FllK POST, Vj ttvj TBBrtday Iolm by 1UH.CK0I8R, rreprlrtor. arm of obeorfptlon. LLAM MR AMMIJM, ryabl , tu iwiti. or z.ou lr oi pita ik mr. Ha aiptr unooDiiRuea i U arrearace ar paid Bale l L.fk...hli.b.r riptione oovsiuo i iu BTABLB IN APVANCt. . mb nk and using ppr ta atatr oeeom eiioscriner. i kabl fur la prio of ibi paptr ' CBONMILLEK, ATTOKitKY AT LAW, Middlrbtirp, Tn., bU aawfloel r?le to the rub- hollMilrai and all other professional be Blrwl ait ear win receive Ct aitaatioa. Jaa I, 'tiTif : C. SIMPSON, ATTUri.s XT AT LAW, Belinagrove Pa., Uo nrofnaionil rvlc to th pub All baiia tairuaied to bit car fc.prta.ptly ailtadfdia If. KNIOTTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frocburff To., rl kli TrofaMional tervictto the puh- All buainee entrusted to bit caro pi proap'l attoadtd to. aa 11, " y"' iTTnviiTiT i'iw AirURfcY AT LAW, M.TaNGEZER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lcwisburg Ta., fer bit proflonl service to the pub- I. Collretlon (mi an otntr rrolemn fbutine nlruid to bit oaro will re- It pronpt attention. P.O. F. MILLER, ATTORN a Y AT LAW, Lfwihlnii'K Ta. fftri bit rrofttiioBil tervlce to the I ub Ctlltonoot and all olbcr prereeaion- I buiiatta tnirutiad to hit curt will re ft prompt atlooiioa. Jaa. 8, V7ir. 31. LINN. A.M. DILL, . iNaecaf.are to J. T. k S. M. Lisa. I ATfOKNfclS A t LAW. Lcwmbuifr. Ta. tt tbtir profe'ooel krrvice to (lit Iahli. Culleciiooe an I all oilier pro Maioatl buaiuea eiinnred to ibeir rare 111 rec,eiveproniplitcuiiun.Jao. 3, Oilf IlIARLKR iiowkh, ATTORNEY AT LAW, iScliiiHgri've Ph.. Itftrt hitprofeitio.-alierviotA lolhepub- 1,1. Collection and all oilier profeeaiuiia aieia tmruaicu to Die rare wni re !' , . umpi Biitiiuon. uu.ee iwo uoor . . , tr . I -erlb of lb Keytioue Hotel. Ju u, b At .ORNEY AT LAW, SeliiiHgrove Ta fen bit rrofe.iriiil eiviee lo tin 'lie. niiuied In lit jniptly aitended to. Col tiaue in all pun of ihe Stile, can apeak ibe KiigTuli aud German niiige ftueoily. OBic teiriieu liall ' 'ho Ton offic. '. MYP.r.S, ITTM'ET kCCCNSEieS ITUW rlcr County Pt nn'a 'rel of Ibe i" O. on leumluiion in Lnglili 1 1 ut :t. f -'."'i' ATTOKJ'ftY AT LAW, Lcwisburrr Ta.. rr Lit profefelonal eetviceele Ibe puh. All biiaine.e entriieted to hie care -ill r rronirtly (tieailed to. ... I Jaa. . T.Ttt f 1 10VIR MAKER A SEWING MACHINE. ron in need of a good and durable ' - ' og Machine can be acronimodtled nt 'ble price by calling on on Sam- '. it, Agent, Selinagrove. (Jan. 24, ft ' e'lINnEL. AND PHYSK'IAS, Middlcburit Pa., Oftrt bit prnfional lereice lo tb cil ia n of aliilillcourg and vicinity. Murcb21,'67 P. VAN BUSKIRK. XVK01CAL & alLCIIAMCAL LENT1ST SelinagroTe renn JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, PeiiD Twp., Soyder Co. Ta Ylt. WAGNER, Eaq., e Ji TICK OF THE PE.ACE. Jack sou To r.iship, Snyder Co. Pa.. Will attend to all buainea tntrualed to hi oar and oa th moet reaaonable lorn. March 12, tiHi DRJ- F KANAWEL. PUYSUIAN ANU8CI10E0N, Centrevllle, Snyder Co., I a. Offer bl profeuioaal tcrvieet to the 'fublio. Oofiif FW. FCHWAN.M. P.. e 8CR0KUN 4 l IlYBICtAS'. Port Travortoti Pa. Offer bia profeeeional lervioe to the ilijtn of Ibi pluct and vicinity. 11 pekl Oermau and Eogli.h. J April 16, t!8 F, A. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER. Freeburir Snyder Co. Pa., Moat raepeotfiilly offer In tereire to tb publio aa Venuu l.ryer ani Auonon. or. Having bad a large experience, I fl eontdent that I ein render perfect aaltafaotioa to my employee. Jan.fl, '07 1 BT. PARKS, ., ! ATTORNEY AT LAW & DISTRICT ATTOKSY, MIDDLEBCRO, BNYPEll COCKTY, P OSo ia Ceurt lUute, Sept.16, 'U7lf LEWIS BREMER'S SOUS TOBACCO WAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRDS 0,83 ' PHILADELPHIA. " J-ERCHANT HOUSE. 11. 11. MANDERBAUn Prop'r. . i.C. N1PE. Clerk. Vt, all 16 North Tblra Kireel. .... . 1'hiladelpbla TtTILLER ELDER WHOLESALE ROOK SELLERS , J Otatloaerji, Clank book Maouiacturo aad dealera ia Wrapping, bleating, ( ur eal a aad Wall paper Paper Uagt & 0n aral Job Primer Fa. Rortb Third drool ahT Kaaa r i mi . VOL. 8. rF,-3 ii?