The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 16, 1871, Image 2

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MUDi .tBVfcw. .rtARCAKf It ?1
B ia.BB-i -..!! ... i i gj s
Jr ie stated that Senator Cameron,
w ho for many jcri has bceo the ablvJ
representative of rcnnnylvanla in the
l:. 3. Senate, Lns ekpresnod his Inten
tion cf declining csrididacy for rc
.1..1t... A . f. S. . .. .
"""u w n uign position, i be
eloclioo ttil. S. Scnitor will bo made
Ibo Legislature of 187:!. (K course,
whoiher ft Republican tr Dcmnrrni
shall bo selected, will depend entirely
upon (be political compltilon cf llie
Grut ntiiioty fxiMsin Vibingtii
el olbcr cities, for cho safety of ibo
United SfMcBicrnierTcuticicc,Tfhiob
sailed somo time sg.i villi (lie San
l)i)iuin;p;Crimiiiinion. It Is Mated tf at
bo lifts Icon out nrerly two Weeks
longer than rbe aiiould liavo been
without Wing imrii frm. There in.
however, oo tvlernpbic cotnwitiicr
tion with "Fan I'titnitijro City, in-jii i
lima llaviitin, ftiruc 7'JO or 8( 0 inilo
lintaot, aiil there ia perhup. nn real
ground for alarm yet.
Av&Mi the l.flln introJueecJ into the
Ft'ite ."Mature 1? ws!:, fias our
fc!lowiift vrnrds atvl to .vi)clii to vote
wc-very three ycim on it Liquor law.
knottier ieqiiirin: u!l bcnltliy cliil
lreT l eiwoen r. n1 11 ymr ol're to
attend nomc Fcbool tbrco mouth every
J ear, under n penalty to lie parent i f
impugnment ami n Cnc of cdo dollar
Tr day. Kdcrred to the Judiciary
An act ut!ioi;iri2 tbo alo or re
curitica io tbo Sinking Fund rva
reported ncKaliely.
Acuitor OtNEitAt. Several of our
exchange! etnto that Gen. lUrrieon
llen, Penntor flow the "Warren elis-'
trlet, will bo brought forward in the
next Rrpublioao State Convention ae
candiduto for Aiditor Geoeral. lien
AHea is a yentlemno of ability, a sound
Jtepubiiean, and in all respect a (food
niau. If bo bhould be successful in
' cktsining the nomination, there could
be l.o objection utj'cd liy Uepublicana
apninst Mh eloctioo. His career as n
eoldier in tho warvf tb r. bellion wua
hnlly creditable, und a a he
htM ttldynd faithfully dii luir.-ed Ihk
luty.Zfr rithui-0 Je'ryro.k.
, 0 JJlhu A. UeAViR, tf liclle-
tonte, who ho been reconinjeodi j uh a
!ultble camlidato for the cflice ol
'Auditor General, respectfully Jiclioe
and give!, the f.illowipj; resfons in
Jetter to 'lie BJI,fonte H.lluan:
uliL I do not deaiic efficoofnuy
2d. TVe liavo ft candidate in our
tiounty lor Surveyor G'cucrat, and u.
both candidstew ca mint betalcon from
the runie county, I am unillin totlo
or or allow anything which willupcrate
gainst Mr. Wilu's chancen.
"31. Locality hsvin much to do
with the availability of a candidute, I
n of the opinion thai the n'Mh-wc8t-rn
part of the Ftate. should bo con
ulted, eppm-lally in thia ooniinutiou.''
Tub New 'lovxij Hill Tie
8oldier' Land Bounty Jill was pa.-s
ed by tbo IWe. with tiU two ?ole(i
in the negative, tiibson i.f Virginia,
nd Smith ofOrejron. It provide that
every Soldier, Stmmao and ofliecr of
the Army aud Savj who did serve
Binety days duri0(r tll( rr,t
ion. and was honorably dUehargad.
and having loco continued loyal, will
bo entitled to ooe hundred und sixty
crcs of land under the now exist
In? Homestead laws. Tbey will also
1 allowed twelvo months more tbuu
kia term of servico, or enlistment, io
Which to nuke no actual settleoioot
and commence bis improvements on
the lands or may abaign bis certifi
cate to the United States citizen who
Las not previously availed hiniKelf of
the bomrslead or pro-emption laws.
An aotual residence of two years by
the settler er his sMitfoee. except pen
sioners, Is however, required before a
title will be issued, and unmarried wid
ows and minor orphan children of
oldiers and sailors, are included io
lb provisions of tho act.
, An Important Illll.
Tba following is tbo text of an lag.
portantbill reeently introduced in tbo
Legislature by Mr. Dill. State Senator
from this district:
6CCTIOM I.' That from and after tha
date of dual passage from this act it
hall la fee doty of tbo several clerks
of the orpbscV coo it of thin common-
weulib to record at length, in a docket
io oe provided Tor that purpose at the
expense of the respective counties.
U bonds thereafter pneo by Adruitiia
trators, KieHors, TtusUes or Uoar-
4 isns for tbo performance of soy du
ties imposed upon - or required from
Ibem by law or order of court, pro
vuJeJ, that before any suob bood shall
be recorded, ibe saw shall be ' doly
a a. ma. a If
cKnowiadirea tv tbtf oonors, or pro
ven by a subecribinsr witness . io tbe
maomr provided by . law, for tbe ac-
.Knowledgeuieot 'or; prolate or deeds.
6rcrroN 2. That said docket or an
xseapllfloftiioa of tbe record of any
bowl or toads so recorded," sbsll be
toslved as evidence in soy eoart of
. or tuu (soniHPiiweaitn so fully . 4 tne
,orljiol 1ob4 would ts evldssce, were
tHeaajae frodv i ti .urt,
E.-rr-ji I. 't record.-; sid
' lie-'s tie c' lic? , s ret t coBruj
I 'lbr I ti t-ee uare
Auditor. Atnr i ul. '
Tbe i'uw JJftIrttth4A ..sV
iiittking itself heard1 tehnlfcf Cen-,lnr
ral Hurry JaJlen for Auditor Uenernl.
