THE POST. unnnBi'RO..., JASKARV It 171. 4 I'u.iln. llNlthmnn, Oio win dues n t bcliova in immcr-nuT-ioa Tar b&ptipm was htiltling i pro trn rto.l meetin;, and one night reich cJ on I lie snljecl of ltptiuni. In tb con io of his iinmk he gull, ".onie liclifve il nrcc mrjr to go down Into ilio water, unJ enmo up out i'l il to It l!nt this lie iluiiiit'J to It m fallacy, for the proposition Into," of the Script iircH, should bo rcti'lori-J dif foi.'otly, as i. ilo not moan into st all tiii).-. M -isim," Mill be, ' wc are told, went up inM tbo mountain. nJ I lie Saviour wt taken into a lii-b niourjiain, etc. Now we do Dot sup pose that either went into tljc luoiin- tair, but upon il. Sr with gvin down. int') t lie waver, it means siuitle n"i"u down close by or m-ar to the water n l bt in bnpiii'il iu tl.e oidiitarv wey, lj t-pi iitklioK r pouring.' Jlc rattii d Ibis idea out fully. nn) 4a duo season uuJ alylv clo-cd I is die course, whea tin invitaliou wax :iveu fur any ouo o di-posed to rice ond ex press bin thoughts Quite a numbrr tirose and said they were lud tbry bud becu ptcMtit r n th in on-niou. tbit tbty were will pViseJ wlilj the souoJ acruun tb-y h;id ju t luarl. aaJ full their aouU greutly birred. I'i'uiilly n corpulent obtlrmuu ol Teutonic extraction, a stiuiieur to nil, arrg and broke a silence tbui wut al most pa in I'n t, 'as follow : ' Mr. Hivac-her, I isli so I a J I va-h bete to-tiiht, for I bun bud explained to my uj i nt romo tics dut I never could eliif pcf.rc. O. I i.ili so glud djt into doc, oot niw.ia into ut nil, but ehtist so clous py, or Dear to, fur now I ! c.u pi'lK'f uuuisli linga vut I could not ' pf-liel' pefore. We road, Mr. Ilrcnchcr, that Timid Tasb enst into the ten of linns aud ' ciaio out alifo ! Now I coulJ ticb rp j liefdat. for do wilt bcat w, uld lmst j eat him riht o(Tj put now it H fer ry c oar to njy iniut. Ho van ulius. tloso py or noar to, sod did uot cet into ,le ten at all. O, 1 itb co I VjsIi hero to nij-ht. Ajjiin, wo rru J 1 1. it tho lie brew chil dren were cust into tho tirudi furuuee. a.iJ that air always louk't liko a loojf t htory, too, tor limy would have pero j I'Ulb Up , IUb lb 19 4111 J'UIIU III IHV 1IIIUI 1)0, for they ivori? shu-it emu ueur py orclofeto tho liritdi furnace. (, I Ur-h to flat I Tu-h bete to ! Aud den Mr. llrtuchrr, it ili said d:it Jouuh vas cast into tho sea, audi ttikeu iu the whalti'eh pellty. Now I never conld peliel'dat. Il always seem I'd to mo liko a peej; tiili story, put it 1 iih all plain to my ndut now. lie J Vras nottukrti into tbe wIkiIVIi pcllryj fit all, put shust thum't oi to hit i (itul rod? aahorr. O, 1 vush po glad I vab hero tu-uiyht. And dow, Mr. Urcacber, if you will sliust explain two n.ore Luhliucs ol Scriptures I vill pe, O, so plat dut I Yndi here to-nlglil ! 'vu ov dem i.-h varo it mi.-b de ricked fhsill be cat iutoa Inks vicli purns with Cieand britBstoLO always. O! litor ltreuili cr, f-bull I j e iat iuto dal luku if I am vicktd ! or bhubt near ixougli to le cumfortable ? U! I hopes you toll me 1 will be cast only hLu.-t by, a good way oif aud 1 vill be so plat I vaab bere t-nilit ! Tbe other babuue ili dut vkh muh plowed aie they who do llu-.-e cuin nianduionts, tbat they niay buve ri-ht to tbo tree oT life nud enter thruu.b tho gates iuto the city. O, ivll uie 1 thull pet into tho city, und not hu-l closo py or ooar to, bhust nine orou-li to see vat I hatro lout, and I hull bo so g'ut I wn hero tooipht!" Mill! I f IICHN. Tb cro is baldly a young in an that piles out in life, who dues nut want the reputation of bcinj: Miinit beloro bo is smart. There is burdly a Hin gis cirolo in wbieb you see bail a di Zi'ii youtig men, that you do uot ut them apin sotuetliinit ; tvakio to- Jievo ; 'putting on airs. '' as tho my ing is. They wiU to buve tbo n -jiearanco of a bravery, a position, ui soinethiorf vise, whiob they have not nltaioed. They are not willing to creep bofore they walk. The vory bepinniog of lil'o develops a tenden ey in uieo to lu!e appoaranees ; to iiiucerity ; to ao fhtimatii u which is radically unmanly ; to dosiro to have what duel uot belong to them; what they bave no right to claim by rea son