POST. abushed every Thursday Evening by jitiKUK ciom, mtr. j b---T fM" , Terms of 8ubrtpi.'m. ' . TWO DOLLARS PER fayeM wllhia rit aveailm. r$2.lf aat paid vHtbm the year. No paper Jliwojitlneod ntlt all arrearage re paid HlHt II ' tb option of Ibe publisher.' 3ibcnption outside of the county PBTABLt 14 APVASCl. gg- Persona lifting end uetng papers eddrreied ( other become subscriber. Md are liable Co' ' PT' el" P'P" J P. CRONMILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Middlcburg, Ptt., Ofrt his professional service lo lue pub lic. CoUtKion and ll other professional oainee entreated to bit er will receive prompt eiieatioa. Jan 3, 'CT'f AC. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Nclingnve Pa., Offers bit profeiennl service lo lb pub lo. All buines entrusted lo bit oare will bt nrompily attended lo. I Jan. 1:, ;it JW. KNIGHT. " - ' -, ATTORNEY AT LA Wj . . Freeburg Pa., OtTert hie Prefer oionnl eriee lo tbe pub o. All bualnete e ntrusted to hlt eare will b promptljr ajj ended lo. WiLVAN (.EZER,.' 1 , I ATTORNEY AT LAW, . " 'M . Lewi burg Pn., Offert bit professional eerviee to i pub lie. Cotleciion and til ottior Ti r vion at businete entrusted lo bit eare 111 re eeive prompt attention. GEO. F. jritLER. AtTORNEY AT LAW, Lcwisbtirg 1'a. Offert bit Profe tslonal service ta the pud lie. Collteiium and all other proferslnn II business entrusted lo bit euro aril) re elrt prompt attention. Jan. t, 'UTtf. J M.LINN, . A. II. PILL. ( to J. T. k J. M. I.lnn.) TVntlNS'Vtt AT LAW. Pa n..V...a..v 1 - . , . Offer ibelr professions! services lo tbe public. Collection! and all Ctoer pro fessional business rnlrtided lo their csre ill receive prompt attention. Jan. 8, '67if CHARLES HOWER, v . . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selincgrove Pa., Offert bli professional service to tbe pub a. Collections and all other profrselona susincs entrusted to bi care will rt ..ta tifnn.m fttttuiinn. f'fl'tee Iwo door north of tbe Kryeloue Hotel. (Jan 6, '0 SAMUEL ALLEMAN.' ATTOK.NEY AT LAW, Si-linsitrine Pti Offert bit rrnfcsflonnl rricc lo tin sublie. AU l)uinei entriiKirn to eare will bo promp'ly Biiruilcil to.' Cnl leciioat made in all pnrm of ilie Hmlo He can apeak tbe Ktipl'nb and Grtiunn lananace fluently. Office between llall'p aad ihu I'ojI I'fl.ce. LN. MYERS, ATT0KET 4 I.CIWSE! OR AT Uff Mldillplurg Snjili-r Ct i.nty Pimi n Office a ffwdoorettffi of tbe 1". 0. on Main elreet. Conrtilintioa in Knglinh . ai o ton i n i iiiip. hp. a, 1 1 T C BUCHKR, Mi ATTOKXEY AT LAW, Low iHlmrj; Pa. Offert bin profctmtaiiRl rrvicrain tl:e luib lie. All buiincm entrusted 4o hit sure will be prouiiitlv nliended in. Jon. 8. "CTlf ilUOVER & HAKFll VJ SEWING MACHINE. Person in need of a good and durable Sewing Machine can be accommod itrd at reasonable price by oiling on on Bam vtl Faidt, Agent, Heliusgroe. fJan. 24. 'Vt DR. J. Y. SHI NOEL, SL'KGEUN AND PHYSICIAN, MitlUlcburtr Pu., Offrre hik profpusional scrticee lo Ibe cit izens of Middlvourg aud vicinity. March 21. '67 F. VAN DUNKIRK. 81RCICALA MECHANICAL DENTIST FcliriKgrnve Penti JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF TUB TEACE, reon Tw p., Fnyder Co. Ta YL WAONER, Eho., Ji- TICK OK THE PEACE. Jacksoj To anliip, SoyderCo. Pn.. Will attend lo all huiineaa entrneted in kit eart and on Ilia moM reaeonnhle lermt, March 1 2, 'UHt pVllJ' r KANAUEL. J PHYflilAN AXDSIUOEON, Centretllle, fcoider Ct, l Offrra bit rofeeiotial tervicet lo Ihr publio. 0 38lf FW. FCIIWAN, M. P., e Kl'KGEON 4 PUY8ICIAN, ' ' Pori Trentrton Tu. Offert bit profei'lonat eertioea lo Ike citiiena of Ibi plaoa and vioiallj. He tpeakt German and Englinh. April 10, '08, FA. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER, Freeburj Snyder Co. Pa., Vlott rerpeotfully onra bit tereloea lo Ibt publio aa Vendue C'rjer and Auction eer. Having bad a Urge experience, I fuel eonfldenl Ibal I ean render perfeol lailtfaciion lo my employee!. Jan. 9, '871 BT. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW h DISTRICT ATTOUNT, ' UIDDLEBUBO, BKYDEIl COUNTY. Pa Office U Court Heme, Sept.IS, 07tf LEWIS BREMER'S BOMS' TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N: THIRDS ,88 PHILADELPHIA. J. ft MERCHANT HOU8B. '' ' t U. U. MANDK11BACIT Paor'a, J. C. NIPB,t:iark. 411 iit Sortk Ihlrd 8 1 reel. .. i.T !, PhiladelBhU J JilLtj a tLfcl f iaitit.rr bock iUnnltrtar "4 deal,,. -'J.I , i nr "anMY.ii , .tk; v.. e ; i lua i nr' rt- aif f ' ' fffl V- ft VOJi 8- LtfliLrvi iJ' R EAPING-RAILROAD Winter Arraoaemtot, Mondar Not 21 1870. fireat Tratik Line) fMra lb 5orfb and Ifortb went for Philadelphia, New York. Reaalnn,. Potmllle, .Tamaua, Aehlaad. Phiiniokia. Lebanon, Allrmown. Eantoo, Ephraia, I.iiin. Lancaster. Calnmbin Aa. Traini leave llrrbbure: for New York, ae follawa s at 8.10, 8.11, 10.6O a. in., and 2.80 p. m., esnnectlng with aimllar train oa the ike PejMtayWenia Kailroad, and arriving at New York at 10.10 a. m 8.f0, 6.60 and 10,00 p. ., repeilelj. Hleepmg eare aecoiapany Ibt 3.10 a ., train, wifboul change. - Helurnlng t L-avt New York at O.OOatti, 12,00 Noon, and 6,00 pui. Philadelphia at 8.1 & a m and 8,30 p n i Sleeping rnrt ao ompany the 6.00 p m iraint from New York, without change. . Leave Harrihhnrit fr Heading, Pnttevillr Tatnaqtia. Mintivville. Ablatid, Shamokln, Allentown and P b I 1 a d e l p h I a, at H.I ii a m, 'AM and 4 04 p ,. atopplng al Lfhunnn-ffnd principal wayeialionet the 4.05 p m iratn connecting" for Philadelphia. Potirtille and Columbia only. For Potta villo, fohujlklfl Haven anil Auburn, via fubujrlkill and Sueiii'baona Railroad, Leave liarritbiirg at 8,40 p Hi. Kant Peneylvania Kailmad train leave Heeding fur Alleutuwn, Eaeton and New York at 6.00, 10.Htla.rn., 1'. .4f noon, A 4.45 p.m. lleturnlg, leave New York at V.00 a. in., 12.HO noon and ,Yt p. m. and Allen town al 7.20 Noon 2.56 4.20 and 8.45 p. n. -' ' Way paeenger train lenvea Pbilndplpbia a! 7.3u a m, connecting with ainnUr iralu on Kael Tenna. Knilroad, reluming friun liead'ug at 0,20 p tn, Hopping al all elation Leave Poilille al U.tat a, ui and 3.1l p. ro.j llerndon at 10,13 am) 8ha molt in at 3.40 and 1 1,20 a. ni. Aeblnnd at 7.06 a m, and 12,60 noon, Mahaooy City at 7.61 a. m. aud 1.35 p. m Tamaua at M3am. and 2.40 p ni for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Hnrrtcburg, &o. Leave Potteville. via Schuylkill and aua quebnnua It H at 8,16 a ra for llHrriehurg. and 12. ')i noon for PinrgrovaandTrenioni. Reading Accommodation tni.t: Leavea rotfeville al 6.40 a ra. patera Reading at 7.30 a m, arriving al P bilndelphia al 10.20 a. tn. Kriurning. leavee Philmle phia al 4.46 p ni, pnuing Reading al 7.26 p m, arriving at Putiaville at 0.10 p in. lottsiotvu Accommodaiiou Train Leavee I'oiinown al 7.00 a in. reluruiug leave Philadelphia nt 4.00 p m. Columbia Riiilroad Train leave Reading at 7,20 a m, and 11.16 p m for Fpniala. Litit. Linranler. I'oluniliia. 4t . Perkinmen Railroad Trnint leave Per'il otnru Junction al 7.4"i, !',n.') a ni, .'1,110. and 6,30 p in: returning leave Kchwenkuville nt 7.00 aud 8.20 a. m, 12.C0 Noon, and 4,:lli ) in, connecting with Iraint on leading Kaiiroml. Colrbr okJnlt Railroad Irainnlaave Poll lown ot 't.40 a ni, and 0.20 in, returning leave Muut Plennnnt nt 7,00 mid 11,26 a in, connecting wilb aiuiilar Iraiut on Feaillng riiilroiiJ. Cheeter Valley UaMroad trtjiua leave Dridepori nt R.MO a tn. and ".M and 6.02 p ui, reluming, leave Downingluwn at t).')C a in, 12. 1 j noon and n,16 p m, connecting with ciiuiliir traiun on llending mtlrnad. On Htimlnye : Leave New York al 5,00 p in. Philadelphia 8,00 a -u and 8.16 p m. the 8.00 n in t ruin running inly tn llomliiig; leave I'otievilleH.OOaui: llnrrNbun R.IO a m and 4,li6 p m. leave Altentuwn 1 1 H.46 p. in and and 8.4J p. ni. ; leave Id iding it 7.16 a m. und 10,06 p ni for Hariisburg at h-W a m for New York, and 0, 10 a. ni. and 4.25 p in for Philadelphia. Conmtilaiion. Mileage, Seaaoc, School and e mrnion ticket, to and from all poiult til reduced rate. lltiggnge cbcoked ihrough ; 100 pounu allowed tucb paaacugcr. O. A. NICOLI.8, Otnernl Superintendent. Realinc. Nov. 21, 1870. LLEOIIEXY HOUSE. Nob. 81) A 614 Market Street. (J4r t:,l,tk.) IlULAOELPniA. KLECKNElt & CAWLKY. rnopaiiToaa. 