AtWcrtlwitlfr 1tlaj. . On enliimnoa yesr fM It. One-half column, on year, HA M. One-fourth column, on year, 1-VOS. One Sqnsr (10 lines) on Insertion T. Every addilional Insertion .' Proftsalonal and tlusiitrss srds f nol more I ban (v lines, per year. I.SSi Auditor, Executor, Adminnirnior and Assignra Notice I.S0. Editorial noiirea per line 10. All advert iarmeDls for a shorter perleS than on year are payable at th tin they ar ordered, and if not nnld the Per. Publish ry Taursdsy Evening by miXUM ClorBK. Proprietor. Thbm of Bubsoription, TWO DOLLAR PER ANNUM, Iavabl set ten a til taonins. or sis.oo ir sol paid wtrbla tb year. N paper discontinued mil all arrearage are paid unit at 4 ke option or to publisher. Snbticriritions outside of the county fBTABLR IN APVANCR. t&T Tenon lifting tod tiling paper Sddrsed ta olber become subscribers, and are liabl for lb price of the piper VOL. 8. MIDDLEBURG SNYDER CO. PA., JANUARY 1871. Nbr 45; aon ordering them will b held rrspunsibl THIS POHT. Of 1 llll M W r 5"m IBM J P. CRONMILLEK, ATTOBNET AT LAW, Middlcburjr, Ta., o'er bU prolssslonsl services lo tbe pub lic. Collection and alloiber professional business ntrusld to hie ear will receive prompt attenlioa. Jaa 8, 'b7if AC. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrove Pti., Offer hi professional service to tbe pub ic. All bueinee entrueied to bit care will b pronipllj atttnded to. Jan. IT, 'C7tf 1 W. KNIOHT, W, ATTOllSEY AT LAW, l'Ycolmrg IV, Offer hi rrofersional service lo tbe pub ic. All business entrueied to bi car will be promptly attended Jan 17, CTll WM. VAN (iKZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I.cwisburg Tit., Offer Ms professional servic to ie pub lie. Colleolion and ell otber Ti o c.-sion-al Bueinee entrusted to bi caro ill re ceive prompt attention. GEO. F. MILLER, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Lewislmrg l'n. Offer bia Professional service lo the pub lie. Collection and all other profession all business entruated to bia cure will re ceive prompt attention. Jau. 3, 'M7tf. J M.LINN, A. II. PILL. (sinrressors to J. T. fc J. M. Linn,) ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lewinliurg, Ta. Offer their professions! service to the puhlic. Collection nd (ill other pro fessional business entruned to their care will rceeivepromptallenilon. Jan. 3, 'ti'tf CHARLES IIOWER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Svliiisgi'tive Ta., Offers bia professional services to the pub iic. Collection and all other professions luiinea entruated to hia cure will re ceiv prompt ilteniion. Office two door norib of tb Kejsione Hold. Jan 6, 'ti QAMUEL ALLEMAN, O ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sclinsgrove Tu Offer lila Professional services lo tbe public. All business entruated to hia car will b promptly attended lo. Col lections made in all parts of the Stale. Ilo can apeak the Kngl'ah and German lnnguago fluently. Office between Hall' nud lb I'ot olbc. L.V. MYERS, ATTORNEY k COCXSEIOR AT LAW Middlelurg Snyder County Pciin'n flice a few duors Weal of the V. O. on Mnin slrcc. Consuli"-" in hnglieli i tl (i i T r tie. up. '..ti .ORNEV AT LAW. Lewislmrg IV, .j professional seiviceelo the pub- lie. All business entrusted lo bi cure will be l'ronii'tly attended lo. 1 Jan. 8. 'CTif G HOVER k BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Vernon a in need of a good and dursble Sewing Machine can be accommodated at reasonable price by calling on on Sam vl Paist, Agent, Seliusgrove. Jnn. 24, Cf DH. J. Y. SHIN DEL, 8CRGE0N AND VIIYSiCIAN, Middloburg Pa.. Offer his profeaelonal services to the fit iivn of Middleourg nnd vicinity. March 21, '07 JJ F. VAN BUSKIRK. SURGICAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST Selinsgrove Putin JOIIN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE TEACE, Teno Twp., Snyder Co. T Yh. WAGNER, Esq., Jt TICEOFTHE I'EACE, Jacksoo To v.iHhip, Snyder Co. Pa., Will attend lo all buainea entruated to hi oaro and on lb moat raaannahle terms. March 't8l DUJ F KANAWKL. rllYSKlAN AND 8URGEOV, Centrevllle, Snyder Co., I Offer Li professional service lo the public u-uoii J7I W. SCII WAX, M. P., : BURGEON jt