The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 23, 1871, Image 1

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    . .rtsw ir Ttrturn " 'I t " - v . , ; . -- -. , . -
fulUahsJ.1 fvy Thursday XvnlD( by
. JUIXIAH ClOCBI, rroprlrtor.
Tonus of Bnbscrrptlon, '
wlilnn it month, or $2,00 If not paid
within the v. Ifosapev discontinued
nnlil all arrearage ar paid udIms at
IM option or lb nablisner.- ' '
Cabsoriptions outsido of the county
s3 Person lifilr.g and using paper
adJrMd I others beooni ubsortbrs,
ad ar ltabla for tb price af lha paper
J P. CI10NM1LL15K,
MiiMlcbiirfr, Ta.,
C Jsrl hit prolestional services to lb pub
lit. Collection and all other profVasioiial
basin entrusted to bia tare will rreeivt
arvmpl attention. Jan 8, '07 if
Hi-linigrove I'll.,
Offer liia profefMcnnl aortic to tfao pub
1. AH busines entrusted to als eore
will be promptly attended lo.
Jan. 17, 'CM-
Trod u rg Ttt.,
Offers bin Professional service lo the pub
ic. All business entrusted to hi car
will b prompt!; attended to.
Jan. 17, CTlf
' Lowisbnrg Ph.,
Offer bl professional service to be pub
lic. ' Celleotlon and all other l'to'cssion
al business entrusted to hi car ' 11) re
solve prompt attentiou.
Iicwibbtirir l'n.
Offer hi Professional eertic to tCepub
llo. ' Collection and all other profession
all business entrualed to hi car will re
ceive prompt attention. " Jan. 8, 'U7tf.
(Niieoensor to .1. F. J. M. I. Inn,)
ATTOKNKY8 AT LAW, Lewikburg, Tu.
Offer tbeir professional aeretoea to the
publie. Collection and all other pro
fessional business entrusted lo Ibrir rare
will reoeiraprompt attention, f Jan, 3, 'CTtf
ScliriHgrovo ru.,
Offer lit professional services to tbe pub
lic. Collection and all other profesviona
uiiooa otrutel to bi car will re
1t prompt attention. Office two door
north of tb He? Hon Hotel. Jan 6, 'ti
Sclinsgrove Tit
Offrr hi rrofessloiisl services to the
public. All business entrualed lo hie
ear will be promptly attended to. Col
lection miiilc in nil pnrla of the State.
II can iprak Ibc English ond German
language fluently. (Jfiico between Hall's
and the l' oflice.
Middleburg Snyder Cuttnlj' IVnn'a
Pffic a few door Weel of tbe 1'. 0. tin
Main atrcel. Ccnultnlicu iu I'nglMi
slid (.icini li ngnrpie. fc 1 1 . 7 1 )
Lewislmr! Pa.,
Offer bi profctsiounl ecticeto Hie pub.
lie. All biitinve emrueled lo his enre
will b promptly attended lo.
Ian. 3. 'C7H
l'ercona in need of a good and durnMr
Hewing Machine can be nccomnioditrd at
rraeonnMe prices by culling on on
i el Fai bt, Agent, .Sclini'grove.
(Jnn. 21, 'Ch
Middlclmrg Pa.,
Offer bi profesiional service (0 tbe cit
izen of MMdleburg and vicinity.
March 21, 07
Selint-grovo Poiin
Tenn Twp., 8o;dcr Co. P
Jactfion Township, Snyder Co. Pa.,
Will attend lo all buaines tntrusted lo
hi ear and on tb most reasonable
term, March 12, "08 1
Centrevllle, Snyder Co., I
Offer bi professional services lo lb
public li-Sflf
Port Trevorton Ta.
Offer bi professional servioe to tbe
cititena of Ibis plaee and vicinity. II
(peak Otrmun uud English.
: . , , April 10, '08
Frceburt; Snyder Co. Pa.,
Most respectfully offer bi sertioes to
Ik pulilie Vendue Crycr and Auction
er. Having had a large experience, I
feel confidant that I eau render perfect
alisfactlon to wy employees.
' 9, '071
BT.rARKs, rv:
OffiM U Court llut 8epL10, '67IX,
N. 322 N: TH IRU 6
L ' j. a mint, cua.
Jtoi. 419 l!t MtTth Third Wtw. v
v ;.. '4 ; rwi4iphi
jjiiii iLDER. V
T .t!ora, Lltnkbock Manniaoture
U ! TK5nt. Cir.
r-v , tt r JJ;i 0o
voir 8.
Winlocr 'ArrnagornoDt, Mondaj
Nor 21 1870.
Crenl Trunk Lin from tb North and
North weat for rbiladelphia, New York.
