The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 16, 1871, Image 3

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    e .
MUDI.tBWK..'....,..T:BCAri ISTI
Jt i stated that Scbator Cameron,
yho for tunny jtktt has beco the ableJ
representative or rcnnnjlvunla lo the
V. S. Senate, bna 0prod hi luten
t.on of declining a candidacy" for re
flection to Hint bleb position. Tie
lection ef IT. S. Servitor will bo made
V Ho l'",a,0roof 1872. Oourse,
whoirter a I.enuMicao tr Dcmnrrnt
hall bo selected. Will depend entirely
upon (be political complexion cf the
(mat amiety exists in W'sLinetoti
aoJ other citior, for clio aiilcty of iho
United Suites ati-nnier Teuiier-sce.wriioli
ailed somo time ag.i will) the San
Doiuintip'OrmiaiitMon. It fa stated thai
ho lifts leeo out nr-erty two Wtcks
lougcr tbao rhe aWd havo boon
wiih.ijt nring fceard Irmn. There to.
kowevrr, bo tcleriitihie coitimmicn
tion with "San Pollution City, holim
than Ilttvatin, sonic 7'jQ or 81 0 mil.
1itH0t, aul there i terhurn, n real
ground fur alarm yet.
Avo.Mitbo l.fl In introduced into the
State l.j;i..laiurf Its; ve -!, sub otu
Kliwi!f words an.! tovviisliirm to vote
wte-erery three yearn oti it Liquor law.
outlier reqiiiritij: nil Lcnlthy ehil-
tlrcj letween ', and 11 ymr of ro lo
itltcnd some school Ihrco mouths every
year, under n fruity to the piirenl of
iinpiisunuiant and n fine of ono dollar
per day. Referred to the Judiciary
An act autlioilsins Iho alo of se
curities in Iho Sinking Fund
lepcried negatively.
Abditor OfNiruL. .Several of our
xchancra etnto that Goo. Harrison
Allen, Fenntor fiota the "Warren dis
trict, will bo brought forward in the
licit Re publiosn State Convcntioo as
eandidato fur Auditor General, lien
Allen is a gentleman of ability, n sound
3!epub!icsn, and lu all respects a good
Tiiao. If bo (should be successful in
' ktsioing the oomioniion, there could
t 1.0 ohjeetion utped by Republicans
apuiust hi election. His career as n
nldier in tlio waroftha rebellion was
liighly creditable, and as a S-nutr he
lits uldy and faiibfully dim linr.-cd hie
duty. Il'trisburr) le'cyruyh.
Or," Ji'aiM A. liKAVlR, of JJ4lle
fonte, wbo has been reconuueudrd im a
Bultslhj candidate for the cilice ol
" .'Auditor Gc nopal, respectfully Jtclines
and gieea lhe filjowipj reasons in a
letter lo'iW&ftifontr Ji.iwL&ani
blst. I do not deairc tflicoofauy
Bind. '
' 2d. "Welaro candidate in our
tionnty (or Surveyor Gcueral, and ti
loth cnodidatcs cannot he taken from
he sumc county, 1 am unwilling; totlo
or or allow anything which will operate
. gninf.t Mr. Willi's chances.
"31. Locality having much lo do
with the availability of a candidate, I
m of the opinion that the n .rth-wcst-rn
part ol the State should bo coo-
"""" "Piany in ting nomination."
The New 'L'uvsry Dim.. The
8a!dier' I.nnd County flill was (,..-s
d by tho llouh. with but two vole
in the negative, Gibson of Virginia,
and Smith of Oregon. It provides that
Aa C .1 I!- C
coiuicr, .-seaman am oflieer of
Xht Army and Navr who did serve
ainaty days during tha rchtll
ion. nod wU9 honorably dihargd.
and having aioco continued loyal, will
bo entitled to one hundred und sixty
acres of land under the now exist
ing Homestead laws. TUy will also
U allowed twolvo months more tbuu
ki tartn of servico, or enlistment, in
Which to make an actual aettlemont
nd commence his improvements on
the lands or may aoaigtj his certifi
cate to the United States citiion wh
lias not pnaeiously availed himself 0f
n bouietiead or pro-emption laws.
An aotual residence of two Tears bv
Xht sotilerer his a8siKoee. exoept pen-
aionera, is However, required before a
title will be issotd, and aamarriod wid
ow and minor erplun children of
f oiaiers and eallors, are included in
the provlitlona of tho act.
. An Important Hill,
Tb following la the text of an ln
porta ot bill recently introduced ia tb
Legislature by Mr. Dill. State Senaior
froai this district :
Sectioji I.' That from and after the
aste w nnal passage from this act it
hall be tte doty of the several clerks
of the orpbafis' coort of thin common
weal) bio record at length, in a ducket
io oe provided Tor that purpose at the
expeost of the roapceiive counties.
ait boons inerealter gtveo by Auratiiia
trattir, KieHors, 'J'tustoe or Guar
diane for the performance of aoy du
lies imposed upon- or required from
them by law or order of court, pro
tiJtd, that before any such bond shall
be reeorded, the sttuie ball be ' doly
eknowlsdged by tbo obligors, or pro
ven by a subscribing wiloeae . in ibe
Biaoner provided by . law, for lbs ac
knowledgement or probate of deeds.
. 6rcnoj(2. .Thai said docket or an
eitcoplifloaiioa of the reourd ofaey
)eMl or bends so recorded,' shall be
eeeeivea as evidence id any soars w
. of this caraesonweelUi so fully a the
, original boai woeti teavldssoe, were
ISesese r.rodtiij eoort. v
r-.-r-;ji . V, rf recoH:-; eaid
' I'-'ttief' "-icJ, t erjt--t eosrie
I Ut I ll tl:Huiti
' ' r &".jrl Hi of
The . lWjiittdst M
uiukiug itself heart 1, Leliiafof Gen-
srsl llarty Jklleo for Auditor Oenr'rnl.'
