The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 02, 1871, Image 1

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l.ked TcrJ Thursday Evening by
VgguUH CROl'SE, Proprlrlor.
TrBi of Subscription, .
t no lrn ivvI'M PiruMi
U.B fit month., or f 2.fin If nol pnll
Lhtn the year. No paper niacnntlnued
lil ill Brrenrngvn nrr mw umcns n
' .1 III,. ..I.ll.l.v
fa potion in " ,
Ccrjptions outside of tho county
LrnvAiii.B ij AiMA.iii,.
. lift!.. ntiil n.inir nnnar.
yr 'prp"s n
L,,fdl lo other, heroine auh.enlirr..
Urt limne ,,,r r,,v- " '"
Middl-bnrg. Pn..
L ),; proteanloiisl ecrviee to the pub
Collclion snd all other j.rofniiutiul
L..i entrnted to bin cur will irreive
Ut attention. I Jn d, out
Sclinsgrove Fn.,
L, (,;, profcinnal eervice io I lie pub-
All bueinese eniMinreu to uin cure
) nronipllf attended I.
- r i i t
ittn ( utu
Fret-burg Pn.,
Iri kit rrofe.sionnl eervicetn tbe pnh-
All bti.fncjn entru.teu to ma c ire
b "rompily attended to.
r j 17,'07lt
T.pviliir(r Ph..
r J
in bis professional eervic to le pub-rOUi-tlnna
ntiil nil other 1 r. .'Minn-
fjtincM entruated lo bis car in re
t prompt attention.
Lowlnliurff l'B.
tri bin Trofea.lonal Service lo the pub
Collection and nil other prnforston-
kuiinrM entrusted lo bit cure will re-
prompt ticDtlon. Jin. 8, uir.
Ji.LINN, ' A. n. PILL.
i T M l.n
I I CHI' wrwi ww w . w we fiuHif
JTOKNtVS AT LAW, Lwll,iirn, T.
Ibetr proreamonni lerTtoe io nit
tiv I
:mJ tinattifiaa Atilrltatpd (A lhtr iir
vim f'tilitintiB ftnif Mil other trtw
I rtceic prompt altcniloo. Jan. 8, '07if
kiARLEs now er,
frrlinngrove Tn..
bit profeenional xerTiCP to the pub-
rnllnrtinlifl entl all otlipr nrat't-etiiona
fi'ncfi entruteJ lo bi rnr will re
it prenyl tleniion. Oflice lo door
rib of tin Keytloue Hotel. Jan 0, 't
Si'liliHcrovo I'll
Lri hie rrofcfeionnl Mrii,- lo lb.-
lio. All buhiiu'xx ctil rn ! In bir
t will l promptly minnleil lo. Col-
ion! tumle in nil pnrt ol t lie Mnip
cm epek tbo 1'hl'!Ii tni Ciortiiuti
iliac fluently. Ofikt lelwrcn Hall e
jl lb l'ou olliro.
iJdliliirj Siivtlt-r C't tinl v Pinii'ii
fee few doora W'pel of Ibe T. O. on
Lin (In el. OiiMiltntitn in Liifh-h
id C:r t r r f i.i rej.tiit
ATTORN KY AT LAW. isl'iiri: Pm..
frt liia profpfiornl snvirt'Mo the j ub
All Liiainpsa riitiMKtP'l lo bia cure
!1 ta promptly uttctnlcd to.
Jan. o. i.i h
t'tnona in nppil of n bop. I nn l iliifiblf
kiDfc Miteliiuc cun be nrrnnniiuil'il"l nl
'otmblo prteea by cill'iii? on uu Sam
Faut, A gout, !Suli!iBuroe.
Jn. 21, t
if m nr.KON anu vnvsiriAN.
MitMU'lHirfi Pa.,
ri Lii. rrofoeaional aprTice lo ll.o cil
ni of MiJdlcuiirg odJ vicinity.
Mitrcii .1, b
ScliiiHgrov Tcnu
TeDD Twp., Enydcr Co. Ta
m jt miiunui rr.Ai t,
Jackson To 'abhin, Snyder Co. Pa..
i.UttPD'l lo nil bnsine?" entriiBte.l in
ear and on the uioet reoniinip
ma. Itiurcb 1., w
Dtrevlllo. Snjdor CoM i
rrt Lis profcsfciouul bcrlces to the
P W. SCH WAN, M. P..
Port Trevnrton Ta.
Wl lila profcaaional aervioea to the
lena or tula plHee ami Ticuniy. lie
'?.! Oermuu and Englinh.
A. liOYER. Jr.
Vteprmrir SnvderCo. Pa..
nt reapeet.'n'ly offBr" ,rlc'" 10
plltJllO a- Vetiune vrjrr wn".
llaelng bad a irgo jri-i.-n.-. ihul I ftA.ll render perfect
iifiction to ay euiuloyeca.
T. TARE 8,
pea U Court Ilouao, Sept. 15, 'O'tf
o.322 N. THIRDS
',38 rillLADELl'UlA.
1. C. Kll'E, Clerk.
K 413 416 North Tkird Street.
Vlooer, Uiank bouk Mitnnlacturoa
taealer in Wrapping, tfUating, ir
t wall paper fap.r Uag to U
Prlatera 1ft North Tblrdstroet abf Emm
ITiTladfrliia Pa.1
iiiji ; 1 iii r i ILL!! '-1 ' 'L-J i '
VOL. 8.
Witrp-f Arraticnii'Dt. Mniidav
N. ? "Jl 1870.
OreM Triitik Line from the North nn l
Xnrih west for llilral.ll.iia. New York.
Hridini!, l'otlillp, Tmii1.i!l. AuMnn.l.