Tbo Independent is In eatntf. Sod
wo crip the foHoffiog MfZ sample
Among A)xt pmnaioeat gentleuen
named in coont'eiiotl with this impor
tant o&joo, is that ef (Jeoerat Harry Al
len, Sonator froui", tbo Warren Lis
iriet. ' Hit name lit known nil over
i be Htate, not alone as a leading pub
lic man, or the popular sraal'ir from
tm Diturict ' bo represents, but as s
bmve Soldier during tbe rebellion
llie army record is bright, and during
that learlul struggle he stood second
lo no ufliuf r fur firmness and liia gfl
dierlyqualitits cndeuird him to ibe
people am) as u mark et IhlIi esteem
m whirli they lie Id him for hi' devo
tion to his country, and n recognition
of bis met its ss a man, bo cho?eti
to the important rcmitioti which he
now till", with high honor to himscll
aod credit lo his cooetituents.
Ill- character is ' beyond reproach,
ana witu suen a statiuur j boater, tin purly would murch
to renuin ek-tory. Knowing thr
high stf.tiding of General Allen,
wt- wouhl uru liin oi.'tiiiiiiiiion to the
convention as tho bvst tlut can be
male. It the prvuiige of popularity
is desired they have it in all its full
iicm iu thin ontluainn ; or ol fitness
they need not look futthcr.
lie will adorn the place nnd add te
t the character which such station
should always present Thoroughly
I'dtiealed. iutvlilgcot and refined as a
civilian ; tried and popular as an offi
cer, his name fould rally the entire
synipainy ol bis party.
Thi Democracy of to-day ore awake
to their interests, and should a weak.
incompetent or unpopular man be
cbi'ieo by their opponents, tboy will
not fuil to re-enact the scene ss in
Philadelphia, whereby they elected
a State Senator, wheu their opponent
really bad a large majority in tbo city,
and savo the di-mocraey the control ol
tbo Svuate, ol Pennsylvania.
i ho convention will decido for tbe
l.ft. Hut we can assure its membeii
it rents With t lie in to win or sucun-
defeat. They have tlio Iushoos of the
past to warn liicm, and if they fail,
tho fault is llieirx, when they can
avoid it by the election of such a mau
as we btlvo presumed.
ItallroHd OUastrr.
The lollowiug are soma ol tbo par
ticulars of the recent terrible accident
on the 1 1 u d -on llivcr Ilailrned :
Xiw Yobk. Feb. 7. Tho train
leaving New York at 0 o'clock laxt
evening inei an oil train on the New
Ilutuhuri; draw bridge. The oil triun
jumped the truck and broko iu two.
An oil Cur tipped overoo tuo paroger
train and et it on lire, and tho loco
molive, cars ond bridge were ail buroeii
up. Three sleeping cars are among
thofo deottoyed. Eighteen periKitiN
wvro killed outright, and many m'ori
injured who cannot recover. No
names Lave yet been obtained.
l'OCDUKEBPsia', Feb. 7 The desr
pnich sent this niorning incorrectly
Muled tbe cause of the disaster on tbo
Uuddou Itivcr Railroad. An oil truin
was bound cuth, and when passing
New Hamburg and axle ol ibe oil exr
bt oke aod di AgL'td olouir tbe ground
....ii i. ....... I. ...1 i,n .t...i..:.i.
,r!V.'.r,g ; timbers, it threw the cars
off iu truck and upou tho up track, in
nee of tho second Pucitic express. An
attempt was made to stop the express
train, uut not in time enougb, and it
struck tbe oil car, and frugmeuts of
tbo oil car wcro scattered io every
direction, and ut ouco Ignited, envct
piu the i-zprcss train iu flames.
the express tram was composed oi
a locomotive, one baggage car aod five
or six sleeping cars. Tho locomotive
was at once hurled into tbe river und
the ciifincer killed, and the ba'guge
and express cars wore piled on top ol
tho engine. At tbo same time the
Chicago sleeping car was ono sheet
of flaiue, and though desperate at
tempts were inude to rescuu tbo. rms
sciiKers, it is said ndt ono got uut alive.
Two of tbe nthersleeping ears. next to
it were also wrapped io flames, but the
pabsongcrs io them ull got out safely,
ami then the bridce took tire.
In led than ten minutes afterwards
Mho whole structure loll, currying with
it tbo L bieago car, nnu bury ion it und
its iniuatot out of eight under the
water and among the ruins ot the lo
comotive and ox press cars.
This terrible result settled all doQbts
as to the probability of rosouing any
one, dead or ulive, aod then there wa
ool bin g to do till daylight.
Tbe paftxeogrrrt say tint the Chicago
car contained zo or 3U poisons, and
not ono got out alive
I'rl fill fill AflUlV7niT Mill.
Tbo Pittsburg Commercial cl ye1
terday says: Ooe of the most fright
ful accident which we bad to record
for some time occurred oa Saturday
afternoon" at Gruff, Bennett L Co's
Iron mill io West Pittsburg, resultiou
in tho death of Itulph Culbortson,
engineer of the establishment
About S o'clock ft laborer went into
tbe atigine room and discovered the
oiunuled legot a man lying not la
floor near tbe flywheel, which wu
revolvioir with grunt velocity, lie a
once gave the alarm und the engine
was slopped and inveatigatioo made,
ftheu tho inanitled and mutilated body
of the engineer wus found in the pit
under tbo llv-wuoel.
The lust seen of Mr. Cullertsoo
orior to bis death was about 1 o'olook
sotae two hours be for o tbo sccideut
wu discovered. At that time a labor
er bavins business in tbo engine room
went io sad saw Mr. C. preparing lo
oil tbs engine, bsvinf a lighted lamp
and tbo oil-cats Id Ms feand. llow
the accidsnt oooured ia Of eourte a
mystery wblcb In all probability will
never bo explained. ' '
Tbo deceased wu ft most ostlaubU
aearefal snd attentive work
.2, t hbrbiy s,"imo4 by bis eov
nlo-en. lie ks in lbs employ
of-lb It m or - ir for ti past 12
.v . . Ttie Cal KirlkP.'
rutTsvrftii Feb. 13. ThoVoflow.