l'HYf 1CIAN. Port Trevorton Pit. Offer hi professional service to the citiirni of Ibi else and vioinitj. He peak German and Englieh. r April 16, "08 FA. TiOYEIt, Jr. AUCTIONEER. Fieeburg Snyder Co. Pa., Most respectfully offer bi services to the publio a Venilue C'ryer and Auction or. Having bad a larg experience, I feel eonndeat tbat I ean render perfect allafaclion to mj employees. (Jan. 9, '07i BI, PARKB, a ATTORNEY AT LAW A DISTRICT ATTORSY, MIDDLEDCRO. SNYDER COUNTY, Ps Offie In Court Hus. dept. IS, '07lf LE WIS BREMER'S SONS' TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N.THIRCJS 6,83 i'HILADELPUlA. ERCHANT HOUSE. 11. U. MANDERBACII Trop'e J. C. Ml'K, Clerk. Was. 418 415 North Third Street. l'uUaddpbia M ILLER ELDER WHOLESALE DOOE SELLER! Stationers, Blank book MaouUcturo and dealer In Wrapping, tlladlng, i ur lain and Wall paper Paper Dag ie On eral Job Priiiere tV.m Deetk Third street sbfv Kan , . REAPING RAILROAR Wintper Arrungcmeot, Monday Not 21 1870. Great Trunk Lin from the North and North west for Philadelphia, New York, Resiling, l'oltaville, Tamaqtia, Aaliland, Shamokin. Lebanon, Alli-ntown, tnaton, Ephrala, Litii, Lancaster. Columbia ke. Trains leave llrriaburg for New York, as follows 1 at .10, 8.11, HI V" a. tn,. and 2.&0 p. ni., cmncciing with similar trains on llio the Pennsylvania Railroad. and arriving al New York at 10. 10 a. m,. B.oO, 6.00 and p, m., respectively. Sleeping cars accompany Ibo J. ID a ui , train. wiiLoul ebange. Returning : Leave New lork al 0.00a m, 12.H0 Noon, and fi.lHl pui. Pbiladcli'bia at S.lo a tn and 3, .10 p m ; Sleeping cars ao- ompany Ibe o.ini p ui trains from hew lork, without change. Leave Ilarriiihurg for Resiling, roltsvillp Tatnaiiia. MinersviUo, Ashland, ribamokin. Allentown anil r h I I a a I p n I , al 8.10 a m, 2,60 and 4.0.') p m, slopping al Lebanon and principal way ataiinne : Ibe 4,05 p m train connecting for Philndrlphii, 1 (itlsville ami t olunitnit only, tor l oll ville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and SusiUehannii Railroad, Leave llumsburg at ;i,4ii p tu Kan rensrlvania ilailroail tra;ns leave Resiling for Allentown, Katiin and New York at 6.00. 10.80 a.m., );.)' noon, A 4.4,r p.m. Rvturnij, leave New York at 11.00 a. ui., 12.00 nooii and 5 (HI p. m. and Alli-n-lown al 7.-0 a.m. 12.:& Noon lb') 4.20 and S.45 p. m. M ay passenger train leaves Philadelphia a. 7,'lo a ni. connecting with similar train on East 1'enna. Railroad, returning from i Leave I'oitavni'o' a" !i!oo "a," in., and 1.10 p. m.; Ilerndon nt 10.l am; Sha mokinal VIO and 11,20 A. m : Afhlaud ai 7,0.") a ni, and 12,60 noon, Mahsuoy City al 7.61 a. m. and I.H'i p. m., Tamaiiua al S.illlam, and 2.40 p ni for Philudvl bia New York, Rending, llarrisbui g, Ac. Leave I'oitHville. via Schuylkill ami Sus qiichanna R R nt 8, la a ni for llurrisburg, and 12.''" noon for Pinpgrovraml Treinont. Heading Accommodation traij: Leaves Pollaville at 6,.0 a m pnsea Reading at 7. !10 a ui, arriving at Philadelphia al 10,20 a, in . Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.4 ) p ni, passing Rending at l.'i't p m, arriving al Potisville at O.lo p in. l oltntown AccomnioJalion Train Leaves Pntistown al 7,00 a in, returning leaves Philsdelphiu nt 4,00 p m. t'oliiniliia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7,211 a in, and 0,1) p m for Kpniata, Lilin. l.tncaplrr. Columbia. Ai . Prrkiomen Railroad Trains leave PerM omeu Junciional 7.4'i, O.o.Sn m, II. Do, and 6,110 p ni: returning leave Hchwenksvillo al 7 00 and (.'-' 0 a. in, l J.f.o Noon, mi l 4.3o p m, connecting wilb similar trains on Reading Kailr-m l. C'ulfbr mkdnle Rnilrnad Irainsleave Polls town ol 0,40 a m, nnd II. 20 p m, rciiirnin; leave Mount 1'Ufi-uui nt 7.00 and 11,2'j a in, connecting with siiuilur trains ou Resiling railrond, Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Driilcporl nl S,:)o a m, and '!.ll6 nnd 6.oJ p ni, reluming, leave Howmngtown nl 'i.o'i a ni, I2.4.'i noon and 6.16 p ni, connecting with similar Irains on Reading railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York nt -,00 p ni, Philadelphia S,00 n in nnd .'l.l'i p m, the S,00 a m train running only to Reading; leave I'otlsvillo S,00 a In; llurrisbiirg H.10 a m and 4.16 p ni, leave Allentown at S.46 p. m nnd and 8.4! p. ni. i leave Reading al 7.16 a m. and 10,06 p m for llnriUhurg at 5.IK: a ni for New York, nnd 0,40 n. tn. and 4.26 p ni for Pbiludelpbia, Commutation. Mileage, Season, School and excursion tickets, lo and from ullpuiuis al reduced rales. Raggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed eucb passenger. 