ashland, Bhamokiu,
Allctitowa and Philadelphia, at
8,10 a m, 2,60 and 4.0S p m, Hopping at
Lebanon and principal way stations ; the
4,05 p ra train connecting for l'bitadelphis,
l'oltavillo and Columbia only. For I'otla
ville, Fclmylklll Haven and Auburn, via
Schuylkill and Buuchauna llailroad,
Leave linrrlsburg nt 8,10 p m.
East Pcnaylvnnia llailroad train leavO
Reading for Allentown, Enton and New
York at 6.00, lO.IK) a.m., U -t' noon, & 4.4 j
p.m. Returnig, leave New York at 0.00 a.
m., l?.00ioon and 5 to p. "oJ Allen
town at 7.20 a.m. 12.25 Noon 2 01 4.20 and
8.45 d. in.
Y Wny piiasengcr train leave Philadelphia
a'. 7,. U a in, connecting wun iiniiar irnm
on East Penna. Railroad, returning from
Read!ng at 0,20 p ni, atii iiig at all stations
Invo Pottsviild nl U,0i a, tn and
3,1 p. m.; Herudon at U,l am; Hlin
tuokin al 5. 40 and 1 1,20 a. m.; A-hlaud oi
T.ufi a in. and 12.50 noon, Miihanoy City
at 7.51 a. tn. and 1.35 p. tn., Tamaqiui al
H,33am, and 2,40 p m for Philadelphia
Now York, Rending, Hurnsburg, So.
Leave Pottsville. via Schuylkill and Su-
quehnnna K R at 8,16 a m for lliirrisburg,
and 1216 noon for Pinegroveand Iremout.
Reading Accommodation train j Leavce
Pottsvillo at 5.40 A vn. pie Reading at
70 a m, arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20
a. m. . Returning, leave Philuile.phla at
4."4'V d m, rassinir Rcailing nt 7.25 p m,
arrlvnijf at Potlaville at 0.10 p in.
Pottatown Aoconioiodation Train Leaves
Pottaiown at 7,00 a m, returning lcavea
Philadelphia at 4, till p m.
Columbin Rutlroad Traina leave Reading
at 7,20 am, and fi, 15 pm for Fpmata,
Litlz, Lincaster, Columbia. &i .
Perkiomen llailroad Trains leave PerVI
omeu Junction nl 7.45, 0,05 a tn, 3. tin, and
6.3D pm; returning leave Hehweiiksville nt
7.00 und 8.20 a. tn, 12,10 Xoou, and 4,!i0
p m, connecting with similar trains on
Reading Railroad.
Colebrjokdule Railroad trains leave Tolls
town oi 11,40 a nt. nnd 0,20 p ni, returning
lenvc Mount l'lcayant nt 7,00 and 1 1,2-'
a m, with similar trains on
lleniilng rai'rond.
('heeler Valley RiilronI trains leave
Hridrpori nt 8,:!o'a ni, and -:,l5 and 6.02
in, returning, leurn l)iwninglown at 0,55
a in, 12.45 noon and 6,15 p in, connecting
with similar trains on Reading railroad.
l)n Huudiiy : Leave New York at 6,00
p ni, Philadelphia 8,00 a m and 3,15 p ni,
the R,(IO a in train running only to Reading:
leave I'-ilmvillo 8,00 a in; llnrrisburg 8,10 a
ni nnd 4.1)5 p m, Icavo Allentown at 8.45
p. ni. and and 8.41 p. m. ; leave; Reading
at 7,15 a ni, nnd 10,05 p m for Uarrisburg
it 5. IIC a ui fur New York, and 0,40 a. m.
and 4.25 p ui for Philadelphia,
Commutation, Mileage, Season, School
and excursion ticket, to and from all point
at reduced rates. ' .-
Iiugpago checked through 100 p'onmls
allowed each pssseuger. ' f
0. A. NICOLL9,
Ginrml Superintendent.
Reading, Nov. 21, 1870.
Xo. 813 Sit Market Street,
v (Abeti A'i'AM,)
lerms $2 00 Per Dm-.