Nhfimnkin. Lebanon. Alli'ntntn, Knlon,
Eplirnta. Litii, I.tinpalpr, ColunihU A,
Train. Iphto llrrUtnn t for New York. n
follow i al ll.lii. H it, In .')H a. m..
and 2.60 t. m., emnrpiintr with lmilr
Irnlii. on tho the l'pnn Wmiif Itnilrniil,
and arritinc at N'pw York nl lit. in a.m..
P..fiO, fi.filt and lli.tMlp. m.. re-pertlvi ly.
SlrepmB cma arpoirpnny the 3 1" am.
trnin, wiibotil . Inn(i'.
I'piurnlng : Lonp Npw York nl !'.0i m.
I.'.iki unn, ami o.ii" p in. tri ma nt
8.13 a ni and 8.S0 p ni i Sleeping no
ompany the 6.1X1 p tn imlna I'rntu
Mew York, without change.
Leave llurrinburit for Id-ading, roll.Tille
T.ina.jiin. Minrrpille. A.htand. Miamnkin.
Alleniown and I' h I 1 a A a 1 p b I a, ot
K.10 a nt, 2. filt and 4 0, p ni, Hopping nl
Lehnnon and pritipi al way atatinn i the
4. li p m train connecting fur I'liiln lolphm.
Putle.ille and l olumhia only. For I'oiik
ille, h'chnylkill llaren and Anbtirn, tin
P-cbuylklll and Stiaiiiehanna Railroad,
Leave llnrrlobtirg at 8.4U p ni
Eaat IVneylvania llailrond Iralna leave
Reading for Alleniown, Eton and Sew
York at u.llt). lil.iJUa.m.. I A t noun. 5t 4.4.rj
p.m. RKturnig, leve New York at It. twin,
m.. 1 tit) noun and 5 l1 p. ami Allen
town at 7.JU a.m. li '.'i Noin 2-jl 4 -0 nnd
8.4"i p. ni.
Way paaaetiger trnin lrnvea riiilndplpliln
a! 7, MO a ni, connecting nilb eitniUr Irnin
on l'u st I'enna. ltnilrond, reluming from
Kcnd'ng at ti.tlp tn. atopping at all etntion.
Leave l'ott.ville ai tt.iMi a, in., and
3,10 p. m.i llerndon nt 10,15 am: Sim
mokin at 5.4o nnd 1 1.20 n. m i Anhlnnd ai
7,0.'i a m, an.l 12.C0 noon, Mnlmnoy City
at 7.&1 a. m. and l.Sj p. in.. Tnmaniin ni
".33 a nt. and 2.40 p m for rbilniMpuia
rew ork, Ileailmg. Ilnrriehurg, So.
Lenve I'mifvllle. via ttchuylkill nnd Sus
quehanna R R nt 8.13 a m lor llnrrinhitrg,
and l.''o noon for I'iiieBrove ami Iremoiii.
Rending Acromtnodat ion Iraij: Lenve.
Pottuville at fi.40 a m. raeea Keading nt
7. H(l n. m, nrriving nt 1'hilndclpliia at lo,2o
a, ni. Kctimiini:, Ipuvea l'liilade'pliin at
4..i p nt, pn"inf Rending nt 7.26 pin,
nrriving nt 1', ttvillr nt '.'.In p m.
loltMion-n Ai'ci'iiiniodiiiiuti Train Lenve.
rntKfmvn nt 7,t"l a ni, returning leave.
rinbili-l.tiia nt I. t'O p in. llnilroml Tt nin. lcnvp llpn.linjr
nt 7.-0 n m, nnd i, l.'i p in fur I'ptitnln.
Litiz, l.-incnOpr, Colutnbiu. fit .
I'rrkiniiicii ltnilrond Trnin. li arp lVi'ii
omen Junction 111 7. I'i. I'.o.'i a tn, . nn.i 1
"i."U p 111: iiMiil'iiitig leavp Si liMioiksvilli' at
7.i'0 and H.'JO a m. K'.'o Noun, tin I 4.:i 1
p ft. c.'nn.'cting V.11I1 tiiniiar train, on
lifi'lifg liailr'jad.
t'oli't i'iiik'bilc Kailro-i 1 tr-ilti. leave rott.
lown ol ', lo n ni, mil tl.20 p in, i.'liirniiin
Ifnvc Mount l'lca-ant nt 7.00 nnd ll.'.'o
a tn, connci'iin nitli tnmilar iiaiu. on
llendln r iilron.l.
('healer Vnlley Railroad lialn. bave
f.u:.l . u .... - ... ... 1 ... ... .
i.ri.iriMTi 111 r..." n in, nn i ..m.i Mini o." ;
p nt. reluming, leave Puivntn.w,, a. ii..V. 1
a 111, 12.1.1 1101 11 1110 1 .1.1.1 p in, ciiuiii'i'itti):
with "iinilnr tram, on li.'i.iling railroad.
On Suti'l'iya ; Li-avp New York nt "i.tKi
p 111, riiila.l.'i liia X.'iil a ni and .1. l "i p m.
the (llil n in Haiti riiiitiitig only In iir:
leave rntisvilli-m,i:ii n in; Harris). nt g ;;, n
in til"! 4.1 .1 p in, Ihvi' Allititoun nit-, t
-, ;
p. in. mill and H.4I p. ni : leave Iii i.lin
al i.l'i ti in. nti.l lii.tio p in for Hart isbin
at ,ri (it: n in lor 'p Yoik. nnd lu a. in,
an J 4. Jo p m for 'lnliidil bin.
Cotnniuta'ion. Milcnge. 5"ear.t.. Scho- I
nnd pxi'ttrsioii litkctn, In nnd from till puoiii.
at r.'.lneeil rat.'..
Diipg.igp clioi'licd through ; 100
allowed vuch pnioeiiger.
I I.M tl
li. A. NH'ttl.l.S.
Ginrt'tt Sn-'triiitcitlt'it.
RpaJina. Xot. 21. If70.
os. M i 811 Market Street,
l jlAoi'r .'I'itttt,
rnornir.iona. H,&ltf
Terms $2 (10 I'cr ll;u.
Tty Paxifi Marph, D. T.. atilhnr of the p.rn
lur "NlKht .I'ciie. " Thl. inastur In lln uaht
ami liinuiinire .tiow. ii. Miit'.hl rl"tiei an.l l.eiu
tli'. In tin il' ml llourni, with It. flow
er., SltiKltiK Wavlmt pal-n.. KoIIIhk
i'I'.uiI.. In-tui tin I t.iw, Nai rml innuntaliia, I'o
llKlitful river., UUlitv opphii., Ti..iii.I Iiii vol.
ee. Illailnur liii.ivun. hi .1 taxi nitlr.r.i. Mill,
I'oiinllHH iIiik in iiilllliuif nl wi.rl.l-. .n.l re.. I. Ilko til see V'tintf tii'l'snn. rni"V llli lil-
to 11. In lue t nwrllnin W.inl. l;.i llnloil , ,
i.i. r. rli..te finiruvlnm Mn.l ii.'rb l.ln llo nelve... I huvo 110 ol jorliillH In your
'Hli h nml vi.rl.l In tlniiiKlit." ". Iihuib ""l-ii.y I . .,, . . .,
an.i Kr.i-eiui in tie." "I'tirrpfi. .umi.ievtiin; marrying Clura, none in tbo world,
In it. tenileney." "Ileantllul an-l " '-A! ,
tanu.eholn troH.ure " I'oiii.iieii.liiil.iii. like the .Mr. .
at.iva Irnni t'ollee Pre.t.lei.l. t.ii.1 Pr, , , , , t , .
nilnlMer. iilallileiiiiniliiatlnii.Htiil tlieri'llul Il, my dear Bit, llOW Call I til II Ilk
unit secular pre., ull over Itie country It liesh- ' , , , , .
ne., purity i.riHtiKUiitre. with I'leiir o.en t), you f 1 ll llUVO ri'lllUVOd U load trutli
tine iteel emimvlinr.. nulKiantlnl liln.llnr. m,. I .
low price II Ihe Ixiok tor llieinaM. Aiienll
are .eiiina iroin ooiu imi weeK.
We w. nt I liTuinen. Si'Ikk.I Tenreer. .mart
younu men alul l.i.llt-. to tntr.xliicw l ho work lur
ii. In every towniihli, atnl w will pay lltienilly.
ii.ylnu buflnei...
nu inuiuKni iimu ur wuuiail ueeu lie wiuiuui a
Seuu I
lurolruular. full ileicrlntoon and terma.
ZltULER kMeCl'HDY, to t. flth St. Phlla.
l.iu Hai'eSt. fin. o.
en Monroe St. t'hl
6U3 N. th hi. I.o nl
oct.l. lm or 102 Main t f-prlngliolil. Mara.
M A K Eh?,
Market St. Middli-hurg Tn.
AV1N0 loonled in tbie I would
re.npoifullv Inform tho citliena of
Middlebu-K and vicinity ihnt I am prepared
to repair CLOCKS AND WATCHES cheap
and expeditiously. Tbe patronage of the
public ia reapeoil'ully aolioiiod.
n. .nn.r.i.i.ij.
JJiddluburg. Not. 21 1H0'.).
Ware Room and Store on fine Street,
Faotory on Snyder Si reel,
Selinagrovt, fa.
If yon want to hear and m Una toned and
beaulilul lrnii and Melodeona call at our
War room and Mora. Wa uea noua but tha
beat malarial In Bakltni amenta. Irt one
01 tb.iu and yna will ue aail.lta.1.
every laatruniaai ia warraniaa roe ore jura.
Dealer, Aa.olaaoil Mmliu-ra f tha Uo.mI,
arw lavltad to eorraeiMiad with aa aad wnd for
uric Hat. Wa r alio aajenta lur the ImiI New
York and Phllada pole flatioa.
VlullB aad Aeoordauaa Iruw l to Violin
Sliln.l, nbeet alMM, rielara Y tuM, k., aM.,
ala.fioa kand.
f I. ao aad AoeordMaa aorraotly taoed aad
Call on, or addieaa br latter ,t . ,
' ll. a. ALT.M k CO
f1.1,WI. aTavi'
Tlml ) H tlmt't required", my
It-or oil, a I'Ulo humt.a. lliiinbua
has dono wnndom. ItbiH inadw Bir
n cm o niHIionarfl, and it chall be the
nupilul cor.1 belwi-en myaelf and your
cltailiiin tlaUiritt r."
' Pmt nil! I tin not uro."
You tl'ui't ? TIivv du'l ofroti:
!ti. a- cmy n. A. It ('. Hero uni I.
.Id Ju-p r 11 uti.i1i.iti. tt henrty a
liU' k .- vor ki-ffd a kit!. Mi pr t
rtV tliO III' in-' up lo toil tlmil-aiiiln,
w'i.i w.i hik tn W' d ymir d'li.lii' r.
WImiV to Kii.'ltr iiir ? YtMi, lur
ill lir, ni e wiliiti.'. t-tit. .!ii' i t".t.
II. r lnit.1 i.. tin ik'1 t op-v tniv.'V
ibe iittfai't ion. nl' n iuti j;i'!iiii
WuHer C " "II lv niiiif, W'O i tt
p'ilite an t'lu -tci ii I I. iih pour im si
clitiridi in iii.', tin I its r.'tiiniit "n" ti a
Nclmul u i Now va It ut do I n'. y.'tt
to (l.i ? Mitrdy ui ik.t a e-t i phil:it -uu
thai Walter wliatl liavp your duniili't"'
il' Lo c-in elttiw vi,ii. oho vear Ir un
late, llial lie i nlila to ki'op n wtlr
ro.iu'fiably wiilimit rmii'tij; tn yti
lor 'iftntieo Ton "ay iln fjirl will
nnt niiiry me unii'M yu gitf iui rm ,, ,0 1(IJ. wlun war,. Ill;l, r,,.,i
i chime.- first Ity n,y phn you K'jS-., Wail.-r. mo a kN. and g.i
Wulti r a i hanro ati.l iln-i't injur.) riiy a,l in tutfi wo Nhail rciji our ro
i h itn'O fithe', lur I'll lay n hil'iilti'd ' wr,
he'll he a. poor nyntr fnuii d.teits hcj Tlioio was it.t rr.:-ti:i,' Hie Ii:i!c
IHtn-lay. It i nit n..ll"en-P h.)Ul , b, ,,,... Sim I . -1 I nn h-r i-tn't'i'v l.n.
jour yiiutu; luvcra ctiin' rich inn
low mii:t Iih. 11 ihe.-o lying imvela
make out they do. $ Itdlow my
plan, old fellow, and y.'li ahall huvo ax
1 ich. hearty mid tmigh tin old "im-iti-law
at your hetirt eetild wUh. G.nid
byc. old b y, go on l talk to the yeuni:
.t.'utnp. mid don't forget to use a tilth'
And "haling li.'iir'iiy 'he liand ol
hinnld It ieii J nti'l fat
law, .la-cr II.1inill.u1. th.) fi.iiyli
hi 1 hnarty.' lnirrie I lioim war I. Peter ,
l'ishrr the letnati whom ho wi8ht ml utin I his he id, brmdoloth cov
11 1 lrc"tin
uimi insitiiei to urn iicniie
In a ililleri'iit part of tli" ci.v.
Whore is (.'lata!'" If a-hed
'l' tlio MTiani who
' door.
In tlio druw!ng
" Hutu ! T.Il Mr.
opened the
r.ii.iu with Mr
Coram to step up
... . i i . n I
m' l,1,rj,J the CDii ol five til Id-
The live minutes preaerihed bad
lip-.'.I. and Wilier Corutn ato iJ in
Air. ruber's elu.'ant library, with its
mi Ih 'iim! with "b. Iveaof costly at ti I
'niinl.soiiiu I) iiks It owner was Heat
d in :i velvet arm chair, and I In re
was nn expression on his face that
M u'Ur tell, lo' lcd hint no good.
' So. sir, you waul to marry Clara ?''
The question w..a titriling, as Will
lor lul been expoeting it. It had
to hi- niisweiid. ihoiit'h.
" I do, sir at la"t I mean I
houM wish to do to if I hud your
" Oh, tih ! that's it, la it 1 Anil
whiit if I don't give my consent 7
Tln'ic will b. an clnpouieot I tup
pose." " Oh, tin, air! how could you think''
stammered Walter, iu confusion
a. greailv c iiil'ov'd as if ho really
I a 1 mch an iil.jnel in View.
"Well, well j I huppDM y.'U nr un
honest tiian. Rut I'm not -ueli a rum
old fellow us peoplo tliiiili I am. I
Oiy heart.
Stop !'' extluiiued
tho old muii
sud leiilv.
Tho young man stopped.
" I huvt oool'jections to your mar.
ryitic Clura, but I don't waut her t
sturvo. 1 guppo.e you can keep ber
iu cum cireuuieliiocet ?" heo-iked sur
eu tioally.
"Well,yeH hum! I at prcacntyou
see tho state of my linuutes in rather
sickly, but I think with U litlle help
yeU know I uh '
" Oh, ( see. Vou can kcp her in
. uby circutnsttiucos il I tiiva you th
money to do it with t No, young man.
that's coutiary lo my rules of husnuas,'
"Then you revoke your promise t
1 ahull not many my heurt's dur
' I did not say so," eaid Mr. Fiah-
er, rUing. " 1 -bull give;ou a ctmoe
iu bccouic a rieb uum ; then, when yon
are one, you may mar. 7 bor."
Well, my dear r,r died Walter
rubbing I-ia hoods glieft Hy, " that I.
satisfactory, ' I suppoao you moan to
.Dirt tuo wild your capital f
yOh no. air, I mean ooihing of the
snit, ThUiamy hleaj today lathe
Igbth Mf Amr-1863." ..-'.
"Corrwot,"' noi wf red. tbe awato,
' Well. air. il ynu can come ,to tin1
ona yrnr from tu-Jay;" and. - eluw,mo''
yon are worili tTot'yG thoinund
dollura you altull linvo my d.lulitiT .
If you cannot, bo niu.t uitury aome
one wliocati. In tlio jjiciinwliilo you
must Iciive llieci'.y an l nut ah"vr your
face iatu till tbo yf Is up. Tliai'
my pla-. AtiJ ri tw g-mI day, air ''
Tlii'i'r- Win nn morn to bo not out ol
ItiiilT II bow.' I W It'T IVom t lit'
room mil"' l ilu I - r. I'oot
Witl'.or ouj;'it Ciirn 'i.uoutol'iuly
4llt tjld tier vrliat Iter fiviirr lilt"
' NiVi'r tiiititl, i nr,'' ri' i-:ii 1 nn
i .'itily. ;i r-lic .m Ivt piviiy wlii
tn lit iii'imn i hi., tii'cit. " I' ll t l.n.'t
o j;'o'iiiy, Wi'i.r; we'll uuiu it
Rut li..w V
'I.eiVo llmtt i nn? Truit to ti
woui iti'.. will and a w onnii'.. wit. Pi
I lie lir.t I';'", y. U liM-t nliey I'.illior;
you mut K'avo tint riiy, luavo to
nilil.'' ' O, Clara. It. iw iru. l !"
"If you Wi'-h h inv In.hvul
you iiinnt tilioy tad n.nv ; it will In
au 'y
to bo killed, an 1 ho lii-n'l tltem with
a hearty win ic. Siie hold t h 1 d i n'
open for hitu to go, und ho went met kl,
nod without another word nf rcpro.ielt
Tims pn-o l its lini in al "ny.
pas.-in' turning to-morrotvi into
yesterdays will, a lea-eh sa velocity
Tltreo weeks hail gono by since Walter
had Iflt tho city and Jasper llitm.l
ton knew ho could visit prttty Clara
Fisher without any fear of hi- liund-
hiii rival. Ilohal ultirol h'msolf
j ),; ,cwf, for tho occasion. A nilk
ero l his ho ly, a cold chain hutt hih
pended I'roni his vest button, a dia
mond sparkled ou bis 'finder. If the
etr could I'eaist hint now t-ho was a
Yc. Mis. Clara wa in ; if ho would
take a scut iu tho purlor tha servant
would tell her. Ho took a s at aud
waited, but with gloomy anticipations
of u cool roecptiou.
He was mi-tiken. Th's ynuni; h dv
cmne into tho room with her luu l
some (aeo braining with heullh and
Kood spirits. ' Site held out her hwivi
littio hand to Ja-i. r iu t.k a ol '.vei
foino Ho was delighted ; his hear
beat fust with pleasure. Ho oould not
acc'inul for tho change boforo kIiu
hiid been cold and di.liint, lettirniii
every itpproch to a cnreMS wiili a wnry
siuh ; no the dear littio oi-s ncj'li d
t lo hiui ol her own accui J. li
must ho ihu diamond ring; ho touhl
tl.lnk of no other roaton.
Thoy sat on tlio aula ido Ly i-Ide
nhin-haired winter an l atinny-liHired
spring. Their urms he.aii to clft.p
ca' h other'a waists thnir checks be
gan to glow with pleasure. Poc
Walter J
" How could you st.17 nwny from
m so Inno;, you ci'U'd in no V exclaim
ed the Httlo bo'ttt'.y. looking wiai'u'ly
at him, whb her ft bewitching eyes,
and pouting her lipa '
' Iiocaue I was blind j boeauo I
was dintructful. I imnutned you
loved Mr. Coram more than you did
"What nn idea! I love Walter
Coram the pennilei-s, In-arlless man
of liisliion ; tho prey on duceut a
c!cty! How could yu have such a
thonol't? itnd nil Ilia lime pool liitl"
me lii iiii' h.-ro crying my eyed into a
hideous shapo worrying about you,
she cried, rutlin' her handkerchief!
ti her eyes.
" My dear Mi.. Fisher 7''
' How run you ! even Walter calls
me Cla)il "
" Clura of pnur.c. Clara" aojiiorz
inghcr hand, which was returned
with ardor. "I ihou-lit yo dis
liked me, you seemed so cold.''
" That whs only to try y..u,. I con
cluded, my"
What 7 a little hniiihiir, oh f I
ik" yu the mora f.r that. And you
truly love me ?
Devotedly," sho answered with
'Then I am a hippy old fellow.
You'll never repent this d tv. you little
chicken I I'm aa rich aa Cru)ua, and
as stmna well just look here."
II left ths sofa and ran to a henry
at and which ha tried to lift It wa
beyond his ttrcnftth though, an 1 he
ajace It op aaying
The confounded thfni la nailed to
ths fUor. Hut I'll show yna how I can
lift dumb bells torn "day."
;" 1 do not oira about your strength,
bit I &Q lovf moucy," laid Clva,
FRUUlTARY 2,:1871.
luokiiu up 'at bho ctiarniinry,
, Villi do 1 - I'm ulnd of it. ' I np
imtKi'jntir fiitlibr. Jtiy.ea you plenty."
Wull, no, oot twnittoli.M
'''-"Jfof, mnchf -'.QooA Gracious!
And tntiM tire Aitt ray heart pen
tiil.'RM whea Qtliof kIi-N go tlotiii tl in
silk, and satins T Horrible ! How
much Is it you wnot hw much ?"
cried tint oi l gentleman, Inking out
liii poi'kol-tiook, Glled va it h note,
and I.Hnk rbocka.
. Tliank you."aId Clara, puttm
hia .ifr. re.l li.-i I ad l.'.-'lhaiilt you for
v nr kind DlKr. but I d not Ion ' fur
ilk. ail I Hat'llia."
Wntit In the wonder do you long
)i- tiion ? Ou'y name it."
' Wiiv, V"t '," hIh aiid h.'sitat
ti'y. "ihi.viglt I itreiti giy mid giddy,
I :i:n n it. In l iit, I uni n littio i t ui-
I'ltl i l lOKIIllUt.''
1 '..ii are t Why that- my fuvotilo
t ic .'i" bo iid nloi'lully.
l.'i ir.i continii" 1 "So I htl n no
tiuti il' I cuiil l got a gri'at load !'
tiiDtn y and put it nt iiitcro.t, why, in
a numhar of yearn I'd ho a ri ill hitlc
woman, and have plenty of moivy to
.tn nd ol my own.
' To be urcyoti won! 1. You nu::ht
I 0 Stuo Tiei.tiivr Now how much
niniiey do you want.
Mlli. a civiit deal tuoro ths:i you
would loud mo."
' Noti'Oiicc! n ttvie tho timoiint." tiit i..n id tlio rebel goveruuici.t by
' Tw jutv twenty iliLUfunds." Aud 1'i'anco and Grcit l!ritaiti was hilicyoil
bo hid her face in liei hands in bash- j to l e imminent ; our army ,vas just
lul hi'tdt at i ni, mid could say no more 'hen weakened by tho cxpirutl.ui ol
In.tioli'd desire lly. tho term of servivc of many thousands
"Twenty iliouaiil dollar.? why f nine tusmh..' men ; tho retuds knew
that's a trill '. I II w.itc ymi a eh.-. k ' Vfcll as ;o lLat 110 recruits would
There, darlieg, tak.' ta my b ml. I ho avail lur Movera! to nitlis nt least;
er's. S ehi.v hippy J"U eati I) , an I all ilitugs eonsiilorcd Leo conelu
tt hen a r'.eli old follow lows yo :." jdu I lint the time h:id conic for him to
Poor dasjnr .' tri!.e. l.e ivitm lo.flji) men in front
So tho week, ivh.m d t i' , ar. i for . ol lio-iker. he moved imiihward on
aw liile lliey were Lappy "U lo .'neper
Hamilton. lie wa. u'wj s'.irc of a
k ss wiioii he vivli'd tha real leo-e id
Peter I'islur. Why deh'.y the m.,-' tpMCJituu ci;:
iolor lie
iveuld 1oi it.
Ho poped It Clura bcrzc.o es'.d.
Ho preaMsd it Ciura bocanio ue.
And his twenty thousand dollars
Ho admired humbug, bill
The eighth t.f Atitir.t, lw,''.)p rolled
aroun I. aud brou rht with it hot w;.lh -
or, excurelonj aud do dr.)s,
Il waa late in tho evening. Peter
Pi. her tiis .'.itliir: in his lihraiy by
th" window, launiti biiuso'f. I.'oar
him sat his friend, Jssp.'f Ilaiaili(.i).
Iu front of then, was Uiu t jvcly Clara,
hi.'ktu'p swee;er than vrr In her white
.umnior dress, but nppaario'; s"nio
what lisfnnsolate. '
" The time Is iihr.oit ' ay," o.lid tier
father lo'i'iinirat bin watch. ,
" l!ut ha will conic ho will, I aiu
"tiro he will '
" Do tint build on that false Isope.l"'
my uirl."nid uei fathsi'.
' And if he comes, lie Is only a fto
ni'nss scapegraee," added Jasper.
, ' Then bo is not a horrid Jool," r?
lorted Clara.
iTaipor winced but did not trply
H hud no tiinu. A step a Ivanood
ailing the hall. Tho door opened and
Walter Coram eutired Noi the atuo
-rest-fallen Wulter ns ho went ftvray ;
ho was jubilant.
" Io the lan;juago of Blu Beard,"
"I cuaio toolsim my br'nto,"
'Show m that you an worth
twooiy-five thoiiBiind dollars and you
shall have bar. I remember 111 prom
Then eamo Lai ty cx it.tinuiion of
eeriain deeds, mortgage.!, etc. Potci
Fisher was a business nmti and soon
saw into iu:ilter,
his biilo. for ho
Walter had earned
was north the ra
.piired I wi'Uiy-fioo thousand.
" tlui liott- iu tho mischief my daar
hoy, I don't want to Insult you, but
hoiv did u earn all that money lo
ucli a hhort 1 luii? ?'
" Why. easily. You cso Clara tent
mo tho twenty thousand dollars und
1 p culated.''
"OI1-I10, you luu'.y I' crlod old
Hamiltou, shaking hla foreGnrrcrut hct
That's practical ei onomy, is it ? And
I gave you the money to marry anoth
er mau. 0 humbug! huiuhtu!"
No, not given, my friend," euid
Waller taking nut another handful of
document. -'(Mily lent; there ia your
money with ita interest'"
Jasper s.izsd ths papers nnd exam
ined them. Tho young acatnp was
not n I al alter all, for ho had really
paid h 111 his money nnd interest.'
"I ought to eurse you.'' suld Jasper,
whon he bud bia securities put safely
away, "hut on tha whole I have con-
eluded to blesa you. So bloa you,
my boy, nnd you too, my al'l, nd H
ever iu tho courao of evente yon should
require ft godfather.' rtmembu old
NO. 47.
- . .- "Hal
Junpcr ILaimlion ia lo bo had if ha is
in the laud of th living.' lly duplicity
and cunning I thought to overreach
yon, hut I find," turning to Clarn.
"nlthouyh ynn l iol gj awcot nnd con
fidiic, aro a I'nr mure killful prrlurtuer
than I in die art of hiimhitg.''
i n mi m;.
.4 String' hi torj of tin- t.rcut lii.tllc.
lii.d t ho f il!iivin;j tran;,' tt .ry
in In.' New Yik (!!,',. In tlwrmlv
tiumnicr til 1''.3. tlio I' nt d n i'
anui. , nti hr Ho ker nn l I ,, ,
niiiitjiiah'y its t r.-tic in- I at. 1 f.i'lpgi
.nth olJirr :il Ku'di'i i-k..!'ii' g. Tin
lant provioiM i' iii!i 't of any ini p..: t in
had hoi'lt lli" .I'T.ilr ''hri 'i l' r-ti I'. ;
'r"in wlm li tint id ! o .:.-.(
with tlnhi n'.i'ii tti it t ! ii'il r iii".v'.
h"i nti I t In1 Pn!. m ii'inv vt.ih .lo
fiat. Thi a At (f allnr. 'it tin '
North wai n. ire uluomy that at any j
o:h"r time dining tint ei ' r
1 , , , i
in'i.ei oiiiit!ain H :iti.l riiil 1-..111;
uiiiir. rtiiH.ii ini'ir inn 1.4 m cviti
.NoriliiTii .v't.,tc, .mil aH-ilfd Iho ritul
j causo by demntiding a ces-iti..n ot
; liosiil.ti.'-, 1 v fiercely Io-mn in' the
G e.'ei'iiiiicnt n:id by rcis'Ing the
i''1'-' "
I ''liMit "too l Iia'nmcriu awny ;it
Yieli"lmr;;, v. hie'i it was loudly pro-
' pin sieil lie l.cvcr tould tak.'; reco".
1111 "iir.i ! ii n:i" witli I 11,1".. torn,
I of Ju:i" with I 'ir
.'"dunlin;? his i.pei itinns m j killiudv
, 'h it 'ea day. i lur ml h-l.'i'o the iu .vo-
ll.ot.t v.a.i di-i'i r; . . 1, at l.'.'S i:i It.
tin e. tin; :o. 1 tin. 110 loMMn'f i.v
wbun ti'-i.. .. , p
tc (
'.oi.'.ao, I lu'l v. 1 1 It
j";. ."st u; 0.1 '..l.i.l " win
a-. ii:
was precisely whit tho
lo rl'
Vor'ti utid the (invenro 'i.t at V,':. h -
inloii, ",nd the chitl'tiiln. i.f I'.'j a. my
Igi'.tly desired Ic Ino-.v! Hooker
'iled for hii.l by i;'.y of Pisiufr-,
Hull Ilun. I.oe.d.ur , and t'.j Gan.s ol
tho lllno I'.idgo. I.ts ci.'s.i'J
Miiyland and th;vv out pint!
hia army in 'iilercii: direct lou oc.."t.
pyicg llagsraiown, Chun'.l i 1 ihurj'.
t'umlh rlatid, Mi ' ''itVK'Mi'ii'if. f'nr
lile, Y'orl;, Urcnea-tie, Hil l Kito;
"Inn ; ihreil cuing Ji :ri iburjc. I ln'.i
delphis, Hulllniore, ' ilshlngtcii, Gild
oven Pittsburj:, nnd so ti imposing hi.
forci that it va. tlu. raoai difucult
tliiu iu 1I10 world to an.s.Vi'r too tpjes
t'on that 'iiililotn '.vera asking :
--'here Is his nhjcctivo poio. ? What
is hi.) pur;'0 7
A cer'alu goni.'rman not conncetel
with the army, who w.w well acquainted
with tha topography of the whole
eijgioa over .ii hioh Loo war. pushing
ov.t liis u'iirereut. coltitiiin. divined the
, pur,iOio ol Hid reot I nueral, aud wr.-l-
nn aiionymou. letter to tiorcrul Meade
.'(who hud jnt then sup orceJed Geo
1 oral Lookor in citiimdnd,) aaying.
"Lee will fijiht you ct Gettysburg I"
This wan more lliuo. '..rtuiht before
the butt 1 3 at a time v.' hen thoro were
no troops near Gottysburg. ncr any
demonstration in that direction. Tho
eyes of the Cuuotry were turned ouy
where nod everywhere in search of
tho place where the blu should fall
but toward Gottysburg.
Tho Bubstaoeo of t.ho letter was of
sumo nuch import as this ! "Lee knows
that you will pursue him, and (hut bo
must fight. -He iutends to fight He
bus crossed tbo Pototuuo for the ex
press purpose cf flxhtinj. His plun
is to lead ditToroot portions of your
army in divcrso directions, nnd when
they ura separatod beyond the possi
bility of concentration, to fall with his
eutire force on each detachment and
crush them ull iu detail. If oae for.t
of a pair of dividers be placed, upon
1 ho town "of Gettysburg, tho foot will
Icscribe a cinlo that will pact wiihin
a mile of evory town which tbo enemy
occupies iu force, from York elean
around to Cumberland. Tbete are
ma is nvir tho uim.itaoi from every
one of thes to vus to Gettysburg, sod
simultaneous niart uea can plsoe Lee's
every soldier in Gettysburg in thirty.
six hours. Your army should bo coo'
eootrated with all dispatch at Gettys
, Tha writer of the letter showed Ulo
bia frlooda, who or gad him to send it
to Meade. - II at Orat hesitated to do
to, thinking that his view of tba cake
mutt hare ujr:ss.ed Itself to lieai
!9. htol-rnsd'- 'iidfi'-'t.p-it" '
'A.dvortlioflr rialott.
One eotnfnn on yeaf '- fOO.OOi
One-half polunia, one year, - . " 80. W.
One-fourlb column, true, year, , . J.6.(H,
Ona aquar (X) line.) On Itinrllca 7J.
Every additional Igaertioa CO,
rrafca.ional and Iluaitiel. earda of
not more tbna fie tinea, per year. 8,04).
Auditor, . KxacDior, Admiuiiltalur
and A.tigaea Rolicef S.Ctf.
Edlinrlnl noticea per Una 16.
All advertlaemeata for a ahorfer purled
lias one year are payable at the tin.
they are ordered, and if not piid th pei
oa ordering Ibtm will be held reaponaibla
for tb money.
in, moreover, that the letter would
pmpably light the pipe of aomo atifl"
oflli'er, nn l never mcol tho eye of tha
corntnandio'r Uencrat. And yet therd
certainly wa a pnrnibility that thia do
ipn of Leo might eludo the obacrvn
tlon cf a General u ho hul been placed
in command nt auc'i a critical motiicut,
an l w'10 had to look too thon.and way
at once.