0. A. Nil TILLS, (Irnrrnl Suj'rrinttliJrnt. Reading. Nov. 21, 1K70. LLEOHENY HOCSE. Bio. Wi I 814 Market Street, (Abort Kiylith,) FlIILAhELMlA. KLECKNKK & CAWLKY, I'ROI'IICTOIS. 6,51tf Terms H 00 Ttr Dm: OVli FATHER'S IIOI SK, OR, THE UW WRITTEN WORD. Tly Panisl Misra, D. I)., author of lbs popu lar "Nlwhl Kcenaa.'1 This mauler In thouulit ami UnKiiugashowaaiantolJ rl.-lies ami lu Ilea In tlisiiisst Hnuae, with Its Klooming How era, Sinning lilrdi, Wavlnic iialiua, Itulllnu elouils, lieaullful bow, Hacred muuntslni, lie. IlKbtlul rivers, Mlabty oesaua.'liiK vol. cos Matin- heavens ana vast unlver.e with countless twins In mllllnniof worlils, ami rej,l paper, ornauenaraviniia and suwrb blmllnu. 'Hlrh anil varlel In tbuusht." "i baste " "Kssy antarswlullnslil." "Inrract, purseleratlnii lo us In each tn Unwritten Wont. Hose tlnlo.l i lo Its tendency." "Ilaau.llul ami ,hi " "A boosahulil trur." 'iuniindllnn Ilk th sIhiv Iruni llullea Prsalilenla and FmleHnrs, nlnlseara ol all leniimlimllonii ana in rellulmia ami saeular press all urar Ilia country Its trash iisss. uurlli ul Isimusga, nb olear oiwn ti'iw, Hn atMl ansrsvluas, satialautUI blmllua, Iu w prlrauiukall lhob.M.klor lliamsii. Agiuti ar selling rnm 6i-io itu r weuk. W want ( laravman. Kuhonl Taaeaara amart jouna man ahil laillsa to Inlroaluo Ik work Iur us in arari lown.uip, anil w will iisv lllwrallr, paying business. no inieiiiKani wan or woman need b wltnoul a Sand I lor elroular. ftall daaor.nlnnn ami imi Adilrasa ZltULEB McCVBDY. 1 St. tth 81. Phils. lav Raoasi.l'ln. ti. SO Muuru Nt. I'hl. SSiS N. Sib sit. Louis vet.i. in or 101 mala l bpilnaaald. atasa. WASH. (iKAXELLO, WATCH 4 CLOCK . MAKER, Market 8t. Middleburj Ta. HAVINO looaled In Ibl plae I would rtspeoifulljr Inforai Ibe ollisen of Middlebu"sand violnily tbat 1 sin prepared repair CLOCKS" AND W ATCHES cheap and tpedllioualy. Tba patronag of Ibe publis is respectfully solicited. W. CRANELLO. Ulddlbur, Nov. U l0t. CABINET OKOAN AND MELODEUN MANUf ACTUltV, War Room and Blor on Pin 8tret, J'aoiorv on Hnjdee riirtsl, feliuigro, l'a. If yna want to bear and a tnstonadtnd baautlOil Ursans and Slalodsona salt al our War loom sua Mora. W ux nou but lb bast malarial la aiakln InilruiuauU. Try ou ol ttiein and yua will baaailaAaU. Every luilruiuaut I warraulad for flv years Dealers, AgauK and M miliars or Ik Gospel, ar luvlud to evrraepoail wliS u aaj swnl for prlo Hal. Ws ar also aaauia lor tb kaat I iisu asauia iur lb el Msa uik sun ruuiuiaipiiia iisus. s Strlaas, kbast Mast, flelur raasas, ax., violins sail Asaumauna truia a u (IS, Vlolia alwasa oa kaad. Piaao and iaMordears sresUi tua4 sad rapalrad. vau oa, sr ssorw or wur Wt. L, WTS, ,Z laaltaaweava. l'a hvz L12CT ioirr J t V IT NEVER PASS. It never ray lo frel and growl When Fori une eni our foet Tb beiter bred will push ahead Aod sirlke tb bravtr blow, For luck la work. And I hot who shirk Should not lament ibrir doom, Hut yield the play, And e'.tar ill wy "' at better men have room. It never pays to wreck the health In d' Uilgi'ig af er g in, An. I be is suld who ttiinks tha' gold Is cbeoert bxuglit with pain; An humble lot, A cnay cot, Have lempiad even t'ngi ttr ataiinn hili, That wcsKh wil' buy, Nut of, cuuiun,uunt brings. Ft never psvs! a b'unt refrain Well w i by ot a eon;:. Fx' ae nod yomli mii'i lvson this truth Tusi noilrng payv hai s wrgng. The goud ami pure Alone are sir To bring p 'o'onged tu cs, t lii! what is mlit In lloavi n s si;lil Is always sure lo Miss. tbs Miitonisn. Uld .ortUuiiiteii:ina (ouiity Auiiuisi. uio Hiuinntii 'l tiiciowns ol Diovillo, TOWNS t.K SAME. .Mfllmbur, Mublli'liiiij; nnd Shami.