Hy Davikl MABrn, D. J).,sothor of the popu.
lur "NlKht Hcenes." Thfs nianter la tbomiht
and Uoksuk shows ns untold riches and beau
ties In the Uieat House, with Its Ulnomlng HuW
era, Slnrlnic blrdi. Waving- palms, Rollina;
clouds, lleautirul bow, Haered mountains, lle
ilHhthil rivers, Mlahty oceans, Tuundeilns; voi
ces ItlsilDir heavsns and vat unlver.e with
countless bolnxs In millions or worlds, and resets
w usio eaen in unwritten Word. Kute tinted
paper, ornate enaravlnKS and suiierb binding
'Klch and varied In thought.1' ' IbSKte "Kasv
and graceful In style." "Correct, pure elevating
In Its tendency." 'lleautirul and Rood." "A
household treasure." Commendations Ilka the
above Irom (Jolleve Presidents and Professors,
mlnlssers of all denominations; andhe religions
uu ffwuinr irw. an ovr me oountry. Its rresa
nos, purity of l.nirusgs, wllh elesr open tyiw,
line steel enirravlDKS. substantial binding, and
low price make It thebook for the masses. Aaeuts
are selling from Kjo lio per week.
We want Clerirymen, School Teaeeer smart
yonng men ahd (allea to Introdno the work for
us la every towashlp.end we will pay liberally.
No IntelliKent man or woman ased be wltbout a
paying- nu.iueiis,
beud lor eirculat, full descrlptooa aad Una.
ZlfcULER fc McUUKDY, It S. ath Bt, Phlla
13 ReoeKt.Cln. O,
U Monroe Nt. I 'bl.
.. . too M. eih Ht. Louis
oct.l. m or 10J Main si 8irlnKlield. Alans.
Market St. Middlcburg Pa
TTAVINO located in this place I would
XI. respectfully Inform the cltliens of and vicinity that I am prepared
to repair CLOCKS AND WATCHES cheap
and expeditiously. The patronage of the
puniio i respeotiuity toiiciieu.
Middlcburg, Not. 24 1809.
War Roesa aad Store on Pin Street,
' Factory oa Snyder Street,
belinsgrove, Pa. ,
If Tea want to kear and sea flee toned and
beaatlrul Ora-aa and Helodeoa oall at ear
ware room aat Dior. We as a one but the
best material la saeklnsr iBstramauu. Trv on
vi .www mwu w i-1 wv Mitwaiw.
r.very lastraaseat is warraated for Ave year.
IsJere. aceauaad atlnlsura of th Iknit
are Invite, to eevr ond with aa Bud send Ibr
a w ae. e smile est too beet Wew
4 fki. piaaoe.
a -d i ms from aa tn aiL Vlnlln
8U0-4,k nt . , s 4ire trasue, sie ke.,
Sl.t.lM kdX l-
-f s4 Aojr4aaaa eerreetly taaea aad
re wj, a
Holnct Iotr.v
. ar KAciuai n iTosj.' " .
Oh 1 bid me not recall fhe rr.
Too-many Joy with It hare lle l t
And many bnprs, which once wore bright.
Like autumn leave, lie crush'd and dead.
Oh I eay not that 'tin tweet lo think
On hour we ne'er again can see,
The memory of the sc enes and friend
Of other uaya, Is aad lo mo.
How many heart congenial true,
And forma, loo fair, too frail to last.
And sunny amilea, and Joound scenes,
Li buried in the gloomy pail.
Then, (ay not that 'lis sweet lo think
(in happier hour forever flown
Oh t rather teach me lo forget
The joy 1 onco oould call my own.
So fad i my story, nnd o true, tin
it seoruR branded in my memory in
letters of firo. ' It is no Blory cot.jut od
up by tho itntuaiaation. nor yet one
that nepds plosiri( ocr by a f?rtiIo
pea. All its incidents ire real nono
exaeratcd. ; "
Not many years ago a haughty old
man, a judge of Incorruptible morals
died, leaving bohind him two children
1 After Iua death it wu foun J that he
had n.t bean so wealthy ns many hud
imagined, yet rich oumih t Ivave
rauh daughter a niotletato compe
To tho eldest aisier den-eoded tho
hiimentead and a snfliciont incoino to
keep, tvf 8(imo of their Cornier stylo j
the younger twenty thousand Jollar-.
tnvesieJ in un oU and tn ty haul;.
