The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 23, 1871, Image 2

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    . ' 11 v w u 1 , - j
1 i , .i i.. 1 1 I , , ii , i i "mmZm """ ill'llll'VwirTT l.lii'nui nlliWIillllHi IMMIH ,111 ifciin . i " 1 " " '"" "
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t itf -f
rutUihlil tmy Thursday Evening br
JKSKXIAH CBOtfSK. rroprlrtor.
Toms of Subscription,
wlilnn cli room tin, erjou tr not pnld
within the veer. Nopaper discontinued
anlil all arrearage! art paid unlets at
Ik option of lb publisher. -
EubBoriptionn outside of tho county
6T Tcraona lifting Mid tulng paper
aouraaseu i otner beoonie (ubacribers,
ad ara liabi for the price of the paper
Mitldk'lmrp, Tn.,
OJri hi proteatlonal services to Ibe pub
Collection and all otbor ) rotVeaionul
kuitneae entrusted to liia tare will receive
prompt altenlion. Jan 8, '07 if
Nelinxgrove Pa.,
Offer hi professional service to tbo bub-
It. All businese entrualed to hie carr
will be promptly attend J lo.
Jan. 17, C7ir
l-'i-cohurg Ta.,
iXTeM hi Profcaaionnl arrvicelo (he pub-
lc. Ail uuainres entruated to faia care
will be promptly attended to.
Jan. 17,C7lf
" Lcwisbtirg P.,
0ffert hi professional service to be pub
lie.' Colieotlon and all oilier l'i option
al business entruated to bit can 111 rt
teivo prompt attention.
Lcwibbtiiv I'n.
Offer tie Professional service to Ibe pub
Ho.' Collection and all other profesaipn
al) busineas entruated to his cure will re
ceive prompt atlenlion. Jon. 8, 'U7tf.
1 M.LINtf, A. II. DILL,
V a (SuercKiiora to .. F. It J. M. Mnn,)
ATTOHNKV8 AT LAW, Lcwiaburg, Pa.
Offer tbeir profcaaional service to tbe
publie. Collection and all otber pro
feaainnal busluees entruated to tbrir care
will reotiva prompt attention. Jan. 3, 'ti7tf
Sclinegrove Pn.,
Offer bl professional service to tbe pub
tlo. Collection and all otber profeapiona
ueincea antruated to bis ear will re
eeiv prompt attention. Office two door
north of tbe Keystone Hotel. Jan 6, '0
Selingrove Va
(Tor bis rrofeaelonal aervicc to tbe
public All buiineas entruated to 1. 1 b
eare will be promptly attended lo. Col
lection mil ilc in all pnrl of the State,
fie can apeak the Knglinh and German
language fluently. OfHce between II all's
and tbo Ton ollice.
MidiUcburg Snyder County Pcnn'a
Office a few door West of tie 1. 0. nn
Mnln atrcet. OnMiltntiiu in I'ligTij-h
anil lie mi in rfurgie. t('..7il
Lewislmrnt I'n..
Offer bia prnfeabiounl a oviceato tlie pub.
lie. All biiaiui'ea entrusted to bis cave
will be promptly attended to.
.Jan. 8. 'C7li
Veraon In need of a good and durnblr
Hewing Machine can bo accommodated nt
reaaomible prices by eulllng on ou Sam
t cl Fai ut, Agvut, fcfdiiiagrove.
Jnn. 21, 'Cf?
Middlclnirg Pn.,
Offer bia profeeiional icrvlcc to tbe cit
izen of Middleburg and vicinity.
March 21, '07
Selinr-grovo Point
Tenn Twp., Snyder Co. Pa
YH, WAGNER, Esq., .
Jackson Township, Snyder Co. Pa.,
Will attend to all bualne entruated to
bia cur and on tbe moat reasonablo
term, March 12, 'OBI
Centreline, Snyder Co., I
Offers bis profeasional
acrvicea to the
Port Trevoiton Va.
Offer bis profeaalonal aervloo to tbe
citiiens of Ibis place and vicinity. 11
peak German uud l.nglinh.
. . April 10, '08
FA. BO YE R, Jr.
Froeburi; Snyder Co. Pa,
Moat reaped fully offer bis acrvicea to
th pulilio a Yendu Crycr and Auction
eer. Having uaa a large experience, l
foal eoulidont that I can render perfect
miaiaction to my swuioyeee.
tJan. 0, '071
BT. PARKS,' : '
OOtM U Court Ueuss, 8epi.lS, '67lf .
N. 322 N.TH IRD S
- ..... t
pRCBANt HOUSE. ; ;r-'7
r - a NlfK,Cljrk.
.$ :Mwrth.TblrdHtrMt.
;;' ' " ,. . , '; ' ; l'Wladelphi -
Uixui it'iaVDKir' ' A.",.
r Uoier, Blank book Ma-oulacturc
Usr' -i It Wrtr-lng, BUstlni, Cur
' 1 " '. eptr i Paoer J! is G
nptiiimro Titir.iinin
'WlflTofcr 'ArraBgomont, Mondaj
Nov VI 187W. , i
c 1
Great Trunk Line from lb North and
North weat for Philadelphia, New York
Reading, l'olteville. Tamaqua, Aablnnd,
Skaiuokin, Ibanon, Allenlown, Eaaton,
frhrnla. Lltit. Lanoaster, Columbia &o
Train loav llrrlsburg for New York, aa
follow i at 8.10. H.l'J, a. m.
and 2.60 P. m.. aouneoting with similar
train on lbs the 1'ennaylvania Railroad,
and arriving at New lork. at 10. 1U a. m
8.60, 6.60 and 10,00 p. m., reapectively.
Sleeping ears accompany tho 3.10 a in.,
train, without ebango.
Reluming t Leave New York at 0,00am,
12,00 Noon, and 6,00 pm. Philadelphia at
8,1 3 a m and 8,ao p s ; Sleeping oars ac
ompany tbe 6.00 p m trains from
New lork, without eliange.
Leave llairinburg for Reading, Pottsville
Tnmaqua, Minernville, Aahland, Hhamokin,
Allontown and Pblladslpbla, at
8,10 a m, 2,r0 and 4.05 p ni, Hopping at
Lebanon nud principal woyatntisn: the
1,05 p m train connecting for Philadelphia,
I'oilaville and Columbia only. For 1'olta-
ville, tfcbnylkill llavcn ' and Auburn, via
Schuylkill and Buaquehanna Railroad,
Leave Uarriahurg at 8,40 p tu.
Jbaat Pcneylvnnla Hailroail train leave
Reading for Allenlown,' Eaaton and New
York at 6.U0, tO.flOa.m., li.i-i noon, & 4.45
p.m. Hctiiinig, le'tve New York nt U.OO a.
ui., 12.00noon'and 5.(10 p. ni. and Allen
town at 7.20 a.m. 12.26 Noon 2 50 4.20 and
8.4'j n, m.
Way paaacnger train leaves Pbiladclpliin
V. 7,:;0 a m. counceting with similar train
on Ea,t l'enna. Rullroud, returning from
Keau'ng at 0,20 p m, itopplng at all atatlona
Leavo Pottavillo at O.tiO o, in,, and
3,10 p. m.; Ilcrndon at '10,16 am; Sha
mokin at 5,40 and 1 1,20 a. m. Aahland at
7,05 a m, and 12,60 noon, Mahanoy City
at 7.61 a. m.-nnil 1.8j p. m., Tamiua at
M.33 a in, snd.2,40 p m for Philadelphia
Now York, Ilea liug, Ilarrislmrg, &o.
Leave roltavulo. via ScbuylKiti ana fins-
quchnnna U 11 nt B,16 a m for llurriahurp,
and 12.03 noon for l'incgrovsand Tremont.
Keailins Accomtnouation train: . Lcavea
Fotiavillo nt 6,40 a m, piasea Reading at
7.80 a m, arriving at Philadelphia at 10,20
a, m. Returning, leave Philadelphia at
4.46 p in, pnaaing Rending nt 7.2i p u,
arriving nt Pottsville at '.',10 p nt.
l utirtlown Accotnmodiition lrnin I.eavca
Pnttaiown nt 7,00 a tn, returning leaves
Philndilphin nt 4,00 p in.
Ci'lmntiiu KnilDii t 1 rains Iciive l.cnaing
at 7.2(1 a m. nnd 0,15 n in for Krtitaia,
Litiz, LHiicuater, Columbia, i .
Pcrkiuiiien RaiHoinl Trninn leavo Perki-
omen Junction at 7.4, 0,05 a m, H,tM, end
6,:I0 p m: roturulng Uavo Hchwvtiktvillc at
7.00 nnd 8.20 a. in, 12.C0 No.n, and ,W
p tn, eontwctliii! wiiti timilnr trains on
Rending Rnilr'ind.
tolcbr inkilme Kailroad Irainsleavn Pott.H
t' TTn ot f, 0 n ni. nnd 0,20 p nr, returning
leave Mnuitt PltuMiiit ut 7,00 and 11,25
a ni, connecting with aimiliu' trains on
Reading railroad,
Cherlcr Vi.Iky Railroad Iruina leave
Eiidt port at n in, and '!,I5 uud 6.02
p in, returning, leave Dou ningtown at 6,65
a ni, 12.15 uoon nud 5,15 p in, connecting
Willi nimilnr Irainn on Rc iding railroad.
On Kmidiiya : Leave Now York at 5,00
p tn, PliiliuK-lphif. K,00 a ui uuil :l, 10 p tn,
the H.oo a ni train mnniufr only to Reading;
leave I'otlsvillo H,0t) a tu: ilnrriaburg 3,10 a
ut nud 1.05 p iu, leavo Allentowu at 8.45
p. m. nn ) mi l 8. 13 p. m. ; leave Rending
ut 7,15 a m, nnd o,o5 p m for HnniHburg
at 5. (10 a m for New York, nn I 1', 10 a. m.
and 4.25 p ui fur l'liiUdclpbiu,
Commutation, Mileage, Season, School
nnd excuraion tickets, to and from allpoiula
nt reduced ratea.
Ra?gn(re checked '.lirongb ; 100 ponn'ls
allowed each passenger.
0. A. N1COM.S,
tlrnrrtil 8ujcrmttntent.
Reading, Nov. 21, le70.
N'os. 811 k St t Market Street, '
i'Rori(Tosa. !'.
tnmi t3 00 Per Day,
IlT TUnmt'MAnrH.T) T) . mrtinr nf (
Ur "NlKlit Heenea.o Thla muter In thouiihl
and lanuauir ahwa na untold rlohe and beaa.
ttaa In tlia Uieat Houne, with iu BlooniinK How
era, Sioirlnii l.irUJ, Wavln pdlma, Holllna
olouila, lleaulllul bow, haored mountain!, Hi
,,, ., mivuijr mini, tnunuerinif vta
cea lilailnv heavena and vant uoivera wllb
eountltwe beiniia la uilllionaer woilda, andraada
to aa in each tn Unwritten Word. Hum tlatad
pier, ornst omovlnm and auperb blmllnK.
"Kieb anil varied in thouirht." -(. baate " "Kuv
and Kraoelul in atyls." "Ourreot, pure elevslinir
In It Un.leney." "lleaulllul ami kokI." "A
houkehpld treaiure." i!umiiifjn,ltinnc Hira th
above from Hollene VreM.lunU ant frofeiiaari,
Diinlaaera of all Ueanuilaallonai an.llie rallvloua
and aau ular preaa all uv.r the oountry. ta freah.
note, uurllr nl UiiKusge, wlib oler opn t
nnevfooleiiKravluic. aiilMUntlal blnOiaic, '
low lrl(.'mukelttkobovklorlJieiuiuea. Ai
ara nolllnu Irom Kto Ibo .er week.
We want Clerirvioen. Sclinnl liacun mart
younK nion alid ladlea to Intrndure the wurk lur
u in every lownaiup.snd we will ry lllxirally.
No IntelltKont man or woman need be wilbout a
paying: buflneoa.
send lur circular, tall deaerlptoon and terms.
Z1EULEB fc McCl'RDY. IS SI. ath Rt, Phlla
l: u Hai-artt din. o
mi tinnro Ml. ('lit
60S N. eth Kt. I.oula
oei i. am or IW Main it KprlnKMeld. alaaa,
Maker,- -
Market BU MldJleburg V
TTAVINO loealed ta this nlaoe I would
11 respectfully Inform tbe oiliaens T
Middleburc and vlclnily that I ara
to repair CLOCKS AND
and expeditloualy.' The patronage of the
and expeJiUoualy. Tbe patn
publie Is respeotfullv solicit!
. . , , ' - w, on
Mlddlebnrg , Nov. 24 1809.
. , MANUFACTORY.' ', .
Ware Boom and Store on Tine Street,
' ,' foiory on 6nvJer Street, ;
Belinagrove, la. '
If von want to hear and aee Bae toaad and
baaafiial Orsaaa aud Melodeona eail at our
Ware ruem aoa Htor. We ua niue bat tbe
beet MUrlel la BtaklBS Inetruaianta. Try on
taaua aa you will u aaaiaaM,
Kmrf iMUaweat la wariAated fhr nvs yaara.
t. , A -at and annulare ot tbe UoaueL
ire iav.wd to stirreaMud wlib aa aad aasd lr
prioe Uat. Ws are acaala lof In
i beat Hew
Vuliaa and Aeeordaoaa iroia S3 U SI, trtatla
Striae, SbMt Mast, Iciaxe I ragaea, ., fa.,
ai - on lwad.
a - U4 Aeeorateu eerreeti taaee asd
re 4. . . -
c .vi,sraMrs by letter
OOt 'lOCt
Nsy, apeak no ill ; a kindly word
Can never leave sting behind ;
And ob, to breath each tale we've heard
Is far beneath a noble wind ;
For oft a better eed I sown
By chnalng thus kinder plan ;
For if bnl little good we've known,
Let' (peak of all tbe good we can.
Olve me the bearl that fain would hide,
Would fain another' fault efface.
How can it pleaee our human pride
To prove humanity but baao ?
No, let it reioh a higher mode,
A nobler eatiruat of mnn ;
Oe earncat In the aearch of good.
And apeak of all the beat w can.
Then apeak no ill, but lenient be
To other's feeling aa vour own t
If you're tbe first a fault loses,
lie not Aral lo make It known.
For life ie but a pausing flood
No lip can tell how brief the stay ;
Do earnest in the search for good i
And speak of all the beat we may.
Prom Saturday Nighl,
Uoclo Tom w taking off his over.
coat, by tho blazing fire in tbe sitting
room, rod Hotty's motber was hel
ping biiu, and making a great fu8 o-
rcr him ; so Hetty wont into tho
kitchen, and buxiod nornelf in dialling
tbo hot 8nu$age9, and flaky biscuits
and (intrant ten, and pulling thorn
on tho table LoiiJo tho bright green
picklua, goklon honey ami erituaon
jolly, whioh wero already watiting to
furnish tho wenry trawler a suppor.'
It struck Unci Tom, whllo they
sot nt tho table, that thoro war a
gtnvo turn to tho cornori of bia fa
vorito Hetty's rod mouth, and a sad
loook in her syoi, which wero not
thcro at liia but visit, and he missed
her bright, joyoua ways,' exceedingly.
And after supper he noticed that,
whilo they all chatted bo merrily,
Ilt-t ty sut silently knitting and gnz
:n ihDhtfu!ly into the tiro. Now
L' ntlo Tom loved Ifclly so much that
he eoul l not be very fl ippy bimscll
whi!o nho was sod, 60 his iir.:t thouLt
to find out the trouble, that ho
mi-ht apply tho romerly.
He said nothing that oight, but
the next morniug ho was standing n
lono by the sitting-room firo when
Hetty nrept the hoarth, and as she
finishsd, ho put hh hand under hor
dimplod chin, nnd raUiog her Nwect
fa"0 ftuid, kindly :
"''fit, is llio uiatler with
oew oalf the diflleulty.
Later la the evening Wallace Cur
tis camo la, and then unele saw tbe
liphtootuo to Hetty's eves, and iho
bloom to her cheeks, spits of the half
frightened (,'taco he caBt at hir
mother. He glsocod at his sister too,
and saw that sho sat upright as a
post as etero and erim ns she al
ways looked when sho was awfully
displeased ; so bo concluded ha knew
the other half too. . .
He saw fletty jerk hr hand away
from Squire Parker, wbort the risi-
tors dipartcd, ond,taadio(j purposely
between bis irate sister and the youn
ger ones, be saw Wallace Curtis take
the same littlo hand and raise it to bis
lips m tbo shadow. .
.And after they were gone, be saw
that Hetty kept the) other little band
olaspod over the one which bad re
oeived tbe carets,' as t if sho would
keep tbe sweet impress, there as long
as aha eonld, ? , . . '.
Uncle Tom ba4 half aa idea (bat
after aba bad shortly dismissed Hetty
to bod, his sister Maria tuoaot to coo-
suit bin rogardiog the afTatra. But
sister Maria knew soft-hearted Uncle
Tom too well for that. Hoaidea, aba
was provoked at him for not telling
her more about bis own iff airs. Many
tlmsa she bad ti iod to find out whoth-
er or not bie business in tbo city was
proaperoos, bat 1 beyond saying "be
made enough to eat and wear," be
weald tell bar irothiokv So, a he
r:ld aot conflde bia affairs to her,
he saw Hint any ogeney lie
bo thronjfli Ilotty toraclf.
Next dsy ho watched for another
chanco to speak with Hetty, and aa
ho stood beside hor nt tho parlor win
dowi Squire Tarkor parsed by. Pee
ing Hetty, ho Dindo a smirking bow
which tho only answered by a cold
nod, and then Uoele Tom aalcod :
" Well, Ilotty, girl, which is it to
bo r
With a look which ahowed tho tin
ileratood him, Hetty pasaionatoly so
awered :
" It hhall . bo old Parker !"
"What is tho objection to young
Cuitm V aakod Uncle Tom.
' llo's poor," re plied Hetty.
" And Sqnit o I'arkcr ia rich, ia he ?"
" Yea ; and fifty years oM, nnd as
ugly oa sin, as you have men your
olf.'' " And mother approves Squiro Tar
kor ?" pursued Uncle Tom.
" Yos, Oh, uncle, what shill I do ?
They have determined that I shill
niarry him at Christmas, and that is
only a week off, What (.hall wo do,
Undo Tom V
" Well perhaps wo will soo what
can be dono," Bnld Undo Tom slow
ly. " Keen quiet, Hetty, nnd if I
can help you, I Will."
Hetty gate him a tbnnkful glance.
for her mother coming In, sho darol
do no moro. lut she niched ns sho
thought that only money could help
bor, and Unelo Tom probably had
notie to apare.
Uuelo Tom's sympathy did not, in-
deed, seem likely to do much g.iod,
for tho day before Christmas came.
nod he had never even said another
word lo Hetty,- .Early in tho tuorn.
In uuelo went over tj llm villain
lie met Wulluce Curtis, nnd told him
that Hotly wanted him to eomo out
io tho nfiornoon and tako her sleigh
riding. Walluce looked very much snrpri:;.
ed, for Hetty hud never tnndo sueli a
i i quojt of him before ; but he prom
ised lo cotno, and then Unelo Tom
weut homo.
At three o'clock, accordingly, tin
diuvo Wul.ucc, in a Lutidnumo sluigh,
with two stroni? boy horses. Hetty
oould not (jiiito conceal hor surprise,
at which Wallace looked .much puz
zled, Lmtonlv rcneatod his invitation
to go out ridin;'.
Hotty gave n startled glunca at her!
mother. That Iu ly promptly rpoke up.
"Hetty connot yo out this after
on." lloth tho young folki' ciunlcnancc?
'I, but Uncle Tom put in a word :
Oh, yes ; let her go, Marin. I
.uld liko to go with them myself."
" Vciy well, if yon po, I havo no
jjoolions," suid Hetty's mother.
And Hetty said : "I daro say wc
mnko room for three."
id Wallaeo thus urged, could
nelp saying : "Thoio nro two
im my sleigh," though ho did
k very woll pleased with tho
on your prettiest d ma,'' whis-
nclo Tom, as Ilotty passed
poing to dress ; and Hetty
ifly yet willingly obeyed,
a tkey diove off, Uoclo Tom
.tetty occupied the back scat, and
Wallace tho front, at which sister
Maria looked well pleased.
Hut hor expression would hare
changod had she seeo them just after
they left the town, for then Undo Tom
said :
"Mr. Curtis, I havo a fancy for try.
ing your team. I can handlo n horse
if I km a city time. IMcase change
scats, won't you V '
Wallace, nothing loth,' immediately
d)d so, looking very tuuch delighted
with tho change. It was astonishing
to see how deeply Undo Tom instant
ly became absorbed ia those horses,
sad as for the lovers, they really were
so absorbed la each other that they
did not evon notice, which way Unolo
Tom was driving, until ho stopped at
t lame white gate, loading up a snowy
lane to a pretty farm-bouto.
Then Hetty asked : ' ' ; ,
" Why, Uncle Tom, where aro you
' " Going to take yon in here to see
little place I bought to-day," answer
ed Unelo Tom, springing out, and
throwing Curt Is tho lines to drive thro
the gats., t ,
" Wby, this is rrestoa'iplaoo !''s-
olaimed Wallace.
ii 'Xwai. Its mine now. I bought
it to-dsjr,n replied Uoclo Tom, with a
inllo ' . . . . .
"Aod Wallace ancyiotty both sigh-
ed, aad said nothing. , .
Tbey saw ire blaaing through tho
windows of tbe pretty faraa bouse as
th ijdrote op; Uoele Toetfiaktened
y.,j-, - ) v rii Jto a'
easy, bright parlor, through a cheerful
sitting room, , and out- into great
cheerful kitchen, where'tlio kettle wan
humming away oit - tho htdng
slovo, tho tables spread" for suppor,
and a smiling maid in readiness to re
ceive them,
"This is Mr. Curtis nnd his wife,
Mollie,'' said Uncle Tom, at which tho
girl courfoie l prettily, nnd Wallace
and Hetty bliudicd, w hile ZAttv aid :
Why, unci!"
"Well, if you are not, yon soon
will he,'' siid Uatlo Tom; 'Tor the
parson will bo here iu t'"u minutes.
They aro determined tip at home to
make you marry fvpiiro Parker to
morrow, and tho only way I know
of to prevent it is to havo you marry
Wallace CurtiB to-day. Jit Won't
object, I'll bo bound."
" That I won't spoko up Wallace
And otty, through her crimson
blutthes, made out to nk :
" But is this really your place,
Uncle Tern ?"
" Xo ; It's yours," said Undo Turn,
miling. '
" Ours !'' tried licit j and Wallace,
in a breath.
" Yours My Christmas present to
you,- said I uele Tom.
" Uat I Mwuuht mother thought
yod rvcro not rich,' stammered
" Well I happen to ho quite nMe to
afford this,'' hnzhod Unelo Toui :
"and, if I choose to make my money
help two young people to bo happy,
whose business ia it ? Cotno etty
choose, ! Wallace to-day, or tho fut
old squire to morrow which is it ?
" Oil, Wullaeo, ceriuiftly !" cried
And that young geutleiuan instant
ly took hor in bin nnns, unl kissel
her, rlht lu foro Urn In Tom.
"Cimo, come.
parson ; so, Wallace, we'll tonka il
fast nud sure, in ten minutes
siid tho good old unelo.
Aud so they did And then uncle
Tom and tho parson stsyed to supper
with them j and Molly, tho smiling
maid, whom Unelo Tom had scut to
the city for, and whose father was
ono of uis own workmen, waited upon
Unelo Tom would not let them go
lack that night, Miying he would ride
in with tho narson, and brmir sister
Mai ia to eo them in the morning,
.j " Mr. Lurtis aud In wile'' took'uunng theo poriodi they aro oft eu
pusserhiun ol their pretty homo at
once, nnd everybody, except fcvitnro
I'urker, was well pleased.
Abd tho lar-t I knew of them, their
beloved Undo Tom was spending
Christmas thcro, nnd trotting tho
yoiingcnt boy on his knee, whilo twe
other children rutuuiaed hM pockets
for candy.
Tun Wav ion a ClkrktoAk-
vaxck.-A clork, whoso letter betrays
a hcartfolt carnoatnoss that cannot bo
assumed, set forth hia conditio and
dosire.i, and sks our advice, no is io
rccoipt of $1,000 salary from a large
mercantile houso doing n good busi
ooii ; he is ia lovo with a young girl
who is willing to marry him whenever
ho says the word, and to bharo with
biin whatever hardship tbero bo ia
bit lot Shall ho marry on - his
present income, or wait for more ?
and if ths latter, what is tho best way
to sec uro such an iucroaso ? Wo an
swer If there aro no circumstances
in his own or the young woman's sit
uation whioh render a spot ly mar
risgo espoolully desirable he will do
well to " bide a boo.'' Thoro is bat
one logimato way for a clerk to sH
oure a largo income, via : to torve b,b
employers with such faithfulness, seal,
rigor and carne-'toess, thut his merits
cannot be overlooked or go unreward
ed. Some employers are more liboral,
and quicker to take a hint than oth
ers, but there is a point wheie the dul
lest will appreciate the services of an
indefatigable clerk, o muy be earn
ing f 2,600 a year bo for o be is raited
to 11,500, but if he places no limit ou
hia labor he will certainly find his re
ward. We know a man who entered
service at $1,000 a year and earned
3,000 for bit employers a the start.
Ho was advanced to $1,200, and thee
to 81,500, then to $1,800, tod so" on op
to (3,000 but his real and success kept
lpog way ahead of this gain In bis
pay, and the day be drew 13,000 be
was really earning at least $10,009 per
annum. , Ho now draws' 93,000 per
annum, besides an iuterest Iu the
bus! nets. Silver begins to show among
his locks, but bo is as untiring and
faithful as ever. It require patieac
to realise tbe effect of. such service,
bat we'uevor knew it ie Hall 1 .tbe
Of those individuals known as ine
briates, or dipsnmsnincs, there are un
fortunately, n number in tho world,
bo'.h men and women. Tho word dip
somaniac, thotmh in popular no.
does not mrreetly express what i
mount to he understood. It ia derived
from the Creek words aik'n;fvini " to
thirst,'' and "mildness Kelptoma
nia signifies mania for theft, and dip
anmanla rhmld -i;rtiify a mnnia fr
thirst, which is ehvi malr tho reverse
of what Is intended. In no scum do
these persous diink bccnuo they m e
thirsty ns ths na'.ivo remnrked, " J
.1a . .1.. .1. J..:.. I. I 1 t n
'f u" iirmtt mr uiiiikpc ; I ariliK lor
drnnkee." A ninro appropriate mine
for them would be that of I'loi hnina
nines, sinco what thoy htronulouslj
desire and restlessly seek is tbo sense,
of intoxication in its various alajc,
and lo scotire this they will swallow
mift anything laudanum, spirits of
wine, tinelure of hemp, etc., provided
it is capable of producing that condi
tion ; they oravo for tho oxcitcmeut
the pleasure which they feol in it, and
above all, for tho train of happy
thought which it acts up.
Theso unfortunates may bo roughly
divided into two classes. First, wo
have tho hobittlal tipplers. TIicko be
ttiu early In tho morning. A man
commences with brandy uulanlawa
tcr, or pn!o ale; a woman with wine,
chloiie ether, lavender drops, otc., and
thoy continuo ut this kind of game
all day. In the morning they experi
ence tremor, depression, and a wretch
ed aciisi tiou ol siuking and exhaustion ;
they revive toward night, uro never
quito sober, and, beforo they go to bed,
lliey ore commonly only one remove
from being holplcs-dy drunk. Toward
the latter part of their lives they bo
couio a prey to various painful discuses,
chiefly hfTeotiugtho liver, kidney nnd
Hloiunch. Sometimes hvnochoudriaais
of a very confirmed chra:lor dedarea
itself; at other times thoy aro attack,
cd by tlalin'um tn'inrn, or bruin dis -
esse, fuicids, or sltempts in si'.,
fide, during tho tho successive d:-
picSMon which ensues after the first
numoil malady uro not uncommon,
The second kind are those individuals
with whom tho dosiio for intoxication
is less a habit or a propensity than a
msdnesj nu 1 a omnia They tire not
Hteady, cotistunt tipplers : they havo
intervals h nj or short of sobriety, aud
i tlio mot amiuble. trienJIy and agree-
ttllo cf moitals ct least wo havo
known such. Presently thoir tiniejter. The Marrinms were exccUeni
cumes end cither from son-e sorrow or; swimmers, and with their comrodes
worry or anxiety, or often without any ! hepan to break ice by oltneinK to It
!Pprant cause ot all, they become si-
lout solitary r.'nd moody for a few
days or boms, and then betake them -
aelvea to haunts which welcomed
them before, and indulgo in frightful
und ineci.ant drunkenness for period
vnrvinr tVnm flvn il)iv tit tbrun wurVa
. .... .- ...... -.....,!
ubnlincnt iu thoir sober intcrvttI-, and
very guarded as to drinking anything
of nn intoxicating nature In general
sooicty. ' Occasionally they aro re
formed, or reform themselves, and we
have know several who, under these
conditions, havo lived to a good old
nj;e. and enjoyed fair health. But
when it is otherwise, their Interludes
of temperance or of abstinonco beccme
shorter ; they suffer more in tho reao
tion after each debauch, and are less
able to struggle against thoir craving
for stimulants. The effect of this is
often to make them shun 'society, and
when this is so tbo downward career
is very rapid. At lalt they lose all
discrimination, and will drink aoy-
1 thing, anywhere, at any timo, oral
any one 8 eipense, if ilooly promises
them tho pleasuro orintoxication.
Ultimately tbey die la a ditch, or
work-house, or an hospital if they are
poor Io a lunntio asylum, if tbey are
better o2T, or perhaps in a prison
Sometimes a man will jump' out of
the window and break bin nook io a
state of delirium tremens, and some
reasoiiers may ssy, " And so best."
As a role, tho greater crimes' mur
der, bloodshed, and violence are not
committod by these persons tbey are
too much absorbed in tbeir own' sensa
tions to pay attention to anything
alee ; aud, to use common expression
they are nobody's , enemy but tbeir
own. Poll Mall (London) C'ateUe.
After a ma rr is go oeromony bad
been performed In oo of the churches
in Adrian, Mica., the bride, when re
ceiving tbo eongratftttoa of ker
lYidoda, abed tear seoeriUeg to the
usual ssstom, at tk e'jht ejf wltk
tbe groom lo!!. Jd salt, aad cr' r
Ir. AnwkU f.itad had sat . '
x.t tJmlei kim be said ks : J '
"i tt r.r t !",- n C") r
One-fourtb column, on year,
One rnare (10 lines) one Inaertioa
Kvery additional Insertion
Profosaipnal and Dnalueaa cards af
. not more than live tinea, per year.
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
and Aaaignea Notices
Editorial notices per line
ah anvertisemeata for a shorter
nan on year ara payable at the lime
they are ordered, ami If not paid tbe per
son ordering them will be keld reasonaibje
for I ha mouev.
Uvtn Homo ot Your Ovru.