- Allow ma tn rriva vdii r reailel'S Sdiuiiti.. t n . .i . .: r bnof nuteii nl ininottunt hmtoriea even's io llio liistorv of oil Nil'tlilltu '"'''""J Counly, wbicl, orally o eluded itaniw adjoining counties ot Minloiir, Columbia, Snyder, I'niun, l.yroiuiu)!, Cent io, Su'ovim, Ac. 177 - March. Northumberland county w as erected uut of pans of the. counties ui' Lancaster, Cumber- land, lierkit, lledlotd and Noitliainp-jold ton. Tins sjiiic year (,177.) llio fol - lowiufj tuwua were laid out uud setllud vi. , .. .it! Si-viii-ov am liml nut lit John ........... ... ... j l.uketis ibe .Surveyor (Juuirul ef I'enu ylvuiiiu. NoiiTiiiMiicRLANO was luid out by Capt. John Luuden and William Pat-ler.-oii, who soon after sold uut nil ol their lands uu l town-plot to 11. ill en lliints, a wsulthy brewer of I'liila delphia. Suiibmy und Northumber land wi te railed so ulter towtmol llio stiuo name in l''nland. 17S.1 Akwisui hu. now in I'ui.xi ., , . , , i . i - t o , was laid out. by I,u 1 w ii or I.ouis Deer, a (ienuan, tifier whom it wus lit lit'it called " llcl iitowu," and then ' Louisbcrr," aod lastly "Lowis- 1787 Catawisha, uow in Colum- i.iacouBiy, wa- tutu uui uy t iiiiuiu II . .1 . . i... I..i'. I I . . ... iiiiiic-, II veu-'ser noiu uria i-nuuiy. Us u.hl set Hers being Quakers. 1791, iu tbo present couuty of Noithuuibcrhiad, was luid .oil by Andrew Straub, who so m after I uilt little lojt gristaiill near the mouth of the I.ituestooo Hun, near tbs centra of lbs town, which caused his town to be called Millowo," after ward contracted iulo Milton. 171I3 WiLLiAMsfoitT, bow tho city of Willinnisport, in Lycoming county, was luid uut by Michael Ross. Some ay it was called " William sport' al ter William Hepburn, Ksq.. one of tbe first Associate Judges of tbo I.yeoni county Court, while others give a diff erent scuouut of lbs origin of its name a dispute which I have no time to iuvest'at. 1797 Muxcv, now in Lycoming Co., wus laid out by HsiiJ.min M "Cur ly, lis first name was I'eonsborou.'li Blld it bore tbat name lor tWtlt)-Ulue -isj.hi l yesti., or Until ll'tj, when It Was IQ- lotpoiaied into burougb by tbs name of Muucy. 171)8, now in I'nioo county, was laid out by Youd- msn, after w bom it was railed ''Vouo. maosiown," but was soon alter tilled ".Mifllinburjj," in booor of Uovernm Mi 111 in, of Fsnoa., I persume. 17D8 Siunorovc, now io Sny dr oounty, was laid out by Anthony Solin, man of Swiss decent, sud ws called slter his dsiuo. 1800 Nsw IUrun, now in Union county, was laid out by -Looc, af ter win m il was called " Lougslowu for fitseo ysiits or until 1815, when its nam was changed to New Duiliu hy an set of our Legislature dirociinv tbs Court 0! Uuiou cojuty to be held there. 1800 Jehsiv Shore, now in Ly coming couuty, was Uid uut by Jere miah and Reuben Maiming from the State ef New Jersey. Tbo Mauninu.a called their towa "Wuyoesburj;," but us their flist Millers were Jerseyoien they preferred culling it' Jersey Slior, sad il wss finally, in 18-5 iooorporat d t borough by the Dime of Jersey Shore 1801 Danviu.1, now in Montur Co., was laid out by Usuisl Moniyoui ery, Jr., after whom II was first etllsd Dnnsf ills. Bui la 1803 it was con- traoUd into Danville by our State LSwislyuxS MtlsMntrJt , js (or li old ng ibe eloclinuM of ibe town (Lips of Mahoning nnd 1 1 mlm k. 102 Ui.ooMHirRn, now io Culuru Liu county, was Isil out liy Ludwia; Kycr, ofter whmi ilm town was cullud "Kyernlurjf" until when it was; chanced lo Ploom-bui lVom U bo- infi tho burj or town ol tbe lowiD-liip ot Plontn. IS :J Mucn.rni an. now in the out bv count r of Snvdor wai Uid John Swini-rnrd, nficr whom it i called 'Swiiicfordsttiiwo,'' but in n.vno Wit I lie sumo year i hatlvd to that ol MidJI-burir. 1S3J I.iick IlAvr.N, in Clinton county, Wat laid out by Jeremiah Cboih and called m alter tho iVnn- u.t....: t ..i.. i .i.. i V ,,u,.,. v ii.mi i.iii-a, huh ins ujven or b;in nfwut.r nil Ihe npp.wile side of the rinr fioiu l.nk ll ivmi ; iri.i hrse, -mldle uu I bridle. Tin- lMll Siiamokis, initio eoul re-U'i.iiniry In wlmli I jroIiiK v;is uioiin nl Niirthoinheilniid eminly, vraa t-miipiir.-itivily u wildernc-t. and the !oid out by "Tlii- S'i.