6,61tf m A.. ..a irrms aa wv ri-r uai. OUR FATHER'S HOUSE, OR, THE UKWRITTEM WORD. Py Paiiikl Mabob. D. T . author or th ma. lr "Nlitht Keen." Thll n(r In thmibt .im nuflnup. ihiiw. mMW nril tll OWkB. tie In the t eat Houae, with IU llkwmlng flow. rre, slnatnii hlnl. Waving wlma, Rnlllna i.'u.r. uwimtiui u..w, rmormi m,uniaini. 11. Iletllfltl rlVi'f. Mlwhltf flCKna. Ti.unrf. ln re tllulntf beavaa anil vt unlr i,h eiianllw lieinii In wlllli.ntnf orlii. nlrHil toulneii tn Unwritten W rrt. Hne tinted IMiier. orniaenarvna nrt tinrb blmllna; "Hli-b ami varleil In (IioukIiI." hafi ' on uraeaiui lodtie. ' "t'orreot. iHire elevaiina In it tenilenev.o .m, tltul n.l , t, ,7 bnu-eholil trur " :n,nmndatlnnii Ilk tb bur Irom I.'oIIhk PrulilanU and PruleMnr, mlnlr or all lnoialntlin and lh nllvlon nn ruir rcM an uvar ill country It lrea- ne. Durlt Al laniruaw with .I.-. . ..-. Hn ileal narvln. nli.nii.l i,, . .. .I low prle mk It t h bonk for lh maw. A aanif are Mlllua fmm ettjio ISO par weak. We ot C'leraymen. Rehonl TaaeMre' amart youDK ma hil UiIIm lo Intrnlne lh work lor u in ,uwouii,ann til pity lliwrally. No lnllliirni ma ur woman nl h wliaoat a hand lor elroular, full doMrlutooa aad terml. Art. Iran Z1U1LER k KcOURDY, 1 . tth Rt, Phlla. . luRae8ilHD. O. eu Monro tit. t iht. ... 603 M . ttb Rt. I.ouli "ii- or lot mIB It BprlDHIIelil. Mae. WISH. CKAiKLLO, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, Market St. kliddleburg Pa. TJ A VINO loealtd In Ihlt plar I wuld JLX reapeoifully Inform Ik elllieot of Uiddlubu-g and vioiniiy thai I an prepared to repair CLOCKSi AKP WATCHES nbaap and eipditioly.- -Xfc patronage t Ibe publio la reaueattully tolleiled. - ' W. ORANELLO. -. Middleburg, Not. J4 1800. CABINET ORGAN AND UELODXON NAN V FACTORY. , WarTTooai aad Siora on Pin 8lrt, Faatery 8aydr Birtet, , ' Stlinagrore, Pa. i. ' . ; . - If yon want to bear had eat An to aad tad batlful Urgaa aad Kxjaoa call at oar War ruoaa aad etloea. V aa bom bat the heat Malarial la aekmff laetraauott. Try one ef iha aud vow will a toklinad. Kvary lantruuMl I warranted for tr ar. Mater. A a Mia aat lautleteM af tka CAeaal. ra lavliad ta aereau4 wltk ae aad ao4 lur pnaaiMt. w are a aaraala eov A aett tTew I'" aad k-iaaoa. a -.Una and Ae mteua Irtiai al ta til. Vaalla e - .4. aal a.aat.l-kltar iranuai. tarn.. Aul. aa kaad. " twd Aatardaont aairaetly taaed aad .. , at itdieq kr W"e r. . ... a - . me : MIDDLEBURG SNYDEltC07PA., Melect Poetry( WUILB TIIR DAV9 ARC CiO- ixg nt. There are lonely heart t lo eheria, While the dayt art going by i Tber art weary toult Ibat perieb, While tb daya are going by. But if a ttnilt we can renew, A our Jnmey we prtie, Ob. the goodwg all nay do Whlla Iht dayt ura goiag by I Tber't no time for Idle tcornlng While iht dayt are g"ing by ; Let your face be like tb morning, While lb daya are going ly. Oh, Ibe world i full of aigha Full of red and weeping ere Help your fallen brut her rie. While tb dayt are) going by. All tha loving linkt that bind ut. While ibt day are oing by One by one wt leave behind in. While Ibe dayt are gnind by Bin tb eed of good w now, lloih iupbade andehib ehall grow, And aball keep our beaatt glow, While Ibe dayt are going by. TRH FUGITIVE LIEUTENANT It wag while, tbo Amei'ictn erjn raa frrt zing and aturvinif ut Valb y Frte, and tliu llriti-h rioting aa I laxarlittitif ia PhiltKielp'tin, Mmt larno dirt betfuurly IxikiojJ fel, walking wilb a craub. approai lied the onrthern i)utpot ul'tlie Hovul d r- eii. mid. wilh a simple, idio'lo laugh nod leer, announced hi iotemioo ! fliil rin iht city and Liking Iho II i it Mb General prinonor. " Indeed f lli'ii I shall In under the Dcceaiilr of nrraalirj Yon," aujd a young Hubtilloro. winking al R une I bid couipiiuion t, and aaumiug a lertnu air. -He! he! he I'1 laigliul tb) I Hot ; 'juBt you try it tad that's all.'' " Why, my good fellow, wbnt would you dv ?' " I)i f" ett ljimed the other, drnw itix hiutsflf up wub un uir of ded. iim n ; "why, I'd toll the great Otn oral Watdiintoo.'' " Then 1 am afraid to venture on your