Thoro is a sacred duly devolving
upon every man who has shouldoroi
the responsibility of a family It is to
provide them with a homo. And even
ihoeo whj hold tha responsibility in
anticipation should take initiatory stepl
tjwar Is the pe rfarniniico of this duty.
" A homo of our own." This is tho
C Kitiatid aspiration, and a worthy ono
it is, df h'indrc.fs of t oo 1 wives, why
yearly and 1 nil' yearly fcundlo and
go from pro uncouif irtaMo honso io
another. A homo of m't own; with
this Inpe in their hctirls how bravely
they bt:ITt tho wnvoi of euro tha!.
hoie and tbero nt'on
them. Ihvr fondly tin y Ionic to tho
day when, Hire eatnbliahed within thut
home, they rsi B:iy good-byo lo that
Lu'-hfiir. rent day. on 1 :irriiii,:o per
mai.Hiitly within their own door all tho
(ireful mi l tasteful npplianacf 3 of homo
life, nn I train nn tin I its exterior tho
graceful r!ingitv vine
Uvcry man of family should lay aside
monthly from his ineom?, bo il largo
or snmll, a t::ir, no matter how little,
to form a nucleus of tho home fund,
and to lo invested in a piece of land,
it may ho a fraction of a lot with vory
limited improvements, or it may be
vacant, ground, and it' ho Is a good
mcthnnio, a skillful economist, a clover
financier, he will som havo n houo
upon it. nnd ho and hij family will
realiyri frem a lifted cxpi-rience, that
of all tho plea-ant spots on earth not
ono ia l nlf so pleasant as a home of our
A NutiLE SAnuncK. " I Cnnnct
See my Brother I'cribh." A few days
a;ro tho Syracuse, N. Y. SiatvfurJ,
mentioned tho drowning, ut Fulton, of
two Men lam toys, nephews of Major
Thomas Merri.itn. The cuo is a sad
oneiuh'od; but fiom this alilictiotl
: L'leanis the nobleness of human nntnr'
jeven in childhood. ThoWBa-Merriatii
hnya .Willie, aged fouVtcSfl; Aliio '
'aed twelve and t!;rce other bov
juboul their age, Jn tbo afternoon went
to Lake Como li alnto. They vrere'
joined on the way by another tor,
not a mate of their. Thn im aeemnl
Qim along tho lake sho'e, where the
water is thought shallow out eomo
rods. It was about three o'clock,
w hen three of tho boyi parsed in safely
over tho spot, which proved to bo only
j a thin shell
over s spriupy place.
When the Merriam bo;s, and ho who
had joined them lst ran
on to it.
t her wero all nnnninlalort Intn tb ...
: Hut thia was a precarious hope. Their
romrads fastened their tinrets totrcther
and ihrew ene end so that Willia
j could leach it, and ho was haulod out
upon the ice. Just then came from
his littlo brother, who had already
sank twice, " Oh, boys, do not let ma
drown !" Willo cave ono L'hnci and
with tha word', " I cannot let my
brother perish,'' plunged into rescue,
and both sank to rise no more alive.
When help came, thoother boy had
hold of tho lee, but wts sennelss. He
wss, however brought to. The bodies
of the brothors were readily tfcmnd,
cltuped In each other's arms. What
a nolle tacridce I
Make tdi Ussr or Thinim. If all
would dJ this, tho world would be
happier for most of us than it is.
Some- people seem to do everything
in thoir power to make tbo worst in
stead of tho best, of what tbey have.
The difference of conditions in those
wo meet lies in most cues' just here.
It is one thing to earn money, and
another to make tbe best uso of it alter
it is earned.. Good wages or bad
wages make small difference to the
comfort of some homes. The more a
man, who has no idea of thrift or
economy earns, the more he spondd' ,
uselessly. High wages are rather a
hurt than a blessiog to such a tnaa,
for they only increase bW opportuni
ties for self indulgences that confirm
bad habits. . . '. ,', . -. - , ,
Making the best of things is the art .,
of all arts, wiihoat wbioh bo trade, "
profession, or calling will ever injure ,
aaccesa. It 1 the secret of order and '
comfort in oar home. Tbe 'wife who'
makes the bott of everything ber boa
bead's wages, procure, btcomoa the '
blp-noet she piomised fo be ; aad '
tho husband who makes the best of 1
his opportunities, working faithfully, 1
intelligently, aa4 skillfully, and so get
ting for bts family tbe. larjest return
forkieK ooly fT
i tae IK.
Unerhalf eolmnn. oma
t ',
etui. Af, r. Jvurnoi of C -.. I
J. STV Il.
Si?- AV ,