From inl'itncy E-tell. tlio cldom,
had been acquainted with u i'wr but
promt t.iri(oil boy. She hud watched
bis Inefi'ittuiil htru'gli's fur an educa
tion mu-li a-i ho desired, a Jiuiriu bi
uncunqurnihle aiuhitinn, mil ns he
iii'ired inuuliood ho beesiiivi her in st
ardent lnver.
1'ut tho old judv'O ilermirred. X
daughter of bin slmuld encourajio the
attentioua of a puuniless youth their
intamacy mut cease.
Obedient ns a child, slio lixtoncd to
her father's conitnand.-t, und obeyed
them implicitly.
He aurroaoded her with pay com
pany; ho did everything that wealth
or tttsto could du-'iroBt to win Iter
tnind away (row her buy lover.
Hut though sliu uttered no couipluitit,
ho know that she diJ not forget.
At last be died. Ho did n it bind
her with any promises. l"erhaM in
death bis eyes dicorered that it nco ln
mora than wealth to brio h:ipiuess.
After Iter bereavement, Uupert
Kingsland cutnc to ber suin.
" Estolle, my love' be said passion
fttely " I could not keep awy from
you longer. It may ecem wrong to
you for nio to come to you, now ha is
goDO, when I know how much he was
opposed to me, but darling you are in
troublo, and I mint comfort you !''
Sho did not chide him She believed
ber father must have rclooteJ, or else
be would have spoken and forbidden
ber to receive him after bid deuth
She wept and sobbed on bis bosom
like a child.
" Kupert, ' ho returned,.' if you
had forsaken tne now, I should indeed
be desolate."
And to leave you ever will kill me'
he ojaculatod, Impetuously. ''Curse
my fo.-tuuo, that I must bo forever de
barred from you !"
" Don't speak so fiercely, Rupert,
the pleadod. No one stands between
us now.''
" Yes, poverty stands letwoen aa a
it ever did,'' be repllud. " Never will
I tako odvantoge of his decease-to
step unworthily whero bo. forbade be.
If I ever could obtain my wish of be
coming a great and famous pbysioian,
csieiie, men would 1 be proud to
como to you."
" Where would you go to become a
doctor f" she queried.
" I would study in Enuluod, France
and Germany," was bis eager response.
' To be as common place physician
would not satisfy me. I must be the
equal of the moat eminent
For a moment she was silent :
. " Kupert," eh observed, presoatly,
Mb way is open for yea at lt. My
money Is lett ontoaobed. lo no way
would its use give me so much joy a
to know that it was aiding you to ob
talu your life's deairo. You shall go
to England, France sad Germany.".
uuiy return to me as pure as you
leave me." ' ' ;
For a time be opposed auoh a sag'
gestion. II could Dot accept ber
money. But la proportion to bis vn
willingnesao- raoeivo, beoarae ber
geroaas to bestow.
At last Im coevrtai ' Ha would
oaly coosldsr It a 1 ( j U repaid
quired, nml remain uway some lour
or five ycrs.
"'ITcr sister wns umeh oppose! toil
when informed of what Iv-Uila pro
poHcl to do.
" Yon are exceedingly unwind,
tetlo," she raid, angrily, "to draw Irotn
your capital to giro bim. I doubt bis
goodness I doubt his ever return
Kstella was wounded, lut not di
courageJ. Sho ma le bitu n present
of a bnndsotne gold watch and ehitio.
ami money enough lo defray all ex
penses ioi i lnital to bin jiiirncy and
first admittance to the medical school.
Then bo was to writ to her, and
slio would send hi in more.
Ills hirt two years were spent in Hol
land, and be rerived money from licr
qiiatterly. IT) lived in stj'lo, even in
luxury ; surrounded himself with every
tiling ho could w'sh fgr ; mid, though
sbs thought ho must le ejiravaant in
his habits, she male no inquiries, no
Hoc sister married and went to Cal
ifornia, and Estellit was left to watch
snd wait tho still remaining three yems
of his abxenco.
lie went to fl-innany. lie retnniti
cd thoro two yeart lumter. The last
year of Ins proponed ahscueo, ho wrote
to Itelle thus :
" Mj love, I do not know how to
say what I wish My five years: have
nearly expired. I believe I am Hear
ing tho goal, which, s.nvo for the good
tiess of your true nnd nohlo bcr.rt I
never should h-tvo hope! to nt tain,
l-ut yet I am not aaii-lied. I wish to
Hceynu so much, my poor, lone bird-
ling, that by times I am realy to drop
everything, givo up every future hope
for tins world and lLo next, to fly to
you. ltut I restrain mysolf. 1 wish
to ho eutitcly worthy of ymi and nil
yVu have 'douo fur mo- wh-'n I do ro
turn. Oh, if I could remain here two
years longer, I might accomplish muoh
therein !"
She perused that part of his letter. Two
vcars more I Two voara of louo wuil -
ing seven y ara of weary watching !
Clio left even a sih escipe hor lips.
Her trust in him wus implicit.
There is a parage iti the holy writ
which says, "There is no fear in love,
hilt perfect love custctli out l'ear, be-eui-o
fear hath tormont. Ho that
leurcth is not made perfect in earthly
love" hm knew no fear ! It would
be hard for him to sttiy awny two
yenis longer, but if ho desired it, she
hltoulJ lint cntnpluin.
bo did uot know her youth was leav
ing her eho did not caro. Tho only
question wa.-i bow aho was to obtain
tho money.
Sho bad already lent him, fo great
had been his extravagance, every pcu
ny of ber priuuipnl
Sho took up hor pen and thus wroto :
"Kupert, God alotio knows how
much I long for you each day ; but if
it is your wish to remain away two
years moro, do not let that deler you.
You know my father did not leave
me ns woll provided for as was a-itict-patod,
and now all is gone but the
bometond. Ifyou think tho two years
necessary, I will morttsngo It."
lie did not think two more yoars
requite, but ho wroto so touohiugly
about (im laoriflco that it scorned al
most as if he was conferring a favor
upon ber by taking it, than hor on bim
by etving.
It was mortgaged, Every dollar
she realized was sent to him. Her
one servant she had dispensed with
all but one wag discharged. Tboo
jhe stood alone I .What wa sho to
She could not appeal to hor sister ;
sho remembered the taunts that ber
sister bad extended to her.
She went out and procured a situa
tion as governess in a wealthy family,
one of her old friends
Publio indignation become intense.
Judge Atborton's daughter a govor-
nessl People blsmeJ ber fur ber
folly, but she smilled serenely.' Her
reward was yet to come, she believed,
Rupert's fume would compensate ber
for all! . '
Two yeara passed away, and even
she could oot deny to herself that she
but) failed greatly during that time.
Then a letter came to her; it laid :
"My patient dove, 'I am. coming
t last. De ready fur ma is May
Write me one more letter." .
Accompansjing It were papers con
taining notice of bin and hi great
medical skill, Au)er)ctn papers con
gratulated tbeniielvti npou having
such a rare acquisition lo the mediaa
Irateroity. Bbe read and- wept tears
of joy. .
Ue was coming at lastl
memui h cuni.ged. I thiuk my heulih
h:ts failed during tho past two years
quit Mpid'y.
Ah I to how many hearts such an
announcement woulJ have curried tor
ror 1
Mie know the name oftlio ship in
which ho was to sail nnd watched the
nlow, seemingly endl- s, d iyn ro by.
J? he wan lull ofpeacclul joy; ho
waseotniog shn was content. Those
that knew her said her fiieo wore the
expression of mi nnc,rl. l!o thnt as it
tnijjht her hcirt wore the happiiieM
one !
Site henid when the sir Jliliip nr.
rivud. They lired twenty v'
distant surety bo wmiM e.-mp the
next d:iy. the nest dcy cinio.
and the uext, and the, and he
cnuio not.
She saw his tin tne amnng the lit
of arrivals; ho niok ? Sho was
tethptod to go down an I sec, when n
uentUniun called upon her.
" I havo sof o you iVien 1 Pr Kings
land in tho city, ' he said. " lie I'tUl
in to inform you that ho had been
detained, aud would foun bo up."
The announcement took one pang
from her heart, only to nld another,
lie was well ho tbnnkcd t)od for that;
but could she have been within twenty
miles lur a week, without evniiiv
bim a iiies"ngc ?''
Thai was a!l tho reproueh nho nltow
cd ber (icntlo heart to make, while
bit tonued a thousuui excuses for his
eruel arglect.
Twj wce!s went pat, and linty
iiuinlieicd three. Thou a noto catne,
which follows :
" My dear IVienJ, I feel a-t if I call
say to you, through a note, that which
1 wish to ray, bettor thuu face to in. o
H-tclle, you htivo Iiceu my he-it friend,
my goiitl Saiiuii it an, unJ I am huiv
yuii will rejoice ut uiy happiiir-". I
wail uiarrie l last n ijli t to Ii-s Mary
Morse. You remember btr 1 A
lady of wealth, beauty and it good pu-
iiiuu to society
! vhe read no more
Some one in the
i- iii p n i null's romp le'ton. just ono eeuturv
ndjoiug room heurd a heavy full, and , , ., .
J, f. . i , i i,u,'r 111 ,,t' i't Am-n liiiciit.
rushed in. Ihey found her vn the w,i. h cues to the equal political and
floor, opparuiilly dead. They civil rights of every man born or itst
her up j and Kent for a phvateiun. nraii;'.d in utir lli pulilio the th,.M
" A severe chock,"' was" his couch- .'"' ,ll,,:;,,!M,l':f,tl'0 l:;'l;"nl Cn.iii.i
...... .. , , tl'in. llin hilluv.s id ( utr and I'tiv.
s.on hho is dying of heart jjj,.,, mgy roar and rage around thai
rbu hi'catno sensihlo nja'n, but her
heart was utterly broken. Several . lotnmuiioii uio uee, itu-i una
,.i'.....t, I .1... r..-....!l-- ":0 hreakersof reucli.
, , , , , , , , . ,
ncaru'd Kver mi l lull ner Kit nr
after after squandering her properly,
to die in poverty 1
Eveu theu nhe tillered no com
pl.iinls. Sho had till his letters, liitle
kcepsukes, nud every trillo pertaining
to him brought to her Sho bound
them up and addressed them to him.
" After I nm goueson l them to bim,'
fhe said.
A week later they laid her awny
and fulfilled her last r quest.
He began to practice early, and his
success wus wonderful, despite tho no
torily which his filseuatis had brought
upon him.
On iho first night after be roturncd
from F.urope, Mary Morse gave a party
She nuido her brother promise to
watch Dr. Kingsland, and bring hio
up with him. - --
" See if I do not win him from thnt
faded Kstello Athrrton l't stie exclaim
od, boforo he met hor. "' .
And she did (0. His tlukfo heart
easily proved rocreant to every vow
of lovo, every tie of bonor.'
Two years after, she was about to
go down a flight of stairs, when fibo
uttered a loud eh real;, and fell forward
to tho bottom.
When she becamo conscious, she
suid : ... ,
" Kntelia Athorton stooJ nt the foot
of tho stairs!''
Whether it was morely a dcluslnn
of the guilty conscitinco or not, we can
noVer knew. Any wny the Cull True
tnred her spine, and until this day she
ia a miserable repining, cross, faded
invalid. I'rlghtono'l to be left nluno for
a moment. Aud he is a prematurely
old, eonsoiencc-strickon wretcb, eu
during all tho pangs of earthly purga
tory. .
Verily, my friend Is being avenged !
It it. God's jiit retribution. ,
Dkacon K lucked the confi
dence of tbe Inhabitants of M
lie wss nioRtflnocroly detested for bis
hypocracy nod double dealing, - and
wits so very unpopular that I few wags
conceived tbe Idea of drawing up tf
paper requesting: bim lo leave town.
Ooce endorsed with two or three
respectable names, tho joke took j tbe
paper cireulaUd I'M wildUro, ind
sood oontalood everj bilBSt nr
ill r-iiard to iitif 's neichliuM.
D it the I) aeon w is a pnio'ia i"
his way. getting po'esion of tht
document, liii Bilroitly tha'isrcd tb'
hradimr, nnJ behold I tho intended re
buke was trnnsloruii-d into an homble
petition to th rrcsidont thut lencon
K Im appointed pnsimnHier of M
and in duo litno tho appointment
It Is nti eld btory, but ;t good one,
(hut telle of a very iit j.Iigcnt man who
was gdng awsy i n n vi-it to sonit
I'lienils. Ili.i wile ext ried tVum l.itn
a Solemn promise i tint he W nil til iin
loii his usual C'lHtoin, iitcl put no ii
clean bhirt every -lay. S.i he a' k- d
n dor. -n m h irotiU. W in-n ln-ctm.
home ngiin his wll'ti w:i g'-i'l t p m
reive ho had grntvn more ile-.hy ; bo'
I I . a . . .
mio was nmi'nica on examium;: bis
trunk she discovered titers was not a
shirt in it. Ho had kept bis promise
lo mount a clean ono every day, but
he always put it on over the othets,
aud now lie wm sporting uroutid with
a whole ilrcn on bis hack !
In an Iowa breach of prouiiso case,
the woman fw to that tho uccin-ed
had huirgcl her every niht lor Rever-
al months, aud Sunday nihl un'il
thiee o'clock in tho mortiing. Tho in
duMttio'is. Imt uttgra'i'lul culprit, w;is
lined one dollur uml eo-t.
'HPS ff. y. MIEUNE.
Through strugo t! nnd sn.T t ins, nt
I be cortt of nitiltitorm agonies. I'ercnvi-.
itii'tits. devastations, ' llie Amecican
I'lu embodied in the pp'timldc lo ijr
lathers' Peelnralion n! Iuilepciiln.-e
iippronrhii. its complete rcal.iai icn
Tim nol le, inspiring assertion that
" u'l nv-n are create 1 e-jusl.'' and en
dowed liv I liir creator with inalien
alio riirli t lo lile, liberty, and l he pur
suit oi hippineh-i. is niloier u ght
lei ing irenei nli y, a p u t's lauey s phi
losiipher's speeulatioii Imt theret'o
ni'.i'd biiHisol'our political fuhriu. The
luiiii-n Itcveliu on. wlueli
dates from
11 u Mn-saero if 1770. litid- ii
i'"cU, nod may 'l uiisieotly seem iu tho
point el w.isliiuir it uway
lint it
' .. n . . . ... -
IMavety me litiiled aiiliiiit
aud ilu-,li
,!.ir spray ovei it in vkiu
We do not underrate tho forces of
riejuillco und Artstoeraov. Wo do
not furuot that u very hire minority
of the American 1'eoplo hi ill hold tu
tlteir itiinosl hearts that lt'act'.s hive
no fiu lit which Wltitui aro hotiii-1 to
tei.piet. We fully nnm'ociiiie t )
diMporaiion wherewith nil tho
rinooloui'Mits of hatred (n the licpub
lit no uchieeuient w ill be co.titiiticd
uml hurled against tho iKittlenteiits i.l
Kiqiubliean naeenduiiey in tho I'reni
dential vlucliou of 167- We do not
doubt that local successes, h.icilitutcd
by Republican feuds and disaensio'is,
will iuMpiru the elmrinn host with
sanruiuo hepo of vietory, stiolvus ner
ved it to put forth iia utmost strength
in the earlier slugts of the conquest
of 18U4 and 1SG8. Yet our fuith is
oh ar aud ati ong thut tho American
people still Ides iod that, nn the red
battle fields of our lulu Civil War, the
Uuiun was upheld and bluvory do
destroyed, nud will never consciously
decide (hat the precious blood theroou
poured out was lavished in vain.
Tho Tribune believes in the prose
cution ot tho great strugirlu by legiti
mate means to beneficent ends To
State xovereiirnty, it opposes indissol
ulilo National I.itegriiy ; to Slavery
for lilacks, Liberty for All ; to pro
scription, Kufrauchiseuient ; to -l'op-ulur
Ignoruuoe. Universal Ivlucation;
to intensity und etorniiy of wrathful
Hate, universal nnd inviucib'e Unad
Will. It would ftiiu do its utmost to
hasten the ejud day when the South
shitll vie with tho North in exultation
und urutitudo overflio disappearance
of the last truce or taint of that spirit
which impelled Man to exult In the
ownorship uud ehattlehood ot hi fel
low Man,
l'rol'oun lly do we realize that the
contest is Hoi yet ended that Mill
ions mourn, more or less publicly, the
downfall of the slaveholders' Confed
eracy, and rear thoir children to bate
those by whose vulor and constancy
its overthrow was achieved If we
ever seem to differ essentially from
other llepublicaua, our conviction that
uugnauiailty Is never weakness, that
veogenoe is never politic and thut de
vils are never cast out by Belib(ib,
must aorve to explain allowed eccen
tricities whose pei feet vindication we
leave to Time and Koflectioo.
Toi TaiuvNii hae been, la, ' and
must be, a seabuia advocate of Pro
teotion to Home Ioduatry . Regarding
habitual idlencsa as thy greatest foe
to human progreas, the bue of banan
hsppioei, r se'x to . win our eooa
try men in mt: iba the eaanainr
lures of Spou! !t tf Tr2e, a t.
''' evrsr ' ; -
sutuls vainly Jostlo snd t-rowd in mis.
guided quest of " Something to do,"
to cover prairies and plaius with fel
onies absorbed in Agriculture, Me
cliaoies and Mnnufticltircrs, and con
stantly projecting into tho blank void
wilderness, tho hemes aud the works
of civiiirod Man. Holding the proton
lion of Heme Industry by discrimina
ting duties on imported Wares of Fab
ilea f ;.en!ial to tho I lipid, beneficent
-litfusioii of rrodu.'tion in all its pha
ses and (Icp ii tnieniM, and ? to the iti
tni"lioii o'ir poople in nil the gain
1'ilnrtsol I'ece, wo urge our country
men lo cto I ) nnd ti hold that
nolicy, in uttd-iuUiiu f lith that tlo
true iiiUr-' -t, not oi a cln-s or a :er
i-ti. 1 n t !' ru'li .lion and rv.-:y
isei'ul rt.t-s, is thu'cby s il-crved and
Tim Tiuiu nb niiMS to bo prcrtiii
'lenily a .V. ic.-puer. Jls eon os j n
lents ttovcr-c every ilatc. lite prcscnS
en cv l v important liall'e-liild, aid
early adtiserl of every notable Cabinet
doeisi-in, ol'iervo the pvoceetlinRi cf
Cougre ;, of Lceislsturt's, nud of cou
ventiou.s at: I report to ns by tele
graph all that seems of general inter
est. We havo paid lor mio day's mo
mentous advice from Ku rope by Ca
ble far more than our entire receipts
for tho issue iu which tho: o advices
reached ourroaders, lflavisli outlay
unsleeping vigilance, anil iiubotindod
faith iu tho libcrnlity and discernment
of the reading public, will enablo tn
to make ft journal which has no supe
rior in tho accuracy, variety r.tid fividi.
ness of ils contents, Tn k TkiniNS
khnll bo such a jotirnnl.
Tho Agricultural an 1 tho suljcrvi
nt nrts. wo havo devoted, and Khali
persUlicntly devote, mora means and
I uce then any of our rivals. Wo aim
to ma'.;e The Wkkki.y Tkiui K t-utlt
a paper ps no farmer can ufford to do
without, however widely bis polities
nie.y diuVr liutn ours. Our reports
I the Cattle, Jlorso, Produce, nnl
i-'iieral Markets, nie so full and ne
eiiiuto, our es-ays in elucidation ollhe
farmer's ealliiif, and our regular re,
pons of tho Funnels' Club nnd kin
dred I'tttlicriiis, aro s iutorestm;;
that the poorest fanner will find there-'
iu a mine ot BOcxtiou and con ncil f
ol which ho cannot rcmuiu ignorant
without positive and bsrious loss. Wo
e. Tn k Wkeki.v to Clubs for Ics
tiiati its vuluo iii dwellings for wata
paper; uud though its,, Huhsci iption
istilrcidy very largOvW.Vbt'llevo th;tt
a Half Million more farmer will tako
it whenever it shall bo commended to
then- a'lctitioo. We ask our fricnd.s
avrywhure to aid us iu so commend
ing it.
Hailt Tkiulse, Mail Subscribers,
10 per annum.
Sk.mi-Wekki.v Trihu.nt., Mail Sub-i-ci
ilicts ; $ I per uutiutn. Five co.
pics or over, Sd each ; an extra co
py will bo sent fur every club of
ten seut for at one tlmo ; or, if prefer- u tm'.w ,il i-rirw it I ii.l irtii a nT n Ttiiulr
Idle, by Mr. Grcely.
To Mail Kubseribera
One Cur on veur. li Issues
l ive 'oils, ime yusr (U loues
'lo ' ink A lotitRMM
To NAUR of Sra-
all at uiie J'ost tiutca
lo Cn. Irs St6)ea',li.
'Jo TuptHj J OA eapb.
int i'lij-ios 1 uo eiu-U.
Ana un extrib cujy tu
Udell Club
euiiiKSK utl at ou
I'usl Utiles.
loiioj les ft so each;
nottiiles I26eacli.
f.-l Cumins 1 luosi-li.
Au'l ne extra copy
to each club
I'l i-aotib eutitlod to an extra copy
can, ii preferred, have cither of the
following books, postage prepaid; Po
litical economy, by Horace tJreoly,
l''ur culture for profit, by 1. T tjuino :
Thi Klements of Agriculture, by Geo.
J). W'srlug.
AuTEiiTisiso Catch.
VaU'j Tr!l tine, 30c., 40., 50. 7.".;
and $1 per line.
Until H'tiky Tribum, 25 and 5d
cunts per lino.
W'rktij iribunt,-l, $1, and $3
per liue, ueoordiug to position in the
To subscribers wishing to prcscrvo
Mr. Greeley's essays on " What I know
of Farming," nnd who psy the full
pries, I. e.. $10 for Dtilj, ii for
Semi: WetUij, or $-' for IWrfry TrU
bunr, we wiil solid the book, post
paid, f rrijuent bt maJc at tho time of
The Tribune Almanac. Trice 20 cents.
2Vi6uia Almanac R'print. 1833 tJ
1S08. 2 vols. Half botiad, f 10. ,
lioraoe Grcely. Various style of
binding Cloth f 2 50. Library, SU ,r0.'
Half Moroco, ft. Half Cloth,
Moroco Antique, 17.
Political Economy. By HofSce
Qreely $150. - " .
Ewbank't Hydraulic and Merman
ic$. ISizteonlb sdition, . Laigt ootpvo.
Cloth. $5. .. . ut .
.. Tear Culture For Profit. Quinn, $1.
Element of Agriculture. YarlDg
New Kdition. Cloth. $160. ' -
jjrutmug jt ur jj.euiut aria 4 i"jn
Waring. Cloth, W 60. , ;
gent free on reooipt of price, , (
' In maklDt; romlttaoeec always pro
oure a draft an New York, or a Pott
Oflic 0rJer, If poaslblo, Wbsre
neither oi these can be secured, send
the money, but tluay$ im a rvgittred
letter. Top , registratioo fee bus been
1 . 1 A. .O . . -. J - .1 . I. .
reus "-a tu jicrj cena auu vuo ihbb
ot tilutraUou' system has bean
fonpd bytbepoaUl aatkorUlee tobsl
vir".n"y . . tVo' :!)t'- sW
i Ii:r7' ' : v
' t'-'" ' " .
i... 1 64, or ST.'
S fnn.f-tn., " ' i f
I u i .m.. ' In tha place. '