artv.t. so past oo yoa will probably On I Geoeral Howe prepar ed to rlciive you." ' Tbo idiot suddenly looked troubled, :laooiug about bin warily and auspi ciously, at il bo feared be might pieet (be gotiorul hu waa ho boldly goiag to capture, but fiunlly Lobbied bff to ward the city. With tome such silly dialogue be sot pal tbu did'uiem entries, who ue-tned to givo biui no thought beyond tbe amusomeat of the time. By night ho was fairly in town, and kept on his way, nonie times humming snitches "fold eonira. and in general not notiaod much bv any. Through one si reel to another hu continued to hobble forward, till he ctuie to ooo of no great length, coutaioinif a block of tliree ftory, rrn- peotublt looking homes, which might be oeenpicd by persons in middling circumstauces. This street was uoi lighted, and appeared doaei'led, ao that when bo slipped beforo noo of the dwelling he wa not perceive! He knocked at tbe door, and a wo man's bfiid appearvd at ibe eiond ttory window. ' Won't you giya mo anmetbine to cat, ma'sm f I'm noirly ttaived I" 'aid the idiot. . " Yi, pir fellow J" repli d the) o man in s kin lly tono j In a luioute I will hand you aointitbing." . Shortly alter a lower sbu'tier.wa pnebed a I title Lack, and a band. co.i lainlng tomo bread aa I meat Was tlnust out Mother I" said a low roice. . Gracious heaven I" cxclil lined the female within, ia ao agitated tone. " Hubh !" i rturoed tbo beggaf, la a guarded whisper. Iu a oiomeDt a ftur tbe door wu throwo open. - " Ye, ma'am thaott you t dWt are if I do," taid tbe beggar, as if in r.'ply to ao Invitation lo cme Id, at the aanio lime oniaaina; the ibreabold, with an appearance of di'op humility. Tbe moment tbe door was closed behind him, tbe man dropped bis uruicb and threw bis arma around tbe wtber, fairly sobbinn. Mother I ear, dear mother 17 ' " Will'aii I" esetsimed . the other, preaaiog tbe ragged meadicant f t faer Heart ( oh, my dear, dear William I what la the meaning of this? and bow 4a it t flod joo in this sad plight ?" . " I have passed tba British lines In ibis diagifite, playing tbe bol to the ceOtrlas. But tail me how 70a are, dear moibor, aad bow you fair lo these itoublcu times T" ""Indifferently well, my son. The British are our masters here, bat so far I have little 19 complain, of in tbe way of personal treatment Provis ions sre scaroo and high, and only by the strict seoaomy shall 1 be a " w l'i tu9lil If tbr c,?t W J W. J - t 1 Ml . "v 3- . rii ii ti in : ' a . x.: .ii r. -w -.c?v r . iii ii tii ' " ealejj" ' J " ' - -- '.' - . to rnain porenl in ol tbo oity any eonsidorahle leoutb of time. Your sister Mary is at yo ir tj.iolo's in Del aware, and will deeply regret thai sbo ba tuisstd this opportunity. Aad are yon; all, nlooe, motbor t" " No, two English genttenieo are botrding with me." " Do they bolon to the srroy V taqoiro I tbo young man, qnickly and unonily : ' and are they now In the bouie f" "No, they appear to be private gen tlotuen ofe'ime inttaa, and neither of thi-m iit wi'hiti at pro'emt. But you loolt tinuSle I 'ieve you any th:ng tn ('nr. my sun V ' V dcluct) d, I may lo hungota py-" " Good heavens l" exclaimed flic mother, in n'afra j " you terrify mo ! Are y 'U here without p.?riii:siin ? without n paa f ' Yet lid I not say I p'ayt'd tlx fad to (he eentries, and so got pt them ?' " But I thoiglit flint wan fur yoir own aoiueiuent Ob. William, if ymi tliou'd bt iliso.vcreil I Why did you venture in t bt- dettp-rate man nerP " I could not got a pan, and I wua ko anxioui to see you and Miry that I resolved to rirk till.'' "Quick, than, come up stairs, lot ua fit a pluco ut once, boforo anything haprenl" Roth ha'teoed up stairs to tbe third story, and, alter couxidering several places, decided that iho loft clo'O un tier the roof uiigbt be tbo best for the coocpalmeot,' as the trap door leading 'o it could ba fastened uodernesth, which won! I tond to blind a search ; while tho young man if pressed, could escape to the roof and, by means of a long rope, fastened to the dim- ney, could liwer himself into either the yard or the