Reaiiinir. rolUvill. Tamaqua, Ashland,
Skatnokin, Ubanon, Allentown, Eaalon,
F.phrnla, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia Ac
Train leave llrrisburg for New York, as
followst at 8.10. B l). 10.50 a. m.
and 2.(0 P. m.. onneiing with siniiUr
trains ontb lh I'cnnsylvania Railroad,
and arriving at New York at 10.10 a. m
8.60, 6.60 asd 10,00 p. m., respectively.
Sleeping oar accompany tho 310 a m.,
train, wilbout change.
Returning I Leave New York at 0,00am,
12,00 Noon, and 6,00 pm. Philadelphia, at
8,15 m and 3,80 p m ; Sleeping car ac
ompany tb 6.00 p oi train from
New York, without change.
LeaTallarrUburgfor Heading, Poltsvllle
Tamaqua, Minrrnville, Asbland, tihamokln,
Allontown and Philadelphia, at
9,10 a ni, 2,60 and 4.0& p m, slopping at
Leiianon nnd principal way vtnlten ; the
1,0) p m train connecting for 1'biladolphlA,
I'nttsville and tolumbia omy. for roils-
villa, Hcbnylkill Haven and Auburn, via
Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad,
Leave Uameourg at V,0 p m.
East Pensylvanta Railroad train leave
Reading for Allentown,' Eaatun and New
York at 6.1)0, 10.li0a.rn., 11.45 noon, & 4.45
p.m. Roturnig, leave New York at U. 00 a.
ui., 12.00noonand 5 (H) p. m. and Allen
town at 7.20 a.ui. 12.26 Noon 2 50 4.20 and
3.45 p. m.
way passenger train leave 1'ullailclpbla
a'. 7,:;0 m, connecting with similar train
on t't l'rnna. Railroad, relumiug from
itead'ng at 0,20 p m, stopping at an stations
- Leave Poltsvilla at 0,1)0 a, m and
3,10p. m.; Hcrndon at' 10,16 ami Slia
mok'in at 5,40 and 11,20 a, m. Aablaud at
7,05 am, and 12,60 noon, Mabanoy City
at7.61a. tn.' and 1.85 p. ni Tamaqua at
H.ilSam, and. 2,40 p m for Philadelphia
New York, Keadiug, UarrUhurg, Ko.
Leave 1'oIIhvUIo, via Schuylkill and Hua-
quebanna R R nt 8,16 a m for liarrishurg,
and 12.03 noon for PiucgrovaudTrmotn.
Reading Accommodation train: .Leaves
Poliavillo at 6,40 a m, pasnes Reading at
7.80 a m, arriving at Philadelphia al 10,20
a, m. Reluming, leave Philadelphia al
4.46 p m, pnamng Rending at l.'ii p iu,
arriving at Pothtvillc at 0,10 p u.
Fultxlown Accoinnipdiiiioii Tram Leaves
Fnttsiown nt 7,00 a nt, returning leaves
1'hita.Ul Uia nt 1,00 p in.
Colninbia Knllr ind Trains leave P.cading
at 7,2(1 am, nnd 0,15 p in for Kphiata,
Lltiz, liiiieasler, Columbia, i- .
Pcrkiomon Railroad Trains leave TtrW-
omen Junction at 7. 4", t',05 a m, .ih, nnd . , . .. , ,.
6.K0 p m: returning Uavo Hcbwenkevillo ai ,,e t0'J"' not le Ter7 '"TPy hn"ell
7.00 and S.ZQ n. n, 12,tO Sunn, and 4,.'!ti while fche was cod, so his Drd thought
p m, connecting UU similar trains ent-f. , . . ,
Rending Rnilrjid. ,w..HtoOo.l out the tronble, that ho
lolelrinkiJnlc Railroad lrainlevo I'ottH-.
I' Tvn ot ', 10 a m, nnd 0,'JO p m, returning;
leave Mount 1'UaMinl t 7,('0 and II.ITj
am, connoetiiig with simibu' trains ou
Heading railroad.
Clitflcr Vuiley Railroad trnius lesv
Riidt porl at .".! I a m, and '!,tlj and 6,02
p in, returning, leave Dowiilngtown at 6,66
a m, 1 J. 15 noon nud 6,16 p m, connecting
with vimilnr trains onKciding railroad.
On Sundays: Lcsvo New York at 5,00
p m, Philadelphia 8,00 a m ituil 11,16 p m,
the H.00 a tu train ruimiug only to Reading;
leave I'otmvillo H.IIO a ni; llar.-iaburg 3,10 a
ui nud p iu, leavo Allentowu at 8. -15
p. m. nnd and 8. IJ i. to. ; leave Rending
al 7,1) a ni, and 10,05 p m fur llauisburg
H5 t)0 a in for New York, nn l l', IO a. m.
and 4.23 p iu fur Philadelphia.