Tioin tho Mnr'i Journal toport
ofi he meeting of. coal opctalois bid
to-iay i '
There wse bold 'Ibis tfleroooo st
the rooms of tbo Anthracite Hoard of
Irene, on . of the largest and most
harmonious nestings of the oporaton
ond thorn intorcsted in tbe 'cdal rsIe
that we rcmembee sver to bae knowi
(tepre'eotatlves wer prat fronkall
paHl of tbo Pi hnyMti;! region, n well
as a limce iteUrftijou fnm I'liilmlcl
pM:i. : ; v v ';.. '
Althoifgb'tl.e prirteedinKS Vore bj
r S'lunion lket le41o be kept private,
we learn that a decided I (he of polie)
was determined ojmju wjiicb it ie be
I eved, whon fulfx W'rfeetcd, will con
tiDuo work during the balunco of the
season without reainimblu feur of seri
ous interruption Wo einevrcly hope
this anticipation may be more tbnti
realized, and that the region may not
be plni ed In the unfortunate position
ol last year.
A teieuram received this afternoon
from Slismokio states that tbe opera.
tors and woikingmen qf Northuuiter.
land county, at u meeting held to-day.
iwteel to rctune wotk on the 1 &i h ol
t present month, on tho torran of tbo
biis of 109, with a Miding seslo ol
ii per com. up and ilowo. Tho ov
raior aro lo py the buois for the fir-t
month after tbt cool goes down below
?3, tut not after that.
Now tbal lliore is a fair prospeot of
s-ttling the Alnbnms claims, all par
lies concerned are actum with a des
patch which presages a speed t ud-
jiistment of the quections at issue, if
harmony attends the sessiou of the com
tniosion. Tho Cunard steamship Cu
bs, which sailed (torn Liverpool on
Saturday from New York, took out
among her pnsienger Karl de Grey,
Lord Tonderdeo. Mr MortaiMie Hern
ard. and Viscount Goderich. of the
joint biirh comtuiiiion for the settle-
uieiil of tb ptbery question botween
Gn at Britain and ibo United Slates,
und sis of tho Alabama and other'
claims of tho United States upon Great
Britain. The commissioner are no
eompanicd by a number of diplomatic
j lb' no1 a ii is. The gentlemen whoso de
parture is noticed above will arrive
about tle latter purl of tho month,
and if they proceed promptly to the
business which bus called them ne..s
the Atlantic, the commission can con
vene, its csiun by tbe first of March.
Ii s ttattd thai ibo comtuilnu will be
in M ssiou but a few weeks, as it is un
de stood tba the contorence is not to
uriunge ths details of a treaty or trca
iie Covering the cverul questions at
ieue, but to determine tbe prinetplea
anil settle (be policy upon which tbe
details can uiterword be negotiated.
Il is also siven out en other auiLoiity
Uut the basis oi tho eettletneiit of Ibe
Alabama und other question, has al
ready been agreed upon. Tho me
sago and corrtpeiideuee sont by tht
President to ths Senate rather evaded
thee points, and io tbe absence of
any ollieiul information tbo Washing
ton, correspondents .are, as usual, very
fertile in their surmisev.a'rss.
, ;, Two singular divorce - tacs were
heard by justice Sutherland in the
Supremo court, of New York, recent
ly. Last fall a Mr. George Grnss.
who wus a murried uiau, eloped from
cr. The deserted busbutid and -wile
commenced their respective Miits for
divorces, wbu b on biotioo ot Johu M.
Shorter, their eounsel wore grauted at
Chaoibers. As both cases depended
upon the samo evidence, the descried
plaintiffs woro. thrown necessarily of
ten together. Acquaintance sympa
thy, und friendship, ripened rapidly
into a stronger attarhmeol, and as
hey have been releived of their nixt
riuioniul eogauementi, they happily
terminate tue wliole atlair by entetiuu
into a contract to sail the mutrimoutul
sea together ut an early day.
A villain iu VilliaaiHburr, M. V..
has been lor some timo making a bus-
mess or stabbioir youo ladies Io the
back with a stillotj, when tosy veo-
turod out artor nightfall. All efloit
to catch him failed, until Saturday
oiht last, wben two ouicera, botl
purposly dressed io woumu's clothes
and closely vt-ilod, caught him just us
he was in tbo act ol stabbinu one ol
them who was ahead of the other.
Tbe man refused to givs bis name, and
the only excuse be made for bin coo
duct wus that be bad determined lo have
rt vt-nge upon tno sex fur the shame
ful manner in which be bad been idled
by a girl wbo bud ptomiaod to marry
, Octakab.0, Cbcter county, bns a
flcb''" parson. A short time since,
while holding a revivul meeting, he
was seriously annoyed by tho rough
who conuregated around the church
dors. Parson Gregg, gave them no
tice that a repetitiou of ibe disturbance
would cause bins lo take some muscu
lar exercise. The ooise beinn repeated
the parson stopped his sermon, took ol
hie coat, aud decended from the pulpit
snd in a few moments bad given ooeol
the ring-leaders as pretty pounding
as a fellow ever got. TL' stopped Ibe
trouble, and the parsoii quietly coo
tinued the servico. '
An old lady mimed EVe Nipple,
living alone, iu Liekiug Creek Valley,
Juniata County, und supposed to be
over one hundred years old, was burn
ed to dentil on tho 27th ult., by her
house Iskiiiir tire. The Gre was dis
covered abnut noon, and on tho neigh
bors visiting the scene the charred
body of the old ludy was discovered
lying near the frout door with Iter
limbs burned off.
An Important deeitdon bns just
boon rendered io Ciuuiunsti In a
lute esse it wus held that where per
sons give local reporters Items which
prove to be untrue snd libellous, the
informer is liable.
.A mi at Priuceton, Illinois, on
8aturdsy night, destroyed the Jiipub
lit an newspaper cthee, sod Iho stores
of Sherman A Clark, R. 11. Fisler.