streot. TbU would not insure bis escape, but it wa the he-it plan the two could think of, and served to render both less fearful of detection and the serioui coosaq'ion cea. Having provided tho rope, the mother hastened to bring up. a largo quantity of food, which her -ton bogau to devour with a ravenonsnoga that thowed that bo had told no untruth, when in tho character of a' bcg:ar, hu bud de -tared himself In aetata bor dering on starvation. While ho was antia bis mother pile I biui with qne.i'inns oouoorning tbu army st Valley Forgo, in which be bad buld a Lieutenant's comini.i aign, and which be had left nu a fur. lugb ; snd the snavvers ol the yoiini; soldier depioted s Unto of destitution and sudrring that cauaod his hearer lo weep for very sympathy. Three thousand soMiors had boeu down 011 the sick list at one time, and without the common ntcoesarioH of life, bad perished by hundred ; while of ihuae cnpaLle of doing duty, ei-am-ly iio hstr a llunket tn rovrr him nt niiht, or lootl enough to keep tout end body Pale, emaciated, ragge! and dirty. mty with btro feet upon the froien eartb, they walked shiver- iug through tbe ramp at day, uod crowded fbemfclves together al night to net tho little warmth they could from each ether' bodiei, the in wt fur loru aud wi-elclud a-it of beings that ever a nation culled to arm. "tin I help ns all !" ejaculated th mother, ins dojuctud tone. ' I Hup-po-ot, after all our bar 1-tbip, wo shad be eompellriii to suoeumb to our ly ranniiriil 1'ies." " Never I criod t'ie young olllcor, ' while there is a thousand men left In our country to make a last deeper ate aland. We can only be conquer ed by annihilation and if it is God's will that a tyrant shall rule) over this broad continent, , aet a single true hesrt will lire to feal the oppression and degradation. Ere that, time, dear mother, I for on ah all be beyond the roach of earthly monarch,'' "God bless you, William I" cried. tba mother, enthusiastically, grasping hit band; "your fathsr'a spirit apeuks in you; He died on tho bat tle Geld with' those sentiments ' in hl heart sod I freely givo yon njy on IX son and hope to the glorions cause whiub bis blood and that of hnutaods-of others hu hallowed." 7ot- " several days ' the intrepid young offlwar reooalnrd concealed be oeatb bis mother's rood bis 'presence supposed to be knowa only by them selves. 'Do -eno-' evening, near tb end of bis furlough, when bo was be gionld to think soout preparing tor his soret departure, aa officer-fib la men appeared at tba' door. '.and said be had order i arrest 00s Will tata ftuirglae, aupposed to ha seas where ia ilia d welliar . " . ; 1 f e i-y m I" 14 Uw i in EEBltOiAltY 10.' 1871. widow, in tbe groat trepidation. " So much tlie .tnore likely that he houlJ ba hero thea,P was the nofvel ing reply. ' " Aud for what wonU yon srnst him f and w hat would be done ith him if fonud V " We slisU take him ni a rpy. and if found guilty, bo will be hnng, of courso. as every curbed rebel should be. Hero. Badger and Wilcot, g'tnrd the I tck door $ yon. Rent and Wal ter., bepto the search j nnd yoti James and Johnson, remain whero you are. Shsrp, now, all of you I Let the fcl I w be taken alive, if possible but . alive or dead, li t him be taken. Now good womun, if he la in the house, ol Mi h wo are strongly assured, le' him appear and save yotirrlf much trouble, otberwiso tho conscquonce e upon yur own head." " If you thmk my son is in the lioue, search ,0 your beat t's content!" returned the mother, exteroally culm, internally suffeiing. . And forthwith the search begun. Meantime the young lieutcosnt. who heard enough to comprehend his danger, had set about' effecting bis eatspo, but not altogether in thr maouer fir it intended lie went out on the roof, it iit iruo. and tied tho long repe to the chimney, casting one end down lowurd tho street, but this only for a blind. He had seen that the bricks of the dividing wall between the bouo occupied by bin. mother and one of the two udjoining builJiogs, had been loosely put up under the ridge-pole, and his present deign was to remove a few of these, crowd thro' into tho Joft of the other house, and then tnplaee them. This pvrpnso bo eff.tjtcd before tbe soldiers tearebing fur him came up near t-noush to hear tho little nois ho was compelled to mako. The npen trap-door of the roof, and tbo ropo around the chim ney, sorved Jo misleading them, as he hail hoped ; and it was rrith a feeling ol intense satisfaction tl'.U he heard tbeiu announce the mucner ol'hiien cape. Immediately after tho whole par ty left in haste, first threatening Mrs. Buggies with subsequent van. geoeo for harboring, Concealing, and eooniviog at tho the evcape of a rebel spy, enen though the man was berson. Wheo fully saiiiifieJ that all tbo soldiers hud gone, young iVigglca at tempted to rulnrn into his toother's dwelling by tin way he bad left, but iu again dirpiaoieg f ho bricks for this purposo, one ol ibein slipped and went down through an open trap-door upon tho floor below, tmiLtng u loud noUe. Immediately u !ight flashed up thro' ti e opening aad a timid fetnule voice dooieodrd who was there. Lady," bo began, in a .tentlo tone, calculated to reussuro his fair hearer, " bo not alarmed. I am a friend in distress, tho sua of your ccit door noighbor. I stn h tinted at a spy by British aoldiors, and. if found, my lift will bo forfeited. If you ennont pity me, for God's aks pity my poor moth or, tied sani't me fr her sake I". Ilo presented bimself at the opening to the loft, snd boldly deceudod the step leading from it. dirrejly'a beforu :h la'y. a sweet, beautiful girl of eighteen, who stmid with s light in hor hand, and normal l uinb snd mo. ti'-nlees with a -ominingling of fear, sarpri snd curiosity. The young man continued to speak as he descend ed, sod hurriedly went on fo narrate) all that bad ocourred, eoriclddcd with the search of the soldiers, aud bis eacupo into the loft above. " Thank God, it it In ray power Id aid yea, sir I" were the 6rt words ol tbe girl, spoken wilh a look and feel ing of sympathy thut made thr heart of the soldier bouud with strange emotions. 1 So tben aebton te tell Lttri thats cousin from New Jorsey, about bis ige sod build, and looking not un like him, 'was then on s visit to the family, having a pass from Geoeral Howe. This pass sbo bad tbst even ing been looking at, sod by accident it was now to her ponsesxioo, tho cou sin having gone out with tbs rest ol the family, and forgotten it. "Take Hand fly, and may God preserve you I ' she c rlu. ' 1 can ar range it with toy kinsman," she eon tidned 1 "I can have lost it, aud he can easily procure ad iber." She harried him dowostslrs, throw ing a cloak oer bit abouldrra 00 bis way, Which tbe insisted upon bio wearing saying, it had belonged to a deceased brother, and ba could retara it In any future Urns." She then has tened to get the pats, which she plaeed ia his heed, and nrgsd him to f tf at onoa. " If I could see mj nothsi' Jbr Bjomcat' ha taid. - . . NO. 4!). " No, no leive ail to rue I will sxplaio all to her go while you ean, before It is to late.1 "Gad In Heaven bles you. sweet lady 1" he said, itupul.ivtly seiain,; her hand and touching it wall Lis lip. "I will never forget you.1' Tho next r.ion.ttit he was gotio. lie cscsped. And true to his declaration, he neve. did fotyet the awertgirl ah befriended him In hit hour of pern. Venrs after, the honmed wile of Ucn eral Rugglea wits many a lime heard to te'l of her romsntio nni ting with him she love ) , Ibm n huoted fugi tive from the vVntincn'al army. I Hut e no 1 liitiire.'' D m' say that. You have Ore clian ccs in each hand. Tneo you have thirty-els al leut in your head. Ev ury faculty you have will vote you in tuoffl ie, it you will only eofranchise it, and bum a coiiredeialioo between the frern.en iu your brsin and the freemen al the end of your arma Chances, plenty of thorn, full under our eye, if we have only eyes to aee bom. and bands to pick theni up. Tbe falling of ao apple was tbe op portunity lor Newton to tolve the secret of tbo rkies. A floating sea weed, drifting by the vessel when the crew were ui,e ring mutinuou threats, was tho chance) seized by Columbus Id rtnpi fv nn inritii.irtt v.ifi.'llinn nrA r J - - . . ..." ... m 1 ... to inspire his promise, of a new cn liueol, tod a new world of enterprise. Tbe picking up, in the streets ol Furis. of a pin by u poor boy, as he w as go ing from a gt cut Isnk, saddened al ilia denial of his application for a place, was the founding of the euc eess and prosperity ol out of the great banker of the oity of tho world. The simple set, illubttative of the economical spirit at-serting ibcli over pataent grict, was ohao rved from tbo window; the lad ws recalled and the refusal recalled at the same mo went industry, patience and boctMy did the rest. A tbnnce remnrk Croat a peasant giil, in an obscure couotry iu England, falling upon the ear of tho young observing thinker. Dr. Jcnner, gave vaccination to tho world, and saves hundreds of thou sanda of lives annua lly. A pewter pime foundud the Feel family. FobLerts. in the poor country sbuut Bi n kburn, soeing a lare family growing up u'joui biui. fijlt that some source of in come ruait be ividoj ta the n.ejgre products of his litils farm. Ilo quiet ly conducted experiments iu calico printing in his own home Unt iluy plate UilJroa had thoughtfully handling a Irotil which one of tliei rhi dined, ha' .kai;h..d nm.n" it. .mnn.h urtatcei ttia-ntirl turn ol a rianls.v lonl' and filling this with coloring' I be vraa deliuhted to find ih., .h. ;,...! presbioo anald be accurately conveyed to the surface of cotton cloth. Here was thr firsl suggestion towards calico printing from ruetd roller". The ' parsley leuf" ct the pewter plute openod up s world nl industry to Ladeashiie ; und Robert Feel, to tin. day, is called, iu the neighborhood of Blank burn. "Fulsley Feel." Richard Arkwrighl. Iho thirteenth child in a hovel. With n knowledge of tellers uu uudorgrouud barber with a vnen fir a.w'de.'wlio mashod up his titodeU au I threw them out gave bisaucoeesl'ul rpinoing model to the woi I I, and pal a m-epter in England's right hind snub us aa eovorcigu ever woilded. The jumping tea-kettlo. lid is said to have put the steam Into that boy 'a brad who gave ut tho great git" of in dustry. A kite and a key, in Frank lin's bands, ware the grandparents of our telegraphs, and all thetlesins of modora iovcotious applying electric ity. A swinging, greasy lamp. Just rilled with oil by a verger ia the Cath edral of Flsa, caught the eye of Galileo at eighteen years of uge, taught him tbe secret of the : pendulum, made many t ditoevery in aatrooomy and nsvigiitioo possible, and gtve ua tbe the whole rnordera sysltiui of llie ao eurule measurement of time. Doa't say you bsve no chance I You have tho sauiu chance, aod bet ter, than tba world' grostsat and heal men hire enjoyed. Men uniformity overrate their eyra trogth j tb former will do' far less than we sup p we, snd the latUr far mote. 11 Tbe longer I live," says oat of earth' no ble snoa, "tbo more I am est tain that lha freat difference betwrsn tneo, be tween lbs feeble ' and : powerful, the great and tba idalgaiacaal, ia energy -iovlaoibil deiermitiatioa a purpoa 'ooe flsaJ, aad than death ar viotory I" That qatjr will do anything ibat ean be don la this world; s'l "N j tslaats, oo airsutr-saers, k " .,- taaidea ir'T t c!t t'..:t 'j- 'i t aaaaaajaaacri fto.eov sow. unt-aair tolubin. as year. - One- fourth column, oh ar. 16.00. Out Iqaar (10 Un) on Innrflca Every additiehal inaertlea Proftloa1 and Bhaineta eardt f aol trior than ave tinea, ner year. Auditor, Eseeutor, Admialtu-altr 1.64).' aid Aulgnet Woiloe Editorial holioes ber lib II.' All tdvertlsementt for a tborter prrio thaa one year ar payable al ibe lias they ar ordered, and If not paid iht per son ordoring Ibtm will bt held reSpontibl for the money. Legislative Fame. An amusing Incident occured, re ceotly, of which a stats Senator was ihs bero. Jn company wilh some friends, be wss baying some holiday presents for tho " littln one" and, ia the course of Ma peregrinations, stop ped at a stand fur the sale of whist i ngChioa birds, proti lad over hy a young American. Out Serl'orial incutl eiersisod bis Well known con versational powera fir aome lint upoi the youth Till vernier, in the nica-tt riM testing his wnre.1, ami, fnnliug tii.Ti culty iu putting su:ted. said " My litllo friend, this Won't wlis lie." The jtivc-nilo merchant, casting a knowing glance st tho Senator, very piickly replied : "Will, si, nmybo not; lut tho one you bavo got in your p. ckct wt'l r This remark started the honest Fen slot-, and niter ttimliling around in hi pockets for some lime to satidy him sell that ho hwln't stolen ouo, be re joined, indignantly : " inurg man, how dars you tusnlt ageotlatnuu iu that manner?'' Tbe boy's eyes nt Ibis nt .me nt luck ily alighted upon the miing toy, ani looking up at the asioni-lied rieoator, again in a sort of apologeiij way re plied t " Well, sir, 1 happened to hear ono of these gentlemen say that yo i were a member of the Legislature, and that's why 1 thought it, sir. I'm glnd to see thil you ain't, sir. Here's tho bird, sir len cents, luank yon, . r.onil-HflV !! t ' j - Act I'rom Principle How few person tbr-ra are who-e lives sr governed entirely ly princi ple, rather than inclination. Even thoso of us who may b cudeavotiug to livsfoi- high purpoS'-.i. come fur short our spirntinu ; alas! bow very far short. How often we find oursclvcl delmting wilh our convictions of right nnd duty, questioning if it might not be ns woll for us to yield to inclina tion just for the time, promising our disturbed ennscinceS thiU Ve will tralo up lor tho present indttlgenec, by ! ln''u, Tigious aelf-tleniul ami etrit't i"Ut'"tl"n ,0 dl,t7- v,lio. faliacikius 1 reasoning of a weak nature I we can never mako up for onr neglocted orf. liriuiiity, 000 misapent ho-ir, ono wrong, elfUh oct. Once . past, tho opportunity unimproved, the hour wasted, the set committed, sod it be yimd recall, except in thought, of V regtet Wo may atJtio for it, but we ean never change the past Alas I how painfully aro wo aware of this I tact. j Then should we till endeavor tbo 1 fT-int-i nn I'm au 1 t tt an. I-a mi ai 1 r v.M..a.v ...11 iiVim orn, ""t"' r P-'ill i toe wo all know ' er ' the pulh of duty. ''"UK' WgK., ! Ot someittnes rugged, is not without sweet pleasure ; and let us novor fol- !0W, "r lu',ion,i" ! 7 would U'n'1 ua awV from rigi.t.-Then aball i d Pcrn,iltJ th I- t to look "' " nu' nvcn nnu auilHIiicil'in, feeling that wo havo dooo w b t wo could," and that Our Father regards ns with acta of pi nlmtion. To Cnti ciiATriit.H..S!omebody wants to know how to cure or.i:?hi-a on hi horse. I will give a remy I used for years with tioiversil sue ces : Take two pounds of Glauber eaults, one pound of sulphur, ono quarter pound of saltpeter; pulverized all finally together, pud give nne heaping tablcspmm'ul once a day, hrowo 00 the feed. Xow for tbo feet. Take ono pint of cost's foot oil and one-fourth pound of fine'eut chew ing tobucoo.snd simmer them together Strain aut the lobaoco and butt le for ue. Take eaatilo soap sod warm "atcr, wash the. part affeoted clean and dry thoroughly befure applying tits oil. If the ankles ars muob sore' it would be well to put cloths on them te keep the air from therd while dry. lag; when dry anoint them well with the oil for a few days; then wash as before, dry well, and apply tba oil again. If thoroughly applied, it will effect s . pormansnt cute. .Keep tbs feet clean, and scratches will i;ot ba likely to return. ' BMMMlaaHa Covbaoi wiLt Win. Once a keep, cr of aa asylum bad occasion to g4 uimn tbo roof of s building a very high oo.' . A 'paijcnt, unobserved quickly mounted the ladder after Litd, and eonfronted tbe beeper at the top, told him if h (tha keeper) did not jump down, be (the lunatic) would throw biro down There Wis ao ails taking .the . mtrpMrog , look aad tooa. Eseape wsa impoaslblo. . Saddeoly a happy thought struck keeper' "Lsl'r said he with aa air of easy eooCJeoea j "toJiMnpdowp wenlj ba ao great teat, l tH yoa rtl-l'll p dow andjiinpap.r I fir r-s ? ic itncr- :U" " - :.J, j V Ons eolnrnn ana year .' S t . 1 .-. il.-l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers