ppf. A. Lawyer told, ' A iay or two ago a Uleoted yoftnirl t . - - L.vai ijcr vi origiiuunng cny, wnoir Dame U not Smith, tail whoaa brief lata baca lika angora vigils, was da lighted la fin liov lo hia offjee a richly dressed lady, who announced h-r de. sira to employ him profesioniil1y. With a beaming anile that coulJ harj Ijr be restrained from hunting Into n full-blown luuifli, th yonoif Black etoDO handod tho lady a tuihlooed arm chair, end he aaaurod her tint h was "entlrt ly end deemed ly at her service." Seating beraulfio the profl cred office chair, theludy ungloved mall whito hand that literally ulixi. cntd with diamond, and a t I iel Sues-eccmed hat-uhit chit f t- lur lip-, tlufhcd, atid, ta-liiij lur eye upon (he floor raid : " My linintfa N very particular it ispardon tnr, eir, but jcu will not I et ray me V " Ds;ray ytu f Not f r tho wnrM ma.!aiu, You fin confiJo io mo wi'b tlit sumo reliance nit in pricet ut tlx C0qI('m lonal.'' t "Ths fact U-l want that ia I hare tren uulbrluuaU) io my Hitimofe relations." The i re of the hiwyer plitoiiMl with lenuie. uud, driving hi tliini close to ; lie eiJo of ibo lady, ho tv tnatked : " I fee I sec you want a divotrc I nm jus' the omti tngrt it for you. Iam prrlectly au f.iui io mutte rs of this kind, although I hava never hud case of thin kiu J In court. How long have you hceu man led ?" Nine yeun.'' " Nino year ! Yoa must hnvo been very young when you entered that blishful I mean wretchd elate " " I wna a mere child a fooli.-h, in. experienced school pirl. A doiiou mother plated mo in ihe urm I n tm,n oli enough to he my fath.r ; but. he was rich, and lor iwonr three years 1 did not know the di.f.'rence. I waa happy as though tn bunhund bad beeo twenty yenrs yuiintfrr. Bui association with ether tiiurrird no mon opened my eye, and I hccim wretched. 1 pined for well, for u b?art tb'.t win more cnnynial than rry O'.'ti. A nm of your a (, in w, Would J)ae snl'.i'd me IuiIt." EVnctly so."' cst!..ii.i. d thi- luv? yer, rubbloa? hia hand and twUiini' his Incipient mmiaclie. " Bui yur auffcring will m lerminuto. I wil! " Ob denr mo I nnd then hut I must Out bo too funyuiiH'. My hu-. band ia tery ricb. and be will revrr let me pet a divorce if he enn help it '' "Madame you don't know '.ho law it majesty .its ftk.rioua certainly Its magnanimity. Consider your self divorced, and rent euy " ' Well, air, bev ahull I proceed t" "Let mo ate in the first place, give me a alatemcnt of your grio. Taoces.'' "That wouij lake a whole wr-t k You can imagine what a womno like mi miit suffer with micli a li'isbimd.'' " Yes, yen -cruol sod barharou trcatmcni coul tin intnlfiablc ncpleel, and oil that fort of lliiinr. I will just jot down u few of the ivait. Your name I" Jlrs. You must kuow my huobund." 'What, tho merchant ? He 'a ricb as Crocu." " Yea, he's rich ; but I don't care for his mooov I want a divorce.' , , . , '"J" " ",,u uuwu stt-n the ludy'a rotirimoniul infuliciilra, and itraurcd ber that he would have no difficulty in procuring a divorce, Wilh at leant (10,0(10 ulimony. How much ars you coin tc charge oie for mukinjx mo ao b-ippy 7" inquired the lady. "Well I ought tochargo you a thousand dollars, but out of conaider. ation for your aufTerinpa I will only take a retainer of 1100. and wheo it Is Accoroplifbed'jou will inrreose it to $500." - " That la extremely reasonable. I Lav. .Ii.iiik m. "... UMV M W miiviiu .vi-U. lug Wj V) J hero ia a check for f 200 tint my has. band gavy me to dav to g shopping. I will only want half of it to-day. 'Will you set it cehd Tor mo V " It ia tfter bank bear, - but ibe check la all right I will five you 1100 tor your abopping and keep the beck.- . ' The lawyer had that day received a remittance of f 100 from He father, aad baoded It over to the lady, and placing the check in Ma pocket book, bowed bla client to the door Ho wh excessively happy at bi K"od loriuue and that nibt droaaied of anueii. elisnts, seiosailonal divorce caava, and bug pile of f 100 bills. Tbe aext morning be went to the baok to get hie ehcelt cabbed, and ' waa ibuoJeraUouk when tbe teller in formed bin that the oame of Mr was (urged. ledigeant at ihe liefl llal bla fcir elient bad been r"'l tt aa Waa a erlma aa fora-ta wit: ratie be feartied 10 Cc: ::.