Harris & Cottle, aod others. Total
loss, $20,000,- covered by Insurance, j
GinkhaLJ.' W Fisher, ex -state
sens tor from Lain aster, has beep sp
pointed assoeiute justice- of the toni-
lory cf Wjoailo bj Vrtsideut (jt(in,
Triannial Valuation of
AjyteynU HtdL-mrf?hriwixj' tM t'analitn of wfT Pmrirttjfheth It nt tin'i
Vvrionnt;' &c tanyhfo both for Comity and (Srf iif terrnl Vbtrku
of Hiiitfiftr C'ous'y. at rrturtitd by the Amtuori, JJvtrkbef 14, 130. .
- o
'f? - 1 s J
v. tt o 5 "
'r k h'Z'ttH 2 3 1
- F : a s s i a 2 s j
. t3 . V.
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I , , " . l
- . a. ... w ir
rr. a n k ? t w r 95 ?
-i - li i w rs ? - rt p 95 n
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-t Vf, 't. V) ' 4 4- a-
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'- if r "35 V. f. 2 S 3 S
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y, )Uiuw y vj joao 'oy saojssejoad 'suoji ,
S; oooi'si'iiS -vdtiooo 'Svpciijo onU. p.ssy
jjl-u-ii- i? et4 eqi ? "o.v 'SJjSKnq '
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-I 4- to m C.-1 ti 14 CO ') r.
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14 14 CO 14 14 1
1 a- 14. 4ii 40
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n 13 n t?i'5 s c?i a
Iroivjy tnkublo for Htnto purpoNos ulono.
Pront PronerlV. anrb a a IHrses. Mares, Celdinas, Mules, Jte., and nt
Caiile sboe the aire of four years, f.'OO.;'.''.'
MortKAges, .lu.tpniMiif, Bonds, Notea. anj Money at Interest, given otlicr tlinti
for tbo sals of Real Estste, 02,U'5
Morlanges, JuttDient. Bonds. Kot, and Money at Interest, given for or by
viriue of ike sale of Real Estate. S.'.H.Vi
Canal llonin. (inclujtd in above table unJer head of bomolioM furniture, oih
Household Furniture over and abovo$30. Including golJ and silver plme, jco. 2,0oo
Carrisgsa. BiiRgles, &e.. luxaMe at ths rale of 1 per ceut. on tbe value, S(,l7n
Ufliccs, Tradca, Ooetipations, Professions, ie., over and above .'to curly
income at the rate of I er eeui. oo sucb axcesa, 19,7
Watcbra : Cold Lever aud other Gold Watcbes of equal value 3" re
turned at SI tat each or $t00 each J 1.700
C.Ivor Lever and other Watches of like value 18 returned at :
76 cs. lei esch or $75 each j.dO
All other Watches ef like value 13 returned at 50 ets. tack 6 K) .'.,.""
Tolnl amount taxable for State purposes, fSSo.Kltt
We, the undersigned, Commissioners of tba oouniy or Snyder. In accordance v. iih
tbe provialona oontained In tbe Eleventh Becetion of 'he set of general Assenilily, sp
prnvsd ibeliTib day of July A. I). 1842. snd lbs sevend fiipplemanta llicrelo; do pub
liTi the Ttreetifag Statement, and at ths lame time, hereby Rive publia notice, that rn
Ibe Iwvntirlb day -at Fsbraary next llie Commissioners will meet at their office in the
Court llou In the BurougU ef Middleburg for ths purpose of Anally determining
wbeaiher any of tbe valuations of the Assessors have been uinde below a juat rale, ac
coruiUfT "0 Ins msnmng auti iniemiuo vi
offiwiUsonlba uoiisr. ,..., ... M.u a.m t
Ulveu under our asnus at our omss rtiiwuuun, m -vm uj oiiiinnrjr
.12-1 J. J. MATTbitN,
. . . m riULIP KINNEY,
" A J Prisss ClcrV Commissioners.
Notice is'also herrby given, ihst the said Board of Bevl.loo f11""
For 1 he lownshinof Seaver. West Beaver. Ooulrs Franklin snd Middleburg Bor
ough, on Monday the ::0th dav of February
For the townships of Josfcsoa, reoaa. aioure, .uiuuiccrc, ovunii 8
on l uesJ iy, tne Zili aaj 01 reovuarj uri.
For the townships of I'srry, West I'erry, Masntngion, tnioa anu vnaprann, on
Wedneidny the 2l'.d day of Fehrusry next.
Ths of the Various districts in pariioular. are raonested to be present at
the lime ibeir Assessments are baiug revised, and sny information bv others iuterestsd
will be received aud duly considered,
Bv order of the Commissi'jncrs. -i
A. J. PETERS, Clerk.
!00 Law.
Noiiee ia hereby given that the Invento
ry ef Mary Dirmer. widow of James Die
tuer, lata of Middlecreek township, de
ceased ; of Lydia Kline, widow of John
J. Kline late of Heaver township deceas
ed i and or Elisabeth Clriob, widow of
Daniel C. I'lriob, late of Ballosgrove. da
eeased. have been filed wit b the olsrk of
the Orphans' Court ol Hnyder Count j, and
will b presented lo eourt for approval on
Monday, the i!7ib day of February neat.
J. CROL'SE, Clerk, 0. C.
January 24, 1871.
1CENSK NOTICE. Notice is
given tbst
Eli as Iliircmnn, West Braver,
Siirnn Koons, Chapman township
Henry llenfor i'ax'.onville
Knncu Kinitb, Freemont.
Catharine M intern, Troselvllle.
Isnao N. Troxvl, "
Wm. ft. Long. CeulerVine: . 1 y " ,
Jacob Weiat, MvKees rails.
John U. Woedling, Peons Township.
John A. Htiiblnccker. Mlddlebburg,
lobn U.. Wsnnob. Selinsgrove, ,'
Henry M. Boyer. "
have filed Ibeir petitions for Tavern Ll
oeuse with the Cln k of lb Court or Quar
ter Seasions, of Suyder Conoty, and tbe
earn will be preaented for approval ou
Mouday, tbe 2ib day of February eeil. '
J. CUOUBE, Clerk, Q. B.
.Jan. 24. 1871.