A hrjthcr 1 fa Government olut-ia!
hiippcniiu' to know of the wri i't of
tin' Int. r p:- ,yl"'l tn t H
w ai .cut Mi i lc .-ho'i' I li'rrivo it. Is
wa fcnt, and that i- a, I .ve p s tivi iv
;um ul th li . u.y f t lie I t!. I' II I'.
v know tli i! in two '.vi (' li tn
Mie liiii.t iii. p' c ili'l'ion. eoiir" i;!t)
li.-f's tuu'. ( till lilrt 11 I 1 lu'l'tl 111 I !'. til' v
Mir-t litfi'iii'y ie:', tin' wi
-''.' 1 .Itii-i-u 1 f lli 1 'n.o:i ns n;.'
h.i'l he. a cjue-titiMti 1 it' '' o'd 'f' I
1 ' h i'..'1'i-i !". ;.!) ' ha 1 p ir. .1 it. I -t-tvahtifi.
ti. :: l. il; lit' V ':n' "f th i 1 1 -1 it :li) nick 01 tlui", anl
' ! ho tnii;liti.t a;r l. r uu I "'iprom- .t
1 1 . t of lli.- ii r h i I tni'iH' 1 in l.ivor
if tlie national :i' in-. Tin' Writer nf
t!ll. 1,.,,ur is ,rv a ,.itl... . ,',,mKcli.
'I tie M01 y tt a Life.
l'tu'ty y. ars iioo or inore. u pit! child
was l orn in a pli n inut Country
tn ".hire, Unola'i'l.i I'p i'Ctit.. yo'ir. 4
and ill prosperous citvuui -tatve. Tha
child grew up, was cnl lo "cho il, nnd
llna'.ly married a man, wealthy, young
and hatnlrwmo, as was all also.
So far lila showed only its hriuht
rid., to In r. S01Q hor htishau 1 died ;
her child billowed. Time pvid ; sln
nmrriod ti.'ain. Tha second hu.hani
died. She wu left pmr. Sim rcsolvo 1
to cinigrato and try her fortune in tin
New World. She came to New York,
advertised for n situation u. givcrncs..;
received n re'ly Ir om I'm then Gov.
cl tior oi' Gonr.-.a. a ot'p'e l his terms
and went SjuiIi. In his f.iin'Iy sho
fi'tniiiiicd live yeir., looked upon aud
'rented inor :i"i !. valued friend thltl
issim u ,.n-v.ii;. .t tlio clnl 01 tn:s
time Kith teiii jve 1 onoof her pupils,
1 iinrri.i
Iha other Her work thoro
win done.
l Noxt l.e fnllowc 1 tho current then
: Mronii'y tier osh the plains, and
iliifie 1 out to Sup. Prancisco. Here
she un 1. r; !;, fii-t, to teach a private
sidio.d llieio wero no scholars and
iu:n jsim n.i.u in . ng a laoy s companion ur
. (.luiiilrle. Then she cf.sayid to edit a
j unutaziiio. which had Hi readers, nud
1 th"t ton fnile 1.
Tho nost step wis downward. Sho
euictvJ a 1' iusj of prostitution, staid
a few it. ;:,tii rjuivtly walked out one
moi'uijg nnl didu't go back.
Yt'o ns..t find Iiorcn the stage, where
"bo tuccsoLd not at ull. SiiO was still
an extremely One-looking woman, aud
llic'sccne-painter tit tlio littio third
rato theatre was very susceptible.
They wero married. He hvl 11 little
m ir.ey s:'.ved up and they lelt San
rranci.po. bough t some land in tho
country, an 1 sol'.lcd down as farinors.
Unt nothing lastsj in thia world.
Tho scene-painter died, and madamo
sold tho f.irai un I took to tits street
agtila. Tirod of that, sho essayed
.uioulo by poison. Was saved ind
carried to the Ins pita I. Cured and
discharrd she tnnde a secnud attempt
to rid hcrs'oif of life. Foiled a;;ain h
disappeared from Sun FraneUoo.drifteJ
northward to Chicago, and becani3
hiH lieepiir for a gentleman of
She had not yet lo-t hor power of
fascination, and for the ft a rib. time
she became a wifo Nut long did hor
we. I ed life endure. Her huaband be
caruo iicrpiilntod with events in her
past lift which seemed to him to ne
cossitat a divorce. It was obtained
and madutuu airain disappsaxed Irotn
social lifs. What her subsequent
adventures may hava beea we csuool
Paddli Yoia own Canoi Judge
S gars his bb a thousand dollars
lolling hiai logo to eolloge nnd Krada
ate. The son returood at the end of
th Fresbioan year, without a dollar,
and with aeveral ugly habits. About
tho close of th vacation lbs judc
said to hiuo 1 , ' - . .. .
"Well, William, are you going (0
college tbie year 7" .
"No, father, 1 have no money. '
"Hut I give you a thousand dollsra
to graduate on. ' -
"It sell gun, rather."
'Very well, my son;. it was aUthit
I oould give you ; you oan'i stay here:
you must now pay your own way in
tbe world."
A new tight shroke In upon, tba vis
ion of the asloniahod young man
lie accommodated himself to tha situ
atiout loll bonte, and made bia way
to eollege, grsduatsd at tbs heoj of bis
class, studied law, becatnt Governor of
the State of "New Yotk, sn'arwd tha ..
Cabinet of tbo President of tho Halted,
Stat j tod. ha atsd a reeord for
biaisalf that will ot toon die, kslnf
-9neivTtV''- Wili li.
. ' "'- ' : . '