Tbo JndspendftDt Is In eatnesf, and
we chp tbe JoIIofflog m' a sample
article. '" '
Among jthi) pronaioent geailctnen
named ia eonnifetipM with Ibis impor
tant offiee, is thai of General llorry Al
len, Saoator frouTt tbo Warreo
trict. " Hiit name Is known nil over
tbe Mtate, not alone as a leading pub
lie man, or the pnpuhir aeaiit'ir frow
the DiMriet ' be rcpiesenls, but
brnve Boldier dwring the rebellion
Ilia nrmy record is brijtht, and during
that tearlul struggle ha atooJ second
to oo officer lor firmness and his sol
dierly qualities cndeuit'd him lo the
people and as u mark ol Inch esteem
m wbirh thry held him for Iim devo
tion to hts eoiiBtry. and a rrcogniiion
ol his inct itsss a man, ho w,i chosen
to the ;iiupurtant position which he
now with high honor to himscll
and credit to his conetitucots.
Ilia character Is ' beyond reproach,
and with suili a StandarJ boater, thr
Krpublu-an party would niarth
to certain victory. Knowing the
high striding of tJencral Allen,
we would uru bjg ooiniinaion , to the
convention as tho Lest that can he
male. It the prestige td popularity
is desired they have it in all its full
nc in this entloinan or ol times
they need not look further.
lie will adorn tbe place nnd add te
l the character which such station
sl.ould always prcscut, Thoroughly
i ilnctiled. iutulilgcot and refined as a
civilian ; tried and popular as an ofli
eer, his name vould rally the entire
pympalhy of his party.
Thi Democracy of to-day nrs awake
to tbeir interests, and should a weak,
incompetont or unpopular man be
cht'ii'u by their opponents, tboy will
not fail to re-eiact the scene as in
Philadelphia, whereby they elected
s State Senator, when their opponeui
really had large majority in tbo city,
and savo the democracy the control ol
the Senate, ol Pennsylvania.
Thucou vcniion will decido for th
test. Hut we can ussure its member
it rests With the in to win or secure
defeut. They have the lonHons ofthe
past to warn them, and if they fail,
tho fault is theirs, when they ran
avoid ir by the election of such a mau
as we htlve presumed.
ItulliouU UUasUr.
The lollowiog ore somo ot iho par
ticulars of the recent terrible accident
on the Utid-on Jtivtr liailtond :
iw York, Feb. ".Tho train
leainu New York Ht 0 o'clock Iiii
ovcuing met an oil train on tbe New
Iluiuhurg draw bridge. The oil truyo
juinpcd the truik nud broke iu two,
Ao oil car tipped over oo tho passenger
train and tei it on tire, and tho loco,
motive, cars and bridge were all burned
up. Three sleeping cars are amonp
those detttioycd. Eighteen person
were killed outright, and many mon
injured who cannot recover. No
names have yet been obtained.
1'otiiUKEiPslK, Feb. 7 Tho des
patch sent this morning incorrectly
Mated the cause ofthe disaster on tbo
Uuduou Jtivtr ltaiiroad. Au oil triiio
was hound -eulb, and when passing
New Hutu burg and axle of the oil cr
bloke and dragged alouir the ground
until it reached tho drawbrid" -',
"'I''. til0 'iuiljr. it threw tha cars
ouits track and upou tho up track, io
i'ltue of tho second Pacific express. An
attempt was made to stop tbe express
train, bat not in time enough, and it
struck tbe oil car, and fragments of
tho oil car were scattorcd io every
direction, and at onco ignited, envel
opiuu the express train iu flumes.
The express li aiu was composed ol
a locomotive, one baggage car and five
or six sleeping cars. Tho locomotive
was at once hurled iuto tbe river und
tho engineer killed, and the bai-'guge
and express cars were piled on top ol
iho engine. At tbe same time tho
(.'hietigo sleeping car was ono sheet
of flaiue, nnd though desperate at
tempts were made to rescuo tho. raa
sciiKers, it is said ndt one gut uot alive.
Two uf the iitherlerning cars. next to
it were also wrapped in fiatues, but the
paseni.Rrs in them all got out safely,
and then tbe bridue took fire.
In kes than ten minutes afterwards
die whole structure tell, currying with
it tbo Chicago ear, nnd buryioir it and
its inmatoH out of right under the
water and among the ruins of the lo
comotive and oxprei-s cars.
This terrible result settled all doObts
as to the probability uf rescuing any
ono, dead or ulive, aod then there wa
nothing todo till dayliuht,
Tbe paseo(.'rrs say that the Chicago
car cootuibed za or 3U poisons, and
not ono got out alive
IVIfFriFAflir lnaT Mill.
Tbo Pittsburg Commercial cf ye
terday says: One of the most fright
All aecidenU which we. had to record
for some time occurred oo Saturday
afterooon1 at Graff, Benuelt & Co'
iron mill in West Pittsburg, resulting
in tho death of Ralph Culbertson,
eugineor of the establishment.
About 8 o'clock a laborer went into
tbe engine room and discovered the
manuled log ot a man lying oo tin
floor near the ftVwheel. which wu
revolving with great velocity. He at
once uave the alarm und the engine
was stopped and inveatigatioo made.
ben tho inaoiiled and mutilated body
of tbe eogiocer was found io the pit
under too llywuevi.
Tbe lust aeeo of Mr. Culbertson
prior to bis doatb was about 1 o'cloek,
some two hours before tbo sccideut
was discovered. At that time a labor
er having business ia tbo engine room
went io aod saw Mr. C. preparing to
oil tbe engine, bavrog a lighted lamp
and tbe oil-can io Me band. How
the accident oocured ia 6i court a
mystery which In all probability will
never be ckplaloed. '
The deceased wu e, most MtimabU
a eareful and attentive work-
..3. :! hl'bly e'emt4 by bis tm-
plc;en. H w the employ
of the trn M r ,.-r for tie past It
- r ' - AJiBBTxari'T-J"-'? -!