- whb tie fc;aa- t ' Ml.iUlMWi..l1 till mora nteaUhad whea Mfi. la) formal tj A thai ha Waa A wUlower, and bad not Wo blwal with wlfa for nora than tea year. Young B" acaatooa wal aeisl with a4ttf aarlmoholy, which aei affect oiin.lor all his eff-rta H no I ib rir "windier hava provml ouavuiho bs ha coioo to the conclusion t have QOthinfk Hi do wilb divorei Oisea od haa written to hi father to aud him aootbar t!00 bill to replace the oe be gave his client for a bogu ,dieck. . ritihurg Dij aUh. liwr KIIOK MAM'FAlTo'y Aluna up lu timet The n lrrl(tn(i rcweifnlly annmincra t Hit cinrrnn or I I lr rurjr and vicioiij, i but I will continue l Doinufuciura Mr', M S lttU A. kip ntoi f i M : nonTS. Wonifii aal Cbilrrn a HOES. Ami in ln'it evf ijiliing in hi Hiir, io the latnl Fiylr mi J at low prirfK. Work made to nrli r hI Ihe HmrirM noiivr. Oit him a call Lcfori! going flicip. UIK.IM 8CIIWF.NK. JIK6TAMi & 130 YL II, Vbolcnle and liclail Dcalcn ia HAHDWAltK, ct:ti.h;y, Coitliuiakeri' Malfriala, S-ho 1'imllnga, tfc Srlinugrote. Pa. '-llf i?i;i:i:mont hoikl, X1 I'BfcCMONT, r-NVUtR 0(1., PA. KMX'U !Miril. rroprivtor. Thifi new hotel in now prrri tor llie itccctn ni.'.dii lou ot giirfir and will afford It 19 luk, (UillilllUPllvill IV I'VMUll, viPlllllu r rrvuiooi. tftfrj cm ti nui uo uiu'ir io rouinip I bp comlorl of trneprn rloppitii .it tin- li'iiop, I'inii.'c li.ii'jr nl ibe linr. ,iol ilio Tnlile f i.j j lio 1 mill ibe bl Ibe innrkel nflord'. An nuiple alstilv In con iii'Ctiou with Ihoboiuo. Aprilu'TOlf IE fOit TUAViLEUS : Pnsenger Trina Ip lha narrisbui' railroitd depot dully nl fullowa : I'EN NsYIAAM A CE.NT1UL KAILROAO. KAKTWAIIK. rinlnd'a Expreaa except MouJuy 2,10 a m Kant Line " " 6.J0 Lanoadterlroin (iMt Joj ) " 8.l)' r'ieia IJxpreM Traio " l'J.lllpn. lUrrislimg Avroaimodnilon " H,f5 t'iucinimtl E rc(H lrn. dail 10.45 Soiitboru Uxprcsa I'iO wihtward. rlncinnatl xpreexcept Moud:iy l?.!'' p ni ritlaburg Exprrsa 4.'- m l'n ci ho Epr i ruin d.iil; 4.15 am ('migration Ivnlii turpi Monilny 7.4'i Mnil train etcrpl Sun.lny l.Kipm Fan Line " 4, 1.1 trie Fan Hue " " 4,20 NoitTHCKN envrnu, rait.hoah. korthw m. riurTnloe Expri tr.iiq 2,0 a in Niglit ArTommo'lntion ll,65p m Mill tr.un 1. 1 i Lit. 4.'2 " orTBAFP. I'nfinlj F.xpien Ii.iu 6.15 am M ill ti iiia 2.40 p m Pacific Kip 12.05 p tn Vork ft Hnrriah'g Acccomodnlion 4.80 p m rinluati Exirta 0.45 "ySHl.NOTON 1IUU3E. Mi'd'liburj, Snyder Cnin'y, r&. DAN'L HOLENDEIt, Pnprii-tor. I'rcn firrpingal tbia Houre will Hod exccllmt aecuinniodaiions, fur .Van and BeMH. 7-40-t f.) Jacob Lou Simox Pairr. IMPOHTEBS AND DEALERS IN rtTrt Lilii Pure Whiskeys, BRANUIES, VINES AM) ALL (iTHKR FOBEIG!t AND IIOMtSTIC LIQIOKS, rQ. lii.i .mil Mreri, Aug. 4. 70if.l DANVILLE, TA. A AM hit I CAN HOTEL. CENTREYM.Lt, 8NYDEB Co., Pa. U1LL1AM H. LO.NU. Proprietor. Tbia well known hotel, located in the town of Cenirevllle. hue been thoroughly repaired and reliiled, and I in Ihe liel enn- diiion In acuiMiniiodnie lue Irarrling puhllc Kfer effort will be inada lo promote Ihe comlorl of gueaia. a abare or putiiie pt ronage ia aoliciied. AprilB-'TUlf JEVI RELLER, Manufacturer of and dealer ia FURNITUttE, Would reipeot fully Inform Ihe tiilicnt of reluigrove and viciuity, lbt he mnuufuo- lurea to order and keeps con consianily on hand ( HAIR8 tIF ALL KINDS, AND Furniture of every Description, at ibo very loweit price. lie respeolfutly iuviira au examlnaiinn of BEITt:Ars, JU'nKAl'H.TAnT.ES, sOe'AH l.Ut.NatS, b TAN DM. UUA1KS, ko. t-4-A tpecial iuvilalion i exlebded lo newly uiavricd folka to call and aee my atock before J urobasing eliewhera. Lb I UtLLtU. 8clinsgrore, April 0, h70-if . FINE ASSORTMENT OF TUE BE8T OLD RYE WHI8KEY, ' PUKE PEACH WHISKEY, BUANUY, 01N, ANI . BYKtTS. Jnat received and for aale at Ibe Eagle Hotel, in Middleliurg. JOHN A. STAftLNECKER, Aug. 18, 1870. QVZOS BAXiSS tTIIXIitl II. UE4VER Reapeoifull aunouooea to Ibe cilixene of Middleburg and vioiuity thai be i now ready lo aupply ibem wilb ibo Urged and moat eomplal elock of SI'HISO d SUMMER GOODS ever brought lo Ibia place, at greatly re- dneec price cheaper ibao the cbeapasl. He invites attention lo bia large alooit of MU8L1N8, CAMC he. L-ELilNEH, 4AWKS, B1LK8, BEHEULU, MNEN8, Ooots and (Shoes, HA18 AND CAPS. BEAUY-MADE CLOT HI NO. 8HIUT8, and evaryibiuu naually kept la a well regulated store. Give me a call aad be convinced that tbia la ibe plaee lo bt y gooda. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In exohango or gooda. . W ni. U. r. bliddlebwrg, May. tK7. bUteefHaaAH ari, aaeeaaad. f ETTKe) OV ADMlWUTBaT10!V Jj lbeaatieof Maaaw Are. IwMowofLevaard apoa Aym,i Imeol reaae wrwif . raaua w lha nmwlya I. ttH aarawM kawi eiivwa wtMM to h. 1 jiJF u. rt it, ax t ' .ul iu.'weiisjp""" . A 6Lm - uli . I ilea ef both ataa aad v-aiiilJ"'-,,Urv1 share f Ihe pi 8. BURKtlARf, 8eUnyrov, ffrtydVr C , Fa) Keeps eeattanlTy aa aawd a tares an well vide aaaonment of , Tin, Pheei Iran ware, Ptorta, e.. lie. He la Altai lor IBS foilowine named artlelee. . " . . Tn E M 0RNI5Q 0 LOR.' .' ) Llllltneld'i Patent tnipreved Ban ' . COAL STOVE.',' ; tn this pattern wff va .MdtixiKn (Hort. everal aew and Inipnrtanl f colore!" have been embodied, wbiab can tn'v be aeea lo he admired.. Tbia now atare ia made en tirely of eaal IrorC Io tiled aa to be air tight, hut can foe nyida wilh eheri-iron . iippoi eclion Wbeo preferred by. the pitrchnncr. tia ornameai'al'nnieh ia draper, mnkina- ll a handnomS p'teoe of furniture, far more to than any aleve beretofore-tnade. Ila In ternal eonainratlon, Ibougb renembling ome of lb format paiierna of TJie Morning Olory la quia different, making it more durable, and far lesa difficult lo be repaired. The caeiingaara of tbebtgheat order. Hilly equaling Ibe bneat caiingt made in tbii count ry. Among the many AnvANTAnaa In theuar of Ibe Morning (ilory are the following ; I, Continitoua Kuroing. 2. (junlity of Ihe Heat. . eniuatiou turungb Ibe atove 4, Anil-Dust 8iove. 6, Ho Kenpt of Oa i, Kconomy ef Fuel. " THE B All LEY SIIEAF." Anli-Duni Air-Tyht Choking Stow, with Rrtrn'ied I n-llvx for IVond or Coal. fateuled May Win, (,". We take pleasure in offering our cti'lo- mera and ibe 8loe Trale, a New (Irat-ClaM ! i i ti .. , Flftl.fnn. anil would call ntlrtirutiir nlltutin I Id in many nllruelut and tuluaiitc imtroi f mrntt. Tbia Plotehaa beca carefully tetcd for ecrnl moniha, and the ri cull have piovrd Hi highly tatifA0lary, thai ervernl of our odel and mon experienced aioe dealer predict for it a eale far beyond our nhiliiy io eupply liiK aeaon. Slfiinf) front Jirt'doori, giving full use of ike hearth. An adiiiiional tlile in tht arm, ao Arranged at to give mora room in Ihe upper part of i he oteo; a great convenience tiucl. needed Tt' o 'ffi ia nearly a unit a' iSt lop at .ill lie beah linc.whicb uoi oi.ly inci'eue the aie, b'i' will he rtcogniied aa t grni ailt.inlagt in in.nny. DOTY'S CL01 HRS WASHER. The h,'l, ehenpe't, un l mot p pulir Yabing M ichiuv ever invented. It ie eay t. operate, t tug oralnndine lakea bul liille room I injurea no gnrnienu nuiabea ita woik frooi in io lo four Min He: ia ,1'iraiiie and convonii'iii ; and Hi onlv W nulling Macniuv kuown that i liked ibe ln'Uer lue lo iter ii ia uim. the i;nivkiisal CLOT II l W KIM IE It. Tht "CURAT .I V. 1" ITOXOVIZRH. The leruu of our Patent enllour Machine a rliigi'r. leareoi experience prove ii aim to be a Nixr rscr.Li.BM WAauan. When w reduce every invrulion for wah ing cl"'ln to apiinriple they all aomnii io lhai ot preatung and eiiireing, ami forcing the water ibr.nug'' them. lbu r'- moving i ue dm. Mutl navbihg M cuniee lo II by rubbing, rue tniveriu nringn fa it by preaamg. JOUN LAU U UN'S LAO E It, BUGGY MAKER, 8EL1NSOH0VE, bNtDER CO., PA. Having purchased Ihe well known eland in 8elina"rove, formerly owned bv Philip Meeker. I am prepared! lo accooi module all who may dee'ne anything in my line, and warrant oaiixlaeiioo iu all caiea. 1 keep enn'lantly on baud, and am prepared lo manufacture at the ahoricai noiioe, . BUUUIES. " SULKIES. 1 SLEIGHS. c. Ueine experienced in the buKineia, I flat ter myaelf that I am fully prepared lo meei the wnnla of my cualomera. The haude employed are among the beat mechanic! in he county, and their work will not fail to give universal raliafacilon. gir Special attention paid to repairing in all ita hrancbea.tSt fciliop on Market at eel, a few doora louib of ibe German Reformed Church JOHN LAI DKSLACER. Selinngrove, April 7, '70-lf OADE It C It A FT, -l-t' SUCCESSOR TO FLECK & CO., WHOLESALE COXI'ECTIOXEKS A.0 FBIITEBKB6. r KO. 823 NORTH THIRD 8T TUILADELFHIA. A tn aaaorlment of Confectionery, Ffuila, Fire Worki, Kyrupo, T-14y to. alwaye on hand. I T I. I10TTENSTEIN. M P. IX. PHYSICIAN aao HUKOEOy, 8ELINH1KOVE. BNYDER CO., PA Olfora if profeMlonal aervlea to lha el' lien nf so1 rove ana vicinity. J una tn, ltno-tr JOSEPH 8 DELL, Mauufnclurer of and Wholeaale Dealer in Clothing, Cloths, CAR.SIMER3 AND VETINT,S 41 KOIPIH THIRD PHF.ET. PHILAD'A. QOSGUAVE HALL HOTEL. ietek rnorr, rentier, West Bcsver Tw'p., Snyder Co., Fa Takx Notice Ibat I have purcbaaed Cos grave Hall Hotel, where I am a,way pre pared lo accommodate Drotera, dirangera, and Tiavtlera. I eliall he liberal In my chargea aad en deavor la ue everybody well wbo fvor me with bla ouaioiiv If you are nol aaiia Bed, no ohargei. Give nieacoll. April. 'liTif. JAMFS K. DAVIS limEL, BEL1N'1RUVE, KNVUKH Do., P. 11 EN K V A. 1101.10 Proprietor Thi will known ll'iufo h.iviug been re ft' i d by ihe preeent proproielor. ollera ex eelienl acooiun'odalioue to lb irave.lnn eommuniiy. Choice liquor and Clgare ai Ihe liar, and Ihe Table euppliad wilb Ibr beat tbe market afford. A good etehlr attended by careful boxiler. in connection with tbe bou.e. Aprtl.tw loir. , Tj'AGLE HOTEL. A MIDDLEBUKO, PA. J. A. STAHLXECKH, froprlrtor. , Havt g takea ebarga of tbia old sad well aevablienea eiano. ibe proprietor proria. te ee4 all hie anvatloa io the providing i ef ate Table aad Be aad ike eowmoda- a Denak, tie auuoiia a pabiie ftrawage. - aaceasaoaa CArrniAir A awwy r CWWWS.ZXX. AffD . Ce UhwARII . No it tft-th Fai-tti str ci, PHtLAttCLPHIA. . Original Package I'onalaott ,on Hand Heprewnled by THfcO-S Wl4ErpRD.. G rover & Daker' F'RST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMIL.Y V" Sewing illucliincs, 3! UKO.VUW Y NKW VOKS. 13e CHESTNUT 8T..riIILADELrill A 101XT3 OPEXCKLLENCE. ' Oeauiy and tlaallet efSilloh. Perfect lo a and Simplicity ef Maeblnery. t'elng both ihreada direuily from ibr puole. No fialening of tcama by hand and no nll of tiiread. Wide rnnite of application wilhout chine of adjusimoul. Tbe eram retains itn heauty and fii oinee nl i or washing ami Ironing. Hi'kKIcs doing all kinds of work done by by oilier Sen lug Machine, ibce Machine e. 'e iuq nioHi ueaoiiiiii nn periuaorut Kmbioidcry and oru'imenlal work. rr.Thr Higbenl Premium, at all lha fair nid rxliihiiinTia of Ibe I'nitr I Stales and l.ur ipe. have been awarded tbe Orover & Maker Ketviug Machine, and 'he work i.y Ibeiu, w bcrocr exhihiled in couipetion IThe very bigkeal prixe.THE CKOSs UF 111). Ll'.UlUX OF IIO.NOK, waa con fered on tbe reprcaenla. ive of Orover 6, Itakrr Sen Ing luaviiinee. at the expoailioi, rniv.TBelle, lVirl. hi,7, itiu alteaiiug ibvir greil eupetiuriiy over 'A otiiei Sett ing Machine. For.! by SAMl'KL RAl'T, Seliue. grove, i'a. April 20. CO. iornev's Press. THE tKE.lT RADICAL XLWSPArF.K! a tth iu ' f I neurit iN"rc;j ii-r lit the LVtky. TllE PJIESS 1 I a r.rai-vlika douhlp rhoei iglil paje paper, containing 4B cnluiiin. puhliabeJ eveiy nioiuing. (exeept rluiitlay).) TERMS: DAILY PRESS 58 tin per annum: ti 'Jt. lor eix nioniha ; $1 nil for three innniht. I TKI-WKEKLY PHESrt.-$i.0i per an num: fiih) fur ait iDi ntlmi fl.lNI for three rt,.in'!i". THE WEEKLY nK8S. The moal vain able Weekly Newapaper in ibe World. Ii contain) item of iuieren io all. ItEXD THE TEUMd; One eaty one year 9 2 Five copiea 9 Ten eopioa, and one copy to the geller up ol club. S Tweniy eopiea. and one copy to the geiicr-up of cluh 2" Fifty eopiea, and one copy to the geilcr up of elub 66 Ten "optce. fe one addrti', and one eopy io ibe getter nn ol tbe elub 14 Twenty eopiea. la on uJJirn, and one copy lo ihe geitor up of Ibe club 25 Fifty cupiea. lo on aJJrtm, and one copy. io the geller up of ihe elub CO One hundred fopie. loonr aililm; and one copy or ibe Trl-weekly Pre lo Ibe getier up of ihe cluh lOtl All ordtrt ihouH lir inMrrnwf l JOHN TV. FORNEY, Editor acd Proprietor, 8 W'.cor. 7th and Cbeetnul gtc, Phil. Pa B IOK A0ENT8 WANTED FOR 8TltlliOI.E8 & TRIUMPHS OF P. T. BARNUM Written by llimarlf. in one large Ootavo Volume nearly 800 Paeea Primed ia Engliab and German. 811 Elegant Full page i.ngruviiiga. u tinuraoca rorly )aar Recolleciione of bia Iluy Life, aa a Mer eheni. Manager. Hanker, Lecturer, and Showman. No hook pnhlUhed an accepta ble lo nil cl. Every one winia il . Agenla average from 6(1 lo llHl auhcriher a week. Wo offer extra Inducement. Ill uatrated Catalogue and terma lo Ageuit out tree. - j. i. rnj Kit ic i:il rublibbere. He' lord. Conn fpHE DAY I puhliabed everv morning fetoept Sou day), at ibe office, N. W. corner Sixth and Cbeitnui atieela, Philadelphia. Price One Cent per Copy. Served by ibe car Here In any pari of the oily, nndln Ihe adjacent cities and town, for 81X CENTS PER WEEK, payable lo the eari iera. Price for mailing. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS per uionin, r FOUR DOLLARS per au num. CELL Si .SCHONOUIt, Wholeaale Deal.ra In BRANDIES, WINES, Gins, Whiskeys, Vc, WOMEI.8DORF, HERhVS CO., Pa. Jauuury 11, 1Tt'-lf gAMl EL FAUST, Ulerchnut Tailor, llai jui reoeived an entire new alnck of CLOTHS. CA8SIMERE8 & VE8TING8. all of a auperior q iallty w hich be ia pre pared lo un.k'- up in the hel atyle ad on fliori DOiiee. He alao keep Urnwn and While French Yoke Linen 8birla.nnd a sen- rial aaaorimenl of genilemna' Furnitdiing Good, all of which be offer lo tbe public ai very rvavuiiame price. call at uiy place on t'in Birrel. between Eckben'a corner and Ibe bridge. Seliua- Grove, Pa. J-ma 4. I8B8 if. C1MITION Ifiiv-nv Mieihwd th J lolluwInaT named unoul tjrnnarte at f'nn. laid' eala, Kd.l a th rirl ut Ueulato iim,.. on wii iu 4iu ia ia K,ieion ot .iir. 4ari.k KIom. all iron ar herein atluiid not ti, liiterlsr uur Iu any av inaditl alib Ih rnMi.ioklDa ninvaand Pliw. ..a 1'ari.w Muva and rli. two lUtUtaail and uuoian. an lot ef carpel, on (rd Cow. j a un it Hum, t. PI'TltM kblUEL. BMvar Uwaahlp, Ananut St, lira, rpUE F1NKLE & CVON fatwlaia; Mnrhlne, With Prop rd, new Taka-ap, aaw Hammer, a . I now o8rd a tnau aa aaor lllwral Urn. Auo, Boeoad kaad ataklaaa uka la oaenaDir. av a aw impravemeau pp lad. .vary man bid h warraawa riaT ULaaa, and If U patwkawr 4M at ea iarw t It altar a trial, he eaa return It, a4 moaay rnaa4d. M. M WaaUd Travtlr Aaaal aa villi aaak waa, auunawium wraaiai,. atlac lral, .-4lalaai ka b--. i.,U, eai make save m Mraa ' iruvaaBa, w aiaiiik Addn LYUR'B KCTP41 p..K.r. Or. WAXJUaV QAUVOmxiA VIHEGAn DITTEnS, ii . Eaadredaaf Jhorisandl ZM BvWenvanavnnWs4i a . -. fel varauva BJen. 'Mad of f Rfjaa, Waleaer. Prewl Bulrtteaad Refaae iJaawneoclorM.apliwd aixl iwMtan.d M plttM tk tute, called " To, lea,"" Apctur," Rwtorera," M.,nkt l4 Ci tippler a lo SrankeaaeM aad rata, tat ar a tn Mr4lrla,Bai1 from Hi MaUv Hoot ana lle.-txor calirorai. frew frova all Alrokvll Kllnalaata. Vbof are Uienr.T BI.OOI n Rinaitaaa Lira6iviMi rain riri.aeptrfoct llanovator aal lavltoratorof the Sjateai, urrrlng off all poMwaoo matur eoil re itorloe h blood to a hralthy coiaitlna. Wo penw ca tak lha ninara cardlBt dlr Ln od reuain lont anwell. Pnr laSanaaiitarr aad Chraale Rhea nallaaa aaS Wwai. Uraaceala r ladl. aeatlaa, lllllaaa, II eminent and later nltleal Fevera, Dlaeaae of lb Bloait, l.lvrr, Kldneva, aad IllnSSer. ttii-M till vara bav ba nioal anarcMral. Sara IHa aawa r maS of Vitiated Bld, wtiieb I lanmllr pnvlaead of 4era(mat of lb Olaeallv Oraaa. DVHI'r.rnlA OR 11IGE!T11. Tlaadarlw, Pata In lha Fhoaliltrt, I'oach, Tlfti- nt the thMt, Dlulotlt, hour Cractatlen of ha atmiueh. Had tatta la tha Moath, Blllosi At. twin, I'a'r'talloa of llie Heart, 'nOimmatloa ol the l.anfi.r!" la tliarraiona ofllieKMoeyt,aad a banitrad other palatal tjajptoan, ar tk tt lrlofiof D;rxpala. lTh"V IrrvurenM tk Btoiaaek aaS MtaialaM Mi lurpld liver aad bowel, which reader them ( aa iguallM ffieacy la eleaaitag lb Mead of U Impurttl-e, n4 1-aparUag Baw Ufa aad vigor la tlia whole Vftem. FOR PHI DIH3BAHBSVKrapttaa,TMeT, tali lUituin.lllolcl.o, pola, limp'., PawtalM, IIMIi, Caranclr, Klog-Wonu. keald-llaad. tore r.jra. Eryalp.'laa, lien, acarm, Plaeoloratloat of tht &klt, Bonior and Dku-aee ofth kkla, of wbatereT oaia or aMar, r UMrtily do o ar.dcJwli'il eat "4 the i;lUu la hnr tun bf ill ih of thiMc Bitter. On kottl la aaea aM will eouc th no lar4ale of tbtlr oaratlv effect. CI. an th Vitiated lMoodwhnvrwaSrl Iu liiipiirltlutarauiif tlirounk tbetkla Innm pie, Kraptliu or Sure luau It when yua find it ehairueted ar.d hilk la th vein: il -a-M It wtien It I foal, aadoar feallax will t l ya wlia. Keep t:i blood par ad tk kraithoft'i tytWm will follow. Pi V, TA I'R and oll-tr WOR JIN, larklne la tlie ,tem of tn maav tlioaaaai1. are ef eciuellr 10 ATX: J A D.VSA, .Uitr. She goibr UVrkht u.; A Kewpaprro! tie Preacat Time. Intended fur Poodle Now aa Earth. Iie'vo.i g Ttr io l. Merlin I'M. Merchint,, Pre lva .iai M j, v.ittra.Tiilnkv!r. a id a I Maz ier ol HoueM Pu'imI. aJ ti. Wiv, Bout, and l'u.lnui.u( 4U-UC I. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A VKAK I os a ui'ndueu coi'irH roa aio. Or Iwa lhaa Haa Cont aCirr. Let I her a BIO Cia'i ai cv -rv I'uat Offlc. HtMI-WEIKLY t"N, 81 A YEAR, lit' i.ai alia aal mcrd elaracter a ni WKaRl.T, but wilh a irreali r varliljr of xeliaaeoaJraadni(,aid rii'ili:ita: tlia n-wt nitiauoaulh,awttk eiuiler (rwinew. boau ll oouiri twu o a weekuncij orui-auul. THE DAILY 81 N, 0 A YEAR. A irHliiim:,ilr r.'iilth'e wiF-ni,cr. witu lir :r r rv ilil m in ika wuna t rc. luii. l-l l.-nt. il Ic arlt, in no Ilio. A I Hi unw. f in tvrywhrni. r cat a Cui t br tuau. oe cguu a aioulb. or f)H a ;uar. ' ' TERM 3 TO 0LUB3. THE DOLLAR WLSKLY M'X, Five eopiea, owe rear, .naratf.v a drr"1 fear Onllnra. T ini.i., nnj venr, aeraletv aiMrrastd (4.4 au nrdui) toUi,ur 11 . Int. 1 Eliihi Dollar. Twniiv eoia, ona rr. aepiratel aditrfMaa la U ail extra oiii U in m-ti apol ruibi. Filters Dolla.-a. rnv ool- oa lenr. Ii a 'drns land t.'ik bDii rtk une jean i-,.'ui ugcl.'luh), Tblrtir.ihrc'e Culture. Viriveop ri 1 nno vaa-. -cp urlr: aidremea ( ta bcfcil w el ui.ur'-n '..nnru. n-i' 1 I'tiirty.avo Pallnr. "ne l.eiared enlw. r a real. , ran ai tr.-, l in I ili ln) lur vnu re r 1 . Hiet itur ri , I lltr OalUe. I'ne hu .drnl moir. one -r. -i ii.ly rnt dr '"allhalJ.'ly.uru v ,.ir i.. n-irt ',, f""1 HUtl Dollar. T3S HEM ! WEEKLY PrX. rive enplu, one yeu,aeiara:rlr aad,r.,ea tliiht Dollar. Tea enn. a, one rr. nara !v a larcn-a iu.i an eitiacopr ioieueri. ei-i ). . wlaioea Dollar. K.D lont 1IOXET i,r...i r.aa nder.,.Sel;. r ilian rn iwa. whrrr enaieulent 11 "I. ui.o rUi,-r iuii't.,auiiuiuiua noue, Allroa. "" I. W rwrTMrn, Tn nr, nj 1 Ola. New Vuril Cllr. QO.MB THIS WAY GREAT DARO MVS IS NEW GOO! S AT THE CHEAP STORE OF . v. E( Hni:nr, SELINSOIIOVE Pa. Wi ul J repeolfu'ly announce to Ihe people of Snyder Couut.v that La ba,iuet reutived from Ibeeaaiero marbela and bne for inle a Urge and wall aeleoled dock of New 'ioodi, wbioh he otter al atonib. iugly lo prue. Ilia aior'i emhraoca ih very brrl FALL and WINTER GOODS He haa Cloth Camlniert, Dee Skina Jeani rannela Alpnecna, Lualrea Delniua Popliiia Prim, Mualina Dn ling Shawl 1 Cambric Calieoaa, t'rmch Htriiwet, Engliah JUmnoea READY MADE C OTHIHO faiHiuJ. IIAKDWaRE, ilATg and CAPS, 1KOCEKIE8 WALL PAPER, Oive me a eall. inrptoiiug Good. QCEEKSWARE. BOOTS k SHOES CARPETING, 6HIIK f lMblNas. No chargea made for louniry produce la- keu ia xu hang fur goods. iy i. iooo iy MBOBl OF XOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who euOered for year frooi fUvrvuu Uehilily. Preniamre JJcay, aud all ibe etfoeie of youthful iudieoraiion will, for th ak or ufring bumanily, arud free je all wbo need ii, tbe roipl aud di rci lone for making lha iiupl raoiedy by wbioh be wa eured. . BuftVr erewiahingto profit by ibe adveniaer'a ataviae, eaa do so by audriag, ia po' SBdnee. JOHN D,O0tY!f IgiWHAT ARE THE ifmi 5 J- ct OP TltlT AM HOT 1 TOI il NIFANCY DRINK, Ut WOOlliIiACT The aithrber, Ihlnhliil fur lb Iihrl aalronaa: bea'owel on b e taiii-limn Il ' L't'iretliin. bg 11ve) M Infurra III' rletida ami th p ihllc eenerally, lhal li 1 a had. Bla mill al Liahnrg itied tip in be beat poaaible maunrr, wiik the - Laf(t Improved ilachlntry made la the coon-ry. and wilh the advao tagea or Steam Tower, wblrb ean be relied on at all time. Jl feel eafe la eaylng 'bat hit ewiahliebinenl U eel anrpaaaed by any la the Si at. lUvlrreWgMg, d a vt of good Workmen a I now prepared for manufacturing all xlodsofV WOOLEN GOODS SUCH AS 0L)TH.. CASSIMERE.e, PATISETT TWEEDS. JEA.NS. FLANNELS, l'.LAN K ET.C A KPETS, Y.iK.NrJ, ac. In thi lilt manner and at riductd prici. An excellent aaaortmrnl of 0 tod al all line on hand, tor aale or exchange tot Wool. ROLL CARU1NU done on ebon notice. -TER5I3 CA8ll.-5aa MAHbi HALFPENNY. Lewlaburg, Colon Co., Pa., Deo. 4,0tt s UHOCH 4 BROTHER WouM reapectfuily announce lo ibe people of Snyder County and thepuhlle. ."nerilly. that Ibey have juet eecured. and will constantly keep on hand aod for ale, a very eatenetva atiortment of In their Cominndioe New Room oppoille tie uaua, reiingn,ve 1 a. THEY WILL SELL AT RE DUCE l PRICES I . Their extensive stock eonalal of a wH ad-cie-l anrlment of FALL A WINTER G MiliS. Trey bav CLOT IIS. CASSI MERS, plain and fancy. Saiineil. Jean. Tweed, Moulin, DVilling. Flannel.. Check, ko. Aieo an elegant aaavrimeni of LADIES' PRE"S GOOIH ilka. Iiomnn.inca. Alpnas. Hlnrk iI futicy Dt-lnips. Lawns, ninehania. x lurRo vnrk'tv nf fine White Goods, LAI'irn' FSA10V.RLK COATS, 'ificip, 'liirts Shnwl Ac, 4c. HEA I)Y M.V rF, CLOTH TXO.foaN. i'flH. l'nnts. ShirlK Sir. , vnrloly ol NOTIOXS H0SIE;V. 'ollar Linen and Parn U rt-rs' rl.n tilings Lutions ('orst. Zc. jiliy i. cmnnpin aua split Aioraviua uu Slietland Wool &c. &c. FISHaSALT ANDIRON, STEEL, STOVES, FORKS, -WOVtLS, SPADES, HAKES. (jLaS, NAILS. PAINTS, ilardware Qucvnsware, Glassware Cudarware, Willow-ware Crockery, J 'LAS TEA, White & Blue Alo, alargetinamily of dilferenl klndaof HAi tV I'Al'S, LUOI& SllUt. of every eljle, vnrieiy and inutility. AUo, all kind of CARPETS. &0. Rrnrerle. r .11 LU. r 1. r the Philadelphia and New York Market. iurj arrp coiMinuiiy on band a lurgr atlpply of WHITE LEAD AFD PAINTS, rv en rjiii.liiy nrd price, received direct from ihe man.ifaciur a and conrequently ran rell at ih very luwual price. AUo all kind of OILS, WHALE. DROWN LirilRlCATINO. SUHSTITI'TB ami l.IN'SEKn OTI. forPninllng. To the latter they call par liccular allemlon aa Ii I mini I A I I.iu.ia oil fur eolured puiuting, and cuia bul one wiiii - i, ice. IIip-liCS Ir coi tniil for Pnnntrv rndllPP nnd All Kinds of Grnln. l-?Give them a lri.il Moreno lug elbpwlicro. SCIIOCH Si MIOTHER. They are alo tbe ngenia forGEISER'S PATENT FLY REGULATING GRAIN 'EPARAT0I CLEAM.il AMI n tfifil u Tbe laieit Improved and mom celebrated In lie world. Juat lb Machine Farmer have been aeeking nfier for year. Ii will ibraeb from 'iO to 40 hel a per hour, cleaned v ' for maiaef. j uey wu i a tuaie ni 5 bine upon man uiern narraneu i,s re icernled. April 18. 'CT-ly . v. amaiiKL, m. u. rmur swiasroao AD THIS. Kblnda AND 8m lue ford. DncaoisTh and Chevi.its, Offor for 1e VTHoir.! ax i Kxtail. DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS and CHEMICAL8. Embraoiog PI'RE ZINC PAINT fireen. Blue. Yellow. Red and Black 1 Palnta ground in Lineed Oil, Pe tar Yarnlab Spirit Turpenlln. Counl. Coacband While DRVINO JAPAN. KNOTTING window Class, rutty, Fine Oil Alcrhol. Staech, lamoo, Vsaauiiina, Faisr and VA1IN1SII IIRC8IIE8, ilul and Fimali Truttn aad Bnrei eotuB Coaeealrated Lye, - i'iai Sponge, SriCES.CORN STARCH it BUD BEEB ilowrr and bar dm Seeds, ' T wbioh lb . ailenlionof dealer la sailed, ae w will sell al Ibe very loweal Cab Prloee ia quaailtles to sail pnroba- ttr. . 1 , W'tUtkno a hajid aad offer for eaU Wkoll aad lUiail. ell the lead lac Patent Medleinee. . Alao. BOY ION 8, CUNFECTIONEBIKR, . . TOBACCO a BEGAtS, Hair Vigor, for restoring Cray Hair to At natural Vitality and Color. A d'eMng whtca U.ft ooeaj er-eefibVa, healthy, and eircrtrnkl for prcaerving tha hahr. Ftvfed or frf hair 1 10cm ruiertd to ill original tobw vt'lh tht clou and fitohncu of youth. Thiu hair is thick. med, fnlling hair checked, and bald iaa often, though Dot always cured v ita 1110. Nothing can restore the iiir whure die follicles are dvatroyed, r I liu ifluii.li ittrophicd nnd tlccayed, .11 I' ll n remnin run be raved for 'iilnoaa by ill's rtppliration. Inatead I'liiiliti thn linir wilh a pasty aedi ut. it wiil keep it t lean and vigorous. ii'i n-iinml use will prevent the hair j it lu 1111)3 prny or fulling off, and j ' irpi.,ni!y prevent hnldneas. Free t ih )'' ili'lo'erldi' ililitiiiicel which "i n preparations dnngeroua and .'una to the Lair, lha Vigor can t.'iii lii tut nut harm It. Ii wauled TAIR DRESSING, .r !-) on, i ho found so dtsiralle. i '.in.; nci lu-r oil lior n'ya, it does , l t,lii o t'uinhric, and yet lasta tlia hair, giving ii a ricb (loety i.iitl a rutelul perfume. 1 -red by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., iical akd AxALrricxL Cnxiom, LOYVFXL, MASS. PHioa ai.00. Q ALL AT Fockler's Suloon. (Oppoaile St.d-1 ft Wen.eiier'a drug alert) IN 'vLLLS(iR()VF READING ALE! Plate of ico Cream! uu O Y STEMS, prepared in any way that can be dcilrad. Hit A Plate oi Fresh Tripe UU II DINES i SCHWEITZER. LIMUCRGEB OR IULL CilKI.SK, HI ANY THING LULLY KEPT IN i FIUST CLASS l!ES TAL'HANT. laijr Other Siiluim liipplied wilh Ale sad lyvler at Wholeeale prioci.Tdl A T VtaKL. w n AI,llT. 1 Toronioi JISEL, BALLIET k 8T0LGHTON, (EEUAL COMMISSION MEBCHJL5H, AKU PSALKSS IS Country Product anJ Domtftie Ffii'tn, Serifs, tfc, jVo.,22 Poi Til Wati:r Strikt, lniLADELPHIA. Rsriararx. Jacob R. Riegel k Ce., 8HU Market elreel i Lippencntt & Trnlter, 21 N. Water aired i Hood, iioubright A Co. 6ii Market Street 1 Ex.Gov. Jamea Pollock, 3D voutb (ill 1 reel: Join W'eiai 08 Walnut trcrl; Ilurris i Graham, 8:27 Arch alrecl. 11 rFeh4'h!lif D AVID WILLIAMS. Mrinufnclurea of ft Wholeaale Dealer In (lit, Miiliosnii), Wnlnut nnd KosenooJ LOOKING CLASS Picture ft; Phot- -rnph'tj Frames Nos. ilO nnd Mi Arch Street, Philudelphia Pa. Frnrne Repaired in ihe beat manner AUo, ltegililing in all ila hrnncbe. 7,2 7M. IIAItniNfJ. Kq., ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ft CONVEY ANCEB. Frrmnnt, Snyder Coiintv, Penn. Collection of all kinds made) Iheahoneit notice and nn ihe nioal reaaonnhle leroii, Conveyitncing in all it brauclie expi dilioualy executed. Duxna, MoaTOot, Note, nnl hlnnka of all kind condanily on band, l'erann at a dielanc bavinf claim for cnlleci ion wlililnbia juriedirliou need only addrea him by mail tn iinurt prompt aoiion. Ternta reaouuble. May'itt JF.Yi-TONE HOTEL. Seliiwgrovt, Snydrr County, Tt THE undersigned beg leave lo In for Ih public- thai be baa purchased and will keep, in good atyle, ihe above well-knowt and popular bouae. tksY" Hating large, airy and well furniik ed room, good aervanta, wilb Ibe unlirioj effort of ibe proprietor lo please bia giieK. Be bopea 10 meet wilb a large ehare of pun- 110 pulrnnage. J. r. WALTf.lt. iorgrove, Sept. 1, 187a . -TBS rosT- Job Printing Office MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER CO., PA. JIL KINDS OK JOB rRINTINO NEATLY, CHEAPLY. . M FXTEDITIOliSLY F.XECCTBB AT THIS OFFICE. PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE. J. D. nOFPMAN, ProprL.T COB.VER OF SECOND AND L0CU8T 6 HAURISBURO, PENN" 4er Every effort aeery In Ininr tk in or auaiu will b aiada. l b bou h l aawly rauuad luiay,ll7trU (1 HAYB1LL ft Co., X Wholiialb PiAixn" WOOD AND WILLOW WABl Oil Cloth, Window Abadea. Broime, Mi ilruvhee Col I OB Laj a, Grain Bag, I'l Nel, Bucket, Twinea, Wick. &e. No S North Third Sireed, Pbiladflpalt. reo. 1, -or R J. COOKS WHOLESAll D1ALEB .IN CUQCK9 lit North I bldflrrsA d.Iphla. I rhlladelphla. - J