- herehy glren to all consented, that the
following naieeu peraone aaaa eeiueu tneir ae.
sounu IB tha Hegisiar uosa, at HldUlaburg,
Suydei-attunty, ami that the said aocouou will
be ureaented lor oonrlraiattoB and allowaaeeat
the Oruhaaa tlourt te ha held at Mlddleburu.lor
the tJounts of rJnyilsr, o ibe Pourih Monday of
I ebroary aetHat the 171k a ef saltl month, vlai
- 1st. she seoounl of Abaaban Drubeoker
aud Daniel Wiimer, Eieeuiora sf ibe Last
will It testament of Jacob Brubeeker dee'd.
, 2ud Tbe soeouul of Sophia Haas, Ad-
ministrairis of ibe Estate of Samuel Haas
8rd Toe account sf George 3. Eohocb,
Quardian ef William t, itovsb . Minor
ehild ef Mary J, Kousb. 4o'd.
4tb Tba aoeount of Joseph Smllb and
John U. L'lsb, Executors of Ibe last will
aud lesiameat of Jacob J. Rmitk dee'd.
(lb The aeoount ef Simon Kreps Admin
istralor ef the Estate sf HearyaKreps dco'd.
h a 8. a. SCIIUCK, Hag 'ret Reor.
efsnmrSO, 171.
No. 227, North Srd St.,
between Bscs snd Vine) t . Pbilsdelpbis
i it i. rrjMiiivnfl. Vmnv
M. M, Ajm, SenrisUsdvst.
Snyder Cdtmty for 1871.
5--' '
Vtnai 'sosn-ittse uonanai
M -1 " f
-)lliq.S iSII!llt.lU RlViMO
s jo uoiBtitA pwey
eSe jo sas S f sscqs ar))s
'"eu P" 'lnju -otp3a "' I
i: 'S'J w WiqjowrsA p.esy ,;
emisstnsj io etna fir otqi
uei oif """"Uona
V aoiioui jo onrA poss.ssv
oy 'oid Ats paa pia
8utpnioa 'fxrrt OAoae pot
J3AO 'oiniitunj pnq.-snot
7 )Oq JO 00llnBA pOMOrty
'te8ifnq soSujjJOS
ejnsdjo uojiai.A pessessy
ajnjea jaioiutiM 10 ' ov
etl0.ijojd 'suoindnoao
1 opi) jo ooisus p.tSMSsy
C '
'ssosxe q.ins 00 )ti39 ni
... xi oraooei iii9 nn-
.'onjeA eqt uo 'juoo jed jo
An'utA q jo 'joj ojAia ' oy
'rtajtunnf 'epuoq 'issisiai
Xauoia jo.-oniUA pssses-sy
toco n "C S I X 'I'l'AV
-1 Z
jo not ionic psssfcy
. fds.ix vnOsodjnd ei'iv .
iPj 9tqrjxcj juaouie (cjuioj;
- j 'till OlBlsJ
- 14.
kh isivi v vvmh.; u .mr
neat. . 0 ,. .
(k)mmittee Account.
NOTICE. Notice is Riven
tbst tba account of MOES 8PECIIT com
mittee of lb person and Estate of Oeorge
Fahl, a Lunatic of Beaver township. Sny.
der county. Peso's, has been filed with
the I'rotnonotary or enyaer county, ana
the earn w'll be presented lo Court for
conformation oa Monday th 27th. day of
February nest. J. CHOUSE, rroiboo y
Middleburg Jan. 2U, 1871.
.Msxiit ion. Ha vhi 2 purrhatd
J th following articles at nonstable'! Sal
end left tha ssiueln po.r.Mlon of lianlel Hare,
of franklin townahip, all persons ar hereby
eautlodeil not to Inierfere with aor In any way
meddle with the same, Hi: One move, I Jrtouk,
I tiouk Ntove. Lard and Ke"le, a ot of sausage,
S r-boats, tow. I Calf, I Wagon, horse gears,
I Hay .ilars, 1 liuggy, I Cultivator, I Harrow,
I Wheelbarrow, lb lad, onehalf Interest lo a
Uors, t tteltlers.
January IS, ls:i.
Estate of Eliessstu Rsicbsbbach, dee'd.
jasUt ul Elisabeth Helcnenbaoh, late or Wang
gton to , ileceasad, having bvan granted to the
anUerslgued, all parxiu.
snowing tbeio.elvee
payment, and thoae having elaluut agalust th
law, will prc.snl them tu
Perry towBihlp, January SO, lsl.
. Ealate of A. 0. IIA891NUER, dee'd.
tba asiuia of A. 0. Uassingcr, Ut ol
Scliosgrov Borough, deocascl. having
been granted lo th uudersigned. all per
sons Indebted lo the estate are request ed to
mak payment, and those having claims
sgsiost the same, will present tkesa to
' Jan.' Si, 1871. AdmlnUlrator.
fOTICE.-Thi ondersifne.i
XI did, this 4!ih day of January, A. 1., IITI,
purehas Iruat laabella Therp, the follow lag
goods, vli r-Oat .pulled Cow, tw bads and
bed. leads one Cook btov and Pipe. OM Wood
btov aad Pipe, IS Cklohena, 10 Oeesa, t Pucks,
ona Comer Cupboard, four Met btaBos. ooe
Chura, three Vinegar Barrelai and left teesauie
In posaesaion of the said Isabella Therp, aad
hereby wars the public Bot to luterler with
... .. . I'... .
Uie aain.. nanai jm . oi.i n aa
, Waahlogtoa township, Jounary si, Ml.
Estate of HART O. DECKER, Deceased.
XJ est ale of alary C. Becker das d.. Ul
ot Seliusgrove Borough, Snyder County.
P., having been grauled to the uadersigucd
all parson indebted to lb said estate ar
requeaied to make payment, and those hav
ing dsmaads egsiusl Ibe same Ie present
meui wtiaoui iieiay to -
. : oronoE scu.nvbg, Exttrs.
Jssrtsry s, Vif
i ii. Duyucr iouniy, o.o.
Tti rnmnovnwMlth nr Ftnnsilrsnl. Tn
t,Tcll I'lmr, WIiImvi I lllmlra InlrrmarHrd
with H.mnel Wslidi Hnrv FelUtr, .lolm ts.
kei, Rnlsi FlKr. i;inr Vt'Utr, Vm.oy tkrr
lt lo ot whrnn w minors mid b fiir Ihslr
Oasriilnn 1'rc.lorK-lc Mlmoliii, mi ri. din in
nv'ter evnntv. I'mimIhi,,,, J p ph rnkrt
rlillnx at I'ulmkl, Pvlukl e mntv. Ititlni
r.iiviwin inignnnrnwi vim riinnvi nrnnner,
Bolrtln it l lv . Loni Uo.. OLIoi VI llmiu
IntsraiKrrtot wits Levi Wetrtl, ruldliw at
Mllla. lMfleld Uo., f'l Marf, taUr
msrrlxt with Hvtitv HeMe, mldlna- Bum
Till, Barboa eonntr, Kftnsnat KnkralM f elkw
kstr, vwlrllog al WkltMtill, Aadraw oeatr,
aimaniHii wn veiaer, residiav M htrank't
Mills, Mifflin enantv, Pa., Ilaeat Sen4au (
Hmrv I'elker, lauof tbtnwa WMt U
nr. stfiMr miair. swmm. brMtlotri
YT sre herrbf elted to b ass atiiiear fcefnre
ths (! of our Orplienv'fo" t sa Orrthaar
(Sjurt 10 i keld at MlildlobnM.lMi tK itk unn.
dnjr. of Fsbraary, A. D . 171, st Is olerk Is Hh-
rnrwnioB, inn snn inerv io accent or rms ti.
titka ths Real l. o- thsaald Hanrs rots or
dsiiiHd. at the rtalssd valaatlan put Hp.n
It by 1nqatdSly swarded by thaaatd !nri
and rataraed by the SbarlS of laid Musty, ar
how mnn why tbesaaaa skoaM mo be (old
A o.l hsraof fall aoU
Witness tha Hon P... Winds, PrfMent nfnnr
rid rt, at StMdlakarg thli aist dav ef Da
eambar, A. D., It7. J. CROl aE, Hark O. O.
Oride Gold Watches.
t!2, &!ZB.
Purina the past ftiar vaars oar watshaa kave
ksnw tnornugkly taatad, that for appaaranra,
rtyla of, ami acenrary of tltaa kaapsna;
tha'tlaraM Watches" are unVrereally acnadad
tha beat. Thay ratala Ibalr brllllaay and oolor
until worn out
S-lf anar parehaslnc and fstrly trylne, ey
one is mt fully tatlJttaJ, wa will cheerfully ra-
lan'i ir money.
-T6ay are all la Banting Caai,0Mts
man's and Ladle's ill as. Rvarv Watch euaran.
tal for time and wear, by speolal earilScata.
aWA larara ataortroant "Improved urIJa"
;oaiui, w to as. n iso, unueuiaa's aaa ia
dla's Jawalry In ersat variety.
-Hware of Imltatlnna. Ordae direst from
as or ear authorised aaants Aaanta and othari
applying for circulars will alaaae euulose three
cent stamp for postaae.
(l.di seat te be pM nn daltvery t'astnmars
permitted to esasnlne what thay er.ler (balore
iiavlna bills, ea payment of Lipreu ehamac
both ways.
S-Wbea MIX Watcbes are ordered at nnse,
we will rend an eitra Watcb (otanmetlnd) free
49-Parchasars resMlnw at SaoM dlatsnee lriin
EspreaaoBi-et. and Se-lrlng to ansa time and
eaeensaa. ean have tbe goods aant by malt,
by - remitting (with the order) the amount
rritulfsd by f O. Slonsy order rsui'lered latter.
are 11, or oneca. peyaoie in our nniar. at our riaa
Address Dlainlv. JAMl:silK8AHIlsi'll.
' s Naasav straarr. Nasr Vobb.
r. u. uoc ,o. ueo. le-aut.j
EstaU of JOHN J- KLINE, aes'd.
IJ oa the estate of JOttV J. KLIiee lata or
Itaavar townablp, dae'd, having been arrantail to
Ibe nndarslgneil, all parsons kuowlnv thawrelvea
Imlalued to the estate are requeaied toin.tke
payment, and those having olalms against the
aame wiu iiraaaDt loem to
Reaver township, Eee. S. 1STS.
Howell A Co.'g A hertUemcxU.
prepared to furnish -all classes with oonsUnt
ampiuniani at noma, tne wb'le 01 the time or
lor the spare moments. Ilutlnesa new, llght,Dd
Rrofltable. Persona of either aex easily earn
out toe. to V pe' erenlng, and a prninrtlonl
sum by devoting their whole time to tba buluest
iioyaann girts earn nearly as min'h as man.
Tliatall who see this notice may aeml their ad
Ircsii. and teat tea builnrss. we make the unnar.
allolod after : To such as are not well autlaile.1
wc win acn'i vi 1 1 pay lar tne troui-le c.f wrUInu
ri.r iwrtioulars, a talnable ample which will do
in commence work on, and a copy of The Pen
pie s L.urnry t otunanlon one ol llie arircut
nnd best family nepner evor published
ru, in- ..y man. nmisr, 11 you wuni lierulh'
neat prohtnble work, a.lilrest
E. C. ALLEN av Co. Auguita Mains.
The tiiamplon of While Supremacy Aeilnst
1 ne woriit. a ursi i laa r.iitut l-aire uittin
I I.ATIi' s i.llhi.l, eoui.iuiiel 111 1.
p-r yeiir -, 41 l"r rl tn.'fitli -u' crO,e l-r It
Vorsphcliiiaii copies, adilm.'s l)AY HOOK New
I-i s s
J ' ulclao l 9
n jvirs r. m i i.y n. v.
jsv a'caajs.-a) t rent t'j sisasn irgyej.
e. how to cure all ilioc I'lihe per.nn i klu.
hair, ec, complexlun. Write to Ti llroailway.
New turg.
1 vertlrers. Price i6 ct. (io. P How.
i ll h C"., 40 Park uow, N. V.
unions k nno s
Of Floncrsuud Vegetable Seeds,
Wni he rss.ty for mailing by th middle of Jan
uury, aotwltklandlng our great lou of ty
!'sir. euirr vlna.. sc., bv tire.
wnico ueftroyeii
KocUetr liemo-
the Job Prlntlugolttce of the
crat aud t'hronicle, S'lth Iteceiube ls:u It will
be printed on on a mo.t elegant new tinted
ar.) Illttitrated elih nearly
Five Hundred Original Engravings.
Anil two finely eiecated Colored Plates-specl.
wn lor all ul which war grown by our.elves
the part season from our own stock of Seeds. In
the orliiinvllty. elocution and extent of lhn-
gravlnus It Is unlike and eminently superior to
any otner catalogue o. -r lorat iiutne" exiant.
ibe tiataloeua wilt ponil.toflrJ Panes, and
as soon as published will be tent free to all who
ordered Seed. Irom us by mall th last season.
1 ue outers b euarge oi ie cents per copy win oa
mane, wuiua is nut me value oi tue eoioreu
Plates. We assure our friends Ihst the Induce
ments w ofler to purcha.ere of heeds, Is to qual
j w i.i.u, ui ,wv, . 1 wm u i, , nuu i v hi i
ams, are uu.uruasaed. I'lsa.e sead orders for
Catalogue, without aolar.
Our Colored Cbromo for 1871-
Will be ready to send out In January. Th
tihromo will represent Forty two varieties ol
showy and popular Soger, ofnatuial site and
ooiux. yre ueaiga ui inaae i. tue oeat riaie oi
Sowers ever K.ued. Mite, iex24 Inches. The re
tell valu would be at leaat Two Itollara i we
shall, however, furnish It to eustomer at 75 ota
par copy, aod otter it as a premium upon orders
lor evuB. nee laiaiogu wueu out.
UHIOOS It UHOl'iltK. Hoehester, H. V
he old standard remedy lor Couuhs. Colds.
onauuution. Nulhlnv better." Cctluu
Uaoa. a notion.
In Flvi
Minutes, without Injury to th tklu
mail for 41, So.
beat by
Kellsvei most violent paroxysms In Are minutes
and (Seats a speedy cur. Frio 11,00 b, utail.
Color the whiskers and hala a beautiful black
or DHOW. It eousl.isol' only one preparation
To eeuu by malb. Addresa H. U. t'PHASI, No.
TilJayna .Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars
sent Ire, bold b) all Druggists.
85X010 PER DAV.
MEN WOMEN, BOYS and OIRLS whoangag
la our uew business make Irom & to tlu per day
In their own localities, full particulars and lo
.iru 'llun scut free by mail. Thote in need of
iermauent. prohtuble work, should audrersat
uuoe. utum
ftUEbilNaOM and Co, forland
e.rarm SALARY PER WEEL. and expen
eeJIAF ae, paid Ageau, to sell our new aod
useiui uiecoveriee. jxuureaa J. dwhbt at ve
Marshall, SI left.
AKesiuI Retsisl Tbls!
VI of sac uer week and awnaauies. or allow a
larga commission, to sell oar new and wonUorful
inveuuoae. av viu.t
atarsiiaii, alien.
PYCHO.MANCY.-Aby Isdjr I or
geailemaa oan mak sl.Soo a month, sseure
tlielr .wa happliieaa and lodauenaWao,' by oj)
tuiulng phyi-houMBoy, I'aoviuBtlun, e Soul
CaSrraiBg. 400 pegos isloih. Full Instruotloas
to us this power ever men or aaluiBil al will
bow to Mesmerise, become Teaae or W rising
Mediums, Uiviuatlon, bplrtlaallsm, Alchemy,
Philosophy ol OsassMi aaet iireaut,- Urigham
Yuaug'a Harem, l. to Marriage, , all
eonuiuadia thlhi evO.OW sold prle by
saall, la cloth el.SS, paper e
Aav person ailliaei to aet aa
SI. littTtoa
il will lecalve
B eaaspt exipy ol th work Iree
Aa at) oawial
la rauulred. alldaeiroua of aeuteal emvMyui
laaairous of genteel emyleyuisBt
laauul .sad log ta hook, aaslua-og 10 i. iur
Boatajre. to T.
bC, s-ulladslphU.
Curious Bow btrstngel
Tba blarrlsd Ladles Private .Couipantnei H-
tains th c
a tutomau i. nat tree r r
Itnuie. A.
It. . .
... t Ua. t, KtTttUE. 1..-
r X-w-iagwB ii m
Artf hp f C'U.'rfwyf.aswffnf,
....... as . i ... aV . -M .
ACtJCTS trAMTF.D-fttSr, A MrtSTfl v
hv ibe AVF.Itlt AN.RKlTTn'rO MA.
Ultiv E CO., Uan'Off. MAHB .or St T.ot lH
Free to Book Agents.
Kew lllwetntteil Faestly lllhle eonlalulng eva.
ino See Hnrlpure Illustrations to any bocf atant
freaelehargw. Address
Natiat.l'cai.ianio Co., rhila-, Pa. ,
1Tl o.sell thecelshrsted HOME nVT.
TLElsnWlWi MAt'H'NE Ks (he B,,ovV
rides.) and la fttltv tlcensait. The lt and oheo
et lamlly ewlng Machine In the market. AS.
dress JnHinns, t'l.aaK, a to , Il.ftnn, Mat.
r-iiisuurg, ro,, t'hloago, 111., or tit. Louis, Me
for Uroethneh'i Caleiilatlsg maehlmt. taptJ
accurate, rullable, ultnpie. Saaily oueratad!
cheap and besiitltul. Ohlnir In-titiitsnaoui ad.
dltbms or rubtracllnns, UklnK Irom one t Bra
columns of Sa-uref at a time, carrying and ti.r.
r-wlna- tunwn tens, humlre Is, etc , without He
leet thiiuahl on the ii.irte.rthe oiratoe ss.
'"""i aiiM slug k. K x , r u
Hh ladtlphla.
AG EXT S WANTED for Abbotts
In Oernan and V.i
.nglUb, with Bne steal antra.
visas, maps. Ke Aaanu are getting from s
wanacrnrs per day. uae Sveut report.