,...n .i--"" -
gjiij'ALji.-1-1. j- i s. ji
'. Til e toatl Ktrlkp. f
rofrsvrr'.tft,'' Fb. 13. The foflow.
jng fioin tbo Mint r' Jottrnul tcport
ofihe meeting cf, coal opvialots held
to-day t '" ' '
There ws bold "Ibis lllerooon .at
the rooms of tbo Anthracite' JJunrd ol
Irene, on . of ike largest and most
Larmomous meetings ofthe operators
end thoeo intorcsled in tbe 'cdal rdde
tbat we remember aver to bate knovyo
Repraseoiativea were preMt'fronuall
paid of tbe Ri htiyMcill region. n' well
as a large delegatiou from Pliiladcl
pW i. - i . v Vn:, Y""; -'
Althntrgh'tlie proreedingi Vere by
r a IuitiOo lttofied,io be kepi private,
w loam that a depldorj 1 1 he of politj
was determined upoji which it is be
l eved, whoo fuirj perfected, will cun
tiouu work during the balunco of the
season without reaviiabl fear of scri
oui interruption., Wo eiocvrely hope
this anticipation may be more than
realized, and that the region may not
be placed In the uofortuoule position,
ol last year.
A teieuram received this afternoon
from Shsmokin ststes tbat the opera
tors and woikiogmen Northumlor
land county, at u meeting bold to-day.
ateel to resume wotk on the 15th ol
t e prrxcnr month, on tho term.i of the
b ! of 1 fjfiO, with a sliding ecalo of
3:1 per cent, up and tlown. The ope
rator are to py the basis for the fir-t
month after tbt cool goes down below
S3, but not after that.
Now that there is a fair prospeot of
s -ttiing tue Alaoama claims, all par
ties concerned are acting witb a uk
patch which presages a speed r ud-
juntiurnt of the questions at issue, if
tiat uioDy attends tlie sessinu of the com
tnision. Tho Canard steamship Cu
bs, which sailed from Liverpool on
Saturday from New York, took out
among her passengers Karl d Urcy,
Lord Tenderdeo. Mr Murtaeue Hern
srd. and Viscount Goderich. of the
joint btirli commiHaion for the settle
inetit of tu f sbery question botween
Great Britain and tbo United Slates,
indalsi of tho Alabama und other
claims of tho United States upon Great
uritain. 1 lie commissioners are ao-
eompanicd by a number of diplomatic
utti'ouanis. lliegootlciuen wbosude
parture is noticed above will arrive
about tlie latter part of the month,
and if they proceed promptly to the
business which has called them'
the Atlantic, tbo commission co con
vene its session by the first of March.
It S Mattd that tbe Cotlltuitsiou Will be
in m ssion but a few weeks, as it is un
derstood the' the conlorence is not to
arrange the details of a treaty or trea
iie Covet ing the several questions at
iB"ue, but to determine tbe prinernles
and settle the policy upon which ibe
details cun ulierwurd bo negotiated.
it I also siven out on other iiuihoiiiy
tlmt the basis of tho eettlomrnt of the
Alabama nud other question, basal
ready been agreed upon. Tho mes
sage and coirospeiidenco sent by the
President to th Senate rather evadeU
these points, and io tbe alienee of
any ollieial information tho Washing
ton, corrcHponacntsjire, as usual, very
fertile in ibeir surmise.-lWas.
- Two singular dlvuive cacs were
heard by justice Sutherland in the
Supremo court, of New York, recent
ly, liust fall a Mr. George Gross,
who wus a tnurried man, eloped from
ih wll'u a MrV ,;:::::L:i.'; .Mil
ler. The deserted husband and -wile
commenced ihoir respective suits for
divorces, which on motion Of Johu N.
Shorter, their counsel were granted at
Chambers. As both cases depended
upon the same evidence, the deserted
plaintiffs were thrown necessarily of
ten together. Acquaintance sympa
thy, and friendship, ripened rapidly
into a stronger attachment, and as
'hey have been releived of their mat
rimonial engagement, they happily
terminate the whole affair by enteiiuu
into n contract to sail tbe matrimoutul
sea together ut an early day.
A villain iu Williauisburg, N. Y..
has been for some limo making a bus
iness of stabbinit youoit ladies lu the
back with a stilletj, when toey veo
lurod out aftor nightfall. All efforts
to cutcb him failed, until Saturday
oigbt last, when two officers, both
purposly dressed io womuu's clothes
und cleselv vrilu J, caught biui just a
he was io tbo act ol stabbinit one of
them wbo was ahead of ih other.
The man refused to give his oauie, uud
tbo only excuse be made for bin coo
duct was that be bad determined to hsve
ri vrnge upon Uie sex for the shame
(ul muooeria which be bad beeo jilied
by a girl wbo bad premised to msrry
. Octararo, Chester county, bas a
flt'h'ia' put son. A short time since,
while lioluioir a revival meetmu. he
was seriously annoyed by tho roughs
who conurejiated around the church
doirs. Parson Gregg, gave them no-
rice that a repetiliou of the disturbance
would cause him to takoaomo muscu
lar exercise. I he ootse beimt repeated
the parson shipped his sermon, took ol
hia coat aud decended from the pulpit
and in a few moments bad given one ot
(he ring-leaders as pretty a pounding
ns a fellow ever gut. This stopped tbe
trouble, and tbe parsou qutotly coo
tinued the servico. '
An old lady named Eve Nipple,
living alone, iu Ltukiug Creek Valley,
Junista County, uud supposed to bV
over one hiioureu years old, wan turn
ed to death on the J7th ult., by her
hou-e taking tire, ibe Gre was dis
covered ahnut noon, and on tho neich
hora visiiiug the acene ihe charred
hodr of the old ludy was discovered
lying near the trout door with ber
.T .-t 1 or
umnn Durnea ou
An Important decision bus just
been rendorsu m luutunaii in a
lute case it waa bold tbat w here per
sons give local reporters Items which
prove to be untrue and libellous, the
informer is liable.
.A rial at PriuceUin, Illinois, on
Saturday eight, destroyed tbe Jitjjub
Ivan newspaper otliee, sed the stores
bt Bhertnan et Clara, n. ji. fisler.
Hah la 4 Cetlla. and others. Total
loss. 120.000.- covered by Insurance, j
Genual J.' W Fisher, ex-etate
senator from Lamavlsr, h been ap
pointed associate Justice 01 tne torn
torj cf Wyomlnx by Pruideat Cunt
Triannial Valuation of
Ajgtt.jnU StdtrnmK 'thtwutg' thf hfnation of srfl Vor,'oe'A H nl an1
. Jrsonnl;' ic':. iatyhlt both frr Comity and Slit-, i yf tcrrnl Ltnlrici-'
of Unyiltr C'ous'y. at rttumed y the Amuort, Vectmbtt" 14-,
.-.v - ....
s 1:8 54 3 8 El?