Commutation, Mileage, Season, School
nud excursion tickets, to and from allpoiuts
ut reduced rates.
linnre checked through ; 100 penndk
allowed each panscnger.
(irnrriit Siijcriiitfnd:nt.
Readina. Nov. 21, lb70.
Xos. m ii 811 Market Stmt,
I'ROPailTOR. fft'J
Term S8 00 Per Bay. ''
sad lBOKum shows aa antold rlohe and beaa
ties In the Uieat Hobm, with Iu Uloomlna flow.
ra, Sloirinu WrUa, Wavln; rwlma, Holllni
oloeila. llesntilul bow, hrd mounUlns, li
UnUllul rivers, SllaUly comm. Tnunderlnir rot
ee Hlsilnir neareas and vast unlnra wild
eountlmw belnas In millions 01 worlds and Nail
to aa In mod, toe Unwritten Word, tins tlaud
hoiuehold trsaaura." Ilka !).
soot Irom llolleae Pr.M.lenU and Proloasort,
nilnlaaara o(all duoiolutlonsi andHh relliiloua
and secular pren all over tin oountry. Iu IVeeh.
new, uurlly ol Iaiikusk, with lo.r n typ
nnentouleriKraviuiia. ubatantlal blnainir, bJ
low price muke It the book fur Die uiuaes Anson
are mIIIdk trum 6uJto (Ml wr week.
n wu i.mni) mf a, ncnooi reueeer smart
younK men ahd Imllea to tninxluro tho wtirk lor
ua In every tuwntlili,and we will pay liberally.
No Intelllxent wan or woman need be wilbout a
iinK DUPines.
wend fur circular, roll dueerlntoon and terms,
ZltULER k McCl'RDT, 1 n. th Phtla.
1: v HarSt.(!ln. (t.
' M'.nr. Ml. I'lil.
son N. eih ft. Louts
oet.l. 4m or 101 Main st bprlnKtleld, Bias.
WiSn. CK1MLL0,.
Market St. Mlddleburg fa.
TT AVISO loeaUd In this plao I would
XX rsptfulljr iafara lb ailUeus f
Miiliilobu.-f nd vloiniiTthal I am prenarad
to repair CLOCK8 AND WATCHES ebeap
and expeditiously,' Tb patrousg of lb
punu is respeouuiij ioueiii.
! Mlddleborc, Nov, 24 1809. v . . .
' War Boom and Stor on Tin Street,
, ' yaoiory on Snyder Street, " ,
' Selinsgrov, l'a. '' '
If yon want So hear and s ta toasd and
Mtntlial Oraaaa aud Malodaoas sail al our
BMBtllal Uraaaa aud Mlodeoas sail at our
War roam and Mlora. W us bob bat
bast ssalortal la SMklaa Inntruaieaw, Try
War roam aei: HUra. W use bob bat the
rthatt sad f aa will U salttMsd.
k v.e ImuuuuI Is wsriM4 tar fly ysars.
1 . 4 xui and Kinuisrs uf tli (loapol,
r u- -d L urraud h u aad saod lor
rlo u.t, W ar aeaata luf la sulltlf
You, aad Asoordeorta froniMUSU. Ttall
s,alot Itasi, ytutar f ram, he.,).,
-sua bo4- .
- aa AesATtxea orreuy laaas ass
, aesxld rs r txisr
Holoot 'Poetry!
.J , .-. - k- -
SPCAK koiliu
Nay, speak no lit i a klndlr word
Can never Iv a sling behind t
And oh, to breath each tale 've heard
I far beneath a noble tnlud ;
For oft a baiter seed I sown .
By chosing thus a kinder plan i
For if bnl little good we've known,
Let' speak of all lh good we can.
Gte me lh heart thai fain would hide,
Would fain another's fault effitra.
How can it please our human prid
To prov humanity but baa ?
Ko, let it reach a higher mode,
A nobler estimate of man ;
Re earnest In the search of gooJ.
And sptak of all lh bed w can.
Then speak no ill, but lenient b
To other's foelint as your own t
If you're lb first a fault lose,
He not lb first lo make it known.
For life is bul a pissing flood j
No lip can tell bow brief lb stay i
Be earnest in III search for good
And apeak of all lb best we may.
From Saturday Night.
Uotlo Tota wan taking off liis over
coat, ly tha bluing firo in tbe sitting
room, rnd llolty's mother was licl
ping tiiiu, and Disking great fu8 o-
cr hita ; so Iloity wont luto the
kitchen, uoJ busiod horself in diahiQ
tho hot saunacs, and flaky llictilts
and irngrsot ten, and pulling lliom
on ho table IciJo the bright green
pieklus, golden honey and crimson
jolly, whioh wcro already wotiting to
furnish tho wenry traveler a euppi'r.'
It struck Uncla Tom, wlillo they
set nt the table, thnt thoro was t
gravo turn to tho cornon of his fa
vorito Hetty's rod mouth, and a Fad
loook in her gyo, which Men not
there ct his l.ut visit, tid ho missed
her bl ight, joyous wnyg.'cxccodiucly.
And uftcr supper he noticed (lint,
while tht-y nil chatted bo merrily,
IFi'lty But filot.tly hnittlu); and gnz-
!n.' th'Ohtfully into tho liro. Now
I' Dflo Tom loved Ifcttv so much Hint
milll nppiy tno remedy.
He said nothing that niht, lot
tbe next morniog ho was standing n
lono ly the eittiny room firo when
Hetty swept tho boarlh, and as shf
finiMtnd, ho put his hand under her
dlmplod chin, nnd rub-lop; her sweet
fa"0 said, kindly : tm.
Ml is tho matter with
ur Miitliiirifv.l nut'
in .,r .'liouiurii will pie .
inn for p. .1 ive
n'nt I" I I 'll'l n iMIvery. riMtnineri" i i
.l .i etnimiie lnit lliey order tlnt.'re ; n,
I I.III. un p)liini l r.ipii " ullilleil.
LcnsIX Wjtel.e sre iir.lere.l nt .'nee,
..v;rwx;;;r..Vneisr.i r'."?:'
es bm H e liii".)" ' '' l'.
.inltlliiil n It It llm oritur) Hie miii.iiiiI
I l.y ' . M'-M') iit'ti-r H'lil-terfl h M.r,
r eht' -k I'HMii'le t" i'ur "'it. fit nur ri-k
il.iliily. .1 A.M h Ht A I. Ii x 'l .
k.i ti:kit. Ni VoKB.
. irli . ii. un.l i'e-iriric r. miro tt,mo nu i :
)" S..TJ. fee. li-Mn
"' ' ;y ijootion8," said Hetty's mother.
iVYOMhXi ;liUAnd IIctty Bttij. ,.j dill.d Bn
- .'-v :
TOTS TTJS7TT? ATirT. f!ft . il
J ' J Al N W ll.v w,f
e or m a an kt imnnMiiis r.,
,VillcHlmiTt, In.
omtANlXKH, IV.T.
Dounasi'B. Hns I.. ILKiiiikmauki', . I'reJ.
It. C. r M ith, heeretnry.
')oniA , I., t). Smii'iiAKvn. H. Smith.
. llARIHHI, I!. A. MlhtK, Tll.'HAB Kl'llll,
'IS lUOKHK, f. t. Ill VI.KK, I'. WAIIMAM..
'lltlilllll'A' I IH70,
si.ri.liw. -II.m:o ?.
for 1M,.
.;n oiA oo
67 M7 u
.new naif tbe difficulty.
Later ia tbe evening Wallace Cur
tis came in, and then untie saw the
light come to Hetty's eyes, and iho
bloom to ber checks, spits of the half
frightened glances the cabI at hr
mother. He gUoccd st bis sister too,
and ssw that sho sat upright as a
post as stern ood grim as she al
ways lookod when sho was awfully
displeased ; so bo concluded be knew
the other balf too. . .
He saw Hetty jerk hr bnd awsy
from Squire t'urker, whort the visi
tors diparted, and, standing purposely
between bis irate sister and the youn
ger ones, he saw Wallace Curtis take
the same Iittlo hsnd and raise it to bis
lips to tho shadow. i .
.And after they were f one, be ssw
that Hetty kept the other little hsnd
olaspcd over tbe one wbi'oh had re
coived tbe carese, aa - if she would
keep tbe sweet imprest there as long
as abe eonld. ; , ...
Uncle Tom bad half an idea that
alter she had shortly dismissed Hetty
to bod, his sister Maria aiosnt to eon
suit him rogardlog tbe affairs. Dut
sister Ma.-la knew soft-hoarted Uncle
Tom too wsll for that. JJoaides, ahe
was provoked at him for not tolling
her more about bis own stTalrs. Many
timss she had triod to find out wholh-
er or not hie busiaess in tbe city wa
prosperous, lot boyood saying "he
mdr enough to oak and wear," be
woeld tell her Bothio;, . 80, as he
r "Id eot eobflde bis affair to her,
he saw llmt any agency ho hud must
bo thronjth Hetty herself.
Next day he watched for nnolhrr
chanco to sponk with Hetty, nnd a
he stood bei-iile hor nt the pnrlot win
dow, Squire Torkcr passed by. Pee
ing llotty, ho nmJo a smirking bow
which eho only answered by n cold
ood, and theb Uoile Tom o-iltod :
" Well, Ilctty, girl, which is it to
bo r
With a look which showed tho un
derstood him, Ilctty paionto1y so
swrrrd :
" It hhall :fi,n- be old Vniker !"