of anything they are, or ibc have been. To be without pritooso, to dtsirs to haTO only that which you can legitimately lay claim upon to, ol prsiso, of syaiputhy, ol reputation, of tuesus to buve a manly pride, by which you shall be the factor of that which is your owo possession that i thoroughly salutary. An bmest manhood acoroa pieteoso and ap pearances. These aro tbe signs, of unripeness, not ooy, but they are ri- eious, bad signs io a child. " Man proposes, but God deposes," aid a pioua aunt to boroTer-coDuJeot nieo. Ltt man propose to me If be dsre,'' wM tbe respoose, u anil I vill die llTAND it llOVKll, Whole) sail Retail Pesleri In IIAUDWAUK, CUTLERY, CoacliDiaVrrs' Malerialu, Pbos Findlsfri.Je KulinngroTp, P. t-ltf LM'.r.r.MONT llilll'.l.. X 'KKkMUNT, !MYIKH I'O , PA. rWIITII, rn.prietar. Tlii tm linicl in now trTr'l ,or .ipciiniin.iilii'iii of gui'"lj slid RtToiil fimt rule rnirrlniniurnt to fo-rons iiiliiit t'rt'viiiniil. Kerjr rtii rl will lie noije to rnioie tlif eomlurt of Innrclor toiong t this huu-r. Clioirc liquort St th Itnr, mi'l the Tnlile ni4i''l ') e ti licit the market nttorl. An rt in pie elatlp in con oectiun with llit bouse. . rilH Tutf On tbe ""tli ilny nf -Till v !ut, the nlncri- lor f'liniil lilll.l) W ATCII. worth .crli ip f '-'.'i, on ilie ro'l a few inile Iki Al nil.ur(j. The usiirr of mi'l watch rati Iiiitp ihq esme l,v rnlliiiK on inc. footing ri'i'triy , Hii-I nJ iliI all rhurge'or trouMt nn I ri nc ill hiking II u;. inhrrwiiie tt will lc (llcposi'il of n the lw ilirecin. l;iV.IU WAUNKH. Wel Hcimr, Angii-t II, ITo. fi Llti: foil IKAVKLKIt! t'acn(or Tnitis lpe the llarrinburg ruilrou.l ,lciot dully a fullows : I ENNM1.VASIA CKMIIAI. HAII.ROAI). Pliiln I s Kxprcps eiceit Mon lny 2.10 s m Mt " t,snrstcr trsin Ml Joy) " l'nrilie KireM Ti iin " lliirrii-roii ir Areoninniilalinn "y t'inrinnati t'.xtrc-n iriilu ilnily Sioulhern Ki'rc-9 f.-.' l.'.inp m it.o.'i ll,4i " L'.oH " rTWAn. t'incinnnii rjirrexi,i- I MonJny 12.10 pm l'iil-loiif r.r.-s 4 - a in I'neitle KajireMtmin ilnily t.l'i a in I tniuMH'Oi iriiin cst'citt .Aionony ,,io M.ul ii.ioi n. i i .uii.l.iy Kat Line " trie Kiii liue " " l.l i f m 4.l 4,'.'0 NoliTIIKItN rrSTItM. HAtt.HOAH MOITIIWA'ltl I'.nfTiiloe Ki're Ir.iin Mailt AcTouiuo'iliiiioo M nl (ruin I'nft Li tm mo t n w a n n Itnfliilo Kxpress Tram M.ul 1 1 a i n I' ne i lie Kxii 2.".0 a m 1 l.o.'i f m I in 1,2') " r..!.S a in J t 'i p ni 1J I'.', i, in Viok II u iri i-li'ir Acrcuuio'liitiun l.::n p in l'iu''inuti Kxprea W AS1I1NJT(I.N IIOl iE. MiiI Ii hut'. Sri'li r C'iiiii'i. Pa. I.N ll;(lLKNIl.ll'. I'r.p'ii.tor. I'i rcii mii ping ut this 1 1 en c will tiiol excellent accjuiuiodniious, fr .Vim anil lleut. 17-Hi-if I'ftiiie -it KM AM KI. MTi'K. ilec'J. IKTTI f.S OK AliMINIrtTIIATIoS npnn J the pinie of I'imhimicI Stuck-, lute of Wel Heater lown!iip, !eee.i.eil, liming luen grameil io I lie nii'lcrnigtieil, all pel Kim iihlclileil to i he eln,c are rcioiolcl to tniike piivmciit, mi. I llino having elaiiiin nijiiiust i l.o n.iiiie, will pietent lliem io KUAHI TII STl t'K. Aug. IS, lfTO. Adiiiinist: anil. A A Ml" III PAN' IIOTKL. I'KNl IIKVII.I.K. SNYOKR o.. Pa. M I.I.I AM I.h.MI. I'i i ii-mr. Thin cll known Imlel. 1'iculcl in 1 lie lonn of ('enireillp. haw I'een llmrouylily repaired aii'l retitie l. mil ii in the lc-l tm- lition to neeoiiiiiioiliite the Irnveling pulilie. Kvcry etlorl will Le mule In piotnme I lie coiiilnrl of giiens. A i lime of puli ie fill -ronage is sulieite l. Apiil'i 'Tot f jnTvi'r.KLi.r.R. M iniifaclurcrcr ami lcaler in FURNITURE, Wonlil reipecifiilty inform the citiien nf Scliti-cruve ninl vu inily, Hull he I i un n 10 oriler a:iJ keeps eoniiinl'y mi hiunl t'HAIRS OF ALL KIM'S, AMI Furniture of ovory Pcseriptton, at the very lowon price. Ilo repeoifully invite nil cx iiiiiiiiiinin of UKI"TKAIs, lirRKAt'S.TAIILKS.SOr'AS l.lil MIKS. S 1 A.Mi, t II.VIKS, two. epeeinl inviliitiuii i exien.le'l In newly niairieil folks to cull anJ fee my moek hel'iiie I iirelui.-iiig e'sewlioie. 1. 1" vi nuLLKn. Selin'grove, April ti, l"o -if rOHTTT-rXUST YEAR. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK I- wi r ia1, Ibc f HE A PEST or latlles' Masazlnrn. HKtlAl'SE IT IS THK HK.sT! It h nlwsys hesn lliseare of the .ul.ll-liir to rim.l on In tt sa mhaiever In u-elel, win l uver l vIhviiIIiik. wliittator In iure, olaiil"eil ami vlrlil'Ol In eiilliiiens Willi wlmlever hinv allnnl juiImiiuI anil lliii'ieenl uiiiiieiiitiit. lor It Lit- raiy ImiNirlnieiii. In ae venr, ' ' TI1K Hf l WIMTKRH In tt e tlteniry wnrhl tmvs pontilkui!, ami will noitinue In lutulrti urllcles lur the )iurl;l. uch uiim Jl A lliull II i in ki, lo IMi-BrHit.u, l.nriHA s liniiii. MkttaVh tiiiiia Viitoh, ti. Aik Iii.i-t. Mas. HassiKON, Mk. I'. A. lliieaissii, ami ilher, ('annul .,unJ Iu the rciu ul any other Diaiiailuo. JS,ill,t;jul Slid riot". Ofthere tha Lauv's llonR ennlalni fourteen acu. tear, uiwrlnr (wa cliullunas e..iiip,,rliiii tn any iml.llUnl In this cuuulry, either Iu Lous .rl.ll.uL I lur VOlAHt El FASUIOS Pi.ATBSi buve a rerutailon t"r ciirrocireinlha o- !,l oter K.MiiKionaiiv I'ATKaiias. Wealve lieonentlv a er, entntlun liol m our pattern euninliilna Iwenty, Hill ly.fnnit aunietuuei lolly ocuaut Iu eiiihriiiiiery. IIIIIIIINAL lll-lf. I'mioif p ,nw niy line In whlrh uiuile preaied eiireitlt lor II apiieaie. iiioiihl. 'in tii ........... .... tlil. counlrt tbat Klvci Ikeia deilaus Is the La dy U'K.k. , , , , . I'UJIH'lMI l. I" lllll. VeliHVAl at hl!.ru'a llurllcultural ami Illll,.l lrtt.AL.1 AUUE., uik.d every tulijeel, lr I he lluuuolr, .Nuneiy, hiieben. ll'iUfS, ami I.Bumlry. l ia ran t.AUUAYiNoa.-i'uU Is a series ofen- aravlnaA Hist uo ene has sltei ijil uui ou elve. They kUs enllre lullalael a. Kadis' r'A v Woua l"nrai uanT. Soma ul tliaileilaui Id alt l tleiwriiuaut ait pnoleu lu eoluis, lu a si) Is uu'ul.l. Terms for 1871, Ons copy, one year 'two cilus, ene year... 1 hrte c.iinii, one year v.iur ( veur.. .S3 00 . I 00 . 7 40 .10 uo J-'lve e.pie,uue yeiir. ami an etira eiy to tits persun amua UH v,uui nitklna l 'iss 14 00 lialit eoiilei.ons year,audanailreipy to the ieria aslilus up the club, lotklua niua eupisr tl 00 tleten eoptts, ens year, ami an sitra euy to ilia nariun asttlua up ilia club, m.L In iwnlva enolee 87 M (),ley l.tily e Hook ami Harner'i Msgailue will be teut oue year on receipt 01 as uu. iiia l.atlv'i Uuok ami Arlhur'i Hume Mag. atlas will be sent one ysar on receipt nl M oo. ilmley't I.nly't Hook ami Tbet'bililrao'siioar will be eot one fear no reeeipi ui e- ii. !'i Hook. Arthur's lioioe Mata tine, and ttillUieu'i hour will be seul oo reeelpl ,a- l he money marl all be sent st onstlrcelor any vi lus eiuue, aau umiwiii f w n,u w -1 I.. ., I .. L How to kauiT. Io ramatlttlns by Mall, a d...o.ihiihuiiiii liilltdelubla.or a Diaft ea Philadelphia ar New York, payable to the order of L. A. Oodey, In ptelerable to aaok nous. II a Draft or a Puat-ontra Order eanmil b ro eured, so4 t'uited biotas or MatlooaJ Hank "7; rddress . L. A.OODBY. . P. Cf Clk and Ckoetoat sis miaVdetpsja. KW FIRM AND xiivr ooodsi R.(J. ULTZEL. P. 8. XeCfLLOlOH nsTzzzi sl zaccurxrovaix, (StXCB.SMOrtS TO JN HETE1L,) VEALERS IN ALL KIM IIS ill KUCI1AADISE! KtcriRT CA.n ruci TAIb KG FLOUK, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIKS, Ve, 4c, CHAPMAN, 8NYDKR t Ot'NTT, PEN.XSVLVAM A. March IT, UTtf-tf. u Mli;i STATKS BONDS I50UGI1T, SOLD & EXCHANGED CM MOST LIUERAL TEItMi". in O I i I) i AT j Hnrkrt Itatrtt. j Coupons ( asht'd. i I'ACino AIL ROAD 15DND.S ! nought aii'l S"M. I STOCKS Buiiglil ami Sold ON HIM MISSION ONLY. Aeeiionls receive! ninl interest a'.lowe'l ou ilaily liatiince, tulijicl Io check, at siglo BU'lIavciiaVISrotlier, 10 South Third Micct, PlilLADKLPHIA. March 17. If 7 y Q UK AT K.MMTLM KNT IN BANNERVILLE. m:w uoous. i liELFiiicTi&liiiowEii Wih to inform llm citizens nf Itiinnerville it tt I vicinity I hut I hey have opcne.l a new slock ut gocMo, ami will keep couttantly on baud a full asaoriiiieiil of : ll Kss iiiiiiiis; Consis.intef AM'AC S.I'OIM.lNS,lI.AllS, LLn;i:s, ii:i.aixks, CAI.U'OLS, Jka Hot lis & C nssi nit' its 11AT3 andCArs, HOOTS anJ SII0E8. ohi'm V;RiV:s.: HARDWARE AND QVKKVSWARF.. SALT AND FISH, Anil in fact everything initially kept io o first clans country store. All of which we olfer at greuily reduced prices, ftr Cash or Country I'roctice. Having bud liirga