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Oaioy-ie;l- joao ''oy suotssepud 'suoii .
oeoOAotsS -vdiiooo 'sapeai jo onti. p,s y
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lropor;fy 1 akublo lor
Personal rroperiv. s'leb a s flsrses, Mares,
Cm lie above th airs of Tour years,
o I
MortK(tss, .In.lpoiMitt, Bunds, Notes, and Money at Interest, gi?rn otber tlum
for tho suit of Real Eatals,
Morienges, Judtuienls. Booda. Notes, and Money at Interest, given for or
virtue of tbe sals of Ileal Estate,
Canal lioain. (included In above table under bead of bouachnld furniture,
llouscliold Furniture over and sbnvo$300, tncludlac cold and silver elate, ko.
Carriages. Buggies, io.. latahla at ths rale
Uflices, Trades, Occupations. I'rcJcttlons, ae., ever ana aoove .w yearly
income at tbe rale of 1 per ceut. on such sxceas,
Watches: Gold Lever and olber Gold Watches of equal value 3" re
turned at SI tai each or $100 sseb $ l,70n
Cilver Lever and other Waiebcs of like value -16 returned at :
75 ce. tea each or $75 eatib l,'-''
All other Watolies of like value 13 returned at SO cts. eacu 6 H)
Tot'il amount taxauio ior
Ws. lbs unders!ened. Commissioners of
tbe provisions ooniaineu In tba tlevsntn eecetion or ids act oi general Aaeemmy, sp
provsd tbe V7ib inx of July A. l. 1842, and lbs aeveml fnpplemanta thereto; do pub-
1 1 nil ibe TirVgoing Mstsment, anu at ins tame time, usrery give punua notice, in at nn
Ibe twvntirtb day tt Fsbrearv next lbs Commissioners will meet at their oflieo in the
Court liouss in lbs Borough ef MiJJleburg
wbeaiber sny of the valuaticns of Ihe Assessors have been lands below a just rate, ae
coniii; o lbs msanlng and intention of said sets referred to, Uounty Tax at lbs rate
s...itta An iha dollar.
VI 11 IWIH- . . . .. I. tOJII.I
Cilveu under out nanus at our oucc io .niuuicuuig, iue
Attest ;
A J rrtSSS Clerk. vuuimissiuoers.
Notice is'also hereby giv.n, tbat tbe ssiJ Board of Revision will meet as follows :
for ihe township of Seaver. West Beaver. 0 outre Franklin and Middleburg Bor
ough, on Monday tho 'JOth day of February nail.
for ihe townships of Joskaoa, Penes. Moure, Middlecrosk, and Sullnsgroa Borough
on TuesJny. tin 2lst dsy of Fsbrusry neit. .
for the townships of Tarry, West Vsrry, W,hlnjlon, Catoa and Chapman, on
Wednesdny the 'i 'i day of February next..
The Assesaura of the Various dtatriota In pariioular. are requested te be present at
the lime ibeir Assessments are bslng revised, snd sny luformaiiou by oibera iulerested
will bs received aud duly considered-,
By order of ths Commissioners. '
A. J. PETERS, Clerk.
$ :00 Law.
Noitee ia hereby glvsa tbat ths invento
ry ef Mary Diemer, widow of James Die
uier, lata of Middlrcrssk township, de
ceased of Lydia Kline, widow of Jobn
J. Kline late of Beaver townabip daoeaa
ed s and of Elisabeth Clricb. widow of
Daniel C. I'lrich, lata of Bell va, da
ceased, have been filed with tbe olsrk of
i be Orphana' Court et Hojder Count y, and
will bs presenisd to court for approval oa
Monday, the 27tb day of February nasi.
J. CKOl'tiE, Clark, 0. C.
January 24, 1871.
given that
NOTICE. Notice is hereby
Klist llorcninn. West Beaver,
Susan Rood. Chapman township
Henry Ilenfcr i'siinnvllls
Knuvh Uifiitb, f reeoiont.
Catharine Mattern, Troaelvills.
Isaao N. Trotel, "
Wm. f. Long. CeiilsrVll'e: . ,
Jaeob Woiat. MuKsse 4 falls.
Jobn B. Woodling, Peons Township. ....
John A. Bmblnecker, Mlddlebburg,
obn II. Wenrich. Sstiosgrove, '.'
Henry t). Boysr. "
have filed ibeir pelltieaa far Tavern 14
oauae witb lbs Cln k of lb Court or Quar
ter Ssaalons. of Suydar Coauly, and tbe
same will be prescuisd for approval ou
Mouday, the 27ik day of February oeat. '
J. CUOl'SE, Clerk, Q. rj.
Jan. 24, 1871.
- horehy given le all ooneerned, that tbo
toiiowitig oaiueo peraoD aav aatUad tbelr
eounu Id the ttealsur'e OfBeo, at atlddlabura-.
Huytlar bounty, auu tbat tbe aald aoeoaau will
ie praaenceu loreoonrasaiiva aoo aiiowaaee at
tbe Oritbaaa1 1 lourt lo be held at Mlddleburu.lor
tba Uounty of Murder, oa tba Fourth ttoaday of
' ebraary betiui tba ntb aa at aatd aiuata, vlai
tai. ibe aeoouul of Abaabam Brubaoker
aud Daniel Winner, Eieoutors sf lha Last
will at lesiauoDl of Jacob Brubeoksr dee'd.
' Vud Tba aoeouut of Sophia Haas, Ad
miniatrairis of tba Estate of Baiuusl Haas
Srd Toe account ef George J.. Bchoeb,
Guardian of William f, Roatb a . Minor
ohild ef Mary J. Roush, elao'd.
4ih Tba aoeouut ef Joseph Smllb and
Jobn V. L'lab, Exseutors of tbe last will
aud taaiarueal of Jasob J. Smith dee'd.