-mii lUin foul I'o-n Vip n lon one, beset by iminv dillt piiny" or Home ol ili h alio; uiein- cultien, opeeiuily from the ln.lis.iis. Ih'I S I ., tlii Sil iliil IMV in illn i- ll,.,t , .. I ii;ive s-nio l.ul)ts wlietlmr I have iK'ven on Iho exact difrs or yean of ina.nnten.leil. Vnn ,1 V.. ,...., i; i. . .i ....... this in :hcir papers, cm ea.tily add u I.. .. .. . s .1. . 1 l" I i i v.i,,".. -in io 'i, Ul .m.iimi.i ii, MMWlii - Uu, ,...IA IT f I ...... :.. v.,.,v, i iMivvni'ii III .laics, nnd so complete this biief gen eral view of the leading towns in Ibe valley of the Susquehanna rivet. This short sketch of our t'-wns will show you how tho l'nt nst tlnm-n's in Not thiiuiberlaiid coun y extended .mit Nuilhuaid and Eastward Jiid U'est- wa'd and foiithwitrd Iroin the towns i .... . ......... i ui oiiiiuiny aoii ot t ii u ui tier la ui. r or .. .. . I nm.1 if.,fll ... t l...D.. u, v i. ..f '.nn.1!..! .. I C . - C .(...,.,( v i in, bu riAivvn li'HIln no i tniir.i ur less , 0',u'"7 "r ,i,r'n x'tllelil'tits iiriiuiid lliem t.'elore tt.o uut. Ill's. said t'liviis were laid lVceniber, I;"') anaViaMBWMaM Again nod u.'uin we tiro upmi all young tneii, who 111 0 just (.tiriui in life, 10 make it an invariable rule Id luy 8MU0 a Cfi lsin piiipiiitinii ul iheir laeoniu . whatever th it itieauu may Kxtravagaiit exprtnlituies oecasiou a very lar-o pariol tl.e suffeiins ol a -ieai 1n.jor.1y 01 people. .n.l,eslrav .Banco 'a wliolly u relative term. What is not at all rxiruvagunt for uiu- , ,,el , lll;iv )d V1., v t.xti ja'aiit lot ! . ".. . lkuullc,.. Ilxpcodilurcs u lllntte bow small iu themselves they u..ty be -are alwaya extravagant when they come lolly up to the euli.e amount of a prr-ou's whole ine.iino. The mode of living i-i almost entirely a mutter of habit. Il is just u easy iontl ulonu on Ibree-rounhs of yuurio tcuio whatever tho annum, of it may be as on the whole uf it, if you ouly think so, and rc.-irR-t your expendi tures uccoriliuuly. A roun num who became oue ef tho wealthiest merchant iu l'luluJolpliia, housekrepiti); 011 u salary uf three hundred dollars a year, but bo luid up a purl cf tlmt threo hundred dollars ; and bo made it a rule of his I'lo uever tu 'ncreaso his espouses so last as bU iacomo increased. Tho Ihousuud inconveniences of debt. cmbatraxsQicht and drp. luleure may all bo avoided by a Grin and uu deviating adhercnoe to this rule. Ouo yrcalaid iu pursuiu.' the course W have rCiimiuetidod, will bo found io keeping ait aceurute account ol all receipts aod espeudilures. By fre (ueut rslerence to this you will es just what you cun uflird to expend, withuut ucrouchioK ou our rule ; nd you will felso sec what of your ex penditures you cau inest couvcuieotly curtail, or cut off eniiielv. There is u great deal, too, in reflee tiou and f TiS'hi, in ih etpeuJituro ot your mouey. Il U a very couimuo r em irk that on person will make llio same amount jo twice far us an other. This is owing to th tbo cut ployuient of greater prudence and judgement io buying. Almost any amount of money cau be thrown away nud scarcely aoyibiu' obtained fur it, by a ibouhilcss, carleg spendthrift. Ws despise skiutliuts. Uut econo my and meanness are by no mcu identical, Uu llio rontrary, us .t is easy for auy uuo to seo, so uuseifi-h, judicious economy u wise suvinx Iuiuiahva uol only lbs uiosos i'f iude pendeoeo, but ol beueVolouco sud yeu eronity also. A wtiMOV orator iu our Legisla ture, sfisr lengthy ell Mtopped lor 0 driuk of water, '! rise," sid liloss, "to a point vf Older." Every body sisrsU, woudoriuji what the point of order was. "What isil 7'' ssked the speaker. ''I think, air.' said Uloaa, "U is out of order for "eftTjg Wt Vuiiiik .tlfii, sate I'uiliil Vonrltl'r"lul"uu Wu, IJ- I liavo noilrou; iU)iu to cue lo tluir ill-luik, no liit oiiif. jL'ive you but u mother's advice. N'lV-lcvgr hears. Andrew JiirktMiit's) .tlollier. I rrbollii'ii. ami mui h diiMiliHfactiiin l An anccduU relative to llio pat linn ,oxPr,'B''c' tnrim tjuurter tola wilb H nioilirr io hi oulsct in lifu il-.''v' Inxri. Tho tinforiumto con- : lustrale a , oruinoiit trail iu the nttn bute of his niiture at that time. Tho writer hearil Mm linrratc this Biter his rstuin I'tom Wshhintiton, when M. last lorm in llio Presidfiitial nflno lul cxiii'il. Whon about to cmirnto to Trnne ve, t lit f.iinilv wer.' rcHiilinj' in tbr j iti-itiborltui tt of (.irccnboro, Norih . t'urolitiii, 1 luil, he Kai l, "contoin. In ini; thin Hteji for sonic timnlh, mi l lul l inn lo srraMctiu'iits lo jr,, nnd nl loogtlt liml oblnioi'J my inntln'iM emi nent lo do it. All my wi rld'v iroml- ... were a lew ilolluM in inv puiM', Mmue 'clot ln in tnv faddli!-!ia, n tlftly wcro parting f.rcvcf. I knew id.u , would nit reeull her priuiie; there wai loo much fjitink in hir fir Hint, au I this ciin.-U'd mo to linger a thy or ' ., , ..." . . ixii ini' lime eaiiie lor io iiam ii ' purlin-. My muihor w;w a liith 1 i,,linl,Vi rc,nK.,ilol I woinun I ii mil I .... l ... t and must say farewell," and her em. ii.... l...l .. I L... .... , " Ki.i nt on ! parti..- id that diy not so common ns i"ii iiHNvm hit, ...... t ... i , ,, '""- iiii.ieu iruiu ner, nun waiiieu rapidly to my li u s j " As I was tuountini; him she camu ..iii.iri ....... . 1 ... vu, u, .uu u iiini nor eyes wnn i., ,..,. , ... I "Hr aPr,)ii. no I eatno to tlie fjettio? over ' iii.iv v Ul luu ll-i-u -.VII IV I . J i. .1 I ... , Sail I slit! 'always culled 010 As ly) you are to- ioj.ioa new couniry, mi l naioug a rouh pe.'ple. Vou will have t d. - pcnn u pun you r-cil. anj vnur wav ,'"' i1'" a ar sue anybody for slun- ,'ler nor a-isiult an I b.ilterry. Alway- ! He them caes yousell.' I pnuii - "i al" nave irtuil in keep my pruiii- ise. I rodo off M.tiio two hundred yard to a turn in the puth. ami look - UJ back ; sl.s was slainliiirf nt tl.e , fence wiping her eyes. 1 never kiw licr ufief Uut" I'lmse who knew hiiu be.t will tctily to hi Ii lelily M his last rui'o bo nn lo his tuaher. , ., . . ' ' lncb has just closed. i '""""". a an ninsi unmn. m itie ! "' cventlul of the nineteenth ten- Tl I . 1.-. 1 1 six iimnh- were net only less ex eeled but more viuleut when tl,.-y came. They may be very u. perly rotnpsred tu the sudden rise of a terrific storm. When the Trench liatiou ueeepted the dynasty of Napoleon 111, it was the Ceueral opluiuti that ibu crisis in Kuro pean nfl'uirs wus thereby delayed, il not altogether averted. In the early part of lat yeur Napoleon III. occupied a toweiitij: po.ition us the Kuiptror of Fiance, uii J io a great ine.ourc u.eia.f.. ...o ...uoiisu, ur cann, nut now lies in the du.t, Icing held in .1: ...1 .1 : , .1 . .1 . ennteu pt even by the people whom bo so recently ruled. Tho cootinuod success of Iho (senium armies bus in spired I he 111 wnb the highest martial pii it, They have achieved for (jet- many the most ustouuding military successes, and suddenly she bods bet self elevated to a pre-emioeiil position among tho nations uf Kurope. Evcuis pctbups 101 lesi impoitiiot lhau ihoso ii.eiilionel ubovo have ta ken place ut Home. History for ecu furies past does not chronicle chuncs of audi mt;uitudo as have occurred there- Tbe diguiiurivs ol the Knuiish Church from all purls ol the earth. amidst fiorgrnus ritualistio cerenio- oies, cunceded lo tbe Sovcreiuu 1'uo lid at attribute beluuing ouly to lbs Mint llicli but to-duy we tiod biui sboroofihe temporal power which he has yielded for so niuoy years, aud id which hsglurieJ, subject iu a ureal degree to the political auibori. ty of people whom be dixpies. Our own country bus apparently suffered from those aiusl overturn tugs upon lbs European Continent. Nevertheless, we must bs indirectly suffereis to aouie exteul, for it is im possible for sny piep'e of any patiou having lommsrcial dealiogs with us to suffer sod ws remain uuaffccteJ by their niiifortune. Apart from forsign indue noes, our owe country hs not made inuoh pro gress, Kaery branch of Industry and trade Is more er less impeded by the ba bnjtbaa jioin'il-- it-. I... , sssuisaip l.i.i,,.,rBri'KirM,i ,,,,, 8t Marilz,bur ttl,u. tn tbis country during tbo past ten ! . Cuilt Uiukilll! crmJle ,uw years are numerous and iuipot iatit; j ji,, x5niaki ft (if but tbo upiurniii:s in Kurope the pust 1 rjinj 4,,, cd - 'l ,in(,f tlic currency is nico to b greatly iloplorrd. WliiV from ninny qunatcrs tlnrt. , Ho-' fuels have rraclioil uh iinrnrtiinr, nn l ruin, wt have aluu ilnol iciRon n a noiioo lo bit irient ful P if the tnensnie of ndvanremerit niii'lo ilurinir tho jertr p;iat. Wr hive cni'iycl prncp. Our barveis hive jiiMcd ahtindnntly A kind P""1 i'-m-c bai turned njany of ooi iriiiM into It mt till m.tir 'i" vf eood Mny vc nnt, therefore. Im.k forwarl with fitrnn:; hupe ihnt wha'over clou my eliii-ls Mint n.'iv darken our na! s!(v will, iu due nrn -n, be di" pirned hi'l'oic the ''.rowitiir iiiti'llieiiec an J prrsevei in I'dmls nfoer perple ! 'I lie IXiiiiKiiKl l'l'It. Tl.e luio papers) toolui n -nilviees fri'tii Soulh Al'rie.i, wliith jsl.nwH ihnl nil tliul sliiteis is nut din- liii'inN. Au I'.npli-liliiali who has ,n t), ,, , ,,0 ,(), , Ii mi md li.'l U writes t "Fre-h vrpot ihli's are nit to ho ot.- Iiiioed. nnd lirrwiiod is very m nre. A lil ethl iillowniice cf lin.c juice in lb j' n i" ouly preventive lo scurvy. I'al for . fry i ti X 1 eo- kin will be dillieult tn oelai;), as tlic tnttlo ilaiiL-hiered are II.. leu.i. As t) ll,c .. .. . ... any lli i- r ;ti i I ..I working niitih hariir tloiti . . -ion r-onvil-r nn ,ir n linn,.., ,nn id. " r poo I he s mple-t fare, an I sUn'..,i..d . ed by nil the w.-f. und f-ttuvs of Imib .'.i . . . . black nod wh:u society, tl.o av ira-er enriiins np ear to come up lo about t'L'HO pet snuuiii. (If courso, there 1 ; 1 ...... ,is a cnaoco 01 otitaitnnp; u jfi ut priz.'. , f ... , , ,. and of winch the liub to I a'wavs bear. bill nf til, 111 U'lm Ii it-A ,nnl 1 1...;. 1 utieruio,! tan bin'' an 1 wo-ked like ' galleys salves l .r inuuy months, bare ly Mibiiiii)f mi the un ae,re faie ou l who uiii. tlv letire. umvl V Ilk' '"c "The co.-t of passays to II,, jnui l ey theneo 1 h el, and omGr in 1 Kigali.!. 1 1111 ball. Mnrit.l urg and at .in I'tiu, the field, may be ctimu'.cd as f.d- ' lows : ! Out lit in KuL'laml. 112 1 : s-n...-. 1 110.0 ,.uM!e to Natal, flu j Injuoirimi 'b und f I : steward. 10 : laiidiu nt iMtbau, 10 ; ou (it in liurliao ti 1 t'ii t ' 1 17 ; I days iu the hutcl at N !ut 10s rer "lav, X7 : eoicli to at III, Ma. iritzburL', cost of transport Ill sell und cools from Maritzlmr-' 1.1 U...,na illt.u,i, tm A la. fl,Ul( d(jriu!J Jour(u,y 5 j , M Um I ,M vu ,;(Jj r0Vlslu, f- . - d ' This is an rntsido cstioiate'ond should in 00 ruo bo exceeded, while it the intended minor gave up provi diuu' liimsell wiih provisions and na tive servant, tru.-,iiu' to what be C iuld obtain at the di.-uines, eg, hew ed ull liquor, snd wus careful to cheek oil unnecessary expenditures, 'UJ coat of srrival at tbo diggings eiuipped for w.irk Could ba reduced to X10. If a nfld and aruunition "eie taken, there wo ild be a fuither gbout tttid X'l per burrcl jul.. , a. n,..,lln The Wur It you wih to le boppy aod have peseo iu the lauii'y, never reprove your husband io com pany, even if that reproof bs crer o i slight. If ho bo irfiia'ed, spiik not sn angry worJ. loditlereoce some times will produce auhuppy con.-e q iences. . Always feel an interest io what yi.ur hu-b.iod und.'iiiik' s ; aud if bo is pel pf'M'd or diiourajed, ns sist h'tu by your tniiU-s aod happy words If the wile is careful how sho conducts, si'euli and looks, a thousand happy hearths would cheer and brighteu our em-tenee, where now there is nothing but cb uds of ulootu sorrow snd discontent. Tbs wit', above a'l ethers, should stiive to 10 please bsr husband ,aud to uuke hum attractive. The as 1'kksi-iiinu. No youo ever look si well to sensi ble you 04 maa a wheu dressed in a p'uio ooat moJsst attire, with but Ut ile orua.ueai about her. She look bea a though she posead worth In herself, and uosdcil oj ariitioial r g giuo te ciihaaoe bar value. If a Ld.v would spend ss mttuh tuno in impro ving her wind, training br tsuipor nd eherishiog bladue, tury sad other good q wl liee. ss most of them doiusxlr drvsssnd oruauieute to law oreaasiheir personal cbsrui, she w"ld at loast be rooegoise4 autoo ;hon saod her ehartoter would he tni in kV-5lWWJia. f, .or in money. HP!?!5--swswsssw Amrritun Mrrtls. It is dated tlmt t here are onw on loss ihnn twii hnodroJ nnd futirteon, ahiih bars been inlroduecd into ths United States from foreign countries, and principally from Knp;. Is'i I. As a rtroof of th rat.iJilv withwliiib iiH'lim ilstiisnre scci lentully brought over tho sen, it is :iid that io If." litre nercttily ioj liiindrrd nnd lliiiy.evjn f.reicn steeds known in fin e uotry. A far back ns 102. s rurii.iis little volume c.illeil "N.-w Kn'and's Knifes," irive a lint of twmtv Itio th-uK which the suttir considered had Knlisli rung up sirs tho had kept caltlo in New Kn;. I. "d. The auMior meutinns (he 'plan taio," which be snys li e In.luitis cull the Kn-tMitnan' foot,' n Ih.jiifli product.! by thotreid of tho whitn 'ttli'i'. The coiuiii:o "ycfo v toed fli.X." it is HtiitoJ wa-i originally itit r luee I iut i tho covin" ol lVon.!. va ii i at a ir I mi fl wrcr, ty a Mr Ilau-tcn 1. u Widshmaii, roHidinjt in Pliiladi'lphiu. I'imiu whom it has de rived the nam" of - Kan-tead weed." Ill 1 i.o lliM weed had uvuiruti tho the a tuici in tl.o inl.aVit d part of the Main nl I cntisy Ivam.i, an ! was the cause of Iho li'ter ea iirilaints lr.,intho a,'ricu!i unsf of tint d.iy. t'fiiekw. d, it i 'u' ed, was iulr i Jue- ' I ' .1 . . i ... in Carolina a- i.i ni loriitn. .... t. ,. i. .... i ;., . ... ,.,.irj ,,.., I r , .- . ' ' j ..... ...... u . iipwaruo' ii ty ni les. and now oceu- ' pitM ,c oul t, , CivnU l Thj i.-s I, ii.i.i..-' ;a I . i... i ,0 Americ:, by " hitbu s elirjyman who carried with him a bel stuffed with thistle down, in which sotno seed rmaitic!. I'eithers boin cheap in the Ui'W conn-ry wero snbstitilted for thed'iwn, which was soon empt'ed out, and tbo seed stritfing up Cllod tbo Country w tll t!ii-t!e. All'dbeC occeunt'say s inie ( n'.htisiustic Sio". i'ltrnillH l. I tin. ll,'tl'l. . I, ..,..11, in of 1 hi- cniintrv. wb'eh o in ni:n'i iiu Of nt I - -j. - - - ti'Mue mi l became il nuisitico, Viia. PlSlllllil TE Yolll Vt:LTU It ti 1 1 ' lu-hi in wil'i thi.sii wh arc bouu. til'iilly supplied wiih tho world's uuo Is, tn p it 0 r the exercise of nev ilatii-e un'ill death s imu itid thetn to sliullio oT this mirtil cjil. It has liec i well said that a ti'iiero is, up righl, liberal, p' triotle and u-eful life, pmve a grea'. r ben- lit to the commu nity 1 luu teatumciitary be piests of tioir.led gil l, however lur-e. There fore, it ia best to spend intelligence, tune, mil as far a i l fit as 0110 can atf ir I to do ao, g .ins of all Uiu Is ns you go. Tbo harvest sowed by tho wayside us you travel on will ben eheeiful sight, seen even from tho dire of tbe grave., t.ratoful society isc wrte us en o ili U eul g xd g i'.s inade at thi'l.i-t'it, and to at tribute to the fivers the titiesi of mo tive ; and yet it would nit barm tho P"8e-ii'r "l' fn tino to list thsm soltres wberiio lies the uiirit ofoar- ftogwitu ths straits ear titles that cannot bo kept. A win bstietusucu will prefer to p-ir-'hase the blessings of niaukf d by niuniisiiog itself whilst (Viio from tbo conipjl.iou ef ne. cessity. A Calaioh.nia euitor warood by reexnl events, turns over a new social leaf io those words; "All mcn'j wives who baye hitherto cnjuyel tl 0 a Irui.tae of t ur acUuit t.iuce, sro hereby tio'i&ed that tbis cca-te ti-Jsy neer to be renewed, Sotnebo'y p?r, ishes it gloriously every day for be in upon speaking terms with mar. ried women, and ws do not caro to l ave our tiiui come round. leep!y grat G'd tor the piet loitVuiBtice ef ii'.grieyi d bubauds we make our bow aod retire. Hsreafter our nod aud -oii'es will be lavished upon girlssndi widows exclusively ; no oilers seed apply Whoever sbull attempt to introduce bis own wife, or that of sny .ther man's, will be regarded s s con p taior against our precious lils, sad sos subjected to abusa in tbo columoi of this jonroil.'' Boys Kkad Tuis, A boy wsa tempted by louiii of bis coiupsuioos 14 pluck ripe th' rriss front a tree which, his father bad foibiddru bins to touch. ' You Deed not bs afraid.' said ons of his companions, "for ifyoar father should fiud out that yoa had taken ihrni he is so kind tbst bs would no hurl you, 'by I would cot touch tbsm. It is true my father would uol hurt me, yet Bay disobedience I know would bun my lather, aod lust wou d be worse torus that) anything rlso.' A bey who grown up with such priucipies will be a man lutba best sense of the word. It belrsys rsk-ard lor rectitaJv that would rea der aim, trustworthy sfory Z5 - k