-5 wtf READING RAILROAD Wintner Arrangement, Slotidav Not 21 1870. Oreat Trunk Lin from (lit North and North wel for Tliiladetphia, New York, Keeilinft. l'oiiville, TmiU. Afhlnnd. Hheiaekin. Lebanon. Alleotown, Enlon, Kphrma. Lilii, Lnrter, ColuinbU A. Train tear llrriiburft for New York, follow t at 8.10, tt.n, 10.5') a. ni,. and 2.60 p, n., enneciin( wiih eitnilar train on tht the rnnylinia ltnilroed, and arriving at New York at 10.10 a. m 8.A0, 0.6O and 10,00 p. m., r-peciitel. Sleeping car accompany lb 3 I'J tn , train, without change. I'eiurmng : Leave .New )ork at '.Uinioi. 12,00 Noon, and 5,00 p ni. 1'hita lelphia l 8,16 a m and 8,;I0 p m i Sleeping rare ac ompeny ihe A.00 p m train fiuiu Lear ll'arrih,.rg for Heading, rollerille Tum.nn.Miner.vilU. AaliUlul. Shumnkin. Alleniown and I h i 1 a d e I p b I a, i tt.10 a m, 2.6i) end 4 II j p m, Hopping at Lebanon and principal way etntlnns : I lie 4.bh p oi train connecting tir I'biln lelphia, ' rmleville and I'oliinihia only. Kor l'utt ville, Kchuylkill llaren and Auburn, via Scbujlkill end Hiiiiirhiintia KeilroiJ, I Leave llerrisburg at .1,10 p in Kt I'rii.y Urtiii itiiilroad tralna lenve Heeding lor Alleniown. Kvmn nnd New York m (i.liO, tO.:tlla.in., lid noon. K 4 p.m. lleturnig, leive New York m I' no a. at., li.liO no. .n and ft t p. m. an I Allen town t 7.'.'u a.m. 12. 'J 6 Novo Zbi 4.20 and 8.1 j p. m. Way pneeenger train leave Pliilndclphia a" 7,!i0 a m, connecting willi eimilir irnin on Kaet I'enna. lU.lrond, returning fp'tn l.ea.l ng a) t;,2u p m, elnpping nl all etuiinii J.envo t'oimville at '.i.H'l a, in., mil 3,10 p m.; Hern. I. m at lO.I-t a m : ."Im- moli In ai 5.4U and 1 1.2') a tu : A-b'nn I ai ? i.r. . .. i i.i r..i . vl i. i':,.. K.S3 m and 2.40 I) in for I'ihIh Mi hia : New Yo.V, Iteiuling. Ilu-rmburit, iit. j I.Aiva I'Atf.vlll via Kel.tii'lktll nu. I N. I aiielianiia It It l 8.16 a m lor llrrihuri ! ., a.'i.nion for Tinegrove enj Treinoui. . n -ading AccommoJiilion Irai.i: Leave. piilliiville at b.A't a m. re Heading n 7.80 a m, nrr.ving at Philail. Iphia at 10,20 a. in. l'eiurnnig, leave I'lnlVIe pliia ai 4.4') p ni, iia.e ng Heading hi ".'' p in, arriving al l'uiiaville at 0,10 p m. roitotown A' conimoilulioti Train Leave Poti'tonn at 7.UO a in. returning leave. Philadelphia nl 4.00 p ni. Columbia Knilri I Train lenve Reading at i, 20 am, anl'..l i p m fur Keiuuii. I.iiu, l.ncunr. ('oliilnbi'i, i . I'rrUi nil n Kailrotd Train leave I'er'ii- ouii ii Junction nt 7.4', i'.o.i a ni, .'l.oo. and 1.311 p m: returning l'ive Sehwenkvi!lo nt 7.00 and 8.20 a. m, lli.tO Soon, nnd 4.:(o p in, connertin; wilb aiiuilur train on Hea lit'g Ituilriud. Colebriokdal llnilrnint IraiimlraM- I oil town ot '.1.40 a m. an I 'l.'.'0 p in, ri tiirning lefe Mouiit I'leRKiitii at 7,00 and II..0 am, rounei 'fi.vg won i'biln' trams on Kradlng rnilrnad. Cheeier valley llmlroad imine leave Rrideporl al MO a ni, and '!.llri and 5.02 p m, returning, leave Dowinnstown m ti.o.'i m, 12.4.1 uoon uud o.l& p in, conneriing aiiu annilar Irani on Keailiiijf riilroad. On Piindny : l.envo .e.v link at .i,(0 p ni, Philadelphia 8,00 a ni and it. 15 p in. ihe r,00 a ru Irani running only to Heading: leave I'otlpville bV0 lk ni; lUrrihuig li.l'l a in and 4. tin p ni, lrnve Alleniown al 8.4'i p. m nnd an I 8.11 p. m ; U'.ive (tending it i, In a in, and HUM p in for iMriiatuirg m 5 DC a tn for New York, and tf,40 .. ni. and 4.2 j p in for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Pcaanr, Pchool and excursion ticket, lo aud from all point at reduced rates. Raggage checked through; 100 pound. allowed each paeeeuger. ti. A. Mt OLl.S. Grtirral Snj'trinlfiitUnt. Reading. Nov. 21. 1870. LLEUIIENY HOUSE. So. 813 I Sli Market Ktrcct, Atiovt A'nAfa.) PHILADELPHIA KLECKNEH & CAWLHV. faoi'MIMTOR. 