6lb Tbe aeoount of Kloioa Krepa Adntia
iairalor ef lbs eiaieef HsarysXreps deo'd.
I . o. u. bi uuun, nag r Keo r.
January 20, 1171. -, .
'No. 227, Korlb Srd 8L, '
between Base and Vina) t ' Fbiladslpbia
U, V. CL' M MINGS. Pro.'r.
M. M. S.AJ1R, 8fptrii4ut.
Snyder Cottnty for 1871.
'05 'spuninvmnem
- t" "'l!nl- II "''!i"'PDl 'iis v
lw (i jo uojisnpiA pewses?
e5 jo fjvoX esoqs srriw .'. O
snail nna imi '.SntmsV ' S
'ejeiss nj jo en f r osqt
janin iioiiJl SiiHsftijnm
H'l" 'unortn 'ain.,mll.,nr',ai tmi
" O km AMrtfl, (A IIABiAllllV
oy otd t9 pne pp3
8u;pnpo '(Hn:f OAoqe pas
J3A0 'ojnjtnjnj pjoqmno'l
.ysjeoq jo ootinei powciv
y 'ss8ttuq 3i?uu4e
JBWdjo uoiist.sA pesssssy
jn)a JsioiutiM jo ' ov
siintwojojd 'suoiisilii3o
C -1 , '
" 0P'J i 0011111(04 p.lNMS, y
" 'Aiunoj
om ut notianiil.t innr
- 1 r
I - . . i ' 1 IT Jla
Ob its
, ,
oi -J5
iaiJica jnsntpj jo nSA p,wy
w cn
1lo taj jo 00s aii jo
on'uu q jo 'joj ojaiS ' oy
'riooaiipnf 'spuoq 'isaiaia;
iauoui jo.eniu psesettsy
- 1
go .
u w m '2 1 so 'taqjisAV
4 5
jo nojivnttti pass y
. ia
bi on
td.1l - iwi .
joj epqniici iuuotue psjuio
S -J
ij -
Hlnto puriWNos ulono.
Geldings, Mules, lie., and Neal
of 1 per ceut. on lbs value,
otaie purposes, ae.i,Piw
lbs county of Snyder. In aeeordnnee witb ,
for lbs purpose of Anally deteroiining
10th day of January A. P.,
fy I...
Committee Account.
NOTICK. Notice ia hen-bv ifiven
tbat tba aeeount of M0ES 8PECHT com
mittee of tba person and Estate of George
Fsbl, a Lonstlo of Beaver townabip. Sny
der eounty, Peoo'a. hat bean filed wiib
lbs Protbonotary of Snyder county, and
lbs aaroa w'll bs presented lo Court for
eonferniation oa Monday tha 27th. day of
February next. i. CHOUSE, i'roiboo y
Middlsburg Jan. 2U, 1871.
taiitlon. Havinir rurrha'ed
J tba folluwlna- articles at OoDstable'i Sale
and left tbe same In possession of lianiel Hare,
of I'raaklla township, all persons ara hereby
eautiodeil not to Interfere with nor In any wav
meuaie wtin mo same, vis: una suovo, I i.ioca,
I Cook stove. L.ard aud Kettle, a ut orsaussire,
S sboau, I Cow. I t'alf, I Wunon, horse Kssri,
I Hay .0 ara, 1 Bugicy, 1 Cultivator, I Harrow,
Wheelbarrow, f bled, onebaU faterest to a
iiorse, i tteinart.
January Is, istl.
Estate of ELttsasTit Baicaasaaca, deo'd.
jeaUte ol Ellsatielb Halcbanbaoh, lata of Wssb
ibatou lp , deceased, bavlnu been granted to the
DDdarstguait, all persout
nowlnir Ibatn.elvea
louooieu oo
the amate ara rcoiie.te-l to make
payment, aod those bavlnu claims agalust tbe
asant, and
same, will breieal tbem to
t ,. vsa.a.saw n n in isir,
Perry towoihlp, January ao, lstl.
Estate of A. 0. HA881NUEH, dre'd.
lha astaia of A. O. llassiiirer, late ol
rielintfrove Borough, deoeasril. bnviny
been granted lo the uuderainned, all par
aona indsbied to tba eaisls ara requaaledto
make payment, aud Ibuaa having claims
against tbe same, will pre. en t I ken to .
Jan.' St. 1871. ' fdutlalstraior.
NOTICE. Tha uiderelgne.t
did, this STU day of Jaoaary, A. !., 1171,
purchase (roes Isabella Tkarp, tbe foliowlag
koodt. via t ua spotted jow, tea Iseits ana
nea.ieeua om
btova aad Pin
steads one Cook btova aud Pll,
btova aad Pipe, TS Cblokans, 10 Oeese, f IMieks,
one Corner cupboard, four steal Blsai i. one
thorn, three Vinegar Harrelai aad left Um aaaie
la of tba aatd Isabella laarp, aad
hereby war at Ua nubile sot to luwrtera wltb
thesame. HLNMY M. HEINAttU.
, Washing toe township, January SI, UN.
one Corner Cupboard
Esuw af MABT O. DECICE8, Dttiastd.
ralala ef alary C. Beaker dej d.. lata
of Uallusgrove Bo.sugb, Vnyder County,
f a.,havioc bean gratted ta the uadaraiguad
all persons indsbied to tba said estate are
requested is auaks pay aiant, and those hav
ing dsoiaudt agsiusl tba saute lo preseul
Ibtui without delay lo
or-oiia e tfcuMSB, lUtwttn.
JlsQiry , tilt ....... (
Snyder County, S.S.