" Whnt is tho objection to young
Cuitii f" nskod I'nclo Tom.
llo's poor," replied Hetty.
And Sqtiiro Parker is rich, Is he ?"
" Ves; ami fifty ycsr.i el l, nnd as
ugly as sin, as you have Keen your
soir.' " And mother approves Squiro Tnr
ker ?" pursued Uncle Tom.
" Ve. Oh, uncle, what Rhill I do ?
They hnve determined that I bll
mnrryhim at Christmas, nnd that is
only n week off, What shall wo do,
Undo Tom?"
" Well perhaps wo will sco what
can be done," said Undo Tom slow
ly. " Keep quiet, Hetty, nod if I
eon help you, I Will.''
IKtty gavo bira a thankful ghinco.
for her mother coming In, alio darol
do no more. Hut she sighed ns sha
thought that only inouey could help
ber, nnd I nclo Tom probably lmd
ootie to spare.
I'ncie Tom's sympathy did not, in-di-ed,
8oem likely to da much gjod,
for the day befyi e Christmas came,
and he had never even said another
word lo lletly. .Early in tho morn.
Ing, uncle went over to tho village.
He met Wallace Curtis, nnd tuld him
lhat Heity wanted him to come out
in tho nfternoon nnd tnko her sleigh
riding. Wsllace looked vory much siirpii!
cd, fur Hetty hud never mado sucb s
rcqtioH of hlin before ; but he prom
ised lo cotno, and then Undo Tom
wcut homo.
At three o'clock, accordingly, up
drovo Wal.uee, in a handsome sleigh,
wilh two sfront? bay horses. Hetty
could not quite conceal hot' surprise,
ut which Wallace looked nmch puz
rled, but only rcpealod his invitation
to go out ridin;j.
Hotly gavo a startled glunca at Lor
mother. That U ly promptly poke up
" Hetty connot no out this after.
' 1!o,h u, y,,DR ,ki' countenances
I, hut Uncle Tom put in a word :
T. n .in Oh, yes j let hor go, Maria. I
"'"""uld liko to go with thorn myself."
" cry well, if uou go, I havo
Ana itcity saiu : "i uaro sny wc
ninko room far three."
id Wallaco thus urged, could
. help saying : "1 lien
are two
L-'.im my sleigh," though
ho did
l-ik very woll pleased with the
Aty anient.
J.jtin your prettiest drers,1' whis
:ncle Tom, as Hotty jnssod
v $ going to dress ; and Ilctty
jgly yet willingly obeyed.
contnina no h tltey drove off, Undo Tom
oK LCAVetty occupied the back scat, and
Vfsllacetho front, at which sister
Maria looked wsll pleased.,
Dut bar expression would havo
changed bad she eeeo them just after
they left the town, for then Undo Tom
said :
"Mr. Curtis, I have a fancy for try
ing yoar team. I can handle a horse
if! km a city nfno. Please chanco
scats, won't you f'V
Wallsco, nothing loth, immediately
did 10, looking very much delighted
with tho change. It was astoolshieg
to see how deeply Unole Tom instant
ly became absorbed in those horses,
snd as for the lovers, tbey really were
so absorbed in esoh other that they
did not even noj,ico which way Uoolo
Tom was driving, until ho stopped nt
larce white gato, loading ope snowy
lane td a pretty farm-bouto.
Then Hetty asked :
" Why, Uncle Tom, where are you
going ?' -
' " Going to take yon In here (v see a
little place I bought to-day," answer
sd Uncle Tom springing out. and
throwing Carl is tho lines to drive thro'
the gate.. .....
" Why, this is Treatoa's plaoo f'sx-
claimed Wallaee.
"Twas. Its mine now'., I bought
it toiday," rcplhd Uncle Tom, with a
mllo. . ... V
-"And Wallace and Ilotty both sl-h-
d, aad sstd nothing.
.' They aaw tree biasing through tbe
windows of the pretty farm bouse as
th drove op; Uncle Tomlkatoned
L, . )- ('s fAl-IV Jh '
VEIH.UAUY-.23i 1871.
cjsy, bright parlor, throtiRb a cheerful
sitting room, , snd ou into a great
cheerful kitchen, where'tho Lottie was
humming away oil the h'sdng
Mo vo, tho tables spread' for supper,
and smiling maid iu readiness to re
ceive them.
"This I Mr. Curtis nnd his wife,
Mollio,'' said I'nt'le Tom, st which the
girl coorfcticl prettily, snd Wallsco
snd Hetty lluidiod, whilo ictly said :
Why, uncle !"
" Well, if you ore not, yo;i soon
will be,'' Slid" Uatlo Tom; ' for the
parson will ho here lu ton minute.