IBS enter She Hrst two Say. Now ta ran
Tina to eecim av Aossor for this aal other
worke desirable f. Ageuts. Addresa duskir
ul,T urshiat lloase ao4 StStAatBe t,
rhllaUelphla. ,
Reduction of Prices
Tiy OettiiiRT tip Olubsj.
SVSend for oar Naw VrtM IJaa ..J . r-i.v
form will eeenmpany It, eontalntng fulldlreo.
iionaniaaiuK a larua saving toaotuumers ant
remuaeratlva to eluh organiser.
The OretH American Tea Company,
Established 1853.
Manufaolursr , A De,icr n 8TERM,
12. II. Ivellotrt?Hsj
Is aa extra Wool nit, which sonars oat easily
and perfectly from the whitest gooita, la ktn1.
some In color, almoat entirely olovloe, endures
a temperature of .' and a las nuan'lly lira,
quired to do tha work then or tbe best Lard,
while the price Is much lets, and bealdee havlog
all the abore named dmlrable qualities, It I r.
ally a vers nle. Spindle oil. Address. .
E ti. KKLMKK),
P. 0. 4S3S No. i; cvder street New Tors,
hy Pn. j!o, n. Et.Lis. Lnrire slsa, Imoj.ine
HMtiH. Ntupcmleous revelutloas and startling
dlaclosures. Onebla ooininnultv and Its my'ie
rlea. The whole autiei-t UI bare and It. L'. !a
.inane.. eirs"el to universal eieorttlon. Writ
ten In the Interest ut t.'lvlllr itlon. 4 'hrl'tlanlt y .
ami Piitillo .Moriiilty, Send fur olrcutara set
lurtut. V. S. I'ublUUlog Co., 411 Broum at N t.
l'liHF. T:1t ''' ' o'tSs St-' toy.
; Wtattt for
TwrIvr Years r Wild Indians .tl Plains
lb rrmarknlile adrentme if the latr.if.
Will I'E CHIEF and Mill WAHKIolt atn uiii
tha Hed Skins. I'hrlllln accounts ot Ore.
Ilunta llilibren.lth ESCAPES and Terrll.l
nNri-;sr- with the blx game and In nils
tribe.. Spirited descriptions ol the hnblln1
aiifKir'ltlous ol that strange pecple. 'I'Lslr
siris. i.eireniia liaiiiiion. ny nicy cuip.
now iney uu sua r-u, uuciur nor.uip,
he . ho.
New. Fresh and nnnnlar. Pim-s Low. It is
mlllnir by the th ''l with wnniterlul rapidl'y
Aaenis are niaaing iruut ju io fiuv per .eee.
Some ehiilce Held let io In. I. Apply a'.
once for sample chapters I strated ami Unit
particular, to a. it. ill' if situ, i'uunsuti,
too Chestnut St., l'tilla.
Carbolic Tablet.
Vr-piired by bit. WELLS,
This most Important dl.covery of the aget.
thl. wonderful lieullnuanil lain'ln auent fur
all illsea es or wenknens of the HcHdratnry or
gans, sore Throat, Sudden Cold, lloarneueat,
Catarrh, Asthma, liryne.a of the Throat or
Windpipe, ot the Lunvs aud lor ail ir
itatlon ol the mucuous membrane.
All vocalists anl vubllo rpeakora who tpaak
and ling without effort, use there Tablet., tbslr
fleet In cleaning the voice Is .Imply oitontshlag
as ana be shown uy numerous certificates.
act dlreetly on th mucuous membrane an!
bould be promptly aud freely taken In all at
l..ure or violent ohaiia of weather, as the
oqunlite the circulation of the lllood and
ward oil all teiidanoy tu colds aud Luug dlta-culllea-
Ths proprietors would say, all first cla.s tutd
iclues bae Ihslr iuiltatlous, and they would.
CAUTION the public- against imptisiliort
hy having olber medicine thrust upon
i hem In place of these admirable Table's.
J Q. Ksllooo.I Piatt street, N. Y .snle agent
bold by Druggists. Price ii osuts a box.
WATCH FREE, and tso a day ure, and ae
humbug. Address LATTA It CO. Pitts
burgh Pa,
Tho 3Inffio Comb.
will ahanee any colored hair or beard to a
manant black or brown.
(In cmh sent by mall for 1. Dealer supplied
at reduced rates. Audre.s Wm. Patton, Tien.
it t;onieme no rne'i
bprlogneld, Mass.
with th Orecn Tea Flavor,
warranted so .ult all Ustes
Kor sal er rywhere. Aad
lor eale wholsala only by the
Obuat Avlahtic at Pacif
ic l'B Co., S church St. Ns
lioxMO. Sad for Thsa NMtar
Hv rsn.ll. in M cents with ass,
height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive,
by return nuun, a eorreci piuiure oi your iiw
hu. band or wile, with name and date of mar
rlaae. Aildre.s W, FOX, P. O. Drawer No. ,
Fulionvllle, N. Y.
Th grandest and most pnpulaj new book'oat.
Hundreds of superb Illustrations, Steel, tH,
No other book like II none selling hall so last.
Agents sell SO to I.') per week oil! and Pu:
siowe'e self Interpreting Bible, fcslra larys
Imtuceiaenu uUered. Bend Ibr elraulars w
w uHTgiBOTOM DusViMltCo. Hsrtlord, Cons.
RontalniBK Flcelwook'S "LIU of Christ."
cstwook's "Lll of Christ" ss
Apostles, Evangelists aud
ges "V.vieances ol Chrlatlanlty. .
JewJ by Jepl'U. "Hlstor J
jencwaJua lea.." with treatise so
-L.lvaa 01 the A
tvrs." Doddrldxes
all ktallalous Denaatl
- History ei in.
Utde relating U vBt saiBetel wt'B '""
lUstort, oontaialng matiy Boj.vavls'S, t'
whole forming a auuipies If- '4,V
U. T ' as aanth ytn mMr mu sia.
n Mraaui. . .
W v. O.
- a week,-. "J vV ; s ' ;, ,
i: Infot a ,i "we A
. f -!..! Ji ...s '
1.-,rM.m fmt 'j?'tvri