6,iltf Term n iro rrr nai. 0 UK FATHER S HOUSE, OR, TUJS U WUlTTlifl WOBD. By riiL Mir,n n., author of th popu lar "Mutit f-een." " Till, ma.ter In thuuulit ami laeenuK atai.wa nt unlnlil rleli.a and beau- lie Id Hit ()al Houm, with lie Hloouilnu How- era, slolo bint., Wavlna- palin.. KnltlnK cloud.. Heamltul bow, Saere.1 inountalna, llHlitlul rivera, MIehly oeeana, Tiiumle lnx rot- cea lilailim benven and va.t universe with eountleae Imlniia In mllll..ool world., and mill to u In each In I'owrlllon Word. Ho.e tinted pier, ornate eniraviniia and au perk blmling 'Hleb and varladtn thuUKht." -cba.l "Vfj ami icraceitii in aiyie." "i:orreei, pure elevuiiiig In ita temlenev." "Ileaultful and koimI." "A bonehnld treanr. Commendation Ilka tb al.. Imm lioll.u PreanlenU and Pmreaeora, mlnl..era of all ilenoinliiatlunat and the relljclnui aad .aeular pre all over the oouotry Ita tie.h new, purliy ol language, with clear open lye, nne ateel euvravlnva. ubi..nti.l blndiuir. ai.if low price uiake It i he book lor llie inuHl, Agenlt are aelllnif from eoio Ibi mr week. We want Clerk-yweu, ScIiihiI Teareera .marl T'luna men abd UOIat to Intrmlur ibe work for a. in erarr iuwnitilp,anl we will pay lllierally No inialllgent man or woman need b wUboul a paying iiurinnn.. f-euu lor circular, full dMcrlplooo and term. Ad.lreiit Z1LOLLR M CI KDY, 1 K. th HI, Pblla liiu KaoeNt.t'ln. Oil Mourn Ht. I'hl tn3 N . eth Nt. Loall Oct. 1. 4a or 101 Main t tiurlBKlleld. AJaae, WASH. tKA.NtLLO, WATCH t CLOCK MAKER, Market 81. Middleburg Pa. HAVING locHled io (bit pine I would reapeoifully iufuroi lb ciliteo of Mnldleliu-g and vioiniiy ibal I am prtpared io repair CLOCKS ANl WATCHES cheap and expeditiously. Tbo patronage of Ibr uuldlo li reapecilully oliolted. W. OUASELLO. Uiddleburg, Nov. 24 1HU0. e-AUINET ORGAN AND MELODEON J . . l A't FACTORY. . Ware Room and Store oa Tine Street, Faoiory on Snyder Scoot, Seliuigrov, l'a. If yon want to bear and tin toned and beautiful Organa and alalooeoa call at our W are room td 8 lor. W M bob but lb but material la making lattrumauU. Try ouo ol tbem aud you will be aailf neil. Lvary Inetruui.al la rrr.iu for flv year. Iieatera, AgenU and Mlal.Ur or lb Ooiuel, artluvlled UioorrMpoml wtib ua and tend lor iirlo llet. We are alto m.uii lue U batl New 1 ..rk m,..I PhlUil.lnhl. Vl.ua. VloUtit aaii Aooorileon. from 3 to 11.- Tlolla Strln.t. Sheet aluaio. Cloture t raoiet, Ite., alwayaoa band. repaired. riaan sua Aeooraeona eurr.cn y i.un ana Jail ea, or addr br I Utter , . 3, NALKM auu, MDDLEBUIUJ SNYDER CO. PA., h 12 1 A zcv i o i :rr 1 1, v On I BE NOT TITE FIRST. Ob ! be not Iho Diet todiporer A blot on the nmne of a friend, A fluw on lb faith of a lover, Wboto htirt amy b true to lb end W hone of 11 know one another, And often Into error we full. 8t let it a speak wrll of each other, Or epeak nut at all. A smile or a i;n mar awaken fiiep-einfi mo.i fle and unirtie : AnJ tint o'ir lirliefmn bt ehikcn In lienrln tlinl are bonmt nml true. How cfien the tiiihl omile of glmlnr. I. worn by a fiieinl ili ii we ineol, To rntrr a oul full of endue. Too proud to acknowlc.lge defeut. Ilow often llie friend we l ive denrcst Their llnlileil eiuoiinn conoeil ; And Iio.uiii the pure.i, incrrei. Have recrvle ibry ennnol reecnl. Ilow often I lie .igli nf de.ieeiion. I lie.ived Irmn the hyp ieriie brcusl Ti pnrndy trulli rtii'l nIVeel inn, Or lull a euspieiiiii lo ret. f.e.-ive I'ftie luin I to liiilio;' uipiei.in. And Diti ill one. ii inioe our dofeele ; Let our ha it tuiMiM' nmlii i.ri, Koi l:iie it I he mind ilil uvci9. We nne of n. know one nniuher. And nil en inlo ermr we full ; So lei u epenk well of eneb oilier, t)r "penk li'il nl nil. ir((. 4 rim: riui.i:. A ltd KKMA"t's .'T'ltV. I havo ljj"o a ' r.iilr ad nu'i" fn- nrJsiiirt 1? i.ij ,v,r.vn ltjv In tlm nnr. I ivrialn li iweror in .. 'I I ' til V OXrCrii'liCO I IIHViM' e:l V :l l"i:nl m. ..... .1 , ,i . .! ..it. .. Lino, upon which I w, at the time of the aeei lent uliouto be relate ), a biakenian. Tl. , ,;,, ,f ,, , ,i v "'iiivi wa ' i i bit i (i tur Liuhtliiuo; Exprc-a w us One of the ; tibiet sober, caie''ul, '.lioiisfhtful ami; mniHi i men inai rver lianaie.l n hfottlo. II riiaeei! inoro .lhail li e! ....l!..-e- -i e.i I...