Ttia rmrmonwoaltli of Ptnnftvlrnnla, Tn
t.Tilla S-tanrVMowi i nlhi'lre liiirrinikrrtM
US Ksmiiol Wtlt Hvnrf Kalker,
kai, HmIioii l'lsr. l,'lnr Veikr, Miu, lmr
ltd to ot hm are minor snl k t C.r inntr
Oasritlsn Trelrlsb Mtmlnn, nil rt t!nln
nj'l ooiimt. rennt,,ni, Jswpb Kniksr
rssiillneat 1'nUnhl, PuUshl entintr. Imtlsnai
:tli ilih lnlrmsrrl.l with Mmnnsl Itrnnnar,
llnSllna at C lf , Lneas Oo., Oblai Wllmluk.
lnSrmrrl WUS Lvl WU1, rtnlitlmr
Mooa'S Mllla. 'lfllil Oo., P Mtry, taUr
msrrlxt with Haurr Kowo, rMtdln t Br
villa, Bsrboa atMnlr, KananSi Kikrli Kalktrt
kslrs, taalitlajt ai WhttiMvlUa, Aaoraw soentv,
Klwxirti Mil Mt1 Falkar, raaMlag at Mraak'i
Mill, Mifflin eoantv. Pa., tlaaal iaeandaata af
Hanrj Fstkar, laU of tha tws ' sef . Waat tteav
var, SatarMnnlv. ilaraaaad. (reatlnei
V? ara harrbf oltail to aa IN appaar ttaMf
tha Jadaaa of oar Orphant 'o'
, t IS
Ml bv
t MlitdlebattfJ
l aa f irpnans
(lourt o said at M
tlia4lb atnn.
any. of t abraarv,
K. W.,1T1,
mrsDiioa, man ann lun io ancant or rania to
lake lha Raal rWH ty (tiaaaM Hanrs rotkar
dasaas-il. at tha apMaiaril valnallua ant tinn
rnf rataraad bv tha KharlH of aalS aauatv. ar
show eaoso why tbo saajo ShomM a4 bo bold
Anil haraof fall aou
Wltnm tbo Hon aj,) wotxl, Pralnt nf nnf
(rM '.oart, at MM41lranr ttbl Olrt dav of 1
eomber, av. D., 1170. J. C'ROfaE, Clark (. O.
Oride Gold Watches.
U, &in9 trUO, !".
Purine ttia fast Aiarvoars oar watches have
baao tbornuKbly tatlaS. that fur appaaranoa,
styl of (tnlsti, ami acenraev of tlma kaoplaa;
Iha'lHrant Wad-has" ara anfvaraally aea1rd
tha heat . Thay ratal a Ihelr brllllMty aod oolor
until worn nut.
ea-lf aflsr parehastnn anil fairly trylnr, any
nna Is not rally aalWUad, wo will ehaarfully ro
famt Iho monay.
e-Tbov ara all la Hanttna; Casai. Oantls
aian' and LaSla'a dial. Kvary Watrh ura
tawl for tlmo and waar, by apaolal oartlScaio.
arA lanto a taurl mailt "lui.rol drlila"
Chalnt, tn to $S. Alto, OontleuiM'i and La
dia l Jawalry In treat varlaljr.
-Hswara of Imltatlona. Ordar dlraet from
as or aar auboniad aaania Aaaott and others
applying for elroulars will leao oaolosa tbraa
cant stamp for poitano.
Onadf saol to bo paM on dolfvory. t'ustnmars
parmllted to oaaailno what IS ontar (balura
iiavlna bllla, oa lmsnl of himu obamas
bulb waya.
a-When HIX Watehaa arenrdorad at onoa.
wo will land an antra Wateb pit a,nnalnil) fraa.
-rar-hssars raabllnw at Saaao dlttanao Irmn
F.iprassifflras.ajideolrlna; to aavo tlmo and
aipanaas. etn aava tbo (ouit aant by mail,
by remitting (with tho ordars tbo amount
rtalrd by f O. Stonsy ontar raicl'larad lattar.
draft, or ehaek. payalile to our nnlar. at our rlak
Addraas plainly, JAMES UKRAKU Si 4H.,
' Mi Maasau stbt. Naw Yea a.
P. O. Boa ,!. . 4 (Uoo. ia-Aa
EataU of JOHN J- K LIN E, dao'd.
XJ oa tbaastato of JOHV J. HI. lite lata or
Haavar townshlo, ilacM, havlna; baan arantoil to
tba nndorla;neltaU parsons knowlnv thauisalvat
Initabtad to tha astata ara raquaslad to in.,ka
paymant. and thoso having olallns against tba
ai w iu uraiaoi uwn w
Iloaver townbtp, Eae. I. UTS.
Howell et Co.'t AfiertisemenU
. ..
TO THE WORKING Cf, ASS. Wa arc aow
prepared to furnish .all classes wltb constant
aiuployoiantai baina, tbo wb do of tho tltnaor
for iho span momants. Iluslnasanaw, lUht.aod
vioiiikvi. i prni ui viiaar aax aasiiy oarn
fro io too. to as pa' oranlna-. and a ummrtionl
sum by ilarotlnii ttialr whola lime lo tha buslnats
iinysann Kins earn nearly as mm'h as man.
That all who sra this notice may sand thalr sit
drrss. and test laa bulloras, wo make tho unpar
sllcleil after : To such at ara Dot wall sutuilxl
ws will srnl tl t i pay far tha trouble of wrltlnic.
For particulars, a vainalda -amtila which will do
lo cuinmanoe work on, and a copy of The Fen
da's Litarnrv 1'otunanlnn nm of t,
and tiasi family ne-pr ever puldlsbed all
pent tree by mail. Kamlsr, If you want l-eruia
bent profitable work, addresi
c v. aLLu a. vo. Abguita Mains.
The t lnmplnn of While Supremacy Aailnst
ina w oriu. a nriii i ias r.ittui fSKa Ult Hit
t l.'ATH' WliKKI.Y, oti.ilrlifht.l oi lsi.
rsr ysur i tl lur t months. -ii'i crll.e for li
r or sphi'lman e
) copies, aJ.lm.'s 'DAY HOOK New
orh t tty .-
S S. rnvii S FAMILY Tin-.
tclsn i SU panes sent ly mall free. Tasch
. ,, , --
hsir. cvn. comiiiexii
ll ul tlio rsoo ; skin,
lexion. Write to J'4 Mruadwav,
New York
Ql? VrI von PAMPHLET TO All-
i-'HiV I vertifers, price a ott.
. lino. P How.
k Co., 4'J Park sua, N. V.
Mill-, OS k TIRO'S
Of f lowcrauud Vegeiabls reed.-,
Fort isri,
wnibareadrf.irmtillnKby tha middle of Jan
uury, ootwltbitandlna: our Kraut lots oft'ie
paper, euur viaxs.kc, by tire, which destroyed
Ihe Job PrlntlUK office of the Kouuoner llsmo
crat aud I'brunicie, 2.',lli llecembe ISTu It will
be printed on on a moat elexant new tinted nuiier
81.1 llliutrated wltb Dearly
Five Iliiiidr.'d Or g nul Enravingl.
Ami two finely executed Colored Plates sped.
uisds for all uf which were grown by ourselves
the past season from oor own stork of Scuts. In
the urliilntllty, execution and extent of tbe an
ravltiK' It Is unlike and eminently superior to
ay niner i:niainaue o. "r iorai tiume" extant.
Tbe llataloaua will con. lit of Hi Panes, and
at soon as published will be sent free to all who
ordered Seeds froin us bv mall tha last season.
The others a sherire of IS rents par copy will tie
utaiie, wniua is noi me value oi ma eoiureu
Plates. We assure oir friends that the Induce
uieuta we oiler to purehaiars of beads, Is to quel
liy aad extent of Mock, liltoounts and Premi
ums, are uuturuassed. Pleata lead order! for
lalulo.uas wiuiuut delay.
Our Colored Cbromo for 1871
bs ready to send oat Id January.
Chromo will represent Forty two varieties of
show y and popular riuirere, of natural alio and
color, rue oesign Ul uiaaa is iue uesa r-iaie oi
Bowers ever Is.uad. sue, 18U4 Inches. Tha re-
tan value would beat least Two Hollers i we
shall, however, fnrnlih It to cuitomers at li ot.
per copy, tod otter It as a premium upon orders
lur aeeds. see Catalogue when out.
tSKlUOD It DHOTHEH. Hoeheeter, K. Y,
PUI.MON AK V BAl.SAH.'i ifsi )
be old standard rsmeily lor Coughs, Colds,
ontuuiptloD. " Nulblug better." Octldb
tfaoa. a coH liotton.
J oaa. ftemovea tuperfluoui hair In Five
sitauisi, wiiauui injury w iae saiu. rjeni uy
mail forti.u.
Rellevei most violent paroxysms Id fire niloutca
aod atleott a speedy cure. Price 3,uo b, mail.
Colors tha whiskers and hala a beautiful ai.sra
or a how a. Iteontttisor only one preparation.
To cenu by Bialb. Address ri. U. tiPHASI, No.
Ul Jayne street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars
tent Iroa. bold by all Druggists.
$rfo$10 PER DAY.
MEN WOMEN. 110 Y 8 and OIK Let whoeniiaite
Id our uew bualuess make Iroui V to Slu per day
la their uwd loc illtles. Pull particulars aad la
strui'lloD seut free by aiull. Those la need or
INiruiauent. prahtable work, should address at
ouoe. OtURUE SUNsOJI aad Co, Porland
at.a.a B ALAR Y PER VSEKI,. and axnen
CSae aaa. pakl Aaaate. lo tall our new and
useful discoveries. Address U. bwasr h Co ,
asaraBBii, nioa,
-ARcata! Rm Tblil
TV orsae par week and oa peases, or allow a
large eoaiuilsslon, te sell oar no aod womiorful
inveoiioas. Aaaraas. at. nauaiiH cu.,
arissii, ansa.
P YCHOMANCY. -Aoy lady for
a aDtieajiaw ean maae ai.tssi a mpain, seours
their ewo baiiilness and ledsusadenoa,' by uli
tululDk pbycuouianuy, e aeolna t twt, or Sloul
t harasinif. euo iiagaa i cloth. uil Instractloas
to use this power over Dian or aaluiats at will
how to alasuierlse, beoorse Tsaaoe or WrlHug
Madiuois, lllvluallon, (iplrltaallsu, Alehewy,
Pblloeopby ot ItaaaM aid tiraaitia, lirighaio
Vouoa't ilarem, o ia to Siarriaga, Its , ail
eustaiaed la tbls beo I Mass sold urlaa by
aiail.ta eleth fl u, paper eusers at. Siuiius
Any parsou wlUtaa to aot aa aweat will receive
a saiaia eopy ol lae work fraa. As ao capital
is reuuired, alldawrous of aeataat aeayleiiuiaut
saouui taaa iue lea aooa, ettaiua-aa
Vuataae, to f. WTKVAweffc (J4.,al
ia si, lur
ws, e-uilaaiN.i.
. Ourioui How fctrangat
The Vasrled) Ltdlss Private ri)Bipaii, V"
taias lae " lores a. i. nsoi irs -
s-s. A..
t. ,
Do tig a Oft. A4emtt3tr '
' j. t J,
ACCST8 vTATEl)-f$!n A MrtSTlY t
hy ibe AVKIIlt AVKNlTTrKO MA '
Uliis t (., UUTOW. M At? ,or Ht T.OI Ih
t V Vmt-iw
Free to Book Agents.
We wUle4 laO'laoira ProMectus otoas
Naw Hlastraiad Kaoilly Klblo ooolalulng ort.
too tn fSorlptaro Illustrations to spy book aisat
free eleSeiw Artdreas ' 1
" STioaaO'canenis a Co., rkluv, ra.
i L "J,lA!i"n 'bseolotiratsd tlOMf rtrT.
feed, inske- the "lock stitch" (alike on bulk
sides,) and l fttlty llcensrd. Tba liasl and i.;tt
est lamlly awlll Machine In lha market. AS.
dress Jiiiijisiiii, I'l.antc, a t:o , floston, Mats
rm., v aioofO, 111., or ot. Louis, at-
fee Oroeihmk't Caletilatlng mschlne. ranld
accurate, roliatilr, simple.. Kaslly operataAl
cheap and besntltul. fllvlna In-tstitanenut ed.
ditliina or sulu ractlons, isklnx Irnm ona t Rra
columns of naurvs at a tlmo. carrying and b.r
rowing; Its nwn lens, hundreds, etc , without the
leat thoUKht on the purl C the otratr. AS.
Peaa'af ltULtH t'Kf. I'll ladtlpkii,
In Oerman and l:nll.h, with line atl antra.
lns, maps. As Aa-enu ara (eutna; from s
to so so bar r i tiers par day. Oaa Areol rairn
Ida enlere the nrst two days Now ll tii
TiaToarnB Auaio r for thtt aad other
works desirable fur Agauts. Addrasa Quabir
Phit dU'h'h', "'" Wta4 l4eUMrelt,
Reduction of Prices
T3y Gcttlne up Clubaj.
w-Snd for oar Now Price List and a Ctak
rorm will aeeompany It, eooialnln full dlrac.
tlons msklna- a larva aavlnir to vouamara aod
remunerative to club organisers.
The Qreat American Tea Company,
r.O.BotSSU. NEW YuHaT.
Established 1853.
Mantiraolursr A Dsiler In 8PBRV,
12. II. ICellotf.?'
Is an attra Wool nil, which aonnra ont aaatly
and perfectly fmra the whitest coada. la kanl'
some In color, almost entirely odorlona, endures
a temperature of and a leas quantity ll re.
quired to do tbo work th-n orfbe best Lard,
while the price It much lets, and besides having
all the above named daalrable qualities. It lo re
ally a vary olo Spindle ol I. Addraaa. ,
P.O. 483 No. 17 CeUor Street tfaw Tar.
by fin. Jo, fl. Larva las, Imtrsnw
Probia. Ntupcmleous revelniliins and startling
disclosures. Oneida eninmnnltv and Its uts'ie
rles. Tbe whole suliiert Ul i bare and Its h! 'a
oitsness eximsed lo universal eiecrttlnn. Writ,
ten In the Interest ol t'lvlllr itlon. ChrUtlantty,
and Piilillo .Morality. Send fur olnmlara acl
turuit. V. S. J'ubllsbing Uo., 411 Oroooi at N I.
l'litlllR W'.tr ajirp t.'4'a'iSa Si-1 YtOX.
WieUt hi
Twelve Year. 'ZE Wild Mans it PlaiE
1 lie rrmarkuMe adventures i.f tbe tamoea
Will I'K CHIKP an I HID WAHHllIU am .lis
tbe Had Skins. Thrillltix acnounts el Orai
Hunts. II tlibreadth KSItAHKtand Terrilda
CON TESTS wllh lha bin gume and hostile
tribes. Spirited descriptions ol Ihe habits and
iipenitliius ol thnt strange people. 'Tbslr
SHirts. 1. mends Tjuditlun. Why they Scalp.
How liiey WOO and WtU, Doctor Worship,
kc . So.
New. Fresh and nnpntitr. Pairs T.ow. IMS
mlllnn by the thousand with wnndsrlnl rspMI'y
Aaants are iiiaKina iroin ajoio viuu lr wees.
Some ebolce lield vet to b.ol. Apply a.
once for snmple chupters I strated and lla'.l
particulars io a. n. nta Anu, ruuitsasi,
too Chestnut St., 1'bllo.
Carbolic Tablets
lVpured by DU. WELLS,
This most Important discovery of the sgett
Ibis wonderful lisnllnuand I is. mains aitent fr
all dlaeairi or wrnkness ofthe ltesidratory or
gans, sore Throat, Sudden Cold, lloarsstiest,
Catarrh, Asthma, Dryness of the Thrust or
Windpipe, diseases ot the Lurncs aud lor all lr
Itation ol the inucuous membrane.
All vocalists sod nubile spankers whoiptak
and ting without effort, use there Tablets, thslr
effect In cleaning the voice la simply ostonlsblag
as oun be shown uy numerous cartillcatei.
act directly on tha mucuotis membrane aad
should he promptly and freely tuken In all ex
IMturaor violent ahaniie of wentber, at tba
eiUlite tlie Circulation of the lllood and
ward oil all temleuoy to colds aud l.uug dlbV
Tlia proprietors would say, all first class uitd
lelaet uave luslr lultatlous, and tbey would.
CAUTION tho public- against Imposition
by having other medicines thrust upon
them in plaos of these admirable Tahiti s.
J Q. Ki.looo,S Piatt atreet.N. Y., sole
bold by Uruggittt. Price Si oeuta a box.
WATi'H FREE, and M a dsy sore, and aa
humbug. Addraas LATTA Si CO. Pitts
burgh Pa.
Tho IMnfrio Comb.
will ohanee any colored balr or beard to a par-
manant black or brown, it Contains no poises
one eouio eent oy mail ior ai. ueaiers supplies
at reduce"! rules. Audresi wm. ration, lien.
Bpringneiu, matt,
IS A PL'ltB .
with the Oreen Tea Flavor,
warranted so suit all tastes,
lor sale everywhere Aad
or aale whohtele only by tha
Oksat ATLASTir b Paois
iu l aa Co, tt burchSt. Ns
uoxteoS. Baud for Tbea Nectar
Hy sending SS rents with aas,
height, color of ejus and balr, you will recelvs,
by return Dian, a oorreoi picture vi your ,u.h
butuaDd or wile, with name and dale of msr
rlase. Addreis W, FOX, P. U. Drawer Ns. It,
FultoDVllla, N. Y.
Fur tba Land of oAvAisa'
The e-randeit and mnsi populaj naw book oot.
Hundreds of superb Illustrations, Steel, cKi
No olber onok like ll aoneselllna; ball so tail.
Agents sell SO lo 1MI er week ut ll and Pso.
siowa's sell Interprellna lllble. Estra lartts
liiduneiaeals vtlarad. Haud Oir elraulart W
VVoaTtiiaoTON iJu.TiafcCo. llartlord, Cuss,
istorv at mo jews,- ut jiawnmi ?. .
an weiiaious iifawmm.' -"-"-rv ,,ihie
lal.Ua lalaiiiiv ta areata e-aaeeled wl'b l"
lUstort , ooatslalag ne eea"sytas. t
whole lormleaaouMiiuave tree - f""
KaowlMtgs, .
tw ; , as tsatll libit'
o a wesi.
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Cnnialniae Fleelrfook'l "Ula of Christ,"
-'Uvea lithe Apostlaa, Kvaagellsta aud
tyrs," oddrldgaa'.vurejicea m Chiljl ui;l'i