Tlicy aro determined tip at home to
moke you marry Spitro I'ni kor to
morrow, nnd tho only way I know
of to prevent it is to havo you marry
Wollaco CnrtiB to-day. 7e Won't
ohject, I'll bo hound."
" That I won't spoko up Wallnco .
And etfy, through her crimson
bluehca, made cut to nk :
" IJut is this really your place,
Unci Tom ?"
" Xo ; It's yours," suij Unole Tom,
" Ours !' tried city and Wallace,
in a breath.
" Yours.' My Christmas present to
you," said I'ucle Tom.
" IJut I 1 hmnht mother thought
you wcro nut rich,' stammered
" Will I happen to I.j quite aMc lo
itlToid tliitt,'' la urhed I'uulo Toui :
"und, if I tliDO-o to make my nnney
help two young people to bo happy,
whoso busiiicsj is it ? Come A 1 ty
choose, ! Wallace to-day, or tho fut
old e,uiro to-morrow which is it?
" Oh, WuIIulm, certainly !'' cried
And that young geutli tnan iiiHlaol-
ly took hor in hu nrms, nnl ki"HeJ
her, riht brfore Utu-lo Tom.
"Cwno, enmo, now! 'ore's thc'hit'fly tilTectiugtlin liver, kidueys nnd
parson : so, Wallace, we'll tanks il
fust and euro, in ton minutes more,"
said tho good bid uncio.
And so they did And then uncle
Tmhi and iho parson rtsyed to supper
with tbcm j und Molly, the smiling
maid, whom Undo Tom had scut to
the city for, and whoe father was
otio of ui own workmen, waited upon
1 hem.
t'nelo Tom would not let them go
hack that night, caying he would ride
in with tho paiNon, and bring sister
Maria to see them in the morning
Sj " Mr. Curtis aud his wife" took
pos.scn.ion ot their pretty homo at
once, and everybody, except Squire
I'urker, was well pleased.
And the last I knew of them, their
beloved I'nclo Tom was speuding
('liriHtmus thcro, nnd trotting tho
youngest boy on his knee, whilo two
olher children rummaged his pockets
for caudy.
Tub Way r a Clkrk to An
vanck, A clerk, whose letter betrays
a hcartfolt csroestness that cannot be
sssitmed, set forth his condition and
dosirei, nnd sk our advice, flo is in
receipt of $1,000 salary from a large
mercantile house doing a good busi
ness ; he is in lovo with a young girl
who is willing to marry him whenever
bo says the word, and to aharo with
biiu whatover hardship thero be in
bis lot. Shall be marry on' his
present income, or wait for more f
and if the latter, what is tho best wsy
to securo such an incronso 1 Wo an
swer: If there aro no circumstances
iu bis own or the young woman's sit
uation which roo ler a spou ly mar,
riogo espooiully desirable he will do
well to "bide a boe." Thcro Is bat
w..h.u.. a..v. -jtvmg, anywhere, at any time, or at
cure a largo income, via : to serve t,is1. n.nM ;f , Umm
employers with such faithfulness, teal,
rigor and earnestness, that his merits
cannot be overlooked or go unreward
ed. Some employers are more liberal,
and quicker to take a bint than oth
ers, but there is a point where tbe dul
lest will appreciate the services of an
indefatigable clerk, lh may be earn
ing f 3,600 a year before be is raised
to f 1,600, but if he plseea no limit on
bis labor be will certainly find bis re
ward. We know a niau who eutered
service at f 1,000 a year and earnod
3,000 for bis employers at the start,
o was advanced to 11,300, and thee
to 11,500, then to fl,8tX, and so' on up
to 13,000 but hia teal and success kept
a long way ahead of this gain in bis
pay, aad the day be drew 13,000 be
was really earning at least 110,000 per
annum. . lh now draws' 13,000 per
annum, besides an iuterett Iu (he
business. Silver begins to show amoug
hia locks, but he ia as untiring and
faithful at ever. It requires) petieace
to realise tbe effect of such acrTloe.
but Wa'nevov knw it te foil i tie
end. .V. r. JtfwW of C rv.
NO. 50
" ". ....
Of those Individuals known as inc
brlntes, or dipsomaniacs, tHcro sre no
fortunstely, n number in tho world,
bo'li men and women. Tho word dip
somaniuc, though in popular uo.
does not correctly oxpresB what i
monnt to he understood. It is derived
from the Greek woriN piirnfrini " tu
thirst,'' and " tniiilnfsH." Kclptoma
nia stgnilies mania for theft, and dip
somania ahntild lirnify a manitt f..r
tlilrt, which is chvimalr thi rerorso
of whnt Is intended. In no srtiha do
then persons driuk because they ai r
thirsty ns the native retnniked, " J
do not drink for drinkeo i 1 drink for1
drnnkee." A moro appropriate tnino
fur them would be lhat of liir-rlmma
nines, since whet they t.tronu!ou-1y
desire end restlessly seek is thohetiHc
of intoxicaliou in iu various staj-.
and to seoure this they will swallow
mor-t nnytlilng laudanum, spirits of
wine, tineture of hemp, etc., provided
it is capable of producing that condi
tion ; they oravo for Iho excitcmeut
the pleasure which they feci in it, snd
above all, for tho train ofhnppy
thought which it sets up.
These unfortunates may bo roughly
divided into two classes, l-'irst, wo
liavo the habitual tipplers. Tlico be
tin early in tho mornin . A man
commences with brandy aulsidawa
tcr, or pale vlo; a woman with wine.
eUio fiber, lavender drop,, etc.. and
thoy ontinuo ut this hind cfiraiiK
ull day. In the morning they experi
ence tremor, depression, and a wretch
ed Fcnsi tioii of siuking and exhau -tion ;
they revive toward night, nro never
quito sober, snd, bclbro they go tabid,
lliey are commonly only one remove
from Luing holpli-s-ily drunk. Toward
the latter part of tho i r lives tbey ha
eotuo a pi y to various painful discuses,
i stomach
Sometimes hypochondriasis
of a very couCrined character declares
itself ; at other times they sre attack,
cd by iMirium In'intnt, or braiu dis -
esse. Suicide, or attempts lo s i'.,
j eidc, during
tho tho aucccssivo dc -
picsMon which ensues after the first
named malady are not uncommon,
The second kind are those individuals
with whom the denim for Intoxication
is less a habit or a propensity than a
madness nud a ainnia They nre not
steady, conitant tipplers; they havo
intervals h n;; or short of sobriety, nud
'during the-e period they aro ofieu
the mot amiublo. Iriendly and agree- had joined them last, ran on to it,
alio cf niottals ct least wo have they wero all poeoipiated into the wa-"
known such. Presently tlioir timbjter." The Merrinms were excellent
comes, end cither from sm.e sorrcw or swimmers, and with their comradss
worry or anxiety, or often without tiny hcgan to break ice by clinging to it
nppamnt cause at all, they become si- ! I'.ut ihi was a precarionsbope. Their
lent solitary r.'nd moedy for a few 'eomrads fastened tbeir tippets together
days or hours, and then betake them- land threw one end so that Willie
selves to haunts which welcomed 'could icach it, and he was hnulod out
them before, and indulge in frightful i upon the ice. Just then came from
and incessant drunkenness for porio ds ' h little brother, who had already
varying from fivo days to threo weeks 'sank twice, " Oh, boys, do not let mo
These persons ore, as a rule, cxtremly
ubatincnt in their sober intcrvaN, and
very guarded as to drinking anything
of nn intoxicating nature In general
society.' Occasionally they aro re -
formed, or reform thcmselve. aud we
have know several who, uoder these
conditions, havo lived to a good old
ago. snd enjoyed fair health. But
when it is otherwise, their Interludes
of temperance or of abstineneo beccme
shorter ; they suffer moro in tho reao
lion after each debauch, and are less
able to struggle against their craving
for stimulants. The fleet of this is
often to make them shun 'society, and
when this is so the downward career
is very rapid. At hilt they hue all
discrimination, and will drink any-
thorn tho pleasure of intoxication
Ultimately tbey die in a ditch, or
work-bouse, or sn hospital if tbey are
poor In a luoalio asylum, if tbey are
better O.T, or perhaps ia a prison
Sometimes a man will jump' out of
the window ond bretk bW sock in a
state of deUrimn tivme$, and some
ressouers may say, -" And bo best."
As a rule, tho greater crimes' mur
der, bloodshed, and violence are not
committed by these persons tbey are
too much absorbed iu tbeir own sensa
tions to pay attention to anything
alee ; and, to use a eommoa expression
tbey are nobody's enemy but tbeir
own. W Halt (Londun) UaxrtU.
After a marrisgt) eeresaooy had
been periormed la eae of the cburthce
lu Adrian, Mich., the bride, when re
ceiving the eoDgfstrtoat of Ver
frisada, abed tear aesjerii-j HV the
usual cuatom, at tte'bt al vhV
the fyweea tel.. .e salt, aad c' r
ly.' Af-.vLts f.'.caia Mir: '
1 lalri Lin, ka e-id It
. .. , ,
On eohimn en $C0.0O.
Onerbair f olnwia, oaeyear, SO.OO.
One-fourtL enluibn, one year, ' lo.i0.'
One stinar (10 line) en Insertion Tl.
Krery additional Insertion t,H.
ProfesstpnaJ and ilnsiuess card af
. hot more tban fly line. pr yer. 6,00.
Auilitor, fieciitor, Adminlalrater
snd Assignee Notice t,te.
CdilorUl notice per lin C.
All adTeriiseraeau for s shorter periaft
tlian on year ar parabl at tb Have .
tbey sr ordered, and if not paid lb per
son ordering them will b held responsibj
for lb money.
f.'rt n Homo of Your Own,
Thord is n sacred duty devolving
upon every man who baa sbouldorod
tbe responsibility of a familyit is to
provide them with a borne. And even
thoso wlu hold tho responsibility in
stiticipittiou hho'ild take initiators steps
towards the perfornmnco of this duty.
"A Imam uf our own." This Is tho
c j:.ti:niil cspiratlon, snl a worthy one
it i-, -f h 'in drc ds of coo 1 wiws, who
yearly .m l l oir yearly btndb nnd
go from or? uticutiif r!ut!o honso
another. A homo of "ft own; with
1 Ms l;ipc in their hearts l ow bravely
lliey I'tiffet tha wnvct of euro that
moving here an I thrro upon
them. ow fondly tin y look to tho
day when, i-tire established within lhat
liotnc, tliey r a 1 r. iy go.i-l-liyo to tha
Lug-lKiir. rent day. nn I nrruiige per.
maiifiitly within their -n dwr all tho
tifcCu! an I tasteful appliuuncf s of homo
life, tin I train tin un I its exterior tho
graceful rlirir;" vine
Kvcry man of family should lay aside
monthly from his incom?, be it lurgo
or small, a no matter how little,
to form a nucleus of tho home fund,
and to to invested ion piece oflaoJ,
it may ho n fraction of a lot with vory
limited improvement', or it, may be
vacant, ground, st: 1 it ho is a good
mec hnnie, a skillful economist, a clever
financier, he wi'.l som havo n houo
up "u it, and ho nnd hij family will
r,.uI;;.P fri.m a bi ased cxp-rietiee. that
f all tho plea-ant spots on earth not
one u half so pleasant as a homo of our
A NoraE SAcnirrnt. " I Cnnnct
See my Urothcr rot iidi.'' A few days
ao tbe SyrscuS'?, X. Y. Siawton?,
mentioned tho drowning, nt Fulton, of
two Meriiam hoys, nephews of Major
Thomas Mcrri.uu. The enso is a sad
oneiul.'od; bi.t f; out this nfllictiori
; sleanis tie nohlooefs of human nature
Jeven in childhood. Tho twoaIerriam
j l.oy? Willie, aged fourtclfin; Allio
; aged twelve and three other bovs
i about their sgc, in tbo afternoon wc'nt
'to hake Coma to eknto. They vrore
Joined on the way by atv ther toy,
jnot a mate of theirs. The iro seemeJ
Gtm along tho bike shore, where the
water is thought shallow out eomo
rods. It was tibout three o'clock,
when three of tho boyspsssed in safely
over tho spot, which proved to bo only
a thin shell over a epriusv place.
When the Merriam bo;s,snd hewho
drown !" Willo gavo one lrhnce, and
with tha words, " I cannot let try
brother perish,'' plunged into rescue,
j and botlnnnk to rise no more alive,
When help came, theT0tbr boy had
j Isold of tho ice, but wss sensels. He
was, however brought to. The bodies
of the brothers were readily .found;
clasped in each other's arms. What
a nolle saerioee I
Make toi Brsr or Tiimos If all
would do this, tho world would be
happier for most of us than it is.
Sorr people ice ra to do everything
ia their power to make tho worst in
stead of the best, of what tbey have.
The difference of conditions in those
wo meet lies in most caos just here.
It is one thing to earn money, and
another to make the Lest uso of it after'
it is earned. Good wages or bad
wages make small difference lothe
comfort of some homes. The more a
man, who bai no idea of tL.-ift or ,
economy earns, the more he spends ,
uselessly. High wages sre rather a .
hurt thsn a blessioj to such a roan,
for tVey only increase bis opportuni
ties for self indulgences that confirm,'
tal habits. .. .
Makiog the best of things is the art ,
of all arts, without whloh ao trade, "(
profession, or calling wilt ever insure .
sttccesa. It U the seeret of order and!
oomfcrt in our home. Tbe wlfa who'
akestke best of vrythi8j ber bos
band'S wages procure,' becoaset tha.'
htlp-uMiel she ptomlsed fo be ; aad ' '
tbe ansbsad wkt aiakee the beet of
his epporlualiic, wotliogla'ttbittUy, '
inteUceatly, aad, ekittfittly, and ao get- '
Un for IU faaallr tW Ur-ect retard '
ferUI ,oa1y fJ " tvjkk
H fc fto.,