-..1 ..... i 'w.i.nij riiiiiu i, uonk ii 1 1 'i i i'1'niiiive and it wait owin to th a fact t'iut :i" arcat a degree of good fortute came to u. A few tiionb'iiti beforo thd train. atarted oue inorniiij.,' Gardner, the en- iineer, c'lHi-i me to hia rah. Ho ap- pouted uniMiialiy duwnciiht thai iiioruin, lliouh i t the bt he was by n t uieana a guy felluw. Hob," aid 0-inln:f, a'tcr a few second's tulle aloit ueavi a' inatter.. Uob, I want yot to bo viry careful, to-day. 1 kn w y mr'o a j;ood fellow uid alwaya do ymir dity woll ; but to d'iy I wnt you to 'nn I to your btake every aecoud of tho trip not to l.'avo it for a nio uoat, and when I sig nal I want you to vet them up a you never did beforo, and promptly too. 1 know you will Uo it for uie, wou'tyu'j, Hob ?" 1 was too aatout.di-'d to Hpruk fur u aeeoud. aad then I ua'.e I : 'Why, what under ti e sua ia tlm matter with you, lindner ? Yuu konw tho brakug ara ao neat ly worn out tht t :h impossible to ut them up, and you know too ' I know it nil, Rob, and that is the reaunn why I want you to bo careful. I ain poiu to try an 1 uuk i the time table to-day; aoJ. if powible, I will do io. I fuel jut a ih 'Uh Boinothiu was g" in to happen, and I am more than half anrry that I p-ooiUetl j Rut I'll do it though. Nov pruiuiao, Rob. and tiff to your brakes." I protnigud. and took my post, not a little mystified at GurJucr'a words, looks and action. Wa left tha t'epot and went rattiinu n over tha iron. Pet sener lookod at each otbor in surpriia, aud won dored what under tbo end was the mattor with tha Valley if it had sud denly awakened from iti lone Bleep, aod now proponed to te a railroad in earnest. When tha conductor earn through the traio and entae alo'iaC to too I aked: "What i tho matter with Gardner this morning f" '0,'' was the reply, "he and the old man have had a blow out thii morn ing. You aee our train never makes onanectiona - paaaengera always lay over, and of courae tbey prowl. Tbie morning tho old man railed us ic.t the office, aod tho wholo thing wan out. Gardner talked like a father to them, aud a be grew excited, ho aid it wai oriminal running the road lo Ibe condition it watt. He told them tbe time-table as mido up wai fast even fur a first ola& road, and if we noder took to run It a frightful accident could not b avoided. . Wh Gardoor eiid it wis criminal to run the road as it wat, Superintendent Urowa was very hot.. II fairly boiled over. H declared there wai no better road in tlieoountry, and that Gardner was a eowsrd who ought to go on tbe gravel i train, and if lie didn't make tiin he'd I hav him there, too. Tha fon.l won'cffp. Very anon wo crossed the In.ln it buxine, nml lliore lia l ynt to be a rltnno. Rrown aim aid tlial io Villy Creek, whora he liveil, ho had noriecil ihot tha train hnl nlwate loaVt tiinr eiiotiti Ihcfh ti Iohko tho pin noitioni. (iarJucr roplicJ . to thi (lint at tho (ti-i'k thero w n down iiradp, llm bthlne waa unntiO, anl lie wat obliged to elm k up for aafi'ty, Mor tliito llii. tho trjik acJ thru' llio I'l iv-i ounil of tha Creek etdiool whirh w.ia not fonecil in. ami thry cool I not in through at a rapi l apecil without danger to tho chililn n. 'Thru ISrown l)iirt out tvilh an (utli, ih.it i( ptirvnt did not riant thrir ehililreti run over thoy niuit kepp ihotn i'ff 1 1 io trmk. It would be a K"OiI t la i ii ( to run over one ot two ol i hem, a it wuulJ tc.icli llictii a lin. Ol'cimr'' he didn't nuuii llii.-i. but ho va 'hot, what In' ymi see, ami ill lot know did eny. He bled tha' iJ.ir.loer' family lived near tho trarU.ihad Uen out (or a walk. Hu little an) tlm' (.Mrlurr'e .' tr.ion I'm-1 ouo, running on ahead, had ettnyed 'sloariiii' wt, tu have a t hai with ihein ias he n'siit through. Tina eel (lard j ner'a ui'.'er on fire, on I ho then nrd ,theie deihirel tliHt h" wu'.il I liink"' time, hi. Ihi c iihi i n n oh bo what they inilil, tin I il'ili-aier hiirpotieiI !:cn iti. il ntiinie l ! re-potiMbi lity. Von el, he i. I; ep'i: hi.i word, but tho dll f. lioW leel- hi! tli'i'ili.'' U'e d.iihcd (iver tho linil iron at n'one I, or tfcn;'th failed her, and the lVi1'1 ful 'V- Voil iMilM liltito-t hear . tho bar craoklj ns wo went. Tlte' ears nursed Irion ent to wcsl, foieini: pnvi'nL'rra ti fairly clini; to their oats. ! Not lor a eeeytid did I lea.e mv j I ra !'.. i I Wo were neatlv .b'wti to tho VnKrv ; Crock on time. A wo tipprotic'ied j iho n' 'tic'eh ol down lm.i Ii', I loir ly ihe -IiAiii' that llat lticr had xl.iLi ti. I up, aa if tho danger was too t'rear. and llfn IH if bifl ''') iproiiii-c had o uoo fully up i, Lis n,in I. I had .uiiti iii'td hi. tin, it tl.-. 'iii'.vu . i tl.o valh'V we went, our rapid upeed I -teitlinif the t t-U, the rattle, aud even ' the eltii.l old for.t tn-M int . new and ' alranir.. i.hui,.. 1 , . .,.. o,l tl, . I., lirmiv: t ha i iurine wistl.i.l .'.n l en oil, ! i ,, . . ,. .. , .... ,', ru. w u i 1 1 1 1 1 " nil its tt i'ii rcr nt i r hold tiiy breaih, well knowing that ii , wo left the track it won d he lo uo to I lean lutioo. Suddenly tho w hi-t'e ceusoJ, au I tin n iher.) c.uno three ir euit'.ly yells fi oio it. ; thoy plenvd my ears and ma !o tin in nche. How I m t no tbn Lniko. liii' I know I. Junker ahead. 1 knew this when Gnrdtipr suddcbly ivver-ed hi engine. . The ahuttiiii i'ff. tho roversin and the brak.-s ait up ho tiht I feared the chains would break did not ei em to havo tho slightest i ll'eet upon the ttn.n. On, on it went at i's dun.'erou-l v tiinid 1 auced. I s'lrtvhod my neck nut a 'd, g.'ry-hokd geiiileiuau, who is rank far as possible), cliniu nervously to d with too In at railroad uk ii in tr.c the railing. I could tea that lirown country. I pi down to me him twice was at Ilia post, looking out at I d d )r- ' always talk about the aud moving his hand enereticiily, lf w ,l0 undertook to run hia ahilo whistle uud bell wore uuitiiirjr their j rotst. What was tin mutter I could not conjecture, but was aakiouB to know. Spritiinj; upon tho rail I made mv way to tbo top of tho car. and tho ....... ... . it f rs i . rojaiciy was revea.ei. l t.ere on mo tta'k was a aight that lent a thrill horror through me. Only a few fit ahead of us oti the track stood a mere chil J uncousei )us ol its danger par alyzed io that it could uot uinve. Ju-I clear ol the track lay a worn in, evi dently holpleks. I looked lor (inr liu r to see what he wan doinjr, o r I closed my ryes to khut out tho horrible 8'idit 'H I The poor follow laliiot bece idle.. i' ainly coeinn that bo could not drive the child frail) the track, and that its companion w hnlplesa, be left his eab and climbed forward 00 the engine, on to the rxtremo end of tho cow-catcher, loaned over, and while cliuiu with ono hand, reached out with tho oth-r. Thero did not aecm oue chance in a million lo save tho child not one hut anxiety overcame horror, an I I looked, and nhuddered ai I h oki d How my heart leaped ioto my veiy throat us I law ihe (rain dash on, but saw, as It did ao. Gardner, with almoet uperhumao i (Torts, raise tho child by it arm from tbe track and clasp it to hia bosom. Then he tank down upon the cow catcher, faint and powerlesv. Hia fireman clambered out to bis lide, and you may rest assured I was not loog ia getting to their assistance. The unniual none of tho team bid brought very person in tbe village out lo wit net the ii$ht, and ss thoy realized it they shouted ; tueir joy until their ihroa's roust have been hoarse. . Tbe fireman md I rluns to Gardner ; the' was' no need to hold lbs child, fur rigid aad helpless, Gardner beld the JANUARY , 1871. little ont lo hie breat with to iron bridire and croeoil up the irud, where the train torrd, ami finiill made a lull top tiearlr in front of d'ardiu'r'f houo With thn help of tho villagers (' took by force tliethild from (inrdnerV -ln, nnd carried the eiifiioerr into 'ho house mid laid hint on tho bed. Aa ho tank down tlo littlo lilu in him .eetnul tocomolnik, nnl he wlii )vred : "whoso child it it'."' ' J'uperintemleiit Ilrown'a,'' nuid a tii'ii.'hhor, tn my u(iihihinrtit. "I it alive ? ' iaiped llui liicr. 4 It i n'iv nml well thiiiih to ymir hrnvorv," I annwered, n tut llardnci Kiitik bii'k upon hi pi l iw. '1'hc thild whieh tJurdtirr had en mi ructiluti )1 v saved was i mm ondotily i In 1' I of (Mir iipcrintoiidei)t. It iM-nv.-d in(u!t tint tho morning talk el two tnon alintild Ittivo auch a sinjul.ir end- mpr. a lit an It wn. 1 ho wileot llie 'ii'Criiiletiili'lit, iih t heir ei,ly rhild. upon th.- track. lleariiiir ihe w hii-tle. thn mother ealle l iho child to her J but the child, happy in it freedom, run on Imirl. itiu un I eliiuitinj:. chillliko, into the Very j;iw ofilancr. I It wan too nui.'li for tho ni'ithrr; "hi5 nudi' 'in rtloit to eavp h'T i' ir'm. Jhllt lelutu -h'' reilld tn el'tnke tho liltle Ml t lur engine as injured no that it wa impo,.ili!c in e;o on, nnd another wat telegraphed for. We (tied nl! we eotihl to brina (iardncrhaek.bat the phviei in mi l ihe rxeitrun'iit umlei' w h'1 h the noble fellow had laboie l hud prortl t aled him, and it would rv( lire th'' creates' rare nnd a lti time to Ho hud that If'".,' him back tn life. care, y m limy rit assured. I wa ' t iiiil tier's ho 'Ho wloti Su pt" inieu li tit Ilro'.vn c:iine in that tiiht. Tiio "ell loan." uh wc called l.iin. had lot all aistr of IU m-v. and bo wept a child a. ho U.Ud upon tU. r-a-t man proatraul helot,, him. Ho vihited the v alien t ( ailv. and hi Very , hie seemed to liati'' upon iar I iui r's 1 ,i i. ,i .. ,t ' iuiit.i'ia n it it i, n v u. i -ii n nr i parsed, tho loti fevr whioh onmed was I r k' u, ni. J iho rtiiiiuccr Lcan t ) recover, the nipcriuteudi at was aa 1 1T.V BA !l l'''' '' ' "" :,.vi Conclusion, Ihit the u'ci lent was not without its result., for at as once tho Valley U nil wan '" rou-hly rebuilt in I ho boot pn-.-ihle ! unu.lier, newly i-tockcd uml is to-tlay "Co of the beet roads in iho ciuiitry. rnntiin.' iti trains ou time, and civin- t-reut di lioht to I he travelling public, ihat.k to iho eiicriry ainl eniorpris0 (. Superintendent li .r liner, a kit d heart- lime-table, and the rem l tbetvol. Ilov! A I niversalist troubled ith elytipcpiin, usually found relief hy tho frun u of cayonna pep per a a table condiment, Travolin Wi-si and fearing tliut he eoul I not find , , , r tae artioiu more, no ioog a auppiy ' w iitihiiu. A wotcru unn, olcrviiii; him u so it, aaiR : ' Stranger ! I'm kinder curu about that 'ere red telt of youru I'd like to try it.'' Ho was told that ho wis wo'como. but that ho Ditist I o caroful il he waa , . '., ., , powerful, nal he "could ewalow nut nccostoinc U tu it, as it was Tory chain liL'lituui, or Home other west era impossibility, and he peppered his foo I s freely that ho was half Strang lid. an lvery oue aroiu to biaussia lunue. Ai soou hi he was able to speak, ho turned to tho iniuisiir and said : " ytronoor ! slut you what they cab a 'Vrrsalist.' " Tho uiiuiater said ho belonged to that denomination. ' And do you think it eoosistcnt with your aakired ratlin' to go about wiih hell 6ro in your pocket." "Nupulron Alex l'ubli, come up here and My your Itison. What inikcs boys grow '!" " It is rain, sir." " Wby do not men grow V " Ikcause they carry an umbrella, which keeps off t bo rain.' " What soakes a young man aud wo man fall io love f " " Bacsuse one of 'em baa a heart of t' el, and t'other has a bourt of fluit j and when they come touet her, they atrike fire, aod that is love," " That's riiht. Now you msy go and plague tbe gals." So says Si-moo. NO. 1 . ; 1 1 L,,,li" ;wfi 4 or In himI ihe (irf mun. I'onn Piatt tell th a gaod Mory of I onvl orWin ! I heard a good thinjr ol the Into Governor Corwtu last ti:jht II eccm that while ihiapntVtnnn wna in I In Sen n to ha ait nt dinner one alternooD rtilertniiiin tho mess with iioiuin toiii8 ed aittieiHin, nucha t'orwin only could throw out, when the M-rvunt, a new haud at t'10 buhlnee. ulinoiinc. il a fieiti r in Ihe patlnr (lei rou. of an interview with tho .Senator Cur win paid no ftilenlioii to the mtn nt first, but, after a lime, irritated by the continued interruption, tid, impa tienlly, ''O, toll hitn toj'o to It 11 ' Corwin lontmii'd h -dinner, nnd tit the end, eud !'iily re -ol Ycting tl o a itor, hurried to tlij pailur aud loun.l n i oao there. 1 1 o run lor iho eer rant, and w hen tho man I'ppcatod, aid : "Jshn, didn't you till mo '.here vus some one here ? "'v, eah," rrspi'iided John. ' Why didn't he w.u '!" 'Well, .ili, I loi.lt him y:or tnea Me.'' V hat ininek.e ?" anted tho alon- i'l"J Sll-.tor "Why, sah, I told hifil dat you Hiiid ! ho hhoiild j;o lo h 1, and ho weiit.'' Ct'l witi'. indiealii u ut the .nlupiility ol' t he! n'l vatil wan tn'y tia!cd by j hi anxiety h it the peta"ii iuulld , ehi'ii! 1 ptovo t i be n cotitit'ient, or. pet h i h, a brolhei' .Siir.ito.-. Ilu vu I notliin, howevir, lor twj week, when niaiianed. bf wan railed upon by un old fiietnlj A I' loiti' live o.in run veiy fit. loi' who In longed in tho ministry ,imd wa- if stopped in.-lantaiiieouiily, whiti fo Cleiited by a wi I'ro- ideiico to lookini til a bih into cf peod, it is nn af'er the chat itie and Wolur i f other joinled u badly aa if it had had in people. The II- v. Mr Spool, woi n II uiiiuatory l b umatistn for eix yeai. while rhiAcr an I a wlnt.1 hat. w Ith the j A kkillf ai engineer, however, torn usually reedy il-llc- j.f rlaiuinjr to down Irs fpjed gradually, and in ihia thee ;0'l men win link lor a reward I. e the whole nerrrt ! t:i kintf mil. ia litioiher and a letter world lor their ll is eipo-ure or ( arelui-ne af.nr i -iv ik done in thin. Win n Ik .' a.v Sen ereim that Irma on cold. Alter' utort'oi w in he hnr-l into tear. Tl e ' waik.m; or ruiiuiu.' or daueint', or iitiy political laiii.in i. I, Ihitiking t tn. t Mrs S . or some ol i heir tiiiinerou. relative iiit. ...i.i i-i i. .. .. i '"" ' ncuu to i,k he n i H,,,.!.' uf the m.,1 lei K. !. "A1'- '""iii..r Coium, ' u.pood;'J 1 l'um """ " ulm u" lTu!l ) "" "c'111'' The la-l time I wj- hero vi u ectit Wurdt'Utto me ti "0 " to pjn i) .' 'Ulcs ii y .nu; crie 1 fiTwin. uni so (.'lad. I n v eobniiitionis. ' was that v III I leiiru 1 it wa-i ot e of alni my cmi-t.t t ids uieeu hd d funis whilo jou t ton eclieiblu to mind sueh au ubaurd ineoao Here, ,,'t "' V -T oil ton dollars for the Heady I'.uliol' of A'e 1 t'leiym ti.'' A correspondent bi nds tho follow - I to tho Milll t ii bur.' '!! irar!i. " A country ;irl, nppureully tihiiril In yeiri or ao mil n elrunger reccni ly riiicto I a dry cuuda rime tit Thiae 1 Kiverti, Mithinn, uud in pjircd for pink ribbon, upou which the merchant handed down a I ov. of colored rib I boas, which she was i lauiiuina when he lu l l up a roll cf do. p red and in- iiiini(cr,""iu"" . . , ........ I.n.t llOW Will this JO .' "She answered, 'Voudoii'l call that plul:,do you '!' 'Well, uo, I don't exactly call it lnidk:but vou tau take it aod iu-t ; ' . . I hi" I; il is tntik aud every tiuie you W iirit 'liink it is pink aod ul'u r a whilo it will be pink aud all w .-I I bo riht?" " 'Well,' says the girl, You may cut off ix yards.' w h cli tho iiirri'haiit d d aud hau'iel to hi fair customer, who tot k ihe pircol mi l turned lo de part, when tho sir.ai't uii rcl.aut called 1 ' out, ' -Stop, Miss, you forgot to pay for the ribbon.' "She promptly turned and replied, 'Oh, no, not at all. You just Muni- it is pultl aud every time you look upon your ledger just think it is paid and after a while yu will think it is paid nd all will be rifdil.' " Opening tho door s he pass-d out and the bcwili'ered ind dumbfounded morcban' frit that slittla incision hud been uiado near one of bis ryo truth and all the clerks shjutedwiih laugh ter." wooeawawaaawsw--a.. A Mr. I'ehius marriod in eaily mauho.id aIiu oil lady twico bia ;.; Ai years went by, bays the New Or leant 'ieoyune, hia socieut clutrinur grow wrinkled and savniie, nod Mr FerrU mourned the hour be Crst wont wooing. At last be met a pretty, jolly liltlo widow down tuwo. Ilolb found in the other their mutual a (Roi ly. They loved fondly, extravagantly iuceesantly. At last whispers of the way thlum wore going on begun tu reach tbo aged niatrou'i ears. Al though too old to love, her heart turn ed tieroely wiih tbe psoga of jeilousy. j)a.tloRtlalnr Ittnto. Oaeoolomnnae yeer fc O po. One -half rottimn, oao year, HO M. One-fourth rnluain, one year. It i. tine iire f 1 0 llnee) one Ineertioa ". Kvery a lditlonMuenloa Ml. PrcfeMionul and Pu.liie oarde of not more than live line, per year. fifU0. Audlirr, Kierotor. Adiuiniairaior and Aeaignee Nolivaa t,M. Edilorlal notice per till I. All advertleemeai for a (Wire period iban on year are payable at Ihe niao tbey are ordered, and if not paid th nr on ordering ihiu will be kebi rciou bio for Ihe inonef. ' ' ind: :l.v 1 She employed :ci and defective, and watched hrrni-lf. Finally the huts, in on them, and a free lyht cn'ied. An arret wna then tho conoq'ioioe. Ana'neJ befuro tho magis'rntr, the oK'td w.fo attrmpte l to explain the diffiMl'ty. ' l!lit," Fkid thn recur !i r you iolttided on them ' "Ye,'' in teip eel Mr. IVrrie, hunt it U lon.l eieama and Iodiao-like yolla inlo nur prenrnce. Sho'e truy." 4' What." ( renmi'd the tigarn, 41 do yon call n-o. your wife, erty 'I " "Then, now,' eicldlmcd Mr. V, rri, wiih an uir ot i f ii tn b . I lol l jou sh w.ia era'. Sim thinki 1 mn her bii-l'iuil " Mia. I'Vriii w to cut'fiJ n lid to Kpnk. "She's your it o hot-, hin t nha?" 'Certaiuly," rcpliel liia hard lieTt- t I ei i f ; and tn for anything fn lln-r Could belaid tho court diMUiis' I tha a-t', I5:mv lo lake or Atulil o'.J. Tl.tta are n i more rtnajiial le li , in l lie year to lakMeild than tho pu ent ; tho ItciliticH are abtiti'lant, and iia a cotieejtit'liec, every othi r prremi meet a ImitH tu have taken advnti. t "f the oporlutiilic fuiniehed I lie reehnolo)(iet eomlciMt: the phi. looj hy of takinu' cold in a few line. u'ld wo fie tlcnlbr tl a hern li o' tlio'O w ho Would loarn how to avoid the ilifSgn eiblo c tiii'aiit. It aavi : 'I lie h'.itiinii liaiiw na intit.d'd i..t mtivitv, or to tun rlow, but it ni'1-.tLo e.Mr.'iht ti nt 'piicaihsthu eireula i o, a little ctirieut of air from a wind ov or device, from an open d' o lor a few' tniniileg. ju--t tu cnu-e o chill is sure t prod no cold Merely ntoppin on the street in a current ol air as at ( rncr where the wind break or make. an anL'le w ill dn th" joo. AllVs lddrll '-ubsidf lieu o active) foieesol' II. a loJyin a leinparittum that chil's w ill p'oviuoe cold. The lit t e. ii.in oi M'tiio tlml ia needed, and tho laek of rxerviho ot which iu uiurli 111 i ley ik paid to d-Ctoig, in to JTesrrvo nil o iiiihlo temperature, or, having ex- ereuti'd freely, roeover the proper klato igra loully without a chill. Thiiisat- tnuo l in a eiinplo and Alt easy man- tier. After t xcreie Unys aji k rt-et ; in u kheltcrud phtce, where you will bo warm, i.evtr Liiu"; ha-ty to rrniovi oljtc, hut oregpe. I.ct the pir.pira lion vubtide befoie disi ohin, if in (loon, and if out doora, alwuy keep gently luovitij; until the usa;d condi tion is nttaini'd. Col' II Ail! IN EviKY 1AY I.I IT Havo iho courage to diseluge n debt v til yon havo the mouey iuyu pocket. Have tho courage to do with nit tha. which you do not wa.it, however much yo'i may covet it. Have tho rourHi to npeat yoye mind when it is necessary l.-ir you t.i dn so, u nd lo hold your tongue wheu it ia prudei.t you should tlo so Havo tho comao to apeak 'n a friend in a "seedy'' coat, oven though yon no iu company with sticuooa and richly attired. Have the caurngo to rnakj a will und a jnst oiie?. Have iho rouraga to tell .1 man why you do n it lend hitn your money. Hnro the c"iirs;;e to rut the nret aprj ab'o iicpt lint nice ym havo wheu yea art cenviuoed bo lacks principle. "A fiiinl should b;ar with n friend') iiifltinii ri," but not his vices. Havo tbu ro:ira ;o t''Nw t bat you reipect honesty in wLutover guiea it appears; and your one tr nipt for dis honest duplicity, by wbounocver ex hibited. Here the courage) to wear y mr oli oluthes notil you pay foryoir njw oue. Havo tho courafo to obey your Maker st theritk of being ridi.'ti'o l l y men. Have the cmiriga to prefer rvrif. rt and protprrlty to faahi n in all I bin- '. A fc.vwTtP. in S, U. , who is not. ( for hii profAinity, and, cf court, fur au irreligious lifo, beiof deeply pi ed in ao urnioeot, declaras, that ratl.i er than yield to bia oppot ent It would carry his suit to the oourt of lleavi a i ' I fueai,M repliod oue who ifutxf near, "yon will have to get tom' elee to 'tend to it, for III be they'll lot you into tl at ''At'' V V....-' e ' eat. , JIT. oar "i ra. .j at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers