'mm f juiit & . a . f J. f THE POST! MiDni.trama., .FEBRUARY, int. Jtodqnartrrs'Rrpubllciri Rlate Ctntrftl committee of renn) hanla. HO. 11t PnTr;T ffTT, paibATraiA, Jaa. aa, IIT1. In pnreuane afllrs revolution of 1h ItepiiMiesnStaleCWT-AlConimlilce, Jopt. 4 at Alluna, Attrriat 16, 1870. a Htate Convention. soYrpoaed of dcUf.nl from ach Senatorial m l Reprrntaiiv district Aflh hum her t which each district ii n- - lMId Intbt 4?te1tiire, will Mt to lb 'Hall of the llou of Krprrafnmiirr4.nl ' Harrirhwrf, at 12 o'clock noon, on Ibt Imb ' day of March, A. D to nominal candidates for Auditor (leneral and Sur veyor General, and to laks aoiloo uponlbr queattoa of t'onilltollnoel Reform, and for th transaction of eucb otbtr burlnetias tmj bi brought befor it. Mabios U. Dicksbox. Chairman Executive Cotntnilt fitst Central CoBimiurt. Oeo. W. nArnLT, M. 8. Qt at. Jtmi W. $1. Nswi.i. Pecrelarii-s (;cm. Iluirlsvii Alleu. Tbo Dttue of tliii tlcrdtd patriot loleuteJ noiit'etxan and aceomplisheJ lies from Witehinntoi) scholar and kuincM man Ima burn mooliooeJ in conncelioo with the tid non-arrival is sio-ralnr;,- loct everything possible la tlooa by ibti P. 0 Department lo fscijitatatr, tfunitt anJ ensure tbe f tvrVlvsl of mail mttlter. The failure of thl illtlstrata weeklies epokea of la that paper's ar ticle, U lulTered by ,ft cl' a b7 oUjcii. V'bra tbe. troublo is, who can tell f The Journal ssj J . ' " The post-office buxiness it mier bly manai'cd . io Peoi.svlvanra. We have taken r-ome trouble to procure n record of tho It-niftti ol time it re quires to transmit niiil mutter in tfii &Ut". l'aily pepcri irotn l l ilnaoi rliia and Nev York are reeoived at Hamabutc, wuh great regularity, on the eatue UT tlu-T are published. rUiabunt tuoiDlou pnpew, urnerftiU on timo, are often a Ujv lute. Tlio Al- leotono. l.teton. and ilithlcuim rn- pr nro alwajs one, two, three and lour Uavs old when incv renen u- Tl.oe iroin Corrv, Titutville, Mead villi, and Krio are one. two, tod of ten three duv late, I'uiiovUle aoJ Sersnton Cnme on tho second and tbird dny afiatr intilic.il inn. Heading tupprtt are nlwavn on linn lbe uai l. U.. ore re ' ..it o l l iv nl.l n liiln thna fnim Hichoioiul. Va.. often arrlre on the I rinr ill' MiMirii inn. Our week! CX cuodidiicy lor Audit'T UctieraT. It impp,, atrajjle in at all rts at Irret behooves tbo Kopublicao party of. nlar timet. Miinv ol them, epeeial It the bent illuxirutud weeklieit from maun hose moral worth Kill b. io rk """J1 'ttj. .vuilitri. i no u"iiiiiivi to bin support the substantial tnco of tbo party ; whoe palriotie devotion to bis country will secure tbo undivi ded support of hor I rave defondcit ; whotte avtnoa lodged integrity and unqocationabie buMiires qualificationa will insure a hearty eupport from e Tory c'a in active, busy life. We clip tbe following from lbe Jidlf fonte ftrpultican : Oen. HarrUoo Allen stand to day pre etninent'y above all other o.taied io point eTtbilhy, energy and popularity Ilia ability baa been well attested, not only in tho Leg glutive halls where be to-day runka aiming the ablest de lator and fbrewdvtt tonal or and one of tho tnn4 careful guurdinna of the tiublic trnot ; but in his luaine-s Tho weeklies writo to us that thnt they ure mailed reeularly to our uddres.' A ISrital TEArMtB Eeston baa bad a seoHalion cuuod by ouirng'Ona cruelty towarila an invalid pupil. Tbe boy, a lion t fourieeo year old, lbe lubject of punii-hment ban, for Keerl veare rant, been atllietrd with ft. Vi tua' danee, and ut times wouid luu;' nuiie liearlilv without any apparent cvuao. Jubt bloro the clo-e ol -ebol one afternoon, the boy hail one tbeie f pells and at having the power 10 Stop when ordered to do o. ry hi teacher, wok rudely seised by lb broutofhitt eot, uol unmercifully Leulen wiib a bieknry stick, and then taken to the brad or the htatr out side the building, where he w ill : i i ... .. r.. i. .1 ...I I . I. .. i . i. i.: inweu io r-ojMi hi iuv uiir n.c TriHiluu a. Ili'lliv, hi Hi- iiiiiiiic "i . r , , o .l-i... i,. v, !j.i.i -,:), teacher iiufeel.MKly went home. Some i.... r ' t m. u, ; a. . ol the luilo lell..'. couiradea tried to UUI VII U CU VI ill- , , , , . i i.. . . r i . Icarv the bov to hi home us ho was sum rr ne nna no Buperiorf, uavingi - ,, . . . f1 i. .l.uui. i! ... n... unnlile to walk, but not leio utile tn CHHPl"U iu mo ivill Avrricru iu i i .t .u . ...... ..t; . i j i. do so. Mr. l'err. the lather, wan noti' inin iir,.niiil..i1 trt Munr nnrt nllpl. ' v,'i ward Colonel of tho 15M P. V., and for gallant and uicril'Tious ter. vice made a Briuadier (trneral. Ili fled, nnd when he arrived itt the ohool bouso the child wa loui.d nuuily tro ten. bisarnii rixi lly hilded, wuh soldierlv and aocial oaalitie, endeared I "H,i,,f l'Pno ,,,ou'- T,,e rrf?r liimtnih. n..nnln .7.i .. t p-rter ol the h tpru next nirniiiK their apprcci-noD thev have twice sent ' on, ,L? child's body tbe fio.e. I.:-, i.. I i .".. i ., ii ,.i mark-ot the brute, where ho gro-pc-l Kerrrnlalivt. and then returned ''"; D'1 ,h l k ""u. l him to the Siat denote, nnd u..r we ' . """ It" ,,,t,k,k proe tu-Evininu-e and elect ,lini ! .Wb.l makes the mutter null worse lbrAudj.VToe,,cral. We have no : V'at 1 'K l!WrZ mi . f'm Pif ,! musb Wl do more aul tt,,. .;ulv not,6d of the child s ani ct o,. terJt-r to organist tho forces . f.l.f ". the fact that '' IUpnllicnn party, than Geo. Allen. ibowcd the conduot "j' lu0 ' ' . 't' ll i.n.f ,ho,.U..t nu.ii. ...Hk. .'' 1 lu"ngtbe month just r 1 !...,. tltn.. la nut 11 Chiliiiv nl oil uX. en-.' tor tbe brutal ujn Juct abave dc- era and tin ooo ia nmre competent to Uike tho 111 Id and mako a ouccevlul campnio than he. lie is popular among tho people wherever ho . is kuown and his nerjunintance extends all over this Cnintnouwchltti. His so cial qnalitics endear him to all who jneka his aoquaiuiancc, and in short, ho in just tbo man to lead the Ilepub lican party to victory in the campaign of 17 1. KIT. bed. The TfnneNNoe bale. Happiness ruled tbo city yesterday afler tbo new of the sale arrival of tb Teaoesaee at Sau Domingo. Long suspense bud wrought the public miud up to a painful iotcusity. Thero were so many ou tho vessel, in whom many more felt so affectionate interest so many representative men of ev ery profession that as the days aud nights wore on, tho nony of the rel atives of pasteoer und crew extend, cd to tbe wble jiublic, until at lat the fate of tbe Tnoebee absorbed 4rry other topic. There was not a &ord in'. be A merino heart that was out touched in these lour of uoiious solicitude. There was tbe true-bear, ted Ben Wade, tbe 1'residetit of tbe CornmiHiion, -aiKl Lis associate, Ir llowe, of Botilno, bd4 Trofeasor White, of Now York eaeh with Lis circlo of friend', each with a devoted iumily, that had sent Lira forth ask leg Gods'aeliokeflt blesint!S upn him and eaeh torn with unuierabl an- guih over the story ol his possible lost Never did a uoUe craft bear snore precious freit Philadelphia Lad a number of cherifhed ones av atong the list. William McMichuel. aenofonr teemad 'ricad of th Jfortk Amtrican, m young gentleman of brigb promise and brilliant gifts, is still fceare to a loving mother and attached friends, Tb mere surmise of bis death ereated so achion void in .tboonnda of hearts outside hi bao. There, too, was the bud of MleheulC Hart, formerly of (be Pnilsdelphis 1'ftKM And WashingloO ' Chroni'U, no of the New York' 8iandrJ. There, too.'wtr Uamvfell and Foyn. ton, among; tbe first and test of tb Washington correspondeota ; Freder ick Douglas and bla aoa ; it furor- He writer of the New York World, Mr. Durlburt; th eataewed Folton, xt tb Baltimore A,nerkt and b"t acre, if sot as widely knew, M et a warmly lorsd d a earty wait d for. eo move JaUrMB tUo tbe tory e Um exatiM of Sao Domingo wilt be tie eiperieoce of lb tys;e of th f tip T--?-'. Zlt aVr-- - r ' f ' r-L i '- TlicCborpcnniUK-allack bvilntlc. Thero Is, w prtsmue, vciy littl doubt but that there bus been a des perate uttempt stahue steul in Chor prnuing case, which hag made so tnueli excitement iu Wabioton and else where, within a few weeks past ; but who is responsible for tbo inaugura tion of the steal seema to have teen lurottcu by the Democratic politi cians, who nro uo shouting fraud and corruption anJ charging it to the prcscut adiniiiistratiou. It originated I under tl.o o!d reginr when slavery, democracy and lealioj were tho or ider of the admluislration, and when ! negroes Lad "no rights which j white men are bound to respect" Then no democrat questi.ioed the 'eluiius" that rame through Demo crulic oKciala or Democratic lobbyists. Let us go back u h'tle. In Is 17 tbe Conrei-s of tho United States paked the following: as act ro th r Hti ttr or (itoaoK C'lloHI'ENMNU. Ja. " lie it ma ted by th- S- iirire nnd Ilouttnf Prjrfntfii'ii fi'thr L'rt'W Ottitt s of America !n Cunjrus a ut bUd, Thut the 1. s'ni;iiier (Jeii'-ral he aud bo is herehv rrquired. t" udjusi and settle tho elaira of -aid Chorpea uing a surviving partner of Wool ward & Cborpeuniug, aud in his own right for carrying tbo mail by San 1'eJro, for tho ervire to Carson's Val ley, und for such purt oi the Estern nmil as wa carrii d to California dor ion all the time when said service were porlormed, as shown by tin aEJuvils and proofs on lilo iu thi ll ous of JUpfpseiiUnveii. SlO. 2 An'tie it further rnartd. That lbe I'osliuasier (iootrul be, sod he i hereby riiired to aHjunt and settle the t-lsiiu of said Chorpunoinir. s surviving partner of Woodwurd ii Chorpeuiilvg, lordumsges on account of tbe anouimeut, tir euspeokina of Woodward Ja Chorpeaniogs eoniraci lor currying the Uuiied Ciiates mail front huoraoteato. in tuliforuu, tit .Salt Lake, in Utah Territory, an shown In I ho affidavit and proof en file in tbe ileus or lpreseots- live. P3. (3) 4 Ad be it further tu- octtd, lust loo fwslmuater ijeourai be required to allow and pay to such Chorosoning bis f'o'l contraet py, dur ing th auopen'ioa of Woodward k. UtiOrpsooiog s eouuacv irom io bi beeotb dsy of Msrcb, elbleee Lu dred and fifty-three, to the first of Jj of tb saiM year ; sue alo to allow' and jr lo sard C'borpeaoinf thirty thou" eoiura pr aouuai, Iroia tbe brst dT ea faly, eigbteee buedretf aad ttfty-tbree, when b rw sooswd aervtee sin'ar im csMiratloi Vfiti -a d C'borifeat.rj, do- o j ( rir oaa c;r J n . . . . A I. . C jrv. - V r-T -r- t per anthoriaed to be nllowcd, shall be paid out of the treasury. . "Approved March 8, loiiT. (Signed.) ankli Pitirt". rostina'f-Ujjt -Ooneril; Marcaa .V, Brown, an old timo Dvmocrnt, p'nid Oeorge' Cl.orpenoIng' 1 1 9 .r , (f7 2 5 ua extra compensation, and tbea step- pd--doubtiDg bis legal authority lo go further. A Dernocrstlo CoogTe!"f gnvo this legal authority, of ciurse, hut in the rnranlime Brown dli' l.t rostmastor OefierslIIo't anucneded PoetroftSter' Genera'. Brown in ofpee, and npplicstioo was made lo bim by the petitioner for a reconsideration ol the cap. Postmaster General Holt evidently regarded the eae and ad judged by Ma predeeeor. and be vond bis control, as will nppenr by reference to the . lettor sddrcesed At torney General Black, on the 31 f May, 1859, asking lor bis leital opinion on the questions Involved. Attorney Geoerul Black, on the 25th of tho nuing Angmt, nnsweed the conimiioiciiflon of Postmaster Gonersl Holt, and therein exprcwed the opin ion that tho construction uivco ty I'ostmiistcr General Brown to the net of 1857 'i erroneous. aW that (he clamant U)H entitled to what h' Urimrd He lurther gave It as liir opinion that Postmaster General Holt, under the circumslBoe. bud full power and nnthnritv '0 re-open tho cae and re view the decisioo ol inn predecessor in olTice. Po'tmnster Gnieml II"lt still di elinii g to net in the premise, lb' eaxe was submitted to lbs Preaitl nt nf the United S'atea, who made the follow ing indorsement n lbs opluiou of At torney General Bhiek ! After fonidcrpi this fne, I do not think that I he psri ouuht lo be toped from a reconsideration of thnt pirf of the rlnim wblffi' hn not been Mowed ty the tet bw'cnl rnl. but thii' the ese might to he opened fr recon sideration bo'b on the question of law nnd fiut I express oo opinion on merits of the eimc. (Signed') Javss BvrnASAW losddi'ion It theahove. the Ilnr rihure' T'l'gajh giees firt rati no tice of Jerry B'a'-k snd trni-ei his con nection with this Domocrstio villniny. It reads a follow ; Thi nmn roc no on esn say a )iy to be a .Torino of tbo Sufrenie Court of our Slate. II desrendeJ from this high position, at once, Into the dirtf fhai'si ter of a claim s;eiit. a iriiifoitrer and a lol hyist. Hw-bnnan picked him up nnd nmdo him n mem ber of his fnbinot. Hove he siunn Us ed h;meir hv givina his opinion, tn Attorney General rf the 1'iiitod State, thut tho enntitiition did not ernifrr on the government a rieht which the veriest slave enjoyod the riant nfselfdefer.se. This is the doe-1 t'iie of the Ineeiliiy of (iovtrn-j uvnt; nnd the tmseity with which Jerrv c'im-s to thi uplr.ion prove 'he iml'ecility ff his author. He firm on'v while gr:ispin:.' fee. or lohhvin.' a theft: ho is i-onsmnt only lOthoi-o jirincip'es which every no vice d fpi.-cs nnd every honest man de test When !c lieetnio Attorney General, his posspfsions consisted of a house and lot in the town of Somerset, worth 5-..100. Thi property he so' 1 to George .rhorpenning for $12,t'0U Others mny Infer what they rhorr about this transaction. We tnke it to bnve been a very tuesn robbery of a i lent whose whflo expectations dc- en led on the efforts of hi plnndeier. While lie was Attorncr Gencrnl hi- pai'tneia in th"Lw wero eotitnnt'ven caifd nirninst the Government. Gfed urged b m m nsxift hi" partners. Hi . a h required him to) protect his Gov ernment M pnnrers were corstan'lv fli-e,ing. A nl'sbt knwldtfe of this mo wll s"ffi' e to determine which ol. ligation he otse vci By a bank ing up of the C"b n"t he became See reinry of .State The tiuann ii-inoo or A'tn Vela. In he Pacific, bd attra t- ed the greed of Some speculators w bo cooked up a cunm to the islam). Jer ry inetan'ly became their tool, laving failed to plunder the tsl owner, through the protection w hich Sewsrd. his soeeefsor, exten.ieil to ll.f m ii bs 8etit ten years of bis life,. which snould have bees devoted to rep- lst.ee. in nsfailin snd villitying tin able and trick v vagabond' nw be yond lbe ses. Bui be bae done Sew. rri some service lis lis abiciie.i him from the full nies-ur ofsoorn which be earned when b betrayed hi ftienHs. And Sewarl new bi'lea Ids shortcomings in the shad W cast by B sck's murkey infamy. D.ariTDTto! Aito DiAtii The moot diitresninit accounts of the suff ering which prevails In various sec tions of tbo mining regions ol tnis county, reach ns almost daily. .' Men, women snd children are Buttering from lavk of i-lotbine and fool, aud especially children, a moor whom ma ny cleatiis srs occnrilnu trom iietng tnsnmelently tlsd nnd from, hunger lew in 'this community know, nnd consequently but few enn realise Hie ahsoluto depth of suffering and distress thut prevtiil among tho un. fortunstc peoplu who aro bound in hsins pluccd upon the in by a few e!G-h Ii oilers who flmirish on then lariro BuUiies. npiinreutly Indifferen to the suffer'niif ot their victims' The eoinmuiiitv mnv not have extended much symputhy It these suffering pe pie, nnd the qmsilnii hss undoubtedly tn many Instances been sskod in cs-e of suffering brought to notice" Why docs not yn r husband work f Siire'?. he ran get enoniih to keep- you frorti eufferinit " But few, boveever. would ssk such a question, if they koew nil that we d., iu rercrenee to the tyrm ny and opprc-eion of men w ho as l a dera rule those workinc people witli rod of iien It is a temh'e state ! nfluir-, and all enii-ei by the blunders and oppressive nets of men who seem to caie more iiliout traveling nhotit th Coimtrv In a pimnous, M ll-importitni wnv than in aoUng so ns to conduce to the real welfare of the wnrkiitL' men of the region. Ketriuution mav t e flow hut it will bo sure .Viwn Journal A Schenectndyf efjth look bis goi- tnr, went 'andern window end run, t Put me lnm Iftt l bed),' thinks be fUtatsof (ussaaTS aionasiACW, '. T FITTERS OF AOStlff tSTF ATIOTT npen the jviaT oi r.oRfipin e-ien-niwon, iwor wrn Ii sta IP , Seft, hln beon arantxt tn tn I IhS ft ! U an thnr hftrtni Ul sromt ttiam to an.trli(iit all irren annwln t hum 1 -t in ni urw nfiiiofon x-j oia M ISnr Soring slalais cloit lb lUl.i pymf iai .t . WIL.HA1 waa mistiodcrittimtl' r jnvm..Wy. as tb girl'a J'g brotlfbf ' tt and stood blrn en bis lh;tlo.llMi.',,.'.'., ' . ... t ' i . "- . j. win A bummer itfdW'riira wa blnsl.rritowahip,Jansaryss,isTi L.J .t... ... ...i. -w.l I -- . ... . io nru in iiip bicjw, wv.nw fun trying lo fold the wiTuniiiltxs .jfrotiitji him tleclsred every lii lr grsepeit a hnndlul that tb darned "sheets always tare so. ' v, t - . INDEPENDENT FQUN UNE i rorn Mdxriis. Has h mail In a qatt way by tnn tht as e.th of kplna th nrt. Adilieu JAMES OlXlliWlN. 7 Cachans Plar, N Trh. It A ROT ISO, . AitmlnUtrator. NEW ADVEBTISBM1NTS. ldf'RY MOUSE Cnme Is tb diirmtf ef th tietlbr, in t'lititr town Siu, n.ir t'MiUy. Pa., en thesis tmti riiininun alint SAKK IIKOWN MAHF.,alot t UHii.1.1. HS flU lint !. Th pMr la ruiaatt'S t,i rnma furvrtril. Umva nrop-ftV liar thntara nit t-s hr ! or ih will a .. . a .u .a..l ... Mirrilni. In r AT H A w tL. iir.Ani-r.il. 1'intn townthlp, -. t, 1S71, JOHN II. AKNOLD, AtioriM'y nr. Iuw, MIDULKIIl'no, PA. Prnfeaiinnsl hitalneas entrusted lo his esre will hs proinpll atiended to. FtMl, 7IH 'ALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE BALE. Wu Has Lost a I.tTTt aGiRt f I.ant summer a party -if gipsies, con- siting of two men, two women, and a win need slsmt eleven years, psaaed through the villMse of Ih lmore, Uraw ford eoiintv, uoiiiif west Shortly at ter pnsiog through the pluee. a man engauHil at hauling los csitio ocros a little itirl llged shout four years who hi'd been left in Hie rJ on the ri.uie which the gipsies had jut ps. el over. The nisn pm ked up the child and took it to his home. The little thing could five no account is lue'f, nor hus ever yt conveyed any idea who lis psn n S are: '1 he g. tier al iti.pressiiMi is I hut the child did not belong to the gipsies, and thut the) ato'e it from some lamily and lut-om- ing tired of it let t it in the road ' above sinted. 1 tier tuny be some where it inournin-j lather snd nirsherl whom the publication of thjs item nuy lead to the recovery . of their tost child. Will our ti bunires give it .-iirrim-r in atiilrlv as tuibli! ? ( , Jiutlrr llvrnld. . . TitK most expenMvrf liouse io 'his country has lust been linn-bed lor A I. Mewnri, oi .ew i or, ni u ccfi l3.0(IJ,(;Oi. The furniture is now go ing in. snd will he in keeping wit b the eharueier of the house. Tho carpet for the treat drawing room was pur i haaed ut IlrnfSi Is at s cost of CO ('Oil. It Is in a -inglo piece, and wan worked upon a iooin expre'sly con stitiuted for its muniif.ieluie. PiiK K Inhdam, of II irris'iurg. who was mreied soioc uitm'hs e;.i lor per--onatini; Mr. Daniel Mengi. ul'Not t I.umiIk r'nii'l county, on uuing on tin- I ail bond of Jidm MengiF, ha been i-oiitiuied of the charge bel'oie the United Siates Oun-ut Pitishor. snd fentem ed to pay u fine of $ U'IU ami uoilt ro an iinpriMinmeut iu tbe pen'u tcntiury lor fi.e years. " - A MAN named Andrew Provence, s hogs stunt nis'on. in the employ ot Me.(irou. Mtlone. Sentt k Co.. eon- tractors f it building the extension t Caiuwinca llaitrotid, was killed r.: Montgoturr) Station on the 11 inst by Jumping ir.'tn the I.ri- Expr tram, us it was a-stiij that place. ' Thk St. Anthomv (Minn.) Pnv. i rat, noniinatss Jerry Black, of Peutl !vnniu for President, snd Seimt -t 'I'Iiu-iiisii. of Ohio, for Vice I'ret-iileni and thitiks they can bo elected K the stikc ol an overwlicioiiiir Itcpc run triumph, we move tbe I'ein x nou.i.iatiotta clise. Mk. Vict ria C. Woo'lhu'l. f brokr an'l jo'iit edit-r of Wo if- Clattin' Il'7y a Pounces ' ss a cnodidute for ih Preni i he United State, under lbe : d' tho G't-mo Pol'tieiil parly. MTNTORY Of WIDOWS INDEK THE $ 00 Uw. Notice I berrhv (tlven thnt the Invenlo ry if Mary ' Dlemer. widow of Janiea Ute mer. Ute of Mi Idleercrk lownlilp. de reaaed i of Lydis Kline, widow of John .1. Kline lai nf Besver lownahip deeesa td t snd of Klltabetb Ulriuh. wl.l.vw or lJ.iiiel C. L'lricb. late of Pellti-srov. d reaaed. bat hern filed with the elerk nf lie Orpbnna' Cnort ol Hnyder Coont jr. ami ill br preaented to coun ror approval on Monday, lbe "tiin av ei renruarj nrai. J. CKOL'SK. flerk, O, C. January 'H. 1871. The Snhserihrr offrra at private sale bis VALCAULB FARM, allusi la Mnnrns lowtialilp. Snyder Comity, 1'a. adjnlnin ndsof Abrahtia Fisher. M-bat Ilumtnsl d other, eontsintng ahoSv. '. 175ACKE9, mors or Isrs. ninri y-flv sores of which are cleared snd In a high nlsts of SnUivatloai the balance Is covered with 'tb beat of Mat her. Th Improvements o 'slat of a d Isrgs . , . , Dwell! n House, I. A TICK nAKK RAU7I and all aea.arv eutbuildins', (ned water eoavsnient forsil purpoa, a Inrg applf orchard, eonialnlns eh nice trailed frolt, fte. he fnrm I- nnder nod fence, naturally fertile and hlfbly prodoetiv la in a health; ennntry, about tbrrs ndles from ftrllas. ernve and two mil from rinstnoK n I'am on the seat bank of lb Biisouehnnna river is convenient lo slsrkeis. rlailna.li, la asla. Cborehrs and Hehool. w til beaiddnn ea-y terms, ana poesaaalon aivn inino-daioly if deaired. ' Foe further particular inpuirs nf lb aubaeribsr 00 tbr prrmir. Cpl. .10I1NHEIIV. Monro Iwp., Jon 8, 1 870. TO THK WOIt1ttfrj nViAS. W ara no prapartS in fnmlah all ! with ennatant employment'- hntes, the -S lanfth tltnanr Sir tii apar mnraants. nalnn nw, liala, and maiabt. para.nr or lthr aa alljr tarn nwilis. tattnt vlna. anS a ornnortlnnl ua br Sarntina thalr whola tlm to th hoalnMS noya ann mna ,im nearly aa mtn-a a man. That all who rath la nnilm mav annS thalr a,l. draaa. ant teat tb baaln-a, tn-ik th anpar- aiiaiv-i nnr i iinpn aa aro nni aflll aatlanm w will aras l l i r f-r tha trnnM of wrlllna rov partmuiara, aralOBbla -ami'la which will do tn eommano work nn. and a onr.v nf Th Pao. pla'a Llt-rarv c.impanlon nn of tha lr-et an hat fiiailv nwpnpani arer iul.ll-hel alt ant fro hv mall ft nlar, If run want prua aat proStabl wnrk, a.Mrraa c j, ni.Lic.i m vo. Augnsia nnin. LU'KNSB NOTICE. Nolle la lureby iven Ibat Kb as Porrmsn, Weal Resver, So.n Kojna, I hapman Inwpabtp Henry llenfer Vastotiville Enoch Bnoib, Freemonl. Caibarine Msilern, TroseWlll. lasso S. Trotel. " , Wm. t. Lon. Cenlervil's. Jacob Wiai. McKere ) Fall. John U. wondlinr. I rnns l ownaliip. Jobo A. blablneckcr. Mbldlcbburf, ItbSrAt'ltANT. olin II. Wrnricb. Brlinfrov. Henry B. Ilojer. ' have tilJ Ibvir pet il ions for Tavern LI- crn-e wiib tb Clrik of lliel'ouri ol'tjoar. ter tfraaiona, of Gudcr 1'oui.iy. and the rain will hs prewuted for approval ou Monday, tbe U7U day of Kibruary aril. - J. CltOOeK, t'lcrk. y. 8. .fsji. C4. 1871. KMPLOYMKNT FOR ALL. srirfe SAt.AftT Pf.ft WKFtf . and ips ara. paid Aurnta, to aall our naw ami n-rtnl dlaoynr.M. A'l.lra-f H. Hwaar a Co., Marahall, Ml.-h AVOID QUACKS. A XV ei victim of ea'IV Initlacfrtlnn, raut'ntf nrvnaa d. bllltr, p-rmatiire Orray, havlna; Irlail In in rrry o.iToriiflno ran.r-yi na a fiioino mean nf aalf.-nr. whlh i olfl aand fra to fit noinw annerera Anreaa j, n. luiiiib, II Niaaaa itrrt. New York. rinr.AT stvntt-M. bk n rrtEvcH IT HatJHKTS f .r l.nllr. an, (,nt. Seat tr Srltinps. Pr II m iturte 4.t!o Cincinnati, O. ni G'.STKU S XOTIOK X.di.e i It heral.y slvn to all cnneerneil, that the IiiIIi.wIhK liamrj iierxina have-aetilvil tlialr ae. iiunlala tli Kailar'a Oltlce, at HHl.il-burv. -iij Jar wniiity, n.l mat ilia aam arruunia wio u .rente.l tor rannruiailun anil alliiwaneo at th liriiliaoa' '"0rt tu lie lo-l'i at .tlit'llaiuiK,lr Ii. I uuniy of nrdr, n Hi fourth AO mlay nl L -I......., idii.tf IIia -.?lli .tu of aj.t.1 inulilli. . It: 1st ibe nceoiinl Of Ahauhum lliiibeebrr I '"V!''"'"'''?.' in ij Daniel W itmer. Kxecniora f ilie l. it will at li-alaineut of Jacob Urot'eeker ilec'd Vnd Tho avcouul of Si.i.i.oi II . VI miniatratris nf lbe tiuie ot 8uiuio-l II n i- dee'd. . 8rd Toe nccmint of fieor" J. Pclmel (liiurJiun of William F. Kmi-ti a Mm." child of Mary J. Hon-li, dee d. -tilt Tb auci.nni of Joto-pli iniili and John V. l'lli, i:scutor of the bii will and leaianiiini of Jacob J. siniili .l-c d Oih The r.rCKiiul of tfiwnn Krrp Admin inlrulor ef Ilie bainir of llmrjf Kirpa ilci-'d 8. B. urtltCK, Keg r A Iteo'r. January '.'II, lt7. Rnvell tt Co.'$ Adrertitnmriilt. WATCHES, Th nutv nie Jjf tha watehae Str tb laat flrtn vrt hv Railway Condaatprtj J:o(t ncaraand Klrinin, th taott saftiaC of walehmakar, hM thoMaahlv damonatralo th trmsth, leartlnan, darahllliy and aacaraey of tha Waltnaia Wat eh. To vatiffy that tau tn all th rapot, I t deol.l tb 4ttB to tha real vala uribeM tlma tert. .J, ' Sior than tuo.000 ol thtaa watch sr Sow paaklng for thmalr In th pneketaof U Pi.l proof and guarant el their iuprl .olly oyer all othera. . Thuprt.ironranlstlna and great i tan tor tb Cnmoanv'i Wnrk at Walthm, otile then to piwloc watehaaat a brio erhlohren dr ninpltliin futile, ndthnetwbn bajr n ol her watnhM mrif p-if from tt to M par oeut mto for their watch then I noceaiary. . , 1 bre tlm ptee eombln cvrry Imprnve meit that a Inn; prtnchn pravwt of real Inimical ua Havlna had Ih refu-al of near Ir erery Invention In wateh utaklna orlilnatlna In tlila country or In Camp, only th nwr finally adopd which avr ttln by th mort akliruli artltant la our work", and Inns ut on th part of th paMIc, demon -trale.1 to be ntlal to eornat and aJurliit ttia keep Ins. A mans Ih many Improvemont w would Z)v,y rf (Vs. .ldVrtrmnr. A6ET W.WED-tS?" A MONTH ) hTth AMKUirw KMTTINO MA I'HI E W., BOsTOV, MASS)., or Be. LOUIS MO. D2-4w JEll UBEBA Agents. Male & Female. For faat eelllnf popular subaoriptloa Booka. Extra Indurtmrnlt to Agnll. In formation free. Addrraa American Book Co., HI Witliani Street N. Y. $10 Made From SOCtsl Momsihtng uirnity needed by everybody ' fall and aer or Vi aamplra sent (postags paid) br Mi eta. llist ri ill eaaily for $10. It. I. Wolcott HI Chatham 3iuars, M.Y. .WrKli -AOKN'TS. (820 per ria) to aell the relel.rated HOME SHUT ri.Ksf WINO Maiiii NF. Ha Ih nndr lee.l, tnakea th "look .llieh" (llk on both niei.) and la fully lloameil. The heat and cheap Mi lamily -ln Machine In th market. Ad ilrea JoHaa-ta, Ii ana. a t.n , Boetun, Maa. t Pittibura, Fa., I hloago, 111., or M LouU, Ua, jKVA.IV Oiil ISoulc lnterprtne W eontinu to aenl a valuahl sift with tvrry hook bought of ua. Tbonasnds will tratity lo our promptness snd fairnaas. Give us a trial. Write lor a eaisloiru. enl free. Addrraa I). ,M. Evas & Co., Ill Markrl Sired, Philadelphia Fa. Committee Account NOTIt.'l.. Noihe is hereby o-'Vci thai lbe account of MOKS MT.I'IIT com niittee ol llio prrvnii and Kaiaicnf (ieot(te Fsbl, a l.nnnllc of Heaver lownaliip. Hnv. di-r couti'y, I'enn'. bsa hern " lbs 1'rolhoiiot.ir nf Ibv eame '! rn-' the Invention and n-a nf a eentreplnlnn ol mcilliar rofialrio-tlon, to prevent il lin iie to III. tr.On l-v It.e ore . k:iuet in.iln riprititra, -a orl ln.il with the Amt'ii.-in VVnti-h t'liii.pn.y. viho, Invlna hn the r.:u-l i.f al ail oilier cnurlvan . a.i. 'lr.l l.'uu t pairnt plulon aailns'liv bfi h oil r.iHltle-a. h ii.li'iie.l ai..l tempe'eil hair aprlnira new n nlverrallv n lmllle I bv M trli mkr to ! Ho iical. are ureo in ao ariinr ni tvaiuiiin wniruce All eiilll H ati-hea h.iva ililrt j.r.Kil .p.. nrfiierili.iriheinoven.ent tr ni durt, hii.I l--en the neiei.iy i.f .he lriiut vlenulllK nee iry tn other rali-tic'. loir n-- p.itit airin ln.lcr,nr koylaa watl alret.l. a .t--t-" -u..-e--. .in. I a ueat tin iirovemeiit nn any .lent elmtlnK watt-li In tho Aineili-iti eiHiiet. an. I by lur the i-lie:i,e-t waii-h nf Ha ou-iiiu n-.w i.tere.l to the i.iii.ll- lottii.e llviini In p-ollonr of i.l th I iilifil Matra where aatibuiikera do no aiMoiml. wai.-lie wtih I'. airiive mentioned nnprov inehle whi.'h li-n.t to enxure a.-i-ururv. rlu.ioll nee, iliiri.llliy und cunvenleiic, tuuit pmi Invaluable. 1 beiia.1i mirka nl thevrluua at la mail by lb t:uiniiiiy pre ar .uoifi : Awaairain Watch i:o . Waltham, Ml. Aws. W ATI' h l'" Wal'ham, Mara. AaKRii ak Witih lo .l iwcim St , Walt bam ,1laia. A ALi Wa ch I'o., Walthain, Ma. Arr.KTii 1 narv k I'n., Woltlum iMnta A wvnii-AB Watch Co., AUama !., Walt hum Simii. H s. llasriSTT. Walthain Man. v m K. i . riv, Wnlth.un, .Mima. HnHK IV a ii-ii i'n. linatan Slaaa. l:i ii.,l. e il.a Mllh.a ilihei-e ii tmeiearefullv iiei .re huvlon. aiiv vrl nl'ju even of a .Insl Iviier, It.ilicate. eonnierlelt. t or n il hv all lea.llRK iewllera. No wateh retailed hy Ilie t i n . any. vn lilu.trnil hl-t irv ot witjli miklnK. eon tiilnlnv much uelul Information tu watch "itr!r- enl lo auy adilirir un application. l'.illllllNS k Al'HI.F.TON. Orneral Auenia f .r Anierlcain Watch Co., Ibi Ukoadwav, flew teas. UKNKUA Ij A'-KNTS VAT:D fnr a'twahTai'ii rileiil itlng mnctilnt. nplJ, simuiit. ifjllitljie, nfti'iitaj. t-st-ilt upajr-ited. tlivit rtinl itv.intlMiI. iu I'n lntiiiiitnauU4t ttJ liiliii or -niitrnftlo'i", t tkliiH frni oil f t'l'luiiifH" nl liiturr" at u tltn. ont ryluK ftiid tmr- mIiiic tlitiWd ttjii-i, bunir0-f,tu.t witUuut tli Icii-i Utiiu-itit o'i iKe iirf it th oiT.il r. Ad- ire-n. Z.tLtLt;K MO IKUY, l'a.laJlihltt. I'UliU'-st, PRBJO TO'!. 7"' Mnd .....mMOW rue T5rtrTr poiiiaofournw "WAJhi llloairaiad Tain- -tiiiiptiue lllii-iirniinna io any Honk Aj-ut, Ire.- nl eliure A.l.lrras NATIONAL i iiiio Co. riiiln'lelpliia, Pa. "WONDERS OF THE WORLD." tiviss nsr. Titoi avsn ihi htbations. Tha lariceat, brat crlling. and moat atlractivs iibecii.lion li.)uk ever published. Olio riUHi'l in Hi'uver, Ci.lorii'lo, sold 100 rnpiea hi lour 'lu. (tua npcnl in Milwaiiklr sold (0 r..rii' in I dny, and lareo number frniu I'll to ;)ll cupiea per i . y. Sitnl for cir- iinliira niih lerniH at incf A.luress L', c. I'l Ill.lSII'.NiJ CO., 411 room St., N. Y. Tbe beaiieat DO in In r of tl inUiuve is Sn.itb fn m Pliilsilt Hi weight is about 300. Mia Alice Ctrey. the snt'inreea 1 .lied in New York, on tbe 12lh. io tbe f . ' "v "if 50;h ) ear of her hi. Tbe hotel at Port M.nibl, C'eolre Co., wa banted, last bstuider morn ing. A Xw Torker w lnlrm-l jo-t l elnre his marrlaie that bisl rtale IihI fallen loir to 130 .f-00, but - be let the ceremony jo on jnt a before. Three Virginia buus were buried Troe to his base oature. Jtrrr wea ooder a bajstack and reniuiiie'I there I a . a tL. .... ..il.-i. acsreely kicked ont Of Ihe Ca'daet "r ''re " n' . rr.n iir umil he auain emercea at U.e bead of P'W eoanteiieoee wtjett reieuaeu I ibbv in the Alts Vla viHianr. and the t'horpmnin claim. The I2.000 wrested frmn bts misaerable and - do-M-0'tant client areni t hae sharpen ej his bonk for o-reutrr plunder. lie bus steiidily worked up the Cborpen iin; eluim. and at last hy a disgruce ful trick can-ed a esrefulty Worded reroluti o lo l p.aeed, fit th hurry f th last lioura of tb Maaion of Cofl-rea-i. umler whh the ?tmiter G- iii-ral had n drcrrtiun, scouring an swum! t lit) 000 CO Hero at lust was th lull fruition of bis lous Irit-k- err. " bis lenoir eretd. Is ure ol' bis swac," be look his whole f'u'uily io WaahioBton to pass lie uy seaeou, al b ntoat xpeusive hotel in that luoel eKpensive city at Chorpenninu's r i peose, wbea In! C'airres promptly interposes a burriur belwseo bim and Mr. Fplnoer's suoan Los ) and Mr Jerry ttaeak most either dis-toryo from bla owe foully filled wallet, or ko Dome until another robbery ran be oernetrsted end aoother trick, l ot UpBuly it must be by another Ci b rreae. Tbia fcpt Jerry and thai )ffctu4yllr alau biut out. What a M4aeU fkia is for so Ki-8opriu J lift of eat State I Fur an et mm tafff ev-i Utwbaiia' Caliaot t . A Miwossota eehowl teacher, wbo hipbel one ul hi 'pupils? iivaily to deal h. ba left thst pari ol ' tlie coun try by rail Tbe rail was a tluee-uor-ored cue. , ' .'. ' 11, : From r raoc we hare a painful rumor of tbe horrible eliipwrei k of traiisiMM-t with twelve hundred and filly soldiers ou board, all of wLvm are uppoeeu to bo lust. ' " , ' The Certnan at Indiadsiiolia re- joiccd over tb fall of Paris by mskiuv irette! thut t Urge qouu1i in lued 100 iue. It took a barrel of fl 0" uud over 100 pounds of salt to make i bat pretzel. The population of Pennsylvania Is about aqual lo that of lbe thirteen' Mate ol Connect Icult, Alksosus, West Virit'mia, Minnrwoi, Kaasa, Veravout. New Hampshire, Ubotje 1s- aud, Florida. Usiesrare, fisbrseka, Ortgou and Nevada. Aa iahabiiaut . of Arisona City, Aritoos, recently eeot Treasurer Hp iter a but of on dollar in a very a itent letter, in wbuib be eottvd to ha vies swindled Ma eooJitry t r tbst autouaj deriag ba !, ".- : tdd that, 1 bare bad W Miri-he-l and lalt tl. law tn luMolon of l.aolal Hare, f Franklin tnwnaktp, all oeraoni ar hereby aelt.xleO not to iBlerfere wnk onr In any war eoVtl wilk tbeaaaie, vu: line "Vive, i muea, t tireik etove. I.arj and kettle, a ( n of aau.age, Mmm.1. I Cuw, I I 'all, I Wa.iD, bora aear, 1 )ay i.are, I liuaav. I uiliv(..r, farrow, I Wheelbarrow I Me, on hall lutereet In a Hux.a.JU.ill.rr , . r- ji .ti r. m rw i i i r.oeai . Hr.Nfii ZLCtiMAN. Jaanary IS, ISIt. " h ol'tert and beat eondurted Mrreantlle Col ua la lbe Country. For clrcul.ia, write to P lil t- F k -civ-.. Hlitabonrh I'a llAH-ia-i KoiTina or UUI k'i HOOK JIN1t lull no. 'I'll moat onjlorhriplve '.oubllrkeil. t.'ontulua Katluaal hank, kail kplUK a ). ... i hi " UJVCI-.13 .IOHIPH TRUNK FULL OF .FUN. A Poriloll or flnt-clat. Wtt and Humor. nStelnlnc th Mleheet Domical e. tor la. Cruel ..Hi. Mil iplltllna- Jokee Hnmr o. Poetry, ualot farudl, barleequ Mernion., New Co. ndruaiaanil Mirth ProvokliiK Mche ever .gbll-had lnuraierad with eurloua ruaaiea, mu.ii.'ar4 1 riaka. Keula af Parlor Maale nd neaily al Kuany Kaaravlng. lllualraled Cover. Pr.. lint.. -en hy mall, .taeT paUl, uani oartol Ih th Caltad Hlalee. on r-reUol pries ll)K h FlIZOtKALiO, Paillalire, I as .1 , N. V . Reduction of Prices To COM "KM TO REDUCTION of DUTIES. l.KK.Vf 8WIMJ TO t-'OSSUMMW Tt.v Cit'ttliii up C'lubis. er-Sctid f..r nur New Price I. lit and a Club f.it.n will eccoinpany tt, oonlainlna full dlrc tltnii in.iklntf lurue envlriK lo cuuaumert aud remuiierittlve to club nrganliere. The (Jrfi'tl .interim 'I'm Company, iw t k .1 VKMKY RTRF.ET, P.n BotvAIJ. NEW YORK. bat ate vf A. 0. II AHIINfifcH. deed. LF.TTKRH OF AUMINIr-TIt ATIOS upon tb eaiai of A. U llaaailifer. lair ot eVbnagTO Uovoii(h, i!ced. having hern crauicd lite wioleraiuiMel. all per aoa iudehied I lb eaialc are regueated in aiak payment, sad Iboe baviii ulaiuia again! tbie. will ine.nii il.rin tu JOHN i. II ASMM5F.K, Jaa. SI. 1871. . Adnimielrator. DH S r tela a t a haw to ur kalr.ay.. nuTplBlou Nw tork. S. FITCII 8 I'AMII.Y IM.v S paeea et hy mall free. Teaeh re all i1.oa ill th neixm i akin, Writ WTUUroa-iway, NOTI CEr-The Nnder (T-.el did, tbi. nth day of Jaauary, A. I)., in. parraaM from lee Sella Tkain, I ho fiSme Mm ouda. vlie-Oo .uol led Cow, lee ujta and heautaai one C k laue aa pl. Woo Wliw an Pip. TS C'ktakea, 10 Oaeae, I 1 1 Bute, owe lovaer i tMitasar. tear Mi Maada. Caara, tkree Vlxegar HarraUi nii lett u.e .a u.e la poeeeweaua wt I aaa laaualU Tbe-u. an ueraby warsa tha jm Wle not to lularli a with Ihoaaai. StSSV M kMNAkU, We.kis.tv tywtublrs Jssaxy W, l7t. EjUU sfMABT p. t!KVltt,'U-4. LETTERS TF.8TAMF.KTART upoa lb. et St f Nary C. Ueeker del d . tale nf UelinegrAy liuroosb. ttnydrr Coaaly. Fa..liavias brra f ranted I tbe wndaesinrd all pereoo ladat'lsd le lb said ! ar rqsrird le etake payeiaul, aai lboe bs ittf deoiaa Ja syin lb saai le prreenl ikoi wlibn.il 4ly - - . OKOKtiKtuiUal'BB. EiMuitr.' Jaaoarf, le7. ( . , Melf JOHaT J. KLINE, . - T KTTER" TK8TA MENTAltV on ASWttMSatal of JOHN J K LISIK laUAf avr tiiwoaktii, See', havlae lieea aranles t i a-Srelae. t uaraoee haowlu; thwuealve - -m4 W la e.tei aro leqaeaTed louake aa turn bAviaf cIsums SM.at tha I W.AI WW. MM! : 'T tCMM ," ' i )tr. BL00MIM.T0X (ILL.) MkskUt. ltli Year. Sou Acre. U 0'enu'iu. I-ar-..1 a...miiiai.i-aII alia.. Halt Htoi:k t l-ow Prio I wnuiii you aoow enn, wuan, " Plautlvrui' rbaoe rvofareea .'" iktu. H..iiif,vi (u.hh LiMioa Annie ra. I t.arl fiitato., -niao noea and eardan plante, kl. he. fLowta A0 t lAUI fc afcU-I Fill!, Ilal C"lla. Hon -"'la au.l ..ialHr . Hea l W . iit lor ISew. Illuitraieu iollHlve i:lalOHue iw C4a- pi.. i.iwi. ihi-l. for t a 11., u ie- ot eevila with ulaln u ne lUo.. i at ueaai i lieddlua and aar.lau plaiita SSMa,aal W holeeel Pile I. l.t St paS'l AOrfieae F. C- PUOfcMX Uloouiluslou, 111 W AVaaa, k. aM l UlK H.IHISI .-laiioe, eiviuuenee, an Ora-au ml iS t-li akr., ineludihS VMr.', at iraiMy low prl.j ivr n. aa- will tewe wava .i .i Carbolic Tablets. I'repmrJ by hK. W 1.1.3, Thle moat Imimrtant dl."ory of a thl. wnn.lertul Haollnuaad Cleao.lna axenl for all dlaeaara nr weakneae ol th H.M lialory or aana, Hor Ttiroati Nuddcn Cntd, Hoar.nou, Oatarrh, Aillima, Iiryneri of Hi Throat or w tnilpip flteoa.ee n i ine i.iinaa anu iwr an ir ttatlou ul the ajucuou. membrsn. All voeall.t an. puhllc apeakera who .peak and alas without effort, una thorn. Tablet, their otleot In olenitis-1 he voire la .Imply mtonUalBg a can be ahown by nuuierou oerii&catu. Dr. WELLS' CARBOLIC TA I1LET3 act dlraotly nn tha raaeimua mamhrane J .hnul.l be ,.r..uiitly and Ireely taken In all el poureor vioioni cnanif oi weaioer, e in e.Ullie the i Irnulatlon of the lllund and warn on an lanutnnj w ewiua nu mu wiia-culllel- The proprlatore would .ay, all Aral nlaaa md Icluee have llielr luilUlloiia, end they would. CAL'TIOS the putilio nffainat impo.llio hy having oihar medicine thrum upon i haul In pie nr tneee a.lnjiml.lM latuaia. JQ KLi.ooo,4 Piatt .traet.N T.,nlant Kuld by uruagi.ta. rnc i eenw a vus. . A Great Offer, "v midway"" will oT."e vlToJtai .lril .'lamia, Sl-Uaienl r lu.Jhla aa.inlh Sofia Monthly rqaana.ly laieUllaaaeU. ' v'. W will letart aa sdvrtiimni 1 ONU MONTH ' la sa baaerad aa Blty-ttv flral olaa rrunaylvHMla lbetVMiirB, lastadlsg Rtovae DslilM. W refer io Hi pebll-her of thii kspr, to wuwst oar raivaioiiiiy wan ...wa... Iit'Hnt 1Vm.'- Ad7M OW. P. WOWMI.L, fc CO, ' Aovaaviaiao suaara, os 40 V 41 i'ark Wow, Waw Tork MKN WOMKN, HOY an (IMM wbeeaaaa la ear aew ou.Ohw. aiak Irom to et'i a-r as la luelr owe o line, rail teriiueleM a4 to. , irwMli at era by I. j 't koee la a tut OinsUlf. ianraaaaeiii, p'oniaoie we, vmoiov ao-" - i a. UioifiJit,01 a4 Ci e r SWla.. r rs. 8 O'CLOCK. PJS-4W THIMIHNOHI'Mlil'tll , u m Hy .endlns UeenU wtlh ag. height. nlor nr eyea ano i.air. you win iw,.,.. by return n ail, a correal picture ol your tutor huii.aml or wife, wlih nam and date or war- ilu,.. A.lilrai. vv. I lA, r. o. IH...I A., i Faliouvlll. N. Y. 'Ilita IInrl! Comb. will el.anua any enlorad hair or beard to a per manent blaek nr brae.. It llnulalii. nn lailai.n nee nmb .enl by mall lor tl. Injali.ra tui.ille at rwdaeeit rata. Audio.. Wm. Fallou, itK. Sprluaftelil, llaM, . i . i WtbatOT0 SACRED II Y 8 T E R Y ' SVuiT L Th raadMI an mail aoualar BW hahk ut. ni ajniwlar t narb niu.ireiiunei eisatr i tn otkertMiok Ilk ll-anr. ailing half igliia.elltlSIr ek wilt and Pso'i hvowa eil-lMprllss Hlh'. F'tv tara) liMueeo.eai. sdata.- rf4 f ' f slraulari I WoKTMtsuroa 1'i avia fcOu, Usu(ut4, uos. t r " rv I ) tors- th". 1 (m I VM. --mi la li., el is a rt'ita v -l TRk. i fa ktaV-A ' I a'l ptirl ret.' J wtih .t a T , w" oi Ut' . i. a iiaaiMM A in Knhsr.-.. ff Nf Tk-NL.J. ra-w-v I '- - -a . IT TiYswwef