experience in Ibe lueiuc, we flaller ourselvea llial w can please ami toil inly all our eiiatoniers. Ilupiiij; It)- atrict aiieniion to Inisine ami a doire to please all, lonieril s liberal a1 se nf public patronage. Our mono is 'Quirk .S'uVs uml Ama I'li-jiis." We nek at least thai I he public eiauiine our slock and rices before purchasing elsewhere, aa we alw.iya show our goods with tleusure. IlKi.KUini ft I'.OWER. Ibiuuei villr Juue 1 i, lb?t). if At DOOT k SIIOK MAM'FAOTOV. Alajsj up lulluioi The iinilersiirneil renpect fully announces to the cliUens of Middlebuig and vicinity, .hat he will continue l uiuuulacturs MEN 8 STotl . KU' and USE BOOTS. Women aud Chilrrn's 8 II0F.S, And in short evervlhinil in Itis line, in the luteal elyle aud al law prices. Work made io order at tbe nhoriest notice. Gits him a call before going elsawhete. lllliAit nciinana. Jaros Loan. Bisoa Paairraa. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS It SID Pure Whiskeys, BRANLJIES, "VINES AND ALL OTHER t'OKEIGN AMD DOMESTIC Llt)IOKB !o. Mlll.Street. Aug, 4. TUtf.l DANVILLE. PA. C. KUY A CO., WnOLKSALB a roc ens AND COMMISSIOy MERCHANTS, 522 MARKET ST, Between rtlib and Sixty, 7,117 1'HILADELI'UIA. ..-ksr TUB FOLHOM IMPROVED Wsm.W Tweuty-Ylve Hollar laauily Hawing Maehtao. Tbe ekeaiwat Plrat tlaae Machine la Ik. U.rkl- iailf. VAWTBI11W IVUT tUVI. Liberal eoraoilasloas allowed, for terass saS elteular, addreaa, k.. B. HaiailToa,Oea. Ageal, No. ITS cnaealwat .l4Pktl., Ps. 1 i,l-. V N Tbe Great BleAeal Dlsctrery t Sr. WAIJtBB's) OALITOmNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, 44 Hundreds of Thousands fjf4 ?J pear oseiai'niy to thtr Wea4a Sf a mi varative life. WHAT, ARE THEY? 5 r 1SW al m hi .III f TBIT AM POT A TILS SI FANCY DRINK Hade of Pear Rwat, Wklehar, VtmmA KelrlleaaS Stefaae IJaaareduetori'S. spiced and iweeleaed to teaee the taele, called Toe let,"" Arpstlters," " llwtorere e.. Hilt leaS the t'.ppler ea to Sraakenant and rata, bat are a true Medtf lae.made from the Native lloow and tltrbtof callfarnla, free fraat all Alrabelle ni iMBlaaia. Tber are the UN EAT HI.OO l Pt KIMBU sad I.IFK OlTIMO PKIM. CI PI.E a ptrffcl llenovator aDdtavtioratorof tbe Srtteia, aarrylnff eff all roteonoat matter and reitorlas Itie blood to a bealtby cBlltloB. No perena eaa take Ibeee Bliteri aeeordliif Io dlree Uon and remaia loag anwell. For Inflaaawtiitarf aad Cbreale nhea analleaa ond (Jaac, Draaerelw ftr ladU eatlon. Illlleae, Kewiliieat and Inter iltleal Pevera, Illeeaara or the lllend. I.lvrr, Kldnera, ond llladder, three lilt. I ere hare been noil eucceMfal. etara Die rem are esuted by Til tat rd Blaed, which It generally rrndoced by dsrauaensat of Uie Dlsrailve Oraaae. IIVM'r.PHIA OR HDIGSKTIO. Ttradeehe, I'aln tn the Shoaldere, t'ouahe, Tlht neat of the Cheat, IMttlneae, Sour Kractallons of 'he Stomicb. Had taele In the Month. Billoaa At tacks, l'atpltatloa of the Heart, laflammatloa of tin Lanf i, Pain la the regime of the Kldacyt. and a bnndred other paluful eyaiptone, are tbe off arnngiinf liripcpfla. tTh'y Inviaorate the Slomteh and ttlmalaie the torpid liver and bowele. which render them of an eanallcd efflcacy la cleeneinc the blood of all Itupnntli'e, and Impartial aew Ufe aad vigor to the wlmle urttetn. PR SHI N llEAE, Itrnptloni.Taiter, Salt Itlieotil, Illotcliee, Ppota, I'llnplea, ruitule. P'iMa, ('ar'ianrlee. Itlng. vvurtue, scnld-llced, urv Kyca, Erytl,i-lAa. Itcli. etirrt, Iilacoluratlone of the skin, lliimora and Iiltraaee of the Skla, of whatever name or naltir. are lllerally dng ep and cestui out nf tho artttcm In a ahori linie by the aie of thear pitir-e. one li'Hlle la nd eaa-ie will convince the moat lacrtduluaa of their earatlveelTerta, Cli-anae Hie Vitiated Plood whenever you find lu Itnpiirltlra bumtiiig thrnueh the akin InPlra plae, Krnitlon er fi re i rlrai.te It wk.n yoa It ehtttnictrd and alugaiu In the velnai rl.-ahae It when It l foul, ant yonr freltmra will tall you when. Keep t ie blood pare aod the b' AMU of l'i tratrm will f llow. Tlx, TAPE and otiur WO It MM, Inrklneln l!i,i es vtetnof io many tlionian la, areeffertually d -atreyed ami removed. Tor full Cireetioua, n ad aaavfullj theclrcnlar aronnd recti bottle. J. WM.KF.I!. IToprUlor. R. II. Mi-ttnSAt.D A CO., LriiitHiats a:id lien. Aaenai, San FraneUco, Cslsnd tl anil SI Connuerco blreet, New York. SOLD BV ALL llltruUlSTS AMD DIALERS, rt ?V'l-jMn C sy IIUIILCJ A UASA, Ld to.-. A Nenanaprrnt tbe Prraent Tlmoe. Iitlcndc I fur I'eopln Kuw oo I'.arlh. Ineiii ig l'ir iij s. I'n-:.i i-i, Uorrhinli, Pro-(it.o-ial Mrj, w ikers. fniukera, an I a I I1ai t.or n( II unit Fo kt. a il the wna, Sous, aad iatilitjtiol all k tcii. OMLV tN! L'ULI.AR A V.ltl I ONE IllMMtrOfUI'lLS VOM SS, Or loaa thaii on Cent a C py. I 'I there be a $50 t-'iun at rv-ry Tost oaloe. HS',Y mn,j a Yr.AR. tin a, ii a iu ail rnar.;l daracuir aa II" KI?KI.V. tut -iili a greater variety of ji.-ol a.iruiis lei li ii.s.ij f iini.lilu t:,a n -wa 1 .! ajtiM-illif.a n-ttu i;ii-aicr Iruattuiaa. haoauie ucouiKj twice a v.uek lniiua.1 of ouca ouif . TllII DAILY MI X, tl A YEAR. A i-rermlncntv r.'.i'l h e liewtpiir. witn the tsrta eirciiail in in llm worul l're. In.te-t'l'-i Unt. a it l -niiii In i.o.ltiei. A I llio iiaw Ion , v.rwhar I . cen a e joy ; by mall, an catis a luotiib, or $1) a jcar. TERM'3 TO CLUBS. 1IIK DOLLAU WI CK I. Y KVS. l":vo eopiea. one yoai, ett ar;e;ir aedrws-1 Foar Oollora. Tea er.nles one ver. aonratKlr a litrra-ed (ai.d a i ctinioui toUtev.l4r ufl ol eltini. tlukt Itollore. Tw. ntv enn'aa, net jmr. eep.ira'elv al.iMu ta d au ixtraoopf lu lue .mi -r np of cmni. Plllr-i u OUluri. f'ftr eopi i,r tear, to ene a'tdrrM ,ael ttiu b'-tlil-VVcvk f one ear 1 1 ni-tier no nlrluhl, Tbleiy-tbrvo Lollara. Fifit pea-. -t paiaieiv anlreieit ( t t t .e Sel..l M. ek' r ,mo jf ,-i'ir ue o. iium, Tbirlt-rirr Uo.lnr. n bandrel e l-a, fv venr. t rno ad tm. t snd ike l al y for tne je..t Io ihia. iu,r i . 1 '' I 01 Oollttre. otie buidi't e"or, on v-er. I'a.airlv ad-dre-ied i an ! Iku Uailj . it i e rnar to Uie aeli. r ni'ofclabl. blur Dollar.. TUB HEMI.WEEKLT BCM. Tive ci plvi. one ycai,irara:-lv kUshl llollan. i ea e-o lea, one veir teiaralctv a lnrcaled lam an etna copy to gaiter up , r ,1 n. i, Mau ra Dollars. BHD XOCU MOXCY i P-l i fl or-te- eSka. or diaSI on vrw r ;. whnrerer e m? eulrni If ,nt. runt, i l a. . c . .liu.l. , a ouy. AUroe. i r?.m bun i lllco. M Y'.rK Tlx r10.M E THIS WAY r,r,ET IIAIIO VINS IN NEW UOOJ 15 AT THE CHEAP STORE OF w. r. : Hin:it r, bLLl.NSti ItOYE I'a. Would respectfully snnouncs to Ihe people of Snyder Count v that he has just received from ibe eastern markets and has for sale a large and well selected slock of Saw loo'ls. which he oners at astouivb. ipgly le prloea. His Hock embraces lb- very nest FALL auJ WINTER GOODS He baa Cloths Cassiuiers, Doe Hklne Jeans Satinets Alpsccns, I. u n res Detains Poplins , Prints, Muslina Dn linj Sbawla 'Cambrics Calicoes. French 3Iirinnes, English Merwoe READY MADE C -OTIIiNG f ail kind. HARDWARE, Ql'EENSWARE. HATS and CAPS, BOOTH & SHOES, UltOCEIUES CAItl'ETlNO. WALL PAPER, 8 II K KIN'DINOS Uivo mo a call. No charges made for inspecting Ooods. Coufltry produce IS' ken in oxohangefor goods May 21, lott-y BBRORS OF VOUTU. A OKNTLEM AN who suffered for year. from Nervous Debility, Prematura Decay sod all Ihe effects of youthful lndisoretion will, for lbs sake of euUVrlng humanity, send ire lo all who need II, lbs receipt and direcilone for making Ihe simple remedy by whiob be was cured. Butter ors wishing to prolUby ihe advert leer's i sporiODoe. eaa uti ao or auureaeiua:. io. loetes. seaodenoo. JOUS B.00 09 V.o. ij tfv ftro., JisjvX mm JJANSELL A CHEr, scccsaaoas to carrraas A cue, oftoesBir Aim OIiAllWAHS, Xo. It Korth Fourth tilrrct, PHlLa DELPHI A. Original Taokages Constantly on Hand. Represented by THLO'S BWtNEFORD. tirover& Hnkt-i' FIRST PREMIUM liiiAMTic vrncn FAMILY Sewing Machines, S),) BUOADW VY NEW VORX. TIJO CHESTNUT 8T. riltLADKLPIIIA. 1'OINTS OF EXCELLENCK. .Ocfttity and Elaslicty of Sillch. Terfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Vxing both threads directly from tbe pools. No f ialenlni of teams by hand ond no waste of. thread. Wide riiiixe of application without change or adjustment. The team retains In beauty and flrmneM after washing ami ironing. llesides doing all kinds nf work done by by other Sewing Machines, these Machines fucctue the niosi beautiful nn permanent Embroidery aud ornutr-ctititl work. teX.The Highest rrenilume at all tho fairs and exhibitions of the I'nilcd Stale and Europe, have been awarded the f rover & linker Sewing Machines, aud the work by ibem, wherover exhibited In conipetion tThe very h'hesl pr'ne.TIIE CUOSJ" OK Till. LEtiloN OK IIONOU, was con fered on the represenlntive of Orover i linker Sewing machines, al tho exposition l uiverselle. Purls. lX'i. thiia oltesling i heir great etiperitiriiy over all ut Ii el Sew ing Machines. For Silo by SAMl'EL FAl'ST. Selina. grove, 1'u. April 2n. 'till. Forney's Press. HIE (ihfMT K.iUKAL NEUSI'AI'EU! fill lh! nnd t'hfHpnt Xcu'fp'iprr j In the O'Hiilrj. THE PRESS Is a f:ist-clis d nilile theel eight page pnper, 'Hung 4 columns, published every morning, , except Mimuiys.) TFRMS: DAILY rUKSSj-H till per nnnnni; $2 ')0 for six inniiibs ; $I.HD for three tuoiilhs. THI-WEEKLY I'KKSS. J per an nuin : .f .'tiu for six lueulhs; t .00 for I' -ee inon iis. Till-: W EEKI.Y I'KESS. The most vain able H celily Newspaper in llio World. It contains items of iuieresl In all. DEAD THE TEK.Md ; cot y one year 2 l I'ive copies V I r - l i. -.11... icil co'ic-, lltlll utio cvj'y IB jv,v, tip of club, lo Twenty copiee. and one copy lo lbs getler-up of club 27 Kitty copies, and ouo copy lo the getter up of club 0-" Ten eopics, ta one oilihrtt, and one copy to ihe getter iii ni the club 1 1 Twenty copies, to on' uii'iri, and one copy lo lite geller up of the club " Kifiy copies, lu out a'lilrtm. and one coi'V to the tietier mi of tbe t-lub 50 One hundred cnpifi, toont ahli-r, and olio copy of Ihe In-weekly Tress to Ihe getter up of ih club 100 AU oi't'n tuiitl t.t ml lrrrj In JOHN W. KollNEY, Eiliior ai d Proprietor, 8 Tib aud Chestnut Sia., I'hilii.I'n I 10K AtiENTS WANTED Foil STUlfltll.ES it Tlill MI'IIS tF P. T. BARNUM Written by Himself. In one lnr;to Octavo Volume 'nearly h(M) Pages Printed in English and Uermau. X Elegant Kullpsge Eiigrnvinge. It enibriices Forty Year Itecolleeiiiins of bis l!u-y Lil'o. ns a Mer chant, Manager, ll.inl.ei. Lecturer, ami Showuiiin. No book published so accepta ble to nil classes. Every one w una il . Agents average from oO to Km eubscribera a week, n e otter extra inuueemenis. iii- uilrnied Cmulogue and terms lo Agents sent tree. J. 11. W illi CO., Publishers. Har'ord, Coun rjiHE DAY Is mibliabed everv morning (except Sun day), al llio oftice. N. W. corner Sixth aod Chestnut atieeis, Philadelphia. Price One Cont por Copy. Served by Ibe carriers in any part of the city, and in tbe adiaoent cities and lowni. for SIX CENTS 1'Ell WEEK, payabls lo Ibe carriers. Price for mailing. TlllftTY-FIVE CENTS per mouth, r KOUK UULLaKS per an num , SELL it SCIIONOUH, Wholesale Dealers tn BRANDIES. WINES, Gins Wliiskeys Vc. WOMEI SDOKK, liEHKS CO , Pa. January 13, 1S7P-' f gMCEL FAUST, Merchant Tailor, Mas just received an entire new stock of CLOTHS. LASslAIbKba S VEsriaus. all of a aunei ior uiiality which bo Is pre pared lo make up in the best style and on rhori notice. He also keeps Brown and White trench Yoke Linen Shins, and a gen eral assortment of grutlemens' Furnishing Clnods, all of which he offers lo lbs public al very reasonable prices. tail st my place on rine Dirrei, oeiwrco Eckben a ooiuer sua ins nriuge, oruns Urove, l'a. Jam 4, 1808 If. CAPTION. lluviiiif purchased ihe J lollowlnv nailled iwraonal proiierty at Tob- alable'e sale, lolU aa tha prooarly ol Keuoen k i. ami ult lite una in tae uoaieaiun oi aire. Saiah Kloes, all ueraous are bereliv cautlooed Dot to luterlere Dor In any way ineUille wlib the aaiuei One looking Ktove and Pipe, one Parlor stove aud Ple, two Hednleads aud iluddlug, an. .ol ., oo. ,r u. a PrTKK KUtltL Oesvor tewnihip, Aug set Si, UTS. rjlUE FIXKLE & LYON wilnK Machine Will Uma IWI, Ul, w ... I ko., Is now ollered to eanls on mors liberal terms. Also, rieeoad-hand Maeblaee Ukea lo oiohanse. or the new Improvements appneu. vu.r. m.. l,iia la warranted f iaav ULaaa aud It tne uarehaser does oot so reward It alter s ,..ui k aa return II. and mooev raluoilad. N. B. Wanted Travellos Sinu to vleltoaeb town, dlelriluUoelrelers, eiplelnlns ine Ita urovauieutJ, ate., sis., who ess saako SaoO per aionUa. Aaarss. St. SI. CO.. Vsloa Sqnare, s Last lit vi., Mow York, 0f .,r-emi j WOOLEN FACTORY. Tho iubcrlber, (hankful for tbo liberal patronage bestowed on his establishment at Lanrellon. bega leavo to Inform hla friends and ibe puhlio generally, tbat ho aaa nan un mill at Lewlsburg fitted up in uv ucit possiuio manner, WHO too Lafrst Improved tfuchi'mry made In tho country, ni erith lbs advan tages of Steam Power, which ean bo rolied on st all times. II fuel safe in saying i"" vuii,tiiiiiieni la noi aurpasaeu by u iu einiv, Having engaged a sot of good Workmen bo la now prepared for manufacturing all vi WOOLEN GOODS sum ai CLOTHS, CASSIMEKE.. HATINETTS 1 U' rii a a a a . ..... inr.r.l'ci. r.A.B, PLAMMiLS, DLAV KETS.CA Rl'ETS, YAR.Nd, :o. In tin Ittl manner tnj ml rtJuttJ fritti An excellent assortment of G ods st all limes on hand, for sale or exchange for "ooi. in i l, L, laiiui.mj done on short notice. HajTTEI'.MS CASlI.-t&ii M A II K IIAI.FPENNV. t.ewisburg, t'nltia '?o., I' i., Dca. 4,08 IgCHOCU A ISKUTlIER Would rcspeoltuily announce to ihe I people of Snyder County and tho puhlio. I generally, Ibitt lliey have Just aecureil and will oonsianlly keep on band and for nlo, a very extensive assortment of j in their Commndiovi New Room opposite 1.1.. 1 1 1. U 1 T. ' tho llauk, Sclinsgrovo Pa. THEY WIM, SETiL AT RE DUCED PRICES ! Their extensive slock eonslate of a well selected assortment of KAI.I, tt INTKK OOODS. Ttey have CLOTHS. CASSI MKUS, plain nnd fancy, Sniinetls, .leans, Tweeds, Muslins, Drillings, Flannels. Checks, lie. Also an elegaul assortment LAMES' DRE7S GOODS I Silks. Ronibnzincs, Alnwns. Rlnck ami fiitipy Dflaina. Enw ns. Ointrhftms a ltirpp varii'ty of fine White Goods LADIES' FASAlONABI.E COATS. Hoop, Skirts .IihwIs. Ac, Ac. HEADY M A I i: ( ' L( )T MIX C. .Coats, vt-Htn. Pants, Sliirts Ac. A variety ot NOTIONS k HOSIEUY. Collort Linen nnd Papo .DrohrsTritn niiiiLrs. Iiuttona Corsts. ui-iliyra common ami nplit. Moravian oti'l Shetland Wool Ac. Ac. FISII,SALTAITDIRON. STEEL. KTOYES, KOhKS, SHOVELS, PPADKS, RAKES. tiLASS, NAILS, PAINTS, llardwaro Queonsware, Glunswnre, CcJurware, Villow-waro Crockery, VLASTE11, White A liluo. lso, a large quantity of different kimlaof 11 ATS A CAPS, iiOOTSA SllOhS. of every style, variety and quality. Also, all kinda of CARPETS, &0. r.rorri (r of all kind. fe.i, ihe Philadelphia ami New York Markets. iney Keep couataulljr on Laud a largo apply of WHITE LEAD AFD l'AINTS. ev ery quality nnd Mice, received direel from the niniioTucturea and consequent')' 's' itie veiy lew em prices. Also all kinds of OILS. WHALE. UHOWX LPimiCATIN'O, StnSTJTCTE ami LINSEED OIL. for I'ninlinj;. To the latter they cnll par lieculiir aiieniion as ll ia euiial lo Linseed nil fur colored puiuiing, and coals but one nan ine price. ll'tflicn iirlfcs raid for Country ''ri.tliii'o and 111 liiiulsofC.min. t97mUye them a trial befure uo in(j t'luvwhero. SCIIOt'II k BROTNEH. They are also Ihe agents for GEISER'S PATENT KLY UEdLLATINO GRAIN f EPAHATOU CLEANER AND BAGGEIl. Tbo latest Improved aod most celebrated In tho world. Just lbs Machine Fa.-mer have been seeking after for yeare. Il will ibrasb from 20 to 40 Bushels per hour, oleatird reay fur market, They will so these ni? bines upon tb lit merits Wsrraued sa represented. April 18, '67 ly 1. T. SIIIN11IL, M. P. SWIMSFOBD JJ.EAD THIS. hi title AND SwlDeford. DkUUOJSTS AND ClIEMISTS, Offer for sale WimiasAi.a asn Hitail, DRVG3, MEDICINES, PAINTS and tlltJJIALO, Kmbraclng PURE ZINC PAINT Oreen, llltie, Yellow, Ited and Ulack Paints ground In Linseed Oil, Uenar arnisn Hpirlta Tuipentino, Conal. Coaoband While PRYING JAPAN. KNOTTINO. window tlass. Putty, I'lne Oil Alruhol. Staucu, Isniao, Ysbmilliom, Paisrsnd VABN1S1I DKUBHES, Mill i f'imal Truim ond Bapfertir (Hulls Conoenirated Lye, 1'int Sponges, SPICF.S.COUN STARCH & U1KD 6ttD Flower and Uarden Seed, 1 which, lbs st l end A of dealers is called, as w will sail at lbs very lowest Cash Prices m quaotitiss to suit puicba sers. W-i'oWno on hund and offer for sals Who asale an Retail, all lbs load lag Patent Medioiaos. Also, NOTION!!. CO. t CTIONKIUE8, TOBACCO bEOABg JUtUltwarg , C. fa. I ITV l. ; ..' .. ....... Ayur's Hair Vigor,- For restoring Cray l.'atr io its i:alur:.l Vitality and Ctfcr. A tltf : :ir.; wliit'h l. fit (IIU'l! Ill'ttl -ItliJca l:t ii!ltiy. i.n,! i lli'oliinl d.r I r.--r i in;; t., linii. I'atfnl pi- nritf hair ii rcim r. scr, .( to its ro!,ir vilh tht n.Vsa on f r... t "" v Dun liiiir i il.ii It encd, ritllitt! hair, mi'l l.uliV ne tifSon, lltoiiah nut itlnv, cured lijr Its rise. No'.liin cnu tt-rtoto (Imi !mir wliira llio Collude uie tlfsiioyod, or the f;!nuila ntrojiliiml tlfrnvcd. Hut aiit'h ns rottiit'n tnti 1c nocil for isernliifsa by (his t 1 ;i-t idli. JnMreil f loulitifl; tho littir v illi n n.-iy reili 'ticnt, il will kci'jt it ilcuti ami vioiou-. lfe Hill Jili-Vflil lltu ltlllr irom tinning irny n.1 f.illit. t ir, m. conscq-i.'tirly prevent bntt'iies. l';c.j ii'oni l!ii)ie Iclricriim ni'ieiiitti r. ttliitlt iimkc poms preiu: iitiotis tlni.yinm. ni.d ijurioiH to 111. hair, Iho Vi"of tnti n!y iK ti.'.'l! tut not liiirm it. i!' wufwi I.Tel (nf A HAIR DRESSING, i.Olliill vliil c;i,l l o fftiml rn ill -.inil.fe. 'Jnj'.llitliil f floi.liuT il i.t'f ilif, i; iIih I il soil wlii o i ninl. rif, imi yet hi.-ts luriej on itie? hair, piiini ii ii ikIi .',upy luttro and a grulrinl j tili.uiu. PrcparcJ by Dr. J. C. A;cr 5t Co., l'lUCTICAL AKD ANALYTICAL ( USJIIJTi, pnicw at co. QALL AT Focklcr'n Saloon, (Opposite Sh.ndel k Vogenseller s drug store I IN SELINSiiKOVE. If you a ghat of good It U AIM AU Af.E! Plate of ice Cream t OU O YSTEItS, prepared in any way tbat can be dcjiied. Oil A Plate of Fresh Trine. oil " SAItDIXESj KCinVKITZKIt. MMDCROEK Oil HAM, CIIEKSE. OR ANY TIIIXU C81! ALLY KEPT IN A FIILST CLASS RESTAVRAXT. ioTOi her Saloons supplied with Als snd Oysters at Wholesale prices. -Vyg A T DISr.L. W tl BALLIIT. 4 S STOl'allTO JISEL, BALL1ET & ST0L0HT0N, (.E.VKIUL 101131ISSI0X MEKCII1MS, AJII DKALinS IS Country Produce and Donwuka VmVs, iSVeis, ifc, Ao. 22 Soitii Watkr Stiieit, iniliADELPHIA. - Kirasacsa. Jacob R. Rioir! a r 8S3 Merket elretl; Lippencott & Trotior. ?ler ' ,lo"1' ""Uhright It Co. 6J'. Minkel Street i Ex.Oov.Jnmee Pollock. fcO souib till street; John tVeisi 808 Wslnul street! Harris &. Urabsni, 817 Arch slreel. Keh4'h!ltf J) WID WILLIAMS, Muniifarliiresof & tVbolesnle Denier ia bill, .VJiilKicati). Malnut mid Itostwootl LOOKING GLASS Ficturo & Photographic Frames, t.iO nntl TM An Ii htnet, Pbiludelpbia Ps. Framra Repaired in ihe best manner A'uo, Itegilding in all ila branches. 7,2 HAUDINf. En.. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE A COXVEVAXCER, FromnDt, SnyJer County, Peno. Collections of all kinds made si the eh orient noiics and on ihe most leasonublo lenui-. Conveyuncing In all Its branches expe ditiously executed, lisr.ns, MorTUAOis. Notes, and blanks of all kinds ooneisntly on band. I'etsons at a distance Laving claims for colleoiiou wiibin bis jiirlsdlctiou need only addieaa him by mail lo insuia prompt action. Terms, reson.ilile. Msy'tiW JEYSTONE HOTEL. Selinggi ove, Snyder County, ra. THE undersigned begs leave lo inform lbs publie tbat be has purchased and will keep, In good style, lbs above well known aud popular bouse. awir Having large, airy and welt furnish ed rooms, good servants, with Ibe untiring efforts of l be proprietor lo please bis guests, ho hopes lo meet with s large share of pub lio patronage. J. F. WALTER. Improve, Sept. 1, J870. -inn fost Job Printing: Office, allDDLEliCRO, SNYDER CO., I'A. ill. KINDS OF JOB PRINTING NEATLY, CHEAPLY. IXPEDITIOU8LY EXECITID ATTU18 OFFICB. p EN NSVLVANIA HOUsjE. J. D. HOFFMAN, Propriotor. CORNER OF SECOND AND LOCCST 6T8 DARRISBURO, TENS" SwT Every effort neeeeaary to Iniare the sen art ol Kuesta will be aiade. Tbe bouse has beea aewly rentied. iuaye,UTiJir GRAY01LL Co., WaoassALa Dsaisss ia WOOD AND WILLOW WARS Oil Clolbs, Window Shades, brooms, Mais, Itrushes Cotton Laps, Oralu Dags, Fly irie, Aiuoaeie, i winea, wicks, 0.0. No SIS North Third Streed, Philadelphia. Feb. 7, '07 , Mi a V s B.J C00M i m "",""4 CLOCKS I ( "Vorta Id Straw. i rniiauejpsaa. . I IMHvT ) X ... i